The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 31, 1876, Image 2

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    ! i. t
The Post.
Middlebnrg, Aug. 31, 1876,
i. CROUSE, Editor & Proprietor.
National Republican Ticket.
or omo.
County Ticket.
For Congrtit
DR. A.M. KM1TH. of Adamaburg.
(Subject I dieiilon of diitriol onrrae.)
Por Senator
1R. B. r. WAOe.W.LLEK.ofSellnagrev,
(Snbjtel lo diitrlot aonferono.)
For Aaiembly
CUARLE3 MlLLhrl, f Pane.
For Prnlbonotary
JEBIMIALI CR0U8B. of Mlddleburg.
For Regiiler k Recorder.
JAMES M. VANZANDT, of Mlddleburg.
For Dial riot Attorney
; JOBS II. ARNOLD, of Mlddleburg,
For JuryCommlielouer
It in stated thnt the Mormoa mi
sionsries to Bedford county - meet
with considorablo success. They
Lave recently baptized sixteen con
vert to thoir faith, aud organized a
Morniwo churoh in the region of
Fisher Hill, not far from Greenback.
I " l T BHWB
Rstolction. T h e Democratic
platform is tbo authority for the as
sertion that reform can be brought
about oidy -by peaceful revolution."
The good people of America are like
ly to inform thoso abort-haired con-
tlomon that they hate bad about
enough revolution for one century
at least.
Organize Ulce Clubs. E very
town should Lave its glee club for
the campaign. Good siugera are to
be found everywhere. Good sonars
are being published. Organize these
local glee clubs, and make the air vo
cal with songs of patriotism. Musio
arouses patriotism, and patriotism
tuakea republican voters.
Gib Wade Hakftok, late of the
Confederate army, has just been
nominated for Governor by the Dem
emtio Convention of South Caroli
na, whereupon the Rochester Union
says i "With Wade Hampton as
Governor of South Carolina M. C.
Butler would make bim a capital At
torney Oeneral and with Tilden
and Hendricks in the national capi
tol, wouldn't 187G be a jubiloe for
toe ex-reuem of the sontu T
While the Itepublioaos have only
been compelled, by the force of pub
lic opinion, to withdraw one of their
candidates from the State ticket in
Indiana, the Democrats have been
obliged to retire four. They were
all candidates for the Supreme
Bench, and were severally charged
with corruption. This is a healthy
indication, us showing that neither
party can afford to nominate candi
dates of doubtful character.
A Democratic exchange requests
Its readers to "go to work ana con
vince your Republican neighbor that
he is belpiug bis country by voting
for Tilden." This is a very heavy
contract to saddle upon any man,
and before it is attempted, we would
advise bim to select some simpleton
in the Republican party, who can be
readily imposed upon by falso repre
seotations of the post and false prom
ises of the future A very good way
to help the country to disgrace it
self is to vote for Tilden .
Thb Confederate and Democratic
members of the House of Uepresen
tatives doctored the Blaine amend
ment so that sccording to the best
legal authority of the Senate it would
have utterly failed of accomplishing
the eud for which it was intended
this is the hope of deceiving the
eauntry, and not offending their
Catholic friends. It was one of
those Jesuitical promises "that keep
the word of promise to our ear and
break it to our hope." The Senate
exposed the trick, aud amended so
that it may be effective, and now,
forsooth, every Democrat in that
body voted against it I So muoh for
Democratic consistency on the sohool
In Indiana tbs demooracy hope to
win in October by the use of money
furnished by Tilden, who was the
pal and associate of Tweed in his
robbery of the tax-payers of New
York. This bogus reformer Tilden
grew rich from the division of the
spoils stolen by Tweed in New York,
by "wrecking railroads" in the west,
cheating miners la Michigan and be
ing eoousel for the Credit Mobilier
swindlers, and is now using that
money to corrupt the people of In
diaua, while pretending to be a "re
former and political aaint The
rambler aiorrissey declared at St.
Louie VYe'll send money enough
' to do if Be we'll swamp the
Ctate of Indiana with money, and
. that u fetch it, Vorrisse was au
thoriaed to speak for Tilden, and
TiUeo is keeping bis promises that
XTorriaesT made for bim. Yet Til.
dsm,'Ue Masking and unblushing
" end t-t'-SMt pttfetuls
- niii.liS - - i' - g - ''"""V
Tb Phils., Pre asks and what
shall this Confederate party bn rail
ed t Surely uot the party of de
form, with tbeir record of Itebellion.
Surely not the party of peaoe, with
their record of war. Surely not the
party of freedom, with their record
of slavery, barely not the party of
universal education, with their re
cord in favor of destroying onr pnl
lio scbcvils, just clinched by their
Ute vole in the Senate of the Uuited
States, Ruroly not the party of the
natioual faitb. with their record in
favor of Tilden contraction among
the gold barons of the North, and
Hendricks inflation among the suff
ering multitudes of the West and
Tn Democrats have carried Ala
bams by an increased majority. Uow
they aocompliahed the feat is told in
the following, kept standing in large
capitals at the head of the editorial
columns of the SlaU, a leading Dem
ocratic organ of the South i
"Let it be known before the elec
tion that the farmers have agreed to
spot every radical negro, and treat
him as an enemy for all time to
come. J be Democrats nave deter
mined to withdraw all employment
from their enemy. Let this fact be
The rebels of the South mean to
carry every State in that section for
Tilden and Hendricks if they can.
No matter what means ars required,
they are equal to the occasion.
" is necessary." But only
where Republicans are in office. The
Harrisburg Ttltgraph says that the
Democrats of -Luzerne have renomi
nated for prothonotary the notorious
Ur. Trimmer, arrested last lull lor
falsifying election returns, "and who
eacaped conviction by having one of
bis gang on the jury, uis gtult was
so apparent that when first made
pnblio be flod the county to escape
arrest. Afterward he was induced
to return and stand his trial, when
one Democrat on the jury, despite
plenary evidonce of guilt, refused to
observe his oath. Tbo people know
bim to be guilty, and bow be can be
elected it is impossible for us to
conceive, as bis guilt included both
forgery and perjury, butofsuouis
Democratic reform.
Oct in Connecticut last spring a
majority of Demaoratio members
were elected to the legislature by the
open and nnblushiug use of money
furnished by Congressman Bnrnum,
who was a candidate for Sorator.
When the legislature assembled liar
num was elected United States Sen
ator. The Democrats did not raise
a hue and cry against Uarnnra for
using money to buy himself into po
sition. I town in MisHissippi, Lamar
aud his friends intimidated Republi
can voters to such an extent that the
confederate Democrats carried a
majority of the members of the leg
islature, and Lamar was elected
United States Senator from Missis
sippi. This is what the democracy
calls "home rule" in the South. By
murder and intimidation the demoo
racy of the South carry elections,
yet they are the would-be-reformers
of the age.
How Mant Indians are in This
War Father Mesplie, says the Ida
ho "Statesman,'1 who ia well posted
on the Indian tribes, gives the fol
lowing estimates of their numbers i
He puts the Sioux down at 60,000 ;
the Crows at 15.000 t Black feet, 20,-
000 i Utes or Utahs. 35,000 t and in
addition there are the Brulo, Ogalal
la, Minneoonion, Youctonnais, Uue-
pnpa. Two Kettles, San Acres, and
Sontoobands. Some of the Crows,
and aome others who live around the
reservation are friendly, but many
who pretend friendship will gather
arras and ammunition for tueir tribes
He says thov are in strong alliance
with each other to carry on the war.
although when they have no common
enemy to fight tbey fight each other;
but now they are uuited against what
they consider a common onemy, and
will turn out all their warriors, and
tbey will number at least 50,000,
and Father says it is likely to be the
most formidable and bloody ludian
war in the history of our Govern
ment They are well armed, and
will fight to the death wheuever
they are concerned.
Sam. Tilden sayes be aud hia New
York partners had a perfect right to
those Alton and Terra Haute bonds
wbioh the stockholders say they
stole. But bars is what Mr. Garri
son. President of the road at the
time Tilden was called in, says i
In 1859 I picked up this road
the Terra Haute, Alton and St, Louis
railroad a waif. Its men bad not
been paid for five months. For pro
tection against execution its fuel was
paid for as il was delivered upon the
engines. I carried it alone for six
months, and indorsed for it person'
ally in all, inoluding renewals, to the
amount of more than 1500000. .
gave it all my time aud all my abili
ties, and after four years I delivered
it up worth $0,01)0,000. Five thou
sand dollars a year, without any
commissions for endorsing, was all I
was paid all I demanded i but
there ia any such merit in service as
is asserted, and if Mr. Tilden or the
Purchasing Committee were enti
tied to steal $200,000 or $300,000 of
bonds, then I claim it was my hon
est right to have stolen the railroad
Schuyler Colfax, in' a speech at
South fsnd, Indiana, on Thursday
week gave it his opinion that the
country has ' passed through , the
worst jtt the financial depression.
Land that a general revival of busi
neas would set in before the close of
- . - .
Tbi X. Y. Tribnnt in mentioning
the reasons that will influence tnon
who were true to the Uuion during
the rebellion to vote against Govern
or Tilden for President, very pro
perly observes t
At the same time we can under-
stand bow those who risked thnir
liven, who gave their money-who
surrendered the sous dear to tbem.
who remember all the anxieties, all
the fearful experiences of those dork
years, mar recall, eve6 at this dU
tant day, with some indignation, the
logical coldness, the conservative
doubts, the dispassionate and obsti
nate theories of gentleman who fig
nred as members of the old Society
for the Diffusion of Political Knowl
edge. Citizens who were in earnest
then sre likely to be quite as much
in earnest now. They do not re
member tbo course of leading Dem
ocrats during the war with pleasure;
and long memories will undoubtedly
lose Uov. I iiuen a good many votes.
This may not bs precisely just, but
in politics ws must take things ss
we find them. Almost any volunteer
who left a limb in Virginia, or whose
recollection of a Southern prison is
lively still, would be more likely to
vote for tne otber uovernor.
A day or two ago a party of treo-
tlemen fishing near the middle of
Long Island Sound, saw great quan
tities of potato bugs covering the
surface of the water aa far as the eve
could reach. Every floaliog article,
as well as the water, was packed with
tbem, and many were clinging to eel
grass and Seaweed under the wster.
Tbo wind waa blowiug from the
south aud had probably carried tbem
from the island, and they were being
waited toward tbe Connecticut shore.
Inland on the island the buga ap
pear to be increasing in numbers,
and tbe potato vines being dry, they
nave attacked tbe egg plants, pepper
plants and tomato vines.
Important Obder. Tbo Secretary
of War baa issued instructions to
Gen. Sherman to hold all available
forces under bis command not en
gaged with tbe Indians on tbe fron
tier, in reidiness to respond to the
call of tbe civil authorities in States
where the rights of suffrage guaran
teod by the Fifteonth Amendment
may bo prevented. Such additional
orders as may be necossary will be
issuod from time to time, after con
sultation with the law officers of the
Dkmocbatio journals find it im
possible to ait quietly down under
the order sent by Secretary Cameron
to General Sherman, 'hey totally
overlook the fact that tbe order is
not to use those troops for any un
lawful purpose, but to bring to con
dign punishment those whj violate
the law by terrorizing and murdering
tbe blacks at the South. JAa not
the Democratic House prouoonoe
this all right T If tbe troops are un
lawfully, or improperly used, it will
be time enough to cry about it t but
with tbe evidence we have that out
rage is general at tbe South, at is
time effective measures of prevention
were em ploy od i and President
Grant is just the man to do this.
READ!! !v
Snook & Hackenburg,
Jteaoer Spring, Ptnna.
Dealers in
Stoves &c
Also SPOUTING dons at short notice,
on reasonable term and satisfactory
t3r Having formed ourselves into a
copartnership, wo tiro preprreil to fur
niitli all kinds of Hardware, Tinware,
stoves, dx. at the very lowest rates.
All in need of Tinware or Snout
inn or anything eUe in our line of bu
sine, will not regret it by examening
our good aim term before purchasing
Aug. 10. 76.
Selinsgrove Penna.
(North of First National Bank)-
A WKLL seleeUd stosk of Ready made
XX Mat' and atdjrs UiOlhiUf Of B1Tf
Vluallt ssd si1.
TRET are alt Agal fr laLtt 1m
provod. ckeepoet sal beet r'swiag M v
shlass f ever siail aV la as.
Vfs eoadomnAVnm Wis ZsMch JVt tti
nili-tnni o.ift iiim-nwtlofitboiitOili Lull, In
I"hlliini ranMiikrrHrown'i"I.anrn
Clnthlnt ' ii In Amenuk." A vlritof uul
tuomlkiitin thonxvtkcn:
Yiltor, ' Wht eotwt Ij the Tfondln on y
AUrodmA. "Booth Krt comn of girth nt
Mukat. IMeM ant th BIXTll, fur torn
Mnnnn mklnf Oak IUU, bats baas aiUled
r avojrnlnir ivivnna.'
.. Ti. " ""our aoionau l
Do jrm fcaow
A. " U.OTS nnara wt SS ea Mark, and
M odd on Bixlli, tlf atnrlea high, liaa ovor
tnn) aeraa a flonrlaf , d ooTn nacs onw
ocuplad toVnryt twenty dlOaiaul bust
PCM placet."!'
X. " Do yon on MMm-powarf
.'k aJ?"J? n1n " !WW
for Iba fWIg bt and vawnceralTatora.and lha
kolleiijiaam tor baaUas, and U epara.
tkiaa of tha annas -
V. "Wba order do yea
MTlMValM Art
and arraMtd la
t btMsaalll,OB aViag
aoBBfatta. aniT lakatt
ICT17J Val HIV a"ri
'laratfM, In th.
wri woo
V. " Ii Inapwuni-tiie fint operation F
N2,'2"irln. 1 In (roorti ir flrH
tAearand In tha ptrre, Then Impacted. Iho
loth do&i ovar rohun la ih r, nr . ....-
I',1''. Dd two nta tit, one befora and oco
ehtnd tha eomla wat.v, aitk .v. -
kawh for lha least aln.hnU innrbiin.
narkiot erery flaw. w that the rutler may era
aud avoid u when fee com to ut U sac
Mir n u.
V. Yon net employ an sr
rof ewHenf
' and are I Wo
ep iv oanai au toe Hi
Into farmenov heUde
(Ins on the f loth
I marhlnaalhatda
a aoarn arm work earlh
gtor? foa ataauXaeturs aU yot ewa
. wo ao, ana noas eareruTly. Onr e.
smlnera Irupect erery etltuh and seam, and
certify o arere garment aa astra-well made
ii! JT? fv",!1 a It sad becoua
yeinonfflble for rt."
V. " Your IfMea But aara ran a -4
" In erery direction, elr.
wmumj we practice an
war m.tiuih.
wntiiwa. aa lopuiour
Seoole aa wa do."
uwa to lha
.AiVwUiipactlntaio work, what beeome
Krery alngle (arment ha lie namber and
other poluu noted on It. au that lu entire ble
toryraa bs traced without fail, upoa out
jV." Yoti nnri bars or 40 Mletmen f
t .l. - "L"' . 0tt,r yu ve ios
In lha rarloui nwma and aultea ol ruouu.
selllnt to the thronin of rustomrrt."
Md'taSrair buy ,a
A. " Vary great All ore? the eoun try. 0r
The Testimony ol the Whole World.
Holloway's Ointment
Bad Isy, IUid Brtatt, Sort and Ulcrr.
All description of ore ar remediable
by ihe proper and dljlgeni ui of ibit in
eilimahl preparation. To aiiempt to cur
had leg by pllring tb (dge of lb
wound I o ei her is s folly fnr ihouldlb
akin unite, a boggy diieaieil oondliion re
main unilerueaih lo break out wiin ten
fold fury la a few day. Tbtonlr rational
and oooeaful Ireatment, a Indloaled by
nalura.ii lo rdu) tb InSumaiioa in
and shout th wound and to tooth lb
neighboring pari by rubbing In plenty
of lb Ointment a (all I forced into ml.
Tui will eauae tb malignant htimori lo be
drained off from lb bard, wollen, and die
oolored pari round about th wiund (or,
or uloer, and when tbe bumrri ar remur-
d, lb wounlibinelf will loon bed:
warm bread and water poullioe applied
orerlbe atfcaied parla, after lb Oiutment
bt been wall rubbed in, will tootb and
oil en th lime and greatly siil lb
our. Thar i deioripiioa of uloer, or
and iwclllng, which need not be named
her, atleodaal upon th folliai of youlh
and for which ibit Ointment it urgeully
recommended at a totereiga remedy, la
curing inch poiionoui or it never fail
to reilore lb ytin lo a healthy mil if
btrillib laken aeoordiug I lb prin
ed Inilruolion.
Diplttheria, IJkrrated Stre Throat, and
acarlrt anil olnrr rrver
Any of lb ahore diieate may be cared
by well rubbing tb Oininirnt tbtee timr
a day lulo lb ebeil, Ibroat. and ntck of
tb patient ; It will toon ptnelrat. and
glre Immediate relief. Medieis laken by
tb mouth mil operate upoa th whole
ijriiem ere it InBurno n be fell la any
local part, whereti th Olniment will do
it work at once. Whoever trie lb un.
gueul in lb ahore manner for tb dieeaie
named or any similar dtiorder asesting
tb cheat and Ibroat, will Bad IbrmoeWei
relieved a by a cbarm. AU eulfereri
front the complain'.! thoutd earelope tbe
hroal at bedtlm la a large bread aad
water poullioe, after Ik Uialmeat kai
been well rubbed In it will greatly auit
lbs cur of lb throat and cheat. To al
lay lb ferer and I men lb loBaiaiaatioa,
igbt or ten Pill ihould b take night
and morning. Tb Ointment will produce
partpiraiion, tb grand nUal ia all
eat of fever, tor tbroalt, or where
tbert uiigbl be sa opprtetloa of Iks tkatt,
ither from an bras or other tauie.
I'ilf Futuli Stridur.
Th ahore elate of eniaol ttnu will he rewor-
d by aishtlf fuiaeaUng th parte with warm
water, ana tuta or rnnit ene'tu.itr raaoing in
tea tMatiuant. formal isBerlng from tueee
dlretul eomulalnte ikould not lt a mearat la
rreallog thalr prsgreia. It ehnalil he under.
mod that It I not lulScleat merely to tmert
the Ointment on the elfeeled pirU, bat It mait
heaell ruhbl In fjra eon.lilirable time, twe
or three tlia t a day, tuat It may be taken Into
tne ay-ieia, wuaaee it wilt reuiore any hidden
tore or wound aHeetaally ai though palpable
va inecye. inereagaio oreia aaii watnr pi
eei, fur the rabbieg In of t be Ointment,
read aad rnttnr ooultl'
of t he Ointment, will
dogreiti lerrlse. Thlili the aly ture treat
ment lor (email., ctaei of aaoeer la the Horn.
ana. or where latr may be a general bearlag
liutucretton of i outhSore and Uloer.
Ulntehei. a alio iwallln. eaa. wltk eertalnt
be radically eured If Ihe Olntwnt be uied free
ly aad Ihe fillet taken nlgut and moraine-, ai
reomaiaeaded la th printed Initra itlona.
When treated In nv other war tbar onlr dri
apla one pl.oe to break oat la another wbera
ai thli Ointment will reiaore the humor from
tha tern, aad leave the patient a rlgoroui
aau Beauty oemg. it will reiuire time wits
tae aa or tb run lo laiure a laatlugaur.
Dropical SiveUing Paralyui, and Afcn,
Although tbe above complaint! diner widely tn
their erlgla and a ate re, yet they all require local
Ireatmaal. Many of the worat eaaaa, of lucb
dlaaaeri, will tield la a eeiBparailvely ihort
Itese of time wheo thle Olatoieut le dillgeolljt
rubbed Into the pert! tffroud, even ifur every
other meaai have failed, ti all eerloue mala
dlaathc I'llla ihould be takm aeeordlog loth
prlated dlreetlune eeoumpeuylug eauh kut.
Both th OinlmenTand Pitt thould b
wed in Iheollowmg cute ; , ,
I (toot.
Mad Sre aatl,
I m i ...
uieaaanar weuing.
eninlnni, ' ' '
Uila of knaehetoec aad
Obaped M md,
I'llra " I
Hbeuiuatlin. , ,
Soelda, - .
Sore uloplee,
More Tbroate,
Btin file
uorue eoii,i . . .
Sore Heed.
Uontreoted aad Stiff
04VTIOW l-Woae ire gea alee aileae the
tlgaatura ef 1, ttirikwk, ai agout foe tbe United
Blalee, earroundi aeah uog nf Pllle and Ululmeut,
A hand-awe reward will be gltea to any one
reBderlag eneb lulormitloa aa may lead to tnej
oea-aj.ioa w eaf perv or pemee eouaieneuiBg
Ihe medial net or veualbg lue wmi kaowlug Ibem
lo lie iperloue.
Sold it Ihe tfenufeetflry of Profiiior Boll.
lalkUo., Mew. York, and by all reapwiiable
llrugglle and Uealere la Madlolaw Ikr 41a1 bout
tbeeleillaed world, ta pot a of la Mat, W al,
aad tl eeeh.
There icaoanderablc car las ay taking tbe
larger ela.
h. B.-Dlreetloaafor tbigeldiaee ef paUcaaf
la everjr dlaordar ar lata to each pat.
teilameatary on tb tt ef WlllUa. P.
Waaeaeellerltf Bailee re ve Ber'a, Btyaar
Ua.. fa., deed, haea haaa ar raai
aaa to
the aauer-
cigaad all peraea kaowlag themedvec laoawt.
Cvweat wkintkili kayleg alaic Mawelcaid
a aUI aaat twa l r . -av ,t t
11 ivv.
perfrct tritem aod mln of aslf-meMnmnenl ..
Biaka lJp"mlbfo tn pinnae f'lo .' tnlloe
r Jl apforfiKUy ai U they wre bare la
V. IjuppoeeymihiTeatleiinhairadoaeB
different di-fitmenlr'
A. " My drilrl we ha-a more than rway.
earh charivd with III own builnm. and i b
tliorouhly oreanlird, a uvoaawy wbaei wllli
io tbo jn'it wheel."
V. Zfll r" " doea or ar of fhemt"
A. "With pleaiuiw, Tbo Cnetom trMui
tent for tbOM wboprefer enMDm-made to
Mdy inad.yTM Furnlahlne Verartment,
Tl JtfJ?-'9 uiilerwcar .
lbs Shirt Vctorr, with Id bun machine
making onr own flnt-rlaai ihlrt. The Trim
Biliif lirputment, Itaelfaibls ai aiany rrru
iir atoro. The Oarornt etook Mooaa. lha
BeeelTlna: koom. The Order Department,
named before. The Special Uniform! Depart.
wot. The Dellrerj Departataal, WUh US
aeoraof Meaainevia. The"
V. " floldThola I elr, onoogh J"
A. lai not halfthroafkT The tlwMa
TJVnn. with Itt bllLand rlfn dletrlbalora;
pditlneand publlahlnsal btntneai and nopnlar
lonrnal, aiiciiae .Jr lO.OWropleiaiOfiOjIy
Itell all your frli
ennrena rorit). The Men's
IicaartnienlL Th Yowthaf UeMitaii
at lha
Children's Depan"MaL with lu
entrance mf larllaa. Trie T1...l,
it wit lie medal
The Telegraph Dcpart-
aient. The Chief perk's Department, with
ranooe-ieervraoiraaaMmnu. tieneral Man
acer's Departmanli Financier's OBua, and
other office of lha SrinaU bny aa bee
thlnklne, planning, eifiiUne. baying, Bak
ing. retUtarlng. rerah lofr arnding out, aelUrg,
and In a IhcuianaSgMy Joining their forre
to carry on a boitneeorlih the people mount.
Ing to betwaaa li,a,Cul aiui aa
aualiT." V. "S-t-a-a-e-n-d-o-n-tP
A. "Indeed II III I fnrent to name
Caihkr Department, which bantllei lataaiMS
f null ealt on ire ilngle dan I"
X. "tas.onui Immcurel Thai , what enabki
lb boua lo bujr cheap and e-lchcanr'
A. Eiactly I You hare Wit hit It Th
penple throng here. krCVlnJ that we depend
en low jnrlceiand ImmrwaMlea."
V. "What ar tha 'roTii ulu' I bear ao
aencn aooutr'
A. "
eric, i
K. "Ounyileinoftiailnaai dealing t. On
Ice, ao deriallon ; 1. t'anh for ereiyihlng j a
guarantee protecting Uiepun huer; . The
rnn,i,i, HI.-UII U , , , .
money returnad if the buyer caa't otbarwi
be culled."
V. " Nothing could b fairer."
A-1 S0,".lv Anl ,h" fr" H."
".! taauk jou,iir, lor your poll la
A. "K. tat aU. Id a pleanire to aerre too.
Call again: and be aura of tin place Waua
maker at Brown' Oak nalltfVuu-Iaet cor
ner Slith and Market" &f
V. "Thank youl labaU U happy to ansa,
Good morning."
WILL he sold by virtue of an or
der of aili laraed oat or tt.e Orphan1
Oonrt nroarder nnaaty on Aril lltAV, rttCH
TRI MKR 1Mb, 117. at th presliee of the Ute
Ella. Keek, dee In M I.I. I lee eek towoehln,
aid eoeaty, the followlag deeerlbed Meal
tale, to wit t
THAUTMo I. Tb undivided one half part
of a certain Traet of laad elteate In Middle,
ereek twp. carder Co., Pa. Hoaaded North by
land or Jacob A. Smith, eoatb hr land of
Jobn llelmr and ntheri, Bait br land! of Ja
cob A Mmllh, Weit by land of Henry M.
Ktrinh and David Malmr, eontaialng IM
A.'KEe more or leal, thereon are erected a
Twotnry lo-areethrberded Mooee, New
tang Ham, and otber natbaihllngi, a good
well and a anrlne of oicellent water, two or-
ehanli of eholee fruit. The land I la a good
a'ate or cultivation.
TKAtlT No. a. Tl.a nndlvlded bilfafa aar
tain tract or Pleeooflaad iltaateai a firm Id
and b.undad K irtb br landlef Hiare Welrel.
eoatb hv laadl of Je- ob amlih, Kait by land! of
balraofKalvIa FUber deed. Weat bylandief
Henry Wetarl, aoaUlnlng S AUKfe, mercer
TRACT No. a All that certain lot of emend
elmate In utddleereek tnwnililj aforeiald.
Bonndeil by land, ol John llaaherman, t'ry
man' K.tat and othen. eontilnlae one-fnarta
of an Acre more or low the won a Bne l.liee
lo Quarry. Hal- toooiamenoe at lu o'clock
a m of aal'l day , wben due aiteadaaito will be
given aad termi ol tale m .! known by a. r.r. ur.n .
Administrator of kill Keek, dee'd.
Aug. T, It;.
TH C nmlerilgned being the own -rof 'he ether
ndlrlded half p.rl of the Brit above deacrliieil
toe Iraete ol land, will oiler tbe laoie at Public
Hale, at the am time and place auove e.g.
Uoncd. vniBLbe B.KCB..
Tb nndnlgnd bavlag purckaitd the Sc.
itaarove Marble W.irka, ha II now lallr ate-
parid to manufacture,
Konaments A n i Headstones.
lammer at nrleaa much lower than hereto
fore, and lower the hai ever been doae In Ike
Having lu.t received a large lot of Peilgni,
of all tbe lateil itylei ol Atonement ahead,
tonei, I aia able to give latliractloa In nylee
ami prlrei, to all that wuk to deeorate tbe
grave, of a departed friend with a neat, ehvag), Tomb) -e llenitatoiiev
I have tun mid arraiai;iaeote, en at to be
able to lurat.h on aburt aotleo, Nerblo, Kind,
tone, or any other klad of door and Window
Sllli, at prlcai to lull tee purekaeer.
farioni la need of any of tbe eboro article!
nil' lire money br celling attke Sellowrore
alarbio work! before purakiiiag eliewbere.
1 alio keen Hank'i ratioiUalviaiMd tirav
(laardi for lala. five dIBircat etjlee. Uomc
aad loo.
bar Mr. i. H. Long, of Adamiburg. i
agent for th undereigned where all or
.lore, will receive prompt attention.
ar,T-M. r. ia, an run.
819 V ttlft Market iret
Has btt enlarged aad rallied for Ibt ss
aoumodaiion of 3oo Uueelc f 1 centrally
located ia tbe Bueintet aoriioa of lb Clly
and Place of amusement, A. Street Car
pan lb bouas lo aad from tb Oealeanial
Building, aad la sosseoilos ass Itied ap
a itrgc
Por lb sssoamodailoa of Ik travelitg
puotic. a. uz,ua. rrap r
April BIB. 1879
THE nndersiitned will offar hia
Valuabl rarm tltaa In Franklin town,
eltln. Harder enantr. abioat ana hair aaiie aarta
,A0V',i!eu,ft.,:, Sff'Wf fflrt,
noma, eoareaieni to reania, licurekai. Mllla.
I aad about a mile from the Railroad Daoot,
oonlalola 1st A 'HkS MORS or leal, hetweaa
HevcBty aad Klibtv Aoret ar cleared, aad la
a goo.1 itateofeultlrail in th halaaee well eat
with VAI.UASI. e; TIMBtB. adjolnlagland
of Morn tnllv, John Hare, Anph Uo.ereoi
aad riaiaael Muieer, on whleb arc creeled two
good l Wht, LI Mil HOUHfc, BAaKBAHN,
aad all aeoeiiary outbulldlag, two aieeil-at
prlaga of waur aear tbe koaie aad bara, twe
Large Apple orchard, wltbebole frail, and
large variety ofolker cbolec fruit tree. Till It
a dMlrabl property, aad Ikoee who I itead t
buy a farm, ihould net fall to allcad thti eala.
Baperu eia that Hllaielaoa coal la aband
onee ean he found on theac primUM, aad illght
proipeetlng baa produced very Battering evi
dence ol lu osliieae there.
eiaic to eommeeee at l e'clock A. hf . of cald
day, on the premleM, when due attcadanec
will be given aad totaM af tal made kavwa hf
ag, aaie.1 Jiwuoaruu,
Dittolution of Co-Partnerthlp.
THB eo partnership heretofore
Utlag la the Bra nam of Srkeek a del
ha tb'i day heea dlieoliad by auiual eeaeet
ea aeeeeatof III kealta. at. K. aehoch, oca ef
th Bra ha rotli d. Tb 8oka ar la lb kaade
of . U. Sekuek. aad all aartlea ladabted t nil
Bra ar redjaaetad I make immediate utile.
icni Btnuvua lUUUUa.
Aug, I, lire.
I will aereelter keep en hand a well (elected
leek olgvede, kieb I will coll at tke loweet
each prleee. B. B. I I, Oral, aad all klad
of Prialuee will be lakes laeaehaag for good,
coal of all klad will be sept a head wkiek
v. Ill be told atreaaoaakle prlecc. Terae, all
bill mail be Milled wltbla Malay freai data f
Mil. a.illeliiBg year fnitaer paueaece I aa
vt rtoUully, W. B. eOUUOaV
Fnmtnt a mncb grailae power la leelortagt
a healthy elate, lieavcr aeaduoac alckawa, I
eertale and Ceoedy la lie emloa. Il le faal ea.
aereedlBa cverr olbce reaedv.
Billy retMuleo
are la eit or eight day. Be caber
Oolag to He grail cnu, (aaap aehetueias
neve oee eaaen.aoo, aaea at ra 'a, b'i"--l,
Me mmummm, wa, an m eaaaa a. I Ml
, ' r-o a (
c ' t . -
s '
rvl IJ,, , U.
r; tj 0 Isi 1
IT KNalae aB Ihe rlrtual af tKa Ughi-RiMHUng
Temiea. which waa and la lha hem. In uaa.
ar-Hlaaaa aouci aw PA 1 kM f HARDENED CONICAL BCARINOS aa both the
ana mm,
Oiar mw and eld Ideal, worked out with brand new Michlaerr and Toon at ear ewa new werta.
the bear ct of Ni,b. Naar law, kaae etaaa. a alandard f MECHANICAL EXCEL.
la the ban dly ef Naaraib, New fancy, hive
i r Mimaattaa ef rncuoa, Mali
teachid la tba bemag MachiM world.
I.F.NCB, Miaiaanaa of rriciioa, Muiaua of
W levlte tha attention ef all, aepocielly the baring high meakaalaal aktS at
SbaervaUea. M. It. AU Machiaea fully warraaied.
New York nnd CHilasigxo.
Low Prices!
Adamsbnrff Snyder Connty, Penn'
THE Subscriber bavinpr pnrcliased the Store in Adarnsbarg, owned
B. 1 Hendenhaah.. Inlcnda lo rerrv on e eeneral meeantll hnilneae at tha ftll Stand.
uhee thle method of Informing hli tuiny frlrndi and rttliene In Adamehargaad Ihe lerraal
tug country, inn ui aaej rei irnra wiin mo
lari.-e ito. k of ill kiuda of Oooda uiuilly kapt
Such as Cloths, Cassimers, Keutucky Jeans, Cottonades of every m
and, also
Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks
AtL WOOli DEI.A1NS, Merinos
mats im cats, carom, noar, mt, am stair uu cuti,
Hardware. Qaeensware, Tin and Glassware Wood and Willow ware, CoffJ
Sugars, Syrups, Molasses. Teas
Cicrara tc Tobacco, Fish &
PlAT rifisT rnT SHAMOKII k WII.KKaBABBK, Saperlet M
VUitVlil laUilaUf vUiijU uui Coal for BlaokamllU'l uae.
Th Higknt Market Price Paid or all kind oCOUA'TR Y PRODUCE,
ALMO t Dealers in aLL KINDS ol imir Hsaill
or which the highest Price in Oxtlt will be Paid. Mar. 7, 1
New York
(In Holmes' new boilidinfr,
AN b ttta s of ib riattt tsJ a oil
ANCT GOODS, 8uamar 8hawls, CouBltrpaatt, Btaborg Idgtasja, ea4 hi
Vi-iNB srlmat of Ladle sad Cblldr
J? , a. -
IBEO leave la aasonne I lb publl
good for Ibit Hprina Irtdc bolb a I
erery body who favor me with a ll will
la lb couaiy to buy Hot of goods. '
TTY ruin tar dolna Itnelneei arc t On Frlee t Conrteoei and Honorable dealflng I W SI
A preecBtetloa I N" aaapalalon to Buy t Tbe poor eat treated altb tk tama Bliet at I
?" A vliltaBdacomparleo of prlcec eafneitly eolleltca. Mtrt. B. Alee Af
far B. Battorltkt fauera. a. WBAI
Tk BW Clalklae Blara ahaea lha
T Fancy Sir. Any giailiman can qulp
itiiQioBcy. Pollig memloa alwiyt giviu. . Bcllaigrev. Pet. C ' Tt,
s t o RE,
Mr PS V V ,
IRddleburg, Fenn'a,
Th aadoralgaad would Inform the eltlteat ef ,
ha epeeed a Hardware btore at tbcabor
meaihiaed plao and tnal be will keeu a full
lie of all klad of Hardware, luoiadlag
Heavy e Bbell Ustrclvrar,
Bbse Fladlags, La:br. '
tTXm Special ladamauats la VS
A Larva Aeeaaiaaaa! t i?ael Bleat Skaw
1 k Bptde. He, Gtrde Tcolt, sahyibos
Orala Bakta, Hay Sea, Pall, at-,
' . iii or, i-
Or ALL KI2CUB eeastaaily ss bs4.
Alt at C-'"y traced Mco. AU who
r t v 1 f -y l H co f".iK
w.aty 'f ' -, '
"DOMESTIC," wcbjaii gae Antaeantn)
eta aa itandard ef MECHANICAL KXCKt
ihmbuitv, aad rang ef arerk. aerer
Low Prices! I
wili, tiwiii ep on nooaa well aeeertei
In a Brit Lint country Store. Ill etook can
Poplins, Ac at all prices and very shtsj
of all kinds, and. at Low Pnees,
Salt Wholesale and Retail.
Fancy Stori
opposite the Keytsons HoteL)
Iltgaat Ciook vw a la lals mill
' .
Bottary, Qlovs, lalMl Blvls Tics
Ibst I bar likta gral ptla la stils(
oualilltt ssd nrteai. and feed aaaSdeai
b obv1bc4 that Ibis Is lbs sbMMet l
Karalnaa RaI.I le eaaaterl mirk tha
k tntilf thtr from kd t foot fa r
jvbticb or Tne mac
fc Conveyanoeri
' ' CENTRETILLB, Baydw Oesaly, f
Dolleetloac aad alt bailnaac aarUlahu be l I
cfllee if Jut la of th fee wilt he needed ii
attnortBouca , 4 ., Aff srvj
ader at bene Agist wealed. Oatl! as
larat fr. TA) US UO., AagaMa, at IgV
KoCJure City, Inyder Co Pa. , 4
Oeileetlnni aad all botlact
fflec ef J aetloo af tk Je
at ihort nolle.
Will beattMded t
. Jnly ht,1fc
justice or Tub rBAc:
eSc Conveyancers )
"' yBEEMOST. Bydge'aly,
Oenllovc end ill badaaas aawUlalM tt'f
4 tore andtn baetaac neeUlalM tor
Jul tee ef ike teeee wOl BeeiaaB.
SnSBriiCsJe. , a i Aft B(We
M abort
j.j,n. r.::"rrrLr.?, j
-aa a pc-' l '
v at - w. 4
' ' . . . . I'