The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 17, 1875, Image 4

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Bliddleburg, Jane, 17, 1875.
jfCROUSEi Editor VProprietor. "
Republican State Ticket.
Gen. John F. Bartranft,
Hon. Henry Rawle,
Republican County Ticket.
1'aion TowntLlp.
I'enn Townebip.
Midlleoreek Towniblp
Franklin Towiiebip
Penn Townebip.
Monro Township,
Weet Heaver Townehip.
Misstated that
" . .
the Postmaster
General will, on the assembling of i . -
voitrena, nuififtjnt m luixuiH-niiuu in
tlio present law governing newspaper
Too many detloro all expenditures
fur educational perpoBos, without
ouce considering the money value
of education. It is not how well the
money is cxiMindnd, that should bo
jealously watched by citizons. More
mjuey could bo used than is nsod
for education, if apnlind judiciously,
with Very benutinial results.
A instance of shoddy aristocracy
meanness is reported from tho South
Eud, Ifcrnton, where a weulthy woman
lured for a servant ber own sister,
treated her in all respects as a meni
al, and, tbongh she and her husband,
having no children, dined alouo
v heu no ooiupnny was in the houso
thev novor permitted the sister to sit
with them.
Tiisold engino bonne at Harper's
Ferry, iu which John Brown and his
party woro stormed and captured, is
used by an undertaker as a hearse
house. The loopholes which tho in
surrectionists made have beeu brick
ed up, but the outlines can he readi
ly trtood. Tho places on tho floor
where one of Brown's sons died and
the other was mortally wounded are
poiutcd out by tho villatf'is. al
though the blood stains that re
mained for several years have Tided
Tus Lancaster crresoudont of
the New York Tim says that (3am
oronism iu this Htato "means noth
ing more than eennble ioVV"
That is so. Throe years ago it meant
Harlruuft, and ho carried the Shit
by over 35.000 mnjority, with the
Philadelphia Pn-t, Now York Tri
bune, McCluro, t'nrtin, and tho Gree
ley DeriitM-ruts and Liberals against
him. This year it means Hartranf t
again, who will carry the State by a
majority of not less than 40,000.
Hon. Henry Rawle.
of thn lirfiuhliotn Xyiiiinre or
Nttitr Trrtmirrr.
Mr. Rawle is a native of Mifflin
eonnty, I'a., and was born in 18:l:.
He was educated in Lancaster uud
"West Chester, and in lHIi'l, at the
nffo of sixteen, was appointod by J.
Edgar Thompson civil engineer on
tho Western division of the I'ennsyl
vauia Railroal. He contiuneil the
practice of his profession of engi
neering on different railroads of the
State until the completion of the
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, from
Warren to Erie in 1859, and then re
linouished the nmfonnuin anrl nm.
barked in the iron business, starting
blast I urn ace at Sharon, Meroor
county, IV His furnace was the
second one in the Sbeuango Valley
constructed for the melting of ores
from the Lake 8uperior region with
raw coal, Iu ltJfil Mr. Rawle raarri
od Miss Harriet (1., daughter of the
lato Ueueral Charles M. Rood, of, and removed to that city in
j no. j, si nee wnion time be boa been
engaged in the transportation of
coal ami iice ttujwior ore between
Erio and the Bhonango Valley, by
the Erie and Beaver Canal, la 18t$9
Mr. Rawle formed a company to
build the first blast furnace in Erie,
which has since been in contiuuous
operation and furnished eroplovntent
to a large force of laborois during
the panic and subsequent hard times.
In 1H72 be organized the Erie Roll
ing Mill Companythe first enter
prise of the kind in Eriewhich has
also kept a large force of workmen
constantly employed and contribu
ted largely to the business prosper
ity of the city. During all this peri
od Mr. Rawle's relations to his work
ueu have been cordial and liberal,
mid he haa uniformly given them
eveiy consideration.
Mr. Rawle was the projector of
Al. - U I a , V a.
vtm oiivuugu iuu Aiieuuauy nail
road, and waa its Praaideut during
it construction. This road devel
oped the mineral reeoreee of Eastern
Mercer and Butler counties and
' reaches a point near the great Uut
ler oil distinct Mr. Rawle was one
of the first Water Commissioners of
Erie, and subeeqnsMtlY has been else
ted Mayor of that city for two suc
cessive terms, ilia exeoutive alulr
ties in these responsible offl'xw have
AikinlllAniliul llllll ill tllA lUUmU .Vr l.inl
city and of the Northwest, and they
are a nntt tn bin attppork Mr. Rawle
baa all his lire been a large employer
of laboring tnn, and the relations
wuich lie has sustained to bis work
man have boon thoroughly disinter
est! and highly advantageous to his
employee and nintually profltable.
There ia no citizen of Northwest
em Pennsylvania who baa given em
ployment to a larger number of la
borers and moclmnica in the imoor
Uut industriea of that aection of our
great State. Ho baa always taken
high Tiowa of tlio relations of labor
ami capita, and haa regarded their
interest aa iilontical. For this rea
son ha baa troatod his men liberally
and fairly, and in such a manner as
to endear them to him personally.
Their regard for him is shown by the
hearty and generous support tuey
have always given him in bis politi
cal campaigns.
Mr. Itawlo, beforo tho war, waa a
Douglass Democrat, but in 18G0
toined the Republican standard, and
aa ever since voted the straitlit lie-
publican ticket, and is regarded as
one of the representative Republicans
of the Northwest.
Opinions of the Press.
(From tbe Harrteburt Del If Telrfraph.)
Republicans of Pennsylvania I the
skies are bright with promises. Every
section of the party press commend
tho work done so far. All the Icadors
are earnestly anxious for success this
autumn. The masses are enthused
and jubilant over the result of the
Convention. The President stands
boldly forth and commends the tick
' et nominated. And now. more than
any time since the war, the grand
... . . .., ,, , ,
uui nmij iuui iui iib juiwve mniir
uig witli healtby enthusiasm, with a
high purpose, and a goal before it
which is as high aa any that ever in
spired a party at any period of peace.
We are marching on to an assured
victory, we sincerely believe.
(Prm lue Lenreetar Inquirer.)
The Democrats are soroly tried on
account of tho asRago of tho anti
third term resolution by the Repub
lican State Convention. It tukoa a
wci)on out of their hands which they
might have used with some effect
against tho party, and they are at a
loss what to do.
(Flout lb Erie Dleneteb.)
Now, whatever truth there may
be iu tho Ueclarauou tbot benator
Cameron was favorable to tho nomi
nation of Rawle, it is certainly noth
ing for which tho Senator deserves
reproach. If Rawle's nomination is
the work of a "ring," tho best thing
tho party can do is to employ this
organization to mnlto all its nomina
tions. We'll take a little more "ring"
iu ours, plcaso.
(Fmai Hi Crtwf.iril Jonrnel.)
The record of Governor llartranft
is too well known to need comment
at this time, and while Mr. Rawlo
has never boon engaged prominoutly
in politics there is cvory reason to
supposo, from bis excellent roputa
tion as a cilien ami a Itusinoss man,
that tho finances of the Stato will bo
administered by au honest and com
petent gontlcman.
(From llie Ueltliaore American.)
Governor Hart ran ft was renomi
nated by acclamation. Henry Rawlo,
at present Mayor of the city of Erio,
was nominator for btate l reasurer.
He is a gentleman of large and un
blemished reputation. The Hon. Ed
ward M'f'hoi Hon, clerk of tho Houso
of Representatives since 1800, was
chairman of the Cotuiuitte on Plat
form, nnd the resolutions reported
are admirablo in tone and spirit, and
will be indorsed by tho Republicans
of tho whole Union.
( From lb Wlllum-port OutU k Bnllttlo.)
The platform is plain, straightfor
ward and manly, and must meet
with the hearty endorsement of the
people. Tho contest for the State
Treasurers!) ip developed considera
ble strength for Hon. II. li. Strung,
and while his nomination would Lavo
beeu gratifying to his mauy friends
in tins Boction, tlioy cheerfully ao
nnioHco in tho will of tho majority,
and will lalior with all tho euorgy
they can command to aid iu rolliug
np a heavy majority for the ticket
(from lb Oriwnrlllt AiIvidco.)
Mr. Rawle is so well and favorably
known to tlio peoplo of this part of
the State as not to roquire any
elaborate notice at our hands. It Is
enough to say that he is an eminent
ly successful business man, and we
still must hold to thy position that
the qualitios which are ueooasary to
seoure success in private life are also
necosaary to seoure Buooes in public
Ufa Especially are correct habits of
business necessary to the proper dis
charge of tho duties of the oftioe
whiob Mr. Rawlo will undoubtedly
be called 10 nil. personally, be la
a gentlemanly, genial man, and what
is more and better, bo is not school
ed in the tricks of the (political )trado;
he will be a public officer fresh from
tne people, and tnereiore understand-
ing the wants of the people. The
party has started aright again by re
turning to the source of all power
the people, and its future coarse,
therefore, cannot be other than
march of victory.
ftvTThe sale of the Northern Pa'
ciflo llailroad and all its branches,
franchises, appurtenances, etc , is
advertised to take place in New York
City on the 'i8th of Ancrtut The
appurtenances, &o., embrace, among
other tumors, sitty millions of acres
of laud, probably the largest body
of land ever offered in fee at one
time in this or any other country
A committee of bondholders will
probably bny tbe road and reortran
tso the company. The bondholders
who do not wish to enter the new
company, will take their dividends
out of the amount realized at the
MTTwo bushels of revolutionary
cannon balls and a number of knives
and bayonets were ploughed np in a
field in Weatohestar connty, New
York, tbe other day, after havintr
lain undisturbed for hundred
A Brutal Murderer to be Hanged, j
Albert Brown, negro, for whose
execution on tbe 1st of Jnly, the
Governor haa issued the death war
rant, murdered a little girl aged
about five years by cutting her
throat after outraging ber person
The crime was perpetrated in Brad
ford county, two or three miles from
Minnoqua. The child had gone on
a visit to ber grandfather living a
short distance from the residence of
ber father. Tbe negro was employ
ed by the former and waa the only
occupant of tbe bonse at the time of
the girl's arrival The fiend seized
the chilil and accomplished his hell
ish purpose and afterward made an
effort to escape. Fortunately he was
run down by a train on the railroad
and severoly injured and placed un
der arrest He was convicted and
and sentenced to be hanged on the
19th of January, but the case waa
taken to the supreme court, one of
the pleas urged being that tho mur
derer was in:ane when the crimo was
committed. The supreme court a
few weeks ago affirmed the judg
ment of the Bradford county conrt
Brown has served five years in the
penitentiary for rape.
A Man and Horse Instantly Killed by
On Sunday afternoon last a week,
a'fearful and sadden death occurred
inSomersot county, Pennsylvania,
near the town cf Somerset Four
young men, residents of Jenner
township, vero on horseback riding
hong from attendance on Divine
services at Caseboer's church, and
were quietly proceeding along the
road when a storm came quickly np.
Several flashes of lightning were ob
served when there came one blind
ing in its vividness. When it had
passed away it was discovered that
the bolt bad struck and instantly
killed one of the party, named Ed
mond Korman Mo wry. The horse
which he was riding also suffered
death by the same bolt Mowiy's
nearest companion was somewhat
stunned, and had the hair burnt off
one side of bis h ..vd, but otv )rwie
no ono was affected. There were no
trees or buildings by to attr.ot the
lightning, and its nuddeuuexa was
one of the the most appalling fea
ttiros. Young Mowry's body was
removed to tho bono of Lis parents.
He was their only child, a brother
having been killed in the army. The
death caused a gloom wherever the
deoeaaod was known.
Trouble Apprehended With the Indi
ans. As the visit of the Sioux to Wash
ington to negotiate with the govern
ment for a roliu'iuinhoit of their
possession of tho L'!ick Hills has
proved to be a failure and oj tlio In
dians left hero much di-iatisfiod.
difficulties a3 apprehended Latween
tlwm nnd ench vhitoB who m:.r en
ter thoir country for tho purpose of
seeking gold.
It is estimated by tho agents that
tho Sioux can muster from 3,000 to
5,000 warriors, alwut half of them
armod with rifles and tho remoJndor
with bows and arrows. The govorn
ment in tho meantime will endeavor
10 prevont adventurers rrom going
to that country, still having some
hopes through tho medium of com
niissioners to effect a treaty with .he
nioux. A letter uns boon tcxuved
horo giving an account of a trtD in
May, undertaken by a party of the
I' irst United States Infantry through
the Indian country, it having been
reported that throe long cabins bad
beeu erected Inst fall by minora as
relay houses on thoir route to the
Black Hills on Okionkoka creek, a
tributary of the Whito river, and
about 140 milos from tho urulo agon
cy, Dakota Territory. The object
of the party was to destroy the ca-
inns, but tboy railod to find any
Tho report proved to be false and
put into circulation by the Indians.
WTTho Clearfield miners have re-
eumod work at tho old price fifty
cents per ton thus proving tbe
strike to be a total failure, but mat'
tors have assumed a more distasteful
aspect towards the miners. Besides
losing a couple weeks' wages, they
are now colled upon to sign an
agreement to engage in no strikes,
ana 10 connect themselves witn no
miner's association, and if tlioy re
fuso they are forced to withdraw
thoir tools from the mines all the
result of the strike. Nearly all the
miners ara signing the agreement,
out some lew are relusing Patriot
fSTMr. Geo O. Evans, whose
fame waa ao proiminently before the
publio in connection with the collec
tion of l ennDjlvr.nia s war claim
againat the gont J ..Civernment died
on Thursday, at tus residence in
West rhiladelphia. Mr. Evans was
fifty four years of age at the time of
tus decease
or It is said that tbe Pone has
laid by 40,000,000 francs to moot
possible adversities, and that if forc
ed to leave Italy he will bring it with
tt In (nnper day. Aeonta wauled. All elaeeee
eud old. aua
Wtf iu wtiuuf won iug people of uoia aeiae, youa
thalr owe lueelltlae. duriaa thalr aoa-a
aaa wuiw avoaaj ei worn me aa, la
or nil ma wnia, inaa a, entaing aiaa
Wa or
awplajmaal that will pay baadeoaiely foe etery
bour'e wurb. Vail partleulare, Urate, ae., eeat
free. Head ue your eddreaa at oaee. Uoa'taeeay.
Mow le the Haw. Don't louk fu work ae huaL
aeeeelaea harev aulll job bate learned what we
ar. u BTiaaon uo., roruaaa, aiaiae.
daae ,-IJly
Middleburg, Pa.
Hair UeMlaa Shetlns, abamaootnc, aad Hair
vi w auae ia we weei maauer
Tba beet braada of loeaaea aad Clean oon-
meatiy aa aeaa. Ma kaepe a foot ajwiujp
al ree a enable prieee, tie ead try eouia.
Sap. ll, UII.
Sea 6re-
A DeeeripHon
of the ivVw
Oipe Aay.
SfHltmml of
At Iks tttrsats twalktra a4 f tk Mats
f Vw Jtnay, as svarv Mst-bay srsll
kaswa, li us nr-fa-Md vane May i
tanaab II la aa aasaanss thine M las'
Capa May CHy ass Caps May ratal spot.
assratibaaana loaalily, aaiwtisaiass
Int tba fat isat thars Is a dtsteaae of
aboatiwa-allMbttwaaalhta rlaaaai ef
court this la aol great wbta wa torn para
ll wits Iba ttraas aoaat front of lha aallra
Stala. It appaara that whaa the faas'lara
of Capa May Oity haras thalr aattlaiaaat
thalr ehjaat waa ta tat aa Baoh ef lha
Ooaaa Beach aa poaalbla, astalda ass sway
fraa lha Dataware Bay, sad at lha sasta
lima ratals a fall vtaw af the ratal. It
haa a ft an baaa weadara at that seaaa swa
had sat ball! araa a sajalt aallaga for
gaaaia at this Polst, and lha raaaaa why
could hardly ha antwertd. 8aral yaara
ago, howartr, a somber of gentleman free
New Tori naderlook lha orgaaiiailoa ef a
company for Iba development oflhlaHITK,
but not pseeecaing euffioieal fundi b pat
their project Into eieoation, tba effort waa
abandoned. Tears hata coma sad gone
leaving Papa May Polat tha aame dreary
wlldernena until this aprlng, wbta Mr.
Alaiander Vt'bllldtn. (lha well-haowa an
tarpriatng Wool Merchant of No. iiO Booth
Front Bireet rhlladttphla,) became In
eplred with Iba idea that aa Incorporated
Company might, by Iba Divine bleaaiag,
eeiabllab at this apot a ftea-Side Resort,
where tba eara-wora and weary Mieieter,
tha Merchant, tba frofaaaloaal Mas, and
Iba Artiean aould racuparala Ibair ener-
giea and apaaj a portioa. If aol all, of
their eummer menthe away from tbe heat
ed elty, ia tha tnjojaeal of liberty, the
purauit of heppioeee sad tha worablp of
Ood. Tethleend as organisation waa im-
lediately effeoied. and a number of well
haownChrioilaa gentlemen, meal of whom
are la connection with tba Pretbjteriaa
Chnroh, anlled with Mr. Whitldin, and be
came iueorporatad aa lha OKA GROVE
ASSOCIATION. Mr. Whllldta waa oboe-
an aa their rreeideot, and eestracta ware
at ones eniertd Into for laying out the
town, grading the atraeta, building a large
hotel, alio a number of pretty oliagee and
magniBeent raviiiion 10 be dedicated la
he eervioa of Ood.
Tb-ee oMiaiioBi fere ertnrdtnalt eommttMd
In Hi- lit-r pert of iba month ef Itanh, of thle
yat (irtl, tad b-noM the shuure I Wbet wee
then a eompl-tt vIUIpom of eboH plae eaS oak
n, Mia MraTnwta ia sow a mut aMMiiimi
lllM.wllh SaewMe ateaaaa. rhat would Ao
hem.r to a eltr.aittrclBa tna tbe Pevllltoa aa a
raatre ead eiteudiaa to the tlraaa en tba teal, to
tha Point at lha enlb, to tbe Bay ea Iba treat and
tba total? Freeh Wetet Lake aa the aorth.aroaBA
which e Bna earrlaaa road te aot -etaplalad. At
raaalar Inlartala Ih-ae a-eawee an taiaretwlrd b
atrarte, tar-too; la wldlb rrota to to lee feat,
which tiltad la a eota-wliel alreaHnae form
arnaad tho mnlre ealll the IVwrh Attain la
raecbadt llile Baa drive le bttaa ravldlt pnahed
o eomplalloa aod will make whan Snlehad. one
ooBllnnoue earrlaaa war from tbe app-reador
tiape mat ui aroaaa the roint to tlx Bawrh on
litlaware Baj. Iheure ea to the Slaaaiboal Land
Inn. Weoaa Imaelae no more aliaaat ride than
alf thle eoa-nlB. -ot Beaeb jaat ae tbe ena le
e-ttlea arre tbe Bey.
The hotel la moated ea tba oeaan elite of tha
town dlreetl- at the tborei It le a euromodloat
MIKIIni, eoBiaiiiiaaanoat IM roomt ead will
be ander tbe tert heetol maBaceveat.
Meaular Hatibalb eertleae will be bold In the
PetlllloB aad tarled ealartalamaau met he
eiperted on other etenlnse ol Iba weekdurlof
tbe pummer mootbe.
for tbe ereotloa of dwellleaa, the lalentlon of
tbe aieoelatloa belna to atold. If twaalhle. tha
Tbe lot none lha mala ateaaae will baesld
ereetioa or any Mora bulMlnae apoa Iba ata
uee leadlna from tbe petition. There are eroet
uea leaoma irom me petiuoa. There
raau or aumclent width for wo
width rorbailneei parpeea
f leee lhaa Bflr feat ek
ae there are aoaa of leee than any feat wkle
llhla tbe preeeet Unite ef See urate.
The area ten eare bae bene ebaerred la tba
-eotloa el eottaaee to bate them enmaaodloua
and eertleeahle aa well ae laeipeaalre aad, at
meeamaume, ramaraabiy neat aad attract
A very Baeeotlaae bae jail been eonpleted
ta whloh Mr. Wllldia and ble familt nail
to apead their eummer. Mr Joba Weaameker
(with whom nearly all mankind are directly or
Inillrenlly aeqoalnted throaeo their knowledge
01 nil memmoin ueu tuethlnn rtehlHh
meatatsixtk aad Market Streala Phllmlel.
nhla.) li now ateollas a bandaome dwellla
eooae oa toe neaoa tery near taa point. A aam
her of lot bate been parehe-ed bt PhlledeiDhl-
antwhoarenowkafOyenieeedpreperlnK tor
plea rant eotoara by tbe eea.
The Weet Jereer Ballroad ComaaB bat ar-
reowad Intrant epeeUI prltllaeiee to Iheee who
oreot eoltnaee al Hen Urate thle eaeeen.
TWe orwaoiiailoB of a Homo Car company li
Mtiaan vi, waw win nio onre at reejoiar latere
teal frem the Watt Jereer Railroad depot to
tee oeait.Booi leouina, a uietenoe ol two ana a
hen miiae upoa the tnrnplke road, whloh pai
rwciy iiiiii me norinaro oukooi nea irn
'nil road haa Intel baaa IkAMaifH, mmI
department of Cape May vropar, aetwlthetaad-
to last aew lire haa iaraaa an ra aire oat etart
Idi the Inekwardaeeeortheeeaena ea aoeoaat
or the aaniually tool weather daring tbe month
or May. A marked lapro-emeBt la etreete.
kouaee, aad bnuit U aotleeeble aad the Met
eeema to be tomotlea In the sraad re.b ofUe
preeeat. Haadradaarabaitaalas hither Irom
etery pearler ol the land . to aay aethlen ef (be
tnovtaaoe taat wiu run aowa aa tea nameraai
eieareloaaor tba eaaeea Irom Philadelphia
new loTBaaojtaeaqjBooai aiuee aaa
. Wlih an epMrtantty to eeeere s Hea aide
nemo euon ae la oaered by tbe Hea orore Aeeo
elatloa. thoee who .en ailord tba eomforl aad
pieaiure oifpenaiDg their tammer within hear.
Inn; of ll.ef. jakeri, eapeclally thoee who da
Ire ratlremeut, enBaeoted with the morel la-
naanoee tba
may be exDooted In a :;Ulemeul
compared ol pertnne or a rellglooi teadeney.
win no wen to tun the saw tews al Cape May
laojr etttmatloa. with tba nreeeat eoarte-
oei anient aed tbe evaetaat Improve.
ment that te eihlblted oa eterw ;lle. tha town
or aea Orore will beeeme nana ether Isjaa the
Fatcrlte Sa etde retort tut all who aaj ar
ee tan. or retreat nam ue earea aad
or arofoootea'
U. 8. J.
SHERIFF- At tie earnest reonest
ofmaoyotmy frtendi.ol both pertlee, I hate
eoaeladed to announce mtaell aaa aaadldata
lor tha olBoeiol Sheriff, iulyeol tolheralee of the
Demoeratle tiouatt Ooateatloa. abould 1 be
aomlBBled and aloeted. 1 will dlaoherwo the
uuuee ai laaomea wtut impartiality aad adeiitv
aH r, oiiiii.
SHERIFF I resiBotfullv announce
to the liemoereti that I hereby Oder myeelf ae a
eeauioate mr tne ornee 01 Bherin. auojeot to the
oeoieion at tea t-maoeraue uoaniy uoateBtlon
J. V. aANTZ.
SHERIFF. I hereby announce mv
air a Ceadldau for the Demoeratle nomination
mr tbe emce or sheriff, piednlnn myealr to per
form tae duUee of the entoe ralthlalli, ba
1 1 .. . . ... i . . ...... w
- wa" oewa e. eef wwiilt
TO Tr.E C:::OCRACY.-At the in
tarn, ol jay ol my demeoratle rrteada. I offer
711 ae a uaaaiuaie for the emoe er bberia,
ead aeeara my tileade that li aommeted I will
aae etery houeel eadeator to be e lee led, aad ir
z . . . 1 .' pot'oru ki auuei or tae omen wits
ueiiii ami ve tae eeatot my ability.
Th Political, PermmtU. and J'ronrriv
Rights .'Citizen,
Oflhfi United SiiitrHof in Kvereit nnd
how le pretrve them, by 7 he tphiKi Par-
funs, u.
Coatalaiac a eonimenlarv ea lha fader
al aad Stela ConetUuliom, giving their
hlaeoaw aad srigia, aad a fall eiplaaatioa
af thalr ariaolplea, purpoeee aaa provia-
loas tha power aae dulkee af publia
oars , the righ u of lha people, aad the eb
llgalioas ineureed la aeary reUiioa aflfa;
alaa, parllamealary rated fas dell berate
oates, aad run atreouoai aaa legal formi
roe an nuetaeae traaaasuaaa, as making
wins, vaaae, Merigagaa, lraaaaa, riotee.
Drafts, Cootraata, ata. A Law Library In
a single volume. It meet Ihs weals ef all
elaeeee aad sella la everybody.
dUHKB nauTUCU a W., rbue. Xa.
May, II aw
Ume.wllhlieeh araAl
r I raau re. rackaera Mete-.
ptemr aija. A-htnnr sealer, aeal free apoa r
aae, rrlt aaaaaill amle bbh
Wttrt Baavtr Township Statevatrrl j
QTATEMENT of Expenditnreeand
lUl Oetetaadlea taiaa afWaat B-att tnwnahlp
Hmjmr mwat; evhmt Plttiiot fur tbe year ead
las Jaae fib A, D. ir.
Oreee aeMamt ef tat DapUeaet tot Sebool
Pee BMMInfl awranaea 4 IS
Taa awtareS ea aaaiattd bmde lot School
Taa aT-d oa I
aledlaada toeBalM-
Total .
Dedaol ebatameala SI M
Beoaeretrnne aad all art ore 14 a
OaaaMBdias tea Hi a
Tetal tee retalpta
thMh from rormar Treaenraf
Taitlaa fiuae adklatas Otatrleei
Btaee apeeoptlaUca
Tatol Beaelpte
EtfXnHi turt$.
M ae
a ee
aaleriea paid to taa aha re
New Sthoul Balldlaie
latereet oa boade and aotaa
rnrnllnre aad apparaloe
(taa relarlte Salary
Titwirti el I 'Hat tot
Mlectllaiieoue Ktpoaeoa
Belaaea In Ireeeary
Wa the nderelraed
inTit-iraoTtneToweihip or weet neaiter, not
dot eonaty alnreaald, do eartlly that the fore-
gvias a trae aaa aorreet aiawmeni ti ue
tiaendltaree and Aoeete of eald towaahlD, for
the year earilac Jaae Tib Ittt, to tbe beet af oar
Knowle-iere and Belter.
lateatlmoBt whereof we bare hereon to tot
ear kaade thU) TU dav ef Jaae A. D. liT.
UENBT U. LA I B. -Auditors,
Road Expsndituret.
QTATEMENT of Expenditures of
KJ roade foe tbe yaare liTi a 1fT or Weet Bea
ter townablp atnyder eoaaty reeaayltaala.
len rater Inepp Saiertteor Irr.
li; emount ef baplloate
aaaonntoi iiainifaia
BM thlM4 01
to et
eni to-.leil n
loi it
tie a ue M
tn in m
or the tear !; bf Ubat aad
Haullna Ae.
For iba year in
flalaeee daa
Joba Kline aapertleor tor irft
moani at Bepnenie
By Ubor, haaUas aleak .
Balaaee Daa ta John Kltae M 11
Oaletaad's by aratloaa eaeartleori IT M
veetor to jaeea miner lata seper-
tieor lava
teal aaaa daa tha tewnihlp ill ee
Aartl 1Mb. lira, wa Iba aederetened Aadllore
bate eiemtned tbe abota aeeoanta aad bate
foead them true aad eorreel aa eieied.
A. A. ROM 10,
A First-CIass Newspaper.
Independent in Everything I Neutral
tn XNoliiiiiK I
Opporiel tv all Corrupt Ring In Muni-
tJipni, ctuta miu -uiiuiiati aiiaiio.
TnE OAIf.T TIME will be leeaed ea Sat-
arday. the U of Mereh aett. and etery mutulnii
theraaftar. anndete eioepeed, nadat the editori
al dlraellna ef A. S. McClare, printed eniapeot
ly from clear, new type, on a forte lullo eheet.
Oontelolnf all tba aawe or tbe day, melading
trie Aeeorieiea rreee TeieKraiao, npeoiei i eie.
ereme ead fjorremondeore from all aolDla of IB'
tenet, ead Harleee edlturlel dleeoeeloue of all
enrrent toiilco. Prloe. Two Cente.
pareaaam,ar Fifty eeate par eeoath, la
all. eaoeon ptiou, poeeaae rree, nia aoiiara
Aatertleemenie, Bfleaa. twealy IH thirty
mm per line, eeeoraini to poaiiioa.
The Weekly Times
Will be leaned aa Satardey. Mereh SMB. lend
weakly Iberaerier, eowiaielee eU Imporleal aewe
of the weeb, and complete Market aad Flnena
elel Rtporle.
Mailed, tor one yeerjpnaiage r-ae, et toe mi-
lowing rn lee.
OlIO Copy ... 1.UI
Ton Copied .... 9.1U
Twenty CodIcs 14.IIU
Advertisemonls twenty-five ceut per
BemllUneea ebon Id be made by DraJla af Poet
uaoa vtoere. Adareee
Mo. 14 Sooth Setea th Street Pttlledephda.
129 LexlsxtBi iTtnne,
o.Mtmm., RBW TORI,
'...!. ' r .A ffcjslciaiii
i t ajx muu of '
C.-.iC euxoZAF0.
XMtef from ail part.
CJk CivUUtd WorUk
H m flMMtt VAT tt
Uctbi a Helical Prattle
-,.. Taairaro
VimaroTM fatttata ta Xnreps, th xntusa, tna lMBUioa ar
Oat,: and tn rrsry Mat
of tbs Vxlot.
t... 2 OP QHARCB.
tae eeat aeeUt yaaee Weited Pan IP
oe ewfle 9QO enern Ai Item erne.
erlek eaob aa aae aarefally raoarea
a b
er ebeariad ef aba DoBaar at I
obim-aia aed am of abaia leilme, abetbtnH Is
If waO waa, at at aba eaSeo. Aeeax
m ef
as fit. Raw Vee
af an,aaaa
k eat et arlm
m eKbat bt. I
Itn H
it 00
II. I. Ilomlg,
Low Prices! Low Prices!!
Adatnsbnr Snyder Connty, Fcnn'a
THE Subscribers having purchased the Store in Adamsburrr, owned by
. L. Bandeabaab, and bating ant-rtd Into a en-partnerehlp, Int-nd te eerrt no a tn-ral mar
eaatlla baelaeee el the Ol.l Stand, end lebe thle mtlhod of tntormlne thalr ment rrtande end oil I.
eeaa la Adamebargaad tha enrmnndlng eonntry, the! that bate jnat returnrd wllh tno will el.-
"ww inn, e w.i. M, larwr ihr'i
leei eoaatry Mora, thalr eeoek eMialaai parti uf
Such aa Cloths, Cassimora, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonados of every style
ana atso
Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks,
ALL WOOL DELAINS, Merinos Poplins, Ac at all prices and very cheap.
ffllBlt 1 Itn Mltlrl el a M M il. a A. t ... aa
niu mu kixi, tarjcii, rioor, ran, m mt m al,
Hardware, Queensvrare, Tin and Glassware Wood and Willowware, Coffoes,
nugars, yrupa, Molssses. Teas
Ciirara A Tobacco. Fish A
The Jligheet Market Price Paid for att kind of COUNTR Y PRODUCE, Dried
FrviL Pntatore. Ae. drc.
ALHO t Dealers in ALL KINDS of (irain und Neotlej,
or which the highest Price in Cctsh will be Paid.
Rebuilt aad Rofurulihed with the FiBett sad Cheapeat Aeeorimeal
Hardware. Groceries.
rt'iS,al?e'B' OU
The Bobeeriber having removed Into hla NEW STORE ROOM, on lha Comer of
Market nnd 1'ina rjlreete, le sew prepared la offer, lo hla old aoetomera, nnd all near
onee Ihrt may favor him with their palronnga, ureal indueenenle. Ha Is delerniuad tha
. JL AM. iu eLlJJ IJOC,IVlj;lC,
BT ft trial atlttBtlOB IA hull &nti kMVklnsa Skt All Btmaam Ik. .ieeenaW
et - - - .
aad lolling al lha lawaet prlees. ha hopes
' emw aiai wun mi ( wulivvi, taiea IB exchange ror grKxie.aJi
BeUotgrete, April 28, 1871. WM. F. ECKbERT.
at tbe N. Y. Fancy
W HAVE now ready my full stock of
prepared to offer to my customers
SI have imported from Europe
(oa mj lata
whloh suahlae ma la sell them cheaper lhaa any other honsa la tha oounty.
I bero alio mads orreogemonli to (it tbeee goods direot from European mtrkata)
All tare oortlinlly invited .
to call wbeihev they bny or not. Alwavi
aellMsrova, oat, le, It.
Intending Parobacors sLould read tbe following from tbe Publto Papers ol
Public Itecord of Aug. 17, 1874, says t
"Gould & Co., produce fine work in all branches of tboir business,
and are in every way creditable to tbe well earned reputation of
Pbiladolpbia. "On Out. 27, 1874, tbe aume authority states that
"Hick homes and bumble ones may bo improved by their taste and
Forney' Weekly Pre, Sept 5, 1874, aaya i
"We beartly, commend tlie JUeasrs. Gould & Co-, as honorable and
fair dealing gentlemen, in every way worthy of the fullest confidence
and of ceneral patronage."
Evening Jlerrald, Sept 3, 1874, says
"Gould & Uo., may be regarded as one of the most reliable and
Domilar firms, and certainly the lanreat"
GOULD & CO., are now prepared to supply any sized bonsa thronghovi
with rarnltnre either plala ar ar tba moat Exqutelte rtylee and Make.
They will supply One Jtodroom 8uit of bolid Walnut, Full Marble Tops,
wr wee. lie oe eomewiarwweantejpeeea ot I arnitara. write, or eau oa
N. E- Ct rner Market and Ninth Streets. 37 and 89 North Second Street.
242 and 244 South Second Street,
Or M ary of their other Stores. PH1LA DELPEIIA, PA.
Impraved OVCVH
BKa W(OD Pl'btP le
tba aebaoaledged Sua
Sard ar tba mar bet, by
aomilar terdlel. tba
aejma far tba tenet aaaar-y. Atua-
Uoa 1 latltod to Bantebloy'i Imyrot
ed Braebel. the Drop Cbeofe Valta,
bleb eaa be wltbdrawa oltbont dle
tarblas tba iolaie, aad tbe ernper
ebimbir vbleh Barer eraeba, eeniae
r ratu aad will leei a Ule Uau. lor
ale bt Lee lore aejd Iba trade seaer
allt. la order to be eare tba yea t
., be eerefel and eee ibat It bae
eta. Ifyoa de sot know
ptlte rlrealara, toeMber
Jreae ol tbe Meat tear
4ly fanlebad by addraat-
a Maaafaetnrar.
rhUadalpbla, fa.
;y tr
Oa M. Auratid
v, au ainae et uouae aeuelly katit la a Bret
ol all kimln, and at Lrow Prices,
Salt Wholnnala and
rrVS,t:.!.!6.9,,,,E -
Cedarware Hats & Caps
- lot"H Nlioe linlit-;
tif.'"i as mil aa.a euty mivmm weaet tay vsj WWm
lo merit a fall ehare of patronar e.
Stere, Selinsgrove,
Spring and Summer Goods and tun
great inducements in
trip) a large lot of
polite attention. Reipeolfullr,
. WKiri,
Arv't Corner
T,KnrasF0RD:& son.
CHvea Beamtliwl Flmlale to tke Uan,
aad Ue dlSereaea la eoat between It aad eo ta
rn ob itareb It eoaroely bail a eant tor aa eriii.
narj waehiae;. Aek yoai Uroeef (or Ik
"orn Starch
. ' " - -J x-'J-a
f '- -- .w--W-r." ' " ' hi. ! m i...-.