THE POST. pivDiJiMrm,.... ....January u mi TOWN AND COUNTRY. bnrr ft licwiilown n. R. LtiVI iTlHt) WattWAaD UTATIOfS. Mlled Mall. Mlied Mall i,rt'a jaa s a am. 11 lea m. isi pro. a.i !,awiton IM a.m. 19tun. os. 1st p.m. 4tai u.ltlahd o 17m tie til Fainter Til Jt tT til phlndel TS0 13 st t tot ta lun eA ana Wagner fit Mel lore TM loo tu tna I IT !M iu tia m ass tt t0 St an III I IS til l I'iU l!M 111 12 21 II "9 a I TO It Ttt TST m tit Tot A, jlearertowa as Kepler , l pi.idlebarf to. Walter's to Kramer ttt r-swllng te bsellnserova est m. i). June, loia Banian Ma Id tm II SO wad. , iu ii4A tm W. H. BROWN, Saperlnttndeat, Tria atable of John H. Wtariek wet df Itroyed by Art latt Friday night. guct lb aeoldcnt at Sellntgrovi per oi art allowed It walk ecrose tbt bridge, Joe BiaacaaaD, while blasting al Harry Smith's qaarry latt Monday , wat struck by k cite of retk tad badly Injurtd. Tat following appolntuitnlt hart beea bade by tbt Ctmmiulontrt for tbt ensu log ytar Meroantilt Appralecr, Joseph 1. Shirk j Atlornty, B T. Parke Clerk, A, J. rtttrt. Tni annual matting of Ibt ttotkhotdtrt of tbt 8. L. Railroad Co. will bt held al tallnsgrove tn Tuesday February 13, al which timo ta eleotlon will bt hel I for a rrtiidtat and seven Directors to tern for iht tntulng ytar, Huar Bursa, Esq., It putting up i large botel at Taiiontilla (Renfer) el til on and espoele to ba?t It roady(for tbt accom modation of Iht travtliag public tnr'y iu Ike iprmg. lit hat also oonitruottd a swiloh and optatd 4 coal yard at that plica. Ait effort it btingmadt lo raise aufficlent fund by private tubieriplloa lo eonslruel a board walk from town to tbo Railroad iiptU Wo underiland tbat Mr. DeWalt Lu pfftitd to do ibt work at a very low price, and .'I will thow- a great want of tn terpriit and I ,ol pridt if Ibt project It al lowed It fall tk.'ougb. Sew Dsaaaa Suorv Win. 0. Roblton it Ctiog up Mr. Oift'a rto fora barber tbap, and will bt reedy lo .commence shaving, telr-eattlng, shampooing At., on Satur day. Ht undtrilaadt hit butineu thor oughly, aad hopet by tartful a'tenlioa lo busiaess toaatrit Ibt public .patrttitgt. Oivt him a trial. Tea Davit Hodii, at Lewiitowti, at Ihcr janetloa of tbo Milroy aad 8utibury & Lewiitowa Ilailroadt, bat btcn laktn by tieorge Fiory and Son, who lo eecommo data tbt traveling publio will keep Iht house open day and night. It it a firat elate hotel, and lie convenient lteation will leeurt a liberal thara of patronage. 8ot etrJ. Tm following otlicera far tbo tntulng your hare betneleotod by tbt ttockhold ertoflho Selintgrove Building Association: President J. 8. Burkliart. ' Vice l'reeident Ja-. K. Lloyd. Secretary t'liat. 11. Jlillir. Trtaturer II. F. I.rejrory. Director! Wni. II. MoCarly, Franklin Weirick, J. 0. L. Bbindle, Painucl Kami, II. E. Miller, (Seoige Keller, J. W. Oaug ler, Dr. P. B. VYageoaoller. Charlia Cutler, a boy aged about 12 yean, loot hit lift on Tutiday af latt week at Freedom, In nobly attempting to rcaoue aaoibtr boy from drowning. They bad been on Ibt dam abating, and aubitquent. ly Ihey eommeucod running and tlidiog, during wbieb a boy named Parker broke In aad tank, but in rising emglit bold of Iht lot. While in tbii poaillon young Cut let wtnt lo bit rtsout, aad ttlhtr slipped or lot! bit balnnot, plunging Into tho wa ter, and befort aid eama wat lifeleet. Tnit it leap ytar, girlt, and aeeording It euitoaa, you hart Ibt right lo help Your baabful loTert out of difficulty. Go in and win. And, ifpotaiblt, let tbo firat effort bt to win them from crowding tboutehutcb doora, afler tbo doxology baa been ung tad Iht congregation diamitatd. Sucb a tltwnltb praetict it not only highly ineon lenient, but abtolately inJccoroue, and re flect! badly on tbt tarly training of thote wbo maka it a butlnett to blokado tbt highway titry Sunday night. Til riLoaiw. On Tut tday and Wtdaea dty trtningt of ntxt wook aa txblbltlon will bt girtn la tbt Court Houat that promltet lo bt ttry Inl treating. It it a ctabiaatioa of Art, Muaio, Songt, Leoturt Md Oraad Tranaformatlon doeua, puro at let pulpit and mora faaclnating than Iho '(t. It illuatratti lift la a rtmarkablt romaaea, and la foundtd on tbat immortal Mdoaparalltd Allegory, Buoyant Pil friat Progreat. Tbo Muaio it tuuat to y Concert now gireo; Iht Lecture elo tient and dotply intorettlng tbo Paint original and all abtorbing, aad Ibt eeenlo tfltol moat pleating and grand. Take It t your Home. It it to much iho faahiou uowadaytlo conrey in formation, aad moral trutbt and tciptimtnli in tbt form of Btorita. tbat atn umi nan. xUr Itelarora bato adopted tbii ilylt of uarttt, . Tbt meet or people, tapeoially tht young, elomand ttoriei lo tucb a degrtt l paptrt tiled wilb ttnaational uovela Id netting, traaby alutf, bait a widt oirculalioa. To forest all Ihit lattt, aad supply tometbing better lo Ibt mareta, tbt rubUabtra of Uiaaru and Hoa, in addl- lot 10 tha usual vat talv af tliat mnir. bait engaged a torpt of I nt-clata writtrt, 'uoDg waom art Ja iioilow, Edward i-Iflealon, Mary K. Uoige, Louie M. Al ton, Edward tierelt Hula, Elitabelb niuart Pbtlpa, Harriet Prtacott BpolTord, UottTarrT. Maria R. Dakar, l.iii-l. CI KunkU, and maay otbart, wb furuitb It ouraal tbt beat Original fitoriea, ut Ibt parttt vbaraoler and lilitlies arada thut OBTtylng aiuob lottraoiion in a plotting form; Utfsidea I boat, tbo weakly 11 (a am u Hun a eoalaint a largt amount of Aral asa rtaiuog, tditonaU lilaraturo, art, telenet, auiuitmtat ; tuttruolioa for tht buuitkteMr. the cardaner. Iba farmer l a inltal department for Children and Youtb; t aswg of tbt day fiaanoial aad mar reporta. elo. Ha eagraviuga, ooaliug ler f.'O.OOO a laar ara of a hUb ar.Ur f mtrli, uBatiritaaead by any illualratad Paper iotU wtrld. Allogetbtr, 1UTU u Homb la auoh a louruat aa ma ba ly aad lory profitably taken into any tuily. U I. tupplied at the low rait of a year i fouroopita for $11 i and la i , ! MM ock. Urangt -r- . wo., ruLUanen, sji Urday, a vi a ynj " now To tBo WmI Forty ytar ago, Tlltaott wU at far Wttt aa rnott peoplt withtd to go and jonraoyt wert tnacit ia ina itgtaaary "rralrlo 8oboontr, " bul ia Ihtto dayt of progreat and ImproTOment, tbt word Wott bat tomo 18 mtta Iowa, Kebraaka, Kanaaa Colorado, California and tbo Territories, and tho Traitler reaches almoat any point thtrtla by a tpitnutd Line or Kall-roadi Tbla Line or Railroad ie iho llnriintlod Route, whioh t ant from Chicago oier tbt Chicago, Burlington A Qnlaty K. B , from Indiananolit over Ibt Iadlanapoltt Bloom- ington s Western Short Lint aad from Lo ganenort, oitr tbt Toledo, l'torla 4 War saw R. R., and running through Burling- on, reachet Uraaha, Linooln, ftebraika City, Ht. Joseph, Atebinaon, Leavenworth and Kanaaa City, conneotlng with the Union radio, Kanaaa Paolflo aad other Kailroada running from (host eiiitt. Alwart go "It way of Burlington" aad you win do turt to no rigni. Tht Burlington Routt b at admirably an J w to to Wttlf' twered Ibt quttlioa, '-How to go by lot publication or a truthful and In terming document, filled with faelt lata rard lo Time. Connection!, Aecommoc'a- tiont, ratal of Faro, and 0htr lnttrettin iteme aad illustrated by a large map, truthfully ihowingthe whole Wttt, which bry dieiributo free of charge, Co pi ft, and additional Information, oan be obtain ed by addresaing. Oeatral Paeatngtr Agent, D. M. K. it., Burlington, Iowa. Tlio llarrlaburgt Tclfgrapb. Republican! who want an tuning pa per from our 8tato Capital eaa bt occom modeled by tuhaeribiag for Ibt Iaily Tel egraph, al Ibt rata of $H per ytar. Or If tbri prefer a weekly, that Journal will al to fill the bill. The Weekly Telegraph ie a very large theel, (rtctatly great I jr im proved I and will be ruraiebed lo tubaorl btrt at I,M) per year, or 60 ett. for the Leglslailio eet-aion. The Telegiapn la one of the beet, moat enterprieing, o! leet and moat reliable papera In the Plait and whta a baltlt it to be fought for Republi- ceuisin and lligbl, Ibt Telegraph ii alwaya an band. Tbt preaenl propriutor and ed itor, (J to. Bergner, bae oouduoted tbo Tel egraph tinct IVM. About tbt nttteat prtttnt a father oaa make lo wife, daughter or eon, or a mother to her buaband and children, ie a year'e aubacripiion lo that famoui and popular magaaint. IUlliv t Monthly. It it tuly $1,00 per year, and eonlaine more of real iutereat lo Ihe general render Iban any other magnxire in thia country. It ia orig inal, fi.led with pleasant tloriet, iharp ad icniurca, eea yarne, nice poetry, and all that ia calculated lo claim tbo attention of the great leading pnplio. l'uhliebed be Tkomee Talbot, C3 t'ougreaa Street, Bos ion. Thiri It proably, no way In 'which wt eaa benefit our reader! more than by rt tummending lo Ibem for jcnerel uao "John aco'e Anodyne Liniment. It ie adapted lo almost all Hie porpoeea of a family medi cine ; ana at a eptcino lor eougiie, coins, Kboi'Ping cough, aoreneaa of Ihe chest unit stomach, rbouiuatiiia, tpitting ot blood, and II lung iliniculliea, It bat ao tual Unit titr we aav tr ncaru or. Tub propriety of giving oondilioa medi cine lo boraer. eut'le and sheep, wat die- tuMcd and many of Iht Agri cultural Bociillet tb.'ougbout tho Btaie ittt Fnll, and wt beliit Iat In every east but ont Ibty decided in fiifor of Bheri- dim't taialry Condition I've. acre.- uuoa judgement. To those wbo aro bowed dowi; by ner vous Debility, and despair of tier recover ing Hit vigor and mlea of manboaJ wt earnestly racoinmend I'n. WaLKiat Cali ronma, Vikbjar Hittiri. Befort they bavt flniabed tht first bollle, they will feci Ibt rtstoritifi) principle al work in every portion of their Lrkco-down ayatema and hope will spring up in their , heads. No ense of livsiivpsm Ullliooanen, Inltr- mittcnl Ftvtr, Bhcuinatiem, Uout or kiduey dieeaae, can rrmstthia uneiiualled Ttgeta- bio tonio which ia unpolluted by any dil uted or fermented liquor. gKLlNtftiltOVK l'BOU KLlNaiiajVfc I'1U)LICK MAKKCT. COUUICCTln WIKKLT BT "Vtic:Miwellei & Nn. Wheat per bushel Ryt do $1 urn do Oatt do Cloverseed per bushel rluiaecd do Timnthyeeed do Buckwbeat do I'oluioei do Oniont dt 1 Oil It ill ler per pound F.gga per doicn i.'5 26 Tallow ptr pound Of Lard Cberriei Heeded Chorriel 0-1 v. Dried Applet 08 6lo8 uued Ptaouei Joap IMVltJMi:i). Dee. 14, at the realdcaee of Ibe Brido'i father, by Ibe Rev. 8. Aurand, Joaeph II. llaugbawout, of Beaverlnwn, and t Milt Emma J, Staininger, of Middlecreek- tm me Snd Inal., l.v Rev. J. II. Nark, larael Sanderi and Mill Alieo Sbcatftr, both of Chapman township. un tbt itb mat , by uov. J. u. Krien- meyer, Mauoaa Biauffer to Miat Lydia tletohrisl, both of Union townahip. Same day by the tama, Jacob Dock and Mist Amelia, Dinner, both of Middlecreek. On Ibe 7th init.. br Rev. D. W. Miller. Edward D. Moyer, of Waahington Iwp., lo Mite Hannah Hoiehenbaob, of Perry Iwp. To Consumptives- The advertiser, havlna been permanent!! cur ed of Ibat dread ulseaaa, UuQiuuiitltou, by a sliu- i reuiauy, ia anaioui w niii 10 Ills leiiow sui- rers me means oi cure, roan woo nostra it be will send a eetiy of Ikeprmorlptlon ued, (free oi (marge, wiin luauireoiions itir prepai aitng the same, wblob they will Hud dlreolfons for ureiiarlntf and wblob thev will Hud a aunt Coaa for CoaamrrioN. lirsat, UaoiK HiTia ko. rarllea wishing the praaerlptlon will uleast tUdreas Hev. tilWiKIl A. WIL.SON, t rtoatk Third btrset Willtamaburgk K. T Nl UJI-y EaUU of BEN NEVILLE KRE1IER deed. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. Notlea Is kerebv alven tkat letters of Ad. mlDlstratfon oa tke aetata of Uenoarlllt Kram- de'reasad kave Iwan granted to tha undanliinsii All parsons tkeaaaelvaa ladabtad to said eatau srs rwiUHita w msss pariuttui wiiuous aeiay and I It oaa kavlng claims will present then duly authenticated. H 0. 1, U71, Administrator S. EDWIN LONO. WITH Hood Bonbright & Co., WnoUsale Dealers Importers it Jobbers of DRY GOODS NOTIONS tiiul C?ttrioti. No. 811, 813 and 815 Market St., Philadelphia Penna. . U-42lf Batata of Joasaoa Roma, dte'd. E 4'.rA;tj lull's iui lOii.. ijtiiori -J lastanuntarv bdob Ilia astata of Jonathan loml(t, lata of Weat Uaarer toanshlp, Knytler euanly, deeaaaed. havlna been araolail to Ilia untarslrnd, all persona knowing than Indebted 10 aald aetata ara reaoasied to permaat, and thosa having eLeliui agali sums will present them to ALEXANDER A. ROMK West Bearer, Hut. It, 1171. IT P. HOTTKNSTELY. M. D. 11. PHYSICIAN abb BUROEOIT, 8ELIN8TROVE, SNYPER CO., PA. Otters tit proraseloaal earvleaa to tkt tlllsasil at e'.l-a.rvre am ncianj. aneza, s( u id iht jam hi ii we id nr; d uwariBiisACTr THE 8HORT-SIGI1TED POLICY OF DESIGNING AND J91ALICIOUS PERSONS Who littvo Hoitght to Injure tho Trnclo of 1'hlladclphin. by coiicoctlnpr and circtilnilnp EXAGGERATED AND MALICIOUS REPORTS, "Wo viU tnlco nclvnntntj of our very iortvinnto Ioltion, txixtl Org-niaizo an IMMENSE AJVD UNAPPROACHABLE SALE, WHICH WILL CAUSE A GREAT LOSS TO ANT WHO MAKE rVRCUASES WILHOUT KNOWING WHAT CAN BE Saved in We commence Friday, December 1st. the Ever held, Substantial rART OF Ac av .,vi.v:uA.ivi':i. Ready-Money Buyers at astonishingly Low Prices. A VISIT AND INSPECTION OF WHICH COSTS NOTHING AND WILL TROVE THAT MANT ARTICLES ARE WOBLH POVDLE THE fRlCES QLOTEU MmiH Dopnrlinont- rsMfAINI.NU 7,961 Mcn'i Overcoats. fll (inrricki nml Oapct. 12,311 Hu'inefll 1'nntl. a.875 IKckio PitnU. 6tV2 Velvet Vrati. 14.400 Catiinoro Vt. 523 Knglikh Diigoonl P. FIRST FLOOR WEPT. ArrarjeJ fr Fnrnlsblnj Oofla and Coali i tit Joh Lola. Lest Iban Half I'riee Lola." l'ieiie Ooorta for Cualotn wwrk (which aharea in our GENERAL REDl':TltN lK I'RICKS, SEUiiNU 1L JOlt Til lU'.K DEPARTMENTS, DRKHH I'ASW, SrCOND DRESS PANTS. WORKING PANTS. Jil l LOTS. THIRD FLOOR. OVKKi'OATSTul COATS. GAIU'.lt'KS. CO ril M AN'S COATS. KOt'RTH, FIFTH, AND SIXTH FLOORS. Reserved an lPurr,liu Block. p a it rr FIRPT. Store open from7JA. M. l f) P. SECOND. All Uoodt rarbanireil or MONLi KKrl'MlhH. THIRD. A large ataff f Salesmen tnd I't-here to tht tlitlcrtnl ileptrlmeata in vraiting 1'OURTII. Ordtn by Telegraph or Latter froua aay Quarter failhfnllr alien led lo. For Solid Substantial TO COME FROM ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY, Oil TO MAKE LP CI.UHS IN TOWNS AND VILLAGES, A3 WH MEAN Tu OIV12 HOMIillODY TIIU (JO(M)N U.VVi:. Yl hsvo hd Ihs Largest Bales iho house Las ever ksowo, and to wind op the scttron wo can afford to almost shut our eyes to the I'ricei OAK HALL, SIXTH AIS'D jMAUKET STREETS, J'UILADELrillA, PENNA. ESTABLISHED 1853. REBUILT 1871. Tills OLD (OKMIK Rebuilt Re f it Mm vrilb ihe Finest and Cheapest Assortment of DEI G NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, QUEENSWARE, Hardware, Groceries, HIiooh, CorpclH, Oil EVER OFFERED TO DC removed Into Market and Pine Mroele, ia new prepared unei Ibrt may favor bim wilb their patronage, THIS OIJ) COIlNEIt EHALL STILL CONTINUE THE MOTTO FORMERLY AbOrTEP, "THIS CII13vVJ COIIIVISII." Or a etrlet altentioq to bualneaa, and kcoping at all timet ibt moat complete etoek, tod tellint; al Ihe lowest prioea. lit hopes lo sxJTAIl kinds of tuuMtti ruuutt.6 takin iu exutiaoge mr goon.-na Selinagrove, April i!0, 1H71. WM. F. ECKUKRT. WISH. CRANKLLO, n.v. TCH A CLOCK MAKER, Market St. Middleburi fa. HAVING looaled in Ible place I would respectfully inform Ibe clliieua of Middlebu.-g and vicinity that I am prepared lo repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES ebeap nl tipeditiouaiy. lot patronage 01 tue iblio it respeolfullj aolioiieil. W. OKANELLO. Ulddleburg, Nov. 21. 1HUU. Jaooa Loaa. Bistoa naiireat, Ii,aeb Sceltuee i IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN UtaUJ Pore Whiskeys, BRANDIES, WINES AND ALL OTHER FOBEIGX AXB DOMESTIC LIQ10R8 So. 13 Mill SI reel. Augr. 70lf. DANVILLE, TA. IREKMONT HOTEL, FREEMONT, bNVBKR CO., FA, ENOCH SMITH, Proprietor. Tble tew betel Is bow prepared lor tbe aeaommadatiou of gueill and will afford tret rttt caterlainment to perioai viaiting r'reemont. Every effort will bt madt lo promolt Ikt comfort of travelera slopping at tbia houat. Cbolot liquort at Ibt Ear aad tkt Table tupplitd wilb Ibt but Ibt market affordi. Aa aaflt Habit in eou otctita with tbt beuie. April 6,70tf Buying nt this Unusual and STUFENDUOVS SALE. Hcingr nearly 0E .HILIJOA DOLU1KS9 (Clothing of FOR MEN, ROYS, WHIcn WAS TERBOSALLT SELECTED Bofore tho Immtna Iliao ia AYool, tod can bo ioU to 111 to WIS ) AlHtlDGEI) l'lYIV. C.eil) Diets Coatt. .ri,113 liuainnM CobIb l.Sl.'t Fioe KnK!lsh Striped rants. 2 510 lilack Cloth Vests. f7X Ciulimcro VmtK. 083 nouMt-llroMtoJ Short OvereoU. Ovcrcoftti. I O M , tcepl Satnrdayt, when we on at ITS' Bargains, this cjo is an - OOBSY Cedarware, Hats & Caps, ClotliK, Slioo I'IikIIiikw, THIS COM M UN ITT. bit MiW MiitlK huo.m, on me corner oi lo offtr, to bit old r tatomert, aud all new great indueeinenta. lit ii dtltruiuod that merit a full abure of utronnie. COUKT l'UOCLAMATIOK. Woods Traai.' dent Judge of Ibe Judlolal DiatrM composed of tbe counties of Bnyder, Unioa and Mifflin and J. 0. L. Khindul and (leorfra C. Mover, 1'sqt Aasooiule Jiti'iri'i io and for Snyder county have iaeued tbtijr preceipl bearing, dule the Ibe 2(lth duy r Mepi., A u ipi, lo mi airectea for ihe holding of an Orpbani court, a court of Common I'leae, court of Oyer and Ter miner and General court of Quarter 8ea- noni of the retce al Middlcbtirg, for tbe oounty of Hnydor, on Ibe 2d Monday, (be ing tbe lllh day of December, JH7 1 .) and eoulinue out week I Notice ia therefore hereby given (e tbe Coroner, Justice of Ike 1'euce aud Const bles in an for the eouuly of nnyder, to ap pear in their proper person arilu tbeir roilt recorda, iuiuiailiotia, einuilnnlloos and other remembrances to do Iboat Ibinua which of their olboet and in Ibtir btbalf pertain lo be done end witnesses and per sona prosecuting in behalf of Ibe Common wealth tfalnat any Person or persooi are required lo be then tud Ibert aiteodin- aud not dipariing without leave at their peril, Juatioee are reqtieeted la be punot uul in tbeir attendance at Ibe appointed lime agreeably lo uolics. (Uvea under my head aad aeal at tbe Sberiff'a oftioe in Middleburg , lb 3Utb duy Hcpt, of A U-, one tbousund eight hundred tod sevealyvtBe. JOHN S. WOLF, Sheriff. jyii. J. W.'UOCKEFELLOW, P TSICIAN AND BUROB Of are kit preftaelonal atrvleet te tke elllaca Mlddltivrg aad TteUlty. iJatt-U Unreserved Clearance of our best MIaiiufactiiEe9 AND CHILDREN, IN FOREIGN MARKETS BV IR. WANAMAKER, JAVvViXVrvVICIIt at 1 wvivvi,vivi:it . llo-rH 08) Youtht' Overcoats. 3,7 1 1 Youth-.' Vi'ktt. 713 Cliildien' Overeoais, 180 Children's (iarricka. 3,L82 Hoyt' rntiU 733 Meo'tCoalt. 1)86 Dig Men'B Vttu. FIRST FLOOR EAST. PeWl and Preat Puili. aud LJllle Ltdt Clutlm KKi'uMl I I.OOII l.hrgi'T Sixed Goods, and Half Priee 1 1' I' 10 II FLOORS. Ilexorve Stock aud Eitra Fine Goods. KOTE. These and ALL OUR Houses, but are of our own own IhiiHi ng, under our own ly eiamlnsJ ami spotigaj, to iobi cuaivinere cau isae IT L -V 11 to to r. m. A. M. lo rtotlvt euetomerl c;ri; h i oiv, Unprecedented Onnortuuitv. IT WILL PAY e& am eV 1S7I. sr.iMii:K. IN UIPliLERCRG, I!T Geo. AliVcd chocli A LARGE A SHOUT ME NT OF PRINTS, MUSLINS, DRESS GOODS, Fuiicy CiiHHimiM'i'H, IJtmil.v IVImlo CJUt lilitfr, lists and Caps, Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Shawls, Faus, I'urisul and White Goods. ALSO A FULL LI IN' I OF (iKOClOKILS, Sugars, CofffCH, Tetis, Kpicca, Syrups, Fiah, tit., kc. TOI1ACCOH, HNUFP VI) CICSVIIS. AI-SO Quoenewore, Glassware, Tabs, Tails, liankcts, Etc, E'.e. I have selected the above (neda wllh arrest fare, wc.iimk nuii:ua-. mtt anu rwm mr ,uur,fiii,. ban fill to my Irleaile fur their i'tr..n.i(a In tha same. I j una , i, i-u j To Kebrahka, California, aud I Basils, junI he B. 1 11 tt. B Lands- Tbt " Rurlinglon Roult,'1 it called, liri right lu tbt path of tht Hlar of Empire. It ruut almost immediately in Ibe centre of ibt great westward movement ofeoivgra lion. Crossing Illinois an J luwa, it strikes the Missouri River at tbret points. These tbret poind are tbe gateway! into three great eeotioui of tbt traai-Miasuuri region. Tbe Northern gate Ie Oraaba where tbe great 1'aoitie road will lakt you lo tbt land of gold and grapes, suuny mouutaiui, and ptrpetual tiimiucr. Tht Middlt gait it I'laltamoulb, which openiupon ibe ctoulh half of Nebraska, south of tbt l'lnttt river, a legion unsur passed on ibt outiliurut for agriculturt and graiing. Juat bora are tha U. & M. Rail road lands, concerning which Oeo. 8. Har ris' tbe land oltieor at Rurlinglon, Iowa, can give you all information, aud In ibe heart of them ia Llnoolu, Ibe Slate Capital an'i rretent lerminue or tue road. Tbe doulhero gale leade lo Kanatt. by conntcliont with tbt St. Joe Road at Ham burg, running direct lo St. Joe and Kansas City. Tbe trains of Ibe Diirllorton run smooth ly aad safely tnd muko til conned ions, Il runt tbe best of eoechoe, I'lttliDRB I'alace and Pullman diuing oart, and should you akt tbe journey for Iho Jouruer't lake alone, you will be repaid or lakt il lo and a noma er a faros, aud you ennnol find either better than among the B. M. leads, whore you can buy on ttu y eats' credit, aad al Itw fries, the Largest Stock WORTH of HHOW.N Dojmrtmont- roNTAIMNO 3,00 Youths' I'nr.tB. 1,872 Yniilha' K very dav Conli l-i.i tbiUlreo s Lip UreicoalB 1,311 t'hildrco'i Suit. 2,C7ti Ktya' Jackets. l:05 ISig Mtu'i l'anta. GOODS art nut liounqhl from Wholesale manufacture umny of Ihem undo in our rye and tupervisina of ninterinle careful and made only for our rejrular retail traJe, tuein wuu tue tl.uosi t U.Nt llil.M. t. T and ask an esamlnallnn nf tht same by these the past, 1 leepei-llull) liiiiiiio uiv VTlvom Willi OIUOT. Hell a rontlnnanrt el n. AI..'l(tU hUUUUU. Tlio fi lth Volume ! FOR IG72. THE 1LLUSTSATEO Phrenological Journal, A HRST-CLA83 FAMIL-Y MAGAZINE. PiiaaiioLnnr. The Tlraln ami Its FuneUenti Iot-aiion ol tht Oricans. with directions tor cul tore and training, aud the laUllona ol Allml aud isooy uasuriiMHl. 1'h VKKHiNcmr. or tha Rlnna of Charaeter wilb Illustrations, and bow tu Mead Ueia," Is a spoolal leulure. tVHNoMMir.or Iht Natural History of Maa, lllu.tratutt, will be given. rHvaioLouy a a 11 ANATosiT. ina iirsranisa tlon. slruoiure an-l lunclloos of tbe human bmly: wllh tha laws of Ufa aud health. What we.bouid eat and drluk, how elothed, and how to esarele, aleapaud live In accordant)! with b-gsulo ria- cioiea. Vorlralts, sketeheaand blogranhlss of leading men aud women la all departments of Hie, a." a sjMM-tuI laatures. f areata. Toackera and Others. As a eiiMe In eduuallnK and training Ubildron, this wagaslne ua. uo suaiiur. aini'h aeneral Information on the leading ton Ice of tht day Is given, and no elloru art searad 10 mane mis ins asost iniere.ung and sn.irao Use as wall as tha Its.! pictorial family Mag a alna ever oubllshed. 1 ae journal aas reaonea iiaaaia voipiae. 11 has steadllv Inereasail In favor luring the man. years It has been published, aad was never more popular maa now. TKRMM. Monthly, at Sit year, In advance Hlngla nambere, so cants. Clubs of tenor more, tu eaen. epa aa esira eopv to Aaent. Wt ara altering tha most llharal premlams. luclase It cents for a saaiula ouaabar, with new pictorial po.iar and proapaetua, aad a somplele Ull 01 piemiaeu. auurau B It wrtLt, PablUker. SStBroadnar, New Terk. I VJU L'L'I L'I JC 1 V IV rA'rrt II i rsrsiinifc v f aVMhtv a LOCI STlUn F1J1L! lEfflSC.IKIlIM TO! MOST C'hcnpcuts Economical & Popular.' OYER 000,000 Of theso WorM-Ucnowntd Matklae Tbcjr Aro rnurpntsel Ker Reauly and Esetlleney of Wert. They will perform a greater vatlely tf wmk with leaa cbanget thin any elite mai-hine yet offered lo tbt public. They havt Html tkt teat of twenty ytar ust, and it it no txperlinmt lo purektat otlt. KoM on Ibt iti-tiillmtot ptuS. Call at tin sitlearoora and tiumiat Iksts, whether vou pun-hast or not. I'LTLKbON dt CARVENTER. (Iriieral Agents, (M Cheslnut Street, l'bila lel kia. Mskt : Klevea Tears airo I parrhaa4 a VTbealerli Wilson l-aln Marhlne and bate bait It In cunstanl o.a Id in 7 Tailoring F.'iak IHbtnent erar slara. I liavv also a Hlrtgr Maa iitnriurlna Mai'titne, bul 1I0 all my sewlnaoa tat Wheelnr i Wllsnn, aa It makes a uineh aleer tlleti atol draws It more firm than Itia Hiaae nnil run. inurh llahtar. Mvwlln, also ds all liar lutnlly rawliiic on ihe W, fc W. It Is still la tHHi runnlna: order, Boihlna liavlns: baan bra en than a law nielli-s. ibioixh the tteaUle thai I now work with 1 no-l lor netirltiroe ,anrs. Yon are arh-ouie lo ue m, name In your ra cnmmcioUtloD. t-'ll.Mll.ts A. KI'Mi'MKK, alerkabl Taller. I'lymouth, l.a-arne Co., Pa , June It, Sl y J). C. CLARKE, Iw erter sn lJglttr in CalOVOMa llonlor.v, Kniall Woven,' WHITE CIOODSIE Trimmings, Pibbons,&o. AND FANCY WOOLENS In i4n f Vtuioty S North Third Strcotj I IIILAi'H.I'lll. V-Stf y.K). liousi:, Mlddlol-Ofg Pa. U. V WUISSB., rroFiietor.' AfCommo luii.ini nud and charjea mod- eratv. hpecinl nrcoiumoJaiiona tor drtv era. A ahurt of ibe pul'lio palrvnagt is toliciied. V. 1'. Y klktKK. April tf, 1871 C,AliIM'.T nlltiVN ' MAM'FAC TOUV. Wart Room and riiore oa Tiae Rireet, Factory on lnyiler 6lrect, bslini-rove, l'a. If vn want to hear end see flat teaed eat baaiitlinl (irsm. and .Vslixtens call at ear Ware room and Mora. W use none but Iba l-eii niaterlnl In making In.truinenta. Try aaa them anl you win t .ail.ticl. K.vcrv Instrument t. warranted for Ave years. Iienlere. Agenlp and Ministers ol tha Ooiil, ara Invliml tn correiHinl with us and sand loe rlos Hut. We ara also agents for the be.t New ; ork and Philadelphia I'Uuos. lollua and Accordcms Ir. ra 4.1 tu ait. Ylntla Strings, Sheet Music, t'loiurt 1 raaies, Ko., m Aiwa) son hand. run... and Aeeurdeoas eorreetly taaed aa4 repiilreit. lau on, or aaurera er letter K. i. SlLKHSOfl , Sept. 1 1170. a.gruvt, I'tb QIIAHI.KfJ WtKFEtt 4 BO-f, Htlutllo nticl IlarjaeawaV PAXT0SV1LLK, F.NTbKR CO., FA. IUAII.NK88, RUIDLF.a, SADDLM, COI.LARr), Wkipt and Laahta, Ply Nele, Blaakele,' la laut everything in the libo, ea kaad a made to order. Reparing promptly attended te. Charges) moderate, and work warranted. A akare of public patronage ie eelioiied. uii AN.-ur.nri.K a boj. raitnavtlle, June 1, IbTl-tf $500 KCWARD. A rswanl nf pre llnndrcl Tlollirl will W lald lor a medicine tbat will permanently cara mureeaae. ol INLiUsness, I'on.tlpatlon, Nick er naioiu iiaiioBi'na, i,inr torapiaini, niiioBB lii.ordurs. Jaundice, hbeumatl.ui, (lost, Itya- ,Hltiia, i.nniM, aua r srer, ise wnruis, vous, Loins, bide aad llead aad t cui'ale CeaiHalaae tUaa DR. FAnnNIT'3 BLOOD CLEIMSEI OB PAXifli. which la more eilsn.lrely by praetlalog Ehyalulaas thaa any other pupalar Btedlolua nown. rorealtbyall drnggMs, aad by Mbladel a Swlnolord, Mnlulehurg fa. JDR WHITTIERt moa Penn Btroet, Plttabum, Pa. BspbiUa, uWorsluaw, Ulays. BMriJaara, gaaaatai til fortaa of Alafnia h. avujF, . r ' ." '""" A r,,,bilio or MaraiinaJ Aflaaaana of tua Voraai. Bala as sum are mm . JlrtM.ieki.liiSSaaa.weaa a af aaiary aad aaswal saww, MANHOOD I WOMAWMOODI . babb br ak. SHIM- a aa( bmutt. a W7flai5'a aaaa tmt. u " baaaj AW.ITuJiU. VenBaa. aH. bn BUM. mum.-, !!waH4l akMlS -MS aw Jul Has Q) 1- ssmiia oasPCAva or naoicisa is S, Sal' V.n.ra.1. kin.1 and Frlvase ibk HuasluaAtriboM, SarHI Ussura wa) sasv. rkjaa- - j tbm SlalJ .SSeM. VIM H SSB, DtfWaiaal - .....i i.w i.iniiaiaa SiaMins WlaMn 1 af auihl. an.itwait'B fWaaKAv at a atwae. ... t. 1 i