The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 15, 1872, Image 1

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    T-I1M lOHT
f.bliclif f eery Tburidey Evening by
JLMMIA1I (T.GVr-E, Proprietor,
Terms of Subscription,
f VO DOLLARS mil ANNUM. reynMe
mtinn pii mnnma. or tj.wi ii nni pam
within the year. No paper discontinued
mil il all arrearages or paid unless at
tht option of Ihe publisher.
aiWriptiona outHiito of the count'
' iyjr Persons liftl.of nnd tning papera
lllrrMPil lo others become snl . senders,
, are liable fur III price of iho paper
1 p. cnONMH. T.Kit.
MidtliVlmrg. IV.
iiff,r b'n prnfrlonal arrvicru to the pub
l. tVUcriinnj and K.I othrr professional
tiincss entrusted to hie earn will receive
prompt nttenlinn. fJnn B, 'UTlf
Sflimgrnvo I II..
,i r,-r his professional service to the pub
if. All business entrusted to his cure
iil be promptly attended I".
.Ian. IT, Y.Ttf
V. KNMillT.
I- reelnirg l a.,
(ijori III" rrof'"ionnt sei vi.-elo itu- pub
:r. All business ruim!ed to bis care
ill be promptly alien. Icl to.
.Lin 17, V,7t
J,ewiluirg Pit.,
"fori" bi professl.-nal service to io puti-
IC. 1 ollcCHOIIS IIM nil oilier 1 11) l'.--.,il.
I,; business entrusted to bis care " ill re
.die prompt attention.
mo. r. Mir.i.r.u,
il ft
VOL. 0.
One eolnmo one year f'lO.OO,
One-half column, one year, 80.00.
One-fourth column, one year, IIS.OO
One ft'inarn (ID linc) one i inert len 7V.
Every additional insertion 60,
l'lolessional nnd Itus'ntesa card of
nut morethiin tve lines, per year. 80l
Aii'liiur, Executor, Administrator
nn I ."iftfM'n Notice 2..')0.
Editorial noiices rr line 1&.
Ail advertisements for a aborlcr period
than one fear are ravnhle at the lin.s.
they are ordered, and if not paid the per
ii.ii or li'riiifr ilnuu mil bg lu'U responsible
r..r the miiiicf.
From the N. Y. Obierver.J
H ( 1 ' I 1 1 V y . ; to h -r r. (1 H tiou ill t lie ila. A'j.v JiKhi rtl. J'.irinoia ly llio tl iz ti
TUWIto7eVlro"rBeUi i,'pa '''f '! I j tim ! her liaml : mvl, lliou.-U tlip
imvesiil i liial bio w.ia lioart-tirpiKin eiij lymvtil ul the evennio; xt.n iiirlulu
prottjr in Ii?r sinvp!a r 1 nn I wliitv i.ii!cil by AufUiMiV Mjitivity, ct she
lull dros. To Jbo sur hor litiir w. rv : tiinnaitdj t draw sjiuo honcjr from tin
pufTc l, or aetinubltl, or ItuWc 1 uji Imnink r,u...
'm-liow in tit.) rMWiiitinjr ( l It im ! Mi IJrii. in.i I on li imo
lil.t'i.'l I'l l- witlltliMU ill 111.) tltill. Tliin UM
Irriviiy iliyniiir , ilio titt'via Ksl i.vit nl' nil t.i Ati-' on
0 I'oet. among'l the foul'i fljwcrt you'll
None to ri j!i or io mr ai tbi bcmiilfuf
Which Imnrirnns tin 1 blooms in n lrcrsiiya ! R(V;1 vi it w "l1 I hiv.i
ni l, '
And noviT unoe sigln fr the cnilo nf the ; tiM" W ir.l In
. , ,. ... ! b'.lt "full on' Ii i i - U '," il'i.lpT-
Wliintiio uprinsdime of life, wi:u its . , ,, ,. ,
ilream nn I Hi Imp... , '''!' All in Umo. I r w!i,i)
ttae v ni-liod inrrvvr m winter.' .Iroar I v:iitinj, tlum ;',t 1 1 iT r.-: :
ir 1 . " I ,, 1, ..' i i . i I
And in iii'in .!' l uk barren judeiiwe I'eir.n". ic -ui I, i I i; uv.-s
rr-l . nr.Ml tl I :l'u" ! ' I ) .-,'t If hIi.ivU.'.I i
Ililfl1..lia I.' ....til. ir k I I.. tA tl.4 U ... 1 I.Vi.CM
,-T,.. ' " I I' wore ft;.'-.'tt.
Tiio (ir in. lest, the ipieenlift 11 uvr tlui' Wo ..Ion Oil". "
. : , .,..:... .! '!' m-l..'itl.ut. I'
! .!ii;lml it Ii ',! ii-i 1 li-t i.i. I
To our pnr rifle I heart, !ii?!i 1 in storn.-1
. ept nod lure.
Bill a fer nbiibiMe I leave left of wltiier'i.
rieh ppoil, I
1 1 .iAI .it n . .. i ! .... .v tr... Ii - in. I !i v B'..
Tin, ib it root me .1 in n in it bra .til '.it Au-lin I!i:n 1:1:111 in A i-ti n'. hurry Ii.' h 1 1 oi i to
l kIiHi nii.'iik '. Hi lul i'inv I tli i
ralotiline in Mii I! i.'s's invclup .
itultli) nit J tiiP.'.y'j. A mi-lak
i'nlt'0 I !
S mi tliitt' f.r yii. Mi. P i:.y, ''
:li,l IlirHm. tjriittii tv.
" Prilu'.ilv :t Ti!iri'i' fr nn fin i
'I tn- Iriltt tililiiii'N JoUN
Wo li ml a Gji'imn A-noricin fol-
i w iwimiMu nine
Ttvo llityv tilll n Jin ii.
A in .ist tnnal tivii ilt. wliich ctil.
ininiiti' l in tlm of lil'o, cm enrrod ' low-oiitti'ii, Ly llio null)') of (.Joncrtl
rrc.'tit'y in Ktii li!. n pnit ,(' Mu.i!- Wiilich nn I j?noJ Dllior, looby
Inn. Olii'i. Sonic )ci'.oii' ri-o, in ilio llio way. It wh tt'iont tlw timo of
nily jvitl of '.liu ini iiin.', in il i- tin) buttla of i-'Dno Uit'oi, wliao ono
r.,i-.iy i f JumIi, and, vlii!o tin 'ly C.iit;in AH'.-n, of iionontl .
; r jh 1 1 ir s i;ipo I mil f r a du mo-
st.itrc.i.11) ri In a up t liit lien 1 w
t wo. ir
al," mil Mm. ' '-'i "tu', , tin." r. -, tiv j Ii . n.r , c!!,! en II lir ir I it, nnd lli" lolluwin c jiiVenation
lie li.i I iii"n)e. to any .nin purfli-Kij'i fi.Mtt'.ly, n- I'li..." ai'i'.'l lli i'. l.niiv n n I .1 wj.'i W i'-" ti'j r Ii lv jCti-u I : V..!l (.'.ti.!nu sit. 1 tlm
ln'wirls io i iiy s itii w ir U t" j .nrl'ir wii'i ' !i c.ivi.o;'( ! rinM:.. i-ils'-rcl it ;iii inilvl'tiii Ii (i TiiiTal. in n jiI'y nuj I. "vo'. i dtff
wliicU P.i'ry Willi Liv? proli ili' j Pii.y tor-irn ;t III cuve'ip.. II . i ; 1 !,i-i I 'bo c uiVr. I'j.j i Mr. Il..ii ' i-"-v- m.'- ! i' l.'it-i'' ', n it,
.ii.l, " A! iii:inrii i." Vrlii M idv Mr nii'no w n ti ol' .i a 't ( i r.i. h L y-t :i n !. r, t i ir-, 1 1 iflVi Ucr ! nrn'Ii ol':i:iy li w . .enoraJ 5 only it
I.. I .. t ...... I I. ,., i I .i..r . ti... j .... 1 1... ,'. i I in .'. i , I.... n f I 1. ... . r it... ... i , ., . t .1... I ....! I. i n " Tho I ,.!
I lioi 1 'i .y.. u! will Ii I'iov I'OMio j.Ti itlv i ''r:i1 ! nn'' : I l' li' l'ot, tt loxi idl-
PVi'a, bu' ! 1 1 o . 1 1 1 1 1 II' I ! k" p -l'."i .' ;):n.,.i!; 1( I .1 c .- I t'. til t.'. a i 1 -' n V nlVi "r .I'll itr lurli.M
l.i'lin la l.a I I ln-i I'ltrtitiii.i, uti'l ' :i it ir.' ; ,.l' . nv tU b.o 1 1 i n
:nketi lliii uiu.ltf of .let 'troy in A hiri o i d ui.'litoi'' flu1 I :i:i 1 I lm Ii
rrntiit v.
A infill
II '
I l.tu- Mm, i: ,', ,1
cimo n .top on Hid vviil,n p urli i. v , ,,
. i
!i i tin- li..ri lcfort.!n I wait U'H.I Piv b "i. I lit t , nil I p ini Ii b'ai wli.-1 In; wont f urn. : it l.'-rn I a:', m l 1 1 Ii -ar tin iiow,
ii Ii r tlio tiisi ol iliii u.i :u. ;' li' ;:!)' r, t'r !:, intpi I'oren ... 'I li) 1 wli'lo i.'miim'iI Wii.-'H fx-irnoi:
i toil.
i Our ii..u of life e ve 'eti l.'ii iv f i I
I W ' I " I i'i t I'll'..
!al-y taut) tl o l ..r i.i alln'toi mvit'Iv; "I ohIm'i CvA
lit nn I i-.. p.! no I liblmns. .out beforo Joar HJrV v.-'lt
ii a liuartv, 1(m. i;,.,,.'-
'io nid i '.'t h i.
1 1' .-liiiiL
i. in ivh iiiii n la! 1 m 1 a Vil I to ' S
i .
a '
'ut i d T 'I fil ial-
ll I'll i., i -n...
v aoli ).!.: - "
I (, n it m i :ll
it WH o'i'v t'l'i
Id i-ani-.u, '.ii'i-' vuiitij limn.
lli I't.'Ii1 An-iton ; I...I" reipt I by imi", wbiUi l i I in '.v ' ' I" " n' 1 '' n l ion n li rnndy taking "
.lull I I lutf
tlieir bl'Kim
l.rtvililll': l':i . Orerdieiiiii. rudely iiniil.-lie I. jo ' bai ie I
if.-r, hin T'rnf.H'um:il Mvl viee. to ibel.nh I m I'll I b'.
r. I'.ill.'ciioni nnd nil oilier pn , 'I " ' ! ! U rear ; girci f-.r.U n
, bnrinex entrusted lo his cue will ! I'1'1 '
;,f An. I ', "I nil .lower t:ie s'.vjei . i ivn
A. II. IM 1.1. 1, tin, ;l .v. er wee ill t'. tinn i It
Me prempt nltenliflii.
I M.I.IN v
I, ineetori to.T. V.S J. :'.!. I. Inn.)
Al KUl.Si.iS Al LAV., ...-i:i.iiip. l'a
!i-r their profeionil nertices to the
'lie. rolleoiioiis and nil other pro-
-i-.ii il tniniiien enlr.Kir.l to iln ie e-ii f
receive prompt ntteiii ion. Jnn. '."it
iii.i:li:s iiout.:;.
Si liii'u'i' 'o Pa..
Tor hi" profciior.iil services lo the pub
,;. Colleilii'ln imd ii'.l oilier piofeioini
,i.iness entriMc-l lo bi cure will re
diti' o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o II . I two !..r
mill id lb Keytloite Hotel. .Inn o, 0
Soliiisuruvo Pn
Tits bis rr.ife'iioii-il fervl'" lo tin
iMie. AH biiiinc eniin-ied In bi
ir,' will bj promptly ntteii le I to. I'. l
"inn nride in nil pnt of tin. Suite.
r'in noeiik tho J!n'l:rti nn I lierin in
.".juiigii fluently. Oilieo bvlween llull r
1 the roil rlliee.
T N. MVi'KS,
A.TI.KM V .t lilVUItlf. ITI.P.V
liiUllilnv Snyder tVnnly Pviin'i.
Ilcea few il.K.t V, i.f the I'. ".on
lain jtrcrl. Ci iirultation ill Eii:lib
1 1 1! (.i i ! 1 1 I n i (. f. f 1 1 . "'I
l.o'A i-l.iif- Pa..
Ttm b'n prnfoioiiiiniil nei vleeilo the pub
All hinonc!" cntriut.") lo his cure
ill be promi lly tit len. led lo.
.Ur.. 3. 'il?l
I C. iil'f
.t.i;i;i l a i n t to t.i.; a It 'i ; : a',
liio v m: i x 'adv.
! " I-n't it iiy r.'I I. Mr. P. imr '!"" I .HI'., t-'-DOiaj l.'J II l le II xl f
I nun.
P.iiry I'm n; t i Ii ".' r i :!, nn I I in old l:o ott. b it I'm il'y, aim''
.li vo lioi iuto tear. S!i rc 1 1 an I r;-i'j il lu it n..'..t. t irto I t. r li m '. c i) "ly 1 1 Iniv
: oul ,. uiiufo U"t. pd by 'li ' t'V i Ii y II) bid M'.ed- b i.'r "i'i .llnio a li'ij r irn tliuir
"III la'iiM l.i I'i'ti inliml I'll '! bnl : !i ! I .Jia'.ine) lion lliov linrs. rt "' T 1 tn I', tliis cil.-'loit
la dilfiia,' tlif uinr.'litii red b.l'i t. ll.r t.iii.'i at liim. on" id a In lli it Ifi.v i),' it md I. liwoill
Oil. in I I S i:n ! p' . i-o." f w lii, Ii bil lii ii i;-on li' bit ti'tni I, h.ifo lr til 'lit ill' It'll) l iWU li 1 1
I l ow
() in 1 1 h op . f y )U'!i
infill :
When w I liei'.j'it to ,1 m
r. ii li in e r- leel ;
i) I 11 1.' i
lii'c c!.r..ii -I.
.il l I L'. I r. I ' I' In I ? '
Aifor bar in.; 1. f: P.ii-v ., b iiiii,1 I ' t'i at ! . til nf - 'ii ".' i'i.'i' i I . II- 1 - in-iii.' Iiini I i f,:: t i tlie -im iii I. II
n.ti-i S'liiu-Ir t'nvi di: no im dip' n d w'.li m t ir-u'i'.' Willi my v - i m nppr. u dio I l.y p. r-.i:u if tiiil.iii" t!i) li ir,' run "'''''"' W ..I, I t.i m :li' Hn' A'i- "' K-o 'i . n i fin't I uy tn n .:. t.iy hs lli r-t. on
P. il ?l I! '. i 1 1 nnt :il ton I; i;mi Wa h no-t atid t: n '. Iti'V.r ! a. inn h ij.i I no lul -iin;.y . . I, I il t i "il 1 mi
:lo ro I-". ii 'in v !i it-o there tj biintc
Ij'.Vll. '1'
! 1 1 i,''i 1 ! Ii'ir
ni u n ' Iijl i-'t
w IV.
:;i 1'." re'tirne 1 A i
H ; w is ii 't uivon
, he
ivi i n,t
L' " , Ii r own d i l' an I I
1 ' '"'"'i'' tinnat.. i . l-:ii ;,!. s i
! w.i I on lor. I n : n i .-- i y
w.vir. !.-, i . , ,
1.'' I'.d.inj;, in-t:
O Llae-1 wa.iswny po r ! eil. in il..- , ij.v ;, ltifrlll, j.,.
While I.,.ve smalJeii in i-lii low ;r j v J l "I"!!, I"' '-')'.'n) r.'lunie I I i
Kivei't : 'lirr hi - 'a sv tn-mw 1 t) a .
Knir prnmi.e I w li -.. wee U wo U .11" ckn ' ' . , , . ,
. .. .1 r.if." i I'.J. i.,.h...
fr un the ye ir.
And bieh viiinly we ehei i l..'d iIumii!i
.lavs tint u'-e p '-t :
l'alo tl livers ol Ain-il ! wli vj .1 i was
our linn, ! notti'y
Theo n.-es. your eisl-r, arj ti-nj to llie
I. iil. I
This never deceive! us, this lljiv-r that I ci-.ii.' . I Voir
I'r nn ibcd i-t of o ir he ins, livion d
: n very co
; ii-.i i.
A k 1 1. "Ii a', tin; d ) ir.
Mnv I
c nnc in
1 1 ;pvni
Wl.en the -nn v lies in ilrif s over li ye-
I iml Inn e pet i-!ie 1 ;
When, w inters c lid b'nnts s i ily w.iil o'ev
our ilr i 1 :
When, li'..' tre ieiier ims swal'm v, ourlire.
the mo, l e'.M i-I.e I,
Have liu-l I ilnii s ... t son rs on
p .rt .1. h ive lied ,
And Oil l ie ik in 1' hi o.ilid us lie ile 1 1 ill
jriy M..w.'1-s,
Whi.U will inter nj iiu in r,'.il a,i:tsi,iue
I ejoiec :
Vlnoug'i the iileneo ib it roigns in t d. s
ol ite bowers,
Cr ak' a loud, bitter cry, and we
lieni- a "te.n voiee,
Veil ii. oat E ither ibis tloiwr, the tnie-i
that bl ji ;
This rl iwer of tljivers t)blivi in's Hose !
" lYi ;aii.Iy,"' l'iR'f.t.d Piy. In l
illoi'ntice f'ltn-a -bat i m;-' L d by a l. iil ,nvi t
I'Z ii pins, wli'e'li o.iliy mm It vi tlio t!,ir!."t,ili n! l'.r i uv.
lli. ouly ,,.,, I, . f. 1 1 a'.ni.' -.1 lis d-.'i in tho
."ii I lb-; -pa 'imi i j ir! T -l' t ho I', "in. II j '.vh
n - iiMtv i ;,. ji.,1 . i !,,' I,,... no I
l.-i.n i. Al
rl tJ Ini'd in ft 0 1' Ill 'II II.
II- I'll I I l!i' H O i in) t'l H
evouin ; i'.'i un)' Ii r. I! it
.1 li.'.llld I lll-.'K I, lilts
il ail all'eo lli mi ,!.t ho w
a!:. n'n ilivo ;(, t!,i way. 11 -i i a'. t t 1 ou i.-
bi ii-'.ll't i nn idior v i iiu: Iil. " l!o.
linl! P.ii:.". I ittipii.-.'. N , it oi:;'t
It wiso'ttiin wlin Anion ,j U , '.i h- s ivs " Vmn .' " I wi-'i
I!nn w mi! I tn if r y. tb-rn ! I be a boi-j ,v win.. 'Vir li ; i ." 1'ii.y ' )'i-
c nni'.: table bofiif 1 1) which ti biin.' o!n b' I.
lii wi.'o. II i-i I'.i'S.'f h 1 1 I It b'm tin; ''M.s l'.-iir; i- in tb i p uln-.
be-t f.inn nf any iir -ii'i I Mi!' oi. W itil 1 1 1 :s ynii.'' rail-' I M
Hi) will .etHiblo an I Mealy. lie I. in;,..
bad tl'ver I o n vivon t i s ''tin wi! I ).ii-r wipol Inn- tv
oiitg loit ol Iho other rt In) ,ivn.
s ivo pl.'iitil'iil i-i .' , an 1 tli i I it in b 1 1 I'v o mii't'.iin we I In ell ')ti,"
d 'tl'd I in value sinoa I.e Ii 1 1 v nme tu l,..j ui liidin la. siaiporin i " Ih.ii'JIy
kn iw Innv tn c mi n 'm'.'. 1 vo jn-t
reeoivi'd a vil.-ntine. Sn-h i Ijvo-
iiir-nslSlo ,,' a n, mi .-it. ! , l.t 1 1 v!ii! .' ni'tor, I. noral II i'
r o i -n rev '. I ih lor, ! m w'n . -t il I h 'ti hil tin
a ib .d. ..'d that In' h in ,r In bo ro'tviti;?, rib' over t
1 1 tii'l .'il
no I op-
tii 1 1.' ii i .T M : t r'i'i;", lm'. n in , i; :,n,i v in air 1 is j k ', ropliel, in
o iily iij.;o, ,.. I- t. o t nnir .in ; an I ; ,.). v. r to li nior il 1 1 it IiiM''.l tpiestinl.
Iio-ll til I
I til a (!'
i.u'l that h
nitl -t b ivo it" I aim iaini ' l,.'.f-!y Wiiieb'.- Ii a l I itlT.i, nil
i!:ci' lb 1 1 ) ' r io' hint. I"ni b )-! W , n i 1 mbt thinking it a
i l-
iv I i
I in tli
;ury o
c ly pi'M in
i:i ii :n I. nn 1
in '.'-l bid. wln'ii I In- Lots mil. -infill!
I wont 1 as ul om' riven ture devo! pel
ilio d. eea-i; i Ha-a!.' nj-.l
In hi. w Ii i huh 1. 1 j lil ro-aMt- I liv Lis
"tiij I yv f s ami noi-hl) n
il-,;, .'.
: i .
fini! il in r rv
a l
ItlOVER Ji HAKtitl
IVrsons in need of a gnnd and durable
ivinit Machine can be accommodated at
'tollable prices by p-itlin- on on rlt-
Iil F.trsT, Agent, tfelinsgmv. . 'Ji, in
nyi. .i. y. siiiMM'.ii.
Middhdmre; P.,
Itrs his professional errviees to the cie
fin of .Middlebiirg r.nd tieiniiv.
M..ivh -1.
Fidii.. frri'vc IVnii
Friends, think of this bitter, this lure com
Iiik hour.
When lips shall piovc falee to the pledge
they uu le :
When bl itiltnes and grief shall be thy
llv thv'pravers. bv thy hone-, insulted, be-! I,r"!" w,rU' 1 ' e"1 1,!sy " ' '
i Win:', a lrn;i,o I If n
s .1,,-iu i'ii'i.ii.-'in p.u is 1. 1 i.".i--i ..!, j i . I . " ii l IM
w i. Ia..:o ! I' . ml a l.n;o j ink I,,.,- up. on i t t, ii I. r I d m l
loi'lii'i'. M.-.-C P. 1 i 'ci r.-'ii .,. r .),. . on
hi. b .t r a 'i-i' !n,-; M , ,. . ..t. . . , , ... ... ,tf , ... I, if ,.i .'i a
-ly tl i I ,'in ;, poi-t-ii in ' "II in ii I
!.:. 't d.M.'i'vo o.vil'y. l'dj l l c
bor a -h.itni not j.
Mis lii'icr-'-i i an oil tnai I, or ntS-I .. To in in .nv will b tin bnit onfb
or a mi ld.o a;-I mail. Shu is n it ,.f .jru-iry. I'll -en I l.i-y a vnl-n-nieo,
a mi I I --! m.i Is jjon.'rally ; t;n0- Tiieiv" i i'",'ii'. smut on.' in
are; .-lioi. .loeidvliy .ili.nvvio, an 1 .;,. ,V,S stro It f r n l.v d ivos ,,',k-.-.1)0
iutonds, wo w,li um li .;r own ex- ;, nt ,, i, ..rli M1!T m,l(. ,y a wivitli
f vvliito d I'ies. Tlio heart Oj'-n. an 1
y .mo ! Oil m y '. " an I sh ) disp! tyod
A'l-ton'.- v.ilunlia '. Pa:-,'.' real tin'
two tin- ,i ol v.M.,i in Au-t-a ' wcli-
v n st if II 1 I I A-1- till . bnt l'0"ilv. I
o i .n it i -u:iii i li'.i'il whom il
,- .in ," e.iiliiiin I II, iii.dil, .-ho kinw
vorv v.iil i " I rlnni! In't Woiul.-r
of in . - n t (, -.Imw t!m j tin it jnvo Imr.
-i it
i' 1 a'f
Iti i '.:- in .v- I ii- f r ii t, bat i j;n n. -t'no
l.ittL". -j i -In; inn tli; b.'.-i Kl't.'.'n-1,,'in..
, fi'r as li f'it '.'
I i.di.'l lluiil; lm
I rayed :
Thou uli-ilt bear by ihy beniih-tune, when
.1 lyliiit.t prows p. lie.
And lliiar. eyes watch ill vain for a loiui in
its sl.roiid,
t tleep wnilitiK voice echo up from the vale
And u cry. "Let u pan," ou the nijtjii
nil- rin ; 1 on I I
O ffiillnr it ii itek, while in bji iiyii
glOWS, I
This rarest uf ilj.vcrs O.'J'.ivijn's 1! e '.
'a we'l ! itric'tea soul, witUinl an ger or
cptivntn the an u-p'-tinj AtHtiu. .,ws n (liU wo I lin.-fi:i. liUoil
'1 hopo k!ip don't i-.v.)oot lion with j i; ,-,r;t. Uirun !"
tia, Ihink Haisy. hor h -art :iiul;i-i-;. All liyht !" an I tho chore-buy',
linl tho doe.,, au 1 r.l.o bi-giii 1 rL,, .,1(i ,, p,.!ir,.,l in the d inr
: Austin i's:il ituod vvl.v' ho .vuf.toJ.
Mi.iol tfvei.iii-, I : j j-o'd-oven- , t,.. b-y ..'.ii'to.l off. -n r tnrnin.:
itij,' Mr. I! mo. I'v. cntio to a k a ,vj.i, va'enti n. It wis truly a
uv.-r y-u I 'vo I octi di-:.ppoiiile-.l ,,r ,,lM mlMr. .m 1 ihoro ivn-s a blmli
Ihilan itiviia'iiti to the ;. ,f upon vvbi -h I bn i. I -r lu'jbl write
i he'd proj n -' It ' bo ! I.u ! '
I -Ininl ln'l bo Mivpino I at any
thin.; ii .v." ret irn d hii.y. tli; tenr-i
s nil 'Il .v ''tin,- in', i ti-'f V li.'o.
lie'.- a real p 'ft. 11 i v tin.; to n i
tnro ! I. -ten -
I'.iii) .-v.. I :t .a
M V PV.M ;l l : bill i.
b l 1 tint if 'd it.
Ilo v I loi . lli'-s. tn-ai-t's d.j'.i lit
Tliut'u really t inn-i:."
Iii-y u!s) tlnljl.t it Wa-i
Hi ll'h.' '
"Ijiul-by, I iv. I ll t'ii
i n.'' A i I Mi Pi i r-' ' "' 1
tl,- r i nn. triuui-.o.ui'iy .' m-' n
V. !!, Wi l oS, win- ii th.) ii '.vi ':"
I). v!l, S'nn ti-'i'il, ill') boot nnt
a d inuihti. w only tl r p 'y-s b.'o
-eh 1 in.' a I !!; vim f r dor hnvos."
iio I " k. ! ut ii-ar rinih ti-tosay'iiovv
is ... ii.n fir the l.iu'S to coin.) in."
' i- 'a . an 1 I.i iisell'lir !; i into a bni.storo n
I II l I i. I I" Wlli -U M-Ul t 1 I V TV H I I-
m ,'ii t.'i-iuiu ili ) wii.'i hi i-. tint vvj
li I n i! j )..l h.ul. I hi uHl' TS vv!i
I, a I I i pr.'s jtil at tho f r nnr ti.'.snj
bad by this t'.m pnt in hi apji.Mruucu,
bv I!, i ti fneril's m 'iiiiii int, an 1
-e.-.iti ; hi- ho 1 1 in in I 'll p'-rplui-'
ity, lu o'!a;.aiel : - V.y d 1 1 J.r !
i lore v is s i ii-' l.n fanny an )iit d it
!'.enl l.t nt.-s 1.' in. put I limit lint feu
. i e i'.er I uuh i inii 'e in .nlr.-tty, nint
it?' A'jont tint time bo found, it
ll; W l.i e ll i proU)' .
T!if ttii IsioM oi Tli'.ie.
I n i v i lin ' I i in ) in! t P 'iiv-n i "lit
. I -1 intiii s tin. -an pi. iy- nn iiiipurlniii
par:. On,' r- s ilnti m i.f tbo oniih a
f.itin I th -n e m .'i' a:.-' a y.-i:', tin'
.-rat. I Ii i -i -!' i ir eiion lnr. an 1 in i
I, til i -tr j In-; a'tniii" I t) s i 1, :u
eunry that it of,-..;, u t'nf oxio'
I null, id' a veil'-, II l.'i tlay-.'i h inrs,
H tnlii'.ti -, l .i - e Hi Is an 1 it 'Von
lentil- ,1' a
ei , o eai,' iliti nn fir Iho lunvotn .nit- I ( ',lil)ii:i 111. nil II
ol sn.'ii :i lu-" bol7 in n ir in : Imr Ck, y, n jilinid t nnnkc nr.d t-liciv
c ii'h. 'llio nl It til tnls, uf 1 1 nn ; i,, ,:i(v,, thus f f.eii linf Ironi throoti
1 ii. , r ll'lj days are p.irel'nlly -itlu ri d ' (Mi ty ilu'.iars a iimuth, anl it,juti:i.
up I .I- lul no uo, so tint vvlrneti 'i 'i 'v.oir n rvius y -loin, mil perwriiu
b. aiif iinnit.te I t) miko twivi'.y.fonr ; ,,'ir whulo, and thtioby
In; f nine tn lo ir y war- -wo uot u-.m-m j n, to chil.icn a w keticil
Ii nn
in P.ii-y'
i Hanii-I; ll s," , l!o N j. I)
,T u. WAtJNl'.I!. Kx.p,
Jacksoa To .vai-hip, Suydor t'o. Tn.,
'.l.iliend lo all busineni enlruilo.l la
cure and on the most reasonable
rms, Murcb li, 'OMI
1-ilU- l' KANAWKIi.
A ntlvclM tV AVIl J1 It il PONJ
I u icii-iA.t n.tjwtiiwio..,
fDlrrvllle, rSnjdcr Co., Pa.,
fft-ra Lit profeseional lerticef to the
iblic. O-HHlf
i .. . i. .
II'IL III . . ....
I'l, inn r, .-In, lo I ll V cpief rr.-efilvl I )
l,,tf . ' I ji-n'.loinm vv hn was tn iieciiinpiny in- t,.y tj t.T.nk
Ttiy biinfit .Ire inn arj bro.ten, bit c tire i M,i- ,;.ut word lb it h) lias lion t-ul- ' write.
lliaiihyViee'Tii'iliepast. wUb.ia! f.uer. I T'Oftf-tcl by a vit.I, nt attaok ; "If y0u lovo mo us I love you."
uest now, i ..!-- iHlie was coin in fay KParu-l ,n nnittt-r : "but that win I do.
ul" i Love rhymes wi'li dive. This was
gtuily its leiiins l)iiig ncaltered aiid(tae,id hi'inlaeli,'. . ovv I ili'li t want t di.tptituliL', but it did not i-eni to help
nenu j
O bury thrui toftly, nonie vtectnes lliev
bear ;
And lotingly, tendnly, gnlbtr inslea l,
Tl.iu tl. .,. llll.Pl.rul ,,.1,1 l'.ii.r.t ll.l
" J lure f oo l ooui, biamaicreo
Vu-titl l.-ine I Oil ll t ellniA's
of s um '.bin ; tn
e... i. I. o..., 1. ,-,., I,, i ,,..; ... .... ....... I .1... I.. I... I. ..... I :
JullN K. IIL'Ulil'.S, Ksip,
, , TUuujh thy blossnm bo wiihorel llia.,f , , , , . , t
renn Two., Soydt-r Co. IV pioui..-d . ; ' . ,, , , v i i .
' Life gtuily its leiuus l)ing scattered and(tae,id Innnlaeli,'. .Now I aim t w:
T U. WAtJNI'.I!. K-.... .. (ll T .,.,. .. ,,. io ln.i my r.ihl'a pleasuro, and ifyon'l.iu, llUleh."
it .li.,-Tll'K 111- THE PEACE. ""' ' " " " ' ...i : I..: .v.
Wlll fjivis IIIU l B 'ltl. Ill J Hill oirin
11! bo over an inuc-h nbli'od !''
-In.' I
Wh n oveinii.; o i n l i!-y h i 1 I
; iveio I h 'I' -elf p - ' i
a 1 in n in (lm pir' ir.
i:i"lli.:r lay t ) t'i) yeir. Ail s'ill;
tins is a l c.a ; , I 'I' a I iy every fn irth
yeni in t in tn leh l.y II mrtites, In
.-ee.'n i. tti.d tbrev t' llthsnfa recotid I
li l-.'ij fb'O fiirplus -o'uils hid
in'.l --..v .1 t! it ' in . t i y l.ttlo liiao a
,ooI, " f,r Pop; ti, .,-,! f -I'.tid
thai th -y hil am nut - I In t Ml tl a)
ami a oorl liuin ' w Ii it vv , i d h t lm '
V 1 1 t'ol-f .'. tl,il:o' I'll! Itt'.lU'. decrov I ,
I'.i) that tho i'Mr i n t.V bi li Tfo r- k ;i P
in leap year rh oil I be ill' Mil"' I three
All '
uf. II wit tl.i, i- i n'.l.or cn: i ii -. but it in.ikes n 1 1
u;t with brass pf.n l. pal tliil. toiifo' own l.'e I
',,n-titti'i hi, thus tn:ikin6 them puny
iiivaii-!.- lor l.l'e ''.
I'm ).,u tiffnt'l to burn out your
n u v, us system tiud deni nali.o your
w Imlj el.anoUT by th'i US) of alcj-.
I an y m a In: d t ) in lul," in lia
l.its i f h;. 'i-u'ati in. i,'viibl.ii ., iind ol'v
. r tri. '; -in I mean in ) b of nuking
tu in 'V '!
(' in )n i :t!Ti I to iiinkfl nintipy oi
il - I'Npeti e t l yiur uiaiibo.J, your
iiiiii-il-. your l.i iitti, y 'u ju-t r poc
ah.I ty, and your iutejr.iiy '.
t'an y in afl u I l gain oven tin)
blows ;
This flower uufnding Obliviou'i llos!
u.iiisV'.s v. m:iim:
UAY111LL ti Co..
1 rioths. Window Shades, Itroum, Mats,
'u.'iei Cotton Lapi, Grain Hugs, Ely
'ii, Iluckele, Twinee, Wicks, &c.
3)5Norih Third Sliced, J'uiluJulpliia.
b-1. 'U7
A.150YKH. Jr.
Froebiii' Snydor t'o. I'n.,
t renpeet fully olleri bi'i eervices In
t j ublio ai Vendue Crynr mnl Amnion
llaviiiir bad a lance expevience, I
1 emilidenl Ibat I eau render perfeol
Mtfaction to luy employees.
ljan. i',4 oi i
SceIn Court Home, Sept. 15, 'C7tf
m322 N. TH IRU S
M3, l'lllLAUELrillA.
tttUllANT 110USE.
1 r KII'K I talic
I . ... .... --,
pi. 413 k 416 North Third Street.
''UoDerii, blank book Muouluturers
''l lleiUra in Vypannino ltUllni
t"",:"4 w'l PItr 1'auer Jg So (ien
UobPriuier.' T
P20cnb Third itreel ,lot JlkCI
Hilton wa Doitlior' a very larje
plueo nor woro iia people tiiii.-h oivon
to Hooial (!)'oty j but nuvor tho lost
tlio Miltnuiics, 08'iot-ially iho younger
oqi'h, maaa-el tn find manse'iient.
Tim lir.'t day of Pobranry was al
vvayH cu-erly uuticipald by tho latter
claw of Milton peoplo. Crlaipin
pina ami curliu-tonos wore io great
demand among; tha fair not ou Uiut
diiy, fur that oiut hl bcoa ni'taltz
ttl for many yoart by tin graml an-
oual ball of tin) Damns' Ujso Liter
ary Asioe'ution.
Tho DamaaU Kogo Asioclithm was
an institution in Milton. It based its
pretentions to literature on a library
consisting piiucipnlly of Patent Otik-o
Koports ; but bulU were its Kpuoiali
ty, au I bilfih) mirringea of tho yoar
datol from Qirtitio'is that had tukcu
plaeo ul lb la-t IlauinsU 1!oho.
It wa iho niojit ul tho fn Hi of I'cb
ruary about half pat seven o'eloek
Margaret Osborne vim stand iiij! be
furo a mirror in the lltd parlor. Dai
ay bo was usually called, mid it teem
ed tq suit her belter limn tho iiately
name of Margaret. She waaajwf.'.
aoft-oyod, iweot' voiced omiJoo, with
a oomplaxioo Iil lbs poiols uf tho
QjIU daiiy, sad a bloom on hrr chouks
that rtuibled tho piuk huo of i'l gar
den relative.
' He'll be here eoon," the murmer
'This ri ii k is viand
As round i nn ue,
nelle-S is
My lore lor thee.
"P.-huvvI Pool wmk Inrler tint)
we farmers. I alniuid tbink.
Ail' ton.
luiiy nltliou-h she despises impo
"liti'iiiMrs, la mflk'ii nil iiui'lisi.-tetit t '
c'ivj Auiten a look of gratitude for this
ru lo cpeeeh.
' I vven't mind that. I tan mpipn-'.e
in anynbero," nays l'oliiida. ' I) my
di-e.-s i-n t rntuplc J, I won t cato in
tho least.
" Put your dro.'a will leciu-he l, "Ju-t it!'' Anl ho pr-io;ol)l
Pui.-y ivspumls. i to write, fonrin.' tli it, tho inspiration
" Well, what ean't bo cured mud j wnuld luavo him, if u l soUilou tho
bo eodurcd," you Uur.v. I'll yo ut, instant
any rato.1'
Paisy moutally quoted iho prororb,
lit nut iful one,
l.iko the itn'iVa none
I'lider I lie leu
That' tiuo!
" S.iro as a gun !
" Nn, won't do !
' lllun-eye 1 llownr, fair as iedil !
lime 1 Un tUei, ksai't djliatl
1 i ii- u;.o i -d. P.n I A i-:i I i n' ro I .
P.ii-y n 1 1 I; 1 ' .illy. Sin n n a.- t imes every fo il' bun livd yean.
to in !' 1 by his in:, ni I
dross- I in a ti.'vv Liu
button... II.' rfi.w I to lu in a hopan I d o I-. only in lb' b.-'ii t.iu.,li. ' vtlmlo wor! I anl th-T-'hy luak) yntir
ful state of min I. 1 1 ev dared lie c iim t l.iit'.-mall tiud -.!.nuin.;ly tnilili;; i.s I ,,,,- ft ,, .. j , c'. ;
near the h m-) it ah '. : th) -ee n.ds of tun ', they, by iln ir i ,. t vo :l!f,r f fjf tho .k' of vai.
" Web it' up n 'W." In (bo i -hi. ro-! -te a ly, never e.'i-tn',' pto-ress, n!ow-I ,01)(u,y amu 'iiiont, t) wa-'.o ynur
sp'ui;u. ti Daisy's imd by it-kin,', ly un 1 surely einnt out the lives tin 1 ' y,,,.!,!',! prop iratory years, when by
-Did you jret a uii litim;, Dai.- ': ' '.notions nl a'.i crcitel beinH, anl t stu.Iy you-hiull boeuiue a reholar, or
' I reeeivid utnn, lir-"' i mural p .vvi r imi etay the Uounas,
" Wii-ii'l it fi.if ? tbink it tlivy I
l ioht suitil t. How did you kuuw w !m ! """""
.., -,. v' j M'l'Vrcl IlliU t'.! A'W
Your hoy, Ilir un, lu'o iht iuot!;e A Ktfll,,:j,j bul'y cal'e 1 upiu a' utnl gratify a mire bve for di-play
note, .-.', nn I, il I hn I mt rceo.-ni.e,! ,i . , iV..we Py In t' l.'.m. I ':'n -u i.TnJ to bo tricky anl
jl.iin, y.ur aiuittura wi.s ('noti I,'' r.-m.nis'.ia'c I tho ciu,'tlieie'') d.-lraul your employer of lo" 'kor, k.i.)f'.;ini asid) I.U vi it ).' jju l se- v.c;s y u mvo him, even tin'
I " I dilu't ilgn my na.uo In It." itll.f,,.0 ,,4 prnoieUst to oha-li.e ''on do tint g-t your par, this niakiDg
"Uunpon you'd deny that you ,,,, w,it thou laho eoaw diuoei-V ' .ynur-ell n n - 1 builcrupt .'
by in ln-try t a Irak'Saiau or n,
u i lu I aili.ati .'
Can )"ii afforl ts r-b your mini to
elnln) v e.r ii.u li v,'.th "ilics an I sitiiii',
too; and iho throe went out and
crowded into Iho tleigh.
The D.unaslc Ujso ba'l hal no dis
tinctive fwatuio of its own, excopt
that llnTi wis loss ooustraiut, and
more merritiK'tit than is usually tho
case in such assemblies Tho dan
cers really JuncoJ ; th-'y did not walk
through tho Azures us if they were
uiteiidiog tho lurueral ufanuadoar de
parted. The Waltz and pilka being
a-i'l'iired tastes, ha l il it yet roaehe d
UMS'iphistieatod MllloQJ in OOllse
nuoiieo tlio tii'Oi'rumiuo was icudu
principally ol country dunces, lu l ol
life and apirit.
Mi.s Hongs bung on poor Auslen'
arm duritig tho eutiio evening. Slie
never loll hill) for a uiornent. U W ad
many futile ullompi to got rid of her
evon atfuppur aha held his tnu
with ono baud, while the helped her
ulf to some ubatuQtial edibles witb
ibo other.
Daisy, however, w ooj ul together
asp, t
" Now, I'll soltlo the other ono.
Taking a shoot of pirtor In b).
jau :
"Mist: I take my pen in hand tn
rid you of a delusion. I do not wish
you to troublo nn with you attoniiou.
as I am about to eugago mysell to an
other yotiu; lady.
" Vours to eiuimanil,
sVinit.f Pane.
"Milton, Feb PI, 1S-.
"Sharp an 1 short, I eal I it,'' ho o om
mel ted ; "bul tell j re-t rvatioa is na
turo's first la, or souielhluj to that
lie drew two largo envelopes fiom
ibo dtitk. Ou one he wrote, in his
best s'yl', '' Mi" Margaret O-borne,''
ou the olhor " MiNi Uuhutla Ikngs.
"01 1 Jiuks has uouio a'joitt tho unit,'
autiouueel Hi ram,
Auslia hastily pluooJ Iho faloutine
and the note eaub in nn covolopa, au 1
went down to tha ttuble to see old
Jiukt, tolling Uirum to deliver the
eavolopts aodordiug it the directions
11 lram obeyed biuj.
winto the unto nest."
" What into V
" 'i'li, it note." Sho pavo him the
misivo w'ah an air dignity.
Ilo luuked al il. Then ho b gul to
l.iugli, and ho never eeasol until tWn
bright buttons flew Oil' his new vest.
Dais Blood i.cir him, luoW'iiig ut him
with s;.-o.-hlcfs itijigua'ion.
" Thii nolo was in'en led fr Miss
Urigj;," bs uunagod to sty ut last,
iho envelopes must have boan chang
ed. I'll hot ah.' (iol jour Valentino !"
His lightened Daisy' i
heart. And when he a.iid, ''loull
hivo to marry wo, Daisy, or Mi
Urigga will grub me," Daisy uiiwereJ
Miss llelinda threutenrd to bring u
soil unu'iist Austen, fur Ltvbling bet
young heuit. She viaitel a lawyer, to
see I. fcthcr the verses on tbu vul.-u-
tiuo Hero autiouuble or not, It is pro-
uoied they were not, as Milton was
never disturbed ly any suuli suit.
Am old lady at Oswego was run
over by a boy witb a bund-sled, and
Tlio bully wis a flu' tun, uod at
Pan you tilVnrd to be oth.'rwiso thai
consented, warning d).vu t o .1- upright, truthful, faithful, temperato
ids with hbalious of ttrong nl.'. lie
ioso up uuin lo fuitil bis oti -.iual r
run d
l-'i U n 1,' mid the Qnnher, ''will
thou not first take .o.r.o punch
And he tiipplifd ubuliduuto ul puuch
'llm bully, uow staggering, utlelitpt-
ed lo Ihra-h his culurtakn- ; but
ipioih tho (uk.r :
"Piieul, wilt thou not t-ko a
pipe . '
Th'.s bespit lie cDVr was now ae
copied, uul ibo buliy, uturly w at
..taiiorod u:Tjss iho room ti cl.a-ti-c
iho ljuakor. Thu Iitttr, openiug ihi
do'i'i in J pulling bim toward it, ttn.8
cxt'lainiud :
' I'lioud Ibou ccoicn not hero tote
paeiiioj. I gave thee a uival ofT i iug
but mat did uol Usiuage thy rage.
I guvu thee a tiilok olicrjiig ; tti 1 thou
well beside tbolf. I gavo tbee u
burnt olleriug j Leitber did tbat suQioe
Now I niil try tbee iib a lu-uve i,fl-
ering " Aud witb ihut bo tOfiiiU biui
out of i ors". l'bat suffite j bim.
courtco n, and in all tespoats correct f
llutiiliiiift i:int('tl.
Tho Davcnpnrt Prothers lately gave
fotno of their p-yehio exhibitions at
Ithaca, N V., b it their trick were
ha lly disarranged by -ome of tho Cor
nell I'liivcrsiiy fellows. A privato
letter li lis that sotiio of t'-1 student,
having a scientific turn of nnd, pro
tided theuiselvcs befurthaLl with
I horotochnio ball containing phos
phorus, so ma lo as tu Ignito suddeirly
with bi L'ht light. During the daric
srauo-i, when the lUvenporta purport
iu bo, aud us tho audioueo supposed.
were, bound bund and fool within
their closet or cabinet, and when tha
ouitar was flouting in the air nnd play
ing tuiiiioally uiouod, Ibo Hforoeuid
students struck thoir lights llofa
sudden, nheu the "spirits'' were found
to be no older than the Davenports
ibemielvos, who where dodging about
the tttugo brandiabiui: tbo guitcr, and,
playing tbo tuoos, The muaio sudden
ly ceaned, the committee deolared the
performance a humbug, and Ibo play,
era departed (rotn Ithaca by (ho car,
llcut train,
d' j
a i
. f,
i , i
. 1 1
1 ' '
'il '
i '5 f i
i ! r
ng. 1, tro.
A Co't lliaarss. 1
i- v