rz 5 y n V it 4i V i i k ( 1 ,! e; ' f 1 i I li ti' .J i. . fii U ' -' i h y : l. ; - 51 n 5 1 . t'li(i, January 22, CHOI UK, H74. fctl'r. KV rnp r. On Friday, n wnuk O iv. Hartranft appe:uod before tho Senate, an J the i. klli t support tho new Constit uUg. was administered to liiin by Speaker. The OovMiu.r ismr-.; his proclamation on tilt) 7tli iimt a re ...lircd by law in regard to ,ho iidoi, t ii Hi of lite tie ('i.tiHtitu'Jon, At Lvjt tVi-o is nn end of the aalaiy till lie :,)w, on Turn,,!., concurred -l0 senate ut,titute !'yo- ' majority 2'.! J"-"- 1 ...Ay of alt onir. ru of tbe Oovernm.-r Except that of the IW i.l. nt iii. i j,,,! of the Supreme l-iiurt, i', thus ma l what it Uh bo lure 0- a increase of last session. Governor's LImage. Tbo message of thi Governor wa that the State rniwt adopt Rome mod to compel the attendance of those children whose- parent are nn will - l'PH , I In llw. I . .I..,.. - r I r J i in or unable to d.11ow thrir o(T,,rinff urn 'iu inst. mikI waninv from i.iu . " .. .. . of onr ex' Iinngos, the following ex- Xv.c Oovcrnor commenced bin men- (n by reference to the recent panic, mm :iy no will cO'i:rikte to BTfiil tliemnelrri of the bunufitu our sehool nystKm ftlTordR." 1 he Governor doubts the propriety of bmkn of dinoonnt, poyinsf intercut on iliiponts, an. I think ii tlnn wm one which the IiPKiMlatwre , . 1Hfi7 1 The .Secretary of the Treamiry dtaU-il to neveral inemberi of the Fi- u.iivu viiiuiuiiKi iimt iiiti revenue u tno wovenuueet are improving, mid lliat in a few weelcH it wan the opinion of reveuim oPloera the. re ceipt would meet the current ex peiir4Nif the ( lovenimeiit Ho in not prepared at uvnfiit to stalo what aiiiuiilit of dufieieiiey he will have, but dues not think it will be lur(,'o. The bill iiikro'lnce.l in Conjrresx by Hie Hon. Irfiunel Tim Id. in relution to bolder ehiiniH, provide that the .-verei'irv of t m Tr.,nJ,i. i... tneitriuro in nmy attempt to alleviate the trouble of the working men. Hp repel (s the public Slate debt to bo !2r.7SI8.. ti'H in .... t. a..i ..i v i. .... !"": .... k,, ,r.i in .ml. lll.)lir. mill 1 ; l,4.,l,i- U,e receiot. for 1M73 ..r h -.r.o . ud ,n "a '""?. 1 w VT'Wf- mm. "In referring to future receipt and expenditiuea, the Uotcraor nay : "In 1H74 tho receipt from all aourcea will be 1,5(H).000 lene than the receipt of J87.I. while the expen diturea nill not be diuiiniHhed. Thia Iohh of reventio in largely due tthe rejM-al of taxea liearing heavily upon the indimtrial intereata of the Com monwealth, and partly to the proa tnijion of buNi'iieHR. Tho receipt of 1S7.1? may bo aboul tho name na thoae of 1871, but tho exticnditures will be prcnter, owiriff to the additional out lay necimaary for achoola, Iinlatitie and Judicial y, under tho now (Vmati tut ion, which will then bo iu full forced NotwitliHtanding this enor mous diK ieiiHe in tho receipts, and increiio in expenditures, it is hojied in d believel, that by tho uumt rigid economy in every brunch of the gov ernment and moderato annrooria tioiis, tho revenues in the future will last fall and of 1857. )fe is much pleased with tho do int'M of the Finh Commissioners, and says i "the Commissioner succeed- at Nowimrt, l'crrr cmnty, where the water ia peculiarly fitted for the purpose, about 2,700,. OiMi sluiiL which were turned into the Juniata rirer at that oint Two thousand six hundrod black bass wore also diMtrilmted in the Susque hanna. Lehigh and Jnniata rivers during the month of .Inly and Au gust last, and through tho kindness of Trof. Spencer F. I laird, United State FihIi Oimmissioner, 27,000 California salmon have Wen planted iu the Susquehanna nndits tributur ion. Tho has arc not migratory fish and aro very prolific Two or three hundred were placed in (he Susque hanna, near Harrisbiirg, in 1870, and the rapidity with whieh they multi ply is manifest in the great numbers of this beautiful and choice fish that now aro found in the river iu tliat vicinity." In siienliing of tho forests of the State tho Governor svs : "Notice U hereby given thnt Daniel AX S. Bw, AXpm of Jtrob R Shirt. h fk'4 hf flrct an1 intl arniint In th FritHiino Urjr't nmrft anH fhil till, mmmm will k pvrtitHI tn oflr diI trm nf (Jonrl of llommnii M.it frfi.ni. flnrmlliHl, of nklch llprot li.lrr,M will Ul aullro, J.tlinl'KK. Jin.lt, 74 ffothoaolirr. AGENTS WAliTED AT $50 A WEEK. Pof Tht. TAtrrary iftnifnqer,on 1L LUSTRATJil) Weekly, of Qonoral Literature, with a tn Premium. Sample Copv anil Agents' circular Sent uu receipt of stamp. Address, TU B MTKUA H Y MBfEXOER." Milwaukee, Wis. iJlV IW winled Mtrj. here. I'niiieuUrt frtt. A. II. Dlaih a Uo.. St. Voul Mo. rr.it.'.! ?UU shall pay the amount '7 "t'l," , 1110 '"lB ..ftl.c claim,, to i he ' Governor f L r 1, T ,;' W V? iVnuHvlvania for the use of the iver- J T t,, .'" ''"'"" of tlio s.ms named in tho r, ,kort of the com-' fStat' ? mi,n""1 !,T 1 minion appointed by tho Stute. The1 "' 1 those who x.hl amount of IhL ehki,,,. e "'. 'Iccroases there niiiMini ku n L-urri'hiioiiiiin renei ai I j'ulicnted by the commissiou in forded to thoso interest that bear the burden of taxation i but at this juncture I would regard any further i,HV reduction of the revenues as unwise. "I especially invito your attention to an evil of considerable magnitude, which every year grows more ajfra vatcd, and in certain regions, nl times, is tho occasion of serious ap prehension and loss. I refer to the wholesale destruction of our forests, tho stripping of our mountains and hills of their trees, resulting in nn enovmous dimilinatiou of water for mechanical and fertilizing purposes, and in trrcat chamrca in thn normal T.tr. fsnneiRv Ki.kctios Tlio ' , . If wouin rcgora any n.rther . . ndopti.:n of the new Comditutiyn re KhI , ti,,g t.iol health and .jii.ivB mecirynnii townsliipe lections! r,,uii.l tl,., ..... ., i i at seasons 1)1 iliging llliout .lovaslft- . bo held on Me Thim ylw f f " ' ,l Hng Hoods. These consc.pienees, as iAr.v-.tlw 17th. J I Kill!!! ct 1. KMKT -''l''" " iii.lWi...inat. Tlw. officr b. bo elect. 1 ,:t the ",Z 1 an I T i ? l ' ."V '""i d-.m-mHtnible, and a wise cityeliM tionarecueilnien.eonstableH 1L ' ! t .t,',',t' "r!'- " Illation will ft.wa.it., tho future directors, judges' , " and esUblish such regulations us will Tho Governor also calls attention I n'M,'n" onr "('!",;,;"""' S 'lis a to the "Centennial- and wants the , IHcninco this practice will cer l-eol. o in thn State to nu.t.. r ' "K""' t'XC'ltlOllHlo 1IIUK0 it a fillCCt'RB. ; Inf. tiUiTiiiMiu niltmiiiuf oti..ii 41... i the county elect ronviction grows stronger in my -town burgess. that K(K(1 povert,,,,.., depends l not so much on written laws ns unmi t... i . i.i , . .. - J the disposition of tho people to coni- SpeHkcr blmne says he is satisfied ,,y with tim ,lemans of the laws, that tho temper of tho peoole is allll tiie .leterminatio.i of thoso dele ftCainst increased taxation, and that',.i 41...... mandates aro enforced. Ke lt will 1o eotirnftnil .n.ii.r.l 1... lovniies is In encoiiomize in every Li,.-,,,...! ., i;..i. t .... iwtiiujiit, nor by surrounding officer and trusts with additional restraints. nldermcn, school and incpeetors of elections, and ns bC.IHOl'S. At ths township election, all town ship oll'icers assessors couhUIiIck. supiTviMors. jnstices of the pence, whool directors mid election officers. I he boroughs iu the all their othcers council Ac "t"'"". in' irnwu iiimiiioii, nil. I I Hill ' irntcd t the only way of paying the exjienses tiirj,. of the (iovcnnni nt with tho present ! formt a dcinirtiiient. and cut .ifl'all unncc. s sniy exjs iws. lie says tho prestnt revenue are amply sufficient, and that there is no possibility that the tax mi ten or coltco or on income, w ill bo resorted to. He is sure that the House will not consent to in creased taxation, nnd that tho Ap propriation (.ominitteo will watch Upon tho present Legislature do volves a duty involving great care aud labor, and which if discharged, ns I believe it will be, with a proper regard for tho public interest, will rebound to its credit nnd honor. To , , ,11 .. v'lim iu Jkn i-it-illl mm Uflll.ll. X o closely and a,t down tho estniiates yon i(1 ro,)miitted the ii.us.rtant trust to the lowest hguies. of m()Mi,,g existing regulations into 7 ,, - , conformity with tho chiingo about to U,u lkoiir. II. IJkatii, Surveyor be iimugurattd in tho fiuulumental Cieiieml, wo art) informed, will bo a l,lw of tho State. Hring to tho i.er candidal for the office of ".-ecreUry ! fon.mncc of this high and responsi .f Intemul AfTuus an provided for bio duty till the wisdom you possess. in flin now f.,tut lufi.... 'II... . i . ' ..... . r . 1 . . ' - .-..-v.. .,,.,,. Jllt. ti i- invest vourseii oi ail seitmii cmiimhIim- miiiistration of Col. Heath ns Survev or (S. iieral in spoken of in tho high est terms. His ir ei.roachublo atiuns, devote tiino and thought to tho work, and with tho Now Consti tution as your constant guide, build Pitts amo, Jan. If! A frightful accieent occurred on Castle Shannon Railroad to-day, where it cioni.es Sawmill run in South IMttsburg, on a trestle work 105 fett high. A coal train was passing over the trestle work, and at the highest point the kosnd tho entire train, tion of the locomotive wero rireemituled into give it strength and character, and Governor say: J the river Mow. e think that he is justly entitled to Trominent among tho d. f..ctH is It is supposed that the accident ii.- iioiiiiiiauoii ior ;-ccrciary oi in-' the lack of proper training and other wn8 causea iy tlio breaking ot a vato clmracter. and his integrity and, up a good and symmetrical svstoni of eminent qualification for an cmYieiit . laws, and let us so far ns it lies in our tliHchaige of the most responsible .hi 'ability, start the Shift, f.vw.iv.l nn.. tics of a State officer aro a sufficient her future career, clothed with ample work, and lit tl gu iniittee. to the pmple of lVnii-' powers to extend her enterprise, aud coupling broke sylvaiiia that tluy luivo made a wise! fulfill her great destiny." I with the exeeji choice.- His'immo on tho ticket will; In regard to tho school laws the Rll(l two ', Hegarding tho exemption Liw the Governor say : '"The act of 1810 exempting a ccr tain amount of tho property of a debtor from levy and sale, on execu tion or distrcH for rent, was intend ed for the wise and Immune purpose of protecting his family from sudden and absolute want. This benevolent design is, howcv.tr, often defeated, and the law practically nullified, by the harrassed debtor waiving the benefits of tho act to meet the cxac tions of bis creditor. Do not sound public policy and humanity demand a supplement to' this law that will forbid a debtor having a family waiv ing tho benefit of tho exemption, so that a household may not bo shorn, in an instuut, of all tho ueeer.saries of life by reason of the weakness, recklessness or misfortune of its head or to satisfy the greod of a grasping creditor J" Appended to"tho message i a par don report, which gives tho reasons for tho pardons granted and proves tho ntuubor of case in which execu tive clemency was shown to bo 4 . "A rmn)lt1tl'iiioriiillfitorifofl!if Timrr." "7'Ae hft, chrnirt, nnd nuwf .ivrt fiil h'umilji fiiprr in Vtif. I'liea." Harper's Weekly. Splendidly Illustrated. .Vni7v nf fie Pmf. The WmIiIt In Hit l1iM tiM mitt powtrfnllf lllutrtl iwrl.Hllriil puiiiiahxl 1.1 lh ountry. It wlliorialM ftrt lohuUrly Mnl cotivlndnir, nml etrry mnrh wtllit. Ill Uluntrolliint of carrcnl tvmll r full n,l fr-h, ml oro prai' 'T nnr iltl.nem With tlronlnlloii of KiV,iio. (ho Wnklf u rmd lit t lowl linlf o million of wrloni, and tu Influvnr n one of oplnlns Udmi.ly irmn,l.iiin TL Wwkljr malnliln fllliro nimiil- n, an1 prrM dMlilfl Tlrwn nn plltli-l anil totlal nrublauit. LudUtIII Courltr Journal. SUBSCRIl-rloX 1874. TPRMSt HARPER'S WtKH.Y.nn Jtnr, 4. M Inlndot pra-payniant of I'nlloil 8UII fot taii hy iti til Uher. SutMrlliii in Hnrpr' Maicatln. Waokly an.l Haa.tr In on, a.lrn fir una y,-ar)l(!t nr two ol Harper' parioilUai, r nna a'Mrrmi for ma yaart. ly',l ty Iha ,ut,crlljari ol ,n, omi'o wuaia rarar-tMi ! An I.tlrai'opy l alt liar Ih Mairailnc, aaaa. ty, or ll,i .r, will m ruppllal arnil, . r arary iium or rivo r'ui'fcrtMra ai Macon, in nna ra aillianca, or Slit .i.iiilar for I'si, wliaont axtra enpyi piwiKK payail by lb luUcritan at iha einsa wnrra raaivfl. Illicit Niiint tru ran ba (nnnlM at any lima Th Annual Voluina ol llarpar'a Waakly In nal cloth blntllrii. will Iw nt hy oapram. frra ol axinaa fnr 7 oo each. A eomnlata Set oom prllna Seventeen Volnmet, prnt on receipt nl ch"u ai me rata viv u er yuiuue, neigui at axi euro nf K)r"haai-r. The ihi,t4ira ou Harnar'a Maanrlne U 94 canti oar. alik-U mu,l be paid at Hi lubierlbaf ' Addreti HARPER k IIROTIinRH. Kw Terk. XI1K AIJW G ROVER & BAKER LOCK ST1TCU ji or I'cnnsylvania & New Jersey, Delaware fc Marylaiii IPod Immediate nDisposaO firo pub m WE OFFER ALL THE mil CONTAINED IN OUR SPACIOUS WAREHOUSED Reing the Combined Stocks of ALL Denuatiiients, COMPRISING FOR Men, ITo-iatlis BoW AT STILL LARGER DISCOUNT IiY PRICE. JVOTE. We wero induced lo orerate Inrgly, and laid in a heavy utock, becanso of tbo nnivcr nil crxcxati an uiicomuiouly good business season. Wanamalier &. Brown desire ti make it widely known tbnt tho whole of thoir stocTc of ncwlr manufactm Men s, Youths' aud Hoy' Clothing, guainateed to bo of Keliublo .Material. Fttahionable Cut and abitDt jiaaie, is urvangeti ior a mm teimd utliiirs. Till' Cull liiilli'l'u .if tl,.. ..l.....H.:n region have f uspended work, anil the ! ",0 .v,'rtr ,ll'.v 374 wero found to hava i;i'...a.- .l . , m .. ijuaiuicikki. uis oi his icaenera oi tne schools. "Of the 15.00:) teachers ro coiviiisf curtilicates to teach tluiiniz IToliiil'ihties me Hint the strike will continue until sjuiu. A Board of Iuiiiiry info tho cause in hid sinK-nitf of tlie k irmius is a thorouyh kuriwIeu:o of rcadinir. writinj,', arithmetic, geoRranhy and L'luinmar, and that practical nrepar ation for their - profession which in wheel. in session at the Xvv Department K;1 "'"" K9', Me Btartlinir do- K-ai-Admiial C. II. Davis is presi-! cia W"8 ,mu, i'-V, th? S"P(r"lton'l ,j,.i,t. 1 eut of tommon SchiHils. Thero must ti' r. , . .certainly bo a radical clrnngo in this ,1,- l ln.r r l" r '!.": niBar.1. if we would have our chil- l. cte.l miller the new ( onstitiitiiin ! .1... .1 1. .... ia m.. i. 1 1 ! 1 1 . ,. 1 i""'ii i"ii iii jiiuiiiiciii 01 nn ... ...ir,. i,t,i,-iji-h 1-Hiriikiuii. oi .Mmim win) was ri'centlv ehx'ti'd to till position of a retiring director. the ordinary education. Tho necessity of cstablishin)r Norini J schools where in Stlllll'lltM urn f'Aluwiitllv nnal.fl.. AifiiMiTDX, Jiin. 111. -Thero an, and tinined for f...iwliin.c i ,iwiV.i, . i if iieveiopnientH t nijLflit re- imsly shown in these statistics, and bitive to the Chief Justiceship. Thelitisa gratification to know that twelve J'ieHi.. iit ii.f.irmed a friend that1 of these valuable, institutions have l iirewasnoiiecinioiinsyet, iiltlioiiifhilieeii erected or are in process of ineie whs a free interchange of ( erection in varum parts of tho State, opinion on the subject in tho Cabinet 1 ami when all are furnished with an able corps of instructors, wo cani aeshion to day. FaA nr 1 s B. (JowAswa re clectfal I i'ol,fl,l"'-l,V? "P, tho fmduatca thwel rri-siilent of the He.ulin.r railroad 01. J f,'.om.xv'" UirK." tnlmte to suji RF.GISTKH'S XOTICK. Notice is hereby itiren to nil cuncernul, that tha rollowlnii nameil rcni have 11 1 oil their no fnuiit in the Koulir' iiiltce, at Mlilillrburv SiiyilermiintT, anl lliat Hie a. accountu mil be prehenietl for onnrmailn an.l 1. 1 In a n the Drpluinc Court o l hcl.l at Mi'Lllelmrkt lor iw ..'uui, oi nyuer, on ine r ourtti ikinoilay ol Feb. noxl, beliua tbe llu dat of falJ month tit- I . Tlw amount of Jaroh Shelly nnn lrlna Ei. editor of the laitt mil anil IraUuirul of iublaa OrTMII Urc'4. V. The an-oontof Anna Orarhlll nd Mlrharl n. if nvoiii Aiuur'e ot lii ratah' w John U, U-ayblll 4rcM. Jr l The account of lUrrla. n Rnni and J. J. frhra.ler Aniur'a of tit titala uf (Jaurne Swam 4. The account nf John H. Millir a1ru'rrrn TnTitvTo AMNiIo( tho t.uU of Mary Auo aiiorr au a. JAS 3I.VANZANPT. Jan. it. It. Ri-h r k huc r. s? wincr iHacliliic. The Drover n, linker machine rarrvrelany other nmohlne lor 1KtSS Alaklun aud aener al I , nilly ue. The eMtch l lantlfnl ah.l ituraMe. !l I to lini'le In Hi combination of rl- ami II, nrae. Ileal oiieration that It l var aimnull in umi 11 out ol inter, nnd i ill; niunaK0. j II If Invalnahle In i,e family, a, hy It all klnil, of n-iirk can l done, the nnet lr.hr lot, at nail ,o vu.iit wi.u o'juai luetiuy. TheOR.iVKR h lit. KB It with lie rec.nl lm. provement, U neat, .litrahlo ornnrnenlal, rlin pie, and ported In lt eiieratlont. It reaulre, e e tin-live lor renalra than an, of the on, luaculiiea Iu me, and lui uvea In eanetent Sisteen Years without t lie outlay of one rent f ir ret.alre. It I, nneiy nnipueii wuu maoK walnut labia a nd Co ver. UHlSAl.tllV " Kiumit'l IiiiiHt, AliifH'TA ' Sfliimgrtwe , J',i. 5 JS O C tho ll'.h inst. A careful ptitimate of Hut value of theproperty of tho com- imy shews a sin plus of 'over third four miiioin, nbovo all tho debts and cnpitul (ock of tho eouipanv, iUal to a premium of 6H,'.)4 jier rhttre above tho par value of tho iJinitiff, 1873, thn flovcinor of this State im.iii'il but one tU'it.!i wurrant, that of Wad.!, of Willivmsport Whether there isnil'icrense jn ciijiilal crimes, or a f,ro leniency in tho law we do not Imomt , butthis execu tion of but on i murderer during such a year of slniif.'hter us 1873 lias been, is something remnrkablo. Geo. W. Childs, Esq., of the Pub-la- A.'..r, l'hiladulphi send ns the fifth annual almanac presouted by him to his nuiueroim subscriboi-. U is neatly printed and trimmed, with a huudsome illuminated cover. The contcut embiaco alarjfe amouut of valuublo information useful for re ference diiiing the year. The cost of a publication of this kind may be judged from tlio fact that an ddilion of one hundred thousand copies baa boon printed. Sir. Child is a gentle man of great joumalistio enterprise itwHiatb AUtululatrature. well rui marked liborulit if. ply this presiiiitf need of good and competent teachers. Dissatisfaction exists alsoand com plaint is made about tho frutpiout chniijrcs o! school books, entailing eMtuseH upk.ni jiarcuts, ami subject 111,0; pupils to Jiuvel and perplexing methods of acquiring lessons that mystify more thua they iustiuct There seems to bn tin urgent de mand for more triiiniugof u tvehnieu! ' kind, that will tit children for me- chaiiii al pill suits and the juiu tical duties of life. I auggest, theicfore, that Rchool Isiarda lie authoriztKl to make provision forgiving instruction iu industrial and mechanical draw ing, both in day aud evening schools; also that school lie established wherein trade may be ttiught, or arrangement made for such instruo tiou in connection with schools al ready established, so that skilled me chanic can be graduato.1, and the . I a a ii .a principiu inouiciiMHi unit mere is nothing ungraceful or undignified in honest or hard labor, and that1 the handiwork of the skillful artisan will confer in the future so noble a title aa any to be achieved in professional calliuga. More thorugh examination of the tmiUjec, Htrtiigthoiii, tlio evnvictiou NOTICK. N'OTICK is hereby given that 1 br nnrrhML'il thftitlnwliihr lrhtrikl nrnti. art .rom Johti llendrlekf, or lleavar U,wnhii. ami left the tatne Id hla no.-i!un until 1 hall demnnit th ania. TI.4I any farpon or percent medium with Ihe ante will ba dfhll Willi 11. eorninK to law 1 Kay .Mara 1 Soriel Alare I i oii.b eiieen, voi.nn tiattla, I Heller, 1 Cow Othoata, II arnat-a aud vollar, 1 flow, I truck Waon, 1 I'uvvy 1 hay rake. I took note, 1 l'l nlnv lahla, Uedt tail bedi.ini. aehal't I dark. JUB. , laAAG BILCIR. "T 0 - da y7 TUB PEOH.ES II.I.I .STRATtU fAl'KK, I a tknrouKhiy American enternrli. Illua lraiel iy Ihe le-dlnic artl.u. and uuitnn wlik Ihe hel tfforli ol Ihe inn, table writer ( our eouniry. ii i, a paper Hint, one inlrodaeed la the fvinlly elide, It aureto ba aiierly.wateliad lor and carelully ureaaryed. The oholee of TUUEE OF THKMOST MEAl'TlFl'L CIJLIIOMOH rer liae,l it given to each fubiorfber, via; "Jul So llliih" and "Little Kuinhlne," and two beaulUul uhll.l Piturat, hy Mr. Aauaaaoa and ' Auioiiu Ihe liew.lron." a beautllul laud . ! Ill walor-ojlor If the celebrated Uiaacr tUHTIR, allouraaentt hava aoolei of each, and are lirepared to ilalUer thaw touetber wltk a Hni. nerliulon I'artlllnaM algneil hy tha publiahere, at the time the money la iald. Aitenu wan led everywhere, and liberal Indueeuenta nitmwmtt Kauiil ooulet with lull pertloulaii and deebrli Hun ar ihe I hrotnoe, teal on reotl ofiU eeutt. Only two dollar and a half a year. ADnaaaa t To Day Prlallug I rakllahlns Co- 7H3 Aiumim St.? HiUuMm. 1J llrna.lway. Vtm York, I Hehenl St.. Hoetv IU, tie III t. Madlivs bl-, lltlca.u, fi-Fg zl p X r ri IS 2 c K c IS 2 'It a now and lower seulo of jirices. Ihe improvements in ourbusiucBs tho past year havo enabled ua to cheapen price ifnd iucroaaod iu many n the advantages of our customers. IMPOHTAXT FACT. AVe have abundant testimony every day that it is impossible for any other bonsei sell as cheaply, ami no one now question the superiority of our make of both Men a aud Boy' Clohiug, whi! THE ASSORTMENT IS SIX-FOLD TT A TO iT TTBTDfr HP Tar A TVTANYWEh a i. trjj-j-i-JLiii jl. JLJLT2uJLl ELSE. Tha is a sonciid opioi limit v. Our re arrangements require thoimmediat disposal of some hundreds oft sands of dollars' worth of goods, and wo are ofl'eriiig the mor t seasonable and fashionable overcoat anduuiUli both men and boys at Ami the ienple who have made purchases sinco the sale began aro highly delighted with their bargain and seiikuug in vueir in. hum, MKN'H OVERCOATS. Splendid lot of bluo and black beaver i Kersey iu dark olive, brown and Lob smgke colore. An uuubiial cheap lot of Chinchilla and other fabrics that make very warm aud couifortaUa goementa. Our Oarrick and Capes aie tho cheapest yet offered. MEN'S SUTS FOR DHESS T.AR Very much under regular prices Evcit one expectiug to bur a bW or nine sun suoiiiu avail iuiiihcii oi mo great ourgaia iow now siueau upou our cuumor. Kvery day suits will bo cleared out at astonishingly low prices considering the qualities and excejlont mak I'ltriiciilar lots of warm and long coat for btisiuens aud istreet'piirpones are olFered at excellent bargain. l'aiils and vents rooniH contain hundred of pattern in variety of colon and iiialilies, to fit every tup and potU lively one nuiiiiuj; goou weurnig gnrmcuia uiuv uu mirv iu ut muni iniiu our ireseui Block. BLACK PANTS. We never bad a Is-tlci assortment to select from. Jackets and rant for the Imlit re!iled up bp tho hundreds, and will bear examination by th ladies, who kaew true value and wlial in good to stand the hard wear tho boys reipiiry. ItOTS' OVECOATS, Of all sizes, ktylea, qualilie, color and pries. Wo have ro-aminKcd tho B)V goods on our tint lloor, to better accommodate the hiilics and other huysrt, ami L'cnerullv Mcrvoour IricmU witlioiit ilelav. Preparcil tos'iluuit to heavy reductions 1'iiini actual value, we invito the puhlin tosiiip1y thonvielve from our ce tcrs now, wiiii.' vk'o nave an enoriiious hiock oi iiio ocsi cioiiiing mat wu-1 ever ouereu m iui or any rxliur city, ws n coiupcueu 10 eione out wiinin me hoxi uiirijr uuji, ,5c G DfflflfflG a LIB 8 DDUC truSllp Dnn iBae (Don'nei? of Otth St cee t , t , ( . k . ', ' r I FROM MARKET TO MINOR. ' ; i1 '