!m Hate THE PONT. - published every Thursday Evening by ffUMUB GBOTJ8B, Prop'fr Tennis of Subscription,' - TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. Puv Able imhtatxmorHh.-or 12.90 ifnot paid within the year. No pnper di continued until au arrearages are jSaid unlcsakt the option of the pub- Subscription outside of the county PATABLB Ijj ADVANCB. MaTPersong lifting and imlnir niimn addressed to other become aulwerilicrs, nil are nnrie for the price ofthepnper. W. TOTTER, ' A TTORNE TTAT LAW.' Beline grove Pa . Ortrabll brofeaslo eat lenina In ( fublio. All legal business tntrnat la hit ear will receive trompt attention. Offio ene door above lb New Lutheran Church July, at. '72. Jr. CRONMILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mlddlcbnrn, Pa.. ffer an professional erlce Is (ha rub lie. Collection and all other erofe ainnal tioalnee entreated to hit ear will receive prompt at tendon. Jan 8, '67lf AO. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Solinsgrove Pa.. (lifer felt profeaalonal service to tho rub l.a ah tmaiaee atraie4 lo hi Toere will bo promptly attended lo. I Jan. it, '0711 JW. KNIGHT, ATTOR.NET AT LAW. Frecburif Tti.. Offer bl Profeaelonal service lo iho pnb- ii o.J Ait MWttXM -owtruiitad to ma oar will bo promptly attended to. . JOO 17, 'Dill WifcYAN GKZER, ;' ATTORN ul AT LAW. LowUburir Fu.. Offer bl professional erviet to ie nub ile. Collooiioni and all other Ftoteaaion- 1 batineea entrualed lo hi earo will re- eiro prompt attention. GKO F. MILLF.lt, ATTORNKY AT LAW. Lewisburg Pa Offers hla Professional ervio to the pub lie. Colleoiloni and all other profeasione alt bualneas ent runted to hi car will r celve prompt attention. Jan. 8, ' U7i I M.LINN, A. II. DILL fJ (Suecaaaors tJ. F.fc J.H. Linn.) ATTUKNEYt) AT LAW. Lewieburr. Ta. Offer their professional ervic lo tho puhlie. Colleotlont and all other pro ceaaional buainea eotruited to their care ill reeeiveprouiptatieniion. f Jan. 8, 'U7tf CHARLES HOW Kit, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Solin8irrove Pft., Offer! bla profeialonal aerion tojhe pub lie. Oollectiona and all olber profeaalona buaineai enlruated lo bia care will re ceive prompt attention. Oflioe two doorr aorth of tlie Keyatone Hotel. fJan 6, '07 taaoaL ALLaaaa. noaAva allcm S. ALLEBIAN & SON AT TOIl A' E IS AT LAW. Hnlnmppove In. All profraaional biieinea and collect in entrualed to their car will be promptly aliened to. l-n be coneulteil in r.ngua or German. Office, Marke'. bquaro. T. N. MYERS, rV ITTOKNBT k COtSSKlOR T WW Middlelmrij Suj-dcr Cminlj iVini Office a few door Eaat of the P. 0. on Main at reel. Consultation in Engliali ad German language. Bep. t! II. II. Attorney & Councellor A T-LA W, Office N. E. Cor Market &. Water Bt Frecbura:. I'con'ii, Conaultatioa In both Eogliah and German Langaagea. Pee, 19, 72tf. APtllOYEK & BAKER J . . SEWING MACHINE Portont In need of a good and durabl 8ewiag Maobiao oan be aoeommodatcd a reasonable prioet by oalllng oa bam oai Pavit, Agent, Selinagrore. : (Jan. s,'et) DR. J. Y.SIIINDEL, 8 C HQ EOS AND PHYSICIAN, Jliddleburg Pa Offer bit professional tervioet to the oil iteat or Midulebitrg and eicinily.' f Maroh 21. '67 JOHN K. HUOHES, Esq., . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peon Twp., Snyder Co. P g F. VAN BU8KIUK, v IJJBaiCALis MECHANICAL DENTIST Selinsgrove Ponn YH. WAGNER, FHq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Jaok.oaTowuship.SoyderCo. Pa., Ill attend to all buainea entrusted to ie eare and oa tb most reaaouahle arm. v Marou yi, oeit R Ji K KANAWEL, PHYSICIAN AND BUBOEON, raitrTllle, Snyder Co., Pa. bfere bla profeitional tervioet lo Ibe feubiie. oooti PI RAYBlLL Co.. IX Wholbaib Dialsb ia fOOD AND WILLOW WARK l Clothe. Wladow Shades, Broom, Mil, rush Cottoa Lap, Oraln Dag, K.j U,Buakl. Twine. Wicka, &o. . 420 Jarktft (Street, Pbiladclpbla, 0. I, '07 PfT. PARKS, )J ATTORNEY AT LAW A 118TUIUT ATTORNY, IDDLRBURO, 8NYPEU COUNTY, Ft Ise la Court lieu, . (Stpt.16, '07tf r B. 8KLUEIMER, HARDWARE, ron, Hails, I Ctcal, Leather, I Paints, Oils, u MARIUT 8KT, ta.ni-'f i a (Pill VOL. 11. liVllU MOUNT HOI'SK. . . . "EAR THK DEPOT, JMIdcllelmrt?, An. GF.ORGK GUYKR. PftoptutTOR Thli bono it la eloae proilmltv la lb depot and ha lately been rabuilt and re filled. Reomt oonjinodloiia lb lahlt well mipplled with tho brat tho market afforde a.Ml lormi moderate. Brown norsR PAXroXVIt.t.E, (UramrRUtlon. HENRY J3LNFKH, Proprietor. The OBdor.tnt1 Oilnnta thl. molhoil of tnfnrai ln ih pnhlta that he kaa npnl hula I ml lh wit,..iihiiiiiim'.1 nn in rv'i intui raninte ura; to Horiown. anil that he la irniinl (n entertain the )ubllo with rtr.l elaaa aceniairala .una. . uinsi utni tu. April e, mi. 'YyALKER HOUSE, McC nvo City la. NICHOLAS SIMON, Proprietor. Tble a new bouae. newt furnlahed ami I now open lo the lraelln(t puhlio. It ia located near the depot. No effort will he apared by (he proprietor (o make tho Itay of bis (neata pleaiant and agreeable. J) WIS HOUSE At the MIIMn, (Ualre, Harbor? k lwlitnwa R. K. IMpot, corner of water and ltareae Ma., LoM'iHf own ln., George Flory & Son, Propriocort. Open Par and Niaht for lie accom modation of travalrra. A first elnaa Rea- taurant it attached (o the hotel, nhrra Mea't al all bourt cau be had. Temea reaionable. 9,:j-tf BUMOARDNER HOUSE, (ODPoalto Headlnr Itallroad Itenoti Ilfvi-rlf-ibiirji;, Jn9 A. B. ZaalBrBXat, Proprietor. aav-KTery effort nereaaary to In.nre the com fortofaumu will be made. The houae haa Iweo aowlr reOtted. .)0tls,U7UI 0XION HOUSE, Mldrtlntmre; Pa. BAVTD SHlUiMlM, Trop'r. Aooommodationa (rood and chargra mod erate, fjpeeiitl aorommodationa for drov er. A aharo of the j iiblio paironaire la sulioiled. V. KEU3XETE11- April B, 1R71 JLLEUHENY IlOUyE. Xos. 815 A 311 Market Street, jl&orr TviyArA.) .. PHILADELPHIA. A. Tleclc, Iroiriotor. Terms ( 00 Per Dai'. ncIM CENTRE VI LLF. HOTEL, (Late Mr. W.mr'i.l t aolervllo Snrder Co., Pi Pa. PtTtK IIAIITMAN, l'ro.r!etor. Tbla on;eatatillhad and well known hotel havln lecn purehuaad by the under. Inn., to Hull a lhar ol (lie uutiile pat ronaa:it. . ..... PfcXLH HAKTMAN April, , U;i. . J THOMPSON BAKER, Attornpy.nt.Ijaw, Lcwinburg, Union Co., Pa. SP-Oan be eonaiiltcd in (beEtnliah and German language. OFFICE Market Street, opposite Wall Smith & Co' Store 8 f'Jy JOHN H. ARNOLD, Attorney nt Law, MIDDLEBUBQ, PA. Profeaalonal buainea enlruated to hi oarc be promptl attended to. f Feb 0,71 gAMUKL H. ORWIO, Vttoriie.v-at-Tntv, OFF1CB.71T WALNUT BTRCET, raiLADBLrMIA. J.AVZLUAMS, Jb. MASiirACTtia a or. VENETIAN BLINDS. AND Window iSImtleM, For Stores Chmvlics, Private Dwell- injfs, OfliceB, &c. Xo. U X. Sixth Street, PIULDELPUIA, N. B. Repalrlnjr promptly attended lo 1JTICA iroaauuu.i Wood tt aUaaJ STITIOMBT I f OITIBIE' Steam Engines. The Beat A Moat Complete Aaaorteiat ia taejaaraaw Thm Xatlna have alwara malntalwad the wf hlfrhaa ahuMlwd o exaetb We aaaka (he auaufaatura of RnKtam, bottara and Baw alilla a eiMoiiUr. We have Uw UnnMt and awat aoouUte wurkaol tfca Mad in lk.aoa.ar. wilk - ajwulallr adapUd to the arurk. we aaap aunaiaauy m ihom aaiew Mmnara or annua, tuna luraiaa at up ran MM prta aaa w lb aaortwt nouaa. w DulM Kninnaa awaUlr adpMd to Muaa few atlUa, Oriat Hula,. Taiumiaa, iAUm ttioa, Thnahat a4 i" r' in uf maimfantiirin. . W aw bow hulUai the ealabraaad lal Ctrm laraaw UM. the bwat and ava4 eoinlaw aaw mill nt tunwUd. . W auk. la.laa.annl.Liif Win mtot. . apaatal IWturo of wi tawlnaaa, aad aaa (unia) OMiniitota o. Ua ahotlaat aolM. Ouralaa fa aUaaaM to to rwadab tWbaat m atllnai I Urn tk. KuU. anj mtmfk MlMnlu.lw UTISA CTBAM CSI3 CO - - a am I m STMIGl r l'ootpy The Rlnnlleat llaa. The mtntletl man of alt the race, Whoa bean I open a hi face. Put forth hi bsnj lo help another. Tia net the blood of klnh or kin, 'Tl tho true heart that beat within, Which makes the man a man brother. and Hi word are warm npon hi tip. Ilia heart bean lo hi finger tipa, II I a friend and loyal neighbor, 8weet children bias bim on the way, ! And women Iruat him, for the; may, He owes no debt he oanuot pay I He earo bit bread with hooeet tabor. II lift Ih fallen from (be ground, And put hi feet upon the rouud Of "dreaming Jacob'" ttarry ladder, Which tin Mm higher day by day. Toward the bright and heavenly way, And further from the lempter'i away. Which atlngeth like an angry adder. He atrlkee oppreaalon lo the dual, II ah re tb blow aimed at the jual, II ahrinka not from ih po( of danger, And ia the Ibickeat of (h tight, He battle, bravely for the right, For (hat I rultfhiiar I baa might. Though cradled In an bumble manger. Hail lo the manly man, he comes. Not with the sound of horn and drum "Tho' grand a any duke, and grander. If draw upon the world, and light Diapals the dreary glooto of nit hi. And ill, like beta end owl, take flight j nr greater than treat Alexander. When you nee the loaves falling, do not hastily conclude that the foil 'is leaving. , I Co kind to tlio littlo foundlings, for you don't know how soon you may be a foundling yourself. ; I Wby is the earth like a school black board f Because children of men multiply upon the face of it Employment Is said to be like a window t the higher it is the worse it hurts to be thrown out of it A circus elephant, wintering at Louisville, is on the watch for the man who tossed bim an apple full of catarrh snuff. A chiropodist annonnces on his I business cards that he has "removed corns from several of the crowned ' heads of Europe. ' A youthful correspondent wants to know what magusuno would give bim the highest position the quickest I A powder magazine would hurry bim a few. When yon want to get rid of the rheumatism, porsuatte a wild steer to chase you. A Savannah man. who rave it a fair trial, and bad a bot ace of forty rods to a tree and up L certifies that be bad not a rheu- , tatio twinge since. This cure bus not been patented, and sny ona can try it without fear of prosecution for aft asTJKJUOA oi ft, rg faWS. . l . : -sr-ffBBRlFAEY 5, 1874; Tlttie.Tattle. The disposition to pry into the pri vacy of domestic) lifo is. nufortunato ly, very common, and is always di lionoralilo Tito apputite for such knowlcdifo is to bo riardi'd an mor bid, and tho iudiilgrmoo diHrncHful. A family hnvo a snnrod riht t pri vooyi In iftMrdini tlio dtdii-'ito mlu tions of tho houscltold arfrory, bo ci imps a virttio. Evmi if by clmnca tlio privnto afftirs am laid open t a titntmrur, honor would require him Ut turn from thorn, and if a knowlo lo of thorn wro forned npon him, they should lie lockud iti a micro. i Hiloticc. A double obligation of Hilotido and secrecy rests upon one who is a pnest in a family. The t'.trpitudo of a bo trnval of fntuily history by a visitor is fitr proatur than tliuft could bo. It is a tiling so Hcitiululous thai it should dcgrsAlo a person nud put him out of society. To botniy tlio sncrcts of the household is not only nti odious iui'iiorrality, but it is a sin and a shttmu to bo on good tonus with thoso who aro known to commit such outrages. Thuy put thciusulvos out of the pale of ditcont society. Thoy ..1 1 1 , . 1 A , - . ... 1 if - .ill , as moral outlaws, These hungry eyed wr.U:lios, who nt in the unsuHpit-iotis ctrclo uf P.tf juis anu cuuun u, rrcamuiug uu-ir ords, spying their wuukii.-ss, mw.ii w.rpieung tuo uiuocu m iuktui-s ui u.o Hiusciioiti, a., i I.U.U run irom uouso w notiso wiui uicir stiam-icss ; news, are worso than poisoners of wi-lls, or burners or houses. Ihey uiOUH devieo f the Oonlilin. Touch ' w,,,.'.k lit!t hUrr Lor in thn poison tho f-uth of man in nn. i, tasto not, liandlo not, inv brt-th- ,f,l,,'; 's'' '"'".? iinnhino, at Make no terms with su-h pcoplo. rt(Il. jJ(.t tho (tontila i.iHtiro'his lif0 i''i' hn'aiid said tint ho could not lalclKiarcrs have no rights Ih-y in tho bigirWt sum for his wife, and ! '.uT"ri !' ! I't that natno d.ty ho are common mention of good men whl.n M,lo i(, a wi,low, let one of uur'honht a new frtslnnoo l re:ip-)r, not Hunt, harry, and hound them out of L,)(mlies ,.vko love to her and briti"! witlistitndmg lie already h i I two or society. Thev am tho worst pcsln ! ,lur thi 8i,lo of j,,,.,, t Wlll ; three. Sho loves music, reading and save one. ami tliat is alio listener of the tale bean.r. There could be no tattling if thero were no one to hear. It takes an ear and a tongue to make scandal. Greedy listening is as dis honorable ns nimble tattling. Tho car is tho open market whore the tongue sets its ill gotten wares. Sunn thero aro that will not repeat again wnat they near, nut uioy ure willing to listen lo ic iiiny win -not tra lo in contraband goods, but they will buy enough of the smuggler for fam ily uso. These respectable listeners are the patrons of tattlers. It is the ready market that keeps talo-benring brisk. It is a shame to listen to ill uf your neighbor. Christiati lieuevo lenco demands that yoit do not love ill news. A clean lioart and a true honor rejoice iu kindly things. It should be a pain and a sorrow to , know of anything thut degrades your ' neighbor iu your eyes, even if fie is your enemy t and how much more if he is your friend 1 Tho scripture says : "Thou shall not go up and down ns a tale bearer among thy people." "A tale bearer revealeth secrets i but ho that is of a faithful (honorable) Hpirit conceal elh tho matter. Tho words of tho talo bearer, are as words that go down iuto the innermost parts of tho belly." The Hebrews thought that tho afloctions had their scut in the bowels t and by tho phrase, "go down into tho innermost part uf the belly," they signify how sharp and exasperating to tho deepest feelings of our iiaturo are the cruel ollices of of a common tattler. "Whoro no wood is the fire goeth out so where no tale-bearing the strife couseth." As is he had said that so much of tho strife of sm iuty arises from tat tling that, if that were curod, there would hardly bo any cause of quar rel left Coiutuund us to that reli gion which makes a man humane with his tongue, and honorable with his ear. An anxious father not long since discovered 'his only sou ana heir engaged iu "pitching pennies" with a number of ragged urchins, who had just initiated him iu the mysteries of that all absorbing game. no gave the littlo gamester a loug lecture on tho sin of gambling, &c, aud after idmiuistering a severe reprimand finished by telling him that if ho ever caught him pitching pennies again or gambling in any way, bo would give him a severe whipping. The youngster quietly stood witu ins hands in his pockets, cooly jingling the half dozpn coppers bo had won i ami, at the conclusion of his father's remarks little Bob cooly took a cent from his pocket, and balaucing it on his left band, said, "Dad, I'll go you heads or tails for two lickings or one.' An order has been issued by the managers of the Pennsylvania rail road requiring conductors and brake men to strictly carry out the rule prohibiting intoxicated porsons from taking passage on any of the trains. A siiht-soer on horseback meeting a negro lad not far from Petersburg, asked bim "Am I half way to Rioh mond "Please, AJnssa, said uio boy, "do you kuow where you cum from T A dry-witted soldier of the 10th Vermont, during the war was beard to pray once, when the ballets were falling in showers, as follows t "Oh, Lord, make me thin as a knife." At a prayer-meeuug in Maine a few days ago, oue of the monibers prayed, "Lord, thou knowost that Charles Tompkins bas sold poor boots to some of us. Slake nun do the fair thing.'' A- little fellow,' not very far from hero, was recently beard to ask, "What do Charlie bits Emma for and ber don't hollor 1 Take care, girls, tiUta UtUo brother! aro about.. . NO. 45 Brlghua Taaag oia l.llk Awwrw.ce. Thin groat prophet uf tho Litter Day SaiuU is opposed to lifu nami rnnco on polygotuicol principles, one of hie late discourses in In the Tabernacle, he gavo vent to his saiut ly feelings in tho following strain: liretheron. I am down on lifo insur ance. It is the invention uf the same evil ono who tempted Eve in tho Garden uf Edon. Ho promised to givo woman the upper hand of her husband, and lifu insurauco does the same A life insurance agent has more brass than a dozen Yankee dis k peddlers. Ono had tho itnpn deuce to ask mo to take out a policy for the benefit of my wives anil children, rtnd before I could recover my breath ho commenced to dnw up an application, and I verily believe would have tilled it out if ho could have crowded in the names. Now ask yon, brethren what would most likely becomo of your Prophet if iiiburauco on bis lifu wore ert'ix ted to the amount of Sfi(HK) for each wifo T I hnvo only thirty, and that would make tho chances thirty to one that I should enter tho realms of glory ueioro mo euu ui tue year. as a falhor of Isreitl. I havo the Oonpid )Hvij f Ul)) debtors thorH()f but j htlvo wi()U Umt tI father uf Isreal, I havo the .houM su.tl my f ito. I am ready to llHCt, to My Huftt w Ui blU j (() not wiuit lo u0 HL.t , iu ,m nmf 1U)(.0 lJilUom. Tl0 wives of the! fuillfll, urotoo l(.m.,llJll iv ,in,i i,w ,..,i.i n,,.., ,.(i:;uf ,)wl i i;fn ,.,,, mi... 1't .i, f .i.;..i. i ... ..;J ..,, I mu not the presiding Hpiiit. Lifei1"' -"" l"'"' '"" "'. iuki bo huh insurance makes the wifo independ cnt of tho husband. Sho fuels that, if hIio should by accident drop some ntrychnine iu his gruel, she has some thing to full back upon to keep her children from wunt. Women should to kept under. They tuW.ld trust i ju ulo Lord, and not iu life inmir anco. If they have n bad husband and an insuranco policy on his life, they aro alwavs praying secretly for his death, ani if their prayers are not answered readily, they hurry up his predestination, lluwnre of life insurance. It is satan in diHguise. Turn your back upon it, shut your curs itgaitiHtit flee from it as from a pestilence, for verily it would bring rebellion iuto tho land of Mormon.'' THK LOST 1'MUIIKU.A A man may lose friends, home, po sition, fortuue. They uro dill'erent from an unbn-lla. Ho tty lose themi he is sure to loso that. Hut ho koeps on buying or borrowing them. If ho buys one some one borrows it and returns it to the wrong mun without knowinir it. If lie li.irnnin one Homo ono steals it outright, and) he has to borrow another from j another source to muko it cood. We I don't understand it Nino of every ten men who to-lay possess um brellas are not the o tiers of them IIoivui only knows whero tho own ers aro. Perhaps they aro dead perhaps they are in axilo, and, per haps, which is more likely, are under other umbrellas. People will bor row an umbrella when they won't borrow anything eho. They will borrow it as long us thero is a'bit of cloth or rib to it. Thoy will borrow the stick if the slide is in it. Whilo it boars tho remotest semblanoo to an umbrella they will borrow it uud keep it. Wo nover yot saw nn umbrella so reduced but that some would tike it in. The only time nn umbrella is r cully invaluable is when you wunt it and that is the exact time it fails to appear. When the sun is shining brightly and the dunt is five inches thick un a level, an um brella becomes one of tho most ro pulsivo objects in Christendom. On such occasions it mKits you on every turn. You shut a door and down it comes and spreads out mid trips yon up. You haul down your linen coat from the closet and find something is holding it. It is thut nmbrellu. You move the flour barrel to look for a rat, and out comes that misera ble umbrella and scrap's your shin It raps you on the bead in the stair way, and trios you up in the hall, and falls down on your bead from the garret and when it ain't doing anything else it stands up in a eorner and wrings its hands aud swears at society. D'tnbury Newt. Rascals is Hiqii Lars. About a fortnight ago a room in tho U. S Treasury Department, at Washing ton, in which internal revenue war rants, ready for issue, on United States depositaries are kept, was mys teriously ontored by burglars, who forced a skylight, descended, packed up 973.000 worth of warrants, and got out by climbing back through the skylight, it was evident that tue thieves know the place well and were perfectly able tosulect such warrants as were negotiable and suited their purpose. The matter was kept very secret but detectives were employed to work up the case, who succeeded in arresting a son of Judge Williams, of Washington, and ona Moore, clerk in the Treasury Department ogaiust whom tho proofs are almost unquestionable, a large proportion of me missing warrants unviug uoeu found amongst their baggage. Ministers of tho Interior The cook aad kb dwtor. I'MlllKr. 1 '.!.,, i,..tm V(lvoitiMtnur A r. Ona column one year, One-half, column, one year, Uno-fourth column, one year, One square 110 lines)! inaertion ftflO.flft 90.00 ' L3.'M . 74 Every additional Insertion, W rrnfflonsl and lluainoaa rards of not more than o line, per voar, 5.08 Auilttor, hxcciitnr, Administrator and Assignee Notices, 2."i) Editorial notices per line, li All advcrti'tuncuM for a shortor pe Mod tliitn one year are pavaMe at the lime they nre onlerud, and if not paid the person ordering them will bo held roNponMihle'for the money. eft-XTinicxni uk a ah.h Kit s wivm. How many farmers t?iero nre who own hundreds of acres of land, bira fivo or ten liteii to assist tuemjia farming, with ten or twenty etr men dtiriug tho harvest having fine blooded stock, thrifty, choico orch ards, and conveniences uf every do scriptioii for their work, who Vet live) in alumhlo down house, leaking all over tho roof, and whoso over worked wives have to go a hundred yards or more for a pail of wntor, who'u a little extra labor would have placed the water iu a convenient sink in tho houso. Tho f.irmor's wife has to rise at four or tivo o'clock in tho morning, whiloall the family aro Hloepin;, and cook breakfast for from ten to twouty men t and not one of the family ever thiuks uf tilling the wood box or get ting a pail of wator at night She must do it all, and when breakfast i ready is too tired to tmjoy tho iuoaI. And she often has to set the table and wash the dishes, with a buby oa ne arm and another little one cling ing to hor skirts. Than comes the cleaning up, washing dishe t. sweep ing, chamber work, churning, baking, cooking dinner, and cleaning up again t and one pair of bands do it all. lVrhap she 1ms about an hour to sit down nn I rcit her aching b idy in tho afternoon . Site c ists longing glances at the solitary licwsoamr I lying on the table, but b.tby immt have a new tlre-ts, husband 8 stock" lings need darning, and nn overflow- llowcrs, Imt lie grumbles that thev . travela in the sumo road, year in and year out, with nothing but tho cradle, kitchen and washboard to occupy butli mind and lmfidi. The farmer often goes lo town and hears people talking about past, pre sent and future events, mid Comes homo refreslieiL wondering why his wife is always so still and never talka about anything interesting. How in the name of common sense can a woman be simply a drudgo and then talk about politics end no forth. Put a man in her placo and he would le almost crazy in a week, as tho daily routine uf dish washing, baby tend iag, and cooking is not calculated to enliven nny trim woman's spirits. Now-, let the farmer sell off soma his superfluous ncros and build aeona venient house, furnishing it comfort ably ; have a large (lower garden, but not leave the spading, etc., to his wifo ; buy a sowing machine, wash ing machine, wringer, and every ma. chine he can think of that will save manual labor. SulMcribo for half m dozen papers, religious, agricultural and local, uud purchase a fuv good bjoks. Let his wifo Reluct thorn, tin 'hen they will by sure to bo botti in. tercsting and useful. Oct a null. "l,t wi'':W. '" steudy'goutlo horse, so that his wifo can t.iho tho children nnd occasionally drive about the country, nnd ho has no idea how it will brighten her up. Let hor havo necessary help in the kitchen, so that she may have a resting spell during the day. Instead of sitting by tho stove in tho kitchen in tho evening, go to the cosy sitting room, where aro or should be, books and papers for tho older mouthers of tho family, and toys und picture books for tho children. Try this plan, and in loss than a year's time tho pule, faded wife will be a blooming, happy woman. Hard work with no pleasure has laid htm ' dreds of farmer's wives beneath tho sod who might bo bring now if their happiness and comfort had boon consulted. Eliztt J'J. ntfiony. Exckm.f.nt IvrrnKST Rci.es. For finding tho interest on auy principal for any number of days, the answer in eacu case oemg cents, separate tuo right hand figures to express it in dollars and cents : Four per cent. Multiply tho prin. cipul by tho number of days to ran; separate the right Hand figure from the product and tlivido tv y. Five iior cent Multiply by num. bor uf days and divide by 72. Six perceut Multiply by number of days i separate right hand figure, and divide by tl. Eight percent. Mnltiply by num ber uf days and divide by 45. Nine per cout Multiply by num ber of days i separate right hand tiguro and divide by 4. Ton per cent Multiply by num. ber of days aud divide by flil. Twelve per cent. jnuupiy ny number of days i separate right hand figure and divide by 3. Fiftoon per cont Multiply- by number of days ond divide by 24. Eighteen per cent Multiply by number of days i separate right baud figure and divide by A. Twenty tor cent Multiply by number of days aud divide by 18. A couutxy clergymen in Illinois suooeeds iu living on ninety ceuta week. A Kansas preacher has had hi ' salary increased $50 a year for thrash ing tutoe men wuo disturbed lua congregation. 1 .. .. A veteran observer think that good maqy men are valiant in ad-' vanoa, who would aot be in th ad- !anlWwV"N"r. m-lTf 1 Hint. V I I Wltlaaii aM.UI I. Uin.ll.a i,,. a oMig jrirvt ,m,