The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 08, 1872, Image 1

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    rriiia iowT
tatitlibtl every Tnr4rr-uijl
Terms of EubscriptiofiT-"
nnir.Ana fen invitm. r.t.i.
trlihin fit Biooihe. or fP',n l7 n0l f fttdT
within the year. Nopfir.ilVjmlliiHrt I
until nil arrearages-nre paioTOuleae at
lb option of Ib publisher.
SubicrijHions outside of the oonntj' I X APVANCK.
pay Tei-ann lifting and using papers
..lrrP'l In oilier become anb.crihers,
l I liM for Iht priea of ibe paper
i'lHlilK'lnir'.', Ph.,
D(T,.r hi. proli'S-Ionat services loth pub
lic, iVill.-'iMn and all other profesnionnl
ju.iii."" minuted to lil enre will receive
fronpl nlientimi. fjnu 8, 'CTif
Nelinfcrovo Tu.,
VTc' M prtrV.linnl ervlc to lb pub
if. AH Iiiimu'-s entrusted lo hit cnre
ill bo promptly attended m.
Unn. 17. "C7lf
i v KNKiirr.
'iYulmri Vtx.,
iffcra tiU Professional service lo I he pub
if. All bu.lneM entrusted la Li ore
wilt b prouipiljr attended to.
Jnn 17, 'i;7it
m. Vrt. ui:zi:i:.
Offers Ms profcsilonril service tn re pub
lic. Collection ii l oil other PlO region
al business entrute. la bit car ill rv
coiv prompt attention.
TTkOTIvmT rXifi x,
Low if-liiir-j r.
Offers hi rrofuenlonnl service 10 ilie pub
lie. Collection anil nil oilier pi ol'i iuii
ill business riiiru.lcj iii Li rare will re
Cfivo prompt attention. Jim. It, ''.i"lf
I il.U.N.i, A. II. HILL
y I (HueiM-Mnrs to J. F. J. M. I.lnn )
ATlORSEYM AT LAW, Lc ii-bui u, Tn.
(itf.r Ibeir professional services to lire
puUic. Collections m.l nil oilier pio
.i,inil business entrusted lo ibrir en re
rccrlrcproniptalifuiijii. Jan. U, ' o 7 1 1
Tmiaijlls now Kir.
U attorney at lw,
Selili-rovu Pa..
IfTcrs lil professional erviie ia ibe pub
lic. Collection nml nil in her pi oti-iorn
5iijines coin. Med lo bin will le
trii c 1 1 utlt i.i ion. dhirv Ir.o door
I. trih ol' Ibo Key so ne Hotel. (.Inn 6. X
S. i'ar-o;ri)vr) Pa
O.Tors hla Profi-sjionn! toivb-ea lo ibe
public. All busincM entl ii-: l to bi"
tire wilt bo promptly Hili-11 le, to. t'ul
let ' : 011a nm ile In nil p uta ot'llie S:iue.
lie can Kpenk Ibo 1" nl! li nml ilerm m
lanttmi jn Ihion'lv. O.h.'O lelnceu U.ili't
toil ibu l'ot clliee.
MitUlK'Lur rnyilir (.'niinty rum'ii
Ddice a few iloi.r Wel of tbc 1'. (1. on
Main aired. Com a'tr.liuu In l.n j;'.:-!'
llll (.111.1 I: 1(1 ipK. f . 1 . 1 ', 11
7 C. UL'CIIKir,
LeVi.diur Pn..
OITert hi profonsionnl se'vleealo Ibe pub
lie. All biitinees ei)trii-.te'M hi cure
ill he prcntplly utrpnTtTTTo.
J..3. .7l
Teraons In need ofa'fddnnd dnnibU
K.wing Midline cm ba necinttno't'ited nt
rpa'ontiblp price hyciltinx on on Sam
hi. Facit. Ageut, Kcliuj;rcvii.
Jan. SI. b
n. .t. y. sfiTxplTi"
Sl'ltUlXlN AM 1MIVI.'I AN',
.Miililhdjur- Pa.,
Oflora Ills profesi-ionnl tervicea lo ibeeit
liens of MiJdlc'jiirs and vicinity.
Mnrch "ll.'G"
F. VAX liL'tfKIP.l
FeliiiHgt'ove Peiin
JOUX K. 11UG11KS, Kn..,
Pcnn Twp., Fnyder Co. Pn
YU. WA(3XKII. Iq..
Jacksoj To .y.iship, Snyder Co. Ph..
Will nl lend lo all himincra cnlrualvd to
hit onra and on tha moat roiianniible
lrui, , Murcb T-. 'Ufif
f'etitreville, Snyder Co., ru.,
Offers bla profesbionnl service lo the
jublio. O""'
CI ft A V DILL & Co.,
J WnoLraAia DifALrns is
fiil Cluths, Window Shades, Itroiros, Mnta,
llrutrTeS Cotton Lapa, Grnlu Hngs, Fly
Nets, Uurkela, Twiuet, Wicka, 4.0.
Not! 15 N'orlb Third Sliced, Thiladelphia.
Feb. 7. XI
1? A. llOYKK, Jr.
Freebiir Knydcrt'o. Pu.,
Hoat re. peel fully olTera hi aervicc lo
(lit publio aa Vendue Cryer und Auoiion
r. Having had a largo experience, I
feel eonfideul that I eiia reudor perfect
laiUfactioo lo my aiuployeea.
. lJan.P,.'C7i
Ofllo lo Court Home, Sept. 15, 'U7tf
No. 322 N. TH IRU S
0,831 rillLADELrillA. .
. J. C. MTE, Clerk.
: 413 k 415 Korlh Third Hlreel.
Btitiobeia, blank hook Manuluturrr
sad dealera iu Wrapping, lilaailoa, Cur
tinaad Wall papara Taper Bagt &a Oaa
itUlabPrlnteia VMM ' nk Third street abess Base
fhBMjniie fa.
v 4i
vol. 9. .
! I 1 .V
4'ho Turn ol I'Ue Vc
A penile wind of Wlrn birth,
irntn tuine far Mtinimtr a?).
Wnkeniiiiiiiiea In tlio Wititiyvitrtli,
Wakes llioiigbli of hope iu me.
Tha aim Is 1 tho pit In n;-o wcl,
And Jnnca wun fniUc h ul
Tbo trca, wboaa !p.a lima la not rat,
Swinjf aiuing in l!iv Kile.
Vonpj (jleum of ain'liinn pJ'p pl iy i
Thick npf cr.)l botweon i
Ti ptrnnge I Ii rt I on a coming ilivjf.
Tbo enili will ail bo green.
The Xovtli wiuJ blowi, anJ hints un l
An.l lUjn bis snowy w"nj ;
llic' ! iotliy bar oa iirno wo",
'ibou c 111 it nut atiiy out ttjM in.
I'ji conic (be primr io, woniWng
Tlic utiuvf iji op ilroiipoili by t
The holy apiril of llioMprinj
la noi kin riltnt'y.
Pwent-breotbin olira (fiitly wila
I'. irtli.s other tliil lien mil ;
On .Si ure a fut:. n liopeTiil aiuilj
la nicu.rin ubuu:.
When e.irili I:i t 1 nr.l, tmloTcly, dull,
And lil'o wiibin Ir r sb-pt,
Aluve b -r lie ivi n pic.v Ii .iittifut
And foiiU her bc.iiiiy crept.
And lrnr f.,',1, m t ill tb'-y will,
biuib a wan ler into e:s.
Vet il I li r .1111 kee;i ''.liiiiiij ali'.l,
llur jici-fact d y will rue,
i he Vv I- .I'.liti t over 1110,
II '.ib mile 1 ii-.'iijr 1 ! e I'r. -'.
t lutiio l m it i y .1,1 1 1 pvell I L10 P lllnt lt!:l,
With budi ii..' wojli emij '-e I.
The trccn yet bul n it o il i!n .-'ty
It ii.iv. u on I b 0 tl 1 e. :
Tiiey lin tl'Cir be ui'y l Kie-...y,
'iney hide iu le i y Uw.
Tbi di iy i" your.. n.v,vi hirdi i "in, ou.
I lie t 1. 1 nil f i" it :
V li.ul il di e .i.i. but ii in g i ie :
Tain I ul i J' .al, u 11 1' !
J, v lb i! va ;1 t, it c i n .in ;
And il' Hie ti.,ii',r-pi,.,n, orui ;(,
N" .. e. i , il n n l .villi li'i. bl JJ Ie i.lite l I ul bill".
Wow on rn?, win I, Wmt a i I S nrli ;
Sweet !-u 'ii uic i --l'i i it . bl.iiv !
Come li!;e tl ki tVotii de !.' c'u! ft luoittb,
ULu kuo.Vi lul I k:l r.v.
Vbe en rib's pevfe.-ti.-m eonieili noil ,
I tin : lincre: b u'.n .iy ;
We bttve. n .;irni4 liiu.' bnvc n uioon,
j ninny s':in:uer il .y.
Itoic iiiMed eve. ); ild hrindc-l tnoru,
M iy stiil pojr Suture's aigli' J
To in .i b ijiii r i ' ii b ir n
Wc 1 v'.it III !'.. iH' lis.1.
I'ul nl l!i tail l!.e -n i hire d.iy
All nV'T in : I :
Ami tun. s i::, full of tuulib:, sty,
Lo.-l, 'ti.ll.y Jr iiiiiner now . '
Pa!, ilaik-eyril llft' girct Sicphini
toed at tho wiolow, looking out upon
tho dreary Deo.-uibor t.ibt. I'l'.ary
Deeenibcr niUt. D.-.-ary tiai tupor
hap-i, but nut tohrj for to her every
tliiO; s'.iono in tho aolden ylimojr of
younlovo's firl s voet d.v.i'u.
loar II ibort, why die bo nut
com) ?'' in i rtinirel s!ie, as tlio litlle
tloek U-0:i llio luuullo s luaJed ciht.
At last the lardy step was hurd at
tho i;to, and tha naxt moment ho
wis by 'her Hide, lioldiu ; her band iu
hi, and chIIIu liar alt t lie bonny
niuus that two foolLH youn,!
pjoplo ever conjured up iu a court
ship of six month.
' Hive I kepi you waiting Mag
.io ?"
Yes, Robert."
"Tbut nuuibty old office; but theo
you know, my birdie must Lavo a
" Dear, kio.l, god Riberl," sail
the girl, lookiojj toirly up In his
fnce, ' do you know th it I somolimos
thiuk tuy bapi'iBiJH i too ;rjnt ? that
something I cannot tall what seomt
to say (o m thai It is only a Jeea n,
from which I mast suJde-uIy awuka V
' God forbid!" aild b ajlomnly, as
ha kUsed, again anl again, tho lovely
tips. " God forblJ that my darliuj.'
should everawuko from hor dream!"
They were very happy in their love
tbtue two.
Margaret bad been atleudlog sebool
in tb town ol L , aud boarUinj; at
bar aunt's.
Here, at a tia-psrty, njoro tho
eight mouths ago, Hubert bad seen aad
fallen ia leva with ber.
To-olbt they were to 8iy B00j-l)'
for a time, fur to-morrow onrly Mar
urat wouli start for bar borne in tbe
The swoet, sad words of parting
ware said, tbe las-t fund kiss was taken
and be wun gone.
"I will write, darling," wars Ibo
last words be said ; " I will write of
'tan, aud soon I will oumo to you."
" Not if I can provont It," bitwd
the voloe of oue, who, frotu a soouro
hiding-place, watched the farewell.
" Not If I can help it and I will pre
vent it.'
jt,, . - as P.' -' -
tota-Jfl. JJftli li-lit tliuail"
lorded, hi t ft tinjroraTpvVi iuir"
jtit4tifc wirtlTvNwJlittln i:i)u
tho-f i!hpefitrTiiii). 9mo ioJcdi'f
oianfiUo proiujitoJ Li:n to caioli il
' ! di I n it stop la rc I il, b it cur
ried It on, nbimitly t'.vi-ttiii il in his
linn I -i, wliilo his ilio'i(lit wero lu-y
I.'vlRr. lLtt in liis raxn tint
nilit ii unrallo j tlu liitlj aoi'.-ip an J
rea l :
' 1K At IIahry : I ni ariy not
to n.'t ynii b)firo I (jfo. I h 'p3 you
ffill viita wliou I got to t 'v:i.
Yo'tr ever.''
X) n un wm svniJ t. it, b : iYm c
at no tni,:iiki.i0' this.) dolicito clnr-
Il .is M r 'not Stot.lie iVs hit..!-'
wiii i'i. if Iii wun. o It
sei wors mill
Winn u;) t) in :io upot w.iu.c
l.n-o Iu hi'l -t ikul I.U u.l-ivo. :iU. i
ol ami list, hi? lild hiiinalf. for Ilurrv
Obiroowu-t bit, an l fir him h j
foil tlio uulo wu iu'cndtf.l. I! it how J it I hero ? The BiMtnyr litid
t.r.ibiil.Iv ,l,M,.,e,l it. nn 1 in t. hai in j '
I - . . .... j r. able to flilit. Mr. Ilur ),
burno waa in blivl'ul ignoraueo of t lie
furor ititetdi'J I. i:ii.
Tlio next iiior.iin Il j' . . oa'.oni-h
I I.i. father by re'i i 'liti, Unt bo
ini 'lit be HuoA I tn e lo
Ibo Vet i
on llll.' Ij IS .uel or tlio liriU thill blJ iil'.S.l lei lor !l aperial a 'allt. ,
... . '
I llii eiicw ) a sa Ucti d .'."ire 1 1 see '
the co,i tilt ", j
" l'.i!;e, I'jir, in I lie'!o," nitltereJ.
i lie a- bn an borne rnA 1 ' y aw iy. "15 it. ,
Lib! Mirnol, lo bti'evo ti.ii ol' ;
lyjii!" i
'' Wi.y '1 o bo nit wrl'.c ? ' va'.l .
Mir-tre'. t-o hereo f, tn day uUrr day I
b r!ier c line Ii i :l n:i I dilnot
brin lb Inn,; .iixf.e"te I lent r.
Old llttit, leas tlu.l ft ill ti!li from
her return, h j homo an 1 brought, )
not a L iter IVo'ii Pubcrt, but llie j
niiuj H'ep. lbt weary fac, an 1 tbo ,
l'.iro'iiii:i heal toll In p'j'uilv :
bo satus v i 1 tale that I1.14 ben tol l fo
.... . . '
:teo tli.n no was uaniiriip', an 1 alio.
who li:il been reared iu aillieuce, was
LiMvoly sho took up the bur loti o!
her iiiid:'.itt'no brire'y i-ln bjre it,
evco when a we.-Ij latter h!io at.ul Lv
her lather's be Li Ir. a:. 1 rea'is'd tliil i
"ho was not otily pj ir, but iVirudless
i and
Alone, fr matiy ye ara leforo her;
.anther had -5-me to tbo .hiutn,'
Prom the ponersl wreck her h.vyer
-ucieedud in s.uiu,' a snu'l pi:!-.nco
iictmiich, but mill ennuh tu buy
her a luu'l liomi an I k;o; lui1 a'ueo
i;.ich day aim sii 1 lo herself: ' i! -
tn a!
eit will liir of my iiii.foituno and wi'.l i '' " 'oli. s"-1 ''' ll" C '.
surely wrilH of eoiuu bims .'.f.'' I'"'1 b.twoeu it.i leaves flu lou 1 I tho
Hut thy day pihsel, week '''''" -v'11 h M ''7 -'.':' 4. t-II-l'IIL'I
iuto week, b it atill not a worL '"U' f ' '' I' ''
At lu.t, tiro 1 ol "hoping aga'.nit AH ibis h? k'.rtwl sitting by iho
Imp," -bo give it up, ou I triad to for-, wiudo.v up iu ler 1 utu, wiiih tl.
g,j jj u jeold firm wa-i tv.n ; i.i tin lit.l-j p-irior
' ll wus my ko! I arur a'l, and ti' t "l"5 stiil-ls.ip of d a'.'i.
my heart that he v.luel. I will for-j A.i t alio tck up the burden ol
get him. llu is not worth no lionet jhsr woe. Hit it un li filler ht.v.
Wounu'a love." Tbm she till IiomuII' 1 1 r I'-'Ver Hal n tb -o i ia' ', a- hhe
and so Mho Iri.t.l lo .Ij: but. ob ! tbe I La I thought. !hw.-n lo.i.-Tioit,
terrible heart-s'.rulo,
Teu yeats passe 1. Teu loag anl
weaMy years ta thoso twa aobiorf
boa i ts.
Uy his camp-Cre in the Par West, a
man sat reading a lo'.tor. lis was tall
Stout, and haa lsomo, but brou.od by
exposure to tbo weather. An extract
from that letter ran as I'ollo'.vs :
" I know that I am soon to dio but
before I go, I m int toll you of tin
ureat wrong I did you anl another.
Do yon rcuicmbor tbo into yoo, fuua I
in the jia' b as yon went homo (bat
night? You thought sho wrota il.
So (.be did but not to II j 11 .7 0s
buine. Sho bad written it for the
servaut-giil, who protended that it.
was for ber lovor. With that not iu
her hnndwiittin;, my course wat clear
know that I did wron an l could
uot rest easy ia my grave without toll
injr you ibis. Forgive mo, si I hope
Goi will forivo.'1
Tbore was more of the letter, but
ws will not road It. Il was signed by
Mary Stephens, Margaret's cousin.
She who bal witched tbo lover's part
in,; year ago.aal b id vowod ta pro
vut their meeting 1
Down by the sea-si Js stood a neat,
white cotlago, tha boms wboro Mar
garet Stephsos, with, ber faithful ol 1
bouss-Useper, bad found refua from
the nnfiieadly oal-slla wotld.
Tea years hul loft tbeir mark upon
her, but she was beautiful still. Hr
life lo ber new home bal bcea eqs of
mefuloss, if not of Jjrt
mM mm
toy a puji Giliarmnn's hut tlutiii
Aio allure hit hooti brilitcaol in
hours f oeol nn I! by her gan
t'o prrsonoe. M my frili hail
had b?oa 10 itliod and coaled ty the
roaj'o touoli of her Imnd .
Mitny a aickly x l)t:n
rntpioJ l y )no littlo delicaoy It uu
tha C'lltn a oti tli hill.
M my wera tht aruilcti bt')Woil up.
m b-r ly littl raail u'diini ia re
turn f ir soma ti irul ill.
I'.H iriiin ona afiernooo fro-n ono
of lliesa niis-iiijoa uf inorcy nn I Kko,
a'lfi 1 lilor-.J luti, ti)un llio olilfi.
Tlio ceuilo smiUi win I ctn off tin
- ,ei' " ' ' ' -r Jirk
Tlis m wis alu'iin bo'iinl a pi I
of nil. Icn clo'idi in tli Wrat.
KtIj lV"'U fi!i wvoti
I'sno up I'm oii.H w.t.i a s mut awjel
i ... I .... i. i. i
till rjii.uo in u.'r wuury a Mi.
A': f,r ' wui
Ave! fr alia wui
!i t i!d .
.'''""i H " "1 u" H'''-
ri,m,-5" h r hippy c!ii!l!io.i.
l'l ",-',t ,,f r 1,1 'l''r's I ve, ac I her
f.lLer ol lha happy
'U'lil!la tint she bal leilMe I t love
II -bert Wjl-y. ThjuliCof tha Im
I re a ry yean I In 1 pT.-olni.iec
I lien an.l of h t s'tu 'm to over
o mio tSut Idvu. Thought of tlu rove
deep dowu in her lionrt, where that
l)V0 WJ$ burrieJ. lhoulit (if, nod
...... t....-I .. i .1. ...... .t :..l. .........
''.'" I " which ncu jei
il cr,se 1 1 "1- 'Iijso hul,
old mom riei from ll.c'r hi ling-j laeo.
i she thu lh 'ii;;'it, aal won lro I,
mi l I'reatiiC'l ; tli u, lit nf tbo pal
ml dreaiiiid of the I'.. lure, a atfattg-i
e urn 'lion wa'iin,; on am m,' soui i
!i-!ieriiieii d;.v:i at tlio foot of the
The lido lml buno in aometh'n;:
nml thrown il tin the li :;ei, mi l
:.r U'ul ibits. m-ll. Hi a -roup of stool ,! ,;,; M.irry I an duo In." li
br.n.7. I au I ro i0'h 111:0 were gatb-,., liiioii to il, ... buk putnl't'.io he..'.;.
''' I a!', ike l!o,li I..1 I'.' ii ton IV i-.i i'.-..
- What ll, John?" oho risked of'thi;!,,, riht am IV if! tire I iu
a man wun was mnnin,' near lur.
' A don I mm, nam, hat been wmh-
6 ' ws" 'r0, 1
.1 ifi... ?
"Ii.nvn nt the Ijot or tlio elilft. ; ,ke n. Ho died in ten n.ia'.;tod af..-.-mi,"
j hit aliiii-i: n to to i . .inn ;-y.
Aeeuslomaii to "ccoca of thi kind, amn nw-n ---
sho was cooo nt 4!n foot ofi'oliiV. .1 lli-autllul A !1 0:1.
knti'lini; lesido thf form lb il I iv there 1 , , ,
" I . VI 1 .1-1 111 .' 1 1 1 1 . 1 iv 1 1 a i n ' .
l,i" , n" n""
1.1 11 il ulirr tho rv thai rose to I. or!
1.111 u ben au-nv tl.n d n-t nn. I 1
1 ' " J
,-"'r'.ll L'sS reeotni.'M t.,a i.'ce.
i 1" ' :'' ""l '' ''
tho faee o.' lhbert Wv'ev. SIi
1 l rn c,y ". ""'V
' Y I j1j''- '"i"'i r ItMft s-ein -1 a!,
' ' lo eeasj it benti.i-. f.rain.'
' .
, Tli it ni,-lit -be kne.v ail. Th.-uie
llu bo le ( iiiod
a xtiiu I
but only g mo trior.. Sho c nl I wail.
liiMVely nbo Uplift ivvut ubmt ber la.
bars ol l.ivo ; Bid, il ittu.', bat no
lou;;r li j eLss.
!od grant lliut her w il eliing K,ud
svuititig mav n bo in v.ii.i.
.4 IVi i Uilo Dvlit Uli l.lous.
I'.oiu a rocent K.iglUh papa;', we
copy tbe fulloilitig graphic ueeoaut of
a C0bt with wild bcni's
A drealiul locuo bapponeJ in Man
leri Menagerie, Marke t S'juare, Uol
tgn, Thomas 2l ice.irto being ulltieked
uud killed by lions as bo was perform
iiut ia their mils'. It was tlio lust
evening of tha exhibition, an 1 Mae-
carti uudertosk U give aa extra per
form an c.1. It tlie cago wbsro ho 0:1
tsrsJ woro five lious. Tin auiuia!
bal beoq pu; through, their leaping
exercises, whiu Macc.irt notiecd that
oue, a fall grown Aslalio was reslivo,
tod showed .Vis (colli. Ih drew his
sword aud pinteJ it jhreitouingly tit
(.lie lioo's tuDuih. His alteution b'ing
thus divcricl from lbs oilier atiluii's, a
youag A frit in liou crept s'.oakUily
out fioni thogro lp nod spraug towards
Maecarto, tuning him by bis right hip
anl thro iv Ug bim dowu. At the s.huj
tius tho AttiiUio lion fa.toood iUolf
upon bis bend, touring oQ a porlioa of
bis scalp. A sesoe of tbe wildest oon
fusiou ensued womon screaming, pod
men ruoultig about it) all direutiout iu
search of weapons. It is usual iu
Mutider's nonugorie to keep a number
of irons ootinually heated for cnicr
guDcius, bill on this oooasion they bad
been reuiered, aud fresh irons bal to
bs pluced h tbo fire,
Mrtvcarte futilit ile-ipcrntc!y with
his a .Told, iollicling anna fearful jr.-.sli-
ton the raoaf of bdtb liana 0.aofb,lkf pIal.cj flvc.,n;,.tw,nlJ
Ilia oilier lbn now saiaeJ the nnfortti- yejrj l(, fta,, , n.,ui ,MMn co
na-e nun by his only arm, rrtictuiinn ,;lil1c,j worlh- f lf . , . .
ma nonet, while atintbcr loro a pieeo
if He.ib nut of h!s tliih. Maocirle
rctniuej hi preietie of mini, m '
fnl!o 1 out t tlid tnoii lo G.'a aiuaii.t
tho oni'ttnN, Ilevalvcr' nn I rill -a
wcro H.'o 'iiiti!; p;-o "ire !, n:i I whilst
"ouii f'.itd L1.ii! r.iriri'tjjii' fill in the
fai'ci of tlu iufurint .1 hc.KM, otlierit
pfylcd tliPMl Mtith liOiito I ii'iinn, '.ib'iiO'l
thri'n ii Ii fjrli, and lent tlieiu willi
a lid ler ntid Lou er:iper. Lvent
inily a siidj win intr i.flte.l bet'veoti
llie liar- nf i L ; ci ', b.'tiiu I wh'eS Mr.
I! le'i.iil, t'm a,'iit, n il Jnlm I'yan.
HOC t)l'lli;!e"Vr:, ili'HM fiilf (if tin'
iiuii". At t lie lii'i ii in hit,) alin'.'
.vi rj iiie 1. b i', il w.m nil nil! i!r
,e ne I b if.i witia n:.;i,ie 1 t llu n -e
of lb ) that
it r.lin 'iiln,I il
ii 'id a i I r.i I
I i'iiii I I !io p i. l
M tC.MrtJ ll.ell st.-iiec.l t) hi
but ere Ii ci ii! I i'.ie!i tli.i 1 .
ni I ;
b ''ei O t!in I,! imiiI I b ) l I i-i.ul
Afiiean I,, n
b,'..i:i rnii
I out,
tint po.u lelio.v a i i it by llio loo'., nri 1
d'.ayncd him ba. Ii into tho c u-iior
anion,; Ibo otbei auim iL, A nin tlu
fi'ibtlu! htni.v.'lo w-'tit on. M i 'car le
wns (La.'ed tip tin I il.nv.i I'm ri'-' by
tin) head in 1 iI.j Ljm 1'ii'no or f.-ir
tilftca, the ll "T bi'ii; ro'ii;'l"ti;ty
iirat'l with lii.-t bl.iod. Soaio rillei
loi le l vviili 'lot wero now 'j ir.;o 1
ft'iioiig tlic h:n'i.;i) bili'-.. an I uilii
S' Voi ul iroti", n nr heal J to a re 1 ;;l nv
tb'V iv.'i'ii beit 'ti into ft cortiei" n'i I
tho paitilion eloie 1 ii'iiu-t then. was then reb i-el. i i'l e :i
i'i j l.-l. A lie w.-n o ,ru 1 1 l ie i iii ;:i
lire, l. PM'luiiiiei! I) :i ut .'.v no !.-
two p! ic-s. n w-.dl 11s lu iiy'rat. d
fr iiM tho .,., il ler to tiio lititil; the
1 li '-t Ii i i Ivcii' !, h i I l!i b ii"
10; un p. :v.-i i.a I piccM l.r. en our i i
. e 1 i:r. ".
in... 11 1 .1.1 0
11 ' 7 : it b a f. i mi I, li'io
; i :i :!. r l.e i .'jinl 1 the
" ,
1... ... 1 t 1 in
in. si e
il' I 1 i' 'V a I.. ;;t I.I
v 1 1. ;.t 1.1 liu I H-
Ioh I', i-n 1 'le.-i'.o 1 ii 1 1v1.1l I L-iv
o ie !or him :i: t'10 s 1 11: li no. '.vl.i ''i o.
erite w.h v.r tvi. in ;', a reel
! Til ' c mvM". ill j 1 I, t'.io t: !.(:
j never ariiv.! i, 111 1 th w h do a.l'air vjm
'. t.tiiely I ii'.i'.teu. i!u ei'iult y
'.;.' reeivel iul'irui.t'i.'ii 1'ial
(iie tie'' t p ir. ii.i-i." 1 fof I.i .1 !.y iU
I.i ul, li 1 1 i' mi ) up .1 pri..i i.f t'Aeuiy
: tb.itit.
1 pound. Tom bis arrival
in I, union, he impl ied of Irs Lieu 1
where bo ba I tmt the lickt, ;i:i ! vvhv
he In I not ini'inu 1 bin th r il wi.s
toir . in-nl. "I bia,;'.it t'l mii b th tbo
11:110 d iy, mine anl your ti kcl. 11a 1
fl 1 ti . thorn bo: li into a drawer of my
buri'a'i, nn I I never tb iu ;b'. of il.iin
nllct "va;d." " b i.v do y
il di-ti 1-
, julxh on. t'.ckct (!! : 11 th) o hi ? j-In-e ol hi trlb'', near tin be.i'Hil a:
why .111 I the hoi ler of I'm Iu tiiniti' liila of ibo Y.itith', in N' irw'e'i, o 1 1 an I
I ticket, m iro I ban you ?' "Why at the no-.v I by frieu 1, t Vilvin t ! ) I lar I,
I time I put Ih'.'m ia tin drawer, I ( I vi-it 1 1 l'io gr.vo ol ilnol l
1 lii:le tnaik i 1 ink upon il,o t.e!;et, ' chief lately. a;i 1 ah ve Irs 111 iul iofiti,'
j which I rasoive 1 ho ii 1 bj yours ; and
i ujKiu r.'opeuiii ' tho'i'. I found liic
! one hj m 11 k:d was tho loll mate liek -
No this action appears to me pr r-
feetly leiutii'u! ; it is le beau ideal in ; ,;( ,.;,. J1V, :'ni.' In 1'ans if N'orlb this .lisgi-ii igm itsrial wis uulnariblo,
moials, und pve that calm, jvt dep Ymeriea do this ly tuaiag a Ii je 1 anl tbo oi'iieort reifeatiag t) a conve
caution of jileasure, which every one , )ir, 1(, Ul , t.')Verlii or ' uictit illtiuee, comp.'il.'J Sbiddek,
oa.i'y receives from tbo bea Uy cf
A (ourl wifiic.
It became neiessiry lu-t wc.-k in
tlu cuiiiiiual court at Newport, K)'.,
in order to ronder a lny witness com
poieiit, lo (irovo that bo Lul iraebed
the U'e of ten years, an 1 bis ini'bn'
an Iiih woman, was called fur lb , I
' How old ii" your son John 1" rjuoth
ibo lawyer.
"IiiJuJe, sir, I dunno, but I think
bo's not lin yet," was tbo reply.
' Lid you tuuko no record of bin
birth ?"
'The priest did, in Hit) old country,
.ir, where lie was born."
' How long iiftsT your marriage was
il ?'
'About a yesr may le lies.''
'When were you marriud ?"
''Dude, sir, I duouo.''
"Pit) you not bring a csrtitoate of
your marriage with you from tha old
country ?"'
'Hey, sir, aud what should I want
wld 8 curliQcalo whin I bad tbt eld
mon'biaiself sloug wid me ?"
Ho further ousstioni were asked.
NO. 47
Xevcr Tempt .ii .11 nn.
Tin following I flu I in my Sc-n;i-
worthy of bein;r printed in
telt.'M uf g il I, an! refljjlod upon Ibe
coine'pii ;e of every tmn :
Tho Into cab bniteJJi bn Tiumb'i'l,
when abiy, ri le 1 with hi f.. !ii-,
(i'lvorn r Tr i njiiii, nt hit re..i loueu
in Ij.ib.tnm, (' mn Clint, i:, tin ticili
biirbo.'l of t!io M ihe,'i!i. Tha j;o
eniiliJtit oT thi-i iribo w.h luieltjry
ill to fa-niiy or tho c.doheil 1 I.'ueai.
Anion:; tlie heirs of tha f'tieflainaliip
.t.h nn Li li i t na il j I , lehury, w!i i,
:liiti;'i a bravo nun, a u I a i oxc-liotit
hti i er, ivi'iii di'ii'tketi u-i I w -r !i!.m
i:i I l lin H e i'l! 1 b) I'm i 1. I! , fit
isit'i id' iur v.vii i r b . i ,!i i ry
fuil hi n 4 di' c.i'.i.Iil i) fi? royal
pj.ver. I.i this in in Ml l!m better
'viiiiol .i:'nry in-uu:l a.vay, ail
Iu rll'.'tel nerioti Iy. "N'i.y ca i
s loh a l. i wroieh at an a; i 'o
t i bi t'h'ul of t lii.-t o.ibli tribe? what
will my p.'ei'e my ? II r.v ali.ill the
ah.i Lm of my ilo'nu an -e-t in lo .k
lovru in lin.rit ii i 1 1 a i ' i ft s u.' .s
or? Cm I ai'.veol t l'n '.ni I.' i
cmf I wit.i, I. sin k v i m 'iir: !" An I
.lorn i!
e r'
.!.-. I In
. .: l i
Ih i:i
ho wo'.ill drink noli.i u rn.; r
'fir ; an I h 1 k , t Ins r.- 1 i:i r).
, leh.iry ureodel i ihe "I
bis tribe. It w it u nil fu the (i iv
erti ir to a'toii 1 :;( ih.) nii-i-i t 1! cb-c-li
n i II ii".'' ir I, nn I it wv.s m mi
try I ir tbo .'1. ' i ' 1 1 1 '1 el .1'- t j a',
loll I, nn I mi hi. W iy to t ri ut I i.:t
with tlu ii ;. m- . .Lii.ti, toj ti.j.erti
i i ' -on, wa b il a boy, an I 011 ono of
ih "s 0 1 -. in.., a tlu f i re Ii nr I.
ce lin e I a rv : 11c w Jiiell I will give
i 1 T,' itnli.i'.i'.'i oiv 1 '.v 11 Ii :
ti.ieJ iyiii; m'v Iieivimit lhvi;.l in.' lo try tbe hiii'i-ivy ol' tli'
idliiiatfrt t vtip rri !. Tio li o.'v
veil' s ail I at tlinti-'i1, tin I til "; ive
eiee'l'.il bom j-b o ,ve I ale 0:1 tli- I.i
!'!. I Ih '. t; ! Ir-'i-j I tin ol i ebi !' :
' . le'rr'y. lliiJ Iie.'r is very li n ; w il
y.i 1 11 -1 1 1 s'.e it '!" The oi l ma t dropp
e Ill's l.:ii..i, :;'i I lin-l I .rivar I w't'i
a M. i 'i in', .'-i y oi'e.Npve ii'.ou, a:i I l.i
i.'l'lll '''S, sj.-.tUlt'il Wil l B' tl'V III
iijti.iii in, w.'i e ;i in 1 upvirii'. ',1 ill n,
ii I he, ''Vo l il n't ka r.v wha'.yo'.l j
ar d"'ii ;." Y 'O iir t-ei viatiu .lev- j
il, li ! Ij y.ti kui.v tin'- I utu ai ;
Li 1 1:1 ? If 1 eh 1 il I ti-t ) yvir b.-er. j
I ni 5 :i ,t ..! 'p u I jj jt fa n, an I ,
I cii 1 1! 1 b eo ne a.; 1:0 th ) h rue d.' 1 1',- j
on, c'.ihle wi-eteli yo'.ir f.ithor ro I
nio .n'ji'i s 1110 ti b.ivo bi'i ti '. J mn, 1
il.T I'; 'i'l W'l '' 1 'll III' I' '' "
1 1 1 Iii lir ',( '. 11 ; 1 1 1 r ' n I
' S 'era is titvir ulUi'j-J a 111 ir v.i- !
uaMe jr.'.vpt. I'e.u '-'.Iumics could no'
11 i'. wi'.h 11) it'J . deiifi
ictice. I ivii lli 1 1 I 'r-'i u 'i;,
Mi.'iils iv n d -':.'',' a Let' I 'I
1 1 '
I il.ed at 111 , aid liie 1 i(r:i . 1 tiie'r
mzo up iu t'.ie vuuiT.i,'L elii.'li ii:i with
i-ve an I re.sp -t.
Tii v a "i: r.v. 1 r 1 Ire-
'jiutitly reuiiu I . 1 nn u! tbo Hrene,
i ll eli.iv'd u;J n.'.'er to l'ir'0
I. lie li h ir. i" d i i the rival li-.t i
' re 11 liu rep tale I lo tuy dl' tin moili-
i imblc lesson. '' A". P. A ..
j ' 11 '"
j How loscc I n:lii' T.ilor.
i corrciHoJcnt !' tbo .V i iniFn
ImiK'im a blanket in :i'j i, iii.tmer in; w!u-e otv-ins ol sme.l wen sum ,'ior.tiy
, , ii,' v.., 1 , di.-cit'lini! I, to ili-p is-.i of the stutr. Ih
to daikni orcxek'dc luo d.r.' :'. lays (.1 , . . , . , i
. was taken bal. no ipcnntuti loot n-
Ibo aun, w hen they are enao e I I t-ee I i,.,,,,. w;,1Vi jt l;i reprcsonlcl that
into llio wilier, a a 1 diseovur (ij!i al a :v 1C W;M tt recant arrival from S.vitZT
reafiaahle dc.:lt. L. t utiy ono li 1 is I an I a 1 I u:iib!e ti np'ak Iviglidi, ba
anxious to irovo this, p!,eo,, ;, 1 was allowe l t ) t-o nl liberty 0,1 condi-
, , ,, . , 11 '. 1 , ; : i 1:1 tin', be w ia! 1 c.i nio Ins business.
ut!ertl.cU,i,,al,n,.dbev.i..bea-t'.u T .l. ,,. ,ori ,vjrJs inula anoth. when I10 with wl.uti ;, , alj ou ,,,!;,
bril i iney overyibitu in tbelLiid world
is ligbicl tip. 1 tnu'o ba l oejan-u lo
to cxauiiuo tli'- hottotut fa inill jioo I,
for which I ciiiiiU'.ted a float cut ol
an inch plank, sufileicnt ta buoy ma
up through tbo cm' ro of this ll ul I
cot a hole, and plased a blankH ovor
it, when I was cnabl id to cloaily dis
e.iVor objoels on tho bottom, and svcr
al tool wera discovered and picked
up. 1 ato satisfied I h it. where water
is aufllcicnlly clear, this latter Jlan
could be successfully used for s.'areh,
ng for lest bo lie and articles. 1
would fOW suggest that this experi
ment be triol on the sou ; for 1 aw
nutittQel that, with a craft liko the
Great Kaslcrn, when ftl obsorvator
could bo placed at tbe bolto,j), with
Hulliuicut darkness, by aid of c.laite
we could gnse down iuto tho depth, of
ibo sea, tbe same as wa can survey tbe
starry heavens at ruiJulght.
A.dvorttlnir XI n
Ona eofuma one year t"M.n,
Une balf colamn, oaa yearv 80.e.
One-fourth eoluana, ona year, 1 j.o.
Ona aqnar (10 line) on inatrtion 7 .
Every addiilnnal Inxertloo 60.
Trofeaaional aad Uuaiiiea eard of
not oi ore than five line, per year. 1,00
Auditor, t'.iecutor, Adininiatralor
aad Avlftnea Kotieea 3,51.
Editorial notice per line 15.
All advertisements for .barter period
than one year ara payable at tha l!n.e
they nr ordered, an I if not paid Ibe per
son orderinjt them will b bcl 1 rc.f juibl
lor ibe monetr.
Curious liiatlntt ol I lie Ileea.
Honey-bees rra girernol hy in-
Htinet not by art. Tbsy ntvor deviale
iifiii tbo co ins Ih-y wre created is.
Tlie ii;t comb Ib 'y cvjr built w:is na
perfect ns at !i present day ; no art
has itiiprovel tbo s'i ipj or hiit!. U)
iieo lays ul! llu c-i, wl.'lothi otli-
rs raise uul jiro'eet them ; each bee
loot its I'irl of tho U'nr in fjv'Iur.
mg in tin ator.'i and nurd 1 the
jihiiij ; mil I btivo notice I for s.mio
yenr., lli-ir tnolo of callieiijj p ! leu
ui" bee b.-eft I. It is tlj's :
When a bee rjies out after fiod, it
tiiijbts on Home kind el (lower, snd,
gathers a Ji.irl of its I a I ; tbm jnet
to another II W' r ef the ,vno kind,
an I p.'rhnps a liiirl, to ubi.ii i a loa I.
A'loth'.'i boo j? )os 01', n:i I if it n
boU on an n'!i,-i khl of lhw.T, it
k.vps tint kin 1 I II it, k-'s n loll.
I Iu". bor is this ku iivii ? Yj.I o Ii
ibo bivo nil I watcli them as they
coin in ; o n ' b ivo ye'l nv ji.iilcn eti
tli ie les ; o!bi;s b ivo liht colors ;
olbcri Invo duk ; till iu ho his Iwj
e I irs on b j le;s. If yo.i ion any,
yoil tt iii hi'O iu ire thi'i I liavo, fir I
Hover li I ; ail lsippis'1 t!iitthf
tlj i'l i! ii'ie'i; e. Is fir n elwri'i
of lool. 'I'll o' her .lay i i ovei'liuiii
i'i : 1 iii I b.o'.i out a p i?-'? of
e ini'', n:i I I'm 1 1 t!i ) d.Tirent eo! irt
in did'. 1 "it r.'I's w ii'e'i c iii'Ie, 11 : 1 my
('.ii-1' ; fir I s-ippni they li'o a
.1I1 ill .' "f t 1 1 :ii w n.s b'lainn.s.
At:':l. r '. ii ih ti.ii. g is tlii-ir co:n
iii t it in I o! 4'1'io ? Ii'.'foi i! t; iMi on-,
r .'iu aiiio i tli In 1 ire l 1 b ivo liiv
i'd. I :i ;vei 1m 1 oii.j s'.ianu I0.1VJ d i
'i'.'t !r o:,i ih: !,.vo.
A i il'ii'i" e 11 i iii tiling ii ibeir rear
io t'.e ni il' S :ri I i in-ing them so
t ':i I ''y. nul af:or tb'V u e
L"s tliey des! roy r..e.i. Hit instinct
l.a-. 'iiieeli'I Iii 'tu 1 1 tl it. Aoo'.hci
ctn io 1 . thin,: is liia'
In li.' t 1.) iri u t 1:1 1,
when tb'V
tli ) in liber bio
ii.ia' 1 eail oil a prt o'.' bor broil
to (,) w i!i li .!, and leave the
1 1 t i!.o e.ii- of llu you 1. Why 11 it
eiil litem i'l! 0 it Iu g) willi lu r
I!.- '.ri-e i nt bn or lure 1 it o'.h
or.vN''. t'e, ta'ii 011 .". jo cut wiili ber,
w liil 1 others nro c noiu in witii
t tc.s f i- tars u-o. A certain pirt,
'of ih.'iii don't s.'eni to Iihvc ii'.v iueii-
nalioti to I'o.lo.v th j unili 'i' b.', nor
do th'v in mr.i tli.- j-. fu- uui.iur is
11 v wi.jly llu I'reiior arm.
,'eil rvevy J ul n:i. movent it ! It is
curious, to nj v llu ej;l i f lb) drj.i-j
'ci!s ure ail d.'oa.'i, aa 1 tli i'O in t'u
01 Ler cells are all wuikers. Wo wotihl
-uppou they woul-l git Uiixcl tiji
I .ke bfai' i',;''. A0"iiu when they
iviiti! a j iee:i why not 111 . U u a luis
1 :ik i hoiik tim.'.s, mi 1 lake a dro;ie er'g ?
An 1 also by teodiug a lertai'i kinl
of fo r, m ika 11 i teen instoad of u
wur'iisr !' A,iio, llu .ju.'en befo-o
!i-i.s lid'cliol is beil .1 1 .raward,
which w iu'.! seem to bj utiiatui'.i ;
bui tbe Ail-wiso bat uiitlo cverv nit
pet I uct.
II11W I! il.'ii'.SA S.i:s.ii.:s AIIK MTiR
in Titiii-. Tlio Troy Tiws mikes
sum startling reveltt'ioas as lo lntv
bolon 1 B:in i.i ;e arj tnilj in tli:i
eit 7. A butcher s't ip, k 'pt by ft mm
1 1:11 1 S'.ial.liek, Living b:ti onl
plaiiK' l of, wis vi-it;l by a ouplo of
, p i.ieeann. Ll exinvnioj t'u slioi
i they fo i i I a t i nily of youtig veal,
' calves' boa Is au. I iute.stin which
Sa 1 1 1 ick eo ifesc I ho me 1 in 111 iking
' bulogu 1 -j. Tin ellivin fra-a
;, j0J box w en sickened by the sight
anl odor ol lorty poinls ol rottan
beef. Tii". hid intctiled ta remova
I'vorytbiiig i f this tntura in tin p' tee,
bat their si.1111 ic'is rebelled, and Shad
dock, under t'nlr stiporiuteney, was
cjiup.'llcd todia .ay wi'.h tha moat.
A jiioui negro woamn wis onco
caught by ber nuibt T, bli iliug a gooso
and tbo no x t Sunday she partook of
tbo c inrn ini m, after which inr master
accosted ber ns follows ;
"Why, llaonab, I saw you to-J ay at
the cominsoion tuble."
'Yes, taijk do Lord, masta. I was
'lowed 10 bo dai'O wid da ros,t ob bis
' Hat Hannah, I wai surprised to
soe yo.i there," bo said, ''lla-r about
Ibut guuso?" .
She ranked a little sirpriscd, ap f
she did not understand the question,
but culebiuit tb moaning, eiclaimod t
"Vby,ah, do you tiuk I'ss sgiint
tolet au ols goose stand at wet u ui stj'l
my Maker J
' 1'
1 ?
4 i
. 1
1 ? i
1 -!;'(
1.13. o-'O irr7tnj; in, m.y.
auaiv.. x -
. . 1