The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 04, 1872, Image 2

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V t
iTlDDlXBtTBO, A7BIL 4,1871
i. OKom, Kdlter aa. rrertrter.
1 1. .
rOH OOVF.BNOR llf 1171,
HssoqcAtrtas Rsri'iuru Stats Csstsal
Conxirrti Pssxstlvasia.
rniLAniLpniA, Feb. 5, 1872.
In persmoce of ths resolution of
tbe llpiibhc ?tt Central Commit
tec. tloptfj it 11 irrigb'jrjr. Jan. IS.
J 872, a Hrpublino Sute Convention
tninpo'cd of Dclrgites from enca
Senatorial noi Represootstivo Dis
trict, in the number to which such n
district la eutiiled io the legislature
will meet io tb (111 of the IIodsi of.
Representstivrg, at Ilarrisburrf. at 12
o'clock noon, on Wcilne-day, thelOtb
dsv r April. A. D. 1872, to nominate
candidates for Governor. Judge of the
Supreme Court, Auditor General,
(should tbo Legislature provide for
tbe cboice of one by the peoplo), nod
ao Electoral Ticket ; and also to elect
Penntorial tad Ilepresentalive Del
gate! to repreMot this State io the
State in tbe Kepublicao National Coo.
veollon, to bo held at rhiladeliihin
June 6, 1872.
Vtll. M.MOTT,
P. F. HeieroN, )
Kz Li-rins, ) S
I. M. Lvti.k, )
Democratic Dlitail mt Uber
atleru. The Pemocnlt are disgusteJ with
the "Liberals." Tbe World ofyes
terdsy admits that tbo Republican
part cannot be defeated by an into'
tine schism, and preaelics a straight
i uemocratio crusade. 1 tii i a
1 a M. .
cbanue of froat. The whole Dmo-
crutie party of tbo country, North and
South, bit been looking forward to
the Cincinnati Convention and the
Liberals'' as tbe event nod party
which were to bring about a Iriatnpb
of its cause. The movement Las
boen chasing shape of late, m the
characters ef tbe movers have im
proved. At tbe outset tbo men who advo
cated boiling, and who set np Rcpub
lican refusal to grant arauesty as tbo
cause, and who started tbo tgitution
out of which bas growo tho Cincinnati
Convention, wore weak and foolish
politicians who had been disappointed.
Up to withio very rocontly thoir di
vision did not amount to a factious
parrel. 1 here was not a stalexruan
hid it
umer a
nor a distinguished citizon wb
proved it. Ia only one State h
any organization or could it mu
corporarj guard of adherents.
IVbsn the bonvrable and ablo gon-
tlonvn who oppose- tho renominatioo
of 1'rcitideBt Grunt loAed around for
a constituency and a support, their
eye naturally fell up n this band of
dissatisfied men. Njbody eNe at all
sympathized with tbem, and so they
wcro obliged to acceptJliU little clique
of grotublers as lhoii nucleus. They
have been iiiouhU4f it for tho good of
tbo party and tltfjrCiuolry ever cinco.
Tbey bovo bcjjsTbolJin up to tho fac
tion tbo glomus rccorl aud ti-ijiupiis
of Republicanism and tho troaaonuble
history of IVinocrney. Thry have de
clared that tbey have no sympathy
with this Isbi organization, an I they
will do notbiog which will promote it
success; und such is tbo power of mind
that tho men who involuntarily have
become thoir followers applaud all
thAy say.
In lucss bands the Liberal movo
went is to be feared by nobody but the
ainlul association of Tweeds and Nan
bys. Even the Sprio field KejiulJUan
says that its first doty will he to read
tho burial servloo over Democracy,
while tbe Chicago Tribune, the load
ing journal which bus supported Lib
eralism, addressing itself to tho Con
necticut Republicans, radical and lib
eral alike, tsys lbs grand issue of tbe
campaign is the extiuetioo of tbo Do
mocrsey, and add: "Insure that,
and tbe American people are freo to
go into the Presidential campaign un
embarrassed by tbe presence of a party
which bts opposed sll progress and
all reforms, from tbo outbreak of tbe
rebellion to tho present time. Tbe
people arc then let free to do some
Ibing better than burl back and forth
tbo jargon of dead issues and dofunet
It is just sucb utteranoos as these
that have disgusted the Democrats with
tbo " Liberals." Tbey thought these
men traitors io tbe Republican camp.
bat tbe expected aid,sd eowfort baa
Dot been received.'' The troth ts that,
whatever blemishes there nay bo io
tboBopubllcaa party. It is so iaSaits
lHropcrior to tbe waiting Dessocraey
that do booest Reformer will ever con
tinue in a eearaa or advocate a policy
which will place tbe last aimed iu
Governor Parker eootiooes domb.
lie would rather run for President on
tb strsixbt Democratic ticket, witb
very prospect ef defeat, than playseo
ood fiddle to Judge Davi with a res
sooabls hope of uooessr For this
reasoo bj is as silent as a clsm-isod
ileoca beeofiici bim bettor thai
- iwttb.
rrwreeieliisffs e the reaaa1
Itepabllcaa Assaclatloa.
At an adjoarnneat meeting of the
"Pennsylvania Repnblicao Associa
tion'' of Peonsylvauians, temporarily
residing In Wasbinetoa. D. C- hold
March 83d, 1372, for ths purpose of
instructing meir dclcntes to the
State Convention, the following pre.
amble and resolutions were unanim
ously adopted and a copy ordered to
be sest to each Republican paper la
the State, with a request that tbesame
be published
hhenat. We rc pose satire confi
dence ia the Integrity, ability, aoJ
patriotism of lion. J. It.
Representative In Congress from tbe
1 a . . a . ...
lain ioagreHiooai pistret or onr
'State, aud believing that his purity oi
character, personal popularity, itca
lion, and cmiueot qujliflentioos, ren
der him the most available man In
Pennsylvania to ts presented br the
r i i . .
nepuuncio suio convention, at liar.
rii.burg, on tbe Uih day ef April
oeit, as the candiJato for Ojvornor.
Th'refore lie it ItttolrtJ. That
this, the 'Tenasvlvanla Ropublicao
association, oi Washington, V. C,
claiming to be a representative bodv
of the whole State, do hereby instruct
thoir delegates, to tbo State Con-
vccuuD, a ase an nonoraoie moans
to Eecure the nomination of tbe Ho.
J. 11. Packer, for Governor.
lltioktd, That our delegates are
hereby req tested and losiructod to
use sll honorable eicrtions to promote
(be Domination of II ox. Ulyse
Mebcur, of Bradford County, by
said Convention, as a candidate for
the election to tbe office of Judge of
the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
R'tolved, That we have undimin
ished eonfidenoe in the high charac
ter, unquestioned intogrity and tried
statesmanship, of PRESIDENT
GRANT, and that, as members of the
Ropublicao party, iJentiQ.d with its
onward march of progress and proud
..i-i.-i.: . . '.i .
"i in nmvurj, wo point wnn satis
faction to tho fulfilment of his pie
es, sod the faithful dixcharxe of tbe
many and responsible dutios of bis
exalted position as the surest evi
deneo of his fidelity, and ss the best
assurance that can be given of the
eoii&Jcoce with which the American
people may rely upon him for an boo.
est, fearlcs, independent, and up
right administration of the Govern.
ment daring the next Presidential
joeoirea, mat, in ths deliberate
opinion of this Assoomtii n, tbo Rj.
publican Slato CQventioj nbut to
assemble at Uarrisburg, should cor
II a My unite in presenting the nam
of Ho. John KroTf, to tbe Philu-
lolphia National Republican Convec
tion, as Pennsylvania's favorite for
the nomination of the Vico-Prcidcn-cy.
His record in tbe United Slates
Senate for the last three rears is with
out blemish. The soundoess of bis
principles, tbo integrity which marks
his private character, and tbo ability
with which ho liasdischargoi bis Sen
atorial duties, have commended him
to to tho repoct of tho Ropubliciu
parly of the uation.
hentlitil, 1 hat, the delegate cuo-
sen to represent this Association in
the Mnto Convention at Hirrisburtf,
bo instructed to uso all boourable
means tosccurj an ciprcvion, by that
Convention, in fttvor of tin oomiua.
lion of Hon. Jon Sour. fur tho
Vice-Presidency, and tho a I Hion of
aresolation, ioslructiof, the Ponosyl
vama Dolegates, to the Naiioanl C m-
veniion, to, cy evory lair
his nomination for that ofliue.
A'i .(', That, as it will soon
como necessary to elect a tnited j
Mates Senator Irom tho Stato of
Pennylvnnia, and recognizing In tho
Hon. .mmox I amehon a wie, judi
oiuus and far-seeing stitcsman. sn em
inent, thorough aod active Kepubli
?nn, who lor nuny years, hat done
efficient service in JeleuJIuj tbo groat
principles oi tno par.y, sol In guard-
mtt with Jealous care tho interests of
tbs State be so ably represeuts, and
who has, uniformly, fully sustained
bis high reputation st borne, while be
bas, by bis ability aod integrity, ss
cured tho confi Jonce of Lb l adminis
tration, and altsinod in tbe Senate a
position, honorable alike to the State
and himself, which it would be i in pos
sible for any now mouiber t ) reach,
nnd now possesses a knowledgo, do
rivod from a loog legislative experience
and an intimate acquaintance witb the
wants of tbe people, of tbe highest
importance in auvancing tno success
of Republicanism, and io tbe solulioa
of tbe grave question arising in Cou
gress ; Therefore, it is tbe sense of
this Association that tbs bost inter
csts of the State snd tbo future sue
ces of the Republicsn enuso I herein,
demand the re election of Hon. Si
mo Cameron to ths Senate of tbe
Coiled States, and ho is, therefore,
hereby earnestly requested to allow
his name again to bo used io that
R' tolni, Thst tbe Dologntcs from
this Assjoiation are hereby instruot
ed to urgo upon tbo Contention., the
justicosod propriety o( permitting
this Annotation to name one of the
Delogntes st large, to tie Xationul
Convention, to which the State U en
titled. Uy order of tbe Association,
A. A. SIUSLKU, 1'reiUeni.
R. M. Jonei, &rreluy.
Washington, D. C, Msrob 23, '72.
Akotueb Republican Sute Conven
tion speaks out strongly for Grant.
Tbo Ohio Republicans met at Col urn
bus, Wedoosdsy, and Dominated can
didatci for sovrral Stato offices, se
looted delegstes to the National Con
veotioo, and adopted m sories of reso
luttooa. The utmost harmony and
cordiality prevailod, and all the pro
ceedings, including tbo speeches aod
ressUlioos, sodorre io tbe strongest
manoer, tbe admioistratioa of Presi
dent Great. There were do words
bat those of sever reprobation for tbs
assaults upoa tbe latter, aod frew the
decidedly eotbusisstlo feeling wbloh
prmlled it U fair to lofer that tbr
Closionatl Convention will reoelve lit
tie fooottrsgesaeat froi tbo RepaWi.
caos of Ohio, The platform Adopted
recite with pride the record of tbe
Republican party and the loading
achievements of the present Adminis
tration, takes ground io favor of snob
duties oo imports as will best promote
tbe interests of every branoh of indus
try aod secure to "labor of every kind
soaatant employment sod just rewsrd,"
opposes further grants of publio lands
to corporations, and favors tbe reootn
instioo of President Giant for s second
Second Letter l. the ftchaot Dl
rectors mt ftoider County.
QENrLKMEN.Ry wbat should you
oe governod in yoar choice or a Coao
ty Superintendent f Has this ques
(ion yet iu all its bearings and witb
its proper force come home to your
mioas r I fear that some of yon
look upon tbe matter ss or eoronara
lively little consequence, and permit
yourselves w oe innuencea oy anv
il) ing bnt purity of purpose and the
euucaiionul Interests or our county
I sm no director myself, but, be-
siJes my owo porsonal iotrrost in pop
ular education, j bnve been request
ed by Direotors nnd others eqnally in.
terested in our Publio Schools, to
write to you and to urgo you to the
impartial and faithful dipoharere oi
your duty. It is a fact too well
known, that ths Directors on former
occasions of this kind, failed most la
mentably, and consequently tbo peo
plo are anxiously looking forwsrd to
see what yon will do ; whether anv
of you will betray yonr trust and per
ron yourselves io do Dousbtaol sold
-.1. a .
wku poimcai promises ana tti rests.
Ihs treatment lie v. Lnxarus received
three years ago, has by no means yet
been forgotten. Tbe means made use
of to defeat bim, were of such a dis.
honorable character as to reflect any
thing hut credit upon his rival, and
up mi tbe intelligence and mnnl puri
ty of some of tho Directors then in
I buveoflato talked witb a num
ber ol pernons from all parts of the
county, nnd learned to my utter dis
gust that certain parties (it U well
uuu -uu; gij irom tOWOJli'p .j
towosnip Daseiy ana most shamefully
luioioiiri-maiiDg rrol. iNoOtlio", to
uetca' Ms election. Iodeed t,. m-
that they misrepresented him, is using
too mild a term ; for they say what
tuoy themselves know to bo rculdjwu.
right lies, of which tbey oaouot sub
stantiate even tbe merest sbalow.
Tbey say, Tor iustunce : 1, That if he
bo elected, none ol' tho piesent teach
ers will get certificates ; that he will
give nono certificates unless tbcv
have tbo highest qualifications, and
thst none sucb can be employ vd with
out a corresponding iticrciue in sala
ries, which will mako enormous laxos
upou the couoty . 2. That ho bis rob
bed (Le couuty of twenty-four hun
dred dull irs, lor an insignificant strip
of ground taken by n street mude
through his property. 3, That ho
will permit coruin ministers to preach
aud bold revivals in all their school
nouses. 4. That, ou Account of his
own school, he will not bo able to at
tend to lh"8o of tbe public, and con
consequently must neglect them. 5.
That all ths Directors of Soliusgrove
will vote amnios! him.
Prof. Noeilin,''s iutenritv and mor
al purity are so well known tint, to
deluad them ngaiost such willful lies.
seems liko a waste ol words : but as
soma people tiro apt to be misled by
'alsehoo Js, it may not bj amiss to
i uiuke a lew replios.
i. oo rar as tbe examination of
teachers and granting of ccitifientes art
couccrnod, judging from tbe Prole,
sore's known reasonableness, it is por
ted ly safo to siy.that be will not be
unreasonable iu his expectations and
demands, but wi.l do justieo t both
teuchers and tho publio. 2. To say
that be robbod the county, if it were
not utterly false, shows ooly tbe mean
ness to which some people will resort
to effect porsoual ends. It is not nec
essary bore to mako further explana
tion of this, as tbe Selinsgrovo Times
has ventilated it sufficiently. 3. Tho
Directors alooo have tho control of the
school bouses ; and without their per
mission no meeting or anything else
can be held ia them. The Superin
tendent's duties are with the scboolt
aod not With the bnuses ; tho latter
are built by ths Directors snd rcmato
undor their control. 4 His nn
school, be bas promised (if elected),
wgit cjineij iuio me nanas of bis
teachers, so that it shall not io tbe
least ioterfere with tbe interests of the
publio. 5. That tbe Directors of Se
iiosgrovo will all vote against him, is
as truthful as tbo other assertions z,
ready referred to, aud hooee seeds oo
lurtbor comments.
What moims a: used to bias the
rrnud nf a Director, dopomls upon
his .utolligeoce nod bis religious
Views. If be U a member of a deuooj
iuatiou favorable to revivals, robbing
tbeeouuty, rejection the present teuoh
ers, high salaries ka. are employed.
If ho bappena to be opposed to cer
tain ministers and "pro'.raoled meet.
iogV revivals iu the aohool houses,
robbing the county, rejecting tbe
present class of teachers, high taxes,
io. are handled.
That w bat I have said is already
kaown to most of you 1 do on doubt;
and shouIJ any of you not have beard
all that is circulated In lufl leneo you
io tbo cboice of eaodidato, a little in
quiry will readily reveal it.
I have now given you facts which
can res lily be substantiated, snd ask
you to consider well what you do io
choosing ths candidate for whom you
iotend to cast yeur vote. Persons
making use of such means ar ( have
referred you to, must evidently be
driven well nigh to desperation.
I have written yoi a somewhat
lsogth letter but all have sid is
weans for good. I hove no desire to
to ro-aoy one Injuttroe, but, on tba
ooatrsry. I cannot, either bear quiet
ly to seo injustice dona, aod I ask
yon to inquire ioto tas trutbrureesa
of all I bavs said:
Io tbe last week's Pot. soma one
I! bloMeir R tbiaks I sbouid
apologias for raying that 8aperintea-
deat Wickersham la his late Anneal
Report snrgcsu the propriety of mp.
pointing the 8uperiatendeata Instead
of tlfting them. Tbat I was in er.
ror, i eneenuiiy aeknowlsdco. I was
led Into it by a Director, who had so
informed me. All else in my Irat,
letter except the above aseertioa, Is
correct to tbe very letter, and I can
substantiate not only it but perhaps
some things which R. might oot be
pleased to hoar.
Wickersham, So ths Jsnuary No. of
ths School Journal, says t "If it (tbe
oupenoieoueacy) fails or It purpose
aoywbors, it is owing to the offirer,
not tbe ofv-4, and next Mar the Yi ro
per remedy ran be applied by elect-
tog more efficient men." Io view of
the fact that a number of couotiss
have verv inefflvient 8uDorinteodents.
and tbe manifest desire on the part of
me people to bave tho Htste Super
ioteodent appoint those officers, Wick
ershum, Io the December f 1871) Wo.
ot tne school journal, ssys : 'Iftban
ues ia the law relating to tbe
superioteodeocy be desirable, the
coming session of the Legislature is
me nme to press them '
In conclusion, I aain nrce von
lesriestly and conseieotionsly to
do your duty at ths comimg elec
tion. jiCt cverv I'ireotor be nrescnt.
Kurueslly Yourn.
Middlebure, Mar. 29, '72.
W copy the following from tbo
Srlint'jrove Timr$, by request :
A few days airo wo met a school di
rector rrora the country and wo made
the remark to him, " Well how do you
men ici on tno election or a County
Superintendent r" We were rather
nonpulsel snd surprised at the reply
he mado. Save bo. Well I had been
a Nestling man, but nincc 1 learn tbat
he is attempting to Ron tbe eounlv
out of 12.403 for damages for land
taken for tho opening of a road, 1
havo been feeling liko going against
nun. Moce men we hear Irom diff
erent sources and from different por
tions of tbe comity, that some parly
or parties, nnd we need not av wbo.
for any ono can gacss it, havo beco
engaged in tbo disreputable and verv
sma'.J business of trying to injure
Prof. Noetling by misrepresenting him
by downright lying Were it true
tbat Mr .Vctling (8ked 82,400 roud
damages, that fact would have oo more
to do with bis fitness as Conotv Suner-
iutendont than it would with bis right
to voto or bis liberty of speech. We
do oot liko to see s mso injured and
wrong.-d in such a cowardly way, and
it is for this reason we intend bore to
explain to the publio all about tbo rood
damages i
A tew years ngo Prof. Nielling pat
chased the property known ss tin-Sut-quehaona
Female College for tbo
sum of 83,000. Ou ono si lo of tbo
College was a beautiful yard shaded
with ornameutal trees, a very valuable
a ljunct to a female school. Soon af
ter the purchase of iho nroporty by
Mr. Nulling, the Chief ) urges aod
the Town Ciuncil proceeded to open a
publil street directly through the Col
lege yard, to which Mr. NuHlinir ob
jected, as it would ruin his school
yard, and he mvlo all the leal oposi
tlon to it bo could.' Hut he was com
pelted to yield and see his beautiful
yard ruined; and to that extent bis
school injured. According to law in
such cases, the Court appuiotod three
disinterested men as viewers to np
praise damages and value of the land
taken, an I they fixed the amount at
$2.2 JO. The commissioners refused to
abide by tho decision of tbo viewers,
and as they bave a right to do, took
au appeal to Court, whore tbe whole
matter still rests oosettled. Now any
man who knows anything nbont busi
ness, knows tbat io sll sucb cases, the
vslue of the laud taken in all such
cases, tho value of ths land taken is
determined by a set of viewers appoint
ed by the Court jut as was in this
case, Mr. Noetling bas oothiog to
do in fixing the damages ; the Court
appoiuted threo men to assess the duui
ajjes, snd tbey (not Mr. Nestling) fix
the amount at 12,200. The Coiumi.
sioncrs have appealed, not from tho
demands of Mr. Nrotliog '0t from the
drciuion of tbe thrtt lifirer$. It will
uow be left to a jury. These are the
facts io tbo cac, and any representa
tion to the contrary is false, an 1 we
want every school dircrtor aod tbe
pu'olie generally to know theso foots.
Now as to ths land taken, what aro
the' aetsf Tbo whole grouol takoo
from Mr. Nostling is equal, witbiu a
small fraction, of three town lot$. One
ofth ;so lots isloeauj on the principal
street io the Borough, betweon tbe
college aud (be residence of Cbss.
Howcr. Esq., and would to-duy sell io
our eiod id jnnjoraoi for f 1,200. Mr
Uower paid lor his lot adjoiaiog, some
years ao. (M,0)0. Tbs other lot of
Mr. Ncotling's, fronts on the Dpot.
and for an adjoining lot there was of
fered Mr. CIihs. Rhoada $600 which hs
refused to take. Resides these two
lots, there if additional ground takon
equal to a towo lot, also fronting tbo
Depot and railroad. It must be re
membered tbat all of Mr. Nuctling's
property is near tbo Depot and ia the
best part of tbe town, and for these
loasoos, to say nothing of tbs intrinsic
itood quality of the ground, is very
vuluable. Tho damages for moving
barn, outhouses, femes, etc., are at
least $200.
These are the bets of the wholo ease.
Mr. NoDtling baa only been a speotalor
or an opponent to the doiogs of tbs
Towo Couneik Tbsy took bis Isnd
aeaimt bis will aud ftced tin price1 fur
him. Now for any to tsks sdvunUse
ot bin by circulating throughout tbe
oouoty that ho is trying to rob tbe
oouoty, is, to say the least a mean
dirty trick t No school director ought
to be Influenced by any euch reports,
or sny other repot ts.
buw orJAdoB"
.f-f adaliiUtnaUaa es fee hum of
wwuroonn wr WMlf lorn TW0.. HnviMr
''f.- - sSu." 'si ths
liaraliraod. all ijAMa.1
SalHaJ lo aald naUU si
awd lo Mld'WUU are roxiu
anawlBK Ikananlrw In-
g.!?.'1. ..tllle Uoa loi .lalin.
SM to aaaka lea-
Mawta st, IU aVtiatalsUaler,
n. rc. 12.
rabvvay's r.::7 r:u:?
(csu TBI weisT raise
I from One to Twenty MJaatea.
aWWt rmrirni thta ajvtr11fMtit im4 WMf M
acrriirvwiTH pAiw.
radwat-s Wsiftfi.j.ff a crsa
. . II M Ilia irt tstl U
rTtt Only I'nln flommlljr
Ihm tetaiejvttf atorMi tb ftvwjt vsn4Utkf ajsi'nw. allarl
raVijnrivMrnn en 4 euro Oorvellnn, wkteattWr tsf
Iha fnTa, lnttkHh, bwaia m WW fU or rjfj.
br ntappiksrttsjri,
!! rrUn onh to TwtifTT unm
no mattar how vlntoni nr icr4Mnst Um rla Iks)
HIICUMATKI, IM-rM.lnt. Intrm, T'Hw, Nwr.
vous KeuraJsiisa, aratratgej1 with Jlaean aaav antTer,
srii t. ArruRn ivatifff vui
cpmiEst tore o:
nr fiir Itmitl
HTsnmcs, c not f. ii r irr h sin a .
cot.o mux, aoie hii.Y.s
Tb-.pntiKi ofiht RiMiity rtrltrT ('DmmH
Of pvl Mn lh fln SlSkurt) CAMU wltt afforS
r.u- mH ff'ni T"fl .
. Trtr dropg In half tunlOir of wttr m hi a
fr mntmu for. ( HAMPft, H'AfU. nil'R
MAKHIIKA, liYsKSIEtir. rol.ll;. WlttO irf
TmvHrrt It'i-iH a'wftrt mrtf Ultl of RaS
' U'r l(MST rh th-m. A fc dn, 1
W4tr :l pr,viHti irfen or Mint from roantr . t
11 bt ur liiu Krowh linuidr or nmtnao
rEVEa A.XIl A'lTE rurrS for tftv oritU. THf
l A 11 rr-nrdml Wriit In IM worl I Ihot wl I rtiro
Ft-rr .rd Acir. nnd all oth-r Ma'aHnoo. Wllloos
rV.H-t, Trphold, TrUow. and otkrr rtrrn (aldrd l r
nrAJTS. I-II.LSI an quick aa KAIIWAT'S
I'll.LSl an oulca
r mr canu par aouia. 0014 ar
TIIKFtollf t'NliKHOIir.H. (.NIlcn TIIK N.
Every Day mn lnorato In Pleth
mna Weight U Seer, and Folt.
r.vrrr dmp of Ihm HAKKATAKILM ATT HK
Ml. VINT nrmtntviiiictttra OirHih the IdorMt, ftwmt,
I'tin. and oihvf lutdo twirl tw h arelrin lh
tirof hfn, fr n rvpalra Ui wtar4r of tlit fwtrly vtife
nw ami a.ienst mnAmi. rVrrfn la, fiyphliie. rnn.
aumfrtkeit. Iltandnur I Irsre n bit ThfvejL
Mouth. TuTKira. Node In I . filaiMU anil oltnr rmrtt
M ih irairm, A-fw C, tlrfln .isje 1 'Wh tmm
ttrt tints tani h wnrat forms r( Bun tftare.
Friii. F-vrr rVfes, (Vlrl Hra.1, Rang W.rro,
Halt Hht'im. En-e,ple, Arn, Black rVpta, Worms
in the) flceh. Tumors ('artrem In Uie Wnmh, an4
nil wtMk"nln anrt tssainfitl riirharsie, fUght ( set at a.
L-Hta n ttrrm, n4 tail ltni tf the life prlrnll'lo.
art within the timtlvt) rsuisi ot thla woetdet of M'-it-m
ChtrnNlrv, rihI few data' will fe t
nny penfn n-fof it flrr thhrr oi xhem (onn tsf rfittatt
Hji4snt power Io fire Ihent,
K-H Mtt rt.Mfi tho Haaaamt iu htr.rrwT
?i -r 1 ll known rrmltal a-.ita in u, ( nrt t.f t bronie.
rVW.ilmj", C..n-tl.i..i.i. WH1 t-Uit Uievrssxi, tut It
.triJuew Sc IllatlJor Corrnlolntu, al IV'ui itiM-atvw. Itravrl, Iui"t
irmpair. tttopptiro sf Water, liifontirismra ttf l'rln,
llhaTt.t' IiM-e. AllMimlnuHaVtstvl III m raaea whr-r
Havre are hrkfuluet sirp!!, or thw water la tnlrk,
floualy, niUi-d etllh aiiUlanrrw Ilk th wbttrisf an
ecjf, or (hnfMie II s l,iu iilk. ot thvrv' la rnort'ltl.
HArst, isiimu apiti-aranci. arm winte (vtt auet r)e
pitaita. witd when ther la prick inar, biimli arnsA
nn wnwti pMSMnaj watar. ana j'Hin in ui intMUl vf
lit Birt arid aliHiat tba Loltia, rrcv, ll-oai
M WOR MS.Thonlvkrvoirti antakurt Remrdr
fur Tii..i in. rip, .
Tumor of It Vrnr mwtli'
Cured bjr Uudwar'i llrolsMa1
Bavaaiv. Meae., II, IMS.
P Haawar -I haw kl Ovariaa,r la tke eerte
at4 ae.U. All Ike lnrrs eatsl "the, mm aw help Oil."
I ivd esvrv tbtakf teat wae reeaatssnaalid i kat SMKhief
alp-l ate. I saw our IUefheaa, and UtsMiAt I eMtr
Hi tort keel - Isxib ta st, w- at I hi MCr.4 IW tele
n I tvs-tk aie kAttleeaf the tUeatvenl, tm4 we kt est
Ks-twav's Pills, an4 l we kuttlee f year Reait lUlsift and
ttwre m w a stars I. shot m W eeea oe (ell, aad i IVel
better, amariee. aad kiii'yt Iba I aa f-f twelve years.
Ttse sreea lansoe wee fa ike trfl aisle ef the knwela, eef
law frna. I -rHe lata ti ) (w the aWrWai ml Mtsesa,
Vm csm aaSltak II if yea rkeeae. HANNAH p. KhAI'P.
ttrfttly tAetla-wA, elrsrMtOf foatexj with gwret tim,
ii'trttf, rt?ilattf. pttfii")', :ie, an i trviiinli n,
Kftway' Tills f r 1h cur uf atl dlanrderf t,f lltd
J lies--. M.' ad arli.
Cstnalipatlon, roatlvvn:aa4
ItHlmiPDcaa. ttilloue w'fr.
IMOIlti'Klloit, I'vapc IU,
laswiiriiMi"ii oi wis- m-rte, I m-s, srq mi I Leriige
rwiit rf the lu'eni U Vlavrra. Warmriteil to effti-t
p.iti!fv cun, Puivly VrgeLaole, ouutatbai.g Uu OWf
tur ,jiit.sTK t 'Irki .- .tn drtcj.
tl t ?rv tliej fi.lliwii.aj ermplMnd fttmlitrif
frioi L:ur U-r ot I'w I"vitUt: Oria:
raHwubwi, 1 war I riles, rtitlarM of tke ftlaftd Ik tke
llsl, ..Mlitjr itv dMfvk, Nsiwsa, llrMtiMira, lare
mt rued, P"llaea Vt'tit la lb tMemesh. Knur Krsxssv
leisss. eh ia fr .afWrUs; M Ike Pit r4 tU kustsaaik. Kwlav
mlng ef in rtVa.1. H-v-l anj liHri rtrratlsiac, r lulls.
Ut alike MaH, 'N'4lii er t.aealiHis akea l
Lr tj I'rHienr, I) -t ef 'lfk.a, D4e e esa aeled
Ike ll.fM, Pevef aa4 liell IHia la tbe Ilea. sel..e
ef PettrathMi, V-Jlowe f Ike Kkta mm mm, ra Ik
tW K4r. ikel, La.t aad eteddea Flasket f Ileal, ParaU-fl
la the f'ieau.
A l of RAD WAV VUin will IW tb
VMrlii fr-tmait tlit jatniTe nsntiml .! I -ft lev. IVlwJ. C
rri,iar-rlN.(. RiM ItY I'hl'fidlsTH.
HVMi -VAI.HK AMiTIlt K." H nd nrtt tMlff--lamp
to I.AI'W AV t LO., No. 7 Mahti-a I
N'rw V'rl. l.fwilASttvli wuftb tlHiueajMla iU b
- t V
Notlea It barali
i It baralir siren to all eonrarnoil, thst
larilKna.l l.oromlinlnoora of nnyilor Co
al at lhair nirioa n the 'ourlhoui Io
Ik un
will mi
the H.imtiKb ur Mlildloburp;. oo tho baluw men
tlonrd iliaioa, for tho purixoo of holilloc anoaala
on Iho Aaaoaaioonlf, fur (ho rrlTt, to wit !
Muoilar, April It, for the dm-lcliaf tiellni-
froro. I'onni, Mnnrno. I'lmiwan. Parrr. Waat
orr. Vnlun unrt Wihlni,n.
Taoirinv, April IS. f.,r th. .lutrlcti of Mld.lla
bart, rronklln, Joi-kcn, Heaver. Wait Hearer
Contro anj Mhldlee-Mk: ""T,ri WMl "'
ApiWHle w I l r1H.norh1 f-onl oVIork
A. M. to ao'ol.H-V P.M.otwkK-hilnioondpUoo
oil who mar fil thouiaolrot oarnriorod bf thoir
' t1."","" atunt II thof tblok prouor.
. mininiMioora win at mo eamatlme hoor
ppeala on l rerl.a the Alllltary onrollojonts, M
tho aorotol dUtrlotl. '
Mlili:'K March M, '71.
hr hor noit rrrrixl
bIMU.1 HHAr tB, i Sabaoona In Dlroree.
Tho nndoralgnod harln boon appointed
eoniuiiaeloiior to toko loailiuunir In tho aloro
ao, ot tli. t'ohruori Torm of tbo roartnfl'oui.
mon Plane of Nnr.ler County, hereby Rraa tilt
TltJE, thai ho will moot for tho uuruoeo of hla
opiMlntmant, ot tho oflloo of Oharloa Howor
Ksq . In tho llnrovgh of HallniKrora, oo Thurt
day tho Hlh day of April neit, at "o'clock.
A. M oil poraons lotarqttod who mT uoalro to
heprsnat. L, N. MYKRH,
TniMtoo'H Halo.
THOMAS ft SON 8, Aueifnnetrs.
Un TtltDAY, April su lVi. at 11 o'clock,
noon, will la told at public tale, without re
sorro, ot tho PhlladoliAiln KxchaoKO I
Ton tracta of land, In Pranklln nnd Woat
nearer townthlpi, In rinydor oouuly, Ponneyl.
nolo. Worraaloo naniee i No. I, William Do
wart, 40o acrat t Mo. a, C'britUiphor lorlnifon,
4uu oeroa, SO poreboa (In tho doad lo Iho auUorl
hor nnd aororal of tbo conroyancaa thla tract Is
eollod (Jhrlatophor Dounlaonli No. a, Kainuol
Yvunif, M met. So porohoe No. I, Oonrico
Wolr, aoo ncroa, So porcheai No. t, Kranclt
Khodo, ono noroo. So porohoe No. S, Koborl
ray, o acro. So porchoa ( No. 1, Martin felon
drlck, aoo aorea. Su rchMi No. S, Fronda
KhiHla. Sr.. too aorea, So poreboa No. , Kran
clt Mkla, Jr., 4o ncroa. So vercbaai No. 10,
Tho traoU In tho w nm. Ar urillUn.
i ,himi,ihi,i aorw. laoporoboa
Dewart nnd Cbrlnophor Dr logon aro dlatant t
nillos and loo rod! from Ulddlebur, the e ontf
aoatnftinydor county. Tho publio road rroni
Mlddlohuric, to Krauiont runa throovh thato
traou. Tho Iroou In tho name of Pranila
Hhodo, Oaorgo Wull, Mamual Younennd Henry
Vanuertllca, aro about 4 ntlloa dlatant fro a
Middloburic. and t mllos from Bearer t'nrnnoo
or I'aitonviilo. Tho publio road from Adama.
hum to MoAlliatorvllla runt about Slu Mrakos
from Frauoia Rhodo, Jr.
All tht traota nroraKo nbont SU mllot from tno
Suubury and Lewlolmrn Railroad, which ta
now completed nnd la running order. Vary
(food oak, plus and bainlock limber on tbo
Terme Bub tract will bo pat an sopnrnU-
ly, nod MI roiulrod to U paid by tba purchaaor
ofoaob tract nt the time ol aalo, othorwlao the
tract to beat onee put up Ja-ala lor aalo i tho
balenoe ur purohaao annoy in ho paid la onah on
dolUor. or-tlu nood, cay within Su daya (rum
Purthar laSnrmalloa maw k k-t k i u A
111 .11 luir 1 1. .u ...IL 1. I. -. . . . . .
dolphin, or John P. Uroamlilor, q., Jlhldl
dlna-In lonicth upwarda ol 11 alloo. 'nnd In
A connecting draft or ma
0 O In laaifth u,si.rjla ..
.It ar man ri..l... ...
breadth upwarda of miles,
uroautn upwards of a miles, prciioi
"'Hi -q-, rurovor of rinydor County
paron by a. K.
ounty, tbuwinit
ana iraot jiieraa lor so lo, tho location ol tho
Hunbury und Lowlstowa RaUroad, -Slddloouri
Pnxtonvllloand near It, Hearer rornaoc.
and Adamahurir. tho oaonlng n d out
rupa oi iron o.-o reiaa, IboMroama runa. roada.
kM aaaw ka mmm ft It.. .. . .. r . . ,
BU. lUoluTn: " ' "-
P- MofALL, Traitao.
April SO r W""J iil ''" suoet.
HImiottknstkin, m. d.
22ri.llf Pw.swvlews to tke eltltons of
""- aa' vteialtf. Jaae as, MM
Jtotcell A Co.'e AderlitemeU.
Rev. JOSKPH WADOH, Priaelpal.
Spring Term Beptae 'April 1st
Sieoeaaral, Tkorow(k, Enoailel, Bsallkral
The oldoot nnd moot rallaMo Institution for on
Ulnln. n Mercantile Kdnnatlon. Practical h.
slnoas mon aa Instructors. For Informollon wrlu
for a Circular UP. Hurra anno, Piusbargk Pa
Cheap rarms Tree Homea I
ea lbs lias of tbe ,
a Und ernnt of '
12.000,000 ACRES
Dssl Farming and nlneraltaadsla Aoeriea
3,000,000 Acres io NEBRASKA
is Tiia
great Platte vallet,
Gnnlenoftlie West,
Thcao landa are In the oantrol tvrtinm .rtk.
foiled Mtoiea, on tho Slat donreo of North lat
itude, tho central line or the arret T can pa rata
one of the American Continent, and for mi.
rowing and atnek ralalng nnsnraaaaed by any
In the Cnlte.1 (ttates. '
I'Hbfl Ft.R IN PRII-I- autre faanrakla
td, a. ii more eonreniont to market than enn
uv ioodu eiaewaem.
Tbe Beet Locations for Colonies.
Free Paines lo Purchasers of Land.
Rend for the new lescrlDtlre Pamnhlat. with
new mane, nubllahed In knuitah. ii,m.n u-
vuitH, inaiieu iwww erery wnere.
Addrers O. T. PAT1SJ,
J.snd Commlrasoaer. V. P. R. R. Co.
Omaha, Neb.
The Maana k Hiaua fiima fia m.mi.
fully announce the Intrnductlos of Improro
ments of much more than ordinary Interest.
Thcao ore
bctnr the only snccessrot combination ot REAL
rices wm reeusoTer made
which can be Inalantly moved to tho right er
lelt.chan ring the pilch, or trantpotlng the hoy.
vwr ui..iu, ami iiwpcriiiuuua. aee VJirruiar.
nt SIM, tiasnnd IW each. ConsMcrlng enpne-
iir tiwrnnrt, ana inomugn Aicciienco Of
fore o tiered.
wornmantlilD. tneaonrn ehaaner than an be
Tho M Aloe a Hkiii OnnAns nrn no-
knowleilged Rett, nnd from extrnorrilnar fa-
cllltlee for manufacture thla Company can uf
ford, nnd now undertake to sell nt prices which
render them
Four OcUre Organs SM each i Fire Octave or
ganseiou, si'Mnnd upwntda. With three seta
reedetlM nnd upwards. Forty styles, opto
New illustrnled Catalogue nnd Tcttlmnnlnl
Circular, with opinions of Morn Than One
luoueand Muelclans, cent free.
IMTrkmoht tit. Boston. ePS Broadway M. Y.
Portable Soda Fountains
40, 850, lib, and SltO.
Shipped Read fur Ce !
MAkTMt-Tiaav sr
W. CHAPMAN ft CO , Madison, Iod.
toy Send for Circular.
(IscnaronATKD 180 )
linTwii.Kn. Pret't H. Wllmn. Vice Pret't i
Herb't Thomas, Trees. J. F. Frueauil, Mec'y
f M. I'ciwllcr, Hiram Wilton, RnnT. Cuakk,
Wm. Pit-.. m. .?. H. Kachman, M. M. MlrU-kler,
J. ti. vtrlne. .lainai SrhriMXter. (leo. Houla. W.
f. Case, Atona F. Frit, John Kherlacr, H. ti.
bsticK. ror inturanoe or Agencies, nunreaa
J. IMKl lAK r, bec'y Colombia, renn'n.
amine Se the new Tontine Savings Fund p an,
luat Introduced br Iho FuI'itaulu Lira Aa-
rim i r-oAHTY or Nnw Yul(, by which an
endowment policy W granted at about half rates oi iu )ears, lot ierci.oi weintuuia roiurneo.
" " lot -
it u,,, u
New huilneas. IsTl, HI.JOOhjO Inrgtst in world.
Aaaele, la,umluuo, j Iwcvae, exuiw,oa
Reliable Aeents Wanted Kvery where. Adores.
j. Ia. jtr.tJirr.K.tfenerai Agent,
kUkCHtKlM r 61'., PblUuelphla.
TrlKFswAl.aRoLDiail rsuxin or, Tbo
Female rioliller. The thrilling Auventuree,
1. 1 erlei.rrt ens escapes ol n woman as epy,
hcuat end Hunt, Inlampa, Hallle Fleide nnd
Hnrpltala, It fell rage llloirallnut, nnd por-
irnit on siaoi. rni auavroing doob, eieganiiy
llluatruled. crown sro.. and beeuttlully bound
ta cloth, richly ornamented In black and gold, I
eeld only by subacrlpthin. Price !,'i4. PHI1V
ADtl.PlirA PCUI.l.sHimt i:u. Philadel
phia. Pa. Tho Agents who Mrst tend SI, IS lor
outfit will (St the terrltorj for this feet sealing
nnd nil who contemplate Tlullillng, sufsMlerfwItfe
our new illuttrateilratalogueon receipt of stamp
tdS A. J, Ui aaLL A Co., Architectural
book Puh'rs, Wnrren bt., N. Y.
NEW YORK in all its Various Pbaaea.
Its splendors and wretchedness Its high and
low Ilia i Iu mnrble palace aad dark dens t It
attractions aad dangers l Its King and Frauds
Its leading men niadj poUluilnw t Its adven
tures i Ita charltlea t Its myateriee nnd erlmes.
Illustrated with Nearly Itto Fin Fogruvlugs,
AOt.N TH WANTKII. Bend lor elreulnra nnd
ace our terms nnd n full description of the work
Address National PvauMtin.Ue. PbUn, P.
To sell the Improved Florence Rowing Machine.
JJnkes four Ditlerenl Blilohes
Rubs Ibe work four ways
Fasten lis own ends.
For Beauty. Blnpllliyand Durability U with
out equal. Liberal .Terms, balearoom, No.
MM Cbcilnul Street I'biUdelpbl.
AGENTS WANTED. Agents aiake more
money nt work for ne Ibaa at any.
thing elf. Business light nnd permanent. Par
ticular rro. i. rTio a Co., Fine Art
Puhluhcrs, Portlund, Mai.
TT a PI" Co.. K. T.
lit class S3M. No
of patron la 40
Ui Agents.
bums la Circular.
Supply of b trk Assured. Pries Uedueed.
Cure Oncer, Rerotaln, Bypblllaa, nntnrrk,
Rbeumatlrin, Neurnlaln, Pulmonary Com
plaint, fleer, Halt etbeum, bkln Ulaeaeea, all
blood lliaaaaea. la purely vegolabl. Tbe beat
known blood purifier hold by nil liruggla la.
Price, aa par tot tie. Obeerv the trad mark.
Sand lor circular. Ovaius, SO (Japan tnut
C1 it( REWABIlv
4laVVV For any ease of tiliad, BUd
Ing, Itching, or Ulcerated Pile that Ha.
Hma' Pilu Rmdi lalla t r. ll H pre
pared O'fely to euro the pile, and nolblaa
la, avid by all InuggtaU. Prise. SI. a
of Opium UaiMt our Aatldolo nlTl not cure.
pain ur lnuvnlncn. bout on.reeelpt uf SS,ou. I
Ku. AHMtlTilONiaVH. U.,UMllna iMtimini
at r S ""a
DaurhjA Cfc's. Advertuimcm:
fFK MOTH U sell Mt Vnlveraal
V Of '""' l.Mwntra Tnnoel. Kan .
"r Oo. Bail; Me. Bao MnvLb-
i JiLil. and Key Check Onntats.
Oeaaioeinea, wmpleonsd full particulars PR Kat
m. M. Brsncsa, ifrattiebere, t i.
nnd book new telllag, nnd recalrlog (roe onr new
Worth aie.os ta k a .
ft""b.tfDBBO,'"b,tafc-. - .
thing rurnlrhed and etneneoepeld. Addreaa '
. . va, bninotia, aalcn.
A companion to "Tan rtionrs. in a
noon, by T.i. Anvai-o thl 'L. has.
AanrL.:: ,:?"'."' -I PPUror
lariiung recllal M thro year III la a ZiiZ
Irt r!ftbnbrSwl,i.,i J.' .P--rful
u, rnhiihr,;pklld'a
wviEir .if.
wee pnaa i. can ha ma-ia h. a - . ' . ' "'
faWT tilt na . .
ewanraaaaaajaaeaBBBBaaaa7 ' "pvuia in.cnn
IflllSJ ItFslllaHfJ''" D,.'r,r V O
li'iilikl- ,'r,T,o"v or
wn i . 'rHliTi nT wt,
"w"""""oonlalnlng Re.
ihlP. li.!77kdprl,",,, ' ,n ko nmniSoVt,
ll? . ,21V,!:.h"0r'' " From tie to
o week Ihtnred. It la for every lliuoaaacn-
won. A Nellablo book of permanent vnlua
aliru"., t'stv.rl,;. "it
sells Itaeir. F.itra terms. Ad'lreas. K. M ii
I Eighth Btrmm Nsw York.
cheap-st and most loele book ever puWIihed
nd on ii vitally lol.rettlng end Imporint ,nhl
Ject Ll.. ,-,,, ,hott,3 , nV time, bit
lerrlt..ry, for when we nnounc the tin nnd
am. th. author, on of the moat popularMd
sneeeasaful la Amracn te day. there will la? 2
ruth lor ag.n.l... Ih,, tu I you wlVk mTs.
n great chance If yon delay. M
tar aJlT.I!-,.,ik'l!,,?.,f '"rated elrcn.
inr nnd Turns that defy Competition. Address.
OtO. MACLKAN, Puhllaher,
T3 anom Htreet, Phllndelphln..
Brilliant ren Pictures of lb
Mvhts sod .Sensation nl M.. V t.
a,kT. t o aoooroin, IPrOW, UOUM 1ft
H. R. magnntes. All ahom jrwiv
v. " ".- .-." ""ia, wiave oi over auu neges-
lT?Jz,iltt:l:;t", 'v""' " -
I. lor onmt and aeeure territory atone. Dir.
X.'.kV'i.'ilH -o, pmi-
...... .-, vuinanv ur VIDCIDIIBII,
Wells Carbolic Tablets,
- rciuwuivip io i niiiii ar ltrui
for the cur ol all THKOAT nnd LCn "i
s. and vunnATton of th
T'lnnarnr Immeilletely relieved, nnd ruto
m i.ts are oon.tnntly Ulrg sent lo he proi"?
'ill In". " C"" ut """-''lllsSi 7rV
Sai d for circular. HUAionia7.,rii7. ii m
ilghsth wmry nnd exhnustad on, as thd Ian.
wonderlul South Amejlcna Tonlo. ""'
Long and sncecMftilly ured In It nntlv coon
''"'nd P"tnt putinar nfth
Hlood, II la found vn lo v eed the antlcli.a
lions founded nn lis great repatutlon. Acoi.r
dlug lo the mwllcnl nnd seientlhd periodicals or
London and Pari, It poaaostes the Mwt Pow
nnrot Tunicprnpcrtle known to Materia Md
Dr. Well Extract of JlRt BEBA.
Is a prfat rcmoily fur alt l Ilea ret of th Btooiv
lin a ir WcAgNra., (rLaniit'Loc Traone,
7. ...' ---a, i.tkhii iiaecHae,
and will nil nbatruoliwna nftbe KKer,
Mratia.,, l imine nnu vrinnry
ll la llfH.lh.n... I.LI v . .
trlliouelaod taken Into th stomach. It aoluil
lales ami dllluscs ItrcH IhruugU th circulation)
It regulates th bowels, qwlett rhenerrcs. cp
dlrcclly on Ik ertlve orguna. and, by Is
....... . I(IH Vi,i.Virf iirmiucea
bnltky and vlgorunanclbi to th whol syi-
JOHN Q. KKf.I.f)0. 1 Phil 8t. Kw York.
k.tla A Han. .... I
Price On Dollar per U.itll. bend lor Circular
WANTED : Agent for our new 16
page paper Ibe OonfrirAiior. Thlr-l-irlmenu,
rallglons and secular. Rev.
A. H Karl writes for It. l,uu a yeari a al uo
premium to each auliacrlher. For Agenla urm
adwrc. Jam H. tUni, Itostun Mass.
ATI NO " How either ai may faclnau nf
Sain Hi love sod lleotloniof any parson thy
ehoot Insunlly. This aim pi mnUlac.ulr.
.7 - I -1 j ni ior aa eenta.
to gether wllba marriage guide, Kgyun Or-
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"""!! lunooajiold. AddrassT.
a,m v ruuuaaera, mil.
AtLlia if. 1iltM9. B B.
illub..! auTrTtfft?TBrfTHtTM"rTf I
icflar asv. rtrl'llyTTTTTi
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Ula, M. 4. Hum luHisiiii - r I Utoh li Mi
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