navr'1',.;. . -'ji'B'-Awwiiaiiijiiimi.tiuMi 1 1 Vl llll III1IL..L .L L- I i J k ; ,i.v : v S THE POST. MIDIiLKIIITR .. Amu. i. ivra. A lIHIofonter Trtkni In nnd Done for. Tin Ppil.vlel()hia iyiv, of Fri day last, th is tolls ho an unsuspcct lijr yi'ioit mno of this coon'y i iclhrinlseJ bj a CJopto of sharper ii that cliy Another Victim. A couutry Gen. tK'min Swindle LMonaimr To io:i com Afriin-The eauio oi l Confidence GlIBS. Oil A li'W l IT 150 WO (tVI our rerJerstho hestory of a court ienee inrne In which a K'i otic in 10 t ppe I it the Merchants' Ilitol was swindled oitofs lar.-e sum of money, and" n itwiihstjn lin ih utmost publicity was givei to it aiother of a similar ch.irnct r u I i iotrti'd yesterday. AnJiew Walker.: a roidont ol H llclont. Pa , arrived io the cit j 00 Whines lay nuht, an J stopptidst the Eitnle Hotel. In the morning he Bfuftfd out wilb a curd . his hiin.l t Ht.d an ina,irsne0 oflce. Ho -to,.,,; ai tn nppu sMna nt Sixth ou I Arch street to in iii-e whoro the of. tiocho was l.yj'.iar was, when he was approached by a g-nteely dress. eJ individual, wlo said I'll tell 3 oj tir." The new found friend mudo him self very a;;i;(?.hlf, aic.-rtnioel that dr. Walker ws from Bellcfuute, aod asked if ha knew Mr.Green.Jthe di u.-eii-d. Cerlaiuly he did. 'Well' re. plied the confi len?o sharper, ' I have bought Mr" ' Vou doot ay o!'' re.-p mdud iho V)3 coutidiuj; Mr. Walker, and the two joumcyeJ on, h;ij.piy, ditcu-sin the nilvuituo of H.-I. foa'o ai u ttt i:l ion lor a tirm c'i iliui a 1 or-. If Mr. Walker would wnit a few nioiucnti lu would V. l i hi hotel and j'.'t hU v;ilwe, i then with pViiure accjanuuv .J - I 'J " v the intiuram e oiliee, this tiiauslurp.-r No. 2 Ap ' 1 ' ' t ucil wild .ml.l " , 1 ;TU"who want ag.wl Ko., tbouM not fall to F, . ' , " M M''JCleS, .old j ccn.ult with the A. nt.. chain and an an id. business, wiahlog I ti.1.1 Imle bill feakd. 1 J" S. Ul'UKHAKT, ' I ' 1-r.ipe on ynr door and, tl.oiiiht s Miiu one w..s deal.'' ' Keep constantly on hand a large and The bill w.M onlvhl 1 I,. 1 lwc" mvlt ,"-'n",nt of Tin, Sbecl iron . , 4 "a'1 I ware. Stovea. Ac. Sic. a i hcek hji glUOJ. ' Howinich num. 1 He la Aaeoi for ibe following n.m.i r liaa i.ih Lew friend?" '(July! .' ; " well bo Lad fij. and the bil i wmarfli'd He wjill i,,'.. I a bank, el the chock cibhud ! u.i l i.eti) will, ,. u- .l 1 . of .,1s ho ,u,ke i Mr 'vLIT - erul frn'ts HJ.-iinij ia froot of! li e Ciiniiieul .1 Hiil.'l in ,1 A , "0,tl O'-npocnr. Hirf tli I' HUh thn re ir Jlr. WuL ! k r iv. i, .io,l ., .!, i.e...... r ., 1 ' i.uiJ 1 11 hi rinr nt ilia 1 !ki. W.ltin l,,r f liii r..t... ,ri: ' awiuitj bji in, CliJceo f,:0lJ. bec.uio snpreheti ! ki.. Ii.. u..,.'.l ..... "IT"- ". ifiurn, till. I is p.,. Jrelli' V '' 1 lllslury Ul I . Ol I III ll t'llas. At lb? SJiujI viili,.pi.. .1 .1.. "- Of the U',:u'::;:lryi! trade, the ehairm-n ave tho folloirinir ' A,"onC ibe many Ai.v..Tt.ii:a in the use l-itsof history in reirird to (I ... '.'f ',''e M"r',"'t. ,UI"r- M,e following 111 rtgiruto li e fiib-(, t outinuoua iltirning. y.mliiy of ihe je'-l : Jlr. Morriaoo, the j-reut ni's- 1 "' :l- ,"!UI"II'"' ihrough the ai. ve iD.ry .0 China, llnt lh(.ro ls ! 6-x f U- mention made ol umbrellas 0J ,,.ra. solsio books p.iuicJ i Cuio more' Hun 1..V.0 year, 0, and that must , wiiitK-rluI traveler, Lnyard, relates i that l,o discovered 00 the ruins ol ! Niucvah, in his r.lirf, a j oft. V'atf in xi, uu at- ' tend .lit holdin- an n,.,l.rl!.. i.: , - - - -....v... uia 1 '" ."i. in India we al.a tin I thc Ulll. i...:i.. 1 1 . . u'n lu U!, " remote Siies. j arid prinuipallr as an in. I n: i'.n,...i 1 tV. ... shape dr,r:0 vu" , ' - ..l.lg..l, M.i.r.e,.ry. that .iW . ' ",,ui try IH'10 II 0 HI i,. lest and most experienced stove dealers ! IhOSO in modern use. lu B'lt nj;th r''1'01 fur il a sale far beyond our ability I the princes u-e a verv lanr.i '"PP'y ,,u 1, It ,. " K U"' I Sl,l,g front ur.-door,, giving full uso of! urelhi, uud it rerpiirea a erparato at-.'be besnh. j telidaol to Cat rv il , II i. .., ,i. . i l" a''.'!'"'""' ''.'' in thr 01m, ao arranged j a ri ii! ' 1 . 1I0"" iV,.i0gi.ia..r.ruum in .be upper par" of a ret')a0.Z."J 0110 10 Ihl DVal huu.u. I Ibe oven: a great convenience much nee.l...l I bolJ Oioof tbotitlesof the kin-' is ' at follow : Kin., of (I n u,l,i . I'bautiQJlx.j of twenty .fojf mnbr.-l las iho Emperor of Chiua who "-" "." anyiu.o on a small scale t'lhscan btlpii), has no fewer than tatuiy-iour umbrellas carried btffore when xm! on hunting. It ja used in bt country as a defunoa a.-ainit rjio ...... j 11 a well ii..,. 1 :..n .. 1 . I - . I" .u,,,a.,y uiaue nt. .A.) ... 1 w-t . u, f,jWi mis ur pap r beau I tifully pa;uted. Wo fiu.l uu.brt.llis Dicoti'JaeJ as in use nr u I.....1 i n I in Kajjlaad 15 1 year- Ai lo Cam bridge, we read ,t,J early in the last century ti-urelias were let out on b'reiit aio 10 be nost tw'sutai Wsanaa. f ,p iiijjIi pur hojr lilo sedan' w',r" wo reduce every invention for wash ,(,,.,. 1 . 11 , 1 ing clothes lo a principle ibey all nomunl Joiu. il jnway, tho founder ! (u of pressing and s.ineeting. and of a hos .i!la iu London. . I.x. Il.o .rdii I forcing the water ll.ruttu1 1 1. em, llius re- of boll,!,,.. . ,. : 1. 9 -- iii"i j 7iwu ju JjlU' don that bad the courses babi; ually lo carry an umbrella. Hj died to ITS:), and it is said that be carried umbtelli for thirty years ; the date fcl tbeir igiroducU jn l encral use lusy b said to dta from lT.i!J " A ounjber of loti llieent f oy of llilwaokee have beguiled Ilia lony. wiqier by oraoiiing a private tele fcruph coinpaoy. They couuected nue ai J'tJor's bojsos by tha wires ua I 0 gtotiuy uibls were sbld to play check -era without noin out of door's. Their apparatus eookiaicd of twenty-fire eups, filteeo for lbs main baiiery and tea for local, with Ito iosiruueiiit ol Iba ilorss inltero. Josvpb Whitils. wis tadly foro by lions on Wednesday ar.eraooo, while B-rfursaiiiK at O Briea's tireui, ou Main and Oxford streets, in Frank ford I misdsipbia. lis u aot tupeUcii to w. QUKAT EXCITEMKNl. BANNERVILLE MEW QOOII9. HELFIUCH & miOWEll Wish la Infnrm lb oil !xoa of Rannoreille and vicinity llial ihey have npened a View lock of goods, and will krp constantly on hand a full assortment uf :lHK.s. tXMilix: Consisting of ALPACAS.FOPLINS.FLADS LlBTRF.S. DELAINES, CALICOES, Ac Clothe tVCnsslmcre II AT3 and CAPS, BOOTS anJ SHOES. ess a ee ea s e HARDWARE AND QIEEXSWARE. SALT AND FISH, AnJ If) fflCl CVtrT(llillff Manilla tart n m r -'Im ccuriirjr more. All of which fZn'l-Zl"M f" C"h " llnvina bad Inn einrrirnra in lh mi-incn. we nailer oureln Mini we can lcnf rd I mtinfv all our ciirlumcM. Il ing hr airlcl atirniion to Ini.inf.n and a deir Io pln.e all, lomrril a litter .a of putdlc palrotinga. Our mollo in "V"lr Siitvt tmtl Small iVi iH." W aak at leail Ibal Hie (.ublic rt amine our Hock and rioea before purchasing eluewlirre, a we alwujra ahuw our g'loda with jleaaiire. lli:LFItirit ft BOttEK. Bannervillr Jane 1 1, 170. if LIGHTNING RODS. Tha North American Lightning Kud 4Cojn7 OF PlllLAtlKLI'lltl, Alanuafcture and put up their L'elebrateJ Copper Cotrrral IJ(.IIT.I; ijods, at reasonable prices ami In a manner ' K've general atinr.ictlnn. A11 l-VT. 1 v viiv ...... t. ... I have wen In Sny.l.r founty every ,ummer lor I unifies. "THE MORNING (JLORV." Li lleftvl J' Talent Improved B.tse AL STVE' ,n V" r Tn Murnimi Ci.onv. "ccral new nnd imp.iriiinl f.-ut urea have I.een I. which c m only be neon Io admired. Tbia new Move 'ia niiide en. Hrely tfci.t iron.eo lilted aa to te airtight. . . . a,aaiis.ii uUn ,rraePa.l la. .1.. ." - v mr mri'nrtier. ortjau.enia.1 liiii,lj Is drapery, ntakiagll a bind, .me piece of furniture. fr more,,, ihnn any su.e iierelorore made. lis in lernal r it II all rilPl titll . I 1 1 11 1 , el. it of the forumr patterns of The Morning ,i!"'y is dillereiit. making it more, !.Mr,,l.le.ntiJf.irIes.litliculliot.ere,.ir..l ! l'I.e cm ilit are of the bii'lieM order. f.ilK- "THE "ALLEY SHEAF." jul;Itut Air. t;,,ht Coimy ,S()l., with Exl. n,l,-d Flr-llux for Wood or Coal. rnienied May I lib, 1M,1. W' l'l,,ur'' offering our ciisfu- ... . . '" .J," 1 "r" . "r"- . r im-i..., no. i wuui. .-mi attention This Siovebas been carefully tested forW. several month', ntid the results Save nrove.l S '.".k nt,''y '."'' "''" nt 1 lie benrlh line, which not only increases ibe sue, uui will lie as 1 f rial ttdi'UHtii'jt tn buktnii. DOTY S CLOTHES WASHER. The be I, cheapest, and most pipular Machine ever invented. Ii ls ea.y tooperate. silting or sinnding tuke l.ut liilleruom; injures nogarmenis finishes its work from iu two lo four Mil. utesi is durable and e enienl ; and lb only ,h, Mler 1U). , i( j, ,,.,, Tim rMVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. , TKt "OK KA T FA VII. V tX uXOMIZER. The term of our Patent cllnur Machine I ... 11 .r ....... movitiglhe din. Most Washing Machines 1 iu 11 i.y running, tue luivvrs.u n ringer Ices II by pressing. gVMUEL FAUST, Merchant Tailor, llaa just raoaived an entire new aloek ol ChOTIId, CASSIMKKtd & VEST1N03. sll of a superior iptaliiy w hich be is pre pared lo niaks up io lbs best style and on short notice. He also keeps Drown and While l-renob Yoke Linen khirla.aad a gen eral assortment of genllemena' Furnishing Good., all of wbieb be offers lo lbs publie si very reasonable prices. Call at my pi tue io II iluies' N'w Build ing opposiis ibe Keyslooe Hotel, Helios Uros Ps. Jane 4, Ut,8 if. SELL k SCUONOUR, Wholesals Dealer a BRANDIES, WINES, Gins, Whiskeys, &c. Invaiutiosr, suss tv., rs, ' JeBuery II, ItTO-lf THE NEW WHEELER & WILSONS. siswixg iMaciiim: S' TA XDS UXRI VA I ED. The reputation of ibeai Diaobinea ii too well known 10 ned pniuinenl. The ar known and ned In all natinna and among all people. Although the Howe and Mng er Cunipiintea are jeara ihe nMe'l. Ibe W. ft. (.'n bare already fold and have in ue oeer 7tO,Wi Maebinea, which ia 100,000 More than any other Company in ex istence Has Sold 1011 FAMILY rUUPOSKS. Tli If fact alone la convincing proof of ibelr uprri.irily, and alampl Ihe WIIEELEIl It M ILHON Maohline lb. CH AMP-TON OF THE WORL-D. by the ver.llct of the people. They are the ea te.t, make the leaf! mle, are the tnt eonvenl ently e..ntr cte.l. are the .itnpleiit, bavin hut "i part, (shuttle Machine have over ) They ntnke tha l.nck Mt.-h lalike en (hie.) wit omit a rhltle, an. I can, therer.ire, I thret.lnl quicker an. I e.irler, nn.f will run lt: ter than any other. Tlir-e are laei, enil hall lie plenel to Heinun.trate tbeui to all wLo Uv..r u with a call ' MAI'IIINKS will be dcliverrd al vmir nn'aea an i sold on icruis Io auit pnrchns er. lJTlll THl given given tint it vou ! are anliatied, and Ihe machine warr.11.ted i.V fi rasminkil.lM f mi.ntiu I'lllLAL'IM.I'IIIA M.VI.EfiltlloM S '.'('I t'lie.iin.1 street I'bilad'n. Si l"7 Mrket Street llarrifbiirg. Pl.TEHsfiiN t'A Ul'EN'l EK, bole Ageula, June 1 1, Is; I y I). 0. CLAKKE, Importer and Jobber in I IIrxi'iv, WIllTIs GOODS! Trimmings, Ribbons,&c. AND FANCY WOOLENS fix ronl - X 37 North Third Street, -t f J 1'IIII.AUKLI'IIIA. ITNION 110 USE, U Mi.l.lleburg !a. DAVID ltBRSTBTBR, Prop'r. Accoinmi.iliitions good ntid rliarcs mod eribte. Special accoii.tiiu.liitii.iis .r drov ers. A share of Ihe public pniri.niige is solicited. U. P. WtlSKll. April ii, I ("71 CiVBINET HHOAN AND MELOUl'OX ' M AM'r'AC'TollV, Ware Room nnd Siore on 1'ino Street, Fuciory on Suydcr Street, Seliusgrove, Pa. Tf too want to bear nn.l see Ana an.i henutitiil tirirstia so. I Iel..ile..ns cull st our ware room ami we ue n.iue hut the '. malarial In inaLlna ry one 01 niein an. I you win i saii-ne.! Kverv lutronieiit Is warrantr.l Are lieilleis, an.l Mllilrters ot Ihe l.wl, 1. 111T11..1 ... t-.i. tcF.i,i.i wiiii 111 boo senu mr 11. 1. e are ai.i avents lor the bet New ami I'lilla.lelt.hla I'l.ini... aJK'j always on han.l. re,,rn.;' "uJ Accordeons correctly tuned and 'Tan'on. or sJ.lreu bv letter ii. '.. SALEM k CO , Sept. I istq. ufurove. p. pH ARLES BEN FEU & SON, V- I.ilins an. I A mlt in.iu S-'l to tih. Vinlln Hdticll aiul UiirncM IMitUt'i'H. PAXTON VILLE, SNVDEK CO., PA. HARNESS, lilt IDLES, SADDLES, COLLARS, Whips and Issbes, Fly N'eli, Dlankets la fuel everything io ibe line, oa band or made lo or.l-. Reparing promptly .ieuled lo. Charges moderate, and work warranted. A share of public patrunage is solicited. CIIAS. UENFER & SOX. 1'aiionviMr, June 15, lt"l-if $300 iu:vai:i). A rewar.l of Fva Hun.lrnt Ihillira will be pal.l f..r a ine.llelne tbat will iwruianently cure lu.ireeases ol thi.tlveness, 'uii.iuii,q, Ma i,r Nervous Heailarhe, Liver t', llilluus lilsonlers, Jaon.llce, I beuinatlaiu, (lout, lvs "l"la, thills, and Fever, Tape Worms. Ilolls, l uiuors, Tetters, I'lean, bores, Faloa In the l.olns. Side and Head aud I'muimIm . i.mi.1.1,... DP. FAnHNEY'3 BLOOD (LKtXkEU OR PA.A(Kl. which la nse.1 mors estenslvely by practicing Men ' ,L0 ' o'her jKipular Biedlelno ..r sale hy all ilruggl.ts, and by Sblndel A Swlnalurd, ilidillebuig fa! ' DR. WHITTIER, 8M Penn 8treetf Pittsburg, Pa. kFOI LAK (.RAIil'ATK U9 WkllK llk Alt HI A i'i'"ea al efa, as.a, fc Wry U rt im Iba irvataaaiil f VDrl, Auul ftltd Prtt ftla OU fephilia, OotiMrvluM, (ilaxrt, irtoiur. Irrt7hltli. 0 rut-ma ol Harnitt u4 JaPt''! sVli Vriurf 1 that) Ajiy smbis f rat tkisa lu I Dimmc twi4 riihiutia or Mriui4 Aaeoutwe vtm i nroas Hi4a wr giiai 1 I i9 WHU4 Uslsft llAs parmirrBOM, 0esmJ DaWHty and Inpo. tail?, U.4) rsreUlwf ! aVUttaaala y UUtlV, t LVI lLWes.1 tint ht lasilsta ffwts. anal Mai lawiaaaaia Boolunial i abvAt ire-r ravi, twatui'T ast'i , wnsotm iptwu" i ailaaioBa, tfebiiit. biotobaa, tf tiatueaa, diaim Qf aiAtLle ansluaioa uf Id-M. av u of tK-dinsta, avirr miom waotutsty.luceaof memory ausl aexual power, rvualaflbif Mimui Impropt autf i-ifa mlaarabLa. ara iarianU awraaj. Snaiarf Paanitilnl rUiiHa las Iktaj aisaVtt,aSii aW tliBs. C VM, w Wsa aMtectaraUa l N as n tasiiaraaaa, non auaasiuiM rrva. MUMfrfMsai, tkii a raairia W Vta aai eaamig ttl asMa ar ! aas astlra rva ( aaviiliaMay raliaaa ttrmug At, tut I VaiaUasia a msT r. asasjlLlMa ssssai vrf . OtfUa) atoaAATt a. m.. ia a P m. aur,1ilF. m. MANHOOD I WOMANHOOD I oaka ia Maa WiUltir Wte mj mrry, vita , Wkyt Iaass4laasjsw. aaaataaM aa4 aawa. All ami kmimt aa-ssl Pwaaaaiiia. rravaOa, aai. Bvar fciW. aBssiassr, Mats sKaVAl ftatal TssSSM Taawsal aha. M 14 Wsjai ikceaV. ltM l-Aauasa. taalTa aaUsvaa imtmumu U ttali aaata, Nv aaHia. away aaa. wm , B tfiwa, 44fcavra. pm. Tj. smith. ATTORNET AT LAW, MlDDLEBt RO, 8WTDEK 00 FA. Ollara Me PrnfeMlnnal Pervlee a tha paMlf CoanlUtlone IwOernaaor Engllih. Q.HOS3 k liltOTUKRS, Manufaclureri ef aad dealers la all kloef of HIU. TIMBfHl. LUMBER. PALING, SHINGLES, LATH, FI.OORINO, etc., Bhamokla Dam, Pnvder County, Pa. All orders prompt) filled. H'tltul, Cherry, Poplar, and Linm l.umhtr eoni! itnrf. 7-2 TlffEW BUILDINGS. 1 AND NEW PRICES! WAGENSELLER k SON, hereby reaprclfully inform Ibelr frienJs and the puiilie generally that tbey bate opened a STOKE in tbeir NEW BUIL.DINQ n the apot to long ocenpled by Dr. Jacob Wagrnaeller on Ihelale of Que where tbey now have and will always keep a large and well selected assortment of S E A SON A IJ LEJG OOD8. In Ibe Ladies' Depart men t will be found a full lin of F1LKS. POPLINS, BRILLIANTS, VICTORIA LAWNS, FU.TRED ALPACAS, SWISS MULL, CAMBRICS, PRINTS. JACONETS, DELAXES. Striped und Cheeked N&iituck, Ac aio A Grcnt Variety of Ladies' Dreas Triniuiinjt, Latent atylp Hoop Skirts. I'rcnrh Corse!, Eull style Ilalmoruhi, Ladies' Umbrel la), PnriiKol nnd Sun Shades, Bntiiiet Ribhonx, Laces, Rut flint's Embroiders, Linto and l'upcr Collars, Ac, A-., Ac. A SPL EXIUD ASSOR TMRSTof r , HOOiS&SHOBS , : ; . ! 1 r V.i . i" ""i V . . " ' I IttUVe A full and complete stock of CLOTHS PLAIN AM FANCY CASSIM Kit KS.COTTONADES, JEANS, Ae., A. COAL OF ALL KINDS ! groceries, ti.iieii.n'iire, llnrdurnre. Willow wnre. V.lnrwiire, Ulnsware, Sic. All of which having been bmiyhl ivry low or V.iS will lie aold al very small profits, Our motto ia (Jnick laUi and tmall profit. We also pay the highest tuaiket price for all kinds of grain. WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS nnd SEED. We are prepared also Io store goods, nt a small clinrge nnd Io do a general Commission 11 li.l Korwurditig business. We hope tln.l the pul.lio generally will ivc us a call as we believe it ia to their interest 10 do so beforo purchts'.og else where, liive us a trial. W. F. WAGENSLuLER. M. L. Y.(jKN.KI.LE11 J.IFH. - Fillip ACCIDENTJIGHTING, WC.II?Si! FIRE INSURANCE CO., eoax'ku or m.ukkt a a 11 ruahKLta sts., "illHltn,i,, lti. HIIOANI'F.n, Is'.T. t.-. DoaaASra, Pres. I.. I). Shoknakvu, V.I'res. H. t. Smith, Secretary. f.'upllul k. Ktirplua, Vila, IliO 00 AKTAA Insurance Company, of 1 Iatrf loil, Conn. L .. JIESDEE. - . - Vts.'tt,. Wm. li. C'laiik, Ai.'t See. J,0....i.ia, Sec IXIOIII'OIIATKII IHI'.I. t'HABTKa I'K k C STt' A I.. tVb Capital, t : J, M M , 4 I. LOSSES PAID IN ol YEARS, HMl-,400,HM OO. Junel-Oai 1 .TA M KS L. SflllMII.K V, Oeneral Agenny, Watsoatowo, 's EAGLE HOTEL, No. -iil, Xorlh Crd SI , between Kaos and Vine) Philadelphia. H. D. CFM MINGS, Prop'r. M. M. SWARK, Superintendent. fU.UJ JEYSTON FrilOTElT Sdinji ovr,finydi r County, 1' THE nnderslgnrd bega leave to Inform Ibe public tbal be baa purchased and will keep, in good style, ibe above well-known aud popular bouse. HaV Having large, s'r and well furnish ed rooms, good c.rvanla, wilb ibe untiring efforts f 'be proprietor In please bis guests. 1.0 oupea to meet wnu a large share of pub lio patronage. J. F. WALTER. Selinsgrove, Kept, t, S70. E ACiLli 11UTKL. MIDDtEUURO, PA J. A. STAIILXE1KEB. Proprietor, Hating taken cbirge of .hi a olj notl well esiiiUtiitbv-J ilau'l I lie proprietor proponet o devote til ti kiteotion 10 tlie proviijing 01 uie iftuie nan unr no a ibe cconimoiI Iud uf botb mull DJ btftit. olivilt libernl iltnre uf ill nMio jttronage. Januar 13, lfe.y piVicn Vk' am. cmau raorzxs UIIXI4M II. BEAVER Respectfully announces to lbs eitiieus of .MiUdleburg ana vicinity tbat be i now ready to supply .beta wilb lbs largest aod uios. cnmpiei sioca or SPRJXfJ db SUMMER GOODS ever brought lo Ibis place, al greatly re doced prices chesDer than Iba oheanesr He iavllea alleatioa lo bia large slock of OAMCOEN DELIINES, r.AWNS, 81LK8, DKKE0E8, '.IN ENS, Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS. READY-MADE CLO'I'IIINO, I SniKTS, and evervibios usually ken! In a well regulated stars. Give Bis a asll sod be convinced that Ibis is lbs plsos lo buy goods. COUNTRY PRODUCE laksa ia ssehangs for goods. H m.ll. Uctivar Middleburg. May, 1807. P. H0TTEN8TEIN, M. D. e YH VHIUIAN ana BUBO EON, BELINS1B0VE, SNYDER CO., PA.. Offers Lis protoeeloaal servlees lo Ike eltisewe a ae'laagrsvs sat' v lelaliy . Jsoe a, isTstf Ittate tf laaiet rakraita, elc'tl. A DMLNISTRATOR'8 NOTICE - a. I.ettere of adaslnletratloa oa tha aetata of i..isoi iinrnit, laie ot neaver tw., KnySer, enanty. mmniI, having been grante.1 u tha an., all rnreoae kanwtng thewiMlve la Sehtxl tn ealil eatale are re.t1 io aiakenay. tent without delay, arcl thoea k avlng alalaaa oa tka aaaa will Braeent then to . HIKK I'f'HBMAK. Oct. IS, lan. ASnlalstrator. y soBLLis. a oraysill, oss otsaaso F. ZOELLIN & CO., (Sucoesao a to Belberling a Zoellin,) -WAOLE8ALE DEALERS IMP0RTER8 DRUGS &MEDICINES. No. 201 North Third St. 0.63 PHILADELPHIA. QHAULKS B. MILLER , ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR t BlILDER Walnut, Street, Slingrove, Pa. (a at all limes preparer to furnish Drafts, Plana and Hprcificaiinns for all kindaof Hull. lings, at ibe lowest possible rates and on shun notice. Ha ia also prepared to eontraet for putting up buildina either by furnishing all the material or Iherwiss. May II, '08 lyo TAMES K. DAVIS ihmEL, tf BLLINMOKOVE. SNYDER Co., Ps. HENRY A. 1101,10 Proprietor. Tbit well known House having been re (I'led by Ihe preaenl proproielor, offers ei ecllent accommodations to ihe trave.lng community. Choice liquors and Cigars al lis liar, and ihe Table supplied with Ibe best the market affords. A good viable atlended hy careful hostlers, in connection with lbs house. April fl-'70lf, -THU roiT- .lob I'i'intinisr Office, MIDDLERURQ, SNYDER CO., TA. AIL KINDS OF JOD PRINTINO NEATLY. CHEAPLY, .ri FXrEDlTIOl'SLV EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. rrm: HioXsUisii SEWING MACHINES! AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS! THREE TltOfSANI) PER WEEK ARE NOW DEINU MADE AND SOLD! Till: Ill'tSOAS UIIV. llecause it embodies essential principles not found in sny other Machine; because of us simplicity of eonstrtiction. ease of operation, tinifornii.y, of precise action ni any speed, and capacity for ibe greatest range nnd variety of work, fine or coarse. Parties wishing lo purchase abould not lo examine ib best of oil Sewing Ma chines A m it AVnw. Sew, ssw, sew, At luorn, at noon, at night! Work, wt.rk. work. Hut never out of sight! For great and small, fr voting and old, In summers' heat, In winter's eold, llv mlilnlKht lamp, I.y midday's sun. ' Twas sew, sew, sew, but never dune. When Grandma sewed. Ah it Is. Futt. bats, butti why how the panties fly! I h. oh. oh! 'twould charm the dullest eyel The legs are sewed, the walt band's on, I he buttons set the (.slits are d'.l.e! And here's a pair for Sam and lhn, And Ibatley, loo, aod little Dan. Now Mother sews ou SINIiEK S NEW MACHINE. We advise all who wiiul a first class Sewing Machine, one that will sew linen or jluied lb nod as well as any other, .0 go .0 11 w ivr.l'l 1 V. ' i ... I. I. I,. on North Tbiid Si., iu l.rwishurg, HATHFON & WINTERS, New llerln, or I. II. SMITH, Selinsgrove, And gel one ol Ibese Famous S.ncr Ma chines, for there you will get instruct ! ui, as you can gel al no oilier place ; and if a Singer is put in your family, happiness will e sine 10 follow. ONE WHO KNOWS. Ten Judges gave the Singer the Diploma at the Snyder County Fair. l-'ly $1,000 in:VAiti. A rnril ot One Tlimmnntl Iullarfltl I it ll to any Ph yule I mi who will iriH'ur mesh. clitvthat will nupi'lT tie wnt.oftL uile wssiiivr iiiftu iu Briii'iv anuwn DR. FAHRNEY' ('Irbrutcd Blood ( Iranst t or Paimera. It mu.t 1st a bolter I'athartle. a lottter altera tlve. a lielter Su.lorlne. a better IHnietfe. a Im... lerTonlr, and In every way belter than the Hi.n-a.ce a. No mailer h..w It has loen Inii.eorhow Isiely dlsrovered. all it must not contain anything sot rcaaLV vsua- TAiika. pETERSPECIIT, Respectfully informs ibe eiliiens of Ibis place nnd surrounding eounlry tbat be is now prepareu lo manufacture to srder, and baa lor sale, Buggies, Carriages, Sulkies, Sleighs, Wagons, Ac, as cheap, and a little cheaper, Iban ney can ne purchased elsewhere. of vehicles of various kinds promptly at tended lo. A share of ibe publie patron age is solicited. PETER SPECHT. Middleburg, Msy !t, 1S7I, if. JJMON PLANING MILL! SELINSOBOVE, SNYDtR CO , PA Z. S. Kccly, Isiimliei Dealers and MASi'VArrrasa or Door, Door Boxes, Windows, Shutters, window Boxes, Blinds, 8an, Stair Nxlng, lland Kalllnpi, Brack cts. Moaldlnitt, lloorlnit, SCROLL SAWING fc CABINET TVBNINO Bhlnglf a, Lath, 49., 0. m easaasaaaaaaaae ururrs soiiotisa anil Dlled wilb cromnt iree sss ueapa.-iu. i iease eaii ana exam, ine our siook before purchasing elsewhere , .1 . . 1 ... ,, 1 r 0-aair JJI8EL, BALLIET BTOUai'TOX, mmicoxxissiox mekciiasts, AX1 P8ALKSS IM Country Proiluce and Domett te ' Fruit; Senlt, dc , aVo. 32 Hoctb Watek Sthmt, . stHILADELPHIAe Rsrsssscas. Jacob B. Rleeel A Tn.. 8HA Market elreal Lippsaooit k T roller. HI N. Water etrast Hood, Donbrlgbt A Co bia Msrkel Street I Es.Gov.Jamea Pollock. 80 south Oil si reel: Joba Waist 808 Walnni sliest lisrrls k Oraaaai, 8.7 Arch street. irsbravtf j j. FRKKKONT UC "L, . FBECMOXr, a. 1-DKTsOO., 9k. ENOCH SMITH, ProprieUr This aew hotel Iraow prepared lor the seeonasadaiioa of guests ana) will afford first rats enlertalsroeni toperseas visiting Freemoak Every effort will be ssade to promote the comfort of travelers slopping si this boos Cboiee liquors al Ibe Bar and lbs Tabls supplied with lbs beat the oiarkei' Aa ample stable la eon neeiioa with lbs bouse. Apriltt.'TOtf AllGK ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS at . . .. J. W. DREESE S STORE. 5. W. Corner Msrkel Square, Middleburg. The stock embraces in part ' JLIrcss tjTOods, Black Silks, All-wool De Lalaes, Cohuigs, Morinoa, l'oplins, Muslins, Doublt-widih .Shoetings, Drillings, Tshle Disper, Osnsburg, Eitra Tickings, Checks, Shirt ings, Ginghams, Jaconet, a full assort men t of Calicng, Flitiinrls, Heavy twilled, Shirting, Illankcta, Balmorals, Hosiery, Glovra. Ac., Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES Ingrain nnd Linen Carpets. Woolen, Linen & cotton Carpet Chain. READY MA DE CLO TJIIXG. Floor. Tabio and Stair Oil Cloths. lints mid Cops, HOOTS AND SHOES., (JiH'ciiMvare. Chioa ware, Glsiiswsre, Wootl and Willow ware, Cutlery, Oil Wiodow Shade.', Looking Glasses Ac. Ac. Ac. TOBACCO AND CIO A PS. SALT &. FISH Tbe highest market price paid for ni: kinda of country produce and dried frui's Confident of rendering perfect satisfac tion both in regard lo prices slid quality of goods. I respeulfully Invite sll lo glv me a eall before purchasing elsewhere. J. W. DREESE. Iddleburg, Jaousry 7, ISU'.ly B EAYERTOWX STOVE STORE AND Tinware HlHtiuraclory, J. P. SHIRK Would repeclfiilly inform tbe ciiir.ens of rnyder eounty Ihnl be keeps constantly on oan.i a large assortment ol OFFICE. PARLOR, and COOKING STOVES Of ihe laical .lyles aud most improve. paterns, among which are Ihe celebrated Empire Gas llurner, the Susquehanna Cook, etc., which he is selling al prices lint itety competition. He also manufac tures and kerpa on band a general assort menl of Stove Trimmings, Tinware de. Special attention paid lo Spouting and uouiing, uive me a can. J. P. SHIRK Itenvertown. Oct. 21. lSU'.l. WOOLEN FACTORY. The subscriber, thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed tin bia eslaliltbmrnl at I.aurellon. bega leave to inform bia friends and ibe publie generally, that he has had bis mill al Lewisburg filled up in me uesi possiuie mnuner, who Ibe Latitat Imjirovrd Muchiittry made in ihe country, and with Ihe tivnn lagea of Steam Power, which can be relied on at sll limes. He feels safe in raying that bis establishment ia nol surpassed by any ill Hie male Having rnesiied a sit of unod Workmen he ia now prepared for manufacturing all KlUUV Ul WOOLEN GOODS 8 1'CII A8 CLOTHS, CASSIM ERE.. SATINETTS, TWEEDS, JEANS, FLANNELS, DLANKETS.CAItPETS, YARNS, So. la thi bett manntr and al rtductd yricti An eieellent assortment of 0 ods al all limes on band, for awle or escbange for wool. JlUi-L. VAKUIAU dons ob short tolics. ftaiVTERMS CASH.-Jt MARK HALFPENNY. Lewisburg, TJolon Co., Pa., Deo. s.GSy v. SUISDSL, al. u. saissroao EADTHIS. Sblnde AND Stilneford. Drlooistb and Chemists, Offer for sals Wiiolksai.b asp Kktail, DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS and CHEMICALS, embracing PI'REZIXC FAINT Green, Dine, Yellow. Red aad Ulack ; Paints ground in Linseed Oil, Denar Varnish Spirits Turpeuline, Cousl. Coacbsnd Whits DRYING JAPAN, KNOTTING window Clan, rutty, Fine Oil Alcohol HrsacH, Isniflo, VsaaiiLios, pAtsTsnd VARNISH IIRl'SllES, Mult and Frmalt Trattn and (nprttlrt ye ciuaa v Coaeenlrated Lye, Fiat Sponges, 8PICES.C0RN STARCH It BIRD SLED Flower and Garden Serdi, Tawbloh lbs atlenltoaof dealers Is called, ss w will sell sl lbs vsrv lowest talk Prices ia quaailiies la salt putcbs sers. Weilt-ikacn ea band aad offer for sals Wholesale sad Ratall. all tha lead ing Potest Medieinee. Also, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, TOBACCO SEOAR ' Middlshurg. Snvdee f'n I a i. eijr aewe-Vea ore of ail Sera saewta sa w-e s a. . arh, Uvea-, swat Is. Tbeyara.w ape. ewel a, xoellesit pnrgattvav. Being parely eea. table, bwf eon Was ao mevewry er sain), ral whatever. MeKh aertows etcknaae an4 suffertae Is Ml be Diets tlmale wwwt. nr, w mnuir aitmi'u - mvra awuiai a. M , 1 .. L L i foe their protection and relief, when reaalreit. Long expertenes he proved them to be the sa eel, surest, and he.l f all the PUI0 with whtofe the market abounds. Hy Uietr occasional asa. IM bkwl la panned, the sormptioae or toe aye. tern expelled, lietrnrtlowe removed, Slid (Us) Whole sarnlnere at Ilia rewfairad Intta bewlthr aotlvlty. Inlejrnal eartana whk-h kssosst elofreJ and slugaish are cleansed by Awr't nilt, a ea aumuiaieq into artmei. 1 naa ancTpient aisease) Is changed Into health, the value ef which change, wbea reckoned on the east aanlllrndee who enjoy It, Hardly be computed. TSeir anaar coating makes them pleasant to lake, and preserves Ibelr vlrtnee anlin paired for sny length of time, so that they are ever fresh, aad perfectly reliable Althonan aearchlng, tlicy are mild, and operato wrthoot dl.tarbwooe to lue eoBsUtutioa, or diet, OS . occupation. Full directions are given oa the wrapper ss Swrh bos, how to use them aa s Family rWete, and for the following complaints, which tnna fide rapidly care: Vor aSraaMfMta or f weHajeallwa., Ualleea sea, Bamrvwr and Bseo it Aseelse, they Should he taken moderately to stimulate the stosa Scb, and restore Its healthy tone and aet'oa. for g,ler eis.slsilst and its various sywvp. Soma, Ulllwae Slewdwefce-, Nlek SSewA. el., Jawaiallre. or eurre'ei fttckneee, ISII. Iee tkwllc and Sllllwae revere, they shoubt be )odirtooly token for each ease, to correct tha diseased actios or remove the obstrncttona wbiek cause It. For ISywenateirT or VSIarrkevw, but oak mild dose le acncrslly reipilml. For niseaasatiaas. West, SSrstTal, Pal tl.atlwa ef she SSaars. iala la lo.a Ide, Bawl, and Blaa, they should be eontln. aou"ly taken, se required, to change the diseased action of the aystem. With eucfc change these eomplaints ilisappoar. For lSrwavsy and nraaslral Sreilllatv, tfrey should be taken In large and rVequeat doses lojimdiire the etTect of a drastic nurse. For ftapwrMlaa, a lante dose should taken, as It produoea the desired sffeot by syvv pathy, Asa Ttlnnrr Pill, take ens or two Fills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores tbe appetite, and Invigorates the system. Hence It Is often advantageous where no eertoas derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often flnda that s dose of these I'Ult makee hlra feel decidedly better, from thetr cleansing and renovating effect oa the digestive apparatus. rasrABso av Mtr. J. CATER CO., fragile al Ckewststs, IOW BIL, MAB$., V. t. A. FOB IALB St ALL DIUtraiSTS STBBTWaTJtUV JOUNlUDENSLAGER, BUGGY MAKER, HELINSOROVE, SNTDER CO., PA. Having purchased tbe well known aland In Srline.rrove, formerly owned bv Philip lllecker. I am prepared to sccommodaie sll who may desire anything in my line, aad warrant satisfaction in all cases. I keep constantly on hand, and am prepared la manufacture at Ihe shortest notice, BUGGIES, SULKIES. SLElGIIS.Ae. Ileitis experienced In Ihe business, I flat, ter myself Ibal I am fully prepared to meet ibe wanta of my customers. The bands employed are among tbe heat mechanics in ihs county, and tbeir work will not fail to give universal snlisfneMon. arjySpccinl attention paid to repairing In all its hrsnches.5j! Shop on Market at -eel, a few doors south of ibe German Reformed Church. JOHN LAVDE.tSLAGER. Selinsgrove, April "70-lf READING RAIL ROACL Winter Arvanq mnt, Monday, Xov. I'.VA, 1871. Great Trunk Lino from ll.e North and North west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Potisville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shatiiokin. Lebanon, Alienlpwn, F.asloo Ephrala, Litii. Lancaster, Columbia io.'' Trains leave Hrrislmrg for N.Y ! "Towa: al 2.45, 8.10, a. m, it 'J.nil p. m., cjnnrctlng with similar trains on the Ihe l'ennsyl-nia Railroad. and arriving sl New York sl ltHii m,, 8.4 J, and I.'i p. in., respectively Sleeping cars accompany lbs -.45 a irnin, without cbnngo. l'ettirning : Leave New Ynrk al 0.00 a m, 12.30 Noon, nnd fi.OO p ui. Philadelphia at 7.i)ll S.11U a m. and 3.1)0 p nt. Sleeping cars ncvuipany the COO p ra iraius fruut New York, without chnnge. Leave Harritibtirg for Reading, l'otlsville Tatiinqus. Mincrsville, Ablanil, Sbamokin, Allcntown and Philadelphia, nt S.ltl a iu, 2,00 nnd 4 05 p m, stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations : Ibe 1,05 p m train connecting fur Philadelphia, Potisville and Columbia only. For Polls, ville, Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill and Suiicbnnua Railroad, Leave Han i -burg al 3,40 p m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rending for Allcntown, Easloa nnd New York at 4.34, 10.40 forenoon, and 4.05 p.m. Iteiurnig, leave New York sl 0.00 a, m., 12.30 noon and 5 IK) p. m. aud Alleu. town al 7-20 a.m. 12.25 Noon 2-16 1-25 aod 8.35 p. ra. Way passenger Irain leaves Philadelphia st 7,30 am, connecting with similar train on East retina. Railroad, returning from Read'ng at 6,20 p m, slopping al all station Leave Potisville al U.Utl a, m and .'.30p. m.-Jlerndon at 10,00 am; Sba mokin st 5.40 and 1 1,15 a. nr.; Ashland at 7,0fi a m, and 12,43 noon, Mahaooy Cily at 7.01 a. m. nnd 1.20 p. nr., Tamaqua at R.35 a m. and 2,10 p m for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Harrisburg, Ao. Leave Poilsville. via Schuylkill and Pus. qucbanna R It at 8,15 a m for Harrisburg, aud 11.13 s m for Pinrgrovs and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Irain: Leaves Potisville at 5,40 a m. passes Rrsding st 7.30 a in, arriving al Philadelphia al 10,20 s, m. Reluming, leaves Philadelphia st 4.45 p nt, pssaing Reading at 7.35 p m, arriving sl Potisville al 0.20 p m. I oust own Accommodation Train Leaves Polisiown at 7,00 a at, reluming leaves Philadelphia at 4,15 p m. Columbia Railroad Trains lesvs Resding st 7,20 a tn. and 0,15 p m for Ppntete, Litii, Laacasler, Columbia, kt . Prrkiomen Railroad Trains lesvs PerVi omeu Junction st 7. 26, 9,05 s in, 8.00, and 5,54 pm; reluming leave Scbwenkavills si ti 45 and 8.10 a. m, 12,10 Nooo, and 4,45 p or, connecting with similar trains en Reading Railriad. C'olebr jokdsle R.R. trainsleavs roll slow a sl 9,40 a or, l.5, aad 0,30 p tn, returning leave Mouut Pleasant at 7,15 and II. -3 a in, and 2.(4 p nt, connecting wilb siaiilas trains on Resding railroad. Cbesler Valley Railroad trains lesvs Bridgeport sl 8,30 a or, aad 1.U6 and 6.s p m, returning, leavs Dowainglowa al ti.M a ni, 12.50 noon aod 5,16 p m, connecting wilb similar trains ou Reading railroad. On Sundays ; Leavs New York st 6,00 p ai. Philadelphia 8.00 a m sad 8.16 r m. lbs S,(HJ s nt irain ruuuing only to Rssdingi lesvs Potisville b.OO s ui; Harri.lurg 2,46 to k 2. nO p in, leave Allcntown st S-84 p. mi leave ?ni for Ilanisturg, at 4.84. a in for N' ork, 7,'.'0 a m for AHrnioan. and 4.15 at. aod 4.16 p pi for I'bltadsl.bls. Commutation, .Mileage. Seasot. School snd sseursioo liokcls, to sad from allpoiuts at rsduced rates. Bsggags checked ibroush t 100 Douuas allowed sscb passenger. , J. JS. vi OOTTEN, Ait), t . ilath'r) Resding. I s., Alay 16, 1871. pKNTRE VILLE HOTEL, (i.aie sirs, weaver's t-oi PETEit t'eatervlla u)der Co., Pa. at AH Tat AN, Froprter. akllahaS a..S Ball Sanaa kolsi This lnas seUUIshed having been purchased by the uaderslgaed, la euieUa a ahars el tge pwUle pet lunsss. i t. G Orlglaal JtlLsr.k CI.M . . ' I April .Isn.