The P os t . Eittleburg, Jan'7r2br i876. I. CROUSErEdifor" PropTietorr Tai National lliulliran Convev tion will be heKI at Ciucianati oo the 14.1b of June next Titi debt of Peiinavlvitnia, after aieiirtctinjr the aa.eta of tho pinking lanX, amount to $l."1.7$G."rJ4 81. Tut House )nt olAse committee reported a bill Inst week rprx-alinf? Ifamlin'ft ampmlrucnt to the poiitul appropriation bill. Tnt Amlitor Oenpral'B Ilonort, with tho "Compliments of J. T. Temple," in on our tnbln, lor which Le w ill ampl onr tlrnnkn. An net to protect the children of tin Commonwealth in their lights to netniro ttKeful trades wa intro Uuce.l in tho Sunnte on Friday. Ki.izv rrsm! hun recoviTcd dnm ages fiuM tho riiiludelpliia ntid Heading l.'ailroiid Company to tho I honpitaln from frost bito. .inoinit of 4.2511 tor taking her be-1 VvnU of oller noftr youA the Uitton to which the LynpllM,rg. Va., long nuppontd to lie E0, extinct volcano, have recently ... ,. , , . ., .... i given uninistitkuble evidenco of ac Tr h eili uitu l th it tho filling off in the unmoor uf liojjn packed thus ' 10 ,. fur thin neannn. an cinniaie.l with 1 c,rOovot nor Tilden, hue declined last year, in ?"0,0 i(. but biter ie turn may roluco thf- rt 'nren There in alno a docreaKo iu weight.' BBBMaaaa, As net extending tho otc-nplion Jaw to inclutlo n lioinf ntoatl of tlm al of 1. 000, wearing nppurel, iiirmtiiie, looln nml unpicmontn, ma- terioln of trade, lilr;u ion mid eenio tery lotn, wnn introducod in tho Stuto Semite lant week. Jin. Mc I'nr.u.ios. during tho twelve yeara ho was Clerk of tho limine, (liHburnedoi'er ni nullionn of dnllars M'heu lie, had n final hi ttlement ii fnw days ago tho Treasury nccotintn allowed ono dollar Bud Keveuty-nix veutn to bin credit nioro than wns ahowu by bin own accounts. The Now Hiimpnhiro correspon dent of the New York I'tnim, review ing the political vitmitioti in that Mato nayn: "Though tho contest will bo clono, tho li'epublicniin nrn likely to bo well united this year, and will work with zeal and enthu ianii), inspired) by n very strong hope of complete Hiiecenn. They nro in far bettor trim than they have been for (ho hint two years." rRnnsVLVANU haa been undor Ho- lately in the employ of JJenj. T. Bab publican nJmiiiistialin peveral;1,k. onV manufacturer, New York, years, and New York under Demo- j l"s boon nrrestod on thochurjfoof erntic control, llio total cont of our embezzlement and forcery to the State Government, ineludinjr about amount of between S 00,000 and one ami n half million paid on the 1 8COl',000. pnlilic deLt, wiw n trifle over 0,000,. UdO last year. That of New York wan about 10,000.000, and Tildt n thinks it ought to bo reduced to $8,. 000,000. Tot New York hliould cost no nioro for its government than Pennsylvania l'ittttirg dinette. TrnsiMi wounded Union soldiers cnt of oflioo to iiiuko room for ts Coiifederutes. may be fully up to tho "true reform" promised by Pcnioci racy, but it will fall fur short of tho reform (hat will satisfy tho country. It is bad eiHMigh to uppoint o t'nn fodcrato soldiers and leading rebels to oflico while ton of thousands of brave fellows cau bo futiud w ho nerv d tho nation in its hour ot peril, - nnd who stand in ueod of wmu em- ploymtnt that will yield them fair Amnesty bill, and an opportunity pay for honest sei 'vices, but it is fur j will be offered to voto cu the ques worso to tiiin out ouo-legsod and Hon direct whether Jeflerson Davis one-armed heroes from positions -bull bo excluded from its provisions. iiimusiuti Lv ik l: i itiit:i ill t uiui 1.1 y j initxo room lor tuo lornier enemios of tho Republic. If this is the poli cy of Democracy, tho people will effectually squelch it when it pre sents itself at tlio bullot-boz at next election. A cotutEsrosiiENT of tho Thilodel . jihia Times writes from ' thut nt least threu-fourtlm of tho men eiiat;cd in iniiiiiit; anthracito oal will bo out of employment for the ue&t two luontlis. atnl perhaps longer, Tho Schuylkill region tthut down on tlio Uit'.i inst. thruwinir Hbont 15.000 men out of work and tieprivin ii'oiu ii.i.oow io .i'vH,o poo phi of their moans of mibsistauce. ilncli sufferiiiir ttheiuly prevails iu that county, tho nu n not yet having recovered from tho effect of the atnko (if list spring, ami storekcep1 ers being iu no coihIiUoii to advanco crnditb. Tho liiwIessnesH which pro- LWloSSIleSS Which lU'O- Tailx in that region islargoly duo to tlio sutiuriiig tint exists among n rliisH ol men wui) nro iiuaceaoiv I. .II 1 1 '.o.,. !, 1.... .viifi.. iiioii'muii i.w 1, v. i ..ill who now have nothini; to do but drink bad whihkey mid prowl about iu btarcli of plunder. Tim fourth of March, 1877, when tho next President should bo inau gurated, will cuttie ou Sunday, und tho United Stales will, doubtless, be without a I'rcbidout for a day. Pres ident (1 runt's term euds ou the forth of March, for the act of Congress provides that the Presidential term "shall ia all ruses couuncuco on the fourth day of March,' and the Con stitution prvidos thai the President 'shall bold hisoflluo daring tho term of four years.'' In 181'J, the fourth of March came on Sunday, and Pres ident Taylor was inaugurated ou Monday, the 5th. In 1877, the new President will, of course, be inau gurated, on Monday, tho 5th, but in case of war, or any supremo necessi ty calling fur Presidoutial action, the elect could be qualified oo Sunday by the Chief Justice. And be former ly inaugurated the succeeding dav. Preeideot Johnson was qualified in bis room at the Kirkwood House, in fraeeaow uf ouly two or three per oat.. Tnt En QTjntTio. Hon. John Wolith. of the Centennial Hoard of Finance, wan viriited lately by a larire (U-lention of poultry dealers from Boatuii, Unffulo, ami New York city, wilh a request that tho board would erect on the (Centennial grouuds a building covering at lonst fire acre a, for poultry exhibitor. The party proponed in cnao of the building be ing erected to niT all tho ex pennon of conducting tho Poultry Inhibition Hull. A gentleman from New York winding to givo Mr. Welsh big idea of the importance of tho proposed exhibition. Raid that in that city over !?H,OtKUlO) worth of eg'a are con Rumcd annually. It in probable that the board will endeavor, no far an practicable, to moot the wishes of the intending exhibitor. ftarliidinnnpolix, I nil , ban been no looted an the point for tho cstablish. m oil t of a now branch mint. aTSc;ili't fjver in racing with groat violonon iu Keading, an tunny as fifty new canea having boeu re ported intone day litHt week. eWfOvcr three hundred soldiers have been frozen to death noir Don j;n. Tiukov.and nianv nioro are in the o pardon I'.d ward S. Stoko. The kati rhay, klhkuary iich, iti, delnv in niiHworiiig'his application j At moviaeit m the fiio.inr Net t ettt. to l.-n out of connidoratiuu for hiHj-XVoMnty.VV'infSn;:,".: I !U'.'lltH. erlK. lollom. l.i wit: K.t lif Unit ut 1 Henry Kmtrer, Mouth be Inn'l oi . I. ihoiLki-ken. (KrOovcrnor Connor, of Miiine, Xi !t-of k r--1-r' ' h L ." r i n n YuYv' rcciniimtiida that luriea bo nntho-1 unit r ai hkx, more ur k-n. wi.erem r Irid to i.nsn eciitenco upon crii-iiiudn ,Xr''ouuM.n,:.r, u"n' ",l in raiiit il ennen, which, ho nayn, hun ' been succcHHful in California. Knoxvim k. Tenn. Jan. 1C. Tho wife of ex-l'renident Johnnon died at her daughter 'h, Mih. Judgo Patter I nun, near Orcouvillc, at 11 o'clock lnt night. Jtirpoli g.Uionn from narly all the great cities nro honccching the Republican Kxecutivo Commit too tho National Convention eacli that may bo held in its own city. WTThn annual sulo of pown in I'lymonth Church, at ltrooklyn, N. Y., took placo hint Tuosduy night Tho total amount realized for rentals and premiums was lili.t'WO. iyDurii)g tho pant ecanon, 1, 720 car loud of pot.itoon pained over I the Northern Central railroad, cast t ward, lu'li or contained, on nu'!?' lii.iJ bunhelH milking a to tal of 510,000 bunhcln. StirChnilen 11. Uockwith. a clerk 8arln Scranton, laHt week, John Lloyd, ft boy of thirteen, nhot his tiiriter in-law, Mih. David Lloyd, with a iihot gun. woundin; her very seri ously, and then escaped. The wo man's offense was scolding the boy for neglecting his work. WJoiih. Chirli, a veteran engi neer on tho Werttcrn division of the I Erin road, recently ran bis engine I I.7J50 inilcn. jmttin in hiiteou and a half days' time, ion einglo week, I and drew therefor $0IS pay. Thin in 'said to bo tho biggest locouiotivo 1 1. ... . .. i ICUfa till ItTUIU. Wamiiinotom, Jan. 10 It in saiil that when tho State of Mississippi jRNrM!.iiut..p.ioutiu.iii.. w.n i miuui. railed in tho llouso to-morrow, Mr. Lvnch of that State will introduce an II I Al. I I A- ... IT tnrWolves nro killing snoop in large numbers in localities in Clear Hold county in which tho beasts havo not been seeu for fifteen years. An old resident says ho has heard wolf music for fifty years but has never hoard as much as this wilder. Some I farmers havo lost as high as tweuty euecp in ouo uigui. IfciTWhilo George Sebold, of Cam bria count, was in tho net of put ting up a target at a shooting match a ritle in tlie hands oi a tnnrksiUail 1 nocitlentally went off. L.,.,,1 throiiL'li tho rn nnd tho ball pod through tho right lung of Se j )0U und lodied under tho arm ine injuries jnoducod uro serious but not ncccKsnnly laUtl. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS dint ion. ' iillll', is lierehy civcn that the ' ' fllu"', rlU-l li be,, ptirrliaaeH Py , iliii ttnoer-iKiieo, ai nn.rii i neio anil l.ll in the 1 i ac'etnu of Mti'liael lltO'lou, during III pleaa ui. All persona arn I'aiilloneil imt to liitormro ... nifliltv a .1 1. ih. vi. -j u.v Ma... a ' to. i nor e anon. 1.01 or n..rt.. n-.r, 1..1 '!"" ."."' Whr.i,ll.yL.l,l.ra, H.y lu.e. Waiiou Uulj SlrUhf. 1IAV1D MOVED, Jan. , lT RULE ON HEIRS &C In (be mttitr of lb ii of Michael En. ule, Ul of Monro Tuwnabip, deo'tl, To Mary Kneel, willow, Antoi llngel, Mary M ilitnU Jurreit, HcnU Jar- rell auJ Ktnnia Jtrreil, uiiuor who bare for Iht ir liuar'linu, V. II. Wagnrr, n l bviia of M.iry Ann Etiftl. wb inter, miiint J vt iilt Jacob Jitrrclt ami Jacob Jar- red nil rraitling in rnler cnuni Jacob t'liKel, Joaetili tngel nn.l tin will Kiiffel. jitterunrriej wit It 8 tniiiul Wolf all reai tkuli of I'.l llnH'alu Twp., I'nion oounijv I'm., Holuuion tuxel, rc.itliii( At Manhnt. Icu, Hi 1 17 couiiiy, Kaimi. Iloltie Kngel, inlermarrieJ wiu Franklin Deitrlck, real Jing Al ConeorJ, Morgau oounly, llliunia; liuae Jarren renitling io (n Prtnoiioo, Cslifornia. (Tb miJ .Mary MalinJ. l.o, Usui stiil Mnun biing cbil lreo of Mar Add KukoI, lited Inlerinarried with J eub Jarrcll foreU lineal det. ilanti of Micbel Kngel, Ul of tUo Iowa bip ef Monro. Boeder eoun'y, drei. UmtkTika You ar hereby eltad to b and apir bfor tkJu'lya ot uur tiriihao' t'ourt, at an tlr pkao1 Court to b held at Mlddlebur-, on Ike lourtk Klonoay uf rahruary, A. K. lalt, at 10 o'clock la tk foraoou, then and there to - Mptor raiuMto ua in ileal aaiai or laid kllekaol tuttel deaa, at tk aupraal ealu ties ul iiwu It ky an losuaatJuly awarded br Ika ald Luurt. aod returned by lb tikarln' of aatd o-.unty, ur tuow ua why tk tana ibould not keeold. And hereof lall aot. VViineaitha Ha. Joaapbtf. Hubr, lUqalr, I fMldeut of u aald Uuurt. at JaieldlabuiB, Ikl Ilia i uf Jauuaiy A. U l'T. PUBL1CJ3AL1S I rPUK unilerelg-ned Ailmlnlalrtlori nf Ids 1 ll of F.ll Keek, wilt offer n Public Sal at hi lata reilenc, In MiuMlecreek lp., near fmiih((rnT, on Thursday, Fob. 10,1870, Tlio following Valuable I'er.nnal t'ropertjr, In mil i TWO )KF.4, ONE COW. num ber of 8IIOAT4. Horae )rr, W con. Thretuing Miehinn, Urnin lrilt, Watoa Ileile, IUy l.allera, lit Hnke, I'lowi, HKlt'KR. IIOUSK'fOI.I) GOODS, Took ami oilier finer wilh p Ipe An. Table, Sian.l. ami oilier bottehoM ftirnllura ami farming Implement loo telimn to mention. Vila 10 commence l lo o'clock a m. of fii'l liny, when ilue atlendnnr wilt bt gittn nml Itraii of 1 tnmle known by EU KKKI.KIl. Jn. 2, '70. Admlnielralor. sheriffsTsale BY virtno of a writ of Vend Ks. is ne I mil nfihe court of 'minon Plcae of nydrr county end tu tn directed, will be at. poee I lo public alr, i Hit I'uiirlkouae, la Mid klcburg, Sinr-li;t, tlrviry Y2, . et 10 o'clock e. ni., In following talniM Rett .-tele, In wit : A certain THAI, r OV t.VND eit'iete lu Aloira lownahtp, NnjuVr county, Ooohil.d and ilim'rllH-il a followa to wit : Kt l. Und f Pi ler L liit: nth be land of H .mul M.oer.'W e.t ht UihI iroivo Klin tnd North bvlrOor i:i hi I .Imth ,ti tttiirp'iu Breere-leilt TWOSTIIUV Hnl'SK. lltRN ami other mil. ImlMlime, outjli.loj ll A('l;l S, more or Km. Mr!, ii, t' . n in hi'.'iuKd nJ lu bv o'1 he propvily uf i Kurgt Hi4itirfre. Jto. IS, VS. HbtrllT. CMlinilT S SALK. IJ II? tlrlae of writ l Vn4. Ki. ImuI nut of tliet'iMirt of'oin.iin I'lenii nf .savtnr etiotT lmttuiiin ilirei'teil. mil be t ! to I utile nnlo. l tho i'oiirili..ue, la Mbl lleburv. on "i-n im. eeeutpn n4 to umj ti li. hllEMI.ItlT. )nli;:i. MiiTirr. Notil't..' OTIf'R In herelijr Itieen" thfit Jcih lirum. cnmmitiee nf the termm n 1 i rJ K'litto (if Mnnee Miil llf ewarl b. line tiled hie Ana.1 acenunt in Hie I'rol honntarj'l j ouice, Ri .injiiicDurg, Anil tnai tue eatne will be ,r eenlej for ennArnmtioti at Kcb rnnry ierui uf ihe I'oinimin I'len Court in !""J 1:"X0,T' 'llth " v" J. CRuUftK. Jn. 'Jo, '7ft. I'r.jih'jr Public Notice. IIUHLIC notice is hereby Riven to il wli'iiu It inay I'oiii'eru : That, Mia Slerhi of Heer tu ti.lilri. Subtler cnnnl?, bat. lu. d lila rili' tl"U lu the ..(Tio.' ol the (t, ralarj r lntnn al Afltir. for a warrant for Fifty Airra iinlinpro I aeiil laltil, aitoate In lleavrr town. lil, rinya.-r e.iiinti, 8111010104 lain! warranted in Ilia name or Martin WiiIiIiikIhii on Hie (.ant lenl warranleil In tlio name of Jolin liewart on the S' Ulli. lauit warranted in the name of Chrla iot Kajifriih-rg ou lha W.l, lanJ aarrautoa la Ice name of K.lliar U.-een on Ida Kgjiti. Jau. II, 'ft. Jacub Gauglcr 1 In the Court of Common Pleat ot vs. Snyder County No. 38 Deo T. Catharine Gaugler. J 1874. To (.'athnrine fr'i'er. ,' xpomlmt. MlUK : Yd!' erelieretj notlfle.l that Hie un.leriiKneJ. t'oimnl.pioner apnotntail hv ilia eouri atora ahl. to lake lertlaiooy lu the awe entitled oauae, will meal at Ilia olhoa of .1. I'. I'runiull ler, K.i., In the lloroua-U of MlililiehU'K, on WKH.nV.MiAV, Iheeth Oat ol r I II l I ' A it ) , n,l hetwaen lu o,eiin-k ami a u'eloi k P. 1 . 01 anl day tor the iirue of ilUtliarulna: the ilu tla. ol ut aiiiioiutinent wnen anil wuera j ou may all. nil a. yuu think .r nor. tltteu umler toy hand at Aliadleburii, thli Cth day ul Januarj, A. 1 I- . 111U.MAH J. SMITH. Cuuiuilwluner. VALUABLE ritOl'KRTY AT ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. rpilU undersigned Administrators J nf the tatai.l John Swonlo, il d. will oner at I'u'ilio .ile at lili int reililenee. to I ' Wednesday, February 2d, 1 876, Th followlmc V1nM l'e-.onrl Property, to lt : 1 HA V ieelent family l.ej.t. TWO tnW.S itt'n S'Hil fine l.dof I'tiri.'l II t.inp HI iilV,Sl'li W.i.ti ew KVMILY SI V.l -II, if feu llun K V lliiriieea. Saddle, II AV HV Tll. TK.N, lolol (MHNr liHHI it. Hat. I'ry Hou. tior Hu. ler, lirlml Nloi a, Whrell.arrow, M l.uel.wle f COIAl HKS. lot ol fork, conk ktova, foil stove. Nl-W SIMM) nHUAN. 1 pair of H,l Sle nli. Hllle. Anierlean l.eter Wat-li. C'loeli. heereiary. tr0 and '. ppar Kettle, lot ofla I lei, halr, t 'uphoard, and mauy uiuaf ottlcU too nuinaroiia tn maniluti, sale loeoinnieiieaat luo'eloek A. M., of talil day, when doe uit. n. lance will U glrau kail leruit uf ile made kuown l y ). I. NWKMU.K. e.U. H.SU'KNIII.r, Jn.T. 't. Adailolilralur. ( 'nut ion "VOTICE is hereby given that the f.dlottlne iivnn-il artti'le luva been pureliae. .l al HIi..pIA'm anil Ipft In Ilia ..I Mh l,il lllnu.-h dnrimi In. pli-amire. all iraona are caotloneit not lo Interfere or lln'dill with Ihe em, rut I llltrk Mir, I worn! Mare, tlray foil, IU t:ol,l flow, I IUIfir. VtMea,4iiloiala. 1 How, Siirluif Weson, 3 llilKlllra. 1'low, H.rrow, ltnKI.'r llarli--. Ill of l.'orii in tho Hidil. L. it of Pidatoie, fooli alove and e niteiitM. Sol of I'lialre. I. it of Wliel In (Iron'ld, I. it of f lover Hei il, 4 Unit. Irull Ktlle, llrllld Stone, 2 II mhlr Trera, I liniihle and "ingle tree, 2 Aeri aiirutn tn, Jau.S, le:.) II. J. QUI liANS" COl'HT SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. BY virtue of an ordor of the Or uliani' Court, th undemlun il Admlolflra- I tor of th tut of linuiel I tenter, latent fen. (re townnhip, Snyder county, deed., will (xnoa U 1'uhllo bale, ou Saturday, January 22d, 1C70, nn th 1 rcmlfei In Centrevill. laid county, tb following-deerlb I Henl Kato t. to wit,: No. 1 t wo I.1K0I I round, altuala tn ald town 01 1 aiiirevnie, anjoiuinn lot of lienrneti. Snaniileron the!Kat, lot ol Walter nn the Wail. Walnut Street on th Mouth, and au Alley on lb IW1I1, nn whl.-h are erieted partly lov and pariiy rnvii; 11(11 KK. we tberboarded, a Wood Hliil lo. nnd other outbuild Ina, a well ol uond water, ar. No. 2 A Trai't of Land altuat In (aid town. bl,i, adjolnlUK land ul Valeniiu Waller Win r'"ler. ail I oilier., no which ar erected a I t) I lllll KK, a Mahle. ling rily Ac. and a K od Kpilus ol Water, and a ood Orchard, con Ululng It A15HKS Ko.3-A Traei nf Land eltual' In tb earn tnwnnhlp and oounty. adjolnluit land, of llalley, Aaron I'. Walter, John Ynunir, and other. Almul on ball I under eultlratlon, and tb other ball good tltubor land, ooutalo Ins n aciikh. Sal to eouimeni' at 10 o'clock A M , of .aid day, wken lkeondlton will be made known by AMOS HfMHI, JACOll IIKtlSrt, UBtrTlll. 10, (,'T, Adulnlatratnra. Caution. NOTICE ia heriby given that the AdlowtiiB named article have been pitrchaa ee) by the underelKueil al SherlS' Hale, nu llac. Jeih, lel. aa Hie proparly of Itanial Wall', aud left Ihe awe lu poeelnn uf t'alliarliia Walter, durtniililepleaaure, l: t Hjy alare.l Cow, 1 eheeu Hnrloc wwoa. tl iltlvator. Wheelliaarow. u m i.v. ..iioi ooru eouoer. uaiH eorn. i-ni of PoUtoe. t Aorea ratu inO round, 1 Acre of tl IS ine aruuiMi, rnra, wnovei, eeyine, C'ookoa, I Hadaaud Uetfdtuir, Horeeu, Ta ble, aluk.t cbaira, cop'awrd, Wood hl Iron kettle, leit of weal, t'oit. Truck waoo. All per aiaar hereby eanttuaed ao to lulerfer or auddl Wills lb earn. Jta. t. in. . THIS WILL NOTIFY THE PUBLIC of our intention to put kiw and loweb pru ks on much of our Stock. THE TEAR' C LOS I NO OUT 8ALK WILL COMMSNCR at' HALF-PAST BIX O'CLOCK, EACIl WEEK-DAT XIORMXO, CONTINUE I'STIL OUR FALL add WISTEH STOCK li BOLD. j THE MAIN FACT IS : We bave made np too mast OVERCOATS and SUITS for this yoar, nnd to transfer our Stock into Cnnh needed for preparation for 1870, we will make ettUtin utrritrm which will be apparent ox and afteh WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER FIRT, when wo shall havo gono through our Salesrooms and cut off Trollls, and even a pnit of the cost, from many of our present prices. To he vtry exact in tutting thi matter, n v h not inttwl that any atrtrtimtnt or runtom of our houtt ihall miakal te jiuUk in thcltat jHirlivultr, wc think it proper to aj, that thi$ Mark Voitn, vMlit it upplite to A TIlOT'SANn AND MORE OVERCOATS. A THOUSAND ANI Moilli liUStKESS COAT3, HUNDREDS OF DRESS COAT, KEVKRAL THOUSAND VESTJ, SEVERAL THOUSAND PAIRS OF PANTS, anil ettemh througfiout our hmitr, ytt there are tome lott in which (a they have already been marked at efote prictt,) tee thall make no change. Wl CE91RK TO ANKOCNCK THAT THIS U OUR FINAL AND ONLY MARE DOWN THIS SEASON, So that NONE NEED WAIT roa Low mm Vuxcti. Till BTBF WE TAKE WILL WtiSl'BlUTt I.Y AID TIIUBI WHO HII. L1KB EcONOMUINA. THE TERMS OF THE SALE A EE THE ISVAl TERMS OF Ol R HuVSE : 1. No Second or Altered Prices Omb Fueu Pticb. 2 Ciinh from AIL to wnrtnnt Low Prices. 3. Tho Contract ou our part, to return money, It a part of tho bargain lu each case (provided goods aro re turned unworn.) 4. A Full Guarantee given for each garment. The 8 took wo offor is all nrw, and is not "iiopjht" or "wiiolmalk" stock, but oar own CAREFUXXiY made It will bo remomberod that our Rtock i . ; : i . i e t...,t. Riir. nnti siiatc is piovnititi ior utuii e.i uuu iiuis. x win uiau uu uuiuu iu wiuu aunt nieio is uut v.a u in HALL, and that i at the coitsen or SJXTII-SlXTII-SIXTH-SIXTM-SIXTn mul MAltlvirr MtrtotH. Hoping for a visit from each reader, the couutry, and DMINIS I RATOIJ.S MITICK.- 1.1'ltnri Of A'lminiPirnuon on iv bii-i hi llanhen KHna-ler lute of fentr Twu.. deeM hare been vranteil tu the umierHnne I, all per un knowliiK tlienirelve.itndehteil to :ild estate ar reiiietail to maka iayinent without delay, whi'eth". havlua clnlma will prtaeni tl a duly authenticated for ettleuient l'i ' I'M lilt Kl IM1UR, W.M. A.MAllKl.v, Jan. 'T. AUmlnimrator. AHsiK"1 o,H.Tsftt Ice. ALL persons interested are here hy uotire.l llial lliliry M.chlley of lli a'er lnwnalilf, Himler roiitii. he made an .Itftin.n t if all lila rrVela, real ami Verenlial to the nnd- mlnneil for llu biuent of Ma eredllnre. All fire na liavlinr t lalm ae reiiieteil to prr. nt them t" the on lrind. ami erann4 lu- dehled will uleaa luake Immeillala tnin. III. 1. . urn n . Pee. i, 7. Amlnnea. Slil M Far All. DANIKIeC. IIKnoSTltF.SSKR itealreeloan. notllKetoall lnlere.t..l. Thai aloee the ill aidutlon of Hie Kmuof llrK'H'"er k tjirn-h on the lt of April, lie lia openeit In Ilia Hew Itilllil. lnK In Si Inn (Inne.oD Wator Slrval, above i'lua, ii oltte J 8. lleiitiina'a ttore, .. . w tLetltilGr btOIG 3,11(1 X IU ishing Shop. where will Ii found at ell time en aortmenl tf all aluda of FHiitifd htie k, eonlatlni of liar uea. S..U, I' mer, Kip aud Calf SVlii. Morna-. co, l.loiait., Topplnn he., of dldorenl i)nalllle and .rl.-. . I lia attantlon nl Slioemakera. Farm. era, ami all OlUuta la luviieii, ueioro vuiiuhi ua aiaewhore. Thlrty nve year aa prai-tieal Tjnier q-iallrlxa htm to tndae the noalUua of blork. Uldaa lki.n lo aiolianit for Leather. I,t). IIKROSTHKMHKR. June .'T! Meliiiaa,ru.iudt Co., Pa. JEIt H. MID D LES W ARTU, JLSriCKOl' THE TEACB COSVEVANCER, McC!ure City, Snyder Co-, Fa, Polletoni ami all btnln pertaining to th offle ol Juatlo of tk f eo will I attend t to at ahort nolle July ti '.tf I? XECUTOItS' NOTICE Letters J trntamentary on th tat ol llnry Verier I'.aid, lat of Mlddlaereak towmlup, Snyder t'ouniy. Henn'a., karlnii bu Kraut. d to tk under.lKiiad, all paiaon knowln tbatulva ImlekteiTto laid e.tnl are riu.t d I tuak linuicillat naynienl, while tuna having elalon will pra.aot thaomuiy auuienn caled tortltluiut t" . 11 r n it t l r.ei'i e.n. JAl'OU UAL UKIIMAV, Jan. , 1IT4. fcxoutor. CAUTION. , 1L NOTICE ia hereby f,'iv'n that the under.lan d purnkaaed at hharlfl't Sale, on l c. J, lait, the following: named article, aod left th aiu In uoueaaton of wm. rry. myer, a. lonna. he may nt, elitlalar, t tluree.. 1 .Mul llae f oll.Urer l!dt. How.eow. 3 Hkoata lot of l.ard. Lot of potato, lot of Pork, lot ol Heel, lluua-e. bulk I'luw.'i IMowi J Harrow, Wagi.n llox. Hay Hoke, Sleigh. Sled, lot ol forn. lot 01 O.u, 1 Acre Kralu lu U round, eat ol llatne., a llridle. 1 1'ollare. All ier.on ai hereby eautluud Dot tu uia' die orluterlr with th iu. wili.iam j. CAUTION. V'OTICE is hereby (riven 't the fo lowlug articlra bave b oo piirehaaed by lb uiidoralitio-d, at Skerlll'a Nil an I b it lu the liaanealoti of J. J. Miii-liel, dorinil hi pleaauro, All peraoua are uauimned uot lo Interfere or u.d ilia a tin the aalne. via I & e.ial Uiea. i l.iV. ettuk! 4 aland., log.l. brandy, U barrel wklke,T I. Kin, i iial. k itit.r brand), bir Hxturee, bem h, 11 iHd.and bi-diiiuu. lot oi onaira. lot 01 cariiei, bun an., t chit, window hH1.1l.., nynt, 1 or Wore looklUS gla., 4 labloe, loouke, lot kulvi1 and fork, l..t of quueaawere, diulugrooiu lll, naik alov and alore, ! eaw, apriug aoaie douuhiray. cebliau eutter. waiioo. wanou box plmikli, cultivator, fork. rak. pair bay laddara. whei'ioarrow, 1 oow, 1 borae, 3 uiuie, ait bar na, kaod wagon, wheat In ground. Jai'e. UKMKY MOTBB. CAUTION. NOTICE is hoieby given that the A 1 following artlcl-a nave neen purcnaaea oy the uuderiiimed, al Deuetable'a Mai and left lu th uoealua ol B. U. Slroup. luring ble plea. ure. All peraou ar oantluued not Ui lularfei rer or meddle wltU the aame, vll t Kutlr ot ofHUoe. tuakaralufila, HUottlun, l4 of Kyr, Woori.bol, Table, Mof Polaloea, Meal Htaai wun conveuia, klaat hiand with Ileef. Urdelrad and bedding, can of Lard, 1'ba.k, lever Watrb, rltuuge Uut. tee, ku., Iron kettle, 1 rig. BUofnl, run, aui l.ot 01 Cora rodder, Hay lUke, Itiiugy, tlual Kio.a and nlae. Naddle. g Hel Daw Ueare. (look Biove aua pipe, a oaireia 1 iih.i, t aiwr, wr nor Clipboard, Irk,tHed MMad, llhaai, I. at t hicken, l.otof Setoud Orop. I Marw, VVagiiu, flow, Heaper. JUllM UlLUtUT. Jan. 1, it7. $10 TO $20r:.,.,'-.,A: wbr. rsnlealaara fit. A.-fl. Dtaia g stelfvaa Ms. . . ' .... , , u .1 . always embraces tho choicest styles "i ti :n ..v. t... t... that our frioudii will pass this We are Very Truly, "WANAMAKEll fc RROWNj iiiii.irxi'iiiA. tmma, ntl Wl. KRAI'S, Sec. w i. mum, TlflJ. NORTH SCHUYLKILL Matcal Fire mnm Co'r. Mahanoy City Pa. EVERY Policy Holder It a Rightful Member 01 This Company. r r aopVcatinn. for Innurano oall 'onorad Ore., tk agent of tbouipany G W. GRANELL0, Justice of the rcare & Conveyancer, UKAI.KH IN Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, Miilillt'lmrf, Snydorcnunty, Pa. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber otTurs at Private Sale, th farm which he now neeupl. ill, t In I'ranklln twp , on tnhtage ttoad Mtwcen Mlddlehurg and fentrevllle, and 1 uilla fruut Middieuur! Matiun 01 ttia a. a i u. 11. Al farmeonialu 175 ACRES 125 Acres Are Clear. and In a no1 flat of cultl atlon, th balanca CHESTNUT TIMBER. on which ar araotel a Large (lood BANK BA UN 2 Good DWELLING HOUSES, and allneeeMaryoutb-'Udlng. A large orchard with choloe Irull. Hunnlng water on tk prein. I.e.. and a wellol ueer lalllng wtr near tb door, erAne pr.on whodolr to pureha.a at a moderate price and y trtn, a de.lrabla proprty, eonrnlnt to store, lobnolf, cbureh ., kt , hould nvl Ull to call oo ur addra th uuur.lMUd, J. W. D0NM0YER, Middleburo, Snyder Co. Pa. IHt. 1, 'T-tf MARBLE WORKS. LEWISHURO, PA. ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMENTS. Tombstones, Statues, Urns, Vases, LAMIW, for Children's Graves Pot, Lintels, Tiibltj, Marble and SUtte Mantel, Sc. All tho who 4lr to porch. t imbttona or anything abe uiaiiula. lured alike aiwvamea. tiooel tuarkl work, .bould eon.ult th under tlguad agent, before purchasing ei.ewker. bAUI rJI. litlWKN, ly 1 f tf.) kllddlabarg, Soydr C. Fa ADMINISTRATOR d NOTICE. Uatlere of Aduilulelratlon oa th aetata of fcliaa Keck deed, Ule ef Mlddlaoreek lowuakip. korder coiiDtr. fa. hallngkeeu granted lo the ititileretgued ll peraoa know lug Ikeniaelea In. uenUd lo aald ratal ar ritated to make lu. wedlaM oayuietit. wklla Ihnea liaelng clalma will preae. IhMB ulr tnlkeutlcatrd for eat- tL..i i. r ui 1 wwi.wu e, t, T, AdiUikllraAvir IuOTHINC of bit.itantIat. uoons, and that BTtnv ,i rx-i . t t- auBounoeniout to all their friuuJs in T"E NATION AL HOTEL. J. llFOCKLki:, Vm'r. BelinsKt'ovo.rL.-. Till Hotel la pleaaatil l.H-al'-d in th- " q m.-. .' and il Very dv-li-a'd" plac I r travet-r. lual , the nKhTi f t iuh rli. I e. i....ounro ill hv ue I'jui; niiCi. T;. be.t f Itqiior In the liar. e A tirai i-laaa Itrewuretit In tTf ectlon . V. It.. II .1.1. A a.l NEW PLANING MILL at 5? A Ll'.M, P. O, Snyder Ce. Pa. HAINES & SHYDFR F'rotri.etorii Th almv liaelnv entered Into a no-part nerniilp for tl.e parpnia nfrarremg nn mor ei ten.lvrle and In better advantage th boln. of uianufaeturlng a general a.iorlmant ol BU1LUIN0 MATERIAL, SUCH AH Doors, Shutters, Sash, Ill.I.N IH, IOOIt ANM WINDOW FRAMES N;roll rrlc, llotillIiis'H, AllSorte of TUKMNtt. wlah te ay to (larpanteri and allelkari wko InUud building NEW HOUSES. Or Repair & Remodlc OLD ONES, that w have tL faellltl. and ar prepared ot furnl.bat fair pileef, K K A II Y M A UK oral ahori notice. eheur than ean Ii tuada bv hand I th too.t luiportaiil parti ol building. Wlo (iiitf limit, Aewat I Vttt ana Halo ten, Jlracktte, llooriiiqr, Hiillnc, Hiii'ltieed UoiiiuIh, aoJ do a gcuertl iDsiotit of a kiod of Lumber for BIEfc3BIM &.Cs War practical knd irleneed Architect and llrauuhl.uien, and our patron will har tk tianeutof our kuuwladgv and .kill. Our work will 1'ruve eatuantorv, Ma, 8071 JOUN K. 1IUU1IES, Ehc., JUSTICE OF THE FEACK, Peno Twp,, Snyder Co. P JEVI KEPLER, Notary Pnlilic, Suryejor, Conveyancer, Pud Estate am Peed. Road and Mortgagti prpard and al kind of eonreyaoolng tunUed to prouiptly with" aud acourraey. Special attention given to haying and Mlllng Real Kttata lilfle la Kreemoal, Nuyder Co. Pa., P. O. Addraaa, ali, flaeaaat Will, Hurdar Co., Pena'a. Aug. nt, HEABTH AND HOME AND "Tho Weekly Orapltio." Tb large.!, rhaape.t, and be.t Tlluatratvd Nwpapr, Ik weekly edition of Th Only Paper lu tba World A an thi Mount Hon Pa ma op A MiairA. Twelve larg page I beenllful llliiatralloua al nauulllpahl teu.Bui. ataal vrbrolluallou uf iu le. b rated plclnr earlal and ahort torle fe.Ulouaj w iraeie, e.e., iu eery aueauer. 1 .. .. "". w . . . Uatliyaaa wvlul pnuuluiue giv.u to eli'bf, The iereeeea.Maaiaaiu) w aiaoi way paper. Wrlt.weiaieu: .IV KOTIClk ttMi on t'i mile of .ert-upe t. ihtt ol ienlr twp, hi,f..ef n, intr, r., riTln hen irrn(e4 to ti e ae'lririlirneil, ell p-rmni knotli. IMt. eelree Inilel.'e.l to m l e'nte ere rejtieeie4 itiftee Imiue date torment, while IWe hei m lelm. ir iruenl iScri iIii.t mh .r.'k.i ti- Mlem. nt tn J. O. U'EKOX, Jib. It, n,;3. Ai!mlnl:ttlvr. ADM MsTRAT0 RK' N OflCE I ettrt t'l union' Ton lie e.ten r !. Ti SU, .id,.f'le.;rei.k tp , Patil eiuntT, (' l."i hitre I sod rnle l to tle nnlerlnil. All r-r.,.u inoli. tbenil.iai tmlebteil to Hel l ctiiie vill t'lenie trntki. .n. Bieillet iTinent wlille tliu.e liarlne cleliae llftlnit enlilMUtt will lireent Uiin r-r ut. tlenirolto Bk.U I.MT.KO. IX. ti, 7V Ailml .l.tieur. ijminstratorVnotick!! a ol ftitmlnlrtratlnn nm the ealafc. m Jnhn enMHl, I'H ol Franklin twp, deed, havin be. ii irrnnTel 11 lite tciilerniKiii il. n:l ar. eon knnwlnit tluteleelnileM.'d lomld rptnt ire reiiueaieii lo maRclninieillatepijmeiit, wbli th-e havlna- elatm. will thaam dale aulteuiuatcil f r-etlleiuenl to jmiivm. . HWFNdFL UIIAULr..t !. K.VUrt, Iiec.9'7l. Ailtnlnl.tratore. 1853. 71. 1873. CENTENNIAL ! rinetn iilnnteil th motto of It "IflUIA It the a i. ill-ami: tent Ion ol " th tiile,iwr woal.t fall the at- a (lubiia to th fast ttial k aaa loilil th CASH SYSTEM, and hereafter, wl'l tetl geod entirely for CACat or I lil'IH t K.llna a.itltned that It I. tk wa yitatn of dolnv ku.lno.. lie 1 oatinue. tn keep on kind a r fall aal lUletd .tuck of iitty oo(iD3, onocsniis, CROCKEUr, BOOTS SUOM, II ARbWABIi, CARTE TS, OIL CLOT II WALL P.IPIH, 8IIOt PlMblSaS, LEATIUM, ' nail. OILH, I'A1.NT. C., AC, tC. which b offer to the publlt al vary graatly re. ducd CAMlt FltlCLs. With thank, tn my old u.lnmar. far taaff llliernl p.tronave lor many yar of tk pa.t, 1 would pollcll their e u.lum for tk lutar. kp Inir, they will be be&otuted by lb kaage, a4 walla Yoar humbl ereant, W. I. K.CKBERT. Selln.gror, Npt.'J 'Ik jj ONEIL. Justice of tho Peace, Port Treeerton, Snydtr County, feu All bu.ireM pirt ilnlr.a ti th otnee of Js.tU of tb I'eace will r-cel. piompt attention. i ced. A 1 tide wrlttvu o. Lcnveyiai-lt; ate ton lo I to Juir U 'fa,tf. YOU A', il. SMITH, AiiM, Srjd,? County, Penn'-a Aiicit f:i '.!'. ROYAL, . A E T I-V A WATEilTOWlT, and other lliMt-clnssi STOCK COWPAISIES. Ho UHltW NO PREMIUM NOTJ3. Docs Not Assess or Tai Ten aud fur Prompt Payment see ee J belovr, and iusure with biia. McCm-bs. Pa., 1!37?h Th! ia to certify Hint my prtiperty tlfftixiyed ly Hrc nn the fllst of May, wn in'mirptl in the WateTrtuwii, Kire IiiMiiiitiice Co., Iv II'. M. Smith, of A'l- iiiiisluir, mul 1 mid by the iitme with in W) iluvi Irani tlitlu uiljuaimcnf, ai thouuli in tmt'h a Hhnpu that the Co. lnvvf rcfiiHt'tl. 1 rcctmimrti'l the ooinpiiny to ull liavuiK uwclliiiE er r itrin property 10 ineiirc. A tiK- 2ii if. W. if. Brat.. THE WKEKLY SUN. I7J8. SEW 1'CHtK. 17. eighteen hundred and reeenlr li I lkCm teunlal year. lit. o th year In whisk aw Oppo.ltton llou.e u' ItepreMntatlr, th SrA Inc tk war, will be lo poeer at Wa.hlnglon. and th jar of tu lwntr-thlrd lection of a l're.lul of th I'mted Male.. All of thi eveni ar ut to l of great Inlare.t and tu porianc. ie('lll th two latter 1 and all of them and var;tlilug eouoecled with thcin will b lolly and Ire. lily leported and ipound4 lu, Th lUipo.ltlon llou of Hprcwntatlraa taking up tka llu nf Innuiry oiwned year at by ilia Mi a. will trnly and illllgeoty Ineattk. gate lb oorruptlnna and wililedsof tlMagT'a admlni.tratlon; and will, It I to I bopol, laf th- foundation lor a newwnd belter period la our national ul.torr. Uf all tbl Tm era wilt oontaln routplat and aseurala eceoonl, far. nlahlng II reader, with early and truttworlk Information Uc Uiee abaorblng topic. 'Ik lwnt). third t'r.aldenllal aleollon with th preparation, lor It, will be memorable aa ileinllna UHn (Inaa r'a a.ptratlon for a thlra larin ol iMiwar and nl under, and ittll more da. 011II11 wko.Uall b tb candidal of th party of Keforui. cdai lietlng Ihateaadldat. Oob. cernlng all tbe.e .ubject. lUoae wkoread Tua Hua will fcav th eopatant iuaa of klnc tkorougklT wll Inlormeil. Th W ntiu. Hvh, which ka attained a elr eulalloa olovrlgbty lkouaaadpl,alradf ha It radrt In rr, Stat and larrllorr, and a tru.l that lb year l; will tkalr number doubled it will aoatlna le M thorougb nwpapr. All th gener.l w of the day a 111 b found In II, onden.d wha aa. luiportanl, at (ull langhlh when of anilalwa)., wa trait, treated In alar, lutar. tlug and lomuetlve union r, lilt our aim lo make Hie WagRLT But. tb ke.t faulty napaxr In tk world, and wa thall euuilnua to giv la lit aoluata a larga amount ol ml.cellaoaou. reading, ucb aa atar. im.. lata., nuaui. aoleiiLina lutelllaftuca aadaa. rlcuit iral lafurmallon, fur which w ar aot able to make roota In our dally adilloa. Tea agricultural department ip Ully la on of II pronilnanl leatuie.. t he la. num. are atwireg. ulaily rporlad In Ita auluoiat bus to ar tka Biardat. ul ever) kind. TL Wi'kklv kui.lxnt page wlik tftf-ftv kroau ouiuu I only lki a I ear, poet ur. paid. A till prlea barely r-puy Ik ouai of th rP' Boif.Wi U' I aau ha made eroua tall I r!1' rale i" uluta, t. cult, Po.iiaa.iere, or anyaa-s Ifl l 1. r 0'' . a larg k.a.- taiga aeuiar ol taeriili 11 Iwor'.y-eigkt eoinino., give aiitaei.i 1 ! r ' , tup,, rji.biorii.llo. Piag pr ....j. ojo. , 01B ... r taer. ktaer. Muauaf leditloa ear far. W ka a. ra. X r