The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 11, 1872, Image 1

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JL. .'J. 'ILL ID J!. J I !. I 'J'1! J .".'I -WU!'. JJL JJ. JL1 JJ.'ii'UJ JffJLt JL. JJl"!!1 !. 111!
MMamum i Mi. i ii mii J'!LJ!"!S
lolpbia l
1.8 f
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00. a
ketU H
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lik alil' I
at a."
I oneei(
York atM"!
mi 1.16
faklfohU $irf Tberaday Evening by
JIEEMUU ttcrSS. Frotrktor.
"Terms of Subscription,
two ftoLUna ma annum, Feyebi
within ria months, or (3,60 If not paid
Within tb year. No paper Jinoonlioncd
until all arrearage! art paid unless at
th op I Ion of the publisher.
Subscription otilHido of tlio county
tfif rronf liftinf and tialng papera
ildmaed Id other booome aubicrlhers,
and are liable Tor she irlo of the pnper
M illl. lurr, Pit.,
Offers hie proloaiional aorvicee to tlx pub
lie. Collection and all oilier firnfvaaiun il
buaiooa. animated to hi oar will reopire
prompt altontion. (J an 8, 'tiTif
' " ' S(!inwgrove Va.,
Uuer hi profesaiunal eoivioe la the pub
le. . AU Uuainces eulruated to bit earr
will be promptly attended In.
. . Jan. 17, 'C7lf
Frecljurg Pa.,
Offer hi rrnfomional aorslcelo (he pub
le. All buointa rntrited to hi care
nill be promptly attended to.
Jan 17,'Citf
Lewialiurg Pa.,
Offer hi professional orvlc to tie pub
lie. Collections and all oilior Pi o'c.aion
al businens entniilrd to bia cm o ill re
cite prompt attenlion.
Lcwisdinrjf l'n.
Offer hla Profeaaionat aorvlce to lliepnb
lie. Collection aud all other profession
all business entrusted to bia rare will ro
oclve prompt altenlioo. Jan. 3, '07tf
U a (Sucraaanre to J. P. at .1. M. I. Inn,)
ATTUHNbYa AT LAW, Lewialmr. Pa.
Offer their prnfeaaional erlcea to the
publio. Collection and nil oilier pro
feoaionnl buaitieae entrance! to ibelr rare
Fill receiveproniplattcnlion. Jan. 8, 'OTif
Selinsf,'fov Pn.,
Offer hta professional aertieee to Iht pub
lic. Collection and alt other professions
busines entruaied to hi care will re
ceive prompt attention. OILce two door
Brlh of the Keyilon Hotel. Jem ft, '0
iSolinngrovo Pn
Offers hi Professional services to the
publio. All business entriiMed to hia
ear will be promptly attended to. Col
lection made In all part of tho Slate,
lie can apcuk tho Tngljxh and GVnnun
language n uc n ( ly. Oflicq between Hull'
tui the Poit office.
Jliikllolmi'g Suydcr County IVini'a
OS a few door Went of the P. O. on
Muia elieel. Conaulliitiou lu llngliiih
eld .s. f cp. till
Lcwisbiirg Pn.,
Offer hi profei!onal aettieralo the pub
lio. All buaines entnwlol to hi ear
will be promptly attended to.
Jan. 8. '071
sewing machine.
Teraona in need f a good and durable
Rowing Machine e all be nccominoiUted nl
raf.inabl prioee by ealline; on on 8am
viiL I'acst, Agent, Halinagrore.
rJan.l, '(
M idtiloburx Pn.,
Ollera Ma profcaaional eri ioea to the cit
lien of MiJJle'jurg ai.d vicinity.
Mureu .1, bi
Solinsgrovo Punu
Peon Twp.t Snyder Co..r
Jaokttoa To woship, Sny Jcr Co. Pu
tiU attend to all bnaincs . animated to
"it ear and on the moat reaaimnble
Krme, . . ' March' li, -08lf
frnlrevllle, Snyder l'o.r Pa.',
''fftra hi profeiMonnl gerTlce to the
launc. u-ufii
t BAY BILL A., Co.. 'i '
M . ' Waoi.taALi Dttatcii w
1 1 Cloth, Window Shade, llroima, Mula,
I'liihn Cotton Lap, Onila . BAgs, Fly
I'H, Uucksta, Twine, Wioka, &o.
"t5 North Third Streed, PhllaJolpUia.
A. 1JOYKU, Jr.-" t-iviiJ J i
' AUG I IUINts.t.r-V.- - .:
' ," Fteobui'2 Snyderf o. Pn.,
Pt ret peel fully sffare hia aorvioe tu
fuinio aa eiiQU uryer ami Auniua
F- Hating had a large tsperisuce, I
I) eonfldenl that I ean render perfeol
'laetien to my employee. - -
,i'w- . vxuY "'
t. parks, ...lilhi .u . n
et In Court !lui, dept.15, 'U7lf -
ivmsjuiEMEii'S sonar
l'llILAUEU'lUA, ', . '
U. JLiNDKIlBAClf rito'jv
4I & 413 K'ciatti n:uird art:it.'
: ,i i , .ruiiaaoipuia
!,JiOLEflAtiitiooK gttwnej'V,
0n". Ulsnk book Miinulattirort
Itt Wrapping, Uattt, Tur-
t' Avnh Third ilraet abotUo
1 liiluJcipbla Pa.
M, Ml)
VOL. 9.
. JLJJi'i ! LLELJ! .
Meloct' Pofltrv,
g-r ar-" rr JQ-JaJT-rra.aa.jajm,,
What will not most people Jo,
All for money t
AnyibiiiK 'Iwixt m and you,
All for money.
Friend will turn hi biok on frieni (
HauKbty people liaro to bend,
Lot aomo to old Harry ten I,
All for nionoy.
A you travel on through lift),
You will find II ever lo
NoibiiiK like the ready ctili,
For money make iko tuarc go.
f im will (wear that black la wUilo,
AU for mouny ;
Do a wrong mid lay it right,
All fir money.
Hose he will awetr lo yon
Hi old clothe are pood a narr ;
Don't he Bake thoin fit you tun,
All for money.
Pretty elrUcan loro old mon,
All money i
Even wed thru te n t and tan,
All for money.
'Tl but a fool who ever dream
That anything 1 what it aeem ;
The world i full of mocking (chame,
All for money.
Mnny people go to law
All fur money j
Duiitinta nearly break your J tw,
All for motiey.
Tradesmen giro you nnjut weight,
Ileifgar teaao you, early, late,
Uarriior kindly on you wuit,
All for money.
Lawyers plead tho felon' cauae,
All for money :
Vow he ha net broke the lnwi,
All for money.
Ilud he been ou t'other aide,
What a dillerence, and how wldn
To niako Uim guilty ba d hro trieJ,
All for money.
Dou'ltha doctor phyaii) you
All for money.
Give black draught and blue plllit,
All for money.
What their patience all endure
Any Hint won't Iry. I'm mire
They are good to kill ot cure,
All for money.
Clialk.nn I water milkmen sell,
All for money i
Something olae, perhaps, na well,
-All for money.
Thus will I conclude my alrain
Wiih a lenlcnco tliorl and plain
Everything U douo for gaiu
All far money.
il)?tliui lluu J. Il.I'arJicr
!ofoi' tho Poiiiiay Itrania liopubli-
tjin Aociiioii ou the occuiti. tf
llicir rccjtit 'Rc.'ntliin nt Wualiin-
(J ii, Mr. Packer liavioij boon iulcctoJ
os tli ors'.or of tliueveniug i
Jit. IVcjid'nt, La h'cs, ai l Genii--men
of lite l' nnnyh ani i Hqntlln an
A&'octiition.ln bcLall of tlio Scnn-
tms, an J my colleague of tho llo'inc
of UopriiBaDtattvos, permit tno tj tsay
wo are profuundly Baniblo of tho Lou
or you have douo u hy your courte.
on to attend I hi, tlio flrst
of ycur exceedingly plcat-snt nnl de
lihllul aooul tnd polilical ru.uuiou.:
Aod portnit mo, nliso, to aa-uro you,
ir, that wo aro truly -ntcful ftr tho
kiuducBs, cordiality and fervor of your
warm licai led, old fanhiouoi., l'ouu
sylvauin welcome I
: Liko.mauy othor orgauizalioim and
ooieties which owe their origin to the
t'xigoncie and nccenaitici of the pa
culiur tit'curaslances by which tholruo
nicD of tha north , fyund thmnsolvca
turroundod tt the Capital of thoii
country, during the perilous and dark
hour of tlio war, yonr "Auociutiun of
loyal Penrnylvaoiaua" La suivivod
the rilel!ioo, which it was devignat.
ed to aid in kuppreiaia ; and it ha
long liaeo attuiuoJ that eavlable po
s'.tioa ia putlio couQJccee tn regard
lo which Iho lutcllicnce and (bo in-
tagrity, tha high uhuraoloraitd tho pa
triotiaoi of ita tucmleri 10 emiucntly
eoiiilod it.
Your co laborora ia tho political
vineyard at homo, , in recozollfoa of
your right Uepublicaus aud of yonr
fuijluul ood ellieioiit sorvicen - to the
eountry, admit your t reproafivtativca,
to teat around tho oouoeil. irea ot
party, aoJ uonei aro moro RlidIy'..N'I
oomu l.aa-f ta iS dulatea ttiore rot
peutful altentiou given, ia tho ooa
feiitioos of our State, than to thoio
whom yoi) joiul a .the rtprtasnUy-
uvv oi,tuo "loyai inoa ot t,.uU,,l7'va
nl resideot tt NVftnblngton,'
- Wbta wp had ;b pleasure of, moe-
tin on a altuilar ' occaelon last year,
our politioal Bkiee wero not entirely
freo from cloudi J for whllo wo bad
oarilod'our StuU by 4 njujoally," upou
tho ocrfKute lOtiogitislofial jwoto
qearf? 5,000'Jorgat Jljrj hu sj' w'lljjd the severilios of tho pousl oodo,
efooted our Ijlovernor. tho year b"u
(of, yet, rotn,a(l ;bvfr COplJdonce, ,1a
at,r pwo tronjth," pr perliitpi :ar un
djr eattmata q lhe aloeploa aotielty
oii, political foe, who d'-fallen be.
kiniin eeverul afour dLlricle, aud
01110 of i'urViniiriti, JSuiUlJo
tory -ha I Jrhl itno an J. ecowufd
w(.h lit Littue? lafurll. i M Wt
f trmt'ooiWtttlmltlrtR lAdefednu
t Hut, sir, wari)w4by that experi
ence, tin) nium to cotrtoMltat wroug
ttie Ifyrdy vetitrnae In the Hepubli
aan rank) rallieJ, mtU" reuowod vigor
Ust full, aud, wltK' a' 'doUfuiloatlou
- . M f
that could nut io? ahort oi luccoe, '
rolled up a majority more than trrioe
ai Urge a any we hive giveo at any
State eteelinn eince that of I8'iil.
AdJ that majority, won in a ronteii
warmly w.iged and a honorably
and fairly conducted upou both i lot,
at any vr hitre ercr hal that mj ri.
ty, wan by the mwarerio,; Union moo
of 1'cnraylrania, we teuder an ear.
ut of tho 4),000 nnjority they in
tend to giro, when callel into action
by the Uepublicaii bult hlaa'.e in next
NdVembor. Yoe, air. 1 repeat, tho
treat Stiito ot l'ennylvania, whiuh
in it patrinld arlor, sent into the
war, for tho nupprcrsion of the rebell
ion an I for the delboeo of tho into);.
rity of tho nnlion, dOO,0(iO as brave
moo an erer dri'w the tword or f.rj 1 n
musket ; that Stale, which you hart
t truly and eloqucot'y ! 1 nlwayi
atntul firmly by tho Union, warmed
ky the inJ iii( iUe, ii'.itiilt ro.ily
ad eagor D give lo the great Captain
of tho war, her already designated
and choaou leader of the Republican
hoats 111 1S72, 370,000 a liyal bull its
a were everc:i"t by intiiliout (roe
men, aa a teslimoniil of their unaba
ted attd confidence in his
sterling iiiterilr, tiia l j ntrioli-ui.
and approve! ttatoananthip, an I of
their uuiUi!iflol on liinomout of hi
inoit nccemful adniiiiiatrtitian.
You may wall Hpoak proitlly, sir,
of our grand old .Stnto, an 1 of bur
matchlei! history.
I.c'stlian two ccnlariot havj elari
od nince tho col my waa founlel by
leeJj of peaco ; since William l'onn,
the l'roprictary ol the Province, and
hi provincial aaaombly, estublishod
oal promulgatod tho e? wiio and be
nefiocnt law, under tho lnp;iy aud
healthy iullucncoH of which tho com
BKiiiwe.ihh .In flourished en I grown
into ininiBcent proportio.ii' auJ iiu
pirtsaoj of an Kmplro !
l)ii4roirditig tho political sjjIouis
nnd govern men'iil thcoriie of tho old
world, an I revcrontly truitit g that,
under the favor and guidance of IK.
viue l'rovidenco, tho great aud essen
tial principles of liberty nnd fres gtf
ermout might be recognized and ntiil
terubly establishod, in their new home
tho coluuifit uuited in n former de
claration of univorsil enfnncliisouieot
an I univorNa! liberty, involving tho
princi pic ndrpted ns a part of th
ruudumcntal law. and as a cardinal
doctrine in their political faith, that all
meu aro Loin cijna'ly fruo uud iuJu
poodont ; that all power a iuhoreut
in the ponple, nnd all free govru.
mcnls tin founded in their authority,
and instituted for thoir pecuco, .afoty
nt) u tl:lp.l:es.
And there, air, exiles se they virtu
ally were, drivcu from tho hud of
their biith by religious and political
persecution", their great leader, 1'ciid,
himeelf, having uodergono imprison
ment ia the Towor, lor rofusiug to
abandon his advocacy of tho liberty of
eoneoieoce and froodom of speoeh the
door of bia father's houso having Icon
eloiod upoa him becauso of LU refu
sal to tukc eft" his bat to Iho King of
England and the u!;o of ).'ork ; I
there, in the wilderucgs, thcao pioneers
In tho march of eivilizatl ja tal fra-
dom, iu the fall of 1C32, mjro thuo
one hundrod yean boforo the congti
tutiaoof tho United States wnj fram
ed, rising above all unworthy feeling
of resentment, and promted by the
mibloat prinoiplee of thoir unturo, even
in the moment of their aliolulo pow
er, and reuhing almost tho sublimity
of iuspiration, doclared that all men
have a natural and iudefoaeiblo right
to worship Almighty U id according
to tho dictates of their own coosoion.
ecu ; that no human authority can con
trol or Interfere with the ritjhti of con
science, nnd that o jir3mci ebould
o?erbrgtv6fl,by hw, to any religious
establiauraenttt or modes of 'worship
' 'l'i,. .i.l..l i.-i
should le free and C'liml, nnd cento,
rles in advance of the civilisation ol
F.urep; and in denaaoo-of wkat was
then regarded by Htalciuieu phllos
ophors ie "tha,, rl;o wisdom of, (he
ago,'" they' declared that no oue shod
bf iuiprisooed (or tlebt they aofteu.
sbolikhiittf the death IKiiolly (u every
af, f Jiyopk lljaj y( wilfu,t)d deli4
erate umrd.r, and,. truo to the. ehor
MicJlHiuelpleVo Himveriar 'en'tialiiy
they twopt nwny the talblighed feu.
dal vu.lgt of jiriie igeaiiiji givlug t-
ul the childieu alike a e.pml share
ut tho iuudritaaee of tneii' auooators v
jThcao fnmlllitr, fuel In ( pur . hUtory I
may ue true, iui iney are saggtuuve,
uiid oatiuot be too bfleu referred to as
xplaeatory of our wonderful ueoess
and avaneeiuint. Uuderour humane
jut aud liberal system of Uwe, thue
wUol nud tuppHy iuauguratwd, the
- f 1" ' . it '
SNYDER CO. PX, J AN I J A 11 Y 1 1 ,
population of I'fbaijlt'ania, which in
1370 had risoho 1 "4.00J now at
ceeds throe millions an! a bill'. In
the dovelnpmont of oar, ngri.
cultural and other reiourue wo hare
ailrancod m do othor poople hare vor
done before ; with magnitloint linet
nf railway and canals, attesting tht
public epirit and enlighteoe l eotor.
pi 170 of oar poople, cooitructd at a
coal of million of dollar, for tho
transportation ef our products, and
liko a not. work, extending lo almost
every diroclion accrojj our State, we
have, in addition, more milo.i of ril
roads in our miuos, in tho very bowol
of the eaith, thnn mnny Datum ol
th old world, which woro thickly
populated when 1'tnnsyWaaia wai it
howling wildcracee, hive within all
t heir border.
Duriug the curront year, not yet
olosod, we Iiuto taken from our ap
parently inoxhactihlo mine, an 1 sent
to tuirkot, tu ire than 17,000,003 teus
of coal, and from the f ullucsi of our
internal reservoir, withie thosa'ne pj
nod, have gushed forth two bun Irad
and tii'ty million gallon of potrotourn.
which hai been sent firth to
Hjhl upou m t of the ooiunireial
nations of tho world.
Mere Mr. Packer undo somewhat
axUuJoJ I'uforeoco to the grout farni
iog and agricultural iutsrusU of our
tSo, too, ia all tho dopirtmon! of
the Arte, soieoco, an4 maaufacturasi,
as well us agricultural, tlio official tU.
tin tics bhow that ro ura not bohind
nny of our siUr commonwealths,
while, guidod by aa iatolliont appre
uintioa and proper appicheniion of
their yeat rosjurotfs, and of tho truo
and just relation ol labor to capital,
tho iudusti iouK, frugal and eutorpri.
ing pooplo of our State have so pru
dently diverxifl'jd thoir Inluatrics and
wisely inve4od their nioius, tliat noth
ing hut the most utiwito uud uaiu.t
.. .
uritrsi or retaru
tho onward mttreh of their wondoiful'he waa pa.shing the husband's ft-ri
And, sir, not for-o ttin.', t!i!tt from'
.1. L r ... . I
inui iu nuijiu uiuuu is gtroo, nt Ji.ll
u-itl t.n r.,ilr.l II., ..I.I....I.H...:-
....... . , , , .. iu ii ujj.u
citizenB of Peniisylvania, through on
udmirablo pyslem ol both public and
tirivole charities, nro proverbial for
thoir liberal dispensation of fciumle
honefitsnnd b!cInfS upon unforlu-' that the beok-keet cr had just gone j I,e!uOC,&t he;irJ M-irk Train's !e--nato
or Hufr.tiug hutujoity. j Kolort etartvd for Allegheny i-.y i lur9 03 Artomu Ward, r.t:d ge
So aleo, rocogbiiiug tho vaet impor-Avlure tho deceaael hal re.'i JoJ, n: ! :BOn(C other goi I '.hlaji th? f lot in.-
taueo of eduoa:iu ' thoeo to whom the
acred Una of froe .ovatmicot is to 1 was jaat uluad of Liui, atd, aud li im! '11''0 teUing in the
bo committed, that they uiJia fully ft ixf.rioLce. kucwing tl.o virtue 1 1' l' k 'r("J
know their riht and underataud ' i.f nromn uptlnn. n,l annrehundir... Ill5a opiirose;.! 1 him .
. -
their re.-ptiMbilities, our Stats open,
.he door of tho school room to a'l her
cl.ilJron, poor sad rich nlike, end Lid!
tnomeuterl L-uJor tbo oj erattou of , Hand slrret bridre. when the clerk j '"recicy; u::ncjf 'VI .-:-her
free Kbool system tbii day, siuce as obliged to step to pity the toi l ,na- " H r:?c '.ire'ev ? Whi i he "
the riling ol this morning's uu, le-' while Robert, a ccamuter, raised Tho man wa .p'et ab?a'. five ai'a
tweeu the water of the IViLware and ' over without stepping. Rr aching the u;e'- '" s'-n ho said :
tho shore of Lake Erie, ia mre tbau Jl.eiwe of the wiJow first. Robert to'd 1 ''''cor V ran.'.s Trara i, kr:k'n
filteeu thousand schoole, Uujrht by j tho heart-rer.diag cewi, nai ia the aV S0'5 1 ' a I",'v CTef ,;c l-ng-eishtoen
thoutand toachore, oight huu-laamo breath made ft proposal of mar- !l!lJ ; djyoa think ta;y wilt pt Lim
died 'thou.aad of reunsylvau'u'a ' rige. Ho was aoci.uJ. Tra.MJ ' io a his'
bright eyed boys and glr!, the future,
meu aud wotuon of our cju itry, te. :
ceiviojr lastruotioa ia the lusama bv I
whlob. ;hey are to be prepared, for tho
pcrformanuo uud discharge of the im
portant duties of life.
la cloing, Mr. Packer paid a glow-
iog tribute to the momjry of 1'cuu
sylvauia'e soni who gave up their lives
that we might have aa uadivido I coun
try, praiied tboie who hid nobly vol
unteered when called to arms by the
lamented martyred Trosideut Liucolu,
and epoke feelingly of the soldiers' or
phans who aro being eduoatod and
protected by" good old reuusylvania.
Miss K.vt Stanimm, the Joctureis,
and Lot; ey, J'Wliow to Marry,''
have already been noticed ia theio col
umn. Here . are her couclustooe
which we print as an original and
rathor tiiitiv alvertisoutenl ; First lo
mo a ; "Marry a large woujan, one who
wears at leaet a No. 5 shoe marry a
healthy widow with kealihy childres.
rather than jaung girlkfor ahe La
had the advaataga of expeileuee j but
hes t of all, uiatry anold ruald, though
ho le diilicult' of aceeii." To womeo
'Marry a healthy 'rottoj j especially a
fat inuu, rouud like a pumpkiu ; but
iloul marry a j ivnlppy ntati (nnlcsi
U a reporter er't jitor, who ia' Lr
fed, prolttMtoaally le be a guwiper
Above all . don't marry," ale aaiej, 't
drunkard, a gaaiwVr, a quark doctor,
er a del'aiuer i'( wouieii."--Vn., ,,
j i : i .a.;... i'u i. i in
. A autooii ken'per having alarled bu.
iiun la e, buildlug white truul lu I
ueen utadei uk'eJ Ik fueoj what ha
hd bettor do wilh' the old , sige,
"trunk factory." ' Dh,".eid theftwud
"ju( ubauge (be T to J, aud. it will
enyl you ciljf.' v .
ip il f? f
Itluli linon i:tiMorfllnary.
Aa enlerttiul'iir nrtlole rn it'od
"Tony Woller'e Widow" apponro 1 in
the Chetitcr (Pa.) RrpuWcan, from
which the following is an extract :
Another very oourlablo widow was
a young la ly of Washington, Penn
sylvania. Sho became engaged to a
youn man named Uobcrt , in
Ilet father, however, objected
to this lua'.ch with one of bio clerla,
and when the yeun lady rceivej
templing proposal from a weaithy
suitor, the parental influence eoon el',
fectod a iiMtriage, ditspjia the foraior
cngag'jhiont. In l'S tlma throo
month her husband wa kille 1 by n
kick from a hone, llitcrt was a no
coud lime thon a sulti r, but 1 layod
iho important ..ieitloi until Cfloen
months had elapsed, h l', to bis ho
rer, hhe inlormed him thr.t tho wax
engaged. In tl.rco mmtl.s th-renfter
bo wan man led. Two years elapsed, jed ai the Ur'ja.:o ruaa'.cr, and naked
when the married couple removed to j if the merchant go U were on baarJ.
Syracuse, N. Y., where among the j ()f course they wero, but they ouoll njt
victims of chidery, when the psli. U)0 delivered nutil tha freight aod other
lence swept that city, wa second, charges wero pii I. Tb.' gentlo-nenlv
Kohett ngiio jtigl.t her baud, ntd taggao mailer with tho K'.IJ apt ti
when a year bad els.r.ed, was on the ce8 t(lfln j;.ar,, eared. Tho m reluni
oveof a declaration, when lo ! he tc-Wa, s ,. u.-r. I.nolily ho ha 1 a
reived no mvitat.on to wtddiog.
Her late Lunbund'a Insir.eHS wasf. utid
i.i.such a stale that to avoid iuimonrs J .,-Curity fer n 1 uo a .-h rt time. I.'a
losHcsshe married tie mrviving srt-jer the pursuaaive eVuionce of the
nor. Shortly alter, tie rcuiovcd 'merchant, Mr. i-'uplotoo hai )e 1 bin.
with her third buabaad to Dotroit, !0I10 thoufaod dollars, receiviu; t!ie
Michigan. A few jents elnps.d, hen.. ,( b u l" ai seeuritv. Tne" m.r
i it..j i ... i - .1 . ... . . .... . .
I " " ....-..-...
I .1. . l -.1 . . - fi. ir l. in .
"ll,c" """ "'v ..ii.w
that was wietked near 1 he
buaband crieheJ, and the wife neap.
el solely tlirougn the exertion ol a:
Iriond who was onboard. His gil-
lunlry inspire! euch sontiiBcnU in
her breutt that she married bcr brave
preserver a few raerill. falter her third
widowhood. The hnppy pair remo
ved to Plttaburg, whtie btr bustard'
waa engaged In uureimtile
'Tliithvr l.'obert, tltll vlerUing Lie) fitt
; love, lol.owed lUtu. UuO d.iv 69
lag in, be tcheld the tnar.g.e I corp.
of that uont'.cman on th i tbor. A;n,,rL. . ,i,i ii 1 1 1 i ,,. . .. . ., .
' r . . , .
.lurcoei rice, in oetog iiOi-iej loan
upper story, had fallen through the
traps, killing him Instantly. Auxiously
; i;.t1 ert iminirod if any cna bad boon!
I tn ir.r,,iu I.' lf., i. 1 i,.',i
!tl.. i.m .-ri.U n...t. Tl,.. I ... ,V.t.,e.r
i I I -II e
that the clerk had itu r o cn '.he wi i -
.w. ho ran for dear life. dj tv alio.
The race oootmued until they reached
hor promise, iltsr a year of mouroiog! "Train, T.aio, Goo-c ?n
hU became bis wile. A. nil bcr bus-iTra:a.M sail A-temui s.Meuis'y
i,.n.t. t,, I .iil, ,.r never heard of Lim '
comfortably End after all.
Thi cue
i a reiuirkulle example of hat pluck
and perseverance will d j fur u mao
while at the same time it testes
lesson en tho danger of diby.
WoUt.i'a Fair. American h"n!J
remeuiber that Vicuna ie to bavo a
world's lair iu 173. At the 1'aria i-iT 1 iiT ri.ias-'i arrilVn
rent irom tu's country toox a pri.e, the exr, out a. iat cme la.s a . j
aud lliete is no reason why the sa-ce'said .
thiug should not Le tepeaud at Yieo.J ' Yea e-nf. uoded laTim-s, 11
oa iu l7o. The eak tili.'u wi l uu-;oa ever hear ot Adam ! '
doubtodly be the la'cest thit ha c -
.. i U.. .... Tl .l...i
VIIVIVVVW WV M. MV- l-.l ft v . i
for the cxhititioo contaiu tour lim
as many iuara yirde a have ever
been similarly aocupied, and the prin
cipal building alone will have loocih
of four thousand lis houdrd feet. The
committee hviu tke matter ia tery day in the year, aa 1 attotter '
charge wi.h to have a full d eay ot !uo truly. A iuV.e;t fblaklai i u!
a .'I .11.... .
ne raw luuieriaie aea Biauunu-urea
articles ot'eaeo
uatjoo, with eiatiau.Uerereaalkas fai ed, aid wfc-Uer fcx
ia reference to tkefdoaeil. Tae lavr. rtth k brt:at
eI informat'oa tn
amwoot produced and the trade there
).. Speeiel stlarU will bo made le
I.ih Ika art r.ilUtiiia aa i-muidlA
.ki a:, i i ............ . v .
loin collection trout all the t-eraan
euu-wuiut, eiuiilar to the it.buUd
oa at Keusaiigtoo' Auolher Jpeeial.
i'y will be a eoieeeshsw aM' - we u.-d
hv liifferent r a I tout ia their doiutie
l ar : l l... I... i .l. ... u..'.u... l..
- - -
oruamental object, ia tact everetkioi:
usgJaWuta kouie". Ai tie Auti
lll.lia, tiivyia amain iiiiaiv,iw
a .atkn aa never M auvkUw pug uua ke tee-i a VTJW!4 t c t s w a4 a ,
of tkisvbaraetertkvy will. 4.U.iM iakU (m kU faiy. nliUv l1,ii..iHJtfi j j,,.
Tka erKwtaity a-x-kt UMI.U. reas." 7. . . i , . s , 7 , ! ' U hU l w
cuuutrj. ttJ.fv, v. U.ieMk
1 872.
A Ilia; w Intllc-I.ost ntsl,OUU,
Tho (Vlambin Sf of fatur.hy ais
that Mr. John Ii.;St.t h t m, furinui ly of
Wietr county, but now of Westmor
land, wa oicoly swindled out of $1,030
a few days aineo. He bad taken bid
eat in a train goiog wot on the Penn
sylvania railroad. Soatod next to him
was a pleasant nppearia g.'nt!einm.
who commence. 1 a conversation, in the
course of which ho informed Mr. S:a
plolon that he was a rnel ehant from I.s
trobe ; th it ho had a lot of pool on
hoard the Cars tiprn wbieb the freight
and aomj charges hal not been paiJ j
that ho could oot gt tho giols until
thoihnrges wcro paid and that at he
was out of ready money, ho would b '
ruijixi io ri-ni iiicjovoriiCtioo utiie lie
,Cou'd raieo the in ny in s mo way
At this juncture a g(ul!nati ea'ered
I tho front part of the car. w atin. "ill
anectactes. Aa bo m.h.1. ki i,.;'.,ij , a V S. coupon bjud of one
tLousnnd d illars. He woulJivc that a-
cinut tlieu disappear.! I Ij huat
ctiam men duappeara t u beat ;
I 1
3U j MU0 UiU jstJ.,,,,Uo;
Ihaggagc master. A halt wa to
made at II irriobur' Mr. laijlttjo
inquired of thi oudaetor coajtrairu
tho ba'ja
e mas'er wi'.b the lmI J i
spectacle Tho conductor inforaiud
Mr. Uplttoa i hit uj meh party w;.-.
coniiecitl with tho tra'u, and thit n j
such cool wore aboard. Ihj tru'.h
fla,i i upo. .i . . i r w u.
i it ..,m-n.i u ' i t. .- i
vvm. va-iii.uiu A' WvealUal
t.. t ;. ... s- . . ... . . i . . i .
.1 u
Id the
' taal
of a
de.'anc oil
n .
Wife In'.
i wcrlbiesa.
I ncivLitt". iiia ai am:
NO. 4:).
i exa..u 4Dj . f,:,.al oul. ...,a
'. ' v -o"'"" w r,,r
In. Ant ctlotf t,f ii t inn.
M aril.
1 A corrcsrondhnt of the R che:?
i -nmp'e extract : A
Artmu wa
mm. dread' ng
; m'ts-rr.V!e. a
i'. '1 urn, a id
. .
1 M,J :
I " voa hcT
thin; cf
i Ilora-' Oreeley's
1":s 'H'9orf- i'Ftr.e xn q-.
for fifteen mio jes, thon h? a.J :
ml'riil" chancti f.r tbe ruaiie-ey
I ie yoa '.ti ns hy w.ll ran am :
! ''tiraa:.' llraat ? Il ' it. nr,.
(aid Artoma. vj-a u ka.-w
i more atrxagers tta aay uxi ever I
I Tin nxw tva. t'.i Ac k it Lit
, Artera-i KvktJ unaaisa J t '
I...I,;. l.......'"
,,13 H Vlttli VVH'V
, " Witi!vv h I" ip Hix I'r "
Thara : .. V 4 ooaissavilT er
oeL-hVotacvxl frta
where tbie eatteg t axlvtv! arrmt
. te louaa airaot a ever toe a- lie
ta'ectaad a Ja-ce K faea ! . . ,. .... ., . .,
. , .. , .... J A rm.'fc.k HiSkT. -We.. ri'Ver-,
below the raece cf rpe-Ub,. ity aidj,. .... . . i . i . .
. ... . ' v 1 1 k !.w w r vl .d i 'v
J i 1 .. v. W'K .k. m-. ik- ..... L
be'vwe him, ka PliswJ eat, nt tV J
eountirbrkv!awke:nejV MV- ,lVvr..W i! FaV
staled, ;eaadrev,sieuVtru the, wltJ. M,
.Ahjeft ef T H.kVK4 i t h il i.wi
tak. Uuieeeiuirv..i WAider--.4i.llu t VJ tA &
I . .. . t -. . ... k . . . a: i. it
. " - " "
iqe, aad tt U !.vtr U. TitAj
kmd-WUt eiVvr ail kU wak - ;
tj ei.H aiaeianetr 1JS let
One eotmtiflone yenr $00.00.
(ine-half eolunin, oao year, 80.00.
tae-fourth enlumn. nneyear, 16.l.
On inre (lo lino.) one insertion ".
Kvcry addittunal Ineertieti 40.
i'roreseiouul and iluliies earda ot
tint triors than five line, vrr tear. (.00
Auditor, Kiecntor, Admiuiitralot
and Aasicne Notice 2. SO.
K.liioriul noiire per line IS.
All a Ivcni.rmenla for a aherter neriod
thitn one year are f aya'ile at the litne
ill ay are ordered, and if not piid tha per
aim ordering them will be held reepotmul
lor t bp money.
lawaaaaaapiiMainainiai jatapaaaaMwaaaaaajaaawaai
I'e ir Noih. I'll tell roil a aecrfll
l e eipture 1 n ' heau !
A.'ht Li.iir I lure II hi a until nqlllnj
Ami t .i rula 't ovi ling laorv a suow.
f shall aen I you n pard In Rwd aet.nn,
Ilio enelo. i.f winch Von will find.
In the p. lint wlioro l!io c irner folds djwo,
11 is an I. iui i a ') lutertwiue l,
I've But mo niw ft-hi .ii 1 lior.o-t.
All cntiTed in fe-uhrr ran I luee.
Wliilu d. lie tie riifbet and tt i .vuri
r ail gracofully orr the face.
My dre' importel from I'arU
A 'i eleiriitit lil tc lir ira le.
Which Ii tt en a ah ii fnr llii" eilv
In lime to eacap the Ie.
Willi hool l.f the il iintiel rl I rt.
, uhiio ii' the . ureal f sno.
A r li-tte the nil' nf n i inei r,
All iiuli (. jiii the lip of Hit) toe.
I TC i rf rne 1 p rri Ly li e di jeo.
Am I Mia nTi i .-iv. tiify're pare
A love of a wmr'i, wuti a .linni'ind,
"T j.i cuiiiiii, f;r anvihiru," ire.
1 d urir'.y f .rf'i'ti'n to nation
'1 In1 niiuie i-t iho mati I in to t I ;
I Ih.nk ii ie :.' t-r .M . n.
Jin! ng.v I can't tell tiich he e.ii I.
I'm i it " he rii'li s.1 o! I I'm ti9,"
I IVIi i ii.; i-. I m iaro I te'.'.)
!Iij a :ii I -.t ri -l .rn fire I. -r.
Willi m :.icli I cut - ic'i a i .''.'. !
I . r.,
r, my l-r N ra'i. ill! Hatter;
p i"'y, i-i i-i i-i ii j
I e of i liitu-. I c iti I mention:
'.r: ! ,r ;uo c r.i c i a', "jj iri' lUrjc.
MI?Jitlj Mixed.
.S inn yrara n,-o, wb.-n iho writer
was a reporter upn a:i I'is'crn piper,
it devolve 1 iipsti h ni 'jwr.'e for tho
ntu'1 editi a ,-i ii' tt-U!'. cf tl.e p'tscti
tatitn (if a gJ hcnlul fia; t- ltv.
I'r. Miide, tL c'yrjy-Lip of the r!a:j
and the loicrlpti ju uf p. it..: hj
killing ao.1 eauiae t'.i:!..:,e, wh cli
hai been put io o;era:ijaat tho fac
tory. Now what male lUv. Ir. M udgs
mad wsjth'i : The ir.e.uslcra'.e buc-
, -ant; r wiio mlo up iiiO fvrxi ofthi
, piper o; tl.; to Ijca's talxtJ urs in a
f.-l fal uii:.arr, ua ! nfa u w. went
: 1 1 r r. . v - : .v i t-. '. ,k ,
.r.,' r-u.: :
vera! :L: ?.:: Vr. Milgoe
.lu: :
f a t
j'lOUs !.
"el ::pj:i 1 i:u jester Jy, aci
if c.riVi'ia o i t'.e u:.i
w..j seli.-d b- lbs h;n 1 leg
l. a.' a bcr.M ua;.l h. reached
' s
aria -i.J
'.ho h
va'er ua'-i II. frnls X-
j'ain-.-1 the fV;.':t
treeu'.ed 1. in i
tf their v'.'i: ail
:i a Tiry h-oxo
geld Lv-aied lu'.cLer. wo fa'
L.Rilvtiieti . t'Tan ti-a aroaad,
- :t his it,r,a: fro n e a: t ear aalia
i.s ;ha-i a ;:;li:'. ; '.L; riroii-! Wis in
:.o waicr T-;:ei;-3a L ca t fj.--ivirl
i-.i :.t:t we-o :i:50
ka ti,a !.-.-.? ovc"rw.r:i cue,
id for :l.itrei; n t.. I 3't a'.-
:rxrt t; Jj :-aa '.-il .ain
irtau; t.i, :.r ue xai;r .a
ah a hue ajlma'. wn ca: ia.o;'rig
'son: wai is: iv ia'fi's'-iog T .e
i.c'. or c.acl ii?i hl rravricj wi-a
tL; :v.a;lia :vi hia aai is !.
:;uc :La-'.ike. to wr.: .: w i.-.;
uaCaiia'.o i'n.-'a.a aai wjrul
up it.O dv'.icu-tia ia-..e The ?a
t .?a will !.-; t r:xr.r.! r? I ty tie
.i.i:.or' fritad at ca: cf t-i ait'.
.iciigb::-; -:' ui? Id U.t
; ievJ va be pr.-varti f-r a.'uei ceau
,a poanl. a-.i we r t-u tiiai ia.'
1 . . .
: z.t a.ii-
il ti k-ujca..-ly.
' I'.vi ar A
; i'r. a a re.o '. ..,. 1 1
i.wp-eu .t arr.-a- t:.; i
sear e.i ag .W'..'.-vf ' li. 1
ere io ia i u :j a
if. 3 H
lila; ii'- .'fee i;il:i-d ail
e.'.: p;-: a-i a-l-i- ;aj
o:' t .
i i i i
- .v
.V o.
V.. .- ti tSa f-Mi'a ' t
:ra-i . 2 iia U-a.. e tiiA- ar-ire tiny ltia eaae
tt h -e,3 ef os itii-iJ
( 3S
,. .
rt tf.Mi 4VN' lM l5'
a( "
f ?'' ' ' --
ke eatere-l ta
v-.., VI a. ,......
iTsat X' A e sav
, 4 t' i t
- . v.J
.. a . . a. a sew a s, a. ftoik a. Hk.
V .'
4 .
AKatJ T-tr mfi
rTt:riv rr'wwr--isy