' FbK4 Ivory . Tkarto'ay Bvealag J . nzzma ctoru, rrorktr. Terma of Subscription, t Q DOLLAR MB ANNUM, FnyaMo rlikift at months, or f 2.60 if mat paid wilkla the year. Ne paper discontinued tntlt til rrmragM are paid ulw at be option eftbt publieher. Subscriptions ontsido of the county PBTAHLK IN APVANO. , , teaT Finui II ft Us; sod uaing piper addrceeed l elhrt bftomi snhaorlbtre, ad are liable for the prlte of Ihe paper JT, CKOXMILLElt, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, . M 1, 1. 11..I. ...... T : Offer hi prnleaelonal lervloee lo lot pub lic. Collection! end all olber profeaaional bualneee tntruattd lo bit eere will receive prompt attention. (Jan 8, '7tf AC. SIMPSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, fSolinsgrove IV, Offerf bit profeaaional terviot lo Ibo pub lo. All bueineat entrnated to bia ore will bt prompt Ijr attended in. (Jan. 1?, '67lf w. knight" e ATTOHNEVATLAW, riTciiiirg r., OlTera bit Frofeaalonnt tervlcelo Ibo pub lo. All buaineet entrusted lo. bit oare will bt prompt! attended to. Jan. 17. 07ll UKtilt, " ATTOBNKY AT LAW, Lewisburg Pn., Offera bit profeaaional servict lo io ptib lic. Colleotiont and all olber 1'iolraaion 1 buaineat entrnated lo bia care ill re ceive prompt attention. KO.F. MIL7LKli ATTOKNEY AT LAW, LcwiHburg J'a Offer! bia rrofeatlonal aervlee to the pub lie. Colleotlont and all other profusion II besineaa entruated lo bit rare will re ceive prompt attention. Jan. 8, 'l7if J M.LINN, A. II. PILL a (ftueeeaeora lo J. T. J. M. Llan.) ATTOH.Nt.V8 AT LAW, Lewiaburt;, Ta. Offer tbeir profeaaional tervloet lo Ike puhlio. Collection! and all other pro feeaiooal bualneai entruated lo tbrir care villi recei veprooipt alien. Ion. f Jan. 8, '07 if CUARLKS IIOWKR, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, .Solinsgrove I'u., Offera bia profeaaional aervleet lo the pub lic Colleeiiona and all other profeaaiona buslne.i entiurtrd to hit rare will re ceive prompt attrmiun. (Mice two door Dor.b of the Keyelone Hot vl. Jan 6, 'C UAMUKL A 1.1. KM AN, O ATTOKNEY AT LAW, SHiiiHgrove Ta Offert bia Professional aervieca lo the puhlio. All buatnr! entruated lo hia rare will bo promptly attended lo. Col leetiona made in nil parta of the State, lis can apeak the Hngl'sh and German language fluently. Ollico t'elween llnll't and lb l'oat oflice. T N. MYKRS, 1J' AT1URMI k COIXSEIOR T UW Middhl'unr fSnytlr r County IVnn'n Office a few Uonrt Weal of Ihe 1. O. on Main street. Conauliiilion in Eniiliah t i-d Gun an rem ft. Fip.'lTif T C. BL'CIII'.IJ. J ATTOIINKY AT UW, Lowinburg Tn., Ouera hia profeasional aemceeio the pub. lie. All huainesa entrusted lo bit cure will be promptly nllcmkd lo. .1r.n. 3. '117 (1 IUtYf.ll A II A K K It T SF.WING MACIIIXK Teraona in need of a good anil durable rowing Miiuhine can ho accninnioiNted at rcaaonnldo priori by rilling on on Sam l'(b Faist, Agent, Nelinagrove. fJan. 24. "Or D It. J. Y. SH INDF.T., SIHGEO.N AND rilYSiriAX. . Mi,.l.-I.i. P... Offers IiIk professional lertloea lo the cil Urni of MidilU'jiirg and vicinity. f March il. "fi; F. VAX RUSKlltK BtPGlCAL & MECHANICAL 1ENTIST j?!ir,NgTfve JVnn JOHN K. HUGHES, ,., Jl'STICE OF TilU PEACE, Ponn Tw"p., Foyder Co. Va YU. WAOXKR. Enq., a ) i TICE OF THE PEACE. Jacksoj To .iBhip, Snyder Co. Pa., Will tt end to all tueineaa entruated lo hia care and on Ibt moat reaennahle lerma, March 12, '08if RJ- I- KANAWEL. PHYSICIAN AND8VR0E0S, reotrreille, Snyder Co., Pa., Offert Lit profciflonal lervloet o Ibe public. 0-8Htf GRAYIULL k Co., Wholiiali Dli ik WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Clot hi. Window fihadei, Broomi, Mala, Druahet Cotlon Lapt, Grain llagi, Fly Nell, Bucket!, Twinei, Wick, Ae. o845 Norlh Third Slreed, Philadelphia. Feb. 7, '7 FA. ROY Kit, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Freoburg Bnyder Co. Pa. Moil reapeclfully offera bia aervioet lo (be puhlio av Vendue Cryer and Auotion ?r. il.ivingbad lurgt expetience, 1 fstl confident Ibal I tan render perfect tatitfaollon to my employee!. Jan. A, 'C7t BT. PARKS, ATTOKNEY AT LAW & DISTRICT ATTORNY, WIDDLEBCItG. BNYDER COINTY, Pt Offiot In Court llouit, Sept.lS, 'ffTlf frUO'8 BW1NKFHD, X W1TU W. F. HAHSEIL, Bamoved from N. Fourth StreeL CI 1 1 TV GLAHN & CI ORTII THIRD STREET, PUILaD lpuu. Orlglual Package! t'onalanlly on Ilaod M 1LLER ELDER WHOLESALE. BOOK SELLERS 8laiioneri, Blank book Mnnufaturort d dealert la Wrapping. Blaailng, f ur- , aioaad Wall paper Paper Vagi It Ota- .'wevrriBiera 420Knb Third - abtvtK mm VOlu 10. FAIR MOUNT HOUSE. ' NEAR THE DEPOT, IMillletoiirpr, ln. GEORGE GUYKIt, I'rophi itor. Tbit bona It In elcat prottnttl to Ibt depot and bat lately been rebuilt and re- nldd. Koomt commoniout Ihelabl well .applied with the heel Ibt market afford. a.d terma modcraie. p AXTON V 1 LliK IIOTK I., n F.N BT BENFF.R, Proprietor. The aaler.lanet atnpU thla melhnil of In Torm ina the pehlle that ke haa openl a hotel at the . Ij.it. nameH place, on the road from Mhl'lle bare; to Ha.reriown, and that he la prepared to .nt.rtala the pablle Willi nr. t flaw ai-rnmnnvla tla.. HfcNRY BtNtth. April, 18TI. W ALKEll UOl'SK, 3Ic71iiro Cit.vln. R D. WALTER Proprietor. Tb"i a new houae, newly furnished and it now open lo Ihe traveling puhlio. Il ia located near Ihe depot. No effort will he apnred by Ihe proprietor lo make the ttay of bit gueitt pleaaaul and agreeable. D WIS HOUSE, At the Mlnlln. Centre. Put burr k t.ewl.town R. K. iMpot, ooraer o( Water and liorraa tiu., L.O'WlMtOAVH Xn., Oeorge Flory & Son, Proprietors. 9Open Day and Night for Ihe accom modation of traveler. A Oral vlaat Kct laurant It attached lo Iht hotel, where Mea't al ail bourt can bt bad. Terma eareeoable. 0.13-lf B U.Mii ARONKR HOUSE, (uppoiite Heading Kallroad Depot) Ilni'riNbtii;, ln., A. XX. LAXTOXS, Proprietor. -Kv.ry .irirt n.c.M.ry to Innure Die com fori i,riiFM will be made. The hou.e ha. tieeo newly r.nued. ooiU.h;ui A LLEOIIENY IIOl'SE. 5os. 81S Kit Mnrkrt 81 reft, (A. Oil t.t'Ml.) PHILADELPHIA. Irrms M 00 rr Dai. w. JOHN II. ARNOLD, Atlrinv til liiiw, M1DILEI1CII0, PA. I'rofcanlonal hunlneaa entruateJ In hioenre w.'!.' he promptly ended lo. Keb U.'JI J THOMPSON UAKEIt, Vttoin.v-il -I jv, Lewiahurg, I'uion Co., Pa. tvif din be ronmilied in Ihe Kng li-li an German langiingi'a.-o OKFICK Market Hired, onponite Walla Pmiib Si Co' Hi ore B-.f.ty s AMI EL II. OHW1G, At(ornv-n(liiiv, OH JI.K.7I7 WALNUT STREET, rRII.AIIKLrill A. g houmjeiiger, 'justice of the peace, I l Towrtithlp, SnyJr County, J. i -)illxttiin, (onTfynnofnir, 4 n at nil other m iri.liilng to (lie ottu-e will 1 promptly itnilel unit near 1 rnutiuiiuavllle. I C KltEIT.ER. la .lt'STlrSfiPTIIK PKAC!R, t'haman lowhahlp SnyOer Co. ra. Prnveyanclna. C'ollectlnR and all other bunt ur rntriited to Ma ear will ba promptly at teoddU I". D R J. W. ROCKEFELLOW, PHYSICIAN ANI SI BUKON OHera hia profeulnnal Mrvlcal to thl eltlicn MlililleburK and vicinity. (Junal-tl FISE ASHOIITMENTOF THE DES RVE WII1SKF.Y. POLDLKE PEACH VI H1SKEY, MtAXDV, GIN, AND SYlllTS Juat received and for into at Ibo Eagle Hold, in Middlehurg. JOHN A. MTAIILVECKER, Aug. 18, 1870. QlIyVH. II. HO VlSlt, Wboleanlc and Retail Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Cnacbmakert' Materials, Shoe Finding!, $o. Selinigrove, Pa. H-ltf DR. SLIFER'S WHOL.KHALE AND RtTAIL Furniture Warerooms, .NO. CO NORTH SECOND STREET, (lielew Arcb, Weal Side.) Fartory and Vhuhtule Jhpnrlmtnt, 1003 Norlh Oib Street, above Oxford, -8tfl PHILADELPHIA. JAt'OU V. HOC. A It, WITH JJBERHOTH, DERQSTRE8SER CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX HSH, PROVISIONS, &c. No. 200 North Wbarvei, (ibovt Race 8t.,) 9-71 f PH1LADELPAIA. J I). SELHEIMER, ' DEALEB IN HARDWARE, Iron. Kails, Steel, Leather, Faints, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AND MANUFACTURER OF Stoves & Tinware, MARKET STREET, Lewiaiown, Penn'a H,vw.t... 1871-tf MIDDLEBURG Meloot I'oetr y. II'RINU. Spring It coming, aim oat bare Driving off Ibt Winter't cold Snowdrop! every here appear Witb crocus," likt tht pureat g ilJ. Set Iht building lilac tree t Soon they'll givt an ample ah art Of perfume lo ibe balmy breeic From Ibtir low'ring blottotai fair. Then Ibt tnowball oomei lo wakt Klumbering Ibougbti, of bygone old: Whitening, with eich paaring ihuke, All Ibt newly upturned mould. See Ibe graaa, in yon li-r nook, Whrre 'lia aheltered from the blaat ! 'Neatb the willowa by Ike brook, Il il almost green al lail. Soon Ihe violelt will bloom Sweetly from the moaay lod J And tht arb iie will And room To dirpcuae lit iwecta abro tJ. Apple trrea will loon he while Willi their bl(ioui, apitle-ia, purs, Kmlili-nn of our live., ao bright, Which o liiile can endure. Soon Ihe invalid miy dre ly Ihe Doctor' kind deoreea Cainh a breath of Southern air, Floating through the ruiil'in Iroea. Soon ihe poor, lu eellura low, Itieathing damp and mil lowcoM, Mny allow the hrrt-ne to blow Through iht win Iowa crwe I and ol I, Whrre through Winter they mint atuff Huga ikey hardly well could ipro Of their clothing lorn and rou jh. To keep out Hie c'jilling air. Yea, ihe Spring will loon ho here, ' llrlnging Joy to rich and poor i llrighler d.iya will lean appear ; Ilrigbter d:iyi are coming aure. TI.en we'll hi I goid bye lo you. Winter oold ami Winicr dirur. lor and anoiv niiin moll, 'Tialru Hprinj't aweel ttowera will aoon he here. Sadaii L. Iiii,l. The atari burnt nut in Ihe pale blue air. Add the Ibin white in iou lay wiihunni there To lower, and cavern, and rift, and tree, The owl and the but fled drowaily. Day hud kindled the dewy wood.. And Ibe rouka above mil the iiiiiih ha low, And the vapor! io their mnltiiii Id, And the appenine'i all roil lid of ttiuimer mow, And clothe I wiih litflil of airy gold The wist! in the cistern oavvi unroll'J. D iy li id awakened all thing, ihit be I lie I irk and the lliruiii and Ihe awolloiv free ; And Ihe milkmaid'! long and the tnoncr'a leythe, n 1 Ihe maiiii bell and Ihe niniinUin bee. h ire Hiei wero quenched on the dewy corn. Glow-worm, wcni ool on the riven brim, Like 1 impt which iiudcnl forgcti lo trim ; The beetle forgot to min i hi horn : The orivkeia were (till iii ihe men low au 1 hill. 'I' lie Nyaiterloua I'urlralt, 11 V K O FHANK8 In a stnull but Irindsomuly furnish, ed sitting-room iu a Lmdni hotel, a yuuu lady was sitting, in an c;.y chair, beloro a bluzing lire, one drea ry Novembor afternoon. Her hat an 1 cloak lay upon Ibo tuolu besulu tier. and from tb eager, impatient glau ect sho turned toward tbe door at every bound of a footstep on tho t'air case ou.sido, il was eviluut tbut bbc expected a visitor. At last the door opened, and a tall, aristocrulio bukio i youn man color ed the room. ''Oh, Hurry, whit a long timo you huvo been !'' hbo exclaimed, springing up from ber aoat. What doot your father say about our our mirriage V hesitating with the ahyqust of a bride at the last words. "Head for yourself, IIjIuo," replied her husband, biuliog lior aa open letter, and standing oppwito her, lesoing againtt tbe marble tnautel pteoe, watching iotontly tbo express ion of her fair younit faoo us she read : 'In marrying at you have douo, you have acted in diroct deliberate opposition to my wishes. From this duy you are no longer my son, and I with my hands of you forever 1" "Oh, Harry, why did you uot toll me of tbia before V exclaimed Hel en, as fbi real the hard, cruul wirJs looltiog up through bor tears into her h U' band ' face. "My darling, what was thereto tell? How could I kaow that my father would act ia this hard-hearted rauooer ? I knew that he wished me to marry the daughter of a aobiemin living qsar Marston Hall, and ao unite the twa estates, bat I had no idoa thot be would cost ma olT for diaobeyiog bia wishes. Aod even if 1 bad known it.' bo aoded fondly clasping hi young brtdo to bis heart, and kisaiog away lb tears from her eyot, ' J should not havo acted dif ferently. My Ileloo Is worth fifty d Ay ettatet, aud as long as she loves ma, 1 ib ill oevar regr et tbs loss of Marion Hull and Us fair acres. Hut, my loye," bs eontlouod, moio s.-rious ly, "ther ii ao snd of your promiasd rbppiog expedition in Igeot Street. You will have to da without dla oods, bow that jour bosbaa4 If t sf: t IA ) -bat SNYDER CO. PA., APRIL 18, peooilo'tt outuaat, ItidietJ of tbo hoir to fifteen thuaod a vjar.' 'II nh, Harry I plcaai J jo't tilk liko tb u' ho tnil, hurl at liia bit ter tono ; "joi knor it was not f ;h Jiatn m Is tii.it ( v?n thinking. Hut what arc you golo, tj ilj, Har ry V abe ooatinutJ, laying her btn I upon hit arm, and looking ti;j aadly iuio hit pale et lice. "You oanot work lur a liring.'' 'And vrbjf not work ftr a lirin," ha excluimco, in a doicrmincl roice, ''bcouuao I liapppnol lu bt) (ba aon of i Doblctniin, br)iiht up ttttd e Ideated without any kouwl.i ur idoaa of btisinen f Hdt I will wtk for a living, and ehow my wifothutl am not unworthy of tbo lru-t and cuuTi litnoo alio repoeel in mi, wboo elio placud thin little hsitid in mine, lio a l J.I, atoopiiiK t'i kii tlu am til wliilo hand which i-m(iI upon bit arm. It W.ia while piirnuitijj hit f ivorilo study of il paiutinjt, among the fit mnus gallorica of Riuu, lb it II airy HarMon wooed and won Helen Traoy, i jvcrooaa in an Eiliali family rt.ii Jinra' iu Italy, unj tbe o'plini Jjuli lerofan offl icr in tho EiiglUh army. H.'foro bo bid known Iter a mntb, II irry, who hud boeu in lore or t in cied bimiclf ao with at loait ball' a dozen Jilfoionl joun l.t lies in in nn ny m utln, folt that bo lul at litst in.'t hi f.ite . I'uluhtcJ at tlio i loa .of bciux luvad 'for himself nl.ii)., lie lu l not told lior of liit real position, n'l 1 it W;n u t till after tlio m.in i:i,'o coront any which took phci at tin II iiinlt ouiu, lute was ov'T lliut llolon discovered be b id m irrio I tlio vldiJit aon of a ba ryti tit, and tbe lit ir to Gltecn tliuu itinJ a year. Itvratmt without sumo inward miagivini that Harry wrote to hia fat lur, telling him of It i -a imrrij.'e, wliicb were more than r call z id by the result, aa wo have iiK-n by the letter fiotu Sir I'hilip Mnr'ton, which await i'd him ut his club oa hU luturu to Knlund witli bii bridi'. ltut, lull of O'Hili i.'iK'o in lii-t abili ty lo maintain hitiHull' u't 1 fii-t yo in wife iy hit) own o.ertijiH, Harry troubled biimelf very liule about, his lu.st inlii'i'il.iui.'i) ; au I tli 111411 tliuir now h lme ooun.ilin f of tbroo hiii til, po irly-furuishod roottiM, iu a bick etrect wit very ditl'ctvot from tlio 'rind old in union to wh'rh ho hid Imped to take hit bride, he Hat to work cheerfully at m dvorite art, and triod bard to euro a liviu by pais tiii picturu-t and purl rails. Hut ho Hion found that' it w it not ao c-.v a-t h ' thought. It waa all very woll wlua ho wan bt'ir to Mirston Hill, an I itudivd painting mui'ely li'oiu love of art, but picluro dealert, who, io those days, hid been all flattery aal obsequi ousness toward ibu young heir, now that be really wanted to hull hit pie. tu.'us aud bk'.'tcb'jt, shook their buudt, aud politely, but Di'iuly duelinod to purthufio. At last, ono drenry afternoon, w ben Harry was aiding in the litt.o ro nit bo called hit studio, trying to devNo some uewscbemo to replenish his slender pursp, the servuut opcuud thoadoor and ushered a while-haired old gsotlemau into the room. Flat.vngu chair by tho firo for hit visitor. Harry ioquirod his butiuest. ''You'sroa portrait painter, I ba liovo sir 1" stid tho ol J keutlcman, looking at him through bis gold spec tacles. 'That it my profession, sir," replied Harry, delighted at tho thought of bavisg found a eommissi ia at last. "Well, air, I want you. to paint tin portrait of my daughter." 'With pluasme, sir," said Harry, eagerly, "Whoa oaa tbo laly givo me the first sitting !"' " Alat, sir I she it des I -.lead to me iheso twenty years snd I killed hr! broke her heart with my birsbnoss and cruelty !" exclaimed the old man, in an excited voice. A strings chill came ovor Harry, as tho idea that bis mysterious visitor must bean escaped luoatio crossed bia mlud ; but russteriog with an effort, his emotioo, tbo straogor continued : "Pardon me, young sir. This is of no interest to yon. My daughter is dead, and I want you to paint bor portrait from my dosoriplloo, as I re member bsr twenty years apo.'' "J wilt do my best, sir, but it will be no sosy tk, and you must bs pre. purod for many disappointments," said Harry, when, having given him a long description of tho form and fea tures of bia loqjr.lost daughter, tho old gentleman rose to depart and for weeks ba worked iooessaotly npeq the mysterious portral, of tbs Jea4 girl, mtklog sketch, alter sketch, eaob of which wat r-jecti'd by tbe rotnura ftrl.ken father, uolil the work began (0 oiercise a atrang.- kind of I'a-cina-tion over liim, and he paiolcd ami aketcbed faco after luce, us if undor tbo Influence of a spell. At lift, one evening, wearied, with a day (if fruitiest exertion, be waa "iuioa: over tb fire, walchiu bin wife, who aat opposite, b'J'y uptn aotuo iiu ldluwoik, whec an idoa sud deuly flashed up in him. "Tull, fair, with golden hair and dark bluo eyes I Why, Helen, it -thc very picture of youraolfl" ho x olaituod, itartiu I'roai his aoit, taking bit wilb'i fair faio bulwoon hU twa bands, auJ gazing ititoutly into hoi' cyct. Without loosing a initii-'nt, lie tut lowu uud com unj need to sketch III oil's fare, nnd when bit hiring) pa H'ou called, t'10 next iinrniiig. Harry wat bo biily engine 1 in pntlin the li..iHliiu l..eli.,a :. I.U ' -r .-...-. 1 1. ,t 1.,, .1,1 ..... 1.. 1.: . ..1 "w " " r"T mu loom, nuu wot ken on I r sotuj in i- ,,,,,,-:, .. ..11:,.. mentt, uocot.Hciout ol bis preaeneo. unui, wuii iuo cry ol "Helen : my daughter 1' tlio oil min puahoJ him aside, and aton.l mitri.iif,.. I li..f'..i. a I. .)1)rt'it ! , , . enS" track might I,, set 01 f.ro by P' l . r . , . :J.l'y kn-ll bulor. thoGroto!,,,,,, ,,,,.,.,, Wli,(l,ed nino O:'f0'O:'ir,,y,,'S0",l,! " Wl"1 -'l,- AI .H' i.heotio tie direction if I,o Mountain .vu vi renin.-.?, iuo 010 111 11 n lurned slowly around to Harry mid a.-ked him, iu nn eager voice, whci'o ho had obtaiuol tho '''" l of the picliii'u. ' It is the portrait of my wife.' repliel h. "Your wife, bt ! Who wat she? t Here dul you marry her V Mail tho ..t I 11 . 1 11 1 r . ' old man, excitedly. ' Turdon 1110 fur lover" ..1. .. . . 1 11 1 i "but f I Ivo Tt'l b-M' "Illonktliknit,at.nyra,e,''Ior no I i i t! y ,'Ut1!c",i"1""1' " And yon might at leus. PO ir lie en oft nn urn un il in.r li.r 1 ... . . . . .. . . . . , . . a. id lor the last nix won I In 1 havo boen vainly trying to find tho ch'l 1 of my lost daughter, so that, by kindness and devo io 1 to ray grand child, I uiigu', in a pirt at least, atone fr my huia'iicss toward her mat her.'' Hurry wag convincing to lull hi 111 t. story of hit meeting with ll il'ii iu lioiuo.uinl their hulxeipio it uiirriao, whoa the door opuued, and hit wife entered llio room. l'ereiviog tint lior Iiut'i'.u 1 wat on'igc 1, she wit uliout to ictreat, when the o' 1 gcntlumon hloppo l her, und alter looking her full iu tho face lor a fe v momeuu, excliimod : ' Fiir Jo i uiu, 111 ela'ii can you tell 1110 your mother's in ii len ma:no 1"' ' 'IKleu Treherue," r.,..l....l ir..t. rephed Helen, Wiiti lerinuly. '1 knew il I kne.v il !" c.'.'olaiiucl tho oi l 111 -n, i i an excited voice ''Thank iod, I h ive found ut last the eliiij of my pjor I st diugh'er.'' 1 la u i'vw wordt Mr. Ti'uhet'iio ex pliiiied how ho had cast oil' bit o ily child, on account of her tqarriago with a poor tj.ll.n-r, and refute 1 to opt ) her luttcra when she wrote, asking far forgiveness, 'But, thnnlt ll'Mveu ! said he, when ho had finished bit sad slory, "I can utonu iu sonv) iinasuru for my Inr-huust towarl my llaleu by tikiug her Helen to my beurt aui making her my daughter." It is uecilk'ss to ndl that, when .Sir I'lii'ip Mirstiu lieirl tint his son had man ied the heiress of ono of the Guest an d oldest estates in the coun try, lie, nt onte wrote a k-tter ol re oncilia'ion to Hatry, an l, after all, Helen evont ially bocamo mistress of Marston Hall, in wbosa grind old pic. turo gallery, full of oil matter', 00 piintiug is more valued or treatjred than "The Mysleriois Portrait." FLIGHT. Br cm 1 stan her. " )ully Dally ! A uaiuo fur Kolly Something like that Mui k Bradbury quoted lo himself, as be tried to over take pretty Dolly Kairbauks. Hut I ho walks wore ley snd treach erous, aod Dolly was hulf a squsrc io advance uf him. Such a chaso as she led him that wild winter day ; up ono street and down snitber qatll ho lost u II patience, aud relieved him self by tbe above quotation. Dolly ratbor likod tbo fun of tbe thing. Tbe unutuul oxoitemeut bad tinged ber oheekt with a brilliant red tbe color of a carnation rose, and her eyes sho'ie Ik two start undor triumphal arches of jet, but bor fuu eatue to an end suddenly. Her foot slipped 00 tbe ipo, she lost ber balaooe and. would have fallen, if at that mo ment Ned Ralston bad not been pass ipg, and came tq lb,e rosoua. And then be offered her bia arm of oour&a, toil jntisud opio eejag her 1872. " NO. safely home, nnd Dolly, after on awift, alijr Klarajje behind her, that aliowcJT.Mark turniaj hastily down another street, toel) the proffered arm, and walked very Arefully home wards. Xe4 IVilstoi) had been hsr dov led lovet for noroa alt montln ready at toy m intent whno U j would alio him to lay name and fortune at hi t foot ; but up to this time tbo had kept him ut Hucli a aafo distance, that lu bad been unublo to decide whether l.c hal suftk'lrnt ground for b'ip'5, or whether lie must makeup liia mind tu suffer defeat. Fur holly Fail banks had a hut of admirer', mil mors than one amo"a lliem wa;lelonly fur a word of en couragement to bo at lior feet ala ! If t'lere w,n one in the train she wnul l be willing L. see lu that po-i.ioo. lie kept it bravely to hereo f, mil , 1 . , 1 " "' " ' .ei 1 lent i l a lu'li-r p;ct larn it irj ou went on her wav. meiv find nr.! . . L. larc. i'uhv ruiruanitsatu I .. V . ... ner cousin i r wn at tlio win low ! when she t amo b un', nnd watched 1 . . . . : with inward curiosity I ho air of devo- ii0n with which Ned Uahton bade her! ' good by. I 1 ..1 .... n .. . - . lurucJ iiiiputieotly touti d lo faco her ' cousin. I ! 'Tin mutter of a lover.'' sail llira i Liughinff. "Mrs. llrodio si-id '"u i.a,u never ...vo .en, OUl 1 Have iluuglit, nil tho liine " I'J huili, l na. Von will drive 1 toe crnzy. You know, 11 well as I do that NeJ UjUtoti cau never bo iuv I Krac" ""I'e.tort'y 1 ,r all thcio poor fellows wlu want you aul ; rtli,.(lll,j lll(.n ai .uot,iD:, j t ,e, can't have you." Iroiclino not olieu atltcmpted. The Dolly dropped her cyc.a, and let licr;flnmwfl lr.ltn l!ia bnnii.i cur. v8 nro Hurdling lace say very plainly, " Can : iurjl m,.d( ,.0,, , Uj, uh)V0 lcll)il'' ireo-tops, aul wh.u an oil batrol " Thee comes Mark Hrajbuiy up would cxplole, tho burning content the street," said Dora, nettling herscll H,, io u directions, tho cab or the ni.inl',.il,.l.l l...r..... .1 .. . I v ;"" wi.mi.w, -anii. nc looks as 11 no lnul been le i on hour gtupesfuru foitniiilit. I wonder what cuu be thematier with him V Holly didn't wonder ut nil, but she ! stole on tip too up behind her cousin, an J looked over her shoulder ut the man who loved her better, bhu beiieved. than all the lovers tdio could count oil her pretty tiug.-rs. ' He is round-shouldered, and 'IC has a dreadfully Imxu'lv iui. " ' ' ,.., holcimiy t'oiiy s np.t tivere ominously, but sho would not say a word. " Itlon lo hair uud blue eyes," I), n, continued saucily. ' h s no wond:.r ycu cau l i n lure l.i.u, Dolly. Ho baa Iquite a Bhaiiiiiiig moulh, though. What a pity his " " D .ra D.iltoq, yo.j haven't a grain of fonse I" No eyes in the world aro .bull' as beautiful nt blue eyet. and as louitin.ienair. it it my auimration.' " un . s.uJ I" ira, t-ouipielieii-ively. I Tbe word nai a little one, but the' smile that wout with it nicant vol utnes. Mirk Urudbury lud been walking Very fast, but as bo enme opposite that particular window, bo lookod up suJdeoly, anl caught sight of Dolly's! blushing face. Thoro was fir:)ething in her face that mule him think bo had puuishcdiU himself nnnccessiirily thnt afternoon. and stealing another look at tbe rosy checks aqd smiling mouth, he ran up tho steps aud rang the bell. Dora hprang up, dropping an armful of giy colored wools over tho carpet, and wont to tho door. " Is Dolly Miss Fairbonks in ?" " Mrs. Fairbanks is io tbe nursery, as Matter Dubby has Ibo croup. LmIIij is in tbore," .ho added, nuJding her head to tho half open door. "(Jo right in, snd I will go uud tee if Mrt. Fairbanks can eomo down." And tbe vanished, laugbiug, up tho stair way. He oponcd the door sftly, and wool iu. Dolly was down on the fljor gathering up tho scattered skeins of wool. " Can I help yon, Dolly ?' ho naked kooelingdown beside bor. " (Vo, indeed," she said, quickly ' It is Dora's woik, and sho dropped it when she ran tu the door.' " You uiuke a beautiful picturt, Dolly, with those CifV, bright thiags elioging to your gray dross. I wish 1 oould paint you, and keep you always is you Iggk now " " Doo'l flayer ate," ihe said, care- loesly t but there was a height sparkle in her ryeg. II was sijont t moment. ao4 she yVlvortllnur Ttut. One column oaa year One-half column, oac year. tno.on. an.oo. 15.no. One-fnurtb rnlumn, one year. One tqnare (10 llnei) one later! lea Every aililitioaat inaerlioa Profeaaional and llusliteat earda of not mora than e llnea, per year, Tft. 60. 6,00 Auditor, tMeenlor. Admlnlitraior and Aaalnei Notice! 2,90. Editorial Bntieei per tint IA. All ailvertlaenieatl for a aborler period than ont year arc fiayable al Iht time they art nnlerel, anl if nnl paid Ibt per nan orjerinf ihtm will he beld reiponsiblo for the moiier. looked up suddenly. What did be read in hrr ryra f " I den't think I should care for (hi picture, nllrr all, I'olly. he said aolier. " " Givo no y'iui', instead, darl og!' " Hal I am onlr a silly g'nl, Mark. and I ran away from you thlt alter n ion.'' "Let Ufcf u'l thai " Folly 'e F i;h ," darling, and pronii.ae jou will Dover do it aaiu.'' I d m't know w'lal a' 0 a' I, for b 'r head w na 011 hi hlimilder, mi 1 l,er lipa nainst bia check ; bat Iljra daya, dolefuliv : " Ali ! but my tripled wooN eouM lull a htory ! ' SOnr hii E'tixiint l''t. An llt-rolc Art. itivU'nnt Ilrlr.iil The P , WM .,, ncir (f uu 1 ' rriUity. it na. in rauiiun ,,.r. i ; . lance it tonne 1 .n nil wre'-lt," oem pilot nu 11 d by eutT'.'d near 1I10 wnull 1111 enuru nu nu n in. 111 to ur , . . . ... . ... .. ...... I i . . : : I ..... ie. uil.lltliMi. .hi. i. lU'iri i.ix.ki., llio con lil'-t r ol' t'10 train, fu.ring that till oil which wit le.ikiii,' upiii xiding He h id goio but a k'lott Ji-tani.'J il 11 lie disiiiverel ill il tin) third cat (Vom tho engln ' was )'i lire, , At L't'oit He s j'al ri-k Mr. I,; ' 'elt. j ,,, ,, : w,VI1!no through tho burning nil to tli coiiji'ltig an I there t-j'ik out tiu p;:i an I leav'n; U.o o'.h- '.er seven cart 011 tho truck, 111.1J0 I .... .... I'T'tea mile " nil n o unriiii sin ui , ,. , , , : lar at tho aiding, threo uiilot ditftt'. , where bo left , hut savin,; tb, ;(io lwk (ro, M, Tha 1 n ru (0 ,in, U M..'u.0 0f l,T ,.,,;,, DOt bjing allowed to escape the ilatigei'oui ( lenient. When the siding wat reit'li.-.l on 1 an attempt wat uiiidd I ) back the cart upon it, the cngiiio had 11 ba run ovor tho burning nil w'uiuh wat on tho track. Tho siding wit down a steep grade, iu the direction of lha largo limber J mannlact ory ol .Mr. 11 II. lli'owi. ' M.'. Leg -it knowing what a torriblo I lost would ensue nJ tho burning ear . . .1 . . .. -.. .1 uniiwe'l to ue-c.-ini 1110 gi.nn; n. un ,!,,,,,;,, t, 'llo.irj ,IU nrnjiig VA, an aHI , best ! en lepvors in t-h-ek i'. This ho did, ;,,, lMli. t,,tf Mwokc u ni:ln . :Hl00l at the l.iak until the great unl, (.u, ,, bruk, rit, Hl,iip USUI1 k.t lVtuoately, Mr Liggett, Jontieipa-el such au evunt, had d s- 1 p;l.t.,j 0,R. f the train man a foW yttl.js Bi.a, 0f tl0 burning cur, with j jNtr.,otiO'it 1 0 place a h.'avy log up- !0n the trails. Tl.-t wat aec .in;.Uh- e l jiiit in t 111 u to sive a great lots of property. Mr. Liggett is deterring ol'ull credit for hit hero sin on the Oe. casion, hieh certainly was of a:i un usual orler nf nnrit . I'i'Wj ng Cwniil rritil 8fi in'. ri wm.l'allH'r Iti hoi,, Ono day a young man entered a merchant's t.lliee in Boston, and with pile nnd careworn face, viil ; " Sir, I am u uuc J of help. I have been unable to meet certain payment, because ceitnin parlies have not done at they ngreedjiy iu. an l would. Ijk lo have S'O.UdO. I catno to you be. cause you wero a friend to my father, 'and might be a friend to 1110.'' " ('0100 in," said ibe old tu 'rehunt, come in and have a glass of wine.'' " No," said tbo young man. '' 1 don't drink.'' " Havo a cirgar, then V " No, I never smoke.'' " Well.' enJ Ibo olJgeotlcmon, '! jyoulJ liko'to accomwudule you, byt I don't ibiuk I ran." " Very wed," said ihe young man, as ho was abmt to leave the room. I thought perhaps you might. Good day, sir '' IIjIJ 00. said tbe motcbaut, "you don't drink f" ' No." " Harsmoko J" " Ko." " Nor gamble, nor snjlbing of tbt kind.' "No, sir, Ism soperiolonJenf of (be Sunday School.1'. " Well," said tho merohant, hjqu shall have it, and three times the 'a ' if you wish. Your father 1st raebava 5,00) pnpe4 iqd sked me tbe same questions, lie trusted 173 e, Sa4 I wit! trust yon. Notbauks--! 01 Ijtq,