1. CROUSE, Editor A Praprieter. itopoblican State Ticket. ruR vJOTERROR John F. Hanmrt, OF MONTGOMERY COCRTT. OB 8TATI TRK18CRER . Henry Rawle, or KRI8 cocntt. can County Ticket. '08 P. BOGAR, in Townabip. IMISMIoNBA ROMIO, inM. ROW, - TuwoaMp ihkr .ENFER,' 'owuibip Mr I A :- K'lAT.. Jl'POH MMIEL OfcMBLRLI.lfl, l'on Totihtp. At'IHToR DANIEL DIEFFENBACH, Monrup Tn nfMt. NER B. MIDDLES'.VARTM, Wert lientcr Tuwnaliip.. kpmwBB " I ' " A Tiioiioiiuit ruiivtiHH fchutild If tuado of tho politic! tri'i;:Ul f each (Viiigrosi;i m il district. It slimiM ; tuabraoo ncativa.-ta of twi!i fttiil vil j burns and should bi arcuisto. I food reliable men hhonld tu iutriiotud with this iuiorUtit work. TLo Jury in ttio Iteeehor-Tilton trial announco I thoir inability to nroo, and woro dinchar;vl (it !ij o'clock du Friday tlio -d int. It ix! . 41.-.' iic i.lnrt frir ' HHMH iJ. I mill. j'tij r ..... .. lleochor mill thron fr Tilton. but an Uio jury p'lHiie I a r.'!c'lritiin Hot to toll how thoy htnod, nkartiiiH on ILut Iuiut wo all more hobs work. !. 9 1 I The reduction of the public tl ht. from Juno :i(l, lM'.t,, to Jnno .'!', 1H74, 'wcorilin to official t'ljjurcH. W m lr'rS(t.;ili."i.70.i li'i. This is an av era;o reduction of ncnrly 72.01K, (NH) a yi-iir, ifl.4(Mi.0t a w.u-k and J2(W),t(n n i,y. C'in our Iteuiocratic critics hliow u tiuainiul record oipial to turn T Tub political battle to Ire fouprht in Ohio in October will ko far to utrcnRtlK'n tho party tli.it wins it. As tbo situation now r.ppmrn, the Republican party has (ool reasons to claim a groat victory. Hut vote nlono will tell tlio utory. To secure tbeso ill re(uiro work, lmrj work. Unr frioml iiiuhI orgnnizo, to that CYory Toto favorable to our cnuue, will bo cant wbi'D the tiiuo couics. Wliilo tho followers of nritfliam Young are receiving amall comfort from the (lovurnrnont or people of thoir own country, tlioir mmuionarir's fcbrxxvl soom to find pronolytos in cvory cliruoand in almost every gradu of society. Tlio nrrivnla of Mormon emigrants and those iu prospoct, show that eitlinr zeal for tho faith of tho Lnttor Day Saints, or a desire to obtain a borne in the New World is doing a good dual to innroaso tbo Imputation of Utah. V. Y. Tribune. Tub July nnmbor of The Republic tuagAzino has boon recoivod. It is an excellent number, well stocked with valuablo articles. The leadiug ones are : Vaticanism in Germany ; Free Iabor iu the South, Tho Mntu Al Itolntion as to the I'rioe of Gold, Ureonbucka. Silver liulliou, aud Sil ver Coin i Tho Centennial Celcbra tiom The Whisky Fruuds; Tho Hontii i aud how its wauts may bo BnppliiHl. As a faithful advocuto of Meptibliean ptiiici'l'i. this uiagaxino blioiM Lave a large circulation. Vol 1) mo V. li-r;iiiR with tlio July uuui tcr. Send .2 to lUpublio, WuhIi inb'ton, !'. C. Tiiaumk Itoss. A whole year is to dny (Thui-bd.iy, July 1) completed hinco ( liurlcy lloss was stolon awiiy. ami yd in despite of tho energy and iiitulligoncn, backed by an unlimited supply of money displayed in search ing for him, ho is to day more surely lost tlinn ho was twolvo months ago, for then tho sneiit was hot,whilo now it is cold A niitiiu mum been bnttiud by tho ennning of two wicked tu(u and their accomplice), and it lifts beon proveu that a crime of the lni k"nt lino way Vo coimuittBd and way go nnpunishi'd in tho f'lll light of what wo ileum to bo tho hilic'it civilization which tho world Ima ever IvliOWll Cakmuvtm. Tho names vt tho gentlemen from whom tlio respective parties will bo pretty suro to select their caudi lates for President next year aio not many, lluru is it ca'a loguo : J,', jmlVmHt, H. II. MrLitow, (). 1. Morton. l. II. Washburn, J'. I) Mjrg!iu. H. Wilv.n, J. O. Ulaino. 7'i moertttlc. T. A. Hendricks. A O Tliiinuaii, W. Allen, T. F. IV.vtnrd, J. S iJlack, S J 'lil l,n. F.a'h of IhcHO liiitspoms complete na the case stands ut prcBciit. It is iiusdililii, but ?i'-t probublo, Unit new wen may como up iu tho courso of Uut fall and winter. For instance, if (ieu. Hayes bhoiild bo elected (lovernor of Ohio by n rousing wa. J' irity, he would take a placo in tlio tnpnblican list i but if ho should bo bof.ten, hisohanco of reaching such t1.'.- tinc'i'in will be cxtiiiguirlie 1 fjr- ver. M 'it likely some cne of these tvclvo gciitlomen will bu the Uct )'resi liint, and w aro bo'ind to tay O '. ;f i:i posb!o to find o good OBO - . .. . - and ..d on the 29th i u., . , nnt, near Dublin and resulted in a victory for the Anoeri cans. At first the advantage was with the Irtoh team who led the Americana in firing at the 800 yards range by one point, bnt tn tbt eon test at 900 yards the American rifle men completely oat shot their rivals, scoring 8i7 against 293. The 1000 yards shooting was remarkably fine upon notn sidos, the Americans ecor ing 30fi and the Irishmen 299, the highest possible score being 3fl0. The American team thus won tho match, flooring a total of 967 to 9 Id by their opponents Both Teams improved npnn the firing of last year, and tho victory is altogether a most gratifying one both for American marksmen and for American arms. From the published accounts we loarn that the crowd, which mani foitot intense anxiety as to the re salt, Lad grown to about thirty thon- saud. Every Irish bull's aye was cheered, and a disturbance was be coming iiutuiumt. The police was (towerless. The Americans rsfased to proeved with the finog nutil or der should have been restored. A cb-lsy of tLirty five minntes resulted, when partial order was restored. The Irish, dejected and norvons, shot wildly, aul a succession of shots proved merely at random. Milnnr (Irish) missed his third shot., the crowd groaning vociferously. When lie miriscd Inn ninth shot, tho uproar on tho Irish si. I" of tlio ground was tromen Ions. Tho eleventh shot ho missed also, pt'i ulttrin; consternation, limiiiltun ( Anieiic'in) scored a suc- . sHio n of thrco shots, an.l blamed iiui crowd lor ins lack of success. Kverjlsidy seemed to be in a bad t iiimt. Tho Amoricnn wore cooler than their competitors, though coin plrtinitii of the uproar and confusion, (liidersleevn, Wilson and Hamilton's score ( Americans) was splendid. Uo dine (American) was constantly ro linblo. As tho day closed tho Irish team liognu to yield manifestly, ('fninf to lose thoir heals and trcmhlf, ainl struck at centres and outers, which, running side by side, had tho effect, one to encourogo and tho other to dishearten. Tho ropes were broken by tho Irish near tho close, Ful toil aud Inline ( Americans) not yet having finished. Fulton luis.-icd tho target through tho disor der. The crowd cheering, rushed across tho ground, canning great confusion. Dodiuo ipiiutly took his position for the last shot, and the crowd ranged itlf along the liuo of fire, leaving a wide opening toward the targets, but ouly wide enough to expose two of the targets to tho view of the firer. All control was lost over them, but ikidino lay still and bihtit A puff of smoke, and the crack of his ritlo was heard, And his bullet flattened in the bull's oye. A tremendous cheer was given for tho Americans by tho crowd en me. The police stood firm around the teams, with the crowd ou tho out side standing sturdy aud ill humor ed, but not toward the Americans Mujor Leech addressed tho Americans and the surrounding mass, and de clared himself beaten, aud theAmori cans as tho first shots in tho universe. After the watch tho victors were entertained at a banquet by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, and received the congratulations of pooplo of all nationalities. Tho Irish riflemen ad mit tho superiority of tho Americans throughout tho contest, and acknowl edge that their victory was fairly won. I'ublic Opinion. Rtaublican Stale Central Committee. Larje and Enthumtutie Mffting, The ineuibers of the Republican State Central Committee assembled in the parlor of the Lochiel Motel, Harrisburg, on the 2d inst, at noon, pursuant to the call of the chairman, (len. Hoyt. Nearly every county in tho State was represented, and from each tho most favorable reports woro received. Tho flowing officers were unani mously elected I Secretary Major A. Wilson Nor ris, Harrisburg. Assistant Secretaries Benjamin Huckel aud John M'Cullough, Fliil adelphiai K. II C'haso, Supieliau na county, aud iloury Iiutterdold, Krio. Treasurer General H. II. King him, Philadelphia. Messengor Uetijamin P. Hur rou'hs, Snyder county. Tho following committoes wero appointed by the chairman : On Organization Ilussoll Errctt, chairman i Ocn. Win. Iilly, J. G. M tiuaido, W. S. M'Mauus, A. D. Wood. On Meetings and Sponkors Ed ward M'l'heM m, chairmau : ('has K, Heroin r. John K. Littleton, John I.iiimin, Kra Lukens. Tho oIKcers of tho gonoral com mitteo aro tj-ojfirio meiuburs of the above sub-eonnuittoeft. Hamsbiirg was chosen AS the headquarters of tho committee until tho lt of September noxt. Tho committed then adjournod to wcot ut tho call of tho rhairuiuu. v9A recent letter from London tcllu U4 that tho peoplo of that city havu beiiii intensely interested for tho past two months in watching the preparations for tho doparturo of the expedition which has set sail for the frozen regions No formor Arctic uxpu litiou has been so liberally pro- vidud for or so cumplotely equipped. Should it provo a failure inadequate supplies and impel fort appliances will surely not bo tho causo, and when so much has already boen ao cnwplished by expeditions which , iiavn sailed lor tuo nortuorn sons uiid'jr much lass favorablo circniu- bt.inces, very iutcretting and impor 1 ts nt results mty reasonntily be ex 'pp-ctsd from tho pruseut vauiptouslyl I appoints! t na. I ata aa.ii.iSBa iih wi il "M0 WO' BSiBVaBa T pollttoel defeat wbieti onr tow v suffered ImI tall bM had at eenwone rood effect i bM united republicans on a common basis. The election of 1871 left tba impression that oar part was strong enough to divide ita strength and ret win The result, in a number of strong Itepnblican districts, wbsra, throogn this division. Democrats war elect ed, has taught na a lesson. This fall wa shall present a solid front to the enemy. Feel ions will unite on food men and all party dinerencaa will end with tba work of the eonven tions. Oar opponents place great relianoa on the independent temper ance movement, but in this we be lieve they will fail. Republicans, fa vorable to temperance, will not allow theinselvos to be used at tools, to destroy a party that baa done so much iu the Una of substantial re form. They know that the fight is between the Hepublinan party and Democracy, and that the triumph of tba lattsr will be followed by a gen eral throwing open of the flood gates of intemperanoa. A few over soalous voters will, support a temperance ticket, bat the practical temperance advocate will not throw his vote away, whin a great national question is at stake. The triumph of tba Ite pnblican party will give a moral iw petns to the teioporance oauao. Its defeat would destroy the good which the cause has already aocoinplisbod. A Mammeth Hsttl. Ths I'alaco Hotel, now nsartng completion, in San Franoisco, is ths largest Lob 1 structure in the world. It covers '.(il.U'tO square feet of ground, and is seven storios high a.r;Cl,IM0 bricks were used in its walls, II.OOO tons of cast and wrought iron, and i.W 1.52 i feet of lumber and timber. It contains 1,(H)0 win dows, U77 of which aro bay windows; '.''J rootuft, none of loss size than 10 xlO fuot, and 'MS bath rooms. It contains over three wiles of halls i .. , inero are nve passenger eievaiors aiui seven grand stairways i there are t,-l o-o aoors, v.ooii gas uurncrs, aim thirty-two miles of gas and water pipo. It requires C0,(M)ft ysrdn, or twenty-eight wiles of Caret. It can accommodate I, '200 guests, be sides servants and employees. And, best of all, there is not a dark or wiudowless room in tho house. It has been decided to run a length of heavy plato gla.'.s, sixtoon inches high, along tho balusters anil balus trades, as a precaution against acci dents by children sliding down the Istlusters or climbing the balustrades This plato glass will reflect tho gas jets, and at night tho interior courts will present a dazzling soene. Eionr Cattt.k Killed. Mr. Ed ward Huth, of East Hanover town ship, Lebanon county, had oight oat tie killed by lightning one evening about nine o'clock, a few weeks ago. They wore in the cattle pen at tbe time, which adjoins the gable end of the barn. 1 he oattle wore sheltering thomsolves from the rain, standing close to tue wall, whon tbe lightning struck down the rod killing thorn in stantly. Whon discovered thoy wore all lying on a heap. Five of them were valuabio wilcn cows, Via re- inaindor hoifers. Doylestown, Juno 30. Jamss Sands, of Sauda' Comer, near this place, was instantly killed by a stroke of lightning last evening while aitting at an open window. Deceased was about bfty-teo years of age. - WA baby two days old talks dis tinctly at Detroit, Michigan. It ia a female of course. BTTbirty deatha from cholera in fantuut occurred in Ueitunora, Md-, lust week. MTOoorgia peaches are beginning to make their appearance ia the northern markets. They retail at about $10 a orate. 6TTho Philadelphia hotel keep ers are pledging themselves to oharge no liig!:?r r'u4 foi aocomiaodatious during tho Couteauial than they do now. WA little girl in Harrisburg was struck in the stomach with a wallet while playing croquet, and died from tho effect of tbe blow. I'lymoth Church Society last week voted Henry Ward Beecher a salary for the ensuing year of 100, 000 for the purpose of defraying bis expensed during the rooont trial. aTThore aro prospects of war be tween England and ilurruah. The uritisu are disposeil to olaim a little woro territory iu Asia than Ilurmnh soos proper to allow, and hsaue tho dilliculty. MTho recent heavy rains have swolleu tuo streams in southern Ohio so thut uiue briilgos have boon carried away on tho Portsmouth biauch of tho Marietta aud Ciuciu nati Itailroad, and tho truck is badly damaged. WA ten-iblo storm visited Mont gomery, Chester und Iferks counties on Suuilay uight a week, in Mont gomery tho damage was greatest. lloiibos, barns aud fences were blowu down. Several pooplo woro killod by lightning, for At Middletown, Del., an im mcuso poach refrigerator is to be built, capablo of holding 200,000 baskets of fruit, which the projector guarantees to keep by a peculiar freezing process, for any length of tuno, from ono day to six mouths. VaTHorgner an Engle havo boon given the privilege of soiling boor on tho contcnuial grounds. They pay j'.,000 for tho privilege, and will at their own expense construct a garden. Mr. Matthcvs of New York, has boou given thu privilege of selling soda water, iu givos. f tu.ojij for the privilege. 'i oaaof Woodward arrived at VTilkea- barre on Friday. Tba funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. asrTno United State detectives captured a rang of eoontarfsitors in the West, a few days sinoa. One of them, tbe leader, was a respectable physician, living la Allegheny dty, Pa. Another was a letter earner at tacbed to tba Poat offioe of tba ansae city; MTTba latest news from tba coal regions indicate that tba strike is virtually at an end. Tba LAorel Hill breaker baa been started, and the rest are expected to follow. It ia be lieved that if no trouble occurs there will be general resumption in the La high rsgion. a7Oa a farm in Exeter township. Berks county, is a syoamora tree which probably, ia the largest of its kind in ths country. I no tree meas ures twenty nine feet in diameter, and covers an area of fully one-half an acre witn ita branches, ll ia snp posed to be' over 1000 years old. HBW ADTZBTISKbIKHTS Hotice to Democrats fpilE Democrats of Snvder connt X will koM lkir tlwU ElvtlntK, ! pi- ( ib lI4rl TnwaiMp sml Horonbi.Hl MiriT.iD u7"i !! t!t, btW'D U.Kounuf I ! itbf. tiii to clMl twu1lailM from McktTown blp d4 llomaik to la emioiy Fonn linn oo MoalF, Aon, lh, im, I lock P. M. for Hi puriKMirnf pHwg la anailaatloa tndt'UtM l.if th illtTartut ( auntr nil Ho to (U stntorll 4 Hji'oUv lxlSt la th nit sut t oantlnn. T. How LM, tbalroua, SUa'g Coa. IdUkarn, Jalr It, 'J. COMMISSIONER Wm. Bitting of ITblnn nlilB U Al'ltl Sir lb riBwfl- I - imiulioiion f'r Ibtoffir of t'lM ttf Vnimu itiir. Mr. I;mm L i.oolr llb l lh r li, rpbl, sii'l If fnint4 O'l lend mil I a k n offl'r lbl Hujdr ulflil ti prnud of ThERIFF Middlocrc.k presents DAVID MUSIS a MK.lhUt for Shrl0. ui'i"t t th rum ( It rij . Mr. MKrr U knnwllir. nrtt iiim hulni ttin, ftnil ltf..i tii nriir d lahllllf to nub a good oSli.'r. Hi iltnocrwoif H) aot auri idI. DtAVER. COMMISSIONER Tlio nndersign- U a ni1Ml f'r Ih otn- of donntf irnimu- ,,,.r, ,i,rt to ti, niu.ii .i tii.ii.tM I Ik IKmncratl iiuntT i nonll"n. in mn .f . iio'l ja.lmnt aol la frr rpat I 4iiu4 ur ua oinr. JtHIX NORMAN. SHERIFF John M. Troxle of Wt ltoTr lownahtp I a ikIM f Ik Iteoinrrntla aomlaalloa for HhnB nbtt u tha rulM of th aartv. Mr. Trnil ! a naa f mor tk nrltnrT aMtfty. kind hMrtml, aa4 If nonlaataa sail 1mi4 will niak wortby oOrti. W AitUINDTON. SHERIFF At tbe solicitation of mnj of my Mmti I kra ni-lall o nnuni myxlf m a Oaa'll'lm for lb aomlaa lion ol Hticrlir wbiant ut Ik rli vt la Daaio ertle cvsalf UonraatloB. D. BtsawHAST. SHERIFF. At tbe earnest reqneet of man of f frUn.li.nl both tm, I kar nnlul1 I annoan'1 aifwlf a a ranillilata for lkmrnf sbrlff,okiat lolk rala oftk ioicrtl OouBif t)onTil'iu. SkonM I fc nonilau.l anil aloalaS, I will dtx-kara Ik Julia (ikoifi iu lauartuiltf aal slllli. JXMl V. SMITH. ospect I I krb lo Ih IHiraocnlt that I brby oTr at lf a nliill for lb nisa of h'lf nbit lo th dcUIaof U liwauoiBtleUoBBiy 'otoiIoq. j. i. Knri. COMMISSIONER -We respectfully racnmmciiS MOSSS IRBKHrl of Ailamr 1nwnblp lo Ik IKaocrary lor Ik ofti of Coanti t'taaiHHMr. Mr. (il.lllf la th party In ailraraltr tratkn kU aialai Ut Ik BowinatiB;au BToaiptBy ami popaiartty jolnail lo kla allaal mltl qualliM klskly tooaiaBd bIb. MANY DEMOCRATS. TO THE DEMOCRACY At the in- naaa ol naar of ajy tfaaoorall matt, I ffr aiynlfaaa (laaillilala for Ika afflf nkrlfl anil BMrs aiy frlra.la ikal If Bomintl I will aa iihi koawl a4ror to ka alaola. aaS If lctl will parforai tk Sail or tfca m wlik SlaUli tad to Ik bwilof my ability VK1AH T. innauLW. County Commissioner. Fsibbd Caucus: Al tk IIb W ran Bp Sroaeblna tkat tk ixmoaraua vatar, af Bay r ciiaatf . will ka eallad a dob to (atari Caadi data lor Ik dlHaraal aoaaty oslcaa, to ka SI lad at ika Noraur alMtton, aa4 a wa ka so iMiaorratl ontaa. al ikl Una. la oar mobit. will job aarailt a aa alS Mawd faltkoaah la nlltls wdlflri tooMapy a mall portloa af yoar pnpar, for th parpora of raaoaiBMaiilns aa to tk Itaaioerat f tha oaaty lor taa lai portant Rir of Cnaaiy (loaiailMloaar I a Baa (hat I iIIOS 1b arary an ef Ik word rof th pwlUoai a kard worklnv. koaatl aad aapa kla Ban, po.d of ika kriiol iBitgaitnl, a t' thi aMkr al koaa, aad trlMtl la tk II on wo" Id lMbarood koakpr rot 8 pyr i Ikal aaa I Kakart p. Uorndloa, of J' kx.a laaaiklp. Wa a Utaomu or Mia towr aklp aak kU aoalaalloa Mr tha puililna aa aa tBiDOnlly St to ka Bad, and M a daarrd for w are aatltladta. Aaala aa woaldaay to tk HBioraO voter aad la tk kai aaisr r Knjdor (o, rally bo Ika (apport ef Mr t'or ntllout, (lr kla ika oalaailoa, aad er tka Mrrirs of as kwswt, psra aad ayrlskl Coaaly oiar. Many IMmoerattc uttri e Mntlk crttk Z'otiTwAiyi. 050 to 10.000 Hu bwi IbvmbI la Block 1'rlrllK rsld 1)00 C.SHRX PROFIT How M Do II." Monk on Will St . ant fr.. TcaaatrMS aOo., BauSar a If ruktn 1 Wall si. a. y. IU10UIANT To Consumptives. a (larillamaa kartar keea ao fortaaata a lo ura Hi" B of i oa.umptloa la It worat lai, altar olns alrao u to ,11 by th Bt eel brtl pkytlolaa, dMlre to meke kaoaa tk our (whlflb prora ucraalal la erery rare) lo tk aittioted wltb Ailhma.Hroachltla Couaha, t'ulda. DouauBtitlua. aed all aflarOuDa of ih Throat aad Lunar, aad will read tke Heulp. Iraa of euatu to all ko ilonlre It. If they will forward tlielr ddraa to l4..tIKI. .0Kfc, 3 L,iuriy at , now t or. July i t, sib. MARBLE 70BS. LEWIS11CRO, PA- ITALIAN ANO AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, Tonibbtouns. Statues, Urns, Vases LAMiiM, for I'hililrcu's (irsvrs, I'otls, Until, T'tbUtt'pt, Marble anH Slit MiDitrh, ,(c. 1 11 thoi wko dailr te porchai timhatonaa or anythtDK l-e mai uia'tared at tba eiorenien liunel uiarbl worka, akould (onault th uodar Iguad Hul, tMf'ir urliMla aKawhar. 8AMI I L. I'llWEN, July It 'Tt If.) Wlddliurg, aiodar to, Fk. american'wash blue. For Laundry and Household Use. MANU'ACf URKD AT TUE lwrif?(a Ultramarine, Work, Xerarkt y. J. Oor Wwk IHu It Ih but lo th world. It doea not ttraek. outalua BntulBB lalurloaa to health or fakrla, and I uaed by all Ike larae laundrleaoa aeoouot of Iu plaaalox llet aud rbeapneu rluperlor for wblUwanhlna, rut up in poaaga eouvaiut lor lauiiy uae, rnoa 10 aauta auoh. k'or tala by Krorera arerrwhere. Atwawa aak for lb AwKBirta Wita llt.ua, U u waot us oiioaiiii aou iwi. AMtUIC VS I'LTH AMARlNiS W0HK8. Office Ti William Sircul, New York. SW-rfr al tk Drug blurs ui Xlddlibarn, Apr W,'70.etB. A tt asrseas are afrstoeewtleeed'aet, XV kt trat at wire Dewersa Maarsr, wiikeal kawM( aad) eeaeeat as tkerwlat I win pay se aeau eeatrssM by kr snr this est e. Jsas I. 7s.) MtCBAIL MAORI. bbwbwvsi w wss wvrv 1 Tk Mil ewaatoa ! Ikla BctaSkol will Taieesmy OH la etf Jallr, 1ST9. Tkoranfk taetrwatlna will ka stvaa In Ml Is- kraMka tanakt la lk pa Ml afkanla la Ika raoM vaaaoaaw ana aaai aaawa Baiuona or waea. la Bkawa kraaaka aad la ararytktas that ra am as wa aaaaaaarni atiajiiatni ai acaoapa, WM. NOBTLI!IO, A. M. SaltBafroT, SnydarCo., r Jna 1, 1ST. SoiBthimi jto Fur AIL TAWir.f.C. ncaaSTRKSStBdMlraetaaa. X) aeanraloall lataraniMl. Tkaldrwa IS dir. aiilatlva of lb rina of Ifc-nralraaMr a Ulrlok na th lr.1 of April, h ka onanatt la kl aw Bnlld lot In H-lliit Omr,on Wal-r llraat, auor Fla, oppuall J. a. IIBBIB'( atora, S Leather Store and Fin- iihizig Shop, whr will N Iblnd al all tltaaaaa aaaorlmtnl ef all kln1a nf riiilakiHl Stork, iwmalailnff of Mar nraa. noia, t pp-r, sip ana oair watna, pinrror an', Llnlas, ToppiimaaV., of dlRarrnla,uallila and prlraa. Tka aeauttoB wl Mkoamabara. Farm rra, aad all olfcan I larllad, Uar parckaalns alarwhar. Thirty-IfifHn a prartlral Tanr qnallBaa hlta lo uda tba viaililM iMoai. Hida Hkaa la i.kauf a fur ltikar. O.U. HCSU-TSrSSKR, Jib t-IIJ Hlluana, enyder Oo., fa, NUIIIIIKIN WALK 111 T virtue of a writ of FL Fa issn ad oat ot Ike raart f rn wis I laat of Watdar nuaiy, a aaa dliaalad. ajtll ka uorl lo FakllMal-, at tk tioort-tioaaa, la ktlildl. burs, OS Wednceday. July 21st It 75, al to oVIork a. m., Ih Mlowltif itrarrlVd Tract of t.bi.to l: A n-ri.ln tra-l of land aHuata In tlia iariiii)ih f IwitMlrbar;, Mf,ijrr onuly. Pa., hoiitolrd S. ht Und of Albtlalil salti-ford. H. i.J Und of N.miial llowan, P.. by land of abaaluai Snrd-r and W. b laud vf Irasli'l UolpBdar. coaa tamlns ice and a litlf Acres, tiwre or lets. !!. lakn la fwnllia and to ha (old an Ih property of Samii! Huwan. nwiiani'.a, WBII. SliarllTk offtj Tun t, '1k. JJR J, W R0CKEFCU0W, ruTsioian ahd acaoaon Offarr BM profaloaal iarlia t tk altliaat MlddUbaraj sad rlalaltv. Aa. IVf THE TIMES. A First-Clasa Newspaper. DAILY AND VTEERLT. Indrpeiitlent iu Everything I Jfoutral iu otniug i Opposed ty all Ctirmpt Itinn tn Munb t ai, oibxw uu .aiiuiiai aubiii. TnlTn.T T1ME.4 win be teaaed ea Sat. thereafUr. tlunslsiT iftDi pww. .I llrk.lluBi atf A. K. MoCI ;itsTwk, wtiiiM owuptri Iw fpon Alavnf. nmw !. OS at lata Rl B lltl fill Bflftfll, r ... tvarttatailBiluai ailiba aawa of the oar. laoladlns the Aaaerlaled rreaa TlarrM, Spaniel Tala. re aad UorraapoadatitMi fm all polnle of la lara.1. aad faarlaa ad l tort al dlMBealeae ef all carrae! lav Ira. Prloa, Twe Coate. Mali. BUanripti0. powe rre, oiia aaiiar praBB,ar Flfiy ceeae Bar aaeaut, la ad veare. AdeniBaaa. SfWea, Iwealy Bad IkUlI eeat pat Use, aeaordlas a aaelUos. The Weekly Times Wilt he lean ad oa SetSrday, kf tk SXk, fad vaaklf tharaaft.r, aaalalela all iBpuraaal aw( of the week, and cSkaplete Market Bad VI aaa. . - . a... aiieo. roe oe yar, p ibjbbi aw, aa lawias rata. OueOpy 1 Ten Copies . -tD Tarantv (lonieS lft U I .advertisements twenty-live cants per line. BaajiWa akaw Id ka Bad by LraSw a ao1 aaraa TOC TIMES. a. llaWatt Seraetk Blraal Willi' . 1 i.Miall van albMaar alaUiiet, w wtll UMrprat aad aai aawaaaiuiewti K. II. FOOTE, M.ta Satkor af Plata none Talk. Madloal Oobbmb Uiu la Rlnra. ata.. 19 LeitnatoB Atean (aor, tW INU Btreat), Ma Tore, ea iKBBrtaDaa Paneniaa. traaU ail lone ol Unfrtnf or CArwiM blawaaa. aad rroalra lataan Bros all pari at tk Cmuiu WoaLn. Br kia erwiaaiNerrp et aadaet!ns s Mad teal Free. kV. ka la eaecanafiiUy traatlne aaotarooa neUanu la Star, tka Wee ladlra, awalwlw f Cae). aad la arary part of tka Baited Slalak J0 MERCUBIATj Or daUtarlana dnue aaad. Ha haa, durmf tke twaniy uiraa yaara, woatod aocera.ru I ly naar I r or qalte aO.cixf aat All tacU oonaenad with aeok oaaa ere wrafully raonrdrd, vkathar thoy be onaimuntreied ep .attar at In prram, or obawrail by tha Owtor or hi Manrtau pkyatdaaa, TB taawr an au aw Badloal aiva. ROW IITALIDI AT A BITAWCR la araatad. All Invallda at a dlaiano era raunlreS ts anavar a IK of plain quaatlona, whlrb alMU arery ymnuta andar wliloh tha luraUd eaoVra. 4Ueom ataakvalloiu a-Mtad awt'lly ca.lanlHil. A eoeiplat ryataai ol reylatennB iwarmu nuatehaa or eoorualoa. Lial al quaatlona aaitt frua, an epplioaunn, to any par af tka world. Siity paa pam phial at Brioaarea oa Suociae, alas aant fraa. AU taaaa laaunuaiaia are (rum thoaa ah" hare keao traeKnl by nail aud oipraaa, Anvtua ra orriue, oa aaOa raaa or caaBaa, Cell ea or addraaa SR. S. Bi FOOTI, R. UP UilBftos Av., T. Wmtt rV .& TlettrimJrmTiiUi cmJ Mcdieul Camcvn. SntMia avrt'W'o frinc&tn itary, IcrhrHcuIars aAntss , ... UtnaylCuiainiCoapajrj JZ9FasfOT5t Br, Brf w's Tenia Bowl and 'tis FUls. The a, pllia era aa Infallible ramady for oaBatlpalloa aad illie, oauaad by weakneaa or anrpraaalon of the KnaulUe Boiion ot tha kowakv They rary eenUy reeeaa tha aotlrity ot the lulawtual eeaal. prmlaee aurt aiaola and rallei pllaa at one. ThuuaaniM here keea aurad by tkeov I'rloa 60 aaaU, aant ky mall oa rnoFipt ot price, rraparad only ky P. ALPHID HSIOHASnT, PsABateouv, ui roDBTS Avaaua, Bw Toaa Urn. OrBsrawr's Csapsaad Vluld Xxuaot of BAskark sad BaadoUos, ' Tke fceat enautaneltea ef pnrely vaatekle nadtalna aa wunil raolaaa Oalomal aa Sine P1IL It atlmubttal tba lirar, Inonaaw taa Sow ol bile, end tkua rwmoaaa uonea l.ptday ol the liter, biuoo-naea end habltaal aauatlpatlon. aad tke diaaaaaa ertataf trornauek a lyapapala, atok kaa,lacka, Aatukeea, eta. ThaaBae. Urenaaa at thl Bauaet IU ke proved, vlalblr. et enea to tba patirat, ee on or twe koulaa ere euBeteol M el-ar the eomuleaioa baaatiSilly. ead ramove pimpla M v "- a r- - . I boulea, i will be aant on roal of th prior S Jta.iTS.JST. HUT Srf rnT"LT!' aw a.a.a.a.a. awaaaa, am aaa. Arawv IWlOilCin., mm arikaa Eaa But Blade tua adlirnaw A, -t IJEU CC3Z3 1 low Prices ! Lov; Prices k 'ROfflG & AXJKAND, ' Adatnubanr, Snyder Conntfe Pean'a THE Anbeeribara bavins purchaaed the 8 tore ia Adsborg, owwed Vy B. I,. Baeaaakah, and fcarias antareS raa a aa pailaaraktp, kktawd rarry aa a ianal . aaallle baalaaaa at tba tSd etaad, aad take (kite BUkaS at laBM-araf aWMar fr1aaa aaa, ott. e la AdaBakwrwaad Ih aarmaadlaf anwwtry, wva heap aa head, a wM aaaart ktraa Mark :ia aoaatry Store, their Btoak aaaaliw partly at SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Such aa Cloths, Caaaimora, Kentucky Jeans,' Cotton adee of every style and qnal.tv. also ' -.... Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, ALL WOOL DELAINS, Merinos Poplins, Ac at all prices and very cheap. HATS AUD CAPS, Carpets, Floor, Tattle, and Stair Oil Cloth, BOOTS AJVD SHOES, Hardware, Queenswsre, Tin and Glassware Wood and Willow ware. Cffeae, Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Teas of all kinds, and at Low Price, Cigars A Tobacco, Fish A Halt W holes ale and Retail. PA IT aVaT PA AT muamokiiv a wiLKr.sRAaaB, aptt Batot VVaViS VVXLAdf VVXLM aaCollor BUkia Ilk' we. Th iW Market trice iiitl for all kind of COUXTR Y PHOVVCI, XaW FrMtf. l'utitoe$, Ac. Xc. , ALHO t -Dealers in ALL KINDS of (jrninand HcodisV or which tie highest Prico in CJfetsH will be Paid. ' i ESTaOUSHED 1853 Rttnlti ass Kfurwik4 wlik tk Fiatet aa4 Ckft Arlml DR T GOO OS ft . NOTIONS. TRIMMINGS. QUEENSW ARE, Hardware Groceries. Hhoen, Cnriwtttu Oil SVM orriRCD TO Tks laVorlker kar is rBov4 Isle Msrktl and fla Mreeta, is w prtpared Bi tkn kasy fsvor kia with tkir patreaa,, (real Imlueemaal. lis U dlrBls4 Ikt) BBALL BTtLL C05TINCC ThI MOTTO F0RMIRLT AD0PTID, , TIIK: CIIKvVI" croitiNKit." Dp s stridl aueaiioa lo bulat. sad kp!ss st all lists ikt Borl cotnalal stesk sad owllinft al tks lwel prioe. k kopt lo oaf" A 11 kistlt of LOU.ITBir rUUlitA lakes is SISSB fnr pjnoua.-aajaj elIn,ro, April !M, 1871. WM. t. KCKRKRT. SBBBBWBBBBBWBBBWBBJBWBaa NOW READY FOR THE SPRING at the N. Y. Fancy HAYE o ready my foil stock of prepared to offer to nay customers prepared to onr to my NOTIONS A WD taRCT SOOliS, U018IRT, COU.1TBRPAI19, parasols, ccrrs, hove imported from Europe (oa sty Isle MUD 0L0TIS, BAMB0RO IDOIROS, wklea sssklss as te sell tktst skeaavrlkaa aay siksr boss la.lko sesaiy. I hsvs also stads arrsaawaioals te awt Isetefeeds direst frsaf Bwropoaa aavktej JKll nre cordially itiwltexl to sou wastast ikj bs er aek Alwer Salt as re, ot, IS, Tt. Intending ParehaceTsshoald read the ruuauoipuu. I'ullie JtteorJ of Ang. 17, 1874, Bays i ''Uonld ft Co., produce one won w ail Drancnoe or ummt pnsiasesy and are in every way creditable to the well earned rapntatioa ef Philadelphia." On Oct 27, 1874, the same authority states that "Kirn homes aad humble ones may bo improved by their taste and labors." Forney' Weekly , Sept 5, 1874, says "We heartly commend the Messrs. Gould & Co., aa honorable end fair dealing gentlemen, in every way worthy of the fullest eo&fideMo and of general patronage." Evening Jerrnkt, Sept 8, 1874, says t "Gould A Co., may be regarded as one of the most reliable and . - ' a : I iL. t a" - popular nrms, anu certainty me targca. GOULD ft CO., are now prepared to supply any sired house throughout wltk rereltar either plala oral tke Boat Exqulalle Style ad Meke. They will supply One 1 Jed room fruit of Solid Walnut, Fall Marble Tope, for Be). Tkli Salt oomprlM K In separata plaeat of rsrsllBr. Will, er eaU GOLLlVftCO., N. . Corner Market and Ninth Streets. ' 37 and 39 North Heoond Street. 242 and 244 South Second Street, Or at any of their other Storca. . PHILADELPHIA, PA. BLATCHLEY'S Itnprnred fJUOl' M- bkh wuon ri mp i the sckaowledaed titaa derd nf the market, by pouuler verdlrt. tke heat pump fnr the leeat mnnry. Atte. Unn la invited to Illelebley'i lutiror ail liiackal, lb Drop DbeKk Voire, elilrhcaoba wlikilrawn alihout ilia turhln: Ibe jolnla, end Ika eopper obamlwr erlilok Barer eracka, roelea ir rurta and will l"t allletlme. f ur aale by I ealeia aed tba trade aener ally. In orier to be aure that you gat 'atuktry' Pump, be rerefnl end aee that II baa .1 trade mark aa above. If you do But know "hare to koy, ilaro i-'lre rlrmiUra, HiHeiber "ftk Ike name and dd ot tke aaent near fat oe, w iw roro tl furntaked by addraa Inn with rtamii. I'UAS. ('. VlLAT Hl.r.T, M.nufenlurer. V CoBnerc St., I fclladelpkU, Fa. MarllTHmjo. If sjtr'i P0UH7 Povtr Werrated.iruaad la tuna. to car chicken eholere aed Powder ead akaaiowelot ordinary etteetioe toaleen. bneaa and proper fac Uug. aeaa. wiLeaaonniaoiiuia Siiat,eBdaaitahll-lBrTnlep;iaetarlal,Bayoaaaiap karp Poaluyavae la coDhuanianofor any lenj tk of nun, wi.ii oaaa pruniana piwaaara. raraaae ao eia.. aTaaTdDluf BtrLnA. AiialraBa. AvHfur tl.tD. Ak voar aaut area epoa ra- aV. il. MBTKH B C0H BalUBore. 'Art. f)p,lr day. Acaet waatad. All elaaea , ) AU,if work lug prople of bulb e, yonug I end uld aieke nore niuuoy et wiwk tor ua, iu librlrnwa lorallllra, dur'ug tlwir .pere moiueuta, , OI , iu. naja, 1 hen al uy thing elee. We urlar I aU,oiuiit thai will pey kaudaouwly for vary . tour1 work. Ktill particular, larue, he., eul rree. Baua ua your auaraaa at obc. injb'i ui-ia iow (i ,u, M1I., lor,, for wora bu,i, ""! hr, unillyon kare Iraru.d what we i Juaa,-TSal . jm,,m 1 B Bi . A. 111. Bl .VllBlllI U a. I tl al a A V vt' DI-U Ikal tkay kar J a at raturaad wpth w win. st ef all BiaSa t Oaaaa aiaallr law! akes- . . REBUILT, 1071- Cedarware Hats ft Caps OlothN, Ml&o linlIflrM this commohitt. kit HIW 0TORI ROOM, ea ltd Csrattsl to offer. Is kis eld uiuaars, wad all sea mrit full rfcara of patrons,. TRADE, Stere, Selinsgrove, Spring and Summer Goods and an) great inducements ia COBStTS, SHAWLS, HAIR BWITCRBS, COLLARS, el Irtp) a lergs lot of RIRBOXR, BILK TIBS, , s sills altsailoa. Rsaeinitlr. a. wna, Apft Oerwaf following from the Public Papen et KINGSF0RD8 OHWKOO rURI AND FOR ThE LAUNDRY. MANCFACTUREI) BY T. KENGSFORD & SON. THE DEST HTARCII IN TUB WORLD. gllvaa a Maaaltratl rtBlak t I an.l Iba dlflaraaoa In eual Iaa4aea It Bad bob lr.-h la toareely kail a eeat fur as era, aery waekJaa. Aak year Uruoat fur It, HIXteSFORD f Oswego Corn Starch FOR rUDDllCS, BUK IltvC, S3 QUI, at II tko orlglB.I-KaUbllahed Is IMS. Aad prwt area Ita reputatlua a farer.Mlroafor, sad hi nre Itelleete thaa aty other artleta of Uo klad oUered, either ,uf tko aaaaa saaio or witk oibos tlUa, 8tbvpoi BUt'eiuM. Pk. D,U. tkokkjk, eat ebeuloal aatbnrlty af Karepe, earvtallf ea alyted tbliiora (tterak, aad eaii ttteaaeet eaoelleot Br llele ol diet Bad lo ekeukral aad 10011180- properties Is lullf wiuel to tk kast ar row ruua. Dlraotloa lor aak lag Ae. aaoumnanv each one I I Pwddlagt, Owtavtaaj i poaud paekaae. ratelaa Uranata.'tM S-t or sale bp all Ural kbJ tl tk Uiug- Slot la atlddUuul,ra. I