FablhAed every Than.. . ; j Terms ef Snfcxorf4tiA. . W0 DOLLARS Kit AVSCM, rayabt wHbln fit moaihe, r 1 .0 If not paid alii II amnrage paid aaltss K wftbecriptions outside of the eonnty TBTABLM tie iMi ' 'm,t "f pepan - ...v ,vr prist ei Ike psper J P. CH05MILI", ' l.iJiebnro. I vffere bt protection.,! vleas ta ik it. Colleetiost 11J B)l ether imif.iV.i vaslnces entrested I Ms sr. will receive AC. SIMPSON; ATTORNEY At LAW. v - . 8idinnna Pa tnsr hit professional service to tbt cab It. - All boalneet entrusted ( hit ear wm ot promptly attended lo. 1 . Utn. lr.'cnr A W. KNIGHT, v t ' . ATTOKNET AT LAW. ui rraimiogm tervictlo Hn pub v. mi DinniH entrusted to fete car will bt promptly attended t. . Jan. 17,67ll ff ! ... ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 T.nu-i. I, .,. T Offeri bit professional servles lo .bt pub- no. voiieouan ana mi otner nt'tMlon l buHnest entrusted to bit ears will re ceive prompt attention GEO F.MILLER, ATTOKSEV AT LAW. yum an rroieseionai ttrviet to lb cub Ii. rnii...i. i .it ..i... . ' II basinets entrustsd to bit curt wilt r. teivt prompt attention. Jan. S, 'VTif I a. LINN, ' A. II. DILL V e (Hneeemnre toJ.V.h J. M. Ltnn.l ATtOK.NKYjUj.LAW, Lewi.burg, Ia. Of el their professional servloel to fte nubile", flections and all other pro fessional business entrusted lo ibelr care will reoeiveprompt attention, f Jan. 8, '67lf CHARLES HOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ... S Selinsgrove Pa., 09mm bit professional services lo tbt pub lic - Collection! anil all other profession business tatroaled to hit earo will re ttira prompt attention. Office two door ' nerth f (be Keystone Hotel. Jan 6, '0 lllvll ALLtHA. BOBAOB 1UU1I, Ii. A lil, r-iM AH G sun. t A t n n v if?, v a a n r. a xr All profrsslonal bntinett and collecting entrusted lo ibeir care will be promptly attrned to. Ca be consulted iu Eoliab : tr German. Office, Marke'. Square. T. N. MYERH, ITTORNET k COCNSELOR IT tiMf . Midillclurg Snyder County l'onn'a Utnca a rew doors West or Ibe V. O. on laio street. Consultation . in English s (le)nisn pgusgrs. rcp.'bttf J S- BVGHKO,. . e .' ATTORNEY AT LAW. . 5 Lewisburg Ta., voers mi professional tetTlcesto ibe pub. tie. Ait Dusiness cnirnstea to nit ears will bt promptly attended lo. t-- - Jan. S.' 07 G HOVER It RAKER SEWING MACHINE. Persona in need of a good and durable Dewing Maomne oan be eccotumodtlnd at reasonable prices by calling on on Sam oil, Facst. Agent, Uelinsgroee. Jan. 24, b DR. J. Y. S1IINDEL, 6CR0EOM AND l'ln SICIAN, Middlvburg Pi., Offers bU professional terelcet to Ibt tit liens of Middlcburg and vicinity; f March 21, '67 F. VAN UUSKIRK, SURGICAL fc MECHANICAL DENTIST Selinpgrovt rent) J01IN K. UUGUES, Ksq., JUSTICE OP THE TEACE, Peon Twp., Snjder Co. Tt Yit. WAGNER, Esq., e justice ok tub peace, Jaotson Towasbip, Soyder Co. Ta'., Will attend lo all business entrusted lo r bit tart and on Ibt most reasonable terms. March 12. '8if RJi F.KANAWEL, PUTSICIAN AND SURGEON, . Ccatrevllle, Snyder Co., Pa., Offers bit professional terrioet lo the fubllt. 6 88tf N RAYSILL k Co., JT Whoiisah DiAtiai ib WOOD AND WILLOW. WARE Oil Cloths. Window Shades, brooms, Mala, Drusbee Cotton Laps, Orain Daga, t'.j Nete, Iiuokelt, Twloet, Wlokt, Ae. . Vutii North Third Strttd, Philadelphia. eb. I, 07 W GRANELI.O. Eo.. VA JUKT1VS OPTUS PEACE k Convoyunoor. HlddUburg 8nyltr VumtjkI'tnna. Mtoaveyaaelag In all lubrsaehes eipedi tlously eieeuWO. Iebu aadaeouuolseelleoted. JmlruexBU vl writing drawn with eere and eeuraey. - .i-i. BT. PARKS, e ATTORNEY AT LAW h DISTRICT ATTORNY, illDDLEDCRO, SNYDER COUNTY', ft , OOtt U Court Usust, Sept.lB, '07tr aMlO'8 8W1NKFHD, WITH J 7. P. HAUOEIX, ' Remored Ctoei at ef. Fourth SUeei. ei 0IlTU third street, ' w w . w m a Original Paoktgat Cuutitaily on Hand M ILLEft 4 ELDER WHOLESALE HOOK SKLLER8 Statioatrt, Ulank book Manulaturcr and tWalere la Wrappiag, Vlaailni, Cur taiuaad Wall ptptrt Paper Rags A Oen-tralJabPrlalera r0trtk Third street thnftw L,, - - -1 ft mm :" - . ' b VOL. 10. 7AIRM0UNT HOIIR- WEAB THI DEPOT, iVIidclloburir, Xtx toWMlH UUIKH, 1'ROPBUTOB. Tbla boas It la tinea nrotlmti i it.. depot and bat lately bee rebuilt and re (tdd. . Roc as commodious Ihelabla well supplied with tbt beit tbt market affords ea ttroit mtderatt. "DROWN HOtlSK. JLf. PAXTONV1LLE. (Beater Station HENRT BENFER, Proprietor. The nndertlameA; .drnt, iki, r inrm Ini the twblle thet ke km omd,! kotai i ti, t dmiuvii pisre, oa loe roei rrom aimijio ears; to bestertown, nl that he Is prepare! to vum yuuue.wiia irn an acroinntotia April t, l7I. yALKER HOUSE, IMoCJluro City X. JL D. WALTER Proprietor. Tblt a new bouse, newly furnished and t now open to Ibt Iraralina nublio. It is located near Ibt depot. No effort will be spared by the proprietor lo make tbt stay ei bis guesn pieasant anu agreeable. J)AVIS HOUSE,- At .... a . . . . R. U. Depot, eorner el Water and Dorcas Ms.. Lovititovn ln., Oeorgo Flory St Bon, Proprietors, teyOpea Day and Right for Ibt accom- modaliun of trarelera. A first olaat Ret- aurant ia attaohed lo Ibt hotel, where Mee'e at ail hourt tan bt bad. Terms tarteaablt. 9.43-lf BUMQARDNER HOUSE, (Opposite KoadtnilHaUroed Detratl IlrtrriHbiii"f-, X'n.., A. kX JaANVIM, Proprietor. . AeETerr effort neeesnarv to Insure the Mn fort of Kuents will be made. The aoase hm been newlj ronited. oells.ls71U LLEGHENY UOUSE- Xoi. 811 1 811 Market Street, (Abov A'iyA',) PHILADELPHIA. A.. TIoclc, Xroirietor. Ifrnis $3 00 Per Dar. jic9,4 JOHN IL ARNOLD, ... Vttorncy tit Law, MIDDLEDCDO, PA. Prof essional business entrusted to blsear It promptly ended to. Feb 9,7 J THOMPSON BAKER, A-ttorney-at-La-w, Lewisbttrg, Union Co., Pa. ggrCen bt consulted in tbt Enflitb an erman langUHgea.'bll OFFICE Market bireet. oppoellt Walla Smith & Co't Storo H-aUy gAMUEL II. OUWIO, Attorney-at-Lnw, OFFICE, TIT WALNUT STBKET, raiLADSLraiA. Q. HORXBERGER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Psrry Township, Snydsr County, Pa. Colleetlone. Conreranclnir. and all other bo. I. ailonded to. uoice Bear Trooimaoivll! neriainina lo ine oinre w III be i iruuipily JC. KREITZER, e J U' -STICK OFT THE PEAPK. Chapmaa tui njhtp tinrder Co. ra. ConTevtnetnc.lleotl Hot and all other busl- nets entrusted to hit care 111 be promptly at' leuuea to, jyVL J. W. IIOCKEFELLOW, PHYSICIAN AND SCKOEON niTers his professional services to the eltlsea MiddlebuiK and trklnlty. (Juael-tt FINK ASS ORTMENI OF THE UES RYE WHISKEY, P0LDUR8 PEACH WHISKEY, BRANDY, Q1N, AND - 8 V KITS Just received and for salt at tbt Eaglt 1. IIMII 1 uvtei, in Miuuieourg. - JOI1.H A. BTAULNEC&ER, Aug. 18, 1871). D. " SLIFER-S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furniture Warerooms, NO. 00 NORTH 6ECOND STREET, (Uelow Arcb, West Side.) fintorj and II'WeMiTo Department, 1603 North 8th Street, abovt Oxford, -8tf 1 rUlLADEU'UIA. , JACOn P. DOG.1R, . WITH rj-RERROTH, BERQSTRESSER i. CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IS FISH, PROVISIONS, &c. No, 200 North Wharves, (abovt Baot St. 9-71 f , . PUILADELPAIA. J R. 8ELUEIMER, DEALER IN HARDWARE, Iron, Hails, SteelLeather. Faints, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AND MANUFACTURER Of " Stoves & Tinware, . MARKET STRUCT,' ' lewlwiowib, Xoniva. Nfttuber 3, 187I-lf , TJ. 8M1T1I. ATTOIMBY AT LAV. MIDDLKBUKO. SB YEUS DO., PA. OOrshlsPrefesilessI warvktt a 1ka pahlie .U.Hmu ka at liJJJJLKBUffl SNYDER CO. We loot Pootpy. In the rieidV Airy building ash Irtt r i ou baeo made throat, And the sweetest ihrush la all tbt Wtrld le titling there alone) Drawn In tints of tender brown Against a keen blue sky lit sings up and bt tings down, Who tan past blut by t Through Ibe Ibln leaeet thrilling Ooes ill glimmering nolo, Hearts of all bappy trees art drawn Iota this one bird throat And all ibt growing bloom of mora (This musia Is so strong) Are rsach'd and blooded and Qpborni And ulter'd Into long. Now bt asks quftloa t ina answer yon oan While sparrows ebirp And daws keep mu tn. 1 ids answer yon oan guest Ibelr petl ' pettish 'No. tep murmuring le r 'Oh twill tbe tnuuthtbt kind aadolear, r.... t i. - . .1, i . . " m vj uc ur.i rain , Anl will ths summer last bit ysar Till Spring oomts back ageia 1'' Now bt titles a dogma) Hit iew of day and nighl Proclalmin)( olubly and loud No other bird la right, . Out halfway through hit treed hlebetkt At some eweel obanct of toun I, And, oatohing tout, no looger reekt ii ntarea or earth guea round. New bt labor grarely, Each moment pays ilsslf. No linger orer worked to hard For art or fume or pelf ; And now bo knows the pretty phrase And soaltors it liko rain, With quick 'da oapoa' of self praise, Till.L. . i uw ireee nog again. Ht pleads, bt laugh, he argues, He Ihouti lo skv and tinh i The wild aolet trip each other up In ecslacietof mirth t tie urmao tbe atari or tht air, lit losses song about Liko a girla tangle of golden bajr, c?l'ray.wct ana toakea out. 0 world ! when serine Is slinlnr And dark winds stand all. Let men think of yon at they mty, Tht birds are eelisfiad i Their dauntless hymns of hope arise W ith such a wealth of will ; Though erery year Ibt summer diet. t i. . i . .... v trues uer promut Hill. Airy budding ash-tret. Try to show Tour cower. May a leaf for each gay not no manes in Bait an ftour I Wild fljwert in the crass, ba toueht The musia of your Darts i Makta bud foraaoh bright thought giiea to prusing uearia I Tlie Deacon' Churn. BT MARTHA III DDLITOX. "I tell yoa, noighbor, it's tbe beat tblog out I" exclaimed Deacon GiJt- on Slowtuan, briogiog down hid fist with a resonant thump upon tbo counter of Titus' store. 'It doo just beat all oatur' for cbarqiog milk, tad a man can mako more butter in an afternoon with ooo o' my dow chums than ha can with forty of tbo old pattern.' .".Now, ain't that . patting it rath er Strong, doacoo ?'' asked the store keeper, with an incredulous air, at tbt same time wiaking knowingly at tbo loungers, who might any day have been scan hanging raound Tim Tiluo Uighvilla storo. "It strikes no that lorty is a largo number. Draw it mild and say twenty I'' "1 was in earnest, Tim Titus," re plied tho dcaaoo. 'That churn of mine is a big iorention and no mis. taka. It'll just drive overy thing of tbo kind out of the market, when I get it patented and introduced. Y, sir e-e!you won't hear of no other kind then but Slow man's Double Back-action, Self-propeliieg Churn aod if it ain't worth a fortuno to me, why, then I'm mightily mistaken. " "When aro you going to get it pat ented !'' "Ob t" tome time soon j there's bo hurry about it; 1 ain't afraidd any one'll think of the ideolt o too com- "You had Utter look out, deacon,' suggested ooo of the listeners. "More men than one have lost pattDts by waiting1 "Oh, I han't afraid I" returned the deaeoo, as he gathered o p bis nu merous paroets and prepare d to leave tbe storo. "Besides, I han't got tbe small model made vet. iroioz to town to-morrow to aeo about it though.. I shall bare it pataoted soon enough. Jut set them t hinge Jp wo to tuy aocouot, will yoo, Ti tus I" and so saying, be walked out of the store, atowed tho artiolos aader tbo aoat of hia aooleat-looking '-carry half ( tbo ooighbors termed it, in si-' lutioa to the deaeons, numerous pro-, gony). and whipping np his boras, drove awsy toward home. "Deuoon thinks ht's got his fortunt suri, with tbat new cnura of ht, ' ald Titus, with a laugh, aa the old uiau left the storo. WsU, to he ha I" rtplied one of the: villagers, sealing himself on a bar re L "So be has got a fortune in it; and It's th taoat oomplsto thlog tvtr was i juat aa he says, yoa eaa make more butter lo id !n oue Uay than yoa eaa la one of ibe old kiod li feuf. r () "If he don't look sharp f4 Titus "eomo one'II get it away frem him yetM ' ' "That's so," replied the other. ' , "Now, I've aaa half dor.oa in- rentioaa,", eoirtlaaod tbe storekeeper, "ana there bain t none oa 'em amoun ted to sotling." "Oh, yea f responded She - man, laughing, "IVe hoard of yoqt Infen tiona bolore. That patent pea' shell, er, that crushed all the peas, and ent the pods out olosn and whole was oos ef them, wasn't it V "No, no 1 1 don't mem that," said Tim qoick'y j "I meant'' 'That machine for making prepar ed door, J anppote ?" laughed the other. "By too-way, I gaees that works now, occisioDtlly,- doa'titf My wifo says sbs got some of it last week To (his Tilnt tnsdo no reply, but became suddenly busy ia reluming to their places the several boxes and tea- candies which bid been taken down to snppty the deacon's wants, Timothy Titos was a roao whoso whole life had been spent locking for a short road to fortune. He cared very littlo through what that road might lead, so long as tbo desired end waa attained. Being a Yankee,, Titus had natu rally tried bird at inventing, with no ory grtat aucccas ffjwevor, as many useless models' of machines of vnriout nttuiet, buried smidst tho dust scd cobwebs, of a certain closet nnderthe aire, could have affirmed, had they boon gifted with speech, io every one of which Timothy bad. for a time, btliovsd his fulurs greatness hy bidden. Rut they had all proved failures, and, at tho ago of forty, Timotby Ti tus found himself no belter oft than are the majority of country storekeep ersnot quite as well off, io faot. for his good s did not bear tbo highest reputation, cither ss to quality or quantity, and the pcoplo of Ilighviile used to (folks will talk, you know) that bilf bis nutmegs were woedea hia sugar sand and bis coffee, burn- d peas; and, lor this reason, mure thin one dollar went (fur his was tbe only flora in tbe village) into the pocket of tho storekeeper in the next town, fire miles swsy. MDer mo I "thought Titui, as the ay woro oo ; "wby coulJo t have laventcd sometbinz liko that some thing that would be of genoral uso Wanted iu every oily, town village aod hamlet,' as the advertisements say 1 If I had, I might have stood some chanco of making a fortune, and that would pay me for what I've was ted on that pea-sbellor, lamp trim mer, and all tbo rest of that trash. But I didn't, and I supposo that's tbe end on it." Uotwi thstuading this apparent eet tliog of tbo subject, tbe storekeeper, could not banish it entirely. Do what bo would, thoughts of the deacon's patent ehura would intrude themselves iati bis mind ; and more than once, during the day, bis customers heard him muttering to himself', "Patent churn and a fortune I Patent churn aod a fortune I" Iu all probability, however, this would have been tbo end of it bad not Titus, tho next day, o pied the wor thy Deacon Slowtuan, bis wife, and all the little Slowmon, dressed iu their S uaday best, and on their way to town. "Tbey are going off for the day," tbonght Tim. "Tbo deaoon is go iog to town about Ibe model of the ch'iro, but, good gracious I be won't Lave bis patent out this throe months, at tho rate be'll move. I just wish I could get bolt, of bis 'double baok action ehura' I'd be a riob man while he's tbla king about it;'' As he said this, a auddoa thought entered bis fertile brain, whioh fur art instant but an instant only- brought tba blush of shame to his obeeks. "Wby not go to tbe deiooo's bouse aad get the secret of the cburn while be was away V At first, as I have saiJ, be repelled tho thought, but Timothy's moral na ture wee none of the finest, and tht aioro be turned the subject ovor in bis niiud tbe more atrongtb ii guined, un til at last he could no longer resist. "Tbe deacon uever'll . guess," ho muttered. "I'm alwaa getting up something, and be knows It. Wby huuldn't I invent a cburn as woll ss hs f . Ho ought to have U sod it be fore, if be wanted to make anything out of it ths world can't wa it forev er for bim to iutroduoe bis obura. '11 just run arouud to his bouse, god! have tii whole secret, gtt oat iu . ' ' I -rVelvertlnlnir; Itute V .J PA.. J ULY4,"S7!. model, and have my application rea dy in bo time, and then fur mooer, No more at ere keeping fur Tim Titut." Leaving Ibe store ia charge ef his solitary assistant,- he ; hastily put on hia bat, aad hurried toward tbe rssi. donee of tho utfeonsoioue dotoon. who little dreamod tbe peril that menace d bis precious Invention. The boast was by no moans near to Timothy' store, but it wss reached alld8t; and tttalimj quickly around to tba roar of tbe butlJinj. takin good care that oo ono was io sight, he oegna te look about fur some mono ofenteriog theSlowmao mausiun. He tried the doors, they wore all ft then the windows, but they likewise roasted his efforts, aod bt wa just giving up in despair, w hen the waiving or a white, curula In tht summer breoit struok hit eye; It was from one of the windows on the sco ond story. "No matter ," thought Titus, as he ea pied a tall cherry treo. whicn grew oIoho to tho hoti.io. l can Babiiy ciiuio mat, sod got ia it I t I.e. tho window." The cherry trco was soon climboJ. and tbo houso catored, and afier a short search, lbs churn ws discover ed quietly rtponing iu the diiry-rooru, which oponol oiT from 3Irt. Slow man't kitcbon. 'What in enormous great tbiojr It is I" muttered Tim, it be itood look out. "Its as lis as throe. What ia the world did tbe deacon want to mako such a Lrgo oni for? Why, I could get into if, I really beliove." "But I'd better hurry up," ho ad ded, taking out paporand pencil, "fur the sounor I amoutoftbi tho better. Tlioro'sno knowiog what may turn hastily took djwoths difforoot poi ots of tbo WJodorful ehura ; sxam iocd tbe maohine iasiJe and out, ojoasureJ its dimentions, and was just mak iog suro that be understood thoroughly the motion ot lbs sell- propeller, whoo a sound at the kitch- e a door made him start with terror and alarm. It was tbo voice ol tbe deacon, chee ry and clear, saying : "Come in, mulher ! corao in, Sally ! Who'd h:ivo thought of meeting you ou tbe road you, whom we suppos ed to be away out West !'' Refute Titus bad lime U move, the kilcbeu door was fluD; open, and ho heard the whole family uuuiiu ia. Fur au instant' ho stuuJ paralyzo l, torescaps seemed impoaeiule, as the uairy-rojui was merely a BheJ, open ing off the kitcbon, lighted by a win dow high up from tho flour, but wilb no door, aui the ouly muuus of exit, lay through tho very rou.n iu w hicu tbo deacun now stood. II beard thoiu coming hear J ilts Sluwuiau's exclamation of sur prise at seeing tbo dairy doeu door standing opoa. when she was "certain sure she shut it" heard the deacon say "porhaps some oue is ia there" and, scarce knowing what he did, he loaped into the unconscious cause of all bis dilTieultios, tbe solf-aa ting lid ulusing him iu ss tightly as auy jack tn-a-box, while bis heart boat fuotur and footer as the footsteps of the dea oon approaehod nearer aud uearor to the churn. Portunaloly, or otherwise, ho was a man of unusually small suture, and he found the mammoth buttor muker amply large enough to hold hiai, aud still leave loom for tbo deaooa's voice to en tor also. "This way, Sister Sally !" it said. "inis is my new mventiou. I expect to make no end of money from it. You see, this is the way it works You oan pour tho milk iu through this tunnel without raising tbo lid. This way 1" And duwa oaino of stream of rich uew milk upon tbe devoted bead oi the luckless Titut, saturating his bair, meandering ia litttle oold rivulets down bis nook, and wetting bim, in short, iron bead to foot. "I was just going to town about tho model, wbea 1 mot yoa and turued back," oontinued tbe deacon i "but il't no matter, tbore's no b irry , It'll do any time. Nobody would try to steal tht ides, I think." "Wouldn't they, thou gh V groan ed poor Titus, from wl thin ; "that's as much as yoa know about it. Ob. Jerusalem 1 wouldn't I give a lot to be safe out of this I" ''This is the way tbe thing works. you see," said tbe unoonsoluus S low- tusa. "xou propel this handle so, and" . t "O.o-oobl atop that ! You're ram- midg that confounded orank into my mouth I eried a loud volet from tbe -7- i.-J..-. . -J '1'UiLx.Jl. .UIju H al NO. 1G rl.otn.ih lid of which wss sutldenly lurwwu up, sn a out loiped a M ran re A .11 J a D - Brr, wiiu-ioeamg and letrified ircni wnoso person dripped tho milk the deacon had suppom-d to be in a lair wiy to bteomo butter. "What in tht some of ssoso is this? Cria.il tl a.M h... !-.!.. ... .... ,.u, iii iuu utmost as- loniMhtneiit. Tbo ffjtro did not wait to explain uowsver, but oa,Ucd llirotiKh lb, door, nrm-ttiog Mm. Deacon tod acv orai antail Urao.nis in ut flight, nnd l-taa amidst Ihoir soroams oi torrur. hat. lent, and with milk-white hair flvincr r.miiouiiiroiigu the gardon toward i.. i .i . . .. . ' the road. ii A r..- i ... U'i. oromer i cried Siator Sally. -It wis Tim Tilus, iho store vi tui nuro it wns. Jl eras trying to steal tho secret of your in- ve ntion the wretch I" Why he sold mo five wooden bacon Isms juat liiforo I went West Thought Id o ever come bok to tell of it I sup pco." "Are yon sure ?" criodtho deacon, "Sure I Yen. There', h'a hat at tbo;bottom of tbe churn now." "It's TituV hat, true is natur' !' And otf started tht deacon, at a fa. tor pace thin ho had ran fur many i year. He did net succeed in catehiog tbe frightened Timothy ; but tbo hat was enough, and the people in Iligh villo seemed to think tha t the milk d imaged the storekeeper's repu tation mora than it did bit clothes. However this maybe, it was to Deacon Oidoon Slowmnn, and nut Timothy Titun, that was giveo souo after the letters-patent for tho now celebrated doublo back-action en!f. propelling churn. I'lalnTalk lo tbe l.lrN. It is a fact which should bo contin ually brought Lcforo the eye of every i iiiiui uuu, wiai, vno lusiuonauie method of committing tuioiJo by wearing corsets should bo frowned dowu. Sjy any tLing to coo about : n ,1.. I I wearing thes o ribs of whalebuoos and steel, and she will say tbey imprbve tbe fjrui. Tho idea ! Don't yj'i sup pose, yoa littlo fool that yaur Maker knew what lit wn about wheu Ho faxhloncd you with his own hands ? Or do you think Ho ma lo woman tint, au 1 nl'terwar U mrU t French ino'li.itu, to got ber into decent shape ? Perhaps that was how it happened tbat women aro left as oa turo niido them, and f.mlt aro shap ed by the dro."niakcr. But it would be ouly justice to allow tl.o girls to ijrow up to womanhood beloro thoy decide whether tbey would be women or tools, instead of putting tbcm into corsets when they are tender children It is abtoluto cruelly to put oeraots on a little child. No child ean wear them more than two ur throe hours at a time at first, but thoy are mads to wear as lung as they ean endure the tortures and then taka theta otf aad rost awhile and so on uutil tbey be came hardened to the torture, sod can t-t..i .. .. uoiigm tua urcssuuicor wiin a sam waist to suit her ey. But tbe next question that arises is wbetbor anything has beon ta kon from tbe body duriog tbo process of slimming tbe patient? Certainly tba waist was smooth and a littlo tapuriog before tho corsets were appll ed, now it is longer, aod nut more than half the size at tho bottom. If nothi os but been taken frem the wnist what have the eorsots done with tho urgaus that tilled tbat portion of tbe body bufore tbe corset striug were drawn ? Tbey have been squeezed oithor abovo or below the waist, and ai those places wore alroady occupied with orgnuit of their own, those tqueesnd from tbe w aist must have been forced iutu tbe space allowed for something olse to grow in. So the logical conclusion is, the orgaustbut nature placed with in tbe waist have been forood to va cate the premises , and crowd thaw. selves within thoepaco allotted to Oth er and equally important Organs. No wonder tho girls lose their rosy cheeks, wheu the oirset strings are drawn so tightly that tbe blood can not circulate free ly cuough to run in to the ohouks. No woodir that tbo I uugs refuse to perform their work when they haven't balf room to work in. And no wonder tbe lower orgaut refuse to perform tboir office, and girU grow oil before tbeir time, Buf fering from ftmslt complaints brought o a by wearing eorsots and displacing the organs of the body. We lament tbo faut tbat American women have so few children, yet the Uiolhors continue to prevent ehildrto from giowing up ootupetea to rear ! cbtldril, by the abominable tue eft I . One eolnma one rear tsrifki One-half eolunia, eat ytar. 8(.M. One-foarth column, ane ae. ixiui One square (10 lines) ene IneerTloa .' Profeselonal and Dastneee eerde of not nor than tea linen. rr im. t, fui Auditor, Eseeutor, AdniBisUrator and Assli-nrs Kotleeei S fi Editorial notioee per lint lj. All advertisement! for a ednHa .-,., I than ta rear aro oavahl. .t .., . hry aro ordered, and If. not nald the n-r. son ordering Idem will bt held rrsponsit : for Ibt money. eorsets. And fathers look on an J suy nuthinp;. Talk about tho fuoli.HhrfVet of Chinpso wotiiuo eramplog their feet I What aro tho feet in eompirl oo with the lungs aod heart 1Jlmt nit lfralth. AIUmarkahi.r Htobt. A rrr remai kublo rase of mistaken Idoutit has traospirod at Weep Overton, notr I'ittsburir Pa. Somo time tltico twi atrangcrs purchased s piut or whisky at a store at West Uvertoo. the vouti. ccr of the two payiog for the same, and shortly tbertalieP the youni. r was found in an out of the wuv t-lsc . apparently. drunk, with his coat oT uod his pockets turned inside out. 1 1 lew hours lis died, and then vari ous jiorsons declared him to be una Hiram fbrit. The falhermother and two sisters of Hiram Christ io lu-n viewed the corpse, and rfoeoanizod ie as that of their relative. There, wor murks upon Hiram, howevor, such a a plit toe, which could not be foon 1 upon tho corpse j and tbe relative were in much doubt until It transpired that tho lat tiiao Hiram was seen hi eomplainad that one of ths boots hurt mm. The stranirwr's boots wem at oneo examined, when, oddly enough, was i.tun-a mat ono was a number and tbo other a numbor 3. 'i'liii viJcocj satisfied tbusittoti and they illowod tho body to tlis grave. Thd parcuts, however, were still unsatis ed, and r. f nod tonttond tbe f infl. ral. Finally an effort wn mi l.i i,. id Hiram, who was living at M... Keeopot t, and it wat soon learoj 1 Ihit he had mynteriously disappeared front that place. This convinced the ra- rt-nis, anu iney were about to hiv. the body takon np snd buried in tho family (tritind, whon Hiram bituelt" turned up and put a stop to further doubt and eeremtny. Mdanwhile, no vffurt ha I been made to track th i murJuror of tho younir man, and ha has doubtless suoceodud In maki.'i -his escape. J Marriage l.att In En;land The question which is jut now pozlintr tbo wiso brains lying- un ler the wijis of sixteen English Jud.'ci is whether a man who bos married tbo nieco of his first wile, baviog a second wifo liviug, is guilty of biga my. This lecal conundrum has been found so difficult lo answer that court lately oomlled in the Exohej. uer .Chamber, coiioisliog ot two Lord Chief Justices, the Lord Chief stid thirtocn puisne JuJges, wore un- able to come to a conclusion on the subjoct, and have reserved thoir de cision fur another torn). Tbo facta aro that ono lloury Allen epouie l a wifo, and she dying, ho then ei poured a s.-eoud. Without waiting for number two) to dio, A lon proceeded to e P'tuno still anutbor wile, who happen ed to Lo the ouiee of wifo number ono. None of tbeso fuel aro denied. Cut according t tbo Eulish laws of consanguinity a man may not marry bin wife's brother's daughter. An act ot'l'urltument provides tbat marriages withiu tho prohibited degree shall not be merely void, but void to all inteuts and purposes. The defence is tbat tbo third marriage wis an illegal ono and void, and therefore, there being no marriage, there oould bo no biga. my. Tbo caso had been rescrvod from tbe Assizes fur tbo decision of the six teen Judge, who have as yat been unable to make up tbeir minds oa th iUDjeet. - 1 m Oddi and Emus, by Jo.-ui Bu. Linus. Natur never makes any blan. dcrs. When bhs make a phuol sbo meant it. I have finally outn tew the kooklu ion tbut tbo majority of muukiod kan bo tdukated ou tbo back bettor (ban in the braiu,. tbe good clothes will always mako a pbool respecta ble, while edukashun ouly servos tow show his weak piuts. I never kuu a man yet whose namt was George Wunbintou Layfuyutta (juodricb, Em)., and who alwus sign ed bis mouie tor tbe full amount, but wbut wus by natur. A a gineral thing, an inividoel wbo is neat ia bis person is neat iu bis morrvls. Man ia my brother, and I know? that I am nearer related to. hiut through bis vices then 1 am thru!?. vi' tew. There is cothinqr about which tho world makes so few blunders, and tho lu.lividool so'meony, as a man's tektual importance among his follow oi'ititrs. Thoou'y pedigree worth transmit tiug is virtL-w, and tins is tho very thing that kua't be trsDstnjttied. bout tho in- irest tew absolute in. suivvucy mat a man eau (lis to tUIS world, and thiuk bo is dieing ricL, U to luavo uoihiug but a pudigroo tew bis family. Tbere is no pashun or the humaa ban ibat promivs so much aod pays so little as revenge. - T I. . u : . . ... i . tuera ua u i us luau yei uveu lOUg stliifF in Itiia urnrl.l l.u. I k.. S.. fallibility of his judgement, ' Thars is this odds betwttn hu morous lekter and a scieutitiek . owe. you hv not to undersUod the Jiuy morous loktet low enjoy it, kuu enjoy the aeieotiack one but yoti one without uudeiaunding it. . " . Dou'V lay euoy oei tain plans for " tbe fewter, it is like planting tuds aad expokiiug to raise tudstools. A uiau who is good coaipaoy far bitueelfis alwui good company fur others. Ciiouin praise eonsists in naming a man's faults to bis face, and ba good qualita lew bis back. - -