The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 25, 1873, Image 2

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    XnDDLEDUnO, Sept. 25, 178.1
J. CROIHE, Ed'r. rnp r.
Bepublican State Ticket
of Jcffprwon Count.
Ton ktkth TnrAm'Rrn.
of Allegheny Conntjr.
Ir. d. k. waokxseller,
of 8olingrovr.
r.on aphemm.y,
ef Lewie-barf.
Fon aspotiatk jrnoK,
of lltavcr Crrings.
,of Mlddleburg.
of MidJWburg.
1.. N. MYEKS,
of Middlcburg.
JOEL HOW, of Middler-rook Twp.
GEO. W. HOW, of Monroe twp.
A. S. 11ELFHIC1I, of V. Beaver tp,
JEFFEUSOX 11 ALUof SoliiiHjrrove
WA8IIIX0TOJf,S'p. 18.
Tlio Secretary of tlio Navy tliis af
tcrnixm received tl telegram from
Consul Mulloy nnnniinoiiif' tlint tlie
I'oliVi iH party wit" at Dundee, all well.
The Juniata left St JolinH at one
o'clock to-tliiy, and tlio United States
consul had hired a steamer forty
iglit hours to catch her, intiTulinjr
to g. liiniHilf in Uiu steamer.
Srsrr.NsioN or thk (Imcat Ban urn,
Jai Choke iV Co. 1 ho failure of the
(irtat Hauliers Jny I'ooko & Co.
will have a depresing intlueneo on the
Immnrns interests of tlio country,
even if a panic bo averted. Their
MiNpenwion announei'd over their
own signature, on Thursday Last, and
created widespread constenuition iu
business and financial circles.
A laro number of bankers and
brokers havo closed doors since the
Buspcnsiou of J. Cook tV Co.
Kextuckt I'oinocrats aro lustily
calling for Federal troops to protect
them from the Ku klux t Aro these
Democrats fiuro that it is constitu
tional to coerce, tho Ku-klux T There
was a timo when Democratic states
men insisted that thero was no pow
er in tho Constitution which gave
tho President authority to send Fed
eral troops into a Stato to enforce
tho law. Tho Democracy of Ken
tucky ought to bo sure that they are
l ight before they ask that tho l'resi
deutjsend any of Lis "hirelings" to
their aid.
l i Ninety-nix million buslielts o f
wheat, the Mirk Lane JCrjtrtM says,
will bo required by England, this
year, from abroad, in consequence of
the failure of the potato crop and
shortness of the grain crop. This
is considered good authority on the
Bubject. but thero may bo a little
trick of trado in making the announce
nient of such an extraordinary defi
ciency at the present time. However,
tho prospect of a foreign demand is
good for our farmers. Cheap trans
jwutation would come in very well
just now, and would have a beneficial
oilect upon tuo trade generally and
the exchanges, as well as upon farming
interests. ill tho railroad compa
nies tuuhc freights as low ns pos-'
nblu, and thus benefit the whole
couutry T
The fcttito Trt'iiNiiry.
The Democratic press of this Stale,
ns well ns Now York, aro incessantly
talking about tho plundered Stato
Treasury of Pennsylvania." They
talk as if Mr, Mackey nnd tho Sink'
ing Fund Commissioners had robbed
tl e Stato of millions, ami were keep
ing it up from day to day pocket
ing the public funds as fast ns they
aro received. Of rourso all this ib
done for tho purpose, of reflecting
. tiixtn the licimlilicnn tifirtv or our
Stato, nud to aid the Democracy of
it in the ensiling campaign.
Now, wo respectfully suggest, that
tho Democrauo press, just for a
chango alaudon tho policy of indulg
ing in mere empty charges, and get
at something substantial. .Let them
point out when, by whom, anil to
what amount tho treasury has been
' plundered." Lot them show that
a singlo dollar of tho people's money
has not been acoountod for, or is not
accounted for now, and their charges
would have somo weight Tho most
bitter opponent of Mr. Maclioy can
not truthfully assert and show that
lie has not managed the treasury in
accordance with the letter and spirit
of tuo law lie lias satisfactorily ac
counted lur every dollar of tho mon
y in the treasury.
Jf the public money lias not been
economically expended, it was be
cause the Legislature made oxtravi-
gant appropriations, for which Mr.
lackey is not to be held accounta
, ble. That the State Treasury has
been "plundered, or that the public
funds are unaccounted for, even to
the extent of a dollar, at this time, as
is so flippantly charged by tho De-
inocrary, is utterly false, and those
who mako the charges cannot estab
lish tho truth of what they say.
Mere assertions in regard to the
. management of the State Treasury
will not answor any longer. Jf tho
Democracy have any ftieti to sub
stantiato thdr charges, out with
thorn at once, or stand confessed fal-
I'cnnsylvnuln Hems.
Stale Snporintmdcnl Wicker-
sham advises school boards to pub-
nsn accounts or their annual receipt
and expenditures without further
- While a litllo cirl, aged five
ycears, daughter of Chartes Wright.
was playing in and about tho tan
nery in Millcrstown, she accidentally
toll into a rat ani was drowned.
Tho twentv-first'annudl xliibl-
tion of tho l'ennsvlranla State Arm-
cultural Society, will be" held at Erie
on tho noih of September and the
1st, 2d and 3d days of October.
un Munday evening a week
Joseph White and Joseph Ebert of
Ilollidaysburg, hal a dimcnlty which
terminated by Ebert shooting White
in the neck, luflicting wounds not
Colonel Tom Scott has succeed
ed in negotiating in Europe tho loan
I :IMKHMHM) that lie needed to
build the Texas and Pacific railroad,
and he will bo back in Philadelphia
in October.
A Cambria county trill named
Mdntyro, whilo gathering whortle
berries the other day, was struck
twice in the breast by a rattlesnake,
but osing to her patent breast works
she escaped unharmed.
Albert W. Stang, aged thirty
two while intoxicated, committed
suicido in Pittsburg ou Tuesday
evening, tho Oth instant, by placing
ins head under tho wheels of a mail
train west, on tho Pennsylvania rail
road, at the Chosnut Btrcot crossing,
Alleghany city.
Two horses belonging to Moses
Myers, three miles cist of Shippelis
burg, were killed by the night ex
prens on tho Cumberland Valley
lailroad, on last Wednesday night a
week. Tho horses had broken out
of the pasture, and were ou tho rail
road track.
The Sbipponsburg Ncirs says
that ono day last week, on tho farm
of Michael txing, in I'enn township,
thero were plowed np 108 snakes.
77 of them being blowing vipers and
tbo balance copperheads ! The ave
rage length of these snakes was
about I t inches.
In tho vicinity of Lewis! own,
last Monday morning, an unknown
man, whilo asleep, jumped out of one
of tho windows of a car attached to
tho Cincinnati express train west
ward bound whilo it was traveling at
tho rato of about thirty miles per
hour. Tho only injuries ho sustain
ed was a deep gash on ono of his
knees, and soveral cuts on his head.
So far as tho Da mocratiu jour
nals which havo coino to hand show
thero is not a very enthusiastic ap
preciation among thoiu of tho work
of their Stato Convention. Tho plat-
lorm, ueing oi ino Bccomi Hand or
der, cannot bo expected to bo much
admired. Rut what is tho matter
with tho candidates? They are not
particularly strong, but they deserve
something hotter than snubbing.
Ease up ou tho poor fellows I
In Huston township, Clearfield
county, on Saturday evening a week,
an attempt was made to blow up a
school house in which a temperance
meeting was in progress, about twen
ty five persons being in at tho time
A keg of powder was put under it
and ignited, tho explosion tearing up
a donblelloor, upsetting tables.
lamps, Ac, but fortunately did not
throw down the building, or injure
any ono seriously.
Sfcito Supremo Courts are reaf
firming tho decision that when a
railroad sells a ticket for passage to
a certain point it is with the under
standing that tho holder shall bo
furnished with a seat When failure
to do this is made, tho holder of the
ticket can legally claim damages. Iu
all cases tho company is bound by
the plain terms of a contract made in
the salo of a ticket to . furnish the
holder with a seat.
Even in what are known to be
Domocratie counties in the State,
the organization of that party is bo
Jemoralied that many Republican
candidates for county oftiecs there
will bo elected Tho signs of the
times all indicate that this will be
the last campaign in which we will
have to opposo Democratic State or
county candidates. I'ecay has reach
ed the heart of tho corrupt old com
Mnation, and it trembles on the
verge of the gravo, bowed down with
a heavy load of guilt and shamo.
Tho Lancaster Jujruminer, 10th
inst, says! We hear of a new dis
easo which has mado its appearance
among tho cows, tho symptoms of
which correspond with those exhibi
ted by tho horses last winter, while
they were Buffering from epizootic.
Mr. Rhine, a milkman, residing on
the Harrinburg pike, on M'Oovein s
farm, lost four of his best milkers
yesterday, bo that to day he was
afraid to furnish customers in this
city. After this day he will not fur
nish milk until tlio diseaso Las sub
sided A dairyman living near Litz
lost every cow ho ownod , by tho
same disease, a few days since.
The ttal value of real and per
sonal oshtto in Pennsylvania is esti
mated by Mr. ltighom Commissioner
of Statistics, at $3.47.'5,8;U,851.
Those are lurjre figures, but prolmbly
do not exceed the truth. It has
been found very difficult to obtain
the exact facts, as in many counties
tuo assessment are fur below the
actual value of property. In Lu
zerno county, it is assorted, tho val
uation is alKiut one-fourth of the roal
valno of Uie property. In Bucks and
numerous other counties it is alout
one-tliird. In Philadelphia, Erie,
Chester and Dolowaro, real estate is
aaseshed at noarly its cash volua
The atatistirg fif Mr. Bicrl
nearly one-thirtl of the wealth of the
Rate to Philadeluhio.
Allegheny, Lnzerne, Lancaster
Berks, Schiiylltill and Chester. The'
exhibit is altogether a satisfnoi.
oiio, and shows that Pennsylvania
alone now possesses greater . resour
ces than those of the whole nation
wvty or Btwuty years ago.
ces than those of
Tireac seems to bo a rivalry in 'all
the Republican strangholds of the
State to ascertain which can give tho
largest increased majority over the
vote for Hartranft last yoar. Hun
dreds of honest Democrats are en
listed in this effort.
Tin most thoroughly Democratic
eity in the United States (Rays the
Pittsburg Cntumerctal) is New York,
and under Democratic rule, it was
tho most corrupt Tho Democratic
majority there, in 1808, was 150,000,
and the corruption of its officials cor
responded, in magnitude, to the
Democrutio majority. Brooklin, its
sister city, is also Democratic It
gave Seymour 12,000 majority, and
there we find corruption as preva
lent as in Now York. Every city of
ficial is tainted with suspicion, and
those who have not yet boon proven
to bo corrupt aro trying to shield
those against whom the proof is clear.
And yet these are the follows who
aro continually sincrinir out that the
Republicans are corrupt, and that if
the Democrats had the power they
would work a reformation bjth iu
Stato and Nation I
Tit nomocracy nnd Ornngers
Tho Democracy in the eastern part
of Pennsylvania are busily employed
in organizing "granges of the l'a
trons of Husbandry, the plank in the
n ilkesbarre platform having leen
placed there to aid the movement The
organization seems to le connoed al
most exclusively to Berks county,
from which it is inferred that the
Democracy aro not counting their
Republican converts by scores. Tho
pretentions of tho Democratic party
to In3 anti-monopolists aro disposed
of by W. M. Orosvcrnor, Esq., of St
Ijouis. the founder of tho .Liberal
party, in tho following:
Neither is tho Democratic party
hostile to monopolies of banking or
transportation. Tho Chairman of
its National Committeo, Augustus
Schell, is identified with tho Vander
bilt railroad interest and with banks.
Tho Democratic organization i n
Pennsplvania and Ohio 'belongs to
Scott and tho Pennsylvania Compa
ny ; in Maryland to Garrett and the
Baltimore and Ohio; in Virginia, to
Mahono and his railroad Ring ; in
California, to the Central and Pacific
and tho Rank of California. To
claim that such a party is or ever can
be tlio representative of the anti-monopoly
force in this counrry is as im
pudent as it would be to expect
Fred. Douglass to lead eud colored
voters to join a movement for tho
restoration of slavery.
Tho farmers of Pennsylvania are
sensible men, and appreciate the fu
tilo endeavors of tho Democrats to
capture them under the guise of Pa
trons of Husbandry, (joalition with
tho Democracy will rodress no griev
ances tlio farmers may havo s nor
will any class of our people derive
any benefit from association with
them. I'ttttlmrrf J Itgroiih.
.MHnjr rnmllics Lei I llomoless
CiurAoa, Sepi 18 A firo broke
out at 3 p. m. in the hay depot of the
t'hicaffo, HurliuL'ton and Quincy rail
road company, at Newberry street
and the railroad crossing, in the West
Division and is buruinir in a north
east direction having already passed
iliiuronallv across somo four blocks.
to a point about one and a half miles
distant in a straight lino from the
court house or the ce ntre of tho busi
ness portion of tho city.
Tho total loss by tho firo to day
ia estimated at $51)0,000. Tlienum
bcr of buil Jingo destroyed is sixty-
Tho cround bnrnod over by the
great firo lust night is estimated at
about three acres. Insurance will
not bo over 20 or cent of tho loss.
Ynur attention I. apeolallr Ineltod In the fart
..Ire nn rlpilon. to the t .'Ul Stuck of the
timi ine national baiiaa are no v preuareu io re
t'.nit-nial Hoard of Pinauca. The fondarealiied
frotu thl. tonree .re lo I eniphyel In Uie erec
tlon of the bulldloca for the f ntirftatonal osht
blllon, aod Hie i enio. eonn". t.'d with the
aauie. It t.oonlldonily I'elievid that the Key
at-me state will be re.reiienl'd by the nameof
eery eliiion alive t. patrl.dlo coinra. m ration
of the one hundreittti birth-day nj the nation.
The .hare, of at'uk are oltere I for lo oacb. and
ru'ea rlU'ra ree.lyn a haudiomely ateel en-
trreved tl.rtlttcaie uf Ntoek, aiilte'ile for fraiulug
and pr'eralHiu aa .national memorial.
Intereat at the rateof .Ik per cent per annum
will be i'. Id on all payment, of t'enti-nnlal atouk
Ir.uu the dale "I ptytuent to January I, Isfii.
riulie rll era who are not near a National Dank
e.n remit a ohi ek or put i.inoe order to the nu
d.rilguid. IKKI'K. KlUl.t'Y, Treaaurer.
IM W.lnut St., Philadelphia
Tape Worm, Tape Worm
Hemor. d lo a few hour, with h.rmlee. Veie
tab.e lUoilklne. No fee naked until the entire
wor, w t h head, ptux, ll.fer thoeo affli. ted
to resident, of the oily whom 1 have ouied, that
had bran nnauo.'ee.lully tretnd at the .Teirerfon
M.dli .l oller.n T.ulh street had taken In
vain luriM-ntlni'., tli. ta railed .iiarlncl, and r II
known remedies. ln. K P. Kumkbl. No. Itttt
North Ninth Street Phll.ilel.hia. '1 he Ioe tor
h.a t een In bnlne. lor over twenty-He. year.
.l.d I. perfeetly reliable, t all ami va. Adlro
tree. Hemiereit taiewurm Inaa a ehild all yeare
old neaaurlnic teet. At hi. onlre ran be aeeu
l-eein..n, aome of them oyer forty teet Iu
leniitn, niehbaee been letn'.ved In laaa than
three boura by taklnn onadoie nr thl. nieclirine.
Dr. Kunkel'a tratui nt la aimpla. .ale and per
feetlf rrlUide, and no fve until the worm, with
b-nd po.aea. r. E P. KukKta.H O North Ninth
am", i-uiiaueithia, ra. bO. do, I j
iflill l'roporty,
The mill has a lanro cuatom, is in
Kmm rtiiiiiint; older, with never failing
water )ower.
Two, lois, on eacn in crccicu a pooo
lwolliiiR bouse, with other neceiuary
t ive town low ravoraniy located, auu
well suited for builtlimr urioos.
ilie ubove imiiiea iiroivenu'Jt sre sit-
tinto in tho llermich of Jew lierlin,
L'nitm it.. Pa. For further particulars
on or sUdrtom AI.UEKT UOV'IZ,
-New lierlin, Ltiion Co., l'a.,
.Ullll.TJtl.. . 1
Liverpool Perry Co., Pa.
AH botlnwi (nlrmtod to M er will
rcaT prompt iintlon. Will ntinl Iht
eourtt of Firry, Snjiltrtad Juuinl aous.
11.1. 8cp.l8. '78if.
J. W. OAPOI.KK, Vice President,
J. W. KN US I IT, Secretary,
R. F. ARNOLD, Treasurer.
J A3 X. YAXXAJT. Art Jlldnlebort, Ia
J. : (r . Ma-'htuUt, HllnKmr. H. .
B F. AnnnLP. TrmMllnil Aq.-nl. Frpr P.
W. II. Hill. Hrincli-al l- r'harj Academy,
It II. 1ki. I.?r, Fr.-imr.
H. W. K..h.t, Mrht Phll41phU.
U. t. WtaosaiLLBS FhrileUn, gdlimsrvto.
General Plan.
An I APrtiCATfR rsi, orm to
10 u, 00 ft M f I 10
11 in u S oo 'J "0 "
V. lo SI Oil M "
JO lo U i Kl 1 00 "
M 10 40 0.1 1 00 "
40 lo 4 ) 1 "
4S lo to tl wMlti'l ooch "
mtoco " loo "
Within nlnotf day aftor r-l of pmnft) of
drxth. iatltlari.irtly rnU I. tti fo .-tr will
pjr t lhlr clli lh m.iul lu tho taolnor
afpisni of tho mfimHor.
Tm Pimnianr 1ats Hagniain Aan: lt.
Nunlicr oftliorarlincat", nikin r Ihn iiom ia
Ittaur!, aniltht parly lo wi.nm mada pyahle.
9l. A cartin am from Hit phvmoUn who alt"n
ill lha party ilurlni hi, or her Urt irln,
lallnK parlliMilnrly natnra of lit ilir-ea,
Ita il.irailnii, and Ilia lima ofdaath. Ir.l A ear
llncato of two illxl.itara.tfl I arnoalntan 94 of
llio OVcaiMil, oarliljrtnic to the tliun ao I f.t of
nianr hor ileum inn mm na or ue m ma par
oo menran ny intii nama 10 line society.
Adilrnee aU roiuniuntt'atl'in to
Homo Ofllco -Freoburg. Fa
7 XKCL'TOnS' NOTICE. Lettors
ntftTnentnrT upon the AntiU of WlllUro
Wi.ti., Hrivlr Co
ilre' J t.vln )m i Kmntfil to i i afil-ritf n I
to i f ani-rini I,
II ivrnfi knowln ihttiulr't In it ml In nU
mUX rt ri ifktei) l mik paymnt without
! luf, ni in rf Uftvina riiimi a int mi will
trrf Bt tU 10 Y. H. WAirXKK,
H. J.Klii KU
Sop 11, 73 ticutori.
lock si I run Machine.
The Orovor and Paker in.ehlne tar eX'-el aey
nti er ma. hlue lur LiKtSS OlaklDg and g.uer
al faiuU)' uae.
The atlt. hlate.ntlfolandrtrr.i l.. It la ao
almple In li. eouildnatlon of part, and Ita t ra--tlral
operation that It I. yary dllnenlt to (it 11
out out of order, aud la eailljr man.g.d.
It la lnr.tue.Me In the family, aa be It all ttnda
oi w.ra t-au oe none mo nneet rat.rk., a. a. 11
mm tue Lar.eea wiia eiuai laoilliy.
TheORi'VKR h nKF.n with II. repent Im.
proeemenu I. neat, durable, ornauieutal. elm
,'ie, iuii i'eriei-i ne operoit na. it rojuiroa
e-aai nae for reralra than any ot the nnmer.
one uiaehluee la uee, end ba. been la oooiteut
un iur
Sixteen Years
without the onllay of one cent for ren-ilre. It la
nneiy nni-ncn wnn iitack wamut tablo and oo
var. tiia kale iiv
Aug 14 731 Selinttjrove , l'a.
go t s p
a 1 s. ts a on it
' li 2l w ? I g
I8 g ! i
sip i 2. g 52
8" ?- P S s2
.Is M BiS fi8.
B" R 2 I a eiv
U -fit 1 2 "
Offer bli profiuiatoniil Hfrloi li lh clll
ini of Adrnimbtiri And violpiiy. Srp 4, 7ft
of Adminieiraiinn nnon llit lao ol
Arlero Pnoeht lai of ISeaTr lown-lilp.
Rnjdtr Co., dc'd hatinn baon granlril lo
tbo nndoralcnail, all eortona knowlnii lliem
alf ladebttd lo aaid tstala aro rrquoalrd
In mak paymarn wliuoul dtlay, ani iho
baaing olainit on tbo aama will proarnl
Ibem in LIAS flflXII T.
Auf 2A, 78. pd AJnilolitralor.
Estate Of Jacob IIindicks Dko'd.
NOTICE ia hereby given " that tlie
nnilrrelanad. andltnr arinlniet by tho O.
O. of Hnyilar rnuoty, to tnan dltrliMitlia nf
tho balence In the handa nf tho A'lnir. or aaid
telaf, will attend to the dnllaa of hla ofll.-o In
S. llnramre. on MATI'NDAV. SKI'., a, at lo
o'clock, A. M. Where all parllea In inlrre-l aro
lnrlle.1 t-. eMend. A. W. I ()T ftM.
Sellornroyo, Ao It '7S) Auditor.
Oldest in' tho State.
This old and popular Nursery, lo
cate.! at York, rer.n.ylTinl, la Mill nndr
the Bi,.,,f.jti,iii nf lward J. Erau. 4 Vo.
In qoantlly aod quality or
Fruit, Ornamental Tree, Vinet,
lloitei tc.
Uile nareery I. not airelled by any In t1o Si ale
In riinnoollon with th nnreerr I He Proprie
tor, prop e to furnlah erery earlrty of
lo. a aapert,ir ertl.-le of eereala
Wheat, Oats and Corn.
ThArennlailnn wtttrh Kvan. fh Co, ntiraorv
haa har.tnr.ire ,u,l Ined tr.'u(b"Ol the wt la
a ".' anarantee In pur. that the jr receive
vaiu. inr iiinrey
V II I'nrKMiio (nf I'll. o-nntT) la mjnt ami will
r.nir.M thla an I a.i"lnl.ic onnn'lM and take
..Met. or iie (all trade ratrnnlf h"nie
tufvn. Aildreu, 1,1 1'OKTZI.l N K.
H". 14, 1. ly, Junla a Co. Ta
urieniai v. iv.
i i T.elter t.alamentare nn the eauta nt
.lorn HNrfl", let., of VmI ll.aTer twp..
"nyd.r rnnniy Pa , ilecane.l. her. been rntcd
In the nnderatk'ned. all i.eranna knowing tli.m-
aolvea Imlehted to a.ld eatitte ore reiieetd lo while having
eUlnia win iirea.ut them dnljr anthrntle.ted lor lo Jr.HKVIAM
Aur. ti, TS.I p. d. ;..: tor.
Notice of Incorporation.
"M"otice is hereby Riven that a peti-
X i O n with Arilp'e.'waa file I with the Frn
thnnntary, J preaenlad at May Term A. l. 17.1,
fnrthe Ino .riiir.tln o.'r'ehrer'. aillver Corn, t
llatiil," and lll.t a ( darter uf Innrnoratlon will
be erant d at next I.h. p, T. 1.73) term uf rourt,
util.a. e.0'0 I e "bnwo t-t the coitrary. aa per
m i oi Aaaemuiy autuuriaiog uoit ta to tfranl
oii.nera n. e1, citoi'Nr;., '73, 3. Pn.tby.
JUKI, J. II All. Y - El.TOX IIF'1. 1.1 VOR w
White Good, J'Jiiibroiibriea Ac
M IV. :l Ht., IMiilntl.
.101 3:)3 CHER11Y STREET,
llatwo.o Arh and Iiapo .
I'hiUulelphiH, rt.
Couitantly on Land, Orlnloal A.aorted P.Oka.
It. Hhrt ' Np''.c enrei LlTHrCom
t'Uint, liiPtiieil(iMi, vomdinic f fromJ, Hour
M uiisieh. Wmer Hrli, llnnrthiiru. lw Klr
In llilrt-nvicftriifvor fullluK toou ih
mit O'mt n-' tifmt KiM iy 'diUKofU. John A.
lnati, Acnt (.r Mid llfchur lhp..t, H
r.iHUIil i-ti . rt, I virt.UlBrIUllUOD BpiKftliOU
formrrl THE UXI0S.
Not. 317 vrid 310 .IreA Street,
Firxt-Cliuia Aeeoiiiiiiotlittitinti at $2.50
I'cr J)uv.
Patent & General Claim
Vniiii.titon, J), c?.
Mr. HardlnR I. woll known Ihrou.h thl. aeo
tlorj of the country ... thurou(liy rellahleman,
aud bu.lnae. eutruat.d to lilm will cure
proiuui aiieoiion. June 12, 'li.
The only reliable lit dlatrlhutlon lo th. country
S100.000 00 .
r. 13. n i is ia h;
Gift Enterprise,
To bo ijrawn Monday Oct. nth, In,
$10,000 IN GOLD.
One Prise $1,000 t SILVER 1
FIVE ' r,nn
each, in GREENBACKS !
Two Family flat r lane, and Matehad Home
with Sily. r-MounteO tl.rneu. Worth 1,(00 ea h
IHua itouoed HoHW iod pltooa worth 400 ea k
' f ew,u eaevuiiiwe, wuriu piuu eaont
IMM Uuld aud .liver l.eyer Huutlnaj walohea
i .... . ""..i'-ew"iwiewi(
Oold Chain., aliyar-ware, Jowolry, tm,,ht.
Whole number Qlrta,
lloket. ..lulled Iu eo,uuo
.QKKTS WANtFD to .Ml tlok.U to whom
i ..un.iu. win u, pain,
ttli.le lli kota aii hi riokeis l0i Twelee Tlek-
Ulroular. oouUlnli.j a full Mat of prlae., a i
.rlptlon ol the u drawing, anil other
111 I i .ivnuei ao aue uiairinntiou.
. " . ' w aueiu, Al, lea
Un uiu. I It. etldieeeed to
aiauiua,' a.. U.HIBIE. Rnl. a.
Wl W. fifth Ht. " iliac... ATI. O
Justice of th9 Peace,
Jieaoertoion, SuytUr , Co., Pa.
All kluJ. of eolleollon. mailt oh liberal
tarae. l'rouiply. kltendato l buaiaaaa
obi runt 1 to Luj Mrw (Jua to." .
Dr. Crook's" Wino of Tar
Couloir. rrpHnht Tn
qrrdlmtmmf I'nirmrMeel
fnfo valno rnintilueoi
wrlh the rleh me,iietinl
quMlltioa of far, wbloh
rniieo It to niiltd aa
the weak anal aiehifl
iwfeMi a4 mpl.llr
r wKbaaate
trwnalla, Ilrlinnaee
Ihe ritiiinneh,
the Llrer. ntti ra.aH
Ike) fwoMt ta Ulaevt,
removlna Ityanypala
ami laellaTealion. It
la a meavrlwr TwMlr,
rente, rea. the tappe-tllw
ml trend ama tlio
vatvti.. rorl'alaaln
I fin Hronat, .Ma nr
Bmh ,4 ravel or KM
ejr atleeejea, rllaouiu)
of tho 1 rlniarv or
Saa,Jnacllreoranr I J, or I nmalalat It
Una nr rrunl. It frroo
t'olrta, and all
Of tlio Til MOAT ami
a.rCJa, aa ba. been
fnr A ethma wi Brancluua. lay it
tkuU by
e; II tiif
If you r Suffering from nj
Broken nown ConttltnUon.
Or require Remedy to
Inrit and Inrlch tbe Blood,
Yon will and C Oonk". t'wmrmnnd Kyrap
t tlie Bfwl lr rHeeea yewiree aaaertf, euro
you mniw eiedlfy, and tin jrou more, anna
I hen any and all oilier reimxlle combined.
That Palw.Trllaw.Nlrlily.lawklnaMklai
Tfleeaa plaeeiee. of tho IMalei.tlmBala,ieja.
in ctianveii m one or rrvMinrtue and iieMita.
lalra. Blalrlawa and Kraaitaa arn rw
muvej. Morafnla, racrorHiena Plaeaaaa
of tbe r.yra, Vth)le Hwelltnn, l lrwra,
I4 Wrea or any kind of llutmir rapidly
rlwind e and d lamp peer tinder Ita Influenro.
ant la lay It I. nature, own rctorerl A
aolnlile oxyd of Iron combined with tho
nullrlnal proportlea of I'uhe Knot dlvaatwit
ot nil illa.gwelile qtialltloei. It wllleurwany
l.ewaa wlioea renl or dlreet cnuan la Itaol
HloeMl. atbenmnllana, Paraa la I.I m law
ot Haaaeau t'aaalllallona hreken alwwa
by Merciirlul or other poleone, email cured
by IU For Nyhllla,or Mypbllltlc taint,
thero ta ontlilnii cuuai to li. A trial arlli
rov It. teuiuby
li. DAVIS oV
Un tott Spoke 1 Vo rka,
n. W.Cor. I.eoe.rd a Otttr.
-8.nd for Prloo Llit-
tod n.ow
ITASTKD, Ayenle ami Poildlort for our
anil tlrain. jama, jelllea, berbt, vegelable.
lard, tnllow, tiireta, chro.e, 010. Irrer 00.-
HID .old In few localities. Belli quick
Kverjr family wanla it. Bowing Machine
and oilier elnlili.hed agents aro finding
lain very profimble. Circulars free. I.ii
lloftold and Dame, 102 Wa.liingtoa Street
Uoaloo Mnt.
Jhtuchij ct Co'e. A(fvertiementa.
ACIRFcT iKWtATIflW ! Aan' IWanled
Caah . a i irj , or t'uinnilatlou .Dowe l. Ktrl.-l
th hon.' Addreaa V. A. i.L.L.1, a UO.
jm rioite, jiicn.
XPLoYMEtr I t K'.l, f O io Agent In
fotlr w. ela tn (It nf t tli. to, ee lire
llyrant'a l.ll.r. ry ol Poetry and rlongia7ii loon.
wee on The Near heo).'. M.iiuaI, by Ula.
needier aol Mr.. rSioae Any live man oi
woman cm have an .vei'cy, J. It. FnHIt JaCU.
Now York, Hoeton, ChKago and Han t ranclno.
Dy I'rof. P. H. tlnan. In -lil.l.-a Submarine THv
lng,Uei'an T.iear.pliy, artlc til'oerl'.. Thrlt
lliu Ail e it'ireN, Whale t lataorlea, .ml every
thing or inter. ..t In aleiul Ihe Ucean. Fully ill
ua'ralei'. Iloond In .oi-erl r atylea. rui'Jeot
o-w. H.lllog rapld'y. 1.x Ira Qi'Akiu
i ity rcuuaiiiNU iiot'ss, 1'inia.ioipiiia, r.
The (reaiat Discovery of the Age for the relief
.nd rura or Kh titualiem, entoni anil eouto,
snralna, brubee, Peiu In Client, llai kiir Limb-,
Mill Jolnta. Mralna. tll.ndiilar 8welllng. In
flammiitloii.. Neuralarla. llutllont. t'atarrh. ao.
It w ll nut ure.r. or at.m th. tno.t d. Ilctto fau
na ahioh toakea It a luiury Inatery family.
Try It and be eonvlnnd of Ita grant merit Price
ii o. i.ta. per bjillo. KKullEN HOY r.l'rop'r,
s uroi nwiii -u til., a. Y .
ttt it mTTtrr rTTr-KT orTHinr.
Auent. Wanted for a corny 1. hlatory of our
national at Hal. ita origin, growtn, ea. ei once
iiuo'i. I'O.utiea, and i-eraonage. aia all por
trael In that geaphli- atylo which ba. piaceil
lh" auihor, tt. o. All. l'oe-neud, among toe furc
nvoet n.-waiuiiorciirivP'n.leiiu ot I'm lima. II
gie. bold atait:inir, truthful Inable vleweot
w.eMoxl' a life, aud (Vmgrei...'0.l and bobby
lmr.lohUary. Itooki r.' for d. Uverr.
Addre.,. JAM KS BK ITS a CO , Hartford, Ct
The oldeit and mo.t reliable In.titutlon for ob
taining a Mercantile Education. For circular!
wrlle to
P. PI VF a BONl, PltUburgh, Pa.
THOI oil THE A1K I" K'.rty veara adven
ture In the clo ida. Complete hlitory of llalloon.
Ihrlllmu lui'ldent. .od Ualroreadih (Etcpea.
Lite uf Author The moat Intare-tlnir and ei
ou now io maae ana manage mem. r un oi
oiling volume ever leaned.
d. Sure to .all L.jooi pre -ed.nt ' Agenta
anoiiiu aenu one onnar for outnt. Addreee IU-
iiai fnnbiwitiNO CO, Philadelphia, Kcw
awie, aauauiu, vr uuioago.
AOKPfTS WANTEIlferthe now book,
''T bl oomra nj and friend . D. W. Peter. Brtvet
a., uoi. .no HurKC.n, u. B. a,, from ta- U dicta
tod bo bluia-lf. The only True aud Auluenlc
nmarioa. greaateet Huuter, Trapper,
Scout and (told, ever nublnhoil. II o nUlu. full
and Oonmlete deBArli.tloKe n, tmm ln.lle.n Trl tM
of tho Far Wet, .. a. .u by Kit Creoa. who lly-
w euiwug larn an ma nr., it give, a IU1L, reiia-
010 account oi ino aiudui't and the Modoo War.
A. workof Hlatory, It la Invaluable. A grand
oupoiiuuy me euenuio inaa. money. Our lllua.
tr.ud I'lruulara eant free to ail appUcanra.
Wrlxa and .ocnreTerrlTory x onoe
HUbtl.1, OILMAN a Ci., HaTTfird, Conn.
Kentuckey and Great
RA JL A 1" CO Sir ANT,
7 per cent. Gold Bonds.
Coupons payable February and August In
Gold, in New York or llalilmort. for
naie at ou per eeoK, and nooured interest
in eurreuoy t teoured by First Morlgtge t
eieouted to Farmer.' Loan and Trust Co.
of New Vork, covering Company's Line, lis, tquipni. ul. Ileal, and I'er.o
Dkl Katale. at lite rale of f 15.000 ner Mil.
on the Hosd, ritendlng from Cinoinnutl lo
Callettsburg, Ibe tcrrulnus of Cbesapeak
tod Ohio Load, 14U miles.
Oovernmeait, Hiale, Cily. Railroad or
ny other mattalable seourltlrs taken in
sxohange, at highest market rates wlih.
out oouimlesion, and K. & G. E. K. Donds
forwarded free of charge to nurohaaer.
I'amphlel, Maps and full informal Ion will
bt furnished on applioillon lo
WM. F18HEU ft BONg,
3i 8oulb Bt. Hall I more
Bonltert, Stoek and Nolo- llrokere, and
Kl.oal Agenta of Ihe , rle.l.ra le
Governmenis and Railway securilieaiaall
Ibe markets of tbe 17. 8. Or lo Hanks and
lienkere InYougbout tbi eouairy, . t
sotb, Taoo.aod - ta Preac wale larr"
J.ouO ature uvs au..t. wa.t.o iV
I Atrt-nrmfTn-na years
ever too peg. ., O' ly as M. I ueomnbte and lore
rlur eor.a are offered, look cut tor il,u
for clniul.r. aad ... proof of the am, teet eouvee.
of th. eaaeoa. Pwk.t Couiuaoioa worth S.01
www r m m r.
11 avowal all, i a. en. . 1
fof tli. pnrpoM of aiding In tlie n'ahllahm -r
A erandfen-ort will ne eleen In I'll
New. r It, ft, J na NOVt.UUEH li .1,1:
ahlob tlm. aiid plaoo .
tMn In citwli
will he. ril'trronted amnnv Ira tleV. l t,nt.i,
Th oote-idee la ehirtere I by l ie le.l.l viirJ
inamieim naw lariey, rarmi pariNHto .b
d .mnd, and porehiasranf ,.it ta ,-a.i ra y k.
er w i 'aimi-w ill uie 111,1 rin mon anil prni
,niwn. . ine biiii. e a merlt'On. Tli'h'l,
.a.hitfor a.vtifor .1 1, m fir to. tiuoii
tiaahiotta. Tho following girta will ha dJ
bolt I aoionit'tl. ket.o'd-r-lurmeill.tele arl,
tionrerl and lift, paid unmedlaielf IheteJ
ON r. (I HAND !SH tUrt
i a(lAn tlaan tlirr
Una Ua,n Oiry
lOaakllirt .'
" H'a.htlirt
IllaahOllt ,'
1 tl ah (i t
1 liaah
I Oaah lllrt ' ,
Itlarhtlft 1
lor.ah IIIMat-VOeaob
l:,hl.fta aoo
lot La h 1 rta bat
t) thUlft. M) a ,
W: r.ah ttl'ti 10 a
t ono I'a-h ntiu i
I6atihui"n t " Z" ' i
tA.'it ra. oirt. " ta
A. we employ no at en'. owUlde! of the i.
oittoa. Me mo tho. eii.nle t to aire porrnj
the beneAt of th. eoiuml .Inn that would oil
wim im to tho Agent. Wo will therefor. J
o ii, r -"iu, nr a, nir fan; e I ir I
vie tleketi one do Ur each. All eoromuo e.l
iirnmptlv an.weri-d.
The dlatilliuil a wi'1 he eomni-o I ht a I J
eitniini'iee, am wiit neeiiie ntein the fair,
moat Impartial moat Impartial nwteofilJ
iiiii-n. imai numoere lowbieh gtlu
awarueii win i aeut to eyery pur n.'.r id
oia'e.y am i e i "nert. we will Mod tif
by eaiir-aa, and .olleot on delivery wlien..
.'ereii. He auio -and tend yonr full ad.lrel
oeuin. town, roomy .nn Kale, plainly wru
Aa orerone-halfof the ticket, ate "already
..ko I by Agent. In lh. eitlea n hZ mm .
adyite th-e e h i dealre one or more to ford
uivir oru.r di once, no rot U.l if.
' Knowing the manaueea or thl. enternrln
can eaaur. die that It .III lo ag.ant
eaa ami very i-i.nlld.-nce tan bo puoed In
N'-wark bally Journal
i ne manager, oi tnia ent.rftiee ereTnn
ctiaraoler and al.llly, .nd tlteie I. no d
they will make II. e enterorlae einluoutly tun
ful." Newark! Iialiy I'reaa.,
Addraat, Prratta v Co., blrtetora, K.
week gtur.iitee.1. KeniecUule emplo
.Wal. or
t . t jtt . ' n
male, al
home, day or evening) no capital required
In.trnctloii. .nd v.lualile Daoi.ii. or emvi.
neeiieciauie emoioviueti.
I roc hy mall. Adilreea, wlHi al. cent return aui
aa. iuhiu a aju., I73ureenw:cb Ht., K. II
rnnvncttiiig DoiVm Kent free for tl
re t j eart la Tie Territor,
Theonly complete hlatory of thatvaet reglm
tween the Mla.laaliipl and I'aoinet It. R.J
ce. v.u,n..e, inuamtante, Natural Carlo,!:
OtO. ltrnntalnaglOAn.anarevln.ra nl m .
ery, I.naa. l'eon!eand Uurl.lila. uf tLtl
Vet. Auen'a are nlllng Iron It to Jtcoi J
day, end woei nil canraalng book free to
mo. .gei.a. an lr.aa, at. ting expertenct.
Natiunal Pi'aLi.umu Co., Philadelphia
n a v
An Official and Tbirlllng Illelory o
uiiuor tlie late capt. Hall, but outloiely i-
He mark ablo rccu of the craw.frotu a F
field of Ice. Alto, hlatory of all tbe eipe
tothoAr.'t o world from the Earltaet
Piufu'ely I lu.lnt.d. Ag. nl Wanted. Ail'
riiiLADKUHiA uiiisuoarasr, ru
Jfl awiaei J iqjwi J
Agent. "VVtintea.
Send for O.Ukgur.
Domsitic Sgwigo Macuim. Co., Nw tJ
Write for Large Illustrated Trice
Hreech-Ioading Shot aun. $10 to
I'oiinie shot Guns, to $150. Bisl
uuns, .i to m Kiflet, f8. to 75. Rtl
vers, i) io Ji'O, Pistole. $1 lo 8 Qui I
tcriai, nsbing Tickle. Large diseouil
ueaier.or Clubs. Army Guns. RevoH
v uvugu, or ir.ueu ior. uoode seal
express C. U. V. to be examined befor l!
iglect a Cough. Nothing U mora certain
I fouodalluu fur future evil ooueaauenea
Wells' Carbolic Table
re a .are core tor all Benin
worn auroat. t.'oia., croup, uipit
Aalhm.. ll.Urrh. Hnm..!. ,...l"Lv .
Thioet, Wlmlplpe.or UrouchUI Tubee. audi
!.. . of the Lung.. ' I
i " 'li!;.'" u'lrln cold, however tal
j L. ut,lB anouia oe promptly and hi
. T" .""""lueiiae the quality of the b
ma ..veriiy or the tttack, and will. I
feeuioru.n.T ' """" ' f tl en
i il!f' c'l0,,! Tablehj .re put op only In ll Pa
"""" a.aeno.nn.iitute.. If I hay o
be found at your drueelaie U... ..
Agent in New Vork, who wlU forward thai
lon t be Ueoelvea by Imitations -
Hold hy druirglata. Stceii. e b.g. '
JOHN 4-KKLLIK1Q. lt p,,,.
St.. K. V.
M filial ru nleilaale e aa - a . . ' "7 M
. ...vwiat, BOHAIBI lUUII
Is tbe most powerful eleaneer, streoj
known to Materia Midlea. I
a or anil r. mover of Ulaatau. eUra,i
ll It apeeially adapted to eonttitull
'wore aowno .no dehlllte,Ml k -J
.I"'". uu euuiuier. wuen ino tlioi
nut tn active olronl.tloa. ruii,L..ii. .J
ImnorlllM from eluiirl. how e,..i mr...J1
tlon ol lh. aecreili-H ore,.a ... i. JT.-hJ
o, lumor. eruptions, lllotchee, Bolle. bu.I1 , ,
tVMiuia, ae ao. . 1 od I
- When weary and lanrnitl frnmaiveral wra,
. ..i,un uiuriiRN, an, inertia II
place of eiienry and vigor, the .tatem
galu their n..eiltMaratlve mA,. 1
tome M IHIIId Un abd halo Ihe alLel InnuJ
in toe neat oi summer, frequently I
ruuctloiwi the aterloe and nrlaary org a.
Ina.tlve, produolng woaknow ot (ha .ton
ummu dlwib dd mi nHHi f Mime
ana uiteeiinei aud apredlapoaltion to Mil
IB DrOtiared dlreotl V trnaa the krik . .
.d U ftoi'I"' suited to all those t
eultie.i It will clranu th. .iil.ia y
atr.iigthen the life giving powers, aad ni
... UUe inaa ampeiroa ana earn
It should be freely taken, as Jurud
I. nroaoiinerd bv auaiLial ..ii... ta,. mmA
?' tf ''. Twule and Peotviiruaat haua
..w wnvie raagv or muuai tiianu.
JOUN U. KtTLLOOtl. IS Plau 8t. N.w
... nuiy ngent lor the Ualted HM
live wua vouti (titfoiuo. bead lei Cart
A 7AY-
- or atJUIflHtt
a..r aaetlrae.
i-ruat toair'Mi lo'
"AT 11 i v
aa ... f v
- Jf .