J9RI 6Jrt 3 J 0 5 1 , MiDBVKDUEa. rxo.sa, i7a J fITnii MM mmI ProyrMw. UU-J . . ton ovtBwom mm now. jonn b. sacxbr, Or L'FDWHT. lleuwriarBai llr.r-eni tea- Srar Ckktrai. COMMITTCI 01 I'aS.slTLvaMA. 1'iiinrr.t.fni , Feb. 5. 1 37 J. In porsumci of tli ri g !'it!.i:i of the Ilepublicaa Stito Central Commit tee . adopt I nt II irriab irj. J .in IS. 1H2, a Kcnuhlicia Stite Convention poinposod of Dolcgite from curb Henaloriol and Representative l'it trict, in t L J Dumber 14 which such u district i entitled ia the loidntnro, will meet in lb Mali of tho I! insi or Uepresnta'.ivo. tit llarrisbnrg, nl 12 nctoolt noon, on Wednesday, the 10. h day of April, A 1). 1872, lo noroin ite candidate I'. r Oovernor. Jule ol' the Puproiiie C urt, Auditor ticnernl, (shotilltho Legislature provilo for I lis choice nfono by the people), find fin Klectnr.il Ticket ; nnd also to elect Senatorial and Ueprosoutalive I,d elite to represent this State in t ii State id the Kepiiblicao Xationiil Cm-1 vcntion, loiioucM nl 1 hiUJcipi.iii. tUUl'.l. 1M SSKI.L KRHKTT. Chir'n. M. l.l.l.lliTT, Ii. T. llorT ir, f Kzna I.ikini, f 1'. M. Iati.k, ) Secretarica. Uksiunati s u Ooi.. I'iiIinkv The 'i IJ.'ti isi.iia'i m of Old. J jhn H". l.ir.iv nf I n f '.i!l..l a.Ii i it nl tlii. Tort .r l'li l,d.dpliii. on S.aturJ:iv luit, ha, c.i j -e I mu.ili conriieiit mid ! jine cirit.'iii.'tit iti Wa-hhi 'ton. A i a roas.in for l.i co.irso b nllec tlmt no aesiros in n -vjtp n s ivi-irii ipna in- . ,i .i ii 1 tin 111 I n '...,i ill., n I nl liu mil. i.p t).A l'.-itt I n4dlK..noiwUhlob.haiuWw'iVli:ll,',0,'nl,"ll,!,n ,Uo W" any pulitu-jl opp linlmeiit Uofiii th r ,elnr. Wi'.l tho II )ue pro wed to a more alleges :li it he it the frieud of the l'rosilcnt. and Ualvvt lo l.b r to liar ' Joooine all c mflii'tinir elem 'iits in tli.; lii'publican paitv of lVrinylvani:i ui thi jnneiuro. On tho other hind it aaserted that his rcir'oatioo grew ont of conipticjli in nrisin Iruin llie Ma JIre Gray content fr the Slat S.'n ate, und that bo in'cnds to fair tho former. A few d;iy, wiil develop the truth of tho matter. Tub State CVnlnl Committee al tno.t unanini msly adopted aresilu. tion providing f.ir iho aoleotioo of dol crates lo ilu Xational Convention by ililecate to tho Stito Cmvention. This wa done in 1300, 1 S C 1, and in 16, aod neatly all these p-ipori no-v epi"iing tb'i 8ct'o:i of ilu Ooin'nil toc, indor.se I I hi action by Iho Con Vent mo of la nomly every Ttate iu tho I ni wi bulb pn ii '8 seleet deleaici in ibis way, and iti the only wjy to iivo tho State any prom iniiiLo in a X iti in il (' rie.'nti.ni. As doloate t l State l! iiivenliom nro sj- lecteJ by the people, ihoy can r 'pre- ont tho wishes of thoae tiiev represcul aa well u.s coufurees selected by Coti- vcolion ol tlm aevural con tin in the Uistrict-lbe present ...clb . I of aeloctinr dek-ute to Xationnl Courcolloos.for which ihoso contend whooppos, iho nude End by 10 Comiuittce. Ilnm ari-'ita fli.ifl riila UOlllCI.IM HiAd THU. i..u. iv .bo..-,rir, o.uoro. i r; . el.ibl,. 8,m0rtL.al riri.rc.,j ? j'v n, ,,:K l).r,ct wh,,h,s never yd mm ;,l CiTi.r;, nnd at present Uewoomtie' mmtm A!tilU before they roach th i "Hice nl .ho hau ls ,.f th.. people, l.o-t meiul er ol Conges from the IW1I1' , luva tuon (,.orro, , C0uU bo has peen ontir,. mtulautioii iu dinriet of Xow Yoik, K'Ve hi honest ', ., .11- r.p n, , every portion which he has ever beo-i oi.iuion oflVosidut Grant which dif Kt al,I,"a,l", f 1 cal'od upoa u lid. U,i lor.,t:,udi.u opinion o no,..Kut (.rant, whiil. dir. iJeralioil!, al-M raSjoets of leMaii.m. ,i,. ,,,,1,1. ,i,c pi.M.iou and o.-e Is o f r ao widely fro n tl...t or In. kilo Thij0 c,,Ii:ill0J. h,VJ enlI.a p,lW,r I ,l0 j,r.. Ucv-lone Slate il. the Foder lientocraiice li:ors, that teo publish JoVer ,1)0 ,uu T l,,y Ilar uii(, ' nl areb, b in.' jo.l ni-lr w itchl'ul el der il tor the beneCi of our opposition I vt " (j t);m v luteivs-a. nnd .1, ,r..iWl.ly prach al In friend Ui this s'ctum. Hj ay;l , tho discharge of the duties devolving 1 limy deem necessary, or the? eao re- 1 , 1,; ,. . n,,J,..fi ;., ,. .,.,,1 n-nli Ilis a iivisu'ten ilea of soino nor-! ... . . . . upon In, , posus -in u cool, well l.il- 1 f - 11 I 1 la 11 m sod to belittle ( Son. Grant's ability, to run down hi quantisations, undtiuo derate his nieulal ucpiirenmnf I'i'l-k-i lout J runt ia ono of the aluewdest lU.iDiiera of ibo day, uol ou'.y u lui'ler in the war to wi.ieli ho lii.-t j; ive a liv v.i'ablo turn, but as a iiiitiipulator iu pj'ilios l.o ha s'.iiwq ti rcuarkablo skill. The JUbeN continually look thu aaiue viow ibat the J'enioerats arc fcikin now, and denouiiuoi the l.'uion tiencrai a UII lnomuu every l..'lk' he won victory over them, mil the' J , .,,. i.,i t. ,:.i,,:, :a ,. 1.. I, i i .i ' uud 'u.vi ft local iciris.ation is a lauru efleoiual be cru.sho I tlioir nrmies : . " the more clearly thoy proved that he ) necessity, ao ! will it bo njenvwy was utterly Mooiupe'.eiil us a military jto put iho bills tltiVU.'h the neccsnry eomninnder, aod eu.itoly urj ' i'ul lo forms of opaa essiou wii.1) b t hatc. the tak ho us-utueit. It is ono tf tlio vim...- e.... r.... i.a .' I. IIj . ,,. . i , i.i'.iuleHL till It'H III unilirrato mi ih'ar. nary. The defeat of tho Kcpubliean .... . . . - party will never lie brought about by t'ootruiptuou rcviiiuja of it c.mdi. dato. People who do not know General (w-auk intimately describe him as a "sphyn" a siient, unsocial penou 'olhio too Id ba failhir from 1; e truth, nnd here is whero a serio'i of blunder couunence. Surprixin us tho Assertion liny appear, Prepidoril I j rant is cmiutiitly sociable ; lie is jo. vial, merry, talkative, lull of fun utid freuisliiy, aod a riD'hl iIeasar)tconipuD. i 'ii; but be wiil stop in tho midst of tli Sivcliei-t conversation if be tifn'1 that in Interlocutor l.us a purpose under his pleifaolry aud if he sus pect that some object is to bo attain od bi assumes his itir of stolidity ul once, lieforo any brilliant iscnilomun belinle tho PreniJetit fur this halm let biro think bow much aiuinyanee il huaeavod biiu. Jle ia kiod-hetirted, nud living totally uuacciiftiiiued to re perve, he would have had difficulty io maintaining the dlyity of bis positioo without rtiaorl loaotuesuoh ( l.ia al be has adopted. Here is picture drawn by a Detn rn ral for Ueioo. rali to contemplate. Jf they study it in the riht spirit it will do there good by ridding them of many absurd iloas kitbrcto tntertaio eilj. tbcni.. .. , . iim y; ii .iii. Lj VU&J!Si'P?J!! How ear l.nni nre Miiile The llarrisburtf Correspondent of lh CorlliO il'ral'l, who wo presume isSeoatw Weakley, th eJitor of lhi paper, give llio following intrreslinj outline of the manner by which local ami private hills becmc laws : Tlio bill isprcscntol by the S?o;i- tor or numVr Living it in i-b irrf.f. simply by ilu ann ) incem -nt of i'. ti lo which constitute what it cal'ts 1 in LvMalivo paHaoej realm.' it In piece Tim iSpnuU-T inm tiliatety n lers it lo in appioprip a'o eninnitteo, who ul'lcr o oisidcration. ri'p')rt it oith- or a cjtn.niit.id or with 411:1) amunJ inct.ts as they set proper to make It ii then sent to tho prin'or au I printed copies with lio numbered aa I widely . -paced are Ini I on I'm Jm of ve:'y (ho full term, mi l had every ivusjo lo member of tho ll ua in which it if to be unit. Soil ami f litfi.l with my p -be considered. The title of the bill TI'U evidence, ol tho per-ooul , i .i i i .i I levari uo'l fnendsh'p of inanv ol the .bu rep rto 1 is then pU.-o l upon the I nMii mtf0 or c'ojM no, calendars, to ba taken up in it order : b,lt Krilt,y that foclini? which prirss tl in now ready t bo noted upon, an I . rcu )'iiii ion by tho Whole country, a in it order. It ; now rest ly to be :ictoil u .oi, on li.imotci'e.it n,, a very ju nmary dipojiI. tiiero ori' i two rules, h iwjver, whiJ eland in ' ;Lo w r, wor; o.ioreTiiro ... , i ii i i mat no a men j m 90 is nau no mi e- I ' in.-thor th.l nb.llthall be iv.tl m , jcniiidji e I more than otic on the ' jsamailiy. Il.lt the ti'Nlnt ire Ii, if ! icmrgi Kuperior to it own ru'ea nn 1 1 1 ... . 1 I .augend thorn w.i.never u pi,,,- . unit itpleiRMIJ 00 liiii ior ami ju uii ,0i'1 Tin SpeVcor anno itie.M a certain ! bill as before the h line, nod a.ivs ,ie l)ai3 dispnsi vvith arm iuto , , , ... ,. .i. eorotntttee ol the whole 7 A)C, aiya seeoud ti; l i . ? Ay '. my tho aimo ! ,.,,,. ti. i.tr n. lors tlm ; .v... .... ... . firt B-ction to be read, which j lent and aball d what I cjii lor the its varied mil wid.lv t-citured char Clerk do.' vohcmmlly. Wid the ! unity and buceei. of the It puhlian actor, it w.nild be iuipossiblo to esli. II iuso O''ee to the pcetioa r Aye, f u n..ia,n nl tli lilll m ird fori " rl .1 .in lion Tho othor aeetlooa aro then raa I onily, iu their order, the sum qiestion pit by tlu Spjuk.'r, aulibj same 1 SJlilary Vote .'iven by ill.' gJOtlcin in who Ims tbo bill in char'o, thnsunoj performance i had with the title, and i tho bill has pajsi! I it second reading Tho Speaker then aiya: Will loo ' II nue auspcJ tho rulo, nu 1 roa I the bill a thir l lime by its till.) ? Aye, re- i ripond H;.iue ntl.Mt).tn. Iho li- ;l cuillhi.- tor ', ovcrmr of l'euu-yl-tlo is ibon real a 1 1 tho Speaker siys , ,,,;,,, ure i,u-m.ro is. aol, nkh i.i'.i low .sharply, nlnll tha bill piss? Aud tli' I ,,r tin d.lejite.s to tlu Siito Cmreii. voiiu.' t;eo;lenii:i e!ys avc a - iin, an I j,;,,,, iaVn a yet beu i..s'ra.te I, thoie the th'ti i. done. With bill of a liv.dy Inter, sl m m ki;ti I !u the mo lento sue. an I an uctieo apeak'T, , .tier b.V the fi ion I f tho d.lTjrcut all this i, aoeivnplishs I moro ipilekly M , t'M nimcd fir th - piotio-i. mil 1 1 1 a n it can bo d Meri'se I. Dnin.' the I in son' caa t'oo c.iuliiatiM iIimu- i "' ,'iven bill, perhaps ti it a instiiher, except the one wh i pro'i'iit 'el it. votes. Ail the other, nro en- ' o-iirod husilv with )rnot!iinr els... or , , ur.i num. in"; iu.'in-eive. i lia pi.:es ailfin ub"ut . ,11 ; -ttl "' ' u " r'""-"1"' ,i I ,. i ,i . , j '" 1 IUtf ,l"",1t," il " K'o d.-ubt whether the bo ly be - ensvo.l in bitn 'thln - iu'.endel l.)r , . , ... . l ueii Lea i.Jerment. . ,,e rerformanse iu-t de- 1 lilH'L mj n w in a ojai vi ration 11 .! II. d.ilion which will pievent nny very hastv notion upon litem. A beluro statedthey aro printed nnd furnish, , , , . , el to every mo ober ol eaca boly One-third of the IIiuso cai priveut aoy sueponsion of rules ut any time and thus foree a careful n co isidora - linn tin I nsjiin a dobatu a they umy ilosin. The '.isrcnsion of ruloi is on- 1 i rflarln,l In in ir or.br M inrn lini . uvu iiuiii inn iu iiiii biiui.iaii a v i'- 1 . aru to ho eonsiilored it is necessary lo leouomuo time liridly. Tlie A la 1mm m I'liim. WAtiiii.Nf.To.N. Feb. 15 Tho cable dispatch, n.llrmiu that Cliiel' Justi. e 'jockhbrn ppprovod id' tho relasul ol the It r i t tii pi h uovernmenl to udmil Amei iea rluiins for indirrcl damages ia reitarded heie in official circles us simply abaurd, au I not only misrepre sen liiii,' th views of that frenMmnan, but of the lirituh government, which bi not, its tbe eeo ler of the ilipatih would bavf the country buliove, re fused tn admit all tho claims embraced ,if the Anieiieuti esse, The aiiuniion. aa vf.'wed here by persoos familiar with all tf'O steps fukon by our own authorities liu i ly Iho IVitish Unveru inent, so Inr ns i'li'ui'inicated to die Siato Pepurtmsnt, i ini J lull'of em barrassment u tho London telegram seem to imply. The first fui'y 'f the storm has pasod, and it is lu lii veil that while there will be louuh U !! inutie oorrespondunoo between the two lEovornnieot ou tha question of In direct dtmiaxes, the Itriih-h covein lueut will neither deiuind the with drawal olth claims as an ultimatum nor recede from tho treaty,. I Th day of thanksgiving for iho re covery of the Prluu uf Wales, 27ib p4 Felnuary, is declared a puhliu holiday throughout the Dritiib domioioo. Tetter from Senatof VTIIion. .Senator Wiloo hai aMrotl the following letter to a political nod par on il frienJ i WA.uiNaTO!, Feb 13, 1872. ZW Sir i Vim nk mo ' how the with liw ill by Mr. Oollax of bin irrerocibV decision not It be cnndi lite atT'cln your p filiuti !"' I have to y in reply. Hint wIk'O the Vico i'ro.od'Mit an nomici! I Hint be 'iould not be n can di diilti lui' r.' I'li'Clinl, mi I tlio podtiun iniht be clnimed by Ilu fii.'n l o' uii.' Ivi.Ioi ii or S iiiilicrn in in. many ciitli'tncn, a'inie of whom had kindly Hupp irtu.l nn in 1X(') and otlui i wbo lia I uj.i ri''J Mr. L'oHux, Mr. U'adc or Mr. I'llit iO, iijid, or Wrote to me. i hit they Intended lo give mo ihuir I i nil li tre for the vice pru;i lenrr. I had jut been elected fr tin) f.mrth , jn, , ,tfi s,L.,,.,te. Ltl entered nputi l"elni(r, euierlaim-il liy inot men win havo .ii,r beeu in tho Mrviee of their A l'.,t n.n.il.ii.!nif Ki. I I. ..... ir...i i,.i.i'. .Ui.iwlnt. a,, r.n .1 1 wanted t-j Iho ieiu.t of IVieuda be- lore luavim l..r Koivp, early in June I... I Ml ii, rilurn nt.il Ik.f.ip.i II... - j - - . n men, in moro than a d ..eo .States. n 1 J 7 , l;,-iuii n rcnmreil to .Sdt ,nanv f svb,m I bid. ved with in I (:,ko city, U.e M .rut in, having been C in.'refi. nsvirel hp ih ilth 'y ami 1 driven out ol Xauv. n in lSf), and a tho ltepublicaofl ol lli'ir State" were! vonr tkr.r the f.iiihfil etni.'nto I ihilh '"y " "unniti in I hive left thii;.r nnd fiun led the now kinlom, matter to iittnT, aiu no lo tin o.ite u ,. , M; !lM u0,wm. ten a wiri to any one, nr repiivl In tho many letters i tuvc reeeive l on the subject. Tba rfvocul in by tho 1 II ; V lee I reaMfliil ol hi uocl'iratioii was 1 to me a aurpnse. it pi ice. I in in anj,i k(rew lnes nn I (he Ignorance nnd r.nnlniiH.iiit iiiwition. and mv Pint im i.n.,,..i!in.. i.ri.ij r..llin.. h.. l..i .. .,e to withdraw I mm the COtj-',.., t.-ft. I! it by tho advice of soini m'jij.jiitieal Iroal of the community. Out the lies'. Kejiublicaiis of tho Ida I, Kit,., is contrived to biro tho Inn llins nf West an! Smith, I leave tho fie-ti.in.,! tho funis and to have nmasod to peisonul an I polities! I'riuiiiN. What f,.,ii iho tithe and from piivaio spec-eVi-r in.iv be th 0 r.'-ult. I ali:i!l b-; eon- !,.l ,i;,.. r .rinn.. l.i..:. fi-,,i. piriy, whoever may be It cjii lilau-. ior i ntn noun i to ii amo py c mv.c-; 1 1 i.in tn I liv nw.ii-iili.m hv irrnl iln.l,. i l'.l"".a" ' ttV'" ,J.,0,V ii 5r''yi''''' jlor us deed, ofpunotism and liberty. .ti i . r.i att l ly liopca Ol Hid aelMCCS It Uiaj ' yet render to the country mmmmmmmmmmmmn C'aaidldJtea lor Uoveroor. Tit .VJ.'ou'ia ofjlost w.'e.u'ivci ita vie ' of the eaa liJato'.f ir givernor as follow, : tu, ,.itoa" boim tnnuf io lured in 0f ,(,, appro ic'iin n iminatioa of "e'Ves arc uia. n Ii rreu ou'i cuorts t i .. , , "'"'' V V. ,,. . ' 1 oi.um. l.on ifirrv niienni wen. uiriraoil uro L... .,..! .,, I l .nr.. i - p. i',-'"'i an i w i uen-ve iusn geiuu'iDou nre nil 1 willing to linvo their linn s iho.. llip L J . . I II . .. I ! wiiin ..j i r nifiiior io'iii an ifun I limn we conlw llrtl tlia lil Joes not em- , l.iat o tlio name ul our lir,t choic. 1 (iover.ior of lVniisyhsnia. ultb ov'l, i eoni.eeu.. i. au i uei.-mos nave neen i iiiptruclrd to fuppmt the L'tn'.iuiiiati i. . .. . ,, , . . I -Ill -. I i uearui!' ll. w aoaua 10 lion Jo'ill i..Ti- f.,..i. .- r . J. I Hll-VI, HIVt wi VVH.IU.si IIMIII I i n.i.l n itnrtn lin.ii'l i ivuiif j llio coutideuee of iho pjoph', h i I heiujr !' uv,'7 q itbli J, n butter mai if;'"1 1 t" " Py (Joveraor ol I'cnnsvUanu, u.i 1 wo feel Uut hi m-iuB iinulltie will prove Uirmi rerouiiiiemlatiu'i to tho Suite U.' invoiiiion provided bo will ullo.v hi- : "''euj.s to i,nn Ins namo lielnw tlwt body Wo know that ho has Iimcio lore refu reti tho usuof his na'il'iiu this couueclion, but ti il-t ho will consent to accept the services ol'his IVieu ls in in troiluciu; hi numo to tho S't-ito Con voution. Aud should he rrcciro tho noiniuuiion, we prcdiet for him an election by a muj irity auch a bus not been yiven lu Puiinaylvunu since the exciting coi tion during llio cxisteoc of i! e ribelliou. A native of .'I fdiohur is strongly spokoaof for Lieut. Uovernur ol'Xortli Carolina. The Xe.v Heroo JlpMie it- Courier sys : "The su truest iou of the ntnis of tbo Hon. H F L'thmau, for iitiit. Gov. oiuor, meets with the hoar:y onJur-i-taeiit of our ontire party. Ho beimi an old residual ol'tlio Slate, his oame will u'ivo strength aud conSdonno to the ticket. He is au uocoiuplnh I i.'U tlu m o, and would iiiukt an c tli -cient prsMinjj odleer. A correspondDiit of the Carolina iV.y, writing of Mr. Iwhtnan, says: "For truth, houoj;y mid tirmneas, b has no eupei i r ; as a In) or, ho stand In the firei rank ; us a Hepublicnn, he I nuj t-i his puny." The Iirixluture uf UoloraJu u Ijcurn hu nn Friday eveuing. Aiiion t iueaiui'M was tho adupiinn of inomor iuls to l!oures askioj I bit Colorado ba admitted as a Ktutt, and oppoaing ih pasaiK of the Mining I fll now be fore Congress. Tb fluuuoial condtlitiu of Colorado is ao good that th Lei. latuir was able to puis a bill dinpeosiu with sny is levy lor lb current year, sad providing- to a tax of oaly ) mills fo 1873. . b . Itrlfcttinnt Tonne; 4 f,fal from III rant lllslorjr. The tchgrph reports Hrlghani Voting n rapidly failing. tUU extra ordiunry man was born at Wliittiurf- ham, crifloot, nn tlio I, ol Juno. IMJI, mid, tbcrcforo, lack but little of ) only one year of age.' Ilia fnihjr wai a fnnner, who lin i been a aoldicr f tho revolution, and UrTx'nm do'ibt. Icj inlioritCd eoinnlhlnj of his during :ind lovo of et Mtomont. Hi first coo n'btloii with the nionstrom hiornrchy of MiriDiiniii'n, or which ho liaiiolun been ll.o head and exponent, n, in 1832, when h i annul need biiiidolfai n 'convert." an! insUitiir bii way ti Kirtbnid, ()!i., tho then hoaJipi irter .it' tho new iliions:iti'iii, w i ni J jini.'d in elder nod beg:in to pfi'iich II talent, Hbrewdnea. on I rnpo'.dnlly li i wiiidrlul qiickno-i 'il nptnei in reading mm, atiracied ibi attenti.ui of tho prophet Joseph .Smith, h ) ooa irdaiied him n one. n( the Tvelvo A P'ntlo. thi'n fieit cmstit'ito I, and ne'ii liim on a pi'iisdlytio tout through the 'ctern .Siuin. lie w.n ainnilly iiiccenHful in in ikin.r convert, an I at ilia death iif.IoKi'ph Smith, in 1314, scored tho election to liu vac in t po- ,; nf fiP4t pridenl. ever Sidney Itiir Inn. Hiuith'a original pvtner in Ih" fiMiid, who, b iiu cotituninciiiiH. natur- ally fBotlgll tl.U4 beinj thrown uvcl'" hoard, was aoluinnly "cut o(T,' cur ed ..M..H..I ... t the devil "to be whioh lb. v rilhid I'es'rct. Th' conr.o ol li ijli jiii Youtiff aiDCa thai lime, his reponto I hnwheatin.-a of th) territorial I authuriiiea, nn I nis virtunlly uooppoit-1 0 w.-iy or h in my years nru fresh in j i,e recollection "f our rend'ir. Hy . miln" bimsolf tha aniritoil ami mi0 closely Of hit 0 ll Ins appeared n, ,r ii course were uhout run, an I . u.i I .J. .. ........ .k.. ki that justice waaat lust tooe-takO hint fr his c.miplieity in manv Crimea, ol 1 ; i, . rch lln-re can be no reus mable doubt. Hu if Divine Ptvivi letieo removes him fro 'i tin earthly to a hilier tribunal, doubt loss his own people will reverence him a a saint or u trod, while the world will be oune. the worse for his absence and aee in it no on use fur regret. General Hanks antliiiri.es a pos'tiv denial of reiterated reports that hu iv jtiaucccod Mr. Cui'iin ns Mimoter t H is.ia. it.' hivs Ii . no w.sh leave this country on tou pis'lijn be iiceiijiiis. MAr.cKti, the Philadelphia (Jeraull ititr Treasurer, and Veritas, tha de- fiultin broker, were acnteneod on 1',-i. 'REFLBtTEU IS TII3 LIST JIDoIImNT : ilaV r.ia-t. Mnr.vr Was aentrtiecd to A new work Anawaknlnx nreitlii.in ! puv a li.ieolfdlOO'Junl under'Oim- Al,'m"nK""m".ul ''m'u'ti iiiua-iii f.r n. p.i n iiiiiiiic iw.vwui i uiiiu.iMiii jinrn. 11 i-nre uel nrnr pn'iiemniit than iii pi irt'inni.'nt at hard labor lor foiir:"Wnilpriia Je." K.iili.eaily nl ip'edt i the ,i . i i . 'tl-ni'a. Ii unravpl. ilia rmaiMi iiyaium Irmn It a )enrs lllid ntUd luonlli 1 Ol Kh ecu- . IlK,n t. a l.e prn em i !-i.ca lia l..i-.le.a pro dn-e was to pay a lino ol c.ioo, I he cB,,,,f .,ro,.,cti, ud lo bo impns nn...l t !.,..l l ili.ie lor l.v.i v.mrs tml onci at m n U labor lur t a o ear atiil niuo inonihs. Tnr Joint Com .iit.kk, npp-'intel by the lA'jisI.itaro io H71, 10 revise tho r. p u '. of the Civil C lo C miuiis- oners, aod ascertain the views of thu lur of the State, reported Ust week ikoiiiut il adoption, nu 1 their report was unaaiuiiuily adopted by Uvh Houses. This i the last of ilac re- vHi'd col.1, which has cost the S'HtC forty or lilty thousand dollars. il.. 1 ll" ('oiiioiittDo r -p irt tnat llie II 'ueh and liar nl tho Stuto were almost unatii in iusK oppoied to its adoption. Dm MoiNKs has a boy but twenty years old who perform many wonder ful lea is of Hlronth. II j itliuuld'irs au iron rail twenty lour feet iu length, ,. i i eUCa IIS or Jiniirily require IhO Ullltf J S..in..l ll ill liinr llli.o til liiillilln ftntl liMllll 01 lour IIKU 10 liamili, SOU walks otf ii if it wro dry bans-woo I Ho can tuko a five eighth inch iron rod, two feet Img. n i l strike, U ucro.s his lolt ui'ui wiih su;li foreo as to bend tlio :r.'n with as inueh eemin cj-'o as though it were u piece oi tolerap'i aire. At the Folk county fair lust fall ho lifted, on wa.'pr. ut tho aonles tin nuni.'SfO weight ol 1,375 pound. And yet he is but, a boy, weighing 13 J pounds. AMNESTV AND ClVir. KlUilTS (),i Friday the U. 5 S-nialo votjd on Mr SumtnT's civil riohts amendments lo t. tie uori"s'y till, tin J no the bill as aiiirii'line'il. The aiuendiuent wn car ried hv tho CistniR vote of Vico Prcsi dent ('oll'al. ut id tlio bill a amended a then defeated, no receiving a two thirds majority. The vote wis. 33 lor, to 10 UiMiiiHt. The amnesty bill will be br.uht up attain, bul Mr .Sumner duel art bis uYlermintitioo to a0"pl0 lIlC Civil rijilltS bill With it olici. a, it slmil tippi-ar. Au 1 ho ryht. II the tnulor are to uo umi iiesied, loyal men rhonld have iho triinruniies of th law u;aiiil ibeir pcrscculioo. , A tood Man Gout. Ia l'rurklyn, Wedtiesdny evening, of eonsainption, (lied Mr. Michaol Uii tier, in tbo 68th year of ajo. Mr. liituei w is a sin ol ex-tiuvernor Jopli Rimer, of Ponnsylvania j hy profession a eit'il eo.'inier, nnd for five vears sclinsf us chief t ninecr of the Morris in I I'.v-re: railroad.- Prohioniilly, he hai no iiiporinM, nnd bul few quals, He was Considered one of tor .i l 'doeatiti'1 railroad engineer in tho co'iutry, Xo elaborate eiilojimu is oeoesstiry in sponkinx of hi life. His tiJetity lo priaoipal waa Iho oiie remarkable feutnr of bis charaoler .Simple in t.is habits, absolutely frus from any vioos I'rnni his you lb up, ho aver wore the "while flower of a biume lea life." afway nhowiuu consideratioq for the Teolings of others, aod following out the injunction "0 od will toward iiioo,'' ba mad boat' of friends aod died regretted by a large nu rubor out aide of nis immediate family, circlo Vcu'jil' Dai'jf Journal. Dt'RiMU tbo flnaneial daik period of 1860. at the Republican convention of Chicaao, ol which Mr. Lincoln waa nominated, one of the ' resolution which aeeured the prrntcst applaue waa thoono A'hich phdeJ thu pnrly to the protccliou of AmorlMn indin try. Are our friend forgot ling ihntf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. jIlW IIAHIJKH SlIOl'. In Utrt'I Bnlliltna a (r 1nra Ot tha Luuit II. u. Hair Cutting, Shaving, AMI SHAMPOOING. llav Hum, I lit if Oil, UiMl lei!iiiitcij' rort palf.. 1IMH DYISQ A SI'KTIALTI. KohLon-a rdehrateJ U Al R. 1NVK30UA TOR I'URBALi:. Thia ti"ne of ilia bail Inir reiloritie eier oflere.l lo Ida public. Entirely free from poiiom or noiious ceemienN. Try It. W. 0 HtililSDS, Mi.t.ilebiirg Pa. PRIVATE SALE. niME umleniirneil .iflcra at Private 8,1 , ,r.,ol of ,ni.,i,ie Timi.er l.anJ. aim hi in Mi.l.Jlerreek Townnliip 8uyJer Conn ty, I'll. , cout liming i-:li3vhn ue'J2i:si nn Ilia Pulilio Iloait Irn.linir lo New tlerlin, ninl one.li.ill' mile frum Mi'er'a pinion nn the Punliury & l.eniiown CnllroaJ. Il is well aol Willi nuiki-tuM" limli.-r. i:u.AUi:ra mo;ias. Pel.. li'72.if, 17 ,XKCUOn., NOTIi:E lll ra lesia- nn'ntary upon th eat.il of Tobin tiray trill late of Weal Ferry Townnlilp Sny der Lo. I',. Uec .1 h i v i D T neon ftranic l to the unilnraigneJ, all peraots knowing ilieniei'lvea liulphteil lo ani.l estate nre re. q'ieile.1 lo m ike psyineul wilhnnt Oelay, auJ, ikose Laiing rlnimi will present them JOHN U. (ilt.WIUI.b. JACOB tflllM.I.V, Feb. 15, '72 ly. Kieculora. .IXtl'lDliS NOTIlE. LeHera leatn- moiitaiy upon I lie eatme f Miehie'. liiihitn, late ol lieater lowm-liip Shj-Jui-cniimy iloc'd having been grained to the iimlri piuii'il. all leiaona kuowina Ihem aelvr imlat it.l lo a.iiil is'ale or reiUPMiril Hii.li I aynieiii w illioul Ji lay, a.ol llins . . ' ' JOHN No! M S ti'ii. jimi . .ii m .s, Feb. il, 1S72 AAtlO.N K. ti i FT, Fxecutora. A UIUTOUS XOTICK. 1 ae iinttamlaneil ha.lna ln an minted Au ililt.r, liy ihc nrpaan' t.ourt ul 8nilar i.'nuuty at line. 1'iirti A. II. Is;i, iu rrimri p. tavia in lb inaitarol Hi iKiutoo nl Mary K. eailur fur I'lisin.ii t-i II. (.'. i:yer, Ailuanlaituini-, rum te.tatiii'nt. auncm. ot tha laat will ami luftiitni'iit ..I J.it.n r i.yiler, ilt-o'.l, n n-l (ip..ri;p ii.on.tu wn.ia nii'i ipiitint I e.ie. bia wire, beru i rtiio.-r. iua iniMru.tP.i, lira b. in.llmocl l.ir ll.a "ti .it ..I 1 1 al in liiln ri l. at the K.'v 'iniitf ll.iinl, m Moni..ai-vi'. ini.i 1 Citiniy, .ii V'rlOay iii, 1,'h il.iy nl rei.ru.ry. mat , hi inn cine. a. .ii.a. iu my aa may ituua p opir lo ui lend. L. N. il V Kit, Auditor. I io 1, p::. ROHAN ISM 1 1'1' v lli ,:J '. it-o.i.pi t im i. i. i.i i.- fcuu.ii ltll'1 tviiki'mii. I.U.I Uf II I IV.I I IU.. 111. 111...... 'I ma ivirl. . an plpasbi nclnvo volume, eon tnin.nv 71 pavpa. in llrat rlaaa eiiriivlnaa ll.niail in pieip. pi lea In rl th j. ent by mall on rei'eiii'. il pri.'O. A.Mri.aa puh uraorj tu It. b. 11. .VIS, Aiil. i t tha I . , AiHMiio.s, Va. with ihl n..tw- wot. nn a reocipt ul a No oi tinOr p4ter euutalnlnif lit 'J , renaiT a coui pinuuuiary c. py gratia. f:att nf Oenrs A. Snyder, docaed. Y X ' 1' HA TO US' X O ITI.' K I.eUer rici ItHimrnto anntro on the em ale of lieu'g A. Snyder, late of I'enii liiwiialup, fei. v l-r coiniy, ilrci'.iaeil, hafinz I bee" Bi'iti'e.f to the undersigned, all per I ! .1 I- 1 ... ...I I lin. Kiinami inpinoiTra iirrc'jiaia iu puu .."......a b. .i.i.. out delay, n1lli(i. bnvinit cluiiaa ftiimil 'b aauiii will prpapiit llietn te .ii:iii:m!.vii tiNVUEi:. Wui. II. SXVlEU, AJiu'ri. Midillburj, Jan. 1, JTi nOM NriTTKK AcrorxT. Xo. - nua i. imi."i aii.ii mi., in iinni ..wwni 'olJuhnS miiPK e-nniulllr nftlie iaun an.l r..iaiai" .mini trim niniiiiu m iiwi.t ...I..,. I ,,,,, ,,) ,.,lniy, - , haalK . n Mled wlih tha eriiitinnntnry nf hnror enaiity, anil' tha tniiii will m pre'Pnlail t.i r.nirt lurcintiraiallun on Al.iouuy tli ii da; ol Kcliru iry MO J. vliuL'Sc, rrolh. MMillburii Jan. SI, Wi. TF(iISTKU S NOTICE Xntiee is J t hereby irieen tn all conperned, that Hi fnllawliis nauiml r.niia hav nlet iir aa nunta In llie Kel'lPra lllll.-o, at .Hld llehurir iny. tar onutity, and thai IL aald arcounia will i .rpientp I lur eonllrniatl.in and allawant-e at l.a II. ,.li. 11 I i.mrl I.l ha b.O.f mt M iil.llpblllif li.p h. ....... ilv i.r Niiv.lpr. nn tha KunrlK M.-li.la ..1 i'iifnni next, beinit tb SOik Sat ol Hkl month, vlx- I. Tha appnunt nf Philip Apple k J.ifeiib Oray tail Mecutora ol the batale ol tlunjuui.n Apple Upc'.I. 1 I'h final account of Levi I'lrlnh k Krank lln t'lrlpti AOtntnh-trutnra ul tha aatal or lian 11 U. I Irleh dn'd. a. Th apc iunt of Fronkllw .Tsreelt, Admin lafrntiir ul th r ..Halo ut Nancy .lit'rfil.lau'il. . 4 Th nci-iuft ot fe'er Onaa anil A.-.im V iumr Kouiora of tba aataUol Paler lioa ir , ilop'if. i. l b aecownt nf J.ihn Nnrman Ouardlan of of Arthur I., ".niltli a nilnm ehlld nf Kulmrt W. an l LIU Suilib tat or Aliaoicbarg Uurousb uau'd. s The Unit and llnnl aesnunt of Hiram Kama Adinloliirator of tU iiuulauf Simon blaula. rfee'il. r. l b Arat and fin I account of Samuel B. as'elnldnf Mlnlmel li-llil 'Ico'il isl r5?V."r JiKufi Kinoa uairill.o of Miu m 11. I elbf a arinor nfar and Chariot laal will uud teataiueut al llonry licnfar doSI. Jau. Ul, n, 8. U. 8C HUI 1C, Beglitr. WIDOWS Al'PRAIPKMENTS Nntle la hereby alven that Naralt Wal.t, wiSuw Jsoub Wlai Ui uf lUiapuinn tnwii aiilp, decna.il't r.llx.alieih Kramar, wlduw ul Hanuavlll Kromtr, Uiaut I hapm.iu luwn.hlu, tlcoeit, an I M irjarat Khaiial, widow f Jubo Slimliil, Ul nt fi-rry townalnp. itiwaa., t.llr laiib ll i iu. wlOna r Jnhn Itnnt. I its of l hue menu Willi i fa i:pr ol Hi lrphsna' Court uf Hi,v,l.r..oi.t n.l ibnt tb. .an. will I, pre- ... . ..!.. .Ite.i.1 Law. Iill ll.. IP n..ir.l.a u nirij lur n nuriuauiB on lb. siu aionuay oi ' XOKOTTSS, Clark O.O. allddiebur, Jaa.17, urs. T ic:i:xsr; XoriCE.-Xotioo ia Xiieraby alaan III it J Sm O. flna, liinnorvlIU, i:mob tioiiiU, l'riuint, I. II. t'unrud, Ui'rtua. - Daniel II iaa, d.i Win. P. Heaver. CwTarvft. Polur Waller. WwUlnatun, John A. riiaiilneokar, ,ll,l,lleburt, I.aan N. Tr ual, IraxatrUlt, . I'. I. Welaar, I linpoum. R. i, Walter, aloi'lur ally. W.at Dvr,' riuauo Kunli, Cbainuan tuwnablp, Henry Siwtu .-. Julio U. Wooillins, Pnnt towmhlp, t'atbarln klattain, da . . Iluury Usnter, Franklin townahlp, Jaeua o. Kallar, halluaarov Ku.ttauraol, John H. I'auSiar, Msliaasror, ( Itaauuriul) haa tried tbalr iiellilua fur Tar l.leaua with lb lllark nl tua Uourt of t uarlar ava.loua ul raydr anunty, and Ibaaaiaa will b pra.ant- lor ppryl oa Monday, tli Mtb day ol Fh raaryuaai. J. CHOl SB, Orr k Q. . jiAiurririUis,. , ; t , v. r jyq-OW 18 THK TIME TO 8CD8CE1BE I SATuHDA Y luGHT I The Boat of nil iha Weekly Taper rubiihliou I ! Every Blory, Evyry Pkeleb. and every Article primed In SATURDAY NIGHT in original, ami wrillin ciprrarty for ii col nmna hy 111 beat talent that money can procure. MtrrnCAV Nmnv ( a tnr elrlit rirrrrr jntitlnln lurty rolnmnn or th, tot rtaillnv mailer, elrannilr printed nn nn Khll pnppr, iml nenlly lll'imrsipil. Th purity and mnrnl inn of MATMtl'A Y Miuiit ( nl th hlkliP"! nrlr NiilUlnn (lull ran In th lat i.npn.l the rolla loii or iUUnl Inlll ol an, one "III I li.l In rr nn H pnirPii. AWnleTer, olhnr wca la nuimrti a Www bUiry. Uwry nuiot'r run ulna Hi I'PM nap'oh"-. mrpy, witty anil no mnriiiia p.-iriinmiihi. raah1..n Artloa 1,r flip l.ailli'a. The Anawura lo I'rrp.mtiilenta eon tain Information on allanlilept., .Mmnrinr I.nw ipiinontlp ami rrtenilly iielsttuns niatury. An i?pnl anil Mnilorn. anil evprihlna puiineetpil Itli inve. '..iirt.ilr. ,nii varrlai. In fnrl.lt la th lift rnmll rier pulilmlit-H, anil lia pii.t iiit la nriKif tknl It la run PAran fur avary limna In th Inml He anr n. aiiliaorlli for no uikar paper tlntll ton fee ti.ATriAV kiiiht WenilleenJ Kprciinen Cnplea frlo sny wlie will acml n fheir mlilreaa, r.acr iiuinlier nfSATritUAV NK11IT conlaina a a njirh remlint mntisr a any of th pnn nlar Monilily Magazine. Three I'nllnif year will pnrelmae 62 number of SAT ntHAV XKSIIT. Tli e au-ne money ex pen ilC'l In a Mtignnno ' rlr.gi ynu only 1 i nnm ben. fubsettptlon Price nf Saturday Night. For One Veir. f2 Nn. la only $:i,0O For Six Mentha, 2U No. It toly 1.50 For Four Mentha, 17 Na. ia ouly l.oi Mi ll CU T! KATEjJ : For rr.y '.aki w will acml four eoplea T.r .ppiiruie ail. Ire. pa. TIip f.irty who .pn.ta in ,'i.i lur a Piim ot piuiii pnpn-a (an ani.i nt nno iniiPi, will ho nillp. M a c.'i y max. llettara up nf I lul.a nl a-lulit cuplpi cnu alurwaril atM lliigla cuplea at fi 60 car-ti HAVIS Sl FI.VF.RSON; rropr'i ami rub ra of Kari nnAv Nmnr. rlillJ,lplila, r. iClENTIFlf AMWUCAN l'Oll lMTJJa T W E X T V S E V EX Til VI! A II. Thla apltnilld wtekly. Kratly nlarcJ an l linpr.iva I. la nn. uftl:m.i.t u.piul anil In teriv.tlnKrnorniilaeTerpiil1l.li1. Kvary nam b.'r la lieiitiiliully prlntvil en tin pupar, ami K:mtly llliiMriteil with nrialn.il pnrnvtnts, rptire.enllna New Inventl..na i Noralilo. In M rhnnlca, l iiniif.iPturea. t'heinfalr)', rhiitnurv pliy. .el.ltertur. Aarli'Ulturp. enalneeilra, x-ipni- atnl nrt. V'arn.Pra Mei lianl.'a, Inton tor., Knirlnppre t'liptnlata, IMimulacltirnra. and I'aupl ol all Pmf.looa or Trailea will llnd the Scientific American lr.iiit Hlua m.'I intPrpil. 11. iinu'tlcul a tlnna will a.iv humUnl. nf ilnMats In try u.ahnlil, Wnrkalmii, ami Kni'inry Id thlan.l, tilpa i.tlarlnir it .inllnual auurea of ValDMhla I InatrueiPm. The Killi.ir. r na.ialeil bv many .I iha al.leat Airerlran ami KumrsMa Writer' "" 'jy'i" 7rTf "."' l"" ?nn? ami Mei-hml.Ml .I'.iirn.l. ol Ilia w.irl.l, th e.il. umnof th clentle AnierlPtn arseonauntly nrli'hfl with iti vhnlx.t Inloruiatlnn, An OFFICIAL LIST nf all the ralcit la aue.l is l'lihlinIiiMl Wei kty Te reirly niimliera nt tha PfiKNTlFTD A il r. ll 1 1 . . , . ... , , inak rwn M.ln.lM oluniea of hnii.smt I'nifp.. p inii-nlent In alt t I'.iur Thun.and Until aiy Ho 'k I moa .winy . i nag-annrai(a,Miiivaiani in mi. M'KOIMEN Ctll'lf.. br.XT ntSrJ. TKHVS ri Vp.in SIM llnir Yesri l.'tnlia nl ten t'opies f.ir nn Year, fi,.v a i.?;i, tVo.U'J, Will; a .pl-MiOII Pilir.l'im In iho por..yn who Inrin. tl.r tJInli. cmaloina ol'a enpv of the rnla hrntp.l .-tnel Plat himravinrf, ".Mu of fro Kr M In piinnertlon with tit pnHicatlnn nl t. Sri entlllp Ainnrlnan. ilia uniUralaiipd eanlinl the iiii..-it eximi.lvp Aai.'iiey In tbe world lur pro ourina H VTKN Tm. 'Ihn bet way lanlitntit an answer to the qnes ttnnl an I nlitnln a Patent 1 rain wrlio tn Mt'.VN c (.. at Park Kaw, Nui Yrk. who haie li.nl nvor Twpniy.fixa . eupa r;xpcTlnro In t!it- laiOnvna. Nn t-linrire la n-s l fur np.nlun nnO silvlr. S JH.a an. Ink akotah, nr full writ ten ik'airii.t(..n i.l Ihs liivoriiUin, mi.miI. lie rent. l-'.ir lniriiiol..n cnnprnlna; Auierlpan an. I .iiriiiipiin Pa I pill. I 'areata P i-.iip. Ir.ti-r Inrpncpa Pqici'Ip.I I'liana lllnta nn Sellina Pa i..iita Pnk-a and Pr.iie.llnaa nf the Patant inni'P Th Npw Pntent l.awa I.XBiiitimti.n. r:ipi!-ii.a liitrinaaiiipnta, ete., pii-., aoml f.ir INSTIII'I'TltlN IIUIIK, whl-h will lie malleil frt-o. nn nppll.'ali.in. All bi'iOi.e. atriotly cull ll.l.nllal. A.blre.a MINNadl, I'l in.iallr.ua or ini S- iM;ru AwniCAi, Si Park Row, Naw York. Anon! m 'niittl. Clreal Indiucmni ! MO B MONISM, IiKscKIITIVK tie' IalFl'3 I?S UTAH. Hy a Sluer of a Hlirli Prleat, nn of lil vie lini., who haa tnaie bor napnjrf. alter a re.lilnr nl lntrpii jour, amonir thpin, Her alllilavlia to !li t tvariniiaiii. prii.tima ebltni- nutli.at Uriahatn Y.iuna und the Kl.iera. Tliw 'Pripli pi" In r.iurl. I rial an I aenicnpnf H iuklna Niarillua illselu-iiii., pln. aaaii.atnailuna and et ui. Vi i aua., luil niuaiiai.!. o.r.-o'.r" ..aril. uUra, aaot.fra on appllratliin, nnnraaa, UI'H IKI.Il AltME.n,ru a-P, 111 Smaor SI real, l'ullalll.l.l. flfflO'S aVINKPKl, JL WITH W. F. HANSSLL, Kamnvtd I rum 21 N. Fcnrth 8rrl. CIII'A (iLAHS ami c i x o urn t a i n a s r u t: ::t, PHILaDI.LPIIIA. Original Tackagaa Conaianlly en Hand RuKtll A Cu.'$ Alv i litem fvts. AOFSTS WANTf.D. Agent, make more money nl work for tie ihan at any. i t lima elia Uuilneaa llaht and permanent. Par. a. i). STiMSun l Co.. tin Art lleulara fro Publubsra. Portland, Main. HISTKHY OF The are.it Fires lw t'lllOAOOaail tli WKST by . K.J tloniiarKan, Ii, II., or Chicago, only complete hi. lory, "uotin. paiiaa iku .nifnivlnaa. ..i.ooo already anlil. Prln. ,i.6o. ZkOaaenia mail In daa 1'ruHl. u.i to utlarara. Aaanta Mas lad M. el UOODsPEtli Ii CO., Si Park ltuw, Raw Yor. (TufoarouaTao lass.) COIalJIvIHIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. Ol I'lOtHrt AMI UIHEOTOHS. Hktwii.kb, Prea't H. Wllann, lt-a Prea't Hvrb't 1'liumaa, Traar. J, K. Froeaofl, Bao'y .1 II Hachuiaa Uo. Unite: Hiibt. Crams. Wm. Puton. Jos. bi-hruwl.r. 1.1. S. t-trine M. M. Male X. T. Ryun irenclet, ml.li . t-trlna. . Mrlrkler. . Ryun. l-ur Inaurarps or J. V. I'll HilU. SON, bta'y Coluiulria, l'na'a I.ireaa OPIUM EATERS! of Oiiiiiiu llnl.lt our Autbl .I iVtll u SVa reward fur any ear lis In or lue.nvaiilcne. eiit onraealnt of a.oo. uuicur. no S ll ANMs'l hONil, M. U , llaalmi inttllul Uarrlan prinK, Mich. . , i&tS?t4l42tl iLJUja i?.sll AsSl, i. A e-Ui ini' l.iriu: ui.iru n a eumpiaii.t la la paw ti.a.lu kniHiu In a Ti tif.a (ul 4a uvlavo pHKa)nn Pnreiiru nS Nntlv llarbil prapira II., oa, iniiill'has by Dr. o. PiiK'n-e liana ji. 'IU praM'r(.t,in waa illaroreacd l.y him In f itch a lrovlUeirtllt aanar thai he oatiunt ennsden tlmialy reiu t , uiak It known, i It haa eurad aaarybiHly ko htia uaa-l It fur I lls, never ba. elnit I Hlad fn a alnnlaeaaa. Tb Ingredxnts may Ii obtained Irom any diuaalal, A copy rentfroa to all apiit eanti bo tunlt. Adilra.a Hh ll. PHKLP ilHOWn, 21 Uraud but Jraoy taiy, N. J. JyTKW SEEDS AND PLAXTS .: . Sool'ty MaH or Express. ' " Owr Srei & I'limt Cata'oyttr fur 187 numbering I7t pga, and fotttaloln rr-wo CJoloreil Jllikli te allworlh twice lhaaoat of t'atalosu. aiallii appllaaulof aa eanla. PK1 l.U HKNPFItiiOK h I'O, rliawa, U Colli art i . .H.. t AAA u . .. - To een nvr eiEWiNn fa r I K . TIIHI.Att. rniitt...'. .... .. Mr.monlli elaarel with rui.,J icrna at one m o. L.. uri:ni,v 1 i Ann "TMHnH; .1 - wvv i'n i. i ntru. at . l li a bnalnva. H AASlH, LVHRpvLVI nip ami l nri Eatabllahniatit in. Htrpat. Naw Viirk. ,0 flOFUKETO 1JO0K AOfntJ Sena yoraililrppa, atatlnp,ru 1 ami bona now allln,aa. 7,V"n"- Worth 110.00 to any Cook 1 ' """I"0' pb,"1. ra il OUEAT CIIANTF. run i, )o ynn want aa arnpy. lopai On-, will, an n..iiri. .i.. Tit'' OT rtT "eliln i.ur na i . 3 ll Whit. Wire C li.tl.pa l.lL. . V. " SrA ii' 1 ,,",l,, ,rt- f,'l f.iri, I .. n.npia rlltrr "r. watpp m ari,i t. uik oi. uai. liOOoffwrllyp im ill air. pan. i ...... KnDVsty.fnr an lnri.r.n. fftrnitnt r ,.rrr, lyilrne1iai ,.. Aanta Waatd TurT.S. AltTHl'R'a nnATTnx, tit aaaa.. Frah and Fadc l. A W ink for Tottn 0't nl.l, huahsnl an. i.ir ii n iMiviBii nnaii.iv n.i..i... Kirii.iiin ui. wurn.. 1 ..mil rrm. i.,...... iir-iny ir.uf i a aiariiiiiaT ipmiitrani-a ra, fhllad a. Pa. AQKIVTS W'AyTF.n. Tb only eimplt;, JAMES FISK (?()fl(lnin full (eoiifii r.rll hli a),.... irrnri nil afi I l.ttl. H ourhhu. nirhuiir. iir nir rBt h u ... l.. rim inataftilt. lirntil innilflil tha Tama... MhftflttnJ nf Vnrk l.ll- JIKVIMI uJ Ulna Unfit linf i.IaIh. lam al.. t 1 lr.Lr l nm I irti. Una v hnfkiitirnl -.. Itltrfll ni It II lot nullil mmm ra I...1. atonf. firm itn iv. I'MfiN Pt iti.tvia AO 1! XSSI I the Physical Lit'- f WOMAN tb'.ronahly aaUtll.nrd aa tha only rrpuntl. work on Ihadallnat aiibtect nf wbtpa It traati. Na trly Hand I A ne Ikh.Ii from tha pan at til" l.wla, America 'a molt popular laetuiarau writer nn health. 1 ha wi.rl.l wnlarrpofatloa ol th authar. a4 th lam aal olll hla praTluus worka, cannoi fall m aariire an liauianaa dainand lor tola kn isiaai aau uaai. OEO. MACLEAN, Publlahar, TMSauiom street, PlillaUal hla. Wells' Carbolic Tablets, rK COIiailS.uOLUSli liOKKENC.HS. 1 hue tablrt present th Aeltl In fnmblnalloi wiiii lunar arnt-ipi reipeiiiea in apnpuiar ti.ria for the eurent all Tit Kli.iT and Ll Nil IH..' r.. ... nr.n nn mi'. I II...RTHH Ul 1LB -i ho at aro I m mediately rellerprt, ana .lata" ... ,n..i.ru.. i...... '... mc,ita ar eonetar.tlv hellia aapt tn fha i,r.,...i. to, nf rpller In eaa. or Ibroatdlfftcaltleaof yuara al 'lullna. r TTrfTAItf doclTe.t by worth. UilU XAUllt' Imltatluna. Oet oaly Wi'ipa I'arhllle Tnl.letJ. Price XS CI, issr Uui. .Ii 01 N u. K I I.I.tiao. 14 Plait St.. I !. d fur circular. ii.lt Anenti forth O . t- It la NOT A PHTSTO-Tt fi rfOTwhat larK) nlarly en lied a IU1 rr.U.S, uur ta It laiemltu a ii"li ll l. aiuiply a Nouib Auicrlcan kUnt that haa lliiil ii.nl lur many lean by tba mp-iical liicolt oftli.i.o eoiintrln with numlvrlul prtti-a-ey aaa pnwerliil Alteratlv ami .hmiual. it pu. rliirermtha Hlmul ai,. a tsur aud I'irlrov hemedy l ir all lui.aaea ul Hi. Hie lover and hplect, Fulargeuienl r Ob. airiipiion e.f Inre.alines, t'rinary, L'leria or ASilnminii Oiy.ins, I'orer'y or a Vi'miii ol lllood, lutoruiiilenl or lia mili rut Fevers, luflamiiinlion of ofihel.iver, Dropsy, Sluggiia Cirriitalinn nf rhe liluuil. Ah, cease, Tumors, Jnundie, D.vapepaia. Ague & Fevr or llieir concnmilnnls. Dr. Wrlls' Extract or JIKIDKBA, lanftareil tn lb puhlla aa a uieal Inrlauralnrainl remerty lur all in, purine, ut Hie bluul, r Ii irit inie waakna,. lih ll.a r atleoilaut evil. I-or 11. furuuulns complaints lacnnflilontly recnnoiiemleil Iu every lamlly a a huueiiu. rrmeily. ami ahouis l,a freely iukaa In all .larniiapn pu a ol th amain. It alvaa halih. vlaur an ton In all tba vital force, ainl aiiliuatea .ml for tinea all waak aud lyia ph:illc taiupernnienta. , JUH.N ki.l.I.n(K. It plait SI. N.w York, , ,v ,e"ila Akphi forth. 1'nlt.d Mataa. rrie una Dollar iwr lluiu.. Mud lor Circular OOepS A MOTH tn nil onj fnli-.raal o VO(nient Ten bluiillnn Tun-iel, Hnttoaj llule Cutler, and oll.ar arllclal. Baco Kovab TV I n. haco, Mi. i a a. . viv l A1E CIIAXCE TOU AGEXTS. AentewewlllpayynnHOpr week la ea.h, ir you will cuana with ua at one. Ka.ry. talus fuinl.be.1 nud expenaaa palil. Addraa f. A. LLl.s U Co. t kartuttt, Mlob. SVt'liOI.i)ijl(1 Fascination or L Pnul ( hnrmrna, ropairca by Hetbert Ham lltnn, H. A. U tuu5ihla power (wbkk all ua a.a)alwlll. rOrioalloa, p..lrTiall.ai,. Nnrcn. , tea, lieinonnlnay.anS a iknuaanil other wnnScr ' Price by iirU .1.14, In rurh : papoy eorera ! o t'upy IreetouKetiu only, .l.uou uinaUily eanll tna.i. A.l.lre.a T. W. KYAIVS, I'Ob, l S Slb ritrtet l-hllu.lelp!ila,'a. . . . rFll(lllKOliM TVORLI) KtNOW.NtD I'ATEMT Glove-Sitting Corset; : II ynu want th moat laatialaetnry, beat rutin pand cheaiwatOorfrlfnrll real value, jou hay r worn, buy TU0MS0X8 nrwirivv vitpw' ' . . . r Ii 0 V E F I T T I N a NoConathaa yr at.' talnediui-h a repatatlna II bar In this oraay othat country. A now made In leuglb aud tvlUiaw ! ol bait IT CANNOT BK 1MPHOVED. Erary oor.a.U aiamiwd wlib th nam Tho. no aail th trad mark a Uro wo. kepi by all' Ur.l la dealera. THOMSO.V, t.ARODOJf 4 CO., Sole Owner, of patent. , SSI VKOADWAY, NfcW YOUt. rTHi'lS IS NO IllMUl'O I 1 lie aaiolin XA CINTS wlih (, kelaht, color of yei ad hair, yon will1 recall .by .aiurn uiall, a eorract plcluraol voce mtiir hsiabanif or wile, wlih uauxanO dale of marrlaa. ASilraaa W. 'OX, . O. Drawer, Hw U Kultonvlll, N. Y. 6oo mor Atnt wanted lur th nort eompl.tW rdlabl and aplaudlaly lllu.'.ru ltd wotk oa CI 1 1 OA J O 1T3 lllSlORV AND WiSTItUCTrON, Hy Colbert k Chamberlain. Fnllrened with' vivbl ra-n picture, of tarrllteaeeae and llirllllag Ini'lileolv, tmbruclns alao aocuuiila tif tb dlaaa- trnua Urea in Sioau.iw, Unuia, I.undna, &ew Yuik, Phlludelplila, Purl laud and lai loreatt ftre. In Wlauuii.ln and lk-lilian ('ontalnafM' paica and a auperlur map ol tfhtcaau. oo.oMi' euplea aold brat au days, and lala luvaaaalnif r-' plillv. Haaar nl Inmiinplel worka. tnd av nre fur .Iroul.r. lillllllAPH HPOH., Pu--llflira, 11 han.uai bltcct, Phllailelphl. " - 10U liole ej taelerliona. e. dj,'' la now ready with Ita precloiM atnra of- uorl , tblnu fur I'nbiio and I'arli.r iieauinsa, uannj ia liuiiy aici.oins ol r.oquauaa, iiuinari rauii an i t, Patl.ua aud llai lu.uua. I'liliuriu ll atylaf allk the pieeeilln( nuuibar. wbk'li kav i' lb publl hrai t, aud Hi cry IC'uobk !"tl.'l-, buimd, 7t ceU or SetiSe fur St. Air, 'i.rr b4nr llialeuaw," ravlaad d. pi lea SI Sa, ab b,.i limikrallar li.llbeui. up aenit Ultra I ap F. OAhr.Tr kCO, lOSCUlnut enraol. I'kll- ..lUl..l.l. B. . m ' . ajar j.j ti ... -ill.. uf- i ancuta ti' "in - mm rrnfiTO m.ivavirar .