r s3 POUT. rtHthi4 Try, TkBraday,.vintBf by - rtm -of gnbort?oB,' " " TWO DOLLARS fXA AHXCkt, Pavafcl V""t tit KMtkf. fit IJ.W If wi. sthe jar. MpfrlMtUH aid all arroar era peM awirt Stitloaef Jka.paMtBr. . SttlMrtpttont owtsido of lha oonntj PAYABLI WADTAWCl. - ksrttTtoBf nnu ! m addrotted to otker Um Mbwribor. and era liable for tkt erlea f PP A W. POTTER, .llnaeri-nTB Pt.. OlfeY Bit profeaoloaal ttrvitts to tk pobllt. Allltlelae ", '"Bit ear will rel trool atUallov Offlja one door or tkt Riw Lutheran Tjhuroh. July, etax... T. P. OKONMILLEll, : attorSet AT tAW. , ', ' Middloburg, Pa., mr.-. kl. wMtaaeional eerrloe I th Bab lie. Collection ad all othenwofe aelonal k,,.laaa entrusted to kll Omro will rel prompt MUbUob. Jb , '67tf A C. SIMPSON,- -. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Solinsgrove Pa. Offers kin proftntloBol rtle to lb pub Ho. All builnoii intrusted to hit '.eare will b. promptly tUBd,d.ow 1 W. KNIOTIT, W, ATTOaSKY AT LAW, , Fwobnrff ra., Offort hU rrtMtoal oorrloo l tB pob llo. All baolBow OBtrartod U er will bo promptly . Bttoadod to. , , Ja 17, '67(1 W M.VAN GEZER, ATTOKM AT LAW, ljewiaourrr ra., . . L n OtforBbU profoMlonat tor-lot It .it pab- lis CoUtolloaa and all otbor rioiemoa- al hiialnaaa ontruitrd to bit oart ' IU rt- colrt prompt atloatioa. GEO F. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewiaburg hit Off.M hta ProfetsloaU torvloo to llio pub Mo. UolUotloBi and all otbar profrmon- .1! b.ialnaii tnlruittd tt bit eart will ro- oeiro Drompt attenlioa. Jan. S, 'U7tf I M.LINS, A. II. DILL ." (Saocort te . T. a J. . K. Linn.) ATr;KNKV'8 AT LAW. Lo"Uburg, Pa 'lf.r t'jalr Drofeiaional temoet 10 tbo "uhlie. Colleollont tad all other pro- i k .a uin,i.d ! their care I kll roeelTcpromptalttniion. f Jan. 8,'7if I HHARLE8 UOWER, J ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. SolinBgrof P-i "(fere hlenrofeilonAlerioe lotlio pub ! it. Collootioai and an t hor ' prefemitBa niiatnaie antruated (0 Bit eart Will ro nromol alteotion. Office two door north of tho Keitlooo Hoi el. fJan 6, '07 MOL Lt.. BOBAOB ALUStat S. ALLEMAN & SON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. t a r i : Nellnsirrove Ptt. i profceeion.il builneel and colleoting rnlmeitd to their tart will bt promptly iilenedlo. Can bt consulted in Euglieh or tiormaav, ' OIBct, Markt. Square. I N. MYERS. 1 J 1TT0RSET k COEKSEIOR iT WW Midllobunr Sovler County Pcnn'a - it!ce a few doon Eaet of Iht P. O. on Vain tlroet. Coniultatioa la Englieb and Qermaa language. Sep. '07 1 II. II. ORIMM,. Attorney & Councellor A TLA W, . ' -. . r,, Olflce N. E. VOX Alaritet aicr Ot rrteoarg. reaa a. ConialuUoBUbolhEogtUhaad OermaB Liagaagoa. Dec, 19, '72if. GUOVER ft BAKER y SEWING MACHINE. . 4 -f a.A anrl durable Sawlnc Maebina can bt aooommouaiou at a oi.vu. , ... - a-- i rca.onahla Brleot by talliag 00 bam- . .. . Pna. Aeant. Kallnicrovt, " NaB.24,'08 U. J. Y. 8II1NOEL, . ananROM aUS PHYSICIAN, CP '-. . Middleburg P., 08er kta profeiitonal lereicei lo tbt tit. itoB of Mrdaitbarg aaa eioinuy. . f March 21, '67 JOHN K. HUGHES, EscJ., "H '.JUSTICE OF TBI PEACE", ! ! ! V PeBB.Twp., SoyderCo. Pt- O F. VAN BTJSKIRK, aL'ttfllCAL A MECHANICAL DENTIST : ' StlinngfOTt Penn H. WAGNER, Esq., . . ITTRTICK Of THE PEACE. Jaeknoo TownaHips Snyder Co. Ptt., WillaUtBd it all boiinoio tatruRteM tt ,;. ...a. and am tka moat reason le term. . Maroh 13, '6W DH $ F jtANAWEL, . PBT6ICIA1I AND BtROEbN, Crnttavrllle, tntr . P. rrM bli BrofeMloBti Benlcet th rrnhllo. 6-88lf i r-4 RATBILL A Co.. Jf TBOtBIAtB TtBAllBt 1 WOOD AND WILLOW WABB Oil Clathti Window Bhadea. Brtomt, Malt, Brushes Cottoa Lapa, Oral Bag, T.J Nate., Ruakala. Twiae. Wick. At. Nov 420 Jfarket Btrttt, PaUadalphla. Feb. V7 , . .. i ,, .i I' BT. PARKS, i . ' a - ATTORNEY AT LAW A DISTRICT ATtORNT, KIDDLBBOEO, BNtDEB COITBTT," P Oaio U Coart Bue itpt.16. '67U T,'VB, BKLqEIMER, H&niUVARB, tfc34 rrSVv; . ; Lt::l irzzzt , A ,1 i. 1 iU, l- , . . S tt. roil tofllf AJdMH. Pimtbk'aT Icbas Hob. Jo. 0. Baobor, Lowltbnrg, DnloB ooantf. ' AOClATB JVBOM HOB. UOO. V. MOJOT, rrtobarf, Hob, Joob 0. L. Bhindel, Bo- Hbivtoyo. FbOTBOBOTABT ARB ULtRC Or TBBliOURTI larcmltk CrAUM. UlddltburC. RlOIITBB AMD RlCOEDtB JmOl B, Sohuok, Mldillabnr?. BniBirr Doll Doleodrr. MlddUbnrf. Codxtt CowmUiomtn Phtllp KIbbcjt, BMrrrtowB. Adam i. Flibtr, Boliatsroro, Jobs T. HuffgU. Poan'i Creok. Jrav CoaHiMidaaao Htory Brow a, Protbar. Ooorp 0. Uorabtrgor, Mt. PUMAItt Mill. . Couiiti Bdbtbtob Aaron K. Gilt, Mid- dlfbar. DKTRIOT ATTOBHBT UOBIBBMn T. l'ri. Mlddlehdric. Tatsrata JoeobaroM, Deattrspnngo. AooiToat JobB 8. lUtiiBfor, MiJdlr bnrr. Bamool A. Wtul, Btarortowa, D. Uitffonbtoh. 8lm, CoMMiMioaaai Clbbi, Aodrtw l'tr, Mlddlobarg. ' , Miboadtilb affbauib. w 1 1 a u. tlolmoi, Bio(roT. Coaoaia. 1'ottr IUrtmth. rBn creo CoouTt 80rmilTiDKT. Win. Nootliog SrlinitrroT. TaiHt or vocnr. rourtii Aioniyi in Fthrnary, Mnjr and Beptrmher and Booond Monilnj or uroomhrr or ron yr. TjUIUMOUJiT H0U8K, x' NKAR TUT! DEPOT, IMitldlebiirtr, la GEORQE GOYER. Propriktor Tbit bomt it ia clout protlmily lo tho depot and bat lately been rebuilt and ro filled. Roomi cornmoJiom the labia well upplied with tbo betl tht market afforde and lormt mpderato. "DROWN HOUSE U PAXTONVII.LE, (nearer Station IILMli UtNJ'Erl, l'roprietor. Tha aaiUritrnaa! ailanta thll nethnd of Inform Ina the public that ho aae opened hotel at the above namea piaeo. n m mwi irwm mi..ui entertain tho publlo wlU flrnt elate aemramuda Dura l" IWmnnwn, an.l na. a ri.i vu none. ,... tloni. April, 117 1. WALKER HOUSE, 3IcClro City Xa. NICHOLAS SIMON, Proprietor, Thlt a bow home, newly furnlahtd and It bow open lo tho (ravelins puhlio. It i Incited near tht depot. Ko effort will be pared by tht proprietor to make tat nay of hit gueilt pleaeant and agrettble. n avis house, At the Mifflin, Centre. Sorbury k Lewlttnwa R. K. Depot, eorner oi water ana uorcae du. Lovintown 1U. Oeorgo Flory & Son, Proprietors. geyOpen Dut and Night for. (ho aeoom- modalion of Irayeler. A firat elme Rei laurant it attached to tht hotel, whrre Mea'i at all boun can bt bad. Temei reasonable. 0.49-tf BUMOARDNKR HOUSE,., (OopoitU Reading Railroad Depot) A. XX. laATXDXS, Proprietor. I aTarKrery effort neeee.ary to Ininre tho eora tort of guoate will bo made. Tho aouee hat beea newly refitted. looui.imu rrvinv imiTSW IJMO UUUftr,, Mlddlehnrw Pa. DA VXD XLXSJITCTJRh Frop'r. Accommodation! good and cbarget mod trait. Bpeoial accommoaailoni lor oror A share of tht publlo patronage is solicited. V. KERSIBIEU' Aprils, 171 LLEOIIENY IIOCSE Xoi. 811 1 814 Market Street, (Attn Kiyhlh.) PHILADELPHIA A.. Tleclc. Proprietor; Term W 00 Per oar. jici. T J. SMITH. aVTTOKlfET AT LAW. Minni.Enuiiu. rntp.dr oo.. pa Offers bis P ofestloaal barrio at to tho pnb'li Consult ttool IB EngtU'i and Oerman. JOHN H. ARNOLD, Attorney at ltvwa ' MIDDLEBUBO, PA. Profeulonal buiilneii entrusted to bit tare w'.'J bt prompllr attended to. Feb 9,71 J THOMPSON BAKER, Attornoy-at-i-iCa.w, Lewisbnrg, Union Co., Pa. m0-Cn st consulted ia the English and Oerman langnagee.-taal . , , OrflCE Market street, opposite nnjie Smith A Co t Htor o gAMUEL H. OUWIO, Attorney-ttt-ljav, OFFICE, TIT WALNUT STREET, raiLADiirai. KREITZER, jitsTin k or TH P AOE. Dkapman lowh.hlp Dnydor Oo. va. Oooteyancliiie, Collettlng eed all other naai. ntrutoa 10 Bis oaro wiu we vvaiu; a- rvit J. W. ROCKEFELLOW, .. - PHYSiOIAIf AHO TJRQEOl Oflwn hit aeofoesloaal sarvloo U tbo J1"'1' fctddUUrg aad eleially. IJaaaV-t) JACOB P. BOGAB, WITH 0BEBBOTR, BBR08TBB83EB A CO. .WUOVXSAba UtAUUin Fl5ltiPIl0VI3I0i:3.cic No, 0 North Whart e. (abort Kaot ot., P-7tf , PHILADELPAIA. ' J J.WILLIAM9i Jr. ; . WABPf AOTvR BOr. , VT" Tl.Vf ATt rLTtTEl " AND ; a, i ; . v v ' ' at a- i sv, i I iiiDDiBtmorrdinmER cbmrnr, pa.v Poetry. THE KOBLE IAVAGE. it cbablbo BBa-rria. Ban'l tho troth, or Tory nr ti, lb endld lrmu hr It. H Mr hi. rn hmnl fnrtb a Pfl, (la rhrrolna HUw.ihm) Pnr tb pnlM of ' Mllowti Who (tha nnatl alwaTI Mil Aro Iht rr Of tha manlf In th htart. rm titt nrart aoa n.rmw ui lil.arruw n tha haart. hi. ha I. bat nrlpnlna With tha MiiOll hi. .O.IU knlfa tirtppllt Oft tho eoalp of hab. aoil mnthari Ulaarly proTeath.re't not another naen a nonie raea 01 reoneie. Oh, how Kind I Ma 0ea tha porUle Of the apirlt land, ...Inaitwre i ne eaiMcraou bis Than) with th' 0. a-l. era all awihe to He.r the yellj end har end qn.ee to Ke.'l the eoalp hotf aratlne on (he Skull. I loathe tnlf prating oo tho W..rlh of men ho daada of hlxl. are 8ooh ae maka Hie the et.Mit.el elieililar. In llla aualrleea aoiilla for hranlne . . Thaalomnif a. aU, f.it tarlnt rroia the weeplnj Motnar har aarune Pl maneuai n her tinht the oh lid; and .tr .nallnj Per. and aeal.lna hr without mercyi O ut, anl n.tura J ln lo euraa tou ThfB aierijr anre. ron,ior nayin rin' iirina. . May q,ut'rlng Ocea kaaatjtou with 'no lorgl- vine- eo tka eab'a-flre brlrh'l bnrnt, al lAtrri nnef wait their lorl'a return, al Twilight iilooaa to nlRht. Th nether ninf nar a.uanier uimrm wiib oniiatr lo-ar a .elT-hlll. lint hark that Moll What la I the dona eo bark all fath-r'a romlna on th. lo 1 1 Know hli tan." Ma 'twill be nice) I'm (loin- iloa t meet hlin'Vrin the mail.1 Thar ail go: all low la death are laid. Thr-e h .ur n... Ihe moon la br Ightl Shinine- ou Hie lee, a. liKhtly, Hperda the lati.fr r.omoward. aoon, be oD,e to me-'t thaiu. 'Neath the moon h Heea a horrid alnht, Ohl (Kxll What Vrreeing horror ehillt hl bl aal What Damon, onuld hare done the deed! There Na ' thamf a, alp l, from elothmit (rood. Thar Node In datha emhriee repnalugt Moon-lii-loe nalr forma eipoaioic. . 1 at to U e th"lr h. arl'i bl l .i.m1 them, Hlncetlie 'N.ihlo" ludl.na klll. d lhaju. Bohlo, aay youl Thrf are mooetere l 8Taiie tri.eli'roii, hetrtlraa ra s.tr lontere aeahould rid onraelree of. Only o the dluor Ihelree of itaian. r.wjr.n, tan a p an oo , Kouud.llko Jwli'a foul trick oft Canby. Woe, lu MimIoCiI llnnjnl llaral Yon hara klndleil. n iw the Aral (Ha Miiihly Nailon'. aai-erl e'laapoe coiuae, it einnot iinvr. Mudue.' Hoon your trti.0 will eltlt. IVmm for Ueobt'a lieathl far. U ll Only due to murit'rert M"doal Oth.r. haaa, In arnate kIolo.'lu Uiy oottfi who a'ii to eat tue aoy Ml'lmn poumle meal Ihe tlonntry rIto. th'lr irlba.l whi alay ua hod n.i acaip ana eeorcn nua nay ua) Hhonld be made to aharply, fvel I'nnle eam'e Tin llcllra .UjI. Hlo aty men, who na or form: like : . He,. ta ( Haiuember, while you live Uk Woleeat y.inr nobler nature bluntad. Keei t j man. On fowl an I bea.t ye Prey, on blood and lut'rlna faaii ye. etop ye eoneof (tiWu.o ManTto, Aoniuaail flondi commaaded yoal Down your path of drgrailatt.n Vawn.lhagu.fi extermination Holoot Talo A KIGIIT WITH A ROUUCR TUrllllng Adventure of Ilia tlume I'uuline Lucca. For cool resolution, the following incidont, related to roe by my friond cannot well bo eurprtssed : Madame Pauline Liuecn usually ro aides in the Viotoria StrasHe, Berlin. I Last Bnrinir, however, sue oconpiod, temporarily, at some distanoe outnide the city, a garten house, orcouutry house, consisting of only a spacious, rambling basement story, surround ed by a veranda. One nignt, About ten o cJoct, sue was sitting there in her bed room. Her choir was placed before her toil et table, which was lighted by a wax taper on each sido of the gloss. The two tapers were not sufficient to illu minate the room very brilliantly, and the further end lay buried ia a sort of semi-obscurity. . Madame Lucca was busy reading some letters con cerning engagements when suddenly 1 . . . . . 1 l 1 1 tlL. sue tmagiueu sue uearu a noise, one looked around, but seeing nothing, concUded she had node a mistake, and resumed tho pornsal ,of the let ters. Sue had forgotten all about the noise when she heard it again. . This time instead of looking around, she happonod, without moving her head, merely to raise ber eyes to tue glass. She beheld reflected in it the face of man peering cautiously from out a cupboard behind her. At first she fancied sne was dreaming, cue qui etly looked again. , No, it was no dream. . mere was tue man, wnom she now recognized as having been formerlv In ber service, and bad been discharged for .bad behavior. She had also suspected him of purloining several objects, wulcn sne bad ralBsed from time to timo, but, not being cer tain on this point, ho had kept hor suspicions to herself. Yes, there he was t there could be no mistake about the matter. Madame Lucca's .first impulse was to start up and give the alarm. . But there was not another habitation within a mile or two, And she recollected thttt the only person beaido herself id the house was ber maid; who though a very good girl, and extremely attached to ber mis trees, was by no means celebrated for her nerve. The other servants, including the trardener. and coach man, had been granted permission to attend a friend's wedding, some mileg off, and were not to return till the next day. What was to be. done! All at once she ' remembered that a revolver belonging to her Ivasband, the Baron von Rhaden, out to be ly ing oa a shelf in the ' dining room i but she was not sure. . "il it was there, and I eould only get it,'' she tnouirbt. "I Should not minif While1 she was reflecting a knock was heard on the door of her room. She saw the man instantly draw bock intd the clipboard and close It after hint. She felt rolieved that those two horrible eves were taken off her i they ieemed to pieroa her Ilka dog in.ahe4r.: "I thoozht voa. had gone to bed. ry rxw e;v ot'rve4 Llidanie Lii it t."a ctiki6?zm. . I 5 IT" 1 "1 told you 1 Would be my ow 0 femm d ehambt tonight Ncs the onlv thing 1 want is to strewn t mv limbs a little, for they are cramp- -eel from long sitting." Speaking thus, Madame Lucca arose with art air of admirably actod induTorence, and took a turn or two across the room, passing close to the cupboard as she cud so. bhe after ward declared that sue thought she could hear tho man breathe in his hiding place. He, on his part, might have beard my uoart beat, all said, whort, on looking at the key hole, bhe found the key had been re moved. ' She was foiled in hor plan, which hod ton to look him in. Still her presence of mind did not desert hor. "Ah, dear me 1'' she said, gasping, "1 feci very sloopy 1" Sleepy, your ladyship I 1 wish l did,'' replied hor maid "1 don't fool sloopy, 1 m too frightened. ' , "Frlghtenod! Wunt are you Tightened of, you, foolish gooauT Nonsense !'' replied Madame Lucca. "Oh! begging your lativship'ii fardon, it is not nonsonse, and that jUBt it. How cnu yon bo sure that same villain, hearing you and 1 aro alono in the hotiHO, may not murdor us in our beds 7 Hut be siiau t mur der tuo iu mine, for, with your lady ship's permission. 1 will sit up all mirht in your lodybliip easy chair. Aladaino rauuno Lmcca glanced i t the cupboard. Her blood ran colcl she thought she saw the handle turn. What courso wAiJ she to adopt T She dared not give ber maid tho slightest bint of the real slato of matters t she folt that tho girl would go into a fit then aud there, aud thus bring on a crisis. Scarelv knowing what she wan doing, Madame Lucca replied at random: Murder us 1 . "What for." "What for, your ladyship I Why, for your money for your jowels, to be sure. Every body knows you have plenty of them. The girl might have boon nncon sciously sharpening; so to speak, the knife by which she and hor mistress were doomed to perish. "What absurdity 1" said Madam o Lucca, with a forced smile. As sho spoko hor eye wandered from tho key holo of tho dreadod cupboard to that of an adjoining room. In the Litter thoro was a key. Her face flushed, and a Binilo, as it were, of proud inspiration lighted it up. thousih only for a second. "Jewels 1" she replied. "Why, every ono with a grain of sonso miint know that 1 should not haro them about mo ns a rulo. They, of course, are ceuerallv uuJor lock and key at Berlin. It is a straugo Hung, though, Editho, that to-day is an exception. expected the Countess von War tenstein to call, and 1 brought down all the jowols presented to mo at my 1081 visit to Oi. A Ukurouurg vu uuoir her." 1 "Your ladyship did! Oh 5 but sup posing a Intel 'Well, If a ibtcf did Know it no might easily mako bis fortune 1" slio observed interrupting her eompanioo -uy rourdenoif us sod mooing oil with Ins jewels.' Madame Liucoa glanced st lbs cup board, sod then rising her voice, ib continued : ' Oh I there would be no necessity The door which loads from that room to the garden is onlookod ; I forgot to look it. A tbitf would merely have to walk lu from the pardon sod take my jewel ease from Ibe table near the window. He rolglt make hi escape richer by 60.000 or 79,000 thaler and never be . dotected. That's better thaa murdering people, is It not f" 'Ob, yes, your ladyship. ,,.And. he might get over to England or America." "Nothing ostler," replied Madams Lucca. ."However, that . reminds me I may as woll look the door lead ing to .. the garden. , Ron Into tbt diniog room ; you will find the key on the table. Dno't be long . 'Kditba I Ediths I" cried Madame Lucca, an Indent afterward, "I bare made a mutate ; Ahe key Is In tbo Uarob'i tudv;,, . Pshaw I she . doet oot hoar me," the eootiooed-, peaking loud, mutt go and fetch it mV- solf-- , .. i With (bote words she left the room. No sooner had she done so that the door of the cupboard csulioutly opened, A man pot Lis bead out aod glancod arouod. . Perceiviog no one be Instantly darted Into so atjoiniog oharobeK . The next iniUnt tbt door wis shut to and locked .beblod him. Put bot by bm; by Moot. Luooa. When she left tbo room she did not fitoeeed two paets jsbe stood outsidt istooiog. Astbe was in darkness aha itrtu Id without beioir vuilble bsrself. sea' till that was passing In ber n bed obamber. She beheld the ttranger leave bis bidid puea and dart Into the adjoioingrdoni. Shi glided After bim with tne steaaiaeis oi a tiprowa and the eoursw of a heroin. J. be render knows what followed. . "Alt Ranvirt V (oaugbt) ID! tried ruibisg aorois toe room with a ktj ia bir band. . 'I oao't find any MgaR KJ (ha. mterlnethe bedchimber. Bat Mndame Lueea. pntning ntr on oa aids diianoeartd. Ediths lokod sfttr har ia mate MtoniSDmint, aaa rw . . " . n'ai a J av r.alna.d aathnriirh rooted tOtbl SDOi till 1 7 V - . i T .... j - ii., ber miatren re-ouieru wiva ravui- I I t A Ohl t ow ladyship i TTb a a at'i tlut ' Vtirei Ue tdX Willi a hay 22, 1873. "Tbe Baron's revolver, thank goodness I" replied Madame Locc. Whjr thank goodaes, your lady ship f " Inquired the maid. Madame Lacoa pointed to the door. Some one bo tht other lido vaa tnrnino? tha handle. Ediths fturosd deadly polo, and dronpid the lamp she was carrying. I'reieutly (hire was a knocking, and a voice tcliimed i Open this door directly or ' Tbe rest was ioatUible. EJithVi eream i drowned aught else. Mid- aoe L'icca waited nntil tht girl's first itook of breath was exhausted uVid hor second not arrived ; she tbto wdd. with comle severity, JMilha, if tou are aol qtiior, I will begin by mooting you I r.dith a thought, apparently, thitner olttrea was lu eiroeit, for Ihe poor ;irt imntediatoly rammed a Urge portion of the Dearest towel in ber oiosth and! roHtrioted herself to iwav ig'to and fro and sobbing violently. Tho koool.ing gnw more snd moro violent, bu t tht door was massive oak aod Immovable. 'Mr friood," cried Madams Lucca, in a loud voiot, "you are caged. Tbo garden1 door Is as tightly fas. toned as this one, snd, the win dow is leeured. Do not sttorapt to open the latter, for I am going Into the gardoo and the Instant that I see you try to escape you are a dead man.1 Flinging open tho door whioh lod to the veraoda sho went out, followed br Editba, who in her despair bad succoeded iu pushing more of the towel in her mouth. The noise of a bo'.t point; drawn was beard. 'Stand aside, my Iriond, Mid Madame Luoca, "or you ars a dead man." A sharp report followed, Accom panied by the sound of crashing wood ttnd splintered glass. "There I that is ono barrel out 01 six. lhat ia merely to show that l am armed. You bad better remain quiet." , The visitor also was seemingly of tho iime opinion for be did not renew tbo attempt- Wbon tbe servent re turned noxt moroing, they found Madamo Lucca quietly reading undor (he veranda," boforo the window. They wore rather surprised, bowevor, at perceiving that sho bid a six. bar rel revolver in ber hand, sod what appeared to be tho eod of a towol sticking out of bor mouth. A few words explaloed tho whole affair, sod in about en boor afterward the would Uo thiof, who, as it was provod would have ben ready to turoaasassin a wall, Was tale st tbo ncMeatpolrzeibuieaH. "Talk of genoralship." laid my friend, si he. eonoludcd his story "wis not the stratagem ol the jewel, whioh Madams Lucoa turned the thief into tbe room destined to be his duogoon, s masrnifloent idea T Mollke bimsolf nevor did anything to boat it." Loiulon Corrtnimndenct limit Jour' A Romaatlc Story. Into the arid atmosphere of politios and bread-and-butter s o m e t i m e i comes a bit , of romanoe of melting svreelness. Of suoh is the itory of two loveri . and a romorselesi father, which, as it ha jut . beoo told by a Boatoniao, must of course ba trtio. Ten years ago a boautifut young Bos ton girl wisieot to lbs Vermoot hills to arrest, if possible, the indications of apprcaohing consumption. ,, She recovered her health, and meantime ioflioled cureless wound upon the heart of an Intelligent Jaod well-edu-oated young farmer's son. t Unlike Lady Yen, do Vtro, ids did not icoro bis timid afleolion, but returoed it heartily, referring him to hor father. Thai traditionally .unromiotio , per sonage wouldn't hear of it, 'Nerer r, never-r, iball a base mechaoio wed my child I" .. Tbe yonng man . retired, went West and mide a large fortune, aod tbe young woman mirried tho man presented by ber father. ;, She wont to live lo France ; ber husband died in two year, aud, her parents alno dying, iht remained ibroad. The memory ot hor But romance faded with her si with ts object, who though onmarrled, was loo busy In making money for leader thoughts. Last year bis buslois took bim to Europe, and ono mitht found him oa a little steamer plying, between Marseilles and Leghorn. A storm came op, aod a ludy, who bad risen from ber Boat on deok to go btlow, was thrown overbpsrd by a tuddeo lurch of the vessel. The "bass mechanic" jumped after, sod In tht dark the steamer drifted sway from them, but heaeised the sinEloz ladr, and ooto ciutcDea a providential plank aod flotid Until tbey were picked up by another ves Ml. .Ddriogthe nlhr, lo lhep cold .nd tt. JAalrnaaa thaw rllaAnrnr'ad in actt othir the loved ioi lost of earl ier ieara. Tha old feolio eadce back in fhat fearful hour, snd on tbilr arrival at Malt they were marued. A Trof dentist became, emotion ally Insane while ronsiriog a front toolo for a pretty woman ana aiat to br. che told hir aibaad, and be west round tbe next day add por- rbwtd 1500 Of tha deatuit da long tint; . . - .i LL-Tj ... Twelve Tears ago, i ConaeeUeat farmer killed hlmsslf by plaeioi tbe motile bf a f da against bis breast and dUebarzlo it with a poker, Beetatly. V bob. ft farsMr, to m m - " ' I I .",, fcl ' I j -. I I .in IV 'J no. 10 A Now lkog Btnrr The Missouri Rnullean of a re cent date says t All read stories of sagaoiOus dogH with interest Here is a now one, And it hoi tho addi tional rriorit of being strictly true. A cortain lawyer in San . FrAncisco has a Wifo, a nnrso girt A whole house frill of era all bhudron, and a largo Newfoundland dog as a play mate for tho little orifcs. It ws not known until lately tlult the dog had any other merit than a doggish at tnchmunt to the family, a kind, play fill disposition and a goad appetite A startling exigency arose, and he bocamo the brave dofendor of that family. The lawyer has 'a near neighbor, whose wife is afflicted with a mild typo of insanity. Tho unfortunate woman was supposed to be perfect ly harmless. And her husband kept her with him. iS'he was An object of mournful interest in tho neighbor hood, end her vagaries sometimes amused the children. Nololy ever thought of her becoming dangerous. One day when the lawyer was At his office, and his wife was out shopping and tho children, left in charge of the nurse girl, were romping with the dog, there was a violent knock ing At tho door which startlod tho whole house. The girl went to the door, aud the dog Was there too, with an expression of interest on hie oountonanco. When the door was oponod tho crazy woman forced her way into tho hull, looking very much excited. Sho talked and looked wild, and was evidently raving mod Tho dog know har, nud appearing al so to know that there .was something wrong, on foot, ho crowdod in be tween tho affrighted children and tho visitor and commenced barking. The nurso girl not being alarmod, told him to ''git out" The manioc Wo man, it seems, took tho remark as addressed to hor, soizod the girl by tho hair, and dragged hor down, and finally clutchod her throat and com menced strangling her. , The girl was powerloss ia the hands of the manioc, and the childron ran scream ing. The dog, not liking tho courso mattors hod token, sprang at the mad woman with open jaws, aud fastcnod upon her. Sho loosonod hor hold on the prostrate girl and modu her way to tho door in charge of tho dog. . x Sho stopped OUtsido And tho animal let her go. . The nurso girl then bolted tho door, and tho now doubly enraged woman bo- gnu to throw stones aud break tho windows, ami finally got an nx and commenced he wing down tho door. Tuo houso was iu tho suburbs, and no policeman was near.. .The girl locked tho torriGod children in a back rcom, and, leaving tho dog to guard the houso, went put by a back door, and hastened to tho lawyer's office. ... The mnl woman, hearing the children shrieking iu tho back part of tho houso and tho barking of the dog in tho samo direction, loft the front door nud went around to the rear of tho houso. Sho sow the chil dren's faces huddled together in the wiudow, and modo , a fresh 'attack. Sho broke tho window all to pieces. and triod to got in by It, but the opening was a little too high and and she had no ladder. -Tho terror of tho children during this scene can probably bo imagined. , They hoard vuuir i nunc i, mu ting, ut tuo uoor outside, and their he faithfully staid, protesting ngainst tho riotous pro ceeding with his deep toned, Voice, J rresebuy the balliod manioc made her way through the tack door with her ax, and stood face to face with the foo that had previously forbid- don her the houso. lie lay crouch ing at tho children S door, and there the lawyer found aim when be came with a sufficient force to raise tho siege. , lu a few hours the woman bocamo as quiet and inoffensive as ever, but there has hoc a a neighbor hood mooting to. consider, the propriety of, reporting the clangor and having hor sent, to An, Jasylunl. Tbe dog, doubtless, thoroughly en- joyr-d his next play time) with those children. Once I visited a show in Georgia. It was a moral Animal show, I heard a follow Shouting. . .. , Says be, bores your celebrated tropical American Ant-eater that feeds on ants. Save I eats nothincr but Ante does - w net Ravs he. sir. he is the most inter esting animal in the show. Observe bis busby tail and bis long laoe, with A tortgua in it formed for nothing but catching ants. . Says L he is Ihteresung, so lie ia Butt ban tell you An animal that would be just twice a Interesting if you could procure one, Bars ne. sir. wna animai wouia do more Interesting than the great tro pical American ant-eater T Bays X, a , mother in-law eater would knock apota oat of your old snt eAter. I guess he nod ft mother in-law, for fia embraced me, and gave me two ticket to go and lea the moral wax works, made of wax. A J ass acb o stTTt woman appear ed at tbe shop wbare bar kdsbaad taployadV ft abdrt time ago, and apologatteaUr said i 'Jim Is aot well. Yea BUM excuse Bim from eoniaf ta work to day. II anal I had a Kala at the krwatfait-ukU AtlVortieJlno1 TltLiam? , ; "' ; On o1oWs ae veer . f iJ tA0O One-half, column, oa yar. .' , rt, ,,0l Oat-fourth eolaBia, one yeon, 1 14,00 Onttqnar (lOllaoa) a laeertte, -i Keory wddiUoBal wteenloB.. . if PrwreaiBl Bad Baets enrif oT-' hot uort tta to llBta, pr paAK 1,00! Aadlior, JCttotaiof, AdmUaUWtotv , and Aal(rne Notleei. Vri . I6flc Idliorlal Betfee per Ha. . . 1J Alladvioejortfo sorter period tkaA ytae ark paabla at tit (lata tkey art Ordered, tad If Bot paid tat par-' oa ordering thaai will he 114 iwtpoauibU foV Ibt moaey. . . a A BhroifaRooiit in tut Wadm Bktj. the Atlanta Hun say I At A late hour A few hitrhte airo. unite a bridal party arrived in the city Arid put m at one of our hotels. The bride) was Accompanied by two or three young lady friends; and the groom by twb gentlemen. Tho names Were registered in the usual Way, but a miatAke Was made id registering the identity of the bride. Tbo hours sped On toward down; and the bride in her silent chamber waited tho ap pearance of her loKl. Yet he came not Surely, he was not sitting uo all this time. Tho rest of tho party had retired, she Was certain, sine she had heard them in their apart- motitft What had becorho of him f I mpationce gradually grew Into ter ror, she rang her hell and tho ser vant knocked at the door. Do you know whore my husband is V sho inquired. "Am t ho in here, mam r "No." . "Mabo he Atepped Out in the city. msra, and wil tie back directly." ' I'm Afraid i oh, do inquire at the) oflico arid see if there ia any Sntotfi genco about him. The servant rctirod, and in a fow moments returned with tho informa tion that thero was ndha The wife) was now alarrhed in earnoHt She oover had a huijband before, and like the man who drew tho elephant in tho lottery, scarcely knew what to do with tho animal. In her anxiety sho went to the room of her bridosmoid and knocked at tho door. "Who's thoro 1" camo in accent unmistakably masculine. "Me, Sarah i but mercv, who are yon t". There was a sudden stir, and tho sound of feet falling on tho floor. "Who the dovtf am I in bed with thon t" she heard the man Bay, as the) door swung open and hor husband's face peeped out . . "Ohl I'm distracted about yon t Where have you been I'' "I'vo been here iu bod i but donca take mo, I thought you wore tool" " Oh 1 James, it wasn't me." "Who is it, then t" "Why it is Sarah l' "Tho devil." , "Oh 1 no, James it wos Sarah. Didu't you know it James I" "Blautrheif I did I , I found her Asleep, and thinking this was our room, 1 crept into bed and Wont to sleep," replied James evidently im pressed with tho idea that ho had ft djfhVult cabo to arguo. "Why don't you hear hcrtsnoro ?' . But just then Sarah wakod Ui, and seeing ft man iu her room, fillod tho hall with people. And now tho bridogroom fonnd himself in a doli cnto position. In tho hurry of ex plaining the matter to his wife ho hod neglected to put on his pants t and now in his eager search for them ho was dancing around the room likA one posRemod, And then imploring Sarah to hush, ( "I'm going don't yon pee 1" But Sarah was seeing too 'much and fehe wouldn't hush i and tha wife in the hall hemmed in by the eager crowd, had loaned her hood against the wall and was enjoying A hearty cry. . At, last however, the) pants were found and put on, and the husband and wifo escaped t their chamber, whilst Miss Sarah doubly locked tho door against fur ther intrusion, lue next morning explanations were gono into, but there s no dobying that both ladies wore tho least bit incredulous, And it is said that a perceptible coldness had jfirown np.botween them, whilst the Unintentionally offending bride groom walks About a good deal, his head down, and evidently indulging; in pleasant meditations. One Smith had foiled in business and sold out nd . having two or throo tough littlo bSs, hod given them to a , lawyer . for collection, Smith u otit to tub office to receive the proceeds, . Thq amount collect ed., was about fifty dollors. "I'm sorry you bAvo boon so unfortunate. Smith, for I take great interest in you. I sbaut charge you as much as 1 should if I did ut feel so much interest in vow. , , Horo ha banded some fifteen dol lars nn'i kept the balance. "Tod see, Sinith, 1 knew you when you, rero a boy, and knew your father before, you, and take a great do.il of. interest in you. Good morning. Come and see me Again." . Smith, moving slowly out of tha door, and ruefully contemplating tha avails, teas heard to mutters "Thank God you did fit know my grandfa ther 1 ' A good Itory ia told of Judge Rice. About tha Commeneetapnt of ' thb war he mode ft speech in North ' Alabama in which he said tha Aontbr era soldiers eould wdup the Yankeei tenth pop-guns, bince tbe tiar no chanced to maka another apeefu in ' the same place. A big double iaiut-' ed fullote teas present who heard and remembered tha foimer apecch, and being In an amiable frame of mind, concluded to go lor ram. Kouing Up bis alewvoa ana patting his fist in tho ; pahn bf his hand, he propounded Cia ttwfnl question t Uam Blow, aicia yovj maxa a kpeecb here hi 1881 1 "j aid, sua cam. Aad diddt r 1 ' s ' - d.Nkftt tio j r" i. tkt ttrt ma, with tbo ae p, B IT. Z" - . J, I-.-wJt J 1 a " i Is C m cttt?) ttn r 1 IV - . Jrji