The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 25, 1872, Image 1

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rrin: ioht
:r la
n tM
r l'bitip
iUi all
ine, !
1 kcti
pared it
f, I flat-
-d lo m
bo lintili
ebonies it I
not fail
repair. t( I
loor owi
i Korth at'
, Hw Yarl
iwo. Earn'
uinbin be.
i., C3tincii
York at 10 1
a 2.45 a a
raat 9.00
, Sleeping"
Irani H'
line rotw
und. 8bmo
,lpb l.
n. aiopp"1!
vtntiona: '
'T Vbllaaelpk'
iW. For r
,rl Aubur.
anna Rl"
i m.
,...1 tra;
vma nll"
.noon, an '
York '
p. m. a oo ;
,oa 2. 4.".-
iea rblUWrJ
with oioiilM'
l reluming
9.00 a,
tn no am:1
a. o- Ahl";
... Tamaqi"
i for VbUaM
i.knra. t
Hehutlki" ttd
k m for lUrn.
cro o oo i
, nea BtaJl
lf VbUadtjf
aadiof al
it .20pm.
tidal loa Traia
iu. returaioj
i m. .
...tnileaT o
lb DB tT It
imbia. 4'
d Train
i, ,05 a m.
i.LO Nouiii "!
ft alnilUr u1
iat al 7.t
, DowBlngto"
... AlleBtoW
,d tbreul ,(
j-nbl)fte eetry iberidny fretting ',r
. JtlkliUU CtOlSr, TrocrUlorJ
Terms of Eubacrlptlon
two dollars rctt an,num,,.
wimin fix moniiin. or J i.uo ir aes p";,J
within (h year. Kopaptr denaitni
nlil III arronrnge art paid nnleirt,
Hit option or me piiMMter: j
3abcriptiona outoido of tbo aVi'inty
tT rdtonl tiftUs nd :m; paper
en.irre.on tu ,piuera nreoni teiili.oriher
ml ar liahte'for th prle y'.f ie pfr'
Jr. cuoNAriM.Rjr; '
Aflddlobur?, Tn.,
Offon lit prolMinl "Wtieen to ih pub
lie. Cullenlon and lloiber professional
nusines Dtruila to hf, ear will reeeite
prompt attention. " Jnn 8, 'fl'if
ATTuliNKY at lat,,
ScliiiMjrfovn Pn.,
OSr hi profesinel aervice la Hie pub
Is. All bm'mem entrusted to 111 care
Vrill b promptly attended in.
Nan. IT. 'OTif
Freelnirr Ta..
X"tTer hi t'rofofsionnl nervier (o I ho pub
ic. All hiisin.-s mtmalrd I.) Li cut
will b roui jt Ijr nttenlel to.
Jnn 17, 'j"if
WM. vn i;i:zi:i,
ItwHlnirj Pa..
Offers lii prafosslnnal service In oo pub
lie. Olleellntia nn l nil other I'i o'e-i,'ii-nl
business entrusted lo hi cue will re
ceite prompt m rrntion.
nTioTr. M ii.i.Kri. .
" All'UltNEY AT LAW,
Lowiiluirg l'n.
Offeri lil Profession-it aorviro lo thepiih
lif. Collcelions find nil other piofer.ioti.
nil business entrusted lu hi rnro will re
roive prompt niiotiiion. .I..n. a, 't'Ttf
M.I, INN. A. II. Il I.I,
(Sui.-o.!ior tn .. K. Ik .1. ill. I .Inn. I
ATTOIINKKS AT LAW. l.o i-lnny. l'n.
OT.-r tlii'ir irnf.-ioii'il nirv!vo In Hie
puMia. '.)U.ciIiiiis nnl nil oilur 1 10
fiMionnl limiu.' rniriim.' I hi il e no
kill rooeivoproiupl mien' i,in. I Jan. 'liTif
n;iAKi-Ks nowiiT:.
i-vliiKirrov.. I
u.i..Mi.,aproioM1o.,n.,nrvioo,,o,.,o,,?,i. o.r. , ....y i , :
' ' . ...iv. i.-i.o miiu un .m i.i-i- .roi.-!"..'Miii ii i u'i'i-iu-u iv pfiiii iter, l:i3 wig I i
iiiriiiocs tiilrii.iod lo bin rare will r,. i.iv.k.
toiTO prompt n.tomirn. l o ,lor Vbi, I, ,ho IVacn did acvon lime .
noiili ..rtl.o Kcy.ti.iH. II, nl. Jin. f., c.j week!)
oT7i"!KrTlTF"lTv i fUv '"'r ',rr."" "F lH,r
w 1.1 Ll'.l, . 1 I . I . I . .M A !N , n I iiovoi- .v n.ohtn but'y orv "
O ATTOUNLY AT LAW. !l;oi. lnlie, pl,,rVv....d Iko.ob". loll.
S'imscrovo l a
!ra hi rrnfoicnnl icnin-i ij ihn
uhlic. All biijinoiK oiilrti-iid In l,'
mre will ! promptly nlio:: led lo. t'i.1
leoljunm m.ido in nil rm-i nf th. Si!.
11a C4n Htienk lb F.itiflli no 1 I : .-t-i.:
lanponi; flnoully. Iciweon Ilnli'a
ami tbe 1 usl
T N. m vr.ij ,
AITf.KNr'Y k
10 MIU1VUUI f .".111 HIT l.illlt V I I'UIi :i
i:.i.i! 1 c , ... . .. I. ...
(Huon few ilor.ri Wt-l of il.o 1'. Ii. nn
Main elreol. Cm niltalit ii in Ki'1V1,
ti ll (.!. I I I f I I pi h. 1 1 . I Tn
l,"vi.ittri' Pa
i'llora bi profoanionnl no'vin no the pub. I
lie. Ail biuinea en I'c I I" bin eaie
ill It promptly ntiomU'd lo.
.Inn. R. r,7i
U P i:YI.t! MAfHINi:.
I'orion la reel of pocl nnd dnillo
'iit Marbine coil bo ni-roiTiniodato-l at
tann-ible prieoe bv enlltiiK on on ."am.
L F.icT, Ayent, Selinagi nvo.
Inn. '.'I, ("
115. .1. Y.MUNPi'.L.
Kl'I'.GIiUN AM) niYsrciAS.
iliddlid'iir- Pa.,
Tela liii. profooiilonnl eoiicfn lo tlio oil
"Da of Mi'liiU'.U'.rg and vieiniiy.
IMnroli 21, "C7
Ftdinsgrcve Pent)
JOHN K. lll'GHKS, L,p,
Tenn Twp., Fnytlor Co. T
i. u tnvi,'ti
' JL Tli n OK Til K TKACE.
iJicknoj To.r.ixhip, Snyder l'n. Ph.,
1 attend to all buiinoa entrimted lo
earo and on the mot ronionnbte
'. March 12, 'titiif
UJ- !' KANAWK1,.
ulrctlllc, (iuydcr Co., Iu.,
ti bi professional acrvices In tho
"c. tiiiMir
IAYU1LL k Co.,
VllO!.rALB Dkalkr in
f'lotb. Window Plindoa. Hroonm. Mat.
I Wi Cotton Lnp, Uriiin Ilnga, l-ly
f iiiiokcl. Twinoa, Wiek, (id.
MS North Third Slretd, rhilndclpUiii.
Prcobtift; SnvdorC'o. Pit.,
"pectfiillv oll'or bi torvioo lo
uMie i Vendue Oyer und Auoilon-
i naring bad a Urge expeneuoo, 1
hnrideui that I eau render perfect
MClion to iny einployte.
(.Jan. V, Hit
Mln Court llouao, 8opt.l5, 'tiTlf
322 N. THIRL) S
t MANDERCACII rnor'a."
J. C. NIl'K, Clerk.
Wank book Mnnufuturer
'iu",!11 WrPPmg. lllmllng. Cur-
V iritii
"'h Tklrdlret above Baoe
i'lilTuWrtjTSU Fa.
VOL. !).
nrm mmm
N 1 '
o t ! y
I'MJtT I Ooil'l IMkVl.
I do nol tile lo liir him prr.
Wbn lonin M twotiljr fit per conl i
Tor Ibon I Ihink Ilio hnrrnwor nur
l'. prf.l n pny fi.r f I tI rent ;
Aii'l in llul llj .k w nil flinut I li-o I.
Whioli TTii lon Ur bnll h bloat;
A ut m i linte itr lo rcul
It does not iny, " 'full lnlrtl."
I ilo nnl 'lilfo lo linr liim pr.
('11 bftiJoil knera nboul nn hour.
Fr gin co lo ap'iij nriphi 1K0 dnr.
Who kniwt Ilia no'jhln.r lin no flour,
I'd rubor 000 liim pu lo luil!,
And by tit lii.-kloai broihar lirnd,
And t bia i-liildirn ol tboir nil.
And luugli h Ibtir li nnU! rhd
I Ho nnl liko lo lirar liim pray,
" I'loKilnj nn 1U0 widow l.o,"
Who noriT oooUk br bom lo ony,
" ll wniil o rriakoa yon, i no lo in."
I hato llio pi ni or no 1 md nn I lon,
Tim I viluro.i for l!io iirplmn' n.-il
P lii in who i-.'o liim oi'tilio I by ivi-..rg,
And uiily villi llio lipt djtb (Vol.
I li n -1 liko lo lioar lior pray,
Willi ji'ivolcd onrnn I ailkon ilro,
"mciii r.ilirrotniti toil nil ilny.
An I Ibcn kod " In work f.r Int."
Fuib (uoni ott;iviM .4 I dio!
W1I1 r.'lilo l lmnd nn. I f.icj ilmnuro.
Thoy lift 10 b,-avo:i iboir "ntti!!'! oyc,'
T b.-u a.'rnl ll 0 ctuniiiga of t b pnnr.
I do not lilio audi ronllota prayer.' ;
If ivroiif I hope lo bo fofifon ;
No nttt','1 o wtiitf tbotn npwiird boarH
'loor re lout n t.ii.lilo ini:1i ft ;n ben-;
I)4':lf'3i lIHll
I'ercon I'-'ll on.- IVt-:inK!v onid
M.ont i,i i i-. t.-v. i,.p .i. . i
It, for ,,n :-l l,.v, .1 .,
I ' bnt I'cnc o, i., 1 1. 1,;0 :hti- men,
W alio I a 3 e v, nn I mat vie I nniu ;
Itoi bo ixurri'- i n iilwi itttc'i-iMte i-c.1.1
... I i . . .
'" " in" me I'ini-nii nirii io t. inii k.
B' "'' I ra" H 'l n uio wee K 10 ivi'i'k :
I l'ltt
r i In
....... t. . ... . ' .. i
II n ii-!j j I be . oil!', 1 vi .1' llli tlio f M !
llul fi. clu.'i. lot;j;b a n I irkorv I . i. . t . .
N ' 'I on !l alio'll live In ay of bitti.
: t,
t ;r: . i ,::r.:iiuii';ii))Ci',
Pliiiip M:tl-! u bit lbi'r.'d .'or tl.e
p:it t ti or fifteen yratsl i a'cuintt
In'o a tiitlc pri'pt'i-ly thyt is yd in
"iIlioK'lit to iRn:utin hiinstil uoiti
I'anii'y without lulmi ioun iuduatry nad
(iiiitant t-avin;'. Ilo thcrofoio toils
'ally an. I l.i'o lo inercnFo hi tncotai'
nn I ah-jvc all, 1 1 j.;iva bio cliitdt'cu a
'reilit il lo education ; for bo huldx
O'locatiOil t i Lfl a tho first imro.iiaiK c
M !,.,.,.,, I i r.t .
i , .. " i .... i . 'vi j .ii " u . i ii i v 1 1 . .. e , I , .
Ilo pt;zc il the more lerauso ho no
rnr hud tl.o a jvantaej of curly and
careful ' b'iol trniniti;: ; r.nd ho con
rtantly ni ge bin t hildreti to iuiprovo
lln'ir oppcjfl unit ium while) yet,' younj;.
1 1 is on exi'cllont innelianic, hit is
- " - ,
...ii' ir. .! tn i r
whol.y oIf taught. hen bs ruiind
. .
tlint bi bubiiieaa teijuiiod a knowledge
of tho principles of niatlicnutic he
1,1. .11 1 r. .. I .
bmiL'lit a urnAnil.1i in I l.'i,.:i,l nn,l
after many month of elo.o .tu'dyr.l', 1 ,UT V J"; ';,lc'",i,- 1
,,,1.1 mome.,1. Wn, i 'd lo ?l,y tt ol ( al. ogncr who
Then tho theory of civil nn hitocture
attinctcl bio notioo, and ha nmdr
bimooli'oo fiuniliar witb il ttiat there
wns a conitant wonder nrnono; hi fel.
low workmen bow "Marolon bad
learned whnt be knew about Archi
tecture.'' Ila J tbey Boon him tuilinj;
over his books there would not have
boon to much wonder al it prog res.
Hi book on Arcbitoctur was well
worn from constant use, and his
poekela wero generally attilfod with
tciape of pnper containing proportion
in Geometry, problem In Mechanic,
and itoms coneoroin architect iral im
provement. Hut thiaoxtra anJ oon
ttant toil wa rogordod by Mr. Mar-
.,, . . , . '.Oil l 1
fton a tbo ponalty of a laok of cat ty
, . . 1.11, ,
tiainin' : nnd he Uvre t 0 ton on the
aiiiin' ; nnd he dwelt olton on the
blonsed limo of ease bo woull have
had, if theso thin;; could bxiro boon
learned by him when ho was yotinj.
"Children," bo would iiy, ' If I hid
had tbo advantage of schooling that
you now bavo, I would not niw havo
been obliged to dovoto o much of my
time to reujodyiog tbo dolocta of early
'ruining or rather no training at all."
Ono evening be bad boon lament
ing bia luck of opportunities, when
Charley Mnrxton, th oldest of four
children, said :
"Falhor, I want money onotigh to
purcliUHO a ball nnd bat. All tbe boy
are going to have them, and tbty
are going to organixa a company of
'Hluo Stocking,' aoJ aro going to
dres it) uniform."
"I had . not heard of that,'' aaid Mr.
Maroton. .
"Yea, and I have Leon chosen
' IoJood I Doe it nol roqtiiro much
time and practico to become a akillful
baso-ball player after the no w nil I hod!"
"Of co u io it does ; lot we are to
meet ery afternoon.'
' I do oot approre your eourt io
hits matter, Tor totcial raaiom j but
lifall tb.M)tli..r lr,yt Bia'iiiit t rttue!
I 10 .nit.l ...
.,....,.......,..-.., vw .,,,., we muni
try ami aai wnat cbi L ilon.'
Hrtvol ilinnkyoii fil)cr . (), wm'l
wo wax V01 " -
Ainiiii p.)ic. rathor ImfH irntly
I Hiirk it in too lnnJ dial Cliarloy tan
j liftvtj n! ori tif tliinii M iility witli
in J wo (.nit cnnnol li iv nnyihin,.."
'Wlltt (I,) yoi Willi, Amnlu ? '
a!.ol !uc fjtlior.
"I Want to join I Int fry m n istlt?
jiii-t nr.Miiit.i.l l.y Din-tor Tint inollo
liu loot a -o I l. l!.. !,,,! t woek
on tl.e te,-tK,iiy ,. pyu.nnFtic U tl.o
lioaU.'i. Tut Dk-lnr raiJ til -l 0 Kns
"i.iKM,,Mpl,sl,MU,l,,,,,ar,,11;i.i1K(, l)bWi in, ,Il9 wr,t ,
f(l HMll.l tif lliul III... ...
doroJ ; I .1,1, wc wiH Zw'
, 1 ' 1 (vrt " '
expand our t.,o,. lie .U Kt-,al
......... .,,terR.1 v3. to,.
iii'ii.II.MiiiM...f ...( a
unu ex -
or. i,.-. Our loachor j.,:,).l i wlil,'Mcro.iir for a Lottor dovoloimient of
ll .-.i.. T .11. ..... 1 " 1
Kj'lnr 'I'orfiroll.'
mil :ill it wii
!i'vcry..rl tnu-.tiud that uoloao .oa:c.
Ithmpwn, ii'tusliitn'v. t!,,, ri-
l.msliitii'v. t!io ri-
'" wM "II i tl.i.
j;vav,-o inn very Ik, ii,o.
And win! dil lii iri'isam,,
P")p so iti a
reai"dy7- n.kol Mr. MaM.m.
1. 1!.. . .: I i i . .
j r.i i i, j n.iin i j n;i 1,, oil.,
in cyooi:i;ics our cli.-rtn w , t. .,.
:i:... I a;.J 1 n.; lil'o wcuM be tin.
I ' ,. ..
lo y u tu n e 1 .'Lis tro.-u-
i t
'I nni (Ttla'n t,f it ; I 1'i'lt a tiiti
; ,v , .,,, . , ., 1 '
i.jy i iiji i.i.d riii.rrnti,
. "l ':" ' " l 1 ' mo' '''-I''' r-
! I Kit r 01 urn I nulling . i
I ' . ,"01 .''""!' t. 'xpid
i .1"1" ' "T J"" ro in w a
' l.r.
al n. v,m me lnt'tr. '
J iil'l H . ill. !l :u.ii-l. P. 1 A.m.,,,. -
; " " ............
l lufio wiu a lai-li at Amelia rx-
IK iC : I. T a .0 n !i nno i.l l '. ...
';.l n.fbl '.rii in tin I 1 1 ; 1 . o i
J "II f.v in :; r ii wi
tho cii't .'
Lily IwlItj Jijllais lor iho l.eV
court;'. "
! r
' Yt'il !urf to pay a trill.' fi-r the
i usu ul i-v inna-iio inipli'im n'a, u:n!
then vim in expce'.i.'d lo buy his pit
ut poll'-a.'tiit elicM ovpar.der ; and
O ye. I !'.ir"t; all tho yirla have
),yn n.iclic dre-..M. ''
Ucre hi I In Ma' it bounded it. to the
iroom ciyin "O pnu, I forgot '"
' oil tvar.l k(j))! Iiuifr, I aupp. ie,''
r' " '
IS!"' '"'r ''bor.
"Yea, I do; I want a net oferj
"Ii that neco'-a-y for tho hm! th ?'
' Of i "in.: it ii ; PrifeHoor Il tetler
Snro a loeturo to thu ehoo! n Tow day
rfiiK'o, and aai. it there wen in .ro tro
I . . , , , ,
i I e t, paying, thora Wjii II lo ln- i
, , ,, r .. . ,
llOI. Ilioll. Illl.l i'lffl,..d At .n,lIj A ...I 1
headache und lownaa of apirits. And
uuriiiiniMr too, laat .Sut.t'ay eveniiv !
ji,...v v. ii"u,ibi i? n LUII..II III ;,lll B ,
1 'i
.I...L- . r.f ...... ...1 ..!..!..:. .
iioo ii M'a'iiuui iwuniy nji ar net.
Well,'' said Mr. Mur.-ton, ,:wo wi
... , I... , ,.t .. n .i... it.: i
"i 1,1 nl iniOp'n
when your mother got through wneh-
ing tho diahe." I
lnr...t. .nomonU Ml. .f.....l...l. I ..... ..,,' .1...
camo intu tbo room weary with hard
work, and flung lienedf on 11 cbiir
with the exclamation, "I am tire J.'
Aiiiona, youougni 10 neip your ,
moliioi with tho hou-o work
Mr. Muii.ton aaid "she nippotud
that Amolia lial boon ocoupioJ with
her lussons, nnd bad not bad lituo to
ussisl bcr."
"No," aaid ber father, "oho ha I
been toaiiug me to allow her tojiin
.. . , . ,
'you think of audi a proposition, and
1 J v r '.
.i,i... :.. if... .1-
also ol L liai'lcy gout;? into tlio b.tso
bull business, ood of Ci lie's having a
sot of oroipiot ?"
Mr. Morston, ioduleut mother
that she was, sai l, she "would be
i-tad if th cbildt'on coal 1 have tbo
things if tb'y waul not cost too
"What woull bo llu cost ?
Chadcy took a Hlato, aulas near
a tbey could estimate, tho ca.t would
bo a follow ;
Halt and Rut, 81 53
Uniform, 15 UO
Clusa iu liymaastici (not in
cluding uniform.) ll 00
Mom. Tortuiallo'a aetf-ao
ling cheat expaodor, 4 CO
Total, f:l2 00
A amall amount to bo euro, to pen.
pie who have a largo inaorae ; but to
Mr. and Mrs. Marston, it wai quit
au item. Marstm laid : "I hrtvo of
tula been looking mora cinTully ni
at wLat I oonaidor tho frivoltio of
education, sod I find that Ihoy draw
very heavily upon our slender iuconie.
In tho mutter of chanjo in text
book for instance, it hit takoo no in.
consiJerablt sum ot money to moot
tint douaaod. Ia tho liole Item of
wriiin:' Look ihoro in n ronstni
.1 .
i nitnpinjf or to cliao-o.
No auotior I one boot or avalum
' lniimnalili introduced thflii nnMlier
L, pr0roM.j:tir bailor ono it jroMn
: 1 led fir our approval. When tlm-e
oliiinpca nro r.illy nocoiairy, 1 11 111
willing to Rulimit ti tliom, but it
looks as i I" t tie wbolo atlionl book bit
!iiit'a wcra run iu tlio Inicro'l ol
"din iI-'iojIs compiler ami ."fliiol boi!
pu'ilirlitpr. Ami when we aid t' tlii
'!io iiiiiiimpritlilfj "extra" wliioh eull
! fr tho fO'il:ilit ofm..n.
PT, it, in.ik-.- our li ia.-to,l fre cJu,';,.
: iloo roIi o.t of ib I. .,vi...t l.P.I...
H ,1 ) "T1!;""
ton?'.H!ial t.117 nro es-iviliul toa-hal!
.,.; ., , tlu) r,.,:iy 8,u, , r,irri.
of a'udy. Voir Imiho bull, fii
.inntatico. cim. m. lor ll,. ,.;,.. t
A tiiriioifi ti.n.o!,. r.n... i; .1,1 i
-avy fvmna.tica ar" for wcV che.U
el n,-t,l..:;Lo ,-i: t
. noo!.!....!; .-K I -..
-liko Amelia, mi l your err
- t,, i, ,;,r ,4 rr,m9tlm of fhriMian"
i-y nt t ivc. v doliaro a art. M i.,d
: .... .
you. tlio lurtirs who oaini'Kt'v ndrivn
tliH,o 1 1 i ii me lii'iso wli.i arc to lo
fiiuir'ia'.iy bei.i -lit t,t ih.'so who
i:o ill tin' ci-j..y:m(it ol cMiilorta!,!o
1 n.-y l::f. o , ;! t I o;l ,.
i.,:.r!i;..r iii, v ..i .1 .:.. i... ,...t.i .
,..;, ,,,,, tl., ',
: .... . , , "" " "
; 1.1-. no nn o 111 n J.p! I'.'illjO!!
!.!.. I .n,';.,.
t . 10,,'n.ii n tvm; rln.eo
l,v band. I'iifinef-. ni;tdmiiicH I..I101-
i.. peoplo t.f nil e!a.e,., I ,,w i!tt,
1 '
otirm,,,,,,, noy i- Mow wok. Now.
mv tli il-I t it. n iih vour I
hi;, i notion.
.... , .. ..... .. i
tl.v viluo nl
. .
in iiuv, no I I nil)
i hi vo von a
.'lil r 1 10 il l tl U tl til' it. 1 V0 two
pt-p-'-itii'ti to ih.i'ko, an I if, u .
'oin.O'il ro&si.icini ion. Vmi un-nl to
it tj"iii.n., I will -ct vju tho thirty dnlhir
' ..... .. i. ..r t i i . i ... i
i-ti.ii.j hi mm ci.oM-'i '' cori-
in;; nn 1 ('li!liliin.iniiiiii iii.t'oriit! !
ulilch you ilriiri'." i
Vi,at is pr'pMiiiin ' a-l.o d
I'll a ley .''
It it tin: tour iltar tr I'l
... '.. , . ,
.inn n.. nc'MI f . I 1 111.; lU'.'r." it) tuo cor-
ncr kuiitiirj nil tho cveoii'ir. now
, nearly eighty yrara old ; and yet elm
, knits aim, Bt coii!.taiilly.. Vni know
iio koep u vnpplie I in warm stciek.
. iu;;. Tho Mnoljin at worlh I'nui
'' to 7.i ceiil per pair j nil mv piv:i-
, . 11 . l "i
. til ion l lo let I or l.:i:t unmi-li to
pay for tl.eo poni'iti'i ol (.'hri-iintj
, ii.iKi lo thai will ei.-t a'joiil thirty dul-
' I a r.t. It wi:l not take her morj thai
ihrco niuiitlia.'
j "For ohiiiue, Papa I" etiod all the
: ehildreu.
.... , , , , .
"I lion you i on I upproto of tint
r.Anu I-..., '
propositi!, n ? '
4 It perfect iy awful ?'' naid Amelia
' Well then, 1 have another oim
Vour mother dot h,r own h ma.-wul
-ha. lway- preferred to do , thai
.aomothing might tb"iohy bo oaved
tor your a-Jucaiion. .Jw tha wa;:e ol '
. ... .i .i.: . i ti i . . i . .
u i iu uu mm wura woui'i do atiout ;
two Juliur per wook. ( w say iiothin.'
of tlio pil l' biard ; which i aived in j
! ---- i.ivri nmi inn pin
jcbaso of tlio tuua dc-lorming male.
, rial ut.t I tho timouu. nt two duKurt
per week id roalizod from your motb-
era labor.-
'U'hy, Papa, you'ro crazy!" ctio I o,.am:u:it'ic apeoclie. Iloro it ouo :
Amelia. "To lu prepare 1 for war is tho moil
"Only lo think," mid lil'.to liadia, ieVectual iiienns of presrrviu pnneo.''
'of poor miiinx' w.'iihiu diahe to! nlJ .1 1I111 Pickcnsou wroto of
pay for gymnastics and croquet I'
'-Or for base
ball uoi"ornia," e ii i
'1 declare, pap,' said Amelia, "I
never Leloro thought thai ihiuga wore
oxiruvngaut ; 1 appu?d gymuastics
Hid cioiptet roa'.ly necosary .''
"That i Lecr.ino tenclion, and too
often triinisiert, tire constantly endors. I
' i
ing every new-lang.oj ovtrira-nnoe jsi;l!l Qin(.Vl Si-, saiJ : "What
that comet up. Rut incyoa d j md ... ... Il0W ,, ,,.., 011
approve oithor of my propositions, I
must tell you why I cannot kpare th
money for these tiling, la tbe first
place, tlifre aro yot thre payitionl
duo oa our litilo home ; and aecondly,
somebody must pty Iha grocor, tbi
butohor, tlio tailor, and tbo merchant
for our daily food aud clothing. In
tho uicuniiruo, wo can opeu a little
school of our own, aud we oan ttore
our minds with uieful koowltdgo, even
if wo aro .not iu uniform. A to tbo
muscle, a lit tie housework, a little
sawing wood, and gardening, aud
oine excursions that wo will bore iu
Iho fields will make th raascd, aud
will not cost us a peuny,"
From that evsulog there was a dif.
foroot stale of affairs la tho Mariton
household. Thero was more consid
eration oa the lb part of the children
tawarda thoir parents, although Mr.
nod Mrs. Marstoa btv hard work to
atom tho popular carronl of oxtrava'
! unncn Wv:U i now mtt nin; t.?rr (lit 1
lunJ. liut, on tha arho!. tl,eva is
of's - ninJ itrujio.,; . ti,. ..1.-.
Taeml notion that hivo bcroua Ita-.
lintf elemenl in our educational yt
lem, and are rr!iy tin "cu'-woruw''
ofomterinl pmiperitr.
I'rinltuv llimo SiiKire a 11
lo Iho etirlior l.iv of Prititinu
IIouso H piftr, N'eir Yui k city, bafuro
iba nnm of l be spine bit I boon
t'irnh, of, 00 iTintltiit w t dune on
tl.o ,.ret.,lr. Tin American Tr.-t
S .r'rty wns tho pioni-r, an I noxt llif
'' No Yif! Oliivtr." Wli
I'raft S-ciety ww f.rme I in Ui ll.e
ottnd on .irl, it tbeautiful l,ou'"' M to P:,v h,..,o
., ,. , ' .. ,e.lso In. n,blo pottairu with a tmixll
"'' "ool.n v,r-,. ,d .t. our . ,. y ilir , w k
, ': , .
iJaTmftinLnatiiiata.iia V
lid i ll ' nil . . :lt i-l an I .' .i rti 'O ' r. i. f
. . ,
e in kerpui.: f,!!i it, Pprto(i
,M ' "
trod w.vs it nt'.'row lano, aiou
a wi .!a:id lliirtr feet.
( n it.-t nnr'.h
dai.y p'tM:y rapor. iind "
I'io fir-t
' la''-v
l'" V' ' lM' h'f"V9 1,10 " T,':
I "i""
P.iuotiy ot p''e tli'.'lraot linf-r
on N.i-au-s'rort, whsio tlio " Timo"
ji'f.iec' iiow ii, wii an I'M one Nt ry
i won 'on li:ct u f-'-r -.. i 0. and mi 1 1 !-: -man
Irci t re tliu H.'irk Ciiiirrli. bo
tw.'rn v.lili'li ivm a ur.r. c J U' d with
ir.B'iV lifoe, M mi binkon liv 1st .tie
l'ii.:ii tin trr'.ir Inrv nl" I b Trafi
lin.-i'. hi:! iv. ','ii tl.o church n". 1 lite
Inol mo laom, ihoro a de'iiliti'd
miMooli uei'o-'i tlio Paik. In l-.'ii.
I lie " New York H'S 'irei'' cc'ii pi.-l
tho tbii ! h' ry of tli-' l'iii!itior'. On
nlti'iaoiii ul'tor a I c a : : i !'ii! diarrr,
w'n ii tlio dei'llni:' -tin w.t a'li.iini;
in all ita I'l illi tiii y ihrouli t!i5 npoa
ln leavea nnd tip in l!n j;i.'iin jra j cf
toe I'atk. n a im ii'iier ol' n.oitli-nion
were ail in it i ti tlio view. Pr.i!'.ot'
Mi too pi :i; 1, ealiy f'li.arliC 1, ' 'Hi,'
pi oplo who nci'iipv thi li.ivo n
line pr,ispi"t lioyoad the oravo !"
A I'cr a f".r y.'axllio woo.b'ti !e -tore
r "ini tl.e ! n It a e I'll, 1.
i'i ... I ..!.:..!. . -I . 'I i.-..; ..' ,.. :,
I ,
, iva- li.nio.i-liea with t .. luiek c, inch
, it.-..!i', nnd the In nutil'iil 'i'.ni''
1 1 a -i " w.n ei'i e'ed, covering; the ivh ,!e
hi. n.
l li.1 improvement thu-t c.vnm Miecl
by the Trai t S.v'aty in 1 -.'"i
" been atoa lilv "li:
oa. New
l.uildinja have befit creeli'd Spfii'-o
ntrc.-t has l"onal.not wholly built up.'
ut.d S'.iTit i ctre.'t t'cl uilt far d iwn Ik
low P.i'ikniau and Ann -li".'t. TIk
printing lou Ii ti extended, till in ad-
' 10 " th '",ol: l,ri,,ti"- H;"v-,al;
of th i lemltug co 'tiisr an I fcli.'ion v
j"i.r..aN ora located up m and send
I'll, 1,111 Ul o in. llil-'l nil '11 11 i'i will
, . , . ., , ,,
,mt ihair uinonso duly an weekly ia
snot from Pi itilin-l Poi-o F'e.
IlKJiiilc I'luast",
Samuel Ad nu i, kt.own fir many
thin-t, nei bmi Ii 1 1 bis nam i amjeia-
i,i with tho iihuso liiNt iii t.liol to .
. ' ' 1 1
IH t , -,n lnnd '. tia'iouef hlioo
;0,.p(.) a.''
Franklin h
.... .!,,.. it :., ii... ,
. .. . '. . .. I
rill I III. 1,1. llllll.llll.
j 7-
.lure pasoJ niio r.iaxuoi, bill uotLin.i
Unit is honor kuoiv.i au 1 rouiorn'oored
Ith.-x,, "lio lian i-ail to doar Tor hU wlii
j ii0,"
W'astiitiirton male hut few cnp'..
America in 177 : "Give tno liberty
or ji'ito 1110 death," nud "If thi Le
treas in, mako tho mot (if it."
Tlnunt Puine bad tiiitiy quotable
epigrammatic aontoiico : "I'jso like
a roekft, fell liko a stieU;" ''Time
that try meo'g touls ," "Oue 9'rp
from tho subliuio to the reJiculou-,"
,, .
to make out exit, wo will dlo free
men. Henry pnva Washington hi.
immortal title : "First io war, first in
peuo and first in the hearts of hi
country men.'
Charles Coalcsworth Pinckney de
clared iu favor of "Millious for de-
leoce, till not on ecu I for tribute.' '
Peaceably if wu can, forcibly if we
tnut," is from"Joiah Quincy, ISll.
Andrew Jackson gav n. "Tlio
Union it must bo preserved."
. i . . i
Out iu Illinois Ibtr is a child, now
three mouths old, woighiug two pound.
Its length i only teveu inches, and
ii faco about tho rx ef a wattb crys
tal. Its tiny arms atao aloodor that
a small Ongar-riug can blippl on
either of thia t the ihouller Thi
littlo creature is already tuaking quite
a noia in it part of tbe world, aud
bundled have ealled to ae it. Its
parents aro of standard sizes
Mr:tn lii Ixthtn.
Hon. I'r. Iron.Tua I'tinie, of lli N.
Y. 0!e trr, a few werki ago tferd
n uward r Fifty Dellm Icr nn au
ttentic r:.o l l mpiuoets ti taliiitter
nd their fmnilita. " moniicr than tbe
0110 wLero h itiiniatcr'a wife w in
vitod to iiit one wok artioit (be
people and that wrU board dc
luc'od from bi Milaiy !" A nnrBbor
"f poro!t. in eommuuiiMtiusn to
pa;tr, h:iv.i Lid t-hvm to tbo rwrd
i'non from thi-t region, t.f count',")
i V''xK "
ianuiit". tmo rane 11 tin: A h
iit'Vt.;ii! ('.) sic'.oty a ;! iyol hr I
j wo,'lin-' 'J !0J pt-r v.
during 1 11 b u-a. the "o I mt-i c 'iv
1 v " . oil 1 11 b u-a. t'.e vi I c
. .... . . " .
in iuuo . u pro'iu -o n jt vc -
olablo. 'l b.! ill
nic. r'.ntT i
f tho
olafv b. .in, ...... 1 ..1.... .1... ... - .
I ' "If"'1" " '"" S ' "I"' l'
tuliifj tvore nt tholr primo, Itipn
C'i'dfd to in v r nt or tleui, oi d arrived
u! the con Iniioti tint the wero worth
1S, Tlrs iitii iu-it tl.o Society do
dutod from t!iv $0) Mlary ! Atmih
or. At a dnn.ili in, tlii artit l woro
inaiki- I nl thoir liiho.t market vain,
a id tl.o lo'al mil I'tni
luo'.i'd l'n 'in
till- f i it'y . t I.l
n an m .r'o 1 " 2 ,
p icki.',' nf peppor
cM ," :i'i 1 that al- i
I S '!,'.-!' 1 1! d ';" t
di'dui'tol. If Ii
. j p r tlio ey.'s nl' iv'i ' d iniiv.." it
villi only Ii" I'd'-1 i-a hli friend hivo
'' d all tlio pop A tioi h or :
At a donation, t.vo I am wero enl in.
value, i at tivo ct I'.ioh, and tlod tctod
Iruai tho'a nalary. The .1 1
nora male a tnis'ako in parting with
tlio fins; they iii lu.'o liiti lor thfiu
tl.tfin-iolvc, duo of tlioo d'lvv. fr
w.uill have if they w.'i e lir.- punil'.
l ie to ,i-.' : A sir.ia 'i' pro-t nt'' I a
ci'T'i iuan w.ili live ,l ,iian. The vc
try board il it, ail ilo duotud il from
'nit -ahiiv. Oil. vi' ra." ol iiii aLtiea.
me pivcu ly Pr. Piiin", bat i i.o-f
v II iiii'.ver.
e-.jryngr.- iwt- m
t (9ri:i.i:,tl n.ilc.
A 1,'t'er in tlu .-'I. Paul ',',;) ,-r.
iVit.n Minlat), Minn., reli'.e t!m
t't, z'ni; tod'M'.li "l u woman and her
! i i r i li.Mrcn 1:1 . il.lo c iiint v. tl
Mat", iliiri.o,' tlio ah-eiu'..' i'i' t ho drunk
en i i i .-.. 11 1 and lu'li-r, win .-'i thiic.
ihs'.tulo d irliu lli i t oe'nt c il I w,n
ther. Tlio loiter - : lie l'thr
nut on tho c; en prairie, ia the dial ol
winter, with i-cnr.-o a "tick ofwiid,
and what i. atilt iu ire iucre dibie, while
-no wan dai.y ixpeetni' eonli.iernent.
!;'.v ' oaiii tl.o!
nr.u ,.f tho L' 1, and when that
expeu le l tho . o .r wninn found
m'I, withou! In "I. She k'lew that ho i , jrnH. And tbo boyt who wit.
cuill sareo'y expeot her hus'iand . ,cric ovr the great doiogt ofom
homo for g.jvrl day-,, ai it look that count, hero of ctt throit, aro tnl.rr
liuio generally I ,r biui to toc- .r to earn an b.met livia.-, au 1 are wii -hi
spreo, otil tlio conviction cinue t" in.. (J ,,.lV0 ,iK.;r Wl)tltort wiit o:i
hof Hint liar family would amu f.'eeo tll..m uu, tla.'k thMf boots while tbiv
to d:oth union succor Cetil I bo had
IVIII tilt' tlrli'liliiiM, tho licart'st ll'.'.,n mnl ,t In iit-ovn tint thai'
whom wax ihrct mites dij'tiit. S ou
Mnliil-iv tlii ilosnl-.iti wnmiii , thi'
..' .. . . .
III 11 0 111 SO UnilCllOaCO'l'lltlOt) dial HtlO
1 1 ... . , . . .
;ht 1 e CiMilinod to her Led. htartcd
uul in tl.o lierco cold for help. At,
! least such ia do cuppoaition, for next
day anno of the neighbors fmod her
body, together with that ol a now- re-pcetor of perotn. All day Ion a
born babe, stark utiiT in a snow bank, crowd of street boyg bad beeo haviug
rhero sho had fallen faint and perish- ; high old spirt at Twelfth and Pino in
ed. llori ilied, they picked her up an 1 allying snowball at paseri-by. Tho;
curried her home, and here to their hor-1 prolonged tho fun much to tho Indi
ror, tbey found tho three little on a'o nation of tho possassor of th ght
(Vozou to death. Tho drutiken bru'o lei iug largst ot silk hats, and ti n
of a hue!) in 1 au I father win hual vexaliou of the s vils of patient p -up,
and frieu Is in this city telegraphed , licetueo, all through tha alternoo i
for, who at one wcat up an I saw tho : When Alexis caiua b wasimmeiii-
bodiea decently interred.
Kaiis w ii vr Yot' Si'KNii. Tlr.e'.
fourths of tho iti.u 'ult'oi aud miseries
nf men como finm t'i fact that most
waul woal'.h without eaniir.i it, fmue
""al'ul"!Km"S'1' i.
Mil, rotpe.-t without vir '
in e, und happiaea without hjbnetss.
fho tuau whi wonts the best things,
and is willing to t ay just wbat tbey
aro worth, by hooost doi t and bard
self-deuial, will have no diflictitty in
letting wbat be war.ts at last. It is '
(be men who waut poods on credit
that are stittbboj ao l disappoint: 1,
aud overwhelmed io tbe end. Hap.
pitieas caunot be bought by the bottlo
nor caught up by tho txonrsiou train,
nor put oa with any robe or jewel, or
eatou at any feast. It doos ao t exist
in any cxhiloratioo, excitotntnt, cr
ownership, but come from tb nse of
th faoultie of body and miud.
A Kentucky firl was recently struck
by lichtntng, but the only apnarvut ef
fect of tbo stroke wn lo photograph a
joung man who wistandia near ber
upon br breast. t bither Ibi will
result in any ill-cousequtocn tcmiioi
to b sec a.
Oneoolnmaon year $SO.C.l
t)no-blf eln. oa year, I0.o.'
Ono-fcarlh eolaoie, oa or, l&.Vi.
(n nounro (10 lino) en Intorttoa To
hory Iditinnnl lnneiiia Inf.
I'rofo"ionnl nnd Bnniito ennl of
not more Ihnn Of liar, for yNr. IO
Atidi'or, Kxoon'or, Admiaiatraivr
nnd At)rno Notltnt t,.A
l.diinrinl nmiro prr liao .'
All dnrlioomonl for iharlcr oriU
iknn one tut are oarabl at th tint
they nro ordered, and if not anld tho per
nun ordering I hem will bo held responsible
min anBHaaaaHa
Mclne Ik rolnt.
A buy rat -.riitd frooaicbool ooeday
witb a repnit th:it bi Bcbolambip hud
fallen luintwbat bcljw tbe usoal arci-
"Wall," tail tho falhor, ''youo
fallen behind thia nioath.baTO yon?"
"Yi', air."
"JIow tli.1 lbtlippon V
' Pon't know, sir."
The fatter know if tho ion did tot.
IIj bad rbMTtod a tininber of dimo
novel Jc;:reJ abou tbe house ; bub
bad not thr.Uirht it worth wbila lo oar
anything until a fllting opportunity
arilTod. A l akot of oiiu'ei atool
.upon tho fl ...r, end b .aid :
-Kmpi.v f tl,o?. appV, and tak
lu 1 ,f l,l7 ri'''-
S,,.roc.i,,s n..tbi,iS tho .on obeyed.
"Aol now." bo coutiouel, "put
itli'iso app' ba' k in the baaket.''
I Worn btlflb'.' npp'ua were replae.
1 I, the nun ?'.! :
I ' I-'alber they r.dl ufT. I caot put
I on any more.''
"I'jt them in, I tell y?u."
' Hut faiher, I can't put them in."
"Put in! Xo, of courne yo'i
Cau't pit them in. I you expect
(o " b:ikel full of rlrp4 aod f licit
ii,l it with tipple ? Yoj aiil yoi
didn't know why yn fu'l bohind al
"cli'n.1. ari . I will tell you. Your
tnin I ii li(;e that baa'.cet. It will not
li'.IJ cnli mi luiirli, nnd hero ynuha'O
li'fii lor t'."1 j,;i.: mouth lilloi' it, up
with chip il.rl hi t-e i nlilo diui'UO
vtl." Tins l"'Y t".: :ie I on hit heel, wliia
tlcd.ntid s-iid, "U'how ! I bio tho
point ''
N 't a novsl hu been aeon ia
'" h iuxo fiotn that day lo thia.
'. 1 ther and ol do.1 porjont tiiiht wait
' 'll' l"'0 pniii'. A miud tilled
i with licti. ti hate and rvj'cli truth,
A e;-.-i"ii i ead in; history, art tcieoce,
"r li'aveU. may grow wisr every thy;
liu'. a inati may teal li.'tioo a luu lrcl
y-ar. un 1 kno-.v ni nut whoa ho
lioi-li.M i!i. iii ho beao.
There is real oin a:il torro, aal
u!fi'iii euoih in thi world for ua
io pity im I telieve, wbliont wattin j
oar toari over tlu trouble of Home Go
t.ti His ' M alilJ.t lain.' ;"' and tbore i
ivirli nnl wriierpris-', mil energy
.Mioiih iii to en or otirpow
cr, wiih oil rcioriiu tJ cheap n ovclt
I l inspiration and ccitstnoi.t.
Pn:t tint" irt'inatoly, tho xirU who
w.ll sl.e.l ai in in v tears over aoiue h "
roino'a I'nrtiliout sorrow at ihey would
hilo noelin ? a tun fall nt onion-
lh, very p.-non who would turn
up their t.o-ea al a su.Teriu" begM:-.
,,Ul t .L.fc otai voii.,viaite 1
jM in Led .'liter sunrise, or ouuko ci
.-"i . t . 1... ...r.,.
j 'on 1 11,1 3 our ;p,o uoaaci tviiu
.ip dirt.
Til E St. Louis Avnocmr aays :
Tho mind of tbo average Ainerieaa
eamin is lorr'e'y domocraiic II i no
atcly recguizcJ. With a chorm "i
ye'ls, " There's tho Juk !" ' (live i'
I to tl.e son of a Czar,'' the milrttilleu-
of uiov tails was dischargod- Uoyi.'
I ly ducked benaalh tho fatt dascoodiu ' Poek'ti, however, aviilol
uti mJ O'sjt.fetl' alooo of lb parte
tt.e.utau, ran iha baiterv. Al.xis
feigned a smiU while the cild soon
silted dowu his neck, and piously re
j , t TujMr-. quotation frctu
tho (ii'tco Uoasian prayer book.
Tor Tna RaNKtiret Uacheious.
A genilomaa of Xtwraatle, Me., d-
s'n ing th servir ef a laboring mu
s'arted eoe uoruing receotly to eo I)
a rural district in tb interior Oa
bis way he met a highly respectable
lady, nol at young as h once was,
and waking iuqury of her finally ask
lb ipjsstiou direct i
" Can you ltd me where I can tod
a wan ? '
"No, I can not," she replied, " for
I bare been looking tb list lwoty
year for one my. If."
Tb soBttouian apprised her tb at
auob franknasa elevaisd her ia bia es
timation, and that be would aid kov
in tbe search te tho bet W ki eaV'-
r:i jriT trr -Ttaf tir;o-
..n...,,.o..."t.BiH s' Ua."
Lf f ' vk