, tuJaZsn mta in r TTlva tiUat.tX eft y w to nee tab iudaltiborg, on vtitcAtl .3cti6V:idV:.trJiMetiiff othef imnortsHi bnainest. A. fall turnout is requotilej. .By order of,' '.,.,"' .''' HBWO Chairman, Remember, bay, , iber U bqly tr doners tat Tot ni aoetraottoa Of k ira neat.- ' I. ''..,,. . ,( . '-Twd dollar ft d, (ond !! V will 4 .Ji i i ... Miai-aur, jiwj, f rjv;-.7.ikitev. stmtary. or iim Beefing. " 1 ' armointin. tuno. for- hukbiUt out ,,. .. w-i... u. A, .. tf-. I . L I Jw.j' - 'BaaAaV - V" now he paid, juror fgf .tltieding cfttiry ..Aigki. t ft . m.V'-v to oii ipnnf rTtr, jtoj)i iiifuw .Hn MlfMM mrln. Uale d oii v evt."Th dtirt t Impbs. kokeuMsa.aj Jot few bl mo frail tree have IbHr',' r-me.i'' ! 'Ti " "S lh riii otfuU of ifiifll. . ' - , .-1 , f J . 4 .Jrlpiion Hit. 1b put i ) oui, lbr It ljri rootrt on l for Bof. ; " ."''oi 1 .1 -K Ulb bW lin I'l Mt out. iul llnbiTi.' TktM bMUtwrb On of our iohni litji J Wntmn r.r Mid U b iDglc juit , l malb-A mmtb bfor titrritgt nd thirty dTt' Am teak, Lir.;, ,:. , V;";.Ta.4 ! , , -Tbs bis of.kll. looftl prerpArily eonittl io kplnt rnuoe In elrcotttlita at hm la tadiaf prduoli abraI Kd trtugln notify born, f ;' " ;-i Wh li Ibt raoii um lo ft ommanliyr At ma rh9 'it malihy tad buar- bio aton, ot Iho nan, who hai lru, but alrt and puUM forward puoiio onierptiMi. . Lamp cliimtifyi bnilfd In bot watrr tfr wilt not brti, tinWr yati1 lla a'A! iron at Ibort, and, ad ueBangt tayi, ien ihia won't if you don'i, bit ttm. ,t( , , Dead poultry, oati. 4.0. , art an orn- mfjnt l aoy lotality Jifr tbey an fotinj 1y baaoooial to boalib, in a military puml, batlt'a buiinen likt. Ink olaini may oniily bo i romowrd from eotloa or tintn by waabing th ipol thatii aialnid In lall and water, llili fiould bodoao provloua 10 in beinj wab d with aoap, Vr aoap tola tbo color. .1' Of tb ' 43.781 weighinc-tnaehinri (uinad oul by Ibt Fairbank Sculr Corn pmy in 18", 6,'Hi wera of foreign alitn t!'irja, and a large proportion of ll.e were cf ibo pii'in liies, rnUro i l-trHci, iiiini'rV, trimrporiatiott, ao I gilirr l.irc patit'rns. ". W. DaisaourutrpiWoaul at. oioo.la tU.g Uarebaat hai Juit rtuirurd from (up cltr k ra b bat btoo Fiirehaaluf "D of th mt itilMt tad itoi a'ock of prluKtni bum. l.,rOoMl li kiMi iko loaojr itura uvtiMr b til). 11U Inintuat ll Kit t t:ud4 Uia lattat I'.ylci and bit O oa and prlcti wll suit tLt luo.t fa4tl.il u. . A young lady deaor.het Ilia bi-uiu of fa to en in ord a:i l iiij.ire ' tt luHrn ; "'Tbecigartiuokiug. loiaroi-plirio. pti nut-cattyg. randy atiokin, ill tmiiiiiei I, laiy. gakifti, ali'-cuiieuiii J, uolibiaii np in.iaya of Hi town, wbo ait vain a ,ia. rucki and ilupid a Coiaralu poialra .Ijuki." Tbo deioripiiou iuii a good many' toarnt. . , VK. BARGAINS DAROAIN8 TO BE t.l. t.Jooa Ai kanu 1 Mom are now (liipoiiug of tbeir lart aiaorimoal of Morohamliia in Centreville. Tbry pur- -poae going into omrr buainrat atid will null out tbidr WIIOLK STORK lo aoy oat winning io engage. I it ilia ,Mroanille hiiai In iba uioaoiiuit OHKAI 11 A K 'tiAlNA can bo hu t by all iboao in nerd of ay tiling utnally kept In a eiiuolry . attire. Ty 'wiil retail at ooat until tlity bate .u.apuaod of their onliro tlock.' They are rtiiablo tnen aud will do ai thvy any. ttieo tlm a Call, ' ak May, H, 4 Buraiio Oili. The new law regulating !'u 4'.o nriil inspection of reflnrd petru- i-.fn in mil Btate, pkiaed by the Ian Leg' 1'Mure.Wfnt iotocffrol Ibelatof May, 1878. It forbid the lala (irf any prnduvl of pe. ' trulrum lo bo vied In Ininpi for burning, 'ofa lower I no lett than '110 drgrce , aMeokHI. Aay violation of Ibii law li 'ruuiibabU bjf a 6ue of not lest than two hundred and fifty dollar, or imprisonment aot leu than one year, or both ; any per on tuitaioing damage lo property or per. on oy reason or mi nut of oil aot nut np to tbo legal teat, oan collect dauagd of Ibo party wb told ibo oil.1 ' 1 MTAOl 00 UOOKTT rAFIIII Th OeW poilago law whioh goea lulo effect on. the t.rat uiy or July next, require! tbe payment . of poitago oa all regularly Uaued publioa liom tent through mail... Each aubaoriber of tbol'oirby guiag lo Iho rvltmaottr at , Ibo office where k teoeifei bii paper on or before Ibo lint of July, n with 0 ell,' prepay iba pootago oa it fur three laotiilit, or for too eintitix ajoatbi. no would adiiae Ibia prepiyment for aot longer torn ais non'bi by aR reiident In Iba oouatv, ae daubilaai Ibo law will be modified early In tbo next temion of Con, great, to fkr tt Itaet at regardi ibo oirou. . laliop of taper la the county where' pub . . ,. . . , '. ;, Thi Loot ot 0 Soaaoaiaxa One of cur exobaif reeenUy I oat a tubaeriber ; the nan tbougbV bo bad ruiaid Ibo eilab liihmeat, and . di4 wl expect anotbir Bomber oould poaaiklj be ieauad. i . Con trery lo ile expectation: tio paper came ' outaa uiual, iko aext oambar oontainiBg bt following from Ike editor; "Itwai prel- j clooa work far while, wo confen I bnt by omitting lo put tugar in our loo, and ' by buying a oheapor grade of paper oollare ad revereiag Ibem for Ibo aeooad and third lime, we managed lo rub aUog until . ew auhaeribareame aad look Ibo place of our rtipecled, diaguited friend, and ben Richard wee bimiolf again. Nothing but rigid ecottomy will, .carry on tafely er tuoh calamity at (he lota of a tub cribor.' Dbcobxhow p.!- The following gooeral order baa been iaaned from tbe be adqiiar, lert of the Oraad Army of ibo Kepubllo llcprrtmeet of PjeaniylTtniai undet daienf In acoordaaoo aritb our rulee and reg tilatlona, Fridaf ariih, will be obeorr od t a memorial .day foe: iho purpono of trowing ,wUk I were, or eihorwiee dec. .otraUng tbe graeet of . coairadet who .Uiid in defeoM of their euutry during Ibt ..lalorebollioB or wbo bar tiace paaoed ..array.,, Citliem geoeraUy. miliury aad elrio eiaoeiailoaa, obaruboe nd Sunday achoola ihonld be iarHtd to articlpate, and In placet where there are o Pout of Ibf Oraad Army, U U-.boeital that , the Citltose wll) Join togethat for tiia purpoto that fitting tervioea may bt held in every , .church yard or oemtUry wkve our dead . iitroti tleep. .' H M . Tbo jnannor. of coaduoling ibeoe ter vlooe U opijLoaml with , Potta, bat iboao dttirlngll. oan obtain oonioa of Ike fern) f foreinoaiet. at furniehtd leal year by making Immediate application to la A, A, AIUntlei"io'epeoially 'Utifto ''oi 'tlail ilnto U lk reoejnotenoVitioBj from Nation al keadtjuMteee) Uel year 'that iowore aad ekrube be pleated at each grare, in o dor that when we are gone, the eeaoone, It caair eaeeleeeuna may ia our etead, 'x j: ' i'inii.t i ..(', 4VB, EBevaL; onw.ee tat Is iuJ t , bind. TMlMttJTk SilAS : ! etmdtd Ik pTOptrf klkMhdlad el ItbetrbJO atlltyaNlltfbelaw tohllj Mat Mrdi, rtln, stf 6i, rttnjlk or' MkU ineUverekh bfrdiB, awy sni. . tox vnnwig nit trkfttWJratt WitritlNl 0k4ttfia' llfceViAflsVC; Bell.ejttttMkfntt, T(rtJTlb hil l sekN tending "I. te wm piMt Moiity, H. i.. w.tuir, burglar lout If "Uriel the at or of. Ritkrea Wlntan in Ke Berlla Uolaa Co. On. l"iMa be wae llbrat4 Uf whom or throiak wbat atlwttha WMlnptiaoo, bare falltd to irsra. '. I ' Tin orlweJBptlHeeHiiMo.Bbw er't Ornee, for teeeral daye, last week, b,rttt-,itrortf lrrf, iMKt qnltea entwnroryenr,g a no oiil pf hj mm fewe went lo tee tbem du.'ltig tbrlr nay. They bad tome tie "ot eight bead home with thtta, anil weft engaged In trading, So. ' ' '' ' ' Tnt rtbai kail Swecleal Cod.f.Ner Oil It Hazard ft CaiWelK made on the Sett ibore, frotn ftenh, eeleelerl 1It. by Cae well, llatard ft Co., New Vork. It 1 ib.olutpty pure' and tweet. VatlenliWbo bate once taken II prefer ll lo all other. rnyaicMint iiave, oeetded it tuoerior. to aoy of Ike other oile io market. ,(Fb2S 4 New Ooodi. O. Alfm) Srhoch.thepopoUrca Urerln the Dry Ouodi and Oroctr Una, a 011 Ing up btitton room, ont door wtt of the Conn hotti. . with a toomiaiHb iUk of ipibuj a.d iiiminir goods all of tht lateit and molt aiprored trie. The l. Iriiluai kr jolt aa goot aud tlrawtaiebtipitlnthaeity Ulfi klm call and booeorineai of tbe troth ke.wol, ' I.aboi Exraaia rniiiiT.-rof the we.b na,n April tin, tltot Waii'ti Co., i.f thi, rlif (Chl04Ko), ilili'i.l l.f th Aaiartraa klil.a v., in iiiuuai,a irnm. l tl.ro.uol Jat. " iifttie tritrd hiaiti .LkifiMe Co. on ihre Uinuuo i ana lijr U AU. inl or nrlhiu-.n.l. lhi Ortn an al ramllnn out t!itmi&n,i ni ihn ami etiMia la tbeaiat by aia.l, lo all tautloui of iiv i viiuil f . . , Climmo'-Oatt' 1, a!rn bi ererTMrxerl oerol itiat popi.lar l.mllf woklf. (Ji a Kiaa. MAavracToam irbut a imail porttoaof tht urp.oi montj tmtM.li J ly ptrivnt llrlna in this tiiwa atd icluily culd bt dlrtcU-d to Ihtbullillnn up 0 fnittiUrknUiln'g ttaftlllieri. menu, tbt po.uialloa of allddlaturg would bt more thaa double In two yran. TMrt art huadrtJi orartlclti tbal club maaufarturril btrtitWillat elMWhttt, aud th pntduotlon of U .U, wool I pro?4 a IbcraiUe liireilminl lo lUoit tkga;j (h tb b iir"ia. f! Biovj. Tbhi li the a aaua worn tin rul doutioft iwnand eoiuitrr may Iwk with aotul- d na for tbe TialU of that prii atetlc nalkanoe. (bt proftMional Itinennt Mgxir, .A iocb Iba w.t'j.r opene Bp In the tprlntf. Ibaaa paau) com foith Iruio tl.alr bau.u In th lag ell, and proceed t 1 prowl ot rtbe rouHtry.aaklnilp tlu ba.nror.barlty tor wl.al the y fail to gi tak opoiiwnity to tual. 1 Thrr a no o..a-i aka'CTer io glyln to that t"P e, tbay rliow brJ.. a a burlneaa na iir ..a erxauTMtion aintrlct and jitrkct a that tt any L iuliual. Indiwtry. Tbiwa wuofildi- ,o,. d to bj ih1'a' lo or ti pe fe;m miaawtry work, i'il nrtor looe far feaa th.iir own dnora to fi i.U plmty ul doaarvlog ub.etl on which to re.-rii ' tl iir plulanlliropr. l. ' '.! '.'I 1 i a., , I . i -av t.iil T Dolt 1'iiTATora. in Ireland pointers are bailed la prrfretion ; the hitttihleat peanant place Li polalnet on hit table lifltfr cooked lhau bair tlie coik in this country hy trying their best. 1'otatoea should nlwaysbe boiled tu their "Jackets!' 'ti'!:ng a poliuo beloro boiling is otti'tiuit it premium fur water lo run lb rough it and go to table waxy and uiipalniabls Ihey atiotiM ! iiiorougniy waskru ana put inie cold wuli r. lo IrelinJ they alwayt nick a piece of tbe skin off before' Ihey place ibeut in Iho pot i the. water It gradually healed, bul nevor allowed to . boil ; OolU water abouM be added at soon at the Wa ter coiuineurea boiling, ami it should ibu lie cheeked nniil tbe. puinloi-a ere done the akiu will not then be broken or crack ed until the potato i thoroughly . done; pour the water off completely, unooeer the pol and let tbe tkiuo be thoroughly dry bofoio peeling. Mcctlog; of flio state ' Cod(fil ( CotinilUe. . , , t Th Biirnbini Jf (be IVepublicanStale Central Com mlltee met last Friday, at two o'clooli al Ibo Uiohh? ubtel, in Borriiburg. A fnlt atleoiJance from the Tttriotit obim lie wa preseut', and after ihort discut lioa IlieConiroilleo. decided lo liolJ tht State Cooreniiun on Wednesday, the 11th day rf August, n ijie city of Hnr,riburg. Th fell owing jgeiolutloni were, also unanimously ndnpted, vix; b'riolrtd. That the Republican phrly of Penns) Wania be reason! lo be proud of t li e manner In which Governor Harlranfl ba discharged Ibt duliet of bii office, aud tb people of thit Commonwealth may feel assured that their. Interests will bo fully guarded during hi administration. lti'olvti. Thai lh lhankt of Ihlt com rultle and of, the Itepublionn party of rennsyWania are brrby tendered lo the Hon. Kustel Errelt, chairman. Gen. UiiigJ ham. tretsurey. anil tb several seoretarifi asaoeiated with ibem for lb efBoieut and able wanner lawbioblhey diicbarged their arduou dutiea during the late campaign whlob resulted so gloriously In the triumph of lYepunncao principle. Mr. Errelt thanked lh' committee for bt lalteriag aollce tbef bad taken of the1 result, of their labor, and hoped Ihey would not burden him with a liniilar Job. Th committee then adjourned. ' ' ' 'A OR! AT DWCOVERT.v 1 WW ,i Kunhrh' Jiiltfr Wint .o' Iron. TiLNKEL'fl HITTER WINE OP IKON Wilt our all dinatea. orislngram aitor dered liter add atomaeb, 'euob a eonsii. ration, flatuleuoe, uard piles, fullness of blood lo tbo bead, toidily or Ike - liemacb, nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, fullness or weight In tbe ttomaob, (Inking or flut tering at tbe pit of Ike eiomecb, wtmming at ibo bead, hurried or dllboult .breathing, fluttering al the heart, cboklog r luffooai lag aenanlion wbtn in lying Dcstur. dlmj nest of vision, io. Price, $1, per bottle. K. F. Kunkit .proprietor. Depot i&O North wtb f below Viae, fblladslphln.' ifriot 91 IKI f.,. ..I. k l....!ala "I ' I i - -3 If your Druggist hat il not, enolose 81.00 f to my Addreae, It. Cor luib, aud Chest nut, abd il will come by nekt exprett train, L and abfio free of ckargo. i .. gELI.NSOROVE I'RODCCE' MARKK1 ' : - CORBkCTln WBBEI.T BT I WnueiiHOllet' St ' Hon; till fl.tlr 170 J Wheat new per bulbil... fl 1 Is i Rye ' 1 do- ' Cora do Oaia do- t!i cioyoroeea ftr paMtt .,,.lrrir flaxteed do . Potato- , .d y a f -.-Timolbyidtde I I 'I I Buakwbaaidd 1 1 " ' 1 V . 6tr Onion ' " dd."' ' ' ' " in b'w J Butlr pr und ' 1 t'-t" v.b(,i t'ggi per doien ' fi V "'"'U Tallow per pound , . :n'1 Lard " Ru ni CherrloT? tfAA-vn Sdd ChrrW" t.1i V Blaokbefrte .-mna 33 18 n Dtitd Applet 1 ."" 0 eti-VN Piled toebef J " il af.,.- ogbptM "!'".. t-" atl U. nrs I J ' ... " aiwaaaa n ' BheoB, SUiH ' 'I'H l.n m 4f Ana 'ktiui'Biir ti1 'loioejKg ' S4iojldr ti Uii! )T Vm . , ';'' " ..t- 2 . r .I...1. fl. Tl. 4 4 w . 'MATZTTircrj; Y hftrfl Kk by y'm liMew4JlJtlA4K ISkrewder end Mli krawdrr an l MIM Adallne Knepo. April rth be ihtMlia Mr. William B, Wood. 1lk' 0 KM, KT.IO VwV.r . , V WW - A I, 4rt A4Ana.MM.ajt f1,.J AliatM,Vf.lMhiTeTei ata , el eVeai )- lAt Ibt waof fit. Utoraa Xtiltl at Boa li lia koaaa.af Mr. Otarm t.iwu 6n Ibt fteif Ml 4 ratbaftA Tfoaataf tcM n raari i mtitnai I tod t dayt. ati.iio. r. T RIAfi' LlST-MAf TKK, lfeT3. . i - . . a. It teural B, lju Milirnf ke. t Abgwetl Srhroyer a !. ttflMuft, notice 4 0 BtmyttaJ A OnnimtHKi at at D rVltnderet at" 'ha kt kD.avair, Wllltauu atairold William H backhai l llll.m Qnoibr Philip BUkal -I y r Del -hrantvb Ut John TU William Tt wllmUm Rota. wboW k ( r ftobbaok av tiro ' , , , Baaii , Miil-r ,. . rue JaiOb HaAinan " ' ta A3 Hnirball at al " Jnanh evraaatth ' , Ta Joaopa aterane With I Onto to Karak Okvtar f!hilti4n Fonr fartf It ramer adm'r Ic Hfbn innihi lulrr I'bilrp tenia b kv Hnramel vt V k Ulackn nolMt I - - Julia l:oopf f . . kebjamln H Loo . Ti Canio) lletrkk " 4ame ' a u ea , iet,t- jAhii M..II 4 Jnlin l,airlt. Adara WillttrO " 'ji raeii-i Jea-. I -1 Jau uaTla ti Sua hart k Laeiat .n ah Ci ioia . .. ti , lamt ttnrr Hfhoeh' J aania i 1 h- aiHiT are at lime an.i f.f trial at May Itrm IMl. J. t'RoVHK, 1 April M, if i' t i i t rraibonolani J1: UnY List MAY TBRM, 18T, ' . 1 I OBAHn iranuh r)eTr, Ttarry Miller, Harrlaoa "wH, taaae Kr, lilxi Ha.Trr Waal, Min iel Wlan l, InhnJ. llaliarWM kabaian.tlia'Hi R. HtrroM I .riaek Iiii. Ja ob f rliulyi Jaoftani, Maury Muarrt ilun- riM nnn vTiwi'tr, .inrin r . Hniianaieta lanavrn. II ttin'ln) H, rrv, Willtaie Ar-erj r-ftr Wilt, tbninaa hl.tiUiilwiaeri HMH.aTlrf .1.. 'Ph A lamhanl liarlln I. ) ar-aai4-,AVell. I. Hnlmri l,nl,.n.Oa.r)caiiKlr, l,l!thl. Hamurl bcballi Uaalilidilon, fttct . ItatfrV, a iliisra aiayar, i . , - ..., , aaaa. riTiTjraom, BaTtr. John W.IHtanro4W. 'Joba S. am Kb. J. fret. llnirntKl. INm'el Hli-tamai HeaTer Weil. Faoiual S. 8. Url, Alron 9. Itelff Irn ( r lfrai 4ai.pri Haloaa, a,,,aa nrabtM, 4 . AlLreti M aun. r. I' ul Ku liri Chapman,- I radartult C Ktil..ar. Jacob I' rt. tn. wimain I. rtiimmilt tvnlre, ryrn M irlrni Franklin iituoen ziMii man, Murrla I Mly. Ailam l.mnlhui r, T:mn aa linw-f : Ja-Kwli, ) ith I'. Hnry Wauntri Mo. .,.. Ja. ..b lltuilrt ka .liihri Mob h, n III. mi II. Hell, n im.,,1. atabh uidJUcr.-. Kimnal II alar, t'r.4. 11. Uv.lU. laui. l'uiinkur. .loin lin k, I; Mii'd i-l.uric, HflMjnniin Ha. bm ni F'W, aiuan jiri-etl .tnnn r rinner, iiiurai inr ilnu, It rv, Jarob Rutbf.b, Jieob Aibopa-I i .nl-l l.aaiai Harry WeaK Alb b.el f. Urayl.UI lavld tiaylMll. J hn ,rloni Iri'ani'o. .k, Jamea I'awltntr Jnhii 11. Krlfri rtirnn.' Jtn Ml.ol r. Ja. ob Ilirnsi '.n :l n lianl. I H. Ilini r. Hubert Veat, Wlllum A. OIim, Jona- tuaii Arb iciiki. 1 i . 1,');PublicSale. rTho rtnilprBicnofJ Atlminiatratrir of Xtlerstat'-ol .laeoh M l -tii ll. I ta f 'ea toanslilp, !!, ,r,l, III o'ar at Fubllo a.. us IL prtuilMa, lu sl.l township ua bnliirilii), .May IUIIi. 1S73. Tha following described feraJcal Froptrty, to wu : , ONE MAR 1 O N K COW. Half Interot ol t arrea Ostein ymunil, 1 (,' r Shelter 1 Ur.rsHI lie, t Mhoats N.iil llns I" n h, I .I ot fop.tr boardi, luiniuu ckls is, lot olOl i itca, . . o 'i.1 o r. v o ta ro : .s, t wtmaa, I Pur an, f'nposril, I Tabl. Svln nine Wheal, Tin u Inflow ah. r Meat Vera I, Iiaiu.t'ibti.aiid otht-trii leu tou leilouato luuii- ll n njl.'to.iiininene.- at lo ovinia A. M. ol said dar whin term will l ni tie bn "wi by ., z.l,lAlUkl ft .,1111 iir.i.i.. . Almi Istratrix. At.RO. At Hit sstn ttin ab'l plats will ba b 1 1 a mesUnK nf ilrixori and rnoitors of lh h) rsta'e nli li ilrVel "I I make payuvnt d aauit, anil tlinse hTli ir rlnims w ill pr.aiaiii thm. S.I.I.' Ill I 11 ilillCllt.L.L., AiilU X. F. ii V . ZtLL,t.K. aitornoy. .May 1, is;a. ShetiffV Sale. v vn tuo ofa writ of i-ntl. 1-.x.ishii nl ont of tht l oart of V'aiimnn l lai of :i.r,!r uiunty. P., and ti uit diit-ttt will l-t spun il lo rot lie bii . at Iht Court Hou.t In Ml.iOlrbam.oti i tialurduj-j Alay, tttli,' 113 at 10 o'clock a. m. the followlug Ileal Enate to win cerulamiaBUMaor . . . iT R A 0 T OF LA N 1 altnsts lnTrb-er township, SnyiW rortnly. Pa.. bnuniLfd aa billow tu witi Last by lnd of i euiu mai in, aoutn ami viastuy laud at ru;i .V r-Diua, on uia nnnn ny isn.i ! John fit enlf, wiirnrg Is vreited a TWO HTORY HOUSE AND STABLE snd other ontliuilillen.cenWilnltiK TF.N ACHES ui'ire of ieei- r-eln d taken tn i-xccutiou and to betoWsatruj.Aatpaelr'ef Ste)trl'tiii'l A v s 2 f V- IAiLi4OLUPKa.J'i ArUWt,Vv73.v t, f,, ,,,,, ,bU.y:ir. Best Thing in thre West. ril..1.'....!: I). -rT?- tt T three 'niLtaitro ic,n?.f Hitoaiea in nu near in Aramsas vauey, j. ! ' - ' - Us t'intat Portion of Aantarl . , Elerei jrtare'Oedii, 8enw'po4asi I J . teres,.' 22J per ooal.redaotioa to ' - . etilleri who ImproM. -? A PRXE PAjTO,LANJIUjrER8 I J i THPrAc'Tfl sbontibls Grant aro-sVpw Prti its. I.oatf Oreat.wad w Hekateto luitlrrs al early oiat fowthi a BUk boll, sn iplt nilM t'lliuatai sueirt aud aiiU Wtatera, Varly p ia tnv, anuuo vviatenua 01 wiwa-tiissuty si rain tall, and J uit at tli lutke sausuii Coal, Htont id lu li t ( ami llrli-k on t.ie IIDi'iCDt'P ita'es on nimner. COuJ, lata HO, rml4IBBaVi ,b)l , i:ulal..ri Hniiieiti ad and Pro.emrriions'nftaf 1aiiMrutr k flrslat ae Krtau.tlUllbUr.t;trjouKU Kwum rsncliicu elltit JanJt and lui- provsiiieuts. - r a I . r. . .-y tt ia tii p nvoT iiiiAnyrykfSrV irvrn FrHHrl) 'MlTrlK it ll.lClkmln Hit l eaul complallon ofthe Kotd., . .. , , . ras tii iii'ii ,. r.rweV4..i, ;;UT;f .31(111 na BKWnJGV'JlAj Th wiuiktMifset nail .x4!J juot' cbuut Uuutuyt. rut nit bbiVTof tb" farmer aiu, w. saai-werayt.iire a oV'TTs1' oar'fl'tS ir'bfosldelt'te ' t a5f mauls orn. tuvateaitftbrk I tor' iSi Jclkil?' anTV' (Sref y rriialWd I slhtplleM and urot I It.alf thoruugli sstl.l.n tor tK ueewi das.Hli'y ai rukl lity Maw laoiajavlated eoolld.oi' lkt UaetiUiiM aierliuauaoi fall to ionvinea thk'esrtnii examroiriorltt loptrbultjr. .M.WiiamiJ T e ft f til ft.ia I IltlaferwltWyVMi laaslaafamk b. Induced IV. bj aux'0ltaa:t4raiiv.(ta ofall olUr rnarrfihi ysjitwtsay suss ' y, mpl.y . oc wiXUUUXf too aeuensi imnrmsHin, nu - llti.ia. J II r. I A. kV TOIJHAlllN. r Or ..rv;mljinaL.Aflt.pH 'III7nTJ,ryiO7yTia .lr.e-rrlkfl fJ .M.J?n,,'i IHirTJ J Jl IrjT!) hit .m IMJMTft VlJlJt. Re ITI 4Wrr-rwJ'Jeww.DW- Srvtag Ab lkaua4v'l as t I WTrTTIT MP."-? -iMie"ii 7 4Y . V . V4.0Xa aua I 'A eomatal assortment af Rlaaitarfl aril L Dwarl rf Applt,rar4, rtachet, Flntrti Bib. rtan Crab. Apricot I, d Nectarlneti Otpei rrwot, (jMtbetrUev I RaspbtJr rleo, . itfcsafrtt,, iAnpaHsgea, I RkBbtfb; NtMra' VmiM aaws, ajrwaiatsalsj Tree. I(ardwriwv o-aMig. abrehe. Hedge Plant, ft. Kaaloe nawp far Cal logkw ak frleatV laiat. s, -a.vj I VW'OS. KVANS AOQ., , ) AtirsveewtswaatJ SrnUnt, lerk, Ta ',Mar.27,'78.8w. .,rj I u.T r cotili'l1 rRtJ(jL!viATJON. ' TTTberea Iho lio J. C.HlCHta, Prl Y dent Judge of the Jodlelal comptiawd of the eounilee of Unyetrr, t'nlna abdiMMnrB'emd J. Oi U fkrodet and George C. Moyer, Est AsKMiate Judges ia and for Snyder county bate limed their preceipt .waring. tt mo rb 'Jtthday of April A. b. IBM. lo me directed for the holding of on Orphan emirj, a court of Common tier, court' of Oyer and Ter miner aad Oeoiral , court of Quarter Bet slona of Ihe rrkce al MlJdleburg, for jbe county of Hnyder, on ihe 4ib Monday. (be ing iba VOth day f May,, Ibja.Kand oontintie bne wtek ' ' ' Notice I therefore hereby rtrea la iLe Corntiet, Justice of Ihe Peaoe and Const blet in an for Ihe county of Snyder,' lo ap pear in their proper person with their rolls records, Inquisitions, examinations and other remembrance let do those thinrs which of their oftcee aad ia (heir behalf pertain lo be done aad witaessee and per sona prosecuting in behalf of ibo Common weal! h again! any person or person! are required to be then and there attendine tnd not departing without lease at lht-ir peril. Justices are requested tr be punct ual in their alUmlence at the appointed time agreeably lo notlf. Uiren under my han't and teal at Ihe Sheriff.! fttooip. flid,l(eliirg,th 2tk iAy f Apr A. P., one thousand eight buudrod and ttrenlylhrre. 1 UANIRL BOLENDtn. Bherllf- BwHaroot Count'effeitt,! JOB IIIOSFS,MarVJWl.q.MFr ara aareaMMiy oeewnsrimo. Iiaataair 0ral r4'4 4fa aaar (4 441144 ctmfrMn fs KilirMfil1 jrMft. r4raW4A.4rl4awrjMM ViaacAMcJrajra. JU ayAara awa aaara7aaa an asreasMtrir oeeemrierio. CuaMaur D Tb osssisa Pills ar anMllneln lh eur ol all j"oa pamiui ana aansna ai4r44 ta whleh 'Ji nrnal oun.tltmlnn li alijact. They eioarau all asHaaail rtatye aU etMLraoUsas, fraia Wbav eysroaiut. srirKJl i tbsy ira tacUculatll luiiad. Tu.r will In t short Ituj hrina oa tb monthly period wUb Malarttyi and althooa-n ry powarful. eouulo nnthliia burt fol to to Mi4tltatfon. Iaallsaa4 0f StrTfinssa4 rpu pln.l Altotlou, tain In tb Bask and Llrala, Uao od 4llchi sartlnn, ratplUtlonot th Iliairt. UTiiaric ana wait, tbay all oihar Diaas bav 111-4. surie ana w mte. tnay win 0art rarb4B olbar traana ha rkll-4. Tha al-M.l a..4 M-h nokM Xlrt rail dlnwltnni and adrlca, or win o sant rras to au writing bt tUsu, asalad troro AbsarTatlon. J'-.-:tS. " "w wboee tb nevrre eanett be ehUloan.Ona Dollar (iicl'aMil to tu Sol Propria- rs uortiaruit au Haw xrk, ill th -4Mli4, tonialnine riny ii. 44twriw assise Hum auy 40ta. JllBTAirjB) PTTLMOWIC WATItllsl Onr C0LS114, Colds, AsraaA, BaoaoaiTis, 80s Tssoit. ftossssssas, PirsiorLT lusiriiso. Is cieisst CossoasTioa an Lvse Disbasbs. Thay bar no taat of aiailklna, and any child will take them. ThoiiMna have baan raatord to health that Bod asfor dMianrad. Ta4tlmnnr alTan tn hsnnrads ofi-sa. . liieBRTAN trUl.MDNin WArKkA, VrWsa SSeeata aer kex. )uBM04M,Propri- mr. is lomanni e'rvat, nil THB CRKAt FRENCH REMEDY. IW IdTBa I DBLAMJ MARRK rl PrCPtC PILLrtaf CrtMTWtl lif , vAltAntlalia. -a N III nntimbnl. Wria. 01 a- Uallial raeulty of Vranc ss the ysry bast remedy in all rsva orarairnistnTTliaia. or Bamlnal tVaak . Niatitly. Pally r Prtmifturf Bmlton . Sal Waa4TM4 0rl's'.foy; Wasknaa ariatn froos erai Bibiu.iMt Hasusl Biarsaas; Biasarinof the GeuttalOwns; Weak Spin: Dao4llainth I'rin. and all lh ahtty trsla af Dl arl4lnr from Ovaruaeor gireeaaa. TkavaarsaheBalloUisrrsm- tJIsi till. I'arapbUt nl Adylr In h boi, or wlU a sant tea. to any d'lr. Prir 01 aar fl(. Bant br mail, 4.ewr4ryifdraaji.ii44rtii,oa lyoslntor srira, (.!(' A KO. Mllrll . ISCnsTttsu r. N:w Iota, Bote O.u.ral Axsattas AsHJ s ASH FACTOUV, ' . . : ; .' mw: firm. , i' 1 4.1,1 .-. Tk naderslRatl basing entrd int aeo partntrsnlp for tht perpoit of carrying oa more xttnilyely and to better adsaauae taebiui- ness of manufactnrlng a geaeral assortmsnt of allklml of - - BUILDING MATERIAL, SUCnAB Doors, Shutters, Sash, Vi . JllilJJW, DOOR AX I) WLNDOW THAMES Heroll VcrlT, --- -a mT "aTr Av w J 3IoullingfH, All Sorig or tTU.IiG, wish to say to Carptnttri J fcll othtn wb Intend to build NEW HOUSES. Of Repair & Remodel OLD ONES, that w kare 11. faellltloi and ara prepared to furnish at fair pilots, HEADY MADE oral short nutlet, cheaper than can made by band themoet Important parti ol buildings. We also make . .1 llaml RiU,'Newal lXtt and Balai- !"!-. i . tert, Bracket, , lT'loorinjy, - " Hiding-, , tSiu'iacod Rourds, tod do a gcDBrtl batioesa of all kindtof , , Lumber for - Weerepswtloai and kapertsaeed Arehltect id lisauakuaeu, and oer patrum will .bare tbe banttllof our knowledgo and skill. Our work will Prove atiJai-torv. HAINES & SNYDER- ' KALTiM, 1 O, Snyder Co. Pa. May, 8U'72. CELL & S0UOiNOUH, Q.-r.'.. Wholetal DealoTB BRANDIES. WINES, Gins, Whiskeys, iVc, WOMKLBDORf, BERKS CO., l'a. January 13, I87f)-tf DK. FAUKMaV'S KkUbrattd llU&VCleanter ot Pan acea. - Tb Panacea will not only eu.re old Hand labdJualinf nl comprint!, UU il tr of in neat preyeuiaurea or iircu uiaaruwr ver offered to ibo world. You can areiJ severe atlaok ofaeule Idiiajr, uca aa Cholera. Small Pox, Typhoid, Uilioni, Spotted and Intermittent tesere. by keep . . . n - , . ' ana. - .l:ar . a- lu your dioou purinea. iuuinnui u ertei of all inoh diseasei depend altogeth er upon lb condition of tht blood t for If . . . 1 .. '. . a ,a a ia.lM ..I. - tuta yitat Bine, i nttraaiea 7a wm . diaerat mock wjor rekony , ooer al... and tha autTarine wilLbe In nroDor. tion io the amoant of foreign mailer In Ike Mood Tbli tk itrtastrnabterbet we need aot hero make anriUntrMroa.J t I I r ' HemtmneV fee re and -don't b pht"off IwsUktaaytMmc .tfwbWl ,gggiit,my iy 11 rusTaegnrra id emswsasM. BeaM VkM Mkko taobo preit en akeaf er nrtlkret, 1 " w '-' ) I , sfv . , i WIBTWABD, "it - - Hall! tUi Llwt ffJQJ, f,, A, I a tBS., t .'' it !! . w stalrnaamrt II tWMat r . 1 U II p. Keuaee f. , , 11 ,,, Mtlitfl . ' ' Ifsj ' 13- MsTtoteaerg ' I tee iiwmw r 4r i ; .lie . 4r e , iartew , ... j 10 II IN . tti.i.rg , ' flf ' ', ia t ttuinr tl t saa.'i on m i I tie . B Adi If wfriirr .jut. kalnilelf. ifv-JT .wi If .(, 'V.I. JJJrf.': Paiawe' III t It tt Msttlandf1-' I( i i LatWKHewa tu StATtONH. Ltscal Aa,om. Mailt fsst tla. tationh. Li Iitowa Jki till lospei til lie a as. fill i4i ts town MHsa f . f4lauw Mln.UI f ' VlJM 1 MiTTiasa Adasjuaurg. , tot H '. 'tie "tee in . ' m , r 3 tie ' en . lo oa l t lu w It 10 i in l.l lit 140 lei it M ' ' 11 4 I 1IW.I Bs a I'M . till lilt ue . , i o 1 1 1 it ' i n I" . riaaYrriowa 13 ITT Mnfr i . Mililleberf ' Melver , t Kfinarr Ill . T0 tot tit Pawitne P. ' ' li'M t ll ' stliaaiiroTe sillniKrov J. Banbury tv tapi ,Tratai will slrp al PlaHon marktd oals wha elanal la at, an. r 1,1 4 Ti i H"I " " a5-i4-l HTUEKN CENTRAL RAILWAY. i i i - tt.. Oa and afrie Rai'lay, .Tone t. Isfl. train! w JaTS sellBigrort -ttsiKm at folluwn NUHTIIWAItli. I i. - r Kut trie Mlas-eia FnrTalo .'KI.Iall. tr.Usll, t.jp. , M. f.W I. x. r, v. a. t. . w ' a. . 'Mumn M 111 IH llll, Ull .try. Wrrr.pt '' l sot t 4 - . do t'lmlr lo.u Um loo do tr aa-talga t to doRra-hvier 0I tto Hllflal'. . 1,1 do Mia)nslrin tlrldge ll so 00 Niagara tails 12 40 MHJTIIWARD. 1 t rie Krte Uultalo Nlxri ' Lap. Mali Ks. Mall. Kip I.tare A. m. a. m. a, at. a.m. ellnar..ye tl lis! ;i II Arrttarrlfburg M IN 141 Arr Pblladel'l 'w 140 H r. w. 30 t It a m 12 01 Vl Si do Baltimore lit TO 10 to 00 k in 160 do Washington 14a 10 00 Thi only trains stiiimln r al Hsllnnsror am tbe mall nor h 5s p m. Kail l.lna aoribat KA) am. and mall south at 11 is a tu. fell. H. l UUHU. Daa.Pass. Aet. 1 A K FIl4KR,nnKut. IHILAUEUrillA ft EU1X UAILUOAO. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and Afttr MONDAY OCT. 17. 1872' the Iraini on Ihe I'HIadelpkie ft Erie Bail Koad will run airoliowi i WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN, lean I'hiladelpbia 11 40 p m " ' Stinbury 6,HUam ' " arral Efle 7 63 pn, ERIE EXPRESS leasei I'bila'a. 12 4" p ni " " . Suubury 7 01pm " arret Erie 7 45 am ELM.1RA MAILleaiM l'hila'a 810 am . i , i fiutil.bry 4'.'0pm " " arr al Lock listen 7 36 pm NIAOARA EXTHESS leayei I'hila. 7 30 am " " r-uobury 12 4tlpm " arr at Kenova 4 36 p u EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leave Erie. 11 S3 a m Suubury 12 45 a m " " arrairbila'a 6 55am ERIE EXrilESS leates Erie. 005 pm .' " Sunpury 0 33am arr st Philadelphia 8 80 p m ELM1RA MAILlcayes Lock llatsn 7 45 a m ' Siiiiluiry 11 00 a tu arr el l'hila'a 0 00 p m NIAOARA Express loa' lienor 8 26 pin ' Sutiluiry 6 10 p ni arr al l'bila a , 2 80 a iu Mail East connect esnt and wsl at Erie with U 8. ft M. S. K. W aud al Corry and Irt itutteo with Oil . Coeek and Allegheny II. II. W . , . t Mail Wett with west bound trsins oo I,. H. ft M. 8. II. W. and at Irington with Oil Creek and Allegheny It. R. W. NiagerA Express and Erie Express East, and trie Mail tiagar Express and bt mirn Mail West, connect at Willlnmpori with trains going north on th Hlrair and Canandaigua ditliioo of th N. C. B. It. Catawissa passenger trains will be run est from Witliumspurt on Erit Exprsss, and well t W illiamsport on Elinira Mail. WM. A. UALPW1N Oen'l Bupt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILUOAD. WINTER flMB TABLE. Ei'lit trains (Duilj) to and from I'hiladelpbia and l'sttHburb, tnd Two irtio Daily lo and from Erie (Sunday Excepted.) ON AND AFTEUMOXDAY NOV. lllth, 1871, tha Tawnuer Troiot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from llarrisbiirg and arrive al Philadelphia tnd I'inihurg at fol lowt t i ' EASTWARD S 85 Philadelphia Exprest leavei ITnr risburg daily except Monday at i 86 a m and arriret at Welt Phllidelphl at 40 am. 4 06 Fait lint If ei Karrlsurg daily except Monday at 4 06 a m and arriyei at West 1'hilaoelpbia at S 03 a ni. 7 SO Mail Train leayei lUrrisburg dai ly except Sunday J at 7 80 p in and ar riyei at Philadelphia at 11 liO p m. ll) 45 Cincinnati Express leases liar ritbnrg daily al 10 46 p m and arrises al West Philadelphia at 8 05 a m. 11 44 PaciAo'Expres leaves Harris burg dally at 1. 46 am aud arriyei al West Philadelphia at 8 40 p m. 2 CO tlruira Exprest lea.es Ilarrlahiii g daily at 'i 00 p m and arrises al Wist Kuil adelpbia at 6 00 p m Excepl 8unday 8 55 Harriilrtirg Accommodation .caret Harriiburg at B66,pm and errivee at philadilphla at 0 40 p m. 7 60 Lancaster Train, via Mount Joy leasee lUrrisburg daily txoept Sunday j at 7 60 a m and arrives al West Pbiladcl- phiaat 1 40 pm. I, a u u a. 4 40 Erie Fail Line West, for Erie. leave Ilarrlaburg daily (except Sooday) at 4 40 p m arriving at trie at 7 eu am. JO 4D r,ri nan wen, lor trie, iears Harriiburg daily at 10 40 am arriving at Erie at 'i io a m. It) (0 Cinoiunati Exprest leavee llar- ribur daily at 10 30 p Birlvet al Alto- na al 8 46 a ua aod arnvet av. i ittiuurg at 8 liOam.- .- VI 85 Tb Southern exctesi leavei liar- risburg daily at 12 66 a. m. arriyei, at Al (oona at 20 p m. Bad trrlvef at Pitit burark altilOan. 4 Oi I'aciBo tlxpreia leavei narrisiiurt daily at 4 06 a m arrived at Altona at It 06 a u and arVivet at PitlwbBrg at 2 06 p m. Fait Lin leave Kgrritrlmrg daily ex eot Bundavl at I 60 a m rrivti at Alto oa at 0 06 p. m take lupper and arrri et at PiflaUnrgai I 85 am. . ,.. 'i Malt IVaht leavee Harrlsborg dally (tx cent 'Sunday 1 at 1 15 n m arrivee al Alio. na at 7 lp m lekeetupperand arrlt ee kt llrfibura at 1 05 a sn. ' 1 Way l'arttnger Train leaVei Harriiburg dklly at 7 8') a ta arrival at Attune al 1 80 tn and at Pltltbbrg al tt 20 p (exoept Strndav) ' i .. . . i . i s ' ThtSMigb Passenger leave Harrlsborg r,t I '00 a m -arrives al Atrooaa al 8 1(1 a at PUUbiugk at 1 B p . . . i II.! mtill aUS.tla III V.4.1 W 11 i Tkeewret Jneenl lo Btaaa alaia. Sil laaVi.. eente a ysar'wiu a svl.uded ii.w I tSSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWAaWaa -16' .,-. 4.M,t rJlJllnlallt Very Cordis) tnrit&Vci) WANAMAKER & BROWN, ' "'' ' OAXI XIAXsL, - j . . &. cor. 6th f Market, fmsAOOPHIA.- Tlio ttndpTiiIfmfxJ. arortt for Wurtinatar A. Ttruwn. hAnd a full awwrtniWi. of SAMPLES OP GOODS, 1 1 y " ' which Mn be) Beon at iiis ClotLiuir Storo, iu Midillclnir Mertertrrii Ur-eiu nod trnita mtulo At Short Notice. Oood repreirrntotl, giiin-snteeil in all OAAtia. Vp for tbe Masses I a. . - "Worth lte VelBht In ioid 1 1 NuUUnig lllce It 1 ai,aa wrwrj rasa la aOSST tee ye nm assss lls s snanTrV .ho. j .ZZJil-ifJ"'' " " al. mtekaals er Isbnese m tb kla SZ.'mJ.d.. m totZiffiJIEE UUk.. In. kUJ so BTJSIXTES3 AIT ID AtTj-T JlEH " Uk1 " maklsg lie It a rlrrnlstloa aud rsputatlua anparalleled la lb history i Joaraausab . Ir M k kuetiroi lA-r.es, taVootoa, tucnutn Wssity. IT GIVES YOU ALL YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. B,.aJ i.7.rTL !.ITT0,', .Ow". Utrsm.ia and Coetsy Rs.tbisris. snd a vast "-""a aixrmi sou (aari A Magnificent $5.00 Oil ilk. UtHjlaW.I tk4 A (V... la a , CI. , r"""' ' PERMANENT AGENTS WANTED ff.!'ac""''"f I""-" '". Dsited IMtss and Cuda. Ity oar aiw m .rant. ,. base a wra. Ilaaous annual icom., with bat littl. labor. Our aasat art sublux t6 lo a0 .. Wru SI iiars, slating territory dxlrad. P" aay. nroe Adarase all Itttsrs I tkOIT A riUUir raUUksn, Ptmstaaa, tt. Sucnitare at YourUwa Price s HOULD A CO. SELL TJIJ2 CHEAPEST FVRXITURE. GOULD A CO. lell lb llsst Furnllur. 01' LD & CO. till thi Strongest Fnurnllur. GOUI.1) ft CO. veil th Himliomeit Furnilere. Of I.U & CO. hare tbe Largeit Slock. GOULD CO. bate all kinds of Furniture 0 I'LL) A CO. bare the Newest I'atterni.' GOULD ft CO. offer bargain. OULD A CO. always git Satisfaction. GOULD A CO. buy aad tell for cash. ' OULD A CO, hart great adteiWet in faiariufaeturlng (Nort.D A Co' Furaiturt(i tht moil K'.rgiat. TOl'LD i CO. bar l'ulitt alttndaoli. GOULD & CO. hare-lighted Storts OULD A CO. have Four Store. JOIJlVI Sc CO. ,V. JC. Cor. NIXTir aul MARKET, Kos. 37 and 89 X. SKCOXI) AY., 272 Soi4ji2dXt.,anJ 1200 JIIA ItJiET JS1.,rhUa'J, Pa. (J)cc.n,'12tf . , J 1S73 WIXTJaK. )N (allDDLEBUna, BT Geo. Alffl'cd chocli A LAR0R ASSORTMENT OK PRINTS, MUSLINS, DRY GOODS, F'ancy CuNsimcreNj Heady Made Clothlnc:. Hit kDd Cipi, Shoes, Uoiierj, Gloves, Notioni, Sbawli, Fans, l'nrasoli aod Wliite Goods. VLSO A FULL LIXE OF GROCKRIE Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spicea, Syrupa, Fish, 4o.r kc. , ., ( TOHACCOH, SNUFF VIVI CICiA.lfH. ALSO Queenswtre, Glantware, 1 base Sfllert.fl tha ahnv a-onil. vjrltla ent .sr.. wlrhlna tn purehan. t all and ee for yuurrelves. Thankful to ni frlanrla f,.r llaalr HKtr,.hiM In tk theisms. (Juotirt, ItTl-tl.l ESTABLISHED 1853. THE OLD COK1NKK i i . . . Ribullt and TAifurnished with tb Finest an i Ckiapeatl Aiierlaeat DBYvGOODS! NOTIONS, TRIMMINrS, QUEENSWAEE, Hardware, Groceries, Hlloen, Civrpotm, Qil W-tVX-X-i lAlJ3TtH,'GLANH, Sec, Szc9 KVIR OFFERED TO THIS COMMUNITY. Tht wbieTibirkavibt- r.m'..rl Intn Market knd Pin ttreils, i B(l. Drenared ont tbrt may favor biro w'.lh tbeir paironnge, great induoementi. lit il diUrmiaid tkak the oiir CORNKU : 1 SHALL BT'iLfj CONTINUE THI MOTTO FORMERLY 'ADOFTIIs, . iV , ,. . I - ' By fc itrle'. al'.nilnn to bn.in.as. and keanlns at all limit Ibt mo! eeunpleto tloek. aad Belling a' tb , lowest pricss. be hope orAll klnae ofCOUKTJlY PKVDCCE lakta la exekaoge ft gaoai.-n - . Belimgye, April 26, 1871. . .. ... ,' , , , V.t f. BCHBE8T, r O LENA. . i "'I : v ,,,'t Th bei. oil In tkt wtrld for Maohlotry. ; is wm not ooiii. It wl'l not gum,1 .' ' -It I equal to Ihe bet Lard OiL '., ,' "' if you bav any kind of maebiaerr ' aik forOLENA, tod if you cauuot boy It at home, eend for a oivotilar aud price littto - PAINE, ADLEJT, ttYRtPiV Oil' ilanufacturtr , atul Dealer. " No. SoO Pena Avenue, .' Dee. B.nxiy " PITTSBUBO, f A.j i 1 'in'' ,iii (ALU EAGLE UOTEL.J ' ?' ' i fi vim 'iy n 'J mm i.iii.Vi':.!-, t) ''tnt e-f-'-i i.f, i n.t.t I .t i f cf ru wfi t 4 I I. rr. ,!. f '" ' Work, Good Fit, and pockI m ' : O. C. OitEi.icb, Midddlobtirt,' P " " . tVorltlllt luursst Xvand In a OW wml m (a. . Coromo, THE LOST BAEZ, A . , ? " wt Twmr'T amusonr4r. 187 Tubs, Tails, Bai.kotsr Zi.r IL. nd a.k an .rimln.ui,. a aa i.ma ki. tku I'ciyipart my prlr; alia utL.rl. n9t I .Mtutaifi' .'.ta. a. .it. ah a MKMa.lSal ll U. A LI 11.11 aVUtiUU, REBUILT 187i; Cedarware, Hats & Caps, Cloths, Hhoe Finding:, Ma NF.W STORK ROOM, oa the Corweref to offer, t bit old uitomri, and all new l aseril a full (bar of patraaag. T EVI BELLFJt. " Vi .Ir 1.1 xj .,.,'".'; ) . i . Maaufaoturer of aad dealer . . r FUltNITUllE, Would reipeolfully laform Ike tiitie'nj of Sellnegrove and vioieliy, tbal ke ataniifae turn to order and keep constantly on hand tiHiUH Ur llib Al.iJO, i, - Furaitura of evary I3Aoript(04 at tbe very loweet price. ' Do poira . tnvlu aa eaamlaniioa ( a . TVIaOVWlS, TlNlV4,(jklAllti, I"" gtrkvA apeoiat iavilaiioa is x4ded,t I i . t . pi i i Iteopg altniTi oa"? I . - . " '..II.. T iekit rn , l . fitvm . son r 1 drf gittg ;aat atkitra ' t-j rPOi 'Stat a r.jaiau.. ear'kaakJ far wkr y y ew thi,.. Ilea Ji, wt m4 - -1- ktaUb aW , jaO ,kr. it so.'! I I -i-i 'I .4Ui,'-j,t.u;ti VS-l v ! 11 ' . n: , u i . :r4j I itkriaa. fra. efntvil S I "Vl". 4W. " 'If ' ..- fc C ' 1