The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 04, 1872, Image 2

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    MIDD1BDUUO, -TAN. 4, 1873.
i. CHOCS I, Editor and rroprlctor.
rt governor iNim,
The Governor's 3letage
Ouroroor Gear; 'a iiiuaitge Is to
unusually compreliotis'ft ducumont.
All tlx mora prominent lntore.s.4 of
llio Cotnrnoo .vsnlih litvo received Jut
attention Itau lli Eicaulivt, m l his
igcjtions are gcnorallv wio noJ
A full ooJ very iilinfuctory cxtiib
il In girt a of State flrionco. From
this il oppotn that llio reJuctions of
Iba public tlii-l sitico December 1.
13'Jrt, hive aaiounteJ to 8,72 ,333.
1)4, tnl fur ilu yoar errling N'ovetn
lief uU, is. i, to OJU. 1( . i tic
loU remaining unpaid nt ilia latter
dato was 0,07 l.7-i, (rotn which,
however, should bo lubtranltftl assets,
in Ilia form of railroad bonds, to Iba
amount of 89, 400,000, aoil a cash bat
nncain tbo Treasury of 81, 47009.50
The bilsneo of dubt unprovided tor is
therefore, $13,103,203. II.
Fro in tlitt'O figures it will bo seen
that within the lust fivo rcsra the
debt of tho Sluto, baa under tlio rule
oftho llepublicaa patty, beon practi-i-tlly
reduced uioro than ooe-balf. lo
less thao soother lustrum, at tbe tame
late, the whole of our Srato debt will
1)U oxliuhuiabe I. This tuocsssful
fioaauial mstingomcrtt if at creditable
to the party in power as it must bo
gratifying to the taxpayera.
Iuto th aubjoct of the State war
claims, which wjs ao largely discnsol
ii) the newspapers a few months sinco
tug tJovcrnor enters with much tula
utcooss. 7isaccouut of the varioui
trniuautiont between the officials of
tlio State jan J General Government
exteuds back over a period of loo
years, aoJ show that cUiuii ti the
omouot of 82.919,400.11 haro boo a
settled and collected, while a balance
of 820-,710.0S, for which clairaibive
been fileJ, is slill la suspense await
ing the action of tho proper depart
ments, an 1 further claims to tbo a
mount ol $100,000 are yot to bo sub
mitted, with a good prospjet of being
1'elerenco is mado to tho sail pen
ding between tho Commonwealth and
tho Credit Mobilur (or a la go balance
of uupail dividend taxes, and tho Le
gislature is urgad to take whatever
act that may bo Decenary to guard
aaiuit possible) difficulties of the simo
kind in future.
Attention is called to the impor
tance of giving ofloet to tho popular
veriiol for constitutional reform, and
of the Congressional apportionment,
rc('raJ of the present I.3giil;itiiro
by the provisions of tho National Con
stitution. Considcrsble spaco is derotod to the
subject of education. Legislation is
atltod to "remoJy any defects in our
bchool system that have heretofore
failed to tunko it thorough, compre
hensive, and universal,'' which is
equivalent to udvocntiog compulsory
education; and liberal appropriations
are recommended both for tin com
mon u:hools and the soldier's orphans'
Tho National Guard Is shown to
luvo lacrosse J in numbers anl efficien
cy, a full report ol tbo pardons gran
ted by the Kxecutlo during tbo year
is apponded, sol fitting mention Is
nude of the publio services of Senator
George Cotinell and IIjii. David
Btanlon, Auditor Gonoral elect, who
Lave died within tho year.
Numerous recommendations and
renewals of former recommendations
are made l y tbo Governor in favor
of legislation which he deems noeoisa
ly or expeJiont. Among tho most im
portant ol thosa are thoso suigop
tiog the passago of laws to nnko vac
cination compulsory, ostablisb a State
Hoard of .alllt, and saoction the ro.
tnovalof the quarantine aialion from
tbe Lazaretto to tho mouth of tbe
Delaware river, or to some paint up
on tho bay.
Tbeso subjocls are eminently wer
thy tbe earnest consideration of the
Legislature, and will doubtless receive
it. That portion of the iuosage rola
tiog tethc coal mines Is no Icu Impor
tant. The frequent and fatal aooi-
denls, and occasional ooourrcneo of
each calamities as thosa of tbe Avon
dale and rittston, is eridenbe either
that lbs atiaiog inspection law is In
adequate, or that its execution has
been placed in lad bands. In either
ease some remedy abculd be applied.
Tbe Governor wisely 'refrains in' this
ratssags from any exteodod discussion
. of national opics. 21 touches briefly
however, upon the tariiT, deprecating
tbe assaults upoo it and tiproseiog
the. patriotlo hops that oof Senators
and Uepreienlfttives Ja Coogiess will
( prtstnt solid phalanx in 'defence of
Ike atloo'S industries. ' , "..
Tbs metttge as a wools will strong-
ly eommeod Itself te the people of the
,- Commonwealth, and deserves the at
tentive ooutideratioo of the Logitlt
tur. " U is is aoue rospoota tbe ablest
Stats paper wbleb has emanated from
ear present ExecoUvs- Ftti '
" TliO. t.egstiifs.
Doth branrl of the legislature
mat Toeiday, the Senate at 8
o'clock p. m., and tbe oue at 12 m.
In the Senate no Imintss was trans
acted save tbe ealliog oftho roll ' nod
rending the rclL'roi of the election of
new inomScra, whea an adjournment
toA place until Wednesday morning.
Speaker llroa.lbeaJ hat Israel hie
warrant for an eleetion to fill tbe vn-
caucy in the Fourth District.
Tbe jute of Representatives was
organiied by the election of William
Klliotl as Speaker, and Qun. Selfrigile
as Clerk. Atexinder Morrison, ol
Cutler, takes the place of Mr. Lee, of
Philadelphia, as nssialant clerk, and
John F. flioruian, of Philadelphia, '
the seruonnt-nt-nrm'. J. A. Smuli
is rctaiucd in his old position as resi
dent clerk.
ProorcdlrtKS ol I lie Snyder Ce.(
lcatber'N lustllule.
Sblimsurovi Deo. 2C.1971
Tn ptirsuanoo of a call ma la by tbe
County htipermteodftit the Teacbere
Institute commonced its Fourteenth
Aonual Session, oo Tuesday, Due. 20
171, at 1 o'clock, '. U. in tbo OJJ
Fellows Hall Selintgrove.
The Instituto wna called to orJer
by the County Superintendent, and
opened with prayer by II. C. Haitb
oo x. Ia the ubenco of J. V. Fisher,
tho Secretary elect, Win. II. Moyer,
was nppoiuted 'r . U'm , and I'tof.
D. S. Itnjer L. W. Anspith, were
chosen assistants). In the abneoce of
the Treasurer, Dr. A. il. Dialer was
appointed to the office.
Tho following persons wero ap
poin'.ed as reporlors for tbe different
county papera : M L. Erleumeyor.
A. M-, W. V. Scharf and 1'
l'rof. U, S. Iioyor. L. W. Aospacb,
P. M. Teats, Mi.-a rl. Mitman and
Wm. II. Moyer wero elooted as n
committee oa permanont certificates
The roll was callod nod 33 tuachere
retponded. Tho President tbio in
troduced S. 6hipiuao, SupcrinteoJeut
of Nort'tiuroberlund county, whouiado
a few prsctical ramarks on Gram
mar in which ho strongly recommen
ded oral instruction. He was follow,
ed by U. II. ltrowu, nf llarrisburg.
Co. Supt. Moyer and W. H. Moyur,
who mado remarks on the eelijeet
Mr. Anspaoh then introduced the sub
joct of OeoRrnphy. He suspended
several of (iayot's Wsll M ips and
gavo his method ofleaohlng the pby.
Meal I'buracteriitits of a country, and
also navo his method of chanting, in
which tbe Institute participated.
On motion adjournod to meet this
evening at 7 o'clook.
F.xereiscs ppnedjl)v musio, by L.
W. Anspach and bis pnpils Devo
tional cxercisijs byjltuv. Wm. A.
Ifnne. The board of .School Directors
of Selinsgrove wero elected honorary
memliors Tho addross .of welcome
was dclivored by L. W. Aospnch and
followed with responses by Prof. D.
S. li.iyer, IV. Plalcr nnd.fos. S. Ar
nold. Heading by Dr. Pfaler, sub
jects ''Tbo Whiskers" sad "Socrates
Snooks." Adjourned.
W'tditml.ii Mtniinij, Dnc. 27.
1 he exercisos wero opened by Prof
Hoycr. Practical rotnark on compo
sition wero nndo by S. Shipman. A
class in Elocutionary drill by Dr. Pfa-
lor. Directors II. 1. siiiitu, dpt. s
Sliadel and H. 11. Leisenring wero
elected honorary membors. Koll call
ed, CI members proieot. F.locution
was tbon resumed by Dr. Zeigler,
who introduced now characters to rep
resent some of the sounds of tho lan
Prosidiog officer in the chair. M.
L. Krlonnicyer, II. K. Saudors P. U
Holler. P. Herman, and J. II. Arnold
wero appointed m a ctiumitlee on
resolutions, and Elslo Mitman and
Miss L. 0. Kvans as a court of or.
rors. The subject of Hislorr was
th on introduced by Mr. Shipman, and
was furthor discussed by L. W. Au
spacb, Dr. Pfaler, J. S. Arnold and
Win. II. Mover.
The usa of dictionaries was tbon
disousjtd by S. Shipmao, Co. Supt.
Moyer, XL II. Drown, D. S. Uyor,
Dr. Pfuler, J. II. Arnold and Wm. 11.
Moyer. During the diboussion many
valuable snggestioos wore given.
Hcceis of Ce minutes, after which
the roll was ealled, and 72 membors
retponded. Previous minntea read
and adopted. Messrs. J. Ii. SaviJge,
T. W. Wcatherwax, II. C. Haithcox,
II. T. Long and It. II. Sbindet were
eleclod as honorary members. Nest
in order a selection entitled ''Tbo
Hypnchondraio," read by Dr. Pfuler,
which fronted considerable morriment
Tbo subject of Compoaition was tbon
returned by Wm. H. Moyor, and was
discutsod by D. 3. Boy or, U. II.
Brown and Dt'. Pfaler, after which
U. II. Drown gave bis method of
teaching elementary drawing.
Oo motion adjourned to meet this
eronleg at 7 o'clock. '
Institute callod - to ordor Ly tbe
President. Exercises opened with
music by Mr. Aospacb and some of
bis pupils. Uot called anl previous
minutes read arnd approved. - Next in
order was the Premdont's inaugural
address, so hi got "The Common School
at a field of Labor.'.' Tbe production
wts carefully prepared and well road.
Rev, Wm. A. Haas next read sn es
say subject "Show thyself a Man."
Tbe essay abounded is useful loatrue
tion, was well interspersed with wit
and humor, and was highly apprecia
ted by the audience, A seloolion eo
titled "Tbe Savin," waa next read by
Dr. Pfalor, after which It prodoctioo
was read by W. E. Hoaioworth. sub
ject "The troa Dot always tbe prob
able.'' Tbo next in order was tbe re
port of tbo Court of Krrort, after
which tbe Iqititute adjourned,
' Tuubsday. Deo. 28. President In
chair. Exereises opened by reading
a portion of Soripturt by ii . We An.
tpaob. Tbe tubjee, of reading wat
then dltouaeed by Co. Supt. Meyer,
r. . uouer, . ieuori n. itats, ut.
Pfaler, IL II. Drown, Prof. Doyeraad
II. K. Sanders. A number of words
that are frequently mispronounced
wore written upon tbe board by VT.
ii. Moyer. Dccess of five minutes,
after which the roll was ealled nod
59 members responded. The Subject
of Arithmttie was then taken up by
u. ii. inown, who gave Ins method
of teaching this branch to elementary
classes, lie was followed bv W. 11.
Moyer, who gave a class drill on tbo
subject. On motion adjourned.
Institnte cal sd to order by the
PresiJeut. Aa es'av was read bv
Dr. Pfaler, subject "A Retnppset of
ruoiio .-scnooie," aner which the Co.
Superintendent read, for the benefit
r . i I . . i ...
oi me uirecion, ine spoeiil instruo
lions to the different aupirintondeots
relsling to their reports conesrniog
scnooi nouses, gmtim!, out-bmldings
niroiture, eto. 1 lie necessity of ha
viog n nniformity of text books in the
county, was disoussod by I. Ii. Smith
s School Diroctor of the Doroah of
Selinsgrove. followed by Dr. Pfaler.
Supt. Moyer, and Prof. Doyer. The
subject of School Furoiluro was next
discussed by Supt Moyer, I. It. Smith
and Prof. Doyer. A abort recess, wit
piven alter which the roll was callod
and ill membors respondoJ. W. II
Moyer, by Moans of Pbystologieal
charts showed tbo necessity of brostb
uijt pure air, and by an exponraeot
proved that impure air ia injurious to
health ; theroby showing tbe impor
tance of properly ventilated school
rooms. The subject of ventilation
was further discussod by Dr. Pfalor,
V. II. Ilrewo, Prof. Doyer and Sept.
Moyer. U. II. lirowa then resumed
the eubject or Drawing and illustrat
ed bis method of teachiog map draw
ing. Adjourned.
Protidool in chair. Exercises epon
ed with music by L. W. Anspacb
and some of bis popils. Devoiioosl
exorciosby ltjv.'Hsa. Dr. Zeigtor
thon deliverod a lecture oa tho sub
Jeet of "Mental, moral, aod religious
culture" This lecture evinced pro
found thought aud logical reasoning ;
well delivered aod contaiocd many
valuable soggeitions aod saadea vory
favorable impression on tbe audionce.
Alter tho leutwr L. W. Anspach read
a selection entitled "Wanted a Minis
tore Wifo." Wiu. II. Moyer, ' The
Coquelto Puoished" and Dr. Pfaler
"The Drunkard'a Wire." Tho readings
in general teemed lo bo well appreci
ate!. Adjourned
Friitay, Deo. 23, 1371. Institute
was called to order by tbe President.
Heading portion of tho Scrlpturo by
l'rof. Doyer. Next in order an esssy
read by Luther Krlenmeyer, subject ;
(Holy on Yourself). J, S. Arnold,
then tpoke on tbo subject of P.leoion
tary instruction alter which Wm. 11
Moyer conducted an exercise in pro
nunciation, lh was followed by U.
. Drown, who gave some segestious
on accent, ufter which Dr. Piulor cjh
ductel a class-drill in reading. Koll
callod and provious miuutcs read and
approved, Committoo on resolutions
reported ns follows i
HetuUxJ, That we regarl the law,
msking it the duty of the Conniy
Suporiutondeotto bold County laHi
tutcs as A very important ensctment
believing that these sail gatherings
sre productive of much good to the
caue of common school eJucation,
haviog a (cadency to clcvato tho pro
fession to its proper rank and we doom
' :t a..i i ..... M . . .i
iv iuo wuijr ui gteijr ivauiier in me
county to attend, and urge epon diroe.
tors the importance of granting the
timo speut st the Institute.
Ritolcetl, That, as the law compels
the holding of Institute.), we recom
mend the enactment of a law making
it obligatory upon toacbors to atteud
aod tho direotors to craut tho time ac
tually speut at the County Institute.
litiolvtd, That we rocouimond to
the directors and teaehcrt of the com
mon schools, Townsend's Patent Fol
ding (ilubo, the eounty map of'Peun.
ylvauia,' aod the Map of "Amcricun
I'uion and world,'' and "Tho World."
lte$ulird, That we regard the
Pi-Hnsyvinit School Journal with
the highest favor, and we hereby ex.
piess our grntilutde to the on J,
P. Wiokorihaui, its proioot editor, for
the improvement he bss made in it,
aod it alTords us pleasuro to recom
mend it to the teaohers aod educators
ol our county, and feel gratified in
knowing that so many of our teachers
are subscribers and 'readers of the
Refilled, That in Wm. Moyer, our
present Co. Sept., wo have tn effi
cient ofBcor whose skill aod experi
ence render him peculiarly Gitod for
the oRico and from whose labors we
are yielding the moat banofic'al re
sults, and it would be H wise policy
to eontinut him in the position bt to
ably fills.
Jl'tolued, That our thanks are duo
3. Shipman, Co. Supt., of North'd
county, for bis valuable instruction,
and we regard blm at a progressive
teacbor and we coogiatiilate the oit
ixent of Nortb'd Co. in baring such
an ntorpriioz offioar.
liesolvtJ, That wo tre uodsr obli
gations to Prof. U, U. Drown, of
Harrlsbnrg, for tbo iostruotioo be Im
parted in various branohes dorlog the
session of tbe Institute, and we here
by tender onr thanks to Kev. Wm. A
llaaa. Dr.Ziegler.aad Dr. P. R. Wag
entoller for the excellent addresses
which tbey delivered before tbe In
stitute. V
llttolotd, That the proceeding! be
published in all the ' county papers,
'. School Journal, and Educator,
, Next in order wat tbe selection of
a place for holding tbe next Teacb
er't Iottitute. Middlebnrg was the
place selected. Dr. Ziegler thee en.
KtRtd tbe stlenlion of tbs Isstitute
on tbo subject ot definition. Ad
ioarood. .
Preaideot In cbair. Dr. Pfaler
eonduoted (to exercise' lo elementary
inetraotion. lie was followed by U.
H. Brown wbt sontiaued oo tbe same
subject. Oo motion L. W. Anspaoh,
Wm. U. Moyer, Prof. D. 8. Doyer
U. II, Drowo and P. M. Teats were
appointed o committee oo text books,
' Tbe committee oo 4 tsil.books ro
ported ia fovor Kerl'a Qromour ood
qoyVQwifpnfj - V
. . ' . . ',''..
Wm. ft. Mover. oooJuctod ao ex.
eroise lo Grammar giving .variono ex
amples lo false syntax. Ksoess. lloll
called tod previous minutes read fend
approved. Nioefv-'htee members
were present daring tbs sessions of
imitate, bchool Uoveroment was
then disenssed by A. Zcllers, Dr.
Pfaler, U. . Urewo, Prof. Dover fend
Joseph 8. Arnold. Adjoaroed.
(Vtistita tt'Siow.
Institute was ealled to order by the
President. exorcises by
Dr. Zelisler. On motion onry Mny.
er, A. J. Fisher oud L. E. Pawling,
Directors or Fenoe, onry lerger s
director of Middlecreek. U. D. Fish
er, Noab Doehter and Joseph Lepley
Uirectort or Monroe, ao 1 Jonalhao
Arboirnsta Diroctor of Washington
lp., were elected ns Z.inorary mem
bers. Dr. P. D. Wagotitellor thon
delivered a lecture on the connection
and relntion belweon tho mind and
the body, which contained much in
formation and was well received 'by
tho audience. t;ol. A. (J.Siinpsoa then
read sovers! uraorous poems, after
which Dr. Pfaler reniored "Tbe
Grcenhora'' which elicited loud ftp
plause. Institute adjourned.
WM. MOVER, Tree.
W. II. Mover, Sec.
Cuute of Ilurd Times.
We are fsst becoming a nation of
schemers to live without genuine work
Our boyt are Dot learning trades ;
our farmers sons are crowding Into
citie, lookiiif for clerkships and Pest
Uiacee; hardly one American girl ia
each hundred will do housework for
wages, however urgent her neod; ao
we are sending to Europe for work
men aod buying of bar artisans mil
lioos worth of products that we ought
lo mske for oursolves. Though our
crop of rascal is hoavy wo do not
grow our own l.omp. Though we are
overrun with lads who deserve flagcl
Intioo, we import our own willows.
Our womeo (unless deceived) shine
ia European fabrios; our own men
dress in foroign clothes; the toye
which amuse our younger children
hive generally reached us over the
sea. We are like the fsrmer who
hired his neighbor's sen to oliop his
wood, food his stock, and run his er
rands, while hia sons lounge at the
grog-hhop, playing billiard, and then
wonder why in spite of bia best efforts
be sinks annually deeper and deeper
into debt, till tbe Sheriff cloans bim
out, nod he starts wsst to begin sgsin
We must turo over a new leaf
Our boye and girls must bo tautbt to
love labor by qualilyiog themselves te
do it efficiently. We mutt turn out
fewer professional and more skilled
artisans, as well as food growers. We
must grow and fabricato two hundred
millions worth per annum, that wo
now import, and so reduce tho foreign
dubt that we have so long and so suc
cessful augmontod year by yoar. We
must qualify our clever boyt to erect
and run laclories, fernacos, rolling
mills, tanners, runchino shops, etc. ;
to open aod work mines, improve and
I ssli ion implements, aud doublo tho
present product of tbeir fsthor's farm.
So shall we stem the tide of tho debt
that sets stosdily tguinst our ehorea,
and ocaso to be visited and annoyed
by hard times. V. J Multanic.
Appointment to Ofllco.
The question of reform in tho civil
icrvice of the (ioveroment now bids
fair to receive tho riht kind of atten
tion. Tho board appointed lo inves
tigate ibis subject, bss made a report,
anJ preseutod a series of rulea for uui
dsoco in the appoiulment to office.
I no rrosiueot ia u special .Message to
Congress suya that after the first of
Jan , 172, be will be guided by these
suggestions, but thinks Congress had
better lexislato In tbo matter, ao that
future Prcsidetite will have to conform
to these rales.
The features of tbo plan lo regard
to appointments, are : First, entrance
into any branch of the civil service nt
the lowest appoiulment; Second, com
petitive examination at that noiut.
anl at every succeeding stage ; Third,
pronation; fourth, promotion ; tilth,
no fixed tenuro, leaving the power of
rrmovul with tbo prssideut, who, can
not, however, fill tbo vacaut placo, il
beinii required that the successor shall
come in according to the fixed rules of
the service. This, of coarse, whilo
koepiog in tbe hands of the Executive
the power to remove inoompeteots,
takes from him both the temptation
aod tbe scandal of aotitig from partiaao
motives. He can no lomrer aeoommo.
date either bis own or o Congressman's
political or personal friends with a
place, inasmuch as tbe right lo inako
most appointments is entirely removed
from bim, and placed in the hands of
aboard, who ean baso their owtloo
on the result of so examination. The
scheme is made to sjqily to all clerks
emDloved in the cuatom or ravoniio
service ; all Collectors and Assessors
ol internal ueveano, nil Collectors of
Customs and tboir subordinates, fell
Pcstutaitert above ft certain, gr.ue, all
Consuls, all Indian Agent and Pen
sion Agents, lo fact, every officer of
the Government, whether at Washing
ton or elsewhere, except a few of the
highest officers, and a limited number
in subordinate places, which tbe rule
Tut Candidates ior Governor.
A writer faom llarrisburg alluJos to
tbe activity among tbe Republican
candidates for Governor. At a lie
publican Domination it equivalent to
ao election, a keen competition may
be expected. The writer! styt :
. Gonoral White, espsclslly, is work
ing bard, and with considerable sue
ocas, lie will bo much stronger lo
Convention tbao is generally autioi
paled. ' Qoo. HartranA ia believed
16 be tl strongest mat, ood whoever
is oooiioated will Bad bim lh bard-st
man to defeat. Ketchum is popular
and will bs strong in the Convention (
wblle Jordan it highly eeteemed by til
wbo koow bim, bat atroog bocksrt aad
will inako good fight. After tbe
meeting of tbo legislature lbs fight
will begio. io eorpest, and by tbo first
of Ftbruary wo will be able to deter
mine tbo obaooos ' of tbo candidates
pretty deAoitslj, At priteot it U fell
William Wilson, of Howard county,
lod., slaughtered a hog, which weigh
ed, dressed, one thoussad and ninety
two pounds three ouocet, and wants to
koow who can beat it.
Rev. Kobkrt J. Dbeckinride. who
bss been In ill health for some time
past died tt bis residence In Danvillo,
Ky., oo Tuesday evening last. He
waa no able divine, and during the re
bellion and ardent friend and support
er of the Government. He wat ft the
72d year of his age.
Mb. Scmnir'b proposed amendment
to tl.o Conatilntion, limiting tho Pres
idential office to one term, it tn Impor
tant psrt of the Civil Service Reform
If we tre to bave civil office takeo out
of the bonds of politicians, and sn end
put to the corruption attending tbe
possibility of s second term. Not only
tbe Prosident, but all boldioe ofuVe
under him, are temptsd to bend tboir
energies toward (lie recswsl cf tbeir
lease of power; aud at long oa homan
Diilure is be it now is, mott men will
yield to inch temptations. Tbe rem
edy is easy. And we hope that Mr.
Sumner's amendment will becomo a
perl of the Constitution.
Valuable'Real Estate !
lly tlrtot sn errinr granteil by the Orphans'
Court of Mifilsr count- la the or.lrlDt,l. AS
mlnutrator nflhs ratals of Hmmarni Kits.
in, Is'.s or ( hspmsn township, ilwtass.1, will
ipose to put llo is Is, oa Us prtali, on
Tuesday, Jitttunry 91 Ii, isrj,
the following dsserlhod Ttlusbl rrsl sutalt. to
wit: All that ctrttln Mssiaan, Tantment and
situate In Chapman township, (tardar county,
I'a .aillolnlna (and of John St Kins, Jsrtmlah
ii. Hall, banlsl Hulirar and oluars, eunlalnlnf
1-1 :i ACH12H!
more or last, oa which are erected a largo, two
Brick Dwelling House!
llOl'8r.. A I. A HUE HANK IIAHN,
aod Good and Substantial Out Uuildinge.
Ao osaMent Pprlni of Water nssr the door,
and larxoHRCH AKIIol t'hnlco Krult. Tho
farm la nearly all elsarsd and undar he best
aulilratloni Is situatrd on tho Wast banks of the
Kusiahaniia Klrsr. naar tn si-hool huuio ehursb
and store, about half a in I la hslow Mi-heos Hall
falls. In ease the farm la not sole on the above
nemd ilay. It will be leaed for the term ol one
year Irnm the l lrst day of April nest.
bale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, of said
day, when due aitandanoe will bo given and
terms ot sale made knnttn by
PKKKY K H KM KH, Administrator.
t'hapman township, Dee. 12, I'll,
Iron, Kails.
Steel, Leather.
Faints, Oils,
Coach & Saddlery Ware
Stoves & Tinware,
Lse-wiN.o-wii, X'oiin'ii.
Neveiulcr 2, lHTI-tf
T C. KH KIT. Kit,
Chapman tnwbshlp .Snyder Co. ra.
Conveyancing, ( ollectlng and all other busl
nes entrusted to his earn will be promptly at
teailed lo.
j i i ornv nt Tjiw,
rrofrsilonal btialoeae entrusted tn hisenre
be promjitl ended to. Feb 0,71
F.aTtTB orOEonoE KLIN Ell ac'n.
J Tostamentary on the Folate or Oeorge
Kline, late or Heaver towuihlp hnyder county,
deed, having been granted the umlerslgaed all
Pirsons knowing themselves Indebted to said
tale are required to make pay men t without
delay and tune having culms will present thorn
Oct. 14, ISTl. tKOHTO.
No, 208 Norlb Whsnret, (sbos Kscs Bt.,)
9-71 f riULADELPAIA.
Psiry Township, Snyder County, ra.
Collections, Conveyancing, and all other bus.
ness pertaining tn the office will bo promptly
aueudod lo. Ottoe near I routmansvllle.
"jy F. HAN SELL,
ecooassoa to eAcrrtisa a eaaw,
Ko- 11 Xorth Fourth Blrtet,
Original raekagss Conslantl ea Hand.
-RepreeeBUdbyTH EO'g WWINErOBf).
qiiAh. iiVi io YEii.
sViio4esale and Retail Dealer ia
Coachmtaere' Materlale, Shoe Findings, j-e.
SeUaegrese, Pa. 8-1 tf
Furniture Warerooms,
(Uelow Arch, West Bide.) , .
Factory and Wu&rtuU Drpurimcnl,
ldU3 North 0th 8treet, above Oxford,
UENUr BENFER, Troprleler.
The snderilgned adopts tkls method of Inform
ing tha publlo that he has 0ned a hotel at the
above named plaoo, oa tko road from Middle
burg to Ueavertown, and that be la prepared te
ealaitala the pohlle.tilU trst class aocommoda
April t, ISTI, '
l OjijiiMjt.eui"yj n'iusis.1
. AgenlH "Wimtotl.
Orsat ladneemeale I
II 0 R LI (TH I s If ,
Bt s Bister of a (flak Priest, one or hit via.
tlms, who has mado her swap aner a residence
of Iftoen years among them, Her affidavits to
the Oevernment, emitting evidence against
Rrlgham Vonng ant the .Mere, The "Propfe.
at" In ooart. Trial and sentence or Hawkins.
Ntartiing ntneineares, plots Msnssmatione aad
v'ctlme 4TI negaa, (ally lllastntted.
or n'ar . a nartlcalars, tent free oa
appllentlnn, enoress,
lit KM Kl. Ii s.-,
Til Saosom btreet, I'ulladilphla.
riiA: or lohdoi i.irr.
Br D. J. KiawAS, the well known Joarnallit.
This hnok Is a heanlinil octavo of SSS pages,
embellished with wo engravings, and a finely
eieeuted map of tendon, designed and eseca
ted eipressly fer this work by eminent artiste
It eontalas a foil, graphic aad truthful state
ment el the Ntgbu, Mac rets and sensations of
the great Metmpnll of the world.
Address, )JLHKI,) AHHMF.AD Pelillshert.
lit bnntoa atreot, Phlladelpkla-
ioit lnra.
This splendid weekly.' greatly ealsrgsd and
Improve I. le one .of the most aicfal and In
lerestlng Innrnalt ever pabllihed. Kvery nam.
ber Is besnlllully orlnted en Sne Doner, end ale.
gently Illustrated with nrlglnat engravlae.
rvprv.vaung prv inventions i novelties in ,!
chanlos. Mannfacturos. f'hemlstrv. eheiovra.
phy. Architecture. Agrlcultnre, engineering,
Sclrnc and art. Knrniera Mechanics, lovse
tors, Knvlneera Chemists. Manalaclurers. and
People uf all Professions or Trades will Bad the
Scientific American
Of Great Veins and Interest. Its practical sag
gut Ions will save hundreds of dollars te every vturBBQou, and ractory in tbe land,
besides ottering a continual source of Valuable
nsiraciioa. i no ronors are asiistod by many
ol the ablest Amerlcaa and European Writers,
und having access to all the Wading Sclentiae
eeo Hocnnnicei journals ol I tie world,
umns of tbo Mclenttflo American ara constantly
enriched with tho obolsest Inloruatlon.
An OFFICIAL LIST of all the Palette le
eued ia Published Weekly
Tho vearlv namhera ot tha str-irMTirm
AMKRU'AN make Two 8plendldVolnmos of
-.r7 i turn aoovanu ragee, euivaieni in SIM
i a our -ioousena urtniary nook rages.
TERM".. as a tnri tl M Hair Yearidnhe
oi ton copies lor one Year, el.M each, S2,o,
Wltk a Splendid Prlmlutn lo tha iterson who
iro inf ion, CVUVIKling OT a C 1V Ol me COIO.
' braled Stool Plato Engraving, '-Men of Pro
: tres."
In connection with the publication of the Sol
1 entlria Aaierlran, tho nnderslgned conduct the
! rnefi estoa.ive Agenoy in u.e world lor pro
tearing PATKNT.l.
The best, way to obtoln an answer to tho noes
tlon-t an 1 oBtaln a Patent I Is to write to
Ml'NN tttllH Park How, New Vork. who
have had over Twenty fixe ears K erleaco
In the b irlnoss. No charge Is made for opinion
and advice. S pea and Ink rketrk, er full writ
ten description uf the invention, seoul l bo sent.
ror iniiruriiuov concerning American and
Faropenn Patents Uaveate Re Isinee Inter
ferenoeK Reiecteil t'asoe Hints on Selllno Pa-
tenta Rules ant Proceedings of tbe Patent
mice The New Patent Examinations
Kjttcnilonr Infringements, etc., etc, send for
INSlHWtrl loN lluoK, which will kemalleS
Iree, cn application. All bnilncse strlotly oen
hdcntlal. Address M UN N fc til.,
Pi-BLiaiiaoa v ts Hi iKx-rirro Asisicts,
S- Park Row, New Vork.
-' 1111 '. 1 .s I . . . -Lli
liuitell it Co.'i AhfrliitmtnU.
Free to Book Atrents.
Wo will tend a ksndsonte Paosiectaa or ear
ill, i-1 iia-i ao r a mii.t nint.K, cnntataing
over Sue Sue Scriptnra Illustrations to any
....... mkvu.. irn. oi marge. niTIDSAL run-
LieiiiNis Co., Pklla., I.
M ill nut Rip or l.enk.
VJ Ujr Inking an agency for THE
HOME OF GOO1 PEOPLE. Tho most sue
caMful bnik out, nearly two hundred dlagain
cent Engravings. One agent took lis orders In
ten days, uthera are dolnir aoualtv aa wall Ohoo
Dollars per annum can be made by any male or
.riiTMie navni laeing oruers lor taie uoouiar
work. Ilia best cheuce to make monav uflcre,!
Send lor circulars with terms ate. Eitra largo
laduceinenls oriered. Address
woh I Hl.NUTOK, iJl'M TIN fc CO., Hartford,
msroRY or
Tlie (-lent Tires
IwCHIOAUOsndthe WEST by Rer. E. .T,
(InotierkKn, II. U.. of Chicago. Only complete
nisiury. ;ug evo. auges CD engravings, tu.uoo
aireaaypoiu. rrn e i.oo. ie agents made In
te days. Prollts go to .uUerers. Agents Wanted
M. s. UOOUSPEEU fc CO.,Sf rark How, New
suMMEU FLowins ituLtis, ioa 1872;
Now ready, ttonslstl-g of over ISO pages, on
ruse-tlutod paper, with upwards of separate
cnts, and sfi flmutirul t '.dored Plates I Cover
a beautiful deslgo, la colors. Tha richest deslga
In colors. The richest Catalogue aver publua
od. bend U cents lor eopi , nut one-half Uio v.
no of the colored plates. In tha tm onlor.
awouotlng to not less than tt. tha prion oftho
Catalogue, 14o., will be refunded In seeds. New
customers placed oo the same touting with old
tree to old customers, qu.ltly or seed!, else of
Esekets, prleoe aad premiums ottered, make It
i Ike advantage ol all to purchase seeds of us
fcee Catalogue tor estraorulnary Inducement.
You will miss It If you do not see our Cats
log ue before ordering seeds.
Either of our two Chromos for lS7t, site I914
-one a Sowar plate of Rulboas Pleats, eouilit
Ing of Lilies, he. tbe other er Annual, lllennl.
al and 1'aranulol Plants, guaranteed the
ever Issued In this country. A superb parlor or
nament) nulled, post-paid, on receipt of Tee i
also Ire on condition specified In Cvtaloa-ua
Established U44.) Koehester, Now York. .
ACTIVE AGENTS to sell the Flnkle sad Ly.
on Uanulauturlag Uo's Improved Now Family
bowing Macelne,
Oenaral ome for Pennsylvania, New Jersey
and Belaware,
ISO. ISST Chestnut St., Pbllo.
J. L. I saoteoK, Manager.
lTOfitnble UuInes8
Will ho given one or two persons, of either set.
In MiDiiLaiit'Ro and adofuing towns, by which
th3r. .0"V fsllsa rr..m 4suo to Olouo a, year, with
hut little Interference with ordinary oeoapatioa
In selling HOUbMlOLli ARTICLES ol real
merit and universal art. If tbe whole time Is
devoUdamuch larger sum way be realised.
Circulars free, giving complete list of article
and commission allowed. T. tt, COOK, fc CO..
Uoooken, W.J,
(IncoaroSATiD iteo.)
S.O. Dbtwii.k, PresH
H. Wil.oa, Vice Pros'!
oar. Cntan.
Wm. patton.
Jo. Ochruodwr,
S. 8. Mrlne.
M. it. Htrlekler.
Herb't Thomas, Troa.
J. P. Frueeuir, ueo'y
J. B. Hash man ' '
U0. Hoglo
h. r. yon.
J. F. CliacsON, beo'y CoUuiUa, j'enn'a
Last os long uvalnas aajr oth
er kind. - '.
AGENTS WANTtl). Ageole make more
mono st work for ua than at any
Vtinf '''"i. "es light aad permaannt, far
tlculara rra. O. tiTiaaon fc Co I'lM All
ruMuAeit, FvtLUPJl, )UU, , , .
AMOISTHt llnrfy riiri.t'ded f
psnsea paid. tl. II. Ml AW Alfred Mo.
a nav awv -v ... k .
ALraarsMo. . ' !
Sens ilikl nMi,. .1 ... . . . . .
ArloettMne enresft trn. wit.. v
at l Philadelphia Cancer Inslfiata. est Arch a
8t , Philadelphia, pa. At Branch office by re
Mehlrchael, S4 Nlarer St , Perlalo, N. T tana
by Dr. Evarte, over ssOonesooSt., Aeeom N Y
CoVatre, Ne neeetl Medicines, sr Blood
HtlO Peln. rnrna vtlcalara. call
dross either of the ahoy.
IM POT FNCT Victims of es rty rndlacretlnn '
aair ahas. eaasing i.ervoas debility, prema-'
tar decay, Ac, wlll snd a mnst ettecteal, ar
i prra.rni cove ny anaresving. eonnoenttal.
r v. bniiaa, ron-i idico, rniiaooipnia.
Zhiwhjf A Co'i. Adoertttmtenti.r
By sending s'CKNT.T
with eg, height, eotor of ore and hair, yo wilt
recoil by ret ara mall, a correct picture or too
fnlanthusbaud or wife, with nemo aad Sato of
A boend easv assifie book f Ifco
Containing over too Illastratloa. With a Men
uris""' l'lelolll eaplanatory et Ue hevly
ia cKOLiaw awn niiait.
WM. t LINT fc CO., Phllaielphla Tm.
Profitable Employment
Wedeslr toongag a few more Agent t eelt
thWerld Renowned Improved HCOKEYB
rr.WINO MACHINE, at a liberal salary or on
Commission. A Hnrs and Wagon given to
Agent, l ull rartlcnlare fnrnlshod on eppllen
tloa. Addross W. A. Henderson fc Co. Uenoral
Agents Cleveland, Ohio, fc St. Louis, Mo.
lo yoa want an agency,. local er trn.
... . nirv
U ... Li a at... . V . . u. a .....
Lane. X. Y. or Ste W Randolph St. Chicago.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets.
. 1 1 n ..... -...a, . ........
iuavvi;iiiii.,vi.L.l'3 nuftscness,
These tablets present the Aold In Oombloattea
with other efficient remedies In a popular form,
for th cur ol all THROAT and LlINit Disea
ses. HiAee and cltkbatioii of tha
T-inOATara liamodlately relieved, and state
ments are cooaianity oeing sent to ino propria,
to r of rel lef in casas of throat difflcaUle of vsere
st imllng.
A I I'I'I iW Don't be deceived by srartn
V CLU A IVn las Imitation. Oet only
Well's Carbllle Tablets. Price V Cta. ner lia
JnllWy.Ktl.LtXK, IS Piatt Ht., N.S.
sane lor eireuiar. Bole Agent for th V. 0.
It Is NOT A PH YSIR-It Is NOT what Is pea
nlarly ealled a BITTER, nor I It Intended a
such. It I simply a Mouth American plant that
has been used lor many years by the ine.llri
faculty or thoso eountrles with wonderful snVa
ey as a powerful Altorativa and JnoqualiSpn '
rltlrer of the Hlood aad Is a riur and Petfsri
Romedy for all bisons of th
The Liver and Spleen, Enlargement er Ob
struction of Intestine, Uriuary, Citrine
r Abdominal Organs, Poverty or a
Want of r.lood, Intermittent er Re
mittent Fevers, luflstuuiatlon ef
of the Liver, Dropsy, Sluggish
Circulation of tie Dlood, Abe
ecsirs. Tumor. Jaundiee,
Dtsp),ei. Ague 4 Ferer
r their concomitants.
Dr. 01' Extrnrt or jmBEl..
Il offered to the publlsgratlnvlgoratnrai
remedy lor all Impurities of the blood, or If
organic weaknais with tohlr altondaut evils.
Tor tbe foregoing roinphtluts
Isconfldnntly recommended tn every family as e
kOUleblllll MlflMt. a n .1 .... I.I l i , I ,
,, , " - irveiy vaat--
ln all of the system, It give
heiltii, vigor and lone to all tho vital fvrces
sad animates and ferllBue all weak and lyav
JOHN ti. JCELLtKIC, IS Piatt Rt. New TerK,
. . "a"!!, iwi iue i mica ntei-..
Price One Dollar per Bottle, bend for Clr
, 'J
MO more A mntm i.iaJ A.a . 1. . -. .
reliable aud splendidly Illui'.raUil work on
11 TAlttaat & Ik .. 1 1. vb .
ItI.I ywn plrrurf t.rrinctne aod Urll .
antiii siau ao.'OVDll Ol tn til-
Iroui tlrooi In Muicow, Romt, I.on.lon, N -
VMlKlSr HUI1 - a a. 1 . .
....... M .nuniF:ii, roruann ana lata to,e.
Sr., In U' uaa.l. . I L J
... .. .u. ,, micaiaao. t;ontains s.'n
psgee and a siterior msp of Chicago. 40.0..0
"i1"' 60 ""r' Insreaslng ra
r.. -.-w-i ui uironipicie woran. rieait at
once for circulars, Ht.'llUARII UHOS., Pan.
Ilahfcra IOi. u. a tun. i.e.
,m" 'aiejsut oirsjojt, rUlltlUl)Ula.
MO U aoo jmr month, by Hlltntf
And How ther wereUada mr tl. ki...i.. . i
Triumph of our Self made Men, by J. D. V,,.
Cebe.Jr. Hy forty oailnenl eiamples, It teaen
es how to succeed In lira, and at tha same time
erneni manainu. mr Particulars, notices or
the press and eitra terms, addres, OEO. MA
CLEAN, PublUher, Philadelphia.
AfiTeiitH wanted.
for " CosvanT Lira UnveiLsn, by Bdlth
?J .?.rnl"' siseapod Naa, who. diselosum sre
-.1.111. u. ,!rll,nS. Iissuib Pun. Co.
Philadelphia, Pa.
I VF.R8. Ill (111 SllHlltl af bl.J
Write for Prlco 1.1st, to Ureal Western Osa
War If Pltt.liMp.rk La ..... n m . -
. ' . -------- B - , . . . M , UI . wan. II.
volvers bought or traded for. AgenU waataS.
A GENTS WANTED for a new
S. .k' ,lor's TSATSt. ADraTi ss.
'ffl2.2u". A., by ALBERT D. HlOU-
iniw.i iimiir Very largo pay.
Address COLL Mill AN UOOK CO., Uartford.
Iiiformalloa perululns
TDforTnaaianT sin
SI vosia a l.lbrarv of
rmatlon rorlalulnir to Ua in.tituti.,n. a.s
Obiool of Iulareat. Ky a City Missionary.
Tw Ilundr.d Engravings. Agents esll Sua
ISTiii."," Xm Jc" U-'ARl-Af, Pabllshsr,
to Broadway N. Y. w.
PSYCHOLOGIC Fascijiatioh oo
8onl Charmlna-. soonaa'aa ha ii..v. a...
Hum, H. A. Mow tn use this power (wktck ah pet
eess) at will. Dtvlnalion, rlptrlluallsav Sarcee,
i-imonoiogy. ana a tnoiuaad other wooilc'S
Prlco by mall el.SS. In .loth : nana- n..r. ai aa.
Copy (re to agents only. ai.ouQ monthly oatily
mails. Addrese T. W. EVANS.PuIl il S.lth
Otreet Philadelphia, p, m"
.Tha handsomest and most valuable hook to sa
Amerioan over tubli.had. m iiiu.ira.
lions on stool ud wood. Views oTeltloa, build.
Ings, rivers, mountains, le., eta. include .
sus statlslle of luT. ha 11 Urg Svo, pegs an
superb paper. Written by Jama D. MoLabe,
" -wmine, price, ae.uo. (toed agest
watted evory whore. Kend lor term to
4w Tteaamsoa Ulraat. PhlladelDhla.
t J is a Fcao
Li? 'MfT with th Or Tea e'Uvea,
' warraated o salt all Ustss,
l VsA F" ealn v.ry where I
( T1 "trade-mark" poaad aad half
1 J poaad package calf. sS
s' lor sole wkoleale ly hi
(la at ATiAaTioAPAOirioTa cn.l
St. Now York r.O. M t0S. ,V As
vwurnutf .
I 1
a venng, wim an otiporiuniiv to ail,
I -1 f e n Say selling our now T sUand
I U 1 Wlr ClothesYtneo I They last
11 forever sample fro, (iend for drooler
K 1 a A H .1 r. I nnAA Li Tl . .
' jlj! TtS-WBl I OMW iwvd by proprte
J il"vir All 5a,; I ,"'u' Hago'a Catarrh
a IW JliH Ucmedy.Swan Incurable
1 f 7 ' 1 ciwooZ-c 1ta.l,"
Iff " "if "ea or totorri Hold
A nm.' brSraraieUatUleenla.
a,ll ha UaAettMte ood
- CO r --n-ar of gwaUe Sor
j---S'.l.w. WaSM. mml Is
"a. ISeU by araart-O
twknb raaruasaf. "
aUaaa-aaaaaaaaaaSa.aaaaaa 2.-SWSS