Advert lalnix llatoa( T It .11 - ' ' r- w...... rear. t.B--!.. J j. r ynani ail .rTTangO art . & , CbacripUona onta-dde of tha M.ttv , ? PBYABLB IN AftVAXCl.. : . . ' K7 Person lifHag a4, Ming paper . ""'. " oitT osteoma snrtsorioer i "d ar li..l for the price of the r.r. T T. CRONMILLER, , y . ; ATTORNEY AT LAW. V ' . ' Ul Millrltntin... ta ' ' Otter hit pr ottf lonnl service. ( the puV- ! r. U . I I ,. . . iv. uiunimm mo aitomer proreaaiMMl bnatnee. inti-vsted u Mi ear will raeelv , prompt aii.atton. , . , f Jan a, 67tf . AC. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, : S 1 : flAltn.m..,. Tm Ore III profenloaal rvlea lo lh puh Iff. All buetne.e entrusted hi oarr "will M nromntlr Mandril la. ,, ... rjw:,,,erf J i W., KNIGHT, , , , , , ,, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' i '. --I-..' ,, . FroeburgPa 'Offer kit Profen.loital .ervleel lb nub- la. All bn.lnee entrusted to bit r will bt promptly attended lo. . . . . t JB l7,67if WM.VaN UEZER, . ATTOBNET AT LAW, , 1 Lewliburg Pn., "Offer lit professional aervlc to i pub- Us. Collection and all oibar Pi o'VMloa ' 1 business entrusted lo bit oaro IU ro- enve prompt attention. , , EO.F. MILLBR '.' . ATTORNEY AT LAW. ... Lewisburg l'a Offer bit Professional tar? lo to Ilia pub lie. Cotleetlont and kit olbar profession eli'buiinca entrusted to hi ear will ra It prompt attention. Jao. (, 'U7if I 'M.LINN, ol. J" A. H. DILL ta J. r. ft J. M. Una,) ATTOKNKYH AT LAW. Lawitburgr. Pa, .Offer their prorniooat service lo Iba Jubllo. Collection -sad all olhar pro eaeiolial buefnei entrusted lo ibrir ear 'will roceWtproniptatlaniioii.f J an. 8, "07lf CUARLKS HOWKR, 1 ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; Sclinsgrnre Tn., )ITara bi prnfon ional acrvleai io iba pub .it., Collactiona and all oibar proftorlona uiinaoa antruiied to bia rare will ft cite provf f altcntion. Oflicr two door oonb of Iba Kfjiiooe Hotel. Jan 5, 0 SAMUEL ALLEMAN, " ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' ' '.' Sclinitgrova Va OITrra bit Profesalonal tervicra lo thr puhlio. ' All buvlnraa antruMrd to bia aura will ba promptly attended to. Col lactiona mal in all part oftho Siato. He can apeak the Kngl'ih and German language fluently. Office between llall't and the Poll oflire. T, N. MY KIIS,- J' ATTfRNEI I COl'NSEI OR AT UW 1 Middlnlitirf! Snyder Cimnty l'pnti'n Oflica a. few door Weal oflbe'P. 0. on Main alreet. Conaultnlion in KnjilUb rrd (.iimn rfinfia. fit.tiit T C. BUCHKR, We ATTORNEY AT L W, i , LewiHburR Pn., OtTera bia proferaionnl ae'rirealo Ilia pub ic All bualneM ntrimt') to bia cure a-ill ba promptly attended lo. Jnn. 8. C7 CI KOVEll U UAKtll T , SBWING MACHINE. Pemona In need af a good and durible Pewlng Machine enn be accominodnled at reaionable price by calling on on Hah Vt r'AtitT, Agent, Helinsgrote. ., TJao. 24, 'CP R. J. Y. SHIN DEL, SURGEON ASD PIIYSICIAS, Muldirburfr Pa., ODera hU prnffsnlonnl arrricea lo (lie oil lien of Middlrour and vicinity. I Murcn 21, OT F. VAN VUSKIRK. SURGICAL ft MECHANICAL DENTIST FrlinPgrove Pcnn JOHN K. 11UOHE!?, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 1 . : Ten Twp., Fnydcr Co. Ta Yu WAGNER, Esq., a Jt T1CE OF THE PEACE. . JaoWsoj To r.iahip, Snyder Co. Pa., Will attend to all buiinea enlruated la bia oaro and on tbo moat reaaonahle term-. ' Marcb 12, '68tf pRJ- I KANAWKL. J PHYSIC IAN AND SURGEON, 1 ' . a c- 0 ' nA OITera bli profeeaional aerrioea to the puhlio. o-ooii INRAYB1LL ft Co.. ' IJT WHOLK.AtB PCALIRI IN WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Pil Clolba, Window ehadea. Droiroi, Mala, tlrutbaa Cotton Lapa, Ornln ling, Fljr Hell, Huokela, Twinea, Wioka, ftc. Ku84S North Third Htreed, Pblladelpbia. o. 7, 87 LEO. W GRANELLO. E-q.. JUSTICE Or THIS PEACE Conveyancer. lli'ddUburg Snyiter County, i'ennn. I OaBTaranslaa; In all Ita torarbaa epell lluttaly axaoutM. Itabu and eoeounuenlleoled. Iittruwanuof wrltloK drawn with era and Mcureor. BT. PARKS, ' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW ft .""'. DISTRICT ATTORNY, JIDDLEB0RO, BNYDEn COUNTY, Pa Offieo la Court Bum, Sept. IS, '07tf MWB 8WINEFKD, 4- . WITH W. F. HA1TSELL, leaorad frota n K. fourth otroat. - .' blUNA- GLAHH & ' Ctueentuwiire, . . CI AOBTO TUIBOSTliEET. ...1 PHILaD lphia., 1 Vtoal Patikagea Cooilaally oa Daae flLLERft ELDEB 1 J. " ' WHOLESALE BOOK SELLERS uiooera, Ulatik book Maouleturow Idral.ra la Wrapping, Blaatlng, i"ur aad Wall ppera Paper But lie Gea JokPrlntera . 42wVoHk Third airoot tbava Som ...Li. . i VOL. 10. 1 iatAiti tiMVTM-. -; ' ' ' ; " TH lEPOT, CStOSOX OCYER, ,Pojwiietoe Tbla baaaala la alaM. lopot aad kt laialy b nHnllt and w fluid. R01 ati ooBiaiddiona iklKI ..II uppliedwlib lha haal Iba markol afford. lomo aardarate. BROWN HOUSE , ... PAXTONVIt-LIL tn.rr Bt.nn. BENRY BENFER, Proprietor.: Tba aadwilawad adnata Ihta amttHHl of hilonn na om paaiio taai a ui mmi m h,i ...h. nvm vw, uatna ma rrvai MMdla koraj to fiaaarmwn, aa that ae la rnrd to mm fviMi .111 1) tfi c tiM anMfnmo) Aprnt, 1171. ... yAi.KER Rouse, 'McClnre CityIo. R. D. WALTER Proprietor. ' 1.1. Tbla a new boueo. nrwIv-fUrnLhaJ and la now epaa lo lha lraelln cuhlie. It la located near Ike depot. .. No affort will be aparea ny tn praprtaior to Makt Iba itay i ma f araia pieaaani ana Bgreeablo. , T)AV,S UOUSK, : -. At lha Mifflin, Oanlra. Kai kary k Lewlttnwo R. U. Depot, earner of Water aad llonaa Uun . ' Lovvlialqwn Ifv.', aorga Flory ft 8on, Proprietor. f8TOpen Day and Nicht for Iho aoeorn. modailon of Irnvilera. A Aral ; elaaa Rea laorant la attached lo (ha hotel, where M.a'e at ail hour can ba bad. Term. anreoo.bflf. - e.4iUir B I'M G A RON Kit HOUSE (OPDOilta Maadlnv nnoi . IlnrriHbiirg, Iti., A. B. laAXVSXat, Proprietor. -KrrT affart naa...rv ia Idihh ,v.a mam. fort orKuta alll ba made. Tba bnuia ba. beta pwij r.oiiwi. ootll,m:ii LLEUHENY HOUSE. Son. 819 t 811 Market Street, Abort Kifhlh.) , PHILADELPHIA. A.. TJeclc, Proprietor. 7rrm fl 00 Per Bat. jiBfO.o JOHN U. ARNOLD, Attorney nt Law, , , MIDDLEBUBQ, pa. rrofertlonal buHloce rnlrualed lo hiarar w!'.! bo promptly ended to. Feb 97 J THOMPSON RAKER, Attoriio.v-nt-Tuv, Lewidburg, Union Co., Pa. teg Can be conxulicd in the En; lltb tin German lnnguagi:.i OFFICE-. Market Bireel, oppol lie Walla oraiiuaioe biore e-4!iy gAMUEL H. OUWIG, t Attorne.v-ataTnw, oti;E,nr walnut street, raiLADKLruiA. G BORNIiERGER, 'justice of the peace Perry Towo.hlp, Snyder County, Pa. Collection., Ooneevanelna, and all other bn, " MrtalnlnK to the titttca will ba uroniptly T 0. KKKI'tZEIt. J a JUSTUJK OK THE PF.ACK, tjaaptnaa lowhihlu bnytler Co. ra. Oonveyanelna, t'olleetlnv: anal all other bn.l- iiih rniruiuu w nil care will be uroinntlr at lauded to. J)R J. V. ROCKEl'KLLOW, PHYSICIAN AND SUKOtON Otlere bli ptmleralonal nrvloea to the elttrcn Mltlillebury aad vloknlty. (.lunel-tl FINE ASSORTMENT OF THE BES BYE WHISKEY. FOLDUltE PEACH WIII8KEV. BRANDY, GIN, AND SVIIPPS Juat received and for aale at lb Eiigle noiet, m aitautHpurg. JOHN A. STAHLNECKER, Aug. 18. 1870. QIIAH. II. HOY'KH. Wboleial and Retail Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Cnaobmnkera' Material, Eboa Finding, r 8elingrove, Pa. 8-ltf DB. BLIKKK'S a WHOLKSALE AMP RETAIL Furniture Warerooms, NO. ft N011TH SECOND 6TB2JET,. (Below Aroh, Wait Bida.) , ' hutury and )Vlitl6nil'J)i-pirlminf, 10U3 North 6ib Street, above Oxford, -Sif ' PniLADELPHIAr" JACOB !. BOC1AR, WITH rj-BERROTH, BERQ3TREHSER ft CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HSH,PEO VISIONS, &c. No. gOQ North Wbarve. (above Race Sl.) P-7lf PHILADELPAIA. , . J B. 8ELnElMER, V' tealed in , n4RDWAREj Iron, Rails, Steel, Leather, . . .. Faints. Oils. Coach & Saddlery tVare AND MANUFACTURER OP j( , Stoves & Tin wo re, 1 MAREETBTBEET. ' " iUev'iailovnf) Penn'a, : . MI1)1)LEIUKQ H,elfjet"I.o6tp y. Yeraen SannoMd la he Wntten kiTliaT amler -Selkirk During hi Keliury a nuu e mine itiaoa orjian rerana- aei. 1 - - . t am monarch of all t aurte;, '' . ' ' -. My right thero laaono 10 ditpnto ' From the centra all round lo Iba , ,' ' 1 am lord of the fowl and Iba brute. ... . Ob aolitndel where are lb eharmv 1 "' 1 That tM hate eeen in lly face t Better dwell in lha mMal of alarm. ,. t Than reign in (kit horrible place. I ant ont of humanltr'areath i , I muat flniati my Journey alon i . . Never bear tba tweet mueio of epeech 1 atari al tba aound of my own. The beaali thai roam orer lha plain, r My form with InilTereno e i ; i They are io iinaeaualnted with man. L Their lameaeai ia aboeking to me. 8orlety, frlendnblp. aaJ lore. Divinely be. lowed upon man. Ob bad I the wing? of a dote. Hew aooo would taate yon ag tla I -My anrrow 1 Iben might asauage .. In the waya oi'religino and truth Might learn from Ilia wiedom of age, And bv cheer d by iba talllea of youth. Religion 1 whtit Ireaiure unlolj, Reridee in that baaeenlv word t Mora preoiou than eilrar or gold, ur all thai thta aartb can afford. But th aound of Iba abnrch-going bell, t hree valllea ami roaka neeer heard t Ne'aralgheA at ibe aound or a knell. Or amild when tba aabbath appeared. .i .... Ya wind that hare mule ma y-iur aport, Conrer to tbia desolate ahore. Some eordial endearing report - vi a land 1 ahall aleit no more. My Frienda, da tbey now and Iben tenj. A will) or Ibouebt after ma f 0 tell me. I yai have a friend, Tbougo a friend 1 am never lo eee. flow fleet la a glance of the mind ! Compared with ihe ereed oflta flieht. Tba lempeet llaelf laga liehind. abu ineewirt'Wiogad arrowaor light When tbiuk of my own aatWa land, . In a moment I atem lo bo there ' But, alae 1 recollection al hand. Soea nurriea ma back lo deepair. But iba tea-fowl ta gone to her neat, Tut hea.t baa laid down in hit lair -Even km la a ataaon of reel. And I lo my cabin repair. There' mercy in every plaoe I And mer;y ouonurauing thought 1 Givea even affliction a (race, iio'i i.ecouotir man to fl lot. owria. Ladjr Jjaue (amy. . Thia oxr-nllont n.r4.ina tm ari Am. aoend.,1 (rntii I Iia rnvil 1U. ..f i.n,t k i.,i. i.. ci... wwiii uwi I'.i.iivv, 0uu was; was carefully educated in llio priocip'cs of the rcl'oi iiuiion ; and her wis iom and virtue letideiel her anliinio ex ample to her aex. Hut it wus hor let to coniiuu only a short perio 1 oa ibis elii-ie of being ; (or, in early lifo, she lull a .ici ifice to tbo wild ambi tion of the duko of Noi tliuinlcrlatid. who pi'oni'ited a murriie Botwoeo her and his son, lord Gailford Dud- Icy ; nud raised her to the throne of England, in opposition to the rij;h! of Mart' uod Elixuboth. Altbe liuie of thoir in:iri'iage, she wan only abuut eilitoeu yoirt of ae; and her hualund was uUo very youtiit; a neaso oflif very uueqtiil loop. pose tlio ialerenlad viowi of artful iud a-,ii'iii moo,- who, iu-tead of expound thorn to Janor, should buve been tho protector of their in. nooence and youth. una exiruordioary yonng person, besides the solid endow ruouw of pie ty and virtao, possessed lha most en- niog dtapoailion, the moat accom- pliabed parts i und boioi of an equal age wilh king Bdward VI, she bud received all her educuiioo with him, aod seemed evea to poises a greater facility in aoquiriufr evory pirt of uiiioly und elaaaioal literaturd. Site had attained a knowleJgo of the Roman and Greek language, a wall ae of auroral inodoro tongue ; had passed most other time in so application to Itaroio; ; aod express d a great iiiSueoee for other ouupa- lion and amuxeineoU usual with bur aex cad station. Roer Asvham, tutor to lbs ludy Slitubeib, buvinjf at ooa time paid her si visit, foqnd ber employed in reading Plato, while the reet of the family, were eogaed in a party of huaiiug in the park t sad uhou hi admiring the .iogulurity of choice, be told him, that abe "received wore pleasure trout I hat author, thaq otbors eould rep from all their aport and ttie'y ' .". Her be.rt, replete with this love of literalora and serinuv studiet, an I with leiidi-ruuae toward her husband, who wa doserviug of ber iQooiioo. bad never opened itself to lha flatter, iutf allure m uls ef ambition ; and th informutioo of bef advanoemaut to the throne, waa by no' means aivo sblo to ber. 8be even refuted iq ae. oopt the crown ) pleaded the prefora ble ritflil of the two priaoea a j ' x proased her dread of theooosequeouoaj ettendiog an euterprisaso daoerou.' sot to say no criminal ; aod desired to renisia 'io that private statioo in whieb aha waa born, ... Overcome ht last wilh the eotret. ties rather than the reus a, of bar father aod fathsr-is law, sal above all af bu hatband, she aubaittad to. their SNYDER: CO: will, aod waa prevailed oe le reliii quleb her owa Judgoi'Dt., But her elevation wa of very ehort eootlnu anee. The aaiiea deetare'J for fjiieal uaryv h"1 0 Ms Jn. ier wear ing the vain pageaatrr of a erowa dd rog ton. iidy,! retaroed 6 private life, wiilj roach mora aiUfectloti ihtn aha folt whea royalty wa tenJetee to herV ; '-A- ." ; ' .' Q teen Mar), w,o to have beo ioeapable of geerogitj or elera eooy, determined v to removo every pptaoo, from whom the looet danor Ouuld he apprehended., Waroiog waa, tberefure, Klvea to lady Jane to pro. pare for death, a doom which alia bud expected, and which the inooconce of her life at well as the mifaortanea to which rhe hud boea eiposod' ron ' Jend no unwelcome aew to her. The queen's bigoted real, lander colour of teniter mc;ry to the prison er' soul, ioiiaood bur tj seud prieacs. who moTexteoT her with perpetnal dls putailon ; sod even a rnprive of threu day was ( led ber, in bo pas that 1ie WuutJ 'be pernui'lnj, during that time, to pey, by a timoly coo vers jou to popery, some regard to her eternal welfare. Ludy Jaoo had preseaoe of mini, in tbve mulnneholy circuinalunors, not only to dofeuJ bar reli"ioo by solid arutuuoia, but also lo write a loiter ir her (inter, in the Greek liugtie. in which, beside fcondiutf beta copy of the Scripture in that Untrue, abo exhorted bur to maintain, io everv i'urtutio, a liko aleady pemevcrnnco. Oo Ihe day of hor cxecutioo, bur huabaud, lord Guiifui'd, deired per. niaion lo aoo bci ; but rbo rofuwd her eoosent, aod soot him word, that the tenderness if their parting would overouuio the fortitude of bth : and wonld too nioob unbend their . ruiudi from that oouiUncy, which their p proacbinirend required of them. Their Nepurulion, ahe eaid, would bo only ,,,r uoraooi, atl.l UIUV W0IIU SOOU i rejoin each oilier in a scene, wlioro , . , im-ii uniuiiuii uuuiii do lurovcr uuu ted ; and where death. disappointment, aud niiHfiii'tuno, conll no longer buve uocoss to them, or diitutb their ctor oal felicity, , It had been inteneed to exeoulo tho lady Jane and lorl Guilfond together on tho sumo scairold, at Tower hill ; but the eoutioil, druuditi f tbo com pas sionoflhe pooplo for their youth, beauty, innocence and noble birth, changed their ordora, und gave dirce. lioos that ihe should bo beboadud within the vorjo of the Towor- She saw hut Lusbatul led . to cxjoh tioo ; and buvinir givon liini f rom the window some tokeu of her roux'iu braoco, she wait 1 with traniilny till hor own appointed hour should bring ber to a like lute. She even aaw his headless body carried back in it cart ; and louud herself more con firmed by tho reporls wliitih one heard of the coUhUoi-v of bia cod. thito sbkon by so tender ao I tueluu tholy a epcotacle. Sir John (iutto, conslitblo of the To .v or, when he led hor to execu tion, desired bor to Immiow oa him some small pros.uit wbiclt he misfit keep as a perpetual memorial of ber. She give him bor tsble-book, lo which oho I) .id just writiuo three s-n-teuces, on sueiuij hor btubauds dead body, one in Greek, another io Latin, a third In English. The purport of thorn, was, "that human jutioo was agnitiat bia 6oy. but Divine Meioy would bo favora ble to his sul ; uod that if bur fault deserved punishment, ber yoiUlt, at least, und ber iinprudonoe wore wor thy of excute; aod that God and pos terity, sho trusted would allow fher fa vour.1' On the scaffold, sue made a pot'ch to the bylaa let, in which the aiildaea of her dinp iaitioo, lol ber to take the blamooniirely on hjr'. Sitlf, without uttering one complaint ugaiosl the o verily witb which sbe hud been trpaled. . ' She said, that ber oflaaoe wus, not that she had laid her bind upoo the urowu'but liiat sha bad uot rejooted it wilh (timcient constancy; that she ' had lei erred through umbition, than through roveronoo to hot parenU, whom she had buoa 'ailit to res pool suit olicy ) that ah williuly roeuived leatli a the' only atttiHtaetion which she ooul l qow make to the , injured title j aud though bur infringement of th law bad been oonrtritinel she would sh iNy, by ber voluntary sub uiiaaioo to (heir aaotoooe, that the wa deAirqua to atooe for that disobedi eooe.ioto which too much filial !pioty hud betrayed her t that aha had lust ly deserved thlg punlabuieut, fur be loir made the ioitruinent, through the' unwilling Instrument, tf tba) stabitioo TJL .UJNE" (TTsti o! otbara and that the story of ber life, alie hoped, nilrfhl at U-nst bs use ful, by pro v ion that, iunneence ecu- eeoot' graat inlsdects, if they tend io any-way to the destruction of the CommoOaoalth. ' After uttarioi ..these '. words, aha caatsd bereelf-ia be dUrobod by her women, and wth a . steady, eereoe oouateoaoce, submitted herself to tho executioner. -UGMI. Persontal Appearance of Jesus. A eorrespoodeot of the Washington Chrt nule write I " On Sunday Itsl Itcv. Dr. Nowmin delivered a din coarse upon the humanity of Jesus' Christ, In which be slated (bat Both ing .'bad bcou handed dowu to ua io regard to His personal sppearaoeo. many dilfereui views being entertain ed on that subject. IocWd you will nud a letter written by Cubitus Lrotolui, president of Judeu, and seat by biot lo th Seauie of Rome, whea the fam of Jesus begun to spread abroad lo Iho world. The are bis word: ''There lives st this time ia Jedes a man ef s'ogular virtue, whoso name is Jesus Christ, whom tbo barbarians esteem a prophet, but hi own follow- ters adoro Him us the olT-priox of tbe mmdrtal God. He calls baok the deal from tboir graves, and heals ell sorts of diseases with a word or a touch. Ha ta tall aod well rhiipI ; of ao amicable, ruvoreo I aspitct. His butr of a color tbul can hardly be matched, lallioif into irrucelul curls below His ears, ami very agrocubly touching oa His shoulders, parting on the ernwn oftho head, like the Xuia rite. Ilia fotchead ia amootli aod litrgo : Hi tbueks without other spot save thut ol a lovely re I; His noae nod mou'.h formed with eq'tinito ayro metry ; His beafd thick, m.d a color S liluble to tho hair ol His head, reach ing an iuuh below his chin an I part in lu the mid He like a , fork ; His eyes bright, clour an I soi'en. Ho re bukes with maje-ty, cousels with mililueosj His whnlo B'ldress, wheth in word or deed, boin'j elegant nud grave. No in an hits seen linn luuglt, but He has wot fiv.jaently. He is very to in pent to, modest mil tvio ; a tai mi, for bis excellent beuuly and divino perfeotinu, vurpassiug the chil (I rco ol txiot)." The Potter ol l.uto Here i n little Htory wliioli illus trates the great power ol Lvo. A kiod Chrisiintl U l. in on of her visili of charity, lotiml a po ir. destitute little orphan irl, und brought her to her own hou.-o. The litt.e Hiruncer ut lirt would tuko o coiuf.Tt, out Silt down weeping iu I If; ht!. Tho clul dren of l lie iiouse oudo.ivorod to umto Irit-nda with her and draw bur into the parlor, but they could not; so they taid to their mo'httr : " She will not come uqd play with us. She will not leave tho hull." " There is a secret," said the lady "by which you can bring her when you like. It is a aeeret in four letters. Try if you can find it out " The olilust sister look the , load , searching cugorly among all hor pret tiest playthings. "I know wbut jl U,' cried she; "'it is doll.'' So bho brought bur best doll and olorcd to Uivo it to the chil I if aIij wuld rotne into the parlor. No ; it was a failure. The next in age said to herself, 'mn IT is spoiled with lour loners," mid brought her a fiue muff a Christ mas preseut ; but sho would nut touch iie in till', uor eveu look at il, Grace, the youngent, could think ol untiling worth offering after thia, but stood lookiug o ia sorro w, uaiil at leojfib, folloeing ua iustiuct of- hor own, she eat down beside iho little straugor und cripd too- Thon ptis- eutly, she took ber by tbe hand, and euuiruliuit her oeolc with her owo tiny arm, sLo drew tho weeping head oesr er and nearer, and iwpriutei u gqotle kiss upon ber cheek. Tnis ducided tho buttle. Tbo ro wat notbin said. , .... - I I m J m 1' " I ' ' , I NO. 12 A. "wit Slory, I la Jacob was formerlt a beuuti ful woman, and the honored wife of good eilisen, who provided liberallv for ull her waots, and cave bj-r b Of comfort and plenty. Herat Hat ... ifvixviiui up iiu it ran eo rasae nertiie object of lb mteolionsof ooe in whose heart u schome for hor rulo had been laid, an! a toueh of vanity that mt l her stis.tepiildo fr Ujtiery was takin udvanitigoof by this imiividusl, who bad an aucomnliahed wi.'e. lo Dreo tre her for tno uralilleition of his bis p i Ions. I he vtiin and beiiul iftil tt-.m ... fell ; her hiinhuod cast ber off: ntul aftor a time hor soducer also divarded ber with scorn. Ida Jacobs thea eormonced her rapid descent to the hud, tin I no, if he is still itlive, is buok lo tho low,-ei depth reached by "s wotoun of the lown" On SundtV last, doal.tle-. from iho effects ol b tr viies, a'ie wis stricken bliml and help'eas from pai alysis, aud w h?o our rep trior ho ir I from ber this moinio, was lying iu u wtoichoil hovel ioa lil .hy u!My, uu conscious of her position and snpposo ! to be dying. This is tho wrought by vice In a few brief year. ; from a ooeo nnd h.ipny houm, an l loving, ilolin,' h'lsbitnd, lo til lowest depths of disgrace and misery. Al Cincinnati Ida Jacobs his a brother liviu.'. He is a geuileoisn r wealth and influ )oce, aod huh Mrniul i mitinn, ml his oatiiu is lliriis, He was tolt'grnplie.l ',n- on Sunday, im i urged to come and do some' hio-; lor his l.illeu siHt'.T, ur at least ooih her lyiu uiomenta. Uul up lothi tnoi n ill)! he hus not arrived, n-ir h.i l any answer been received lo iho telegram It in very likely that poor I la J aeons, like many another unlorlunnto, jojt like her, will die nlono und uuoioui ii cd, with no oun near even to close her eyes, poor unlortnii Ho ? M iy tm. however, God will fivt her interval lol tepeii anct), end solid nil an-cl ul iiicey lo oi,i,0 bee over the duik l iv t'f Luuigrillf Ltilijft III I lie Hl lietl. An. uuiuMiuir mtti leut ocoortej in Uo-ion li-t week. A ludy tveni up Muir' to put her little sou lo bed, und as -lie was about to light the gas llio child lieurini; a sound of btviihlug, cried out, " (Jli, iniitnui.i, iIkio's a ii u iu tho bed " '' not, child, I niil'l nodi));." in mi aoty chihlisli tone, eume Iroin the bet. Tinning toward iho cmich, tlio la ly ew t'o eyes, hhiuiug bails ul lilu in tin) lUikticcs. Seizing her child, nll'ii-liicil un I mv earning to iho M'ucl. Two pnlieoineu wore suuitnonu I. With olubs and J.iik l.nilcitii in .,tn. they tuvested llio diam er, an 1 w.un the us was turned ou, lliero sno :ly Co I dlttd up under Iho bed clothes was n lour or d.e year oi l, us sell'-puiie-fi'd us if iip in his uioiher's knee " Vho are you ?" uaid the ol'jeer ' Hom e Greoley lteunelt sir," said the Child. '-Where do you live?' 'In AnJetson alreet. " "How tlid you come hi.-ro ?" "I'mber w.'ut oui wid do ice cream uod I tuuk a walk ' The liitlo follow bid seen the Iront door open, and entered. Going (jui cily up stain aud tiuJitig an uno co pied bud, ho laid h s drowsy form upon it lor rest. Too ludy's !i. an had ceased to throb with luu , and, giviug Horace Greeley lieuuell u doughnut she cousiiiiod him lo the custody of the pultco, who seut b ni home. singular Hetctirftv A torrcHjioii teiit ut the Albany Ex jiri wntjs : Aooat f-r'y years ago there resided iu iho town of Jaeksou, Washington couuty, a well to do far mer l;y tho iiuuo uf I'ergusoQ. la was iuilustriom unit frugal, but ufier a time became addicted lo the use of lutoxicating drinks, and wbou under tbe iutlucnce of his favorite buvorai would ho libcaul to suub an extent that be would give away aoy property which tniglik bo at his disposal at the time, Fearing that be would thus (jaatider ull his efloots, a coinoiision vusobuiuod aud the prop i ty plaeeu n the ba'ids. of bli sou. Vnn,tlio aper were served on the old tutu bo ajaiatkod, ''You hivetske; my prop rty Irqtq mu. have y u, ail are oh ig d lo support sal take care of me f Ved thou, tuke euro of mu " Ho in) ledialely took lo hi bid nod ooutiu ed to remain there duy uud nia-hl I'.m Aotuy years. 1'or the fir.u low ears ho would got up sad abive hiui elf every Saturday, aud tbuu nu.ue- lately lake to bis bed ugaia ; but r tbe Isst fifteen years uf his llle be vsa waited upoo as at) iufaut, not viinslaitJieit bo enjoyed good boalib, uid was to lha possession ot all bis Uc. jltlsi, Boiaaoti physical, '' " " Owe c1emM tear foft.00. One-half eoloma. eee year, .- - -. 10.00. uar-ioaria entumn, oa year, . I oo. On aqusr (10 line.) on lartlea 71. Every additional Insertion ' 60. PrfMUaa and Bualaea eavsia'af ' not more than Sva line, per year. 6,00 Auditor. Execator, AdaiiBldraior anil A.ln. O art Editorial notice, per Ha ' ' IS. nu mTininnnii rer sooner perioa L 'i . . . . . . lurj .re nruvreu, aai 11 , not pain in per. sou orderine Ihem will ba held r.soon.ihl. for th meuey. ' t'ti pin In Kldd'a Treasure. The fottone honters of New Jersey have some new tllso vori a ta speou 'ate upon, and if tbe asaertiooi of some recent finders ol foin are to be believod, one of tboir O'trnWr basal last definitely located the spot, where he pirato Kl 1 1 eonoealeJ bis treaa- n re. J Finm did Sorlnif. Cane Mtv eotin- ty, eoiue it storv of iho dlseovorv nfa ehe,t eoutitinini f'i ),0 )0. on the Dick (hompson farei, near Fishinu; eretdt. I wo men. cue ol whom bears thonmio ul Uanetson, were diurfmit diiuhe on the farm, wliiub is aiw owoel bv G.u retson. when tb 'y ha tied 0i iho mon-y chest The c iiu, they any, is so old thit it is sc ireely pos-lhle tor them lo tell the exuel vuluo of I h-i p'r0, hot th larjrer part I-gold, the pieces b in; shout the nil of t w t.r. f if af Kohl pieces, It IS M.ll lUt t I I, i ,t Cii't.iin K' I t's n ioi witsfoinl ui- pruned nu lb chest. Then- b ue-n s periodical excitement in ih-pi'n -o for the laH I'oi lv ve.irs, ao I llii- re- port h in Citose I a am -alio i that Ins effeet-d the county for tni'es around An oysiertnm, J ryniiiii ti - also claims to ll tve Co in I lr.ii. of Ciptttio Kid I or so neb i Iv n E iaib-lhport. While dreda nir for oysters olfihe shore, on "' out lay, ho rake I up three silver pi. ces. the in. scrip, ions tiiion wlili h are sca. ody legihlu. Money h is been lound st ihe Kiuiitj pot bef no. ml I iihnot fol ly years uoii biiti Iretls nf treiiore seek-rs 'loir uti llio liiii'i bcfoi'o the sea hid en croach -i upon it. I.uivm Iti-lalliiK tw . v a paper . We have boeusskel lo givo the law. as it stands rulalin to newspa pers und subscribers. 1. Sn'iseribnrs wb t do not. giv ex. press u itiee to th1 c nnracy ari coo. sidentu wisliing to eoiittuud their siibxci iplion. If Nubsfrib rs ef.lor the dis"in l iiiiiain.'o ol their pel, the pub-li-her tuny cnitinuo to s.oid l hem tto till all urreaiues uru paid. 'I. If suli-c'ihers nclecl or refuse to lake thi ir perio (iculs from theolU'.t to which I h-y urn ilireelel, they ura held respousjlnu ootil r fj-y jivo set, lied their bills, nu I ordered (hew ills cotuiuu 'd. I ll Mi'iiscri'iiTs movo I) other places without iiiriiniiui j I III) pulil'. It ers, an I toe pipns uru seut io t a f n's uier (liieetion they are n-id eesoo- nllllu. . 5. The eourts h ivo iP e ilel ''That ri-lii-itig to i.i lie puriiliusls liom iiu "Dice, or tvuiovin an I luuviti lliem uihmIUiI lor, is jifi'ni' ju te evidence ol ilitel Uutlnliul It.ipd " 0. Any person who receives q,.. pap r and hi ikes use of it, wneib -r he has iirdnred ll or not, is 1 1 1 J it law to be a subset .bi r. 7. Il' siihsenhecs pay in a Ivano . the) are hound lo givo notice to the puhll-her at tbiteud ot their tituu if they do nut wi-h to enii:inu tikim: it ; olheiM iio the pnh'ihh r is a tthoiiiie i toBonl ii oo.ul(1 th i s ii-iiriiio.'s will ho rcHpoiiHihlt! until au ex irons iiotiee, wjih payment of all arrears is will to li e publisher. ((ci-chcr Wit i;i .ttiiiuar. Mrs Siowj i?i'o a oiia a"ier-. inl c account of jrainoi exercise at wli tll her brother llonry Wuid Beeohtr assisted in his school days. Young liceohor wus as lull of ftu uud misulpt,f at ai pre-ent. Tba teacher Waf dr,.,ing bor children the ru Imients : Now. Henry," ssid t-ho '-A is tho inilclimte itrticle. you see. and must be used only wilh tho niuular naoiber. You can say a nun,' but you, raa'l any 'a 1111111 can you " Yes. I usti "' 'amen,' t"0," wa. tho rejoioder. ' Father say it al ways ui the end of prayers." " Come, Henry, don't ba joklog ; iefioe "ho. " ' Ye see, 'his' is possos.ive. Now you eun say 'his book,' I ut you cannot ay hi-n bonk.' " Yes. I do say 'by mo bo,1" too," said tho Impracticable pupil with a qnixzibul twinkle, Each one of these sallies ipmo bis youuu leaoher laqb, which wa the vh-tory ho wanted. " Rut, now, Henry, eeriusly, jus, atteud lo the Mutive slid passive voice. No. "I sink' ia solivo you see, bo? : cause if you Strike, you do something. Uul ! am struok is passive, because if yoo'r ilruck,- you dou'l do aoythiag, do yuj 1" . . ' " Ys, I do j . I strike back aguia.'l . After about ai mouiha. llsnry ws . relumed ou , bis parents.' bsqJs, with, 4 the reputation of buiug aa.. ioveteralQ t joker a,nd iodifjefeutaouojaf. v... u-