r "7 v. 3 TIIK POST f ablirfctJ f ery Thursday Evening by JEBIMIiB CB016K. Proprietor. Tertna of Subscription, tWO DO IX ARB TER ANXtJM, Payable within li Booths, r (2,50 if not paid within tfa jr. Ne piper discontinued mil all arrearage art paid unless at foe eplion of (ba publisher. Subscriptions ontvhle of tho county I'BTARI.K IN APVAXCK. jr persons lifting and using papers addressed to others broom subscribers, and art liable for the price of the paper JP. CKOXMILLEIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middlcburg, Fa., Ofera bit pretention! services to tho pub lie. Collect ioai and alloilirr professional business enlrueled to Lis enre will reeeiv prompt attention. Jan 3, 'OTtf AC. SIMPSON, ATTOB.NKY AT LAW, HeliriHgrovo Pa., CTert hie profrssUaat eertlee to lit pub is. All bueinete entrusted to hie care will b prompt! attended to. (Jan. 17, 'Gtf w. kxiout" e ATTUIINKY AT LAW, J-'tvi'lmrn Pa., Offer Ms Professional rcrrlccto tho pub lo. AJ1 business entrusted to Lie care rill be promptly attended to. Jan 17, 'flTtl XVTSi.VaS c;i:zkk, ' ' AITOHMiV AT LAW, Lowiidmry; I'll., Offers his professional service to ae pub lio. Collections anil all oilier l't oIohhi 1 business entrusted to his caro ill re ceive prooipl attention. ko. i mu.iTkIv ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Iiowislmrj' l'a. Offers his Professional service lo t lie pub lie. Collcoiions and all otber prnfcf "inn all business entrusted to bis care will re ceive prompt attention. Jan. 3, ".'Tif I M.Ll.NN, A. II. KILL J (Successors to. I. F. fc J. M. Unit,) ATTOIlNfcYS AT LAV.'. Lewisb.iric. Ph. Offer their professional services to the! public Collections and nil other pro-' fessiounl business entrusted to ilirir cure! svill receiTepromptaitcntiim.fJnn. S.'oTif UAKLKS HOWKk! ATTUIINKY AT LAW, Selinsgrovc Tit., Offers his prnfessionnl services to tlio p.ub ilo. Collections and all other professionii business entrusted lo his cure will re ceive prompt attention. Cilice two door north of the Keystone Hotel. .Inn 6, '0 SAMUKL ALL L.MAN. ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Sclinsfrrovo Pa Offers bis Trofossional services lo the public All business entrusted lo his ear will be promptly attended to. Col lections made in nil parts of the Stale. He can speak lb Kngl'eb and German language fluently. Olbco lot ween Hull's and the I'ott office. N. MY LliS, J ATTORNEY k COUXSCLOR AT L1W Midtllebuff; Sii3-dcr County Pcna'a OiTioe a fiw doors West of the P. O. on Main tired. Constiltnliun In Knglisli i d Cun t ti r pi;Pf:c ts. ftp. till C. UL'fllKK, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Lcwislnirij Pa., Offers Ins professionnl Feivicccto I bo pub. lis. All business entruulcd lo his care will be promptly attended to. Jan. 3. T.Ti KUYEII & HAKI'.il Jt SIY1XI! MACII1NK.! Persons in need of a good and durable Sewing Machine can be nccommodted nt reasonable prices by railing on on S.M vii, Pai'st, Agent, Suliungrove. JJan. 21, "Cr DH. J. Y.SHINPKL. SLItGi:o.N ANI lMIYSiriAN". Middlcblir Pa Offers hit. professional services lo llie cit liens of Middltouig und vicinity. March il, Jj V. VAX bl'skikk! SURGICAL & MECHANICAL I'ESTLST F1; tif iciwe Ten n JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Pcnn Twp., Snyder Co. T Yn. WAGXKH, Eur,., JLTICE OK THE PEACE. Jackson To.tship, Snyder Co. Vn., Will attend to all business enlrutod to hi ear and on tho must reasonable terms. March 1J. 'tiSlf DUJ- I KANAWKL, rilYBIClAX AN1)81K0E0S', Centrevllle, Unj.Itr Co., r., Offer Lis professional services to th publlo. C-38tf GBAYB1LL & Co., WHOLtSALI PfiALlnS IX WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIE Oil Cloths, Window Slindfl, llrooms. Mats, Brushes Cotton Laps, drain lings, Fly Nell, Itnekets. Twines, VVioks, fee Ko45 North Third Sirred, 1'hiUdelphla. Fb. 7. 'C7 I? A. HO Y ICR, Jr. AUCTIONEER, rreebttrg Snyder Co. Tn., Most raepeol fully offers his services to he puhlio aa Vendue Cryer and Auction r. llaving had larg experience, I feci confident that I ao render perfect ailafaotioa to my n.uloyees. Jan.O, C7l BT. rAHKS, AJTOHNF.T AT LAW k DLSTKICT ATTOltSY, UlDDLEBUItO, 6NYPER COUKTY, Ta Offie io Court House, Sept. 15, 'C7tf LEWIS BRUNEI? S HONS' lull AUUU V AlliiliU u stu No. 322 N. THIRDS 6,881 PHILADELPHIA. ERCUANT HOUSE. U. U. MANDERDACII Pbop'k. J. C. N1PE. Clerk. ". 41S k 416 North Thirl Street. Philadelphia M ILUCtt fc ELUEll Wiini FRii R nnnir Rrt t rni) liooer. Blank book Manulaturers d dealers is) Wrappiuf, Itlaslint;, fur 'iia4 Wall pip.r I'apsr lists lit Ccn- XlViTllrdlreafiorJtfl Sit VOL. 9. Holoct I o . try Millie Home lliipi.. Oh, mother, laufih your merry note, lis say an 1 glad, tnit ilnn I foiiel From baby's eyes look out a soul lli at claims a name in i.vlen yet. More llinn building sbowy tnansionl, More then uress and nne firnv. More Ilnn station pfsr an t sway. Mnke our homes both neat and Isslorul. Urinht un 1 plrusnni, always fair, it here each heart sti.il I rest cetitcnle l, Oreatful for ch bc.utiy thsre. More thia lefty, swelling titles. Mom Ihnn fashion's lurinu (ilare, Morelltan matnimm's gilded honors. More than tlion;;lii c ui well c iiutnpare, See that home is uia lo attrnolive !y surroiinditiKS pure and bright ; Trrrs arranfr-d wiih laite and an I order, riunvr with all Ibeir sweet delight, Seek lo make our home most 1 jvelr, Let it bo a smiling spot, Where in sweet otiieuimiint reiting, (.'art nnd sorrow be forgot t Where the flowers and trees are wsviuj, liirls will sioj their sweetest souk i Where the puret tliottg'ils will liuger Confiiteocs and love belong. That etch hetrt wi.l rest contented, Seldom within? far lo roam ; Or, if ro itatnir, will chorisli Mnuririee of thai pleasaat homo. Such a bonis makes man the belter, Pure and lasting lis control : Homo with bripvit and pure su.'rjUii lings Loaves its impress on the soul. lion lo Uet Itlrli. Pitt on I lie sir of an cigbt-keye I llulo, If yon ro only a penny wliis'l ? ; Pus whore you can for a gar dsn roi, If you're unly a waysido Ihistl. llliiv, whenever you blaw y mr horn, Sj people con umlcrxtsud That you may be sharp, but yjit w:i'l be t:t In louiely's great I riobil I. 't you carry a nose six inches long. (nnd a btak cn scarco bd longer.) Belicv it a sign of perception strong, Aud tliv longer it is, llio stronger, lint if in th order of the nsul tuhi Your organ is brief in uieasiira, Then, bruvily being I lis soul of wit, Consider your pu a treasure Love your neighbor but mark tho foroe Of the gospel ralo of grsco Tho mure yuu aduiire yourself, my fiisn 1, Tho higher your neighbor's place. Clink your dime in the deooon's pan, As if you were ibrowiuj gjld, And ;ive, wiili an eyo lo the buiiujss hope Of respiaj u buudred fol I. Whether your rending is litllo or great, (Joule right, or never quote ; Polish y m- uppers, tUauj'i djwu la Ihe licsl. And never endorso a note. Always advance best haul, best foot, (lUst band, beit foot your own,) And thus you may fsast on tho latoflhe land. While others enjoy the bone. utmmmm mmrnm mm Him hiiiiuiim mi; xv I rira i:cit:i' a Ttinn.i.iN.i sroitv. 'Can I bear il ?" aakod Iluloti L"uc. terGeld of her ovtn heftrt, n i IjIio kneit beside her led, her a puis upjti it, her face h'dduu upon ll.ctii, "can J bear it ?' I Tlicn her own heart nnsvor l, I 'You on ; for if h." docs' tiit Ijvo ' you, yo.i lovo hint." And h!i9 arjso un I itojl bo-i lo hr ! baby's era lb, and sa.v its fathot vj eyes look up at ru-r from tlut, h'i ti. ; ny n.itiiaturo, and upio her coti'le ! shoulder tho Lurdsusho uovtr timn .:ht I to boar. That morning a loiter had been brought to hor an anooym ui loiter aceotnpauiod by a packet. Tin Ut ter rau thus : ".Madam: A friend whidoMnat drsiro to sea you iinpoa I upon lends you these, to show you what a Jinn uuy ts. Tliey have buun uiolcn from tho potain to whom they woro writ leu, but th good itifaatioa giujtion tho means usuj to furl her it. A Well 'nm;t. Th wifu of twj yoirs hal real this, nnd hud opened lb packet. There sho found lor lottarg, written to s one womtin who was a I dressy I n us Olivia, and dated ono year before hor own mining . loiters that toll tho story of a pantioa wanner than il was puro, fit' sh who had awuliepoi it wa idoully a wifo -loltori such as tioor'J Clios to rft jld bJ nevr writtoo to the woman wbi uow roal thotn. Following thorn cami this, da'od on tha very day boforo their wedding : Dkaukit Olivia : I shall writ no more to you nalo, for I a u about to place mytolf in a position which uialwct it my duty to forget you. I am to ho ruarriod ta uiorrovr. I hive done this to tour myself mora com complcialy froto vol. You hav o1 len told we that I should. You are right. A man in lov cannot trust hiiiiSolf. For my ako miy I say for for yours, also, Olivia 1 I tnko thin step. Of oourato, J do not lovo this girl : bat sho' tt puro, gaoi woman, and I respect bar. Tboy call har beautiful, also; but only your face wUl bo quite beautiful in my eyes. It rise befora uia as I iy udiou. It will baunt me always, hutliero I bauoi from it. Farewell, farowoll, r thu' wero dying. I'oihaps la bcavuu we may nieot tiain.and iliero bo all in all to each other. Your fo rover. GKOROf ClIE TI Rr'tKI.D. I .1 I (t . .. . t .. i MIDDLEHUHG Ill lier jireat ii'ony. "Oh, why did I . not di upon tint liftpp wd Jiog day ? did I livo for this ?" Tlteo fr tro qx hnra, flio knell bcMdo Iter j-'.ilow, strngglim; will, t kiuw it. You nved l) it answer, herself, ftniCLlin until at lift, lu-rj You retm-ruticr, ten i'ents i'i, reiiv licat tftnro ltr tlio nnw-r wo Live ing snma l. tter wrilteo to Oloviu J" ready written dj vnj ''Yes y,)t cm I'mombcr ! Tim wife's duels pi dear it j f-jr tltoi;h hi ilios n;t lavo U. Sho rcmemboted it nlw.ty. you. jnti still Imo l.i.ii." "Co on," bho anid lioirvlyjiitlerly ; Tlin tli J p or w'.fo tTO ialo ftm- her wltolo w.io ttpno hora iV it Lid no- ni itiii wioto p.t-i hi i'ij unois , itid tliiit iniul ono wlilfli Bsu'iiod lior den'li wunJ, tltu wlioKt crmd p;ek(-t thai h id brought lior sj much woo. . nutl burnt thou to niheaon hor hearth aoJ Towel ih.t while U? lived, her , h.Hl;andfltoulli,ovor kamrtl.it ; hal t ea l th?tn. l'Ol- ho Um not doecivc.l till," k!i. 1 .Sii l to hu.'Koif 110 n.H 1-eoti ti tfl t . mc, hinoiahlo to mj. Tint ho l... ' boon sor.Iy wouulodslnul 1 not tu.i!-j ma Imto him, an I lig a'ull inner k naw , . I u j .mi ii'.p u. uiw i sti.i.'i-. Ill is always khd, oh, oh, hoaron pity me ! aUay kind ; that in. Msulik-j mo." i Atidsoshomot Isi-... wi,hl,,r b,',, in hor nrnm. in e llinK- n t 'i.i h . 1 , i r- ted from h cn.i!i(r. in Mo never sar t'nj lie. II j u )'i!.' knj'.r rril tint front tint ! h ur iiio .,st it b.M-ity f.r I. r-ihal I even tr.8 hit. ;litnij-s of her ivo for hor baba Ml faded, boca.no xho.not when ho wroto Know inu tasiicr rttd ma I ive.l l'd her. No otto know .vivtliiuir. save viytlii.j.', s ivo ! (bit th-r tun dti''ss left hor check that her eyes lost halt llioir a .veeli.es i that utia nevor iml tlcl in thou tn init'ittH of repisuf.il raveri; ol which alio hal oiieo heo't ho fond Wotk was her rol'ao, and .ho duro I nut ii iii40 to lliititt - i eopio ea.icn lao ,n jsicru ;d s a ; Uappy coup.j. Wonuu env:o I-r.r .xt siio lor-i it open and looked Imuo tl tho inl'i: a nu 1 parent', aotu.' "''' rMs-mald- youn.; lady he seem .d annlcl hashau l. Sie ,p,, t,c line within. Tlii wis : ally .J1U, tho bul.o ui.dc.oiu cr.tci- Wt expect. Now (.'lui lcy is an locked hor Hkolatoa carefully up, and . wn.,t ,,,, r(Ulj( Jut0j(is llll)lltM ftftcr ' Bti on at tin h .tidt ..f tho ra'heruul dionoralde, llijjli School lellow, und he ,vo n" 01,0 l'P ttt il- . her nuiiria-o : , m,,'!,.-.-, a .,,.. .,! atj 1. A lew hours bis pollen just d far with ihrco bun- Veara,w by. Two other babies I ( t.i vi a-.i Vi, o ;1 toll vou ' I.k.t inn-t h .vo on lad il s sulTerin's. ' die I nt. 1 eihtv Ax d.fT rent yot.n took tno ftr.it bihy-s plico. tioorjjo , I w ul I n ivor writ - ai;ain to -..i und 'M ,,,c cj rcctttl,i t i,,,.,, cxliautt- .'" on l'ilih Avenu It is .'tilled Ciicstetu.'M jN'.f rich Mu ;.oli.. him to beooino ....... ......ii... ..i inipMit.y uai uuvllUhno. ;at,d ., n it was pto.i-- uro to h.:n topvo her tin me ins of . . I .1 . . ft i 1 a ii,...- ooa anion t mo i.oir. ii!,ea Chesterliel I' ciii 'uro was tjf'ei;or r. i ....i;,,. .i .i,,. .i .... ,,i ....... .......,i , ..... , au, v..... ,-u u, in, 1 IiimIiiouiIiIis Ineti U. IV as hai;iv in doing s;io I. U ,j( . O.u day a wkiui in too wrclche I ha jut into wiiic'i nil) ever carrio 1 her para pro-iencc, spoko to her of aiulhor lyinj ill ia tho nuxl rjotn. 'olio's bi'c.i i lily, ini'am'' eh s.ii 1 "hut ih coin j d i.vn l.caJli'. I think you'd 1 j her .;o i I. " All I Helen Ciiestorli.tl 1 foili.vjl her into a room, wb-ro upon a he I lay the wreck of tlu lowliest ivnn m ou wit mi Helou's I j:.i:c had cvir re.it- el a hloulo with hl.icit eyes, whoso o!d :u hair fivcpt over her pil.'ov, .l.i, i. ..i. ... . 1. m II . ,r i .1. , i ., , .. , . . , , ...... i. (tfitl, uilnl.i liltiilj nnt -i.iiV.. HU'llUlll 1,1... Ul',.,' '.I..-. , ihroit, hut with i -j' slamp: 1 upon her feature its t'toa ;h it hal Loru written then'. S!to looked nt II .ton angrily. Mora tneta?' shi us'tol, i.i a har.di voice. Taka thnn a vay, 'hen. It' too lata for them w-tli mo." Knt IKdan wa not ono of tln.si who sati.iQ ij i'arvin wroteh : luoi" with mere words. Wlutahaaail or or di J, hard'y matt cm. It wis whnt was most noodod. .Njphysioal prida niado bur bhrin' from contact with a fallen sister. Tharo was food and wine and docant linen in that pur room bjforo many hiuri wee over ; aal uha dil not even nsk tho woman's oaiua. It inaitorod not whom hIio was, lo II:tu. .Shauffarod this was enough for oharily. Sj for day and day she miuisterod for this poor creature, who grew to yearn for bar coming ; who prayad for hor to stay lonor whes she ouuie but who often look id at her in a strange way, quite unaoaoanUbl t Helen who sumodine baau to speak, and pausod and :ild, "Ano ther t, mo' as though she postponed soma confaronco tha story of hor life perhaps. Only Odd kuaw what il mUht bo. So I bo uutuniu woro aa-ny. Winter came aal wont; nod ia Ihe spring the the litilo lifa io that paor creature' breast was smouldering out. Ilelcii knew that sha inu-tdia. It socma l tiht ti tell bar sj but the task was a woo ful one. Slio sat basida hor, thinking of this one day, when tbo poor saul cau-ht her ban 1 . I shall po noin, shan't I V she asked "I kuow it I no. Ii.it promise ini'that wh)ti I bav told my story you i-s .t rif , v .v a -I- - V . .aw.:sjf-. tj"i" x-i tjL".rr.-i!i 7jmw. v- SNYDKtt CO. PA.. KHHKUAUY I. kiu A to mo tttiil not tui u lroia mo. "I irom!go," mid TToliMt. "You aro (li!or;:n Chesterfield' wife, ver leen hcfine. ;. on I" 'I am Olivhi, a.i;d tht Wonmn." '! ' nalliofiues will d ) t'irii' L.i-1 to re fu'n "' ' tult.iw en'i!!! in h-r fa Ii t'm pa onl tlioso 1! tors nivsolf. I di I it lo ! her to St. I, tui'i hv I'm ti x train. , I tti .1 in i n'on. I to k lu r I. in i ; I mako you wii'lulic l. t revpn mvdl ! ,,., fci,,,. I4 WJ, j,,,, w,,.a HoHnnn.i: St mr. njiti-i.-A lii-f.i ,lltft m , a married w.M.nii-ihV 1 ,-.n uV n.Jout of li M-.tr,.. n,i oM-r than he-Mure 1 him on ; I ,, ,nl, tl.r r.,i:,. a.,; '!cliS!il In hit It .io!i lnv-it, ! count olVI. ) ii f.m .lie! " in I ei u M.se letter; -in UU ni-otosiations. l',.tiv. uli .!. -onlnirt i..r.P dotmi.tl.;,,! j .ye I cm th receipt of tliiit otic writ. ' trn ,jn UU wcJ.im day. Pura w- ! m-tn oim-t undruan. h xv wick-.J 'women r. ioioo in n.o.li'n . J e .... ; do not care for -or runni,,,- i .mn.-' U10n's lives for u nettv triut.i di.'l.n K- ' lon't turn front mj. Pvj n ,t .". .. 1 1 i .. . . .... . ni'ivoa un cdujii .' casiioi 'tho mtviiol wil'o. "Coal I you m l K'ar to keen it from inn ? V.m ruin.. 1 ,y ,,. ife Voii Liilo.l mnve. you klilel mo .an l.,r ai heart ','. ' Ah:"' criod tho w oanri, im Ijvo j inn thkt Ik tunc I him. licvt n r i tiromn'e l ., i . llVo.I h m. ,.,.i,J ,.(, i.: . sit i ...a ,.,i,iun mill nil I r i'j. i . received thk K-al it. When that th blood n.-tuall; tiMUi' I d..wn the cntno I sent yo.i tint oilier... I win n eh lit to th ll or. T!io a! inn vi liend ; 1 kim it. Hut p.rli.ps I can 'ivou hy tin hind mm, iv'ai In. tea undo my wotk, even now. Kead this u I to that child's ran I parent, a Mr. and foe." Ivetit, living near Win Isor Village,; Helen 'd.'d tho f.nloJ, Jdin'y en- who. on lcuruiu tho lads, hmteticl ' vclipu that thu wom-. l drew frjtu Kr ,jlJtj, nu 1 hurrio 1 w iih it to the : ttr.itotiKe a ton. I to. I you Unit 1 tuarrie i a wii.nau l i I l not ..re. nn l I - I I . , . f i,....i.i t ' ... h0 UlK, u ,rU.ulu4 , Mk'Xt) t are to ino, yvi w i,l i',j,:0J i kno., . i. . , f . i .uiai. . vt i msi jneu. i n ivo lor l- i,ou 1,10 utiliijipy pulsion ol my youth ui you so o.u.i na io n. . an t i . 1 1 . n Vir "v::' '"'"j- as I lnvo 1, ,v u il liiiu' Helen. M.J is the lilo ol i my lili). tho soul of my kouI, au I l cannot leave you under llw laN" nn. I presiion I hare ;;ivun Voii. l."Ve' teani ailrr nialMia);-, '. u Huf, in me; lint its .. i"n wis ia my hctl't. Y 01 wid he clad lo kno.v cl tlii-, an I wi.li i mo, Its I wh V'i I, i'.TV h i,),ii i mi tii.nii',1; t'lir-i'i iii .ri.n " i-'l.o real it through An veil t .vice, this p 'or a il'.', t i wlinu l.a'm . hal e luiii ufur kj manv years ant .inl down ii.) in Inrkaecs, f.r r I of :illdse, Hill ll. linked ti ill'or it. When s!.o turn) I O'l.'O til id lo virl tin lied. ho saw that in tint tn n.iiul llio d il!i tinsel ha 1 c on , ai I tli i unhappy ( i. via ha I passed into e'tn any. When Ot'orpo 'liett'orSel I met his wife that nlht hi hal'Hy know her. Her 'i liiool icotnid to luvti re turned; hersm lj eiiuMin 1 him, a ol yore; her ey;s w 'ra bright, bur lip roJ a-.-ain. "How liappv von look." he sail. .Volbin,ii.we then, but one d,j sho tul' h'tu all nu si i.ii .in i iii Ill Lave lt ltli Alexis. Tho O.uiiba A're of tho l-'th ins, has the following sin-il ir story : A- m m- tho pas,cnar on tha re ' liar train from St. Louis this nioruin ' wan a well dressod otid well ajipcir '"K lady, who mala iii'iiiries as to tha wheroubouts of tho (ir.m J Dale On I'tiiriiiti ;, Kha expru-at l a yrn.tl ileal of regret nt oot bavin- arrived sooner, and so conducted hcriolfus to cauii inquiry. It was loartul that sho buhnig i in a small lo.ru near St. Louis, and is a maiden la Iy of soma twenty-six suinnor, who has conceived the singular infatiiatiou that sho is tba destined wife uf Duko Aloxls. Shi attamp ted to tuko pass ago on tba Uusal train whon it left St. Louis yostcrday noon, but was prevented. Sho fl sally lecursl a tieket on tho regular train, and arriv ed luro only few hours bohinl tbo one on which AWxis rods. She ex pressed a datarmination of goin with him on bis buffalo huut, bit failed to securo a seat ia tbo I'ullinnu oars. Shi bo Ion -s to a goal family, and has plenty of moms to carry out lier whim of following HM Highness over the Gauntry, but so ft.r bar devo tion has mil with no rowarJ, Alexis uot designing to bestow upon bar a single Kl.inaa. Sao is uot discoura oJ, howavor, but snema oanQIaut of tha uMmato nsult of her Inisiioo, and ns it Is leap year sho do nut havo that nidaity ia tho pursuit of b r objoct Icci itiiti yo. Sito fl.-.t m .t tli.t Jik i at liis t ti'cpii in In St, Lo i ii, it ii J to uS' a c itniiioti plirn.e uha hni In, l,,.n ".tru: k'' nftuf liiiu ever sinoo. fl'io s.ivst ulirt Will only di-it wlieii lie slmll tn;iko her tlm Urtiil Pitches ."'lu n'MLrtl' l at llu Ninth alr.t lopoutll ttio tinio Alexin win up I nvn, pi i.'iilly witling f .r Ms rHurci. t'licio iii liltlj d itht lii t t!i it il.e U n in iitr!ii.i!ii s oti thi s-ihj-.'t, n 1 ahoul l te t iko'i far f. Th ) rillroa 1 m ntlMMiod totetiluv Tin; (m?!s 'r. - ltit - ; 1 hy un'cvc-wii'u. sn'iii lo he those : A Mr V. 1 m,d wi;" , ti. ;..:.. v. .. I .... c n . i i i. ... . m, .i. ...u. ......7. Iroul thn II -n I, :N. zarite-. ) lecotnii t,os.,. ,cl will. i!,o i !,- i that tin ,J..J vll hal ci.t-r: I into their chill, fn! Il.aho oti'v ci.'.vn ninths u! I,, aa I . . ... ll.at llio ov.l Finnt inn ( :i i coiniiier- e I I y wlr;ipia.; n't I st u v,u. arj nai 1 to lmv. ti.i 1 tii.i h.i! i',.- i- fi-.t i i hi-l, chair for t-.v.ntv.W I. ..i-.s ' :evor and auoa v.at.lii.i.a-, 1 r.!.iiTi,.,: 1 it ttatd wh a di ve r d it wis siil to hi "hiac'; an I hi a )" Iriuiitj nc!; i to itd lin . and iM 'i 'lo Mi'.v.'i iii" ,v..i , ...t i.ii... ,i. . i.i" ui muni. II I I u: ' "I I l.llll. aa fit ni w hat an I tour emit I nr . a licet lur an I on rcao'iia tho , ...... . ... ;, , . I'. N 1I ruiI'M IV I il' .il '. A '. i of horcr suoiua.l to norvn l.t that cm . ninnity. ti I a tinivers-il nnrmnr for ,, . h .v t . h ,vo its wci -lit. Th.pa- I reals havo here. r i b jo n rojirlel as io 1 chi.ons. und tin caaso of this, U'lii,! li'ary lolii.us i Dsn ii i l v . Nurl.ll Iiilci't niii'sc Wilhiiii: ft ien Is wlu", i-. man ? A -olituy o.k n;..a ;i ' ! i!ts r !, .y:n nietiieil io lee 1 in its I '.'iti I eao'if i'!y and cX'j aifiii'ly liuioli .), oistriealiu tho o.n.t l:ri le I perle. ii hi ol ai t in :,ru t'ul'ii'f and uran l .-ur, hut oi'ei' w.ii 't d.'e.iv his shaken her black wia i.i) I loll ils ImviM I.I Uhle I, it. r i -. i i .tt . ii ties, an 1 its I I oi n 1-' .'Il - t S iteho I. lil'clos tnouuilieiit ol its p'i-tine ti :i il -iy. When tin reUi !' ul a Icersity are ruhin U4 rudw.tr I, e.lieo the clou I .aro d'irl; ah to, mil llu inu' t t-rin thunder growls u'oii thu sky, when our frame, rjulsied by thakclel'D haii I uf diai a- , t.r our sdti- v.hirh. I in ttiu iii'iel-trotii chais of insitiity, witeti. our heart are lorn by tha .e;i uialion ul some he!. ivo 1 object, whila niir tears nro yet (lorislii.n upin the frcshlurfof drpnrio I in miecuee in ! ll,:lt ,iu,J il is t!i" 01''ll'; of ,V il"''-'''l' jto hbiuld its Irani p irlante ii storm5, to U'ckau thu lu'utin pulse? of our sick- j')' f'am lo brine hack thi w.in.leria.' tar of mind, within tho alt ruction ol , y'l''tie kiiiliiow, pour tha "oil !"" bll!m" of PN ,lu 'L'1 r'-'t"r in- wound, anJ duiivor tha achicg he art from tha object of iti LlicJin aifection. Crrt'lvj 'si Ilaii.l It'rlt Intr. Hera U something reliable aud fresh fraui an aro wituesi of the in tident Horaco tireoley had rc;;iatored I.i nutrient the Head Hjhsj, Nashua, (whither tba yreat philosopher's lac- turii)' tour took him I'u'l laU,) a rath- er ned cotiuitynvin eauie itita lit of- Gaoand uftcr oxamiuinj tha roistjr asked if Dr. i was in. "There is no such parson hare,1' sail the gentlemanly clerk. "No such person bare," eclncd tba venerable rustic, taking od bis Kjtaata olci and gazing into the face uf the clurk wilb much lucre lulitvuad nstun- ishiuotit. ' No ruuh porsoa here,'' firmly rc eohooj the clerk. " Yaun man." oxulaiineJ tho other, with a solemu expression of couute nanco : ''youn- tutio don't lio to tne. It won't do. You can't fool old Gill I'urks. Dr. 11 's bcou bore, its sure ii guns, nnd protly drunk, too, J reckon, for he's left ouo tf thorn air Latin proscription of bis oa the reg ister 1" And tha doctor's frifiid gnzad dawn at Horace' Improved A'uhuj with a r. 1ST.'. SOAR Cri'lsl'M UUttUtH. TIiO ra -y cori'ypnndi'til t.l'llie (nn- j '"' '''"'' A lv; l.'er, K'i I'ei kin, wrile l'!lxv rtpprcptisof llio gns futtiiiic i N York: I.A.-I t'.tftl I wimii j '" l'f!, lr. V.wvt' wilb Ju!in. j ' '"i-ll prvnt oiifidrnro in in.vu!l". Tlir J '1 r';i'e- (,mvo n;p cot fideiic. It ! W;tys Ivcs Lvrrs coiifidiMifo. Thero Wtf"' I'dity-oix datl. :s lntt.irr, a:.d tn'inw can'iii' ono I'.ti'li Are did. and I va tili. ul to nty s im-thin oali 1 -i.ti; 1 in thn fi-o'de nn l!i-!ijl.t i wo I.e. i 1 J alin's e in .in Mary in tli- 1 avk jailor with Charley lirc.vn Charley t:n tuUiu;; :i d v a n ' n .;e of the I ii I; !ir. In . Wo r.r.v llioir li ol nv o:i I tlio !.! ) do'):1. I hcttrd liim " 'r : ' " M.tiy dcur, I lnvc s iniK'.hin (idinli. I to led von " V. hit Is it, I litti icy 7 klin Ila'in. in n Mvctt oiee. 'I h-n no saw inn) arm of l.is t-ln 1 ov nticireli) her eh.ulo.v, and Memeboily .vlii -peii d : 'I'hi.ik, Mary I think that I I 'ro yuu ! ' Tin t, w e heard a supj re-no 1 t-ih. ' In'i.t," e tUiuiie 1 tho voice, "do von lev n ? ' " W, Charity, 1 do love yoti,"thj Mni,i,,i ; " lloiv miiih ?" " More I It nt. w irds cm rxpiesi." " 1 am very ::!il, Miry." cant idurd the voice, " fur 1 thought y ul were llirtin." " Well, Clnr'ey ?" I!ut Chat ley nev -r si,i I ao'ilher word. You'ij fellows seldom p:t lar ther than this, now-:i-divs. This is i,v .!,,, C,.li 1 1, Siiehin - Poii.t. t )ne J i Jay I taid : ' et auv furl ll 1 t'hurley, did yen over T tlia.i tho tjt tc liin ' . IVini ?" ; " I'-haw. Kii, yei," I, ft replied I "There am two other p 'itits .-'.ill. Wc jeull thi'iu liio Awful ilh D.l.'o. and Itlio I'ovcilv l'il;: V by, I vo cuiie , tin-, u doiljc1 ever the I'li'tli Avenue ciiis mere (but twenty timrs." Whit is the Awfii-'Vuh I .. 1 .'.,'- I in.'iiic I ii il N i ii Iy. " 'i he Awful. Oilh l., lto is '.vl.-ere wc ;'et : weet on a prl, toil I, f I'.ul we lova her, -jet h' r to siy that -h i .v. s us, ti.e.i !.ii!.ouncs wi'Ii tr -J. ti 1 1 1 s lUtnnity lb at w wt re c in; i II o l to t ;.! tin a.lul oalli at the b 1 iide of o n' living gruu ll'atlur n it to jlnatry iinlll llic uO of ihirty. 'I ! course the youn' lady can't wait so l"ii; n i thai, and wo at j uui of llio scrupn. j " HVoll, what is tho Tuvcrty I.)d-c, and how do you diit?" I tf-ked, i st ill opiiiii g my eyes at t'liarlcy's revelations. ' Never toll, tr.y boy 1 ' Never I-' " Well, I n I ways tell tho girl t Ii sat I love theni." ' Yes ?" " Ask ih'.m if i bey Iovj mo." " Yes?'' Thou they say, Yes.'' " And you" " Why, then, I h'iIi tind my : Alas '. darling, I do lova you, bat I love you tooiniiehto nfk you lo inary mo Veil, .Mary, ore usud to a life of luxu iiv I mo nonr and tifouil. I Won il I I t not usk you to leave a bo na ofc uuloi t . (or a borne such as 1 could give you. " Well, ( 'bailey, boa docs this gen erally work ?'' 'Splendidly, o'd fuleiw . lliat ... ,. . ..i -..it what weliiin .vvenuo lei.on t in the Poverty loda'o the very ht juniping-uir place, you know." Slmmauv Justicr. Ou last Wed nesday ovcuing a young man by tno iiiiino of Joseph Potter attompti'd to commit tin outra-e on a littla'uirl about six years old, n daughter of Mr. James I), lirewo. of this pkioe. Mr. 11. alter obtaining as good a description of the villain at llio child eauld gtv. fasten ed bit suspicion on Potter and on tak ing him before tho child on Thursday morniug sho fully idooiiQad bim as tha person. After nekaowloliai Mho corn" Mr. II, wb is a stunt alhlatio man, haviog previously pro vl lol hiinoir with a guod cow bide, proceeded wi'.h hi tadt an! gave tho tellow ono of tbo merest flopgingeTtr inll.cled upon any human betnj in this country. When lust 3ea Potior was making tracks sumehst hurriedly, in tbo di- Ailvertinliiir Tinier. One eolamn one year Oae-half eeUmn, one year, to HQ. (ine-fcarlh eflr.ma, one year, 15 00. One (iiiare (It) lines) ana insertion "i. Kerry addiiional insert ieo 60. Professional aad Casiuew Or0 f not more than te liaes, per ytr. sC0 VuJil .r, Fseeulor, Admituslrutor and Assiene Notices 2,0ft. lidiiorinl notices per line 13. All advert isettieatt for a shorter period than one year aro pnyahla at lli tils they aro w b re I, and if But paid tk per son ordering .htm will be held respuusibla for Ii. ii moniy. and it in ti) b hope I will tj'.-vnr again tnako h'n npprat'unca in tKcss parti. Wo Ivarn t'lat 1'ottor is nltu fU'- ivule l ol liaviuh- previously altowptel I ho aiime ( uttnO upon tho pir'uas of tw o other chil'ircn, or t!m puee, tT thout tho satnu ae. 21 .i ivy Lumiii' Si ri in IIl-IHMi i'.idin;; hor.- 'oaikjm! at nibt through tho wools in S nr ii i o i lo'.y, Mii'iin, I emu into a rlo uiu,:, in tint middle uf which stool a house, il owuet aittin inj'lirjoprn door em ihiiijfa 1 i;ic. .St'pio j.y Ii '.e lief nt hiiu tha l(-liov.iii; cuii vutsiiioti ensued : " (2 io 1 ovtnin, vir," iiaid I. " ion I cvciiin,;." " Cu:i 1 m.t a of iiii'.U of yoa ) di iiil. ? ' 'i il ! I don't ku i.v. Ask tho p'l 1 Wot. i III." I'.y thin tinio his wife wa rUntliu,; ai his hide. V1 iic di't.kii..; il l nked : " Thii.k aro goinj to get -t-u-tn'."' Well, I really dju tktiow. Ak t'ao old wetn:in slio can tul!.'' ' 1 j;iiee we s'iall ;;ct uno rit;lit away," nai I t Lo ii'o. A jui'i I a ke 1 : " How int.h laal U?o you gt i ic ited In re ':" Will I l if n't reniiy Uiluv. A-k ihe oil w-mitii. sliJ kunvs." "Alou1 niiiclcen acriS," saii she, luuiu aiiswi'i'iuj;. J i-t then a tioip ofchllren cauia riKiniti- and shoulitig nrouud the cor ner ul t lie etiauty. ' All thi'-e your children ? ' said I. " Don't kuow. A.-k the lid woman sho knows hot." I ilidii'l wait Ij hear her reply, but drew r.in. nn I left immediately. A Wtrs's t'oMUVM'MKxts. Taort shah havo no oilier wife but me, nor ha't thou iu thy tlaep dream of eihcr WOIIKII. 'I'll iu hl.al' n it. I ako unlo thy hm'a any beautiful, s'y, braz.m iinmage of a s.M vatit gitl to n.aka lovo to whou my luck U turned, for I am n jealous wife. Honor thy wife's f.i'.hcr und moth er vrc.ir a Binila when they timet time. Tho't shl!l n it be beh'ti 1 thy ncih h.r. but ..'.I'.-hiiio .1 iu dr.fsia thy a iie nu 1 I a':ie Thou shall. I' ' thy iif.' havo tha last wor l in every l-" .v. I Thou shall in t .'t vliunk, nor ga to : be 1 with '"iir I ots on. j Thou s'u tit not ray tii-a words t) j other Indies in my presence, nor praia i bom in our pvivacy rcmuiubcr, I a a I j. alous wi fe. Then shall n-t play out aitrr niou ..'clork at uii.t, nor mora nt uiy s.i la, ner kiei; in my sleep. Keinembor, ch thou lloncJiet, thesa cpurnandments nnd keep ihetu holy, lor tbi V tire I he law an 1 the gospel. A il IiKltlcnt. Tho foih.wiu- little rdory is tol 1 It the Ln-dan fiiliinl, at the expente uf a voun lady behaul teacher tit Kaston Aluisvery propjily anxi u io ra arl la tl.a ptevcntioti of siuall-pox in her neluol, nul ' tdrictly cururcas tho rule tbut whenever a ci:o of iekaes is rep a 'lo l in tha family of any ono of her puf.W, tho pu.iil must bring a cur tifiiMito from llu family physician stat ing that lau cae is not contagiou, failing in which tha pi pi I must remiin away until all dan-sr is over. A few days ago she was informed that ono of her pupils, a little gi.l of Teutonic ex traction, hal s'lcknafs in her family. On being qu 'stionad, tha little girl ad mitlod that die had sick in her bou-o ; that her mother was sick, nod that sho hal 'minks on her face.'' Sho was iccorlingly su bin.. Sho returned in a few days, however, an I reported tha'. her "father was sick." Sho was again soul home, with orders not U come again without a certificate frota tha family physician. Tba u'xtuar she returned to school nnJ shyly sid ing up to tho toichar, with bar flugor in her mouth, aud bcr litllo bonnet jii,'in t by tha strioA9, sbo said .. MaS9 , t't got a loetl baby st our bouse, but mothar told mo to toll you that it tW catch i.'' The toach er said aha was Terr glad it wasn't, "calobing,'' and told the popil to tak her scat. Af.NT Uoty tryioi to pr fsutd littlo Jack ta retir at sunwt, uaiug so argument tbat all the lUt'e. chicken wont to i oust at that lime. Ye," aald little Johooy, "but tba old bco always goes with thatn.'' Aunty tried 09 moia argumcnU