l 1 1. I . THE POST. s4rl,YJfrjH J AM I' AH t 11, WJ. A Awlndler .ulibel. On Wodooslay of laU woclc, stys tho Clinton Demi-rat, a rather re tnarknb'e est if wli'dcmlo forgery h brought to litif a( the Mayor's office. Tbe fact a divulged upon n hearing were nliou'. n f iliinvs : On Cbrialtms city a well droswl y.iun.f nno, apparnutiy about twenty-five yevs of s.re, u d irk complexion and slender figure, aboit tho medium height and unprepossessing- nppo inner sUpvelai Hpt M.tcl) wald'a hotel, on (.Minion A venue-. I lu first nUrnctcd alention l.y walking several times pant tho ohVe of .Show, Town A Co., carefully scrutinizing th nppcnrancp of the establishment, and parlieulu ly noticing the o:imi on tho in. Hi' iiiitreinonlfi woro ob'rrveJ by Mr loivns, who was entirely nt a loss to account for ao unusual a proceeding on the part (f u Ftrnnjnr. Tuesdny night tho younjr man ap peared at tho Di-muml oince for tho purprr-o of havinr snnio blank ch?rk printed, lie Muted Ihut he was to the section when preferred l.y the purchaser .Lingi. i.iBo .,...,, and i.-?B v?. rr:'1;? a;.?.: tome money on depotdt in tbe Lock than any mute heretofore made. Im in Hivcn National Hunk, bo tboriroio!",rn"1'"n,'"',"',i"n- ."""'K1' rc.n.l.1it.g wanted tho chocks. On DOinj? liMil ; that checki conM bo proptirod at tl.c bank, ho cxprraned himsi'lf n vi-ry grateful nnd took liii lciivo, Tho ovxt moroing ho appeared at the bntik and bought a blank check bo.k for n dollar. Upon thoevenin, of that day ho wen. ioto the jewelry alore of Mix Dcincr, on Main atrcot, and alter baraiain for amie tiini with a clerk by the name of Joha O t, at l.mt picked out a firio ailver watch and chain, a couple of rinj;i and one or two other article of jewelry, urn tuti'.injj in all to about SO. In payment ho offered n chock ravable tn P,..,,t, Pi.1.. ...Kl.... T...... f. ' u., ir f -o. i ne cicrK ool oeinv: ac- e .... .. ... niininl. .! uiiK tl,. K;.,t,,r.r ,.l il,l firm, loft the youo," roan in the CUftO- 0 bigbly enlisfiielory. llmt eerernl of oui j ly of Mr. Deincr, Who Very oppor.'olde-t and most fsperifiii-rd atove di nler. ' , . , i J predict fur it a eale lur beyoti I our ability ttinely cama into tho store, nnd very ;0 ,pply this snis.ni. j soon learned that tho check was a for- i W"'"1;' .front firt-om, giving full uio o' Very. P.eturnini; found that upon youth had stepped with tbi goo.ls in foreot to return. Mr. O'.t at on co to the ;oi ue BOtllO CXCU0 tho out aide . i. .. i his possession atlJ , UWW, noiineoi too 1. 11101 of Polico of the transaction, nnd search was instituted for (ho 1 (Tender. They pot ribt of him standing near ft hotel, an I inriie liaMly gave chasj, but be took to hia licol. nnd had it not been for a luekey mimhle he mijht have i'i?nped in the tlai k. As it w is be hhnvrcJ luht but wu Siion oblii'd to tiurreuuer. tn tbe way tlnwn to the Mayor's cfliee he iitteiiipied to m l rid of sumo ur'ly papers in b! posi i.ioii bv quietly dropping them behiud l.itn The tnotion was ol served, however, find the apcrs weio picked up, and on itispecliuo, proved to be a butch ol : bull do7.ou or more t hoi ks of the name kind ho had pa.i upun Mr. Deincr. lie w.v searched at tbo Mtiy ora's oIVhm an I fuuud tu have still more cher Is, nutiiberin, with those previously mentioned, just a round tlo.en. They wore all alike, with the cxceptiiii that their n mounts varied, and tho total fouled up about $5 10. He had also a very har.ilnouio old liuntiti? rase watch nnd chain, togeth er with th'eve buttons, a U pencil. a locket, aod varinu other articles of jewelry, soma of them with the wrap pers aud cases still abntit the n ; also a hun lsoma patcut revolver, wbivh w:is loaded for busino, a dinl't. uho pay. able to Frank 1'it-her, in the amount of 817, about a hundred dullnra iu Greenbacks, some Dominion of Canada tnof.cy, end t-cvt ral railrond tickets Hu'o on li. f person, lie refused to pvo any name, or say anything in ex lenuniion of tbe charo prcforred, and the evijeoco oppeanng conelusiTO at to tho commission of the furory, he was held iu tlu huiii of $1,0U'J 1". . r np peaiauee at I'ebi unry ci nrt. Iu di Juult of the bail reifired bo wu cum. milted to prison, where ho still renmius The affair is Ono of the boldol tit teinpts at wIihIckuIh forgery that ha icti.c to ur iit.tiec for Koine tinie, on I that it was not uusucccssful U m linly duo to tiio slirow Jne-n of y iung (3.1, and to llu activity r.nj Tiyilauce ol l bid 0! pop.ee .'Ie(i:l A Joke on a Tailor. Ia Boston, many years ao, there lived (as there do now, we venture to aay). two yonotf fellows rather waggish in their ways, who were in the habit of patroniiin,; rather extensively a tailor by tho noma of Smith. Will, one day, into bia thop these two young bloods strolled. Say one of thcui : " Smith, we've been making a bet. Now, we want you lo uiako tachol us 0 suit of clothes; wait till tbo Lei is decided and tbe one that lotaei will pay tho whole.'' " Certainly, gentle uao ; I shall be most happy to servo jou'euys Smith, aud forthwith their iuea urea Were tukeu, aod iu due course of lima the clothe were seal home. A month or two pasted by, uni yet our found, tbe tailor, taw ootbiog of bia customers. (Joe Usy however he met tbcru, aod thinking it almost lima that the bet was decided, lie nude op to them, and asked bow tbeir elothea fitted. Ot excellently,' says out; " by tbe by, Smith, our bet isn't de eideded yet." 'Abl" says Smith, wbatisiif "Why, I bet that whto Punter Uitl Monument fatt, it will fall tuvimrd tit guuth t Bill, bore, took ne up, aod when tho bet is de cided, vo'll call and pay that little bill.' Smith's fsoe stretched twice its usual leogth, bat be soos recovered his wont ed good humor. LIGHTNING RODS. The North American Llnlilnlnj Rod Company OK I'll 11, A III; 1,1'UI V, Mannaf-ture and pat p tlulr Celebrated wilr otrl IJUHTAIAU ltOI)S, at reastnable prices and to manner lh.t canr.ot fall to givt general satisfaction AUKMM UK TI1K COMPANY have keen la Snydar Count; every rummer for several years nl, an J the are here Thwe who want a f oe.l Hi. I, Dioald ail (all to ern.ull with the Agents. M'UKIIA KT, Srt'nyroce, Snyl r Co , Pama Keeps constantly en bind e largo and well road assortment cf Tin, Sheet-iron were. Moth, he., lie. II ia Ageni for (be following named articles. "THE MORNING GLORY." Lit i tc Till J' Patent Improved Rise COAL. STOVE. In Ibis ttm of Tint Miibmno Oinnr. several new and important features have been pin tui lii'.l. wbich can on'y he seen to ; t.e aimirei. this new stove is minis en I tiroly of cast trnn.ro tiite.l aa lo he airtight I lull cull lie mii'lo Willi sheet-iron m n.-r Tilnry is quite uillcrrnl, innkiiiff ii nior Im nlde. and fur le dilliviill to be repaired l lie ra!liti; are of Hie liijjlienl order, fully I ....n. iti.n I in fnif.L ptiiiii..a ...... I. i.. .1.: l'1' - U1WUV Ml IUIP omum y. Juf,, suruwg ii"ry are the ioiiin: I, ftmt inuouej Iluruin. yunlity of ihe j J,. '"S, WaSVoi: :, tieonuiuy of fuel. Tin: baulky .iii:af.' .l.'- 'l'. Ll ....'..,. W. i with J'vi- Won J vr ( on. Votented Mny li'ih, lt..'i. Vir lane p:en!ure tn onering our ettstn- mers and llie Stove Tru le, a .New fimt-t'lu riat-lop.nud would call ..ir,e.,,,rtfe,-, lo in many atlruetti t an t i .il unhlt inn rule .,. mm" Tbi Stoe lm been cnrefnlly le-ted fm i unrufiil inntllH. A II 1 1 I 11 e ! 11 1 f t Vi v a ..-... 1 il.a l.n.d-l 1. 1 .liiitlilttioitiil uli'lf in lit oiyri, 110 nrmni!rl I as to gire more room in tbe upper purl of 'tbe oven; a glial convenience mueli ueedud. , :M , I .. . , , , I ir w piviiiij .mi hi ii'r id' n. atihe bvartb line.uliicb not only iuereuco tbo file, bill will lu rucogtiuvd u 4 freaX I uiii unttijt in bitl.ui?. DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER Tbs host, cbenpel, and taol p ipului Washing Machine ever invented. Il is eay loopernto. silling orelunding dikes but 1:1 tie room 1 injures nog inucrim tinii-bi's its vs in U from in tun lu fur Min uii: f iluiiil le and convenient : andtb only WuKbing Miicbine btiown tbul ia liked letter llie longer it is used THE VNIVERSAI, CLOTHES WIIIMiKR. cnE. T f.i vu. r KVOXOSIIZUR. Tb lei uu of our Patent eull our M iebine a tVi-iiiger.' Years of c ei ii nee prove il al -0 tu lie A tuT t i ri i.rM Wakiiiii. Wben we reduce every iuvetilion for W.11I1 ing clnihis lo u principle lin y till iimnuiii 1.1 thiil of pier-iu mi l 1- 1 1 1 . . i 1 1 r . mi l fci'cing tbe wilier tbi'ou'i Ibein, tbiis re liming tbe dirt. MoH Washing Midlines do il by rubliin. lb 1'nirertul Mitiigct does it by pressing. A ML- EL FA I' ST, illcri'litiial Tailor, lias just received nn etiiiro new stock of CLOTHS. CASSIMF.UT.S k YFSTINUS, all of a superior quality which he is pre pared lo make up in the best style and on sbert notice. He film keeps Drown and White trench Yoke Linen Shirts, and a gen eral assortment of genlleinens' Furnishing (ioods, nil of which be utters to the public ill very reasonable prices. Cull at my place on Pine Slrrel, between Eckbeit's comer aud I lie bridge, Sclins- j ti,uVl' '' Juue 4, 1M',8 if. JtL, RALLIET 4 8TOC0HTON, OEN ERAl COM MISSION MERCHANTS, AND rjr.AI.KBi IN Country l'rotluce awl Domestic J'liiitii, S'.rtlx, iff., Xo. 2- Sot tu Watkii Street, IUILADELPIIIA. Rrrr.HKseas. Jacob R. Riegel ft Co., H:U M irket street! I.ippeueolt Jt Trotter. Jl N. Water street ; Hood. Iloolirigbt & Co. .VJ'.l Market Sireel ; F.x.Cmr.. lames Pollock. Ill) souih till mi-eel; John Weisl Mi 18 Walnui sirvet ; Harris i; (jrahsui, U'J7 Arch street. IFcbrWlf J).VVIl WILLIAMS, Munufactiires of k Wholesale Dealer In tilt, Jiahoganj, Walnut und Rosewood LOOKING GLASS Picture & Photographio Frames os. v.:tO nnd m Arch Blml, 1'biludelpbia l'a. Frames Repaired in the best ma nne Also, Rsgilding in all its branches. 7, JN!ON PLANING MILL! BELINSOntJVK.SXYDKn CO., PA. Kcely & Milllcr, fiiiuilier Dealers and mas i' r act t1 sr. a or Doors, Door Boxes, Windows, bhuttors. w indow Boxes, Blinds, Bash, Stair lliiltigs. Hand (tailings. Brack ets. Mouldings, Flooring-, SCRCLL 6A WINO h t A bUN''f Tl HN1NO Bhinglos, Lath, &.O., Ao. Order solicited and filled with prompt nets and despatob. I'lesse eall and esaoi ia our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 0-8Htr A- FINK A8H0RTMENT OF TUK DEST BYE WI7I8KET, POLDUKB PEACH WIII8KET. BRANDY, GIN, AND 8YUnP8 Just reeelved asd for sal at lb Esgl Hotel, la Middleburg. JOHN A. TAKLMICK, At-1 m. WHEELER & WILSON'S LPfKMlTin FiDlILT StfllNC.S UET E5 THE MOST Nlmilo, Dnrnbl, Economical & Popular. OVER Of ihcso WuilJ-Ucnowncd Machiaei iiavk iirkn Avn Aim BOLD. TlM'j- Arc 1'iiaurpaNNCil licnuty and Kictllcnej of Work For Tliey will tier form a greater Tatielf of work with W' clianea lliuii any other nini'liilH' ret ollured to tbe puldio. Tbry bare mnd tbu teal of twenty year ua, aud il ia no opeiitnvnl to purgbare one. S.!d on tbe intul!incnt plun. Cull nt tin- nili'Miicin and exuniiac tbem, wbetber von ptircbaie or not. I'LTKUSON A; CAUi'l'STKK, (iemrnl Agent, I'll Clio'iti'it Street, l'bibtdvl bia. fliTN. I li'vrn tnira ni'i. 1 tiiir.'t.ilte.t a U lirilirk U'll.in SttKlnii .Mtiplilt... alt. I ul K liirliiu M ' lilne. lull il all toy r.'H Ion nn the I '.I II I I A N I I I I I' N Istit. Ii :iii.I .lr:m It in.. re 11 rut tlnin tt.o Mirr ' or LiulU'S. Mfsies and C hildren, In end I unit nun (nil i' Ii lighter. Mvolie. al, ! e all le vat ii't v, of all silc , at vl(M and prices, i.er t.inilly re.. .. the w. tv V. It t" 'till la !eliole l f ir t ti j Full and Winter trade. k I r'Uioinj oi.l.'r. inutilnn tntvinx Ifen hro : kvntli.m s tew lii'tlt,, llioilati the neeilie that 1 1 ! now wnrk Willi I ui'U I-r nnr thrcu ve.irii I Y"iiar weli'miie t n- my nume In ynur re i-..ii.miii.tiitl..n. t'UAKI.KS ,. hl'st'llKt:, Alorckntit lall.ii I'lyuii'iitti, l.iieerna Co., Tu., June i I, IS I y 1). C. CLARICE, Imp ricr or.d .K bber in ? 1 Iofiir.v, Kinsill WIIBTls GOOE)! . . - , irimmlUCTS, lUODOnS.WO. AND FANCY WOOLENS In (ai'cut Anii?l y 17 North Third Stioct, lllll.MU I llll A. j'J.Vf 1 NIU.N HOl'SE Miihllelurii Pa. TJ. 3? WSrSEr., rroprlctor. Accnniino l ulons g m l and charges raod e rm e. Spcei.il iiccoiniiiod ii ions for dror 119. A share of Ibf put. lie p-itronaee i .lid'i 1. l 1'. WEISKtt. April tl, leTl C, till NET Olid AN AND MLLtiDEON ' MAN I FACTORY. Ware Room und Store on Viae Street, Futfiory on Snyder Street, Selinsgrove, l'a. If ynii want to hear int sea Tne toiwit aad t'l'tiiil Mill tlrasns ami Mt-liiiteuiis call at uur are roi'iii anil Mora. We u-e none but tka he-t tiniiermi In uiukliitf Instruuietits. Try one ol them anil you will lie nallstie-l. Mvery liistruinent lit vi :irrmiiel fur Ave rears. Iieulers, Auentsaml l tiitstcm ol the ohmO, are ln Ited to eorrespoinl with m anil setnl lor Vi lee li.t. We are also auenla lor the best New 'ork and I'litlU'leiphla IM.inos. ' lulltia mnl Aeeorileons Iroui S.1 to el&. Violin Struma, sheet MiKio, t'lcture traines, ao., as., always on hiirol. 1'Un is aud Aecordeons correctly tuned and repiilret. ('all on, or address, hr letter li. 2. S.U.KMkCO, Sl 1. 1 1S70. asKrove, Pa, Q1IARLES BENFER A SON, Htlnrilo mid TIiti'neiai .MlllilTN, rAXTON VI1.LE, SNYDER CO., FA. HARNESS. 1'iRIDLES, SADDLU, COLLARS, Whips and Inshe, Fly Nets, UliiBkets, In fuel ercrytbiug in the line, 00 band or uiiide to onlee. Reparlug promptly nitended to. Charges moderate, und work wuimnted. A share of publio patronage ia solicited. C1IAS. RF.NFEII & BON. I'astonville, June 15, ISTl-tf 30J Ui:WAE.D. A reward of Fee Hundred Dnlliri will be pshl lor a uieilicltie that will peru auently cure uiorecasi. 1.1 I'ustlveness, t'onsi Ipaitnn, Melt or Nervous lleidache, I. leer Cuinplalnt, llillnui Dlsorilurs, .laumlli e, lieuinatlsiu, (lout, llys peisla, thills, aud Kever, Tupe Worms, Hulls, Tumors, Tetters, fleer', pores, i'slns In the Lotus, bldu and Uaad sad Keuala Cuuplaluu than DB. FAIIENEY'3 BLOOD CLEANSER OK PANACEA. which Is used more estensleely by praetlelntt ChysleUna than any other popular inadloloo imwn. tor sal by all druggist?, and by Shladel k Bwioelord, Mldilleburn I'a. astnnaraav DR. WHITTIER, a 04 Penn Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Aarnet.Aa iiaAui'Ara or iojucinr ab his llliilims SI oHf .l.w.1 l-aa ki'l Umw v ia4 la lh. trstiiM.nl vf Vensisl, Scaoal and Private Afta- , -II iIiks uv iu en, .Mian l rill.i'Ur.S. Hyphills, Oonorrhusa, tiltrt, Strlmure, Oritflttla, all 101-iaa of lisruia and Kupiurei all Uriuery SlaeAHtt and Syphilitio or Blurourlal AifueUuna of 1 he TUroat, tlkia oe Aosee ait usaiaa eua nsae Slli-IM lurntii, eoannftaorrhejSA, eeawal DeMlltf aa fcwpa. Sslu-y, the rvawtavl nil mltm la .wvifc, eaai.al U...M. Is ssaoarae fsas, et Safca eiM, wSm4 ewait SWS ibt S'llowUijj sfrWia, via, Starewilsnaisa, muoTusnaa mlssloua, dabllluy. blossevatiSBUucaa. diluuawa Of aicat. eimfuaioa or Idnaa. evil f urebodinws, avue alon to aoolely. lose of surmur w and afiaul power, ranadatsvial awas-rlua Improper and Life SQiasisalila, ftrs ewauvsu Ckiad. SWalea fiaaipHlvA rums ta H.S etisve, Si sl tur l sMSat. Cwai"'mlia ewaiailasillia S.iiniluilirrb IIUswKsrMHIl, Wal a rb.al.ilaa Was Ifaui IhuausiKls af swaas s.a.y laai a.M a.,,.!, kllliMaay f-SiaiMSSM Sawaie Mot, racaaassaaai alLaaw ISNiisaja. Mdlcuaaal swil S'-yartta-a. OaaasBaun.eA.M.,USe . SaaSafW. I w I r. w MANHOOD I WOMANHOOOI -UMks t Ua tlillsaW" WW stay aanj, aa VI) T JaiadliMWI,eaiassa4 ar. All ufS bj.Miae ausw Psaanauu. PrsiMilaaa. sis. Sfarr teikar . fonssaaaaii4ratwaiaaaaMl4'aaaiaaaa. Xslsasaa. Ilcul lliuiawrwln; Uaaauaaah. Uak SarSJ aaia. Aasnaa, Pw. W.iaiua. trt fws lain, yiasaara. re. BBBaeWBBaBBtsaBBBBBBaBBaaBB T. . SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. UlI'M-Ent RO, HNYDLR 10.. PA. OfTem til I'rafeMlnnal Sertlreo A the publla. (.'onrultatlonii It Oerraan or EngHih. Q.KOSS k BJJ0TI1KUS, Manufacturers of and dealora la all kinra of HILL TIMnKR. I.U.MBKR. PALI NO, MIIINOr.KS, LATIL F LOOKING, etc , Hlmmokin Dam, Harder County I'a. All order promptly filWJ. Ytliul, Chtrry, l'tj'lur,ati(l l.ixn Lumber ten$:t n iik. 7-.0y BUILDINGS. AND NKW 1'BICKS : W'AGKNSKLLKR k SON, hereby repclfiilly inform their friend an 1 tbe public generally that Ihtj Laro optaaJ a STOKE ia tbeir NEW BUIL.DINQ on tho rot ao long occupied by fr. Jaeob Wageimeller ou ibalnla of Que where they now hare and will alwaya koep a lurgt and well atlecteti aiJonmeui ot SEASONABLEJOODS. In lb Ladles' Department will be found a full lina or SILKS. roi'LINS. BIMLLIANTS. VICTORIA LAWNS, rUM'RKDAU'AL'AS, SWISS Ml'LL, CAMBRICS, PRINTS. JACONETS. DKLANES. Striped and Checked Naiitiiok, kc also A Gront Vnricly of Ladies' Dress Triiuitiinn, Lntest Htvle Hoop Skirt.s, hrentdi CorcHu, Eull etyle BalninrivV, Lndiea' T'inlirel In, PiiniHoN nnd Sun Sh ides, Biiiinct Ribliniis, Latvs, Rut fliiit: Embroiders, Lintn and Paper Collars, kc, ki, Ac. A full an 1 complete stock of C LOUIS I I.AIN AND FANCY CASS1M El! ES.Ct Hit )N A DES, JEANS, Ae.. k. COAL OF ALL KINDS ! lirocrrics, (.iiicenowure. Il udw -ire, Willow- waie. Cc! iru 111 e, (ibisware. jie. j Ml of ivliicb liuvin;r liren InuiliX vrrji ton I ne C. I "' ill be suld ill rely siniill profits. , t till' lliotto U (,'KlVl 1 ill.U Hindi J'rtuilt. j We nlso pay the highest mm lei price tor ml kiii iK ot irrtiui. WHEAT, RV E, CORN. OATS and SEED. We are prepared also lo store goods, at a sin Jill el) urge mil lo do a geucrul Commission and Forn Hiding hiisiucsi. We hope tbul Ihu public generally will ire us a cull as we believe it is lo their iniereil lo du ao before purcbs-'iig else- here, dive us n trinl. W. F. WAGENSluLER. M. I.. W.UiF.NSiai.F.lt ACCIDENTLIGIITIliG. WY().Ml(i FIRE INSURANCE CO., roiiMca Of HAMKkT isnritAs.ai.is STS., Villi'Klmrr film ANIKti, I'.7. C Doimisce, I'rrs. 1,. Ii. shovw akki, V. Pres. U. C. Mill 11, M-errtary. Capital K Siiriiliiu, t'it!,-t(iO 00 Insurance Company, ofi 1 In 1. lord. Conn. I.. J. II EX DEE, - I'rvMcnt. W'H. II. Ci.ark, Ass't See. J.-'Ioodwin, Sao. Im um-oii ATi o ll. C'hartkh Pkri'kti'ai.. Cash Cupit.ii, h:i,ooo,ooo. losses paid in m years, f4UH,0()0,000 m. Juncl-m. J AMKS I.. SCIituil.KY, -Oeneral Ageucy, Watsoutown, l'a 1.1A0LE HOTEL, li No. Xorlh Srd Si , between Race nnd Vine) I'liiludclpbiit. It. D. CCMMING8. l'rop'r. M. M. SYYARK, Superiuleiideul. (1..33 IEYSTONE HOTEL. Scliiijroir, SniJtr Count;, V THE undersigned begs leave to inform tbe publio that he has purchased and will keep, iu good style, the above well knowu aud popular bouse. rjy lim ing large, airy and well furnish ed rooms, good servants, with tbe untiring erl'ortsof I be proprietor lo please bis guests, be hopes lo meet with a large share of pub lio patronage. J. F. WALTER. Sclinsgrove, Sept. 1, 1870. li AG uf TiotT: h. L1 M1DDLERUR0, PA. J. A. STA11LXKI KER, l'roprlctor. Having taken charge of tblr old and well estalilisbed aland, the proprietor proposes 0 deroto all bis lit if lit tun to tbe providing of bis Table and Uur and the accotnniodii inn of holb uimu and beast. He solicits a liberal share of tb"! vrblio f alrooage. January 13, h,v. quich BAZsSa BMALL rROTXT B ITII.Mil II. UCAVCn Respectfully announces to tb eltUens of Middleburg and vicinity thai he ia now ready to supply I hem with lb largest and moat eoniplet slock of Si'JUX'J A SUMMER COODS over brought to ibis pluoe, at greatly re duced prices cheaper than the cheapest. He inriies alieutiou lo bis large stock of MUSLINS, CALIC' ES. HKLtlNES, T.AWKS, BILKS, UEKEUES, MNEK3, Boots arid Hhocs, HATS AND CAPS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, SHIRTS, and trurytbiug usually kept in a well regulated store. Jive uie a call and be convinced that Ibia is the place to buy good. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in eishsng for good. Wui.ll. Uenver. Middleburg, May, HU7. BALD EAGLE HOTEL, No. 416 North Third Street PHILADELPHIA. JOHN CLYUER, lYerisfer t Jaaaary ierO-lf " 4 k Eatnte of fiamnel Fnhrrran, flic'd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK Letters of almlnlttrntloa on the Hint of Mamie! r'nhrman, lt of ltever t rp.. Hnt tier. 0'iuiity, iteeeaeil. havhi tlwMnnert. all persona knuwIiiK themreloa In oeen ptranieti 10 me n flett l to pmIiI estate are renuetel to make par- meut wlihont delay. anl thnia h avlng elatme ua the fame will preient tlieta tu UE.NRT Kt'lIRM AM. Oet. U.riVl. Ailinlnletrator. r lorLt.tn, i caATBit-L, Jtuia craitAeo T F. ZOELLIN & CO., We (Succetnota fe Heiljrrling k Zntllin.) WAOI.E3ALE PCALtltM & IMruUTtltS OP D1UG3 &i MEDICINES. Ko. rot North Third Bt. O.M FUILADSLPttlA. QIIARLW B. MILLER, ARCHITECT (01 IK ACTOR X BITLDER Wuluut, Street, Sliugrovc, Pa. ts at all limes prepared to furnish I'rafn. I'lnns and ppeeiflcatlons for all kinds of ll.iilditigs, ai llio lowest possible rates aud on a Ii ott notice.. lie is also prepared to eonlract for putting up builditis ail her by furnisbini all the material or Iborwiic. May II, fti8 lyo I AMES K. DAVIS lit, TEL, O Stl.lNstlUDVE. MNYI'KH Co.. Pa. IIKMtV A. IIOI.Iil Proprietor T!i'n well known ll'iue baring brin re ti'lul by lb present proproielor, oilers ei ccllent accommodntioiia lo the trare.ing cotnniiiiiiiy. C hoiee Ituuors ami t igars at tho llur, and tbe Table supplied with the beat tbe market afforda. A Rood stable attended by careful bottlers, in connection with lb bouse. April O-'otf, -sna posi- .fob rrintiiur Office, MIDDLKlllUC. SNYDER CO., TA. AIL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING NEATLY, CHEAPLY, , SI VXI'EDITIOISLY EXECITED AT Til IH OFFICE. Tin: Ni-i-:it SEWING MACHINES! AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! THREE TIIiifSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW Ill'.INti MADE AND SOLD! Till: I'.IMSOXS HI1V. l!eeane il cmbodiea essenilul principles nnl fun,, I 11 .v nth... Muxhilin Lonnn.. of its simplicity of cotistruciioii. ease of operaiiiin. utiilormity. of precise aclinu at any speed, and capacity for the greatest range and variety of work, f.ue or co irse. I'urliea wi-bing to purchase should not fail lu examine the best of all Sewing Mu- 1 chines .Aes.il. AVnts. Sen, sew, sew, At mora, at noon, at'nlght! Work, work, work, If is t never out ol slitMt Tor areut atnl ainull. lor riiiine; and aid, In suinmors's lieiit, In winter's cold, I'v nililniaht lamp, by inlihluy's sun, 'Twts sew, sew, sew, tut never done. When Oraudma tewed. Am II Im. Puss, burs, burxi why how the pantlei fly Oh, oh. oh! 'twiiuhl ctiiirin ttie ilitllest eye! The leas are soweit, the walsthaml's on, The buttons set the pints are done! And here's a p4lr lor sum and lobe, And l iisilvy, too, aud little Han. Now Mother sews 011 MSUF.It S NEW MACHINE. We advise all who want a first class Sewing Machine, one that will sew linen nr glazed thread as well as an e other, to go to D. W. AMI ELL, on North Third St., in I.ewishurg, RVIIIFON Jii VUNTEHS, New llerln, or I. II. SMITH, Selinsgrov. And gel one of tbem Fatuous M'ngcr Ma chines, for ibere you will cet instruct i n. aa you can get at 110 oilier place; and if a Singer is put iu your family, happiness will be euro lo follow. ONE WHO KNOWS. Ti n Judges gave the Singer tbe Diploma at llio Snyder Cotimy Fair. Forney's Press. THE lit LA T EADKAL NEWSPAPER! Utt the J'r.-t aiut Cheoprst Xeienpnjur In the L'um tri. th e Tress Is a f rsi-t'l ie doiible-sbeel eight page paper, continuing -In columns, published every moruiiig. (eieept Sundays.) T hi F?rvlr5 : DAILY PR ESS SS.IM per annum: $2.00 for sia inoiiibs ; $1,011 for three months. TR1-WEEKLY PRESS. 1.00 per an num; ;oo tor six moulhs: SI. 00 for three months. THE WEEKLY PRESS. Tbe most alu- able Weekly Newspaper in the World. Il couluins items of interest to all. HEAD THE TERMS.- One copy one year f 2 rive copies y Ten copies, and one copy to the getter up 01 011111, jo Twenty copies, and on eopy lo lb gctter-un of club 27 Filiy copies, and one eopy to lb getter up of club 60 Tcu copies, 10 ont atlilirir, and on cony to Ibe Kct.er ud ot tbe club 14 Twenty copies, lo cut adJrn; and on copy lo ibe ccttcr tip of Ibe club 30 Fifty copies, to ont uihlrrm, and on copy to tho Better Hp of lb club DO One hundred copies, to enr atlttrttt, and one copy of tbe Trl-weekly Press lo the getter up of the club 100 Alt erJert ihoultl Im ailJrtmtt to JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor ar.d Proprietor, 8 W.cor. 7th aod Chestnut Bis., l'bila.Ps $1,000 I.HWARD. A reward of One Thousand Dollars will ba paid to any Physician who will produce a medi cine that will supple the wants ef the people beiur than the ariiule known as DR. FA II UN EY' Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panares- It must be a hotter Catnartle. a batter altera tive, a baiter huUorltlo. a bet tar Hluiello, a bet. ter Tonto, and In every way tattler loan the 1'ia-a eea. no matter now loug It Has twsa In use or how lately discovered. Above all It must not contain auylblng sot reaai.it tkus. tahlm. pETERSPECHT, Respectfully informs lb clllieni ef Ibis place nd surrounding country that ba is now prepared to aianufuolur to order, and ba fur sale, Buggies, , Carriages, Sulkies, Sleighs, Wagons, lie., a ebeep, and a little' iheaper, baa l bey eaa be purchased slaewbere. ItElIItllVCs- ef vehicle of various kinds promptly at tended to. A sbar of lb publle fstroa g issoliolud, TETEft PECHT. aliddl.bsrg, My 1, 1871, tt v JAUOE ARRIVAL 09 NEW GOODS AT J. W. DIIEESE'S STORE. X. W. Corner Market Hquars, Mldleburg. Tbo sloek embraces In part Dress ijJoodw, Bhtck Silks, All-wool D Luiucs, Coburgn, Merinos, Poplins, Repps, Ao., Ao. Muslin, Doublo-width Shctt'ni, Di illina. Table Iiper, Ooaburjr, Extra Tii kin, Checks, Shirt ing, Ginghams, Jaconet, a lull assort me nt of Calicos, Flannel, Heavy twilled, fcihirliuff, Blnnkots, liiiliiiomlg, Hosiery, ( loves. Ac, Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERE3 I n cm in and Linen Carpets. Woolen, Linen A cotton Carpet Chsiu. HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Fluor. Tnlilo nud Stair Oil Cloth Iffats nnd Caps, HOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, Qtiponswnre, China wave, GlanHware, Wood and Willow ware, Cutlery, Oil Window Shades, Looking Glaei Ac. Ao., Ae. TOBACCO AND CIOAPS. SALT So FISH The bigbest matkot prira paid for all ain.i 01 country prouuca anil dried rrui's Confiilenl of rendering perfect satinfrio uon noin iu regam In pi ices ahd i)iiality in gouia, i respeutiuuy tnrita an lo gi nis a Cill before purobasing eNewbero. J. W. DKEE8E. iddlaburg, January 7, lU!y I. II. WALTER IMTOIITER AND DEALER IX CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, Ml X 3d Street, between Raco A Tins My MIILADKLI'lllA. EA EUTOWN STOVE STORK AND Tlnnnte M wnufiirtory, J. P. SHIRK Would respectfully inform the citizens ef .Miyuer county tbul he keeps couataully uii aiaini a nirgg naaoriuicut 01 OFFICE. PARLOR, nnd COOKING STOVES Of lb latest styles nnd most improved palerns, among which are the celebrated Empire (ius Iturnrr, the Susuurbiinnn Look, etc., w hich he is selling at price thai defy competition. II 0 also mnaufuo lures and keeps on band a general ussort menl of Store Trimmings, Tinware Jto Special attention paid lo Spouting and itoonng, uive me s call. J. P. SHIRK Rcarerlown. Oct. 21, lbti!). jiJwiMnuita WOOLEN FACTORY. Tb subscriber, thnnVful forth liberal patronage bestowed on bis establishment at Laureltnn. begs leave lo inform bis friends and Ibe publio generally, thnt be una nun nn mill at Lewittuirg tilled up in it.. :i.i- . . . . .. m uc.a iuaiiuie luuuucr, wuu tu Latest Improved Machinery wade In ibe country, ami with the adran luges of Steam Power, which can be relied on at all limes. He feels safe in saying nun me reiaoiiaumeni is not surpassed I any in the Slate. Having engaged a set of eood Workmen lie is now prepured for manufacturing all SlUliS 01 WOOLEN GOODS SUCH AS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, 8ATINETTS, IIU.I.DS, JI.AN8, FLANNELS, DLANKETS.CARPETS, YARNS, io. tl As teil manner af rtJuetd pricei An excellent assortment of 0 ods at all limes on band, for sale or eicbange for nooi. uui.1, Lrtiiut.Mj ooa ou short notice. IsiTTERMS CASH.-TSa MARK HALFPENNY. Lewiaburg, Union Co., Pa., Deo. ,68y t. aiiisnsi,, m, p. I'UILIP SWlSSfolD JEAD THIS. KlilMde AMD Snlnelord DnuacisTS and Chemists, Offer for sale Wiioi.ssAi.ii and Retail, DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS and CHEMICALS. Embracing PPRE ZINC PAINT Green, Illue, Yellow, Red sod Black ratals ground In Linseed Oil, Denur Varnish Spirila Turpentine, Coual. Ceacb and Wbit D11YIN0 JATAN, KNOTTING window Glass, Putty, Fine Oil Alcohol Stabcu, Iamoo, Vbsmillios, PAtarand VARNISH BRUSHES, UitU tnJ Fimuti Truun and Stiff trier y etuns Concentralsd Lye, Fin Spoagra, SPICES, CORN STARCH ft BIRD EEED flower and Garden Seed, To which tb attention of dealer called, aa w will sell at tb very lowest Cask Prices in quaollties to suit purcba r. Went so koep ' on band aod offer for sal Wholesale and Retail, all Ibe lead lag Patent Medicine. Also, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, TOBACCO ft BEGARS MlddUbsrg, Snyder C. fa. Ms 11, lewis "SSTjl Ayor's . Sarsaparilla I widely knowm -a on of the rsoat etTectnal remedidb ever discorerwd fdk cleaniin the sr. ten and porifyinfj the blood. It haj stood tb teat k year, with a co. suntly growing re jp. ntation. based nn ira Intrinsic virtues, and snstainett by It re snarkable cure. 80 mild a to be af asd beneficial to children, and yet so searching a to effectually purge out the great cor. mptions of the blood, such a tb scrofbloul anil sypmliilc contamination. Jmmuiuea. or disease that have lurked la th system Sir year, anon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence Its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all crofulou disease, Ulcers, Kruptiona, and ernptiva duv onler of tb skin, Tumors, Hlotches. jsuiisi, i-im)irw, jt'iimuiee, Horea,st Anthony's Fire, ltowej or Uryalpsj Itva, Tetter, Hmt Ilhenm. Hcaldi liond, l'inicworm, and internal Ul ceration of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cure other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally anspien, tucn as ssropsy, lryapepw alo. Fits, IN'e-iirftlft-iu, HorH Disetuej, reiuaie ueaknets, JLicblUly, and Leucorrboea. when they are manifest. Uon 1 of the scrofulous poisons. it is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. Ity renewing the ppetite and vigor of tho digestive organs, Il dissipate the depression and listless lan guor o( tho season. Even where nodisorder apix-are, people feel lictter, and live lonirea for cleansing the blood. The system mora on with renewed, vijror and a new las u uie. fMBPAMSD T Dr.J.C.AYERdt CO., Lowell, Mass.; JYactieo! mnd Anatyltnit Chtmtot. SOLD BY AXL DBUOGISTS XVXBTWILERB, SELL& SC1IONOUR, Wholesale Dealers la BRANDIES, WINES. Cains, AVhliKes Vc, WOMEI.SDOKF. 11ERKS CO., Pa. January 13, 1870-lf OIIN LA U J E N S L A 0 E R , BUGGY MAKER, SELl.NSOROVE, SNYDKR CO., PA. Ilnring purchased the well known slnrl in eelinsrore, formorly owned bv Philip lilrcker, 1 am prepared to accommodate nil who may deahe anything in my line, anl warrant satisfaction lu all cases. 1 keep constantly on band, and m prepared it manutiictur ai tne shortest nonce, tok- UlUUIKS, Sassr SULKIES. -UiVLjHsitti SLEIGHS. Ac. lleing experienced in the business, 1 flu. ter myself that 1 am fully prepared lo men tho wniiis of my customers. Tbe linn 1, employed are among the best mechanics it tbe county, and their work will ool f .ill tt I give universal satisfaction. I'.-ar Special aiient ion paid to rspairnil in an us branches. -Xjjj bbop on Murkct sdeet, a few duorssouil of tbe Oeriunn Reformed Cliurcb. JOHN LAl'DIOSLAGER. Sclinsgroro, April 7, '70-tf j READING HAIL ROAD. nVjifer Arrangement, Monday, Xou. Villi, 1871. Great Trunk Line from th North ill North west for Philadelphia. New Yert. Reading, Poltsrllle, Tamaqua, Asblaai. Sbarookin, Lebanon, Allenlown, Eaiui Ephrala. Litis, Lancaster, Columbia kc. Trains leave llrrisburn fur N. Y.as follow, al 2. 1.i, 8. l'l, a. m, & 'i.VQ p. m.. CDnnecini, wuu similar trains on the the Pennsyliiti Railroad, and arriving al New York at 10 . a. u 8,4'J, and U,4o p. m., respectirilt Sleeping cars accompany th 2.45 train, without cnanao. Returning : Leave New York at 9.001 12,:tONoon, and 6,00 p m. PbiUdclpbii 7.80 rt.at) s m, and 8.80 p m. Bleeping 0' acompany tbe o.OO p m trains : New York, without change. Leave Harriaburc for Keadinr. Potlrri Tamaqun. Minerarille, Ashland, 8hamol: Alleutown and Philadelphia H.10 a m, 2,00 and 4.05 p m, sioppinj Lebanon' and principal way stations: 4.0S p m train connecting fur Pbiladrltl rotlsrille and Columbia only. Forn ville, Schuylkill Haven and Aubura, Schuylkill and Susquehanna Ktilri Leave llarrisburc at 3,40 n m. East Pennsylrania Railroad trains In' Heading lor Allenlown, JSastoaaoa.n York at 4.31, 10.40 forenoon, and I p.m. Returnig, leave New York at . in., IZ.oU noou and 5 tsJ p. m. aud A town al 7.'-U a.m. 12.25 Nooo 2.1& '. B.iiu p. m. Way passenger train leave Pbitadeltf at 7, SO am, conneotine with siisntlar n on East 1'enns, Railroad, returning llead ng at t),2U p m, slopping at all sii i.eave I'ottsviiie at v.oo a, n. 2,80 p. m. : Herndon at 10.00 a n 1 mokinali.40 and 11.15 a. m.t Asblii 7,00 a in, and 12,43 noon, Mahano; at 7.61 a. m. and 1.20 p. m., Tatnsi H.85 a m, and 2.10 p m for Pbilsdt New York, Heading, Harriaburg, Lear Potlrville. via Schuylkill sod quebeuna It It at 8.16 a m for Harm1 aud 11.45 a m for Pinegrov and Trt neauina Accommodation train 1 Pollsville at 6,40 a m, passes Rrsi) 7.80 a tu. arrivlni at Philadelphia H a, m. Iteturning, leasee Philadrlf' 4.45 p m, pasaing Reading at 7.8 arriving al Pollsville at 9,20 p m. 1'otlalowa AcoommodatloB Trail Pot 1 si own at 7,00 a m, returning Philadelphia al 4,16 p m. Columbia Railroad Traioa leave f at 7,'-1) a m, and 0,16 p m for fp Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, fti , Perkioroen Railroad Traina lean omen Junction al 7.26, 9,05 a m, 8.P 6,54 p mi returning leave Scbweuki'1 b 40 and a. m, l.LU rioon, p m, couneotiog wil 1 similar in1 Reading Railroad. Colebrokdal R.R. traina leave Ti nt tl 40 a m. 1 1ft. and fl.HO n m. P leave Mount Pleasant at 7.16 ass I a m, sad 2.64 p m, connsotiog wits train on Reading railroad. Chester Yaller Railroad tralsi Bridgeport at 8,80 a m, aod ,06 j p m, returning, leave Downlngios'l a m, 12.50 boob B4 8,10 p m, " with similar train on Reading r"1 On Sunday t Leave New tori t) m. Philadelnhia 8.00 am snJL tb S,00 a m train running only l H leave t'oltivlll 8,00 a mi llarristisrij m k 2.00 n m. lease Al ealuWS p. mi less Reading at 7,16a pA p m for Maniiburg, ai 4.B4 .1 lora. i.w a m lor aiisbiowb. m. and 4.15 p m for Pbildlpbl. I Commutation. Milosg. t-tj mnd aeur.lasi liokata. Lai aa41YSS)K nI.E8Al. .1. v.din,. ..I.. Baggag ebeoksd tbrougk 1" allowed aB passeieer. . u rs1' 1 0 II al cc i oa lie. all Cci A or.. fusi will c 0.T.TI .IC urii feirt liefil s A 3 tlTcrs 1 ublic. "sre wi Jsctiun. lie can Isngunj: r.'l the TnT Al. f fditldle ( Eue n .V 11 iu el ml f e J. r a "ffers bis I ne. Ail 1 I "ill be pr 1'ersona '"log Mai P'ssninble f ! F.ICKT, -et hih pr l"s of Mi, PCRQICVJ. jt U,IN K. . . . . Jus: U'Ai Ji.-i' 'cknoa To 'attend to "ro and , I'lIVSIci. "fsllle, :" 1"' rrofci "AVUILL ft OD Ann loths. W !... 1 - ..i.iiiv "7 f'o'ton Li . Biteket.. Tw paonh Thir '.'07 AUCT 1' reob ,"""- bad , ""dom th.i 1 c"on to my ei 'I'AI.KS. ATTOItv lEl!L'no. sX ,,n fourtllo,, ,oaa n. ' I'HlLADt f- ANDERI " 16 North 1 u . . 11 "rspp ni k?HiirV,M1'-. kiraavijitij