The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 01, 1872, Image 2

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    ! :
I a
n C
" Sfr'i ?lsi.
J- '!.-:". MUor nil Prcprlit-r.
1 OX OtlVEilNOH in ira,
new. jonw d. packed,
The Kipnli'ii-iiu Ntu-o Cent rcl Con
tuitt.-e, ni t nl Harri-bur,;. mi Tlnl n
die hut. mil fiie; upon W .-do...., lav
April 1 Jili, a- ilia li'inr, mil H.,iriV
burg- n- In ( Lice, for h . (), PX
Jjepulilioati fiiaio C mvjt.iiii.n. 'Hi -rot.voiitien
wii nominate c mm
lur (overrun-, ,S ii.romo C 'irl Jidjo
Ai lit ir li.-m (tli u! I tin. Lala
ttirc t ub r. I'm r-lerii-in of mi,)
at p ii tt iiti Iv.-cI.nI Jikut, mil rlvi
fl it.riii mi I U p oatiilativ) o.n
mIm to r.'ir.rnt ilia Stoo in tb
il publican National C
Tub Su: i.v, Ki.-j.-rio.s n fill t!i r
laJan- In ilm luri!i S.miiiri.l
:.tri. t ofiliii Halo, oc-n-rouel l.
the donb Iitii Mi'.oil C. W. Cou
rHI, took i.'jco in Piiilid.lphit. or
Ti-ii.:iy oT ttiia week , anl rc-suitcl i."
tUi tl-cii :i ol CM. Gray, the Il-pu!,!;.
m nominee by n mijrily or about
t ). CjI. M-Chro Wa (1 -nyt oppo
niit nl ten the candidate of tha r
f'Tin KiptiMieans ml -unci -at.
It i'rnil M.ot .McL'Iurn will cotite.-t
(Jrayi elcetion ia iho SonsK
Im Ihe j ulintnt oftlio Honmrra-y.
it i not .., t to runic ti-.y day nt
Jitvsenl fr hol.lin.- a ,,;j ,n;l 0:ll;ni,
lin ( Dovcii-io i. Tli giuio j i.lmniil
ouJit to diulula tli iinpru lono of the
aim.) n.rty making liny firlh?r nitni
IL.ti'iiib f-.r iialiiiniil o!1Il-cs.
i M.iuinsutu ;iil?i-rlit.
Tlio U.'Mii.ij; Tun a h'.yn: Some
t me no w oft
l-uii.l t, .i ru.u3.-cs iull.ali.u
l'ia niKp:cta of th.? !j nith.-rn Pomsyl
.iiii I -.:! an I IUilmiJ Cnun-ay
Tiiiai fjriuioi vi 1 be built, md lliat
ajin. A oiinnulfo or o'li- oil;t)n
w.iilrd on lr:in!c lin 15. Uow.-n, 1 q.,
IW.lotit of tha li-a.linj- Hiil.-.uJ
r'j-iipuny, on M m l;iy laU ami a lis
linct nn I cmipleie. un lei-lin lin vva
anlcJ at relative t.jtha mutor.
The fuiiiict'n will bo bu lt on tho
l .n It cf Mi-ij. Unhori, n'ljoiuiiijj
ilnir pi-raul finac-e oo th upper
HjViylliiil, i bin tho city lnni's.
Tlieio i-allenuo wi:h chHracteriv
lie ontri-pri-c bavo taken a deep ititor
til in tha pr ijcct, liu I will m,'
1 irg.- iuvcatiurnl of tlio cajiilal in il
Tj) (nriacj will bs bniit ia pal
u id Ui-io ii uo doabt thai ia Uicir
iiiiu.oiiito vieiuity u lupuUii.n ol tou
tliuunaiiJ pe-ipla will toutajirala iu n
a!i9i-l time.
We heailily conrntulato our citlzana
ipon thia ;reat ini Juiou to llwir man-ulaotui-iii
iniercft. anJ our (IkioUj
ero duo l tlio nenlUiino tli rough
v hose endoavort lliid result bad bjou
Tbo nro for tliufii farujt-ra will be
i incipiilly hupplii'd from tho iiBinoune
il-pnita of t Im Suutln rii J'anuaylva
ni- Iron bmI Kjilrojd t'oinpuny, which
lor i-mmiiy nn I qualiiy, ii is aaiJ nra
iimarjiisiei by a.iy di-pojil i.i th
t;!l.(a.l 4(Jt-nt.
(Iraui is'anl, lo un 1 a hill' mile
this id.' ol' Lock J I a veil, waM lb
Mann or a raili tliaivr by whic-li
letufi'ii thirty and I'm ty p:i!i.-eiigar.i
el lliu I bo lii i) imil t i-t uoro nioi e
i' I cm. iujnred unJ Iw l.iluly btirood,
mi l two pasnen.'cr i-ojelii-, cui al.p-
tc w-r and bij'iio car t-ntiro y
l oiioiiiiii d. The tram wji riinniii nt
lliv rlo or about ibirty tr.ileb an hour
iu t Li J time, and ji preeipi:ated
ilown un cinbjuluiioiit into tha ieo
I ounj Smciiii hiiinu, a di.-itanca of u.
b iuUixiy-lour I'.it t. Tlio cau-o ol mnn ' c)idutod lliu Wtnto during
t!ie arc-id .-ut ii a-i-i ibrd is ast-ribod by tlu robellijn, and Hie peu-ral win lo l
a p-wmr ttbo wua r,n tho traia una oUr armioa, wero sordid wrotehci or
Inm, whom wo bar.. , b-aiuad tho p,r-' , . w d .
t:c-ulaia ol ii tJ u tk-teoiivu r.ul, Iho , . ,, .,,. . ' ,
.,t(,.i cjuJition ol' tho li.-u and a la !; ll" tv)l 1,ava il!iJjaHou (or tho pa
of hallabt lolwci-H. lli-iii Tha rui! , r:ri .
I r La aboul ibo eculr, and uli thu! derations like Iha nn we liaro
cut l'.dtwins lha engine un I tender ,.gKtoa ava far mora ouuoroua than
(iho liTU-r huviuir raised lli i dauuer r ,.
tJ : , . i '. i 'w.u'"Jnv' h nw of r.-pantinua oreve i of lor-ol-oad
on nt uud nam amcd ihi-ir im, .' - 1 .-.'
It.iuna tha trie's i wore i.i i.n insf..,,. ,
1 iiiioi ever, uiu wnco.ii ot tlio cir
luiu,' cairied o 1' ilu i-oatl by ihj ib.
myeuiie'. 1 nu can aooo
...a- i',r.. ft...... . .. t :..i.
. -..w i.tu Mum iiiu riuivi litu.i no 01 I.I . It.
. 1 1 , 1 , ,, , : luud the prescut L-enera-ioa, though it
..-. I lieiiti'd. uud lha eui) boea-ne tu-' '
b bL'iibabh hoiriblo. A lai-o num. I my nnt liv u " l!,c of
I or bal b.-eu wou ide 1 by tb) over '"rati , t liir'.sli? ihi Imps t hat it
taming . it tlu train, uad tin crac';iiiv'!ebil.lre;i will. Thi c:;ijtoacj of tliit
IS -ics, whl -Ii threatened to eil tb,,., .,, 0l,.,nihei us moro than unr
1 p, lidded poij-outicy to thou- couJi- ., ... , ,
tto... Tho tiniu hii turned ou i.s "lhor " ,h,I, r lU nw0M'
ahl, 11 nd aftwr a low ha I ea-apnd Irani preservi i. lln Itopublicai oraniz
the doors tiiia bvonue uf tyr.-aa wa tio:i und ol'oppjiin ni u iitad from
vbiaeii bocauso tif tho flu brcakin tl ttn united fui. Ia Iho luoe of it n.
cut violeu'lv. Iho ouly alicrnativu . .., . .,,
pi-canted hr libor,ti.,n iron, tlai''''nr of .ho party will c.nsont to a
llano ens eloped care, wai ihrouh the J" laioa vvll c! wi" ,n:lk lua K'klux
window ubovo. Thoso nliuhlly or , sjproine iu tho so it h the ayni mthu-
nut all injured worked nerc;oli.-.illy
11 et the ba Hy wouajod t j thd out-rtiiloa-od
tui't'.'idcd in 111 it t inatarTcei
One poor lell nv, our iufiiruiaiit stales,
wpg lyitij- in tho ainoakln car, 11 hoi
atove rtatitio; ou hia breast and burn
vg terribly. All elTnrta I t itniovo
liim proved unavulin. Tho stove
1 1 ti cl fulhii across the a olunothrr
iiisieiicr, who was etlricatud but
under tho nioul painful cii-ounisluiires,
the l.-sli comiuingolT his limbs as In
wus boiilu rescued. To add to the
ri(liiful sccoo ibe cars tnado u com
ilvto sumnicifault and rolled down on
the ieo! Tlio flumes bad oowsb-utu-ml
11 Urrifioaspeut, tho varnished inter'
lor and cushioned scale buroiu like
yalroloutn, and the silver mounting
1110IU03 hko loud. It bad oouio lo 0
(jueeliuu of lifo and death, nnd every
j unsenger put foitb List or her utmost
jJ-at Itj jsr-ne nnd stniPKO to re-
Amncslr for Inxmlca.
Jti'l n tlio If.'publicnn ptrty, act
ini for I lie niti'jn, U nl ut to confer
lull nnJ f ire pnrJ m apn every rniin
tvlio r.tirtti lii'" linn J fljiiiml Ills Union
in fii't, to ali-ik I lie I il a'uciilo tliil
l.iii U tli "iih!jvc 1 Sunli," v? li-jve
n .(her of tlr o peri'iJioi.t OjUiirt
of li e noo wliieli vr mul na m rorj'
ilia t'lH fji'li'U Hut cx'Kn nt (Ir
S uth mi 1 lii i'c in (lup iir of that
oc ipli). Aii'l in calling ottMitioi t
lui.i l,i it in licalio i of t!iu o!.l ioernji
ojblj li-avei v ni-8 n-iiin itcJ by n
L-xire tli;il a ronm in illusion a
lli North, not I) uxi-iu any aacliiua'
'J' In) J vrlio tell in l!mt tha S in li htr
I'Tjo'ten tnti wai- ail lb it tlio Sorli
rril pi.ijil" aro loynl In llio C n-l'. it ltioD
an I c I'inlry, ciilier toll a fl.iraai
falrh'iJ J jlilioralely an with a pur
pat, or ai-j lint mit f uparSt'ial of ol
ervera. I', in unli'uj tliat Norllicrn
L-upital nii.l lit'iur orj nrcL-omcii tj tli
SjuiIi. Ilo-tiiiiy, n t liopit,i'iiy, i-
.lie m inner unJ for n of tlu'ir ie?oj
:i hi. The llit'lilcJ 6AU au.l tara
lyztl in lu'irii'S, v!iic!i miIil (eeui
wiib ib'j liolie.t (idIjcIi yf l'j 3 Bi n'.-tropic-,
ai I yifll usleunnca an l
ve.ibb Ij tliouni tboaj ore the
vilciL-os of t !io wil.l ids:o:i, tic
I'vp-nfuloil batrel, thai fljuri-ili lo
bo S Mlli.'rn licart au I r-Hitt a rem n
if pr upcriiy tu tlia Kcctiun.
Fiihy w.n tlio ann'ivcaary ol
In lirlli J.iv i.I II i'h'i I 1). l,o, aii'! -very S itrlior:i cily ail lia nlot
conn a.' p mul of r!ubr4tija in i is
honor. Nut ('iicl unJ ivu ler di'pbiy
of sorro v mil r'wrui vf lb" rive
"fa man who In J nntir viitic, bu'
linii'ilt jouh duiniiisirjiioni by ajrvi-
von of l.ii ol.l butuli-n-,
U!.dii-!nli,tmbatroH of co'la JOMtba, an!
l - pcochi of tlia bili m i li.i,' and
bouibiRiiu orljr that Gra SjiKhen)
hcarta. At I.'xiiil iii Va , n iul
on vio'jtoJ bii piro'o by a t J i -;
inus li'iran io, of whicli lhi paragraph
i. a T.iir :i-npla : ' Thay Ull in In
forH dead ini iti. (m i t 'uu i-auca
ovorbedeal? V J toiiero 1'ial a
pcoplo wb i lorot thair tradition are
iiiiworlby of the na:iu of I'r.-timiu.
I.ailie-", 1 h:tvo faith in yo.i to instil
into t'no riiini pi-noralioa ibo tmnrni-j
of tha pist. I'pon yo i, you i friend.s
whn aro hrro in t'lo.-a wa'ls pi-op.-iriiiL' liTe, rosta lha hopo of ouutry.
Yon bnvo tho cxamplo of J-t.i ami
Jackson nioro inano liutoiy bvfr you;
pr .fitby t hem. Ci nradc-, vvln oi
tinny Hilda have lolljw-d ihi roit
captain,! neoj not tell 3011 to b
true. Jf any Im ren-gi las, pit tliein
") wi h Iho brand of infuniy upou
them. Wo have a samd ilu'y to
perform lha tuib of L-e inual Ir
carol for ; a 1110:111 imnt tj him must
ho erected at ibo Cuileli-rata capital
We will dj it, and show to the woill
that we love 1 and hniore l him in lil'j.
we nre true in deith, un 1 not unworthy
I.i b ivo b.-en lite fulloniTa of liohei't
i:. Lre.''
Now, the loy-1 nviltitudo nf lha Ian 1
couU P 'i-jjiva even thii i;hirifi.-aiioi o!'
ibenry thoy ilvtuat, thii tu'.ojy of 11
rebel, if it wcraouly an ilbi-tiotion of
till ton-city with which tho Sm'h al
hero to the lo.t cauaj. Hat il is more
than thi. Th men win pro:iojn:o ii
have only Into Pr 1 ho Uidon and n!uu
der fur i: heron, liyin und deal.
No noblo pirpose. necordinj ti their
-peoi-hc-, oniuiated the tboiisindi of who die J in do.'onco of Iho in
violability ol't.'io Uovnriniicnl and llic
sicrediieiig or Iroo nig itutions I Tho
' Kv ,',o! vnl.lablo
lesson Jolhison )ivia' exultnii
pi-upho'V Cinl the lost cj'jo it nitlost
j, e-',ooJ
in etrery Sjiiiberii heart,
iuI Donociucy v'mtcrious at the Norih.
B'Jsk'i AlurtlJrrr.
Ne.v York, Jan. 20. Stokes wa
arraigned to plead ia the Court of Oy
er and Teruiiuur this uioroinjr. Jin
lawyer, John Crnhnm, awid he iuteud
id to inov to (UkIi iho iiidiotuient.
I'he Rland jury hud boon jjiveti thu
cuso bol'oro the uorooor'a jury had iv
en thoir verJiet. Tho tornoner kepi
back tho fact a to wenthor the deceas
ed was armed and olhvrwiso exceeded
hia authority, contrary to thestututu.
Ia bi anxiety to obtuia a incrJeiO'is
verdict papers were clandestinely
traiieferred to the grand Jury,
The eorotter bed also violttod bis
provioui proiniso sod place I upon the
the jury u lawyer oautod Mauusoll ii.
Field, wboso nuthoi preja-
L1- a 3WV.imiWm
ken by ex-Jndja Ful'e -ton in the ob
tnininofan indictmut ofStukes fay
in that I-'ullerton became acpi.tinteJ
rvnb ol Mokei private a7.ur na hi
f i n-al, and ibi-n 3l"ke-, hiviiir re
Pie.l t. pay hint arf enormia cm-el
foe of$,OdJ, a'icd him, a .iWq icntly
i-inj" hU ka lwlod.-e. nt loi-mvr conn
el, Id Mi'itro an i.idictineiit aiin.t
S'-ik'i Tiie Pji-iiroiii war Juitli
fore lha t:urt by Mr. (ir.iham in lh
diapj or nlil l.irin. District Attor
noy tiarvin a'ato I that lit did not pro
pro'.. In pat lo cmli-anlni-y iifS lit vita
Mr. (JnilrA-n an aiked tlu eoun
to rj'ia-'j thi indictinant, oa the
jroij.1 1 tli u the acl of 1S70 re.-u'al-id
the aiitin (il t wo aran l j-iriei was
iin'on-liiu'ioriiil, ai l even ifctnsli
t itional thai t ie t- .art eh-iul I lit its
Sisrreii-in. iaci nn nr ler moating th
.ireicnt in-lit I rr hoinicida, and aand i
baeli lo inniliei-ciaa I jji'7 titling after
I1.1 nr.d ot l-wlr.iary. .Mr. (iralir.m
coiitinno l, nr.'iinij to proto that the
111 liit nenl waa in violation of the oath
rthe srau J j iry w'ao broaht iu thii
Piatric-t Atlornoy Oarvin T-ry ropIioJ 10 .Mr tlr.iliam, arj-!i-
o; th il the liw ol 11) waj eooititH', nnd that niibii2 hid been ill
e.-.lly dona to warrant Hit qunahinp
ul tha I n.iii-lmoiit. 114 nisi relerred
'0 ibj a.ivafl nainuli of Mr. Grahnu
up jn ci-Ja Jjo l'ullertDn na uuvrar
ijalol a3'J cei-pt'uua'. Ha gara ia
dolail !hi ciivu niti- of t'a shiot
in of 1- !.! by Stokta, and re for 10 I lo
lha rate or l'1-.k aj;uio-t "dansnel I and
Stokea in the Yurkvdlo IV.ico Ciart.
Mr. (irihain n(ain ittortvl -avne
lv on Mesn-4. (jnrvin ntil I'ullerton.
in I slat J tint it bat como to hi
knowlc le thai the moJical trentmont
Kiak undcrn-ont nee.-leratod if il did
not BJlnaliy cau.44 bii death, m liioio
ia a man 11 iw living in thin oity wb"
wca woanlel tlio rame na Fink.
Mr. Mi-Kemi, ono of Stoka' cojn
tc, f.ill iwe.l, ) ini;: l'ik wai Ih
i-eniri of a ban I of a-nas-inn, which be
(Mr. Meiveon) t'ari ni he uavet did
iboP'jo in hia ofTloial ritiorr.
4 ?Sa'j u Trial f jr u Itldri'ci-
oiiii9!((-a I'lltern Veur
The Iowa C ty It jM!van r pirta
iho f i'.loiviii); care ta n 'W enRg'D,;
h a't.-atioa of the covrl t'ure :
A H'litinian, livin in 'Judiaoo
t'.W'11-.'.iip una ene-ieJ last ijjnday
t i iin'Wfi- un in Ii' tniont lor a murder
aid to have bssn cj'iimiitcd ii llii
eojnly lirieec yoara a;;o. Tho partic
illara at we -.-pertained ihero. waro
10 I he effect that the priaouer inn trie J
a widjw woman wiili I jar vbidreii.
twj of whim were little giils, uou
ropeclively 7 and 9 years.
TIiojo bltle pirls wrre Rent oat 011
an errand f r their 8teprniher, and re
turned without a;coiiiplirhin their
miitioii, which ro cura'ad bi.n thai bo
took acljb nud wilh il bed tin jouiit
at iirl ur.til I'.fd wan c.x Inch II -threatonod
the mother an 1 oilier chil
dren with a liiio 'Irani 'nl fate if thoy
ravuaUd to tlie putilia Uij I'turru!
crime w hich he hud coiiltuiltnj ; a id
'thai by t'j.a' ail i:.ti uidd'ion, an -ceo
lol :u inprwdiio f r fi.'teod loni
1 yeara th particular of this l.orriiilo
I Iroifidy
It wal not ui;il th- ii:t!o irl, who
tieenmpaaio I her bi-!i- 01 thut ill-
Uts.l luiitl'in, lia I ,-.-wn to WulrViU
liooJ, on I folt itfo under the protect
iu; oroi of a nta i who had in lo a ol
usan vow to clieriah und protcl her
through, thai h!io appeared bifor
the R.-oiiJ jiry lo tnikt otili lo tho
terrible 8uo alio wituouel whiabut
a child.
a'aie ijEurptxl Uunk tt.vlailii
jot ltccui-dMl,
Tlio Kao-a- City A' .ra j;ives t',r
foilorfiiii; rco juut of the latest s.viiidie
a 3 record ;
"A well drca eJ rentleman, who
f,r idoniirlt-ati jii we will rail Smith,
entered tha banlc. nn,l in u straight
for ward bui tnsH mnn nor, desired
I tho bank, In ndvanro hitn tho Sim of
SDO nn u draft drawn no a banking
lirm in n neighboring yiat,. The par
l:e baiu; atianoia tho bunk iuforuiod
him ihey could not advaiico Iho nnney
'Weil," -aid Smith, il will make nn
(li.Vurenc-ii. Yon can takn tho drult
and aeinl it forward for colleoiim, tin-
1 1 w II wait until yo-i pjl returns."
I b a waa ttrui-d to by the bank, mid
tho draft win I'.i-wnr led lor collection.
In dud ciurso of innil ibo back recuiv.
eJ a hiinils imoly pitron up drnl'l 011 11
binkinc ho.iHe iu New Y.-rk wil h the
proper it imp prinUd in
for tho hum of $S)0, which amount
nm daly paid orct lo aaiith when he
Tho d'nft wna B.'nt on In Ne York,
m l in a lew day Iho hink receive I
tho conaolin iufoiiiiatioii that the
.vh do tiaiisactiou was a complete nutl
nii"-oi.ful frail I acd swimllo.
Thia is a gune which couhl easily
haro he.-a played upon tha moat care
ful banking hou'O in Iho count ry.
A iiitui!ii.E ititiiic of religious
fiuiilieisin hid rucent ooourreucJ iu
tho towu of Windsor, lSrotime county.
N. Y. A couple nam-'tl Stow had
child nbout eighteen nianilis old, which
llit'oiU'h ims childish eccentricity,
relaxed lo tell iu iiumo when ink-'d.
A Nezirite prouehiir name I lilutulilriy.
declared llint tho rhild was poasoHscd
by Iho duvil sn I should he whipped,
in order lo drive out th evil spirit.
The father, who ia also a Nu-arito.
laaho J his unfoi'liinilo oflHpi'injr in o
horrible inanoer, iuflic'in aovore cms
and bruises. The child's prandfutber
found il In a critical condition auJ took
il to his home. The inbuuiaa paraot
has been arrested.
The triul of Mrs. Whurtoa, charod
with the murder of Geo. Koiehum,
by poiaonlo, at her owd lioiir in
Haltlm re, snmo mo a thu eo, wut
brought to a i-b'so on WeJuoa-lny lust,
by n verdict of oerjuital. Tho rase
was tried ut AuuiipolU, Md., und ou
otipled (he court about soveo weeks
Mrs. Wharton is a'so uo lor bonds to
appear at ibe court In April, to answer
tho charge of attempting to poison a
liH,aoit luat
Tho IluDtlng.loo Journal sayi that
Th man who Is to? poor to take bis
county piper has purchased a double-
barreled irun aol keepa four ().
II takes hia buj juic three lim a
O.l tha n''it of J in. 19th onebalf
th lowo of MmtieellJ Urotr cum
ty, Arkanaia. vent de-troyoil by firo.
A fear days bjl'oroa tarriflt ftorm pa
I over the place, blowinj down
chnrchea, nni o ifi u theOMii l h jus
and daiuaioi; other bu il J iii-i.
Sr tii, lha lUhaucIier nn I murder
er, live) I'JXiirl.itiily in the lonmb., hi
cell ndorned with lace curtains and
rich carpet i, hi bed of so't-lown, aid
lii atmo-phere radolont with the per
I'uiiu of exilic b'tqiieta placed there
vury tnirniiu. It ia a sort of broi-ni
to bo a murdoror iu New Voik.
Tho legality of Secretary U.iutwell'f
Joalios with lha Syodi.-a'o is fully
suataiiirfd by o.ingresa, o thut thu
abl bfll'ier is al least reliovad from al
blanio, bi bo acted fully in couformity
with law. No man wilh UjuIwc'.IV
oxpeiicnre and abi ity, could do oth
orwiie anJ hope to escape severe cen
sure front the pfjple.
Tub to-rit tender ic'e hnr been do-
cidod t) be constitutional by the I'ni
f 0 J St'itus Supreme Court. Juatic
Strong dalivciad the opluion. Cbiel
Jas'ic'3 Clias and three asoclats
Ji'.euUl. The legal Undor acts wrc
pael byCon.'r"i apon the rtc;m
tnend'iii ia ol Ciiate, bs th-n bvio
Sesrolary of tho Tr)asary. They were
c )iiidered con.Hi iiiitioiiul then r hint.
Siiic-a be has yot to ba a deuiociat, It"
baa ehar.ed hia ppiaion,
The U.-avar H 1 H ul -uya," tin at
tempt lo bcrpatlor tlio ro;u'a:ion of
riegideut (I runt, by fust'oin;; ou bin
'.he SOhle-t MHiplmiiy wilh tho lax
iiianagsaianl or the Ne.T Yorls Cj.'loti
II jus.', LaalreiJy bia.iaii 11 ridiculo n
laiiara. AuJ iIioho wiibin ou party
who hav l.-ul their aid a i I inflii'-na
to thii w.-jichal fT.rt, bav round llieui
(s!ves auspectvd by the liopublioan
party, while the IVosiJent the object
of ibair maUfi'lance i atronrr to
day ihim at any tuoineot t-i r c the sur
render of Leo "
1 ho un lortn't harlnx batn appnlnttd A
dllor, l - ih (irpatn't Cuart ol snylir lluunty
t Ims. Tarin A. ll H;, to report th Incti la
tho m tttar uf th p-tliloa of Mart K. bnTdar
far a rltnllun t i 11. !. fcy-r, Adrulali'iator,
cutn lo antiio, ot th lat will and
t' la j. nt nl John hnj.lar, dac-.t, and ior
A. vvulh nn t CintltU lrB( hl wll, horaiiy
iclr nitlc to Hllporiin Intaraatad, tbnt hi.
. itmci ilt .aa nrp i i i i.t yr miui. ri.
ail!.- Koytoiu llv.ul, In he'lnsruru. 111.1
I D.nnijr, on KrMiy tb 13 U di-of Ko'iru try.
nit., at ia o'oio- a. ai. ni ir my im mnjr tnuik
pro;?r to nttnd. L. N. M vfcli, Auditor.
I'uU. 1, Mr:.
11 0 71 A IT X 0 M
A new wirli I A awakening In-eitluTAtlm I
A thrilling 1'ie-ne o.' thought lur live
men. Hatcre.ted mure iillenieut than the
' Wander, ng .lew " Kmlneatly a l .ptedti the
tlinei. Ii unrarelt the MiiiUh lyitein from Ul
uilala totlia p'ent 1 enpotos lit ba-eleia pre
tori.-e. lie (rand, Iti ..p.nitlon tpabll . rcuuoli
au I rellgl.iut and olvtl libenlet. In llnul, ti.,
Th! work I an '.eant octaro vo'.ume, con
taining Tea pagei, U9 lint clan engraving!,
ltoand la slieap price In cl itli ii .--out by
mall on regain', nl price. Addrett eath orderl 10
11. II. LiivVlS, Agt. I'.r the U. M ,
AniMoim.i, Va.
T. Il'nn and putiMthrri Intartln? I lie alxr.
win, thi notl a '4 ,' will, on a ra-eipt ol a N. of
llieir paper cuiitalnlng lha -ad.,' ttjilx a com
pilm. ntury cupy gratll.
fALKEit iroYsE
IoC:i:n City Xn.
K D. WAI.TE'.t'.a.oi-.
Tbis a new home, newly fnrniaha I and
i'liow open la Ilia traveling pnMie. ll ia
l.ietel tj.-iir tlie .I'p il. No olfort will It
ipareil by Ik prnpriolor to ini! lit (lay
of bis gu.'sis p'.aiaut and agreeablj.
H3urilf "m H-.i!.
Ry vlrln of a ejilaln writ of Fi. Ft . Is
anel out of Ibe Court of Coiiiainn I'lais of
Suy oer Ui.iitiiy 10 mo ilheotod will h ex
piaed lo I'ul.lio Sale, nl tlie l.'.,iirl Huns,
in Mi.l'llrbur. Snyder county,. m
Till' US BAV, FEBRUARY 2J, 1R72.
Al 11 o'clock A. M. Ibe following Ileal
lau- la w il ;
linibctland Land sil.iale in Midtlsorrek
I cut mli in, Im-innVd ! 111 1 la by l.nnls of
Frsderiok llolig. North hy J itejil, Minnig
and Frederick ll .lijt, Wotl hy Ficdcriek
llulijr. li nt hy Ccbnino Lyni 1.
Heiied, taken into ex-cm bin an I lobe
soil a lb pro-ieny of LulXA IK III Moll
JOHN P. WOt,!', Sh,iT.
SlniHI s O.Tioa Jan, U7, lilT-'.
r-ihorill'9-! Hu!.
Hy virni- ofa certain writ of l,v. Fa
itsued out of Iho Cuiirl of Common I'lcntf
Sayd-r Conniy lo me direated will be rx
n i...,l to t' Kile, 01 ih pre nisi, in
iYuliinlou lownsliip, bniler o.iiiuiy, o
VVfdiic.l J.iy, bru.i y -21. lHi.
At 11 o'olo-i A. M. I'a fjlljw.nj Real
Cilat lo wil i
corl.iin lot of grj'inl s'.td' Ii '.Vn'ilnj.
o I I ownihip, li lundel on the lii-l mil
North hy lnu.l of Jaicp'i Hio.ii i, Wosl hy
land nf Jacob Hieltiin, tir euntaiuin FlVrl
AC1UM, mar or lea wbiraou It ei tjied a
Two Btory Loj
Frame Honso.
Sahsd lukau imo xieuiiua bi 1 lob
mil aslti property of WILMAM 8 rKf
FiX. JUIIN H. WOl.t', Ubsiitr.
tbri.T Ollic J.ia. 'il, 187.'.
Iiltllolii'g-, jLi.
Tbls bouse ii la oles proximity lo I be
depot and bn lately been I'-biilll and r
HtilJ. llonni eammoUious Ibelabl will
supplied with ibo best, Ib aisrkel atTorJs
aud term uieJorai.
tic Is hereby gives that Ih flnal acoount
of John 8 hmllli, oouiiiilttea of the peiaou and
ttialeol John Oldta lunatl of Heaver town
hlpnyder oouuly, I'a , hat been Bled with
th rrotlionolary ul rinyder comity, aud tha
ante will be preienied to court fureonllriuatUa
ou alouuay (be tt day sf February neit.
J. CHOVcH, rrolh.
Mlddleburg Jan. U, im.
Kstat of OEURQEdH AFFBB le'd.
J Tettameubiry oa lb Eitataof OEOItOE
ba AFFEU, ll vl Ferry township Snyder Co.,
Oeo'd having boon graauid tb undiegnd l(
uron knowing tbauitelraa ladebled to laid
uiire required to iaak payment without
dalav aad tho having claim will nreaaal
'ilBJWigl J 11 IL H -J
J V hrlT alTn In all fono-rn-, I fa at tha J
loiinwius ntui-i pir'oni n-v n letl inflir mo 1
mnnii in in hk'"' -nc. l mi.ii.Kbare
nv.lcr ennntv. n.l Hint th irmnu will
b jirMttntn-l for and allnwnf t
in- urpii-nf i:onrt to u baci i nii'iibarg lor
ol Ftlirn-r- nit, Ml rue tli DlU dxiof Mid
in i ;ouniT 01 .-.nvnMr. on in r ourtn
mnniii. Tin
1. Th --onnt of Philip Anpl Jotaph OrT
Mil Kxtcaturi ofth blitinl BmJiiaiB Apil
S Th fln-l aceotint of t.rl t'lrkh k Frank
lin tilrlch A.lminl-tratort ol th att of loan
Irl O. t'lrlfh ita-'il.
. Th aoronnt of FrnnVlln .Tarrott, Arlmln
Ittratur ol Hi bout of Nunor .larrxt ilmM.
4. 'l ha a-murt or H:r Ohm nf Arlam
Waanar of til MtaM f t'lr Ooi
r.. a -.1.
a. Tha a-connl of John Wnrman Omr'Han of
nr Arthur I., "mllli a minor rhlld of Kolwrt W.
n l i:ilia hinltu Ut of Allddlbur Uorvogb
5. Th flrot and Anil nnnl of Hiram Kantt
dmlnlitratorefth K.iaUof Him in Kama.
tim- .1.
T. Th flrtt and fin I onnt of Hamnal D.
Kanit v.i-ir.llMn of Mmn 11. ljlhl a minor
child it Mlrht-I l)lhl .len d.
a. Th Acunt of .lawih II nfr ai l Cbarlei
Rcn(-r Ei-airi nf Ik larl will ond Ultamtal
t f Hnr- IHnltr dao'd.
Jan. a I, liia,) 8. tl. Bt'lllTK, BtgliUr
"Romnma it,m
It Ii a com pinion rotam t
ef which
100,000 Uopion
liar alraadr hn orrd, and II itlll on of
iu --9l f-uinK iinai otii,
Hon't wait tlmt nn book an on wnt, bnt
tk on 11 "IU itop y.iv In tha airaoiito
mbt-rlb for. "There In a Ilm 1-ouh," and
all who rand Hill book will i-l.arlf that lliu
Im com. Ap(.ly t on fur turrltorr, circu
lars, and Kriiia. Addrc
M'U'ltl.H ASHMKAt), Pul.ll-lier,
in oanvoin piraoi, i nira.
Jar.. S3, 1571 8. U. SCIIt'UK, Iltg'r
i:lal of (lror-; A. 8nyd-r, dacuied.
I.rllcr- cifia trrtirrt'nto ai:ifx rn th
siate of Cco-k A. Pnyder. lme of Peon
lowmliip, Hi-yilcr couniy, ilrccaacd, having
liccn granird lo Ibe nti lci-isnr I, all per
sona knowing tbem-Wrs iiulubt.J In iaiJ
Dial are rcii-icil 10 niak piyiucnt with
001 Jtliiy, and those Imvinj cl-iiius aaiaul
:ke sain will prrKcnt lliem to
J t: it K M I A 1 1 MNVHKR,
Win. II., AdniVs.
MiJ.l!, Jan. 1'), 1!;7J.
Nntlct ll liere'iv ulvcn tint Sarah Welti.
widow of Jacob Welti 1 11 of chapman tonn-
til,., do"eae.l 1 hll.-.'ibetli Kremer, widow of
llaunerllle Kremer, lata ol Chapman tnwnlilp,
.leceitad, and Maraaiet Mh idol, wl l. n -l.loVj
sUnlel, l.ile ol I crry Cittn'tilp, 1 il -belli
11 air, w 1.1 iv ..I 1 1., ui, leie ..I .'hip
intn ii.ii.iijmct .1,111(1 iuel llilll,- aiiprait?
mania v ii i, ...a I't.rli nl .. Hfi.h....' i ...... ..f
.niir cumy ano uiai uie reitie win lie pre-
rei.lrd lur r.inliiu.atlLB totblb Aloud of
llouusv of
1 tbruary ovxt,
J CROI SE, Clrk O C.
, 15J2.
jllddtebiirj, Jan. 1
aereby given that
J ilin.l. Ojx, 11 innerrlll,
.o m-i Siult i. Fremnnl,
l.anlel 11 .rn, d i
Win. P. Henrer. C'enterell.
l'otor Weller. Watuliigtun.
John A. Htaulneoker, all IdleVarg,
Iao X. Troxol. Troielrlll,
V. P. Welter, Chapman,
H. II, WUer, .MjCI'ire c'ty. Welt llearir,
Kuiiin Kuiitz, Cbapiaan tuwmhlp,
Homy cipii'.i
John H. W. cdllrg, Pcnni townihlp,
('.murine Mattern, da
ller.ry llcnler, Franklin t.mniblp.
Jacuvl'. Killjpr, r elli.itinve hrrttaurant,
J .'i l II. Full. jr. Hlimriv. ( Hait i ir int)
Iiit nled their petltl.iua Tive.-n l.tcento
with Hie i.'lera . the Court of Uu .rt-ir
f nnyilir oiiuty, and the tame will be present
ed ..r approval ou U.inday, I'nVaih d ly of Feb
raary neat. J. CiiOLSc, C'ierk u. b.
juuutry it, isra.
And sr no'V id'.in- Tahle Claas-Ware,
Ltntp', c, tic , al
iIisb ibe ka na kind of poo Ih bnve ever been
sold ia ibis coaiiiy.
riioy nre selling Larp nnd l'eiuliful
iainpa for f coiiti I
Lamp Chimneys for Ci cenla !
Fruit Howls '41.H per Pair I
Cuko Sinndaonly Vjal.OO!
lithoa "' f cenla per ectt !
AnJ olberanielos lu thoir hue at prices thai
li?l- Competition I
Tbry will remain In Pe'.insgrovs I wo weeks
only, nnd will kvll goods
Very Cheap For Cash.
8tlinigrove, January l-'i, 187 X.
HIuM'i.IVi Mnlo
Ry virtue ofa will nf FI. Fa. Uiid oil
of II. Couii of C.imui m Plea of Hny.ltr
Co.. lo ui tliieclcd, will he exposed lo pub.
liu fale, at tb pnhlio Home of Daniel Ki
aenhaii, In Wi.rliiu jioa lowmhip, Snyder
County, l'j , on
fSat;ird.iT. rebi-iiarr 3, IH72.
The following .leacrihod Real F.alale to
wil : All that oerluiu Tiiiat of Land ail.
lint In I' n I no loivnahip. County and 81111
alor.'tui I, baan led on iho eail hy land of
Itibn Sweigcrl. weal by of Ueorc
Leiiltf. auiiili hy land of Jao.ib C. Hiraua.
sor. an 1 nonU hy laud of .Samuel Harrold,
Mor or less, whereon ar creetod a two
slory FRAMI' IIOUSK. Frame Stabl. end
olhcr out building, gnl 10 oouimenoo at
I'.', o'clock, noon-
- Heiit-tl, taken in exeetillon, and lo b
rold ae ibe propenv of Henry. I. Swine
fort. JOHN 8. WOLF, BbeilfT
Sheriffs Otuoe, MlJUUborg, Juu. 8, 872'
Omca Pt-anrBV h T.kwitow R. n. Co.
Keliutgrov Pa. January a, H.7J.
The annual uiettiug of tb biookliohler
of ihi Company will ha held at Ih Key.
stone Hotel. Selintgrnve, 8nydr County
I'onna. on Tuesday, February 13ih 1872,
at 1 a'olook 1'. M. at which time and place
anuleotioa will be held for a President aud
eevea Uireciora to eerve Ik easuiua: yar,
Na. (10 North Third Elreet
The Beat of nil iba Weekly Papers
ruuiiabed I
Erry glory. Every flkeleh. an 4 vry
Ariiela prlmeil la SATCRDAT KIOIIT 11
original, and writtsa aprs1y for It eol
urons hy 111 best taltul. that money ean
"tTranT TVinWT It a larr -laht -: Mr
contalnlnw f.iri- com mnn of lha h--t raadlnv, alanantiy prlntad o fin whll papr,
aad ncatl- lllaMralr.1. Th pnrlty and nwai
-'aTi.anaT m inm ia 01 tna nian-i order
Nolhlnir that ran In Ih leant off-nd Ih rllir
lomor r-.lltkal kallol of any on will be allowo.1
10 appear on in pae. A boat every other week
11 eomm-ncM a Mew ntnry. Erary numbar con
iln the Ul tchc. ritl y, and m.
mornut pa'axrapha. Karhlon Arllclae fr the
l.a.llra. The Anawera to ierrnnn.enle con
tain Information oa alUnlnerta, M alien of Low
iiomeatlf aad prlendly welatlnaa. niatory. an
-lent and wmlern. and ercrrltilna rnnaerlrd
wlih i.ova, rnnrKhlpand warrlat. la l
the lient pamllv rwr pnMlfhed, and III pnat
aucce Ii prnortkal It Ii vna raraa tt arery
h-ne In the land. He lure and mbr-rll for no
etuar paper nntll yi.u e thcaATranav wihht.
newillecn l Specimen Copies fro fn
sny win will aenil u lliclr nd.lress. Kaeh
ntiminr 01 CKUAY MUIIT eonlainr
a much readinjr mailer at any of Ilia pop
ular Monllily Magaiinea. Tlireo Dnllara
year will pnrclinaa A'i nunihar of 8.VT
UllDAV NIOIIT. Tbo saasa money expen
ded In a Magaiiua hritiai you ouly 12 mnn
ben. Sutucriplio l'rieo of
Saturdav Nigrht.
For One Vear. 62 Nee. is only "'?,0n
For Sli Monih. 2D Nn. Is ,-jly J . 5')
For Four Moulhs, 17 Nos. Is only 1.01
For tkh pnt.r.Ana w wilt tend funr enple
on yar to one addreaa, or e ich copy to a epa
rale a.l.lre'i. For Taaarv inir.i.Aaa mm win
end eight cpl. lo one addr-M, or eah copy to
eparato n.l.lroe. The parly who ajo
lr a cibi. ol elKht eoplea (all lent at on time),
will ! -Milled to a cpy maa. ileltvri ap r
t'litlx olclKht optci oan afterward add male
copies at J to each.
rropr's and ruh-rs or 8ATi-niav Nionr.
I'hlladolphla, pa.
Thii splendid weekly
l.niir.tve I. . 01a i.i
nturifoil nnd
in inn mnet uactiil and In
lareriinu innrnala avor nnb It had. i.--.r nn.n
ler It beanllliillv printed oa line paiier, and ela
Kintly llluttrair.l with nrlirlnal enitraflnen,
riirr-fnlln Now 1 Nnrelilea In M.
rh tulrt, Mnnufcluret, 1'hemlatry, rhotora
p!iy, Aro l.llcclure. Agrlculiiiro, enalu-erlnr,
M lem-a aid art. Farmer Mcrhanlrt, Inven
Inrt, Knaliieera t'hcmitta, Mnniiliiniurert. nnd
l-cuple ol all froleftlcuj or Trades will Und th
Gcfsntiflc American
Df (Ircnt Vat.i an.1 hiterrt. lit litrnnilcnl .
aetllona will mi hundred nl iloliari to erery
I II 'U-clli.l'l. Wnrkthnn. and Farlnrv In Ilm In nil
, .v. ,t. Vv ,.,, murvi .i taiunuie
I .': ,nn r..iinrearapiien iv many
01 n. e ai.ieai American nrd t- urnpean W rlieri.
ond hiving nceeta lo all tli leadlne; Kclcntlllc
and McclianU'nl .l.iurnala of tlio World, th cal-
umnt nf tin Sclentin A'nerl m are eoii'.anliy
wintvMvu ,ii vuvirari .niorioailou.
An OFFIl'IAl, LIST of nil the l'alcile le
sued Is l'ubliibcd Weekly
The yenrty nn-nlnri of (he ffIKf TIFIf
a. Mr II It: AN make Two Pp!endld V. .linnet of
.leiriTiine i iio'l'in I faget, c 1 ilvn'.eit lu ixa
t Four ThoutanJ lir.ll i ury Hook Paget.
TEIIMS. v. Veari tIM Half Year i cinl t
of Ieo Copies fur on Year, each, f-:'.00,
With a Fplendl.l Prlmluiu lo th pertnn who
Inrmi I he Club, c mtittlrg nf a copy nl tlio eclo.
brotcd atocl Plato Eogravlng, '-Men or Pro
In connection with III publication ofth 8c
entitle American, the nndortlgned conduct Ih
mmt e.Mcatlva Atency lu tbewoild for pro
aurlng PAT PATS. '
i he licH way lo oldoln n antrer to tli qnaa-tton-Cnn
1 obtain a Patent t let", wrlto to
Ml." NX i CO., a; Park Haw, Kw York, who
liana had nver Twenty II xe ean" I:x,orlence
In the burlncs. No vharge It mul tor opinion
and advice. A p-a nnd lull tkelch, nr full writ
len dolor ptlon ol the Invention, tcnil I be lent. Inttructl .i,i circernlng American and
Fun.iienn Pa lonn Caveat' We. Ituea Inter
fercnect lte;-t d I'ntne Uinta nn Soiling Pa
ivrtt Unlet and Proccrdlngi of Ilia Pnieni
lime The Nw Patent l.nwt Exatnlnntli.
fxteiitr,,,t Inl.liia'tiuaiiia, etc., etc., aend for
INSTIM'CTIIIN- IWI1K. wlil di will be mulled nn appll-nll iti. All bi"lnot ttrlctlyeon-bd.-nthil.
Add'ca .MI'NNal'll,
a; Park Uvw, r.'ew York.
AfrcnlM Wnntod.
(Ire ii I Iiidiicciiit n'a !
II 0 r m 0 U I 3 II ,
I .SlJlC lrt," i'TAH.
Ity Mtierofa Illjli Frleid, ono of IiI.tIo
inn", wnn nut inn, lo her ot.-npo niter a roldon.e
... .neon yc irt mnong lliem
.no 1 1 cvcr.iiiient,
iinent, rmthlng ovldenc
i.ungnnd the I Mere, 'l b '-Proidi-
, 1 rial ami teumun. !.f llnlk,',,,
el'- In court
itriu.Mt.i a
startling xiacioiuiea. ploti nttnttlDatloni und
V ctnia 4S hiigea. fully llliflnited.
.ir u nr. c-i a -r ' narlluulurs, tent ficoon
aptltcitl .n, aiir.rett,
' HI 1 1 IKI.U ASHMKAn.f n . -,
711 Sucuom Mree-., I'bltadllpbla.
eeerxasoa to CArrrgax ft ciiaw,
No- 31 Xorl'j I'curtb street,
Original Packages Constantly on Hand.
en "rented by THEO'8 SWIMErOBD.
Jtwetl (C- Co.'t A Ur,,
AGENTS WANTM). Agent ninU more
money nl work f..r 11 limn nt any
thing cite. Iiurlneai light and permanent. Par
tleulara free. (. Mmnn a, Co., lln Art
uniiuvi., 1 uriianu, atuiua.
The rent Fires
CIIKIAtinand lb WEST l,r . v. 1
ilonnaPKKM, ti. It., of Chleauo
Only conn.lete
nitiorv. .110 s.o. pave , to ennravlnvi. 70,0110
already ml, 1. FrlceaJ.M. gaaj agents made In
:od:iji. Profltt gn tu ullerert. Wanted
Yufk uuolJ;'1'k;ti,J .'0.,f Park How, New
.S. Iiiitwii kk, Pret't
II. Wlltnn, VI. I'rei't
llerbi Tlioniat, Trein.
.f. P. Frueaull, beo'y
I. Ii. ll'.i-bmau
Ri.BT. CaA
w in. Fallon.
Joa. S(
.1, 8. Ktrlna.
M. M. Ntrlokler.
II. T L'vi.n
ueo, riogio.
For t.ltnrailC or Airanclea. a.l.lrata
J. F. FCltat'HUN, bo Columbia. Pann'a
01 Opium Habit our .to will nnt cure. Un
pain or Inn mvenience. bent nn repaint of S3. 00.
s O. AKMSTUo.V.l, M. I).. Healing luttltau
Barries bprlngi, Mich.
A Kure cure fortbll dlitrasrlng It
pigea)ii Foreign and Natlra Herbal pri,ra.
iloni, publlthed by Dr. O. Puai.r IIbowk! Th
preurlptlun wa dltcovered by hlin In such
a now uiie anwwo in a real. to (ul 4
i;""ii ."auner mat na cannot aonulen
ll.iutly relute t wake It known, a It ha ourud
cyrbo1y whohaauaad It fur Fin, never ba
vlngialledln a tingle caie. Th ingredleutt
may ba obtained from any rlrngglat, A copy
enlfre to all ajipl eanta bo mull. Addr.i,
-.PnIIEy 'fuaOWH, 1 Uraod btraet
Jcriey Cllty, N.J.
-ur-u. 1 j laa-. t k 1 . . 1
-v.w l t a . .aj j "?- a . i..'w7.,ri.7r bT; rr
Sent by Mall or Express.
Our SrcJ & Plant Cuta!ottt fr 137
Nu-ahering ITS pages, nd containing
Two Colored l'latoH
Each worth twle th aoet ef Cetalegu. bsbIImi
to all spallMat of as eeoti.
DnwhyS Co'. .l,r i-v- ?.i'.
A fll7 TT'rO''Aa'-f'i'T'ii . a- n a m
AUVJ.UOoriit,i.,, f.t,,r,r
lnlornailon bertalnlna; t- I. a . ril-n t , A
(Ihjeetir of IntaraM. Hy a cu t,, ,..
Tw Hnndred Kneravli.a;. Aii" nitt
day. Jutlftd. . U.lDkAT. i-i..... . .
loVlJ-oaUway W. T. w
fTlil8lI NO UUMlTUfTl
ifa.. . K"'"n',,nCl!"CEI-T-l
HJi ,,,,t ler y and klr, ynw will
re-el.e by return mall, eurroct plclnJ.of yoi"
r5i?,7."m1,,,,T 'IJ' VlK
.T(i',r.V..'jy- UX' W-
A bound canrariiBK b,wk 0f tlia
ruTenui, out; Hiui.ih
t'ontalnln-; over .K lllo'rallon. WKh a' coot
j.r.h. tyclop.i. .apian.Ly 7, u?. b"iT
la ttxsMaw An Oaautw
w t'LINT . (JU.. T.
Profitable Employment
Agents Clarelaiid. ..1,1..,. Ht. lloul.. Mo.
-J fCOOnlVared hy pmpiiTIi
.. I J?''f lr.Hu-c'. Catarrh fJ
' I Kamody.-rtran lliciirabwlfj
v . -l 1 ' .- i ireiK, 're
III. trl unphi and failure. How he l.lved .nd
ho, be rtlod. lllnatrated. Prlna by m"l L)r",
..?," rnts wanted r..r th moet eompleta
relui.i. aud i.lemll.lly lllui-.r.ud work oa
its iiiiioitv and Diisrtiucrio.f.
I!y Cnlberl k Ciiirnhertnln. Knltvcned wllk
vivid twn picture nf tnrrinc tccnet nnd thrilling
neliletitt, embracing al-o aecnuote of tha dlta"
Vnr. "i.r.i '7 i "J'0".'"- Uo"" l-ondon. New
irJ. !- n l'l,ila, Portland and lata Inreat
Hr In i lacotn.n and alichlKan. (lontalneKS
pigcean.l aiuirlr map . clilcago. eo.uu
pl.lly. Ilcware .ir I, mplcte worka. t;end at
onee for . Irculara, IIDIIIIAItll IIHOS.. rUb
lltbers, V Naotain Street, Philadelphia.
"100 ( lioiro K-lrlio!ia. Ho. 4
U now ridy with tu precloot ttore of gJod
llilnga 1 nldle and Parlor Keadlnga, beng i
hippy blending cf l.t qoenc. Ilnuiar, 8entl-
with the precordlngnumbera, which bar wou
the pul Ilu heart, and the cry le "hobb I" Clolb-
eeltbir Hia..aun," revltvd ed. prlc l St
Atk vonr lMikal! r.i...n. -J.... i. .
adrlpbla, i-
, iojcuetnut blreet, Phil.
A?jcnt3 Wanted .VK.'!.
can ill these by thous-.n is.
I)e;n' an Expose of ibe Secret KiUs
and Myteririnf Morntoniam.
With arull tnthcntlo hltlarp of po'lgimv. bv
J.H. Mr-AULf, Editor ul tb 8.11 Kafe-ui,'
Agent nromeollng wilh unprccedent-d a..-.
JV.'hTe-wP".r" """crlWra In b.ur ilayt.
-ri'lhcr ,1 In two dry.. Mend for rlrcnli.ra a'.i
NaT'iViVi0. t7,V..VJr""r ,-r' Add'
NAUUNAIt PIUIM.sHl.vo CO.. Phlla. I'a
A now Hook of Abiding Value and Hoady8ale.
. "'"V:" - Innr. oMiberlln (u.) rl.
do. wrllea: "The te,i.-ln nl thtt work thonld
beenme maltert nf general gnowle.lxo. I be"
-leva few will ubo"t to thlf Im.ik cxcci.t tlinto
who nro rebuked by II, nnd who, mm
"0' '' o blett bath It and In faithful
?.u,"": ..5'''" I""" nn clrculare rent tree
YoU ' ,'ul'"'uori lurray.8t., hew
Wells' Carbolic Tablet-,
"hctolabletaprctcnt lb Acid In Cnmblnatlnn
will, ol her rinclcrt none, lie. In a popular l,.in
f..r the cur ol nil TI1IIOAT and l.tVu i'iiV,'
set. HiiAnaKNKHx and i i r-iiaTinii of Hie
r-.noATar Iniinei'lntoly relieved, aud itrte
arntt nrecnnainMiy ,.nK ,,,,t ln , ,,.,
-till ' I rig ' ,L'1"' Jl'"--'ollliIf years
Sm1 Tor circular. 8ol A.euU forth U. S.
It l MIT A PHYSKJ-n I) NOTwhitltnna
llctl. II l tlU' ity a Suolh Ai, ......i t. .., ,.r .ii. 1.1 ... ... "'."".'!!' uiedlejl
but been nicd iiiui.v lenrt b. i,.'- ..,
cy at ii ,V,wer ni a i... .V """ ? ""r"l """
rfl "r , hi ll lid' VT-S .I" ""'!.Ji"?5,:,,ll,,..,'u:
Kenedy lor all m.,V,.ut tho "
lb Liver i.n I Spleen, tlulargemenl f)b
alriieliou of Inlt.ali,,,,, l,,ry. Ituiim
or Ah.loiiniiiil Orpuin, l'0vi.r.y or a
Vraniof JUoo.l, Intel tiiiitcpt or Re
in. tten Fevers, I inn 0f
bf lh Liver, Di'opv, tiluijiali
Cireulnlinn of the lHood, Ahs
ceaiea, Tuiuora. JunnJice,
J'jsj'spsia. Ague & lcr
- I boa- caucotiiiiauia.
Dr. Well.' Eitratt of JlKlBuU.
remedTl..',0 '.'if Invlgnretorand
orSL, "i' ""l"1'"'" ( Ibe bTooil, or lf
orgai lo w..knta with the r altaodaut erl.i.
tor tb roragolng eomplaluu ""ou'"ul
h..'?.0-!),,r!",r r",cnnnded to (very family at a
""'. " ;'"'"'. and il.ouid be Irtelr
hi. hi! i,."r"nK-"!--' th ly.teni, It
i!i i:,,,'";r '"''""lo U Ih vital forott.
?.hrc ir"'',,,M " ' aod lya
pnallc teiniera.iienta.
JOHN H. KEM.Otltl, it ptt Sr. New Yrk,
PH ,. .''''e Ageut lur tb United Klatci.
Prlc Oo Dollar ir Uotll. tend lur Clrculav
So to t-iio per month, by foiling
And Hnw they were Made , or th Ktruggletind
1 ilumplii or our Keir mad Men, by J.I). We.
i.uiw.jr. Hylorlyamtiiontexninplei, It tearh
eebow lotum.eedln Ilia, and at the lain Hue
benent mankind. For Particular, nutlet of
.'."L'rf'J! 'rttlerma, add rati, OEO. MA
CLEAN, i'ubl.bor. PblUdaiphl;
-AcentM -vn.iitel.
ror " CoxvPKT Liva Uviti., by Edltk
OOnrman, Fto iwd Nun, whota illtolnturet an
l!i'f "!' fi'Ost'iitllioi. I'aii.ux Pin. to
rbllndelphla, Pa.
Rra A WOT 11 to sell obj Universal!
S-sJ5c"nient (Son biaatlon Tunnel, Dull.'
Hiile Cutter, and other artlolei. Baco Novif
TV Co. buvo, Me.
1IFLKM, 8N()T-fiUNS, JlEVOh-
i. EK?. aa (,un Materlali nf every Hi
W rlt fur Frio; l,,t, l0 lr4ll, u, M,,rn tin
Worki, Plltaburgh, Pa. Army (lent and he
roll on bought or traded lor. Ageuti waol.
S10 from SOs
ralul aaulf lu 1 jjuaraTll. U IVoUxnt, fi.f.
waa nnl(l'
. ....iiil I'
grintt Iroui th inUlaus. .
i'j Cup L iiy amor rr the fioul'1
III ni tun
Is a hlttory of her lln i a prlioner areorstK"
A wouderlul atury eddoreed by Army
Uobgreuiuen, ko. h'l.lindld Inducemcatl '
Agenli to lelltbli and other popular w r. '"
eluding the beit Familt Hiiilk. Writ at0"..
PAN V, VII aud 1 tiqlao street, Phlladll-
book, atorlei or tbaval ADVBfJvr'.
ajitoeuaneoui, a.e , by ALafr.RT 1. " V
AKllhON llnoly llllottraled. Verylargepel
Addraal CtiCII M III A .V luiiiK i:il . llarllu" I
Ct. .
nsvfiiof.dinn i.-Aur.iNATion oil
A- ftnul llharmlntr. Aon Ma Ma ht Karlrt HS
Hum, b. A. How t.iUMlblSwwar(ahli'ballrl
teei) at will. Mvloallua, Hpirltualltm, ""T
lea. iJemonuiogy. ane m innusan.l oilier -Prloe
by mall el.M, Ib elotb i r i . '
Uouv free loauents onlv. Sl'-t-Ja-
mara. A.ldrat T. W. fcVAV...
a r- l-nvllna.ll N.rart MYJ
Siract pklladtlnlilA, Pa.