The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 02, 1876, Image 3

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tnddlebnrg, Marcl. 1 1876,
JLiOcnl ISow, aJfco.
All conmitinieftlions, hualncji let
tera Ac., for thia otllee, to seenre
' prompt attention shauld be addressed
as follows: Thr Tost, Middlehtirg,
Snyder CWimty, Pn. Advertisements,
coin ii union I ions Ac. must ho handed
In by Mondnv noon, to secure inser
tion in next issue.
SlITMl I'mrllTf f'ntjnT.. Th Ontlita nf
Unvitsr Count r held on Ids fourth Monday.
f Kehrnarv, Mar, n I September, and second
Monday of eint.r.
Salo ltfy;lstry.
W will Inaert .hftrtnotle.e.llke lhefo1t.iln(,
of (hints, until day of eale, provided re
tlut th bills or lv.rttte tL ! t
TuetNy Miroh 7. r.iMie Sals la Mi l
Mecrerk iwp , hy ItonJ. t'ilittp;r, a Ury
siockof I'er.nnel Properly, llorsea.. Com,
Yuuojt Catlla 4o. 8ro litr potter.
Thareday. March 9 AJnitnl.trator'. Set
1 Personal frn.ertT. n Monroe twtv, l.y Itlrnui
Sander., A Jiu'r. ol t'.lltatKth Sender., deo'd.
Wedne.dny, Mareh 1-1. Alinlntatratnr. sal,
la .farkaon tvp., uf valuable psr"Otl property,
florae., I ium young -,t"it lo, (una nuple
tnsnti i Wheal, live, i. irn. II ay, a'e. nuae.
told ( Milt, at lb let rwldeno ul Irclerlck
ttednea.l.y Marsh M. I'nl.llo N.I of Per.
onal props; tr, In Mrl.lleereek Iwp., near
simlthurors, by Allen II singer. A cr llt or
IgUt utontb. lir .uin. uvor 1 dollar!.
Tneedar, March W. H7J, In ll.ver tspp.,
at the rrel.l.o.-e or Kl leal.l b l.amlx-rt, S lluraea,
Jell, It'jwp, Voiloil O.tll.-, a,.-, .
-And tho ground hoy; missed hi
mark ft little.
Gardner arc look iuj; after cabbage
and other seeds.
Petitions are pouring into tho Leg
islature for a Stay Law from every part
of the State.
Subscribers will please let us know
immediately if they fail ut any time to
receive their paper.
Trim your grape vines and sub
scribe for tho Just the setuon fur
Loth especially the latter.
The triennial assessment takes
)laeo this veur. He trust our Ageisms
will maketlue allowance for depreciated
The winter so far bus been every
thing that the poor could desire it to
be- II arm and moderate wtstlher re
quires less fon.l. fuel and clothing.
On the 17t!i ult., II "in. Spangler's
coachmaker shop at Adamslmrg w.ts
partly destroyed by fire. Ids loss is
nearly $2,i)i.i. with a liht insurance.
Think of it! 070 pairs of pants cut
by one man, in one day, by tho new
machino used at Wa'nnm'uker and
Urowu's, Oth and Market Philadelphia.
When you remember that fifty
yearn ago you could buy four cigars for
tt cent, all ihe enthusiasm abi ut nation
al progress sucnu to be a very grievous
A very young couple going to a
TJunkHrd preacher, in Plane, Perrv
county, to be married, were refined,
with the remark that there Hre enough
j eojile in the poor house now.
Rumor MVH that the Sunbury
& Lewistowu H. 1 h is been pur.
clune.1 bv the Pn. K R Co., and
that it will be operated at au curly
The Staie Protective fiamo Assneia
tion of Pennsylvania h is prepared and
presented to the legislature a bill
wiiich embrai'es all kinri-i of csuie, ami
iifa tin; tune at which it mac be kiil
fd and had in pscsnioii, und the pen
i.ltiei for the violation of its provisions.
FlRE. On WeJuesday, about 1 o'
clock, the house of riowarr H. Miller,
formerly l)avid Gov', near Aline. Per
ry township, was burnt down. There
was no one at home at the time luit
Miss Miller aged about 1; years. Near
ly all the contents of the'houso were
consumed. Loss fl,.iN) ; insurance on
house fl, If H); on furniture 7V.i
la of the courts in the State it
lias been decided that when a husland
Hives his wife money, ho having no
debt at the time nor in any wav show
ing un intention to defraud, real estate
which tho wile insy purchase with
such fundi cannot afterwards be made
liable for debu contracted by the hus
band subsequent to such gifts and pur
chase, Frankliu'j statue in Printing House
Buuare, New York, is one of the iiil
demure looking object in the world,
yt t for all that it was recently caught
vUHliutc admiring glances at a pre'.tv
fcirl ; for which it wasn't really so much
to blame as alio had a charming face
but was most tastily and bewitchingly
nrrayed in becomming garments made
after the celebrated "Domestic Patter
Fashions." 1
The Now York Graphic oilers to en-
f:rave and publish the portrait of the lady in any community
free ofchargo. The lady must be cho.
een by ballot. Tho gentlemen must
make nomination, and a ballot bo had
to decide tho matter. Here is a chance
. for our Snyder county ladies, who wish
to be immortalized in print. Who
hall it be -don't all speak at onco ?
iMwexl Ouk VrifrtH On mid nl'ter
Wtdnndny, March M1870, I will adopt
tho Cash System, believing it lo lie
mutually advantageous to myself and
patrons. Maury tiaecil. By' reducing
goods to tho lowest cash price bring
them within the means of all classes
nd enables the merchant to purchase
nd sell at lower figures. C'tA ,( J'm
rfiice taken in exchange fortioods. All
kind ol country produco taken in ex
change for Goods, ut cush rates at the
current price. J. W. DKEKSK.
Tub 22su.-Tuo.-day. tho 2.', tho one
Mindred and fortv third birthday of
'Vaslnngtou, was celebrated In this
place by ringing of bells, firing of arms,
and rt serenade through town by the
band, martial music, &o.
Washington was born In Virginia,
near tho bunks of Ihe Potomac, on tho
lltli of February, 1732. Twenty years
later tho (Iregorian calendar having
been adopted in tho British dominions,
what is known as the "new style" was
begun, and the dropping of eleven days
changed the Uth to tho M of February,
which ever since bus been the acknowl
edged Hushiugton anniversary. One
hundred and forty-four years havo
elapsed since tho father of bis country
first "breathed tho breath of life." Hi's
death took place on tho 14th of De
cember, I7'A aged 08 year.
Take care of No one or look to
your interest If you are honest to
Jouieelf call at A. K. Gift's cheap
look and Stationery Store. You will
l surprised to see how low Lis
good are offered. He sella all kinds i
of School Books. AJbUm.1.raaJUndrbr.
larjre Biblos, Memorandums, Account
Rooks, alt kinds of Paper, Ink, and
Pens, tie warrants satisfaction. He
v ebonrea notUinv to show hie good.
He sells for cash at a very sumU
. to &!t tb tard Unw.
BBS 99 I
The blue birds made their appear
ance in thia vicinity last week.
Iemnn I nice used as a ctirtrU. Is said
to be an efnentinua stieeifie njrainsi diph
theria and similar threat diseases.
The cold snap of hut week, we hope,
was in tiino to prevent tho peach crop
from being a failure
''Everything will lo tiKht fitting In
spring sty loo,'' says a fushitmuhlo or
rle, to suit the timet, of oonrso.
It is said that there arc fifteen mill
ions of linuim in iiuil'ii'tiirc l annually
in tho United States and ytt men will
got married.
Ilorso thieve., aro operating in n.l
joininc counties, and our fiirtnera would
do well to he on tho lookout for the
Tho mail carrier between Lewlstown
poM-ol!ico and the railroad station op
posite that place, has been arreted fol
rubbing the mails.
Would Homo one jde.iao find giro
us tho nnmo of tho oldest person in
tho county. AIho, piesetit place of
residence, and placo ot birth, occu
pation, &L0.
Mr. Long;, of Adaiuslmrp.Sny
der county, luis purchased and will
shortly tako charge of tho Savior
tannery, in Decatur township. True
On Sunday nii:ht it commence I to
sleet and tiy Monday morning the side
walks and streets were so smooth that
people walking along would suddenly
it down without having any prciotis
desire to tb so.
Thetimo to stand firmly by J.m's
eximnle is when he wa-hes his face
with hiiine-niade soap and a small
piautity of water, and begins to paw
uronud over the chairs with bis eyes
shut, iri'i'iiring for towel, iptick, and
is told that the towels are in the draw
er, but the keys are lost,
On Monday morning- tho firnt
thunder shower of tho neasou paused
over this placo. The lililuim wan
vivid and tho thundering a loud
rumblinrr. followed by a smart show
er of sleet and rain. Thunder show
ers in February uro taken Ri a sure
si(n by moat people, that wo aro to
have very cold weather this spring
At a mcctini; of tho Republiovi
County Committee of Union coiinrv
on Monday a wook. J. Hrowu Mc
Laughlin, of Lc'islmrg, was chosen
Representative, and Scott Clin:;an,
of Kelly twp Senatorial Delegatus lo
the Stato Convention at llamaiiurg,
March 21). 1870. Their 1'iimiry
Klection will bo held on Saturday,
J uno 10.
I'.trra' "ir'or .Viis'c .Vi. 14. contains
seven Piano Pieces of moderate ili'll
cutty, namely ; Lit'le Old IVIiin t !a!op.
t'hilprrie H'.i'U, I'aitr and Zimuicr
ni.tmi. Uusiie Polka, Lily of Ki'Iarney
March. Silvery Moonlight Nocturne,
and the Skylark (Salop. These pieces
are by popular authors and area tine
selection; all of which can be I s. I for
."si cents. 'I he muvt'.ine is ptillih'd
monthly at oil cents mi m her or 1 per
year post-paid. Address, J. L. Peter,
Hroailway, New York.
. -.
tli I'. H. I'huroh, wm I M In t.ykrna, H.iuphln
cou t;, u tb H'.h of Kb. 117'. ilia fultuwlna
ar tli appointments ml for the nulriK
year :
I.ITH tMIN MSl HIfT. ,tnh I.ta'.t. PreM-
Itik Kl-tpr; l.eiiteinsts .t.Sho',;.; Myerttown
t. s. Null: All.'ntown t. 1. M. t'nser; Keil-
In M" .1 H. Mark: I'hlis Islnlils ml.. I. II ill-
man: liriaroi nlr tl. II. ttetbaoh; llnthlehitin
nil. II. Shin Her: Pun-ll-a er. I trinin: I.s.
Iilnh ml-. S. I'tter: I, i.ln villa mlj. S. .
M.ihn: Tim i l l mis A
II IHRISH '!(i I'lsrnicr. .1. Itnnk. I'r.-.
I. line Ki.ler: H iltlmore I't Cim-oli, I. Imrk m
Hull lm .ro id I'hur. h, .1. W. Kunkel: llellvle
clr. .1. Hlnkly: I'nlon cir .1.11. I.owery miil s.
II. MuMiin l: IMne.-r.tve. J; l.yk-tn olr.
II. A. Itikiit n; (lenuanvlltu rlr. M. K. Ke.-k:
Siiiiieiiaiina rlr. .1. F. Stnltli; Ml.l-lleiturs (Mr
.1. W'elrl : lonostosn "ir. .I.iel t.UUl; VVlll
lauil Valley mis. J . I'. Millar.
Kvkkvtiiisi is fKSTi:ssiAt We are
surroiulod on every side with eviden
ces that this is tho Centennial year.
Wo put on our centennial boo1 un.l
we ir our centennial nerktie, et from
dishes of centennial ware, and read the
centennial papers. Wo smoko centen
nial cigars, lighted with centennial
matches. Wo look at our centennial
calendar for the day of thu month, mid
find out when the sun rise by consult
ing our centennial almanac. Wu re
ceive centennial communications, writ
ten on centennial note paper, with cen
tennial pen dipped in centennial ink.
We attend centennial tea parties, pur
chase centennial relics and admire la
dies dressed in centennial robes. How
long human nature can stand up un
der this load is doubtful, for we live in
daily expectation of being assured by
tho poultrvman that he has a centenni
al turkey that bo will semi homo in a
centennial basket for a centennial din
ner, ltefore this centennial year is de
parted wo shall all learn how noble a
thing it is to sulfer and bo strong.
TiiKdoosKnoNic Pkoimikcy. Just now
there is a good deal of talk about tho
goosobouo prophecy, which i to tho
effect that our coldest weather will
come after tho fifteenth of tho present
mouth. Ouo ofour exchanges, remark
ing on tho subject, says :
"The gooseboue is a weather prophet
in whom many people havo implicit
reliance. I no l)rcat hone or a last
snrinir' cooso must be taken none
other will do, for tho prophecy does
not extend beyond tho yoar in 'which
the goose is hatched. It must be di
vided into threo dillcrcht parts, which
represent the three divisions of winter.
The breast bono ot a gooso is translu
cent, but at place luis cloud-like blot
upon it. The blots denote cold weather.
A goosebono in the possession of one
who believes in the proguosticator in
dicate cold weather about the 1st De
cember, which we have realized. There
is another blot beyond tho centre of
tho Ihiiio, denoting cold weather about
tho middle of January, which wo have
also experienced. Warmer weather
is to follow for a few days, after which
a frltfid atmosphere i indicated. Tho
darkest blots aro nearest tho end ol
lb boil, sul If tli pmpbeoy falls, win
tar will verify th sitting of coming In
Ilk '. lamb and going out Ilk a roaring
Hon, Our 0'iMesl weather will eonia after
Iti lolilJl of February, 4 our wsrmast
Br will b required for lb Dsnini divs
b th word of a soml ulJ faruior
bat tl has sot failed fur fifty years, w
would adi th laying In of good sup
ply of cost aad general preparations lo
ml sold wiber for Ik gotoa ba
said it sad sold wtaibor will b aftr
yeusj forutf wltk s grsst bi ialgl."
Last week says tho Hlooinfleld IVmrs
a friend brought a lot nf grasshoppers
Into our oflice and said in crossing a
field near town, large numbers of them
wcro hopping around lively.
West FmviwRotiriBnr. On Pat
nrday, February 12, Mr. Jacob Rifo,
Supervisor of hast Penneboro' town
ship, Cumberland county, was at
West t'airviow collecting his road
tax. It being pay day, Mr. Hifo was
very successful. Ho left West Fuit
view about nino o'clock P. M., for
homo. After passing through what
is called Possum Hollow, and going
tip the hill, thero is a woods on the
light hand side. 7eio two men, in
disguise, rushed out. ono taking hold
of tho horse, tho other pointing a
loaded seven-shooter at his breast,
exclaiming: "Yonr money or your
life.'' Mr. It. declared he would
not give either j that he thought ho
would protect his own. They there
upon pulled Mr. R. out of Lis buggy,
started the horse homeward, stuffed
a handkerchief in bit mouth, tied a
lurk cloth over his face and robbed
him of 9127.(i:l, bis gold watch.
Inch cost S2.r). aud chain (cost
ing !?:!) ) Mr. Rife was then let go.
tnd tho robbers din.ipicnrcd. On
tho way homo Mr. It. found bis bug
iry completely broken. At the bum
tho leu so was found, w ilh a piece ol
thu hlmft driven in to Lis left Hid.). Mr
iSoiighmnu wan sent for to do I lie
best bo could for tho nnitnal. Mr
Jacob Rife was not much injured :
but his losses are about $:1S2. (ill, be
sides the breaking of the buggy and
injury to his hone. Mtihunlt-sbur-j
II int to SvinKriis. Very few young
men who regularly Mimk'o cion's are
iwiire of the expeiiHiveness nf t h hab
it. They whill' away their llavanas
ivithoutit Ihoiight of what the practice
actually costing them. It isnutvlive
cents or ten cents a time, atnl an they'
indulge, uni'onscions that, thev are!
. ..... , . t
c. nveri ng nouses, mum, capital, ami
the essentials ot life into smoke, ul
Ictus look at it in the siht iiiithme
tic. Suppose, reader, that you should
save tin- money you pay lor cigars and
put it into the sav ings bank where ilir
interest will I e compounded semi-annually
have you the slighte-t idea of
the amount nf such iii:s in the run
of years? Iteuiiiiiiu'j with a low daily
cost of the use of tobacco : live nnd one i
fi'iu th cents per d ty vvmld amount to
i2" in n year, $.'is in ten years, $",sno
in fifty ears. Saving liUevv i-e eleven
cents daily, you will have fit at the
end of tin' year, $"2o in I mi years, and
l l,t'il in iii'ty years. This l.a-t sum.
if saved by tiie joung clerk, in a simile
decade would leave liim ipiite a little
capital to inve-t in some legitimate
business. And many poor yoine.:
men me spending eleven cents daily
for cigars und tobacco. Young men,
vou can't allord to .-moke at this rate.
We say nothing of the tiiipleasantnc.-s
of the habit, but look :it it tntiri !y I'l oni
a pecuniary point of view. You can't
all'ord it. Ily studying the nbnve i nn
vou not see ho.v yo i are uni'ouscinii-ly
sending ol!' int sp:te,. to make the v'.r -.
nit ot the glob., mom y that would
purchase a good homestead and leave
you something hp-ides to m ike com
fortable in your old age '.' We recom
mend to all smokers to take an even
ing, -it down with their families, mid
e.ili-i.b-r whether they can all'ord to
smoke win tin r their happiness, their
future prospects nnil their respectabil
ity would not he greatly enhanced by a
total discountenance of the odious
practice. l'.x.
Th Cmtrmiiiil ish.ri l t! Ciiilnl
StiittH,frnin it' ii'.n(,i r;i (.. Axiiiicitn
Ciotlitu nl to III'' 'Awe (if tin- I ' ( '.nttini
of Aiiirrictin Iii lfjiiii.liii ' , Hi l.
,1cf ib: Aiilhnr ut ". M ,,l ( 1, ,t-
r-il History," "Tin' Groit lintutili,'," .',.,
It I. a well known f that th ureal max nf
our tieoiito are com i..j! l.- l t . ruly. fur their
knonle.lii.toi tiie hi-i.ey ol their country, upon
tho outline works luteii.l.,1 l-,r tim u... r
uhnola, wbleli hy llielr ver nature are l.rlul ;
ilelKlie.l lor tiie coin rrheosl. mot clilt-lren. iilei
In every way uneultu-l lutnea.lult uiina I tmre
nan ioiik 'wen ion a itenuni want ..I th Ilia,
lory nl tl, t ulle.) States, eot-erln the wl.ola
l.erlD.llr.ini the illaeorery ol the 1,'nntliient l
ine reieui nay, ami i.roseniinit In a aueelnet
an.l eoiinirelieiiaive luriu the history ol our
eountry IhruiiKti Ita varloua i,irt i.a, Iroin a
uiKiier an.l uinu,litlul at nn.loln t Hutu
nnl ue IT" eer in aenou h atorv. I I. I. .1..
man. I we aro happy 1 1 asy la iti.uet inly met
In "tli (eiitinnlal lllaiury ol the t'nlle.l
miea," a worn wuienia evi.ientiy .leatinel to
take rank the Stanuar.1 IIKti.ry ol our
country. 1 he author, laiuea It. Met'ahe, li au
Me an.l well known hlatorlcal wrliet.
We lu.i.t lie inlly c nuuiou l yi la wurk tn our
reader.. It I. no .Iry in.taa of .futatla, n i bum
battle etlurt tn luH inie th hut
la olear, vlvhl, au.l hrlliiunt nsrrillv ol the
event, ol our lilatorv, Ir.un th .llaeovery nt th
Ainerleau Continent to th preaent tiy. It
Hive, a luoal lntereaiin account ol the In. Han.
vl North America. Ir.uu the time of the outline
ol ihe white tneu. Th vnyave. ul I'.iluiii.iua,
tli enplorall'ina of the dilfurent uatlonnul i;u
Mp. an.l th won torlnira ol th ianlitrla In
eareh uf uol J aud initnurtal youtti uro ... wltk
araphlo p.wer. I he amrv ul the Hot .t.itl ni la
relt.e.1 with all the Int rom ol a ro'inice; thou
tullnw. a eleur ami auuetuet account ol the lor.
inallon nf the Federal Cou.lltution. th Meeou.l
War with t.hidutnl, the .Mexican W ar, m.d the
event, ol our hl.tory ui In Hie eoinuinnceui' nt
ot the t'lvll W ar. The fllaiory ul the t 'n il War
I. related wltk Intenae rnror, and with atrh i n
dellty to truth, i he author wrlto. tiiroimhout
wllti enluiueaa and lui.arlUlliy, and plead, the
rau ul no .euilon ur ptrty. The Link ooti.
lain, an ApimmlK, Klvlnic an ao ount of tiie
approaishlug luleruAliuual l'utenulul l.ililld
tlou .
It I. onmprl.ed In onelare handaom volume
en Meul and wuod. I'he hook ts laaued i,y tn X .
tlnnal l uiillalil.u t:... ol I'hlUdultilila, whoa
luipriut I. a Kuuraiitcs ol the eieellence ol th
wurkin .nahlp. I he price I. low eon.i.lerliiic th
character 1. 1 th work, and each .uhaerliier I.
presented with a kan.laoiu liUuikrapblo en.
aravlnx ol th t.'enteiinUI tttilblUon liulldlua;.
audtlruunda. It I. .old by .ubanrliitlon ouly,
and the iiubU.kir. waul Knl. lu every oouu
t. .i .u ,i.Kw, mi.1 u"i. .,4 nue ontcravinif.
Fike IxsrB.isrK. I would rosneet
fully inform the citizens of Middleburn
uiid vicinity, that I havo been appoin
ted ntient by Thompson it I'litiL'ei'.
iteneral Insurance Audits, Williams
port, I'll. IHtieeesHorsof James L. Hehoo'
ley deed, fortius vicinity, and lake
this method of iuformini; nil persens
insuring ny tne said nir. Mclioolt?y, that
1 will renew their l'olieies, its they ex
pire, in companies of u 11 d o u h t 0 d
strength uiid security. I represent tho
l'oviil, of Liverpool, ; Royal Canadian,
ot Montreal ; I'rov idence, Washington,
of I'roviilenco : Trudo, of ( liniden ;
Waynesboro, of Wttynesbor s" l'n. ! nd
Muiual Ueuelit Life, of Newark, N, J.
0. W. GllAXKLW, Ann,!,
nov.9. Middlcbury, "a.
The Amkiiiram ruot-i.e. No people
la lbs worlti sutler as lauob witb Dyspep
sia ss Anieriosns and allbouftb years or
rperienct in uietlioin bar fullti'l to so
ooniplub a eeriain aud sura remedy until
QaKsa's Auui'sr Ftovvaa was
for Ibis disas and It effeoi 1 yet sit well
bas this rcmstly sueordl in very ess
to (ffeot a cur. Iliat Ibers Is Dot a Drug.
gi.l lo lbs United Slate but rooomtusuj
lb Altai'? Fl.owss, lu all on.o of Dv-
pep.ia ami Lir Cotnplulnt, Co.livenc.s,
Sour Blomaoh, Ulok lleadaohe, aad all Ue-
rsninDts or lb Htouiaob aaa Liter.
Oo 10 your Drupelet and get a rJaoil
liuill for le teal and try ll. Two
UOMt,, ,ar ,a.. Hegt.l.r e.e 75
Ailalltt J.. I fa. I
W WW mw
Tho Commissioners of Northum
berland county have decided to huild
tne new jail on llio site of tho ulil one,
I'..,, !;,., ,. .;n l..... ic. .:... . I
....... ...v, iu
for the si.o they
new structure.
iiiiunu to iuskv tnu
Homb Im-F.MfK. No greater lever
is used in tho lormalion of the human
character than the early association of
nome. luke the ramily circle, where
discord, contention, nnd anything but
harmony prevail, and what do you find'.'
Children growing up lo maturity with
characters and dispositions totally des
titutetif all refine I an I loving qualities;
every faeo wears a soured look ; every
tongue hepiaks the morbid mind, the
cynic nnd Ihe disbeliever in all that Is
good. The habits formed in such a
home grow inlo Ihe very lives of their
victims anil follow Ihetii down to their
graves. Tho bad qualities possessed
by many arc uttiibntable in the major
ity "f instances to ill -arranged home,
and the criminally unthinking parents
How frequently 'it happens, for in
stance, Unit a sun, after Intuiting hard
ill day. Is creeled upon his arrival nt
home nitli upbraiding and snarls,
and if he desires to make himself com
fortable h. 'should enter the 'be-f room,
how quickly he is peretutorily ordered
out mi. I directed lo the hot' kitchen,
lest hi' should happen to soil ome o
the furniture. P., 'coming di-gu-ted he
naluiiilly sccksconteiit.nent eie here
I le limls hi- wav to the eioj shoo he
b'd into bad coiniianv. and liuallv
bee urn's a dr unk ai d. 1 le i bhinied by
all, no one tor a moment thinking tli.i'
pei I iaps the inmates of hi - ow n home
may have had much to do with hi
dow nr.ill. Instances of this character,
it is -,i, to say, are by no mentis rare.
The silent yet living inllncices of
home me ever acting upon our mora!
nature ; he tin y of the ii;ht ehanic tei.
relincl nnd tender feelings live born ot
them, and lin y to a great extent help,
to ovt r tune tiie sfltistiin -s ianate with ,
gcncially as (lie lather, so the son; n
the daughier ; and tints the gentle i
grace of the mother livt s in the d.nigh I
ler, and I'atberlv kindness is wrtnes-. d !
in the nobility and coiirte-y of siais ;
while, on the other h ind, should the
iiillueiices be of an uiihaiii.v nature,
characters are foi med w hi. li n il! make
other homes mi-erable, im.l perpt tnute
Ihe Konruess and sadness, the l oiiten
lions nml st rile, vv hich have made their
own life so wretched and unhappy.
Then look to it, mothers And father-,
that you make your homes .itlraciive
lo your children, if you vvi-'.i your
place in life niter you have gone to be
tilled by men ami women, tin I not tin'
semblance oulv.
West Beaver District Institute
Acciirdiiei to announcement made
ill I'tevinin issue, tiie West l'ea -
ver Teaclicrs'Asjociatioii nsiembled at
.'over's on the lL'th of I'eb. Hud held
an Institute.
On nccoiint nf the absence of the
1'rcs. and .ec. these ullicers were elec
ted protein.: l"rcs. 11. W. I'lsh. .Sec. J.
M. I.epley.
The number of teachert present w is
six, naiiielv, J. M. I.eplev. J. ( W.u
m r, I. 1'il-on, II. . hah, K. .'. 1 h-
1 son, and l-iiue inter-
Mvercisi's epened with tl.e reading! t.f
a poiiii.n nf f-criiilure. and prater bv
J. M. I.epley.
."-injjiit. "Sweet y nnd r.y.'T.ythe
time th,. devotional cM-n i-cs c!...-ed,
Ihe hoti',0 w.i tilled Willi tttli'iilivc Iih-
J'ht) Hllbjeets tlictlsscd tbllili the
day were (iraminar, Keadinn, nnd
Ari'.hinclie, siibje. Is which tl.e teach
er nf t he abov e named tlvaiied
to have dlviisited. came fust in .rder, ami
win di-cus.-ed by .1. I . H'.iner, I. lib
son, II. W. I'lsh, mid .1. M. I.epley.
.'cadinn. This discoion was i.pen
ed by I. I ll-oil, who nave hi- Ita-ons
for teat liin' tho subject as he does, (ti
ler which the Ili.-tilUlo adjourned to
l-'.otl p. 111.
Afternoon Session opened wilh the
resumption nfthe discussion on read
in by J. !. Warner, who -p..l;e a short
time, nnd then called nil Ira 1 1I.1011 to
make use of the remainder nf the lime
allotted him. I. was loilinved by 11. W.
; 1 isii nnu j. m. i.epley.
I Arithmetic. ''his rubjret win tlis
I cursed bv J. O. W anner, I. l iUnii, .1.
j.M. I.epley. K. 1!. I ilson, and II. If
j I lidi. Meur the i'l.i.e ol litis diseu ion,
I ipiitn an iiriimneut arose between Me-v
is. I.epley and ll'ii'ner, nil ' l.tipud
! .Measure. The same was Bellied bv
the ricsident.
i'he place selecto l for the second
meeting niter to-day it John I'i.-.l.'a
school, l-'eb. - J. Adjourned.
The Doyle Case
.ST. iitrncid tn !' Uuny.
On Monday aftenioon Judo Dro
ller, of the Carbon Com. !y Court,
iuformovl tho counnel in tho Dovlu
ctiHo that ho would lender a decision
oil thu motion for a new trial uu the
followiujr day, mill Ttieadiiy morn
iu, ut J o'clock, when tilt) t'uillt
IIouhu vva-t eiowdn I, Jlicliael .1
Doyle, eonvittto l of the luurder of
John 1. Jones, wns brought into
Court uiul after reading an opinion
on tho iiiHiillieioney of tho rcanoti fil
ed for a uow trial, tho prostTiitine;
attorney, m a uhoit uiid welNlime I
addroHH, elosotl by asKiiio; that the
sotitciico of tho law bo punned upon
thu pi isouer. Thu priwoiu r was thi n
asked to Hldiul up and was naked liy
tho Court if ho bail anything to b:i v
why Hbtitoueo huouIJ not be passed
upon linn, when do replied by miv
iug, "I don't care what you do, you'll
do an you liko anyhow.
After houio pi-eli miuary remarks
tuo JUilo proceeded to pa8 Ben
tenco 08 follows 1 "Thut you, Mi
chael J. Doylo, bo taken to tho jail
from wbonco you camo, and from
tliunco to tho place of execution,
where yoq aro to bo bung by the
nock until you neo dead, nnd may
Clod havo mercy ou your soul."
Doylo's mother clung to him and
stroked bin Lair iu an affect iouato
manner until tbo oflicera took him
away, when eho almost fain tod. lie
was not moved much either by thu
words of tho Bonteuco of death or by
tbo caresnos of his aged mother.
Itnyle wa. then taken hack tn the j ill. from
which be will, In all probability, never l.-ue
aualn uutll h I. ulaeed uvon Hi .oaltold 10
Klve up ula Hie a. a p- n.lty for lb ttruolou.
erlui. uf wlilub he ha. been eouvl.letl. 11 . ap-
pearano le that or a niaa who ha. nothing
inor to He for. and th anawer ha made to the
Court when aaked IT he aad any 1I1I114 to ay,
oonvlnecd all preaent that he had beouin dec
tk.ndent and In.t all hoi e. It le tboualil luat
he did nut la ly pot to bare th motion 1.
ow trM overruled, bat a. .0011 a. th daeialua
wa. rendered he knew but too well what would
follow and beosine eery niuoh deeotl. Th
os.e will hardly b taken to th buprem Court
a. th evidence I. eo urerwh.luilng that but
little hop,' of ean be ntrtalud by
aoy oueoooneot.d with the eaee. Uoyle hluaeff
aeema to bav no hopea whaWver receiving
lluer a IMrtlua or rei.rlv. thouirk ha eaae
aaoia wwv aueae VI m
las or arwen. but ILL eaa I
' wur, mm ubuoq uuudi win oi
& itaVJTiinkVrrTl2V
UMI I lh. ........ . ...n....... I
kntl lUmrMtal. kl aPakk Aft la I
"ass'a- Tl mwm
kardle oeeue. aa the tlaoch chunk 111 aiu uiV""l'iri-L"?.1" ,ul '. i aoaili
K. F. Knnkel's Bitter Wine of Iron
This Irti'y e1uaiite tonle ha tw en enthfrn o
, la now .wml m,i.-.. ,i,ie as T.mlit mnli
,, tP, ht inn- p,lrin,e tl. I.IikvI en.l
iRivre ions inthe aiiinarn renneater the Taim
a'ii ir.ilnirii llfs. Kverytsxiy tmn!l huve tt.
forth rur of Woai HU.nia. h.d.'iirral lteblll
l,, tiliMaae of the Minmarh, aad
all oaae rS'tnlrlBit a lunlr, Thia Wine liieluJM
the tnot asrealil.' Imh we p.tMMa tJilt.
alt'f Manoitle tilde, rnnititi.Al wlib the ninat
eneritotic uf veftcUble loDlce Vellcw 1'erutian
Hn rn "ant aom-tlilrs t ' 'rettthes yon f
Do jo van! Rimd at'tll I
I n jri.ii itant to ie t rl.l of tiervonaneai t
Im yon want lifter I
lo you waul lo sleep well T
bo yon wanl to build upytur tonstito.
linn ?
l)t ysu want to feel well ?
lo you wsnt a briek aud Ti(orous fl.
iiK t
If yniiHolry KUNKEL,'.? tUTTEIl WINE
t only ak a tritl of this Tiluatte ionic
Urnnre of emintrrfviis, Kitnkd'a Tit
fer W ine of Iron is the only sure and f
ha" tun I rcmrily In the known worl t fur ihr
prrmnnrnl rur of ly spr pain and I'rMlily.
ttnl as lliere sip of iniilntinna of.
fcrp.l lo lint pn'. lie, I went. I emuion iLe
conununily lo tnirelin-r none bill the ftea
uitie nriii'U', ninniirnriureil I-J V. t' Kun
kel, an I hiving Id slump ut, the crk tit
i-vrry l.oitle. The ory I act that tthir
ire niti'inptlnn lo impute tin
ri', tfups lis Knrili nnd apeak tub
anics in lis fsvnr. ili.l, only in Imttles
Sol I l.y PriiKitists nn l ib ith'ra eerrynhere.
Tape Worm R'nnovcd Alive.
Ileal mil nil r.'i'q h'to, in two hours.
No foe i ill lic i I . i-n'4, s,Mt, I'm mi I
siiiinsih Wornn iimii ii"l I y Pr. Kunkel
J'i'.i N.vriii Sinlb M , I'lu! i.l.'tiilii t, Pa
Suinl for eiri'iil ir. Fer re nixoiit all or li
nary wurnis. ea',1 tm your il"i4ii nil I pel
l liotth' of Kunkel Worm Mvruu. Price
Thr 1vrftl.T, f V l-
.! l tl. t .1 .) .. ,..
.( f" l . I .i
. .V I'T , I'... U '
1i it -rt:,An-tit1y rif
, ( :; ii , II it I y n iin
I ik- kr '.ivi. to tuai t. ,
f . m... T . N: mi,.. ,t ,
- V . t II. f (til's. Tl.1"(
Willi Hit ilir.-.-l.'.i.n. l.-i
t"1. 't.f .it rhirj. '.
i f .it! n, iMttiu II'
i 1
ltl!i tli. y Will
ll"l i " .f,. t irn 1 1 n' '..iis,mniM.t.. i -n,, Kr
till t fc. I1 tltltf. W thttu; l(. .r,.j rt.'. , wi:i
I' ;. l lr. Hd , v, K. . W 1 1. si . ,
lvl I1, im St., WMiMiual ututi, 4..w Yoi k
kkuoi;.- ov vorrir.
1 Nil. I'M lt nMtlor.' ! I -r 'rn ftnm
t u I ! il it I'rt tt.tiuif I f.t , mil an
li f P.. .''H .i ell ' l, .tl- I'll. -II f r ll'O
- Irvi' .-f li'i.ii li:i . . n I lire t . ill I h-. v. lit, lit.
rt o i a nn l .! ;i n t i ti l r in lUtli'' I It Hi, . n its
-. l-v It,, h t. w t, , r. 1. pi 'T. r iIiii,4
i r -rtt . ih rtl-. t't f .i . in i , ih id u
)h itltlrt n : in t.i'l ..t,tl .-ii. . ,
JOHN K, IMUKN, 4- I' ut , Now Y'rk
i l!l.lNf UKUVU l.tillHCi; M.VKKtl
H'Xi'iis'lIei V stn.
j.ur lniliel
1 10 lo I
Itvo do
1 'i
t- .l.'i
0 to 7(1 o
t'nru lo
.. do
,l'b.eree l per l uabel
Flmsevd ibi
Unions do
I'titalnrs new do
Tiilinthyereil .Id
Ituckwliral tin
'liiil. r per pound
IVlts l'r doton
Tnilow (, or pouud
Ur I
1 1
6 10 7
Hoe le I Cherries
I lllacktiernes
I Itn-I.errii a
brie. I Apple
Plied Pi'itobv. pnre I
lo llU'l6l
t'aenn, SiJvS
Shnul ler
Ten 1 'on I
t'liestnuta per tm-hel
Sln'ilt.:,rk 'Id
i 1 1 : 1 .
I'el.. lit, in una plt-e of r 1 hold lover.
I .Im tVil. Mi. aon ut HIik a 1 I Mury Ann
II illey, nin I II yor 1 and hi 111 .nth
1 a i.wii . 11 a o wi nm 11 11 mhhhhh
Aid) KAiil.K llol'IM ,
No. I III Nnrtti Tiiirl Srrcir
.lOIIS' I'l.VMl'K, fruf rlor
Jamniry 'I 'u. tf
on tho North hide of M-trkel Street a
few doors went from the Court IIouhu.
fPIIF. Kitbneriber would inform bin
1 frl. uda and Hie 1 lllr. na In Mi l 'I. Inlr ue I
tin. aurrouiidiinr e.mlitrv tlmt tie haa Juat r.-tni-tl-ed
fro, 11 I'itiU.I.-lphie .no liu- now "p.-n. d au eu.
tire m a-, lar:(c .nd w. II a. I.i.t. d at " k o
Misici'lhiiictdis IliioltM,
PSfllOol I tlKlUs,
I Simile I S 1 lc 1-4.
Wallets, Pocket Bookrj,
j Bibles Sl Heligou3 Book3,
All ki tula vl J'tiifr, Int; iiti( un'iy
li nos.
A'l aoMCHKAl torl'Asil. Call and a.e 111)
.to. k theru tn uo chaiuu for -tioi. inu 1 la,
A. li. (ill T,
Sept. til, tl, Middl.-liurit, l'.
M'd-llebtirg, I 'a.
Itnlrl' ttlnu Hh.vhiK, stiampnolng, and flair
iVtu- uoue iu tue u.-st luauu.r.
Th brut brni) of lubacco mi) Cluri eon
Unllj on haii't. krep -vR hU qunhijr kuU
nt irlcca iiuanitrv lomn,
Hep. 2, 1 (:!.
Asrtiyueo'is Notice,
A LL peruons intorcHto.l uro licre-
sal. B- liy Uit lUvt.l l-. r.or Mhl.lir
ctvnk tuwiiiuii, Knytlff rutiiiti. It MM ui4lu mi
Uiiiiii)tuf all hi 1 fffOitt, rHl mill itttattnal to
uiu umiri-HiKiieu i'r ihu'iii ti n ta i-rt hi turn.
All ptrtiua liavintf I'laitns ar rvqnntMi lours-.
Hunt tUeui ti ilia nntliTsilutH-'t. aii-i iivm'ii in.
latituU wtu uteaaa mku luiiu' utf rm n.
J an. 19. AtMKHtt.
XJ te.tainentar on tbe e.tat or liarrlaon
Maarta, lata ot Admn. lowiialnp deo d. bar.
IliK beeKranled to th underalued.all peraona
luiowliig ihein. elves Indebted to .aiu e.tuleare
r to luak payment wltkout delay, while
thoae liavlnaelanaa will ureaent theiadul. au.
theulleateu lor .eitUwenl to
Jan. tt, 'Tl Kiecutor
Diiolution of Partnership.
npiIE nudorsigned eoffaed in tba
-Z'"Z"' " L"."'"r7 "u",?Vi
AyriL ha Ihladftv bv
. "
utaal oaaBt. uia.
Aeraad retlrtaa koia
H !.
aTsaa. M. IBM.
- V. ll. llB)b)t
J -.5SeV!H all the Virtue of the I. ght Kimim,; " UOM hS t IC," iDiludinat ).. Automatl
Ten. ion, who h wav and i- lh I .., .rva
-l'ianum.mii I'All.N i IIAKIO M l) I'llML'AL tlKAKlNtS on buth th. Mk a
and Si iti.l
1 . .r nrw nnd .-Id Idrai, w ul. I .nil wnS brn.l new Ma.hinerv and T .1. at our nwn new wnrt.,
I 1 v L "5',",v "' ". New l. t.rv, have ,. , j .i.i,,:.,,,! of M 1 1 II V S It A L Xl I U
II t t, Mo, im, in id (11, 11.. n, Miaiinuiu uf Hui.b.l.i)-, and luu(4 vl wuia, htvvt hn.tolup.
raaLhcJ in l,e Scw.i.g M, ,1C Wlj,
W Invite the attention of all. especially thoae having high mechanical .bill at
SDrvttuO. XV. L. All kl.tiuiet luliy w.itii,ir,l.
INW Ytll'U Itll.l t 'ItU'lltfO.
A l.Vltrti: ASSOl! r.M IIS'T UK
I -mu'.v ,nssi!ii..-.K, It:i!.v .MikIi : liinc
lists anJ Cat.., Shuts, Hosiery, (j Lives, Nutimis, Shawl", I'atm,
l'ar.iHils iiri'l White CiiK
Aisso a viiiAt BsB.e: of E5or:E:si:s,
Sugars, Colleer., TeaH, Spieou, Syrups, 1', c., U:
ALSO Quevtibvvai'c, Glassware, Tubs, l'uil-, l!u-
t have .eteeted e al ove ne,ta wilt, ifrent rare, end 'k n ernrnlnnlt. n o tl.e anie l.y tlioi
-L '' l"lr,"',' all nnd see lor ourtele' Coin pare my prl'. ll h ..Ih.ra
hanklul to u.y (rlendi lor their , .iironaue 10 the p-t, I rei..cetiiii - .,i,-it 11 eontitaninre ot
the .sine. .luho .s, l-;i-tl I ll. A I.I It III i lit it'll.
li I. Itomi,
Low Prices ! Low Prices ! !
Atlaitisliiii'";, Snyder Ciitiiily, IVim'ii.
'IHI! Sul'Kcrilit tn luiviny purrlmKi'.l
1 If I Itviil- i.hiuti, mi. I Kiv inc itti-r-1 Ifit.i
-miii'o .ii-.inow, nt tin 01. 1 .sui,.,, nr.ti 1 1 li.- t(
iiei in Uiiiflxiril ult. I tli' iirr 1 1 1 a c Mihln
W k - p m I .tli.i , a Will nr...(IM ..i, 1 1 it(...
1 i t 1 "Ui.try t..rf, li. ir aiui k c Jir-Hi. i- u i.) i
SriMiNG AND SlrMMi:.;
Such as C'lotliB,
CiiShiini rn, Kt iit'ii'l.y .It 'in:
un.l, u:.-..i
Ladies' Dress
ALL WOO!. DF.I.AINS, Merino Poi
lluidware. (,)nei nswiir.'. Tin and ('iliiHswtue Winidiitid WilLcvwai-e, C-ifTees,
HiiiriiiH, SyrujiM. .M.ilasNi . This nf nil kinds, nnd at l.uw 1'iieeH,
t'il'iUM .V Tnli.teeii. l'ish Salt. WIkiI. ni.I.i nnd l:..t iil
finAT,. flflAT. rn AT r-'l A
v wwaaaa, w w Aau vu- uui i t iiickrui.lli a in e,
Thr lliyhttl M.nk't l'tirt I'.ii.i h'rn!ll;hilnl t tjf.TUVri;oll'CI' Vi',,'
Ytitii. ,tv. .(. '
ALSO s--Iealers in .M.I. KINOS .i ; mill ti -1 Kr'lK,
tr which tho hiKht-ht l'liee in 'jt-li will ho I'uid. Nov. .r, "4.1
ik 'riii:
New York Fancy Store,
(In Holmes' new huilidinpr, optioBite the Ivevlmino Hotel,)
-IAIIt:l:'J, Kri, si.:iiNH(jiovi:, ia.
fjIIK proprietor of thia establishment in now ready for tho
and I prtptrvil to aerve lit. eiialomer. and furul
lliw Stock In 1
Th. following U.t I hut a .mall portloa of
shove .ur.
I.sJies ami CbilJren
lloiaery the laiateet s
Felt Flirts, '
Faney Pcsrfr,
KiJUIiive waterproof,
Zi'I'liyr all color,
llauiburg Edgings,
all op which ue ia selling
iaiml: vuntm
Tbs pew Cloltlna Blor all ova thm I
V. KuDCT 8tor. Anv fftnileniAii
llUU DI0nJ. I'olilf KlIfDI.UD ftlWAVt giTC
cets, 1:1c, l.c.
!I. A iii'iniil
tln Slur
, ., r
I.', owneil bv
11 a I? 1 . rtl inor
. 1. l ai d .an.
"h a sr. u-it 1. ar.
1. ' t 11. a mat
p ,
, t
i t
1. 1 l v. i v ntvlt
5 t S y
- lint. Ae.
. lit ;
I !. .
vi ,'1
lal.Ll Li
ut HJi.
- Tf Taiiif, aal
lt iK I V A W ir li rlt A h lit, fcupirlor Ditittnl