fleers 'f One column one year, One-half, column, one jrwir, One-fourth column, ono year, - 80.00 l.VUO Ono Sffnare (10 lines)! insertion Every nUlitinnl tmertion, Te,if.,..,w,t,l uiul lltiini'cftrtl of 73 60 not more than a litn. per yortr, o.ixj Auditor, KxPiMitnp, Administrator and Aignce Noting, 20 Editorial notices icr lino, 13 All mlvprtwoinriiM for it shorter po riod Hutu one your nro pnynblo nl the timo thoy nro ordered, and if not pidd the person ordering tlicm will bo held responsible for the monev. 1 otry. U.icla Sam's A hundred".' lib, y I'nwere t with Mtr, Much at wit never h r I riefor Tkuudi-rlne?. from tVir to.li ire. 'I aol Sa.u't a hundred I" fan -on h-iim anl Inmost, brae, Ki'l'll "I'lol and Ionium, play 'lit bit itrrat fenteniil.il day- "I I I Maura a buuJreJ." Stalwart mii anpunT Ix'T'i (aldtanl m it run .well tn nil, ;iTf bij lint ii vole i "I ucl Maw' a hundred I" Nithi Mk, whoditeon nalet, Tumuli thov'r hall .lliir.iue I by It, Cau't belli Itl1ln4 la ttie rl it. t "I' new Saiu't a hundred. n llnitMlhil wl. nl MmI, Ibittly, in ih e.irtu ur lu tin iky. Join tb a ilv T'l cry, 'I nolo s.m'i ehuolr) 1" Well . ttipp h It wbt thon t ll.m l ll act Ilk ry . ill. i we like to lonllng when Cool saiu't bau ird I ' Titer h ini1 nr tnnlern stil- lie, I an I Hi nl.lert ! ll I Yl, "rain u.i nnrm A t.t.." L'a llwu.h oat's huu lrd. "WhU't ehni.trelln oie.l.y." Knrelitn I ncl Sam. will . i "Lit ui U ami watjh lb play 11 l but a bue.lreJ. nrantad h'i tltipely youth Kalraad ru.l.ly yel, (..rmiib t lift ru mi' -al fi Jt tut trutb I lit It Juit buuUiaJ. tvhta ht't twl'-e i nbl. br II I Twill I. t i liriM VLt will b llnlr Jo.-llny. tiun B'tbut buuJr!. 'Wbto b pi T I hll biyl'h p'nkl, Mhnuhl In nwk t'i J"ln our rtnii W II rtlo 't. Hut 0'w t t tlinkl t Wbf, k't but UunJ.eJ . Yet, onruntU't y" rftw : II i yMiiiK lb ciitrx l true I Lt ut krf tb UtH lu vlw, ibuunb ounlt buaJrr I. Pt Krnlnt ti nv icnv binr I full billi by tii'l thor. No tb:U Uo'l kuutlroil. I.tt at tlrlr, with rnil hrt. Kacm or u to Uu bit part, bu tbtl ii may 't'iau iiin 4'nart, aclnK be't buulra. Anil with i-itcion, Kr"5(ul Ibooht, ur tb ilt lt tlial kt bt wro.Kiil. UaldtO, rhvribvJ, f ir I, tauukt, 'Till Ii rotcbtil bumlraJ, I.tt n, at wt vaunt hit worth, IN IiikI tiiburuot with mtrrh, Wull w tbuut t all Hit sarin. "l aol Nam t a bunlrrl " M I t! o t rr ti i o Ferguson's Avengers. Story of Viirl'iMii D-iys. . "TM for tho gallout Ferguson 1" Tho forgoing livo words had in atitutsd a roigu' of torror iu one of the lovhest districts of tho PsAuieU to State a district watered bv tlw. (Jatswba nud Pucolet rivers mid tlioir gontlo tribuUrios. - In the moiuli of Septnmbor, 17'U), !oruwiilli dutiiehud the notorious Col. Fsrgusou to tho frontiers of North Carolina, for tho osteneiblo jmrposo of eueouraging the t ories of that region to take up arms for tho king. Ferguson's foico coiisisted in part of tho most profligate and abau aionod characters of tlio partisan lay, and his inarch wan marked by attrocitiea of the most shocking diacription. Tho hardy men of tho Carolinas, Kentucky aud Virginia, Toae against tho marauders, nud, lod by lloone aud other backwoods wor thies, gave thorn a decisivo d fout ut King's Muuntain. Ferguson was ulain in the battlo, and his fellow f jragors, uunibeiing uboutone thou sand, wero nearly all capturod or killod. 1 his conflict revivod tho hopes of the Sjntheru patriots, aud forced Oornwallis to roturn to Chnrlcstou discomfitted and cast down. "We shall havo rest now," tho pa triots said, nftor tho battlo. "For puson, the dreaded, is dead, aud the few tories who escaped with their wretched lives are not strong enough to do us harm. Kverywhoro in the vicinity of tho dbattle-neld tho Americaus breathed freer, and tho loyalists iu whoso in toresta Ferguson had mitrcliod to his doath. embed thoir loyalty, ana in aecresv awore revengo. liut the sdttiemonis wore soon to learn that tho victory of King's Mountain had norved tho arm of a foe more terrible than uoy which they had hitherto known. The existence of tho now terror . raa discovered by a boy one morn ing about a fortnight after the bat tle. He found the family of Archi bald Mettson murdered iu their own Louse, and to the corpus had been pinned a paper bearing theso words : "Thia for the gallant Ferguson I" This terrible atrocity arousod the country, and tho excitement was quickly heightened by tho finding of the body of auothor murdered pa triot On the cold breast which had been pierced by pistol balls, waa tho pallid paper aud its words of torri ble import, and the oountry knew that ft fearful vengeance would bo taken for King a Mountain. During the week that followod tho discoveries I havo montionod, the work of the Aveugori was torriblo They fell upon pitriot houses at the dead of night, and loft on the bosom of their victims tho five words which had already torrcrizod the country. It was in vain that the patriots sum- tnoned their cuomug an l energy lor . the capture of the band of demons. which, as it bad been discovered; uumbered ail men, inaskeJ, and ;;, mounted . on black , horses. They came and want like ghosts, but al- . ways .left behind ' the terrible Son -teuoe xvhioh bad made their eiclstenos Xttsrublo. At times tboy fell upooj i If s VOL. 13. MIDDLEI3URG, SNYDER COUNTY, PA., thoir lmntors, dud loft tlicm by tho t roaUido in;iilcoi with tho sin of vonirpanra. Four begun to prnlyza the Curo linianst many nlmndonod their liomnn for Vlio ftitko of thoir fAinilio. and it in rnl tlilo thit tho onliro dia liict would 'iiivo boon depopulated in n aliort time, hud it not boon for tho eotirntfoof ono woman. tier nanio W;i Alifo llo,tuehinpo. H tina ndaik niht in the last week of November, whun thoheroiua of my story left tlielioiuoof friond. Her o'.vn houan, wliieh had boon do soitod for Bovernl day a, wna nt)t far itwity, nnd hIio liid detormino 1 to return to it for tho purpoeo of so eurititf nn nrtielo of npimrol left be hind iu her rooeut flight. JJeforo alio act out on her j otirnoy slid was wuruo 1 of tho daiiirois that piiTironod it i but alio smilod, and ; doelitrcd that alio did not f''nr thetn. She could enter thti old house through tho kitehon, iu tho rear, find tho fjurnifiit without a liUt, uu I ro- turn sitfoly to her frnm Is. Tho patii alio Imd often tmverso.l was barely dtHcvmnUlo: but slm'liorriblo tleods had coiii)hiloly ter iimloirood headway, nnd reached ' rorized tho eonntrv, nud under tlio hur homo without incident. Tho ai luneo of the twirii huu aliout the forsakon pluao, nnd tho lifting of tiioj Inteli sent a chill of terror to tho ; yoiliirf jjiil's hen t. Through tho kitchen, au'ioss the deserted parlor, j and up tha stairs, iho crept to tlio. room wlisr slio huil lett, tlio oiijuct of lior nocturnal quest. Tho drawer j of the oi l bureau yield I without! noisf, and Alien wn liawin;j fji thlwilh a whip which sho had found be- tlio gariuout wheu tho voices of men . fell upon her I'ftrs, Slio stait'jd, dropped her pri.u, and with her heart in her throat, crept to tho wind w that overlooked the porch in front of the house. Sho could aeo nothing, for tho ni;'ht was too dark i but tho votcos of meu, initialed with tho t'humin of bits, coutiuiicd to Biluto her oars. "Tliis is oil Boaiiehauipe'a housi," said ono. "It lias boon deserted for sevoral days. The daughter, fright ened by tho manner iu which we treated tlio father, lew lie 1 some where for protection." Those words drove every vestige of color from tho listeners face ; they told her who the men below were, though sho could not sco oven tlio outlines of their persona Ono week prior to hor visit, her fathir, one of i lunge 3iouuiAUi neroes, wa-i louno deal iu a palmetto grove, and tho words of Fefiruson's Avengers lav on his breast. Thou she had do ei tod her home, knowing that tlio hand that had struck tho fathor would not nparo the d uiglitor- Well might t!ie tho loiio girl trom bio whoo siio found herself so near tho dro i led scourges of the country, and sho did not move until sho heard the front door opoued by a kick, tin heavily bootod foot in tho room be- low. Then a calm thought of her situa tion drove fear from her heart, and Alico Boauehampo prepared to per form ono of tho most daring deeds of tho Uovolutionnry Wm. The noiso in tho Iiouho liicreasoil. and oaths mid rudo jebts procetleil and followed tho lighting of a tiro on the hearth. Alico, who had longod for a sight. of tuo Ureailoit six, crept to a spot near tho bureau where there wits a crack in tho lloor. Then applying hor eyo to tho puck hole, sho saw six wild looking men directly bouoath her. Thoy woro, beyond doubt, tho Avengers of Ferguson's death, for sovcrul masks lay on tho table, along with threo or four bottles of wine which tjioy had taken from somo patriot's cellar. Tall, rough, dovil- mny-scaro-looking fellows they woro, armod with pistols, carbines, nnd j sabres, tuo kind of innii who nover court tho smiles of mercy or liston to tho pleading of iniioconcn. Just suou leuows as tucy wore, Aiieo uao supposed them to be, for sho had soon many of the prisoners taken at King's mountain, and sho longod for tho prosouco of a band of patri ots. There wero true men iu South Carolina at that lima who would havo given their right arms for a chauco to exterminato tho Avengers, and Alice know whnro n little party of patriots lay, but alas 1 thoy were uot very near. "We 11 rest boro and finish that wiuo 1" said ouo of tho loaders of tho baud, whoso faoo told that already he had iinbibod fronly. "Uring iu the poultry, and on old Doauchauipo's hearth we'll preparo a feast' At his eommauil, ono of tho nion loft tho house, but soon returned, bearing with him a duck and soveral cluckotis, from nhose freshly wrung uocks the warm blood was dripping. "How's tho hoisos,'' asked ouo of tho Avengers, as tho niau flung the poultry on tho table. "Standing lika rooks," was the re ply. "Such horses as thoy aro dou't need watching, and, busido, thoro isn't a rebel within ton luiloj of this accursed plaoo." "Why, there's the WUjw Ilart zoll." "I didn't think of hor,' was tho re ply. "How bitterly old Hartzull hated us, but wo caught him at last' "And presented him with a breast pin I Hal ha!" And the laugh . wont round tbo room. . Alice Deauohampo did ' not wait until the laugh was eiidedi while yet it fulud the boose with its devilub r. . ; y. . .. it m m. echoes, sho fflulod ncvons tlio room to a wuulow tlmt lookotl oat upon tho ilnrk palmutto grove, boliiml tho building. Tlxire wan no isli in tho window, nnd tho CihiI witida of tho nuht kins nd tho pnlid chopk of tho prtinn'. ditnctliU'r. For n inoinont ho triod to piurt'O tho ilniknrM hnnpath tho windows but, fitiliiig in hor ondunvort, hIio erupt ovpi Um sill, roatilvod to trust to f nluno for npre. Tho diHtmiPO to tho yi'onnd wan not great, nnd tho ditiiog girl alight od without injury. Now hIio wna frpo to tnako lior ra- capo to tho fi-ionda alio hit 1 lately h'fl: but immodiato flight in that di rectum wm not hur intrntion. "Ilanvou aid mo I" alio uuirinttrod, na alio glided rtrnnnd tho old houau mid nppi'oachod tholiorao which tho lories had left totherod to tho siunll treea n fow ynrds from tho door. A I'Uneo into tho room revealed tlio forma of tho Avengers dismissing tno tvmo wiiu oum ami jost, or wntehiiii; tho rmslinf of tho fowU. rimv did not fear dauor, for thuir Igway of their lawlosanoss it was ant boooiuiu a desert. Alice counted them boforo alio touched n siulo roin: and then in n brief period of tiuie she loHsened tho hoi sus nnd ipiiotly lod them into a hiiiuII copso not far away. The Htee la ili. I tot reiuso to obey her iiidiHiivsliip, nn.l when she had reached tho copse, shu struck them ui'utli n saddle. It was a smart blow Unit she aduiiuistered, and the horses htui tcd forward uu I disappeared in an instant. Thus in u fnw moments Ferguson's Avengers Lad been deprived of.their horses. Flushed with triumph, Alico Dean cbuuipo returned to tho house, and siruin looked iu upon its hilarious tenants. Slio now held a a weapon whit pistol iu lior hand h a holster had gruutod her, and sho crept to the edge of the porch before sho halted. There was tho llash of vcngeuiico in the dark eyes of tho partisan girl while she gazed upon the party be yond tho threshold. Once or twico sho raised the weapon, but lowered it ugaiti, os if pluving with tho life of tho leader of tho sik, whoso burlv form was roveulo 1 by tho light of the tiro. Sho saw the fowls, smoking nnd well Inn ue.l, placod on tho table, and watched tho greody men crowd a rouud for thoir sharos. Their tounges and movoments told hor the stolon liquor wns doing its accustom od work on all ssvo tho (riant, who had superintended tho cooking of tuo late repast. I Ins man appeared a jperiocuy sooor, nnt tuo angry i iginueos wl. hieli ha often cast at his comrades told that ho did not saua- lion iiieir usccnaiiaiinu coiiiiucc. "Como 1 enough of this !' ho stul donly cried, rising from tho table. which had boon draggod to tho con tro of the room. "Got up, boys, nnd lot s be going. 1 told you at iley a that you had wine enough, but you must bring some hero nnd drink yourselves stuped. Tom Soott, and lyou lilaukeson, I am nslmnind of ; you 1 VOU lilt WOU lil wo llo If a Una . of rebels Should Cntcll US iu this COU dition T You know tho mercy wo : would get, and vet you sit there os caroloss ns statues drunk as old Dacehus himself.'' Thon nu expression of contompt passed over tho man's faoo, nud stooping, ho cried : ''Up ! up 1 tho robots nro coming!' lint his cry of alarm did not infuso much lifo into tho men at tho tuhlo. Ono or two hea Is woro raised, but tho drunkon leer that tundo tho faces hideous was enough to pro- voko a smile, ovon from tho mad toi,y- .... ... "Men 2 ho sneered, contomptu- lously. "JJogs I evory one of you. pVo a mind to rids down to the ! Paeolo swamp and toll tho robols hiding thoro that tho men they hato are in their power. I have thought that I commanded mm, uot drunk ards 1" anil he struck tho table with tho butt of his pistol, but could not ronso his stupid followors. Tho noxt moment, with an oath on his lips, ho strode to tho door, which ho jerkod open' and stepped upon the parch. "Ciirso such dogs as I load 1" ho hissed. "I supposo I must load tho horsog op, aud tie each fool iu tho saddlo.'1 Ho was stopping from tho porch for tho purpose of attending to tbe horses which he supposed wero still totherod at the trees, when a form rcso boforo hun and ho started back with a gasp of torror. "Who in tho mischiof ' "Alico Beaucbnmpo," was tbo in terruption of tho apparition. "Tho daughtor of tho old man basely ni ar dor o I by your hinds I Down on your miserable knees, Godfrey Lang, and bog for tho mercy you have novor grautod others I Down, 1 say I" Perhaps the shadows of tho win dow sash did not permit hiin to see the pistol that was clutched In the baud of the fearless girl, else his rashness might have be jn cuibod. "Kneol to you T Nover I" he cried, The weapon whioh he raised drop ped before the flash that followed bis last words, and with a groan or pain he staggered back U cli'op doad' . XL X . , 'aT among his drunken comrades. A 1 urt l'.nnnniiAmnA a inn nil A. I. nnP Ii own courage, stood silent amidst Uio!e'": amoKo oi iter own pistol. ruio saw tho bacchantes try to shako off their torpor at sight of their atricken len der, nnd ono roso to bis feet to fall as soon as ho needed support. , .uw iiir iiiu tnuiu i nuu ri ivii, with triumph, and tho next minute rushed from tho disgustiug eight Au hour passed nwuy, and tho drunken tones begau , to rocover t their chief, who had dropped to the llonr, seemed to sober them with his cold faco and staring oyes, and whon they had nttuoet recovered their scattered wits, the foo they droaded was upon thorn. Alico Duauchampo's votco Lnd fired tho hearts of a patriot band for vonguanoo. Ou lior way to tho swamp she had encountered tho partisans who had captured one of the Hying horses, nnd woro following tho trail The conflict between patriot and tor J was brief nud almost bloodless Tha live nvongers wero made prisoners, ano sued like cowards for the inurcy they had uever granted to a living being. I need not describe tho sceno Hint followod. SuII'k'o it to say that tho trees in front of Alico Dciinchuiupu's homo boro tho strangest fruit thnt over hung from living limb. Tho vengeance of tlio patriots was as complete ns terrible, and when the gloriou i sun roso again, the ' dreaded man of the lovely district had censod to frighten puoplo with their imnic. Alico Heauehampp, whoso murage j had led to the extermination of tho avenging band, became tlio heroine of tlio day. and after the termination of hostilities wedded a lieutenant of Marion's men. Her heroism is ven erated, mid her gallant exploit nar rated daily by hundreds of her de scendants in the Palmetto State. i Kissed by a Burglar. ' Tho Now York Mireury says : A most peculiar robbery was lately pcrpotrulod upon tlio teniule llliuutes of a house on Dupont stroet, Pun Francisco. Tho women, it appears, were asleep, and wheu they retired they had left the gas burning low. Thoy were awakened by a midden brightness which had beciij prod need by turning on a full head ol gas, and they discovered threo nioii in the room. Ouo of these had pointed toward them a loaded revolver, while tho two others woro rummag ing tho drawers of tho bureau. One of tho wonien gave a scream, when all threo men turned toward tho bed and each presented a rovolver, tell iug tliom they would havo to keep j quiet if they valued their lives, and ii tney nail aiiytuing to say mey mnst not speak nbovo a whisper. Ono of tho robbers then approached tho women. From tho hands of one ho stripped diamond rings vnluod at tfSOO, and from tho other took rings worth 12o. Ouo of tho women, after boing robbed commenced to cry bitterly, and tho robber nskod her why she wept. Nho replied : "You havo taken my wedding riug ; return that to mo, and you may koep tho rest." Tho robber hesitat ed about roturuiuir it. but tho wom- an begged hard that ho would re nrn if. itn, lie nine. i, I if. oil t ie llmrnr fenm uliich lm Imd taken it after which ho kissed hor mid ex- prestod a hope thnt sho would bu a good girl iu tho future. A Dead Shot. Frank Fray no is now performing the feat of shooting un apple oil' his wifo's head. Ho performs it nightly at tho New Chicago Thentro. Somo persons thought it simply n cleaver trick of legerdemain t but it is real ly a triumph of marksmanship. Re cently Mr. Fray no gave a private exhibition of his skill before a seloct ooinmitteo comsistiug of members of the press and a number of experts. Mr. Fred Knight, a member of the company, was soloctod to hold tho applo ou his head nnd stand quiet uuder flro. Frank Fray no loaded his riflo a Stovous, made at Chieo pee Falls, Mass. and ho made that piece of fruit fly into a thousand pie ces. .Then ho repeated tho experi ment this timo nriug backward over his Bhoulder, and taking bis aim by moans of a small mirror. I bore could bo no doubt as to tho reali ty of tho shootiug i tha only wouder was that tho young man shot at could calmly stand without Jliuobiug. The Place lor Young Men. Yonne man, go to India I It la lb ens- torn inert far partott lo pay men lo marry ibeir daughters In uaioiitia, recently a riob llio. loo paid a man who cam from a family of eonaiderabla Uittinoiion lb m to of $3oo,ooo lo marry bit daughter. Tbe fellow msrried lb young girl, a mtr ebild la ytart, and poekted lb money. Wilbin two years he bad gambled away all Ibis money and we in debt heti ltt. la ibitiirail be ttnt Ibe girl to ber par. eats' borne, demanding Sloo.ooo more a a a condition of living witb ber longer. Ibe proposition was Indignantly rejeoled. aod ibe ditcanltd wife uow remains at ber parental borne. It Is a ellgma upon Hindoo family If lb daughters are not married b of era arriving at lbs age of Ibir leeo, JPaTLandis, the man who shot Carruth at Vinoland, New Jersey, has boen acquitted on tbe ground of insanity, It is strange bow insane some men got whon they are being tried for murder, but it is etraneror what verdiots the iutolligont jury men sometimes bring iu. 1- !a--LL 11J FEDttUAllY 24, YWWX .u..m,ih. . . .a.l a..iii liatim flit I thtMr ( . ............ a. . a AT .tillflt.1 V - i ! .rint'l lr oiiArniailnnni aituwano ai tbt Torpliana' t'unrl U b bbl Mt.HIi'r li.r tha t'uiinly f Snlcf. b th MubiUv ol Fai.rnary nt , llns tb tsih ilay ol talil mniitn via: 1. Thtmm. anil Anal iwnwiil of T. v.. W. tar Ailutr. ol tb K.iat "f J.ibn S. Wall , ill. S Tli fount of .lull M.ilnrt B'linlnlttrs. Irlx ol Hi Latata uf lunlcl Ulu, ilcl. I. Tb arenonl nf Parilel lUmnbatl Aduif. of lb Kilat ol Itabtlla Tharp, ilrt'l. " 4. Hf"t an I flnal aof.innl of Kalhanlcl l"l. I- an.) arltarlab H.'.bUf l.aacutort l tb ! talcuf.lubu Ixobltr, ilro.l. t Slatamont of t W. shower! 0'l II. I', t.onic Ailiora. of lb tttai of llarl tra suil, ileoil. . Ths aiwnunlof willUis Snno tlfli!. who watlluaMluu ofDIIver 4aiunel ouaollh ml nn, i.lill.lr-n nf llnome Haiiiih!. it fi k-l by li,il.n Sno ik an I llonrf Unwk baooutort Willi. in an job, Uetil. T JTb aeoount M XVIIIUm Sn v,k iltnj. who wan tiuarillan of lamilna Hamprl a minor Hill I nl ileorire Simtol liM. an It in I i.y lieu, ben Snook an'l lleury bnvok Kiaculort of MI I laio Snook, ilo il. S. Tin aocuiinl of Williatn Psnot doc il who w tlimr.llso of John fittntn-el a nil-1 ... .kit. I .M!.n... So,o...l ,lanM na flllol I.y neut.eo Sunok an l Henry fn mV, I'x-1 cuiors ol tut) r.tiaio oi hi. piihto iku ui.. Wm. u b ,i.,n',i i who wax fliiat'ilUu of I'nllinriu V.. Samp- ltd a Minor obit J of (lor(o Sitiiiittl -Ife'tl 'aiflU'J by lUnry Snook Hoiil'fB Sunuk, V leoulurt of lb ctiaio or "in- cnouk ilcoM. nf lh The account of 1!.I Hliolly a b.rr, "'l9uf ' . . . II I be account ol lulin llrouto Kintnr of i tb f.tlat f I oily llolin. .ltd. 19 The eri'olltllol rr itiblin It w KlM'llbT of tlio ltal of Samuel Kow,il rtl. 1J. Tbe aoc.iunl ol .Mary (l. 'liart .l.linliil-lra-till i lllll t.'llelliolilii auuvtu of III l:al of lino rj lerbart, tlri-il, A. I bu llrtlan.l fmtl account of t.lt llitt. A .linr. of tb" KaletuHf liion II. Ilnut , .!. I. II I'lrtt accmnt of I ovl I'awllnit anil l.wwlt r. rawllnn f in. uturt ol tb .tl.it oi-aiiuti rvf Hum, ileeu JAMKS Jmi i, '-,1. M VANZASKT, UtK'nlor K llocor ler. COFUT PROCLAMATION. Wborraii the lion. J. ('. lUciirH, l'rl dent Jittleo of the Judicial Pitirie1 conqiotcl of the coiiutiea of Mnyilor, I'niou an. I . . ,.i. MiMin nn.l J. II. L. Slnmlol iiiol i.. I., umiiieunu!. r.s.p .ymtciaie '.m K in an J for sny.lrr counly buy n.iutJ I lie ir Tb eulebrate.l author. In t lil - o.lmlr.ii.lo r.r preccpl lioarinar, data lb Mill ilay of Vi elearli .loiuonmralc, trnui a thirty yeart1 ti . ii iy-r , . i;. , i taccoMlnl pructic that tlio ularniln "imc Pee. A. I. ICiO. to luo tlireelcil fur ,,. ,l( ,,f.Rbu may bo rn lb-allv rtire, Ibu bolilioe of an Orpkaot' rourl, a court ! witboul tha liiiniaruu u-o ol Intoi nal ine.liciu of Commou Pleaa. caurl nf Over ami Ter- "' I'pU.'ailon of tne bull.. , poiiuinii out a ... . . . u . iiio.l ol cure at once alitiplocertiilN anl elleettt miner anJ (leuenil court uf (.liturlt r !"- i h,. inomitol wbleh evory miilorur. muter inn of the peace Bl M i'Mlcl'iirg, for tbe r...n,l. nrHh.,l..f onll.aJlb M ,.o, la li.r' ''"' 2ili Jay of rcuruury inni.j uuu continue flue week Notice ia therefore hereby glvun lo Ibe Coroner, Jutticea of the I'eaco nod Cunaln Met in and fur Ibe eouuly of Snyder, to ap pear in their proper person with their mil rcoordt, initiiailinna. examination itnd other remeiubraucea lo do ihute lliiu; whioh of their oAicoi and in their behalf pertain to be doue ami witne.tea and pcr- i .. - I i.-l.-l -r .i... j" . ...... wealth aoainat any pcriun or pomou are required lo be Iheu and there ntleuJing a fitluuJini? and not dcpartinr wllhoul leate e at their peril. Jutiieet are reuuetled lo le puitoi ual in Ibeir allenJuuce at the appoiaied lime agreeably lo notice. Uiren under my hand and teal at the Sheriff' otDceln Middlebnrg, lb 12ib Jay of Jan. A. v., oue iboueaad eight buudied and leyenly aix. PA.NlkL EISbKUAIir. Bberill. PfJOTlCH of Widows Appraisementa under the $300 Law. Notioe is hereby glen that tbo following widowe apprait-euicul bate been riled witb lh Clerk of the Orphaue' Court of Koy.ltr Co., for confirmation on Muuday, the 'JSib day of February mil. A Dnralitmeut of Sarah tnioL widow of Juho SweDKel decM. Atiprtltautniit of K.baoca Stuck, widow of Conrad Stuck tlecM. Atinralacmoiit of Ifaonah KUaiilw, widow nf lteiibcii KllnitleruWd, Appral.in.nt of Naaoy Yorgar, wlduw of llto- ry Y .rnr UeM. Appralaeiutnt of Mary Smith, widow of Jure- ml.li binlib ik-o'd. Appraltnnient of Ano K.li-h.nbtob, widow of JaAobtl. Kelcbeubacb dav'd. Appr.li.uuut of Aim Kttk, widow of Blla Kerk deu'd, Appraltmaal of Harbra Sander, widow of Emanuel s.edrtdcd. Keb. lo, 7 ti. J. I'ROUSK. Cltrk 0. C T ICKNSK NOTICK. Notice is aLJberebT given that .lamti J. Mitobtl, Mlddlaburg. jacon soitiu. Johh Krlck, Wilton lrete Jonathan Spottl, Wait Peaver. llaavtr, f bapinan. lianry li.ni.r. t raaaliu. liavbl V. har.t.lttr. " have Hle.1 tlielr patlllnna for Tavern lleent with tb fl.rk ol Uuarl.r nlonol Snyder county. ad thetaine will b preaented for approval on Monday, lb-lh day el Kei.ruary uetl. J.CKOUst.Ulerka. S. Assignee Account. ATOTICK is bernby given that II i.1 M, Nlppl Attlgo f l.vl Hum, bat ImI kit aseount In Hit I rotlmn itaty't nine at MlddUburai, and that lb taiu will b praacnl d foreonarmatluaal i'ebruary Trw of four I. J.CHI'IHK, Ja,ir,7. proth'y. J. KRKITZKU, JUSTlOLOt THE PEAflK, Ukapmaa towhiMp Haydtr C. r. Convtyanolnk, Collecting and all oilier butl. it vutrutied to Uii sere will be pfumptl; at tiul Wt 187G. NO.' 42. THE Best Investment!! AX ExMliilioirt Band. WholeSBonds, 020 each. Half CIO ? Quarter Co 8 ALI.OTMF.NT8 ANNUALLY. All II in 1 ptrtiolpat In tacb Sjrlai ilrawlnu umii rrii.uij rai-lt loin.l will reActr tnir than lit entt. All the rut a nircbtr runt It tUtbiMofa yirllon nf lb inlr. A whole U.inl,uiutt rooolfooniof lb follow ina: r riuiuint. n, :(. ioo. tiv), s?rnn. ? l.ooo, J0it'i;l?ri,U0ll. ijltD.IKI-', 35,IOi), K)0,tK)U. rortlnpt of HubJi cIy Ihelr rropw pro PrllOO NoxtlAllot moil tfrir?ll.f I .hid oi .linif, .tmc, .ii(7, Svt'inhcr, tie- Utbrr, HtCtmUr, lS7l, II VV A IION'I MiW ANPMT PAIITK'I. I'ATKS IS IA KKV bllAWlNil TILL IT IS IU. lit I'. Mi: I). pdio,,,, f prawn Dolids, in starch fiH I'reinium Altotmei.t, o each. MENU Km INlU'CKMKNTfl TOrl.CWM. How t 1 ii,lmMi ! I lleni't by l:irci P"t tinier. Hank Pratt. I'otlneil t bo b. kinl-toro I Letter, ur or ter tbrouif'i anv llanUior llunbluK ll'ot-o. ptyaOle ..tlio otilcr ol the Svirtiry of The In.lu-trul f nl.ll.ltli.il e .lnuliy. I'J Y.' ITtb Mirei. New 1 or, wpeeuny eitariero'l liy tne winieot -ew i York, for the Mirivno ol bull llittt In 9ii York. .1 1'altti cof Industry. it taon.-i.ro. attj cotitnillv 1 by tlo abtuet atnl in -i 1 1 m in(ii KI.e.l tititiio t tutu ol Nee- York. MiiN't. .f cit m C lleniaioiw, (Ki l.o-iit. ibu. ..r Ne Y'ork.) PrM'l. lluN. W. l,.llllAr, li't-l'r. n'l. i.. II. I'onk, rt.e. lUKIit'TiiHS. tleu'l J' oi.l II Smith, .lamo M. Siit.ivor, I'aill N. MpollorJ. I. u'l .lobii M . Corte, W. r. Snatl.-r amli-w M. Kinb y, il A. '. Hiriirlt. I. l.o.l II llirllrtt. II. 1 . i liivlooali. Illlfflbl. ir llma.lSl. !. Y .I'ny. liltroa'laay. N. V.'t'Py. t'bloaoi. III. Ill K. fruliHi. . Y .City. St. I, ol", Mo. T Hiiane St., N. V. I'y. (it . U..1I1 SI. Y. t It). 4a III". I St. N Y. I'nv. Ilartlorl. 11. II II. IVl.lli.l.l, A Will.. T Unlv Ily Via. .-. N. Y .t'ilv. N. N. Sunt. -,.n, in K. UJISt. N.Y.I My ii. A . Sin i-tin, Ai l rnlM r, t . II , . V. t'uy. IIvjii. W. L ilruut. I'ovtnct'.ii, ky .1. S. O. II irl, fin. n. nail. O K. A. II .!. TB Murray HI. I. V. I lly ll.' i. W tlJltiUr.1 l.'t W.ISI. N. T.t'll. Hen. W li. tlabrlul N'.tl Hanker, ft l.aoh.uK- U e. N. Y.f ily. Albert I., fttllo, llurliiik'ton. t. Wm. I'. Ur.iko, Urate Ur n., Ilm.keia. N. Y. .lolm .1 . Aiolor-.n. St-lniiiiaiol Now York. Warr.il Miir.o. V, Ntw York. II. iu. John I'. It il. Ititoll, lllui'liailiptol.. an.t N.Y.I Ily. TUITSrb'KS DP MAVAiir.lt. I, V.pvini'li..atir,Tru. Nallonal.Ktiirota f oniiany, N' Y. f Ily. il, ... A. M. UoualJ,: I'. Slat SI. .N. Y.i.ily. Norn. 5 will pu retiat a I'nolluu partli:! patltm iu TIAItt II II AI.I.OT.If I'.&T. If ililrawaloan than . ' luttuny will lake II ' ba.-k a In the piirebae of a whole bjuil of Ui Imliiatrial Llhlbllioni'u,,r.Nw Tork. 'Manliooi: How Lost, How Restored! ul yul.ltane.t, a new lllton nf Dr. IH'lJWt tihrrnrll'. I li lirnlril Keany on IMH 'bo rmlli'iil cur (without mo.lirlno) ol SraaiATiKitHiA or Seminal Weak eot. Involiinttiry Nominal l.o.m.ii. lureTKsev. I Mental ami I'liynlcal Incnpaclty, lniit.lineiili 1 to Murrl.iue. oto.. : thu. lioaauHi-i ion. Ki-i- 1 eeiual niiravaxano. i arm ami ht, imiuceii by toll lu.iiiiKene ur -l rco, In a Malo.1 s.lvelo.Hi. t,r ill cent. I what bit c..o.lltl..n may be, may cur hlinrelf "I"' U'l) . privately, an I radically. CO' ; t T lilw l.ecturo thotibl i,e In the han.1t of viry ynuili ani eysry man lu tb lund. suui uiolor iel. In plain niivol.-ui . any Mr-pa p'.l-.al,l. on ri-f"lpt of .u ni.i.ur two p-ii.1 etampa. Ail. treat tbe Pnpllt'iurt, f II AS. .1. IMil.lN K h I f 1:1 Unwary, Now York t P,.t U(M:e llvi, 46-fl. VICK'S Flower & Vegetable Seeds I it, i, million ne.n.ie In America, ann j the re.ull la, beautiful 1 1. .wort ami tpleti.lbl JiinilafF' tli roti Vjtfv,Ulei. I'rico.l t!alaiu,iiii int Irtta to l 1 1 sus shviui jf-r aw veiil m biatii y. VIOK'H Flower & Vegetable Garden is ih mmi boNutl.i.l nf tli kind In th worlil. It i iMitAln i.t) trly llJ iik, himlr'li o( nn llluftrutloni. nA four i'hruino I'lftivt of Klv r. UuU(tiMy Ur-vwii nil rulnrel I nun Ditture. Price 3 ei, Ik por ouvori ; Oi olf. buuoj lu lug tut eloib Vlck N Floral Guide Tblt It a btautllul QuarUrly Journal, Hooty llluilrato t, an.l ooutalnliiK an elea-ant eolorel Krontlaplece with tbe Mrnt numlxr. I'rli'a only ik et. lur the vaar. Tha Itrat number lur ta.ll Juet Uiud. A.blr-a jarii.1 y ivav, iiwaenvr, v i. $ DOWN WITH HARD TIMES. $ SAVE MONEYViifrW." MiiNaVa wiilnil, Tbe Ort-at S. t. L illar fejle, il llroinfl. I I SL. Uoatoii, Mian. . auic 17 1 ha e.,1.1 Hood, to lub.nuo p-tteou.. It oiler every varlotyof Pry, ranev.aotl staple (looil., (rru-i-rlca, ll-Hik., I'utli-ry, (llawi Wan-, o kc.al about balfprlto, mnl .i lia avkiiYTitiMi at uxt.v oa ihii i.au. Pivot Uonile 1 1 1. ui. from uunufn, tur.r 1 11 Ol uaUUdiaiid lir.l liau.lw, aud oau aell for fl what country U'lali-ra a.k Si loi or. Till, la no bulubiiK, 110 "tli-kvl." or lottery. Su. our otrculait, aud tee tbe llioiiaaada of articleNolfcri-d at ouly 1. . We aro eudorai it by Ibe lo-at ppera ut II oetuB, ami oy iuu,imi oalrnu.. Boe eurclmulare. VXFA rtcjnkud will nullyou good t luat tbtu WU Vall.iiv otlior h.iuic. We to ml I.y iu.il ur etpret. C. tl. 11., and lot you aae giimla before bii)lnK. We waul agvutaeverywberu. No rtak, noeaiitlal uoeilad. flna Pont'"1!" 1 1""'1' ""' Haud nne.fur Uuo WCUb.ll..ur papera, cir. ul.ra.au l ll.t. We CA a and UO eell til artl.'l ,ll book., b.'.. all for A hi nukh tiei.L a a. Iieiutiiiil Kiiiu-. flua llrac.b-ia.Sal, I'lpo-, Vloliur, 1 luitar., tlaalora, ... ..w. .... ... . . . , . n V u n . .uu tave tuoiiey. You ra tv du it, plea. try. AiMr. all ordritiii H. IIUSISTONklU., N. t. HUl. I.A It S A UK, 93 HruuiUeld l; Uoalou, U.aa. UQQQQII MtlNKY KUt ALL OolytwolUraat Only two lMuiM. "it It alaaytdark- eai before day." 'lo uv radr wh I oatiii t i ui,,w w ill aaod on boa ofewiwbioh liuranle will put yuit ta lb way to lu.b I'Mt woalk.ABd aut tea kail yowr.tlwi. Hali aol for uian or wouieo, boy. ur glrlt, abd la ntlrtly new. Tbouiaa.lt tea now taou re pay ing bu.luett, anilVun.laul Itmirn. Tblt li lb "obaoc nl a lifetime," aa l if yo vaIII ..( ia-krac-e It tall your Irtauilt, lor It u A f orlun lor torn worthy ilrvlug ptrion who uae.lt a helping baud. Nut a r pe. Jewelry, or other auiuou. out a eat anil rtur guaranteed butt att opiKiriniiliy. Sample boa, olreular. a. at. ,ar tout at oott, so tenia, only 10 introduce III lion nee, ami noii aee.1 rwt.lt Ijf unleai tbty waul to make 'SO 0 a year elaar. lluu.l.eilt al BiakitiB tual, an'l ao tutnd ' iM" will tbew v u ou,,, 'tit ilone." AJdtt.t, lit'.M'hU It W.tUUMl,e1,a fBREHIAu CROU8H, Fropf. .' . 'y.Trm of SnlwonptitMi, - ' IWO U)LLA1W PER ANNUM. : Tny U vitliin nit iiMmtlra, nrr'irnot mlJ rrilliin tti9 your. o fmpuf dii confiminl ur.t:i nil firrpnriH: r pnlil unlcn ut tlio optlim of tho pulf ",hrT- . lt Hulmrrlptton nulmafl 0 tn comity PAY AKI.R IS AftVASC. oPP'mm liftinu nnil OKinir pnppr vMrcwKOil ttli?rs iiorrrtnemiMcrilian and urn hitlilo fordio price oftliepnppr taauif. aiI.kmas. nosAcs Attawaa-. 3. ALLEMAN & SOK. AT TO UN K Y li AT LA W. HolliiriVH lfa' All BnifelwM1 luialnee anJ enltfellns; tnlrutted l- their osni will hi frntnpily Hon I lo. Can b enatull'! In En glut u r UertuttO. OlUot, Mnrkl H piart. T jTsmith" aTTORlifKY At f,AW. MIDI) I. t-UU tt). SMYT.UK UO., PA Mlert hit P ontlonl Srl-e In Hi pab'M L'onaultOont la toallf. anil '.rto, r"N.7tTrTn lJ mum k wman im ll-ti-l't Altfiriioy, Mld.Ucburg. Snyder Ceiuity lVim'rt JJlos a few "loom Wl of lite Court llou-e on Msia alrpot. Oonstillailon lir Kii(llah n Oornina lanuaKe. Hi p.'tl". WM. VAN (iVM'M, ATTORN KY AT LAW, Iwisburg I'ii., DITct t rrnfctstonsl aertios Is ae piili- Sa. Ctilleoliont an J all oilier t'ifb-iun-al bsainrai cnlriitlpil ts til oar wlllrt wait irotul alteulioti. JIV'CIMWM.TU'.K. ATTORNEY AT t.W; Middlebnrjf, I'a., t KTcrt hi protection,! tcrtloet to lh puli lle. Colleiiion aii't all elber profetaionul tmetnaa ontruiitl Iw bit car will receita prnnipt attoiition. Ja 3, 'tolf "Ti- ii. ji TS i i7 Attorney & Councellor A T-LA ir, Olllce N. K. Cor Market fi Water St rrvs-burtf. I'onu'ii. ("ontullaiiou iu bulb Englteh anil Oermtn LanjtuiiRvs. leo, I'.l, 'litf. T M (It (S, I.TNN, A H. IMI.L. (Sueceora to .f. V. H J. M. I.lnn.) ITTtiKNKl.S AT LAW. I.owlel.uri. Pa. t)lTr thiir Toffiiiteil m-Miecs Is llio public. Collccliuus nul nil oibcr pro fvaaiuual bin'mon rnlrtisleil In ibelr cam will roceieeproniptatlonliun.J Jan, S.'CTlf F. J. It. ZKLLIUt, ATTOttSFA'-AT-LAVr CtntnvUI?., Suiflcr County, J'enna. All bii-ln. it . otru.ta-l t bit car will lea well ao l f.iltlifnlly atleu l.-.l I i. Will practice at the veral orta of Sny.lar nd a.lloliiinil ooni.li.. fan bo couultl lu lb I'.tiallih or lli-riian langnatie. Oct. ''3t' GUAKLKS 1IOWKU. ATI'UKNEV AT LAW, Solinsgruvo Pa , I) Tort Lit prufoteionulacryicot lo llio pub- llo Collcftiuui uud nil itlber profc-io'ci bualnem cnltii-lcl lo his car will re ceive pruupt ttti'litlon. (iRiof two donra north of tbe aryatune Hotel. Jitu o, o, JOHN II. AUNOLl), A-ttinoy nt Iaw, MIDULEKl'lli), r.t. Prnfo'sionnl bnalnca eiilrn-lcd In hi pare wl'.! be promptly attended lo. Fob U. 71 jTiiomTson nXkiiu, " yVttl'IK--lli -IIl-W, Luviiabttrg, L'ninti Co., Tit. gy-Qan be ooneultcil iu Ibu Knglieh and Oertmtn 1angiing'."Vj8 orPll'B M it kut Slicot, opposite Wnlla gtnitb i Co' Hlore W "."POTTEU, ATTOHXIIV 17' LAW. Selinsgrovo Pa , (ilT-rtlla proftteeiiinal eervinc In llio publio. Allleual buineaa eulriiateil lo liia aare will receive l rouipt altenlinn. frtlice one door above the .New Lutbcrau Church. July, sib '72. T. PAKKS, ATTOIISEY AT LAW. rlliLIN.SGROVU, 8NTUKU COUNTY, P ivpt.li, 'BTtf C. SI.MPSO.N ATTOttNKY AT LAW. A. Northuiuberliiud, Pa. tlfeig lit profeaaiunal tcrvieo lo the pub- .In. All buaiticaa enlrntod to bi .care ill be promptly attended In. I jn. t., 'n ti J.PKTEUS, ' Justice of the Peace, Miildleburg. Snyder county, Penn'a rouvevanelii Son, aud Cilb-cllon itia1. Kvurjilili.it IniruiWd lo lil care, will rooolv pruuipl iionUon. Jena 11, V4. D1 It Jt V KAN AW Kb, fllYSICIAN AND 8L'B0E0?(, Ceutrevlllc, 8uydrr Co., Pa. Offer hi profttional servieec lo the public. "Str QR. A. II. billTU, pjirsicux axd srnanoy, Offer Lie professional tcrvlooa lo Ibe ctll- teua of Adamtburg aaid vicinity, isrpl, J JJU. J. Y.SlllNDKL, HL'UGKON AND PHYSICIAN, Middleburg Pa., Oder bU profeaelonal eervineg to the oil itous uf Middleourg aud vicinity: I Mitrcb 'il, oi j I. MONBUCK, Justice of the Peace Adamnburg, Snyder Co., Pa. Will be iu bla cilice at tb above mention ed ptao. 00 MONDAY sod BATl'KUAY ol eaob week, when all kloda of builne rslatlsg t i faia oflioe, will be allendcd le Juuc iitl '7:ltf F. VAN JJUSKlUbt, lUltaiCAL ft MECHANICAL DENTIST . Solinsgrove Peon. A. WKTZlili, Justice of the Peace, Heaver town, Snyder Co., Va, All kind of eulleeiion made oa liberal . Prompt ailends la all bueineaa ainftt-4 1 Ui oast, (Juas 8e, 'JHf A . ifl'- .- ) . r