The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 22, 1875, Image 1

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    .THIS 1QHT.
Fnhllshrd oveiry Thnreilav Evening ljr
, Term of Subscription,
able vlthin si nuitlijir W.TOifnot
paid within tl.a year. No pnpor tlin
continued until nil. srrouniKe arc
paid unless at the option of tho piib
linlior. Subacrlptinn outside of the county
JWjrPeraona lifting nml tuinir papers
iMrpMcxI n others hoooinr'aiilworiliors
Mill ro liable for tho price of tho pnpor
HelinNjurrovo lii
All bualnee and collecting
enlrualed le ihelf cure will he promptly
ttnel to. Can be ennaulled In Englieb
CT Oerman. Office, Murk'. Square.
AMUKL 11. OHWia,
m j. smith.
111. P ofeealnnat Brrlee to th pab'le
I vaaaltiinni In '.nlte en Uoreaaa.
attorney k cocmeior IT IJW i
llHtrict .Attorney,
Middloburg, Snyder County Ponii'a
Office a few door Wool of th Court
llonaeon Main lrt. Conciliation In
Kngliab and German language. Bcp.'UT.
Lewisburg Pn.,
OtTor bU prfiilonalrle to i pub
lid. Collection on J nil other Piofoaeion
I buainea enlrualed to bio oar 111 re
ceive prninpt otteotion.
Miililh'hitr)?, Pn.,
Offe ri hie proteailonal eervioee to tho pub
lie. Collection and oil other prnfeaainnal
bueineo eolruaud lo hie oar will receive
prompt altenlion. IJan 3i tf
11. H. CltIRIIf
Attorney & Councellor
Ofllco N. E. Cor Market. & Water St's
Freeburtr. Penn'n.
Confultallou io boih Eogllah and Oerman '
Language. Ueo. Vi, 'IMt.
jAUWNa &. FEltUIS,
Patent & General Claim
Vnllnrtii, I.
Mr. Har.llnlt Ik wII known through (hie "
Hun of the onunirr rella'ilonian,
mul buelneae .utrueud to Mio will a-eure
I r mpt attention. June li.
a li.
fJ (Sufl"i"orii to J.
, r.fc .?. M. I. Inn,)
ATTOHSKVrt AT LAW. Lewiebuig, Pa.
Olfer their profetonal eervioe to llie
nitilio. flolleoiloii nml nil oilier pro
tVaaianal hnaiiieK enln.e.ed to llirir care
will receiveproniptaUentlou.ifJan. 8,'ti7lf
Ceutreville, &inUr County, Pfnna.
ill h.i.ln... nlrutl t'l hit raroolll t
r.iiinlio.. !n lw lu lh Knull.h r
Hcliiixrove Pit.,
lld'ere hi profi-eelnnnl m-rTicee 10 llio pub
ho. !ultei'lioii nnd nil oilier profi-eHiono
l,uini eiilruiu-d lu hie enre will re-
urnimil Klli'tniiin. ttllice I wo doom
nurib of llio Koymmio llolul. fJim 5, '
Attorney lit Lnw,
Miiiin.i:nuitti, pa
Profeeilonal buslncne ciiinmled lo hie core
!;.' bo promptly nllondt-d lo. Kb i,'7l
At torimy-u t-T jaw,
LowiHburg, I'lilon Co., P.
Btr-Oan bo eouaulled iu th Knglieh and
(Ji rmo Unguagi-e.ioSa , .
OKFIOB Market Uiroet, oppoello Walle
Smith & Co1 8toro 8
A TTO R YE Y A T L 1 1.
Solinsgrove Pa ,
OrTerihie profeeeiooal oereioea to the
publio. Alllenal bueineoa eiitrumed lo hie
cure will reoeieo frooipt atleniion. OHioe
one door abore Ibe Sew Lutheran CburcU.
July, 4lb'72.
Fi-eeburg Pa.,
Offer hi Profeiona1 aervlo to I he pub
lio. All bueinea enlrualed to bil ear
will b promptly attended to.
Jan 17,07ll
Northumberland, Pa.
O'er hi profoional aervise to ih pub
lie. All bualneaa enlrualed to bit ,or
will be promptly atleuded lo.
Jan. 17, '07tl
DALMATIA, Nortbuuiberlaud Co.. Pa
PraetlcM la the aeveral eourt of North'd k
Bayrtor f'oaaly. All bualneaa entraatad to bla
ear will ralv iiro.n.t alte.illoa. t)au b. 00'
aullod la th. KnIUb k Ueruiau iaugoagaa.
Jlr. 'T tf.
Cenlretllle. Harder Co., Pa.
Olfar hi profeaelonul
ervioe to lb
U 88lf
tt. A. M. SMITH,
Otfera bla profeaalonal aervlee to tbe oltl
ten of Adamaburg and vicinity. 8ep4, 73
Middleburg Ps.,
Offers hU profauioaal ervioe lo lbs eit-
beat of Middle Jurg and vloiuity:
MMk ,
.,1 B
VOL. 13.
Farm, Household Ac
Tbe Seirner nf Ifrallh Mye I "Tho
very brt metbo.i wo hurt yrt Jlwnerfd
ie Ihtl of oniinilnn. Itremho nVrpljr od
elowly (wllbnunny etrnlnlng olfnrt), and
with eiplrolinn eouol one, two, lhrr. elo..
np lo bundrrd. 8omo will bo kslcep bo.
Tore Ihey on oount ftfiy In thin mnnncr,
other will omini ton. twenty or Ibir'.y,
nd then forget tbeneelreo od oene
'In inch ee olwnys rommenoo ngnin
it once. Very few j erouno eon count h
hundred, and find tbemete oweko bul
should tliU bnppen, repeil tbo doee uutil
Trouble in tho foe of aninn'a ponoe
of ruitnl lnt half of our tronhlog
aro imaginary, tlio rrmition of our
bming. Things that troublo us aro
not an bail m they anuiu, and most
of tli cm aro only mints of pnasing
clouds. Wti nliould truat our trou
bloi as we would intruders into our
linuHoa put ttium out and lock the
door against them. When men arc
worn out by over-work, or aro sick,
then trouble ham tho advantage.
At !
such times, a'a friends aliould
contrive, moans of diversion to llntl
out ways of rest. There is no butlor
reliof for troublo than travel ami now
scenos. When inon begin to feel
that bnsinoss and caro are robbing
them of Bleep, and each day increas
es the burden, they should put tho
will in exorciso and throw them off
or put themselves in tho hands of
their physician and oloy his direc
tions, it is suicide for thorn to go
ou after they begin to feel the grind
ing action of work on tho bod.' and
brain. Rut precaution is in 'using
meuns of prevention. Oivo a cortaiu
number of lours each day to active
employment, nnd never nllow your
work to b-ouk over tho bonds. 1 uko
a portion of your timo for recreation.
Make real, solid enjoyment your mo
dicinn. Abovo all, interdict every
thing that rv ill tax, excite, or exhaust
the uorvous system. Sleep, ''tired
nature'sswort restorer, balmy sleep."
hen troublo drives sloop from the
eyelids and gloomy, depressed feel
ings possess the miud, it is high tune
for a man to pause nml find relief,
fur there is no telling what such a
condition will lead to unless over
come There is danger iu going on
after tbe strain begins to tell ou the
health, for every- turn of tbo ma
chinery bringi, the filial crash nearer.
There ore events that coiuo, ami are
liable to come in every man's life,
which ho cannot foresee, and over
which ho has no control But men
should be liko marinors, who do not
know whether tho winds will bo fair
or foul, but they go prepared for
whatever may come, bo it calm or
storm. Nor do they givo tip the
ship until sho goes down. Men should
treat trouble in this wav, and never
give up until death fillers and tells
thura tho voyage is oudud.
Importance of the Bath.
Now that tho exoessivo heat of tho
weather is upon us, to plunge into the
cool water and there iudulgo in a re
freshing bath is greatly to bo desired.
This may not be within tlio Hnvcr of
all, especially thoso living iu the city.
But those dwelling ill tho country,
who aro located where there is plenty
of water ut hand, wo adviso to tuko
advanlago of it.
Cleanliness is oue of tho virtues that
should be cultivated ; but to bathe
frequently in the pure, and limpid wa
ters that spring from the earth and
run from tho brooks, is to add com
fort, enjoymout, and indood happi
ness. Every one who can iu any
way command the means should
batho frequently i but ovon this en -
joyinout may be indulged iu to ex
cess, and wo would bonce not recom
mend it more than onco, or duriug
tbe very hot woathor twico iu twenty
four hours.
Many poi sons mako a groat mis-.
take in sitting on tbo bank of a rivor
or pond beforo plunging in, bo as to
cool oil' i neither should they plunge
into the water when very much heat
ed- they should avoid both extremes.
lint much loss risk will be run to
bathe when the body is somewhat
boated, than when it is perfectly
The boat time for swimming is be
fore breakfast, or betwouu tho hours
of seven and eight iu the morning,
luring the months of May, Juno,
J uly, August, and a part of Septem
ber. Bathing may safely enough be
indulged iu in tbe middle of the day
but then you should keep out of the
sun as mucli as possible, or it may
burn your nock and shoulders, and
thus take away tho pleasure of your
' The sea is tho best place to swim
in; ruuniug rivers and Ibe brook are
next to be chosen; and tbe still, dull
pond tlio last. In this the water bo
coiuos too warm, and it wants the
freshnoss of the running stream of
tbe oceau. Water soou becomes
stagnant, anil measurably offensive,
if it is not subject to motion. Tbe
purifying process affords an interest
ing subject for thought and reflec
tion. ' Much of tho water usod and
drunk bv the iieoule of our city bas
boon discharged from tbe dye-houses
iIa. a r . I i... . i 1 .
at iuuuuYuii u.i.Y n w uuurs uo
fore it is pumped up into the reservoir
from which it is distributed, aed yet
by being mixed with purer streams,
aod having been filtered by a-morely
natural process, it is estimated as
comparatively pure. Rathe, then,
in the running stream when you can.
Pliila, paper
1 f i t r y
Two Pictures.
rromr MABniAna
My Megglef my beautiful dorling !
Creep inlo my arm, my ewrel t
Let mo fold you again lo my biieum
9oclne t em hear your heart heat,
Wbal I Iheee lilllo fin Kern been aewing f
One e prirked by the needle, I eee !
Theae hand) ehall be kept from micli labor
When osoe they are given lo uic.
Alt mine, tilt pet, I will ablet you
From trouble and labor and oaro i
I will roho you like Mt fairy prlnne.e,
And jewel ehall gloom in your h tir t
Thoaa clipper you gave ma are perfect ?
That dreaelng fnmn file lo a T 1
My darling ! 1 wonder that lloieen
Should gift eucb treasure lo iuo t
Eight nine ten eleeen ! My precious,
Time llie o when I am with you !
It eeemi hut a moment l'o been here,
And now muet I any It Adit'U !
arras Mnni(i.
Oh ! Mg, you are heavy ! I'm tired !
tio ail in lb rooker. I pray
Your weight aeeint a hundred and ninety,
W hen you i lamp down In that aort of a
' l",l,or mending my coat-aleev
l tv apvarn aiitilli li noure
And I waul lo llniah lliia novel.
And look over Ihoa bills fi-mu the eloro,
Tbla dreasing gown ?l like tho deuee t
Theae alippure run dowu at llio heel !
Strang e anyibing can nover look duCi'iit .
I wiah you could know bow llicy feel.
VYbat'i lliia bill from Morgan' T Why,
lt' not for another new drena ?
Look here ! I'll be h.inkrupl ere New Year,
Or your more bill will hv to grow leae.
Eight o'clock ! Mfg. eew on thi halloa
Ae eoon ea you tininh that nlove.
IIeiglilio '. Tin eo deui'edly lveiy,
I'll pile off lo bed, I believe.
IM i X ( 1 1 II II II M
Ma's Old Beau.
Tho recent revelations concerning
deed forgeries at a criminal trial at
Chicago ro.uiii.led mo of an incident
that occurred a few vears mro in tl.o
that occurred a few years ngo iu tho
vicinity of t. Louis, which seemed
to mo worth relating
Clara and Mary Merwin, sisters
and orphans, wore in the sitting
. . . . . . . n
room of their pleasant homo, on tho
f ;n...4, ti... m;-u i
V. l J vtv M a u.i w aiuawav J ateowia a a.
ri. .: u... 1....1 i l i ...i
...... .
vears their father had lately .Hod,
' . J
lied, I
leaving them nn estate, as they sup
posed, of the value of some forty
thousand dollars, but they had learn
od quito recently that tho property
was encumbered to nucu un extent
Unit they were likely to be deprived
of it ull. This discovery, as may bo
supposed, filled them with sadness
and anxiety, and they were seated iu
siletico, unable to read, to converse,
to work, to do anything but brood
over their groat misfortune.
While they were thus occupied
with siimbro thoughts, a buggy
drove up in front of tho bouse, and
a man alighted, und tho buggy drove
Tho man must have boon u little
on the shady side of fifty, to judge
from bis gray hairs, although bis
face was unwriuklod. Ho wusdresH
ed with remarkable neatness, and
his munneis indicated briskness as
well as precision. In one hand he
carried a small valise, and in the
uthor uu umbrella, an 1 ho stopped
quickly to tho door and rang the
bull. In a fuw minutes bo was ush
ered into tbo presence o! tho young
"I'm obliged to introduco myself,"
bo said, smiling aud bowing iu a
maimer "Abnor l ierco. i
Here is my card-professional card.
.,, y A . i . i
iu St. Louis, and presumably a ro
- i -
, bpoctublo man. Don't bo afraid t 1
am not hero to hurt you, but to help
you. 1 have tbo honor to call my
self a friend of your family that is
to say, although it is many years
since I have seen any momber of said
family, I always bad tho highest
possible rogard for your now sainted
mother, and nothing would pleuso
me bettor than to bo of some service
to hor children."
'Wo aio happy to meet you," mur
mured Clara.
"Thank yott I happoned to hoar
no matter how that you aro in
troublo, ami havo come up hero in
the belief that I can assist you. I
bono you will feel that you cun trust
mo. 1 am actually an honest man,
although a lawyer, and I mean well,
although I may express myself clum
sily.' "1 Am free to admit, said uiara,
"that wo uend assistance and advieo,
and that we have not known to
whom to look for it."
'Very well. It is a good thing,
no doubt, that I have come. Now,
sit dowu ami tell mo all about it."
Clara Merwiu, who was tho older
of tho orphans, and loader in ovory
thing, told how sho and her siutor
had taken out letters of odmiuistra
tiou upon their father's estate, when
a man of whom thoy had never be
fore hoard nut in an Ainearnueo
aud presontod a mortgage, with bond
includod exooitUkl by the late Air.
Merwin, upon his real estate, for tho
sum of forty thousand dollars. Not
content with prohibiting thorn from
attempting to sell anything, be bad
tied up their money in bank, leaving
them absolutely penniless. Thoy had
used thoir credit, but tradesmen were
becoming impatient, and sonio had
refused to supply thorn any further,
without pay.
"That is a bad caso," said Mr.
Ploroo. "You noed money that is
the first tiuug to be attended to-
You must let me act as your banker
until I get you out of this scrape,
nnd that won t bo long
S I hope. How
much lo voit owe r
"More i nan ono uunaioa doiut s,
answered Clara.
Tho old gentleman counted out
two hundred dollars from a well till
od pocket-book, nnd handod it to
"For your mother's snko," bo said,
when sho refused to recoivo it, and
he forced it upon lmr in such a way
that sho could but help biking it
Iff) then accepted tho young ladies'
invitation to makn thoir hoaso his
homo during his stay, and went in
to dinner with them
"Is thoro nnv plueo whero I can
smoke T he asks 1, when they had
returned to tho sitting room
"iou can smoko hoio, said tho i
impulsivn Mary. "Pa always smok
ed here, nnd wo aro used to it."
no no iook a meiTMciiauiu an.n
some tobacco from his valise, nnd ,
was soon duUiiil' nwnv with nn nir of
great cniiteiitiitent. I
"I can think bi tter when I smoke.
ha said. "Did you have any legal
advice in tho matter of that inort-
gage, Miss Moin in?
"Yes, sir." replied Clam. "Our
lawyer said that it was a plain eist;
against us. although it was strange
that wo had never beard of the nun t
gago Ix'fore." I
"erv HtraiiL'O. u hat is tholiame
of tho man who holds it. '!'
"Alexander Campbell."
"Hum. A go id name but a bad
man, I mil afraid. When an 1 is here
can I soe him !"
"lie will bo hero Ihis afternoon,"
answered Clara. "He proposes if wo
will make him a deed of the real es-
tato, to givo up the bond and in n t
gage, leaving the money in bank.uud
the rest of tho personal property."
"Very liberal. Introduce me to
him when becomes, ns nu old frit'ti.1
of tho family, nnd not as a lawyer."'
a.. . i - , . .. I. .
. , 'nr- Aiein.wr ampt.en fallen in , ... . y.m ... p- ...y. .
w ,nw of 11,0 'l wasJngl; I. Mr Campbell, ami farewell
made Acquainted with Abnor Pierce,
at whom he looked Bitnpieioualy ; but,
his oves foil when bo met tho old ;
. - . . . ...
'"iieman s inuu gazo. air. rio co,
.vi.uiitii.l l.tif oliirl.tlii nfr 1 tlmi I
'. "
wits offered for consideration of the
initios, oeinir occu ne,i in Nliuvinu
I tho m, ntif. in, nw.n i.f It,., iooii in tvli.,u..
i " , V '
r.iw..w 1....1 I....... .Ih.,...m
favor it hud been drawn.
"I can't decide upon it just now.".
ho said, at last. "As a friend of
thoso vouiiL' ladies staiidin-'. as I
mav say, in ( mvmi I must
make n few inquiries concerning the
1 1
vuluo of this property. Suppnso
yon come after supper, Mr. Camp
bell, nnd suppose you bring that
mortgage with you. 1 have) no doubt
it is all correct, but 1 would
liko to
seo it
Mr. Campbell assented to this nn 1 sand hu bas lost, tint to ir, may
withdraw. Abnor Pierce tilled his : have been justly his due. II will
pipe with nervous hiiMte, but alsj w ith be far from hero by morning I have
tobacco, und Mary brought bini aii'odnubt. and good n i l in -e to him.
lijght. Ah! this is comfort iMo. I I. nnv
"l know that you have some good that 1 feel better, and 1 hope that
news for us." sho said. "I eiui see ili.Von do."
in your ta.'o.
"Not bad, my child. I hope nnd
trust 'that it is very j.'ood. A good
name, but n bad man. I sai I, nn 1
that is true. I think I s. e my way
out of this difficulty, and tho money
that I lent you is safe. Rut you
mustn't interfere with mo. young
ladies, or bo surprised at anything I
mav sav or do. or obhot to it You
inift trust mo, and let mo work in
my own way."
After supper when Aimer Pierciv
had en io vod another comfortable
H,",jko' ul "rr Wlt,t t,! f"'' -
conoernin? their mother ns hn had
known her in her vouth a suliioet!
i . . i .
ii ' , ii I on iipieiiL
.ii(?iiiii"i wi.iiii'uii i i.iiiu iii,miiifj -
I.. . .1 1 1 i...i i. ..I
which bo banded to
Mr. Pierce for
"I have mado inquiries concerning
tho property," Baid tho old gentle
man, "and am satisfied that it is not
worth mora than tho amount of the
mortgage and would probably bring
much less if sold ut lornelosiiro. lour
oiler is a liberal ono; but I must look
at tho niurtgiigo. This appears to bo
correct," ho continued, wlieu he bad
examined tho iustruiuont. "It is
properly acknowledged, aud tho
signature is undoubtedly that of
Philip Morwiu. I suppose tho young
ladies will have to go to tho county
seat to execute tho deed.
The girls' oountenanco full nt this
sudden Burronderou the part of their
"This reminds mo," said tlio old
lawyer, picking up tbo uiortgago
again, "of an occurrence that fell u ti
ller my observation iii Teuues.seo.
Not -that tho two cases are uliko, as
the Tennessee caso was undoubtedly
a fraudulent affair; but thoro was a
similarity in thooircumstiuiocs. Don't
look so dishonrtennd, young ladies.
What will be must bo, and it is use
less to cry about what can't bo help
ed As I was about to say, a man
died iu Tonuossoo, leaving a widow
and ono daughter. Tbo widow was
about to administer upon bis ostata,
wheu a man who was unknown came
forward, aud presented A mortgago
similar to this, and for exactly tho
namo amount It was examined by
lawyers who wero familiar wit!) tho
signature of tho dooeused, and pro
nounced correct. Although there
was smoothing strange about the
affair, thoy could tlnd no flaw in the
instrument It was particularly
puzzling to oue of them, who thought
that be had . transacted all the law
business of the deceased lie got
PA., JULY 187).
ibold of the inortgago nml brought it
to uio when I wan in Nashville. 1
happened to have in mv po. ioti a!
veu powerful magnifving t, tl. tt
. . . . 1
titH-.ilrttl ulnifhl loll 1 I biifiAM-ill1 all lull
Willi this 1 cvtnutiivl lim uiorl'.Mge.
1 ti
and si)d discovered that "fotty"
bad been raised from "four." Tlioiv
was tu tiiistul.'i) about it. I ould
easily see marks (if chemical rmsuro.
and tho dill'u'ouco in p n an I ink.
between the '"raise 1" an I llio r"t of
tho instrument. How the rascal got
into tho Registers' mil -e, I d u t
know; but the leeord then) bad been
altered in the s'ltno manner, lie run
away and it was not considered w.i th
while to foILiiV him. Strange oil-
cumstanco, was it not, Mr. t'amp
.'Ir- Uimpiioil was n i'eimg un
easily in Ins chair, an I undo iu ro-
"Here is tho gl ihs" continued the
old geiitlciiwi, taking it
fioin his
for y a-
iiooket, "nnd oti can see
self how well it tuagnilios. No.v, usi
'1 look at f' "forty" -why, bless j
'"'. the same si ;n i are visible Hi it I 1
saw in niy ToiincMsee m n tg i ;e : I
think ! wi'I be b!iged to drop ,
this, Mr. Campbell. My 'IViiness,-..
turn's name was A! ati h r U. ll. a id
be bas a I le I a C unptoit since he
oame to Missouri." 1
C.tmp'ill, his f.ic i r 1 us il.imo
: roaelie.l out Ins Hand tor t!iu a km
"I believe 1 will keep this, Mr
Campbell, for fear of le'i'i l-oits -What,
d i you t'litik you could lake
it by force Ileio is souu'thiug t li it
shoots i'ivo tinii's. ti nn f. are on '.
Very well, I don't tl'.inli yml ill li
molested, if you will leave tliii part
of the country and never reiin ii I i
it. It is barely posiiMo that the
estate of Philip Merwin may lcallv
oweyoitfiiir thoilsainl dollars. If
i . I a li.e you in.t to try to collect
I tlio debt, as such an atlompt would
i.. i o ... I
"ttliatis it.' y Hat does tins
mean ?" inked Clara, as Mr. Pierce.
rubbing bis h inds and smiling,
i .1 . i ..i eo i t.:..
"'-I'l" ,
Vi Villi Ut I 111 II. IliV I'l 1 1 1. I ' U III.
I.. ". ' : , ,
the fellow is a swindler, and has been
' f..nii.1 Jin! T i 1 iiikiijit. 1
IVIIII'lWHU. i UU' "'V 'l in nun n eenai
I I t.l'st. llOai'.I lit LllO 11 1 11 1. lllli 1 Was
isureofit when you told luo
. - . - . .
'uiir.i nf it ih'ltnii von l,il,l ti.o li s
namo. Vou will soon be able to pay ,
mo my !?'JiM, and thou wn will
straighU'ti up i.iittors. Thank you. I
- . .
Mary, vou aro very kind to gtvo mo a
light.'"' !
"Don't you mean to punish him ! '
asked Mary. I
"It woiiid hardly pay. W'n could
nut him in the penitentiary, but you
i might lose four thousand dollars by
ilhei'ib. Rv trying for forty thou-
I'l iat L'irls were fuire tint a trrv d
weight had been lilted frotu their
minds and lie.uti. .!e.inder ' imp
bell, alia.-, Hell, do "iuipr"!. nnd Abu."'
l'iereo st ay " l a week with th,; or
phans, during which lime le. ar
ranged nil thi-ir a'Viirs naii .f ictorily.
an l won their lasting graliUldo and
j love.
"How can
wc over thank you for
all you have dotio for iw '. ' I
Clara, when ho Waa about to leave.
"It was f .r your ni (titer's sake my
child And fur her mike, if I can
:"" li . ' y
all I have is at your
Aimer Pierco has mado visits b
n, .t i ...t.. o 1 1,,
. .. ! .."i,, ,,.i iii,.,, I,,.
, - . - " r
I ulu'ii vs ho I ii eoidiiil ui'liKiiiio for
"'"a s old beau.
Tub Last NiuuroN livitrn. There
is something perfectly awful in tho
contemplation of tho last night on
earth to a mail doomed to be execu
ted on to morrow.
A natural death can bo limited for
ward with very different feelings. J t
is known to bo inevitable, aud wo do
not regard it as anything which we
havo brought upon ourselves.
I ail fc a person sentenced to bo oo
onted for a crime with what terri
ble remorse, with what bitterness
and intensity of regret must ho re
call tho unfortunate fatal act for
which ho is to sulfur.
Ho now realises, which he did not
at tho timo of its commission, how
it involves others as well as himself,
and bow toi rililo was bis mistake.
Hois closely watuho 1, not so
much t prevent escape, which is
known to bo impossiblo, as to guard
against tho possibility of suieido
Si If-iteslritction ! it lias eonio to tins
p:iss at last, that tho olllcers of the
law act upon tho presumption that a
man will take his own life, if bo can to
avoid tho execution iu tho presence of
witnesses, -providod by the la w I
Is it not dreadful to think of such a
condition I
Tho weary hours weary with the
fearful anxiety but ipiiekitt thought
iu her passage, because tho nro H )
few, cither in sleeping or waking. If
he sleep, it is probably to dream of
death on tho gallows. If ho wake,
it is but to Und his dream tho dioad
shadow of tho reality.
SVhat a last night on earth T
uratitudo. A bachelor nia lo a
will loaviug his proporty to the girls
who bad refused hitui "For to thorn
I owe all my earthly buppiuess."
Helping" Convict.
a.r , ...... . , .
" ' V -"wl"-' V'"
f( l' ,! . "' . -P-eU, ,le
I Hh 111 111 ILl'll Ikal'.LI I i if III ,1 .1.1.1 vi-, v.. I
.1 " a...... 'VIII I linn or give him employment,
and so ho fails iulo mg,t..y !; un ,
m.tni) a living, 'l'i.o lal.i llciirj
iiiiymou I, of tiio New Yolk T.imlt,
nude il c tiviet lioinnt iy leinli
him ten doll.i.s.
line i;iy, wtnlii bmy in bis room,
theie appuiio I to him a man Kiyiu 0'
"Is tois Mr. I! uiu .ti I r
Rung a-uuil ui, ho contiuu
"Can I t jeak to you a f.-w mo
ui' tits n,rf '
The MS. was shoved aside.
"I luve jiiwt e from Sing Sing.'
hesitate I the man.
"Not from tile prison, hope,'
nam mo t-iiior, nv tlio wav of
till,,' the i' i!l"f at ease wilh
.'e.s, sir, ' s.ii I the or. "I got
my d.sciiargo a few d.iysng ."
"Wt .I, toy man. ' mi 1 Uivmoud.
" hope you were tin etit. '"
"No. Hir." replied t:.,. e mvicl.. I
W H;iliily. III Hi . , M1-, J , u,,1
eligiliei r mid maeliinist by trade. I 1
wanted tj lea l an honest life, an 1 1
when I got a pit vi an I ut w .i(V i'l'
v. ry well, s i:n fr,e:i I : n a'o;iA''
and t il. I my Ihm tint Wllt ,t .
o.i-l.iiM. an I I h.i 1 t i li- out of Mnt i
lllell l ;;(, .I'lolhef plleo liudgol
well t i work, ao 1 the thing
happened loeie. N i.v I am!;
for uiiotlu r j .li, ,iu, I
uiu g .
liejiu iy I. I.'ii.
Whell I (j
I io it in t!ie s.t:
wh U I a'i
",' t di I
ri.tii t
h lid
'1 low mil 'li is U. in v in in
Mr. I! lyinon I.
-Wei!. ).ll'. ' ivph-l tho 111. Ill, ' I ,
haven't got tie' p i .! of a dinner
about me, n ow, un I I don t knowi
W'h 'I'e I a:il to sleep t i-lulit. I
think if I hi I leu dollais I eoul I get '
on until somebody wo il I tn.o ni"
for I am worth, an I give mo
some honest work to do. 1 don't
want I ) go down hill, sir.''
The ton dollars' closed the conver
saitou on mstant. I eruaos a
year att.'i war I. Mr Kaymou I was at.
a fair nf the American Institute, mid
while looking ut Home machinery on
exhibition, a decent man in charge
of it approached him and said,
"Is this Mr. It ivmond !"
"Yes," he replied, "but I don't ro
locnihiT you "
"Don't you remember tho man
from Sing Sing ?"
"No," sai I U iytn in 1. '! don't re
tueiubi r any man from Sing Sing."
"Why," said the in in from Sing
Sing "don't vou rcoollo"t I" And
then ho rehearsed the story here set
down, ii'id sai I he had subsisted on
Mr. Raymond-, loan until ho found
employiiieid in his own liu , witii a
goo I man who knew hi i story, and
is well ph asi 1 with hiin, givin,;
him good ia,',nali I sti a Iv wnrl, in
a place nf I, iiio:il,!n irust un 1 m-
spotcibiii'y. Tal. in 't
friiiii his th' e
the llotTo'V" M ill, y,
ha 1 carried it I ! s ua
a bitik tivt"
yi.i. er I'elCli 1
. u iie: that, he
)' mt h '. .! ii
out Iniding fiti
his worh und
..pp rloudy t le.i.e
'oiiio to t.r.vii I r tho
It's a ; I . I leu il'illar". Mr. Hay.
inon I. for it'a j u-L the e o-.l of .saving
t:i" front rum."
Wle n he t. ild th" : i.i;'v iiiliuavaid.
Mr. Kavmoiid tliougiil if was cin up.
and s ,i I h" 1: i 1 e'n .i' fed ail Inn
oticr loiins to the ee.'ounl, id the
en 'iui i.r tun I bo ne ed it.
Ai'iKii Mvunnoi'. - philosopher
Writes: "llie gill U genei i'!v edu
cated ou novels, and lu r first dis.iii-
.... .;,.i,... , i ... , ,,.,,,,11.. i
' .i i iv. .i...ii,... , f l .i Y, nut ..I,,.! , .. : ..
i . ,
. hoiiev-nioou "You lovn mo no loll"
or,'' sai l a bride nf a few mouths to
her better half ill his gown ltd. 1 slip-;
pors. "Why do you say that Puss 1 ,
ho asked quietly, rem oving a cigar j
from his lips. "You do not caress;
mo nor call mi j -fc n inies ; you do
not longer heck s ) ni iiisly for my
(company, was llio learlul answer.
i ".My dear
continued tho aggrnvat-
I ing wretch, "did you ever
man running after a ear
iiotieu tt I
How hoi
does run over stones, through mud, '
regardless of evorytinng till liemaoli
es the car an 1 hold and swings
on. Thi n ho quietly seats himself
and reads bis paper." "And what
does that mean ' ' "An illustration,
my dear: tho car is ns important to
the man lifter he gets in ins wln-n ho
is chasing it, but tlio manifestation
is no longer called fir. 1 would
have b'lot any one wlu put himself
in my wav when iu pursuit of you,
as I woul 1 now shoot liny olio who
would coiuo between us, but as proof
iof my love you iioiibt upon my
ning after t!m car. Learn to smoke,
my dear, tin 1 bo a philosopher. The
two combined clour tho brain, quiet
the uerves, open the pores, und im
prove the digestion ' "
Tho nice is not always won by tbe
strong. Wero it so, tho onion would
bo a bead, instead of tbo cubago.
"Two soles that Isjat us one,'' re
marked tho boy to his mother, as she
was dealing with him for bis sins
with both slippers at onco.
"Jury," said "a Western Judge,
"you kin go out and Und a verdict.
If you emi t find ono of your own,
get tho one tbe last jury used."
A Western man, reading of a crick
et club iu a Now .York paper, writes
f i.ii .ulitor to know if tin club is iniod
'for auy thing for grasbhoppeis.
i hie fourth cnlitti'n.ioio yoiti.
i tne sipiiirp ( Id linrMl buirliO'
Kvery nilihlional liiseitii.n, 'ssioiiiiliind Ho-im H iranls C
tu t iimio than 5 lim. per year
Auditor, Kvei nlo, Ail'niidstra1
nnd A-'-,i:;tlee Nolii en,
I'ditorinl iiotiiTs per line,
All ndvi tti-'.'iin 'it for a !
riiMl th m one j ear are pavul
lime liny llio ordernl, mid '
the pel ill onlei til;! tin in '
re-H.nilile for tho nioiw-r.
A Lesson (nr f
Tho niintrii'r etui
upon lingland's ll.ij
ver her ro'eioea in
l!n jliiiiil wns llii'tt t'
tio-i on earl h tlio
a Wivik ile'it..
inns, in Co nnu fi
tubve the sirens.'''
land stood mir
liewers fenrcd .
tier bayonets
t'ellr-S Uj.f.S.i ; .
"'I nnd rvrv riti in.'
rngth ;
.erover a
.. is ef every'
d fain" ! Iirf
Mlini'i'; the I' recline i.f
vi.'torv tnlii'
roll e I, T i
I li ir 'iu
'iell ll'ld li"
d.i' r I not.
i II els; n;ii
invade le-r
s'e.iei. hii'oug, rieiicieti-, n. I im-
(rupiil iih, llio liuij,) In y undo her
li rrori-iii felt in every Inn I nnd die
'a'.'d to the wnrl I. fne!i wn f'hig
Intel a liii'i'lred yoirs tijo, wheu tho
Auietienil Ib'Volillion be-all.
Tim Wi'.ik tin I retiinto colonic,
without it ship i. ii ro:, nr a "reyimotifc
on I mil, without Initio id' foreign iii'
oar. uinlisvipliti' ,1, h ill' united, nnd
: -en it iu numbers, i'.a, up and darrd
I to rop,. with lies mighty nnd fit-mid.
j ll.le ,o ver. lil.aln! with Con, ploif,
in I ilruak with Hiiee. ss. Diihin l s
arro.'aiieo ut! jr. tiu ,, , .r ,wra,
in I Intel by all tho nitiins of tin)
at tli ( 'Ittehui'. with p.worbil mil
U'l-j ai-uu' hand the lio ir le.l won t la uf
nations, alie plu'i l"rel th' World an I
cl to earth all rh ) .1 i"e I Jh-
pnto her robber sw.iy. She swept
I wn upon tho unaruii' J mul ileli'iiui""
h'-s colonies, a;. widi lier h.itllu-ihip
a'i I 1. 1 mii'ts pr ti ar.j'l In bai lt no
r "in i i-t in I Sim jrnvo I tin)
gel I w o'i by the sivcit and b'il of
honest I II. or. ( ur s' urdy siiu dis
p He I her eet'iii, un I pn. pared, Willi
ill the power :it their nun man I, to
be it bael, the iii'.'tder. and to defend
to tlir lei lb. ir liol given rights -Met,
iu nan who WiTO not afriiid to
-tan I in the breach between the bill'
tili.ii.'l ranks el tyranny and tho
' nc.l.lo. Tho orator, with tho swur.l
iu his hand, called up hi tho poopln l.
, arm, un I thu minister of l Ju l IiIomsoJ
them as tb.-y went lo (ho Held. Men
jcaino gathering from all pans, uriinl
a, were uianuficturi'd in every town.
vcro uiaiiuf ioturo.1
tlio hiad liceinie ujitatiid from end to)
iitel, leaving tho women to pray
and werp, our practical lathers went
forth lo battle Thoy waited for no
foreign power to aid lln'tu, they had
grown tired el presenting petitions,
besooehiii the Knghsll K i U g lo
"graei.iu.sly grunt" tho just rights tj
which every liuinun Uaug is entitled.
Trusting in tho riuhtuusnos of thoir
eaii.-o. und invoking tlio Lloising of
vTo.I upon thoir etl'ni't, thoy marched
to tiattlc Willi tlio stera deteriuination
!of living, if lliev oouM nut live usi
free me ti
Tho blii'tcring bully, who bad
com i to snhjugito and plunder, so
O'.r; in his M''i'ii:;th, snrvoyod
iv th s -urn the wenk ami utidi oiptiuo,l
ta iU-i it l!i patri.i". II it. with uu
I .a I a t ing step nn I calm res 'Ivo, they
i III ii'i'hi- I on. tint i I line sil iuil 'l' llloi n
iiig. vi ill. shot gun- in their h ind-,
they sin . d en Hunker Hill. Tho
nam ' i- not :. pret iy uiio, tu itlinr Is it
l-u rge-iivn e poe'ry, but il is dear to
III" he ill i f every flee mill, and stu'l
.u-e iii hetoiv when, perhaps, thu
i .i, I I'lli Is i, l l II II O Cl Ul.liolld into
roiii - I :i on t lei! bill lie y i-tood, mid
iwlioli the vti tiius uroiia licrs uf I'li.;-
I. .H I, .v th W iving banners imd
Iii it ii m ; h iv .net;,, ii iv.iuec 1 to criiih
ih in, ttu-v met litem in tlio breach,
in 1 li em tlicir shot guns leupod u
II. nun d tiro so liei co mid teirihlo that
jiliu alv.iiichig IMluilltln llf till) l',llglisl
kini fell, crush"! mo! bleo.lii.g, to thu
lei.ilh. That, volley re oijndol over
1 llio wni Id, ipiiekuiiiiig thu blood iu
nil'' bii-om ol the s'Mgtfliu;; freoniou,
u. .1 tell liko a I ti ii ii 1 'r tj.ji t in too
I"'. .1st of the crowned tyrants of li.,
Till 10
Pit ','iiiu hn I boosted that with
tie biltiilioii ol I'uulisli troops Uti
eoliltl lliiirell ivrosa tin) contillulit, nil 1
p.vccp with his bayonets the Uielis
cipbueil rebel into tho sen. Tim
h .a.-iter It'll ' II Hunker II II, und Ilia
veteran battalions w.ri trampled uu
ill I decimated, ii :i o In II' I WIS taught
tho lesion, that bruvo toon struggling
for the light aro iuviiiuiljlo, mil I hit
tryiuiuy cannot pierco their ranks
I'lnt leu len plugs of 1'utuain stung ns
dorp anil ilieidly as tbo iinperiul Luis
lets of thu Hliglish L. in if. nnd thu rebel
.'nn-, wli.ii iittnud wnli sternly liuiil,
oeii. I Hihh un lierco a llauio nnd scut-
ier ilea' li as fast as could the shin
ing rules in tho drilled und disciplined
r.mks of inntitii'iihy. Inllnoiud Willi
leitre I nn I reveugo, Ivul iu"l prepare i
with nil the vast resources ut hr
eoniuinnd to enc-b the tt Hauling pit-
tiros. Siiigli) li.i'idn I mi l til 'lie, with
out nid or uoniloit from whin) it, lliey
fought for years against the power of
ilio mightiest nation in tlio world ;
mid not until thoy luel ihnvn, by
their bravery und devotion mi tho
hattle-liel I. Hint thoy wero fit to bo
I'nciiion, li'l they roeeivo uid. eou.l'oit
and Hiiccor from a friendly power.
'I'lion, mul not till I lion, did C llio
I'r nice (t' p in and help them on U
There Is a lesson to bo learned from
this that should iuk peep into the
hciirts ot ull t niggling nuiiotialitius,
und thure ine fact" ioAuioricHti b'story
whiili evcrv paliiol klioulil kuow.
IrUk hU.
"What kind of sausages is tbeinT''
qtierriod au old lady ot the young
man of lib ratine and peanuts, as ho
iiasHdd through the tiaiu selling
The province of Pouiisylvitrjiii had
ni'iirinullv iii.1v tin. si Counties. Phil-
judelphia, (. 'hosier ad Rucks.
iiaarvf nvr-.
vramn y Xr. -v"r -a
. i, - .