THE POST Middlebtirg, ...... Angrm. 14. 1873. A Win's CoMMAitvMiKTS. Tbon hilt bar no other Wife tiat tnf, nor shall thou io thy sleep dream of giber women. .Thou not tske nntotbe house any bcsutifu', sly, I men imsge of servant girl to mnke love to when mj bick is turned, Tor I era a jettons wile. Honor I by wifo't father end mother -wnr a smile when they meet tboe. Thou ebnU not be behind (by neigh tor, but outshine Lira in dieting thy wife and babies. Thou el. alt I t lb wife have tbe last word io every row. Thou shalt not eet drunk or go to ted wi'.h thy toots on. Thou shall not say nice words tn ether ladies in my presence Dor prtiic them in onr privacy remember, 1 am jralout wilr. Thou shall not star out nftcrnine o'clock el oight, nor snoro at my aide. nor kisk in tbv sirrr. Remember, oh thou llenedict, tLee ronimsodmcots aod keep tliom holy, for tlicy are the law aud gottd. llow Rini Min 1! (.in l.ii v. Corne lius Vnmlerhilt I" can 1 i f- Willi mi old pirogue, rutinim; Letwt rn Mateti Is land nml New York, mid riiming ar ilen stall' to iiiiirki't. With two or tliri't1 thousand IoUir raided from tlint source, he I'litrrrd iin steadily Hi nt using eiiteroriM until hi" till' I'liorilloll turn of Ou, . Alexander T. Stewart Hint bought n f w lace ul niii tioii, mid opened 1 1 tr way to mit-ce in n dingy little f-l h ; in Itroinhvav, near the filit of the W holer-ale i ,-t n 1 l jl i n nt . Daniel Drew, in hi. cnrlv life, was n cattle ilriviriit the iintnilii cut rate of seventy -live cent n dny, and ha now J driven hiiiiM-ll into an i-t.ite valued at from $2.1.1 mi.ii si to f.n.ii.(. I .forge lolly- i vi ycars.un::.-. iw a common ilav I.Jiht on tin iliK'ks, nnd ut preM-tit counti- bin foi tuiie j til Mtitiiftlnntr nkc !-ii',mi.ia. loil-ci t L. and A!c.iini!i r Smart, the llotcd auuar lilinei, in their boyhood wild lllola.-.,. randy, wh ill their wid oweil luotlier li i'l lieide, lit a cent u Mick ; and to-d-iy tin y are worth a pro tiil'ly "i,uiil.oi in $i'ii i,i i a piece. Marshall t '. Hubert is the .o.-m mi off 1,1 I.' UK I ii' .i."i IMI.CMI; mid yet llli lil lie wa t enty-ti e, be did net have f l"i be could call hi own. Horace 11. t'l.illiu, the eiiiiiient dry pm I merchant, i worth, it i eatiiiin led. rcolti t-J.N ttl.lXHt. to IH f .1,1 Kill coin 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 tlic woi id w ilh liotiiini; hut eu- s-W;. .Ic.crmii-atioi, ,.n, ,,,.. ,, , ecu now iiin'-iiiiict iuiv ne na invc-ien , tin hi ! I'. S. Mnal Sen It e. The Signal Servire, iv Lieli, liy its ndmirnlilo reduction to jiraclical t flVct by tbeniont iniiiutecalciilatioiiH of applied fcietieo, nnd which nbrnnd nnd ut homo, is really one of the mnin features of the century, in to bo ex tended by t'no United StatcB uverti inent to tho Went Indien, where tor nadoes that dcNolato our Gulf nnd Atlantic seaboard have their origin. Our Signal oflice, Btretchiiif; out its lines of nu tcorolof;ie HeiitinclH, as is now proposed, will oeeupy Mntions at Havana, Santiago ile Cuba, Kins ton, (Jamaica,) l'ortu Rico, St. Thotnas, Antifitla, Cluadeloiipe and St Vineetit, in tho Windward Islands nnd thence by the lateral cable from ht Vincent to Barbadocsit will plant its extreme outpont at this latter is land. Bnrbadoes lies in tho bent liosHiblo position to furnish the ear host premonition, of tho hurricane which is on its wiit to ravage the sea coasts of tho Vnitt d States. When n ryeljno of any kind approaches, the Imroineterpvon tho most indubitable c-videnee, nnd the other instrumental indications are not less emphatic. Tho signal oflice. it is btated, has all it Went. Tn.liii li.oo ., 1 1 thorriiighly furnished, mid is already Bendiug postal rejiorts of it observu tiuua.liuiwoi Otiltl: A lndy at 1'ulteeille foil anleep iu ehiiri'h one evening rrci tilly, nnd was nnl ditcutercd uuiil i o'clock Ilia follow inir - - - i... ,,,. morning, when the awoke aud her crin uracled aliemion. o r 5 S ft H TBI o Mi IT "es, ri j: ,z m e tr - 3 'J ? S 8 ,5T3 5 IT P WAflTl Ttie.rTit Javealta Bfatra alM. Mmiii yr'DiKth tpl-Had SI oo Chrome, trr. Hp-1 anew, S Mnl. Rele rink Play where 9 yea taw this, John M, Aldan, Pabllthar. Ukl o. SECOND ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION! THE CHROMO CUTE" ELEOANTLY FRAMED AND A SHARE IN THE HIS. TRltlUTIO OF fOSO PREMIUMS AMOUNTING TO fsi.OOO. U IVHN -VWW TO Every subscriber to tb t TopiiW Weekly, QUR JjMRSEIDE JRIEKD Chfi'Tnni are delivered ntonre. The d'at.lhn. It"nlll r ftivly late p ee ei ti e TWF.N TILTH PAY of aI OI .-.T IKIHTr.LN III N Drill) A!lHt VKNTY THHKK liur rhrnmn rut i !' Inchn slt sok no Mrs I I ' In th nnrtl and kautltonieil pic ture ev. r n with any it. firn FlnKinK FiilRNlt l an tirhl p-ir intni j ni i'r wrtmr in in o-ir i nltiro, had 0"W irr Ttir-KI 1 tinuRni Hnl iii-irlr", enl rnirilv ln-reninif. lil-'h ln euiinir. vhl h lnr. lh ur-ep ..f (Le pr. nl ill-lri' nlioti. Th" Tni'll-her "f linr Vre- 1 1 1 t rirti'l lare ! nt t" II '"I" Tli r f li Iff ifr ..ret S. v.nlT 'Ihnnpin.l r"'.' Hie i.ronio "I'nte'anl r- fhlcplnir hnnilrt-H rverjr ly. 4-ibri'iliMi rl'-. Hi-f t lliriil errMr, hl-li itlv. aiiiH uit. -rlir. I III jr. t'o nu'tilr .f the 'e-t W. K'r. li rclir m.i cute'' Bin W trttt I, ami niiinlirrl cttrtilti'ii'e eiiililirtc tde l.ler tn ine liMr.- id th n rihnM'.n i. pre num lor li 3 MnbTrliie tifiw witn lite a ent . mlmm i' li a nr ti.I illrn 1 1 the I'ulilUlirr. b e.liuea . vu- pi. ii, pirO'-n' I'-. l . I i t fn-e. f1 T7TSTrPC! I" "erv tiiwn. l li'-m or ilVTjuillO lrT. lii'. l,ni-rft.h pjr TT A TfflF1Tii 'I ItlhTftl preml'ime Pr W IXVi XXiLI ellln i.pvln'x. II. tet nirtit. ftil l n e fr iertU4. anil PartlcnUrf , AiJ'I.Cff. WATi:liH a, CO., l'ulu , ClitiaRo, Q VT. CiR.VNKLLO, Justice of the Peace, & WATCHMAKER. trfit strut. MohlhUirn. Pinna. Cll,'JlllC,ill' ill fill its Branches. Attended to. DEBTS & BILLS COLLECTED. REPAIRS CLOCKS. WATCHES Mid Jewelry, ut Short Notice. ALL WOKK WARRANTKD. Watches Tor Male May H, '7:1. A P.MINISTR.U OlfS NOTICE. Nollrelt herehy elran that lettere of A'lmln- , l.trallon on Ihe r.tnte o( Catharine I.aiolrrpl - .-rJo;,: "'aI! ooo-ont knowinir them.rivrt in ici.m.i m mm e.tHlewlll ptraPO luake Itnmriltute p.tytlielit while Iho.p havlnv rlulin aitnlnt talu estate will pre.cnl thcui lor o'IIIciimmiI In llll.AM P. SMITH, July 31, 'rr. Ailnilnlntratiir. Olrt f dOf',T rt"r. Arnit OAV IO 0yJ-r rTwhrre. I ..rllrumn. ir. . A. II. 1II.A1K, k III,, ol. Iiiit, .Mo. IJNion r:.ANixa mill! KEUXSaitOVE.S.VVDER CO., PA Kcelv 4 Wnmicr fiiiinlier Dealers AMI) AHI rACTl'KIU or Oonrs, Door Rari. Windows. Mint firs, window lliixcs, minds, Siisli, Slalr llxltiu's, Hand Itallltiu's, Brack els. Mniihlliics, Floorlns, SCROLL SAW IMI k CABINET Tl'HNINO Shingles, Lath, &.C., &o. Ordera eoliciled utid filled with prompt nett nud depallh. 1'lejie cill nnd ehiii iue 0'ir etovW hflviro purchneing elfewlii-re. C:iHif M.mliod t How Lost, Haw Kistorcd BWj,.tllt plllitlthad, a lo w lit t!"n ol Hit. IKa ; 'I'l.VKIlW Kl.l.'rt I KI.I'IOIA'I l.ti V'4ma v on llHTHj'ti riMlh-al 1'iiie iwllhont nn-ilklna) of 'lhrsmrtnMt rrh i a, or I'lnln il Wriikio'. Iiivliifit oy Saintnal I. ,ii-.. Imp t- n-'v, .Mia I I aiol 1' Ini-Hpiii'.tv. iue r.liuionit I -M irrUif.-, p-r alfo i'oi,,iinipiou. f.pipy, ami IMp ln.l'i-r, hy rell luiluUauin rr iAU4l ix Ir o'iuaii. e. e-l'ri. In lenlt '1 e'lvi'lui i1, orlv f- i-i'iitii. ' .'llo;.-.W'r.r.'l..ul.or,ll, ihe. ..Inilral,'... rmr ol-triy on rtio'ntr4 t. Iron a thirty y.-iirii i tut Tt tlf. tint tlit UNtll)ltM ri'fl.'lflic uMidntinf wnv nt rMitn my ciin-ii iiii-ou tiic rt in riti "f i iitariiii in 'li.'iiif or the. ttiihci-ti-'tj uf tli ktiifo, t uiitlnt! tii tvrilw nf i tirr nt li loli '! y hii'TiTht, n tunH'T whit din rumU-I M ti m:y !!, may t. iir li!iue.( c!n jly, i tul riiiln ally, 1 hi j-.nir sli'iiill ! In thf h u.ilt oftvor) yoniti n I evcrv nun hi t'e lnict. tiii ntiiior vm, in ruin rtivolnji, tn any ) i!r, Hmtinlil on rccttpt o tlx cenm, r two jMinae fi :tmjif. Alo, nr. rulvcrwoll'i 'MarrlaK6 UuMv." pric iv ffiitn. A'l'lrecs it I'uMI-.irr-. t U s t.v, K MW h I'M., 1-T llowcry, .New York. I'unt oilu-o Uos 4,0. QREAT EN (.'ITEM FN T. BANNERVILLE KKW QOOIIS. IIELFKIClI&mtOWER W ii-h to inform the ciliceiia of Rnnnervllle and eicinity that ilicy hate opened a new lock of gooda, uud will keep couvtantly on uuua a iuu aburuncui 01 : I'llhNS lllllllis; Conilntlng of ALPACAS. ron.INS.rLADS lcsi i;k. delaines, CALICOES, io. Clot lis & Cassi inert' s II ATS and CATS, COOTS and SHOES lo'io'iVV.iuKSi',': HARDWARE AND QCEENSWARE. SALT AND FISH, And in fact everything utunlly gjpt In a firti claae country atore. All of which we offer nt greaily reduooJ pricet, for Cab or Country I'roouoe. Having bad large experience In the huaineea, wa Hatter ourtelves lhal w can pleats ami lalitfy all our ciittomer. Hoping hr Uriel niicnilon to buiineta and a Uvaire to pleate all, Io merit a liht-ra sbate or puiilio patronage. Our mollo it "Uuii k Ani s diKf Small lroritx." We atk at lcaal that Iho publio eiamine ur stock and trices before Diirahaaina eltewhere, as we always show our goods wnu leaiure. HELFRIOH & BOWER. Bannerville JuneU, 1870. if rjAVID WILLIAMS, Maniifaoliiretof A Wholesale Dealerln CUi, Mahoeany, Walnut and Rosewood LOOKING GLASS Picture b Photocraphlo Pramoa Dot. tiO and .31 irrk btreet, -Philadelphia l'a. Frames Reoalrad in jka heal Also, Keg U4ijc U U iia braaebta. Ill, 0500 REWAUDe A reward ff fee Rnnf)re4 Dnll ire wltl lie pM fnr a mellAlne tkftt will permenenlly rare mnrMtM if I lontleenene, Oohttpetlnn( Hlrk or Narrnne Helrhe, I.nrer Oornplnlnl, lltllnui tMeoriler', .Uon.llce, Klmumntliui, (Innl, Kjt prpalft. Chill, and heeer, Tape Worote, Bulla, Tantnre, lettara, lilrerr, Hnrre, Paint In the l.olni, HMtiail lleaal aad t tdale Complalnu lhaa DR. FATTRNEY'S moon tiFtsKt ok PAitrr. whlca It ateil mnre eitentlvelr tie prartlrlne Chyfant tbaa anf oilier popular meillclnu niitn, - r tale lT all rlmrvlt ' T Jr Bhladel Salnelord, AlliMlebura ( i- tSwU'E.-I 4 PMINlfTRATOIlS Letter Adininlalrailnn nrnn tbe ralale of .laroh Onninior, late of Franklin lp., Snyder Co., ilec'cl hating been (ranted to ihe unilrreiffnei. all pertont knowing them telrea imlehied to enid ettnie arc ren,uertel to make payment wlthottl delay, nnJ thote haelng claim t on the tame will preaenl them. ADAM HtSNINGF.U. AARON IIKNNINOKR. Mny 1, T3. A Jniinitiratort. yiLLlAM MANN. STATIONER J5LAXK BOOK MANUF ACTUKER ANU Steam Power Pr nter. nMOMnrltt't tintl ntj Jc Caiil) Coiumem! Htw, riMLADELrillA. Apr. 18-72. a G. iioHNni:ii(ji::t, justice or 'i in: rr.ACE rerry Townrlilp, PnjJer County, Fa. Ifctlnnt, CoriTtranrlne:, ant alt other hull 'erinluln to the tiin-e will Iw prumplly i to. lHlli t near TroutiuauivUle. nro tten E. C. EBY A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AMI ?0. 1SS10 MERCUAXTS, 5 22' MARKET ST., Hjt "Ter. Fiflh and Siith, T.Uy 1 lllLAIir.Ll'IIIA. flEXTREVILLE HOTEL, j (I.nte Mr. Wearer't.) I rntrrrlli Snlar Co., Pa. rUTr.U HAItTMA.N, Proprietor. j Tl,l Innif e.tnlillPhmt and well known holl hnvnitf Iwn ptirchit .ril l.y tin tiii'lor.lutieil, to. lii'lu a rbure ul the pul'lli" p it roinme. I' JIAhlJJAN April, S, HT1. g A. ML' EL FAUST, irlcrcliant Tailor, Has tn t reeoieed an entire new etock of CLOTHS, CASSIMKIIEH k YESTINOS, all of a aiipirior imliiy which ho ia pre pared to make up in I lie lel ntyle nod on dhorl notice. Ha h1o ki-.-i i Hrown and W hile rrpiioh Yoke Linen Siiirla.nml n gi'ii eritl aa.orl incut or geiilleincus' Furninhiiii! (iood. nil of nhirli he orTcre Io Ihe public nt very reaeonnhlo prica. Cull nt my place in Holmes' New Hiiild in ft opposite ihe Keysloue Hotel, vliut tirnee I'll. June I, 1SC tf. Q. It AND OPENING OF FALL & WINTER CQQDS, AT BEAVER'S STORE, MlddleburS Il'ST receltred, and now open fur intpeo lion and tale, a new nnd eleganl slock uf Sjirint! and Suiniiier gooiU, audi ut DKY GOODS, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, CLOTH AND CASSIMERS GROCERIES. yl'EENSWA RE. HARDWARE HOOTT AND 8II0ES, HTS A AM). CAl'g CARl'ETS. OIL CLOTHS c. io. C ore BeiMn esl Teas, Coffees, Sugars, N.vriiisf. J ur Si'N, (ilitsK, AVood Illlll WILLOW WAKE. Fish Salt. CIGAflS AND TOBACCO. to which we call the attention of nil. I have a large alnck of Uooda and am cuufl dfiii that 1 cuu plvaae all i I'lUCK QUA LILY and 15TYLU. Wm. If. III3WI31f, .III'. ... .ipiuieuiirg, .iiuy, ioui. 5 M p a: - - c t i; r?2 " i'. 2 3 b a W g" . L'i a fi ia 2 9 2 s r a d ' P ? g lREEMONT HOTEL, JL' f KKEMllNr SNVllElt CO., PA. JOHN 8. WOLF, I'roprietar. This new hotel itnow prepared lor tbe aooommodalion of suesie and will all or. 1 ftret rata eutertalnnae jirrioiu vitiiing Freaiuonl. Every jirju t, nuj, (0 promnta Ihe conifuri-t,, taawelers slopping al thie boiire Choice liquors at lbs liar and Ihe Table supplied with Ihe betl the miraei anorJe. Au ample stable in eon nsolion with the home. Apriia.'TUif I EXECUTOR'S NOTICKLetters UtetUmanlary apoa the etlaU or F-eter supj-r. late el d Oft ROB lownehlp Hue. t t o.. Fa. de. eaaed taio or.. ,roted iu the aDilaraiiMietl. all uium telyet luil.lnaj to aaid attat. ,iT' . , 1 ' " wiiuuu, u.nif, aa,i im. aavuu aUUn oa ue aams all! prMent iKem to , , , , : , i u 'A W 9lM WTEW BUILT)INOa, il AKD NEW PTftPrt WAOENSELLKIt & RON, hereby reepectfully Inform 'heir frienda an1) the pnhlia generally that they have openai a 8T0KB In thair NEW ' .BUIIDINGS on tb pot to long occupied by Dr. Jacob Wagenrllere on the lale of Que where they now hare and will always keep a large end wall (elected aeeorlmenl of SEASONABLE GOODS. Tn the Ladies' Department will be found a full line of SILKS. POPLINS, BRILLIANTS, VICTORIA LAWNS, riUt'HKD ALI'ACAS, SWISS MULL, CAMBRICS, 1MUNTS. JACONETS, DKLANES, Stripod mid Chocked Nantucks, ic A t.o A CSrcnt Variety of Ladies' Dreaa Trinitnina, Latent Htyle Hoop Skirts, l-rcncli CorM-tii, Lull htvlo Bnlniornls Ladies' Unihrcl fns. I'nrnsoU nnd Sun Shades, Bonnet RildioiiK, L-tccs, Rul' (lincs Embroiders, Lima and Taper Cullurs, Ac, kv., Au. A SPL fiXMl) A SSOR TUEXTof hoofs &s . orcs For Lailiet, Mieaica and Children, in end let Tarieiy, of all eiie. alyloa and prices, elvcled fur lb I-nil ami ninter trade. A full and complete stock of CLOTHS PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMER I vS.COTT ON A D ES, JEANS, ko., Ac, COAL OF ALL KINDS ! (Iroceriea, Ojiecnwnrc, Hardware. Willow- ware. Cedarware, Olasawaro. sc. All nf which having been iouyAt rr-ri foir or t will be sold nt very email prtinta Our motto is (Juick mlf and small projiu. We alto pay the highest market price fur nil kindt of prain. WHEAT, RYi; CORN. OATS and REED. We are prrpnred alto to elore good, nt a am all charge and lo dun general Coiumisaiou nud forwai'diiig lititiin". We hope thai Ihe pulilic generally will ire ut a call na we believe it in to their iniereat tn do eo before purchasing else where. Oive ut a trial. W. F. WAGENSV.IiLER. M. L. WAGENSELLEU ini:. - imim: ACCIDENTJIGIITING. WVOMIN(J FIHE EISURANCE CO., riinxru or haiikkt ako tiiakki i tTt., "Wilkcywb.ii'i-e, In. OttOAMZF.ti. I07. 0. Dorbascs, l're. I.. I. Siiouiiakkr, V.l'ret. U. C. hmiTii, riurrelary. ;ilfnl & Surplus, 'iV.), ICO 00 wiLuXusronr Fire Insurance Comp'y, "Villinmirt, ln. ,n my winri:, - - rrc;ioi. II W. THOMPSON, Ke-'y hTreat'r. 1. C. AYKI.S, A'l ftc. I ncoi-poral cl 1?-M. CASH CAPITAL, $1110.000. LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY. r.rery Foll-y InmiraiaHalnal damage by Light uliix at well at fire. Juuel-iiui.l JAMEi I.. srilooLKV, Ueneral Auciii y, Walrontuwn, Fa 1,'AOLE HOTEL. X, o. North Srd PI., hclecn r.ace nnd Vine) I'liilmU'lphin. U. I). CCMMINfiS, l'rop'r. M. M. 5W.UUI, Supeiiiiieii li-nl. i.:)3 JEYSIONE HOTEIj! HvliiiHgrovr, Snydi r County, 1' THE tindertljncd begs leave to Inform the puhlic lhal he hut purclinted and will keep, ill good Myle, the above well-known nu t popular lion-e. Itry Having large, niry and well furnish ed rooms, good tervniilt, with the iiniirinp etTorii of I he proprietor lo pl,'uu hit giietia. he hope lo meet with a 1 irgeenre of pub lic pnirniiaire. J. K. WALTER. HiliiiMgrove, Sept. 1, ISTO. NL EW FIRM - a MI NE V.' C00DS1 P. S. McCiilIouffli 17 (Sl'CCESSOR TO JOHN HETZEL,) HEALER IN a Lb KINDS OF i i:i:ciiaii)iE! HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, CHAPMAN 3XVDEU OUNXV, l'GNN3YLVANU M-krch. 7, lb70.l f, D." SLI FEU'S WHOLESALE AND BET AIL Furniture Warerooms, NO. OU NORTH SECOND STUEET, (Below Arch, West SiJe.l Fatttiry and Hhotciula J), ptirlmcnt, i mid Aortu oiu nireet, above Oirord, -Ptfl l'HlLADELl'HlA. lXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice JLJit hereby elven tht l.ttt.r. Teitameotary UHa ke I tute ol Dmlel Darey, tot Iwl ouKh ol Keliatiirove, Huyder County F., il.ce.t e.1, have been arautud lo All IHirron., iherefore, ludelitad lo laid e.tata are rniue-iad lo make tuiweiliate paymaut to lit. unueraliiaed, and Uiut. aavius uialiua avalu.l Iheet4te or aal.l dveedut .1 I preM-nl thaiuto the tauia lor teitleiaent. UKO. scuSUKti, Julie 10, IsTS, bueutur. N. B.-The boslatas of Ina flra Care fc HohBUia will aU. be aatilad uu he th. l,u. altmed. aad Ui-a Imlaoled U uid &ea r kav log saffL!S lit Will HUlei,'e. ns hlej. jlIAKLR3 B. MILLER, AIlCniTKCT eoSTUACTOlt X EntDZt. Walnut, Street, Selintprove, Pa. ts al alt times prepared to furnish Drafts, Plana and Specification! for all kinds of Buildings, si ihe lowest passible rales and on short neiiee. Ile is alao prepared to eonlraet for putting up bnildins either by furnishing all lbs material or tbsrwise. May II, GH ljo TAMES K. DAVIS it w TEL. J 6EL1NHOROVE. 8NVDK.R Co.. Pa. MEN It Y A. llO 1.1(1 Proprietor Thli well known Houte having been re- n'led by Hie present prnproielor, offers es- cellenl necoinrpodatinne to Ihe community. Choice liquors snd Cigars at the liar, and III Tnhle Supplied wlih the beat Ihe market allorda. A good statde attended by careful bostlera, in connection wilb lbs bouae. April G-70tf. -Tun rooT- Job rrintliisr Office, MIDDLEBl'KO. SNYDER CO., VA. ill KINDS OP JOB PRINTING NEATLY. CHEAPLY, el!! FXl'LDITIOl'SLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. A nooKronjriinMiMJot dattaVC-WiiV eLClKW Marneel .r H 4 SJ J W i 1rht. le.e.,i LTTTrl O- I awtaiefka! 1 ieeiaiiw,,a.. I Uiulile-t. t!kte !! laMvarl in faetMlnt i.4 ywmuu flai.ri.i. w I preaerse itta t-iui-lflt"). . Tkiait l.tratty Veirl la hn4r4 a.t ( r tin autBortiwa ttifrai mn4 rotitams ai n'efB,,aa rX be bwaii irsl .ret,i4-M.liraa., rla. kitlltliat hoa lritenkt l .e( sjMti 1.-4 ttkdJ bet. ft4 Mot lld) airlaalt mtm lb howew. li etjtaiw id rrte-eK m4 avl !- ( thealr4a hfe(.kifttBj B ttorlj !, r4 hsejldj W l the t fi a alfftai-rnf errrt eaaleai, feaKenwilireiMrlinMtthwetiiire) fluhc. anrftefl tfihtni n Ihe til.ift ar tbe f. raiietttetem lhal l worts) I notnaig, mJ aBMk last U ! pHhilahre) tn nt iher vork. feat i any fl ,fV, efpetw.! he Tift Cteitt. 'i'..111- '"w' ia' fc Kot!c to ti9 AIe.l aii ?&.nt&&tt. 1terrt arrt'lni l tt MtvrtoM aj.a-ba fyteertHe It) Iwt-M faiira.eif ualnc ! eA-I rfmejui m tf. -U ssejilur allIardiMNlil r be tartU . tt e0yr Cok-tliifa). lr. Ism sveeHple ntit teJt mf ( fassBM : I t sydWr as4 t-Wtt f tLf ,ttwil u j aae ll tirroreatraf uUewi' nl r:.ttt. si hmmm- fa,lt4 per He ar l.e ai.iai th4uaea menilorr- ,m Ve .-r.t (ifTie ..,.,..r... ,. ), S, ,tk wl, HaVkat U C.iM.t, ht U.U, U: "l)KFAII K K IV'ST CthbniU'il Jlloott Clcmmer or Pan The Panacea will not onlr cure old alnnd ing and malignant cninplaintt. I.ul ia one of the net! preTciilailvea or such diaordrra ever offered to Ihe world. You can avoid tevero ntincka of nemo diaeara, audi at Cholera. Small I'm, Typhoid, Bilious, Spotted snd Intermittent Fvers. by keep ing your blood pilrirtc l. Theditfurenl dn greet of nil tuch dieates depend altogeth er upon the onndiilon of the blood: for If thit Til n.1 fluid ia deranged you will lake a diteate much more readily than other wife, and the suffering will he in propor tion to the amonnt of foreign matter in the blood. This it tn rra.onahle that we need not here make nnv illiiatrnliona. Remember the name and don't he put off wiiii anything eite which ilruggitta may ay la just at good an Ihe Hiion 1'i.tioiii. Ilccniiae ilny make more profits ou cheap er nnlc'let. Sold by druggists 'snd deslers every w ii ere. JISEL, BALLIET & STOUOHTON, tiE.EKALlOMMISSIOXSlEUlilAXTS, AND USALCSS IS Country ProJucc ami Dometlic Fruit; ,SVfi. ,., A'o 2'-' Sot th Water Street, I IlILADELrillA, RKrKssscr.a. Jacob It. Itiegel & Co :l.3 Market street i Lippcncolt & Troller 21 N. Winer street ; Hood, llonhright . Co 'i'JII Market Slreel K Cut .Inn.. I,.nnk 10 touili till en-eel; John H'cisl !10S Walnui street; llama & Urub am, 8J7 Arch street IFeblV.Hf TACOUR. RIF.GKL.t CO., " WliOLKSALK IlEALKRS IX FOREIGN A DOMESTIC miY GOODS. r rmicet At- l2ila:lu. hiu.l'n J W. STAUFFER, TOIIACCOMST cV CIO All MAKJJK. WomelHilorf, Jltrka County, l'a. Alwnya keeps on hand the best brands or CltiAHS hi .Market. Also excellent Mnokmfr and Chewin tobacco. Auglj 72 Tho Croat Lightning Ink Eraser. For Inttnntly removlnn Ink from paper, roton, linen tewliliout Iii mrliof or to llnx the tniiric. uoo away with all .eraleliliiK where oiltiakn ara llia'le. amtreillOveRNll hlor. lnilMlilana.tu.lw II should hoou thxileik of every liwier, h..k keeper ami teacher, and at it hot only remcve. Ink lnt. hut al.u fruit .lalni an.l Iron rn.t, every family netd. it, it I. put up haudtomi lv, anil -.oil., o. iu, AKeni. wai-ta-t to luiroiluee II rywnerr. K. t,. ttl. 1UHISO.N, (Stall "l. r, II Maliluu Lana, N. V. apr.S.lw, QEOROE A. BOTDORF, DALM AT IA, Noribtimberland Co.. Pa 1'raetl et In the -.v. ral courts or Nnrth'd fc , uiiii ,. aii Dotin it entrutiail to hit , . V ' i,r""'Pt aiieniiim. iiau be sua ulte.l In ihe l.uglUU k tirrmaa Uuuaiijiw. MAT. 9 7j.ll. D. C. CLARKE, Importer and Jobber iu C i lo VON, llowioivj Nimill WnroH, WIIITJ. GOODS! Trimmings FbibT)ons,&c. AND FANCY 17 OOLENS In (Jreat Variety! 87 North Third Street; If PIIUAIISLruiA, WX ECUTO U S NOTICE .- nVt f i?iW,lZ iV.,,J,'.,'Ur on ,h """ ol I- V . , ..Mi oi rori irev.rlou J" yniler.ianeil, .11 partunt knoeluii thein- was. luiiuiUlule payment, while thoae having i"..ui iu.ui uuijr antheullealed lor all to J. Al MllKKIa. Mr. j. txaoulor. Sootid, l'luuts, Trees, prepaid by Mail. My tew priced dlterlptiee CaUlognaol Oholoe - . , - v...vw . ir visa ui v ritual tnu urnkv- i'?i'i'Ul1?.,'J"'."Ul.,.Kv,, '"i Koea.Orapet Llllat' Siaall Frulu. lloute ana Hord.r Flauu I nasi aa mIihIm i i. nuiu. , uu. ..r arailed Fruit Treoa lor malllluKi trull htoek of all kinds i Hetia. V 111 la. , llu. . . . , . r - ; ' " ',;- , '-.,. ww awniuvai ia iue U W " Ptala addraw, wi kKO. bna. Tru. u.,-, Ood Cranberry lor aplaud or lowUnd, as per lose i at verlvOtDre- H. M. WATaON.Ol. Coloay Ks aadlteti t. s'ekeui, Pl "",; ! CABINET 0R00H AND MEL0D10 MANUFACTORY, Ware Room and Store oa Pine Street, Factory on ftnyder Street, Helintgrove, l'a. tr von want ia bear anil m. i.l ..j beaniiral and atolorieoni rail al onr Ware mom and More. We ate anne hot the betl material la makln Inttramania. T ol them ami ,na will lie tatltSMt, r.rmrj intirnment la warranted for Sea veare. Ilrntert. Ananltaoil Mlnlira nt tu n....i are Inrlted to eorratnnnd with nt and aand lot price Hit. We are alto aenla lor Ihe bail New ork and Philadelphia Flanne. hillnt and Aofnrilrnnr S3 to 11. Vlntla Slrlnm. She.1 Mutie. I'lotiir. lima a. alwa,t on hand. riana ana Aeeordeons eorraetly la ' and Call on, or address br letter SALFM a CO., atKrove, Pa, Bept.1 1170. L12WIH11UHO WOOLEN FACTORY. The suhterlher, thankful for Ihe liberal patronage bestowed on h!s eslabll.hmenl al Lanrelion. bega leave to Inform bia friends and ibe public generally. Ibal be has had his mill at Lewialmrg filled up in the best possible manner, wilb lbs Latret Iwjiroveil Michiuery made In Ihe country, and with the advan tages of Bieam Power, which can h relied on si all 1 1 me.. He feel, safe In laying that hit establishment is not surpassed by any in the Slate. Having engaged s sil nf good Workmen he is now prepared for manufacturing ail kinds of WOOLEN GOODS HUC1I AS CLOTH. CA5SIMERE.e. SATINETT3 TWEEDS. JEANS, FLANNELS. BLANKETS, CARPETS, YARNS, So. In tht Iftt manner and at rtJutti prieti. An excellent ntaortment of Oiods at sll limes on hand, for salo or exchange for "ooi. liVLu tAKUI.MJ uoue on short notice. JfcaTTERMS CASIL-Tiot , . MARK HALFPENNY. Lewlshurg, Union Co., l'a., Dec. e.fiHy ft ItMTf Hl.r.V' ti S Iniproicd Cur a m ber Z; S III "i Tttielett. 11 iml ' i ... .. tt. llurab:. airlpn amlv-heap. The Lett I'umli or ine iratt money. Atten tion It efpeelally innt.. i,i ll'a el.lee paiei.l imtirnvnl HraeLet and New limpfhe k Valre, which ran bo with drawn without reninvtnv the i'oiu 'ol.turl.InK Ihe jolnlt Alio, tie topp-r l.'hatulier. Which lev r li alea, in.l will ejtUtt anr aloa-e.nJ Price Li.t; ' ' "" k.HAio -V-, "LATt'llLF-Y. Manteturer, tep. Ill, 1 2 ly. ioo Couimerci'St., FhiU. p. Instantaneous RELIEF ! ,Se,nit, L'rfreslunrf bt rn. (Inaranl. ed hy titlnu my Inslnnl It. ilel for lli Asllimn It aeit InttiUy. rellerlmi the , trojl.m ,. meiliaieiy, .n.1 ,nal,ln th. .,', , , ,;;" anl.le.,1 1 tun-re I I oiu tlila ill.eoe twelve year., but tuner n ; and work an.l t. t well at anr one. Warraiu.d lo re: ley. l tl.a . ...',?U"rJ'e!'lx " Druiiu n fr It. ' CIIA.S. H. HUli.sT.Uhetter, lleaverco.. Fa Q EDWIN LONG. V t WITH Hood Bonbritrht & Co., Wholesale Dfulers Importers & Jul hers of DRY G00D3 NOTIONS tllitl Cllfp'tf4v No. 811, H.', nnd 816 ilnrket St.. PhiludfldiU Pcnn'a. D-I2tf ror taie OT Iiealara . . . IAUGE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS J. W. DREESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middlcburg The stock embraocs in part Uress CjJoods, liluck Silks, AU-woid Do Lnincs, Cobtii'jrs, Merinos, . Poplins, ,. . . "eppe, Ac, Ao. .uusiins, Jiouble-wnltli Shoetiu.'s i'rtiiliij.'S, iuhle Diiiper, Osnsburp-. Exira Ticking, Chocks, Shirt inys, Ginirhuins, JConel, a lull nortiuent of Calicos, Flannels, Heavy twilled, Shirting, Blankets, , Balmorals, Hosiery, Gluvos, &o., &o. CLOTHS AND CASSDIERES, iueuin aim jinen Uarpets. Woulcn, LiuenAcottoa Carpet Clmiii. HEADY MADE CLOT111XG. Hoor, Tublo nud Etair Oil Cloth Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES. iiaruware, Ctiieenswnre, China waro, GlutiHwaro, Wood and Willow wore, Cutlery, Oil Window Shades, Looking Classes Ac, Ac, &o. TOBACCO AND CIOAPS. SALT &. FISH . Ihe bigbest market nrlca naid fni alt ainits or oounlry produco nnd dried frui'.s. Confident of rendering pel fed salitfne lion both in regard to nrieea and i, in goo is. i respeolfully Invite all to glee T "J van uoiure purouasing elsewhere. J. W. DUEESE. Middlcburg, January 7, IBUlty JjEAVERTOWN STOVE STORE AND Tinware ManufUctorj-. J. P. SHIRK Would respeolfully Inform lha eiilinnaof Snyder eounty thul he keeps eouslaully on hand a large assortment of unricE, FARLOR. and COOK1NO 8TOVF.fl Of Ihe latest style, and most iniuroved Ealsrns, among whiob are Ibe eelehraled mpire Qae Duraer. lha Suaoa.h.nn. Cook, etc, which be is selling i prices that defy eoupelitlos. Ha alao maaufae luree aad kaepe oa band a geaeral seaort inentof Stove Trimmings, Tinware e. i?omI1 aUanUaa Fll to f-'- , i t - r - Ayor'o f Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressiap; mdiii-h i a ah once Agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving tht hair. It soon rtstort faded or fray hair to t'fs original color, with th and freshnett of youth. Thin, hair is thickened, falling hair checked. and baldness often, though not always, cured hy its use. Nothing can restore) the hnir where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be) saved by this application, arid stiintf luted into activity, so that a nevf growth of hair is produced. InsteaJ of fouling the hair with a pasty scdj menr, it will keep it clean and tisrs.--' t , .. n . : . ., i ,, ... ... : o ..u. n .. . . ,rr .7 111 mita.-.iu iui upv am 'tv.t;ui wiiu.,ibt from turning pray or falling ofT, and conspipiently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of datidrutr, which is often so un "leatily and olTotisivo. Free from these deloterious substances which niaka smile prep irations dangerous anil injti rliiiiA to tho hair, tho Vigor can only henelit but not barm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, not hi n -.j (duo can b" found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it doca not soil white cambric, and yet btate irioM (ho i:liPi giving it a rich, glossy lint re, nud a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. i. C. Ayer & Co., 1'racllrtl nnd Analytlritl rfifmUti, RDINGAIL RAOr Summer Arrangement, Monday, August 4th, 1873. Trains leave Hrrisburg for N.Y. as follows st r.:!', S.11, a. m, & 2.110 p ra., emneoiing with trains on tho the Pennsylvsnla Railroad. and srriving st New York at 12.85 ,'i.f)0, and 0,43 p. m., re'pecllvely I'etiirnlng ; Leave New York at U.00 a m, I. '.CO Noon, and'i p in. Fbiladelphia at 7.;m 0,15 a m. and 3 80 p m. Leave Hnrriuburg for Heading, 1'ottsvilU Tatnniiua. Minersville, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown and Fbiladelphia al 6,30 8,10 a ui, li.OO and 4.05 p m, slopping at Lebanon and principal way stations i the) 4,01 p m train connecting fur Fbiladelphia, l'oiisvillc nud Columbia ouly. . For Foils ville, Schuylkill Haven snd Auburn, via Schuylkill aud Mtisiitichaima Ilailroad, Leave Harrishurg at 3, lit p m. Lni Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Resiling for Allentown, Esston and Near York al 7..10, o.d5 forenoon, and 4.00 p. ill. llelutnig, leave New Yolk at 0.00 a. m.. rj.,VI noon and o.'-M p. in. aud Allen town nt 7.'-'0 a.m. Vi.ZZ Noon 2.10 4.35. aad H.,V p. m. Way piisscrTger train leaves rbilndelpkisi at 7,il0 a tn, connecting at Reading wiib trnin ou East I'cnna. llailrad. reluming leaves Iloiisville at l,i!5pm, slopping at. all stallor.. Leave poilsvllle at 0.00 P.05 0 JO am & i.'M) p. m.; Hern Ion nt 10,00 a m : Sha mokin al 0. (10 and 11,02 a. m.; Ashland at 7, 18 a m, and 12,20 noon, Mabanoy City nt 7. CI n. m. and 12.04 p. ra., Tninsqua at oli S,!15 a m.and 2,13 p m for Philadel phia New Yoik, Reading, llairi.burg, New York, (leading, llarriatiurg. 4o. . Leave Potlsvillo. vm Schuylkill and flus qtiehiinna K 11 at 8,0a ni fur Harrishurg, and 12 O'i a m for Pinegrove and Tremont. l'oitsville Accommodation trnia: Leaves Poiiriville at 0,1)0 a ni. pastes Reading at 7.30 a m, arriving at Philadelphia at 10,10 a.m. Rettirninj', leaves Philadelphia at 51ft p ni, pnssing Reading at 7.40 p t, arriving st l'oitsville at ).') p m. l ollnlown Aocommodniion Train Leaves Putistown al Ci.iS a ni, reluming leaves Philadelphia (Ninth A Green) nt 4.30 p tn. Columbia Railroad Trniut leave Roading at 7,30 a m, nnd 0,15 p m for Fpaiata, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, &i . reluming; leave Lencatter at H.20 a m snd 8,30 p m and Columbia at 8,15 a m and 3,20 p m. l'erkiouien lU'lroad Trains leave PcrVI omeu Junoiional 0 00 a rh, 2,f5, and 0,30) pm; reluming leave Green Lane at GOO and 7 411 a. m, 12,35 and 4,20 p m, ing with similur trains on Koadiog Rail road. Pickering Valley F.nilretd trains leave Phocnoxville at O.Ou a in 3,05 and 6,60 p ni : reiurning, lesve Dyers st 6,80 a in 12,40 snd 4.20 p in connecting with trains on Reading Kailroad. Colrbrjokdnle U.K. trains leave rottstowa at 0,40 am, 1.06 and 0,21) and 7,16 pm, returning leave Mount Pleasant at 6,50 II, 26 a iu, and 3.00 p m eonueeting wita trains on Reading railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leava Dridgeporl st 8,30 a m, sod "2,40 and 6.83 p m, returning, leave Dowuinglown at 7,80 a ni, 12,30 uoon and 5,40 p m, connecting wnu trains ud iteauing rauroaa. On Sundays t Leave New York st 6,80 p ni, Philadelphia 8,00 a in nnd 8,16 p m, leave Pottsville 8,00 n ra & 2 35 p m t leave Harrishurg, al 6 30 a m and 2 01 p ra eavs Allentown at 4 85 & 6.66 p m; leava Reading at 7,4 a m, and 10,16 pm for llariisburg, at 7.80 a m for Hew York, and 7 40 a m for Allentown, and 0 40 am and 4.10 p m for Fbiladelphia. Commutation. Tltilaaira STaIiaaI and esoursion liokels, to snd from all points at reuuoea rates. Baggage checked through 100 pounds allowed each passeuger. J.E.r.00TTEN, Oml. Suft. Reading, Pa., Augnst 4th, 1873. JOHN LATJDENSLAGER, BUGGY MAKER 8ELINSQROVE, BIfTDEB CO., PA. Having purchased tin well known stand in Belinsrove, formerly owned by Philip Dlecker, I am prepared to accommodate al) who may desire anything In my line, aad warrant satisfaction in all eases. I keen constantly on band, and am prepared te manufacture at the shortest nolioe, UUUU1U3, , SULKIES, SLEIOIIS.Ao. Being experienced in tbe business. 1 flat ter myself lhal 1 am fully prepared to meet the wants of my customers. The bends employed srs smons tbe best mecbaniesin lbs county, and their work will not fail give universal satisfaction. Itjrtineoinl attention Bald la venalrli in all ita Shop oa Market stieet. a faw doors south of the German itefomied Church. . JOHN LAUDEtlSLAQEB. Sellnsgrove, April 7, '70-ir 8TAMDABD AMKBIOAN J"TT.T.T.Trt 7TT I .) fJSYaHl't-tkliiS SV SreWaitTaww ia. a . t.v.svavJk .