The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 29, 1875, Image 3

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Hiddlebnrg, July 29, 1875.
MwrUimiM far taaertlna la-Shle paper
nt be headed la bfure I o'einek na Tneedey,
M is preee early oa Wedaeeday Morning.
Republican Standing Committee.
Adatne Daniel Aurend, Wm. I.t)- .
Heaver W. Harry Sialtb, Hrury ParMi.
Heaver Weet A. A. nuili, Rar.i Rolhrneb.
featre Jarok H. Mertii.eii. I rlah Walrlcka
I'kepnien I Kohler Hank, Orawne Fnd,
Franklin Adam H. Weltnr. Atmor Mowoll,
Jerk.. Ml mm Krnly, .1.1. Ilavr.
Mlddleliurn Wit. II. H-avar, J.H. Arnold.
BUddlecrOTh (en. K. Fenly, . H. Yoder.
IWotim )w W. Muw.T. P. Hummel.
Paana Itvt ,' Ila K. I'awllnit.
Ferry l.wvl Krpler.leano f Hrlin.
Perry Wwl-1. e. walnay, Tliomaa P. Iter
Hellnafrove I. (1. Home, fir Ik tiaadrlcke.
tinlnn Jer Biiaar. Wna. (I. Herrold.
WeeMetea-4j.r. httw, John A. II Uhlan.
The ooiaraittee Will aeeet eu the fin! naturdey
la Aairnat.
An avljooriinl Court will lw hold in
(liia nlacs on Hie 19tli of Aturiwt.
Now Mis gentle lioust-Jly Uslliuain
the milk ititclior and wallows in tlio
liutUr. barn fly.
Our farmers Itaro flnisruw! riarroet
Ins tKeir arlirwt wi rjr. It wm nearly
nlltAi'uretl in sood condition.
Tli lad who will roll a bird' Hunt
shosltl be InnniHwl all around a lon-acro
lot with a vigorous sapling.
Klius Croiiso cf roiin township,
last wock onn d iy. whilst cuttinu wots!
cut liiiiMolf (luviTcly in llie right foot.
The Kiuiiiiiur of 1K75 will smiti Ik
mintbciwtl with Uio I'iimI, and full, with
the golden oars and fruits, ho uahcred
I)n't io on Hhade Mountain for
liui'.krilimuit Mllioxfl who do ro crmie
Iioiiio with empty baskets thoy are
(tlayotl out.
We harcu'ta next year's almanac
liandv, hut wo think the noit Fourth
of July will come on Tuesday. Itwan
tin two dayt this year.
The signs iniliralo that clionfnuts,
walnuts and shellliarka will ho abun
dant. In somo lrtccs the crop prom
istvj tolts tlia largost ever seen by the
oldoxt iubahitantii.
W. II. Dratton's house at MoCluro
City, was destroyod byfirn on the Rltrt
tf May insnred in the Watcrtown Fire
Iiiaurance Company of Watcrtown, N.
and lone promptly paid by the com
Vaiiy.. The Porry county t Wetnnn of July
211 says: "On Fridny morning last Mr.
James Duncan of Irishtowti, Spring
township in this cotinly, licnrinj; a noise
on the garret of hit h'tino went to ceo
what canned It, when ho found hi wife
nuHpoudod by a rope from ono of thr
ntftors. Ho cut the cord, aim came to
the floor and revived. ho bad at o id
upon a chair to adjust the ropo, mid then.
useouirtim unucr nor.
Tbespassino. Thnso of our citi.n
who walk out into the country, ahonld
remember that they are liable to a H no
of 15 for crnaainp! a nv (aH.n or
field, under thotrnapanH law. The nin-
iwrityoftho'larmers, however, rolw
ly would not enforce thj pua'ty for
treapaaaing Mnlnaa intnUonally dani
ce bedone, butalill thnro aro coun
try people who are no embittered
Mttainat town peoplo that they would
engarry take advantage of the first op
portunity atTordod to vent their apite,
tliat aa a matter of precaution we have
deemed it proper to caution town rea
der againat trcapaawing whon visiting
the rural diatricts. Ex..
Isaac Holtenstein. of Shamokin Dam,
Xnyder county, died on 1'hurndfty of
last weok at the advanced age 01 7
years. The Doctor waa favorably
known throughout this and ailjoiniiij;
rounties as a physician, and was fre
quently called to diatanct'fl from home
to consult in critical cast's with other
prominent physicians. As a noighltor
mid citizen, lie was highly cutceined
for bis many noble and generous acta.
In bis death a vacuum is loll that will
mover be filled. His funeral took place
on b indsy last, ana was atu-uaod ny a
lareer eonoourse of rieonlo than anv
Uiatbas occurred in Snyder county for
many jmn.-Sunbury American of 2JW
Do lhbtning rods, aa frcnoratly put
up protect buildings ? This is an old
conundrum, not yet satisfactorily an
swered. A good, rod, properly put np.
With its base planted in water or cer
tainly in moist ground, is genurally re
garded aa a protection. A rod care
lessly stnek up on a building, planted
In dry ground, we think is dangerous,
a it may attract tho electric fluid,
whon no means are taken, to carry it
ofl safely from the building. No person
should permit bis life or liw procrty
to be exposed to danger by the stupidi
ty, earefossnoas, or cupidity of lightning-rod
agents or firms, running, Tike
roaring lions, through the couutry,
seeking whom they may devour.
. Llka floods and fires, lightning can
not always be controlled by the wis-
by the
ou be
dom er man, however luuou be may
liosst of his ability to control the ele
ments. Er.
Local Nkws. There h not a locali
ty throughout the county where there
la not something occurring daring the
wees wormy 01 piinmiauun, una we
liope the friends of this paper will tnkn
the trouble to inform ua whenever any
thing out of (he usual order transpires.
By doing this they will gratify them
selves and please their neighbors, be
sides adding popularity to the paper
and increasing its tiHotulnoHS. To tlux-o
who have been favoring us in this di
rection in tho past we expretw thanks,
and we say toall patrons, don't wait
for somebody else to begin, but send
lis tho news. We desire the facts in
some kind of sbapo. aud we will ar
range thorn Tor puiilicntion. And as a
guarantee of good faith, give your
name, not for publication, but as spon
sor. All communications must bo
brief, aud banded in by HsturJsy even
ing iug, to iusure tusoitiou iu next
How to TuKkT TiuMJt. Tramps are
everywhere regarded as an unmitiga
ted nuisance. We dout mean those
who are willing to work and go from
idaco to Dlace nniting businoas with
ileasurs, but those shiftloss follows
who flgurs) In our polioe reports and
board at the publio einonse. The &(
enlilU Ammrieim. with nn eye to busl
ness. proposes tlis following treatment
for tiiis class t Fix the penalty for beg-
Jtng, tan days' labor on too tiignways
or each ofl'onse : tbore is no dancer of
s failing demand for that sort of labor
lor the next liny year, uivo to evury
ritison the power to make arrests in
cases of vaitrancv. and for every ton
days' labor by the person so arrested,
crtditthe person making the arrest
with five days towards tho working out
of his od tax. Fist this labor, give the
tramp decent board sud lodging and
from ln to fifty cents s day as wages
according to his alHoloney. Let such a
law be rigorously eiooutod, and in a
lime wnils ws snouiu nave nouer roans
and fewer tramps. The honest seek
ers for work would sutler loss under
iu.U a system tuun tueyuu now.
rsr Ths rt. ,
Sunbury A Lewistown Railroad. "
July 27,l75. f
Mr. EnrroR trar Sir .-Lately I
have been in receipt of so many letters
from all parts of your county makiiis-
inquiry as to the present state and
iiiture prospects or the ouubury and
IawiiIjiwii I J i I 11..o .1 n. . klMA
able toanawersuch applicants by letter.
as i aiiouid like to Oo. I have coneluued
Mr. Rditor, to ask you to say to the
people of your county through . the
medium of your Valuable paper, tliat
arrangements to upon the lUil Road
hnve heen made, and the papers sign
ed, and ss soon ss tho people along the
unn ii i ne roe it are agreed to do what
is right nnd accept a reaxonahle com
pensation for their land damages the
rend will be ouened and run aud not
before. The road Iihs had ninny diltl
fiilties to content with Those who
Hhotild have been its friend were not ;
tlio.o who wore thought to bo against
it were its menu.
Very Respectfully Yours,
A. C. filMPHON.
ftK.snfAtit.K IllNTs Weclin tho fol
lowing items from an exchange paper,
which limy lie worth something "to
those concerned
Onions will soon be rnndv for harvest
ing. Pull theiii when they nre norfoellv
dry, and place them in WwnAmtocure.
Kepiunt llie ground with celery, turnips
or radishes.
A sure savs acorreanomlent
of the 1'wistmnr fhrtmich, for borers
slMiut the root ortrcca, is unieaclielsHti.
es. lut enough ofl be nahin nroiitid the
mot of trees infeated do that it will riao
aiKivethn work of th Ikimt. Kmall trees
will of course reouiro less than istver
ones. Tiiis remedy "Stand to renson."
Tho ashes emit lye every tinin it niiun.s
portion or which a iu timl its way into
the holes, killing ttiein. There ahonld
le a yearly application whero they aro
very tsi.
if you hnve been nicking or hnndlinc
flcid fruit and hsvo Ntniiiedyour hsiuls,
wnh them in clean wutcr, wipe them
lightly, and whilo they nre yet moist.
strike a match aud shut your handn
around it so as to catch the smoke, and
l no stain will uipappenr.
business Locals.
nf.ACKiMiTti Wantkii From a rrivnte
souivo we; learn that there is. one of the
heat openings in tho conuly fora black
smith at Raiiuerville. One who can do
all kinds of work will find this the place
to got it.
r or further particular go to Tlniiucr
vllle. f.luly 15,75.
h Your T.if: H'orfi 10 C ut T Sick
liens prevails everywhere and everybo
dy eoiuplaiiia ofaotnci iUhchhh tlurinit
their life. When sick, the object ii to
get well ; now we say plainly that no
person In linn world that i aullcruig
with DyapepsU, Liver Complaint and
its effects, such as Itidigi-ation. (loslivo
neas, Rick Hendsebe, Knir iStomach,
Heart Hum, I'slpitulion of tho lleurt,
Depressed Ppirils. l!iliounci. Ac, nun
tsko (Ireen'a Aueuxt Flower without
uetling relief and euro. If von doiiU
this, go to. John A. Moats, MuMlehinw
Fa., and get a sample bottlo for 10 ecu:
and try it. JWular sise "Scents. Two
doses will. relieve y.ou. IJuiy Si7o lyll
E. K. Knnfcol s Bjltor Wino of Iron.
The great anneera anS Sallabt of lha people,
ta (act. ButMne-nf the klad kar ..c baea offer.
eS to the Amerloan peofle whl- k hae eo anlek-
ir inn i wny inu inair ooihi meor aan
uearrr approval
Wink or I Hon It
I u I F. Kuaaei.'a Hittkh
iIom all It proineae. and Ikua
Klvae unlTereal eaturxitlon
i la
to oare the wont nam ileaneiMla or Imllaiee.
r imllvea.
turn, kidney or Hrer siieuo woakneae, nareoue
aeea, eonatlpatlna, aanlilltr of tbe atoaank. So.
oattba Knolne. naif aold In l botUae. I
t aad affioe. S9S nttb Ninth HI., fhlla.lel
phia. Aak for Kuukel'i aod take ao otkar.
aeld by drag (lite
Dywpcpsift. Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia.
E. P Kankat'a Hitler Wine of Iron, s euro
uot ior tnia oiaeae'. u naa iieen preporiiieil
dally for many yeara In tlie praetloa ul eminent
phratalana wttn nnjiarallel rareeea. Nlmiitoma
are Inea af aetltn. wind and rlalntt of fmxl,
Iryaeaala mouth, beaitaobe, illiilneaa, aleep
leaaneu and low aplrlu. 1et tbe xenulue.
Net aold la hulk, oalr in SI butilea. 1MI Nurth
Ninth Bt.. Philadelphia, 1'a. Mold by all ilru.
aloia, aak for Kuakel'e Bitter Wine ol iron
aod take no other.
233 Taps Worm. 2.V.).
Entirety remoea.1 with iinrelv eaaretable ml.
lelne, paaalaa I rota the eyaiem aUre. No lee
enieea tue aeau paaeaa. ;omo and rarer to p.
tlenu treated- Dr. t. P. Kaakil. Ma. sje N..ria
Ninth Nt , Phlladalphla. Advloa tree. Seat,
rin sou pwmMH worm aiao reiunTen, nerer
telle. For ramovlne all klnda but Tana Worm,
tlie enedlolne oan be Sad of vnur draaalav Aak
rir Kunkelt Worm Hyrup Prloe SI- k'ur
raji nuria, tue (tatieat uiuat ou Die OB ana
bate it reinoeed.
oonnsoTsn wssily sr
Watreiiweller Sc. Hon.
Wbsat per busbsl 1 00 lo 1 16
Kyo do '
Cora do
Oala do
Cloeereeed per bsahel
Plaasssd do
Polaioss new do
Timolhyrood do
Buckwheat do
Ouiona do
Butter par peuad
Kggs per dosen
Tallow per pound
1 60
I 00
Hooded Cherries
Blsok berries
Dried Apples
Dried Pssobss pared '
do uaparsd
Bsooa. Sldos
Sop '
Caes Inula per bnahol
Sbsllbsrke do
6 lo 7
On the IHth Inrt. br Krr. J. P. Hbltidel. Mr.
rranklln W. trband Mlea ttallla A. ruu,
both uf Paaionviile.
On tlie IHlli litat. by Her. J. O. Anapaeh. Mr.
JnliB lliiyer, ol l.lineatooe Twp. Vnloo eoaaly.
and Btlae t Ilia bath Uumaiel of UtUooualy.
Ob the lath Inal, at Kaata, by Joha at.
Huakea, Keo.., William Aauilller. af William a
rt,to Miaa Biioo Nagle ul Pens towuahlp.
Hatha Itthlnal.. la Adama tnwaahlp, Its
Bails, aged w yeara, Iwobui sbJ l day a.
In Hellaaa-roro oo Ik lat laat., Mr, Vbrh
t tea Hariuaa. la bla lie! year.
Ia Kettnearoee. ou Ike ISik last., Mrs. Caeo.
Una UoUaabaab, sga4 oi yeara. ajoataa aad II
At LlBWooS. aa lbs lttb tnit., Henry Keamer
ruber, Bted as yeara, ll moalba aad is daya.
Oa the lath laat., In Unpin lowaahlp. of drop
ay of tba beart, KlUebeih. widow of Jaeob buy
di r. aad Tl yeara, aioulbe aa.t days.
Ob ths latb laat., In Pranklln townabip,
Ellaebelh, Blfa ol rmlerlok tirb, ileeaaaed, as
ad s years aud S moutlia,
la IVaaeerlowB. oa Ibstlal Inat, Mr. Asros
Speehl,aae4 SS yeara, I ruoataa and tl daya.
3 1tEWATlli.
N Sunday July 25tb, inat, dnr-
lua Ibe aheeuea 4t Harry liewereua and
Bttullr, lu Oralre auaaaalp, etimelblid' eiUtieaee
aulaied bis kouae aa atote au "Auarlcea Later
Wali'b.1' Tlie walue, baa a yullow fare, aad a
Slut lu una uf the oaeaa, Tbe above reward will
be ueld fue tbeeafe relara of the aalub.
j trsVau.y.??."
Notire in Partition.
la Iks matter of tb Eatais of Daniel
Moysr, lata of Adams tswsihlp, Snyder
oouniy, Proas., do'd. To
EllishsiH Moysr, reildlng la Adamttoss.
hip, Bnyder soiiaty, Pa., Abrsbsai 0.
Wacasr and Mary R. bis wlfs, rssldlsg at
A airy Pale, Huatlngdoa ssaaly, Poaaa.,
Bssiael Frslloh ssd Cslhsrlns A. bis wlfs
rssldlsg Is Alltavill , Miflia seaaty Pa.,
! fslsrs sad Barbara A. bis wlfs, rs
sldlsg sssr Leak Mills, Miatia ennnty Pa.,
Dsslsl . H. Moyer, rssldlsg at Balpher
Sprisgs, Bbe ssunly, Tsaoesass. Jacob
V. Moyer, rssidiag la Adams lowneblp,
Saydtr esasiy, Pa., Panlel II. Diagamaa,
Fredsrisk U. Ulngsmaa, Osorg H. 8.
Msramaa, David II. II. Ulsgaman, Sarah
R. IliDgsmaa sad Mary J. Binfamsn, who
srs tba Minor children of Matilda J. Ring,
saisa deed., and who rseids soar Woleot
villa, Nobis county, Indiana, and bsvs for
(lielr (luardian Jasub binfamsn, residing
la Adams township, Snyder Bounty, Pa.,
heirs and legal reprseentilives of Daniel
Moyer, 1st of Adams Towuibip, Soyder
county, Ps.
Take node, that by virtue of a serials
writ of Partition or Valuation iasurd out
of ths Orphans' Court of Snyder eounly,
the Sheriff of said County will hold aa la
umhI to make Partltioa or Valuation of
lbs Real Km at of tbo ssld Dsnlst Moysr,
late of the Township of Adams, la ssld
county dead, st lbs lata reeidrnco of said
decedent, en Thursday, Ibo Oth day of
September, A. V. IH7f, at lo o'clock A.
M, os aaid day, when ami whars ion srs
requealo'l to be proaenl if yon think proper.
Uieoa under my bond Ibis IMlb dsv of
July A. 1. 1S7A.
Sheriff's OfBos Middleburg, I's.
Noticoln Partition.
la tbs mailer of the llata of Usubea
Kramer, Into of Beaver tovaihlp, bay
der eminly, Pa., deceseed. To
Rebecca Kramer widow, Samuel 9, Mot.
or and Mary Jans bis wife, U. (i. Oerbart
ud hliiativlh his wife, Law is nuanly and
Amelia hta wife. William Oerbart and He
lena lita wife, Kliaa Nool an. I Amanda bis
wife, Henry Kramer and l.oul io bis wife,
Jacob wbo bas for bla (luardian Samuel
Witionnirer, Lydis Saloms wbo has for hsr
UusMiaa Samuel Wiltenniyer, Reuben
Kramer wbo baa for his (luardian, Enoch
(linesman, John Kramer, all of Snyder
eounly, except Mary Jans Internarrieil
wiib Samuel Moyer, who reeiJet st Three
Rivera, Michigan, William Uerbart ami
wife, (I. U. Uerbart and wife, wbo reside
In Millln oouniy, I's., Henry Kramer 'and
Ldiriea bis wire, wbo reiide in Noributn
berland count v, fa.
Take notloo that by virlne of a rertain
writ-of l srlilion or V sluation laeuad out
of theUrpbana' Court of Snyder County,
Pa., the nheritr ef said oouniy will bold
an in.iurat to msks I'eriuiun or Valuation
of tbs Heal Calais of Rruhrn Kramer
leveaaed, at tbs lals residence of said de.
eenard, Id lha townililp of lieaver. Hoy
dor eiiunty I's., on Friday ths loili day of
September A. D. 1H71, at lo o'clock A.
M. efsaul (lay alien anil where you are
reueated lo lie present if you think proper
Uiesn under my bsnd Uiia ..ud dur of
July A. V. lH7f.
Bberirs oOios, Middlcbsrg, Pa.
In the matter of the Estate of Daniel
Moyer, late of Adams .township,
Snyder county fa deceased, fo
Namnel a. Wotn I ilnilnlatnitnr of tbe eatate
nl Ihtnlrl Unyer di'O'd, reapllng In lieeveri.ian,
Sny.ler county, l'. KllaatMtb Moyer, rexlillna
Ih Adama t"nalilp, harder eountr, Al'-aUam
. Waaoer and ftlarf . bla . alia re.
Mln In Aalry Hair. HuntlneMea ean
IV. lennarlvanla. Samael e'rallch and ( aih
ann i
arinea a IS wile, reruiina in ananeiiaa, Mifiehaapneaa Hapertor fiw wkltettaahlua, rat up
nm pwibi,. ra., man rrn inn nwura ja.
WIIV, IOTK!,la MVWB n.M WMU.n -...,
ty. Pa.. Daniel H. Moyer
realdlns at Hulpker
Miirleea. Hhea enanly. Tenneaaea,
I'aalei H
Itlnaaman, Kre.lerlnk H. Illna-amaa,
n. b. ninaanian. t'ari.i n. it. ttinaaman. ea-
rah K llluara-a and Mary J. Illuxemen, laat
ail ol wkoia are minora and have lor their
iiuardlaa Ja.tob Hlnaamaa, realillna In Adama
inwaaaip. narnereaaniy, ra. aeira and leaal
repreaentatleea of Itanlel Moyer lata ol Adatua
townabip, anydereoanly. Pa. deoeaaed.
laee nntleatnai tbe petition ol jaroo T
Morer. bae keea preaente.1 lo the Orahana'
(lonrt or Hnyder eounly eettinv forth that the
eald Daniel Mover. Iu hie llleilme, to wit: on
the ttth day of .laanary A. II. Ifl), eatered la
in erllolee of aareameat with the aald Jeeob r.
Moyer. lor lha aala aad ooaveraBee of e eertala
irart ollaad eltuete In Adame lowaahlp, Hay
dereuuoty I'S euotalnlnu ality arree more or
lore, aud that the aald Daniel el oyer bad died
without einutlnK Deed lor aald liaet ol land
In tbe petltitmr. Jaonb Y. Mnyer, whereupon
the orurt Ote-I the Brat day of tleptemler 1 arm
A. It. 176. to bear all Darllea In luluiaat. you
aud aai'li ol you are tberelnre olteo tn tie and
pear Iwrnre tbe Judaea of the Orpbaue Court
nnydrr eounty. on tbe eald day aud ab'iw
eauae II any you have, why a por l no ei.i'ull'in
or aald ooutraol ali"Uld U'it be decreed by eald
eouit. nr tbe lourt.
KUl'taCUIark, O. C.
ffaillp Tlenfer, Daniel Benfer, Jacob Grota
soil Cstbsriao bis wife, Eoos Benfer,
Cbriatlau Gross anJ Usry bis wife, I'aul
Denfcr, Samuel Metiftor A Bueaa bis wife.
all of Ibo eounty of Snyder. Geo. Mains &
Eliisbeta bla wire reeiding in Union eoun
ty Pa., Nanny Maris widow of John Merit
deed., Robeoea Miller, widow of Isaso Mil
ler, deed., of Juniata eouaty Pa., William
Loss snj Sarah bis wife, realdins at Hock
Groye, Btepeuiou oouniy, III., beirs snd
leral reprosealsiirs of Usolel Bsafer late
of Centre lowaebip, Soyder eounty. l'enua.,
deoeaaed. GREETING i
Yoa are hereby eltrd to be and appear before
Ibe JadM of our Orphane' dart eiaa Urphana
Dourttobe held at Mlddleliura;. oa the 4lh
Monday of Hepumber A. It. lata at is a'eloek
la Ike foroaooB, then and Ihera lo eeoept or ra
faee to take ibe Hral t'.atate of aald IMatel Baa
far deeaaaad, at tba appralaed eaiaatloa Mil ap
oa It by aa laitaeetduly awarded by tho aald
Ceart. aad returned by tko SberlS of aald
aaate, or ehnw eaaaa why the eases ehoabl But
be to'.A. And baraur fall not.
Bj'lteeee tbe Hoo. Joeepu (). Huebor, PreeN
deal of oar eatd Ooart, at M Iddleburg . this lelb
day of July, A.0. IS. I.
UBOVSE, Clerk. U. C.
In the matter of the
eatata of John 8. Walter late of the ttiwaehtp of
reuaa, eontily of nayder, Peutiavlraula, dae'd.
To a widow Marah Wallar aad br Sior
ehlldrao, ela i P. O Welter the i t'eaeaa-
drle Inlaraierrled with lilraui It aria. Klbhart.
Klkhart onuuly, Indiana t Jauu, luUriaarrlad
with Juuatbaii Hllblah, Urialol, KUbart oouniy
ludlaue,eu4 Marlab H. lutrnuarriad with Will
iam HatUr.Jbe aeid Merieb S. baring died lA
to aarvlee Bar a hueband atit William HatSly
and alee ehildrea, P.lea M. Emma J. Aeher W.
Jawib M. Joha Jeoob, Hiwe, lallly, Carrie and
feUlward S. nilnnra who have fir tnelr Ouardlaa
Ibeir father William Harlly wlmalaorealdae Bear
briatol, Klkbart eouuty. ludlau a.
Take noiloe Ibal by eirluo of a oerlalo
writ of Partition or Vslustion Uausd .,oul
of lb Orphans' Court of Snyder, Co., lbs
Sheriff of said oouniy will bold an Inquest
lo make partition or valuntion or ibo nasi
Calais of Jubn 8. Waller, deod , at tba lots
reeidenos of said daoedaot in lbs townabip
or renne. Border oouniy, I' a., oa Tueedey
tbs 17lb day of August, A. U. 1875. at 10
o'olook A. M., oa said day, when and
wbers you are rSqusststl lo be peoeent If
on ibinh proper.
Uitoa uuUer Biy-bsad Ibis ists day of
July, A. U., 1875.
8kerireomes. Mlddleburj. Pa.
VoOlur City, Snyder Co, P.
tVilleel Inaa aatl all baalaeae rartalnlne to the
orBre of Jaelleo of tba Peaoa Bill be alteade I to
at abort Botlea
July 'I ill.
' Ssduoed Sates . tLT3 psr daj.
1IENUY bl'AUN, Trop"!.
C..Mklllla t'lark.
'Ws would call ths attention of
Teachers, and others is music, to
tbs following' works,' as being the
beat of their olas. . .
A New Class Dook for Fomale Voi-
oes, Fries $9 per dozen. Sample
copies, mailed, postpaid, on receipt
of fl.
A Class-Hook for Children. Used
in nil tho principal PnWio Schools.
i'rico t6 pur dozen. Hample copies
mailed, post paid, on reeeiptof CO eta.
The Most Popular School Singing
Uook ever publisbod. Trice $7.60
por dozon. Sample copios mailed,
post-paid, ou rocoipt of 75 cts.
. L PETERS, 843 Broadway,
N. Y
li New Fur All.
A NIK?. ni:Hl!Ttir.SSr R dnalrea tn an.
Bunn. eln all Inti'rraf d Thai alnce tli ilia.
eolulbia of iu. Klrtu of Ber(atiaaaer a t'lrieh nn
tue l nr April, he hae np.'i.l in bla na llnlld.
Ine In grllne, on Water Strvel, abure flue,
lipuiiw o. nenniua; a aiora, a
Leather Store and Fin
ishing Shop,
whrre will be fnoad at all tlaeaen aeanrtment of
an aitifle or e inlabeil Start, rnueialln nt II a r
aia. .,!., t'pp.r, Kl aud Calf Mkln, MurMe
-'', Liuinaa, Ti'ppliiaalw., iif dlflaniitqiialltlee
end prime. The alletiilon ol Hhneniakera. rami.
ra, aud ail olliere ia lurIM, be Ion paruhaalbi
T"irty n rere ae a praotlral Tannar qnal ISea
niu. u inif iiiaiiiwe 01 ntura. uiaeeuaea
in etcnaude ror i.ather.
June T-t4J H'tlnaaruTe, Stirder Co., Pa
For Laundry nnll IIoU8chold Uao.
American Ultramarine
Xeirark, N. J.
Oar Waah nine la tbe beet lo the world. It
dnea riul atreak, eootalaa nothing Injnrloui to
ha. It h nr faJLn. an.l la uaa.1 ha all Ilia l.t.a
laanuriea on aocitunt or ita nieaaina eneot an-1
ia paneaaea CUaiVaBwal lOf laaniy Baa, frloe
jy QmUlM
I'or eale be aroeere ererywhere. Alwara aak
for tba Aaaau a Wsea, II yoa want
the eheapeet aad beet.
Oflios 72 William Rtreel, Near York.
SB. For aala at ths Ursg HUrs Is Mtddleborg.
Apr M.'la.em.
Laaallaed by lha I.ealeletnre. Drawa aa the
IStB B StMh af earh moath. Tlakete Si aaeh-f
omrB V lekanealns. erne ouo la eaah neiaaa
apltal Prlaa SW,noo. Agente wante.1. Par-
tieaiare. aiiareaa i. u. raTTKK, l.arainle
tnty. Wy aulas. July 1 It aa.
Middlebnnr, Pa.
Hair Untune: Hhavlna, Sliampoolag, and Hair
u jm it auue iu tue weei uiaoBer,
The beet branda of tobareo aa4 Clsare ana
atently aa bend. He keeie, Saooal quality aatl
at reaeoaable prloee. Ooaad try enrn.
8ep,t, ISM. - -
$50 to $10,000
Hae hern laveetd lo Stuck l'rlviea:ee end paid
lW UI5NT 1 UUl'll
"H..w to Oa II." a Rook oa Wall Ml . aeat free,
Tvaaaiooa SUo., Baakere S Brokere Well
Bt. a. x.
Planing Mill.
Sttr, Sliilectcr & Co.,
GENERAL Dealere A. Maaufacturere of
XX Lumber Buildinj Maserisl, such aa
. . A .
As., Ae. V
AU orders promptly IHod, do sot fail
to esll snd sss our Stock and Work before
purebsains elsswbsra. Tbaakful for nasi
fseors would reipsotfull Qolieit a eoa-
linuanna af Iba lama. "
Apr. in),7o . S. 8. A CO.
Justice of the Peace,
iorl ZVftierfott, Snyder County, 1'a.
All boilaees paetatnlaf lo Ike oStee of Jaatleo
eflkereaea will neelie prompt elleatlon
UaaiU. Artieles ortlUe, bo. UtautayaaetaalBle
lasses sa. juiy. u -ra,u. .
Tombstones, Statue, Urns, Yases,
LAM1U, for Cliildren's O raves, -
Putts, . Lint, Is, Tabktops, ' Marble . ami
fituis JiHr, Jto.
All tbeee wbo deal re to yarebaes mbatoaee or
earthing alia) Baaaarax'tarad' al Ibe ebove mea
ttuaeS BtaeMB werka. abeald eoaaalt Sba aaSaa-
elgarl aeat,badara purabaaleeelaawkaea.
aal; U IS-Md- Maddiebttrs, Ma day Co. Ps.
A. J teetaeaontary oa Ibo eetateef Dr. leaae
Hotteejetela, See-S latoot Moeireo twas Saraer
enantr, Peaaay Iraala, karlng aeaa rfaated lo
lha aadaratned. all Boreona kBatelas iheas.
eeleealadeMad lo laPf aetata aroraMaeetad lo
aaafee latmeinete
aeraaeat, while thnee harlaf
ia! Ihaai Salt eatseatleetad far
elaltaawlll are
ettlemeal to
Jala W. la.
H. if. rUHKH.
Latter of AilaHnMratloa as lha eetate of
Catkarlae Mallloer. late nf I'nloa Tap-dae'd
hare been a ranted In tbe aaderalaned, ell aer
enae knewlBB tkeataelree ladebled to laid enaw
reuaeatad to make aareaaal wltheal delay,
while thnee baelna elalma will
dale aalhenUaatad nr eatllemeat to
siasa viii,m
Jaly. ft, t sssiiBatuwtor
aSeataiaaaUr na the aetata of EM. AHr.TH
MNTPSR, lateorValaa tw., deed, haaiae aa
vraaAaal aa Uaa nnderetaned. all aoreona knovina
Ibemaalaaa ladaddad lo aaldaatale are reqeaetad
to aiaka payaaaal wltboul t alae while tbnee
herlnerlalnia will praaenl litem duly autlieBU
oated for eettletaeot to
Jane M. n. Kiarnlor.
teataraeatar aa the aetata nt W I M.l a If
BftUOK. late ta) etre toanphlp dee d. baa.
lea baas eranied ie Sao Bfiderelaaad. all aereesa
aaolaa theaaaeltee Indebted to eatd eetate are
rrajaaated la aaahe payataai wlthetit delay, while
lhaee heeiaaelalaie will peeaat tkeaa daly aa
theBtleetad for eetUaaMst la
nr.vnrn asmir!,
HENRI snimir,
Jane , It, r.tefntor
lttera taelanenaary na the aetata of Jataee
t'rouae late nf aellaaarova Homaah. Sayder
eoaaty, Fa. dee'd hare bean araated to tba
anderalaned. All paraooa knewlai theraaaUea
ladehted to eald ealate will Bleeee make Im
medteie payment while thnee havlne; elalmi
aeatnat aald aetata will preeent Ihera for aet
tlementlo JEKEM1AH I'KOIMK.
alayll,'7S. Adrulolatrator.
altera tatamenirT en the e-lata nf Mar
rarel Jane Maitern ilrevl late nf Weal Hearer
twp., fnydart'otiaty. Pa., hln Iweu itranlal
In the nnderalrned. all tv-raona knnwlna l ham
eelvea Indedted to aald eetate are requaated to
mnae iinmrMiiate payment, wnue trioae Davt-a
riaime win preaent tnem duty auowntlf alr.l in
eettlotnent to It. WAHNPR,
May. 4,171. eserunr.
st m sHifii of Arltnlnlalrmtloti on tit osjtMn nf
Kll'aii-tri MMrh, it Is4f nt Juki u l.-'islil.
hnylr mnntr, p. litvtttst hwn (rAutrrt l tbs
'in iicrwiHttMi tii srifcniri kiviwln tiifmrlvp in
drMtxl to til rttf ar ritistit lo niAkii Iru-
mt'llftt Viti-iit, whlln lh liKVlntr e I I ill-
will irrtii tbvtu nnlv ilh'iitfl1 for mI-
tirmentti CONK-VO MITOHKI.
Apr, n, "5, Adinltilntr-tnr,
J tettamentary on the e'tale ol tleorae
Herker, Seed, late of Wt Heaver townabip,
Hnyiler i'nanty. I'aua'a., harlaa been arant
al to tba aaderrianed, all eiauna knowina
tliatnaeUea IndeMed to aald ablate are rnuet
ed to make Immediate payment, while ih'ieo
harluit elalma will preaent theut duly autkaail
oatedloreettiouieut lo
Mayjn.'ti. Kiecator.
tera teatamenlarr nn the eetate of rlntmn in
Bowera.t late or t'entre twp. ileo'd barln Wan
granted to tbe anderalane!, all peranna knuw
Ing tbemaeltrea lndetita.1 to ald eatata are re.
queated to make iiaymrnt without delay, while
thnee baelna elalma will present them duly
autbeatlealed fnr aett'ement to
Apr W t75.
-fttrra ol admlntalratlnn na tltn atate ol
J W. Knlaht, latent Waahlaetnn Twp.. .I-..
havlnn ImiMi itrantad In tlie underalennd, all iier-
eone knowing tlirtn.eltrea Indulitrd tneaid ratata
arn reiineate.l to mak-lmiua.liate pym.'nt, whiia
th'iee liavlna rinlnia will prraeut I!. em duly
authenticated furaetlleuteiit t j
UAH A II E. K NlttltT,
To all Whom it May Concern
TTNOW Ibal Joaepb rVorerieh of tbo
IV ouib of Helms ftrove
bae Ibis .'1st
lay of April A. D. 1H7A soM snj aaeif(usil
ma all bia right tills anJ interest of in and
lo nil bis Mlarksmitb Toole, Machinery,
stock flxinjte As., and all anJ evcrylbinu
in said sbop rierlslsiaf to lb. Dlaeksmiib
ira le. All persons srs cautionsd not to
msiltlls with tbs earn..
Selins Oroso, Apr. 2I,'76.
HanHootl : How Lost, Bow Restored!
Jart yubltaaed, a sew edition ol lr.
rnlvrrwrlra t rlt-braila.l Kaaar on
the railleal eara (without meliolne) ol
NreawaTiiaaaiaa or Heailnal Weak-
avnlunlarv ttetnlnal lteeea. laniTan v.
Mental and Phyaloal laeapaalty, ltaiedlraenu
to Marrlave, ete., : alao, ikiaetiBPTioe, Kr.
Larev and Fire. Indunad bt self UdulMeaee or
aeaual eilravaKanoa. be
serrrlee. In a eealed edeempa. ooiyetx rente.
Theeelebraie.1 author In thla admirable t.t-
aay, elearly damnnairatea, front a thirty yeara1
aueoaaalul prantlra that the alarmln4 eonae
luanrwe oi eeil-enuae may uv ro.iiiu.iir .um
wltboat the denaemua aea of Internal otedletne
or tbe applloatlon nf the knife i polntlnS nut a
mode or eura at once alinple eertala aod eSeeia-
al. bv maana ill arlilah avarv antlerer. no metier
what bla eoadltlun may be, may eura tliaaelf
ebeanlv. tirlvatelv. and railleallv.
erf bla lAoture ebnuld ha In the banda of
every youth and every man la the land.
Heut undareeel, la e plalo euvelop. In any
addreae. pml-peld, na rrrrli't nf all eanu of two
tawt eieuipe aanrw, rnpiim.!.,
127 Bnwery, New York 1 uet (MB-e av.4r4
Mtddiebors Ps.
JAMES J.mTCIIELL, Proprietor.
Aoenmmotlatlona cooJ snj ebsrs es moil-
srats. Sneuial aoeemmoJatioua for dro
ere. A a bars of lbs r-uhllo pstrooafo is
eolioited. J. J. MITUULI.L,
April I. 187S.
ioiu inn, net
L t alLUlLl. Tim.
Mntaal Fire tame Go'y.
la a
for applleaUoae eW Inaaranea sail ua or ado
dreea tbe aaaal ul lhaaoanpaay
& WTgranello,
Justics of the Pesos A Conveyaucor,
Clocks, Watches and Jtwdry,
bJidJleburg, Onydvroouuty, Ps.
Not. 621 A 623 Area Strssi,
t imSJH ffcR,
m. DKWAliT, Maavaemr.
.. . aUST,'74
Hair Vigor,
For restoring to Orar Hair V
Qaiaxai vuauij ana uoior.
A frrsing
whicl. 'is a4
once agreeable,
hsalthy. snd
'"a, efiectuol for
I preser.h.aj tl.e
f J 5 nir. Jt toon
j, kIU restore faded
mC4z original
FtjV color, with tti
alon and freshness of youth. Thin
linir is tliicksnnl, falling Ir.tir checkod,
ami bnldnt'ss often, though not always,
cured by its uko. Nothing rnn restore
the hair where the follicles are dtv
stroyed, or the glands atrophiod snd
JrH-aysd; but such as rouiain cau be
saved by this application, and stimu.
lated into activity, so that a new
growth of hair is protlnntL Instead
nf fouling tho lmir with a pAaty suii
tnsnt, it will kerp it clean and vigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent tlie hair
from turning gray or fulling off, and
cnnsequi-ntly prevent baldness. Tlie
n inn of vitality it gives to the
fiilp itrreitts ntnl prevents the f rnia
ion of ildii'lrnlT, which is often ao mi
liMiily nnd olVi'inivo. Free fr.jin thono
IfUterimiii ii'i(inic-."t which mnltr
nne ire:ir.itiuii!t il.tiieiinis ami itijn
'"H to III it hair, tlie Vior esn only
'iielit but hot liiirin it. If wititi-r
.n-ly f.r it IIAIU DKFssiNt;
tlliiiU ei cil'l b" foiltl'l ao ili'sii-itlile
iit.tiiiiii' ueitlier oil iior il i, it iloi
t ani! wlimi citiiiliric, ami 't l:i.
ijo: the liii, 'iviiig it a i.t ii, i;!i
tre, an I it ra t.l'ill j.rrl'iliiio.
VeparcJ by Dr. j. C. Ayr & Cc
t'ru-tltv.l nml An tlyll. I i V-iil.'
Fire! Fire ! Fire !
U:i5A). illLTUAIs
Fire Insurance Co.
KSTADLlsuT:iTjUXR 1, 1)0,
4etfs, - ll.39t,ooo,uo
Davitl M. ltitnlt, IW(!. F. Meily, Tros.
Jar. G. Hfilman, So.
Pollrlae Perpetnal. No danaamaa nr haaard
eue profwrty Inaerad. The luanvanra nt tbla
iniipaiiy l ennnnod to ('arm I'niperty and
I'rlva'e liwellinaa.
Kor any Inl'iriuattoiBaditraaa the utideralattied
ae;rut rur Hoyder aud Nurtbumburlaiid rouutiee.
Iiivoriool, Porry County, Pa.
Sslinsfrrovs Penn.
at SALEM, P. O. Snyder Co. Ts.
HAINES & SNYDER, Proprietors
The above havlne entered Into a eo-part-
oerinlp fur tbe perpoi e oreerrylna- nn more el
tan. Iralv aad lo better advantage the baalneai
of ntanufaetarlna s seneral eaaortmeot ol
Doors, Shutters, Sash,
1I1L.1JN 1"H,
Her oil AVorlc,
All Sorts of
wUb to (ay to tlari-sotert sod sllolbert who
Intend bulldlna
Or Repair & Remodle
that we have tLe faeltltlea and are prepared et
furalabat fair pi Ice. HEADY Mailt or at
abort aotiea. eheaoer than eaa be made by hand
tba Btoel Important parte ol bulldlnga. We elan
Uand Bails, Seral Jsts and Dda
ten, Brackets,
Floorlnnr, Hiding-,
Hurlnced Iloikt'dH,
sod do s gtoeral basiosss of al
kisdt of
Isumbcr for
Wm tr. nraetleal and aanerlaneej ArebltaotJ
and Urauabtauiea, aad our palmoa will bare
tbe tieoeat oi ear aaowiauge auu eatta.
Otir work will truw sutualon.
Jkmchy it Cos Advertisements
TIN VjrtKINjgs.
tiusf. Mi lim UiUti llOUi,
bjp, Ocrtr rod MlnsrsL ttM:
tfjnms 61 'sb9 i by Ui. V?ih
ASHMTUMK IM IT. Every family buye It.
Sold by A a aula. Addreae, U. S.WAbaaa,
trie, V.
Dallr lw Age-ale. SS aaw artlolea aad the
aval really raiier la America, with, two
e w i'hrnavo, Ilea, AH, M'U OO., auu llroad
Bay. W. Y, . V..
MnBjpVaaaUyBtadal'yallln TEAS at
AalvAvSja laiportere' prbee. or aeltiua; up
elaue la tuwae aad ooautry Sir tueoldeat i'ne
Coiapaay la Autarlea. ftreetnei Indureineata.
Seud fur USMIOM I KA, CO., lie
Cbaaitere St, M, Y,
nripV Tlir tHKISTIAN. aUme
Anl AUXa family paper, full ul a
aad Mood raadiaa. No aaoiaruulaui. lolltl.a
plila, paata Bur advarliaeuienta. Italy IS eenta
a year. Mnd lu eeuie lor s eieoliuena be ore
yea forget It I pleulld Nap Preotluui. AgiBte
waated everywhere, ttla UimuHaekiaapaliT I 11.
L.. Uaaneue Me Waahra St., Suetuu. Ueee.,
us ArahBl.. Kklla-.t-a.
lo.euo Aerae. Near railroad. LaMattaa heal Iky.
TUIseowl. Addreea WM SatlUSaaY. aVtttar
aa(, Itaataa. Muilajad.
BJ mm .ea. riiKWKSK SALARY. Ts Utlro.
L: k I lSuoa tba berl ealltaa artlele let Ibe
lfril looaalry. Uaed laekery faauily.
aVaaT faeV ataad fur eeuiploa aud Utatruelluaie
ai uewe. luoioas IS etaata .ml .lamp. .Vlilreae
Maaufaeturara, Maaere. bHXi.J Ik V0 it IA.
Sk S e WeekitajWu. . U.
S rTls.aes.
SWOT 41 ft IB. Sm.rm, PwrOM aa; ttystytaji.
Of ewveedeieii kieS. mat bar. 1
lai Oai.laaa. lima Slawnl BVvaaavw Mmm aw
BTaawwwwaejaa, ra,
1'eaia.ea fteare MailirHil Adv oar,1 by
Pleree M. I. TI.e ainrl rrarty .e.llna bonk enl
r arlatlve terrtloet eadliberaltaruta. Addreas
ths Aathor al Beilalo
Wherever it llai been Tried
bat SaUbtlahed Ileal f ae s parfeel reantator and
end lure remedy P.r dlaordere nl the eyeera
erialna Iruta Improper aoltva of ths Liver aad
It In S'it A I'hunc, luit, liv stimnliif
ln lha aw rrtlra or it ana. aenlly and Rradually
reranvea all laipurlllea, and regulatee the ea
tire ayitera.
It Is A' a Ihidortil lUllrs, but is a
Vegetable Tonic.
whlrh aaalata dla-eetlnn, and tbua atltnnlana
the eppeitte lor bind nereaaery to levlanrate
the waakened or tnanive ornena, aad altee
atretiatb loall Ibe vital furoea.
It Oirrirn tli fhmi KmHiim'-nitn'ioiH,
the laraetend rapidly Inereaalna eelee leatt.
ly. Irli-etiae Hollar a buttle. Ark your ilrn
elal fur It. .ll'HRatlN M.ll I.IKVAT a Co., Phil-
ailelplila, Pa., boleaale Ageute.
w w" BB.8 W I Saw WW r-BSVJ aaaa al I
Meanr wmnrn. tM Wf-Hu'si tl nrs
wUitsmti lHsuorl4s-i!ih risVu
Al p4lT f tmitfiranf. Vnluiill
mphrrBfk. WHt-titl rmrMaU
ilrt-wwon Miiiulijinl. lSutJt
hit hut writ at ..( ti
C finn Tnt rsjf. of AtTin.l,t 'i. i.'i or tltill
Ii ..rr. I.ari-M It .ti.e .ttit, .MM1N.
N, III 'l.t.l HV V a l tl Ai.'ta.rMnl'
nVtlllliM ANfV.
JT ll'w ellluir ari i
or Mift fit All VINO.
mav lit.rlnale ami tfln
' In- l"r A eUri-tl.-r.. ,.f iirt H4-rii..n tliav rl e
Instantly. I HU alii'plii mrntHl a iiilrriiiatit all
rm prea rra, l.y m.'ll lor ilor, I'lri'tln.r
with t itmrilnae entile I nf ' lau nrnria hrenxia
Uinta tn I. a. lira Urililina Mailt bin . A
ijiirrr buuk. Addrcia T, U1LI.IA.M atv.l'uiis
8 KONEY ..uVi'n
an Nt w N.irrlTtr...
Iii.i ii in . not 'Hi 1 in tirrf y ri..i.-: r nnii! au n r
ruUra m-e k, u.itll. II. I'. W 111 1 L a t ti.
Newark, .V. j.
ti'inl li.r airbill ir-, an.l tlii, ta i-fi. I.. tint a
NATIONAL I'l ltI, l.u.,1 lill.ul :pbu
A Ttl'ailr iiin. f.p -ti r Will f4 nl crit.
I m i, , Hcil.. I. K"f If f.Tii. e.t. mi -s)
W, II. . .rt-, tin-rti-liwu, Cltral , wr . li;
"itiifa, NnHirt, li. 1.
Snpporlmi anl na.
i . lt.iT l li.ii - r
I, rl-atilr. lb-lit.
urrfi- "r "rr.
'A''r Into ali nui,nlT.'iaJl. a,
. . atiippma. nr rrnil!i,rlitr un
piraaantriraai o..rd 'n l.Uili,K,iiiionral .1 ii. t, rr,.f. v
a;.,n i,i,l al.ii. n-lial 1" ll 1 SVA 1:1; . f 1 m
J ATItiNS;Orniilneatainpii".D H.-.-I i, fcat.-b't.
hMre. St.. Pbiia.Srt; Itr-.r,, N. t i. -it It it. 1
ernp.. A aoU by leaou OruMiuie. aVi.J fbi cau. jom.
Caution Notice. Tito Genuine Edi
tion. Lile and Labors cl
Iii.-ln.llmr tho !.. ST JiM'N N A LV) nnit '.u
vivltll MH m j, nrti ktrafiv- iW' M'if hi., th-j
curliistMi.-e., WntfUra nl W..iih nf lht tntrvi 1
ma country , nd l-ttitcly Hi til prvt f.tut
pli'io WMrh. Hrotrt If it'tUj ul t'lluh tlr-t
7 wftliP, 9A)h Ui hi trv Ill'f, only (t;i tj-i.
Anntn wnhtr . S.-ii'l f'r TttrinN t'1 fNMitif 4
pnrs.f. Ill liMAHIf llH'tS., I'uijllifa. ri, ?J
Snsom ht , rhll1vlihiB., I .
patiiwavh or
B- int? full IrATii ti m uf Pi tin ( Hi-
t try, Alitlfnltit', nhr.t.Uolsi nitti 0 m( !n,
rnnhtirf It th ffv-l lM"ivfrfvj rfniij- mi ls
by tliu Fltii.ei Kki'loriutr l.ipolltiuiisi. It li
t laFht. HeU. fop tMirItr ti.NUsl Ut Atv'Wl.laj,
td na whr It Ubj f...r tlsrsti nv ittn-p bixi,
Aiimta Wante.1. The CENTENNIAL
HAK ITKr.K "I thn l onrt Ntittea.
Shnwi tbearand reaoltauf Pat year nf Pre,
d .to and Pmirreaa. Naw end tLinipleie. tiver
liiaj pegea. Illaatrate-I. tverybmly ly It,
aud aaeiita make Irmn Sluu tu -ia) a ninntli.
ad!rraa.l C. McCl'KUY a JO , Pane. PUlla
ddpbla. Pa.
(J 1 f tfl (M?flfl In a:i Mri afl.-n lea la
qiU 10 5)0Uu.:.u,v,;::v!.5.;,TuVid;.
Ball ttrrt KiilaliiHiir ,'vrryltilti
..mi,. a,raiiii. aa o. t aii.. -ua a,
I C. I Ir. kora. '2 I r "Mlaay V'irlt.
WATtH A4K.Ti-l-vrrywitore f.r Ilia
Unit, nnial If Itlnry rtoo eii-a. St't ruin.
mint, a. I him adlii-.a H 1 1. Ilill'llll-
TuN a jt . IS ,u.araii at., l)tni, )1m
.MiKXTX l'l t)it t'hmmm iimuuti'il. i-iji
nil f ir i. 100 f. r Uari at varmtv tu tint
World, nalluual tliroitin lo. Phil luli'bt.
sppMrnn rtuvoe t'hana- Cbann
AUXals 1 k) ml. I la-t innniu, Knaliloa any
me to pnllah aiilrla, entlare and outla eijual tu
naw. t Mere only one e nt to do a larait Irnuuiit,
and preai-rvea tbe linen, nei-eaaary aa auep aol
rlla al alht Man, Women, B-f and Oina
lurnlaued eith ately eutpiuvmeni, partleulara
free. Au eleaaut ebrumn alvea with eiih t4
furJArta. i ua.tu Csaau Mauul. Uu. T Waal
St., Itoeion.
XrT'fJ,SA.VlHl.r: to Anouta. I.tdlaa t:.iin.
X "irnii".' Nnilln-tMl,.k, WltU ,-lirniU'ia.
S.-uil atauip, F. P. OLta, ew ll -.ll -nl Mm.
II. liv aal, Tj aud TJ Naaaeu biruat. Niw York.
WAY, JiBW VUUK, will tliapoae of l'
1'ianoe & Organs of firat olaae makera, lu:
oluJiug Walera, al Kttreroel; Low I'ricea
for ea.tb. During Tbis Mouib, or part oaali
nl balance In autall uunibly rsyniuuia.
WATtKS Now rfculo I'lM'-a, are ilia
beet ma le ; Tue touub elsaiio. ami a Hun
tinging lose, poworful, pure anil evuu.
WAItliS'l'ouoerio ORGANS ennnot a
eJicvlled iu lone or beaut; ibey Jfy
eouipriilion. Tbe Oi.nuertu rf'up ie a liuu
Imiiaiion uf tbs llurusu Voice. Aeolus
A liberal itlseounl lo Tnat-here, Minie
lere, t'burchra, t'clinnU, Lii'li)", elu., S( .
oial inilueemruti lo lbs trade, Ulua r-iUd
Catalogues Mitilol.
Mn Ifl "f tbu 'loo fli.ili-e," la rut.
llUi lUlv I'rl, - ao. l .. Tbo tM-rii Im 11 u.
lain. ONI THOUSAND -'f thai latt ai d '-nt
ihluita tur li liuaalii-'Ua, ll .tiniroua !( , itullima,
,'auilty Ki-ailluua, rlc. Clap ta) fir Itraiiil'-a.
ri'Uiparajiee ekK-li-tlia, and I... i-ntua. A. an. 'r.
rwlalur iiialiiuiiwa.1 and 'M 'di'l lii-Unatuuai.1 Llr
lUtararriMt itut of tmir b'M'kai Iii-i . .ir a. pi mi
to P k t'.i. pa i'IimiiiiiiI SI I'mlb. Pu.
Be aiaka tba o.-bibialail Pt.S S I, h i 1 1 U UtJIlit
Siruupytua iottera aitb.;ul pti-aa or aau. Ai-bia
M& lt'ui lit. ui iliftitilib, .r. vihi r.iiiiiti.aj
uvr,t4rUjg wlf iiuu vaTti Ijr 0.1 lliu Mi'li , ut r i-'iti.
ID IU UltJia ft bl4 leal hslt l'UMr. srtliil
ui 0sm1 by lUaul ut tilnw l)u;u ntnl
Ml or. ttbry rhr, Ua'il inl truvt-linK a, i-tJ
VatLib J U lelrilU.i, fiaW'lltiaUr L'SAUU ftltli Ut'lKl.l nf
t u I fur iifttr, lo N . LVO-i ewitt stti'tir tvl
Goitre, or Thick Neck
l"'ii "' j vuiv.,. , uiimiiii uu iwiiii. ur Ji.r
eury and oau ae ute-1 with aalaly atoll llioea.
Will uul atmii or Irritaiu the anla. freud lur
pai-kaae er ce ao ovule. ialCatt a CU
LoulatiUe, UMu.
Veils Carbolic Tablets-
rut ur ONLY IN 01a is: SOU ES.
ATK1KU AN t iU ta tt K M X U Y
SuU bv all dra4i.ti, ;