The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 19, 1873, Image 2

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4 t FOR KNAT0aV .
... -..of Pclinigror.?.
ib)eet I decteU of IMatrlcl Onhmw)
' ' of MlddTMmr;. ' -
'tabjt to tWoloa Dtetrl.t Oonera.
f Bearer Springs.
of Ntddleburg,
of Middleburg.
L. N. MYERS, a
of MiUJl.hurg. .
JOEL LOW, of MiJilecreei Twp.
GEO. W. ROW, of Monro twp.
A. . HELFKICIL of W. Beater tp.
' The tuition beforo party" uliould
te tho watchword of truo citizens
t-yerywlicre. To uYfon J tho nation,
uphold its laws, sccur Ibe liberties
of tho people, auJ purify public een
tinicnt require organization. The
j'cpnhliran party wn. created and
lias grown in power for fhono objects
of mutual defonso and improvement.
Therefore, to best (servo tho nation is
to strengthen tho party that advan
ces its interest.
W'a nover had any confidence- in
tho Rppublics of Franco or Spain.
Trench Republicanism is now in iU
jonl thi-oes of death, ua 1 the iuWli
geuce from Spain shows that froe
government liaug.i by a more thread,
jeadjr at any moment to break and
tlrop it into a vortex of ruin, llo
publioaiuKin ci'.n never succeed where
pricHtcmft and aristocracy combine
to guido the nm'-tscH, iu keepers of
iheir consciences, guild exponents of
their wights. ,
The Fulton fopuHirait of thel2tli
ttavs. A teariblo hailstorm passed
over thin town and othor portions of
the conntt on Wednesday which did
considerable damage to 'the growing
crops, Ac. Iii s nut) parU of tho
Cove tljeivh-nt fields were literally
cut d-iwn, trees btrippud of their
leaves and .win low (,'lass shattered in
many buildings. Tho hail was no
companiod by a high wind and by
reason of theirpecuiiar shapo being
-flat wore poculiarly adapted to
mowiug down, everything; in thor
course. .
Foist to a Stato where Lilral
Deniocracv 1ms obtained a foothold.
and we will ahow you a Stato lacking
in prosperity its administration of
justice a mookciy ; its peoplo lacking
tlirut and industry ; its school sys
. tern defective i it internal iuiprova
u.em umvorwiy jne spiru oi ie
ago and its growth, both in wealth
i . - i ii .1
nun population, paralyzed uy rue po
litical incubus under liicli it labors.
The nution thites tho birth of its
present prosperity from tho hour
. wheu it hiiook oX Doiuooracy and
accoptd tho progressive doctrines
of the Republican party.
The Brooklyn (New York) E?U
makes tho appalling statement that
over thrtte hundred bodies, with
every vidonee of riolont deatli upon
them, have been found in and about
that city during tho past twolre
; months. A fuw of thora woro rocog
nized by friends and privately buried,
but tho great majority romained
unidentified.- Many of the doad woru
chiMron, a fow . were old men, .' but
' the tins were ccuiposed of tho ina
, two and strong of both sexes. In
a sin:le week the bodies of twelve
infants were found beneath tho docks.
' This is u terribl exhibit of ono city,
and that hot the Wgct of the Eiii
piro State. : ..
A sktues of experiments will b
IDsde the coming autumn to s-er-1
tain, if possiblo, tho cause of steam
boiler explosions. So far thonaturs
. cf soiuo explosions remain amvs
tery, in tpite of all the research of
experts, lue expenmeuts will be
conductea under the authority of
CongrohH, one hiuidred thousand
(lolUrs having been nppnrjriatcd for
the purpose and tho I'lotuleut re-
fjiiealea to cause thtcecostary inves
tigations U bo made. Either Fitts
biug or Cinriuiiuti will bo chosen as
the centre of tho western field of in
quiry and Sandy Hook for tho eaat
; eru. Tho boilers testod will be such
. as are commoulv uaed in the rcsncc-.
; uve socHoas, mi i( is ai4 tuo Xarx
avlvanui Ciiitinl .Railroad Comrjani
baa o!Trod to pressut those used for
w",un osponmeuts. ., t ,
Two comauHBiners. for .each, soc
tiou are to beappojnUd and theso
, i o roanoauuie prepuraUona, alter
which the mott prominent experts,
.xuochaiiicul engioera, and aciuitiats
me comiu-y vmpf i ,inviUKl tl be
f resent and assist in the examina
tions. , 1 ho result of these expert,
xoents wilj be looked forward to with
great luterest, and it ia to be hoped
oine more definite information may
.it obtained as to the explosive pro
pertiee ,if iaT i 1 the cohew ve
rert tf Iron r- 'a' ra5,tfio aad!
At pre.
T War f EMernaiaatloo.
Ko tint the main body of the
Modoos haye been captured, the
flctifia is. wC lb dv with them T
While bostilitic eontinnnd. it was
understood thit the l'rteiJJot aao
tioneu a war of ..extermination, that
he wanted tho tribe wiped mi. Wo
In not know on 'what? this nn:lnr-
HtandintjV rented, as the 1'residobt
ciirtainlrneyereo cyprtaafeildiiniself
publicly or officially, lie is too irood
a euldier to iudulgo. in such dociara-
iioiik, and too iLncreet a civil officer
to give vent to such violent language.
The Modocs are owvaies and war
from their stand point and apprchon
sion of armed hostility.' During
their conflict with tho national au
thority, the committed no act which
can bo regarded as more fiendish or
barbarous than thoso which were the
daily transactions of the in on who
lead and directed tho ulaveholdor's
rebellion while it lasted Cant Jock
with Gun. Canby's blood on his
hands, is no more ruthless or treach
erous an enemy than Jeff. Davis
proved himself, as the leader of trea
son. Whero Cant Jack murdered
one gallant officer in cold blood.
Jeff lavis sanctioned tho murder of
thousands Of Union prisoners, and
was cognizant and pave authority for
the aawinatioa of hundreds of de
fenceless Union men in the South.
Under the Constitution, Davis could
Di itber be tried fr treason nor for
juurdor, anil we hold that tho con
strnction of that iustrutnont which
screened the arch traitor must also
protoct Capt. Jack and his surviving
warriors. V o have no more leiral
right to exterminate tho Modocs
than wo hare to kill o!T tho Kti-Kliu
who arc taken prisoners ia tho South.
Capt. Jack and his warriors are no
woreo than Jeff. iMvis ana hw fol-
lowors. The Modoc warrior is no
bloodier enemy of tho government
thau tho Confederate still clinging to
the loht can ho. If tho one is to be
exterminated, tho principle of peace
or war which sanctions it, also applies
to the other. The government dare
not deny this, and any course of
brutality towards the savago warriors
now our prisoners, will humiliate us
at homo, and hurt us among the
civilised nations of tho world. State
Tbe l'outiirlviuiia .Ullllla.
The new Adjutant aenoral has ia
snod tho following circular.
Hr.aJquarkm A'. G- of Pennsyl
vania, Afjutant-Gcn!ra'$ Ojffiix.
Tlarrisburij, Juno 2, 1873. In as
suming tho duties of tho department,
tho undersigned desires to congratu
late tho ajlUiery of Pennsylvania up
on securing such financial Aid, by di
rect appropriation, as .will enable
them, iu soma mcas'iro at least, to
sustain thomaclycs williout entirely
deponJing, as nerctoioro, upou jndi
viduul resources for such Biuton-
Tho first diroct pecuniary- rocorrui-
tion of tho National Guards' sorvico,
by Legiwlativo enactment and execu
live approval, marks an era in its his
tory, which now makes it such a com
ponent element in tho body politic
us will, it is believed, secure it that
countenanco ntid approval from a
generous public to which it over
should bo outitled
lo foster and cneourago public
sentiment in its behalf and warrant
the further ruipicst for other and
larger money aid, it is tho duty of
eaca ana an oi its mourners, omVers
and men, t givo it that tone, bv
etnet uttoutioli to discipli
orj,aIlizttliou fttlJ t.raiei
no, through
lout drill, as
will necessarily Compel every citizen
torecognizo it as a necessity iu timo
of.pcaco, ever ready in trouble and
dixaster to furnish that essential uid
which shall quell and suppress the
riot and lia mlor.
To effectually accomplish theso
looked lor results every guardsman
must lend his direct personal ener
gies it is tho individual unit, acting
with his fellow, that gives character
and strength to tho wholo body,
i'hero must be such prido eulnrtaiii
ed by each ono in his rcspeetivo
corps, as win liiduco him to consider
that by Jus connection with it ho is
performing his wholo duty and do
ing Lis Stato nomo service.
It is tho Clueioncy, drill and dis
cipline, good conduct and hbh sol
diery deiwtment that brings into
lavorauip puuno nonce all omanized
bodies of troops. . Tho service is not
one of lnero ploasiu-ej it jeiuires
inno ana laoor to roaeu perfection.
Without rjoirlectinir busiuess ?mr-
suita this perfection may bo attained
by treating it as demauding both la
box and sacrmco.
GfliccjB by carefid stndy and closo
auoniion wui no enablod to so c-lu
cuto thbir commands as to iustill in
tbtm thatprido of organization whicl
nuibt over sustain and support thorn
Avoid all strifes, bickerinu-.s. dissen
sions obedienco and submission are
eleiuouts in the soldier's education
that should never bo forgotten.
Neither is tboro necessity for arbi
trary or overbearing uoiion on tho
part of superiors. The duty and the
law aro ihuu and simple, and when
lightly followed and well understood
win givo no cauae lor Oisputq or dis
turbttuco. , Lot it bo our offort thon to nlease
tue uimcary oi me (Jommouwcaltu
upou tuo fooling and standard that
her great resources, her acknowl
edged pwer, her education and iutel.
ugeueo, tier bruhant war ; record de.
wand that they abould bo'; so tliat as
well as her common school, hercul.
hycfchernuifcrsitioa, harboooji, her
bar. luar waunfaclures. her coiumarcu
auAberniilios, mnv her soldiuia. too
,o niootfwze ai pointoa to ubroad
anu uy nor , sister SUtoa w Ui like
aokuowlodged morjt and distiuctiou
aua4 Wgu repute.. , Ja. w. IiArrA.
j i ' 't:- ,i Adjutant GeneraL
Jeft Davit historT. of iha Sohth.
en Tub''.Uo'j is soon. fc h f i von to
i - - - i-
-JL- L ! .11 .J.
WAsniKOTOir, June 10. Informa
tion roaches hnre to-day from London
that the Government of Great Hri
tain ba ranHovan arrantromont
throntrli th bank of Ernrlan 1 with
Certain bankcrn to'deliver to tho Se
rotary ol.Stato, in. VVVaahinsrtoa.t oA
or1 before the '13tW of Snmptotnlnfr, I
Dtteeu and mie nave millions of dol
lars in pold th amount awarded bv
the Geneva Tribifnal to the United
States. V, From tho same source it
has bceifWrned that tho monev
will probably bo delivered pn the
10th of Sci'tambnr.' thnxt dara Iwifom
the expiration of tho time proridod
lor in tuo Treaty or Washington. As
soon aa the money is puid over, the
Secretary oi Htate wilh in pursnanoo
of an act of Congress, passed at tho
last session, invest tuo money in 5
per font, bonds, . which will be held
subject to further legislation.
vi AsmmiTos, Juno 15. It was m
certainod from the Secretary of the
Navy, to-day, that tho Juniata will
proceed to Disco and Uppornuvik in
about one week from this date . ller
commander will bo particularly in
structed to inquire at thoso places,
and of tho Esquimaux along shore,
concerning tho Polaris, and whothei
she has beeu heard from during luht
winter and spring, la the uieau
timo the Department will fit out an
other vessel to leave tho United
States about th l'Jth of July to
W Ai ell for tbe 1'olaris, should Lor
safety b uot reported lxfor that
time. Tho nxpotLtioa will be amply
provided with such means rulieviug
tho necessities of the oUiotirs aud
crew of tho Polaris, oscb-eiumUnei
mayrerpra It will bo atnotly naval
in its cliaraotcr, and sont to perform
aspocific duty.
Sah Fnvrmco, Juno 14. Fhoto-
nhs Iiavo been tuken of CpUin
and his wholo band of warriors.
Goncral Davis has sent a party of
men to hunt for and arrest th per
eons guilty of the massacre of tho
Moiloc prisoners.
Tho reported conversation of Gen
eral Davis with tho representative of
tuo uui'rtin is uiinuesttonalily cor
root The war Dupurtmout didn't
Ix'liove the report that General Davis
bad engaged Modocs to light against
Modocs, and bad gona on a scout with
them, but events have proven the
correctness oi tne account.
The Jiti'lttin to-nicht pnblishos
rcpoits from sixty-nine interior towns
of tlie Mato, respecting grain crops.
The prospects are verv ineciirai;iiir.
r- r,-
ln all ttnis nearly an avora?e yiUd is
promisort ilio sopo of country
covered by these repurta comprises
the whole grain growing sections of
Nashvh Juna 15 Tho lending
physicians iu tins city aro now, and
havo been from the lirnt, divided in
minion among themselves on the
question as to whether there lias
leen a suitrlo caso of real .cholera in
this rity t'lia season, iho mortality
list has certainly incroasod uutd foiu
days ago, when it begau to decrease.
Tho d ctors report tho cuks, . of
whatever nature thoy may Iw, as en
tirely controllable. The average num
ber of death is from twelvo t j fifteen
a day, and occur principally among
tho negroes.
A Xevr Trial for Stoke.
Albany, June 10 Tho Court of
Appeals, by a unaninions opinion,
has granted a new trial to E. S.
Stokes for tho murder of Fisk. 'When
."'tokos was informed of the doeision
of tho Court of Appeals, granting liim
a uew trial, ho expressod himself
well pleased, but a 1 le i quickly and
somewhat sadly, that tho report
might possibly bo untmo, and the
disappointment would bo all tho
greater if such proves to bo the caso
JIih counsel, relatives and friends
soon urrivod at tho torab and there
was a tfood deal or rojoiemg among
mono interested at the favorablo de
cision of tho annellato court Conn.
sel say that upon tho next trial they
will prove to tho satisfaction of the
?cw lork public that there has been
trroHa misapprehension of tho caso
from tho day of tho tragedy, and
they will bo nblo to establish tho fact
of his iunoeeneo -by cvidenco of an
overwuoinnug character. , '
'.McKsert, tho leader of tho rebel
faction iu Louisiana, Las advisod his
followers to submit quietly to tho
Kollogg government until Deoombor,
whon an nppoul will bo roa:lo to Con
gress for settlement of tho questions
which havo provoked conflict bo
twocu the two partios. If MeEnory
hnd a lopte.1 this course from tho
first, it is not unlikely that he would
have commanded tho rcspoet and
support of a good many persons who
now regard Him witu any but friond
,. .
iy lecungn. ius ue can nave no
credit for adopting a policy of peace
at this particular juncture. Any
further demonstration the part of
nis aauerunta wiu nrovoko the inter
ferenco of tlie fuilttrol govornmout,
and acceptanco of tbe situation
therefore a necessity. What the ac
tion of the rebel faction would be, if
such intervention was not expoctod,
may bo eonjecturod when wo recall
tho lawlessness , and crimo which
havo marko 1 its progress in thin con
test, xnore wm m no more buelier
i 1. Al. . . , II . .
ics such as inac woicn ocourroa in
tho tdwn of Colfax, aud no more as
sassination and resistance to the ex
ecution of the laws, because the Lou
isiana outlaws art oowod, and not be
cause they are eonrorted to decency
and righteousness. ' 'Aad if Congress
(loot Hot rive the noUUcai condition
of the State consideration,' as aanr
edly It ought to do, the record of
this faction should suffice to bar for.
ever its claim to any portion of the
authority to which it- aspires.,! The
most corrupt and da'tesUbla llepub
nana irovernmeni tnat can ue - or ran-
zed in the State would- be far tire
forable to the (Tovernment conducted
pry tbeY nfflant who strove i to plunge
people the horrors of eiril
I . ' naa-
jont a. Dim abdx
') '
CWon Sjtok Work,
T '
t. W. Ott. T.Miwr ft. OUv
tni for Prft Llit-n
XVof Almlniiriiilon en tb !! of
llrtirr D. Boreht tnle of Adsmibarf,
Spjdtr1 -eoiin'T, i "., icti, '
hn rDltl u unif migne J. rfaldinr
In l)frr townnblp. All prom .knowlnt
ihrmnrlTM IndrMH Is th efOtc of 'ii
ieetri will !! mtkr linmoillats par
mrnt and IhoM bartnc slaini aid
talals iU pronnt lm forimlfmrnt to
i . UAKKIKr rrtxllr,
Juno 1273 Admlniatralori.
turn. A. II. HL.AIH, k CO., Hi, Lou, Mu.
S72 00 tiach Weelc.
.yniMra. ! .irniy l' llui' far.
l ul.r. frf. Ad lrt,J. WOK I H a ( ()., HI
I1M, Mo,
Mar 1, Ii. If.
fOTICH Notice is hereby given
XllhIIhr Dnr.kt iA. at skrl(rf Ha'o.
Ih Aiilming fvnl Fmprt '! Mi
III ! IU I he . (atoll OI M IIO'.AS S
MOi, all por-nna r hufi bf eaull nxl nt t
Inanyol' tnttrlrni ulih or idhIiIIo vlktt'O
miio, la I liiirv, I n'oipa. I l'a(r, "n
I HaraM, II ! HXiliatf, u t'oal
MaH, 1 ! B t'li.", u lo
4oia far I'
Wo -1 t'l.Ma. I Birrol C,l-.
Tablra, L umimn I Ifna klil, I 0w, 4 ii a.l it ia, Kol'i s'l('ka,i
I l.t rtrprt 1 fiifhonnl, 4tod.
Notice to Special-Tax
U rf r-(n-. at 1171 raanim rr
nr' rmmtrJ In ln rulloo. of
aaipl"fuui, kl h rvadara any llama lo a
in f nv'iir, ,n I "o i,-in olf la bU aatab
liapiaul orj'lawo "f biifin.aa.
Jpno'lm ih ritfmant cf Mid Spatial Tasbafara
flummiih'lnf Mi-lnvaa.
That,, ainl.r,ca.l wltbln Iba pronlalonl of
(lit law ilrin quolitd ara ma ioiiowibc tiii
Hertl Irra It 00
lioalara. ralill llU T 21
U'ml r. arlioaala I'qnor IO' W
la. r la mm I llqnora. h.'aala m (W
l.a.lar In mal ila mra. r'tiil SO
i..t IB iHlf nl'o 0
Haul) aMh-ra la sou 00
anil on ail ' I ou r (1,000 fifty cnM
t,,t Map, it.iltar IB mw.-m-B nf 41 Q0
Il'.nlrrt Ib m'i"f. turml li bo o 00
Man'ila-lu-rra o( ie. M
h I for a.iaa atill or .rm biduuo.
lur-d X
MaDii'irturara of totMCo 10 00
MannrMtur -ra of i lar ID UO
l.f.H,a ol tuluran. ta-al rlaaa. (Burr tbaa
twohnraaa, 40 00
Prdill.raol Ii.1 (two h. ) 4 w
Po-I.llara of intayro, llilrit -lm, (on h rc) 14 uu
Pa-lilla i of toaiavo. t arlk rlaaa (o foot
or p ill a ronraotira I 1" "0
nrairai.r If.a ihan oun birr. 't 4 la)
lliart"f bariolaor mora HO ou
An prr,uo hotliall I ill tn n mpir with Iba
f r axu n rtqulrrmanta will bo aabj. at to a-ari
ti lal T Pnyra tbr-lioni th fnlttd
Ht it. ro rr'nu.'ii! I tnat Ibar moat make bp
p irnllon to Ika l ullacior ( r Dvpuir 4,'nllavtor)
onnrlr na.'fo l illainrta, ao I ' rwore in pro
,r amain lo Imo rn-r'al-iBf Yaar. rtanna'Br.
n .Mar I, 1;j, witti'iut wbiiImk ( t fn-th.-r Do-
tin. vh j. hki"V"s;h,
Oollaetnr lntroal Karan. a, I4ik Ulat't., Pa.
Ap-'liritiiffi nay a!ao bo ma la to. n I rtampa
fnwurr.1 of samvil ALLVwaw r.-ptt,.
Ia, i w '.3) baltaaroro, l'auoa.
no Ilia oalolo of Jucob Milcholl
Im of (ntra Iwp , fnvdof enuntv. Pv,
ilrrranril, bring brrn (rrnird lotbe un
Jrritnrd. all prraonn knowing Ihomaalrra
iodi-bu 1' lo mill lia aro r(uKll lo
utnk luimaUiaio tayinrql, wlulo I hour
Laying vl.iiiua will prrwDl ihoo duly au
iLeolioatcJ for aylilamaot to
tny, 1,''":l.l Adininitrlris.
Ho In and pn ara lu hni4 cf A t', at Urn
And an Iintnrnae Varlrlj of Valuilila, El
egant aad Uaeful Articlca drawn daily
"y nlttil ',M rpnlint isooitlon.
.1 ritizi; foii kyeii r ticket
ll'aaba aof .Snoo; T5 l'th OlfU of $no
4 ' I0') I l"0 M.
w 1 .o I aoi ki
.4 g Mr I ji
40 . 1.0-0,100 . . fc,
AIo a Una aaaoi trnaat of Oolil aid PI'rar
Wnt' lira, t t i Kil. r Wr-, Ura-a
(Ki ila, Ki-r, fwwlnj Max b aaa 14:., Ktr.
Tirkala ilr at. 'if tb ahnra artk a., tl
'-antaairh. Tha l!ii ar rla-ro in mala I ra
r. I .pa., wall oi inl. an I ilrawi wuho.u tar-ir.
Uliiita'r aaiinl oikh. It will b d-lraral In
ttoi b Mrr nn iayinant of I hi Ooll r, anil a. et b,
i-M'foaa or lua.l ImuiaJiil, If Tha. a aro nn
Moii. Brcrjr Tlckal lully Wl.'ilbaa Iba prur
Udrawa. :
Fair ilnailng rrrtalo. PurH'ta. Tbo mut
VKiiiilnarcV-ia-ofilia ilay HvaiLO. A rxl
rbitma li.r avary i..-mitiv. Vuivaraal
au'ia'a. ll .n kIvi u Hi 4tKikALB.
Tirkai.' at 4 for al. It for 41, in fir
a, nuor6, O m ra-b Ulft la art
liii kaKi'oi ioj iirk 'ta K' arliloa l. Ki oil all
,una.-. aMIexIn.a IK liar In awmot by kir"a
Ad Park Kuw
Naw York. ,
vua 'a-l -i til itoBiia ailnarrauf anr-tar atoa
ty,'wUl a, il ay iha Conn lloa.a. la .MliliHa.-orn,
un Mi -'ly Jon I-7S. Tba loll iwl ia: una,'.
u laiiii,, lot tuaa rcaialnluf auiiil uiou Ua
WAiiairrra. ' ' . acm
J. Kru ir.rk, Wit Haarof Townablp. ui
J. bn Wolf. d i do ' ilo
llrotr U'.iir, do do do
Jo i. Kai ar. k iIj do ilo
I eter Kti-.a I do ). do
Tn-iiiiaa Artllly Bin tar, , do do
l-hn Hra.iy, Bo do ' ' ilo
t r-Bd Ar I I do do rf.
; jail aiMiiaaa inolud -d la duo oa aatb of
Wi lfh .am Innoa araaow ai-aa-ad to William
a. viutaiuana juua cruikai a- k.
J. T. III! r .NAOLE.
UllHi- KIN.NklY,
For Infomiatlon rnn-arnlna- tba aliora taaila
a.;i;y to A, J. P tora, iNna-nla-lonara I lark.
M Id i
,.-..u.K , , , v ia. ii. itriiuro, r r- auurr.
to II. 11. Uriinm V. ,
C'IIUllittlUitftrM tltfa 41- V,
la. Irf-'t 1
-fa., alay
N'olloalaharabyglranthatlattart of Admln
litrttllun otf Taar. HaaT-i .imiu m Ilia e.
"t 0.1111 niia lAia 01,.i.a 1
agalnut raid
aUM will ptaaaot tbaia for aat-
llaiuaut lo
Apr.! 10,,';
Justice of the Peace, &
, .wATcmaAKEa;
Market Strut, JUiildULmy, i'unna.
Cprvvp yariciust ' jlti,' jail
ii Airangnes, Attecata to
B114 Jowelry at bhort ,Nodce.-'
AibwcijiK parraxted;1, '. !
Watches Fop Wale.
May 8, '78.'rf f
f u:
- WH4T naiwi: Taacraai Jaaaail Mag
ata kuMfilta yaar iw.ih a aplrnlad 41. uO
C'kronao, fraa.. afpacl P na, 4 eaata. bUl-a
a U -Hag ba yoaawikl, ja4f.
hnydor ouunlv, Pa.ilao'd bora boan grAatad to
th iiiileral.-na.l. All paraona kuowing tliam
Mlvaaiuilabltlloatldatatawm plaaa aka
Imuiaillitta Davmaut wkila iiu hi.i,. .1.1..,.
jit.1i j. Bn y Ei.roiy n, (rMrroni.
IFAi'fe 'Good, Jmbroid-Tie ikc..
a iv. ad Ht.t I'lirttAdl
Administrators notice.
I. attar oi AdnluMratlm tbo oataba f
JaoohrK-4'K.ld Utoof Waablnartna IP , foydrt'o.
Pa.,draa.-d, karoba-a craBfc-d to tho nt-r-aianad
all p- raoaa kaowto thamaalrri Inilalrt
ra to rfld a-tito ro raqaaaiad to aka Innavdl
ata naymont, wklta tko kaa alaliaa will pra
awt Uiaiatlaly auikootloat! lor aa-tio-ri-at io
. fcl , U. C. "Icr.rl"!.!!,
Frb.OT,nS.. . , ,Aalaialrawra,
Jacob Loan. Siaton naaivtraa.
tEQ Pure Whiskeys,
fb4. lft Mill Mreet,
ng, 4. 7Ulf.J DAN VlLLK, PA
Th only rellaklagllt distribution In ttaiountrj
SlOOaOOO ,00
L. X. HI 3V K H,
Gift Enterprise,
To b drawn Friday. July 4tb, Ists.
; $10,000 IN GOLD.
iOm Prize ?"),000 f Silv e r t
FIVE PHUES t ; . . $500
PiUZKS : - . $100
each in GREENBACKS I , !
Two Faallr ailairaa and Mat-bad Barm
who nuvrr-nounti ouarnara, woilli al,Soi aatk.
Two U, H iraa ft.-., wrik ooiaaok I-
Flaa Ton.d Hoiawond Ptnaiai, worth 'i00 I
lotgaiily bo-alng Mathlnaa. wunk iuu aaobt
IfrJUUuId aad ailvar I.avar Hunting walobaa
worth fruai ) la tuobao,
aold Chalna, bMlrer.wara, Jawalrv, fta., ft. :
Wb-da nui'b-ir fllfta. innm
iioat t,iuiihd t" . b-.,ouo
OKNTH WATfT to f-ll tiokatato wbou
iioaraj. praiaiuiua wi,i aa paid,
8ibwl TI kala .' KU TlekaU '() Twalr Tick-
' till Twauty-ttv Tlckalt 4J.
(Mrrutara eoi talnlug a full Hit of prlnaa, a daa-o-iiib
ol tba aaanuar id dtaalr.g. ami oluar
Iniiirioat oa la raia-aoo to ti.a dUtrll-ntlon,
will Ii aaat to aay o-ia ordorlag tuaui. All lal
to., nia-l b ti
"I'"'?'.. fc. D.SISE, Boa. 44,
lol W. Fifth M. UmoiaaATi, O
g J. COOKE, 7. . :
110 Kortb Xamlrd Street, '
PHILADELPHIA. ' . . fAug. 6, 09-
la baraby giraa that tha aovouot of fit or f
!alK4r. Auiko.a. lianinl U. Mark, of Parry
t-mu.klp kia laairtllid with tka 1-rotknnotary
aad Oiat ibaa.iua aa, ill b praa ntad lo tba Court
lor ooDlatiuallun oa Jtoudjr, M. ID l -4.
M4i. 1,11... ' ppitboooury.
WANTED , Wawttl glr maa ft wamap
from M to 8 par day, aa h puraord la your
own aalbu.'rhoal klaararaabaaa lbrth ar
oajt oi auipUyiariii or Uaruig laUur i liioa alrU
and boy. fraquaatly do a wall aa ma. Parlicn
lara Iraa. ,
Add.a4 Ji LATHAM ft CO., " i
alar..!,' I, (r Waabisgioa ail. Itoaloa, mlaaa
fiiEOS. svninroRD.
, , lMTOUTKBS OF v -
Queenawnre. ,' i '
iii fill
s.2 w S r? '
S.2 3 at cof 5
tr. s. c - a it i
fc; ce C g He 0
i s3,g.,5' w i g
S.5.2.h g. w
p s i e g h
2" i ' o ST I H
I rs 2 s- i
If? S.lg
I te- 5s "4
P S" l IT
r:? S s f
WANTBD, Agonta and Paddlort for aor
and ttrainajama, Jolllaa, harha, yagaUblao.
lard, tallow, maci. ehfeao, aa. ror 6),.
KM) aold In a few localittt. 81la quick.
F.fT faraf wafcta It. rwitic Macbino
and olhrt ax tnhliah4 agrnll aro SadlBg
Ihla raTTroSi)la, Cirotilarl froa. I,lt
iloflojAaniVDaitva, 03 Wntnlngloa 8traat,
ooaion Nana. . ' 1
Dauchy A Oo't. Adutrtitemtntt.
HEtraf wann BKERfnit'S paper with
tha laraaat atranlatiua la tba world, grow a
aondarfallyharmaalt 14 tha boot p0-r, glraa
ahrlttra iha moat baantlfnl praalnnu, aad
offart Oanraaarra tha moat l.lKral tarma. Hrnl
rr (irroi.r. 1. B. ruROktM, Kaw lork.
Boatoa tblaago oraan Iraaclaoo. - -
We 7ant An ' Agent -
ta thia tnwn.hlp lo ennraaa for tb n, ralnabla
and iaat anUikg boa by Dr. JOBK CIIWaM.
ftroonmandrd and mdororil by pmm1itntrBlnla-
lara, rhrrl' ln, migNma ana aaruiar paprr
No nth
book Ika il Dohliah-d, am car
goarant-a l. A lareaa, COWAN ft tU,U ElRlilb
at. nrw xora.
"iTIMPIIORlNE" etira wry pain, Ao.
VVTry it. Hold by all druggiaia. BEU
OEM nOYT. rrop1?. Now York.
Wi wilt pay all 4waol 414 par w-k la ah,
who alii ragaga with aa at vn-. Krarytblug
furolahrd ard OTproat palJ, addraw,
A. CUt LTtK, CO., Cbarlott. Mloh.
Fir I Fir 1 1 Fir III
AntRTn Wabtbd Tartli graod'at nook nf
ika yaar. " a-lltng wlik a-l .ulil h g rapid.
I y. la p-Iha aa o) irr nva. I lr
proof UiMld'ag) tteaq'-wring t'l a with wat-r.
.4-aoj aad Uaa la.u -a nor a II ifa I In Hn
I'tt.llKil, atwatrmrul, How to oaro ot--.
VIvM aroi.aU of aa p at Klroa of lllatory.
Ai"a'a aal for -lreula-a. Yon will ant rwrat It.
at fraa. AMraa lutla,. UUuiaa ft Uo.,
uartioru, 1.1.
$IO A DAY..:
'' Eaully mad by ao Aiaoay of
"Our Own Familj Doctor."
Itatt rardleal work itant. Erarybody Vara
that aoaa h t'naanal Inlnramanta to agaan.
rann a-roiraaiara and tarma to kUKDl ft to
Tan Hroadway, N. Y.
tta aa-y aad aura way to mat nonay.
insAMPr.F. aantbyaiallfor sot. that retail
Av qnt'-k n tin.
. R. L. WULCUTT, 1 Cuat-
kau-auara, N. t.
n Brilliant Bonk for Canvaaatra and
J Balaamen I llvrant' Library of Poolry
ard Noii. and Mlt II aah- r'l Nrw Honarbrrpor a
Manual. Hot'i aailin lat and f r. Citlaalr
Ta-rltom llharal Unaa. J. M. I'ORU ft I'O
Naw Yutk, U.a.U)D, Ubli-aiio and has 'raociKO.
Tlinajaanda ara aold. C'anrai-lng radnrad to a
Uiara oaatlma. KrontatoatM-uta Itinnan-a Ad.
iiaaa, m Kiir iiiui' njuuBumu uu.,
Ml kat KB 44. ft. Jk. fclliy.
Agrntt Wantad for tha Nrw Illaatratad Boi-k
Wild Life Far West-
M yaait with thi- Indiana, Trapp ra, In Mailoaa
wara. au-. roiiinB Aarainii Aoarua.
1 alt of lutoraai aad a- ilinv rauidlr. 'Thr H -ok
of tha yaar. WlbfcY, WAICRUaN
ft KATOM.Hartl.rd, UU
Tba urapdrat aad aioat auero.aful now book out
Ao. now . a 1 to ) tba rn t Uariiian auo.-- a of tba
tut-oow Mll-Bi wltb aatimlablna raom t. it
oooulna av-ariy 4uO aal Lnaratiaga
Mtilandid opo,-riubty tor Aa bt. to bank u-iaay.
1 trcu ar., coB'aiiilna: ff .11 i'arti'laraaad lorioa.
arnt Ir a. Ad.lna tUsil.N, 011.AIAN ft CO.,
iiariioru, uobo.
Ve " Want ! aAn Asrent
ia inia inwnaniii io ranraaa i -r ini npw, vaiuanm
aad faataaUinK book by l'r. JOHN COWAN
Rrroaiaadrd and andoraad by protulaaut mlata.
trra. pby -irlaD', raliKiu'ia and a.-cuUr pai ar
No ulii r look I
iiaa ii U'luiiaiii-.i. ! wai-a
I'oarauaMd A-idra.
fcfulliMi Na Vurk.
NUMEHuUKTval liar PKOVtl)
N. F. Burnkatn't New Turbln 1
Water Wheel
"To lJTliB4l Er EnyroUd
raoipblet fra. Ad Jrt, York, Pa "1
TlTHOMANt'y. or BOI7L PHAnitllNO."
JT How allhar aai may laai-loala aad icaln
iba l.i-a at all ailona of aay para -a tbav ckioa
tnatantly. Ibl- aluip r iu.lil acqulramn.t all
oan p ftaa. by mall, lur aoo. I nailjar
Itliamarrla-'awalda 4ypitaaiiraula. Liiaama.
Hint, to kiailUIUH-Nlght r-blrl. k. A iwo. Addiaaa 1', W ila. I Ail ft to. Puba
riiatrrcBluBU yia.Uit.187I
pnuMa Elatad (Ivan. Warming !1omI, Broil
Ing Hour, 4'onlrr(uaril. Hiirnplnv ft Miaklng
Oral. Iilrort lirart. U Ll.tti. WARHtN k
CO., aad Wallur titraat, N. V., . 4W
.' i . i . i I i I .-.I n
BtlOK CANVAsar.Rit ran and no mora fri-.h
aod attrariiva voluuia for Spring aalaa tbau
Iba Pit''a Maanal." bjr Miaat', 4.
b,-iwbar ft lira. U. H. 8toi a tTycloprdla of lio.
lua.!!' Kt'obomr and a Coinnlnta Ooi.krrv lbtob lu
i.aornluma. Hm.d for clntular ta t. V. FIK1 ft
CO., Naw York, Moatoo, Clalcago,ar Han Fraiwlaoo
12,000,000 AC K ISS
Cheap Farma I
t . . : ., - ....ii
TbObpat Land la Market, for aa by th
3.000,000 Acres in Central Nebraska,
now luramr m iracia or n-rty a.-raand upward!
oa Plvaand laa v.ara' ( ridil at ,br a.ut. K.i
auaai.oc loiin-cai rrqut.-oq. - ,
M Id aod boalti.l u . Innate, Fertile Boll, aa
Abututauca .if IiimmI Water.
luVadUatirt la iba Weetl The great
kliu iK r- vloaa of Wyoinlnir. Cl.jra.lo. iiiah
and Na,ad ., bolng eut.uiied by the Ikria.r. la
tu PlatM Vllr.
Soldiuia Entitled to a ITomcstcad of
r ,
Tlie Jit t LoralioH. JJor Colonies.
PRKE IIOMR4 FOR ALLI Mllllona ofarra
of choice Ourvranii-m La a-1. rnfla entry un.
der tbe tlome.tead Law, near tbla Uroat Rail
road, wan liood luarki-te and ail tb oonreuleat
aa ot an oio aiui eountry.
Pren pyrcheaer ofRallrtad l and.
Hreiloaial il. , n.oalug the lead, la aow
edltlvn of Heai-rlntlr
Hhbt WI-b.K.w
Atapl alallod t roe Everywhere,
r. m .fit ria. - '
aUaadUoataUaioner U. f. R. R.
Omaha, Nan.
AReiikt wanted dr the new end atgrtllng b(.g The
I IL1 I I " "i'ry, ny i auiiior oiT'Kxl
II lU V XIin lliatory. o 11 by ore
and Neat Indom-d bi erulmoit d. iuaa.
K. Jl
TllKA'f, Publkber, 401 Hroadway, N. Y.
wuck giiArAulo..d. HiaiNiuUOl. auiplojr.
Mala er Fa.
lauale, u0 4
llOVIQAU. at
home, day or areata! no cavltal gaqulndi fiiu
luiiruriaun and uo.age or gooot aro
Iraa br wall. AUVIraa, wnn al eanl ralitru ata tup.
a. luvnu aw, l7uruWMB 4)1,. M. 1. .
sotb Tbifaiid ta Prw, al.-laoraawla
aaiar uva. Aoaat , waafio foi ur
Livingstone r 7u?M Africa
over 4J0 paai. a, 0 ly 41 40. Inoomplct and Infe
rior aui ii are ooe no, loo. pi, lor mam keud
fbreircularaaod reenmorof tbaarratat emasaa
of Iha aeaaou. f k I Coiuiamoa woetb '410
mailed f.ea. HI nUAaUl HWOS , PuWlluara,
Maa.aMat.lhil.. .
i i i ii , , , , n,i
Howlntr IMaohino : 1
Aaaatt Wanted Brad for elnater. Add
Past xnTiiwi cv!5TAir, .rrt
b OSBIOanl'iaM trif -a"r'-r n-a I.
,in tmii -ami 'Tin r mia in I'm mm
rri"nil TMt 1 rta In tva H'
rto-na," by Ti h. tnv T tMaat 1 1- aw.
wi -..k of(hlio.fSrta1 aa ItlrinlMtwy It
laaintod.almtlf biimt, aal will allat alhk
uy thnuia-da. Iitf'ilrliinil bp tha BVt4
rnaiiont iapl an I piara af ika mnntry. A
atnry orarimaaal aitragola o-ir i lat wblak 1
will appal haatwlaat hurt. Will t aior r
th-aauMof troy"rrioa aal raif ililf taa Iha
law. Aranta v 10 bt a il I "it ,0. T ?" rain A
failta aril fvtb a tha a-imiar of th toa. A
Ltko'ih A'h rr, with aa-l porfralt, rraaiu
ad to arary aaoaarlbor. liaalplrw a'aaaurg
and tarwia aat f-aa aa app'UIHn io J al.
rriODDARTftUO., Pab'likin, lit SaaMOl 94,
Pblla., Fa.
a -... -r. . ... .
Narlort a Crmgh. Kotblhg la mm oartala I la
tho maadatl m for folor aril airaaanmeaH.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets.
ara a awro oora f w all dlaraaraof th R aafralorp
Orrrna, Bora Throat, tvida, crnnp, v-.piharia,
Aaihma, Datarrk, Hr-arana-f, lirmaaa nf tb
Throat, Wlailplna.oi Drvnchltl Tube, and ail
Dlaaaarl of III. Itunga.
Ib ill ra-aa nf amidol, raid. ttowrir taVan,
tbaa T IILKTS abould ba promnly and fraaiy
aard. Tbyaqoallr.a Ikrquallly of iba blood,
mitigate tba av.ritr of tha .n.i.k, aad will. In a
ary bort lima, raalor kOallhy arllou to tbaaf
farird oritana, -
a alia' 1 arbollo TahMa an put ap no It Ib Hill
Mnaboia. Tnka Bo anhatitatet If thy ran'
ba foand at yoardrag(rina. aaud al onca to tho
Agont iu Naw York, aba will forward tban 4
tat nra mall.
Itno't fWOIWa h Imitation "
(told by drn -vlata IMalllbit, , ,
Jl U I ,N 4-K tLLUOQ, It Piatt HI., If. Y.
ai.d for olroular. tlvlo Agaat for tb ft.
ri f
' la tha mot powerful claanaar, alrtngtb.
rn ar and ra-nnyi-r f Ulaadular oMiruollona
known to Malaria Mldlca.
li ia apcrinlly adaptrd to ennalllnlionn
'worn d wnn and dabllitatud by tba warm wa
thar. f .prlna and auairavr. whra tl.a blood la
not In a. lira Hire. ilallna. cooaaqnrntlr gathar
Impajrtt a from alugglanno-a and tuipr(-t a.
tlon ollba aa -ra Ira or. ai a. and la nianiri-ata4
by taioora Kn.pilon, lllutokaa, Bolla, pmtulaa,
a-Mlu'i, ft. o.
Wib weary and languid ff)m oTrrwork
and riollnaaa, drowiiaaaa and loartl take tb
r'a. aof ai arxr and Tlirnr, tha ayatara a- a1.a
To a In to build ap abd h.-lp tha Tttal foroaa lor
aiaalu Ibalr rrooparatlra powor.
In Ilia lirai ot aummrr, frrqiirnlly the
Mvarand Hplrao do not proparly parform thrlr
fmiL-lloaai tba nlana and nrloary organ ar
Inai-tlra. pro-luolng wanknaaa of iba. atom a.h
aad IntaaflD and a praJi.poallion to billion
I praparad dlrrotly from tha knth Amarfrart
plant, aad la p-flullarlr adltad to all thoa dlm
oultiaai it will rlrana tha vitla'ad blood,
atranalhaa tb Itf glrmg powsra, aad rrmora)
all oiiatruatlon from laapalrad and anfaoblad
It ahonld b frerly lakan, a Jurubrba
la prononnod br mrdl. al wrliar th Bloat arS
rlanl lurlriar, fonlg and Daol-atmenl know a ta
tba wbola rana of maili ia! planu.
JOHN Q Ktl.I.OOO, 1) Piatt St. Nw Tork
8ola Aaant for tbe I'nttad Stataa.
Prlo Oa Dollar par ilottl. band for Circular
Picture & Book Agents
Nhi.ald ad.lraa at on for rlmutar, 4vo. (which
wllll.aaaut Iraa.) dea.-rlbin a naw
work of art, hy aap)n nlr artlat, hj apular aT
Hat, now a-ar:y roany for ila.lvary. and which la
aura to havo an enurmnua aala Kiparl ncad
aaota .hnulil hat-n t"ao, ura turrllory. Untwa
ual itidaraiii-nta till beoilarrd Ihiw. ah. mcaa
ataa ly, ao-nrntle work. (KO, MACLLAN,
ruaiuuar io aaua.m St, rblla, ,
Cantalng Book 5nt Frr For
n Manhood, Womtnhond and thai laTnlaal In-
r-raiaii.ina i.nva, lla Law., rnwor, ato.
Aaanta ar alllna-fr im lito llrnin.n nfthla
wook day, aad w.i ood a canraaalng book fra
to any bk a iron t- Addraaa, atatmir rxnerl.
. nor. at.-., NATIONAL, rUllLlSUlNO CO
II yon want to keep clear of Cold
nnd Rheumatism. . Nothing washes
bf tter. Always Kerpa soft. WILL
U( SflKlMi.NAak your Store
keeper for it
Tba ai l.-te-t ft 1t ralllnw l ook avar tmhtiah.
rd. 11 fl a all alut tha an at Cradit Mohl.l.r
8. amlal. tiiai irliil Ilnbrrloa. roni-raora.n.
Klt.-, ll.blra, and tb w .a.larful alghtaof th
National t.'aoltal. II aalla muck, atand f.,
oirnilara aad aa our txrnia and a fall ilaacrln
tioaoi tbawnrx; Addraaa KatloaAl Pabliablnat
Co., Ph. la., Pa.
i' 1 1
iMn'RriuoT rimsuicH rv
B- b li.a.lltio Shot Otina. 40 to Also. Tlonfcta
hot to 1W. atngla gai.a, KtoAto.
Hlitoa, txto;4. Rav.ilrara, 411 t.. 4.4. .lit. U 41
to 4s. Uun mat. rial. Fluhlnw Ta.kla. l ar.
diacount to daalara or rl iba. Am.yanat, Parol.
vara. no. beoirbtorlrauad r: (1 la ..ait br .
,ru C O. li. to t ogaiainwl bolora paid fun, ;
Jrjr0,0 for sS3!!r
Of the Mercantile Library Association
of tne uiiy of Leavenworth, turn.;
In aoeordaripo with on not Of lb LeglaUtnro
and thrlr Artl. lM o! Incorporation, tba Board or
diroctora aiiB"tiuee their rt
UiandOltt (kia art and Ubtrlbutloa by
among iba Ucki t-ticdere, of
8332,555 IN CASH,, .
at LANQrf H AtL, Learenwoi tb, eolh.rth.
day of June 1474, fur the beuent of ta Library,
' Oab OIHa Aiaoantlng io 431144.
That aa'erprl.e la aa Joraad by tb Oorarawr,
Mci r. tarj ul the State. Auillbirof MaU, Bnpor
int'a.le.itof fai.Uo luatrartlan, Traaaumr f
NUlo, alavor and timuoa Uouuoil of JLeavoay
wonb and all ,'adliu.-iua.nae m -B of the MUle,
end ibe rertaluty of ike dl.trtnulloo and pay
maul of gnu, a adtmruaad, la fully 4aiBtaa.
TICHETI4JCACU. tfor(4. f.rl, 1
Ma i orandum of Caah Olft to be dbtrlbuleA
Jnu 1414,-) , , ,,.
I Orand Cub Gift
I Orand Coab Oifk
. , . 150,000
t Oraud Caah Gift
1 Orand Caah tiifk
1 Grand Caab Gift
1 Orand Caab Gift
1 Grand Cm Oirt
I Grand Caab Gift
(; 84.000
b.000 i
vs.: u
I Grand Caah Olft "
1 Grand Caab 01ft '
1 Grand Cagb Gift , ,
1 trrand Caah Gift ' ' ' ;
1 Orand Cub Gift
' Vnrbalanaa of prlietl a4 rori
Tbla coucait la aauer tu aup
rectioa of lua lollownf
, '' 'or Dini.r
o.arorfca-fr.. y
a l. v... n ti.r
H. II. c'lmbi'. 'tM
W. lllllatL Mit'lil. . 1-U
a. Y Praaeott, oui'il. J. 'A. tLa-Heh, Lawyer,
J.ll. KlU'kau, rana1., . ller,Oah,r.w.a.a
JC. T. carr, rgoiieet. . . ,
. j Y Off if nam '
I. H. rarfr. Pre, rl. I Wawman, TlPra.
CP. V, Pr-ei-nMl, BVie. Carl aloUar. '1 re. - -
Th W'll kaown ehrir of ih lirolrr
fh Mercantile Library AW"alatl aad the en.
dormcut preaanied II a auinoient guarmatee to
all aidant I lekel. bolder that tkalt inuaraal Wilt
b In ly g.iar-taa ana proiaetea. , -
All corraapoirleaa airii-lly cooadaatial, and
any vo-aeii unawiH, a prate 4Wta bmob
luvleea the ao dcalna.
1 .eat ia ai a w iuu pi tree win eacaaoea en eigaia
'1 baa la tha grauuVel, aafuai and beal alilerurlae
hirer ptvacaied lotbe pablte. - i - I
OOleial lieu of wloalog nmbr Brill k
to nurckaecr oftu-kete Ifamadutely kfler Ike
4rtribMiloa. ' - i ' mi '-i
vor larur-naiion uawiati woaiaaa, a
VAAiDlaKOB 00.,a.awrl Aavala,
a Ubarty u Kofi To,
'TtftbeetO. 0,1. - -- - " .
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