The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 06, 1876, Image 1

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    yv.lvertiliar ltatost.
Ons column one year, $c0.00
Ouedislf, column, ono year, 3:MK)
Ono-rburtli column, one year,
One square (ID lino) i insertion 73
Lvcry ndditiotml insertion, 00
rrofcssumnlnnd Husincss cards of
not nioro tlmn 9 lino, per year, 6.00
Auditor. Executor. Administrator '
Mild Assignee Notices, 2.r0
Editorial notices per lino, , 15
All Advertisements for a shorter no.
nod tlmn ouo yenr nro ttitynhlo t the
time they nro nrderod, and if not rmid
the person ordering them will bo held
responsible for tho nionov,
1 o o t r y
Art All tho Children In?
Tht tlsrkntss fulls, the wind is high,
l)tns black elou Is All ibt western sky
l bs storm will soon begin (
Ths thunders rose, lit IIIiiiiIii,c, flih
1 bstr lbs (rsst round rsin drops dash
Art sll lbs children la T
Tlisy'rs coming snnly le my slds i
'ibsir forms wnhln niy arms I hiJs
No other arms srs surs I
Ths slnno msy rags with fury wild,
With trusting faith taeb linU cbi'.d
With mother fssls scaurs,
fluf fuliirs dujrs ars drawing nssr
They'll go from this wsrm tifltef hsrs,
Out la the- worlJ's wild din
Ths rsin will fall, tba roll winds blow,
I'll sll alone and long to know,
Ars all ths ebildren la ?
Wilt ihsy bats shelter ihrn secure,
Where btarts ars wailing strong sod sure
And Iots is Irus when tried ?
Or will ihcy And a broken, reed,
When strength of heart thejr so much need,
To hslp ibero brass lbs tlds ?
God knows il all His will Is het,
I'll shield them now, anl jriel I lbs rest
In bis moil righteous hand ,
Pomctimes souls bs lote, ars rlen
IS) tempest wilds, and thus ars driven
Nearer lbs beitsr land.
If bs should call me boms before
Ths children go, on that hint shore,
Afar from ears and sin I
I know that t shall watch and wait
Till He, tks keeper of lbs One,
Lets all tho children in.
i H f! I) 1 1 (l II O It N .
Tho Lost Children.
Horn, as the writer was, in sight
of "John Hrown's Traet," op tho fir
thar and csstern edt of hi-t momory
tbcro are inoidents of atr.ini cxei'o
insot. Ono sumruar afternoon the
Jler. John lilodgoit wai preaching
liia seoood sermon, whoa a mo
ateppedjo at tho door and fid, 'Two
children lost!' Tbe KMer lulled in
the midst of a sentence, laid ofT hix
coat autl with a " brelhrco and
trlends, it U everybody's businesn to
nee It and to Buve that which is lust,'
Uown l.o oame out of the pulpit, and
the ahlo bodied in the oi.ngrcuation
lollowcd him out i:i tho MinHhino liko
cheep thut know their nhephcrd. A
few abort wordd told tho atory. Tv
little children, brother and Histcr, had
gooe out on Sunday morning to pick
berries. Might canto but not th
ehildreu ; and I think thai oil tiigliw
in a woo'(, a Saluiday night without
tho g h'.tH' h ild is tho mot
1 jnely nnd iliual. A few of the
neighbors had gone out with lm
lurun, boroa nod guns, and the iimtb.
er had accompanied them, and had
boa'en up tho aljacout woods, aod
had worn out the weaty ui'lit, nod
the tr'abbulh dawned npMi eyes dry
with nameless tear and hearts liitter
with angui-h. Many a tiuio tluriog
tho dark hours had sotno lantern's
decepted ray fullon upon a pi!o ol
leaves covering samo bit of a broken
limb, nnd a shout of "Fuuud 1" hud
only plunged them iuto deeper sor
row. And s tho Sunday sliono drea
rily out. uotil a 'mcfsenger citno to
the village and gayo tbo general a
larm. '"
The campnign was soon ornniio l.
Nearly two hundred mou wero enliiit
cd, and the plan wa to attack a cer
tain spot iu tho woo Is, marching up.
oq it ia exteudid line, at such din.
tance apart as to command tho whole
tpuo botweon every two, and so t'uirly
tarvei-t the ground of oNy thing upon
it of huniau iotcrest, Uuos were
distributed, and tbo order wore (hut
do cry should bo ruit-ei, no piece
discharged, but move iosilenco ; th it
fboul 1 the children bo found, one gun
should bo fired ; if dead, two J if a
live, three in quick succession. lint
they were not men only .joined the
tuercii'ul brigade, but mothers nn I
active girls aDll they prove 1 tho
most observant sud vigiluot of all,
for nothing i qtiickons a uomao's
wit as love and grief. Aud sj thoy
'set fotth. The boy of that day re
in c oi bo r s the scene, as if it weto now
before bis eyes. Tho village was out
of doors. Groups of tho iulirm, tho
woman nnd tho children spottod the
picture like a leopard's skin. The
touo4 woro subduod, thoro was a tint .
onioir, longing look on every face.
Some of them followed out of the
edgo of tho village, and stooJ out
and listenod. Tbo sottlomeot eould
not have been stiller had it beeo a
dcsorto l grave-yard iuateal of tbe
abode of tho living.
The shadows wero travoliog oast,
wardly. Tbe sua showed a golireu
rim over the western hills no 1 was
rtooo. TLe siats oame peaociuiiy out
over tbe whole heaven, as it thore
were no such thlni as grief in tin
uulverso. Nine o'4ook, and no sig-
4 nal 1 eloAn at) 0X
stiout : mm
I vm'U, but do gun. Ths slow clocks
J . licked slowar. Stars went down one
after anoibor, nod tboso that tarried
grew paler. There was a suspicion
of dawo above tbo woods. Aod (ben,
far off, faiut, and vet certain, llicre
at a report. Tbo line came to un
1 instant hair. Tho lilted ! i" was lot
down softly upon tbe lullon leaves,
leit that o should be a second sound
and tboy should miss it, aod so bo
wrong in tho count. A half minute
nd another signal, "round, and
dead," so fur tbey read. Was that
U t Was the story completely toldf
"isatsuan times we tniuk'last.
Th electrio flash is a dull
besides a swift thought A , foMr
conds, and a third enn broke tba
hllness and out tha tense cord of
'iiponae, aud let bnmau nature
l 0u kxful, . grateful, orweoue.
VOL. 13.
"Found and alive I" was tho atory
tho ritle told, and then arms ticked
liko clocks along tho lino, nnd shouts
rang as if an army had won a victo
ry, and floated out into the clearing
rind reached the wniling, watching,
sleepless vitiligo, they took up tho
cheer, and ninn broko down iu tho
midst of it, and women hid their fa
ces and sobbo I Then back they
came the tho glad brigade1, in the
grey of tho morning, with their dim
lanterns, and thoir smoky torches
and their rifles in their hands bear
ing tbo wanderers feeble, but nlivo
and unharmed, stained with berries
but not with blood, Church Union
Profitable Poultry Keeping.
Every once In a whilo wo read of
some great attempt to raise poultry on
a very extrusive seals, with Um lacis
and tbo (inures lo fcoiv that the
speculation has been rxt'uamly prfit
alil and the proprietor would
hardly exclmngii il lor a gol.l mi no.
Yet one by ono those establish
ment go down, and their nnmo is
heard r.o tnoro fur ever among the
chicken men.
It would bo very Interesting if we could
only hear abmt these great fniluro,
as well as of tho great succors, but
this it seems is not tho way of tho
world, so wo bavo torost rout'tntO'l
with recording tho good prospects
of those who invest largoly, and hero
is tho lutcst front tho Fiirmer
Journal :
It is nt Greene, Chenango eonntv,
N. Y., and is kept by Mr. A. H. Il'ib
eson. Ho has ti.O'JO ducks, -l.tKlO
turkoys, nnl 1 -OH linns. They con
sumo daily sivfy btvdiels of corn, two
barrels of meal, two barrels of pota
toes, and n tpiantity of charcoal.
Tho meal, potatoes, nnd charcoal nro
boiled together, and form a pudding.
wlncu is fed warm. Ho litis coin-
monced to kill Hu m oil, nnd employs
fifteen bimila i.t tiii'lf. fvvil til kill, niul
ono Ui carry away and pack on racks
uutil frozen, then they aro ready to
pack for shipping. lie also employs
two men to cook tho food and feed
them. Ho has twelvo buildings for
his fowls, from ono hundred to two
hundred feet long, fourteen feet wide,
and seven feet under tho eaves, with 1
a door nt each en 1 f
Itobetioii bought most
tncm. Mr
of bis (lucks
in the West, and hail them shippe 1
in crates threo dozen in a crate.
Ho also lias an an egg-houso, tl"i by
50 feet, and four stories high. The
outside) is eighteen inches tlii"tt, and
built of cut stone, kid in mortar,
boardod up on tho insi ', nnd lilh' 1
in between the ont.sido nnd itinido
wall with sawdust, it taking :).0H
bushels. Mr. Kohceon ol vitin that
he can keep eggs any length of timn
in this building, lio also keeps tho
poultry that he is now dressing until
next May or Juno, which bo sell.i at
eighteen or twcnty-livo ccnt-i per
pound, and it cannot bo told from
fresh dressed poultry. Ilo gets teti
cents per pound for turkey feathers,
twelvo for hen s, and Mxty-livo for
duck's. Ilo says thero is money in
poultry, and ho thinks ho can nmko
out of his ti.OtIO ducks enough to pay
for his cggdioiiRO, which cost 7,1)1)0,
Ho iutends to keep a great mmy
luoro next season, and has agents out
all over tho couutry buying up poul
try aud eggs.
ftayriio great boll of Moscow,
called tho T-ar Kolokol, is tho largest
in tho world. It is 8'J foot three
inches high, and measures around its
margin CJ inches. It woighs 11:1,
712 pounds and is valued nt !?:liK).
000. Tbo bolls of China rank next to
those of Russia, though inferior iu
form and toue. In l'ekin, Father
l.o Compoto says, thnroaro? bells,
each weighing 120,000 poiiuds. A
bull taken from tho Dag on pigod.i
at Rangoon was valued at $HS,000.
Among tho bolls recently cast for tho
now Houses of Parliament, tho
largost woighs I t tons. Tho next
largest boll in Kngland was east in
1S43 for York Minister, and woighs
27,'00 pounds. Tho ti rent Tom of
Oxford weighs li.OOO pounds and
tho Ureut Tom of Lincoln. 12,001)
pounds Tho boll of Kt. l'a'il s, in
London, is 0 feet in diameter, and j
weighs 11,000 pounds. Ouo iu
Vienna weighs 40,000 pounds i nnd
in Ohnutz is another weighing about J
the same. Tbo famous bell called
Susanna, of Krfert, is cousiderud tho
finest bell ruotal, containing the
largest proportion of silver ; its
woigbt is about 30,000 pounds t it
was cast in 1107. At Montreal, Can
ada, is a larger boll than any iu Kng
land, weigUing 2;,-100 pounds) it was
imported in 1813 for the Notre Dame
Cathedral. In the opposito tower of
tbe cathodral is a chime of 10 bolls,
the heaviest of which woighs 6,01:1
pounds and thoir aggrogato weight
is 12.80D pounds. The largost bell
in tho United Ktatos is at tho Uni
versity of Notro Dame, near South
Bond, Iud. On certain occasions it
has boon board as far away.asElkart,
18 miles from the University. There
is likewise a magnificent cbirao, con
mating of 32 bells, in the tower of
the College church.
MTThe return ci tho lasb as a
method of pnnishmont has been re
vived ia Virgioia as a matter of ne
cessity to restrain turbulent negroes.
It ia however impartially applied to
the backs of delinquents of all colors,
in compliance with Hie civil rights
try A cherry tree afc Womelilorf
wM'ta Jul! Mem last wW
e. :
A Narrow Escape.
A Viyhtfor Life ui'.h a Panther.
Trota ths Trot Timet.
A short time ngo Gcorgo Ilinolc
ley, of Conkliii(villo, Knrntogii coun
ty, started to tlrivo from Cornith to
his; homo, lie had a spirited borne,
anil wliilo pnssing through a atrip of
woods tho liorno suddenly slopped,
snorting furiously, and refused to
proceed. Tho driver urged him to
go, and futility struck him with a
Imlter, tho strap rtid of which was
tied to tho cutter iu order to prevent
its dropping out and becoming lost
Tho horKo jumped forward in n
frightened manner, lint before) lio
hud tttken thi'(H Mti'iis a lingo piinthor
sprting from behind a low evergreen
' Iuho by tho track and lenpod m inure
into tho cutter. As it utrurk tho
cutter it foropnws como with great
force ngiiiitRt Ifinnkloy'a brouxt, and
with one html with its powerful tmils
tho tnun'r) clothing wns Ktripped
clenn from bin akin. Iliiicklcy htid
lint linllnr tvitll tvlitTl lin li.t.l itluf
Btrnck tlto till in hiMlmnd nnd;'1!1'0 "V'"i,,nH1
:.,ui;...,i....i., i. I....I ; ...;i. ..ti i.: ; No one cltinbn I
ttibitiviiti ii vj iiii iv n iiii mi inn
might over tltu heiid of Inn ticrco hh
Ktiihmt. Jt v ottu of the blow tho
j bedstall prised over tho pantht
.head. It being n slipping nooso t
r h
noxt elToi t to striko drew tho nooso
tight around tho panther's neck.
Then a desperate hand-to-hand, as it
were, light ensued. After a terrible
struggle, during which tho panther
bit Hinckley's right nrm through i
and through, ho succeeded in ch"kj
ing tho ntiimal so that it released its
hold. It continued, however, strip
ping his clothing and lacerating his!
iIohIi with it hh.irp claws. When
fllil llolittuil. lill.illii.l irl.. itiA ul.tirrli I
vi. v , , vii, jiiiiii'i.ia u. iiiu ni'.iu
ti. i:.....i ....... i
UHJ liwi riill t,ViV a Mil II 'Mil HUH
tho contestants were thrown out
I ho moment they struck tho earth,
1ifit-Af.i. 41.... .n..A.1 ........nt.a. fit...
end of tho halter being fast to the
culler ntut ttio oilier tint iigni ntiotii
tho vt iKl annual s neck tho latter was
mercilessly dragged after tho living
steed. Tbo running away of the
horso saved Mr. Hinckley's life. Ho
was left bv tho roadside, wheiico he
in coin-so of time, found his wav to a
habitation. Tho hoi so ran till it got
i80 r,-, tbo cutter nnd then went i
to Conklitigvillo. Tim cutter, badlv '
shattered, was found li ilfa luilo from
the spot whero tho panther leaped
from behind the buwli. Tho iitiiiunl
was dead, choked to death and badly
Remarkable Family.
IfowXiiic Wi're llurnrj lit Vutlh
Wliii!' I.'fl Afom:
A correspondent writinjj from
Warren to thu Konovo lirortf, n
lates tho folio iviiig ubout a reuiaik
ablo family.
In my travels, a short timo nr;o,
near Cattish, Clarion county, I met
Mr. John C. Kissinger, an old gen
tleman eighty years of nje, halo and
hearty, who is the father of thirty
four children. Mr. Kissinger was
twico married having bv bis lirst
wifo nineteen children and fifteen by
ins second wno is siui living, uoii
forty-four vears and wei'diiii" III")
pounds. In 1831 Mr. Kissinger lost
nino children iu ono night, under tho
following circumstances. Ilo and
bill wifo wero summoned on n linv
suit, somo fifteen miles distant; tak-
ing 0110 horso they st ilted 011 th ir
journoy, rnling alternately, taking
with thom their baby. After linisb
itig their business they started on
their homoward trip, but when thoy
got within four miles of home, a
fearful storm arose, which obliged
them to remain over night at Mr.
Steele's, a neighbor. This was the
lirst time since their iiinrrwgo that
thev had ever left their littlo family
alono. At nn earlv hour in tho morn
ing they started for homo, but had
uot gono far whon thoy wero met by
two neighbors, coming iu haste to
ward thorn, whon the horrible tale of
death was soon told. That night tho
house, was burned and nothing re
mained of their nino children (tho
oldest being It!) but a few charred
bones. Tho youngest child by his
first wifo, now living is a littlo girl
cloven years of ago. They loHt tho
yonngost child last spring, ngod l
years. Mr. Kissinger was born in
Adams county, and moved iuto Cliu
ton couuty whon ho was sovon years
of ago. Clarion county was thou a
denso wilderness, gaiuo of every kind
being plenty. Mr. Kissinger, iu his
day, was a groat hunter, and the
writer had tho pleasure of hearing
him relate many interesting nd ven
tures which by far outstrip our
gcniid friend Undo Jako Ham
tnersly. Mr. Kissingor ia surround
ed by plenty nnd bids fair to live
many jonrs yot. Tho writer spent a
pleasant part of a day aud one night
with the family, nnd as I took the
sketch from tho old man's lips, tho
tears coursed down bis furrowed
chocks, and Lo said ho would gladly
give all ho possessed to have the
pleasure of seeing Lis thirty-four
children all alivo. We bid the old
man adieu, with wishes that the
evening of his life might not be so
heavily clouded as the morning.
SaTTlant early potatoes at aoon as
tbo ground is dry and warm. A few
early frosts will do no barm if the
young shoots are kept covered by the
hoe or the plow when the frost is
foarod. Tbo earlier the crop, tbe
higher tbe priout. A dlfforonco of
1 libHabeL
in making a short turn in tho road,"" !' !7 Ij" "'"h-ich .
tho contestants wero thrown ot.t.L, MVV": 1 rmM. .l,.,.r" .r
Look Out for the Rocks.
A gentleman crossing the) English
Channel stood near tho liulinsmnu.
It was a calm ami pleasant evening,
and no ono dreamed of n possiblo
danger to their good ship. Hut n
(hipping of a sail, as if tho wind had
shitted, caught tho car of tho olUccr
oil watch, nnd ho sprang nt onco to
tho wheel, examining closely the
"You nro half a point off the
course," ho said sharply to tho man
nt tho wheel. The deviation wao
corrected, aud tho ullieer returned to
his post
"You intt-d steer very accurately,'
said tho looker on. "when only half n
point is so much thought ol. '
"Ah, half a point in many tilaces.
might bring us directly on i'.. .ocks,'
ho said.
So it is in life. Italf a point from
strict truthfulness strands us upon
(lie rocks of falsehood. Half a point
from perfect honesty, nnd wu are
steeling td might for tho rocks of
crime. And so nro all kindred vices.
aro alw.ivs small.
to a summit nt one
bound, but goes lip olio tilth) sb'p lit
11 time. Children think lightly of
what they call ht iall hill:'. These
rocks do not look so fearful to tliem.
An American gi ntlcmun was once,
when a lad, sailing down l'ast river,
near New York, which was then n
very dangerous channel. Ho watch
ed tho old steersman with great in
terest, nnd observed that whenever
bo camo near n stick of painted wood
bo changed his courso.
"Why do you turn out for Uieso
bit of wood f" asked tho boy.
Tho old man looked up from un
der his shaggy brows, too much
. , ... i . ,
taken up wilh his task
to talk,
I , . .. a i
iiioso lnisoi woo. i, saui 1110 inoiignt
less boVi ''I wollhl go right over
I ,.!!'
Tho old ninn replied only by a
look which that bnv has not forgot-
i tun in his manhood. "I'oor foolish
lad,"' it said, "how little you know
about rocks V
Ho, children, shun tho rocks as
you would tho way of death. Thero
are plenty of buoys to warn you
where they lie hidden, and whenever
you ini'i-t jiie, turn aside, for thero
tbo danger lies
How a Cricket Saved a Ship.
In boiitlify's IliM rij ;' y.Vii;, ho
tells how Culira do Vaea waa ill n
great slii going to hotttli Ainenca
with four bundled men and thirty (no hundred vears ngo, our fa
borsH, and after they bad 'rossed did not light their pipes with
, i no eipimor, me couinmti.ti r itiscov-
urea liiar liieto were otity iiiieucaMKs'Il,11.r,, m il.,, kI,,.,,,, ,j ,. : ..r
of wtiter left- Ilo gave orders to
to milk's for tho nearest land, nti 1
for threo days they sailed fur the
const. A pour sick soldier, who had
left Cadi, with them, brought a
grillo, or ground cricket, with him.
thinking its cheerful voieo would
amuse him on tho long, dreary voy
age. Hut to his great disappoint
ment, tho little insect was perfectly
silent tho w hole way.
The fourth morning after they had
changed tho ship's course, thu crick
et, wlio knew what she was about,
set up her thrillest note. Tho sol-
dier ut onen gave wartiiuing to the
ollicer in charge of tho vessel, and
they soon saw high, jaggo 1 rocks
j just ahead of them. Thu watch had
oeeu careless. 1111.1 me great snip in
a few moments would have been
dashed to nieces nil 1 1 in linlnittif (liia I
puny creature had not scented the
land and told them of their danger.
Then they cruised along for somo
days, and tho cricket sang for them
every night, just as cheerily tis if sho
hud been in far-oil' Spain, till they
got to their destined port, the Island
,ot Cataliiiu.
Largest Snake in America.
.Vn'iitfiT 27 Ffft H fn' tft Lonj, Cuuyht
in Minvmri.
In tho zoological gallory of Dr.
Cunningham, Carthago, Mo., may be
seen Uio greatest American wonder
extant, a snauo tweuty-suveii loet
eight inches iu length nnd seventeen
inches iu circumference, resembling
in many particulars the Tiger l'athou
or Amca, coiled in tremendous folds,
with head erect, mouth open ami a
mammoth forked tonguo protruding,
as if about to gulp down at ono
spiiug everything 111 reach. This
snake, which Dr. Cunuiugham has
named tho Lead Python of tho
Southwest, is, without dout, tho
largest American reptile over cap
tured. Tho bstory of its capture is
about as follows ; Two miners in
Hickory couuty were returning home
from a prospect in the woods, in the
hitter part of July, accompanied by
a large dog. Whilo pausing a thicket
ou the banks of a stream tbey were
attracted by a hissing or gushing
noiso followed immediately by a
loud yelp from tbo dog and a crash
among the bushes. On approaching
tbo spot they beheld the terrible
monster in tbe act of swallowing the
dog. Tbey fled, but soon returned,
and succeeded in capturing tbe rep
tile wbilo gorged. 1 be weight of tho
snake when first taken was ubout
three bundred pounds.
oJ-Just a year ago a Norwegians
when drunk, froze bis bands and feet
so badly near eootuh, Iowa, that
tbey bad to be amputation. His
wife last week got judgment for
9,500 against the druggist that sold
biw tbe liquor.
One Hundred Years Ano.
Ono hundred years ago, wedding
tours wero not fashituihle.
Ono hundred years ago, tho gin
bct known was not tho cotton gin.
Ono hundred years ngo, there were
no Con federate Ocnerals in Congress
Ono hundred years ago, fartneis
did not cut their legs with mowing
Ono hundred yoars ago, our mo
thers did not worry over disordered
sewing machines.
One iitindrc 1 years ago, her.'
which could trot a inilo iu 211 were
somewhat scarce.
( Inn hundred years ngo, tlro were
tin disputes about tho impoliteness
of street car diivcrs.
Ono liundro 1 years ng people
did not enjov tho incstimahlo plea
sure of growling nbuiit gas bills.
Ouo hundred years ago, timn nnd
tidii waited for nobody, and now no
body waits for tlwt tiinu and tide.
Ono hundred years ago, "crooked''
whisky wa not known. Our fore
fathers toi'k theirs straight.
Ono hundred years ngo, every
young man was not an applicant for
a position as clerk or book-keeper
Ono hundred years ngo, false
teeth were not eotmi lerod very much
preferable to tho original grinders.
Ono hundred years ago, university
boat clubs wero not entered at pool
sales liko lighting corks in a pit.
Ouo hundred years ago, kerosene
lamps did not explode: and assist wo
men to shuttle oil" their mortal coil.
Ono hundred years ng. there were
no Turkish harems at Halt Lake, anil
no Ann I' suing for auiuoteunth
part of a divorce.
Ouo bundled years ago, hnglund
U-,111 till! Vlll-V 1:11 lllllllll.l Hill
!..;.. 1 1
L lined i
! .,.(., ; ,.11 1..I ,,,lr il n tut
ll'l.lfcVJ III ..lir, I inline l 1 1 14
lion powerful and progressive.
Ono hundred years ngo, a voting
woman did not luso cade by wetting
her hands in dishwater or rubbing
tho skin olT her ntickles on n wash
board. On-) hundred yearn ngo, wounded
patriots wi re tint driven from the
j public soitp-hiiitses to make room
I for nun who took up arms ng iitt
I tho Nation's life.
Ono bundle I years ngo, there was
no Itoss Tweed to steal the funds of
New York city with no band nnd
hoi I tbo reins of tho JMuoriatic
party with t'.o otht r.
Ono hundred years ago, tho phy
sician who would not draw every
form of disease from tho system bv
tapping a largo vein in tho arm, was
not ,,,,,,.1, (lf .t.jctor.
tnutdu, ilt V.XXXVI fllo ju their
punk, n piece or steel, and a Hint.
Ouo hundred years ngo, tho pro.
dilct r carried bis surplus products
to market 011 his horse, tlin products
being placed in one en 1 of tbo bag
and tbo jug in the other end.
Ono hundred years ago, th-3 right
of tho schoolmaster to "whip" was
tli t ((Ui Htioin d. a deeper and more
lasting impr 'hsion uan often made
than with t'li) blackboard.
Ono hundred years ago. there wero
r.t real black negroi s in Congress
none darker than tho A'ew Orleans
Democratic Congressmen wero ad
mitted to the lirst class.
One hundred years ago, tho con
dition of th weather, on the lirst of
January, was not telegraphed all
ovl.r tho eolitiiieut on tho evening of
Ono hundred years tgo, pootile
lid not worry about r.ipi 1 transit
and cheap transportation, but threw
their grain across tho hacks of their
horses and uncomplainingly "went
to mill. Tolvilit liiule.
Tho Centennial Exhibition.
The prico of admission will ho fifty
cents, payable, in ono nolo at tho en
trance gato, and admitting to every
thing that is to bo seen during the
time, tho visitor remains within the
: enclosure
No season tickets will bo
sold, nor will two twenty-five cent
notes for a singly admission, nor n
dollar note for two, bo taken at thu
gnto. No matter bow often a per
son leaves tho grounds during a day
ho must again pay a fifty eout nota
each timo that ho reenters. Tbo
hours of admission will bo from 9 A.
M. to P. M. each day. Rolling
chairs will be kept at designated
stations within tho principal build
ings for tho conveyance of visitors
desiring to tiso them. With atten
dants, tbo chargo per bour will not
exceed seventy-five oonts 1 without
attendants, thirty-five or fifty cents
for each cluss of chairs respectively.
Thero will bo plenty of ordinary
chairs, which weary sight-seers may
use without chargo. From soda wa
ter fountains, iu pavilions scattered
throughout tho buildings and
grounds, a cooling draught maybe
bad for a dime. A building entitled
the "House of public, comfort,' will
contain separate psrlors for ladies
and gentlemen, retiring rooms, bar
ber shops, baggage rooms, etc. Re
tiring rooms are also located nt the
entrances to all the principal build
ings. Near the carriage concourso
will be carriago stands, at which
checks will bo giveu for vehicles left
in charge. Tbe tolcgraphio system
will embrace a central office and
nuoiorous sub-offices, located in con
venient parU of the buildings nnd
NO. 49.
Choice Flower and Mil Secds;
I?Cow Hort by Mail.
I'laiits of the new e-t and ilue-t im
proved sorts, carefully paeked nnd pre
paid by mail. My collection of Su.m
berries took the lir.-t premium for lie
best Collection, nt the b"v i.f the
Mass. Horticultural S i ie'y, in Hint on,
last season, I grow nearly I'M vai it li
the lilosl complete eolUetiou in tin
Country, including n'l tlm m-iv, lar,-r
American and sin.i-. 1'iiri d
descriptive Catalogue, gratis, by mail.
Al.-, Hlltl'S, Flllit Tree, I'mi , I'.Vrr
greens, 2- packet I'lmvi r or tlarlen
Seeds, tl.tHlby mail.
I'- I! T,,' True fapc Cod Cr.inbrr
M , r, ifii pnii tor t p
t ml
V- land, ortiardeii, by
mail, in t--
tmtd. t per loo, f
per !.. Wleile-
ale Catalogue lo tl
II. M. WATSDV, did Colony Nur
series niol Seed Warehouse, Plymouth,
Mass. K-tablisbed 1-1J.
llk'hti"! with ,it. W . i x,.it
) its I rtir.iiiis, "A It n-
h-l "i" h IiIiih't,," ,ul IN in .
-re i
il I K li'
'i t.i 'III il
I. IK- li
lt II . f -
t 41 Vt t. jr, tl - (i with i li
( oiui'l-1. in i-artt iiuiiiu r) Ml . i: -i, r irv,
Ksa-iil'Mi N-ls'M, '., I t;.-t tt. Iimi'1-
linit t'Tsfv Ay nti.tiil'1 liatf. S -ti t . I r
l Inn li 0 "v( rji- it fltil-t tii -' f"iiin niiw n
our l4siit ttM-uitniM .. A I r. - :
ALHi H r A. iu:n-ki,.
Ni' huruti, i ii-;m' '., N. Y.
0prrn Oar.lsn snl Kluwsr Soiil. lr.n
ObtjUiJi Srml, Nrrd i urn, Srn I ',.t'i,.rs,
NVfil Wtirst. Irril nnil lli' tun aj,K St
Hi i.m., ill nil klniU, t .r erliiK mi l LM!t PC
tfOrrQ "f'sH I'lntliiK. rjUljl.O.
1 lib DO. Stamlitril hh.i Imirf Knoi ri,-,
i Ir iii ftnil Smitll I'rtitt 4. h.vt-rtftt-tti, im
innntvl Trss sn-l Shriiin. tt-i..-. llf.Uti rLuit
k"- Hn.-lu" stmi lur t.rt.-o.l Hit, ax lur I ult
iii.n,iov i:tiu.,u.
lsi'tlM of Alm(n(lfain on th tvtito
heuln Klltiiftr. if tntr lw., tWf.i
haT iwen nr.int1 t tht un lKriitTio I, til r-
ni kitnwlnit lliemttvp I tiltt tn ,, f-t ite
irr rftu!tl to muks i:tvinrri( wittfitit i.liv.
whilv tlii hftrhiH I'liiitn will pnfiit tLeui
truly AutUttUilcftteil I r ottlcmnnt t
I Kl I.K M I .Msl:H,
WM. A. Mi hi ,
Jnn. fl, 'TL A-lihinl-triU'ui
1 J ti"t.u
uiitntirv nti thu r 1 ito ol HurrNtxi
SW I' t '. I ltJ m Ai lf.H t"ttl.!, p tl" l , IV
Itlfcf t'H'ft rtlltr-l t tlltt 'HI'I T-tt tifil. All ('! rltlllJ
k lin I Hkf 1 )l III ! Vfsfl f'l't't f I t" f I Ml l'"t II If II PH
f Uf tf-t t IICl HtJ ltVtlKltf Willi Hit .lull) , f llllo
til I' h iVtllat 'l i.tna Will ): (- Itt ttiCEII tltlly UU-
ttitlitli'ittci lr ftt lemii I tc
MAI U l' V W'.I. I ,
mi it.iti-Iv 11. m wit am::;,
Disolulion of Partnnrslii'i
fpiIK undersigned engaged in th
1 tnnrsntlls Iiulnet4 nt A !tin Imri. Sr.v-li
county. . unlt-r tint r.nn ni'iient H utiu
A itriinl, Imvs Oils ility. tv miitinl i--niit. ill '
pulve-l irltiflribii. .Mr. Atiruii-I ri-iirln irum
nrm. II. I. HUM Hi.
t'cb.M, ISM. r. M. ,tl.AM
NOTICE is hereby given that
i. 1 1 loortt W. Kllir. I'otntnltfpu of itio ion n
n l Mtitft ol W 1IIU111 s. Kltr. ti lil"l lilit
ui tint In tli l,rntititrtr' i-'tt'd. nt Mi l-
tllflttiri mi l thm the iti..t will l ('pffnto I
fur (iiiinuiitl'iit r'lini iry l r i of tho '"tu
rn nti I'ltitm I'niirt In mi l i t Suvt'i'P (-uurity uf
wlilt'U all aHjMi)n luturo-to t i iif;iUe n-ttH' ',
jftii j. :k h sk, iTotu y.
l)MINIsriT();S' XOTICK.-
I.nitors of it-liiilnfmr itton n tiiee.Mt-. of
Kreilerii-k Msiin r 1 110 ul .l.i k- ni t-mnililp
Sny-ler -ouiity l'ii.. ilm'-l Imvu I n u r itite I to
ttie iinlnr..linel. All ieri im kunwlnu llieiii
relv4 Itolsl-litil to ntl e-litte will .'iio mniio
liniiisill.ita p.iytiinnt while tli- hurliiK .
iw nnt ii-tl'l o.-itA will tn-ei-oil t'ti'ii t ir net.
iiom.uiio lin:t. m i 111:11,
.Illll.N lO Vkn,,
Ksti. 10, ';. Ailinlnl-tntoM.
on tho North side of Market Street a
few doors west from t in: Court House.
MIE silbscrib. I w,,u,l inform his1
frl.-mls n. Hi" ii'i'. n in Mnl.ll. Iior,. 1
tlm urroiiti'lins I'ooutry lo- Iism Jimt r- ti. ru
ed from FlilUili-ltiliia ;ti l 14- n -
to ! 411 en-
llre new, Urge Bint w II s W'.'lr I nto
k f
!MiMt'llllll4'OIIS4 I J)lfM,
tScliool ISooUm,
1 IliiiiU I looks,
Walets, Pocket Books,
Bibles & Rcligou3 Books,
All kinds t J''i r. Ink and J-'aitry
All "U rllEAJ' forl'ASIt. Call at. I ! luy
tm k tti-rs is uucharu f ir liolm' i'm U,
A. K (ill T,
Snpt.m.'TI. Miil.Uelmrii, I'a.
Middlcbnrj?, Pn.
Hair Do" Inn Slilnu, siiuiioolDg, anil llnlr
P)lbS lions tu lav Ul manner.
Th hat bnna of titisruo anil IMesra ron-
Unlly un hil- rfu knt-i quulnjl auJ
lrn.UIprt". Uo. n.l try
jjun i. nam.
Sp. t, lhS.
No. 4 111 Nona TulM Blreel
JOlC t't.VMER, rrofiriiltr
January I IWU-sf
No j. 41,42, 43&4f West St.
A f sMiMraucs llouss
RonVSa0aaanHtilsr Dr. OH A HOES
nry MOUKH 4 ra. Tin b,-.l ud ww.
sir la ins wark-ol. tik.H V bbUS is tu Ou.
SWtVHJ. as,T.SAIHI4"f P'r.
11113 I'OHT.
fiiM'sned every Tluirsdsr tvwdnjc by
Terms of Sutwcrtplion,
two ixit.f.Arw vv.n asncm. r,tr.
alila vithin sit mmilhs. oT fv. O.fri t
paid within tha year. No pa; r (nr.
continued until nil nrrearai.-i-s
Paid unless nt the option cf trc putj
lishcr. HubMrlptions nnf i In of th county
ajT IVlon I'lta::' .f..l ti:i'r pj-r
addrfsst"! i i . ..(! itia
Hid sre !?': I
I 1 1
i . I r '.prr
FUN Jl iww
I ' - II I ' S A t T. K f A H i
A 7 t. A If.
'i'tr. si it.
A T TOltSE l.S
Ill firnfr-iilonnl tninis and enllsrllnf
'nini-lfd In thrir rur wilt hs fromptlr
itt'Oir ltn. Ciin bs snnultf I in Hngllsb
ir Orrmsn. ttlfice, Marks' square.
ATroMfBr AT f.Aff,
Mllil l.r.l" H'l, SN V t:i)H C., PA
nft ri tit P oIk. "nil Surili-" In Iha b'la
i.'ntirulttl m.t Is Ktiull . anil !lrian.
lJ' .UlflUM'T & lilirNStlflR 4TUW k
I i-i(til- Attorni'.v,
Mi I I'el'ttrg, Snyder County Tcnti'il
);!'i,-i' n f'-w ....,r W'rt of ths t'nurt
II.iii-i1 n Miia Kiroi-t. t'.mxilMtliiti In
laitrlisli an I il.-rui u IsngaDRix. Hcp.'i'o.
VAN C.l'M'M,
liewisburg I'll.,
)!Ti-r Ms iri'fo"t'imt srrvio ti T I'li'i
I... Cil'ii-dimis tin I ill nilipr Pia's'sino
tl liiion"s viitriiir I to bis cars 111 r
.-oiTt prompt at t ton inn.
i cu N,
AT iOUMiV vr t.AW,
Mi Idlebnrir. Pa.,
i)!Ti'r hi prfr-ierinl ,rviii-s In th pah
lie. Ciilli-Miiins an I a'.l nlhrr frurrssiMisl
liiisinpos entrusted to liis curs will ri-rpits
prompt m Iftit ion. Jin H, '67 If
II. 11. OIUMM,
Attorucv & Counccllor
a r-r.. ir,
Oillco X.I. Cor Markid A; Water St'8
Ci eebiii ir. I'riiii'it.
t'oiinliiitioii in liuih Lnli-li and (tt-rmun
l.ini'iiii-s. lce, 1'.', '"Jif.
i-e-s.irs n-. V. fc -T. M. I.lno.)
ATI'OUNKVS AT LAW, l.wi,l,iiri, Pa.
nilVr lln-ir profi-sioinil sir?icfS lo Iks
piit'li?. Colli.ctions and b!1 othrr fro-ti-.-iou-it
tiuniiiiiHs entrusted lo their cars
will rce'civcproiiiptaittat iun.JI Jan. 3, 'OTtf
A TTtllXl'V-. TL. H'
(V)ifn!i; Siii'ler Ciitnf, Vnwl.
Ill l.'i-ln. ttOrn ikI hi i-" itl
wi'll 'i I t ieitillU ul t rll I- -I I .. Will ir.i.lle
.it r i. i- -ito-i .if sny lir in I Bilioinms
. . u t il-., t in ii-e uniltn-l In ih" l.ntilifh or
riuiin luiiuim;;". oei. 31, 'Tll
UAin.i'.s now hi:,
ScliiWiji-ove I'll.,
Oilers lii profi'isionil services to the pub
he. 'oil ec' i 011 1 nti'l nil oilier jirofc.iiunn
Imsine's vntriiiti' I tn liis ours will re
ci-ive prompt i leniioti. (iTice Iwo tlonrs
11. 1 nil of 1 In' Keystnno Hotel. Jim u, '07
Attorni'.v ul liiur,
MIIMil.r.lU'l'.O, I'A.
Pr.ift'isional business e'liruMcd lo lot cars
mil.' lie promptly alter, led lo. 1 1. B,'7l
j" i ilOM I'SOX HAK 1-
.ttlIlt.V-ll -Itl
I.ewi-ltnrir. I nn :- Co., Pi.
fXY"C in lio coiisulii' l in il.e ! ir' '.. nt i
ilermnti l iniiair- s."VjJ
OKKH'K Market Slieel, oppo- - v'u'.'-i
iuitli Cu's Store 11 v
Y w roTTF.;:,
Arronvr:)' 1 f
flolrisri - ; .
I lifers Ids pro' -
pnlilio. Ail hyul liii-lie -
C ire will reet-ive f nil pi at : , ..
iniu lonr ii'inn1 I New I.utlu'uu
July, 4ili '7'J.
ATTunsrv at i,.ur,
.-KLiNsijiinvi:, h.nyi;:u nirsTT", r
Hopi.i.'t, 't;7ff
Northumberland, Pa.
Ifere liis prnfcsMiomil srrriee lo (lis f ill
ie. All liiisiniiNs eiitniKtel to liia cars
l promraly alien led in.
1 Jn. I., lull
j. i'i:ii:i:s,
Justice of tha Peace,
Middlcburq, Snvdor county, Penn'a
I ' Us v-t I ii if il"nn, fefi-l
Kvrthiia; I'llmit ', t i
pruiniil itttnti''fi.
(''live I'Min m-ii!
I'jre. 'ill rT- j
Jiitif II. '4.
K .1- I KAN AW Kb,
( t'Eiti'Pt lllo, Niiytls-r Co., l'u.
illti-r liis prut'oritiunHl scrriers ft ths
piitilic. fi-.'.Mf
jj i a. m. sMifii
OIIits liis prnfrssiunn! srrfiers lo Ihs cill
inns of AJumnliuru mid tioinii. Srpl, 73
Middle!. iirg Vt.,
Oilers liU profissional srrfiecs lolls oil
iivlia uf MiJdlujurg and tioiDil.
March Sl.'tiT
sl'iisticcof the Fence
Ailaiimhunj, Snytltr Co., I'a.
Will b in liis ninrs 51 lbs shots mention
ttlpUcr, on MONDAY and PATCRDAt
ol such week, wbsu all kinJs of huainris
relating lo his oilice, will bs allendsd is
Juns Ut 7"if
j F. VAN UUSkllKK,
Sslinsjjrov Pet
justice of the Peac
Heave rtown, Suyder t'o. f
All kinds of spllrsliotis mads oa
srais. I'runiply allssdt Is all
IrsfHil IS Ska (isss j