The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 28, 1873, Image 2

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ItlDDLEBTJRQ, Angrtut mjLm.
J. CHOICE, r.d'r. XV ron r.
Republican State Ticket
ron jpikik op mttvpuryr. onnT.
of Jeffl-non Oonntj.
of Alleglirny County.
tSebjwt U uVIla or Dl.trlct Conferee.!
of Mid. Hi burg.
b,eol to Decliloo oMll-trll Oonf.renc.)
of Itrlfcr Ppring.
of Mi I llelnirjr,
Fni r.r.i'iieTr.R nrronna
of MidJIihiirg.
I.. X. ?.! TEK3,
of Mlddtchiir.
Fon roMMTBiotrn.
JOEL ROW, of Mi.Ulccrcclt Twp.
Trtr. m?M:!t.
OEO. W. HOW, .f Monroe U p.
ron .imv commissioner
A. S. HELFlilCII, cf W. Ucnvrrtp.
ron ArniTon.
JEFFERSON II AM, .of Solinr-rrrovo
Ttic IlclKlt Mo
For Rome titun im-t tlie Drmu'-rrt-'
ic uress bei n eli-riihi'inrr l,n ul,-
thutthcre ui a ilcf.ilt of .in.00ii.000
in the rah of tho United Slates
Trctsury. The Secrrtary of the
Treasury linn promptly 'met this
story by t!ir? d.-l.irulion that it is
Vt.crly untrue. 'J ho X. Y Tlmm
Pitys : The ennnrd orir'iinted pnrllv
in nmlicioiiM opposition totbeadmiii
istratinu. and partly in the necemii
ties of Wall street gambling. Al
though ridier.hnio in itself, the rumor
bad been eagerly cunght up nnd giv
n genend cnireticy. Tim HorW
bad got so far as to nsk, with pro
tended anxiety for the country, what
wnH to "be the next development of
ltadical rule!" Its question is an
nwered much sooner and more com-'
lletely than it could desire, as the
very next development of Radical
Tulo was to provo that tho WorM
was ready to recognize, ns an estab
lished fact a grossly improbrdde
rumor, raleulatcd to do vast injury
to tlio country, merely that it might
inako n lit t It M,lit'ieul capital. It
will, doubtless, Iw sorely grieved
that tho Secretary has let the coun
try know that this deficit story nrises
pokly from tho usual operations of
1:1c 1 reasury in the of the
cniieii iivo-lweiily buuJt) Jarri
burg Tih 'jrujiJt.
Look srcu a 1'oih v. The Dem
O Tutie party i-i floundering nroiind.
ai nsiial. for some jiolicy that will
command the confidence of tho peo.
lie. For tho pact fifteen years
it has br en mguged in the sainu bu
eiiifhs, but ( very policv it seizes upon
carries it lower nnd lower in public
tiitimation. 'i'be ncMt r it iiprtiaeh
en Republican piinc'.ph s the closer
ikromes to total oti'i.ction. If its
roller ih to be tho policy so long ad j
beared to by iis opponents, how can
it justify itsforui r opposition or
inako ti e deer people belioe that its
)rfhti!t pioW i'ii:s nro honest f If
tl.e jiriiieij li f of the Republican par
ty Rie right, i.nd d. fined of sufficit lit
iinj orttnee to iin oriitivnio into
A t. 1 , ...
o 11 r jn-uiotTaiK! H,lt:o:iii, vnvj
whould the old parly t'hut Las,
br-tii loyal to thiso principles pive)
tv.iy to a puity tiiat Ira bi t n hosiih
to tlx m for years pvt t The hearer!
xre iieiuoeiiiil'i party coineu
policy of tho Ri publitim p.
less reason can it show for set Line
the defeat of tho ginnd old jmrty o( i "f ,1"" e mnnufiietnres. nnd tho crea
Imman lights. The nooiier the linn-1 t':o1' "f a imniierative homo market
ty shell of Democracy is buried from
night, nnd the loyal Material w hieh
utill clings to tho nuine becomes in
corpnratcd in tho Republican party.
XIio Hotter It Will ho for the interest
of tho nation. We resinct the spirit 1 "l0 f,l'('d 'in of tlu light and can ho '", bii.ioe.oii ho urdur U-
which prompts a man to stick to n 111,1 1,0 nred by rend, ring these c"in.n,i, sml n.. ..cll-ncy of .. .orl
.inLirg ship1 an long ' there is r. a i HI .ssarlaws in operative .' ZSlZjtfl&XS'g
aouiiblo hope of saving the vessel or
cttrgo. Hut when the old hulk be
comes wctcr-lof.'ge.d. and a fi ieiidlviI'm"Hllll"',lt 1,1 pnrHuanco of law,
filiin renrs down noon it. 4r n.keiin
ls lielphss pusseii-jers nnd crt
is sheer folly to inrist ou being!
ilrapiM-d to tho HimitiB and croinr i
down with
mo old wreck, ( time
f'cutk'turn! reuse thin foolish eflbit
to jjTlvtinie too Deutocrucy into new
life. A now mono cannot restore it,
any more than a coat of paint can
cuko a rot ton pluu'c Found, the
j ooplo lmvo uo objection to the
iiamo, but they have a healthy aver
sion to the material which it n pro
pouts. Changing tho uamo caunot
deceive tho peoplo. They know ull
about D niocrncy s all about its past
filory Mid its present shame. They
Lave had enough of it, and don t
want any more for tho iioxt century
at least The time may come when
the Republican imi'ty will take a
back scat in tlie Government of tho
nation, but cot until some nobler
party cornea forward to reliove it
The element of reform, progress,
morality and patriotism, aro with the
party to day. Tho people know this
and for this roasou they eudorso the
Irty as the very lieut that offers
peace and security to the nation,
. The Modocs CnpL Jack and others,
who were tried by a military coin
inission for tho murderof Uen. Cauby
and Ihoinas, are found guilty and
oiiTitanmul IaKhIhiiiu, ,1.- Ol
, " "--feVM w "w wi
Sinfe CutttvalloD.
Tlis following Resolutions were
adopted by tlie Ropnblicau Slate
uonvenuon, m UnmHbnrg with tlie
usual armnimitr, sntl clearly evince
no departure from tbe principles
adhered to for tlio last ) 4th yearn.
1. That we lienrtly endorse aud ro
ndopt the republican national and
nine pistr rms of 1872.
2. the national adminintration
commands our continued,
mid is entitled, by its promotion of
tho beat intercuts nnd prosperity of
tho nation, to the earnest support of
the people.
3. Hint tlio sdmiiiiktration of Gov
ernor Ilaitratift culls for our warmest
approbation. During tlio short timo
lie lins bcoft in tlio executive depart
ment Le lias estublinlinl a statu pol
icy that Las jiiHtly endrarcd bim to
the people of tiiis commonwealth,
and lias amply jUHtifiod the conn-di-nco
wo lmvo plncod in bim.
4. That while earnestly in favor of
conHtitutiotinl reform, and of mieh a
reviHion of otir ntutu constitution as
w ill make it an effective instrument
in preventing mid pmiiHhing the cor
rupt abuses tlmt have crept in under
our preseut system, we demand, em
phatically nnd especially, that which
ever is dono or ! ft undone, the main
purpose for which tho constitutional
convention wns called the absolute
prevention of sjK-cinl legislation
shall be so placed before tho people
us to secure their separata aud de
cisive expression thereon.
. That the reduction of tho sUlo
debt from $41.0011,000 to J-20,000,000:
the repeal of all statu taxes on real
( stnfo; the establisl.niciit of schools tie suppoi t of soldier's orphans ;
tho tniiiiiteiiance of onr excellent and
prosprrouR system of common
schools: and tho establishment of
the jvily of paying off our debt at
the Htu of 2.000,000 a years togeth
er with tho generally llourshiug con
dition of our prosperous old com
mon wealth, aro evidences that the
luring their twelve
f r control in IVnnsylvnnia. have
fail,lfl,llv administered her ulT.tirs,
and that the reins of government
may bo safely left in their hand.
0. That there tdionld bo rigid econ
omy in the etnto and national admin
istrations, nnd tho taxes should be
reduced in both as rapidly as consist
ent with good government, tho main
tenance of the public credit and cer
tain extinguishment of stuto and na
tional debts.
7. That the public lands belong to
tho people ami should lie sacredly re
served for homes for actual settlers,
and wo pronounce against all further
grants of these lands to coi-porations.
H. That adequate provision should
bo made by law for the protection of
oersons engaged in mining and other
LnairdotiH forms of labor.
9. That as retrenchment is required
to lighten tho burden of taxation, nnd
to continue the reduction of the pub
lic debt, tin increase of salary is un
wisosandwc condemn, without re
serve, voting for or receiving increas
ed pny for services already rendered,
whether in state or nation, nnd de
maud that tho provisions of the lute
act of congress by which the salaries
were increased should bo promptly
and uncoiiilitioiiiillv repealed.
10. That wo hearti'y dcnoimco cor
rupt ion wherever found, and are sin
cerely desirous for hones' y, economy
and political purity in nil ollicnl ad
ministrations. To secure this is the
amy 01 every ruieus, ainl to t'r.s
end every good man should fuel
1 1 & . . 1 ' . .
ooiiiui, urn. oniv 10 pariiciputu m po.
lilies, but t labor actively to see
that 110110 but gootl luen secure party
nppoiiiiimiiiH or nun. minions.
11. That the prncth'u of loading
tho appropriation bill, essential to
the support of tho government, with
objectionable legislation, in theshnne
of itmcndinciitH. towards tho eloso of
the session, is a prolific source of
abuse, nnd n fraud upon tho peopli
and lis reform in urgently demanded
12. J'hat as the country nml Lome
industry have both uniformly pros
1 ere.l uinlern tanir bo nrristed as
t.i fifiord both revenue and protection,
the present tal i'l' should be left tin
disturbed; nnd an nil turilVn nro lo-
V1 l'''"iaiily for revenue, it would
ies to the'"1' 11 I ""r poveiiiintiii, Jlitleeil, wlncli
.u tv, the ''"."Id liot nfi'ind to urrango its de-
nni.liii.r IU so ns to csiconruge the L'l'OWtl)
lurall the protlnctn of onr soil.
111. That order and security in the
slates lately ill lebellii n must come
thluU'dj the stein ciiforeeini nt of ll.n
laws eimeted lo lirotect life, liberty
- -
"'rough executive clemency to unro-
VV,I " ssassins now un.tergoing
niHiiuiciii in purHuanco otlaw.
14. That, ns during thetiiuo tho re
j"",",an party lias been iu power it
. to c"l,f,ont graver diflicul-
tiott. and moro new mid perplexing
lucHtsona of government than ever
were presented to liny other party to
solve, and has solved them so judi
ciously mill wisely that tho country
endorses its decisions and accepts
its work, it is tho only organization
competent to so meet the grave is
sues that are now constantly urising
to secure the just right of the whole
15. That we sympathise with every
movement io secure for agriculture
aud labor their due iutluence, inter
cts and rights, and the republican
party will be their ally in every just
effort to attain those ends.
Suhbi-rv, Aug. 23. The Cre last
night burned four stables in an alley,
in the roar of the Cleiiient lions,
owued by Dr. Lisbach & 15ro., Hen
ry Haas, Pr. Ciinunings, and James
Uuyd. The loss is about five or six
thousand, and supposed to be tho
work of au incendiary.
. On Friday night the business por
tion of the towu of Mi (11 in, Junta'a
Co., was destroyed by fire. The fire
originated in the Sentinel office, and
is supposed to Lave been the work
1- . ... .
oi an luoonuisry. An esiunateor tin
oi an luoeuuisry. ao estimate of tlie
i)oM bM ftot jet Ue Mcftuxd.
The Iora-eat limiting ltrua In
America Oak Halt.
Wavawakkr & Bbowji, southeast con.
ADBLFHIA. Tho greatest of Grecian pliiloBO
phers declared that man was sim
ply a bined without feathers, and one
of the cnict objocts of existence of a
large class of men among civilized
communities seem to be most taste
fully to make up for this deficiency.
"What to eat," and "Wherewithal we
bo clothed f" lire the two groat ques
tiona fthirh milio up tho cum of
man's temporal wants. As wo al
vanco in culturo we also improvo in
dress, and onr perfection in the lat
ter is no bad criterion of our position
in the scale of civilization and refine
The ready-made clothing business
in this country him mode prodigious
strides t and under the stimulating
influences of taste combined with en
ergy and capital, this country can
claim to bo one of the best dressed
nations on the globes Xew York City
for many vearsliad almost exclusive
control of this influential branch of
trade, &, vast firms have been estab
lished and grown in wer.lth and in
fluence In the course of our inves
tigations we Lave had occassion fre
piently to inako mention of such
hou-es, nnd wo now with much
plensnro yield the space for nn op
preciative notice of an establish
ment which for marvelous prosperity
may be fairly called one of tho won
ders of America,
New York may well be envious of
tho great famo which has boon achovi
od by tho well known firm of
AVanamak a 1'nowN,
whoso famous establishment in Phil
adelphia, called Oak Hall, has per
haps tho widest reputation of nnv
clothing houso in America: The
success of this houso has been due
in a very great degree to tho per
severance and untiring industry of
.Mr. an.ima!;er tlio senior mcmb 'r
of the firm, and it is especially re
markable from tho unprecedented! v
short timo in which tlmt success has
been attained. When ho determined
to embark in this business old mer
chants shook their heal and even
the most venturesome felt a doubt ns
to tho expediency of entering upon
new projectt. Tho rebellion was
just on tin evo of its commencement,
and tho whole future of tho country
seems enveloped in doubt aud danger.
Hut .Mr. A anamaker had too sure aril
instinct to feel any doubts as to tho
tiuiU triumph of tho right, and having
associated with himsuif tho late Mr.
Nathan 8. I3r iwn, he leaaed three
rooms in an old nnd unsightly build
iug on the site of thoir present im
mense cstubhiihment. Mr. Hrowu's
uterest in tho business expirod with
his denth fivo yours ngo.
In tlio short spoco of two roars
tho business increasod to such a de
gree, that tho firm were oblignd to
add to their premises the rest of the
building on the comer of .Sixth and
Market streets, lit fore tho expira
tion of tho term (fivo years), for which
the original lease had been given, an
oxtenaion of tho samo was obtained
with tho privilege of purchasing, to
gether with tho right to expend 810,
000 in improvements upou tho pro
perty. A rather doubt f.U privilege
and a larga sum for ho young a firm.
1 ho next step wusto purcliaso the
adjoining property on Sixth street
ext'iu ling ti Minor street, au I Hhort-
ly nfter that on Market street was
added, The whole buildinus were
then remodeled into a large and im
posing s'.ructtiro 3:1 feet front and
rear on Market nnd Minor streets,
and IciO feet deep on Sixth street aud
six stories in height. Largo as were !
n I
these premises they were but ono
half tiio sio (if the present Oak Hall.
Another building of equal sie was
added and tho w hole connected and
thrown into one vast t stablinhmeut.
W o have as yet spoken nothiug of
the details of the enormous buniuess
transacted by this houso. System is
the soul of everything, ami is one of
thopiimary elements which have
conducted to its wonderful success.
This business is divided into twenty
dihtinit departments in which are
employed over two thousand hands
Kvery branch of tho trade is carried
on within tho building, and under
tho iuimediato porsonul supervision
of the proprietors. The goods are
received directly from the mills and
tlie cuui irmruif sro ili-ln.rrd iu
ilir nrirooiu nilb rftplility nbivb in
truly ioiiibiotf. In llnii.u lit tlio ilr.
turiuiMtil c.1 icielT-uniile clmhtiig lb.
uii'iii. wlncli sr. hue msili lor houio of
ilir bent (Ireo.vd geniltuitD in l'MUilvl-
e T.nliire tho ftn.riinn, without four
of eotiirrilioiinn, thot uo r.lftbli.liinrnl in
ilii. country dor. finor or uioro rljllfb
work, tfilrr out or brllcr lumlo, thn eu
t lounj io llii. tlpp.riaitnl of t Ink llo.ll.
on. ( iiim to I lie iinil.rlvlng prtu
riple tiprio Mbich llii. vn.i bimiur.. bm
biru built up. Ami I bm io .rtci oon
roirtitirniiinr.. unci bonornblo denlitiK wiib
in pul lio. No old mock it omwded ou
the uiiii kel ftfi.r lb fo.hiuu I. rhmigvU.
ii mi uiuer w.j r.iuoiiii t no nrlvvi r.
innrktil iluwa i I ! olo-e of tbr to
ntcb price . inturr ibeir reinl t.le. l
ibt.e iiirnu. trail, t. In pi up vi-o iu dull
lin.en, oil tbe roiployeo nr. kept bury, lb
.lock i. rt frt-.b anil new. ftuj lb
Uoiot eiijoi nn unexampled pro'perily
" uftro iuui yrrjr Ei.en ft
-ketvb of tbi. wonilrrful rmabli.lintrnl.
.bo growth ur whloh ft. no h.. mid I. duo
to lb ftilunroblo rircullto ftlilliij of Mr.
Wwuitniokor . He I. by no bow.y-
er, mlely Uovoied lo bin buiof. liirg. a
ii l, but i poirua ufftrt In tnny bmurb.
, uil roreniii.t ftttong lb rroniluut eitl
i.Di of I'biUiMpliia iu brond anil be or to.
Ivdl ovbouie. vf publio nl privit. ob.rity.
0k Hull bni eitriiod lor itaelfs Dftuiooll
over lb country, ami uio.l ol our reader.
pri'tumo bur at eooi timo or other
polrouiiti tbi. f.mou. e lubli.btneiit,
Ibo.o who hu nut, however, we ad.l.e
Ibe ueil liuio lliev tbe oil of llrotb-
erly Love 10 (.'oil and exaiuio Ible hi.o of
HiUuriiry suit lem eoutetbiog of lb tnnf
uilud of l'biUilulpbta, bu.iue.t oulerpri
ee. (
III ioiniem clot Ling entalll.bment at
818 sua 62UCbrinul itreel, next to lb
Conilaent.t Hotel tea itory brows Hone
building, 116 foot froul by ii85 feel d..p,
"" i rei o..p,
i'1111 d hJwt yfMoiasr aoii.
Williamsport Fire In
surance Company.
"M"OTICE is hereby given that the
ii genoy or Thoma It. Kent! of Ff.-wio-g.
Snyder county, fr the ah nr. e miner wae re
.okod AnaB.t 15th 173 ond Shot Le l si leaver
euthoriie i to tren.oy-t eiy kind ol bueioee, fir
Ui wU WIIUwBaport t irt "nrin'-aO'Wioo.
ut.i,. w, iuu"ri,i,
"VTDTICE is bereby given that
X 1 Thno. TI. Kvilf, "f rrbr, Snrrtor Vi ,
P , i no lo- n tit. raor .fnor or o'leltn
tor tho 1 r tm lnurre oioon t ( Lift Dd
Aft "lent) or llonf..r.l, IMi,
Any OT lhorUy hmtri it"r r"Hd hi n 1 (ill
.mi onr or It- HlV nrDt l Wl IIOIDapJl t P
no- Ixr-n rUly r ..! ,
Tlif liuh li- IRLvreliV oirtMond fttrolnNt t-on.
tlim any bn-lroni ohaloror Iib Mid KonU
oo oieouni of mm eon'poi y
AI.KX. M. SihAf, SUUAgont.
Wllllooif p.ift, Po. n. It, 'J,
Public Notice.
IVfOTICE is hereby given that
X 1 TnrM. H. Konlt, nf rrnlnr, p.. an Ion
ir-r Atianl or anb (nt of Iho Wromln Io. ir-
nr.' irav-y. or viii,,, nrr, p... ond th.t rnl him by in
o., or ts n.xlr. onod tn tt.n. t bntlbOM fof
a-m u noon amy r.r. nrii.
Oldest in the State.
rphis old and popular Nursery, lo-
I r.t.l o' Y irk, Po-n-vlvnli, I. Mill uml. f
ur uin'i'iir n.vai ur r.'iw.ra J. cron. Uv
I i quantity ud qiulliy of
Ornamental Trees,
Jlotcs ttc.
thl. twrry l not on.-.t'od by ony In t-o S'oio
10 wnnwii". with in- nirwrr 11. rruprio
t in p "(i w to (urnl.h orory .0. 1 -ty of
.lio. 0 orl .r ftrticlo of c.rr.l.
Wheat, Oats and Corn,
Th-rnieinn wiitnh rlrftn. A IVi n ir.-ry
hoi I'Oro'of. ro .nt lnol lhnitclr'Ul th- NloU 1.
o r- num. tn iun hMr. that tii.y rw.ivo
v.lil. inr mrir n in r J
I II fnrttH io (nf tin. n only) I. u'.nt ond will
i'.nr. thl. ond ..Ijolnli ( ooun'l.n ond t
r:.r. fur tho foil trodo P.lronli h "iuo
lul n.. Addr.M, i-H fix TZI1 v K
, Orl . nt i p. o.
)jug. 14, TJ. Jy. Junto o Oo. p
Seivlnsr Machine.
Tli. O-ov.r and Bitknr ist.Mn- loroi ol ony
nt or m hi io (or LiKUbS M,k Od oud gouor
ol duiil) o.
Th .t't'-h l bo.ntir-il ftrd dn-ni.o. It p oo
.iiui 'o In I'. oi uiln.tlin of port, on I It- rw
ll.'Ol .nrn.u'i thi It to r- ill n "ill io g it
out i ul of o.drr, Slid It rt'Uy nonftg "d.
It l lnrlunl)l" In t0 rrnlly, o. y II ft lo1
or w .n c . I, toi.. Hi. n t fbrl. , o. .
o. tlio i.o.nt olth 0'iuiil Ueilll;.
Tli.OD Vl- R fc HiKKH with li ra-al Ira.
priivi iii 'iit. i., ii'-n.ioO'ititl, .In
l.lo. nnd i o-r.'. In it. n-v rnti '0. It ro tulroi
lo . o.ifn'O fur r-rnlr. th.n ii. ol th. num..
iii mtniiluo. lu iim, ood l bo.u to coa.Uul
ui. for
Sixteen Years
'0;nnt th- n"0y ir "n' cent f. r rojwlr.. it I-
h n.. Is Mill lio.l with It It IV o onl i.l.u s .
HH SALb 11 Y
Kimittol I'-iiumt,
A tig 14 '7JJ Miuagroet , Fa.
r.-nt tin
A brMk iontnl Itif iDf tPniltldi) of
iporiaih), au. ir r r two itmj.a.
- M Q O Z
xr n r. 3 A
S tr. T. W 4 1
g O -v fli X
to- P $4
5.3 W " g H
'S 8 ft 2 ft
-5- Is. & S3
5 ti a 8. E o 0
5 e g B V . .
ftB f?
ill ;5S
2 a a. CD M
u ii il I
'I P .fr". v
Th OonininiiwmUk ol'ft j
Tn Vlliah-tii -h.'l.rlf. widi'W rrodr!rk h.l i
t.r'e. lo ih-tt- rle and And - Hh-tUtrle !
.tiiin. in vnr.r rnnt?, 4nnn
Mir J i.ttiift tntorn.rrioi won 't-
Mark., CkI't mi.rm.-rl rt wl h J. b Hrur.
ooi r'nny Int.; married with F.inainil bub
r-'.idlng HichU It J. lata oo 'n'r. foan.yl
eania. H-hpol Intrnnnrriol lth t.-ot-fr" K.
hh.ttirl.r, fiidl' S avar Kd aMlr. t!
ronntv, In th Hta' nt Mlrhlvan. ('.th.rln
!r.t'.r a minor who hft. nr horsnftrdlin Jo
oih MnlMirae..:dtne to Hn.der.nontr, I onrl
tanlft, h.irtskd llnl deo-laai nf Aatr
Sh'trly, Vof Bnjd.r cooatjt, rMuyleaiiia
dwiwt V
Take Botln that ftu loon.-t will b-h-Id
nn th. R..I K.tat. nf tho .aid Andrew
heunr y , d d, In l'rr t-wn-hip. mnj IT
win lF t -in, on Vrlitaf th Mb day nf ..,,.. ni,
bor A. I. t , at too' look A. M. id that day,
tnr th. pnritii'irinattl-ia naHltloa nl th K"ftl
f'aii. r.f thr a ild d-'ti-J. tn aid a-nonii hi.
blldrn and 'Oit 'l r-iiro-.niatl.-a If t'i. .ft'ii-
-an h don- wttunut ir- Mdl Ui or .(ioiln tim
whn'o, tberwi-o tn valii" andappral tlhui'Kt,
.rnrd'nt tn law, t wnt.h ilm anl plac o
ar required to aiUod If tlilnk i ri .r.
waniai, iiuimi'in.
Ang. 4, 1.
Kotlc e of Incorporation.
otice is hert-br given that a poti-
tla with ArttnWwit. fll1 with th Pro-
thnnotary, a prrMntod at May Term A. P 1"7,
forth lnoirio atlon of "Frtw'i wllr.r Cor, t
Hand," and that a Chart. r of Ini-nrnoratlnn will
be rant"d at neit T 171) term of roort,
mile., eav-o to hnwi to tho oontrarr, a. per
Art of AMetnbly aolborlilnf Cuo-t- tn.raot
ohaM.ra ate I, UBOTTsr..
A0K. 21,'TS, l. Prothy.
J fitter. tatanvntarv na tha aetata ol
JOHN KNRPP, 1,1. of W-.I M ar.r twp.
ardor rnnniy Pa , riwe.Md.har len arant.d
to tb nnd.r.lin.l, .11 naraon. knowlntf th.m
mi... Indttt to .aid o.tato aro ro.0.ud to
mat. Imm-dlat paym.nt while tho. ha-lne;
.lai n, will pro.ut llwm dnlr oth-ntleatnd lor
MtU.oi.ot to JKlllVIAH HNtHF,
S. H. bTt'MI'KK, TS.ip. d, EiO'otnr
Auditor Notlrr.
The tin1orsirrnel havincr been ap
pointed Aodlt".. hy th. t'nnrtof t Vmmoo
PI , nf rimd.r fonmir, ti mak. dl.trlb"tloo
nf th. toon!.. In th liaml. of IK I'n iirr, to r
IT, r.alWed from th "I crthe iirnnerty oft). A.
Mixtion, l I m .1 t.. ful.'l t1 dull-, nfhl-ftn-pol
tm' nt. at th-i Itlr. nf A l-rnanft K-n,
Ii. th II Mogh of t.ltnt rmo. on Mob ly Hu let . I) !:. at lo ne'. rkt. M. Wh
and .hero oil nartlai in iB'-reat may atti-ad If
107 tm pro.r. B.T. FARKH,
flit All I'n riles Interested.
In the Court of Common Pleat
of Snyder Co.. Ma. T 1H73.
Th ont-r-lirr.d Auditor appolnlrd by th
pan, ruun IV r-ma oi.'riotlliuu or in Illon 10
th-ban, I. of Hrnry Hweliiart Aful-jo-. of l)n
M II Mirki. wnl meet tb ' paitio. In lamr-at
f "f th nrio. i f hi. anoolntoi-iit, on Saturday
Ai su th. oth at 10, o'clock A. M. at tba odloe
oi i. J. bmllh, taq., In Midd ehnra.
July th. Auditor.
sort, .t. BAit.Y ei.tov nrr. LTroR
White fjootl, IZmbroidrriee Ac.
TV. :icl Nt., IMiilncl.
Justice of the Peace.
JSeaoertown, Auytttr Co., J a.
All kioJ. of oolleotlon oftdt ou liheritl
term. Protnply silendf to all
euiru.ied lo bii car. (Jun 2b, '7iiif
301 fc 303 CHERRY STREET,
Jletn n Arch aad Rae
Philadelphia, Pa.
CoBitantly ou band, Original Aaiorted Paeka-
Ur. Shirp'. 8pTln-eur. 1-lT.rCooi.
I ibihi. .uo-ii(ia,ii.i, .oniiiinv in rooil. rour
-touiack. W.i.r Mr.i'i, Hraithn-n, l. m Spli
i .,ke. in thlrtr B.arn-.r fallli a a'l e
iO'-t nh.t na (dm dd ! dug-ut-. 'oh i A.
Knatr. AK'nt lor Mid li-biir l p t, lit
Kikhih si. N, Y.cir. uiar. mailed on application
Au. 14'i
formerly THE ONION.
.Voi. 317 ond 319 Arch Street,
First-ChwH Accommodations nt $2..r0
l'cr Uuy.
JOSEni M. FEOER, Prop'r.
Tbuul lli country
$50,000 00
1. J. H I IV 13 H,
Gill Enterprise,
To M drawn tnona.y .il. 13th, H7J.
$5,000 IN GOLD.
each in GREENBACKS !
On Family Cairlaire. and Matched Hon.
with Hil."r-Mouoird nam.., worth l.tio.l
1 Hurwi and liniiify, wtib Xllver Mounud H.r.
n.H. wxrth ftiOil. I t'lo Tou.d UoMwood Hi no
wnrth MW I
tram ly 8alnir Machinal, wnrth SI0O oaohl
70 Oold and .liver l...r Hunllon watob.
( n i)worth frouiew toftwoaaoh.
Oold Chain., hllv.r war., J.w.lry, he., fee.'U. .ooo
Tlo-et. liluilt-d ui
AQENTS WAXTKD to 1 11 ticket, to whom
liberal premium, wl'l be paid.
8it.l TI k.n u Hli Tloket- an, Twelr Tick-
e.ltlO: Tweoty-Hvo Tlok.l. .
Olreulere on Ulul a lull ll.t of nrUo. a dea-
erlitloa oftbe nan ar ! draalng. and other
information IB r. to mo dl.lrltiullon,
will bft anl to any on. urdarlng Uiaui. AU Wl
tr tDU't ba ftddrwtMd t
Mftlnonoci L. O.HINK, Bo. as.
lui w. nrtb ct. UiauouATi. O
Jg J. U00KE,
149 JVcrtu Third street ,
PHILiDF.LrillA. ' 'Aug. 6 '60-
Jfatent& General Claim
'Varhluartoiit 13. C
Mr. Hardlnf li well luowa tkrouak thl ar.
tloaol luauouatn a. a IbcroveLlv rn.U uiaa.
au4 a.-"a- 'WneV bt - I .- .
J 0
ITovello's Cp IZzilz
KnTello'a UI' , pa-t -ag, eto It In 11 i-onte
Not.lko. fbarch Mu.lo to 11
Pried 1 or tl bonad IU cloth, (lit edRM.
NOVELL) 8 Oota.o Edition of Orntorlei.
Tnp.ner, fr a 10 oal to lJoth, wlta, ail
edge., 1 tolaa.
Wovello's Cheap Editions
B.rh. 41 ortnde and Fii.nea. Ololh. S aa
(tho.en'e nnnata. tlucantly bound
rnllUulll. . 150
BaethoTm'i M Piano Klo.a. Elegantly
b- nnd. Ka I w it. ton
ChopVe tiIm.. rclll 160
Cnn I.C. I ali'ti lM " " 0l
Chopin'. No'torne" , " no
Chopin' vt.iirkae, ' ' ion
Olionin i Itala'l'e loo
t;iiopini Prrl id -a IM
tl .opln'lt mat..
Unudaiwihn'e Oomple'a Plnnn Work. F.l-
n Polio .ditioo. kudULl' Cow
plat, la 4 o n m-. je CO
Tb. .an, mo. Pull (lit. Com plot la
tola met 14 00
Th.. ..' Paper Complete la 4
Taiuin. e 10 00
at.od"i-ion'i "onire without word, folia
bil lon. Full a lt. 1 90
Ortavo Kdltlna. lull Onl't 150
Oi lavn fcdllon. I'ap. rcn.ajfl 150
Moian'e 1 Moaetoe. i.I..etly bonnd. Pall
(lit 100
sVknberi'i 10 Soaatoi. lit aot boood. Pull
Kilt. 100
Icholx rt'it nance. Oomdleto. Elagint bound.
In I alii. too
aliub.rt'1 piona pleone. Elegantly bound. Poll
alt. toil
Scknm nn Prnt Seono. Nloe Eaiy plnr
pao-r mini no
bVhamann'e plooa fort album. Ph'a-antlT bonnd.
Fuilill. tvi
The tyam. p.pat coeere, 1 10
Or Nittlonil Nursery Bhymos.
l In hy J. W. Elliott, wl h J boiutiful
lllo.tratloai eiii.-ra.ed i r the Hrdlier. Daljoel
Uoardi, i.t. MpUadid.y bound Iu cloth, nil
dK, 1 W.
Ask for Koprllo's Editions. Address,
J, L. PKTEKia, Mm Rroadway, Naw.vork
Aft-i-ulfor No. ell .'. Cheap olu-te. .
S72 00 i:ach W&kJES
ehe-. rJu.loM.trl.tly l-aituna o Par
l. nUr.frre. AdJre I, J. MUKI'Hk CO., Ht.
lwuia, Mo. May la, '71. ly.
Union Sjwke Works,
8. W. Cor. Leonard a. Otter
Street, .
49dBd Or Prleo Dta-ES
WANTED, AenU and P.d llere for our
ami ilralm jam., jellies, herhi, vefrelable.
lard, lallow, meele. ohreae, no. Ueer oil.
iK)( mli) In a few localities Sell quick.
Every family wanla ll. Hewing Machine
and other e.lahlihel ag.nle ar fimlinir
I hia ery profitable CirouUr free.
ilefleld and Dam, 102 Waahlogtoa Street,
Boeion Maei.
Dauchy tb Co's. Advertisements.
Olli.Ovl IS(, wo. oo.'. profit oo
Hyraot'. l.lorir. nl Poetrv anil NongtlTii In "lie
we on The New H'u. keep e Manuel, by Ml.i
Horner and Mre toe Any a 'tie toaa or
woman eau ha.i' an aaeucy. 4, B. PKD h CO.
Mew York, Uoaton, CliKago anil o.o Kr.ncl.o.
Agents Wanted TZ2W?
Jut m(i. from au orialn.l palBtlnw by Ida
u.nich. Tb'.ilo'U' l Ktly artoii.ed bj.l
who n-. It. and ll iur t-i ti-oni hi 'hi. popular.
Tho ah .l.oul d in the hlKb' .t nyle or tlio art.
In ord.-r to ri axb th bi.mi and . ar. ibik
.al".. tha rrli'. le uud tuui-k lwer th.u that at
wbtch anf t'hromo of ilk. quibtr ha. orar b n
aol.l r.rui. .it-eini ly nhe al Eial ooTa le nt
ry. H'.lil ouli l.y au 'icrlotlMU. Apply at
nnn. to .O'ur i buii-e f ier. lt ry, Cl-cula e he.,
fr.e. OKU MA' I.KAN, Publiikera, buo
eoio Ht.,I'nlla0.1-lil, Pa.
A Work of Int' UM lutereit and Intrlnslo V.luo
It. tho Bllte I .on of 1'i.fauiou. 'TtTtH PAll.
l.tY.' AKrat blc Hlxtory of N.vlgHll i ,
AUvotit'iro end l)i.i.-over nlove to A-k. K
p.el alili lift lllng toe d ul, le.tful iliw ur,
piraeie., p rue, hu, at.oa ato .he wonde.- b
m ath ti a re. Umlnx k, t b r.i hin.
ke. Itt.plrited lllu.lratloo. Aa Ul ;u-t ei.rt.
I r.ipori Jid wider, to lour itaya luhffeoay.,
. J In lo ', r aalla aoi.itu I llv I . t. 3.00"
Ag"nt. Wai'tet. r..-nd tor tu I oehOil'-tloB and
ol.oiilar.. ll I' Hit Mi U bKues., Pube7W, b.n
.iui .., 1''bU, Pa.
OflTT "CDTCE1 Tha ( Keto dv
X XvJuXi Tor Itiarrb.a a ii 4
Clo lera; l-o ih- .u rur for P v.r and Auuo
a.loi.ud loot H HOME PMVMIUAN, Ky l)r,
H art. th. Iit.l aud t-t Ctia ly .U -nlial
titl iawltb rwuiw-iit-M roro-.ry ko"wn oSma.-a.
It. I. auoid lie tboitamd. hu have ear.
ml mone, health and ilia. Aite'iie wanted. It,
II. Taaar, I'ublnbur, ui Uro.dAay. . Y.
The Oreal lllnooiiery for th tinmodUt relief k
oure nf llh.nrontl.m, Nenralirla, Rpralnl, Ilnil.
e, Pi'na, hfal'i., Ktltf lolnf, "walling", In
llaninatiou., Iluuloui, Calairb, he. lie. It will
not un a-e or it. In, and f r th. toilet I a limiry
ID otery rainlly. ToUland wl'l and pow
y to iu icreit nianta. t ry it. r rice per oome
16 enu. KKoUEN HO Y V, frop'r, M3 Ur.en
wick bU. N.Y.
The Ktw Odnrless and Xon-Poiwm-VMS
J'owerful Deodorizer and
It ilf.lroye all bad odori and pntaouou
emanatloD. about your (ireuii.ra, and
thereby prevent eoniagiou and,
ooniaineMio poi.ou, ha so odor, and i
alway aafe.
Diploma awarded hy lb Amibioaii
In.TITt.'TB lo TlLUBM & Co., for BBOHO-
Ciilouali'm. Tbejr con.ider il of ealue a
being nou-poi.onoui and Inoiloroue, and
ean recommend It especially for aiedical
and general bouaahold ptirpoie where die
infection and deodoriiatlon la oalled for."
Exhibition or 1H72.
Prepared only bj TILDEN & CO. ,
Sold by ull dniggiet. New York
90th Thoniand Iu Pn-ea. Hal. larraaslng
l.uuO more livb Ao.era viang tor our
Livingstone " sr Africa
or oDO pan , o lyU M. I neomplru aud lot
nor woraa ara onemu, 100. om lor ioeoi.
for elrcoiar. and . proof of tb yr. I .l .uoceaa
of lb. eeawa. Pm'krt Coiu,.antoB worth lt
mailed fie.. Mt-IIHAHD UHUa , fublialier.,
liJ a.aoiii St, l b 1 1.
$10 A DAY.
Eaally mad by aa Aaoy of
Oar Own Family Doctor."
Bet medical work eiunt. Everybody buy
that ee ll lluuinal lndiiemnt to agea'l.
nend for circular, and term! to UU&vT av OO.'
TM Hroadaay, N. V.
V9 aa.y eua lure way to maa money,
Thouiandi ar eold. C.bIbi reduced to a
were pa.tlio. Profit, to amoit. Imnien-a. Ad-
nteaa, i rait niiit. rvnutiusnil UU..
lit taet lath BU N. X. City.
We Want An Afrent
In thl townililo to caoTaaar tba new. valuatila
aad raetallin book by Or. Jolllf COWAN
eeoajiBdo .ad Bdoreed hreroml t aalnla.,, rallnloo and ewiiii.r pa -aia
law v' 'O . I a ptiw " v. ' i i
t '
tUiSD ron C A I A . .
L .yCCj ;Ca
Clietp Terms I )
1ront t,anS m Market, for f r
Io the GREAT PL ATT TlLlk-f .
3.000,000 Acres InCentrsl NclttmkrJ
Now for ! In rraet. of rty acrseawi elpeardj
re la.
' "" e r oeaa, a
aannin inuimi raouirew.
Mild and hMtthfoLellma'te, Peril le toll.
.i..iuii.iir.i.Mmi. niiar.
Th. He-t Mrlt-t In Th Wtl ' Tb
Mlnlr roelnaa of Wynnlna;. ulora4,
and "Tadi, oalng tuppiiod by ta. fora
th Platte Valley. ,
Soldiers Entitled to ft TToroestosd t
The Rest lAH-ation lor Cotonttt
Ttr. noviRa POR AT.M Mlllloal nfaere
i ,, 'T'li-i HUI.-1H lAsii. vpnn iur miri
...w ....... u-, d-i inn mi nail-
" - - . -" nii w vvsT.nwa
re ao n.d eettl-Hl country,
pro- purehantr. of Cal'r ad t.asS.
.'Otinaai .itaa, .no. :ib tb land, aleo.w
emi'n oi ii..i ripiir. ram, .Blot wiib. no
Bt.p alalUd rrn krryabera. AdAivea.
. , . p rAVi
Land Oommuwionar U. p. K. It.
Oaaaa, Naa.
BtHtK CAwvASCRd can end bo mora mj
aud attract Iv volume for etp'lnw aale h.,
I ha Now Hoaalietir'e Mann.t," by MiaeO. ,
Mrhr k VI r. H. II. 8towei a Ctrlopedleof Du
net'e F.ieoomr end a Uoniplota Oool.ry Bunk, nv
on. .'iliima. rWnd r clrrnraetn 1. B. PilRDk
cu.,N.w Vork, H.i.toa,t.hi.Mor Baa Praaetaea
w.k anaraalrad. KmpecUlil. employ nMt n
home, day or .Tnlnei uo capital requlredi ItiO
Inltrui'tlontend .altialile pwiago of goodee
lr n. mall. Addrra., wl'h akm oaat retarn eteau
U. IUUMI k UO, lUOneew.cb M, If. V.
TXT A WI'tfTY'''' nn wlhlBtomak.
,W IU X XjXJ mowy to .d firepaaipk.
ti-oniai.nnii in. riiri'on. a.,, wDifh T.rrbodi
honidkno.. i. C. TILTOIf . PllUburw Pa.
WANTED. AaTohte"f:J',b.rR'rLr:.':
Kawivn BIaohlb mid. at K.Bli'iry Ul. Tu
..,.1 in. tv.m. i ae ni it iic, . aateM and Eaa.
I.t l.i-k Miltch Helf Hettlna
Na. Mn .in the mark' t. H twrtarmi thai .or
e .mpauT. A i IIAMTKlM PANTO
D:,"bu'ry','co.HN 1 W
' Free to Book Agents
Honk tor ik heat and clieapeet Family
lit hi ever publi.hed. will b aenl frao of
chart- lo any book agent- Il con I aim
Nearly 700 sno Sorlptua Illuilralioni,
and Bftenlo ere meeting with unprecedented
nioecie. Addreea, ataiioR eiperienc. oto.
ti we will ahne yoo what nur agent ar
Phila., Pb.
Writ for Largo Uluilra'.ed Prioo UK.
f . leaaa
pimniiei pa.
Itre.oh-loailing Shot Qune, $10 to $00.
Double aliot Quit. SA laSlU) ai..i.
Oune, $3 lo 20. BiBet. f 8. to 7b. Re.ot.
rere, $0 in tlb. SI to $8 Qua Ma
terial. Fi.hing Tickle. Largo diaeount to
Dealrro or Club. Army Ouoa, KoToleora,
Ac,, bought or traded for. Ooodo font by
expraa C. O. 0. to bo oiaminod bofor paid
rjejleol a rongk. rtotblng le mora eertala to lay
the foiiBdatlou forfutiiroevll ooueeaneacoe.
Wells' CarboUc Tablets,
In all raw of aoddon rold. bower.. taVm
lb... TAKLKTrl .hould b. prnmpily aud frerl.
niM-d. Thi'j ooailll. th. quality of the blood,
mliluaut the le.orliy of th. -tuck, aod will, la
.. ..ui.., rosior ueanoy e. iiou lo the if.
fuctrd ortl.ii..
Well.' carbolic Tablet, ire put ap n!y la IIMI.
blue boi en. T.k an .ulmitiita. Ir ti... .....
be found at yoor drojutnt-a. eendat once In the
"""'" lore, nno win itrward tbaat M
return wall.
Won't lie Uei'OtTrd by Imitation
holit hy rtro .fl.t. :'t .,it. , b'.
"l" U- K EI.I.OOQ, la Plan 8t., 1. y
7WI U ii viruumr, uulvAMtsal iOI
for Ikol'.l
I. tbo mnal powerful rli', alrenglk
n r and re.i o.i'r or (llaadular obatruotloot
boown to Materia Midlca.
Il i. eperinlly adapted to eonetitoliont
'worn down" and debllltatnl by the warm we
tliari f rprlna an.l eommer. eh.a tb blood le
not In actire elr.-ultitloo. rou..qii.ntle aathar
Impurit e. from luglahn and Imperfartae.
tlon ni the re re'lve nuaoa, and la maalfxted
hy tumore Krupiloua, lllof bel, Both), puitulw,
ecrofu a, bo. e. T
W hen weary and languid from oeerwork
and dnllnene, drowiinoee and Inertia tab the
piarenf o' eri-r and eliior, the if .tern aaade a
Tonic to build ap ahd hrlp the vital lore to re
tfBlti their rreiiperatlee powor.
In the heat ot eummer, freqnenlly lb
Mrcand spl'.n do aot p-oporly perftirm tkelr
funrtinn.i th. uter na and urinary oraaBeero
Inai tlra. p-nluclng wa.knae nf th noma k
and liita.lBe and a prelupoeltioa to blllleul
Il prepared dlrMy from the Booth Amorti-aa
plant, ami I p. eultariy luli. a to all IBoae dim
oultiei; It will rlnoie tbe yltlated blood,
uli.rnlhoo the life Miring powara, and remoee
all oliitruetlon from lupairwl aod oafaobbA
It .hould ba freely taken, a Joroboba
i pronoun iwd by mmllral writer the moat el
ctont I urlller, Tonle and lr.nt kaowala
the whol.. ranaeof medical plaate.
JOHN H. K tLLOO'j. 1) Piatt 8t. New Tork
Nolo Auant for Ilia IfnllAil Htslaa.
Prloa One Dollar ir Uottl. bead for Clronlai
Picture & Book Agents
Hhould .d Ire., at on e fnrrlrculara, Co. (which
lllliant tree.) dee rlblog a uew andiaparb
work of art, hy a popular artlit, by a popolar
tlet, uow Bi-erly reiy for d.llvery , aad whb-k.M
ore to bar. aa eoormnue eale 1-aparlraeed
aironUkoald haala toaevar territory. Vbim.
ual li.doi aurou will u oO.rrd taoM wh meea
tca.iy. n.TK.'ilo work. OKO. MACLEAN,
Publliher 7U Sanaom St., Pblla. . ,
Can. ailing Book Sent Froo for '
tin Manhood, Womanhood and their Mutaal Ia
ter-relation Lor, IteLewe, Pawee, ta.
Agent .re wiling from to i eople of thl
wool day, aad w. eeud a caaeaaalBg book fre
to any book axnt- Addrue, etaliag .iperl
.ne.. tn. NATION Al. PUBUdUlNa CO
I blllKlolnhlft, p.
If jou want to keep oloar of Golds
and Rheumatism. Nothing waahes
better. Always Keeiw soft WILL
NOT SHRINK. Ask your Starsr
kecjior for it ,
The ii'loloat a, boat l:iag booh oeat aabNfh-
d. It I'll, all tb great Credit Moblilae
Hi-aadal, Hi-uatortal llribrrl.e cMirHiom,
Hliiua, Lolibiu, aad the woaderful lUbu f tb
National Capital. 11 aelle quick. U4 M
clroulareand eeaour tarnu aad a full oecrle
itoa or th wnr.. Addreee Natloaal FubUaalof
Co., Pblla., Pa.
Clalogui upptld hj tha
stotUaa guad fyjl TJ ba.
smnua TiTpinsBtiiei pr
.'....ncaniiur an ginriwin the Beplratory
Itr. ii., Sore Throat odd.. Croup, Dlptb.rl..
A1"'. !-r,i, Hoarau. I. lrnrM of tlu
1 hroet, Wlndplno, or BromhUl Tubee.Bud ail
lli-MieBllf tlio Liiiim. '
iCf WUrCaUUllUMl
i S