The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 24, 1875, Image 2

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    ...HiMwj: ....
I - - - , . I ..
.-- .4
.-uaieborg, Juuo, z4, 1875.
J. CROUSEfEdKori ?roprielor7
Republican State Ticket
Oen. John F. Hartranft,
Hon, Henry Rawle,
ublican . County Ticket.
Cnion Towaiblp.
rno Townebip.
'Irerrtk Townebip
Franklin Towoihip
Penn Township.
Monro Townxblp.
Wert Benver Tov.n-.blp.
Ho. Butler B. Strnuff writes to
lire Philadelphia Pre tlmt his tie
fi'nt at Lancaster will not shake
faulty to liia party s but that ho will
lirrtrtiiy work fur tho biiocohs of the
tit-Vet, If ill in is the way the enm
paiirn is to bo conducted, if personal
fooling and individual !roferouo;
lire to bo sacrificed to tho will of the
majority nnd tho good of nil, thure
will be a tremendous Iti-piihlirau
victory in this Stata next Fall.
Pulltville Journal.
mTTb cotton erob of this rear in
tlx Southern 8tatee it Generally tm-
vorable, notwithstanding tho cx
oepUomdly inclement season. Louisi
ana report an increase in acreage of
four per cent. Mississippi of tares
per cent, and Arkansas the same.
Texas shows still more satisfactory
returns ana Alabama is also en
MTSotne thirty-seven nationalities
have reported favorably to the Uni
ted States Centennial officers, and
the news from England, France nnd
Germany is most favorable. Tho
British Government have asked for
double the spneo first requested.
Canada nnd Anntralia net independ-
ently and liberally, whilo Mexico has
junt appropriated 120,001) for its
Wr hear it intimated that a power
which in a great dopree controls po
litiral pftrtun is goinir to make the
next eponlor of Congress. That
power is tho railroad influence, exor
cised through tho .Southern Pacific
Company, and the coming npouker in
Sara. Randall, of this State. The
South wnuts a subsidy for the South
em Pacific, and tho Southern Con
gretiHinou aro bring "rnpod in" for
Snuiuul on that ismio. Tho Democ
racy are to bo sold out to the rail
roads. Lebanon Courier.
FArrnrix to its Tiil-ht. Nover, in
tho history of the world, has a party
been more faithful in carrying oat
the will of tho per pi"1, than tho He
publican party. It has been true to
every promiHoi it has kept sacred
every pledge t it has carriud tho na
tion through a period of great peril ;
it has boon the recognized bulwark
of civil and religious liberty. lt
past record is a true index of its fu
turo possibilities. To thin record,
tho ouly one that can detormitio the
merit of individuals or parties, the
nation niay well tHiut with pridn.
What tho party has been, it now is
and will bo 111 tho future.
. . crops in
hurupe- similar reports
that prev,. this conntry a
month or nnreliable ind rot
up for spnu ive purposes. The
latent iutulli?ence from the grain
producing dietrii '1 of Europe indi
cate a good giowmg soa hod and a
prospect of a yield as large as usual.
Europe will want as much grain from
us this year as ahe has wanted for
several years past, bnt is not likely
to want any more. There will
probably be a demand for all we have
to spare, but it is not likely to be ac
tive enough to advance prices ma'
tcriany. j lie surplus or lost year's
crop has been held back beyond tho
usual point, and is just beginning to
go forward to market i and the now
crop will be in before tho old is all
out. This will materially tend to
keep down pricos and it will be
much safer to depend npon the
maintenance of present rates than to
look forward to an advance.
LiviNo with a BuU.rr is nis Had.
Mr. (Jarruth. tbo Vinelond editor
who was shot through the head by
sir. iintiiB, about two months since,
still lives, and his caso is remarkable
in tho nnnals of surgery. Tho N. Y.
Iltniltl says 1 l.'is horaiepathio doc
tors, who wero called in the caso to
tho exclusion of one of the most
celebrated surgeons of Phila. have
given him but one medicino from the
beginning. They have administered
arnica iuternally with the view to
prevent inflammation, and have nut
yet attempted any surgical opera
tion. Tho orifice of tho wound is in
nrol is considered imndicion. L .eTPM f tUe mo8t "-Htotllshing
Ti. i.uii ... 1... ' 1 ..1 . falls or water evor known in that re-
near the eye. noon tho skull J -'onooc"rel '.n. W nton county.
should it Imhwiuo encysted there is ! i " , K ,KT 01 w?". ue'
urn uiHh ixaiiT ui mires, mucu leuc
ftCrNews from the coal fluids iudi
catoa the immediate resumption of
work In the Wilkesbarre region
tho miners have formally accepted
ttie terms otlerml them and begin
work directly. Their leaders every
where find it impoHsible longer to
keep tnem idle, lor thoir ronourcos
are exhausted nnd families suffering.
while every day adds to the chances
Hint they will find thoir places fillod
whon they are finally compelled to
succomb This striko has been very
disastrous to the men, although we
aro not warranted in supposing thoy
have lost faith in the justice of their
cause or the practicability of strikes
in general. Some of tho minors who
were indicted for conspiracy and riot
at Oleartield bavo been sentenced to
a year's imprisonment and to pay a
small hue.
Tub Democratic party is the or
iraniaitioti of tho dangerous cIuhhch;
tliofio who prey upon tho community
or who would destroy it:
It is tho political embodiment of
whatever there i of total depravity
in this nation :
Asa party, tho Democracy is off!
cered by the usurers and led by the
master monopolists and specula
tors. It is the party of theRomnn Heir-
arctiy and its counsels tiud insi ra
tion in that ecclesiastical diabolis n
whoso foremost expression in in the
Syllabus thundered forth by tho Va
tican, denouncing nil free thought
and the political social lifo nnd move
ment that grows therefrom.
It docs not follow that nil Demo.
crats are conscious supporters of
these torcos. Ignoraneo, prejudice
und the habit of accepting opinions
at second hand, all tend to keep tho
party nlivo, and to bring to thoir
btancla d both the brute will and
trained wit which naturally allies
themselves with evil. There is an
Italian proverb born of theeldor Xa
poluon's wars, which reely translated,
nays "not all Frenchmen are thieves.
bnt most of them ore." This may
be rendered for oar purpose Not
all Democrats aro dangerous, but
ninny of them are.
Iioih! that tho paticut may recovor.
That ho still lives and is conscious
is either a marvel of naturo or a tri
umph of medical skill.
Sinco tho above was written, Mr.
0, has still more improved nnd Mr.
uuulis has been released on bail.
Anspai, Rkimon or Masonic Breth-
iiem. Wild Cut Falls is the great
Masonic summer resort of this conn
try. During tho annual reunions,
manv prominent Masons throughout
tho I'nitod SUtes, visit tho spot and
are charmed with tho beauties of tbo
place and tbo cordial welcome re
ceived at the hands of the brethren
The Fifth Annual Reunion will
tako place in August, commencing
on the 2d and continuing uutil tho
7th inclusive. The most perfect or
der nnd discipliuo will be strictly en
forced. Of course aa has bocn cus
tomary on all other occasions none
but Masons belonging to Lodges
will be allowed to participate. The
only difierenco between this and
former reunions, will be, that
Wednesday, August 4th will be set
apart lor ladies, and the brethren ac
companying themwives, daughters,
widows aud mothers of f reemasons
only, can visit the encampment on
that day and may remain till tho fol
lowing morning if they doairo to do
All Masons in good standing
throughout tbo world are courteously
mvited to participate. .brethren
wishing any information on tho sub
ject or who desire to make a pilgrim-
A -til.- A. , ,
agu io oiio oi iuo morn ooauiuui and
picturesque resorts on this continent
should addle-nil Wan Cat Falls
uaii.y .JoniNAi., uoiumijia, l'a., or
liro., W. II Englo, Secretary. Wild
Cat 1 alls Association, Marietta, Pa.
A. The latest eable dispatches!
In.ll!r.n of lnU '
quake in New Grenada, South Arae
nca, wnicn baa destroyed about lo,
000 lives.
Democracy has boon tried and
found wanting. It once stood before
the people as a party of honor and
justice. But it turned its back on
freedom, persecuted itu eliamj i ns
and tecame the mere tool of the
lave power. Ii fid ility to principle,
brought corn) j tioa into its adminis
tration, When the Nation rose in
ltil, to cast it out from its high
office of governmental control, it was
Dot tho political freak of an hour,
but the resolve 6f a people that had
no further use for a party that bad
betrayed its trust Its fall was the
death blow of the power which sus
tained it The grave of Slavery
should have been the grave of De
As a political power it should have
been banished from the field of
American politics. But the power
of evil oftentimes outlives tne insti
tutions which generated it Slavery
ie dead, bnt iU ripened fruit corrupt
Democracy, still Uvea to exert its
baneful influence on the destiny of a
nation. To resist the spread of its
political poison, requires fidelity,
watchfulness, energy and thorough
organization on the part of those who
love their country, and desire its
government to remain in the loyal
band of those who saved it from
the deadly attack of Democracy and
Jamls P. Barr, editor of tho Pitts
burg W, and Democratic candidate
for Governor, was sued by Moore,
the Chairman of the Democratic com
mitteo of Allegheny couuU, iu 1873,
for asserting that Moore had sold
out tho party on that occasion. The
following from the Pittsburg Lent.
tnj Ttleyraph of Saturday, tills the
ICBlllt t
The arguments in tho Moore-l'osl
libel suit wore concluded shortly af
ter two o'clock jesterdny afternoon,
when his Honor Judge Storrott
proceeded tocliargo tho jury. Aftor
defining tho difl'erence between elun
dor and libel, and privileged commu
nications, he saiiC "Accordingly we
are asked in this case to say that the
urticlo complained of is libelous i and
we instruct you as a matter of law
that it is. It cauuot bo regarded as
a privileged communication i its pub
Mention has not been justified or ox
cusod, and we are of opinion, and so
a. L 1 1. i ; r t ,
instruct you, mat it is uueious anu
actionable, and that your verdict
hliould be in favor of the plaintiff.
The amount which ho is entitled to
receivo is a matter wholly for your
.letertuination, uuder the evidence
before you."
ine jury reureu, ami on me opon
ing of the Court this morning, came
in with a verdict for the plaintiff for
The verdict wns agreed upon last
evening, and on being opened this
morning it was found to be irregular.
The verdict awarded tho plaintiff
f 10,000 damages, and the jury as
sensed Mr. Barr, $5,000, and divid
ing and a large numlor of live stock
wero drowned. A creek called Ash
Crock rose '2'i feet during tho night
A Mr. Carpenter, on Coon creek,
lost 21 head of cattle nnd 14 hogs,
besides narrowly escaping with his
own life Being awaked by the wa
ter flooding the room in which he
was sleeping ho started to arouse tho
boys who wero sleeping in the gran
ary a few rods from the house. The
rushing waters took him from his
fee and carried the old gentleman
neai'y forty rods down the stroam,
wnert be fortunately floated into the
top o a tree, and there remained at
the n.orcy of the terrible hail storm,
wuu n accompanied tho ruin, where
ho was fouud in tho morning, when
the waters abated, nearly dead. In
some parts of the country, hailstones
wero as large as a lien s egg, and the
crops and garden produce wore
beaten into the grouud.
SfcaTSenator Morton delivered a
speech at Greencastle, Indiana, on
Decoration Pay.wlnch contained this
noteworthy nontiment and promise i
"While wo have buriod the animosi
ties of the war i while we have for
given all the participators of tbo re
bellion, for none have been punish
ed, and all but about one hundred
have been eligible to hold the highest
offices in the land i yet it docs not
follow that we are to honor them cr
bestow upon them rewards. For
giveness is divine, but that does not
necessarily carry with it honor aud
reward. I have never thought I
should do such a thing, but 1 boliere
now that I am willing to vote for a
bill next wiuter doing away and re
lieving the last disability growing
out of tho rebellion, to take effect on
the 4th of July next. So that nil
men, all races and colors, without re
gard to previous condition of servi
tude or of arms, shall begin tbo next
century on an equality beforo the
law. Applause. And may God
put iu the beurts of the peoplo every
whero, North and South, to accept in
all its fullness and extent, tho new
birth of tho nation, to administer ju
tico, humanity aud charity, and to
exercise to each and to all those
guts, and do thoso things that they
would havo others do uuto them."
MTThe New York Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children
hae issued a circular giving notice
that it will investigate, and prosecute
when necessary, all cases of cruelty
to children which shall come to its
knowledge) and it earnestly entreats
all persons to report without delay,
to its officers, every case of positive
cruelty, in order that it may be ira
mediately abated.
After nearly two years' ceaseless
and dogged petitioning of the courts,
council for the ring robber, have se
cured and order from tho Court of
Appeals for the release of their client
from prison. The order is based up
on the ground that the particulariu
tions of the indictment did not war
rant a number of sentences i that
there was bnt one offonce, and, a
the period of imprisonment awarded
to it has already expired, the addi
tional terms imposed by Judge Da
vis are without warrant of law. It
socms to le hold that Tvoed did not
twice rob the city of New York, but
that his was one great and continu
ous robbery, and according to the
marvellous equity of the law less
heinous than would have been two
single acts. O most just judges I
It is expected that he will be imme
diately rearrested, this time in the
civil suit which tho city now brings
against his estate, and if he cannot
furnish several millions bail he will
not escape yet for a soason from
durance vilo. Tweed may yet bo a
power in Now York polities. Hys
terical indignation at tho . impotency
of society to exact even the pains of
petty larceny from such a wholesale,
plunderer and villain will bo the end j
of the whole matter. Ignominious
de.ith is the merited penalty of such
crimes as Tweed's but no Legislature
of politicians cau be made to see it.
There is only one appeal from law.
COMMISSIONER Tho nndersign.
In :i1lit for tb elfin of (loanlf ( o-ooiU-lnr,
(Dbitel to lh iKel'lon of tl'Xl'lxMM
ftt lb I atoorall4 6nunty Cnnvntlnn. lit U ft
mo orfrnun'. mairaiAni ona 10 ororf rpooi
woll q'llt)c fur la OIKfO.
SHERIFF. John M. Troxle of
Whi Hvtr tnwo'hlp Ii o anilUto for th
KomnoritlK nomlnotluo for Hhorilt.naf.jMtt.
tbo mitt of tho party. Mr. Tmilo
morotkta or1lnory ohlllir. klnil hooriwt, n1
If nomlBOtod na oloctod will oioko vortbt
offleor. WASHINGTON.
Witt Beaver Tewnftl. LUatcr.t
STATEMENT of Expenditures and
Oototootlfif lotoo of W.H rfeonr towooM
nn.f pfmhiT ovooni u.nriot rwr mm mrm.
IM iuo IU I. lilt.
Omoa towaat of tot Dopllcoto Ibf tokoot
Tn RntldtnO MroAOPO
Too ooloroS ob oaooowtl Uodo for So boot
Too ootorad oil SBMktoJ kudo lor Bui Id
iot oorpoooo
IU I Uoml-
ppditet obotumonti
Cionorottont onft oil orroro
UIMMdio( tot
Tnrol lot rooornto
.'th from foriQ.-r Trooraror
Toitioo fnva o.lloiolo( DwtrloM
stair appropriation
from otbor oourroo
Total IWiMlpU
Salarloo potd totMehari
N Nrho-'l RnHAIiifO
lotorort oa boaoo ai aotoi
Parnltoro sod opparMns
SncrrUrlot fHlory
Trroonrrr and (MllMlnr
HlorrllaBOvu Kipotuoo
Col I
Bolaaeo Is Iroarary
tto 00
tn ndoniia'tioil
onit-vM or ins Tonarnip of woot Hoaror. fj
dor oonntT atorotold, do oortlfo tbat tho foro-B-nlBt
! a troo and onrrtot StMooMnt of tho
ripontiituroo onu aro-a or tau townonip, tor
tho ;oor radtna Jnno 7th lilt, to tho boot ol our and bollof.
10 twllmooT whoroof o koro fcoronnto rot
our kaudt thlt Tib dor of .loao A. o uiy
J. J. M.mtHN.
m io i mi n
Road Expenditures
OTATEMFNTof Eipenditnres ofl
r mn tor tuo oovro nn a ht: or won Max
tor lowBthipMarM coaly rooMtlrakla.
ii;i Potor Kt-pp sapoTTioor
Anionntof l.Lp,.eto
1074 omount of norlleato
lor tho roar n; If labor atd
llatillno fco.
ror tho i oar mi
Ttalono duo
Joha Klloo sunorvlror for 1ST
Amuuul of Uupllcalo
Dj labor, baullos plank k.
Holanro Ihio to John Kiln
f lutttand I bo prorlnot ouporrlftiirt IT M
Uoi.tot to Jaoob aill:ar lata HuDor-
uor I'ios
Ualnnoo dot th townihtp 111 40
April llth, l7a, wo tho uodorrlt-nod Auditor!
havo oxoo.1no1 tho abovo aooounti and havo
fvund thouj troo and oorraot a otoiod.
A. A. KlIMItl,
EiEU CCDE3! IiEi7 CC3I3 1 .
Low Prices! Lov Prices!!
AclamsbnrfiTe Snyder Conntj Penn'tie
rpHE Subscribers having purchased the Store in Adamsburg, owned by
.p. Mio'.nri rth!Si,rwii' itm.si7Z?. n?. a.rrt:r?"'' ,tna mi oi
oaatiio booiaoaa at two Old raoa, awd lako 10 la aiatbod of InBmalaa tkolo ummt r, . , . a,j ....
.ana In Adamabnmond tho onrrotindlna oonntrr, rhot thav kava loal roturnad with Vo
wAtaka-pnn ho..l,,.to.,ko all klada'of OooVillt ,m M?M
I laaa souotrr Sturo, Ikalr otwok eooaloto portlf of wwwaiiy iop bb a W
Such as Cloths, Caseimcrs, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonadea of every style)
and quahty. also ,
Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks,
ALL WOOIj DETAINS, Merinos Poplins, 4c, at all prices and very cheap.
HAT3 AND CAPS, Carpets, Floor, Table, an! Stair oa Clotn, '
Hardware. Queensware, Tin and'Olassware Wootland Willowware, Ckiffeoe,
Sugars, Syrups, Molasses. Teas of all kinds, and at Low Prices,
Cigars A Tobacco. Fish it Salt Wholesale and Retail.
COAL, COAL, COAL, ..a.r.lh"' -
Tht Itiyhrtl Mark JVien PniHor all leintit of (VUA'TRY PRODUCE, DrUd
I'rutl. 'irfnT. dre. it-c.
ALNO t Dealers in ALL KINDS of drain and Moeda.
or which tho highest Trice in Ctan will be Paid.
10. u
43'i4 Vtii
4TS atJl 06
Reballl sod Refurnlihrd wlib Ikt rinctt sail Cbcapoct Aniaesl
D3E T" G-OOD.B ?
Hardware, Groceries, Cedarware Hats & Caps'
kJ ol. aVTe J . a . a,. . . ,
W ALL PAP1.II, CJlVSH,kAc.t aUcc.,
?h.' eri.orbavlBjr rrmovod into bio NEW BTORB ROCM, ea lbs Comoro.
Mark.t and Pin, btr.rto, i. now pr.partd to offtr. to hi old, lit M
oa.. tbrt ma, fatorkia, 'TmUS Ti,
SHERIFF At tho soliciUtion of
tnanvortnv trtondr I havo onnrlndod to an.
noaofo m,HOlfa a liandl.tato for tho aomlna
tln of NhorliT, aal.iont to tho rulot ol tho Domo-
eraiie ooantj voaroatluB.
SHERIFF. At the earnest request
nfmantofni, friondo, of hnth partloo, I havo
O)nolulod to announflo mvaalf ua oandtilato
for tho otfle;nfHhoriri. itiort to tho rolo oftho
lioiuncrallo Uountr !uBvokthi. Bfcnuld I bo
nooilnato.1 and oltod. I wl'.l dli-horro tho
dutloo ellkooinea with Inpartlalltf and mailt,.
aau r, u,
A Firct-Clas3 Newspaper.
Independent in Everything I Neutral
in Jtotntug 1
SI,r.!!.FF I respectfully ennonnce
to tho l!.K:rU that I h-r-: a t trvi.lf a
oamlii.ato fnr t:. c.uca of M'uarlj h)o..t to tbo
dooltlua e( Uo iuoo.ttlotuuatr C'''itloB.
J. P. K6T.
(ppool ty all Corrupt Rings in Muni
ciimi, omiu auu iauiiuiihi Aumro.
SI!.r.!FF. I herol-yr.ncon-rs ay-
cir a Con.ilu.-'o for tho Diei-n r-tlo bo :1ns. '.Inn
for ll.o ol Vo of Kl.e. J, pi. .t.1. j t yi.lf to y Jt
fnrra t: a drtlu of tho ot-jo ratijti.117, fa.
sartlail, osd to tLa tlul araUll'.r.
TO THE OEMOCr.ACY At tbe in-
ttoi-o ol man, of mr ilrnnuratls-rrtond, I oTor
my-alfua Can.U.laia fur tha vtltoo of H'uorltt
and aiauro my frloodn that If nominal) I w 111
nao ovori hoootl ondoavor to bi olootad, and II
I iar
ndolltf aad to tho bout of mv atiilltr
t'KlAll T. IlkHROLD.
Snyder County Normal
Tlie next session ottI;ls Ochool
vlll oppH on Tuostlrtj- Ike
- lb of July, H1Tt.
Thornuh Inotrootlrn will bo (Iron In all the
l.raiu-haa taucht Iu tuo publlo i -hoola tn tho
moat raaaouab'.aand brat known mothodatif toach
In ihoaa brauchoa 1 ood Iu ovtif jtlhlnf that ro-
laiao u toa ouocumtui ruanairm'.iif r
WM. N0ETL1.N0. A. M.
eXInaifrnvo, BnydrrCo., Pa., Juno 1J, 1174.
TnE 0AII.T T1STES will bo laaaad on Sat
nrda. the 11 of Marata Belt, aud ovary Blirolttf
tt.oroaf.rr. aondaya asof-?iad, nndor too odlrorl
ol direction of A. K. MuClnro, eoin.aot
j fr.ta eloar, aaw ty, on a loraa bllo rb9l.
ntainln; all tua n or tbo Jar, Ircinrting
tlio Aan.-!atod rra-a TntaKrama, Huaciai 1 . 10
aratiia ail Unrrn.j'iBdarico fiom all c ;lota of la
Ureal, and faor!:" a-llt H1 dlaoooalono of all
ourr-Uktor!3. Frloa, Tan C'auU.
ktali. obauri;'!' t, poMi -a ,.aa, c-z
lar t.aum, or rift, owiU not a-ou.o, U ad
d j1-a-".olo. frn. tv v and Ihlrtf
oouM Bar liuo, acooruiuS 10 sciuoa.
The Veekly Times
Will ha iaanad on Snttw'av. March Mlh. ftnd
woilr tlwiaa:r, k'.i I aporiant nawl
of it 0 wtvl, and ooraplata ataraol Bod t lnan
clal , .oporto.
raallia, I'.ronoroar, oooaojo iraa, oa ina rui
lowinc rotro.
line Copy ei.w
Ten Copied. . U.U)
Twentv OopicB 1.IK)
itJvertioemenU twenty-fire ceuts per
ArinlttanoAt ihonld bo mtda hj Drafta or Port
OOoo Ordara. Addnaa
No. 11 Sooth Savanth Blroat !itladetpnia.
ed the reuiuindor npanion the other
defendants. The Court instructed
the jury that this verdict was not re
gular, and that they must retire
again and bring in a verdict against
all of the defendants, without assess
ing any special amount on any one
or more or tnem. i ue jury again
retired and five minutes later return
ed with a verdict of $10,000. A ver
diet in eo large an amount was not
expected and occasioned much eur
sjrThe death of General Brecltin
ridge loaves but four gentlemen who
have been electod to the second high
est office io the United States. They
are lianutual Hamlin, Andrew John
eon, Schuyler Colfax and Henry Wil
son. The nortalitv among Vioe
President does not seem to be as
great as among the Presidents. Mr,
Johnson is the . only ex-President
now living, and be was not elected to
that office bj toe people.
STSuicides are of so frequent oo
currence in the large cities of the
country that tbey excite but little
comment unless accompanied by cir
cumstances which throw about the
bad deeds an air of mystery which
oilers a temptation to the curious
too strong to be reunited, such a
case of fclo de so occured in New
York on Friday last a week. Capt
W tn. II. lirown, of tho Fifth United
Status Calvary, sought an egress
from this world of care by cutting
his throat His efforts were success
ful ; but before he died he gave his
friends come idoa of his reason for
the act of self destruction. It seems
he was once engaged to be married
to a young lady who recently be
came the wife of Gen. Sheridan.
Tho captain met the young lady at
New Orleans, and their friendship
soon ripeuea inio iovo, an engage
nient bbing tbo result. Whether
the apearance of Sheridan among
bor admirers gave the lady hopes of a
more advantageous ainauco, and led
to the breaking of the engagement.
or whether that ocourred previous to
bliendan e appearance aa a suitor
does uot apjxiar. The fact is estab
lished, bowever, tbat the captain was
mucb attached to tier, and it is sup
posed that the realization of the fact
that sue was lost to him forever
through her marriage to another,
unsettled his mind and led to the
suicide. Before ho breathed his last
the captain spoke of a ring, on the
lnstue oi wnioa was engraved tne
brief but insignificant motto, "Be
satisfied." This ring it ia asserted.
was sent to him by the object of bis
1 I I . . V. , .
love ueiore tier marriage, n tuese
statements are true, the knowledge
of ber former lover'e aad fate will be
apt to rob the honey moon of its
pleasure for the young bride, espe
cially if it be also true, aa intimated.
that the captain was displaced tor
the general, wno brought only
we&iin, position ana mature age in
to a contest where youth, aymuathy
and love should have exerted tha
'most inQuaace. fur, Ttl.
in New Fur All.
DAN IF. I, C. HERCiST.IESHF.R daalnw tn an.
tioou-o to all tni-raatd. That attic tha dlo
at.lutluo of tha Flnu of Urntiticaarr a Ulrlrh on
tuo Ivt of April, ho ha oponad Io hla new Uuild
Ion In Holloa Onu a, on Wator Stroal, abovo Pino,
oppoaUa i, 8. Heunios'a aloro, a
Leather Store and Fin
ishing Shop,
whrro will bo found at all Hum an aaaorttnrnt of
all bindi uf Finlahad Slork, cmiiiailng of Har-
oeaa. noia, i )pr, avip aua uair SBina. AXurror
eo'a. Lliilaoi., TooniiiKa he., ofdinarmtoualliloa
aud prlraa. Tha attention ol rlbnaiaabora. farm-
aro, and all othara Io luvilwj, before pnMhMluc
Tlilrtr nva jroara aa a practical Tannor quallAoa
him to j udao tbo qualltloe of Slock . lakan
a eicnauno fur ijaetnar.
o. o. HKRn.-tTnKssrR.
June T-ft) ttalluanrot, Mujrdor Co., Pa.
PolUiml, Prnnnal, and Properly
f a itrlnl altontloa la bualnoaa. and .11 .: .... ' ....
aad Millet alike l.we.1 prio... b. boP.a la MX ftM JZZZZZ9
Bf-AII BIBda or UUUNTRY PSOnrjCK tab.. 1. ...a. v.
8linjroe, April 2D, 1871. Wal. r I
at the II. Y. Fancy Stere, Selinsgrove,
P HiVE notr nz ry fa!! tUnh cf fprir? and Summer Gooda od ud
J prepared to oCer to my oucUi.-ijra g.avt lndaoemonis in
N0TI058 AND FANCT 000D8,
COLLiES, ale.
itftti' g4aBAOoatAala.a.
' bj oor aiv:'.w.r h
Of the United St(Ur4-IIi: tn f.Wrx'i'w and
how to pretrrvt then, by J he ijihilui Pur-1
011, LI.. D, I
Containing a commentary on tha Flrr.
al ami Slate ConttitulioDe, firing their
biatory and origin, and a full erlanation
of their prinoiplre, purpotce and provle
ioni 1 lha power and dutle of publia offi
oere , ibe ricbli ol' lha people, and the ob
ligation! ioourrtd it etorjr relation oflfe;
aleo, parliamentary rulos for deliberate
bodiee, and full dlrecllone and legal lormi
for all buaioeie trftpaaotlone, aa making
willa, Deed, Mortgagee, Leaaea, Nolee.
Drafts, Contract., ato. A Law Library In
a linglt volume.. It meeti Ibe waute of all
olaeatu and aeile Io everybody.
juNt.s utturtitu a cu., rbiia. ra.
May, 13 Bar
,ot iule ULa .. 1'
BMot alwottbar dtoUnat, wo will lalarpnt aad elabo
rate U ea BAUowa :
IT... II. FOOTE, M".T.,
inthrw or Plain Bomo Tl. JIMItal Common Coaaa,
-fc-irnro tn Hiorr. sto.. I liuf Avanua (cor.
RaM Win airavtl, w loa, ao tiruv
o. M.r.i. m ifma.a ,11 ff.-i-. of LhuHTins ne CArooat
OiwMM, and ra.wt.aa latura from all parte ol the
CrvtuKD woau.
..Mail n tj miduetlne a kfodlcal Pra
,1m. k. u ' OMl.M autnarona ratlrnta In
Keroea, tha U loom, iiowamiow wi
Cmnmm, aad la every part of tha United
Or drWriuoi drueo aed. Ho haa. dona tbo paw)
twenty three loans uaala.. auooaaaluliv naariy or quiw
tn.lKKl eaaaa. AU .aru ouoaaowd wiU eara aw aro
n..rfull imiritat. wLalhar thrv bo eunmcokmwd M
attar or la prraoa, ue .dNwrvad by tho lluelov or hla
aaoUM iiLiilclaua. The UUer ere all erteaune
audiual won,
Are traabad. All invalida at a dlamnoe an. rvqulrvd
Iu eanrar a ' of plrta aa.-tluua, which ellolu avary
M.A..t. utnl wlU.h Its Invalid aelTcm. dlloom
RWMloAUoNa arailM rtnealv xxA.Uual. A aip!e
v.UMn of rcirtorlu prrveate mlaukaa or ooaflulun.
mm a! iiiMliom aanl fraa. ua a 01 wall., to any part
of lha world, tuty pae pamphlat of Svii.-Ea o
an.u alaa ant fra. Ad vh. il boaUmuoiaU are
bum thoar who botw bava ttaatad by mat) aud aipnaa,
Aovtca u oru-a, OB ai aau, raaa ua eaaaae.
0U ob or eddrae
a. 110 to-lngton Ave., . T.
unM t Jttl ITIbtU Plain Km TUUc
and Maiicai Commc, SnstAlu
J)r t'ooict Scitnctin Story.
lIwayliiUUi5hiniGpany 129nSJ.
Wyoaalna Monthly.
By authority of aa net of lha LecUlatore
Tlekeu tl Eaoh. Bli for . I Okaaoo la
Utawa every 10 Daye.
Fifth Extraordinary D r a w in g
51,025 Caih Prizes $350,000
Judge He.k'11, proaldentof the Soaata, pre
aided ever tho lael drawln.
Afouta Waatad. Llinrafpay. fof IMU par
Uaulara. Addroae tha Haaaa-ee.
J. at. PATTBE, Iaratale City . Wyoming.
N. B -l.araaile Olty le oa Ua Daloa raelae
aUllrvai botoest.aiv(oaa4 0sdea.
Or, Berger'e Tonlo Bowel and file rllla.
ThM. mn. an an lofaliltda ramadv for eonatlDarkm
aad pils oauaad bv waakuaaa or anporaealoa of the
pariafalUO motion of tha bowele. Tha, vary aantlf
Uweaaa the eutivtty ol tho tutratlnal canal, produce
oft auarie and rauova plUv ot una. Thouaande havo
mm. h fehaBi. Prioa HO auoBL aant bv mall on
w. at., n.u
raaaipt of prloa. Praparad
asiOlIARIir, PaamnuaieT,
New ion art.
Dr. Berger't Componsd rial Kztraet at
Shabarb asd OandelioB.
The beat combination of purely veeaublo Bwdwlnae
e aotiraly rouloao oaiomM oe Blue nil. it ouma
lha um. Iiniaui tha flow al bile, and that ran
at ooea torpidity al the ttver, binnnaamo and habluuU
maUpatioa, and the dime am aruauf tram eaoh at
lypepata, alok Bmmelie, aatuwaea, ew. ?ee
tlvanam uf thla Eitroat will bo nfovaa. vdatMr, at
la the patient, ae eaa ee two hoattaaaro aiimrleatee
eloar the eaaapunrtoa baanurully, aad ramove pu
aad aina oauaad bv llvee UMUulaa. Prloe SI mr b
I Bottfea, will be avat ea raoolpi at the prw
b ea, add raaa free of ehare Piipeied ealy by
P. ALFRSD BB10BARDT. PBaaaUrie, Bat fevaM
O.VBJV. bw ioaa tiaa ,
have icnpcrtecm frci Europe
(oa my late trip) a Itrj-e lot of
- ,
which eoablet tne to tell Item t bee per that say other hone Is ll eoasly.
I have alo made arranEemoBtt to get ihece gooda direct frca rureptsa ntitkttA
All aro oor12j!ly invited
lo call whether they buy or not. Alwtyt polite slltatloa.
.j ,
EellnrsroTO, Oct. 10, 'T.
App't Oeraer
Intending rurobacers sbould read the follori from the PuLlio Vtwn o
1'L.Iwpiiia. 4
JJullio Record of An?. 17, 187.4, c.-ys i
uou:d & uo., prudece ir.irTovIt in all branchee of their bnnnes.
"d -&Pv1n the weU crrned reputation of
I LiJidoIpho. Ca Cct 7, 1371, the saaio c-.thority etatee tbat
llich z.J hcuLle 0;es utuy bo iaiproed by their tdhite andl
labors. "
Forney' Wetkbj , Sei B, 1C74, nays i
".e neoruy comsia v-3 j:ssaj. Gor'd A Oo, t? ljonorable and
fair dealing genV.orsen, in every way worthy of the fullest eoofidenoe)
and of cunerul patron see."
Evening JJerral Sept o, 1874, aaya t
"Uould & Co., may be regarded aa one of the most reliable uJ
popular firms, and certainly the lareest."
GOULD & CO., are now prepared to supply any sized honea thronffboat
with t urollure either plain or of lha taoet tiqulilte mylee aad Mahe 6
They will supply One lledroom huit of Bolid Walnut, Full ' Marblw TrMba.
foredi. fhli Halt ooprlNi..H.m WmUwT'
wvrvdMda ejs VV.a
N. E. Corner Market cod Ninth Streets. 87 and 39 North Second tUrmJL
212 and 244 South Second Street Dfm'
aN 1 at a al
yjr ai any oi ineir ciuer ntorea.
"Jal XfetjaX
Improved ODORS.
Btlt WOOD ri'MP le
tbo Mhnowladaad HUB
dard of tho market, by
rxmuler eerdlet. lha
beet pump for the laaat mon. y. Atten
tion le invited to Blatohley'e Improv
ed Bracket, tbo Drop Cbeok Valve,
which eaa bo withdrawn allhoatdla
tiirbinn the iolnte, and tho eopr
ohainbor anion sever eraeke, lea ae
or rarta aad will tail a lite time, tor
ale bv Loaleie and lha trade KOBer-
u ally, ia order to oe euro tnat you art
"ateklrya Pump.beearefulandaee that It bad
trade mark aa abova. If vou do nut know
hereto buy, deeorlptlTO clrenlare, totether
lt" the name and addreae of the aaent near
ol you, win be promptly faralihed by addreae-
as nltheump.
U11A8. C. BLATrHMT, Maaafaeturer,
toe Commerce Ht-.a-hUadelBbla, fa.
Mar II 7 Brno.
If ejer'i Poultrj Povdir.
wtvrruiiM.irfAM in time),
lucnra cblckw coUrk avad
uwdtv ud bc.lowt.loi
oramtvrT aUaraiaosi loeiema
UBM eW4 pfOMf fawvlltiSi
vita ft B4Kirui n.rlf oi
V (AiBlI
llrvtevenlBoonflQtaiatitlfnr aitv lajiiflh of
with both pront and plaaaure. rarkaeelleta..
Boat, rrt I aAflae-rah all-tormina malarlaLaav una m.
aelptof price.
ee. aui roar oeeler. teal (raa upoa re-
.v. max an. at uu., Baiiimeiai
r. enAneraaT. Aceata waatad. All alaa
V9 III fll worklas people of both aeiaa, yoaat
aua otu. awiv wot-a vummmj aa wtara wr ua,
their owa looallllae. derof thalr .para monaaa
or ail the time, Ikaa at aayllilut alaa. We oflar
aauolovmaatl thai alll Bar baadauniale for avarv
hour'e work. Full paruaulare, araia, ae., eoal
rrae. Bona oe I war aaoraaa at omoa foa-l aelal
Mow le Ihe Hue. ltout look for work or aual
aaae eleewhaew, autllyoa have learaed whet we
laaer. r pnaeoe e ve rurueaw, wiaae
Olwea a RaoHlirwl VImi.i. i. an., v a
"d Ihe dlBorenee la eoat hetwaoa II aad eoa
moa etarek U euaraely half a eeat for aa atei
narrwaealag. Aeh your Uroeat for U.
Oswetro Corn Starcb
It tbo ori-rlBol-Eitabli-bed In IMA Aad prae
"S:" "Sf rTP"'a ae rarwr.HtraBcer, and
?! ,n artlele at
tha kind ollered, either , of lha tama
aaaMBf with ethar uuee,
STereneoB at aoadaw. Ph. D, Aa.. Ikeharh.
eel eheailoal BBtho lty ofKarapa. earerally ua
alyaedthleeora hUroa, aad My e rt ma Baawt
eieelleat arUelB of diet aad In hooakel aiadT
as rotr1 Mj "mi
IHreetioaJ tor atahlae PaddlBa-t, rrnleiam