i- .-. '(-. - . low ) , . ! )SVV VI- f V, 7.i' . ' v 1V tr 5 i. i" id la in m na nd at ila 't, nl. ! at 50 i at m irea ivea i m. line at a, ilng p m n. a k 4.4& I OB eav 6,60 i a m rain ilowa p m, 0,00 nnec- leava I 6,83 ,10,66 soling ad. it 6,40 t P m, ' adlng; 2,46 a L 4.26 i n . m fo' i, and dphla. ciohoot I point ponnda POUT Shushed try Thursday Evening by JEZZXUX dsiSZ. rwprletof. Term of Subscription, . WO DOLLARS PER XNNtJtf, lyabt ' wlthta six monthi, or $2,60 if . not paid within th yr. Bo paper discontinued . until all arrearages ara paid unlaw at the optian of tb publisher, subscriptions outside of the county fBTABT.lt APVANC1. . tSf Persons lifting and naing paper addressed (o other beeom subscribers, nd are liable for Iba prioe of iha papar "J W. TOTTER, A TTOIiNE Y AT (LAW Sellnsgrove T Offer bla professional tervloe tithe , public All legal business entrusted la hla , cara will receive tromptattanlion. Office vatdeor above lb Raw Lutheran Church. July, 4th '72. . JIVCBQNMILLER, a ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' , " ' ' , Middleburg, P. l vffart hi prfeas1dal services to the pub 1 1o. Collection and All other profcealonal ineiaes entrusted I hi Oar will receive '. prompt attention. 1 Jan I, 'ti'tf A..c. simi'son,- VLr'Vi. . , ATTORNEY AT LAw; ' 3 . ' . Bolhtfgrove Tt Offer tit tirofessional services the'pnb- la. AH buaineaa entruated to hi oare 'wilt b promptly altonded tat. ..- jr j .t ..; -fJan. IT, '67tf JW. KNIGHT, j r . . ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Freebttrg re., Offer hi Professional service to the pub- ' lot . All buaineaa entrusted to hi cara will b promptly attended to. .. .-. Jan. 17. 07tf W'il. VAN GEZKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Off.r. hi. pofe.lonl eervlcato be pob - " .'f llo. Collection and all other Ptoiernion-t pi buaiaea entrusted to hla oar will re - eelT prompt attention. ' flEO P.MILLER. AX , , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offers bt Professional service lo the pub lie. Collections and all other profession all business entruated to hi ear will ro celve prompt attention. Jan. , 'UTtf JJLL1NN, A. If. DILL e (aneceseors to J. T. fc J. M. Llnn.) ATIOKNKV8 AT LAW, Lewishurg, Pa. f M .V.l. K.nf.lnn.l mIam In ill vnvr in , ..... nnkllk. r.ill.etions and all otber pro- atlroad Cf.:aanl business entrusted to ibrir care I ... ... r I., o A?,f pr vs va wilt receive pruiupvuiiuii. w, w... 711IA RLES HOW KR, a-. . - - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kclinsirrove Fit., Offers bis professional service to the pub ' . i. f'nlLcllone and all ol her profession h...tna entrusted to hi car will re ceive prompt attention. Office two door earth of the Keystone Hotel. Jan 6, '6 AS1CSL AltiSM AST. noAca ALLSM AX. S. ALLEHAH & SON. ATTORNEYS A 2 LAW. Hcllneuurovo In. AU professional buslnes and collecting entrusted lo their card will b promptly aliened to. ' Can be consulted in bnglish or German. Offico, Market Square. , T N.MYERS, 4TT0RSEI k COCSSKLOR T lW Miudloburg Snyder County l'cnn a OfCo a few door West of the P. 0. on Main alreet. Consultation in English and Grin.en usuries. Frp.'t'lf C. BDCUKR, e ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lowisburg Ta.,1 Offer hi professional seivlceslo the pub. ,io. All business entrusted to hi oare will be promptly attended lo. lisn. o. u i ROVER 4 BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Person in nerd ef a good and durable S.win, Macbln. .n b..ocommodated reasonable prioee oy caning on vu l Facst, Agent, Seliuigrove. f Jao. 24, '68 R. J. Y. SHIN DEL, St'ROEON AND PHYSICIAN. Middlcburg Ta., Offer hU professional servlee to the oil liens of Middleburg and vicinity. March 21, '67 -JJ F. VAN BUSKIRK, SURGICAL & MECHANICAL DENTI8T JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. T ST li. WAGNER. Esq., X Jt-TICE OF THE PEACE, Jackson Towjahip, Snyder Co. ra ill attend to all bnsines. .ntru.t.d lo Will hi oar term. and on the most reasonable March lVUBlf DR J I" KANAWEL, PHYSICIAN AND 8CR0E0N. Centreline, Snyder Co., Pa., Offer hi professional services lo lb public. -81 GftAYBlLL ft Co., WflOtHAll Dalss la WOfiTI ATTTi WILLOW WABE Oil Cloths, Window fihadaa. Broom., Male. tn..h.. Potion Lap. Urain Bans. f'.J Nets, Buokels, Twines, Wicks. &c. Jlo. 420 Varltst Stred, Philadelphia. b. T, '67 'aflKO. W GRANELLO, Eq.. VJT JUBTIOE OF THE PEA9. Conveyancer. Jllddhburg 8nyiler Vbuniy, Ptnna. OonTeyanelna; In all Its branches PII .iulI. IlebU endeesoantaeollsotad. Instrument ol willing draa with ear and aoouraer. - r T. PARKS. Xe ATTORNEY AT LAW STRICT ATTORNY, wDDLEDCRa. SNYDER covkty -. Office la Court Reuse, 8ept.l5, Wf moTfW.r,3lUUil. . CHINA. OLAK & ... ... Cioonwirev . vvnTn THIRD STREET, ff iff 111 VOL. 10.. IpAIRMOUXT IIOl'SK.- I J NEAH THKDEPOT, iMitldlebiirfX, ln. GEOUQB GUYKR, rnopRiETort. Thl bona I In clop proilmliy lo the depot and ha lately been rebuilt and re- ntilU. Hoc me commodioua thelable well upplied with the bat tlie market alTordf and term mpderaie. BROWN HOUSE . ' PAXTONV1LLR, (Dn(r Station. HENRT BENFF.R, Troprietor. The niler1mei1 adnnt. thl method of Inform Ina the pHiillc that b ni a hotel at the abiive naml place, on the road frm MMOle hnr to llenon, and that he l preparetl to ntartalo U) pnuiio witu nni riw ei-rommiaie ttDr. . , HtNHV UfcNr'LK. . April a, l81t. '"YTALKER IIOUSK, - McCluro Cityln. - It. D. WALTER Propriotor. Thi a new houee, newly furnlnhed and (now open to the traveling public It f located near the depot. No effort will he pared jy Iha proprietor to make thailay of Die gueel pleaaaat ana areeaie aigned and l. out the Rrgie BUT Cflte Cntni iter for lb gpneral election In Tniio t. u,, Oirisse Cof '7 ' r voto, and the Hit ar now jj,, riou election places, all , ,btt . ,),,- , on I be lists as tfl Assessors will arses all i.nr.nC ' u":ti:7h'eiT to" ili'h"Eotl. where LcwiHbnrfr h tictii at all hours eaa be had Terms ...!.. a lli.iMhn...A,i.l,l. O lltf B,4l-tf iUMOARDNER noUSE, 1 ) (Opposite Beading Katlroad Depot) 1 lixrriHbu.rff , Itv, A. XX. XtXXXat, Froprictor. I . IV.. L . 7"i ort ( Ktie.tn will be made. The house has ! sxly tontted. loetts.tsiiti , A l.LEGilENY HOUSE. I. I No. 812 k 811 Market Street, I vv (Abov f.nnth,) PHI LA DELPHI A. A He clc, l'ropriotur. ns $2 00 Per Day. mCM f jonx ii. ARNOLD, .tlorm 'ror ional In tlorncy cit In-vv, SlIDDLEBUnO. PA. Tror i nl I'lsloes entrusted to Mscnr !:.' f piompi'y ended lo. Feb 0, 7 T TIOMl'fON BAKER, I J ( ( t iSmi.ti v'-rit-T usX-W- v1 ? no tll"JtV, V Ltwisburg, union Co., Pa. KT-Calb eansulied In tb English an ,-nage..- OFFICE Market Hireet, opposite Wall Smith 4. C s store 8-ty gAMUEIl. ORWIO, Vtto cyat.Law, OFFICE, V WALNUT STREET, ADiLraiA. G. IIOIOEROKR, 'jUSTIlj OF THE PEACE Prry Town,, SnyJer County, Pa. Collections, onv)nslnK, and all other bnsl at :r3'nOUc.t.rVTrouranlir.,r,,l'J JO. KRKITR. . m JUSTICE r THI PEACE. vniuiiowiunip Bnyuer 1.0. ra ' Csnvevaaclna. Coll'lnir end all other bnsl ness entrusted to his ru will be promptly at' tended to. , 1 DR J. W. ROICEFEI.LOW, PUYSIOlN AND BWROEOIT Offers his professional utoes to the eltlacn DltdaieuursT anu vioiniir, jani-u FINE AB80RTMWT OF TIIE BES RYE WHISK . POLDURB PKACU HISKEY, ' BRANDY.QlN. AND BYRI'PS Just reoelved and for at Ui Eagle HoUl, in Middleburg. Aug. 18, 1870. 4 JUItn A. DlAUWELKEK. 1 SLTFKIfS D. WHOL.EHALE VD RETAIL p .fiirft WAriV.mrii JJUnMUTe WarfOOmS, po. 00 jsuKiu chuu.mj iitttl, (Below Arch, West Sid) Factory and lYlioleiah Dsirtmeixt, 1003 North Oih Street, abovtiford, 8tf i puiladlpbia. JACOO P. DOGAR WITH TJDERnOTII, BEROSJBESSEfe; CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN JTSH. PROVISIONS. X. w wlw" w No, 200 North Wharves, (abov Rao .,) P-7lf piiiladelpalT. T B. SELnElMER, a V DEALER IN HARDWARE, Iron. Hails. Steel, Leather, WU4W Pa Qoach & Saddlery "Ware AND MANUFACTURER OF Stoves & Tinware MARKET STREET, : ' tiewlBlown, Penn'd. Nevember S, 187J-tf ,, 1 J. 8MITH. MIDDLEBURG Heloct Pootry. O.M MA TIC1T RjAUOR, T BOOIS t. BAlfc. t'pon the shores of Lira w stand -And watch lb years fast-glide away Heneaih the touch ef times sisrn band. Art slowly crumbles lo decay. Lira is made of joy and tears From ohildhood to malurer years, A spaoe of mingled tight and gloom That forms a prelude lo the tomb, 0 make the best of It. While morrily the ar.ACKsstiTit sings, His hammer on the anvil rings I The mark of honest toil be bear. Tuo clothe ate eoited end patched he Wears And, though bis feoe Is dark with smoke, Ills heart and soul ar true and free, And, at hla labor slroke by stroke II hammer out hi destiny , And makes the best of it, ' - The sunbrowned Manas guides hi plow, Or swings hisscytb in meadow fair, The .went ie dripping from hi brow Mia face ia seemed with lines of ear. And, yet beneath hia plaiu attir A noble heart beats true ana warm. I lie baa enough for food and fire, V ho out to shield him from lb storm, ta - i. I . - lie naaee me ucefc 01 ii. th.m. TboTh HsscBAST In his oounllng room, frMtnTAi nllou mind and face of gloom, rwt"jlaj Indulges in his moneyed dream H Or plans his speculative schemes. THE Gl is a man of woulih and power, 1 nUJlj for fortune favors him lo-dy. ,aV A crash may com at any hour a.. I I.:. k ....l .... 11 make tti beet ot It. With pa'lont toil the LAwrsadolrc Through lb dry volumes on bis shelves , Looks up his points in the report , Makes out his briefs, attends the courts j lis wins bis laurels at the bar, And clients come from near and far, lie goea to Congress, atul his fame I known abroad. II wlus a nam And make tb best of it. With pills and plaslor In hi band, Aud speoiaciea upuu bis nose The vocToa comes, with viaag bland, To ooinfort all of worldly woes. Up at all hours by night and day. To mouul his steed aud fly away. lie htaries to the eouon of pain, Thro' mud and dust, through suow and rain. Aud make tb best ot it. Up in hlssinotum high In air. Tipped baok within hi asy.cuair, Tb autToaat last we find. A man of braiua and toiling mind, He runs ni hngers through bis bair. (Then slyly take hi lit.le dram, write some sensational affair, Or coiua a special tblsubam. And make th best of it. To "preach the word," the pabtoh gives His- time and talents, while bo lives. Ui i a tusk of Christian love Aud aacrlboe, yet Uou looks down, Approvingly from 11 say sit above, Aud will reward him with a crown Of glory in ANOTima si'Ukuk, If be it honest aud siuuere, And makes the best of it. Behold lb dandt proud an 1 vain, Spotting an eyeglass and a cauo, loo ltiy in life's burvest field To reap lb fruit Ihut toil will yield, lie loons around with cautious pains, Aud weds an hairvaa, void uf brains. Hur father's boarded wealth bo share ; The In in stjlu aud put on airs, And maks the beat of it, A old maid it beside the fire And seee the last Ltiut sparks eipire, Tb baud of time, has iiaoed at last Deep liues and wrinklss on his brow, Aud retroapeolively, the past Comes back in dreams bel'ur bcr now, Her eaily suitors ar all gone, Bream on old maid, alone dream on Aud msk th best of it. Th oood wir In the kitchen stands With flour and piecrust on her hands, Tb floor ar clean, th tinware bright, Th wall are Immaculately whit, Sb 1 both sensible and wise, Her house a modern paradise, Her daughlere, rosy cheeked and fair Are early tsught to help ber there, To make th bed of it. In th great World for good or ill, All have a mission to fulfill, . I work degrading t No 1 Tak hold, He not by vulger pride controlled, Be not ashamed of honest toil, For labor bear away th spoil, Toil on, toil on with hand and brain, Nor wast Oon's fleeting year ia vain. O make Iho best of it. R.0V0 Without Nonacnae. Once upon a time there was a fuir young maiden, whose name was Ma ry, although thoy called her Moll, for short 8ho wasn't a talL dork- eyed raaidon, with clear, transparent bkin, and lips like' cherries, and cheeks smTuBed with blushes. She didn't have glossy hair, swopping back in wavy tresses from her queen ly brow, and hur fooe wasn't bit like llobe's. No. there was none of those tliingf 1 on the contrary, she wis abort, and thin, and hod red hair and freckles, and fiho also sported snag gle teeth and woro pads but still she was a right nice giil, and there fell in love with hor one whoso nams was "iilL bis friends called him William hon they wantod to hurt bin feelings, r be didu't like it much, He wasn't ie looking, and had neither curly Uwnhiur nor a mustache. Not nih. Bill laid himsulf out on the soi lock, and wore a goatee that lis tod twioe a week, ry this Bilh he was in lore With l!.4)tit ha did not go and moke a - tiWaaacrr 't . Did I I say, f,uiio a gr( - - r- : :1 the sA moonlight, l,, SNYDER CO. PA., AUGUST 8. 1872. seizo hor jeweled hand, and breathe his deep affliction in tho tun Jor o- conts of fond attachment, and swear 'by yon bright orb abore uc, always to be Uiino." Did ho, I any t You can bat ho did'nt. Tott can lay out your whole revonno mMj on that. William knew too mncU nlwut the prico of pants to go flopping around on tho wet grans with his good clothoe on 1 bf sides, he novor cored anything about streamlets or any kind of cold water, except to mix with his gin. No sir, it was exceed ingly strange, but this infutuntod William met her at the alloy gato, ond there stood right up on his logs and saj g "Say Moll; old gal, s'poscn wo get hitched V But how did Mary bolmro Y Did she go dropping to alt-op on tho bricks in a dead faint, or did alio hide her gentle baud on hia shirt bosom to conceal her blushoa t No, sho didn't, and she didn't say, "I am ever thino, my .own lovo, dear Will iam 1" Oh, my, no. Sho lookod right into his yellow oyea and s.tys "I'm in Willy 1 I'm tho gal for these sort of things. Go in I" And instead of referring him to her father, sho only said, "Won't tho old mnn bust right out when you tell him T Ha ! ha!" and she laughed. But sho didu't ask William to try to molify her fond father. No, no. Sho very wickedly advised him to "poke tho old gentleman in tho noso if ho gavo him any of hiH lip." Sho wan a funny girl, this Mary. Now, tho old man wasn't wealthy, for he sold soap fat for a living, uud so ho didn't think Bill was nosing around for his stamps 1 so, when Bill asked him, ho neither ordored him fiercely away, nor did tho dowy moistiiro gather in his eaglo oyo as ho passud his he lu-stltehod up thoro and said. "Jiless you my children, bless you I" ()1, no, nothing of tho h ort. Ho just blew his red noso with his bandanna and told Bill to tako her along, for ho was glad to get rid of hur, ho wns, and William would bo the Htimo mighty soon, for she nub awfid rough on victuals, and always broke plates when sho got mad. Ho you see thoro really was no ne cessity for William to coino at mid night's solemn hour,, in a rah, and throw a rope ladder up to tho win dow, and whistlo three times on bis lingers, und thru go up hand, and bring her down in ono hand and her trunk in tho other, and a bandbox and umbrella uudor each arm, and a whole lot of bundles, and then get into tho cab, nnd lly to some distant shore That's the way it would have been in a novel 1 but Bill said he wasn't ou that lay, so ho just went out into tho yard, uud out of pure joy bo skinned tho cat throe or four times on tho grape vino orbor, and then went and got his butcher cart, and drovo her right down to tho magistrate, to get tho job douo for a quarter for he said ho was somo on the low price, ho was. But tho very queerest thing of all was that Bill had no tall, dark ruf fianly rival with a slowling visage and black whiskers, who flow at him with drawn dagger and a horso pis tol in each hand, and a muttered curse upon his lips, and cried wildly for ''Revenge I Hal ha! and said "Death 11 and "Villain, thou diest!" Not any. Thore was another fellow in lovo with Mollio, to bo sure, but he was a weak-eyed young who who bad Sandy bair aod wore epeciuoles sod a cboko collar, and always look ed scare J wben you hollered at him. So, wben be saw that Bill had the best of tbe girl's atToctions, ho looked all serene, and said, "(Jo in Billy, if you haukor for ;' aod as Billy was some on tbe baokor, be sailed rlgbt io. So William you boo, bad no trou ble at all and you couldn't get up sn agonising novel about bim if you tried. He did't have nay urgent ba siness that oalled. blm to a foreign land, and so bo bad to bid ber a fond good-by, aod swear always to be truo. and then go away and forget ber nod Tall in love with a dark-eyed Italian girl, pieking grapos, ia a vineyard, with a sqnttra towel folded on ber head, while this forvotton and forsa kuo Mary gradually faded and pined uwny, aud ' bufllud tbe physician' skill, aod grew paler aod at lust wben tbe June roaes were io bloom, lyiog geotly down to die, while through tbe open wiudow floated ia tbe balmy odor of leosamiao and boueysuokle And William did borne home at last, sod, filled with , doatblew romorse -a dally to tha-" sweet cemetery, . : i strew flowers oa tbs grave and - 1 his children to II1"? ber earns at H. Tbat is Us wv Mr. sod shiny hat, and he e'aiJ at h une lo kill teol and sold it at a lngli price aod stuck to Mary, she kept bealibr and wasn't much on lbs pi no and fado, if any ol the fellows go to lurk inp around, William wont out and batted them io tho rye. Ha did. And then, at Inst, when all wia over, Mary diJo't ait in tho room while thoy dreel her io while, an I mixed orange blossoms in hor cbiir non, and then go eently down stairs with six hridcBtuaid at Ivr Itril-t, and then otonl up with Willi tm, and weep gently wbilo he wit hidtt innr riod by the minister, an I then trot lots of presents, and go 10 h'-r new houfio and live thrniitth all tho happy yean with Billy, and never knew r row or trouble any moro. Why, ol coimo, she didu't, fur it wasn't her style, you sto. Sbe just ruhcd up slain and put on ber pink mulin and hi t el I sun bon net, and nary bridosmai'l, and went to tho magistrate's and never wept n particle, und got no presents, hut fif teen cents from the ell man to p.-iy ber car fare homo, and when slio got to the mnistrute's she just rote up oIT tbe beucli and told liill sbe uidn l sco much uh iu spltcinif, nnd that sho didn't Itko him, any how ; and so sho went home and Bill he wool with her, and told Iter lie wasn't sorry at be didn't want bur and ho guessed t-lio wns hard ou hur clothes, any bow, nnd bo thoy never got imirried, and tho whole thing turned out wrong; but I Couldn't help it ; for 1 nio't going to put f'uett on record t hut uiu't ho. But it ain't a like nuy no vel that I ever read, so thoro luest have been something strange about this fellow nnd Mollis Ihut I never could find outso I'll buvo to lot it slide at Ibis. Tlirllllny; Advoiittirc On l:ist Siiturday, between two and three o'clock, .Major John B Stew ard, who lives ou bis farm near the north baiso of Stone uiouutnin, tbou't he heard tho voice of a mnn in dis tress on the steep side of the moun tain. I'poo locking up lie saw tbo lie tl of a man, nnd saw him waving bis h nnds fur succor. Tbo m.in culled 10 Major Steward for a drink of water, and suid tbat bo bad but little mon ey, tut ho would give it nil lo be ti kon from tho pi ice ho was. Major Steward ukod him if ho was not 11 os i inn hi ill t The mnn replied tbat bo was in earliest. Major Sieword was a gal Unt went or ol' the gray, nud bus a liourt ulwujt open to the cry of tho distressed. Cautioning tbe man to keep quiet, he proceeded at ou.ee to town und obiniuod insist unco. Tbe uews spreul like Wild fire over town, and every heart ruu out in an Kuisli for tho condition uf tho utifortu cute one. Thuo who went lo tbo resoua undo "quick time'' to gel there. Men were stationed nt tho buso on tho north side to signul the party ou Input what point to descend Securing tho ropo to a cedar true liriiily inibuddoil hot ween two mttssivc rucks, Colomd J. T. WiU'iuhiim und V. 1'. Julian undo tho perilous do scoot to rescue tho man. About throe huudrod t'oet from tho top of iho uiountuiu thoy cume to bim. Ho whs lyiog in a gulch, or water-course, furrowed out of tbo rock by nius. Ouo foot wt jauiinod iu a crevice, uud the other bout uudcr tbo body, llo was bugging the rocks closely, wbilo one band was grasped iu the strap en the collar ot bis coat. A Hinuil tablet of rook, two nr tbroo fuel loug, aud a loot or so wide, was all Ihut was between him and a full of somo twelvo hundred foot to tho ground. Had ho moved two or feet, either to tbo right or lelt, he would have been precipitated to tho bottom, twolve hundred foot, and only a horrible mas would have been louud to ltd) the talo. tie bad lain thoro from Friday evcuioglute until Sulurduy eveniug about 6 o'clock, a period of nearly twenty-four hours. Hi anxieties and eurTeringa were intense no doubt. Ilia feci were twolleo, lacerated und blistered by the hot rocks ; tho sun poured upoo bim its fiercest rays, cau sing tho most excruciating thirst and producing almost entire blindness. Death seemed lo stare bim In tbe luce en nil side, lletura without friendly aid he could not. He was afraid to move to the right or to the lelt, or get op, for that terrible ,1'all was beneath him. Without sucoor be must die a lingering, torturing dflfttb of thirst and starvation. In adjusting the rope several rocks were in the way, and fearing that the ropo might dislodge them and bring them down oa tbe unfortunate roan, they were removed aod tbrowa off in such a dlreotiou as not to strike gH the spot occupied by tbo mo. nitb a crashing noise thoy rolled to , the brow of tbe preoiploe, on a Hoe Witb bim, and then plunged down tbat ter fible dlstanoe, burying themselves io the earth at tho base. IteauhiufcT th pleeo, the ' rope wsi tied around tbe man, nnd assisted by Colonel T. l. Willi 0ghiU ho was uooduoted toa'plaoe of safely, and Mr. Williogham returned tho and assisted Mr. Jubao to got back. Up oa reaching tbe summit the rescued uaa was so thirsty that be would have emptied a buekst of wator at one or two droughts bad be been Suffered 10 do so. lis was carried to Colonel Willingham's store and oared for. Moon praise is due to Major Stewart, Colonel Willineham and Mr. II. P. NO. 21 dod K reputed to be a Mr. M Csrly, of Villa Hicn, Carroll county, went to tho top ol Sloan Mountain, taking with him a bottle of whinky. lie drank rather Ircoly, and. perlinp was light-headed, lie started down in search of the "dovil's crog roJs," aod finding t lid d'f cent becoming a I) rapt, h pulled off hi Ixxils. He hud not mine far wliou he recollects lall ing and S"i'imhling. Ili-thiols were found by Muster Uoruit Jones, with an empty bottle, at the f Kit of a co dtr, tree, aonin lO'l fiiol abovo where M'C'urly was found, llonae it ia s ip-por-od llitit bo loll rud ecr.unliliid to celher smiid forty or 61'ly loot. Ila recollocta loaviti)( his birls thore. The necidctii oeeurroJ about nilit lull. It is doubtless ono of tho most mi rnrulous estfpes from dontb on record, when it is ooti;dered th it ilcatli seem ed inevitable from filling down ton ,teep or from starvation, er that b ' ntioul'l lnlllli.it uisliinco nn1 escape without actions injury. I hat this providential ceupe will have its in fluence on him wo ran not doubt, lie expressed a dciro as soun at b ) cot mifcly to the top, to join a temper- aoce society 1 tiii sermon on the mount to liim it a more etl'ecliro one thud hundred temperance lectures. Sunday lis left for I ie. fVont tir Afl't'idi (Git.,) (,'niintitittirm, July '.I. Tno l alirldgi) li.tnk Itobbcr)'. At iibout 2 o'clock ibis morning, tho family of Mr. K. W. lleywood. casbinr of ilu Bhirkstoiio Nuliotial Hank, iu I'xlii tdgo wero aroised by tbo prcsenoe of lour men in the hotHo, ami wcro, all bound and gni;"d be fore either could inalto an iiliirtn. The lumily consisted of Mr. Heyivood, his daughter and grauddaugllor, a color ed set vunt, and a young 111:111 named Charles Weston, todcr iu tho bunk. I'hi) tneu gained entrance to Die house by using a bidder, whjoti they brought, from un itber building, some forty rods distant. Hy this tuey en tered an open window in the 8 -eon I story, uud ongli tuember of th family was hci.ed uud overmastered at the name- instant. Having thus secured silence in the house, the men took young Weston to the bank, which is located in Tut' block, about forty rods from tho rcsi. deuce of Mr. I Icy wood. Hero th" compelled bim, by threats of torture und death, to open the vault. A lamp it always left lighted ut night in tho banking room, tin ! the operators al lowed ihit to reiiitiiu burning. While three men remained outside with Weston, the fourth went into the vault und took pnssussiou uf nil the vutuabh's there deposited, which for tunately did not atuouut to a very great amount. They secured ? Id.otl ), iu cutrcul funds, which is u greater sum than it usually kept iu the bank ; but, it being pay day at tho mtlU In the town, the mouey hud boeu bruu't for that purpose. Thoro wore no notes, bon Jt or other valuables iu the vault. Having plundered tito vault, the men took Weston bsck to the resi dence of Mr, yeywood, und bound him securely, and after inspecting all the prisoners und finding tbeut se curely hound ond gigged, they iulcrin ed tbom that two of the party would slay by till daylight, nnd if any move ment wut made , tho' whole family Would bo murdered. Tho prisoners romninud io their psitilul und constrained position till rivo o'clock t bis morning, when the little girl succd-dod in gelling the gag from her mouth snd Iu reaching wiuduw, when she called to a hired man who hud come to do tbe niorolog work about tbo band. They were soon liberated, aod tbe whole village was electrified by the startling news, but ootraoo of tb men could be found, save that a party of four io one vehi clo, supposed to be tbo same, weie seen driving in the direction nf Mil ford. UllloeD wore notified at onoe and a strict soarch is in progress, but from prcsont indications the during rogues seem quite likely to e.-capo with their booty, Mr. Yeywood, tho cashier, Is quite god, over icventy yesrs old, sad tbe shock of the assault and tbe excite moot of tbe ocoasioo bavo been re veroly felt by bim. Tbo buuk bas several times been SMuilnd by bur glum in years past, but till now bad the good lortuuo lo teeoap. Tennessee promises 11,000,000 busbols of peanuts ibis year, A Georgia gold miner picked a $ CO. OUO diamond out ef bis claim tbe otber day. Moro people, It is (aid, bavo beon killud by lightning in England this year, than was ever known Dtluro. Mario, the tooor, hassolJ bis Flor. entine estate for 8300,000, aod yet the poor fellow be buen pitied beouuse be was poor, Alexander Johnston, father of ex-Ooveroor Win. F. Johostoa, died at hi residence ia Kingston, West moreland oouuty, oa Tuesday tbe lGth ult, In tbs niaoty-oiotb year of his age. v, Tho tallost cUixoa is Cbles go died rocenslv. II was a Jforwogi. an, nanod Dart Toilotson, was seven fi st nine inches la bight, snd weighed tare hundred and torenty two pounds. General Fred Hacker a leading German citizen of Illinois, who waa one of tbe strongest c" -n in t s c - uuu GuicumaH r S- lul- .'JILgEUJLa. A-tlvortiHlnrj- Tlntc. One eolnmn one year fflO.00. One-half eolumn, on year, 80.OO. One-fonrlh enlumn, one year, l&.iK), On iqnsr (10 line) one insertion 75. Every additional Insertion (0. Professional and Iluslness cards of not more than flv line, per year. 6,00 Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Assliine Notice 2,f0. Editorial notices per line ,1)1. All advertisement for a shorter period than one year ar payabl at th lint they ar ordered, and if not paid th per son ordorlti; them will be held responsible fur lbs money. IIoit a 1'rravn .Tiny be Choked All that wo cat or drink passcH over the top of tho windpipe without a particlo entering it, although tho opening is largor thou a dime, bo enuso tho very act of swallowing drows over tho open top of it a fleshy trap door, which fits so closely that not even a partielo of air can paes t hut. nt the inwtntit of swallowing it opens up with a spring, nnd wo go on breathing ns if nothing had hap pened. But if wo attempt to swal low anything too .largo, this trap dior, being at the narrowest part of the pxssago, is kept closed, not a par tielo of air can enter tho lungs, nud wo dio in a moment of sttflbention, OS iu drowning or smothering. If yeu ch i w a piece of dried beef firm une time, there will bo a wbito remnant left which thoro is no iueli natii m to swallow. If it bo taken and picked npurt it will appear to bo niiido of little strings, tough and Htrmig. Theso wero attached to tho moro lli'sli liko parts which wero chewed and swallowed. If, in eating, a man has a sharp knife, and cuts his meat wholly iu two, he may put two or three of those pieces iu his mouth, nnd chew and swallow without danger 1 but if tho knifo is dull, nnd does not divide tho picvH wholly, two pieces may bo tied together with one of these littlo strings, and while you bavo swallow ed one part nearest tho swallow tho other limy be near tho teeth, and both held by tho string, which, holding tho two parts together, and hanging across tho trnp-door, prevents its opening, nnd death follows in an in Kt:int. Hence, tho practical vtduo of shtirp knives uttho dinner table. A long hair in a mouthful of food may so entangle it, in the act of swallowing, us to cause a chouking to death. This is what is meant by be ing "strangled by a hair." String beans may occasion n chokiug to) death in tho B.tmo way, if not careful ly strung. Heneo all food should bo cut fine should bo taken into tho mouth in small pieces, chmved thor oughly, and swallowed deliberately. Most rea-leru liavo suffered con. siderublo inconvouieiico from some thing "going tho wrong way." This is occasioned by a single drop of wa ter or atom of solid food, a crumb or other thing, slipping into tho wind- " pipe or falling down to tho lungs, causing an instantaneous, spiteful, imgry.lry cough it in becauso na ture wits alarmed by an unnatural nud unwelcome visitor, und takes this hor only means of ejecting tho intruder- If tho particles are largo or houvy, the surgeon must bo called to cut open tho windpipe and removo tiio substance A person cannot laugh or siwak a word unless the top of the windpipe is uncovered 1 but if a laugh is pro voked or a word attempted to be spoken while in the act of swallow ing, aud just before the particle has fully pussud the trap-door, it is raw ed a littlo, a drop or crumb falls into it, aud heneo the mischief. In ea ting, do nut attempt to spook until the swallow is clear. ThoHlutf uudthe aoltllei. Frederick the Great of. Prussia bad t great mania for eulistlng gigaHtiS .. soldiers into tbs KiyAl ti yards, nd paid no enormous bounty to bis re- cruiting ofllcer fbr 'getting "them. One duy the recruiting Berg-cant chan ced lo espy a nibernian who was at leuct seven feet blgh ; be accosted him iu English, and proposed that ho should enlist. Tbe idea of Milita ry und large bounlvo delighted Pat rick, that be immediately consented. "But, unless you can spcuk German, the klnr sill. not giro yotttoanocb. "Oti, said tbs Iribbman, "sore it's I thul don't know a word of German." "But," said the sergeant, "three word will bo enough, aod iboeo yon cuo learo ia a short time, Tbe Kmg knows every roan Iu iht Guards. As soon as bo see yoa, bs will ride up and ask you bow eld you are 7 you will say, ticenty seven ; 1 nt bow long have yoa boeu in th service ? you uium reply, Hhre wttlt ;' final, ly, if you are provided witb ololbts and rutioo f you antwer, ,Holh. t'at sooo lourueti to pronounce bis answers, but never droaint of learo lag question. Ia ihre woeks bs appeared before tbe King in review, ilia majesty rodo up to hiux -l'dd-stepped forward wiib'resotarrB, ' . "How old are you I"' saiJ tha king. , "Three weeks, said the Iriebmae. ' "How long have you deta ia tbe servioe f asked bis majei'ty. "Twnty-ova yars.t -Am I or vou a fool f,v f4.-'"AA in . J li"tll 'Beth," replld fatricX vhoS ' sUntly uken U the guard TiT? pardoned by the hicj after n,w . Stc ' 1 fasts eflh f Sla,sVJ 1