V -.vcrtl-inr Hate. comma one year, . aw.tw C Cf, eolnmn, one rear, ... 80.00 m aVakja. Aa f ,..-aiO eo'amn.oii year, 18.00 Or square (10 line) 1 insertion .vry aoaiuonai ifissnion, Professional mm! Business curat of not mora than 5 Horn, Mr year, Auditor, Etecufrr, Administrator and Assignee If orlcsa, Editorial notioee Mr Una. 6.00 1M AS advertisements for ahortar Be lief than one rear are payable at the fame they ara ordarad, and if not paid the person ordering them will ba held responsible for tha money. Poetry Te Tha Young. Jsst as It vslsboay Hats f tvia, ar nsr- slat's raoy light. Art oath's font draan af bapplooss a varlod sad at trltht lQafHa(Uh ajinorlss aflhl psit, Ibt praaoat apvtsf U vliw-, ; fash fairy vtaloa daskad ia garb sf lovs's Jr swa rinm has j 'fc, h tajtatb, art Ufa's woll ssrss -.. ' pit opa uatraa. itlr world .sralosi, lea, thai hopil, ao Ak. a brlagi to sill ul. Ihalr ..zwtstjwiy. Thsa 4a thoa rraat ia PHa whoSnsd las worla U iboo o fair, Asi wkohasihlaldad lay osft Ufa froa ay a bladoa tears i Ksasnbsr Ha has glroa thai pswar to ohoooo lbs good sad III, Xssp thta ihs straight aad aarroir path, aad strivs to do Oil will j larta aaaaot always ba thy homo, how- vsr bright it bo, Baajoaibor tblo aad Joy ba tblaa through all otoraity Heloot T a 1 o . The Stolen Note. ST A BtTIBBD ATTOKXBT. Except that ha indulged too free It in tha uaa of tha intoxicating cup, John Wallace waa an honost, high' minded and exemplary man. Hia ona great fault hang like a dork aha low, over hia many virtues. He meant well, and when he was sober did well. Ue was a hattor by trade, and by industry had acquired money euflU dent to bny a bouse in wbioh be liv ed. He bad purchased it several years before for $3,000, paying (1," WOO down and securing the balance by mortgage to the seller. The mortgage note was almost due at tha time the circumstances made tne acquainted with the affairs of the lamily. Hot allaoe was ready tor the day he bad eared np the mon ey t there appeared to be no poasi bility of an accident I waa well ao ejuainted with Wallace, having done aome little eolleeting and drawn up some legal documents for him One day hia daughter Anna came into my office in great distress, declaring that her father waa ruined and tbey should ba turned ont of the bouse in which they lived. "Perhaps not. Miss Wallace," eaid I trying to console her, aud give the affair, whatever it was a brighter as pect "What haa happened !' "My father," ahe replied, "bad the money to nay the mortgage on the bouse in which we live, but it is all gone." "Has ha lost it P "I don't know j I supposo so. Last Week be drew two thousand dollars from tha , bank, and lent it to Mr. Bryee for ten daya. "WhoiaMr. Bryee f "lie is a broker. My father got acquainted with him through George Cbandlr$.who boards with ue, and who is Mr. Bryee a clerk." "Doea Mr. Bryoe refuse to pay V 'He saya be haa paid it" Well, what is the trouble then I'- 'Father says be has not paid it" "Indeed, but the note will prove that he haa not paid it Of course, yon have that note t" "No i Mr. Bryee haa it" , 'I suppose be has paid, or be eonld not have that note. What doea your father say T i "He is positive that ha never has received the money. The mortgage, he says, must ba paid to-morrow. "Very singular 1 Waa poor fath er'' 1 hesitated to aee the nae of the unpleasant word, which must have grated harshly on the ear of the de voted girL Mr.Brree ,ye my father was not hut right wh( be paid him, though not very bad.' "I will aee ar father." "Jit ia coming here in a few mo menta. I thought 1 would see yon first, and tell yea the facta before he ( "I do not m bow Bryee could .have obtained the note unless be 'rsidtie mote1. ! Where did your ibtherkenpitr , ( Mi?e gave it t me, and I put it in tie secretary in the room." l"Who were ii the room when you ;,Uintha sretaryt" , I '"lit. Bryee, ( eorge Chandler, my sendmysff.? AU". "riwMit Ir'r e lac,. lV'.?A4 r- Wd,,aa "teeh froaa ILi eii,- 'JZXj as of v :aqh from. ti waa just I wle t i t ' 1 jl-it U. I sap-V;-M eai: t h a v laer too (..ieUa." -M tr l r'-edhlic'Otow.fartwo v.cc; jj dollaii waa a Urge euna for 'i cuojaite in his little basi J. le loaiof it would make the r-tbciUiea desert to him. It '1 he cjrtane wbioh ona j Hzrre?UU it t j-W-Jtit iu9stitr -7W "-y. "Il :tt 111 O VOL. 14. office it wai only day before yes terdayto tell him not to forget to have the money for me by to-morrow, fie took me back into bis privato ofioe, and aa I aat there he eaid he would get tha money ready the next day. He then left me and wont into the offleo, where I heard him send George out to the bank to draw a check for two thousand dollars, ao I auppoaed he waa going to pay me then f " 'What doea the clerk aay about itf He aaya Mr Bryoe remarked when he sent him, that be was going to pay me money. Just aa' And when George came in, he went to the front part of the oflbe again and took the money. Then be came to me again, but did not of fer to pay me the money.' 'Had yoit the note with you V 'No now 1 remember, be said he supposed I bad not the note with me, or he would pay me. He told me come in the next day and he wonld have it ready that was yes terday. - When I came to look 'for the note it could not be found; Annie and I have hunted the bouse all over.' 'Yon told Brvce so V 'I did i he laughed, and abowed me the note with bis signature crossed over with ink, and a - bole punched in it 'It is plain, Mr. Wallace, that be paid you the monoy, as he alleged, or has obtained fraudulent posnoii- sion of the noto, nnd intended to cheat you out of it' 'Ho never paid,' replied be, firm ly. 'Then ho lias fraudulently obtain ed the note. ' What sort of a person ia that Chandler who boards with you. A fine young man. Bless yon, As would not do snythipg of that kind.' 'I am sure be would not, repeat ed Annie, earnestly. 'How else could Bryoe obtain the note but through him f What time does he come home at night t Always at tea time, lie never goea out in the evening,' answered Wa'laoe. 'But father, he did not oome nntil ton o'clock the night you went to Uryce'a to stay in tlie otHoe and post books or somethiug of that kind.' 'ow did he got iu t' 'He has a nigut key.' 'I must see UUandlor,' said I. 'No harm in aeeing him,' added Mr. Wallace. 'I will go for him.' In a few moments ha returned with the young maa Chandler : iu the conversation I bad with him be manifested a very lively interest in the solution of the mystery nnd pro fessed himself ready to anything to forward my views. When did you return to the bouse ou Tuesday night V 1 asked him, with the intontiou of sounding bim a little.' About twelve!' 'Twelve I' said Anna. it was not more than ten when I heard you.' 'The clock struck twelve as 1 turned the corner of the street,' re plied Chandler positively. 'I certainly beard aome one in the front room at ten,' added Annie, looking with astonishment at those around her. We are getting at something.' I remarked How did you get in Mr. Chandler t The young man smiled as he glanc ed at Annie. 'On arriving at the door,' he replied, '1 found that I had lost my night key. At that moment a watchman happened along aud I told bim my situation. He knew me and taking a ladder from annnfiuisu ed bouse opposite, placed itAgainst one or the second story windows, and I entered in that way. ' "Good I Now who waa it that was beard in tbe parlor at ten, unless it waa Bryoe or one of hia aoooraplioea T He must have taken tbe key from your pocket Mr. Chandler, and ato len the note from the secretary. At any rate I will oharge bim with the crime let happen what may. Perhaps he will confess when bard pushed Acting upon mis tuougnt, i wrote lawyer's letter 'demand against you.' Ac Cautioning ' the parties not to speak of Uie affair, I dismiss ed them, Bryee came. Well, sir, what have you against me i he asked rattier stimy. 'A claim on the part of John Wal lace far two - thousand dollars.' I replied, poking over my papers, and appearing supremely indifferent Taid it,' aoid be, aa short as pie cruet. Have you f ' and I looked bim in tbe eye aharply. The rancol quailed, I aa be waa a villain. Nevertheless, if within an hour yon do not pay me two thousand dollars, end ona hundred dollare for tha trouble nod anxiety yon have caused my elieut t the end of tbe next hour yon shall ba loged in jail to answer to a criminal charge.' . 'What do yon mean, air t' . I mean what I Bay. Pay, or take tbe eonaequenoae.' It ws a bold charge, and If be iii bebsd Ilia en honest men, I 1 tct kve fcred to milt it l t - r-I tie ccwy, I U'J yoa.' MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY. house of John Wallace, on Tuesday, February 20, at 10 o clock, and took the said note from the secretary.' 'You have no proof,' eaid he grasping a chair for support 'That is my lookout I have no time to was;e. Will yoa pay or go to jail r He saw that the evidonoe I had was too strong for bis donial, and he drew his check on the spot lor twen ty-one hundred dollars t and after begging me not to mention the af fair, sneaked off. I cashed the check, and Imstonod to Wallace s houso The reader tn.ty judge with what satisfaction he re ceived it bow rejoiced was Annie and her lovor. Wallace insisted that I should take the ouo hundred dollars for my trouble but I wa magnanimous ono igh to t iko only twenty. sllaco kept uis promise and ever afterward was a tetnpvrite man. Ho dim! a few yeara ago. leaving a bandsom property to Chandler and his wife, the marriage between him and Annie having taken place suortly after the abovo uarrut ed ciroumxtaocos occurred. Or.D Tims Military Kxviewj Tho revUw and iiiKpeotioo of the Fifih Rejmeut In Ibis city, rescnt ly vneovw VIA' ii"u u, u i i j rUTurti UaC thirty five or forty yean, nnd brie up in "dread array ihj army ol tli ohusou our timutfbts to revert back io tho o wimonweulih as it tlieo wai sol contrast it with that of the prosent as illuotratod by tbe National Guard The contrast is mont marked, and like everything else, the military bu inado Viwt progress not only in the matter of diHcipliuo, but in arms and in nil that goes to make np tho para phernalia of "glorious war." And while we mourn the absenoo of giu-gor-broad and small boor from the reviews and inspections of the pres ent day we cannot applaud tho mod ern beverages which man's cupidity have invented. Here and there was a lonely captain, dressed out ia glit tering "bullet buttons" with either red, yellow or blue ornamentations of bis garments, and hoavy, bell shaped leather hat surraoiiutod by a i i i . . piume wuiau now-a days woult piss lor a uy Drum, was tue oyuosurn of wondering oys until the division and regimental olHjers arrived, with heads croCked with immense ch in eaus and tall plumos, swallow tailed ooats bedizened with gold lace and epaulette. Wlion tbeso appeared, the captain and bis plebiao military dwindled into insignificance, while the generals, colonels, majors, etc., usurped the affdclions of pitriotiu sires and sons. The old time revraw was also the occasion f r settling personal quarrels and the revival of old lotus, wluoli were settled in nil the ferociousness of the roirular koockJown, drua-out and chaw un ktyle. Sooros of fights, with any nuin oer or black eves, bloo.lv noses, chaw ed ears and scratched faces were the necessary accompaniments of theBe inspections, though the combatants were only armed with corn sUlks, umbrellas and walking-stioks for muskets. The improvements of the prosent over the past in this one re spect is suoU that no one noed re gret To the present crenoratlon ono of these olil-tune reviews would excite tbe utmost ainuseunnt and ridicule, while in their day they were not on ly occasions of vast crowds but sea sons of sociabilii y and renewed friend ships, looked forward to with much more eagerness and satisfaction than those of tbe present day. The gin gerbread and smll beer standi were largely patronized, and long' before the people were ready to wend their homeward way, this harmless bever age was all drank up. The beer and stimulants of tbe present age, bow ever, are a retroirra Ution unou those of forty years ag.i, or as a seventy year oi l distiller but wb o baa long aince ceased that occupa tion said to us, ' there is no nure difference bstweoa day and night' Allouna Tribune Beautiful Thought i. Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain. There ia e loog and wearisome step between admiration and imita tion, i The touchstone by which men try us ia most often their own vanity. Little drops of rain brighten tbe meadows, aod little acts of kindnoss brigbtem tbe world. - To make the most of the good and the least of the evil of life is the best philosophy of life. lie that cannot forcrive others breaks the bridge over which he must certainly pass. 1 be very hope of heaven nnder troubles is like the wind aod aaile to the soul. The affliotions of this life are nei ther too numerous nor too sharp Much rust requireth a rough file. Keith evermore overlooks tha dif Acuities of the way, and bends her eyes only to tbe certainty of the ami jsven noer in tne neaveniy gar den will be turned God ward, bath ing its tiota of loveliness iu the glory laaiexeeiiaui. Gid breaka the cistern to bring us to the four Sin. He withers oar rr tUt 1 1 Himself may be oar t: He who called tl'ht "i t ' rt." ' 4;.;aded hit poob Oorroxpondenco. Our Washington Letter. Wasbinotok, D. C. July 22, 187C. H'An don TiliUn Ihinle of tho Hamburg Jirntalilyrrict! n OM in IiKlvtTU (Irn ill a DUfimn'iSrn'Unri Morion and MrrrhnnnTli Qtt Otttoftlv! Ihiq TUdetiand Twccd-Gcn, OratU and Kvlb-y. With tho sun striving to get be low tha nineties, gold down to l.llj, and Sunset Cox struggling to free himself from the effects of Wbooler's expose tbe other day in tho House, wo find ourselves too exhausted to maknau effort worthy of the demands of the timns and the subjects de minding discussion. Hut aa the New York Herald deems it worthy of a tongthy lender, besidos a dozon repetitions ol the query, "What does Gov Tildon think of this Hunburg brutality T" we daro not remain si lout. Hven Qov. Chamberlain of S. 0.. who is often ohargod with toady iug to the Southern autipathv to the colore 1 man, speaks thus in his letter to Hon. I'. J K bortson, U. s. "The victims at Hamburg wore mur dered in cold blood alter tlioy bad mirrcndereJ, and were uttorly do feucles. No occasion existed for causing tbe presence of a single armed man at Hamburg ou tho day of tho massacre. Nj violenoa was offored or threatened any ono It is said, as usual, 'the niggers were im pudent,' but the evidence shows that all tbe autml physical agression was on the part of tho whites i they nude a lorn in I they had no right to m ike and whnn that demand was refuted as it should h tva been, they proceeded to enforce it by arms, aud crowned thoir success in enforcing their demands by brutal inurdors. ' Shame and disgust must fill tho breast of every nun who respects bis raoo or human tuture whoa ha reads the tale.'' This wituoss is unimpeachable and as tha testimony be offers is given after tbe receipt of the inquest of tho coroner, supplemented by tho roport of the Attorney General of tho Stato, it defies oritioism. Gau. Garfield truly told Suns it that it was useloss to endeavor "to laugh murder out of the caso," ami referred him to the more manly course of liartridgi, of (la , who bad dofhntly approved the action of tho rebel Gjii. .Hlor iu gathering tho white assassins togeth er, and murdering the disarmed blacks who had violated no law, of fended n citizen, outraged no pub lic suutimont. Verily, indeed, will the people, in tones not to bi disre garded, dern tn l of Tweed's old part ner, "What d ios tha G (vornor think of the Hamburg brutality V and we warn hiiu not to return the answer of a Virgina papar, "Only a few nig gers shot," lest mora white inun fall on the same ground, than did with Custer at little Rooebud. With tho deiuiud for more silvor oomos the news from British India that it is fast fulling in price The silver rupee nominally worth 4ft 6 cents g.4.1. is now quoted at 33 8, Tho l'V to the govorivnont there is estimated at $ jJ.OJJ.ODO. This will enable our government to gratify the public demand without paying a pre mium on the bullion. The outnpokon uttorannos of Gov ernor Hayes of Ohio, have in regard to oivil servioe reform plaoe I Tildon in a dilemma. Even one of his own friends deulares that "tha Tildon or gans do tha Governor harm. The best sentiment of tbe oountry is op- Gosed to them." And that unless 'note Sammy comes out clear on that point be may as well retire from the canvas. Tbe ' artful dodger," iu declaring that be "was ao overladen with publio business that he would be necessitated to delay his letter of aooeptanoe for a few weeks," seeks to "murder time," bo that tbe letter, wbeu it may coma, or whatever it may contain, will escape criticism B it the Conohtta murders and the amburg massacre demand an early notice, for the people will act wheth er Tildea writes or not and he must remember that he left Tweed only when the Republicans "sm ke i him out" Must tbey repeat that effort f The query of Senator Morton to Merriinon, of S 0.. to "name one good thing tbe Democratic party had ever done for the oountry," proved too heavy for the apologist of tbe Hamburg massacre Even after Senator Morton hod prodded him with 'the Democratic party had the blackest and most damnable record in the history of parties in thia or any qtber other country,' he could but murmur, 'you Rapublioana did not conquer our rebellion as cheaply as you' should have done,' or that the Senator bad Himself, in former years, belonged to the Dnnnoratio part' To wbioh the Senator reply ed, 'Whenever a Democrat wants to hurt my feelinga be ohargea ma with having been a Democrat" He also reminded bim that in the Cbioago Convention of 1804, Tildea had pro nounced tbe war a failure, to wbioh Lee, gave tbe lie by aureodoring his sword to Gen. Grant, in 186fc Con ceived in ain, born in iniqtity, its entire record is but prevarication, theft peculation, murder and false hood. No wonder even Hendriokei hesitates to accept the nomination laid at hie feet The Tildea organ of Baltimore lete the oat oat of the bag when it reminds tbe Demooratio oomuitteee eitve Cftufetartte JZoaoethit lf ...- vi- ..... - PA., AUGUST 3, revolutions bronght ont ia these in vestigations will be materially injur ed in their usefulness as campaign documents.' Rather a ' frank con fession of an ulterior and disgraceful purpose at the bottom of the ses sion's labor Only gotting out ma terial for 'onmpaign documents t Where are tbe promises of labor and reform given the idle mocbanios and tramping labors last fall, and again tendered them by i ilden's fuglemen? 'A giod enough morgan until lifter election,' indeed. It is unfortunate for the reformer Tililen, that be should have sent circulars nil over bis Stato, in 188. asking estimates of Democratic sains nnd lossos to be forwarded to Hon. Wm. Tweed, aa soon as the polls closed. Was it to find just how muoh ballot-box stuffing would be required in the city, to counteract the honest vote of the State t Tweod did not fail bis friend, but the collec tion disturbs bis friend in his now rolo of the ohiof of the uow dispones tion. for doea be not say, 'we must not allow our attention to be divert ¬ ed from it by any sido issuos or minor considerations ' What is civil snrviee, a few superfluous ballots, or the shooting of 'half-a-dozen niggers' to success t Verily, 'notuiug sue Goods like buccoss.' Tho famous ex-sheriff of New York John Kelley, called on tho President the other day, when tho followiug oolloquv took place : 'Mr. Kelly, yon nnd I wore of the same opinion, before the St Louis Convention.' 'How, so,' asked Kolloy. 'Wo wero both of the opinion that Til len was unfit to bo 1'roHidout' replied Gon. Grant 'That's so.' 'But you havechnngod yonr mind,' added the Presidout, 'while I have seen nothing to cause me to change my previous opinion ' Tho ex-sheriff smiled and backed ont remarking after gaining tho street that 'tho President was not as dull a fellow as he seemod to bo.' ETA. How He Had Him. A man named Wells kept a tavern in one of our Western villages ; but though his bouso bad a vory good namo, it was more than be bad him self i for it was aurmisod by bis neighbors that he used a groat deal of fodder, oiru. etc , for which he never gave an equivalent though it had never boon dearly proved upon him. Uirly ono morning, be met an ao- 3naiutance, nainod Wilkes, as he was riving before bim'a biefer, whioh he had most probably noitnowED fro u some farmer. "Hello, Wells 1 where did yon got the heifer 1" cried Wilkes. "Bought her of Colonel Steveus,'' was tho unhesitating reply. "What did you pay for bnr T" 'Twenty dollars," said Wolls, as be burriod along. About au hour aftorwards, as Wilkes was sitting in Wells' bar room, Col. Stovens ontered. After a few minutos conversation, Wilkes said t "A fino animal that yoa sold Wells " "I d m't an lorstan you i I never sold Wells any aimal." Didn t you v.. Why, I met bim this morning with a heifer, wumlt he said he bought of yoa for tw euty dollars. "He did, eh T Well, si nee he sai l so, he has got to piy me for her," said Stevens. Wells entered soon aftor, and Sto vens, stepping up to bim, said t '"Joino, Wells, I'll trouble you for the money for that beifer i it was a cash bargain, yoa know." "I never bought any boiior from you " "Din't yoa remember yoa bought one of me for twenty dollare f Here's Wilkes can prove it "No, be can't"' eaid Wells. "Yoa told me bo this morning," said Wilkes. A curious expression passed over Wells' facet be felt himself ooroered; he had either to tell where he got tbe animal or lose twenty dollars i and thinking it not stfe to do the first, be pulled ont bis wallet count out the in mey, and handed it to Ste vens, saying t "So I did so I dil I had for gotten all about it i yoa must exouse me. I Time Dats Tuxrb abb Giaxts. The Reading Eagle has eeea two people who are oortainly the biggost in the oountry. They are John H. Po were and hia aister Mary Jane. The woman ie 28 years old and weighs 807 J pounds. Her brother ia Bis feet four inchea high. Around the calf of bie leg he measures 27 inches i around bis thigh, 43 inobes t around bis hips, 79 inohus i waist, CS inobes breast 69 inchest be wears a No. 8 glove, li bat and 91 shoe. He oanaot wear boots, a the leggings would be too wide to support them selves. To mako a suit reqairea 10 yards of goods, or more than twice aa muoh as is rqoired for tbe largest ordinary man. He baa had the chol era end email pox, bat ie now in good health. He la a fair business men end both have ordinary edooa tiona. They are intereottng end arettble. Their brothere end eie- J l f - ," .!! . iMrwtbi . tha sum 18T6. NO. 13. Franklin Township Finances. A FDITORS' 8tntmfn. of Tnwn XhiottpoMut Fronkllo lown.klp fortfe, rnr u;t. " MM BinMr-Mw-rt' A,anti. J.ioChM. Rrnfi-r Svp'r tnr lh tr ir rr. la ainonni of dupilpai of lutatos SHfti UmU Iu lluri coount ,4 Total jV7m Utnlrs Or !!? ork n aa R.4 S Tf.l M H eaaN liftid AndllnM 1 iii " 1 via aarrlot-a at Audit I w IU M A nil raw Kratar'suprlaor for in Ir 10 amount or oaplloata of road la 1 74-J ej , . 'intt or. n lahor 01, road a j" tl Horn fmil brid arrooa Ml'mt Ml M Oo.l. in en of Ohaa. Snaohrlal a Towuihlp HuparTiaor ) M raah paid f-., iu-., fur vaeallnf road low Naaa Baavar fnr plauk fea. 4 If Uaa, human for Uimr par ordar of W.muM K'W 11?) Ttt ar4 on tnoaia-l Linda 11 . ajlowanca for lat not oollaouhla o Ttl anlarad aoalual K-rm-r a Hock 1 It SI data aarvir-a a R.iparviaor Si 0 Uaab paid lo Audi tor M 019 M Utllanca dua A . Kroliar luparrlaor ISTM Road Fund Aiarti Jno. Z Xnniaa.bal.dua tw'n " Hauiual Muaar M71 J li 1 j Llanlllli-o Claim of A Srattar H ipar'laar " H. H. Waliar ' l.aao Havr C. A. Il.laod.r k " Aaaph H xraraul " ai: Mimlar Joro'i Krh " K A Snnlnr " Uluar olaiiua raporlal IS HI l VI fll ou II 00 n no H0.1 f t I ao ) Oil (if 31 Tiwn.hip in debt SIM 10 N ilO. Tha halilllllM aro moall aall.n.lril Mlliuaiad, and may a wall lit tuwuablp ludnbtad naaa lo .xu ue A CCOirNTor the Overseers of the Vl'uor of I'raukllo lp., fortbaja,r 117. 17A A'lain H Waltar nrrwoar of lha poor Ir Ani ium of hia.l inlioaia for lli I'.x'ni Htlinoailii fur l7 till I'Mh r-la l orilM Mlt'-hnll Sa no OmIi rtu'd fir aala of iwnioiial propartf Mra Kiifari, now on lowii.lilp c'aili rac'd of r I'lioma., for lira Eutarl f .' ou Total 4U ;v n.,nlr Cr aaan p1, rl'a r rnr n Slorlt dacM 00 no do Inr auuortof Brura nhll.lnta IM II la do Harab M ijrar 41 11O do do Mra rYJifart 01 OH do laving lai land inakiiiK dn'l 1 00 Alloa-an'a f.'t aundr lat mil oullvoUbla nl 17 dajra orlnea aaoreraaar 17 o panulnaa on ooiuuilaalua I u cb paid audliora liiDIIH at duo Inwnahlp Nntc Mr. Waller iM at ilia una now tlmoovor lo Ilia ow ovraiara, llaorgo nVtamtw-b aud Slitian Ka. v followa mil of uulaa of aala of Mra Kgarla prop- riy To Loarlnf bal. duo lrp. tli H.inrr H. Ralnlnifnr Uraraaar of Poor Dr. To anil, ofhladiirllralofir lt7 1100 dO Hll.dur Mr l7l Jit wo do Haul of Ura Bia-orll lot olo. 40 O) ToUl i!M no Onlra Ur my oath pd. axuauaaa for bnrlol Hoary MnrUdM'd MAO For anppurl of aroro i-hlldraa BI 111 naran iyar loi'i do Mra Etfi-rt 1" if T J Smith, for II arnoaa St Oil II I . K.rliiir liUlu a(raKlara 1 ou naraurii fur talaa wa collrolablo 104 1 Olaa iitrro I oo un-atail lauda 1 4A call pd. A 4 ruara wrlllua bondako. 13 daya aarvtcoa oa oramaar 11 00 ao ouiiitora 1 v uouiiulaoiooa fur collactlug tlttDH H ii anea d 11a ovaraaari v 01 Nntr. Tina 114I. ituiit'ia overaaar, waa Raul lo him out of tha 74 paid to Hobaiu i"li anl Ka 1, aud .Mr Hiuoimara ao- rouul uarvd. TownxMp Poor Fuml. Oath Sua and In hao la of Jio. Uowaraoi formar ovaraor 91 ftl (laah d.i- and In banda of Adam II Waller V'i U4 M olaa of M ro RArii-rt In htnda of unw otfar'a O'i oa Judiimaol ou duckel of H U Miloball lSa- Total Bal. dualowuahlp. 121 IS SuydarOO'inly aa: Wi. Ilia undaraliinad. ondllora nf Frank lin lownahio afnrnaald. ! 1 ) -rtifv. that w ium on fhaHnoond Monday of April Id.'O an l a lioum- rdoArt Jutaa, ani in.u nn aroouni or aina .inaa of ona or tha HMria ira, wa O'ljiurnad to J ina lom U'o, and at lha aani nimil ma an.llt.l, ai1ialal and aatfl-d Ilia forinolit ai-0 HlliUuf lha Suparvlanra and Or-raaara of the Poor, In and foraald lo'aiiahlji, fur lbayar IN7I, and do K". rort thai wo do flnd tlla aamo trua an l aorrail aa aoi'aaltUil, 10 tho baal of uur kuowla.lga and bailor. (llvan nndr our bn., ol Middlaburg, 'ha 10th day of Juuo A. I. i"I'i. jiitt n n r.t 17,, joiix w vvirRrt. KOUtRT ElStNHOWER, Aadiior. STATKMENT of the Franklin tnwnahlp School Fund for tho losr oodl og Juno A, lt7. ia;, V, M. Hllgor, OuTlaoior ond TroM. DR. Juno a, To ami of Stata apnronrlatluo ilMl 00 oo Bia aniiliaata 01 School Ml for Hill yaar ISM II So do balaaoo duo froa prarloua yonr 170 If So So bal anna duo by Amoo ttilt .-nar 1 raw. II It do do balanao duo by Hobt. I laonboaor Into Traaurar 17S4T do do Bebnol tax anUrad on unaaoiod iaaili, lurwar yaar t So nt Totol SO.l 41 CONTRA. CR. By ouh paH raaehoro' Solorlo ' tnontha OlOaO M do do for rapalro ot Mkool ouaaa ou oa it do for fuol AM. If IM do . do Baoroury, Intoroat OB Or lora AO. S3 II do sola of AaoiOlfi, 10 bal. hli aoanunt Aa. It IS do aotoof Hunt. EUwahowor to bol. bla onaoonl 40 10 do ollowooaat ( not lwllotbl) 1J 41 do Uiooaurd oa aaaoolod landa MIS do Amount of old nrdora oat ol lait a itiamant aad polo lurln tho vaar lit OS do Ooatalatioa aa CoL at I par aont Wtl . do ooBjDjlutos M Traai. si t por 040 o aa ia aa Franklin School Fund (Liabilities.) Toamt.of ordaralMuad lorta, Hll 14 ao 00 inia oroara paia iimh Aa do nrdaro ouitaadlaa? Jane I, U7I II K do do ordara oautaadlaa for l74, Juna7,'74 do do laid ardon radoooioil la 1B7I do do ordara uriUaillac Jaaaa.1111 11144 Tout liablllllaa 1st II noTBAAieotl. OB. Of Sat, af Botao oaourad la hABiKofaallton Mat da daoby F. M.BIIaor, lata aolleator . IN M da al Taiaa aatarad acaiatt aaaaatad leadi IS Si alSBI Malsaaa daadbXrlrt sail M WEkarkyoartiry I bal Ifeaajraaalas Is s traa aad oarroot oiataauiat af Ma FraakUa Sabaol Vaad sa lha Itkl aaaaaia af aooord aa lha BooaioriaaBoaaad kWdafaAil biMrlat, aad lo iii-aiia laa aaaaao aaan aaaaraiaa w taw. aa? oat sa 1 uah fcf of jaaa Un THE POHT. Piibllsbed every Thnnnlsv Evening by JXRKXIAH cmousM, Prop'r. Terms of Subscription, TWO DOLLARS PER AtfHUM. P.iy sble vitbln six months, or w.floirtirt paid within tht ysAr. No naper dis continued until all arrearages ar ftsld unless at the option of the pub isher. SubsiTtptJons outside of the county PAY A BLR 1H ADVANCE. Persons' lifting and nsing papers ' ayldresspd 'a olli9rs become utriber ttiil are lislile for the price of the paper S. ALIESIAK & SOU. ATTORNEYS At LAW. HelinMrrovo Ml profaaaional hiiatnoM n& colloollngj rntrnaiod lo Ihrir onro will bo fromnlly tlrnrdlo. Con bl onnaullod In Kogllik it Oermno. OfBoo, Morko'. flqiisre. Tj. smitTT ATTORJf K V ATI. AW. MtDDLEnUHd, 8XTEDR OO., PA Offar hit P ofoaalnnAl Sorvlooa la lha aab'IS Oiaaulttlook la l.nollr and 3arojaa. LN. MVK1W, 1TTDRNBT k GOCimOR IT III k Illnti'lot A-ttonioy, Middleburr, Snyder County Penn'a Offloa a fw itoon Watt of iho Court llouaooa Mala at root. Coaiuliailon la Engllih as I Oorrnao lamugoi. 8op.'6T. WM. VAN (iK7.RH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewiiburg Pa.. .Iffori bla prufoMlonal r rnoo to ia pub lio. Colleoilona and all other Pioloalon. al bmlnooi tntruatej to hie ears "lllro oolvt firompl atlruilon. T l- Mo UttONMUiliHIt, ATTOllSBr AT tAW, Middleburir, Pa., Oiron bli prnlei'lonal arrrlnea lo Iho pub lie. Collooliona and all oibrr prnrooainnal bualnnai antruiiail lo bit oaro will raorivs prompt Ailentlon. (Jan 8, '67lf II. II. UUIMM, Attorney & Caancebr A T'LA ir, Offleo N. E. Cor MMUi & Water St'e rrrlnira. I'rnn's. Conaiillaiion iu bolb Engliab ami Orrrnaa Langimgri. Deo, IV, 72tf. T M.LINN, A. H. Dl LU P. fcJ.M. I.lnn.) J a (Snnno-ora In J. ATTOItN Kk'S AT LAW. Uwiit.urjf, Pa. Ofer Iholr prnfeaaionnl oarfiora 10 Ibe public. Colleotinno anil ail olbor pro foioiml btialnoai ontrualeil lo thrir onra will rccrirrprotupUiUniion. j( Jan. 3, '7lf F. J. It. ZELLEIt, ATTORXUV.AT'LAW Centrcille, 8i;'!er County, 1'ennn. All bnalnnaa anlro.tad t h!4 raro will ba wall and f.lthlnlly altan l-.l lo. Will prvtlaa at tho aovaral Oonrla ol Sny lar an.l a l.ilnlof roiiuiioa. t!n I1 0 m.ulta I In th- F llh op Qarniaii lani'iaK". "ut. I 'Tltf CIIAULV.S IIOWKH. ATTOHNEV AT LAW, St'liiH'.rovs Prt-, OITern hl profclona,lrioi 10 iho pub do Colloofinm and a'.l oiIut profonHiona buaiaoa onlruaioil lo bia er will ra oio prompt allenilon. ODioo Iwodnnra oorib or tha Keroon llotal. fJau 6. '67 JOHN II. AKXOLD, A.ttonioy fit Law, MIDDLEIIUBO, PA. Prnfeiilonal bualorii rntriialeJ to hli era w!'.! bl prompll allenJoJ to. f Fab 0.7I T THOMPSON HAKKIl, I.owiahiirg, Union Co., Pa, g0Oan ba oonaiilie'l in lha Kngliah ami Orrman Ungnngi'b.-VjnS (iFriCK Murkot Siroet, oppoiiia nam Smith Co'i Sloro 8 JT W . POTTER, A TTOR YE r AT LA W. 8elinsgrove Pa , Offara hia Drnfranional arrrinoa lo Iho puMie. All ff nl biiinaa rnlriialo' 10 hia care will renetro r rompi aiirnnun. 011m onoilnor ahoro Iho Now Luibrrau Cburob. July, dlh 'Ti. g T.FAKKS, ATTORN' BY AT LAW, SBLlXSOnOVE. SXTUEIt CHUHTV, Pa rtrpl.tt. '7tf A C SIMPSON, ATTOIINKT AT LAW. Northiucberlnud, Pa. JlTers bli profeaiional aorriao to the pub la. All btiaintiia rntruaioj ta bia oaro ill bo promptly aKoniloil to. f Jaa. 17. '67tf J. TETEUsi Justice of tha Peace, Middleburg, Snyder county. Penn't ConvayauolhO dona, and Collactlnna E'arylhlna Inirualad lo hia oara. will twin prntnpl altanllno. Juna II, '74. Dtt J- f KANAWKIj, PHYSICIAN AND 8UR0EOH, Centres Ills-, Sni der Ce., Pa. OfJera bit prufataiosal aorvlooi to ika publio. I 3Hlf QR. A. M. SMITU, PUYSIC1AY AYD SURGEON, Olferi kit profaaalonal irrvlooi to lha iltU iooi of Adaiuaburg anil tloloily. Sopt, 71 J. Y. SHIN DEL, 8 UHO EON AND PIIVflCIAM, Middleburg Fs. OrTiri bib profoiilonsl lerrleri lo lbs slU iiom of MidJlojurg sad Tloialfy; Maroh 2t.Y7 J I. MONUECK, Justice of the Pcnco Adamtburg, Snyder Co., Pvt. Will bo la his o(Boa si tbs aboro siaalioa. odplaoo, oa MONDAY aad 8ATUKDAT ol aaob work, whan all kindiof baaiaoas rolaling to bia ofltoo, will bs UtoBiWd la Juns 'it '7ir j V. VAN BUSKIUK, lUEdlCAl, MECHANICAL DENTIST Sslinsfrrsvs Pron; A. VYETZKL, " " Jtutica cf tho Peace, Beavertoien, Suyrfr Co., ' .At! I.L.A - ? irvaw-i