The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 06, 1872, Image 1

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vMekei ivsvy Thsrsday Iveaing hy
jciua aom. rnnkter.
. Terms ot Bnbtoriptloa,
wllbia e nontha, r $2,60 If o4 paid
within the year. Ko paper discontinued
STntll all arrearage! are paid unless at
the option of lb publlaber.
Bu&scriptions outsido of the oonnty
!" Perewns lifting end aslng papers
edoreaaed le albert beoome inbseribers,
end ere liable fur lb prloo of the paper
.. . ... ATTOK.NEY AT LAW,
Multilobular, Tn.,
Offeri Ma professional lerviooe to I Ik pub
lic. Collection! lad all oilier professional
nnsineae entrusted to bit cure will ree-ive
prompt attention. Jnn 8, 'Oitf
Selinsgrovo Ttt.,
Offer hia prafcnlonil servioi to lbs pitb
i. All buainrsi entrusted to bla care
Dili ba promptly attended, in.
Jan. 1?, 6Tlf
W. KXIQ1IT, " "
Frccburrr Pa.,
'OITera bit Professional sertlcelo the pub
la., All business sutrasted to fa ia ears
will bt promptly atleuded to.
Jan. 17, 'ii7t
Lewiabtir; Pa,,
Offera fata professional serviee to to puh
lio. Collections anil nil oilier l'i fcioti
1 business entrusted to hit cure will re
sirs prompt attention.
Gi:o. f. miller,
Lew isbui'i l'ti
Offers hia Professional mrvlee to the nub
iio. Collect iona and all other prufcf ion
all fctiafnesa entrusted to liia cure w ill rn
eeive prompt attention. Jnn. 3. 'llTif
(Pneeesmrs to J. F. at J. M. I. Inn,) 8 AT LAW, Lewiebitre:. Pi.
Offer their professional acrvioea to the
public. Collections nml nil mber pro
fessional business enlriiated In ilirlr cure
wilt recelveproniplaiti nilon.f Jnn. 3, 'C7tf
haules howhr,
S.'liiisrove Fa.,
Offers bla professional aorvlcea in the pub
iia. Collect lone and all oilier profeseiona
business entrusted to hia rare will ra
afire prompt attention. Office two door
aorth of the Keystone Uriel. Jan 6, 'U
.'nuliiHirrove Vix
OBTrrs bla Trofe-alnnit aervieea to the I
public. All lniinea enlni-ied to hi
rare will ha promptly nticndud to. Col
Irciiona n.ade in nil p irn of the State
lie can apeak tl.o Enpt'nh and (lemun
lnnimno HueiiMy. Ullico l eurceu llull't
Hud ihe l'oi iiflico.
T x. jiyTws! I
MidJlvLut' .Snydor i'nttniy l' lm'tt
ITir.ea few dnori West of I be' 1'. U. on
l.'ain alreit. ('.'li-nllHlion in llnclisli
a r d (.i ) n i.i i p 1 1 1 f. tip. ITU
T C. SL't inTiT.
Lew ii-iiiir.r, Tii..
)(fira bla profeiinnnl ratier;ti ihe pub.
lie. All buaineas enh iuied to liia sxrt
will be promptly nitvndi'd to.
Jnn. !1. Ti"i
Gl!0 kU i I'.AkKH
Peraons H need of a enn I nn.l ilitrilde
Rawing Muelilne enn be n?e nimno l itod r.i !
renaon ilne pri.:i' by e-ill n; en uii l.i!.
I'll. F.uar, Agent, Stdiiisfi ve.
Jnn. 21. 'Cf-'
u. J. Sr.sifiNl)Tfi I
-MKldlcbni Pn.,
OITera bia profraaional aenluea lo the cit
ttens of MiddleJiiiY and vltinily.
March i, tJ
Felincgrtive l'cim
Fenn Twp., Snyder Co. F
YU. WAttXEIf. Kmp.
Taeksoj To . v.iship, Snyder Co. Fn.,
Will attend to all buaineaa enlrute l to
hie eare and n lbs iiiokI re:iniibte
Urma. Mnrcli i. 'Ottf
f cntrevllle, Snyder Co., ra.,
OITera his profeetlonal serrices lo the
public. 0-8tlf
("t RAYU1LL & Co.,
J WllOl.taALS Psalkis IS
Oil Clotba, Window fibadea, llroimi, Mala,
Uruibea Cotton Lnps, Urn In llaga, Fly
Mala, Buokela, Twlnea, Wicka, Ao.
N845 North Third Streed, Philadelphia.
Ftb. 7, '07
FA. BOY Kit, Jr.
r rccuu i k 3ii uoi w. h.
'Meat rerpeotfully offera bia eervicci to
tlhi puhllo aa Vendue Cryar and Auction
,aar. Ilaring bad a large experience, I
ael confident that 1 eaa render perfect
pHiiifactloa to my employees.
jan. i',, ui i
Office la Court House, Sept. 15, C7lf
10'8 BWJatKFltD,
SoiaoTOd from 21 N. Fourth Street.
Original . Packagaa Couelanlly oa naad
Hi. il
oners, Blank book Manufuturers
dralera in Wrapping, Waiting, Cur
'"inaiid Wall papers Paper Uaga its Oan
f mli Iblrd itreat abets Base
VOL. 9.
Noloot Poetry.
Upon m II pa alia laid her loiioh dirlne,
Ami nierrr apeech and careless lauohler
died I
8be tied hermelaneboljr aaea on mloa, ,
abu wouia boi do ueaiou.
I taw (be waat wind toon Its cloo Jlels while,
In a.icka earaerina throiitfli the April akr:
t could not aing, though jo was at iia
For aha stood aitent bjr.
t walrhed Ihe lorcly ernninf fade awar,
A niit waalijhil drawn asroea the atari.
She broke mjr iuict drama I biard her
"Dohold your prUon bars I
"Earlb'a gladneai ah all not aatlify yooi
ThU hennly oflha earth In whloh you
The crowning (race that unci idea the
That I alone can (Ira."
I brant, anil ebmnk away from bar afraid ;
lint et i II aha held me, and would Bt ill
Youth'a bitinliti,r pu!ce alackrued and
WiiU slowly ebbing tide.
"Look (boa beyond the eaouing alar," ahe
"lleyii.l tbacbmgiug fpUmJ""" cf Ilia
Aoorpi the pain, the wearinei", the drend,
A.-cept, oiid bid u.e amy.''
I turned and olaaped ber oloae with audden
And alowly, awrelty, I becime aware,
Within my arms Clod a angcla atood at
Whlte-robcJ and enlm and fair.
And no r 1 look beyond the craning si nr.
r.cyond the changio apleodota of the
Knowing the ptin He srnda more prioioua
More beautiful Ihnn tbay.
Tlie lllddrn TiUciit.
In a napkin amoo b nu 1 while,
,ddau frmn all in-ul it aliiht,
My vua intent IH'9 to mgiii.
Mitio to hoard, or mine bi u ;
kl.iiL to keep, or mine lo 1i' ;
Miy I not do uhut l elm if ?
Mi ! ti o p'i'i wiij only l:it,
With I n u ll'Ti-r a own imant,
Tli.ll it alijuld la wiaely eprul.
And l know lie w'.ll deinin I
lery fulli'ng at my bund,
W bi n I in bii prcKiiso nund,
Wlmt will be my piirf and ahama,
'iViion t lirnr my liumhlu aume,
nd cuntiul n- :iy lli claim 1
One poor talent nothing more!
All the yours Hint have g mc o i t
lluva nut a IdaJ lo the aiure.
Sumo will double what they bold,
(bhora nil to ii ten fold,
And pay bnut lhaaUiuing gold.
World i!i it I Imd toiled like lliem !
Ml my rlu;lt I nrnv rii Iviun
(luiliy Ic.ii.i uiy aoul o'ei w litlin.
Lorl, oli tenidi moirliiit to do!
Mul.o ino In ill fill, ninui! me iruo,
Atid ll.e a.nrcJ tiutt rotcw.
Help ma, ere loolnlo it be,
Suinulhing yet to do fur Thee,
Thou who bee) dauo all for m.
" Its getlinK most to bad mother !'
exclaimed Fanner Fonson, coiuing in
from the barn, ore afternoon Lite iu
tl.o uutum.
" What's tbo matter now?" nked
t;ood-iiatureil Mta. l'eosou, lookiug up)
from her towiiiir.
" Matter t Why this makes tho
foil rib time some! o ly baa robbed me
of torn ! You know I put lot ty buMi
els in ouo bin, in tho cmi ii Bl.eJ, and
thirty in '.he other; aod for at loast
foiM' uijjIiU pa.t I'm suro some cue
hu boe;i ia, ato.ilin it, for the
hcups don't begia to bo at lui'o ss
tbey wero. Fll keep a watch to ni'ht
and if I c a toll tbo scamp, woo bouJo
him ! tbut'e all Fvo i?ot to say V
At that inatuot, the door (lew open,
and it skipped Laura Feusoo, tbo farm
er's pretty daughter, as morry-eyod,
rosy-checkod a country girl as you
eould wish to sea. .
" A latter, father!" she exolulmed
as abo entered ; " read it do 1 I'm
almost beside myself to know who it
can be from !"
A letter was by nouieaus a thing of
. i I.
common occurrence ia ma roimon
household ; so tho furmor doliberatcly
look out his glasses, nnd opening it,
slowly porsuod its contents, a satiatiud
smile overspread in 2 bis countenance
as ba did so.
"Who is II from T" Inquired Mrs.
Penson, erory bit as curious aa bet
" It's fromCoasio David Stockrieb,
whom we bnren't teen this iweoty
years," replied tbo farmer; "aud,
what's more, ho'a comiu down bare
to stay a week,, to try the country
air." -
" Goodnosn I'1 exeluimod Laura ; he's
worth half a raiUion.nt lett.l ain't hi
lather 1"
ApdoTet'tsUty," added Mrs. Fen
son. "Try to ploass him, Laura; be
miy Iosts you something in his will."
"And he's to rnre tomorrow
nlgbt," (oniauet 7be farmer, " Ba
tore you bar tba ' best routn taaJ,
mother. "
" 0!i, we'll bke care of lliitt,'' ns
werod Mra.' renaea and k Laura, In
True to hia rrsolutcaa, Farmer IVn-
on, ihni ily ofier aurpr, betook blm
self to the uoro aheJ, to wnlch for the
thief, whom he brlievcd to bt roaldot'
froo with hia Ptorta.
Ni)f tlii.i coroabel has bern. in
former Jays a kilcbro i but Ibebuuto
bcinr cnliirgeij, it was uo longer uacJ
fur that purposo, but for the ono before
mention? I.
Oer tho J nor of this nliJ wai a
atttJow, without aiiliei bcin cl eJ
hy a abutter, which, when njion, hhvo
light to a anull lofl oror tlio core
Upon this lofl Fnrninr IVnioo tok
hia station, liorxuwhip in banH, ati l
with a liir ;o ImcLct of water by hi-
siilo, to w.vicU for ihd '.Irnpuiler of bin
"It's playeJ e it, Ibis i!'' be mut
tered to hiniBelf, tK ba oppnci tho
.imtter a little war, n': to ufTjr l a
poophole " nod whoever I ci'eh hero
to-iiiht ill jret i.u tii;ul;ir fit !''
" Wliy," ho cjntiuu ns ho lit Inn
pips and s it himself down to wateh,
" I've loit licit ps of ibiiiija litis year.
There woro my ttrnburri s the
boyi gnt nioie'n hull' of them; Ihe
chcriii'S wont the sitno way ; then tint
aunrecrov I put up to keep the birda
off the peas wusn'tno tuunaer, of uso
for they just canio and sat on tho old
hut, and nto tbo peas they eouldu't
reach from bcliw. Thai's ail tho g od
that Ihin did; and D'nr to li;iro
the c ro jjo, id sjinclhinj I won't
stand I''
Forr.hout an hour, tho farmer ro
uiainoil p'aL'id'y am lUiu, uiiil rum i ti
atitio:itbo pro.i 'ctivo viit from
Couiitt I'.tviJ, willioul cxperieuuin
any cause of alarm.
As tho villiojo ulock a'riiek nine,
hviwoviM1, h1) a i a uiu coming s'owly
up the road.
Watching him, Mr Fetunnsnw him
turn into I'io lauj luadinj l It i -s
" llo's coming hrro," thottslil ho
" I wonder who it is ? It surely can't
be tho cru thief; hu'd never come ho
early as tWnf ; nn J ytt why, he's com
ing t'jvrar the shed door I Il's
lbs fellow, buro enough i Como on, old
boy I'm ready !'
Au l r.i pin k the bucket of water,
he watched intently tho mo Vi1 incuts ol
tho iulruder.
Ho camo alowly along, looking care
fully about him now tuwirJ the
bouse, and teward tho burn. At
length, ieemi:ig satisfiod tint all was
riht he opproaehvd tho door of tho
corn shed, uu J put hid hand upon the
Down came tho contents of the
bucket upon bis boaJ, aud down jump
ed Fanner Pennon from over tho low
door, fl mi ii-uiug bis horse whip aud
shoulhijf ;
" Ah ! ha 1 my fine fallow ! I've get
you at Inst, Imvo I ? Take that ! and
that ! You wid rob my cerucrib, will
you ?"
And thick and fa-t fell the blows
upon tho head and shuuldors of the
unhappy stranger.
"What's all this?'' bo ciiod.
" Don't you koow mo? I'm "
" A miserable thief!" narcd his
assailant, iotorruptin bU speeeh by
ashowor of blows, that tho man started
oft lutsa heavy run, puQ'in and blow
ing as ho wont, for ho was very stout,
and evidently p it middle ago.
llo was followed tor some diitanco
by tho czaperalod finnef, shewing
imprecautions upon him as ho ran, uu
ti!, at laHt, thinking him suillcisntly
puoiahoJ, he give up lbs oliaie and
roturood to the bouse,
At the dwr he eaoauatored a rough
looking uiso, just bringing up a small
" Is Mr. Stock rioh hero V ho ia-
pred, ofths farmer as be approached
" Xo," was the reply ; he ia not
expected till to-morrow night."
" Us started twenty mioutos before
mo, from the station,'' ssid the man ;
" and he ordered me to briog tbo truok
up to Mr. Peoson's."
"ThU is ths place," psspod lbs
farmer, a sickening thought eoraioy
over him ; " put It down, ho'll bsaloog
And dismhstog ths mao, he hurried
into the bouse, where bis wile and
daughter, who had remiiood up late to
bake a batch ot pies for Cousin David
were bard at work.
" What is the matter father?'1 ei
claimed Laura, as the furmor sank In
to a chair.
"I've been hotewhlpping a man.
whom I thought wia trying to fteal
tm &9tm
1 ' I
my oorn, and 1 verrily lilWe it wu
Cousin David,'' nbswwrui ber father
" ton si a David !" sc iracj both
ihe ladies together ; " hy he's net
eom'Djt tilt to-morrow I''
" But his trunk baa ci is," persist
ed the farmer; "and III man who
brought it said that M. Stoekrh h
startsd twenlr mintitrs bc'ore him
It mint Imvo been Ciiusin David
Xot much chance of a lejacj now I"
Aod ho related lbs whole ouurreaco
to his astoniahd oditors.
" Tnks A lantern and kirry out,
huabandt" excliimed Pen -on,
when he bid concl i led, ''I believe
it was Coitxin lUviJ, nine enough ;
hut peril a p yen can find Lim, aod
make it all rjrht yet."
Mr. FiOi B ha.stem J to oh r, while
hia wile and I.ani'a awuitu 1 bis return
with anxie ta heart.
At the end of half ai honr, Lis s'ep
wag hentd at the door. Thoy hu.ilco
vd to opoi it, aud us'iered in the
farmer nnd a stout old pentle'iiati.
with clothing rumple 1 aud splushod
with nu L
" Cousin David, my dears !" said
tbo farmer, in a husky voico.
Tho ludis fis-v to welcome him.
" I've beo trying to explain to
Cousin Duvid this very disiroeiblo''
began Mr. IVnnn, hut he brnke com
plvtcly down, aud aioo l looking con
fused and ashamed, when Laura o.imo
to tho rescue.
"You'll forgive fatlnr, win't you
coutin ?" she siid. putting her gontl
hand upou tho oil giMitlom ui's arm.
lis didu't knaw it wa you."
" For your.i!io, Liuim, I will," re
loaded Couiin Divid, evidently'
clrirrucd wi h hii f.kir v riiiif (' J.liii.
'Indeed, I ha I forgiroa b'tn ai
re idy,'' ho n l ie I, fjr ho uu lo nu a:u
p'e npoln:jy, nlth nijh I nvit ssy that
a hor .vliipp:nn', at my timo of lilo is
hy no menH a plu.rit reooption."
" It was nil my fjolislt miilako,''
put lu tho fannor.
" No, il w-n partily my fa i!'.,'' re-
lunu I ('ousin Pavi I, ' f if coniinr a
Iny e.irlior I write; but I wa-
only hiiking for th kitchen door,
whiih tiiad to ha out that way the l:it
timo I was here, twenty years nu."
And -' tho nutter was settle I ; an J
Cousin Ibivil's visit did not prove
sueli an eulii'e failure after all ; Cor so
'mid of Ii'iiKa di 1 the oil pontjennn
hoc nil", ho altered his will, lenviu,?
her a hands mm legn.-y, iinm.'Jia'ely
nji'iii his return' home.
As to the corn, Farmer Fcnson erne
to tho conclusion that the thief must
have boon the rats, u-sistcd, no doubt,
hy his own imagination
.cv les i-lotiiii-iil lu I Iio
aTllilliotl lusu.
A Washiu-jtoncorrsipotiJcDio of iho
Chicago 7''iJi"says: The Wharton
social 'luarrol cxloudi t Washington.
and as much has been sai l ul ut the
Van Xes family, it is now alleged that
they piopMS to roverse their former
decision and ress tho S'.ate author
ities of Maryland ti try Mrs. Whartou
for tho attempt to poison young Van
Ness. If I'otiviclo 1 ou this jchargi
term of in!priouiucnt,aad uol death,
would Le.tbe punalty. Tlie testimnny
upon the Van Xoss caso ia an! J to be
mote startling aud(dcGuite thau iu the
Ketehum tragedy. Van Ness says tliut
he had never been ukuJ, in all his ao
juaintance with Mrs. Wliaitoo, to
drink nnytliing unl'l tho particular
time when she usknd him to lave some
claret. lie drank but little of th s, nnd
eriud out that it was bad, and then
Marled to g) homo, ouly a abort dis
'.unco finay ; bo wus soized with blind
ness, and ezpuriuoved a aonsation ns il
tho back of his neck had been pinch
ed in a vice audathen liflud up. Grop
ing along like a drunken nno, he was
able to reach bis doorstop and pull the
bull. As the door op-nod he full
forward in his hall, and know oo more
for s.reral days. The first, thought
oa recovery was to son 1 word to Mrs.
Wharton not to give any of lint claret
to anybody, because it must have been
that which made bimaiolf. Whso Van
Ness g it out again bis relative bad ths
idea that be hid boon sun itriiok, but
immediately after repairing to Mrs.
Wharton's she invitod him to drink of
another beverage. lie folt the same
pain coming on him ns before and al
most immediately startsd for the fron
door, to rush home before the attack
ahould come on. Where are yon go
ing f crlod Mrs. Wharton. "Don't
stop mo," said Van Xess, ":hat thing
Is ootntng on me again." Ke groped
hia way along the hall, but Lefore be
eould put his band on tbp front door
knob he reeled aod fell lalo ti nan.
aod wsj intpi into the patlpjwbere
be ialcl for a 'week, luflsrlng iauses,
vomiting, and th) ngnios of intern d
Hi's during tho whole peri l 1 of Ketch
urn's sickness, who mennlimi diol a-hove-slaira
During this sickness, it,
is alleged that Mrs. Wharton frequent
ly prepared bis medicine, an I every
tiuio bs drank of bor prepiratione bis
agonies rsturosd ; while, fid by h!s
own family, bs ricovored at last. It
was at this tinfo the milk punch was
tondrrnd him which, wlion throwo out,
eontnioed ths soJimints of la rtar-cmet
io all arounl tho bitio n.
I)l!ipiu:ii'.iii r ut n Youiiik
In the nietith of Ileeemher laar, this
vicinity was surilod by tin sudd -n
inappearanee oT a you ig In J v mined
Anna ll'vs. th daughter of Miuri.-e
iva. w!i lives aSout aia rni'es (r un
Wuitsbnro, tiuliivan euniy. S'.ie
was n beautiful young la ly, nnd had
ulw.ivs buna a lmoI retiotn'.i ji in I
lbs eorti.o inity in which she lived, j
an I uocinso cot'd bs asiig-iod for her!
myst'ious disinpcarauee. Kji'etit
dovel.ipmeii's wiull s-orn
I J iu licaie '
that one of tlnVni h ri 1 ' o ( rimes I i'
which the wroicli llib-uivig is now
payiti.; a Slight penalty, has been
citnmittnJ in litis ca, by pirtiei an
yet unkn.rvn O i I Intra 1.1 las',
there arrive! at Wurts'jir) a colli n
uncaxal in a nine bos, ttpiu whieh
was tin a I lre. of tho missing youiu
U ly. Tl.o box was suit t ths bom j
of lier father, and upm it being open
ed, it was found 1 1 contain t!is ruuiaius
ofMiisK iys. Report of the affair
sojti boJatuo general, an 1 the h tmUo
rcsi lonce of Mf. I'ijs was sjoa sur-
roumleJ hy the carlo is of th) com
munity, uu 1 t'u aa 1 alTiir JiiJU is I is
nil its bearings. Tuo great grief ol
tlio family hardly acted as a res' runt
u,n I) the ex r.iotdiuary O 'Cis'o i. The
lio ly of tlu tiril'jiUna'egirl was buns J
on Frid.i)', but on Saturliv, public
opinim being such that an inves'.igi
lion was a necessity, the coi'omr had
t lie remains taken up hu I an iuqu -st
wra ordered, wliiih is n. w being heiJ.
A circunistaai'O not tJio-tht ol before
ia n in relate I t y on j of tho Slnwan.
gunk'er coach driven. He says
that about the time that Alma Kui-s
disappeired, ous ti'uht ia De iiitn'ioi',
aa ho was d living over the mo nitnin,
he w.ij overtaken by a ti) in driving in
a carri ago
II slipped tho coach nnd :
it yi'Ung lady i; it out of tho carriago
and en lure I the c u:li 'i'iismiu thon
Irovo npi lly t )'.var4 Wuris'jer ;, auJ
the driver of tlio coach proccolal on
his way. The lady never up ilo a
word, an J ho did not recojuiz) ciihor
of tho per-ioni.
Tho a IT i if, as may bo well expected,
has era'e I a furore ia tho entire com
munity. Thai parties will be impli
cated in the disappearance nn 1 su'i.'i
jujiit h of the yjon; lu ly, win
move in reipeotalils cireles, ii Iho o in
ion of many. A d iy or two will ulnw.
.V. 1'. Tititrt.
A hlliUKt) Ili'iill.ltlOil.
Mr. Frank ('.nilield, who win kilhul
on Friday las', was bulrolhed to a
youu-jlaly efthis town anl wis lo
have tuiniui in two nmnihs. On 1'ii.
when Hie ttuiu pa-sod here ou iis way
west, the young lady saw him and had
tonio convcisalioti with him, mid that
vvemng was iu uuusmlly liht spirits.
The uext moruiug at the b.'eukfust ta
ble her appearance was so uiU'.-h the
reverse of tlu evening previous that it
atti'nete I the tittcntiou if hor tn nher.
whiusk'd her Iho cf b"r appar
ent trouble. The young lady th .re
upoil related tl) her tuotlicr that the
hud dtesmol that her I over bad fallen
under tho curs and hud been so scri
usly injured that he died in shout two
hours. She toll the circumstances ns
shs had soon in her dream, bow ho
had fallen and the car wheel bad ter
ribly mangled bis left leg and bis lit
arm, and that he hud lived in treat
agony for about two hours. Her story
was generally discredited by bor mo
ther, wh) enleavorod to poisuala her
lint there was nothing in a dream,
but to no purpiso she o ould not
drive it from ber mind.
About noon a sister of the youaj
man who ha I mot so terrible a death
came to tlu bo iso of l ho young lady
and sold she had bad nows for ber. She
then related tho circumstances of her
brother's dua'h. corresponding in detail
witb tbo dream as told by the young la
dy some hours before.
Xevor before has such a remarka
ble cuse of premonition eome under our
personal knowledge, iad all tbo cir
oumstaooes can be vouchod for.
JiiincHlown (X. Y.) Journal.
Josh Billing! says: 'X don't riok
oleckt qow or ever Roaring or two
d.qgs fighting, nnlosi here wu a man
NO. 6
A M.t ti UltZi Tlirro Aunt.
The Wiiliamsuort (Fa.) "Oaiollo
and llallel'u ' is reipoosible for Ihe
following :
Among the passengers on tbs train
bum! sjuiIi IjjI evening wis a man
bora and raised ia tho county of Os
wego, N. Y. His name is William
Jacobs. Ho prides himself on llirre
well-devclupe I arms and hands, the
member eiraordiniry have grown
above the riejit shoulder blade It
haags sijsprn lei down tho tuck, an I
cm bo raised uuJ Uweted a' will. In
length it is ehorvr th:rt t'li ai'ni
props'-, b it pm 'i-ei ri uMiuai-y '
tiinsole, wiiiea ho diji!iys rtlien-ver
oe-.'asion demand.s it. No prism pan
rnii lt"'0".-.'" ' railroat ear or meenn.
Into upon tho n'ro.M would olisoive any
defoi'iuily, h'll after be.: 'ining coju .
uut ol this sinful. if tao w mlJ pcreeiv.
poenli ir lit, of L sco it. lid slu'es
,W l, ''J- often been i) io,iinuc I a
10 ,vll' u" d K" " Jr P;M himself on
uu invarn'iu te;i y
l!l ,l av':r"t t puWiit exhibiti.ius .'ur boing a wealthy laruisf,
be iil vays pufjii-el to remain at
D.i on') oi'casion, when about eigh
teen, the viih:o boys though l.Uey
would havea little apart at " three
anus' '' an I couiui med a
system of ll i ktfu ir llsm, folliwcl by
bold altacks tipiin h.s pcr.-on. For
bearance cease 1 to be a virtue, and
tiii'owtng oil ins looao g irim tits lie wentj nurses as lar irotn (ittcu a piace as pos
at thorn in true pugilistic stylo, nrm i sitile F'
No 1! performing iia duly nobly nnd' It iy ba neolless to all th it tJ ir
.ipparanlly outrivaling Xo. 1 n il I J O 'To do wus tho cho-eu coach-
A: the en I of the skirmish, six prostrate
villagers tolj whit a liorcs oppaueut
i Ley had mot. I !nve wli4-i-U
I h iv) noticed t'f.tnll in mi speik
well of all iuoh'h viiturs vsh n they are
dead; uu 1 tonb st ines are tuirl.el
with rp'.iup'is of " g u Iii'.m a i 1 vi r
lues." Is tliero any particular eomo
tery whero Ihe bid num arc hurried ?
1 havo nitieed ill il ill) prayers of
every Bullish man i.s ' I'lrivn our
dchti,'' bit h" lu ik's ecery Inly piy
who owes him to the lust u'.tr.-nual
I h-ivo tut iced that death is aimr-
i-i'usi julgo, th)U,'h not inniitial.
.;vprv ,, ,m.( tt doM 1 '.tth huhi-
m ms th t d .alil or I i lay d 'vu his du .t
in tlu c irroMi-y ol inirtalit v.
I havo tri'.i.-i! 1 that ho who th'nlii
every tn-tti to bo it rouo is very cer
tain to see on-5 whuii heshavei him-i'-lf,
anl boon. ht in mircy tihis n-i 'hb irs
to surren lor t'u rasyal to justice.
1 havo noticed tha'. nmi'iy is tli-i
fool's wis loin, the knave's riijiutatio i,
tho wiso man's jewel, th) ri'-h man's
truuhlo, the p or man's d'sire, lii'
evotous man's an.hitio.i, atil t.'io idiot
of all.
I havo noticed that whatevor is, is
riht, with few exceptions 'ho left
eve, tho left uud the
leil side ol
the plum hi iding
1 have notice ! that nurit is ahv tv
measured in tho World by its sue-
TUo II oy
I ho I'alhor
.11 a ii .
ol tho
Solomm khM, many centuries ago.
'llvini a child is known by his doiu.'s.
whether his work bo pare, and wheth
er it bo rig'il .''
Suno p'.'i'plo 8?ora to think that
children have in chu.'actor at ull. Oa
tho ('ontrary, any observing eye sues
in these youii crcautres the signs of
what they are likely lo be for 1 1 lo.
Wheu I soo a boy In to spcnl
every penny as soon as lie gets it, l
think it u sign that he will be a spend
When I soo a boy boarding up his
pouuios anl uuwiliiug t part with
them for any gaol purpqm, I think ii
a sign that ho will bo a miser.
When I see n b y or girl always
looking out for him or hersilf, and dis
liking tosharo good things Willi lb
era, I thiu'i it a sigi that ths child
will grow up a sillisli person.
When 1 soe biys and girls of tea
quarreling, I tbiuk it a sigu that they
will bo violunt men aud wgtinn.
When I see a little boy willing to
tasto strong diluk, I think it a sign
that he will be a drunkard.
When I see a boy who never alien la
to religion, I think it a sin that ho
will be u profane an l profligalo min.
Wbeo I seo a child obedient to his
parent?, I think it a sign of great fu
ture blessings from the Heavenly Pa
rent. And though groat ebangis somo
time take place in the eharacter, yet.
as goncral rule, theso siiis do not
lvoi;tisK Ata4a
. 1 .1
One eotnma one year tJs)sx
One-half eoliima, ae year, iotw.
One-fourth column, eaa year, lo eel
One aiisre (10 lines) eaa ineeriiea -y '
Every additional Inaertien
Professional and lluaiuesa cards oa
not more than flte linea. per year, a
Auditor, Fteovtnr, Admiaialrstor
and Aaaignea Notlcei a,
Edliorinl notioea per line j j
All adrertisrmi-Ble for a ahorler eriij
than one year are fsyable at ths lis.,
they are ordered, and if not Bald the per-
on ordering them will bi held r spenaibi
fur the money.
The Tin e sVoiM liruen.
I heard the atory a long lime me.
and think il good inoiuk t till, and
not only pood, but pointing a life lit
ion whit h ths wise msy heed.
A certain gentleman advertised) for
a eonchmati, and among tho aaineroin
applicants who answered the rail he
found three who evinced a sufficient
ktlOtvle lg) id their business to suit
him, and from thine three he would
vjluet his man. For liio lest bo
lu-k lliem loo p lint on hia premises
win-re n bro il tablo of rock overlook
ed a deep chasm.
"I lor near," said he, tiSawny Mo.
Lean, "could ynu drive a cvn:h an N
f'lir to the edge of that prteipire with,
out Iho dinger ot g'ling oil "
my inc.niile 1 the table with hie
eye, an I lo i'.' l dwa iulo the deep
e 1 1 a -1 1 1 nn lauiteJ.
' I co ild drive withlu t fo t of It,
air'' was his eiujihatic answer.
lie next pal llw ipusiiiu to Joha
Yor ii.
Join) lool.el, nnd answered, with
prompt ns1 ur.uico,
'1 could v it Li ii ten inches of
it, t-ir."
Next cam ) Uarney () To ile, and ha
was a-kd how near he coul I drive a
steady doublj-npin to the edga of ths
precipice with assurance ol sifety.
"Iiclad, ycr honor,'' raiJ Barney, af
ter due cotisi leralion, ' them feilo'i
bate mo iolliir 'lv. 1 siioiil I k nn
? i t t.
" II )W (1) ymi d.i, Mrs Toou
hive y.nt heaiil lli.l story about Mrs.
Lily V
" Why, no, Mrs. (ial do tell T
"Oil, I prmn .se I not to tell for all
tho noil I; no tnu-t n?vei- te.l ou't,
I inn is IV a i I it will git ou1 ."
" Why, I'll never tell nu't as I mg as
I live, je t as H ue as tho woill; whit
is it ; co. no tell ''
" Xjw you won': sy anything about
it, wiil you T'
" No I'll never open my heal about
ir, naeer. n.... j.. .v.. ..t.
" Will, il you'll hclii vo mo, Mrs.
I'uuly lol l mo last ni,;ht, that Mrs.
Trotto'd h T tint hor sister's hilil'SOw
was t ti 1 J by a person uho illeaiiiel if,
that Mis Trouble's oldest d ni.'htcl'
told Mis X c ion's lliothor gr.vidmo-
ther heard by a letter tint sho got
Irom her third bister's s oml bus
I bind'" oldebl brother's atcp-sd mghler,
thai it was rep irted ly theenptaiii ol a
clamhoat univixl from thee I'erjca
lsl.i,ids, that tho iilm m lid about that
sjctlou wore sharkskin b ivl v,, stulljd
with pickle 1 eels' ttes 1"'
Couldn't ivis It.
A iluy ot Uvo hiin o, a man not over
aud above familiar with the d;nk ways
1 q' te!iiudiing, Weill inn ono of tho
nflU'es with a despatch, which he insist
ed up oi having sent nil" immediately.
p;10 0, u icu-iimo Filed I, -in. and
Iiheu hu:u the Uispati-b on a hm It
.Tiie ina-i hung ntoi;u I some time. ev!-
deiitly uu-ati-lied At last his patience
was exhausted, nnd ho belched out:
"Ain't you going to sail that dis
patch?" Tho op Tutor politely informed hies
ihat hi had sent it.
' Xu jor uinV' replied the indignant
man ; ' thoro it ia uow oo tho book."
And now they lell us Goo. Wash
ington, to whilj sway tin (odious
winter hours ut Valley Forgs, plays I
"penny anty'" with tbi ohiip'ain Thus
ittlo by little they aro chipping olT
the perfections of our gnut model,
.'low sal to be convinced that Q- W.
was only a man nfier all I
Woman's Kihiits. A hmg noaeJ,
tl." ii slititile I, old maid nppearod at
tho door of a farmer's house iu Iwa
tho oi her day, anl wautej tho farmer's
wife to Mibkcribe to sumo woman's
newspaper and sign a petition for wo
man's suffrage.
Tho wife call ) I :
Cbui hvs, Tom, .1 1 ne, Richard, L3
cy ;' and was s i ':) surr luudod by a
crowd of rosy ckcekel children. She
turned to her visitor and ii :
"Have you any of these ?"
'Xo,'' wus the sharp reply.
"Then," ropliedt ho buxom wife,
"go and gut a fuw, and afterward
eomo to me about woman's rights if you,
feel like it.''
''I will pevseot to all ?uu tlssite,''
said a young lady to ber lever, "on
condition that you will give ruo what
yod base not, what you sever can
have, and yet wbat JOd can giv,"
What did she for f A 6365 j;
r fiuua;j'ai t a. .