The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 11, 1872, Image 2

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    MlDDLBBUttO, JAW. 11, 1673.
J. CPOPWl, Editor Mi rrsprlrtor.
i j t . j i ii .... i Jt
now. .to hit b. pack a,
the LF.tiisi.ATrna.
Ths Sonata mot again oa WeJaes
ch j inerniag wlieo Speaker BrctJ
lioed rolgaeil oliir, sal nomios
tions wers made to All tho pooitioa
.Senntee- A. 0. HroaJliesJ, I)., anJ
Tamos S. Rutao, II., were nominator.
Tour ballot! wore ImJ with no choice
hcre being t tieesoli bollot 1G to 10
Ao raoinj session was hold when
otimbor of ballots were had with liko
1 ho Sonata organized at nooa oa
Tbursdity bjr tlx tloction of 11 to. Ja.
K. U itan, Spoaker. This was afleolod
1; tlx ro' of Sooater Hack-.tew, D. ,
writ droppo 1 nroaihaai and ratod for
Mr. Hutaa.
Mr. Rutan, the atw Speaker, is
IVoiH Heaver county, and will maks
an efficient officer. Ilia apaooh was a
aa a .
souou one and Dreathed lbs trus spirit
of reform. Ilia efforts will bo diroctod
toward makio tbs sossion a modal
oqs for breyitr, -economy, and wis
Tho Hoaie aiijoiraeJ oaTburslay
kntil T gca Jay evening.
Ths Comniittoes hire not baeo aa
rtooncsJ, and do boa iness of impor
Ctuce has yet been tressaoted.
When Uul. A. K. MUlure" wro'.e
what may justly bo called bis able
biter in rofereoco to bis own noliti
nl chances, and giving his eritioisms
of lis National Adroinietretion, lie
little eJre.irued of ths tnannor of it
reoepHon by ths Itcpubliean pross of
the Mats. M'Ciure bm olways been
a favorite with the proas of the State.
Ilia bold and frank, geaerous and
able OJurso aa a man and a politician,
gars hi oi an ioflaenoo heretofore
Which bo might bava wielded to win
bright honor for himsolf, bat which
lis ooglectod to use, as be ought to
have dune. Yet with all this In flit
auce on his part, sod the kindly fell
ing or bis old eolomporaries. Col.
M Clara u not able ts away a ain gle
newspapor outside of Philadelphia, io
opposition to the National Adminia
tratioo, aod aa a specimen af ths
style in which hia luttor is reooired,
we quote the following from the Pills-
1 .11. I ... .1 . . . . .
vuij fixjjiuw, uuu ui ill most lade'
pendent Jpablicaa journals io the
Stalo :
44 We do not join with him at all in
regard to either the Gtnoss or availa
bility of J'lenident Grant, whether
for reuoiuiuatioQ or re-election. We
do not kaow precisely what a certain
claaa of critics moao when they say
thore sre others with mors ability
than President Grant. la apeoial
sense this may bo truo. He baa not
fctutlictl law, ths sciences, statesman
ship or diplomacy yet We claim that
lis Has otlior qualities which offset
tbose nccomiilisbrasuts. and which
iodeod are, in their place, mors rclia.
Ufcs. e should greatly fear to have
Sumner, or tjreoly, or many other
able and brilliant men, for ProaiJent.
The reaaon ia, that whilo they are
eultivatod, they lack certaio eleioeuU
of character, which General Grant
possesses io a very euiiueot deirreo.
1 rosideot Grant was not eloctod to
Ins office because be was deemed to be
a .a a
me oeai speaker, me best writer or
moat profound thinker, or intellectu
ally the most accomplished and culti
vated man iu the party, but bocauao
he bad those elements of alroujjth
that mads his nomination almost a
eondition of eucecas the party, aod be
cause bo had developed trails oi char
acter as a general commanding the
armies, honesty, integrity, parity of
purpoeo, resolution in war, skill in
controlling men, high, uoimpcaohed
patriotism, which convinced the peo.
nls that he bad been in military life.
Nor do we see that be bas dons any
thing to destroy "tho uoity and puri
ty of the party' We have not yot
known of a ease whero Preaidcot
G rent has wontooly intruded ur.on
thecouooils of the Republican party,
or where lis bas failed to meet
piedtco given by him io ncoeptiog h'a
nomination, lie bas not succeeded
in appointing 30,000 offieora to fill
6,030 offioos, but ws doubt if even
Nr. Sumoor could do this.
For these reasons we doubt the wis
dom of M'Clure's letter. All of bis
class seem to taks it as admitted that
Grant is an siooediogly inferior man
point that i not asssntsd tv. He
ia believed by the masses to bo pure,
froe frcm political entanglomonte, aod
specially well adapted for the position
be holds. These views will lead to bis
nomination, aod his triumphant re.
leotion. To assert, tbsreforo that
be is dsfeotiva and unworthy, is to in.
bbii s ciass wao are strenuous la ths
Biaintsnsnoo of tbess views. Ws shall
wateb ths effoot or this loiter with ca
riosity. Our opioios is, it will add to
the labor of M'Clure's friends if tbsy
art determined to force tbsir nomina
tion i
That tells the story of Republican
pBuuuufe iu i nDQsyiraoia. it is a
reflex of popular feeling whloh all the
. politicians io our borders oaooot mis
direct or change.
8serstary Boutwell, in his pablie
debt statement lor tbs last month M
1871, shows that sines March 1, 1867,
a rsluotlos bss beeo mads of nssrly
three hundred million dollars. Tbs
cUcroase doriog December was four
Billion four hundred sod twsnty thou
saad alss hundred and flftv-ali dollars
aad Mvsntyss cs ots.
Jawm Fisk, Jr., tbs notorious
Xew York gold gamblsr, was shot by
Edward 9. Stokes, at the Grand
Central Hotel la New York, last Sat.
arday, and died lbs noil day. A wo
man was st ths bottom of tbs matter.
A feeling oljhstred eiistsd Istwsen
Fiok sod Stokee, arising ia the for
mer's enso from Jealousy caused by
the affoctionate manner in which
Stokes was treated by ths celobialed
Holen J. Msmflold. That Ldy re
fusing the request which was mads
by Colonsl lisle to discard Stokss,
risk would tsks every opputuoily to
outwit his sucosssful rival, who, Go
ding himself Iriumphod over in all
business transactions and S fits at law,
harbored a feolioj equal in hate to
that of his arrogaet tormentor, which
isoiing reacuea ine climax la cooae-
quonce of Judge llrady's adserae de.
cision on I rllay, toucbiug the publi
calion of the Kiak-MaoafielJ lovo-lot-
tors; the humilisliog cross eiamioa-
tion hs and Mrs. MtnsfiolJ wore sub
jectod toon Saturday, and the rumor
that Fisk had indicted him for Mack
mail. This wae followed with a know)
eugo innv a oeacn warrant baa been
issued for his arrost whilo attending
ths Yorkville polios court. Thi in
furiated man, Jon becoming acquaint
ed with thia fact, left that plaoo in a
perfect frsnxy, determined to soek par
son al satisfaction for the wrongs
wbieh hs fancied lie bad sulTjrei at
tho bands of I'iak. Ths fatal conas
quenceofthis resolution is stated s
bovo, and lbs man whose cunniog aod
trickery has bulDid all rivals is no
mere. Fik was bjro ia Vermont in
18.'!2. At tho age of 17 he entered
the employ of Van Amburh, the
wild beast tamer, and travelled the
L'uited States and Caaada. At 2
he lft the show businoas and bocaiue
a toJdler. after whioh ho became a
Wull Street speculator, auJ a bold,
bad man gcuorally. IIo was a mar.
riod man.
Civil Service Reform.
It bas boon the aim of the Admin
istration to enforce honesty and effi
ciency in nil public offices. Every
psblio servant who has violate 1 tbs
trust placod ia him bas boon proceed
ed agniost with all the vigor of the
law. Jf bud moo have socured places
it has been tho fault of tho system
established by law and custom for
making appointments, or the fault of
those wbo reccommsod for government
positions persons not sufficiently well
known to them personally, or who
give letters endoisiug tho character
of office-seekers without a proper
sense or. the grave responsibilities
which such a course devolves upon
thctn. A civil sorvico reform which
can correct this abuse is much desir
ed. Ia mercantile pursuits the busi
ness man who gives a irttsr of recom
mendation to a friond to enable hiui
to obtain credit from a stranger, ia re.
garded as morally responsible for the
integrity of bis friend, and his ability
to meet his obligations. A reformato
ry law which would enforce this prin
ciple sgainat all endorsers of persons
for public place, would insure great
utioa io making recommendations.
A salutary lesson bas boen taught tbs
careless and disbonost public servant
in tbo great number of prosecutions
and convictions of the last two yosrs.
It is gratifying to notice the favora
ble change which is taking place
throuohout the eounlry, ia briogiog
to punishmont those who Lavs pro
ved recrsaot to ths trusts eouSded to
them, aod ia olevating to public offico
oooo but those who possess the confl
donco of the hooest and virtuous.
who, it will always be found, com
priso the majority of the community
in which tbey live.
A Young Woman Found Dead
In llesks County.
The Heading Tone relates the fol
1 esterdsy tbs dead body of a youoz
woman, named Susan Hemraiir. was
lound ia a creek on the farm of Jesse
Mats, about Uvo miles southwest of
this city. When found she was ly
ing on hor back ia the creek, which
ia shallow, and her shawl whj wrap.
peo about ber face and boad, her hat
was seourely fastened upon her hssd
and one of ber bands wua in her
muff. Tho upper part of her bodv
was perfoctiy dry, and no marke of
violence upou ber poison were obser.
The girl was employed as a ssr.
vaot in the family of Mr. Mats.. She
w as attending a bundav school festi
val, held in a school-bouse a mile dis
tant from Mr, Mate's bouso, on Moo.
dayeveniog, aad after the festival
atsrtsd oa hsr way boms. Whoo she
got near the house, instead of sotorieg
tbs premises at the eats, sbs climbed
over a fenes for the purpose of cross.
inga meaiiov, wnica aborteosJ tbs
distance somewhat. This wss ths
last that was seen or heard of ber na
til Tuesday morning, wbso her dssd
body wos found, as already stated.
The ooroner's jury reodored s verdict
of death by suiciJe. A post-mortem
sxamioatioa is to be uado.
It ia said that a short tiros sgo
Miss Hemmig stated that an ontrags
had been eominittsd upoa hsr peraoa
a few months sines bv s vouns? blaek.
smith, wbo bad Isft tbs neighborhood
shortly after committing ths deed, aad
nsa not wncs been seea or beard of.
Her condition eroatlv . troubled bar.
Ths real oauao oi ber ueeth will la all
probibility only hs brought ont
ths Investigation ordered by tbs dis
trict attorns.
Thomas Ifast.
Ths mat esrteatnrisi Is thus de-
scribed by his friend Nssby: Nast
is about 84 years ofao, aod about five
rest soven Inches In height. He bss s
keen, sharp eye, sod a good Gormen
face; haa black hair, and ia dapper sad
i l:. t .t!L V
uoav in mi puraoQ, a IIIDK O was
born In Droslaa, Oermaev, and same
over to this country when he wss
about three yssrs of age. His father
wanted blm to be a jewolor, but he
was alresdr betrothed to art. Frank
Leslie, I think, brought bid ont first,
at the time hs sent him to England
to make pictures of ths grsat Heeoao-
layers prize fight sod then when ths
war broke out ths Harpers sent him
South to sketch battles. It was in
1802, joat after tbo election, when eh
the country was clamorinit for Peace at
any price, that he atruck the particu
lar vein tn which be bas sines beeoiae
famous. The picture which he drew
then, entitled " Peace,' was grand. It
represented a Union soldier s grave,
over i no tomnstons or wbioa was
weeping Columbia. AJ the foot
stood a companion to tho'dead loyal
ist, stripped of his arms, and ftbskinjr
bands witb a rebel armed to tbs teeth
end with one foot npon ths grave
That picture msdo his reputation.
He was as well known tho nost day as
ns ia now. it was ciroulalsd by the
million as a campaign document. He
lives, in 125th atrret, New York io a
modest frsiae house. His wife and
three sons cocstitate bis family. Tbey
Lave nossrvsnts. At tbs sod of tho
lot on which his kouss stsnds is
ons-story brick building, where be does
his work. Us has there the quaintest
colleotion of euriosiiios, chiefly of art
tbat could be imagined. His wifs is
a Isdy of rare intelligence, who assists
bim grsaliy la bis labors. !Shs is s
relative of James l'urtoo. Nast is s
ruau of indomitable courage and rare
inteiligonoe. Politically he is a most
intense radical.
Nabrow oauui railroads are fast
golog into disrepate, and by all ap-
pearances there will be nD tnre of
that kind boilt. The Harrisburg
State Journal bas ths following sensi
ble arliclo on this subject :
" Tbero seems to bo a falling sOT ia
the favor of narrow gaego railroads.
Two yeara sgo the country was grsat
ly excittd on tho subject, but sinos
then many surveys of roads made to be
eonstrutcd on this plan have actually
been abandoned, while our great thor-
oughlare, the bout hero Paeihc, ta em
barraaaed aod delayed by the discus
sions bad to make it thro Jgbout a nar
row gauge. Ths great difficulty ia
ths way of a narrow gauge, is that bow
ever short a road is, in soy part of ths
country, the resources by which it is
surrsunded soon maks the accumula
tion of freight moro than it can ac
commodate There is not a railroad
to-day, north of Mason aod Dixou's
lias, which has capacity suffioieol t
acommodale its freight and passenger
business. Honce'it is argued tbat tbs
building of narrow gauge roads is s
loss of tho first investment, aa ths bus
iness will, tot soon aflor tbeir construc
tion, demand a wide gsags, the char
aster of froiglits being cumbersome
and heavy, and tho speed required for
competitions as fast aa on all roads.
Of coui'Ho the nur.-ow gauge cannot'
keep up with the wide or usual gauge,
atid therefore It ia, that already tbo
last experiment in railroading begins
to demonstrate its own failure. For
trade and travel, there is a certain
gauge which regulates nil wheeled
conveyances, and when that is depart
ed from it becomss dsngorous aod im
practicable; and business! moo hesi
tate to incur the waste of money re
quired for their construction. Theae
facts rendsr the narrow gauge railroad
unpopular, and will eventually drive
ibein ost of use.''
Hon. Jambs Pollock has made
his annual report of tbs operations
of tbs Miot nod brsnohes for tbo fis
cal year ending June 30, 1971 :
The deposits of bullion of tbs mint
and branches during lbs fiscal year
ware as follows : Gold, $37, 051,202
20 i silver 5.970,932,64 total deposits
$43,030,184 80. Dsduetiog from this
total the redeposits, or bsrs made at
our braneh of lbs Mint and rsdoposit
ed In auotber for coinage, the amount
will be I39,i;i7. 404 13.
For the same poriod tbo eoioage was
as lollows t Uold coin, number ofpie-
ces, 1,1'JO'JIO: value. S21.302.473:
anparted and fine gold bars, 813,101,
089 42 ; silver coin, pieco, 3,604,793 ;
vulue, f 1.935,905 20 : silver bare. 3,-
544,190 13 ; sickle copper and bronze.
pieces, 11,672,750 ; value, 8283,760;
total number of pieces struck, 10,458,
458; toUl value of coinage, f 10,187,
409,80. Ths continued suspension of specie
psymoots retracts tbs work of tbo
Mint and the amount of coinage.
The capacity of the Miot and branches
to do alt the coinage requited is am
ple. The Director believes from discov
eries and developments in ths West
ern Slates and Territories, tbat before
another decade the annual production of
gold anJ siivor io tbo United States
will be mors than doubled.
Tbs Diteetor proposes to bars pre
pared each devices as may improve
(be general appearance of our eoios, re
laioiag their general ebaraoteriatios,
to be used, if approved, io national
,Tbo Director refers to several sub
jects of Interest, embracing abraded,
coins as a legal tender, token silver
coinage, counterfeit aod iatitatiooooioa,
rofining by chlorine, ths bamid essay
of silver, eto.
Tho report Is Interesting through-
A cbicksa pis sxblbltsd at the Ft.
John's Church fair at Bridgeport, Con
necticut, filled a tin pan nine feet ia
diameter. It contained one hundred
large siss chickens, fifty Bounds offlonr
and twsnty pounds of lard. It re
quired foar stout net) to carry it,
ana tnere was but ooe oven ia tows
large enough to bake it. It ts sup
posed to be ths largest pis ever nsde.
Brutal Assaalt ef ft Metre).
In Rochester, New York oa Satur
day, deceniber 80, a colored man nan
ed Howard outraeeouelv assaulted a
little fcirl, ten rears old. sod was
lodged in jail.
On Jan. 2, ths littls girl was re
ported is a pecarloas sondition, aad
tremendous excitement ensued among
tbe people. Tbe Mob attempted to
break into the jail for tbo purpose of
lynching tbo prisoner, but wsre pre
vented by tbe military aad police.
Some of the afternoon pspers announc
ed that the girl bad died, and tbe ex
citement cootinasd wits increasing
violenee until about nine o'elock in the
evening, when it culminated in an at
tempt to stone tbe militia assembled,
who fired upoo tbs crowd ia the
neighborhood ol the Jail, killing two
men aod wounding a man sad boy.
Through tbs night everybody in
the city soemod to be moving toward
the jail, aad the leeling agaiast the
military was intense.
Tbe next day notwithstanding the
fact that Howard was indicted, the
mob did not seem disposed losbandon
the vicinity of tbe jail ia which be
was inosreersted. Tbo polios obarged
sod diapersed the riotous assemblage
late in tbe afternoon, and during the
evoning people were not allowed to
loiter on the streets, the members of
tho military organisation doing duty
aa spssetai policemen. Uoe man
Uockwell, who knocked a soldier down,
was seot to tbe penitentiary for six
On tho night of Thursday Jan. 4,
Howard was secretly conveyed to tbe
uouri-room, ana at ,v.30 was ar
raigned and pleaded guilty, and was
soateoced st twsnty yesrs bard labor
in Auburn Stats Prison. lis was im
mediately removed qniotly and taken
le Auburn, whore be commenced hia
term of imprisonment the next day
Thus tbe authorities sutisfisd tbs sods
of justice.
Tho littls girl Oehs is reported to be
Harper's Wckkly completed its
fifteenth end Harpkb's JIazar its
filth volumo on Saturday. The for
mer, in conseqqonce of a eontiouoas
series of; il ustrstsd Supplements,
contains 1.Z4U paces (there were
ia tho first volume.) and tbo latter la
also portly and prosperous. The il
lustrations uro to be counted in these
O'uuios by huodf sds. Io the Wetkty
tne pom icai cartoons or 1. XMssi have
done yeoman's service during the lat
six rnooths ia putting down the "liioir
atiNewiorlc. 1 here are now pub-
liabing in Harper Weekly four seri
alsthat is, two by Wilkio Collins,
ooe by Uoorge hliot, sod one by Cliai.
Lever. 1 be Uazar is richly illustrat
ed, its "personals aro brilliant aoc
racy j its faahioos have the attraction
of oovelty 4 the Old bachelor (0. V.
Curtis) gossips delightfully under the
title ''.Manners on tho lload, and one
or two serials are usually in progress.
Jest now "The Lords of Ardon,'' one
of Miss Rrsddon's boat novels, is the
i.eotre of atlrsclion.
Pardons. Aocordine to Govornor
Geary's pardon report, oecompsny his
mossage. aixty eonvicts wero pardoned
by him daring the year ending No
vember 31, 1571. Tbe number of
pardons granted during lbs five years
of his administration is three bundrod
and fifty-six. a yearly average of soy-
enly-ooe. 1 ho Governor haa signed
twenty one dontb warrants. Only
one was signed tbs past year that of
Lloyd Jintlon wbo was eseoutod at
Williamsport lust March. The rea
sons for granting each pnrdoo, and
names of tbe petitioners for it aro giv
en in tbe report.
dome uays ago David JJuan, a
young man 17 or 18 years of ags, s
resideut 01 ray cite township, was out
selling snares for rabits. Howard
Patton was at ths same time buotine
wi.u turkeys, and espisd Dunn in the
bushes, mistook bim for a turkoy, and
discharged bis cun at bim. It was a
wsll delivered charge ; forty-six shots
took eueot, boing distributed in Dunn t
hip, shoulder aod naok. Fortunately
they scareely more than penetrated tbe
skin, and tbe injury sustained was not
01 a serious nsture. Juniata Smtiuel.
Psnsi A is still ravaged by famine,
with all its conaeqnent misery. Whole
tracts of country are laid waste by this
scoarge and its attendant horror, pes
tilence. Not only tbe rural districts,
but also ths cities, in terrible distress.
As no news bad beoo received from
tbs East for a long time, it was hoped
that Persia was roooveriog from the
disasters which tbrealened to over
whelm bsr, but the latest news de.
Strovs all such hona and nrtunti
piotuie terrible to look npon.
Consioirabli trouble exists in ths
Louisana House of Representatives
Speaker Carter and Governor War
mouth appear to be sogagsd ia bitter
conflict, which mast result, if contin
ued, disastrously to 00s or lbs otbor.
The Governor aod several othar wan
arrested and held to bail, ebsrgsd witb
mating aa uoiawiul combination and
conspiracy (or the purpose of obstruct
ing aod hindering the execution of tbe
laws. Io ths House several of tbe
members of lbs Wsrmoutb party were
also unseated.
A snow-bird shooting match be
tween Captain Bogsrdos, ths champ
ion sbot of tbe United 8tates, and
Jamas Ward, of Toroots oa Friday a
week, resulted in a viotory for Ward.
It is a great pity tbe gooidido't burst
sod kill these brotes.
The rssidenos of Mr. U. B. Kooos,
at Bloorasburg, wss destroyed by
fire 00 Sunday morning a week. It
wasoosof ths handsomest baildiogs
ia the place, aad elegantly furnished.
Tbs loss is sstimatsd at 120,000.-
Govbbnob Geary has appointed
Adam C. Rsinoibl, ex-member of the
House of Representatives frosa Leo
caster county, Deputy Secretary of ths
Commonwealth in placs of J. M.
Weakley, resigned.
New Ham nii ibb, win hs ths first
Stats to open ths great earopaiga of
1872, iti.aoBsai election oseurring Is
Marvh. r
A sab accident occurred oa ths
Northera Central Railway, at Rock,
ville, eight miles west of Harrisburg,
on Tueedsy, by which a Mras Jslia
Stow was iastaotly killsd, sod Mr.
Jscob Borksr seriously Injured. Tbs
lady was In a wagon at tbo time,
proceeding 10 Daopbln, where she
was to be married io the evening.
"" Hhcrifl 'N Halo
By virtue of a writ of PI. Fa. leaned eat
of Ibe Court af Coaamoa IMtaa of Sayder
Co., to me direesH, will be eipoeed le pub
lie Sale, at Ibe Pablie llouae of Daniel El
aenharl, la Washington lownakip, Snyder
i-enuiy, ro., oa
Saturday, February 8. Ism.
Tbe folUwIos; described Real Estate te
wit i All that eat lain Trael of Land ait
aateia Union townablp, Ceunly and State
atoreaaid, bouadod en tbe east by land of
Joba Bwelgert, weat by land of George
ienig, eoutn ny land er Jacob c. Biraua
ar, and north by land of Baoaaal Herrold,
1 A O It li H I
Mors er leas, wfcereea are ereeled a two-
story FRAME IIOC8B. Frame Stable, aad
other out bulldlnge. Bale le commence al
VI o clock, noon-
Poised, taken ia execution, aad le be
sold aa the property of Henry. 1). Swine-
fort. JOHN 8. WOLF, RberitT.
B&erin s uoiee, MiJJlsburg, Jan. P, 1872.
Ovviea dpusrar a t.awiarowa R. W. Co.,
r-mngroTo r. jonaary a, ii.a.
The annual meeting of tbe Hiockboldore
or Ibis Company will be held at Ibe Key
atone 110101. Bolinsgrore, Boydor Counly
Penna. oa Tueaday, February 13lh 1872,
at 1 o'clock P. M. al wbieh lime and niece
an election will be held for a Treeideat aod
eevea Directora to eorve tbe enauing year.
At ths Mlfllta, Centre, Woebarv 4 Lewlstown
R. R. Uopot, eoraor ot Water aaS Dorcas Hie.,
LowIhIowii 1?1.,
George Flory ft Bon, Proprietors.
B9Opea Day and Might for the accom
modation of travelers. A Aral elate Rea-
taurant ia altaehed to Ibe boUl, where
Mea'e al ail houra eaa be had. Terme
reaeonablr. 6,43-lf
loa. Ill A 814 Market Street,
(4eor t:3kth)
W. Ileclc. I'roDriotor.
Terme II 00 Per Dai. 0,43if
Iron, Kails,
Steel, Leather,
Faints, Oils,
Coach & Saddlery Ware
Stoves & Tinware,
Lewimlown, l'cnu'o.
Keveaiber 2, 1871 -tf
Chapman lovbaklp hnjder Co. ra.
ConTOTanrlna. Cn!lottn and all other bail.
n cntruiteil tu till or will bo urouiutl, at
landed to.
-A.ttoino'-nt-T w,
Lewisburg, Union Co., Ta.
tsS-Oan be eonaulled in Ibe Eocliab and
German languagte.TisS.
OFFICE Market Sired, opposite Walls.
Smith A Co s Store. 8 tOy
149 Worth Third Street,
Estats ovOEOKOE KLINE Dne'B.
17 X EC U TO It'S NOTICE. Iltara
1-1 Testamentary 'on tbo Estet of Oeorce
n-inv, 1 hiv vi nmmwmr tuwnioip snyner eonaiy.
dee'tl, bln been jriDte.1 the nderaled all
persona knowing themrelvta Indebted to uld
ksiele aro reoulred to uki unaiii wiihnui
delay and tkooo baln- elalms will preeent tbem
Oot. 14. 18TL EaaouTun.
No. 20S North Whartea, (above Eaee St..)
G. U OllS UEUCI Ell, '
'justice of 7 he peace,
IHrrr Township, Snyder Cennty, Pa.
Colloetlona, Ooaveyanelnr, and all other baet-
leu nertAlnln tm tLm Mnt .M h. i-
aiundedto. Omos near TruatmansTlllo.
arooaaaoa o easrvaAi aoaaw.
Is- SI Hortk FosrtB Street,
Original Peckagea Cosetantlj ea flaad.
- BeproaenUd by THEO'g SWINErOBO.
Wholoaale aad Retail Peeler la
Csaokaaakers' Materials, 8hoe riadlagse.
Beliasgrsve, Pa. S-llf
Furniture Warerobms,
(Uelow Areb, Weat Bids.)
lntorjf and WKoteioU Department,
ieu norm 01 a Bireet, stove usrord,
HENST IS INFER, Proprietor. .
The SMtarsteaoS adonts this method of Inflarm-
ths nuMIe thaA he kas ooeaed a hotel at the
th, named plaoo, on the road from Middle
Were to Heavariewn. and that ko la prepared ta
eaUrWia tbe paSllOLWlU Sret elaan aecommoda
.....-- HNraxajFaU. '
4pjue,isu. , ,, , . .
Airentpj "Wnntecl.
Groat ladoeesneate )
noRUon ion,
B a BIMerora ttlek Prleet. mif klil.
Mm,, who haa made her eeoepo after a ronldeneo
of Srteea yeara among them, Her amdaTlls to
in verniwoni, ereiame ovinneo aeaiost
Rrlaham Vonqjr aad tko l.l.lers, Tka "Proph
et" In eoart. Twl and aeateneoer Hawklna.
Hurtling dlaeloanrea, plot, wramlaatloaa aad
letlma. S7S raea, follf lllnttratod.
t.lreuiara. T.-mi aad wartlealara, on
eppuoeiinw, enareee,
Ul'lFIELU AaltHF.AU.rn-M.eter,
III Bansom Street, PkUadllphla.
Br D. J. XiawA, tho welt hnown Jonrnaliet.
Thlo book ts a beaatiml or to re of Set pefos,
embellished with noo ennrSTlnes, and a Snely
eieeoiea mop oi ineea, oeugneq ana eiepU'
ted eiprOMl, for this worh by eminent ertlite.
II oonteln, a full, raphlo aad trnthfal slala
ment of the nigble, HMreU aad Besaatloaa of
tho eroal Metropnii, of tko world.
Addroee, 1UFF1KIU AHHMKAD Pabllihere,
til Baaaem btreet, Philadelphia.
FOR 1878.
This sptendld weekly, greatly enlarged aad
napruvw, OH DI IM HPII ,MIII HI ll
tereatlnelnarnals ever paMliked. Ever nam
ber I, beaolirallr printed ea ane paper, aad ele
nllr llluitrated wlih original enprrarlaee,
repreraallna New lareotloai i .NoTeUlM la Me-
cnanies. maoereetaroe, Chemistry, rhotoa;ra
phr. Are hlteelare, Ap;rlellnre, enalneerlne,
SrioDre and art. Farmer! Merhnnlei. larea-
tnrs, Eaalneera Ohemlsu. Meanrectarere. aad
People of all Prefe,,lcne or Trade, will Bad the
Scientific American
Of Oroat Valaoaad Interest. Iu 'praotleal set.
rations will sere haadred, er dollars to erery
HoetehoM, Workahop, and Factory In tko land.
ummmmm oiieriap n eontioaai soaroo oi aiaaie
Inilrectloe. The Kdltor, are aselsled by maay
of the ablest Amerleaa and Karopeaa Writers,
ond hsTlni aeoess to all tho leading HeleatlSe
a Mecnenicei joeraaie oi ,ee wona, mo eoi-
amns u ine noionimo Ameneea areeoaatanliy
enriched with the eholsest latormatlon.
Aa OFFICIAL LIST of all tbe Patents la
sued is Published Weekly
The vearlv aaeibero of the sniEHTIFir)
AMKR1UAN make Two 8plendldVolamea of
.-earir mi Taouaano raes, equiraieat in also
w rour Tnouianu uruisary iioua raaes.
TERMS. s a Toart SI M Half Year 1 Clans
01 10B uopiee tor ono sear, eaoa, S2,oa,
With a Pplenilld Prttnlum Io Ike person who
forma tho Clob, eonsintlns; of a oopv of the role
brated ttteel Plate Engravlnf, ''Men of Pro-
la eonnoetlna with the publication of the Set
entmo American, the anJerilirned oondaot the
men eateaaiTo Agones la t he world tor pro
cerlne; PATENTS.
The best war to obtnln an answer to the quae
lion Caa 1 obtain a Patent t Is to write to
MUNN fc CO., S7 Park Kow, New York, who
hare had oer Twenty flae Years' Kaperleace
in ine eupiness. no cnarao is maoe tor opinion
and edrloo. A pee end lea sketch, er full writ
tea description of the larentloa, aeoald be aeat.
For Instruetlona ooncernlna Auerloaa and
Coroveaa Patents (tereats Re Issuee Inter
ferencee Rejected Oaaoe Hlnta on Melllna Pa
tenia Roles aad Prooeedlne, of Ibe Potent
OBIce The Now Patent Laws Examinations
t utsndoar Infrlnaemanta, etc., etc, seed for
INSTMUIITION HtMlK. which will be mailed
free, oa application. All besleeae strictly oea-
uevniwi. .riur.a. aunn slii.,
PvBLianaaa op me RmnnTivio AmantoAn,
Jtotcell & Co.'t AJoertUtmtnU.
Free to Book Agents.
We will send handsome Paoepeclae of enr
New 1 f.Lt'BTn atrd Familt Bini.e, eentalalnc
oror J0 Sno Scripture lllustrationa to ear
Hook A(eat, freeol charge. Natiobal Pub
lish ma t,o., fklla, fa.
Made AVitU
Will not nip or Leak.
By taking aa agency for THE
HOMEOFOOU'8 PKOPLB. The moat aao-
cessful book ont, nearly two kandred Staaaia
coat Knurarlnera. fine agent took 114 onlers In
ten days, others aro doing equally aa well 3,600
Dollars per annum can le made by any male or
femelo agent taking ordera for this pobular
work. 1 be liest ehenee to make money otfored,
Send fur circulars with terms elo Ultra larae
Inducements olfered. Address
WoHTltlNOXUk. kOO.. Hartford.
The Great Fires
Iw tJHIOAOOand the WEST bv Her. E. J.
(tiMiaran, I). It., of Chicago. Only com plot.
history. TOO Sto. pages 1 00 engravlnga.
already sold. Price Sues ageau made la
jeuaye. rronis go io sunerers. Agents wauteu
m. n. uuuvartau vu.,ei rare slow, now
liltltitiS & UKOTUKK8
Now readr. Oonslstlg af oror ISO paces, oa
rose-tinted oauer. with upwards of too saoaraia
cats, and 8lx Beautiful Colored Plates I Uover
a beautiful dealga, la colore. The rloheat design
a ooiore. -j oe ricaesi uaiaioaaa aver publish
ed, head tt centa for eony , not one-half Uie yal
aeoftha eolorod plates, la the Bret order.
amounting to not laea than SI. tho prlee of the
Caulogaa, Sto., will be rafanded la seeds. New
customers placed oa the same looting wllk aid.
Free to old oualomora. quality eroeede, else of
packets, prices aad premium, oSered, make It
to tke advantage) of all to parehata seeds of aa.
bee tlatalogue for oilraordloary Inducements.
Yon will miss It If yon do not eea ear Uata
logue before ordering aeeds.
Either of oar two Chromue forlSTt. slselSaSt
one a Bower plate of Bulbous Pleats, consist
ing of Lilies, fee. tho other of Anneal, Bienni
al and Pereoalal Plaate, guaranteed tbo
aver Issued In thla country. A annerh parlor or
nament) mailed, post paid, en receipt of Tto.
also free oa condition specified In Uotatogae.
(Established 1141. KoohaaUr, Now York.
AtmTBAOEIfTBtoaellthaPlnklaaad .r.
oa Manofaotarlag Co', lmprorad how Family
Sewing Maeelno,
Oeneral Offle lor Peanst lranla. Kew Jaraa
aad Oelaware,
No. irn Chestnut St., Phlia.
1. L, faawoaoB, Manager.
Profitable Bnlness
Will be (Iron one or two narsona. of eltlier aei.
la MinuLanvno) aad adjoining town,, by which
tkey may realise from e0 to Slow a year, with
but Utile Interference with ordinary oaeapatlon
In selling HOU8UUOL.U AKTICLE8 of real
merit and anlrersal nsa. If tke whole time Is
derated a mack larger earn may ha realised.
uiroaiera tree, atriag complete list er articles
and aommleslona allowed. T. 8. COOK, A CO.,
(iBooaroBATSB use.)
S.B. DBTWit-an, Proa1!
H. Wilson, Vice Prea't
Uerbt Themaa. Treaa.
Jtnny. Vaina.
Wm. Pattnn.
Joe. tiehruadae,
J. B. atrlna.
M. M. Htrleklar. .
J. T. Frueauff, bec'l
J. H. Heeknun
uao. Hogie
For Iasnranee ajr Aaeaelee, address ' "
J. r-fUHaUoON, hec'y UolnmUa.Pean'a
St. T. atyon.
Laat aslosiSiSEalasas ols-
r klnsl.
AQENT8 WAHTED Ageais make more
money at work for as l baa al any
thing else. Bnataeaa light aad permanent, Par
tioanvre free. ft. anwaon a. Coaf Futa Art
raeusuera, rf itaaa, saataa.
k ' - nliMmw.!" I
fVftse A BIOWTlIt Ilnras fareflrtet. ,.
VfawtmJ peeMee paid. H. B. HH A W Alfred Ate.
M)Ai nar awd rxprNe pm
VayUsn, ,tamnto Maaafoffarte
Ce Albbsd, Ma.
Astonishing ceres by Trs. Kline aad Llndlc
at the Pklladclpkla Caacwr lnttltete, ni Arch
M , Phlladelekla, pa. At Branek offloee by rr.
M, Michael. St Niagara St , Baflalo. N. Y.ian
by Dr. Krarta, erer aeOeneeeaSt., Anbwrn N Y
WaRalre, Ne Caaatle Medlelaoe. We in nod.
Little pala. For pe rttcalara, call h er aa-t
dreea either of the abore.
IMPOT ENCT. Victims of early iMIseretlon,
eelf-abase, eaasing nerroas debility, prema
ture decay, Ac., wlllAnd a mn,t efleSteel, east
aad permeaent enr by addreaslng.coaedentlal.
ly. Iia. WUNUER, Post omoe, Pklleeelphla.
Da why at Co's. AJvertuementi.
By eending t5 CENTS
with age, height, color of eyas and hair, yen will
recede by ret ore mall, n correct picture of yor
fatara hasbaad er wife, with name aad dale nf
merrlaee. Address W. FOX, r. U. Drnwar, Me
St Falloollh, N. Y.
Aboead aarasstnet book of she
Conuinlng over soe tllnslrations. With a earn
proheoslre Uyslopedln eaplaaatory of the Beet
la Eaorisei awn Oiawtw.
W M. FLINT fe CO., rkBasWahta Pa
Profitable Employment
.Yf.,.,r.i a few more Agents toss
the World Renowned Improved BUtlKEYB
SEWINO MACHINE, at a liberal salary er oa
Uommlmlon. A Horse and Wagon given to
Agents. Fall rartlcalare famlsked on applies,
lloa. Address W. A. Henderson si Co. Uenaral
Agent, Cleveland, Ohio, tit. Lonla, Ma.
Do yon want an ageney, local er tra.
voting, with an opportunity ta make
OS to a a day selling oar new T atrand
I White Wire Clothee Xlaet I Tkey last
I UI White Wire Clothes l.leo I Tkey last
f 1 forever i sample free. Head for elrcuter
gL'kJ AddraM at once Hudson Hirer Wire
Work,, enr. Water UK. and Maiden
uina. n. a. or m w nanaoipa si. coicago.
SoOOoOred 0? proprie
tor of llr. Hege'e Caiarrk
Kcmedrran Inrnreble
cjuo oftnfd la eoet,"
Oema or Vuorrk Boid
by drairgieu at SO rente
Wells' Carbolic Tablets,
These tablets preeent tho Acid In Combination
with other efficient rem, die. In a popular form,
for the core ol all THROAT and LUNO Dliss
sos. HnABsnaasa and ri-r(BATiow af the
Ti boat are Immediately relieved, and ,t te
rn cut, are constantly being sent to tho preprle,
tor of relief In oases of throat dirflenlUaa of icara
O A TUVTfYH Hon't be decelred by worra.
Ua.UAlUill,ss ImlUtlons. Oct ealp
Well'a Oarbllla Tableta.
Price Cta. per Boa.
J II I N O . K E L.L.OOO. IS Piatt St.
... w. y.
nana tor circular. atuio Ageou ror ine v.
It la NOT A PHYSIO-Il Is WOT what Is pep.
Blarly called a BITTEKS, nor IS It Intended ss
saeh. It I, (Imply a South American plant that
hea been nsed lor many yesrs by the medical
locally of those countries with wonderfnl oHIce
ey as a powerful Alterative nod JnequaUd Pa
rlflrer of the Mood aad la a Sara and Perfect
Kemedy for all UUeaeec of the
The Liver and Spleen, Enlargement or 0k
atrurlioa of Ioteatinee, Urinary, Uterine
er Abdominal Organs, Poverty er a
Waut f Blood, Intermittent er Re
nlltent Fevere, Inflammatiea of
of Ike Liver, Dropey, Btuggiek
Circulation of tbe Blood, Aba
cesses. Tumors, Jaundioe,
Dyspepsia. Ague A Fever
er their oonaomitants.
Dr. Welts' Rttrart af Jrarwyns
I, offered to the public aa a great Invlgorater aaS
remedy lor all Impurities of tho blood, or Im
orgenle weakness with their attendaut erne.
or the foregoing complaint
le confidently recommended to ever
ery family as a
Iroely tahsa
uouieeoia remedy, and should be
in ail derangement, or the aystem, It give,
health, vlaor and-tonatA ll ih. i..h.
and animate, and fertlBea all woak aad lyn
JOHN O.. JLELLOOO, II Piatt St. New Terk,
. Hole Agent lor tho United Stele,.
Price One Dollar per Bottle, tiend for Clrsslm
600 mora A van tl wanted fnc thm mm MM.l.t.
reliable and splendidly lllut'.reted work on
Hy Colbert A Chamberlain. Enlivened will
vivid pen pictures nf terrific scenes and thrilling
Incidents, embracing also accounts of the dl.u.
trous ft res la Moscow, Roma, I.oniton, Ns
York, Philadelphia, Portlend and late forsit
fires In WUcon.ln andMlohlgan. tlnnlalnti'A
pages and a soiwrlor map of Chicago. 0,0u,
comes sold first 00 daya, aad aala Increasing
ising rs
Kend ,1
I . Pab-
pny. no wars oi incomplete works. t
once for circulars. HUBBARD HBOS.,
iisoers, 7aa oansam Htroat, Philadelphia.
SM tofaoo per month, by selling
And Hew the were Made I ar the Htrnira-laa eel
Ninuai oi our non-mane man, ay j. il.
Uaue, Jr. By forty eminent eiamples. It tcask-
ee kow tosaooeedln life, and at the same time :
benefit mankind. For Particulars, notices ef
.bv iiwFa anu sure terms, auiiress. ulu, ma-
vuan, rnwiaaor, railaaelphla.
Apents w tint otl.
fOr"CoBVBT Lire Ubtbilbd," hy EdIU
Oormaa, Eaoaped Naa, whose disclosures ut I
lariiiingaBaeiarillog. SBABKLIB Pis. UI
Philadelphia, Pa.
twsyyst A MOTH to sail ouj Universal OS
epOIUmeat Ceo blaallon Taaaal, llutm
noie tuner, aaa other arllolee. Baoo Nuvtt-
tv w. oaeo, me.
VERS, aad Una Materials of avarv kM I
Write for Prloe List, to (treat Wester a On I
weras. riitsoaraa. rs. Areav iiaa. aa, aa
volvara bought or traded for. Agents waatet.
$10 from 50s
artJU eat I poataee ewt ) (or PWw rnk IM
aaeuv ke TeauSUe. ILL. Wuuxm.tTZ
AGENTS WANTED. A complete klttory a I
Chicago IraP Destruction
o.ooe oopioT aeld.
Ia EnglUk and Oam1!
CAtmONS2r3l,Bfit.t,h,., !
rioe are ottered, aaeara the heek woe. buvbS
Kploa AMheabaa. a full octavo, ox ln,b-
ei.UOfor outAL with eholeeorUrrltorv.
nearly eon panes, end over U Illustrations.
aisotwaaaanlinil Ukromaa, Usicio, in
WAB.BBd tlHlOAoa ,- ..a lll.nalanW
terms free, PronU Urge. UNION PUBUH")
tula .i.Hn.ww . v.
w.a,, .1 vmvinnsili
05.000 REWARD
a ladyfor her bravery and ,kil in
was P1
COBS'" 1
grant, iron, its Indiana.
' Mr Captlritj smoog tbs 6iosx"l
le a hlitery of her lUs as a prisoner nmoss u
A wonderful aUirv eddoreed bv Areav On
Oonirraeemea. Aa. Mulendld laduaeBKSV
Agents to cell this and other povalar w rs
aUJIsa S
P AM Y, Stl and 11 tAqinca SUeet, PbUadelgJ
il hook, stories of tbatal advs'"J
MIscellaBoons. to., hy ALBERT I'. J
ARltHUN Baely (illustrated. Very lergajj
Addroea UOLUMBIAht IliKMf. CO.. Baiil
i .. - ' AB-al
Tnlormatloa pertali
rUlnlav U IU UiUUil ' "
J.S Sjanejs VOKot S l'rm'
fkK.Aaenlai ear i. aa. Al. as MUlH'
sy. uw immmT Aaa, eWe- 4. aTmakaVAwk
v.... I Is ns awarA EaablU
K4 Urocvdwf W. Y
"PSYCHOLOOIO 'Faboihatio
I a I rtk.. l- am u-u Umrlkkrt I
Hub, U. A. Haw Uasetai, power (whtcksJ
seas) nt wML OlvUatmB,r.pWrllaalls.e,;
lee, liemoaoloeiy. and a tkonaaad other v--Prlee
by mwU el.ta. In cloth t paper cc'""
Copy tree to ageaU oaly. l.OM wooil ' i
avaue. .-.i a. w. aian.,'
huaet FhUa4elfaiA, Pw
mek the fa
formation, a
is tbe form .
ulr leelurei
Jdreea. Tl
V PPare I
aJ saoltlng
UPP' aoasel
ubUaltera ol
lothe ti
e engaget
among whom
fleeion, U
'. Edwai
tuarl pbelpi
nkU, and i
Journal Iks I
fareet vbarac
aveylng atti
IIoms eoi
eeicaee, auua
aeaaere oftb
ttreporle. e
"r S.'O.OOO .
f merit, UBM
FPr In the i
u Usne U
?tol aad v.r
a , , f0H
"ere copiM
JC. i
fwa Cij