The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 30, 1876, Image 1

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.A-tlvertintiiEr; Itntos
j - -
0d column one your, IT1.00
One-half, column, ono your,
Ono-foil nil column, one year, lo.uo
.One mpiure V) lini) 1 insertion 7."
Every additional itiMCrtion, 00
rrufiwiunnlnnJ Iltiaiuc" cards of
not more thuti fl linen, per year, C.OC
Auditor, Kxri'iitor, .Vltnii1i.1tr.ilor
nnd Assignee Notices, t 2. V)
KJitoriul notices per line, ' 15
All u) vort i-ftiirntfl fur i shorter jo
riod tlmn one your nrc parable nt the
time tiny are ordered, u ml if not puid
tlie person ordering them will bo held le for tlio innni'V.
t i y
Every Day.
O'i. triflinf l.1t(, lo often 'lone,
Vet nor to lie J 'li. inw !
Ob, caret, which come with erjr ii,
Morn afler niorn, the long jr. tr ib 'kingll
We tliriuk beneuh their p.ltrjr
The li lttjoit cIU of evorj d(.
Tha rullu'H ei of waale I pner,
Th lireome round of little Ihinjc
Art hard to betir, n, hour lf hour
lit Idiom Iteration btirin;
Vbt .hull evade or who delay
Tb .mall demand of rry dtjr 7
,Ve rise to nteol a neaev Id ?
Our oiil Hidden br.icry fllte
lint we endure nt elwaye 1 1
The drop by drop or l.ulo ill";
Who tilt deplore end still obey
Tb. bard of every day.
The heart which bnl lly facet
Vpnn Iht ballle-field, end darce
Cinnon nd bayonet. Unite beneath
The needle pnlttte of fren and ctrti ;
The nloutcit pinm I lie ! i .11
'1 li liuy atringa of every d.y.
And even fa'tila of holy feme,
Whoso eeiili tijr fait U hife overSiime,
V ti 0 wore amid (hut cruel Mauio
Tht Diolltn ci unu vf tit in vr 1 i'n,
Cure Dot without cotnp'.aiui 11 way
Tb pel' peiue of ever day.
Ab ! more lain martyr'a aureole.
And inure than bero'a bran of Ore,
We need lUo b'ltuMe eireugth of fuul
Which daily toils an I lie. ren'iire j
Beot p iiii-u jo. erttil u, if ynu may,
Au ad led tra- f jr ev.-ry day.
I I N! 1 111 II O II H
A Cttj Cuiue ol Draw.
I id rftinj i.''cif of Lift on
W$Mtipi During the War.
Thoro wort Hays tbo NTo York
C... r:n:.... ..... I il. ill. :.. -
i:r......i. "...-i .i..4 .-.
temporarily clonc.1 tlirou'i nmno mis
undL'rHtntitlin with tho iiuJk'o, nn I
it was printua bi icily at the time; but
1 was there :
Iu tho latter part of 'fit I malo a
trio d jwn tho river. Thoro camo on
board at Cairo a youii',' pay master j
who was on bin way ta pv ftbritrile!
of troop i Hoiiiiiwhero in the nuihbor
liooJ of Vickiibur. It waH very quint
on tho boat, uu.l on tho iirnt nijht
bolow Cairo tho psytnatiter opent a
gootl deal of his tima after nupper
valiiiu up au.l down tho Balnon
Tbcrt wan also walking up an.l down
tho saloLiii a trim, B.iuuro Hhould.-red
luan, who Bitemed to bo Bnircrinij
from thtiBamo tO'lioHrtuoiw; and when
tliy had met a few times tho strrm
h'er smiled a littlo at tbo paymaster
uud sai l :
" 'D dull,' said tbo paymaster.
" 'Supposo wo havo a littlo game
of draw,' said tho utrnnor.
" 'Clood itlea,' Bai l tho paymaster,
mnl tboy sat down ami went at it.
"liotli of them wero playing moro
ly to pass timo, at least tho paymas
tor was, and tbo other man Boomed
to bo. They had it ono way nn.l the
other for au hour or two. playing
about $5 for a top bet, and neither
of them winning or losing much, but
htill getting moro and moro int.oreHt
oil. Finally each Boomo lto pnt a
Wj hand, aui they began betting
lisayy in tho most natural sort of way
Tha liro had boon Bmoldariug, yon
see, nnd it broka out apparently
without their knowing it.
''Neither of them Boomod dis
posed to ly dow, and they kept on
.................... .. ....... ....... .... , nloii.with Ihurest the
Jiaviii!' tirod of'ds they full i ! , , B i ii .i i
. i ir . . , - . J. it uitetui 1 odd of tho ifa ub-
to tellin ' st ji'ies. '-You may bavoi, , , , . , . ;
i . i j i , . , ! . . cr h inonov; and bo .lulu t tauo unv
lioaivl this ono, sat I a b piaro-i ie l , ,, . . ,.
.. . i ... '. ' , moro draw t hat trip'
iirui faced, (jrav wliirtkorol man. fori . , , , . ...,
.. -. i ii i . . it i- i . "And I r.::i toll that lio was ho
rniaiug till they wore making bets of:,.ooki drossing hU wound i.
iwo, luroo, nvo nuuaroa uoiinrs, nn.l ,
tuey got tuo pot up to nbout bovoii
thouBanJ. Then tho Btranger restod
bin eya on tha paymaster for a mo
tuuut, and mado nn eatimato of tho
amouut of bid pluck and tho proba
ble Biza of bin iilo, and tho result of
Lis observations seomod to bo a bo
lief that ha could bluff him or freezo
him out, for ho throw his hand down
on mo laDio, ana loanoii over ana
punoa a bowio uuiia out of ins boot,
uud drovo tha point down through
tha cards into tha tablo. Thou lie
took a big wallot out of his breast
pocket, and counted out twenty-flvo
live buadrod dollar notes. He saw
tho paymaster's last but of livo hun
dred, and thou baulod a revolver off
his hip, pushed thutwonty other bills
iuto tho pot, and said :
" 'I raiso you ton thouiud dol
lars.' "Tho paymaster looked at tho
gambler about two seconds. Then
ho beckoned to his colored boy, a
bright, youug follow who had taken
tha thing in from tho start, and who
would have givon his roautor the
wink if ha ha 1 ever happono.1 to
look in his direction, which ho hadn't.
liut ho brightened up when bo hoard
tha word, and walked right straight
off for tho paymaster's state room.
Uo d.'aippoarod a niomen', and then
fcUowod up again, backing through
tho door dragging a trunk after him;
and ha came dowu tha saloon rolling
that truuk along on its end, just as
handy as thoujlt bo had smashed
baggage on a through lino all his
life. Tbo paymaster took a key out
of bis vest tucket, throw np the lid
of tho trunk, and took off a sheet of
lolo leather that soeuaod to serve as
a sort of bindor f jr tho bundled of
bills underneath. 11a took two big
paokages out of tho oud and laid
them upun one ai.lo of the table.
Thou bo began taking out tbo other
fcuudUm and sUokiug tboua upon tho
ii fro-t cf ttuv llo Ire-t tak
1 - i r i i i
VOL. 13.
Iiko ttta pairs of ntuirs niootin nl
tlio top nn.l tillod in hoIM nnlrneiitli.
"lin n lio tlirovr liis linml ilown on
tlio l-bo niKl piillua a bowid kniro;tP1.;t fri., f
out of Ins boot nn.l opiloil it down
tiii-OHRUtno ciris. nni i ' Alonjj on tlio out
li.ui llo wn fttill Hlnyei inf lio luin.l.', B,.irU of tie Silb,,.,U ftl,,i;,,M(.,H Vo(,
Uo bumllci into t'i-) tm.M.o of tlioi t,e.0i B .wlpkl.lof fh.
ttiblo an.1 bih ) : 'I oo jom- tn : io) u t tl(MVn -m Ujo ni , 0 ((f t,)(j
tlioUHnn;! .I.jIIam btTo b. w-je'ilj,.,ti-c!iro!!i-ii.ili.l clmnn Mm.
Inaisnlf buck nanmt tho pilo nn.l bo if n.Viiy tjjrl!l..i, ltl0 8,.,.vjPL.. rir
.m iiliotinjf it mllw t-ibl.-, con. llimit,(l.i ..i,,,,.., a a mri!l,
tinninj,' to talk nil tlio timo-'nn 1 J 1k.1uU- rov,,,(. ( ., j,, f.nbow nn 1
.Kilo ynu ft l timl ijvonl y fivo l U,M .u,,,,.,.,., ( tl,0( !;
IU IllnllKl I llll I l 1 1 ' 1 1 til" iii't if rvf
Hort of or liiiury oirouinut iticou ho
COilLl llIV 1 1 r k 1 1 t ' ( ) -1 ll 1 III ttill to otic.
.t.i l-.1 iia it nt. 1 iii 1 lio rmiii r it
uo .v, .... . ..... ... ... -
of Inyiiirf .1 own. even thon. 1111.I bi -
riuoimxl to i-pw.iIvo tho tlmu in bis
mm . I for nbout n .ii i t.T of ft mui -
ntu. nn.l wbon holm 1 Botll,. 1 w'.mt t .
lo bo lookcl np, icvly tiact. ''"
ono trliinca nt tlio invni -tti,f in i In
nun civiiiL'u in nun i : ior no coiim
f t, Bliii.i'i' tlironli t'i yoiinj; iii iu'h
faf". nil tlio n.'ii:nnlati' I. untHu.l
urit of yt'iirs, nn 1 a man with half nn
oyo roul 1 h:iTo hoi ii tiitit ho inoaiit
"Tho ninbl(r rcnlizo l that
Ifo pnlhvl k'lifo out of tbo table
! stuck liia piMtol iuto bit! poclict, nn.l
i wullit'il oil down 1.12 al. ion, wlut-
Rortl L"0' just IIS Boft ft'l I 11.A
satit as tliou.'li bo wat L'oin'' after
Then the tay.
Hia-dT booted
, 1 a I 'i l't II II inij till M IIIIIU !'
.rtiok that I conl.Itit iH-o WMjuiW, j r,.tl ,.,., for t, mii,m.
a .no) ho U-fcl ft off of one 1 liiarv Clllli,P, nilll lwo llmlr0ll ftn,l f.ftv
n.iawaroHt.n. nn t'lb iw nb jnt l.alf f()r trill,lin!f!i. cumd, o'f
w:iy upon crifb m.lo of tlio Kn.;n-j )Joi, ,1UI) t() 1(J witU
In-kHUirs. both Hli .U'in c rhuins, dmtiiori.l loclat.-tl ! I'tno
tlio .junbler, nn.l bol.bnjj thoiu very t pilist io:lto ,,,., tiavtdintr on tw.)
htr.iilit nn.l bto i l.v l-i.i. Vil,,ls ,(f ;,. bv tho .k 1v ,.
-.N r.v. tlio K-imbli-r w:is nn oil th(, fti jn frollt of bim
nnn. nn.l of tnn.-li t.ioro li,,'',l,liil.iiJii,N cnoui to Kivo nllln.b i
tlmn tlio p ivm istor. mi l util.T nny ,!u ,,!. -n,,, ill)U1 t,f ,VI)HH
bis knifo mid HiUU.',,:,- 1 1,..,.,, ,.11 ,.
liis sliooteiH nn.l
packet biH trunk,
nl on
much improKod by tho rcvelalioii to
nimseii or 1; i.-t own liae
i liei ve that bo mi lo 111
bono nnd
ilia luin 1
that lb. to w.ih Bonn thin
Ivdier Tor
hi i time in
iii in to do loan w i .titi ;
p;:iT:il!iii;;, a:..l bo hasn't
car.t sincp."
hatidie.l Ii
Figlit Willi a D;ar.
Isaac Millor, reHidhi.,' 1:1 ('ninb
ian 1 couulv, lioar 1 a ihuhj hi
, lunl UUll ,,, vnt f((l,n.i a ,..
bear diiwlrovinif bia limbs. Mr
Miller ut u tetl to tho feediiij,' room to
gify n niaunro fork, and tumbled over
a ov, which bein;; a very vicious
anitiia!, ma lo several nivii.i bores
bef ro lio was fi oo, cut Liu livo lt:i
aHhoii in his faco. llo thou, though
very much wcikeueil by tlio cow,
malo another attempt, nnd Hiieeeed
od in ottiii tho fork, lleturiiiiie;
to tho hheep lit.iblo, ho inado a dive
at tho wild animal. T'wo of t!i
iironi's broko off iu tho boar, le:u iu'
him only t to coiitim ) tin battle,
Hut ho malo mother prod, breaking
tho remaining prongs. Uy that time
his son (inn.) to tiio p'aco to asdst !at nil. and of 70t) women (I'M) never
him. Mr. Miller tol l him to bring . tnsted aleoholies of any kind. Out
an ax as soon as possible, which was!f UVery 17rf men who drink 7S .lo ho
done. Tho father then undo a cut ,,, intoxication. Of theso 7S wo aro
at l'.ruin's bo i l, as ho Hiipp'.ne l, bu told that 11 aro ronlirme 1 inebriates, '.
nnfoi tunately it was tho bind i-nTof ,. ,:,, ,lni);,.r.s. undo1)'
tho animal. Tho Htroko was not lost
for it severed tho tail. Tho bear
thought this wis too much rough
UHago for new quarters, and left for
thu mountains. Millor followed with
a rillo, mid found tho animal nnder
llo was
iu ti10 nct ()f Bhooting,
whon ho
found thrro was no cap on tho.tubo.
Then a two mdo.l warfaro cotumouo
od. Tho brar, raiiifj mad sprang
at bis opponent, who had nothing
to defend himself with but hi rillo.
With this ho Ktruek at tho bear, and
broko the stock off at tho barrel.
Foot bail was next in order and ho
Hprun to ft hickory troo for Bitfoty.
i'j'hin ho ascended
about forty loi-t.
Tho bear followed, and nabbing hold
of his , ljr, commeneod choiving until
Mr. Miller thought ho must drop
from tho troo. 1J as ho mi
,,t "
had to let his hold go. Down
through tho limbs they went, until
nbout tiftoen feet off tho ground
whore the boar caught fast between
two forks of tho troo, nti I could not
extricate himself. Tho midden shock
canned tho boar to loavo go of Mr.
Miller, who, on striking tho ground,
gave sevoral loud nnd shrill shouts.
A Mr. Newcomer, just coming torn
his mountain land with hoiuj hoop
poles, hoard tho shouting and came
to his assistance. Assisted by a com
panion, bo put Mr. Miller on his
wagon nnd conveyed him home
Mrs. Miller Booing how unfortunate
her husband had boon, fainted away.
Mr. Newcomer sent for the family
physician, Dr. Marshall, who, aftor
examining tho unfortunate man, ad
ministered ether, amputated his loft
log at tho kuoo, two of his fingers on
his right hand, and eet his shoulder
au.l his light auklo joints. Mr. Mil
ljr's body was otherwise badly
bruised aud some of bis hair was
lorn out by the animal's paw.
03rA rival of Tom Thumb has ap
peared iu llinghampton, N. Y-, in
the person of a boy tlvo yours old,
who weighs nino pounds when fully
dressed, is twenty three inohes in
beightb, is physically perfect ami
healthy, and ha talks very duitir'-".,y.
Tuod.iul w'b" Kt t-oao
. ,o
I Dry GooJs Christiana.
Th-re 8,.Pr8 to bo in D10 churclios
1 a frrcat ulnfe r.iyrinff. It i4 nn Ann -
!CuiP St,tlJ1 tl ovcr m,r'ious
i 1....K- v. ....." nil ... I
ntuoii pooplo on tho Su'w
b.itli .) iv is 1111 oiitrnu on tin ('liri-i-
i .. ..
, ti;ti reni n.
J j... ........f,, m. bo:iuif,il nniurol
W(3 h nv a l.nir.ition, Hut Uim Htrir.
. m cirMm m.v1om. ns to who v!m11
(v.,, ; (.,)stv m,iin..rv 1 wi,,,
Hmu dish up tj rhunh .1 ...r in
, . ,,.,...,,( 1 ,..i, i,ii
,,,, ... i
da.: Mini -nt of w.u tlr.ibc, is
oii'i of tho 'riritcst bin lramvH to
rcli'itiiirt n.lvan.'ciiH'tit. la.lioV
bats a:i.l f.liiittU nr no tine, on rainy
.lays wo aro nfrai l to 'o to church
lent wo ct n ilroji on thcin. Our
hoa'l-.;car is worth inoro than our
wills. Wo twtr nn.l Hiva.'u'cr ni
i o,(, j,.
! t tho ili,JiHt of '.) i.l limn
.... t ,i ,
!, . io ,....... l,v ll,..f!,,.;.,?,M!
tr:i(l r iuilm'M. r.nou.'li
a,,f i ',..,,,, ...... ;,, ,,f ii, ......
....i;., ,7,.,'t .I- f . ,1,,.. ,. n
iHiraiicc. and 1 1 a I . nil tlio rntuo
Mtteli ..f ili .d. ii- ..f tin. iiMi..i,..u iu
bt.'ilit' Hiiiullie)
1 under k!
bas urid jabot rulileii and 1. mi-1
Nine. Th.. poor him l:cpt out of'.
church b tcimsn their plain apparel
looks ho bad in the cimtia.t.
Wo want a "feat cci 1 . sia-iti m1 io-i
foi'intition in ti.i.s mailer of Sabbath
iti'Conntreuieiit. Shiv.i thtno ro.'
ii:,'ii U peacocks out of tho lcuseof
tb-d. j:v vour exuMip'.o make Hub i
dil. d a" tl mo lent rod. nil") III. l) pop I tiiiu gaudy nppnrid. lo u.t
put ho much dry goods on your back.
tlikl you catiliot cliiiili i.iLo glory.
' Yo l ca:.:rit i;:;il iu tho harbor of I
........ .,. ...;t'. ,...t. ti.,.1
1 ! Dr. r..'i..e.
' ' " im nn.,11 H Itj Jin; i 1 lUiH.
Drinking and Crunkarc's.
Dr. McKinh y, of Chicago, bat
sued a pamphlet giving sumo ini
t'Mtiiig btat:stics in rcf'Tciict) to
.'! i1!-
tuxicati'.H in the I'tiito'l 'lnt'i. Th
author claims lo havn used extraor
dinary ("tortious to obtain accira -y.
having visile 1 neatly all tho St. ilea
in tho I'nion. piiui!enti.iri')... ll'IO
jails, ID lihiiMlioiues nn I hospitals,
tho haunts of tho vicious mil the
imlaees of tho refinod to obtain .1 it a.
.Out of every .I'M meu wo nro t. .11
; .m, 12J never drink ardent Hiiii its
,iro ephamoral drinkm s. Iu other
words, 1 out of every 1 men iu tho
( country tli iuka to intoxication. Tho
. statistics for tho whole population of
, the counlrv hIiows that out of r.HU..
uti;)!i thoro aro r'),) ) habitual drunk-
...ids: in a nation of HUUHl.tHl.) theio
aro I'J'I.Oi)') habitual drunkards.
Al.AKUI.tQ Sl'ttr.AD OK 'l'niCI!INOIS.
"Tho transactions of tho Indiana
Stato Modiual Society, lS7o," con
tain a report on trichinosis, by Hot.
(Joorgo Sutton, of Aurora, In liana,
which contains tho following alarm
ing observations : From microscopic
examination of pork killed iu south-
..nutjirn wt lint'n fotifid from
thro0 t Bi$t,)01, ,)()r omit. 0f tho hogs
u(1'u(.toa wiLti trichina. Ovor tlvo
m;ii;,,n iw.u ,.r ui,,i,tr.r 1 mi l
naekiid iu tho Wentorn States, not
including those which are put up for
family use by tho farmers; if four per
cunt, of this pork is diseased, which
wo boliove to bo a low estimate, wo
havo 221,-lHl diseased hogs put up
on tho market. Ninety per cent, of
disease produced from eating trich
iuous pork appoars cither as gas
trooutiritis, or us a diarrhua or dys
entery, and theso diseases cause a
mortality of nnro than 81,00'J iu tho
United States overy year.
Capital 1'unisiiment Auot.isuim.
Maine is tbo fifth statu that has abol
ished tho death penalty. The other
four are Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan
and Connecticut. Iowa is nbout to
restore tl o gallows, having found tho
immunity enjoyed by murdorors to
bo fatal to a large and constantly in
creasing proportion of her popula
tion. In Wisconsin and Michigan,
two agricultural and eminently peace
able end law-abiding states, the
abolition has worked well enough.
In Vermont tba banging statute, we
beliovo, still roinaiut ou tho books,
but it has been practically abolished
for many years. Murders iu the
Grceu Mountain state are very rare,
and a lito imprisonment is punish
ment enough whore tbere le no ci.'ra-
1 '.-ft raUmtU,
j How a Youngster got a Wife.
. J ",0, '"ivon in n ytitin mini wtio
: "TP" nieKiiiinyi 110 whs t(rMr.u.
, It in livo with Amuli S -, mi l
I Ainnli: wuh h-.'u to fully rooiproiuto
tho yotltb'H nttacliniotit. Jacob thou't
it was limn to broa di tho subject to
Aiudia'ti f.tlhcr. who wnn unaware
that I'.livcu'H unclu hn l (lit; I two
wi'ckti before Iinvin. J;iko a han.l
noiiKt U'iK-y. Tbo yvinn uinn with
Aiuc'io on liis urni. rauio iuto tlio
awful prfrtonco of th father.
iool vveiiiii, Mr. S ,' mil
lilivciix bcHitatiii-'lv, whilo Amolia
jtfrow ocarlct.
'r.'.i 1 t'xiM.iimo.l tho obi cjotitlo.
nmn, looking up, mt I bit prophetic
sjul lulling him wait c.miiii.
H hafs thirt f
'Why, Anii'li.i mill mo'
'Aiivli 1 1' interrupto I th.ioM man.
1 y ' ! tb yonti d il
I,'ot familiar on short nt) pt liut.itnjo i
it was Miss Am ilia a week n' ."
'Yes, nir i but tltin b ivo chin
(.l inci last woe!;,' naitl l.livi'in,
bollly. 'no wo'vo ooiiu to uhIc your
'Dnb iliiMl wret 'h !'
Amelia hero c imtnuiicoil hor part
by Ntoppiu ; tho oil in an o in j ilu
with a kiit).
'Your c iiHcnt,' coutiimt' l Ulivcna.
tali ti.; Amelia by tho h m I iindl.ji,
kiiccliii;' nt tlio 'Htcni puiciitH,'
feet, to bo joint.. 1 in th-j botnUof '
'I'ci iiicioin cat ill' 1' Out of mv
li.niso I" erie.l Mr. S . wildly
l yo think my daughter hIi iII mar
ry a bc,'.,':ir ('
'Oil. just boll up n ininut.) : you
vf'.'l mad'H eaiy that nobody can tell
you ti t!iiu', H.ii.l poor lilivoiiu. 'My
Uticlii died'
'And what tho deiico di.l ho tlio
for !' said Mr. S .
I didn't ask him sir; but beiu' as
mi l Amelia loves me,
'MendaeioiiH iiarveini
Do y o ti
ive this villain, Amelia '.'
'Yes. papa, 1'cpliud tlio fair
i t. I'l'isiniit'iv.
) 'I'll disown roil for it,' oai l
S , '1 ..spoctjd rttf.Uer
i of von.'
Widl. as 1 was saying,' Ulivens
veiit on. Vhu Iovi.s mo as I lovo her.
an' wo both lovo ouch other, nn' we
wnlit VoUf flillsetlt '
This wan very bold in Mlivons. nnd
I ho old man diibi't .'iii'.'.vcr. Amelia
looked h .p. fully al. her Jake, and
biko lool.c.l hh:.!oU .1v ut'n
i papa
- .
tid if von dl 1 man v
her what,
if fuini
Ii ivo von got in t!n wiv
turn !' at lclli'th i-aid
Mr. Smith : 'a
1 bHpp.l
!ur an I a boiled hhirl,
'No. mr : I've got eight I'ic'.i'M
lys and live hhirls," rep'ic 1 .l ie ib,
llftcl' II lliollleut's ll.'.iit'lli'.'U, 'l)"'ii des
tell tlioiisand .1 l!.i!i that mv uncle
h ft mo, mnl '
'What? my dear Jacob!
'mv dour boy, b'.oss your heart
tiiediico didn't you Hay ko In fore (
' cried tho old man. Hhakinu' llliveiis
tbv the band. 'ibie. Amelia ; take
her, young man,
! ble.s vou both.'
and may hiaveu
It is repoito I that Mr. Smith has
asked his son-in-1 iw for a loan of
ninu tiioiiH iud dollars, and that Jake
has ref is;d and t his wil'o to
New Yolk, wlmro h i intends to bo
free from father in-lawisin."
Tho Education of Presidents.
Iho hyrncuso Cnivorsity "lleral l
, . , i i
nas mane up ino loiiowing ir.oio oi
Presidents and their placoa
f e.luca
lion, which is of interest :
Washington Good Tlnglish edu
cation, but never Btud.e 1 tile aucieut
Adams Harvard.
Jefferson William aul M iry.
Madison Princeton.
Monroo William uud Mary.
Adams, J. ('Harvard.
Jackson Limited education.
Van Huron Academic education.
llasrison Hampden Sidney Col
logo Tyler William and Mary.
Folk University of North Caro
lina. Tavlor Slightest rudiments.
Pilmoro Not liberally educated
Fierce How.loin.
Ibichanan Dickinson.
Lincoln Education very limited,
Johuson Self educated.
Ornnt Went Foiut.
Monrou and Harrison did not
graduate Monroo left college to
join tho Revolutionary army. Finan
cial reverses deprived IlarriHOti of a
full courBo. Folk was tho oldest
when graduating, being 23; Tyler the
youngest, 17. Tho mnioiity grad
uated at 20, this being also tho aver
ago ngo. Jefferson probably had the
moHt liberal education and broadoBt
culture. It is said that his range of
knowlodge would compare favorably
with that of Uurko. The drill at
West Point may b considered equal
to a college course, and iu many re
spects superior. In discipline aud
mathematical training it is not
equalled by any Amerioan oollege.
Counting General Grant, two-thirdb
of our Presidents have been college
men. To be sure, tho two whose
namos have become household words,
Washington, tho Father, and Lin-
colu, the Martyr, wore not liberally
eduoatodi but theirs wore special
missions. Jhey live iu tho auoo
tious of tbo uatMin rather thau in tha
ink'lWt, as embodied iu the Con
stitution and laws. Theirs was to
Jveeuto, not to mM. -
Cutkcyo Fori'try Vaid
OT.-r fur I:..'ih roil Iitmiimi ff'it.i
I.10IIT and I'AHK I'll VMM '. M.I KK
mid I'AUTIdlXIK fiU'HINS, I'.lliiWX h I
Will I K I.KlllliHtNS, rll.VIJl (il! AV
llOllKlNtl ', and IU II' 1) VN. a $1.5,. I'LI!
Hive iih nlritil. Sen I .'.imp for cirnln"
Al lresj ISA Al' I V Nl''.'..
M if'l. ti. f..irU i' ".,
Cliolcs Ficvcr and C-.tSji
Xuw St ld s I ,y f :
ritinl.4 of (lie li. -w .-t an I I'.
proved siii-i-, caretolly pn lie 1
e i.i
f .I.C
pni.l by in ail. My .... . v i- n .
I.firiiv took lie1 i'h-i pi. ioiiiiii I' .r
liet Collection. ' tin' l"v. u ii... ..;
Ma. Ifoi tietill ir il S i i' t.N . i i I: '
l.ixt pciinm. I jri'.rv nearly l"i.ue
the in t c.i.npieti. c.lle. :i .:i i i
' onntry, in !; j; :i!l
American mi I imp.
le.'i'riptivc t "... i'. i.',
.i i.i;
I'l Hi
Ai.-to, l!.l!li-t. I'l'lil Tree K ... v
lurecin. ..l- k.'S l'...V. I' i. li
Seeds, f l.ll I y in.til.
t I he l ine (
V. 'I. '
I. Old. ol I i 11 1
I. '
. UV iel .
: i.i.l. I. .
in i.:. j
i. wi, .:
'..iv N
.:ll.l. ?1 per .ll.
! to tie
erie. nil I S 'i ,
M.isi. I';
o'.l r
ii. .i I
rl.v ml ml . lir .hi ...
....I "C 'titni' til."
t 1 1. .11 J . r. 1' I . ;
. U. ' 1 t- I H A. -It I.
I M-..I".! .t. .. . ' .
it I .
..I .!.
r I . .
. I I.,
f I..
-i. . in:. II r -,.
our vl.'i;4:il .
i: ; a i;i i.
V ..'I,, . I'.'.. .
liar ten v. t I'.-wer l
M'l- I., . - I I nil. I I ' i t
is I vVlienl'. Inn ill ll...'.: - . . 1 . .
, nn in. nt nil km : . i i j it;
.Tpt'l'g r ;i i-.iii.'.
iioiiy, btuiii ii t .Hi ii..
( Ir ,.io nn.l .ski .n i,ii., ,
' mrniil i'ri'i' ..ti 1 s irui... I.
; iuui .'..
. - -
ADMiNiSTKT(!;s No IK :
l.,.e.-i nt .ol.. ii 'Mi t : i I ,
liriHmu Klinul.n. I.'" .1 . . :.-r.. i ., ,; I
llkf Imrn vr.llitii I I.' t'ii' .1 l..'-'r i.m... 1 , .. 1 1 i. r . '
n .in. Mn.-wiiiK u uii.i .' no hi li .-O'i i i - i : i - . .t
.r. ri"tiei.lo. In iimU ;. i v.ii,. . it H iiV
Willi.) lliiM. IAli,i .i.ii'Hi villi 'iw i ll. I1.. I
il u: y auili.iillei,i.ii i r ' . I i.t t
i-t i i n i. I . 1 1. :.i:,
WH. A...HI.M, ,
Jan A, a. I ii. :.i ' ri
I J trlil.
iinent'irT .'u
I 0:0 t I: in
KM l-.t ll I. II -If I !
- n ,i t
ItV I I''
In t n
n tTiiiticI to
Ji I'li'UifClVf
i 1 t ill t M 0 i
'.d ot t i
1 hv Hi'!- r-i r.f I, mi l
... ,'iit i : ii in i"i r,
il! i..-i I i .... i
'i., i.t t,
w l,,!i;
i) l.n
iU' i l-r -oi t
s W t I! I ,
n. hi. i. it iv n.
:ii;.i in
i.i" n
Disoluiion ol P.n t;u'f!
1 i:
ry) under,.!:
I liieri.intlle I. ' Itti
till ' !
("util . r ... un,"r t -. j
iirun I, li iv. Hit-. l.c .
HiLril i.'irliior.ule.
Hie n. in.
. I i:t: . I.
. ji. 1 1 I'
x ti., .1
TOTICT. is heiel v .
;ivi H
true W. Keller, e .nciltt m
: .. t ',.' j
I::" I'l'
tl ',1. ,lt
i,b lire,
ii .1 tl ii
mi, I l-'iiilin.l Willi en l.'T.
iii'i'.iunt In inn IH hi tinii'i'. ." "
iHi liUr, ml, I Hint Hi. ..Miiio will e..iiiiriuai..ti .1 iviirniry ler
iiiiin rie.. tl.iuri in una I it Mni-r .',
xiili li All I'ur.jiiJ Inlvru-t'i'l ill i iUk ii
ty ..I
I ''.
jini. .
J. I' .ib, IT
DMINIsriJATOUS' Mll'li'i:.-
etinr nf tiilinhilHtr'itl'ii. "n I'.e e-t . ' .1
I'rii.l. rl.'k Muuter I .to i.i .1 ,n i.uii I . J ; .
1 suv ier -..uniy i' . .in
I n- , rt tie.-ti itr ore 1 -i
.. MM -nliiK II O n-
4 ll.e util..ri..iii"l. AH
..I... ll.iin.ilU'. I '. .Jin ! 'i, win i.ii-.i'u in ., u
l.u intii,ii. payment wliil ll. i-n h i v.: .1 il ..i.
it iini Ali OKila will .ii-io'itit me n I ,r not -tloiucntlo
ili:i. l M iM.U,
JOHN 1.1 M.I. I.,
l-'.t,. 10, 'TU. inl.,r.
lx P
on tho North side of Murkel, Href, n
few doors west from the Court 1 1 nunc.
IIII! Biibscribcr would inform
. frl-'ll.l. .Nil Iho i lll.'l . Ill .Ml I'll l 'i,'.
tin. .Urr'i'lll.lltilf .''ettllry 11,(1 ll,' liait In. I r.-
ei rri.ii. HlilUili-liiliiA dih" I -ii li'i i-i'-ii- a jn i ii
i lire new, largu n,l w II m lii 'li a .1"' k "f
iMih4MlhimMm-. I looks,
fSC'llOOl I looliM, 1
J Ilmilc 1 loolex, I
Wal cts, Pocket TooksJ
Bibles & Reliffcus Hooks, 1
Iff kind of raiter, Ink uud '.uicy
All "...M (IliFlAr f.irl'ASIf. 'll ot.l ae. ni
.luck llieru U bo tliarKC I t Ii nvlim t " ti.
Sept. !M, 'Tl. M.iUMi.irif, !'.
tobacco mm.
Middleburg, Fa. (lolling Kha.lntf, Hh.inpuulng, anU
Itylug dia.a Iu Ih. Im.I ui.uu.r.
Tlie heat hrta. ef loh.nco anrl I'lv.r. eon
al.ully ua li.ud. a. keep' a qu.lny (uJ
al rMMXiaul prlooa, Oe.nrltrv eome.
Sep. t, l"?l.
Ma. 410 North TblM Street
-rfH'' " '"'
NO. 48.
I INL A H rs ami I'tU.tTK r.l...ratnro
tltblc 1'.tpli4 '41 t rill.
SuM.,rli'tl.n I rl-e. Ti m lMlnr a T"ir.
I. illi'lil linn A riiliitu nl two llill.n'
w.rt , ..I .i.t tvri.i t ... i e.i t. nr.. 1 1, .r
UeF t .lt fii I I l-'U' t t t.i l..r Hill miritil
ii ii- I, i ..t' iptl .ii
ltv..t :, Ire .1 Mli.i' 1 1 Her" "I -w I
, 'i i ill i.iko :m Ibl.'teit ii cuf Wort.l
. t I .I.1m."
f T'.'.'.T-ttlri I" i--!t" . p mm
f I C ll . J'jxj
; :; '"."' ', 1 - -VA
'.'V.'i.M,'. .' i' ..v t'. CyfrYiA
r,' ,:i' v'!- ! Av:i'6.J
;; .:,:':' ..;';;: N'j-:i.s.
...... ... ... .!. r,VJ CV'.
Price of
...-. :!
t un -!) out :, f, . j i .
" I ' ' ' t . . ,Wi . -
mm ' f -
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it .'i.i
r a
: In :
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I -'il. ' .1'
ii 1 1 1 .,i.. i.i M i t .
t . A. li. II ..
Nii jT' I Hi .
'I M.
n nitli i ( t!i V
i I lv it. r, w ll ii poftf,
i k if 1-1 niir t-t 'ii '.
U i if ll lit If t. I ;! rtli I ,1 i
.Si i:!c.1
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I' T'i tl .'1 I': i
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I -x-u
.'ll I I C.I .'11 n ,1 .
ft-,,,!'.v.:l fif.'
j.iu 5yu'.i.i..;ino.ll Vji'-i...
r- :t '.
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m I . (.
I 1.. ll v t .
t hvD I ?,!
. t ' I.M . . '.ll
in i oi. i .; i
r.i Hlu.l III:!).
No 'irk ( oy.
Vl "K"H
Fiovor l
1S"V I
1 1 .-ii i
i-v " mini n ii.i-
T i, ' ui if il I I m
I " l'i I I 'l! I
rl; Hi) i "f i n-
III llll'
r. nn I .....),..
' I.' il tr.", tj
l 'enl l Clip.
; I u t.'i
VH 'K's!
Fbver a. Vegetable Cfirdon
. 1 1 mini
,,t I ,,.
kin I in fin iv m l
J. tl I I li .. H ..I ii nn
,11 I'l l'i',' "I 'l i IV
1 ro I tt i'ii ii i ' nrii.
1 ( rl. ! .'.in I In
in- in ir!y 1
i 'ti. in I I .ii r l '
i it'll -li.i m i in I '
.'i nt , nir I' n i.i
Vfici's FSoi'aS CMijath.
in I . ,
;l ' I l irt'r!
I I'trn il. l.'i.-I ,
i tri ii.-i IV.
iir.t iei:iiii..'r I
' ." ir. 1 l:.i
.1 .1 1 1 V
r I
.I., i:.
.1", .. '. Y.
I. ..-'i- s,
1", 11,...
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1 1, ,1.
Ir, I'..
l. n
. an I si .it
'.r )
t 'nil. ri .
I I p. IU
1 11 1. W.i,-. he.,
'it tl.,
If .-ill 1',
..." 1 ) ii.
i'l . in , 1. 1 N-l .,t i. .1. .- .i -.
2i4 AlallUU., i i,r.i . ,.
II n.l -. I' . " ii '.'.
1-, :i. I .
1.. 1 1 1 .-
i" . s
Aril', t
I.. f.
i .,i- ,-n
l ll' !
I- T I Willi ' ll. tt )'' : - L-k i 1
n ' I. ...... ii ', I... "'I. 1 : '' ,,r i ,t,
I H .il .t-. .1. I .' Hi, l.i.,n.i'i ti ,.f
ul on e tl. ll l'i- en, I,, hi- i I, y in
II -i ii "I ! 1 .'i"ii i iirnti.. .s.
, I I.
. li I
1 VJQ UiT'l
I will ;i '...,i t .
..lii-r h .ii.-. IV,
l y i..
,-r . i,i-r -. l . ( . I) , uti.l 1.1 y .ii
I .: in W - nit 4: o.ila 1 --li if !i
t i .-4..l'.l in-, it", I.
(Inn f'.-o.t "i:.n I' nt..l . ,li I.
S.-ii.t '
Vlll VCU0.ll..iir .i, r-,.-n- lit.:- , u ii l i-l
We 'A1 A..'l I II ( J .,! t . I ...U'J I, . 1 -, .V .. ill
f.-r . eis.iKi: ii.ti..'i. I;--cii..' . I Km ... l'i...
H' ! ''-. se'-. Til l,,l.,.., . 1. 1 It .i i, ( ' i-l-.r .
Ml l.-l ''.', I 'l ' I ' ' J : llltl. SnSI. ,.1AI.
i. I ' "I ' . V"'l i ) S ' C. Ill -. tl y . ! I .
ii i "I i l. . i'l .1 Is i' i ,t i . . v i;. n,.
I -ll "l I ; II -1' tl. M-.-h.
( i '.n. hi. i i m. s- , .i
i.-i i it i-.r Ci-tr fS .''.Vtv; .(
,,,r..riM.i,md , Vy .' 4
i i,"
v. " J '.
I I . . il I ll .1 11 llll
t. . ...i,;:.. I Ir nn
i; 1 1 1 1 ! i v vi.i a. mi in, 1
i' l null II Ili il'i lil t . .
I cm '
11 " p. .11 II
Pnfillotipil Mery Tluirwlar Evn(tt !
Terms of SulMirrfnttrm,
two ixit.r.Aiw pki: A:nf. Tay.
nido Villon i: iiioiiiIh. or r.''iriKlt
ptii.l wiiliin th rear. Xo napwr ili'
confiiiiieil tit.tli all mvaiaiM HM
J'tii.l nnlr- nt the option d" the plll
li- her.
t'uliM ripti'on mil-iilo of thrt COttDfy
t'AVAI'.t.i: IV AtVANC.
liT-fcrMVi" li'tiie' mid llfiliif pliwn
..InMcl ii t.(li .rr lcoiiieiil,criiiri
ni. nr.. i'. lortli". price of (!. pnprv
Anval. AII .MA).. iiontri it.tfiK,
A TTH; X i: is A 7 LA W.
Ml pr.if. il tniilno" nn.l ..11ecllp(
ii'i.i.te I lo ihelr rare will He promptly
itlvnt I lo. Cm he oniillf I In Bitgll'h
ir tii'i iiititi. ( -e, M.irko' f tiiro.
n j7f.Mrni.
Mtlit f flU-H , il V KHH Co., r 1
' l""MM. I' I il I.. ) tft
i'.iti.';t:iii n. I. i.nll au'l '
I iyi;::-,
1 J' .urr-i'i'.'vT .u :
lS':LM .1TI.WV k
Mi I 11 liinv, iiy.l-.T t'.mnlv IViiii'i
I ! .i f."v .1 i .r. W'r'l ef "he .'"irt
)l im i M'c.i Vr-cl. I 'i . i "' i ' 'i i.i
Liiir!i'i it: I il. riii n l .'i ii f- y ".
W.i. v.w t;i;.i:;.'
A ri'it.M I T f. V'.'.
i, i,i. :!.? r.i .
ITi-r- ' ii f r .1.' i.l..! i .
... I ' .' " r-. i . - :l U t l . 1
tl 1' .file- . i-.C t .1 I !
i v . pr..' i ol ... ' . !
r I i
I.T.-r )' . f . . 1
It. .'..'I. i-ii -n . -o. i i
.ii-in." I'liir'' I l lti iv..
I iv!ti I n t.'tit i 't:. (.' ih ...
Attcrnoy & Goiriicellor
l t r i ir
.i i i i . i I.,
OlVice N'.i:. Cor Market Wat.T Ht's
li'i I'clxn t;. I'caii'ii.
Cin-.iiltiiiii'ti in ifii )i l'.nilisU an I (irriiitia
1 1 mi n I'.'C. I", '7Jif.
1 M. I.I N N. A If I'II.Ij.
; . i . . ..... ... r. r , , m.
'. i v i.v.i, i i. in,-, I'.i.
"t.i-r til. T Vifr-iiHi .1 Tvi'-i' to tll.t; . i ti.ini iiii I n'l ..trier fro
i -1 . .'I 1 1 t n i;:i.". t " I In i h ' ir ctre
will i'. cci pr . :o -t t i: I .n. i .i. . .Inn. '..Tif
,1. U. y.VAA.WU.
.1 '"'. ' .7 .Y ,'.''- I ''-. I ii'
c'."c. . '. l'.:i ' I
. M .nil
11" .'e
i. Hlel I . i.i r. .,.
c.t .'. -.
i (iiAUi.iis ii.t'iv;:::.
A l IMi'.MI.V r i. y,
Svlii"i' l'.ii
i llfi'i'" I. !'. T"f.'- 1,'t iil -rtie. t in Hit' I'll"'
li.. C.i'.I.'lI i.itii nn I nil oi lu r rufi h'ihi
Inl ine . Cl.ll'ii -Ir I I.) Ili rare l.ll re
.iv,. pt'(n..'l ntli iitii'it. ..iiiiie t..d."''V
ten l.'i tin" I'.fileiie ll'ilvl. .Inn .', '.'7
jtinx ii. ai;mh.i,
AIIoi'ik'.v :il I
Mlbl'l.lilll'll.l. P.l,
1 pr ,f ti il l.n"i!n"ii . rilr.ti.lf. I In care
, '..;'.' l.e I I' '.npl'v tlt.'ll'i."i m. I I'l h'.l,'?)
:j iiiDMi'.sON i:ai;i:i:,
Vt 1 iiii(j'-a t -1 j'.i w,
I,, vti-leir:;, fn'mii I'd , Pa.
f ' i'iin l o i' ii-nlled in li e linft'lnh and
! '!.t " in l it: .i t i.' 'Vi.'!
I (til I . I! M ii liet Si reel, c; posile Walls
-'nihil (' i's St.T f y'f ,
; y w . Fonr.K,
j L a TTonxr.v a r ..i IP.
I Polinsrovo Tn ,
I .1 Tits liin priifiis-iiiii'il .'iii''.' I.) Ili
i,!;,;. All l.'i' .1 Ini-il.eA. I'titrtineil I o I. is
j I'nic wl'l i i'.'. iro f mm .t a'l eniinn. (lTi"
1 ine l i ir Hi ivn lint .New leilln rsn Church,
j July, 4ih 'i.
ATTiiMSI'.V AT f.AW, s 'ii'.nvi:, s: v ii:it .'.Irs rr. r
I s,,,,t.l.y, T,7lf
i' ATl'.Ht'.'KV AT f. f,
Norlhumli. Hand, Pa.
iTeie lii prefi km'ioii'.I nertii-e lo thu pnb
ic. All LiCiiiiets .'in nti.te 1 to hi. ear
nil In) . i lly nllcn led te.
I Jan. IT. 'loll
t .1. fet'.i;-.
aV' Jusliw of lh3 PcaC3,
Midditbiirg. Snydor county. P-nn'it
.'..... ........J .! ..". ."! .'"'.I'- In--' '.
I " ijlliln
ti ii. t t I t I'll '-no'. . - "
'.-'..ii'.il ulli li'l .il
Ini,.- I', - f.
t,U . t KANAWI.b.
PllVSt. IAN AM' jr f
' Jill', Snittrv '' ..
-.1 "' "