vi . t -" if.TmTiwMTCT.m.r Ub. WARM, ate aait a Ikef sequli';' ti. ' 0 M I I-' l,r t .',e the post MIDMBURO,....." .... TOITiV COUNTRY. Unto Civfttt TtPctiroAii ftailiATi. Th Republican of Valoa eeeaty feat eittIifol1dwln,borlntlnnt I CdBftr, Jena BJcker Ambly, Charlei H Wolf received 797 vot, W r Carnpbell, 416 aad Thome Church 201 eote. Wolf' ajort I 181. Delegate tv the CoaotlUtttonal Conrnllon, Le4 Reek t Cowllor, XV KautTnaa Register, Rtubta Klin. A gentleman afflleied with th cbronlo rheumatism y, "Xo driplion ef my IUI MB ot lb vest amouat f I have received from th us of Johneoa' jlaodyn Llalmeat. I bellov tl I lb tet artlete la tht world for rheumatism. If a dart he a goej eonjlltutioa, (wii a eue been a food hore. no miliar bow tld or bow muoh rOB ha ay bt, kt eaa b treat ly Improved, aa'l la atan respeol mad a good Bw, by a liberal at of tjberlJaa' Cavalry Conditon piwder. Kit rnniMU Vii.t. Our yawn j frltadi fid 8tMocker, Jolin F. S toiler. nJ tCelvla Blotter arr l present enraged In ktifltlag up Steera flaking Mill in Moan' baildiaf at ika lower aid af Martrl o'rrtl. If properly encourtgafl kt Itoau and ihoold bo, Ibt nUrprla will undoubtedly prove PJinf sat aad ba of great benefit lo Iho community. ' ' " Wo truit thai they wilt receive a very lib tr'at patronagt from "the "people of (ba west tad af th tount. They hr enterprising jouug ara aad wtrttaybf nourgmui. Ri4l Road Daaua. Th .tWwer' P painted br our Common' Float Court lo as sess damages for land taktn by Iho 8ua bury aad Lewistowa, Railroad la tho cob- reUo& of Ibolr road, from ini K. I- Brit, Chrlollan Orot aad Heary Sobocb bar mad Ibolr tovoral report ai follow i r. t. ... V T1..I. 11... 4... ....I. ,1 k turn of f 3.800. - . i To CbrUHaBflro, $1 180. And lo Hon- L;Soboob TJaiooa YVaibbb Awav. Tb Linden Dbrldg between YYilliamsport aad Lock (area, wbiob was recently doatroytd by Dirt aad waa btlng rebuilt, waa washed Away oa Tueeday night, Juno 20th. The lilga bad been, temporarily oreoted, aad Vara wota again patting. Cy reaaonofa rtthal in tha river a Urge number of logo tat floating down the ttream and lodged .gainal tba trestle work of the bridge eu.v og the tame lo giro way. la conaequenoe of Iblt bridge bolng want away, Iho heavy freiiht traiat on La T R KoaJ are again running over t Suobury fc Lawlalown ritilroad. Camp MatTiKO. A joint comp. meeting If the Suaquehanna and .Viddleburg cir- luil. of Iho eburali of llie United llretli I'ti in Gliriat, will lie held in the grove of llichacl .'oyer, 1 mile wort of rreehur, lud 4 niitrt eiixt of Middleburg common- Imif on JueUy, Auguat iJlh, lerz, atid Ijotinue 10 Java. All loven of Jciua are respectfully invi Vi loooine and wvrabip whb ut. All those who a iau lo have tenia ordered Ir the committee, will please apply to A. Uraul, In t reeburg, or Hev. J. i' l;ller in Middleburg, not later than the of July. V boarding lent Will bo held on tbe kn p-f round by a mitable man, whore oiling will ba provided at reaaonaolc e. All huckstering la ttrlolly prohibited on l camp-ground.aid alao on the aJJoluing i mud ut Janaiuun Uriuim. I For Fuvtbi-r iulurmation, apply to the Mcreigucd In Mtdddleburg. I Tn i Ceulennial Celebration oa Ihe 4tb I July, by prcaenl appearance, will be the mel eveut that but tveroccured in Ibis liuiy. Tha oointuiltee on arrnngemtntt - oountiutly eugiged in perfooiiug ar igatntnta lo make it pteuaaut aud agree e to all visitor who may coiua lo parlio hta. Among Ihe Inleroating font urea o le oeoaalon will be the addreat of the lo. A, Jordnn, who baa boen telceltd at It oral or of the dnr. Judge Jordan ia li of the enrlieat tettlert of I lilt place, l it widely known at a jui iat and an ex- Iplary oltiien. Ilia namt it favorably ib lo every household In lb aouuty, 11 au address from bim on Ihit oeeaiion. og a praotical blatory of bit native 'i for nior than half a oeutury, will Iloubt be highly apprtoiattd by all who iw blm. Sunbvry American, f lOBAIH SCIIOOI, CONYIKTIOX. Tb SCO- annual macllng of lh8nyder County tialh School Association oonveued at 'ertown, on the flih ult. Both 1'resi- i and Seoretary fulled lo cut In aa ao- 'nce. Trof. Noetling wa elected I'iJent, pro tern, and M. L. Wageaiellor, lilary. Iho eonventloa wa well altendel and I'ilcd. 'ji Bait anuual meeting will oonven at itigrov. Th following eoostltut th ra for th ensuing year t President, If. Nottllng : Recording Seoretary, M. Iageneeller t Correspoudlug 8eoretary, J. Bmilb Treasurer, Jaoob A. Hmllb i Presidents Beavor, Wmt M. Keiater t fi Beaver, U. M. L'lab Centr. Samuel -(ar; Chapman, J. 11. Hall) tranklin, Bcbocb Jackson, B. K. Terriok; B. R. Mtecreek, 1'bilip Rouiht I WfJiiToe, Rav ha Doableri 1'eaas. C Clfkflc Allllert . J. l. llaraherirer t IRHinsgrove, oa Olover i Union. A. r Uerrold t AuigtoB, 1'ruf. 1. 8. Uoyer. I ILLOTATIO CatllTIAN WBBKIT It beautiful pioturoa aud admirably lag. come lo our mtoaael aaaot unfailing regularity. th present week laau wuv an ao- F of tie ew tent mad to enable Re. Van Meter, well-know a the lata rot Superintendent of tha Howard ion of New York ally, to proeeeme Rotly bit oilealoa-work amaig tbe tlal it Hunt and eUewbare. The arttala hompanled by two dldtrtat view of I lot.- An accural likeness of lb Ml- f r head ruler vf Japan, th flrit aver r-nii ig tiii country, la also gtvao F luiarval t nitaobta ! in preaent P of Japan from lb faot that k ha r ill lb laws aB4 aiot against tdaaity, which have bB ia fores for i huudrad I ear a, and ba forbiddao P honor to b Bald to him. luu brak 'own tn Boat toraaiaabl barrier to lrwdullon of lb goaptl. tenuttrul tummtr piclur I lb huh' Nt." Aa early t radii ion ef forery of Ilia art af priming from rititr. I iu tuujaot ol aa iiiuatr I in "vhti'ira Department" uu r"" u gsoa lorte and piautant pis- rm waa m ' -kubllabtr anaouaw Ihal la thalr aiabar will k aleea aa artful abow f to built a heap, aval oltg for us tuuttraueua ai ruu puiaoa- DianraoK Ifowa. John Eaitrlek, Hotel Keeper, at JCaalt, d!a l t Jdeoly of appo plexy at the bom of Pllaa Shaffer, at It' ban, North ntnberland eonaly. He left bom a weak p.-ior to bit deaib aad waa tged abont 40 year. ?ai ItiH Aa'waD.-'A WetleTa eaehange aayt I 'A arottndret culling hlmtalf Ira Dfown, from Aabttra, IT. Y., It traveling aronnd lb eounlry with a patent ntlr b4r for a mower and reaper. He appoinla kgenlt lo Ik twnahlpt, aod maktt on Iraett with Ibtra, which h ala la two. making a not of Ibem. f bt farmtn f Ihla aeotlrta want lo keep Ihtlr cytt opened agolntt aticb twiudltVa. They art llobtb to reoelva a vlelt fro at tenia Of I bam any day. How to Tut CouSTinf tiTl. f o d'.a- eovrr tpurloat greeabackt or national bank nntee, divld the 11 two tguret of ht ft'ii bar of tht bill by four, and if one rem tint the letter oa the albe will be A i If two remain It will bB if three C and ibAnld there be no remainJar he letter will he D. For eimnple, a nolt t regtatered 2,401 t divide ttity-one by four and there will br one remaining. Ac cording to the rale Iho loiter on tht note will be X. In eae Hit rulo Nil, bt rer- lal n tint the not la counterfeit. A Jrnii.iB Ncxniia I The fhrenoloil- cat Journnl, ever in Ihe lead, comet nut for July in holiday and patriotie array. Mo- of ill featurci art eminently atlrncilve; wllneat (lit tketohe and Porlrnlia of llor act tlreeley and (lavcrnnr Itrown 1 the 8ketohea and pwlraita of all the preaidenlt or the UulteU Hiatea, from Waalnngton lo Oram The N ulonal tonga . and miiaie I baaidot the finely illutrated article on Salmon, and lit Culture) Eapreaaion. It a Anitlomy and I'liilooophy t and rbremilo $y an l ihe pliyaloloiriata : 'in ir ay, a euro for whom ia tuygetud t Haw to keep Wellillev. Jabet llurnt. l. 1)., and Ihe lata Jnmea UnrJon Dennett, with portrait!. An admirable number, that ehoutd be widely read. Prioo, 80 oenta. Kr the year, J 1. Vol. Si bagina with Ihla nutn- her. b. R. 1'ubliabor, OS'J Droad way, Kew Vork. Etviat 8TOBM. The heavy Ibundor ttorm which paastd through tho E.Mlera part of our eounly on Iho Slat ull wnsfar more destructive and torero that we wore aware of at the time of our last lssu. It entered the county about Krntterville, moved in a Southerly direction and waa probably no more than four or Ore milee in breadth. Rain fall in lorrtnlt, a num ber of bridgea were awept away, treat up rooted and foncet blown down. There waa also soma hail but it did no injury. Tho llttuiug was the most terrible and de structive that visited Ibla county for tome time. At Kralterville it ilruckllit rosideneo of 0. A, Erleumeyer. damaging tha house tomewbat and killing a dog that waa lying at ihe Move. The family made a niiincutmiH cenpe aa tho dog waa lying but a abort distance frira Mr, K. and his wife. They war a both icverety tlunned, and tho husband waa at one lime reported at being entirely deaf. The house of William Rhoa Ja, In Tenna township, wat alao atruok. Daniel llcim- bach, ugtd about I I yeurt waa killed. The boy waa employed Iodoform work for Mr. R. and waa aiding in the houi with the older member of the family at Ihe lime be waa to suddenly called lo hit ftunl home. At Free burg Valentino Slosser' (table received a stroko aud abound belonging to Churlct Roush wat killed. The dig waa chaiued at the ttnble the time be was hit. At 1'uuliug Station It atruok lb tele graph wire. SvLvatTia Rouxo, tub SoMMAMOriisr. ay Henry Cockmn. This I th third vol ume of th new. cheap and popular edi tion of tha wuik of Henry Cocklon, now in course of publication by T. H. Teter son & Uroibcrs, l'liiladclpbia, l'a. which are having a very large s ilc. 'The author of 'Vlenilne Vox' bos gi ven us a great work under Ihe Ihe abort happy into. It contain tb unconscious adventure of a youib, tb hero of the to rv. who. of a nuiet and docll dipositiun in hi waking momeuli, I transformed in i deep into a very spirit or iniscbior. His quietude by day, and bi perfect uu- oonsoiuusnes of what h ha done in hi uight walks,' form an amusing contrast; nd. a tbe laculiics In tbl au,ie are nown lo be in a Hate of exaltation, it may bo eonoelved that advenlurea of a aanouiiEON a well aa aoiueiug character may be n wrought nut. It liaceorupauied by elghi t.iiilod Illustrations. Xbt accounti oi what hat been done by persons endowed by hit faculty are to extraordinary, tba. It lmpositl for tn wiiuoti noi ion o exoeed them. A rich barvaat of inci dent may ba anticipated by all who may read "Sylveeter Sound, Ihe Soiuuambu- ist .' "Illtulrated Lon lon .Yeirt. The popularity of Cocklon'" novel. Rvlveatur Hound, th Somnambulist." 'Vulenlloe'Vox. the Vanlriloqulst," The Fatal Jarriagea," "The prinoe I or, (leo. St, Qeorge Julian," "The Steward." "i'er oy Effiingham," el., are try great. "Byl- vealer Houn ike BoiaaaniBnuai, - ia isaura in a large ootavo volume, wjth Portrait, of Auiuor oa i Be ouror, price iu .u., .uu ,v for sat by all liooksellor. or oopie will b tent, pod-paid, by lb Vublishar, on reoeipt of prioe. Iowa. Xcbriuka. Kansas, I'atirornla Advartlalnc alone doe not prod lie uo oet. In Ibmg wuiou le aoreriiaau nun hav Intrlualo uteri!, or else large auver. tialng will tveulually do It more barm baa good. If you have anything you know la b good, advents u morouguij. and yon will b sur to euoceed if it ia Soor don I prau II, for po pi wm toon iauovtr yoj are lying. etuoh l lb policy or iu uuningiou Route, wblob run to tb tb re great re gion in th Wt lit. Ta Omaha, eoo- neollna wilb lb treat l'ecino ttoau. 2Q, lo Lluooln, tk capital of Nebraska, and all that beautiful realon aoulb of lb l'lalla. filled with B. 11. land and bora lead. Sd, To St. Joseph, Kcaial City and all Sanaa point. Th road are ipteBUiuiy ouiti, nav ma bast bridue. flnnat tar, th Miller plat form and ooupler, and tbeeafeiy air brake (to prevent tba lor or lit met, ia vry Ua kannenina 1 1 I'ullaian' lleep- era, i'ullinaa atalug ours, larg aad pw- arful ens ae (lo make aulcK um anu ood eonneotiona. aod are in a word lh beat ea ulnned roadt In lb Weal. Bo that If vou dasire to a-o aafclr. lurelr. quickly aud oouifortably lo any point iu Southern Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, or o lh l'aoiflo Road, be ur Ihal yon go Vj Way of Builiogtoa." All wba with particular information and atari map. (bowing correctly tb Great WasL aad all It lluilroad oonneo- tiona. an obtain them, aad Bay other kBowladg, by addriag Ueneral ta- aeoger Ageni. 0. kl. U. ft. U., Sur. Uugwu, low. UtmoOBl Wouanuooo Wk may asarry b. .ut. vh tua urn. lmMdlaaaaia I Oau l aud Oure. atendW Dr. Waivviaa, 0 f .ue) Nt.rituearg, f' . ateplty Wiixat to Emioratb I W anawer, go to Fouthwcat Mi-sourl, because the Allan tls PaelJIfl Railroad Co. offer MOO.Otrt Aerea of land t actual settler, at InW prioe on long oredit, besides fiirnlstilng free Irnaspnrlalinn over their road to pnr ehaaeri ; this road eitenda from 81. teals through Missouri to Vinil. Indina Terri tory, I being rnahed rapidly lo Ha dtln atKn, th Faetre tjoaxl will be one of lb trunk linet of the eounlry. never blocka ded by enow the lands along Ihe fond are in a rich frlll tonniry, a fncxluolivt aa any In the Piste t lh climate combine all th advantages of north ern and southern latitude good climate soil, health, water, timber, grating, fruits and flowers. Invli you lo go tn Ibt region. ret rnrllirr Information address A. TUCK, (.and Com r, Walnut Street, St. Louis, Mo. ORI'AT iTiSCnVEKvT JttinktU' littler HViif of Iron. KUNKKL'8 IIITTEIt WINK Or IflON will tur all disease arising from a deted liver and stomach, such as a onsll ration, llaluleboe, inward pilra. fiillneao ol blood lo ilia bead, anldily uf the stomach, nausea, heartburn, digusl of food, fullness or weight in tho stomach, sinking or flut tering nl lb pit ol th stomach, swimming at Ibo head, hurried or difficult breathing. Hullering nl the heart, choking or sufl'oeal ing sens itinn when in lying posltirn, dim ness of vitdun. Jto. I'riee. $1, prv bottle. K. F. Kiinkcl .proprlclnr. Iepnt 'J.'jU N-irib u'b st below Vino, I'liiludi'lphia. Trior $1.(10 for sale by Irug;ia!. iryour UrtigyHl baa H not, rnrolore M.'it' to ny Addrr", N. I'.. Cat luth, nnd Chest not. and it will come by ticilespresa train, and ativlce fre of charge. Tlmp n ml 'iilglil,ii'rt r pe ll ik' o Lave aliowii ihal orriain auh stances fnrmly used and relied un in medi cal practice, are unnecessary and danger ous; yet some of lbee aubstanora have found their way luo medical compound. Da. V.i.Kn'a CALirnaxiA VixaiiAn Hit tkr, however, contains nothing injurious, being composed exclusively of vegetable substances from California, for all dis order of Ihe liver, kl lueya, M.tdJor, akin, and digestive organs, and for purifying tbe blood, they are the most wonderful reme dy known. w To Consumptives- The advertlner, liavlng lieen permanentlT ear ed uf that itreait illmaiie, INinnuinfitton, by a slm 1la rameily, Is anxtnus to mnka to Ills lellow sul urers the means ut cure. To all who desire It he will semi a cpy ot the prescription ued, (Irs of chars;, with the directions for preparing and U'lna lb same, which they will hint s H as i l as for t'oasrairTiiiK, Aktiima, ItmmrMiTis fce. rartlea wlhlna Ilia prorrlptlon will pleaia address Her. tllWAKH A. WII.MiN, lu feun Mtrl WlllltmiliurnU N, Y N ISTty gKLiNSGiiovE rrtoi KL1NSGUOVE PKOUtCE MAHKET coitntcTrn wi:ki.v BT "ViiyriiMelloi -t Hon. Wheal pur bushel $1 M' i'.ye do - Corn do Onls do 00 Oloverseed per buvhol Klntseed do 1 60 Timuihyrced do lluckwbrat do Potatoes do Onion do 1 hi lliiller per pound -3 Kggs per doscn 14 Tallow par puund 08 Lard J Cherrle 01 Reeded Chorrlc l' Dried Apple l)i ied l'euche Sonf 6 lo H Side 0 to 7 Shoulder 8 limn lJ MA1MMEJ . On lh 20 ult.. by Uov. C. 0. Krlenmyer. Ilcujiiniin Meiser to Mis Anna I'hilip, both of I'erry Iwp. On the 2.'d ult , by the same, Henry 3cho1l to .Vr. .Vol!y foobrit, both of Un ion Iwp. At tb residence of Joseph Kaulfiuau in Dratlon township, Milllin county, l'a., on June 20. 172, by Klder l'aler 8 .Vyert, Henry A Kryharger toM ss Leviua Thom as, both of Adatusburg, Snyder county. JIlil. On the 17th till., in Chapman twp., liar bara Calharino, daughter of Kdward and Sarah Anu Feirlcb, aged 1 year, 8 mouth and -H days. On the 2st ult., in Terry two., Calba. rine, daughter of John D, and l'locbe Sny der, aged & years, 10 month aud 0 day. On the 2 1st ult In I'enn twp., Catha rine Helena Uundruin. aged 0 year, 1 month and )fi day. . 1 ..lUTcaiULiitii UJSOl'iU'1'8 pfrotit wftr, and inititttotl a wiso tl a WIHO il tho UU fld similar ecucrallv hiimitno nolicy towwd The raoilio RitUroad and , 1 V A.,nMlT I I'lllOqlbCB UUVO UISJU t;uiiuiuj en ana nuecesmm y touuuowu i . MlJdleburgi SuT. 2, ihou. publio lands Irooly given ta acr Hcttlors i emigrutjou. has boen V y WIl) WILMA MS, jm.I .nl ami nnnnurnirod Olid fill J uhS Uui natUTiUlS IXECUTOHS" NOTICE Letter 'ila liiuenlary on Ihe estate of David I'essler ate of Centre twp., Snyder eouoty, l'a., deceased, uaving been granted lotha un derstand!, all peron knowing Ihemaelvea iudebted to aaid estate are requested lo make immediate payment, while those ha ving claim will present thtui duly aulneaiioateu lor i.iiieweui iu Kb I'll EM li rtfULtlt May 23, '72. . Extoutor. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Letter of Administration on Ihe estate of li.uiolO. Snook, lute of Heaver low ship, Snyder eounly, l'a., deceased, have bets granted to ma onuorsigneu, uiuB in laid township. All paraona knowing tbemsalvee indebted to the ealate of laid will nleasa mak Immedtal pay ment ana tuoso having Claims agnmsi. iu catal will rrtsaut them roraettiement 10 JuntO,' 72. Adminiatrator. TXECUTORS' NOTICE. Itr lta- JJJmealary on lb esUle Of rrasoi A. Hover, lal of Washington twp., Pnyder eounly, Pa,, deoeaied, have been granted lo tha underelgned, all person kuowlng heuiseWes indebted lo laid stt ar re oussted ta make Immediate payment wbtlelnoi saving oiauna win tire.Tu, them to Wh, M. lit)! c li. CllAULtH Jl. uuxtn, May 23, '72. Exeulor. TO HOOK AOKMTS. MARK TWAIN'S NEW BOOK, 4 ROUGHING IT." la ready for Uanraasers. It Is a eotnpanlon vol uuito"Innoeula Abroad," or which loo,oou k. L... sold. lioat waste time oa bouks ao wants, but take one paupl will atop yoa la lh streets to suuseru iw. " i r. . time ilb," aad all who read Ibis book will clearly that time baaevwe. Au)lT at ouea tur territory or circular.. Ailuresa. lUia.t.u ABnnr.H ru i , IUbauoaiaiUel,fklladetpbla S EDWIN LONQ. . WITH Hood Bonbright & Co., WMoal Dealer Iw porlera & Jobbers of DRY G00D3 NOTIONS nndCarnotH. No. 811, 818 od 815 Market St., BLiludelpLU I'cuu'b. n EST vfAK CIofheiM 11 AAXiJU at y Ahrav Lowest Prictl. Bring fttuor. Boy and Men's Fin (Nothing. OAK ltAl,t OAJ JTALL OAKilALU oak if. OA K II A LL, OAK 11 ALL, OAK HALL, D WWW LEGAKT Awortment tot Ken WMAMAKER & BROWN, Sixth and Market Sts., Philadelphia. IN kMlDDLKBtr.O, 11 Y A LAROE ASSOKTMENT OK PRINTS, MUSLINS, DRY GOODS, lniK'.v CiiHHlmtreH, 3nl.v IMntlo Ult Iiinvr Huts an J Cups, Shoes, Hosiery, Cluvrs, Notions, Sliawls, l'an, I'nr.iHol aud Wliilo Good.. ALSO A FULL LlAll OV -i:(H Uall.S, Sor, ColTcca, Teas, Biiicca, Syrups, Finli, Ac, ke. T01IACCX)S, HXIJ1,,I AM) JKV1H. ALSO Quocnsworc, Glnnsware, Tub, l''U, akct, Ktc, K'.c. t hare selected the atiere aonls with ureal ears, nd ak an examination nf tbe fnm by those wlphtna; tn purcha'. fall and lor yourselves. Omimre my prices with othurs. Thankful to uiy Irlcods for their patrons. In tho past, 1 ropei tlully rotlclt a riintlniMnne ef thoiauie. (Juue w, ls;t-ll. U. Al.r Khl MCliooil. ESTABLISHED 1853. REBUILT 1871. Tim: old ioKi:a: Rebuilt and Refurnished wilh the 1'incst and Chcnpcst Asnrlmcut KRT GOOaS! NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, QUEENSWARE, Hardware, Groceries, Cedarware, Hats & Caps, HlioeM, CJni'ioH, Oil Ololliw, Hhoe l'"iiillii;w, WA1L lAlJTi:iH, (iLAKS, Vo. V., EVER 0FFEKE1) TO THIS COMMUNITY. The ulscrihcr having removed Into bla N'KW STOItF. T.OOM, on the Tomer of Market nnd l'inc Slreeta, is now prepared to offer, lo his old customer, and all new one thrl may favor him with their patronage, great inducement. He is determined Ihtil this oivi cxii:ir SHALL STILL CONTISIE THE MOTTO FOHMKBLY AlOl'TED, Tiii3 cni5-rVi c:l?sl:I.,,, fly a strict atlentlon lo business, and keeping al all times the mo-d complete itock, and telling at the lowest price, be hopes lo merit a full sharo of p'llronaite. gkiTAll kinds of t'OU'N'l'UY I'llOUUCK takeu iu c.chuiigo for guo-is.-tnS Sclinsgrore, April 2l, 1S71. .l. I'. iil Klil.UT. WASn. (iUAXEMO, WATCH A CLOCK MAKER. Market Bt. Middleburg l'a. ITT AVISO located In thi place I wouw ,1 i reipeot fully inform, the cilizrn of M i.l il !,-bii rif and vicinity that I am prepared tc. repair CLOl'KS ANU WATCHES cheap 'and espeJitiouily. Tbe patronage of the I P"I1' rcspeoliully olioited. nnhl ir - - - w jmxELLO. Manufaoturr of noictai ueoicr in CHt. Maliucuity, nnlnuiaiid Kost-noou LOOKING GLASS Picture St. rhotoejrapnio ramos Hon, 2o anu art n otrm, l'hiUdclphia l'a. Frnmaa Rsnaired in lh beat manner Alo, llegltding in all ila branohe. jit, fJIUU UKOVEH & JJAKEK Irately Improved Shuttle Sewing Machine THIS UIT S 1 uarThi Celebrated Machine make lb favorlt LOCK STITCH! Run Faaler and Smoother, anu mates Uetter and Neater Work than any other Msohln now In us. ... ii. .n.elneii oTar all olber machines Is acknowled by all wbo have ever seen It Three Intelligent and highly respectable eltlaen of tbl ouuty, llng a Judge, awarded TUB OROVElt BAKER IM PROVKU SHUTTLIS Slwlu muu The First Premium al lb lal Agricultural Fair of Snyder 0Un''' 8AMCEL FAUST, Aatar, October 18, 1871. Bellnsgrov V. JKVI KELLER, Manufaclurarof anddaaUri FURNITURE, Would rpotfuy lBform lb eltlttn of gtlinsgreve and vlolnlly, that b taanufM lure to order and keep eonilaully on hand CHAIRS OF AM AUD Vurnitura) Of t9T7 POBOrlpUOn, al th vary lwal prlo. II rapoliBll insllea an examination of - an..,i.l laiitaiion i exleudad lo newly married folk to eall aad Biy took b,forofr.U.-u, REUMi 1laigrv, Aprlll, 170-41 ' HITS StTliih spina Dnriibl Come ft etthem 1IE1I Should al- II wayideal . II at Sixth sLL Uarket OAK 11 ALL, OAK IIAI.T OAK If ALL, n All, OA K HA T.L OAJiirALL, OAK MALL, OVELTIES in rare CLOTHES all at Rewonablo Prices. 0U1TG ef ereryilze, arery shape, ami very itature. I'lli.M -AN1- m:v coonsi R. O. HETZKL. I. 8. McCt l.I.OL'OH nsxzzL & MccuT-rouan, (SUtUESStlliS TO JOHN I1LTZEL,) DEALERS IS ALL KINDS UF ill IIUCII AM)ISi;i MIOIIUST CASH TRICE TAID FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TI1, Ac, Ac, CHAPMAN RNYDER COUNTY, FENKBTLVAKI A, M.roh 17, isio-H. B. J. COOKE, WHOLESALE PEALER IS CLOC1CH. 119 Kortb ruird Street, -ADEirHIA. Aug. 860 T1XECUTOII8' NOTICE LflUrt "tA- Vl mentarv unon tbe catAlt of TubiAf cirtivtiill Uta of Watt Perry Townahlu 6ny Jer Co. r,. deo'd bating been graded 10 Ibt uudaralgoed, All p era ona knowing tbaiwaolvca .nJablad to lAid eatAtt Art ra nuaiataid to mak a uavmant vilbont dtlAj, anJ. thoaa hATina? olairai will pratnt ibaui JOHN 0. GHAVDILIa. JACOB BUELLT, Execuloraj. 1? C. KBV & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AM) COX 1S8I0X MERCUAXT8, 52a' MARKET ST, Bjt.-ea Fifth aod SUtk, 7,11; UlfXAVELrUIA, Via ;r Dltturn) r mH a vil fnnry DrinV. fMr of I'oor aHittn, W hikt)t Frof Spititi tij HvttfM Uir)tnraV dtattorfn, f hI, una M4 tn tilcaM live tffMa, callrd "tir," " Atipjf V hie ' KttArrV' cc., tlut iMid the lippVr 011 to dnm ftintt and ruin, but a trw Mrdtcint, tnndi from llit nMivr rtolt and tier In nf Cnhli.nti J, tree from all A koht 4 1 SlimnUnia. 1 htwmr (lit (ral 111 ood Punflr and a Ltfe-fttint rhtfripl, a rrt fret Knavatr nnd lnviaottnr v( ihe 5 tf m, car ryint o(T all pwtiimi matter and rmtmitu ibt blond to a Itrtilthy fomliti'w, enrithint it, fcf-eiliinaj and ibvijpvratint: lnih mifid and boa 1'hrv ato Biy frf rttlmtnintrstiftn, prompt in thfir aclum, er tAin In thtir retultt, ut and rctublt in all ffim ul Mo Prrann run laka th nittrra ac- rordmg todircctiima, and remain lig ttnwcil, m idtd utrir iH'natt art at itctiryl by rmirral pof un or other means ai d tbt Vital Cffiiot watfi bt?Tnnd llit pninl of frivatr, lft tprilt or litiliprtatlntie l!.Ur'is 1 in in Hit Mimilttert, Crncltt, TtRrittifejti of tbt Cliff, 1 intuitu, Snnr Krurtminnant tbt Mnmnrb, tljid latj in tbt Mouth, ftthuut Aturk, Ritpi tation of Ibt Hmrf, Irti-n'miitirni of tbt I un)! I'vn in tbt regions of tbt Kidntys and a hynHuJ otbtr painful vmptont), art tbt ilTprinjr, of ! pliA, In lbvt compUintt il an rtiual, r4 ona bottlt will pnrvvnbttttr guatautct ol ill mtrita than a kntihv nrtTtrtitfrnT. Fur FninlC'ninaliitaita, inrnttna crc'J, Tnatriftf or tinult, af tba dawn of womanhood, ot tht turn of lift, thaw 1 00 it llittera di4f an da cultd an inftumct ibal a inarktd imprttwintjai M fon parrtM'ttt'ift l'r InllomTnntnrjr atntt Cfirnnl Rhiimitlni nnd (ttu, DyTpianr lndiKa tton, llilimi. Rt mitti'itt iid Intermittent l-rvrr luvjt. of thr li'ood, l.ivrr, Knltirva and Mladdcf, tbit llitten but bren riof atirrfintul buth IiaeAta ato r.vt'ffl bv Vii'itcd Itlnod, wtmh it inraHy prmiuct-d by dctaiigtinitit ul ibt aUigtatita They nrc a fictitlr Pitrntl nawoll Tonlr r?Firir fl'o tl 1 emtur mrni if acinic a a powerful agcM in rr I. i'C ( Vrigtviof, or Infl.ifnin.itirtn if the Ltvtr and ViKtral Urana, and in Hilton. iMrnifo,. For Bklii Dlavnawta nnirtior-, Tetter, S.VN tllirum, Iticlilic, Si't-ta, Fitn)le, I'uttulti. I Knit, ('.trltnnclra, Hirr-i'rms Scald-Head, S'rt rtt, Krnii!a, In b. HcutN, lMcTlof unmaof the Skin, Humor nnd Lt.iir of tho Fliin, uf litrrr tiame or nature, ara literal' duff up and carried owl f f tbt ytm in a aliorl tmit ly tbe utt nf tbe llitlcrt. (mr Imtila in uch c wilt couiitici; ibt Hiit iticrcduUmtj uf tttpir curntne ri7ietw, l lennao Ihe Vlllnfoil llluoil wb merer tou find ua impunia Iiumhik llirmmh ibr akm in r-mpKi, Kruptmna, or Sjre; Urntt it wbrn vou find it obstructed ard ttuKvih in tb vtmt ; clranaa It when it it fntl ; your fcclinra will tell v. wbtn Keen tht blwd putt, and llit heal lb vf tbt ayiitm Will follow. Ornteful thntaanitila proclaim VtN mqa a Iittrhi tht inntit womlcrfiil Invigornnt trut tvtr anfined tht amking avtrm. I'ln, Tap, ami t titer Worma lurking in tht avitem of ao many thouannii, are rffrciuaMy dcatro, ed and removed. Siva a dit(intuihed pbf aioloyiitt 1'htn ia -rr1y an individual upon lha fact of tbt tarth whta woly it cteinpl from tht pfetnet of wortnt. It it not upon lha htaithy tlt nituta of tbt Itody tint wnrmt exut, but umn tbt disrated bumotsandlimydtjotiu that brfd the. bvinK moimer tf di No ayticm ( Mdi cne, nrt vrtn iiucit, no anihelmmittct, w4I fitt Uit avtrm from tormt like tiica llitten. Mrrhiaulcnl lilnrair. rr.nna tnpsffed In 'mta ami Mtncrila, ayli ai riunit-err, 'J pr attler, ;olit eVrr, end M nert, aa they aiWanra in hie, will bt an I j eft lo rr'vn of tiie liowcW. 'lo ftuard aeaiiiii tint t.ikeAfio'o of Vai.kkk'i ViNat.AR lliTTBBs once vr tm a week, a a I'nj Vtft'. Illllniia. Urmlflrnf, nnd Inlermlf ft at Fovtra whuli art to pralnt in tht val lrv of our river lhrt.u.hout Ibt United Stale, cspci.liy tlmit of the Miiiiippi, Ohio, Mitoourt, lliipnit, 'IVnneatsef, i 'umber (ami, Arkno .iS ked. t', Uittf :r.uid, erl, Ala bitna. Mobile, aSttrfuuab, Koarokc, J.imt, and m.-ry otlttn, with tSe-i uibuUriea.throiiKhouC our tntut tonntivdtir nr the iminrnir nnd A'liumn, and rrmjrWnS'r ao durma aeaaona of unuauaJ haat and drrnravs art invnn ihly atconiranb d hyevten tivt deratiB?mentt of tbt atomath and livtr, aad otberabdi nin-il vitrera. In their trcitment.a pur jtativt, tiertimr a powerful intliieoea upon Ibtat) variont a jt-f'S ii eeniialy necta.uv. Ihrra ia no cathartic for tbe pirpnat lo T)a. J. Wai. Kbh'b ViNBtiAt lliTrrtt:, at they will speedily re rmivt tbt datk-eolorcd viK.d matter with whuh tbt U'WcIt art loaded, at I lie aamt time ttitmilating tht aecrriicn of tbt beer, and generally realunog tbt healthy function of the dtctivt orj;.nrt. Mi'iofulait or Kliitf'a Kvll, Unlit Swell ln(t, t'icen, Kryrip-l.t Jiwvllttl Nr.k, (Jfitcr, mcrofulnut Inll.imtnjtioii, liulnlciit lntlAinmationt, A fleet luu, H'A, Ktupitmi of tha Skin, Sorn Fn-t, etc., etc In tliee, in all a.tbtr iiwrt, Wai ki u' Visar, h Hit Ta:m have abown their Rie.u cur.uivu j-jwcia m lha nifst obttin.ite aii'l intni til-li c.i- lir. Ualker'a litllforiila Vlnrcrair Hitter ail mi aII ilu-1.1 e inn imiLn manner. ty puiifyii c tho Uk-i! lb' y rcmn-e the nue( and by rcBi KinK n.y tbe eib f tlto intlammation iihe lubtM ti!,tr dipoiitl ti e af!irt- part kccjv) k.i id, and a 1 sit tn 41 u tit euro ta lltctid. I he irorrtlc? m Dk. Waikhn'i Vinb can biTtKH-, Arc Aprncni, Jji.iphirent jnJ ( am ntina'ive, Nulntioua, Knit ire, iMitrctic, S -dative, I'minter-lintant, huiiutiltt, Attcrjtivc, and Ami lllllnllt, 'I'lir Ai-rkent aimI tniM r.inativa propntict of I'K. VaiVkh' iHUMM hiTrms ate tb. beat a.ile $ uard in all i.iv n it miptiona and m.iiii;naiit ftiveia, their h I tannic, liealnie. And Kooihittir, "! ertie proiecl ibt buniuta of tbt tatKcs. 'I beiiie- d.uivt prypcrtic alUy pAm 111 tiie ticrvou tbtemt atoni.tcli, and buwcla, either fnni intlanimu.un, wind, cuiic, cramp, etc. '1 he ir i'nunierlni!ant iniiiienct extend) tbmubout tin; hyattiu. 'itteir Anii-lbhoii prutriit atimul.itt tbe liver, in tbt aiiTctnui of bile, and ita ditthargua llifoti;h tha biliary duct, and areaupcrinr to all acentt. tW tbt cute of Ihliout r ever I ever and Afue, etc. Fiirllfy Hit liody MffKlnai dine ato by tiunlytita: Ail ttarbii.UwiMi Vim-clR bti re. No tpidrmic can take bn?d of a avsteiu lhut foti-'armrd. Ilii tclloik I Al e f the lulicrkon c'ihr to l td m uiKbt bum a hill to one and one-hint wtt t n'Afull. Kat rotl notiiiibuiK u , tii. l, a leef iMk, iniitton ennp, v?ri(on, n Tit br-e', .tnd vco t.tb.ea, and tk out-door rn-reimc. '1 liev are com poaed of purtly vegeUUt incndientt, aad contaiB noapint. I WAI.KI.H. I'rou'r. H. II. MrDOAI II 4 CO., Prurrttt and Oen. Apta , S.m FrAnciacn, Cl.. and enr, of Waalu union and Charlton St a., Ktw York SOLD I'.Y ALL lKUOUii5 & DKALKKS IIULADKU'IIIA & ERIE R.11L110AD. WINTKIt Il.METAULE. On mill After MONPAY NOV. C7. ie irnlna on tlio riiiIaU'Ipbia & Krie Uuil HoaJ wiU ruu as fulluws t WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN, lefivs C2pm hvubury 1 1 u a in 1 air At Kt iu U oO p iu ERIE rxrUllSS U&wi VUW. U un p ui Htmbury t 50 p iu nrr at ErU 7 40u lul ELM1RA MAIL leave 7 f' in Huntmry 4 V p m " ait h1 iWk llnvcn 7 fi. p in NIAGARA EXl'UEaSd lonvra Vl.iln. 7 'JO am " Suubury 1-45 p iu Arr At Villiatnptrl li 06 p id ACCOMMODA'tlON Uavri tiuubury fi ' ra iVilUiuuHportb lHm Arr At Ucdova 10 45 a m lUTKALO EXTHKSd leave VlU (i a in 8unbuiy i 35 a tn 1 arr At Wuisport 2 00 a m EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN lcavea Frle. 11 25 a ni Huubiiry 12 20 a in arrat I'bila'a tt 80 a ui tlUE KXPllE.SS lcavea trie. 0 00 p m Smnburv 0 20 a ni arr at VliiUdiilplila t p bi ELM1 UA MAIL leave Look Haven 7 Hi a tu Siinbnry 11 laj a Pi arr at l'Mla'a 5 M p bi llCFFALOtX'UKSSlev n 'maportU loau " Kunnury l 4 J are arr al l'Mla'a 7 65 a ui ACCOMMODATION leaves Keoov U :6aui M import tf 06 p ui arr at Hunbury 4 85 p ni Mall East eooneots eal uud we.t al trie lib L. B. A M. . K. W aud at Curry aud Irvineloa wltU Oa Coeck aud Allegbeay R. R. W tlalHVest with weal bouad Iraiua ca L. 8. & M 8. R. W. aad at Oorry and Irvine. toa wilb Oil Creek aud Allegheny R. R. VT. Calawissa passenger Iraiu will be ru net from Willieuisport ea Kile tiprsna, aud west to Vt illiauisport on Mmiia Mail. Yi. A. UALUW1M Oau'lrJujt, TIALD KAGLK IlOTETi. U N. It North TUlrttftreet pniiiAUKLPniA. JOHN CLYaiCK, Vifritt ! Jaauar; J t . Kuiitiui-f it t.CMlalovn It II. . I iav r.ssTwsen MTna iTATIOMK, AeoniaMatl. Mall lafllJn lwlslnwa 11 II a. at. ( tl pa ton p as Msitiiil 4f tt tl. f stiller smmiM Wsirnsr II a - mi e II IS V je us as sir -4 ate 1 a (14 ta a 4 em e ie au SJ.I to J T"1 1 1 1T 4" ta in 4 ' 441 4S Ut 4.1 4 IT 4 Mt.iure it m pa Aiainiri lit U"rruwu U U llMilr U4 MliMitrg liM irainsr I W I'swlma 1 1 1tln-urov IJT IH t i a sa tte V. H. HlliiWrVt, tr .sayertntMOaiil, J JKNXSVI.VA.M n.ui.ito.ti). viNTi:i'nrr. t.vhi.k. I-iif t . (tain (I'nilv) tn and tion l'liiiitili Iphl i iiimI lViiiiburutt, n:nl Two li-.iin l'ily to nntl I'nmi Jif (Sumlays l'.xccf ttal.) ON AND AFTI-iilTlOND.VY NOV. 1 :t ti. Ilm I'.v'-itifiT Train vT tho I'l-'Hi'vlvsnln Itailrnt l Comn will .Irjiurt Irnm ll rrilnir(i an I arri at I'IiiisJi'ljMa nn I riiilur l"l low , r. v'rvmp. 2 3.')VliiU U-l'liii Kx rM loarr liar, risbiii jr Uuilj I'leri.t M iii'U.v l 31 I m tati-1 tirr.vr nl West I'lilli iUIl lila at 0 4H a in. . 4 (;, Knst line Vmvr nrrllmri ilsrf i'Vi'l Mn I u nl 4 (' a in auil anU it I'liil rlliin nl C tl i n in. " : 1 n II Train L-avr llnriirl)iir? Jl ly ci. it Mutid iv nt T oil p ni snJ ar riv4 el l'liil i.l. l l.i t II p in. ,) Ciiioitni'it i Upii-si li avca liar riKl'iir '1'iily nt ll I V m ami urrivrs al IWt I'liiltKli'lpliia nt it 05 a m. I'aeit'.e I'sprrss liavca llsrrls Inirir il lily at lll'ism and arrire at U.'.l I'liiliitlrlpliin at :i I p ni. 'i I'll Klmiia Knpr.-'s leaves rtnrrisbiirs; (1 il'.v nl 2 IHI p tn mid arrive nt It'eai Tliil nili'lpliU nl II mi p ru'pl Ximdiy H e Aocnniniodiiilon Ipnvr llnni-l"!'- nt il.iipin and nrr.vca at pliil tdrlpliiii M 9 II) p in. 7 ft ; nrnitcr Train, via Mount Joy Ioiivk lliirrisliniif diily frsccpt Snndiiy ul 7 fti! h in nnd iiri ircrs at fival l'liilndil pbia at i 4'l p in. W rSTVfARD. " . 4 40 I'r! Tnl Line vet, fur Erin, lonvr II rrilnrjr diiily (eionpt Sunday) ut i t'l p in iitriviup at Krie at ? 4' a iu. It) VI Erie M iil west, fur Krie, leave riiiH islinrir duly at III 4t a m arriving al K.i ie nt 1 Via m. n s.0 OineinonH FspTes leavnt llnr riMlmri dully at It) p in arrive nt All- , nn nt H l" a'ui and nniv. al rittsbufg at H 2 n m. 1 ! f-b-'Tle 5 nit'.ern expres leave tlnr. riflntrc d'lily nt Vi 6 i a m. arrivta at Al-i-.iti nl .' 'jit p m. and arrivof at ritlt- VMil-illl 'll t, III 11 tn. .'i:;,,,.r,.) l'.j,rr. leav.- Ifu Tisl'iire; d illy r.t 1 O'j a in urrivrs fit Minna at U 06 u in 'and nniws nt liitfliiu p al iMb p m. Line leave llgirislmri; daily r cepl rSiindiij nl I fn ;i m nrrive at Alio na nt '.l li'i p. tu tale supper mid Arrives at ritlsli'tri; nt !."i n m. M ul 'I r.iii. leave ltnni.d.iir d iily (! cepl fiinnlay) at I l " p in i'.ri(v at Alto, nn at V l j p in lalvsMii'puraiid arrivta at 1 in -it, in k at 06 a id. Way l'a.4i'tigi-r Train leaves TI.irr'hiirK daily at 7 ii' n in arrives nt Allium at 1 "0 p in wmj ai I'itlsburg nt 8 2 p ui (exocpt Sunday) Through Ptissonfrer leaves HnrriHtinrg at !l UU a in arrives nt Altouua al b 10 a m rUtbliuriih at 1 "5 p m. stAMlTL A 1ILACK. Stipt. Middle Uiv. l'ctiua. K. U. t'HT'lKKS CENTKAL RAILWAY. Iin ami after Siimtav. .Tuns. UTJ.trMci wui envo HeilnsKrnve staitnn s rulluWH: Nt'HTIlWAKIi. , rai rne mnvaia riinim I 111. 1-lue. HUH. In I'. I.SII. I. j i t '.iiiMcrore f . f. v, H. A. M. V. M !, i.i e t t is ta A. W. Uit Arr. H iii-pt (1 VII 61) SM.t 1 4i (. w T 4 Ult It's ii :m i: ti lulliiitra I0:iv 11311 il', raiiiiiilaKu tin i;i.'tirtur it. i liniiiiiii 1 .1 . . .I..h (1.1. 1 .n ii.. .-i,-..iiri'.i i.. ...n" On Maifaru k uill Slit'THWARIV Krie t 'l" ll'i'lnlo lj. M ul l:x.. Mall. Nl mare Ks,.. P M. Leave A. M. A. . A. M. w. Hellimurove T 4'. :i itt Air Murrulmrs, t t M Arr I'UltaUel'la 1 AJ do llultltnor 1 13 2.0 14J U it A K li Ul r. si. n V) B Ul SMI t4U 1 00 In wssMnztnn 34ii l'0 10110 Tiie nnly trains st rpln ( at sltnjnirs sra the mall li ..iw p m. ral l.loe Lurm alt M ii iu. uuil mull smith nl ll l m. Kit. n. Yol'Nil, Un. Pan. Ant. A. li. FISKK, Ueu. Min. 1C71. WINTEll AllllANijKMEST 1STJ. c ATA WlttS A UAH. ROAD. IK-pot, Toot of Tino Strccrt, WIMdAMflWRT, TA. KtsTwann mail. Wtlllanii-ii'irt Iv'e a'ta Mnntouri title ! U ' Haiti 1" H ' Mmicy "I" AllauwiMHl ilu Vim Now 4'ulnniMa il lu lit Mlltnn il" '' 1" 1ih.ii vtlla il" 1" '" ' Um.orl lu 11 1 ' 1'attawlwa il" I' St llli iiti'wu '1" l-'st f Suuiiull ! 1SW Huakclowa arr I t'l ' lniuun.n.l il" 1 00 ' Kail .M Juni'tliin il" 1 IA Al'COMMPBA Iv'e pa do HI do I sa it j Hi ita 4' d" : ila eA do Tie In 104 err. Mshanuy i lly " i .Uhlmi'l Uu S 44 Tutus inn (dllio) d" IW rutisviile illicit Iteaillna ilslol N nrlMiuwn ilu MS) ' Ik llmletTitila llnO 16 Phlla. vt N H R R do W 1 Aluin-li LIillUK illnw ilotot 8lntlnKt"0 iloSM Alli'iitnwn dotsa llethleueia ilntw Kbskid a. i I'll r.liiehsth i'it 1 Saw ioiK ilnttn ' lua O" tsi p WKSTWAHD llustnn MAIL AooeaatoB'Bi Iv'e do rto 4a di do p la Ni nra Mstnn tllrabetk UslhlelMia 11 4 S 4J ' mi r in AlUuUiwu Slalins um do ib l.'liu! uk ia nai no 144 4 a i I'lilu.N.iiuu Hhil mm n v nf .,bllltsU. do Nnrll'tl'WU ! ItvsdluK n J-olUvill till Tsma'iua dlu do A,hlo I do n lo V llHI H ' p r. .t liniisii.'y fity do v.a,l II .'uaotiua 'I" l 14 TII.ABll4 iuakaWa do SO? do 1 10 d.t tia do IU u 4 i Iv'e ia do 4 0 ' do UT do 4 St I 4040' ita to I do tit i do toa ' do t ' In 1 11 de I" ' Ca 4 4 de (41 ta th de 4u do 0 do l ' arr- iso - iiuiuii KtuKiowa (isuwImb Kuiwrt I im tile Mlltoa N l olumbla AIIniow4 Muuof MalU Muntoaravllia WIlliAOiiiKirt An A.I .Ml , trala ! depot al Mi-Mte Huiim WtUUiiisisut, at I tu a. u,-4e i " -K;a ilih Ik trains (rum the eil-lor allllua, 1 1.! dluhla. Mew fork, livlua, and lutMuieri: unlnia. Beiaruliw. lvee attlioa, al It I . oisklua dlnMl enaaaatleti at Wlluaiaapuit wlik MKliuKe "I ra tetweea FaVltaeirala, w oik aud Wllluui"r4. A.tde llai alWwva il S""" J 1 r I i i w. : !"' u ' 'I t i