MIDDLEOUaO, DECJ. 21,1971. J. CKOISB, Editor nttd Proprietor. Ton OOVEHXOtl UHITS, IX M.. JOHN B. tackeh, fT Vt'Mlll'RV. Juilftc Utitvlior. HitTerin wiJdy in our poliiicsl eniioicn from Mr. Under, wocouU nit caiiiitril!y support him, oor did wo vote fur Lin, but v to ts well m all fair doalii-j an 1 cunlM men, fuel ioclinoJ t ) ren ler to liiin that which lio jul!y merit, no nrjre, no Jcsa. Ia tissumin tlio iinpoiUut du ties gf hi oilice ho a0'ropoWr tlissp- oioteJ many It his able charge to tho Uratid Jur, ami th prompt uon nnJ accuracy with which ha dis entitle J all oilier business of lha court which came bafora him. Mr. . suitaiuad a gooi reputitioa as n law yer ; aoJ with a muJei.it inj will yuv jrno 1 ambitija and close applica tion to hit uncial d ittos ho tils fuir to buil J for Llmself a lasting ropuU tiuu as a JuJg. Democratic t'uliininlri. Tho Now-York Timet, of ths Mih inst., io an ahlj article, shows tip the falsity of unny of tho luoisitija against (ietioral Grant which the lem ocratio pspers aro ejnstmtly repeat ing. 1 'lies dofaniers of lha l'resi dent have published these falsehoods so ofien that, at lust (hey almokt bu-l peviiite. I box, and tho deloudsnte liovo Ihuin true, and theio is dan -er 'bought '''em at shenlTs sale. Tho of buooatmca tailing inti the .anie eonat..inc of ull thi was that the i plamtill lont liu raw inaterial, as well c ro1, as tho painted box, an jot no b'l-gw 0,10 of the clnrjca sjainst the i And, at le appears to bo a fancy (j.mi J'rt'sidonl is lint, ''ho wont iuto oflico j lleman, he ilinb:ld.s suffered RNully, cuiupars'ivolv a poor man sod is now '" l"'iJc r"clill! " Wt l1 a m Jionairo.'" That ho is not a mil- J1.'1" ,ilh ',U l;l.'':lg,ru' f'"' "J vW.1, ,. ... , ... . his sweetheart on fjot, wo niuv well iniiairo is hiiown uy lU) i.ct that Ins inuomo, outside of iiis ollijial saliry docs not cx.'oe 1 six tlioipan I dollars n year, llii pri p:t prj,jrt y,'' r l. i liiu a. .fin ... la ii Kir n R I tir " ' ' kU'SII llUII IrCll ll'TCS nonr !?t. l.OUIS. nail, nf ilni.!i -v m 1 I... - mi. iarutit. 1 lu rciu i u'lur wna iiin r ,i by Uen. tirunt tioru tho otlv.T litdr..!";0"' Wc" w.at use lie could i.ukejlricd and conJewiie.1 ll.e.ii on uu. ,. i i i ., , , , iol thciu even when he had them utr. : duy, nu J ou MmJuy Iho dcereo cftho outol the ono huoJrol thousand do I- Tll0 Mwmt, wl nre the p- couit ws carried o,,t bv iho military IiMgivun to hi in lytha ciiizons ol Ichssiirs of this material at tho .Sheriff a executiou or cijiht of t'uui, uud the NdW York b'ort ho luetiuo Treii. 'sale, deny the risdit nf tho pl.iiniilf to ouditi of thirty others lo tbo chain ileut" Another of tlio uuuibcrloss fabrications set s.1mt by ll.e Xow raw inalenol .Ion l mt us such. Lav . . , , J , , mil been worked tip ; und they deny lorkiumand .ngerly repoatoJ by h.i, rl.t 0 ihca Idiiional grotiu-l thai ether Democratic journals, is thai the il,c .horill's ealo passed to them the resident's I.)iij llrauch cottage was v.iluo of lubor dono by tho co.tehumk n present fim Mr. Murphy. Xai a,01'10 l,,f', l'a "erials, and ns you .n,.v . ...,. ...i, i i icnuoot now seporato tho two, defen- ifot.ur s wort'i of i.'()iirr,'i h is lccn , . i ,i ,l i durits nli-o c.uiiu Iho brna 1 stripes on "'"'c ,"c"""':thoiiaiio bjx. Tho pluii.tilVsjysthut 1'rrsiJcnt. Tho ,Vkii hm alio repeat- ! he ia not ou'.y otititlcd to reeover iu O'lly piintci a lit of twenty-.1vj "ro j acl'on' l',a vsluo of tho new hubs. hitbns'' whom linnt !. nr...!..... I " I to ofiba under lum'clf. Tlu ip- ;.1tf I lias iuvesti-nteJ the mattsr an J s:tys 1 ths list in quustinQ is fiNj iii every particular, ticular. Of tha tvvcuty.fuo so- i coachmiiker to coinph to his underink-1 tlio uccossnry niaehinory fur tho Ciiii led relitionssisteeu aro In id wsvl'"-,,uil,'1 b",t-T-T ;. n,l', in-.edid slituiionnl Convention ordered by tbo . ,. ,, f , not. nor the I'.cletulaiits for bun, then I people ot tlio Into election ; tho cn- itoJ tob.in j threo of tho others !tj0l)laiulUT lm, u ryht to pet back sideration of Iho Wal Option billsnd eallc relatoJ recoivod their npiioititmniits from Jolinsou, nnd were coutinuod iu cilice! woilh, including; the labor, nt tho lima ly l'residoot (iraut. of the sherid's sale; nod, centlemon, i t . . , . i . ,.i . . i- , :and we so think, and so say for to "As to tlio otijcet ot to don. Urait s , r . i ,n i . J ' . t . .. . hid I unylhlna e! would bo to offer course oa public aihu-s, snys tho ' , ri.n,iuu, for faithlessness in tbi net- U'ini', ,-wo do not profess in answer i tlioui now ; we merely repeat our . ' owu opinion, Hint iu tho tiiuin Iiis pul icy is a sound, wise, and bciioliciul coo. A finan of purer ptieuto lifo tlmu den. (iiant novor oeeupie.l the' rresideiitial chair. Ii it iut is it ! Worthy Ot tllO ricaidOll's position I -utu, .u. m.. in- luvbiuuarriuunio i'ieiiea, mill win tunc II en. i or oflhi. great r.alioo-lLat ho.houU lh.M gl T ,',lf",;,,cJ' a, j tiroly out of lha areua or polities, as it , V ,h i tuioii mat iiosiiouuilioll crejlll)r comes along, levies on lousht. t e bnvo repeutedly urued bo caltud te actouut tit any momctit'e lubor of the hhoeuiaker bestowed i oy every uisapprjiutci oilicc-scckor. who chooses t) iuvetit a ne-.v aim l..r ! against him? Wo have replied to theso ! Z i , ' . ' charges bccauo, by cconiat r-peti nun, moj, uii-uv i;iTj niipo.cu upon fradu'ouj minis. Tiio ni'iro tlior - oiiirhlv ihev nra hIi'ihI id.. . .. i enaiiifiuuy ittiso an I malicious thuv will aj'pesi' .... W 0 bcliovo that tho tU'l- l jority of tho pe iplo I - , l io.c upou iheso lignntiou. Tlioy is of fri.da lor calumuics with i.i I havo maid liu n-mi I,. ,: i .. . .1 . . .1 Fri uuiu ru"uo njriuni; ni'13-, ill the I rsHidoDt utuens Hut .j.i.ot aud(llll tiitl Kiriwu, pride of womanly tnoufihilul c,3ss of tho community beauty, aliould lake n foundation for a which rarely bu-ics i t . 0 ! f nctivtly iu! bound lor, siiiall and mierohcopio as politic, but which admires pluck 'au I j m.ir lern L innets re, they aro nol siletico iu rublio men, wbleh hates to!'1!10"1 flJuml"io3 iu tlieir att'r; , . ,. . . ,. , , . 1 their supei'struoiuro rts, however too, ., justice d-mo, ,,nd which do.pi- mjnulti a ttt!).uoii.l bisis-u a ses Iho cowards who try t, undermine milliner, to have tl trimmed with rib- a public reputation ly dof'un.io pii vata tbaructcr. Whatever n iected 1 s 1 Alfice-seekeis, like tho calumniators f the Sun, may do or ay, tho jroat majority of tho American people are lovers of fair play ; they detest nluii tlorers nad liars ; and they will hun-, or Geo Grant ull ths more bocuuso he gees 00 steadfastly doing (heir work, io dibreart of tho insulin nnd taunts of men who hate him becnuie ha will sot yield to their demands." !-.-. . . i Juniata County Court 4 flu mrious Cliuige. The Juniata County papers refer to tbe araouot of busiucss done by tbe vC'ourt there at last session, nod the war la wbith it was does, Jo a very tomplimcntsry msnoer. In tho case Middsgb vs. Todd, et. n. JuJe Junklu jc Lis obsrjse to the jury, dis poses of some positions taken by lbs couusil for tbe defcoio so l refers to aoms leiots in the testimony, iu s wanner not oaly humorous, but in a svay w iikk briofs UiO cass before tbe seeirsrej jury in Furb shape lint tliey could notl mil to apprcciata lha i irIiIs of the clurgo of polsonin!? Oaotral Kstchuro plniniilT. Tkiscss was cxevodiuislTlat her Iiojso ia lisltimore. is color liunioious throuKhout. TLo, follow log ia u portion ot tna ilnro'0 i " Tin plaintiff waDto J a new bueay; ho was willinjr, io lha irooJnesi oi his heart, to fcivc two old huggfea an i 810 to boot, fur one new one, io which libernl spirit ha wis met In a cones ponding mnouer by 1'railer, oftkii pltue, a roicliuisker. l!ut the coub tusker ha I neither hula, apokos, riius, hnfis or coupling, nor aoything els reqiiireJ Unbuild a happy. Iloscsuiel. in tefereuro tu his psiticutar rilling, to have beta no better proviJed than I'eirsnlo' intikeeper, io I)jn Quixote, who, nulwithstsodin;; bl unqualified assursnte as to tho unstinted provi sions of lha homo, never provided ooy ihin mora sumptuous for his guests Iban cows' hocls. The only thing plaintiff esvr in the coachmaker's shop that stood any clinn' of being turned to Account in tho conplruciion of tho new baguj, wus n pinno box, which, on intpoction. ploeael tho plnintilT. and ho seleeteJ it in a hnppy moment, piiJ for it, nod left il wild tho coach tinker, to ha psint e J, striped, and pat oa the running (.'ear of the new buguy. l'ut unless he had wheels to carry tho piano box, it was useless to him ; so ha goes with ths couchrmker to a linrlwsre tnrr clisut, und buys hahs, spokes, shafts, rims, and oilier ma'eriul, out of wliioli Iho fanning j,'c:tr fur tho pinno bos were io bo constructed by tho crsch. maker, and tho pluintiT paid the liardwaro man for tho material. Af ter this material was worked up into tthiali, without t'roanJ shads and (he iauo bix stripe 1, no exccr.ion creditor cauio a'ong wiihbis writ, lev ied upon and sold I lie wheel, st well suppose, was very c''h'; to his iu;in ly I'li le. The plainlilf, ei-inn' no uth er ic-medv. Iirouihl th s sc-tio'i ol Trover uud Ccnvcr lo got back hi nsteuiil, or tho manufactured work. . .... ... .1. 1 in on 1 1 ii .r t tin lili. il if V It Oft. I. I il' in I M.ul,i.,nLir l..in.ina. I h.t atr;i.r io,. ! ..... l ., ..I i I... i k. n... ii..i t .,.i. v-.. ...o , , v,. . j i,,,-1 tnao who tun tin-in un, unu wo don t i recover anylliiiiir. first, tecuuso the IshaltS, spoKO". IO.Uei, I00lll0r wita I ll..- &l l ll.r. ftn t 11 .1 llirttll I...V uit.l tl.- il..-. at lii.r fin tll.l lil:l!l" lo.v i uv ....j--- - - i - i low .l.l 1 l-..l ilf III.! Will tlllion'o -..r... bestowed upon them, becuus-. btiv i his counsel, il was tho diity of "(he ! il,; inuteriul ut iust what, th forautnes of s-ilemu onjtnirayeuifiits aud unless sneli wuro tl.o Uw, it Would iii it.....r..- icau to iuinieuuie vuumsiou, vexation unl wroiiL'- Let us ru:i dofen Inula' loie to its Iciiuinrite ejiiscniienecs. Let me illui note. Suppose- Mr. iMy took bis b-iot to a Ktnlit ol M. Crispin to be ii i. ,i .....i . n ... .1.. .1.., I ou ilio unii-se-iu.i tool anj imys it at Sherill's i.ale must tho learned cmn fM, U? bt l !? ' T,,,iCh U,L' hulf-solod : nnl it tho pun hn-'or of Uj0 ualf..,o!ea boot took posseiou of tt, tbou o ilier me couusoi must tuy out tho sheriff's vendee, or one new bjot to iiKilch the one he s' ill ow ti". .!.- ll.n ShcriR'N v.-iuIhh m ist !-. ' . . . ,J Mr. iiuiv a eiLur ..n!,,;, Jiga...reMin.r r.n liu, turn.. : J'- - 11 fj neither could derivo nuy u for hie ! s'";'0 boot. TiiU, g;n'.lo;iim woull ! b 'luil !"iu- . bous cud polios, unl iilter the akilliul lingers of the ingenious laborer hav . 1 1 1 .... 1 I il .. 1 : a - added u siring aud a flower, u creditor with his writ levies on lha luhsr, strings and posios )iut their by the marvelous skill of the milliner sells fouuduiiou, ribbuo, string aul all; can it bo that youth aa 1 beauty must submit lo ao irreparable au injury as tho Ions of the very fouodation of her bonnet, when, in ull probability this bontel is to hor " a thlog of teuuty," if not a " linp of joy forever" si loiBt for the season. And w uisy sll imuinc and it is within tbo rsne erf reitsunablo probabilty, aul within the scope of human events that ibis joyous girl, wuruiiug iolo womanly beauty, exciting glowing aod intoxi estiog reminiscences, oven in tho fauny of tho Court and doubtless tbe jury for we are not superior to this weakness may looso forever the undying love aud nduiirsliou of her beau, for want of a boooet, with tbe consequences of wbicb calamity so fearfully alarmiof that the Court aod doubtless lbs jury s'so cannot fail to be most pro foundly imprcssoa, saa cuouoi jocims to detlsre tbnt a principle followed by such dauegieg results, never can be the lew. Iks jtuy fouud f 10 for MiJJsb. aena: Th trial of Mra. Wharton, oa tha forward very, qnietlf la Aonnpolia When (be charge was first made, the public, on tho strength of reporters' statements, was rather swift ly render its verdict of guilty ; but ae - tho facts aro brought out in court, thero seoms eoouli of doubt about them to make it aUok'elliei1 rL-ht that the pihlio judgment shall await that of the legal tribunal. The Cuban Horror a. The story ia h frightful one, happily with )iit a parallel aiuee St. ltarlliolo aiew's day. Tha Fort Pillow slaugh ter was fearful enough ; but it was llshtin moa of s holed rare whom Uenoral Forrest massacred. The Communists of Paris awoke the in liij oaiioti of the world by applying petro- ion m io palaces ami iiururiss, nnJ al lories of art ; but they did not shoot boys. The story is a horror. The stu. dcuts in the modital achool in lis Tana, free from a Icelure by the ill. oess of their instructor, 'just fir a frolio" losped tlio lencs of tbe ceme tery opposite, and did soma violnnce to the grave of an officer of the Vol unteers. They broks tbe glass which proWotod a wroath of iuituoriollvs, sud wrote sumo bcurrilous liaos ou the stono. Thiawss thoii offonee. Had enough, and deserviti a censure and lino, or porhaps shjrt imprison uioul aeth. ing tujro Tlio volunteers nra a bnilv of sol diers enlisted by the SpaoMi authori-1 ties to cruli tlio pa:nots who ar i h hting for Cuban in lepcodoiue. 1 bey uro Uulo.l lor their cruelly snd iuiubirlinstiou, and it has beou t-eu. erally believed that ths Spanish (j..v- ernor, aimaso ia, and Dn pro Ictus - us, nave uoi tiure i to wiinsian I tliute virtual rulcrsol tho ioland. TLo stu dents in t'uhs, as every whore, except in Scotland, are oulhusiastio for liber ty, und chorish co groat affection to- wr l iho vrdiinteors, or their gsuorul wnusu '-rave tncy Jevecrule J. The students' ft olio occurred on the i af.ornoon of Thursday, the 231 u!t. All these editions of tho Times aro 1'he 'u'uiiteeis doinsn la I vcngcaiioe. .uf the vory Iui'k jt sixs, on It.'pa rjuar I ho Caiitaiu Ueiier.il Cre-pv waa will. 10 sheets, eauh oiiiaaihiii lil'tv.! iasei.niir.1i to npprchmd and imprison tho ilTeo'lcre ; but that was ijuits loo niuv I lia 1. ii i un a.p. I I. p.. . I .. 1 .. .. 1 . .... . int Iioi tiitnil lio. M .. l.r.,o..l. .1... 1 I.or. ur,..n. , .:..t ...:. I "i - . - ji ""ii "ii, incii un- nior ire .-.iio ot ilio (incut t tireat. yau tjr punoJs el Iroin four to six years, l or brcakuii' a piecd of glass nuil hrutterin a lv Ibwers, and st tibbiiot; a few obuoxhms lines, thir ty youunncrs, mostly in their teous, ato to dra a b.V.l and cliuiu for yoars by the kido oT liuliwuymeo an I cut tlnoits, and eitiht huve b-uii sh it I No ttoulorlb.it molliers huve gouo crazy, and Unit u chiil of horror blanches every laeo. TUt .t-t I.s?kI si : I uie. Tho e'o.uiiii; Ku-gioii of the heaista- turu prouisos lo bo a busy ouo. Tho re.listriciiuir of tlio Siato into Cou- gres-ijiial districis j tlio providino; of other important rjuhjoct will emu hulVire iho legislature lor action. The detuocraoy will mako a fierce fight over tho snnortioumotit bill, and may le expectod to opooso the local option bill, n Ibey opposed it hist Winter, I but bcin in u lainority in both Ib-u.-j ;os tbey will ol course Lo beatcu. Mu- I j. i . . ,. ! ny Ol OUT lest peiOlUO arj OcniandlllL' tlifl niiaAa (if Hm lnnal nt.timi I. Ill I Ilio pisle 01 I HO IDtal OptlOU till , and the leuuUture will nol properly reflect the pnj.uitir scntiuiout of ti.oir' soasiilueuts if it will fail to pass Ihi, uiciisure. it w.ll uiuue tomnerancd a 1 teilineraUCO a It. .: .. i -n . I -. that temperance is Dtirelv amoral iiieation, una mat u oulit, io bo s conaidored nu J treated, und tho prist f lb U"' 01"'."Q wi" Lr'"i! it down to every olection district in tho Stale, and home to every man's ,Joor. 1 rns is just what is uocesjsry ' and whut popular seotimont demnnds. I Wo shall ox peel a shorter session und a muuti eM noniv nnu ttiun tl,. 1 7 7 rr V . T . lir.itf no. I in ll.A'U.if Tiki, l.tkl ...oiiMi l.nl , rf.M..rPr.t, i ll, K..,,.t .,.! j ultoiether too many "deal locks' and also woro too prodigal of tho people's noy. As tho itcj.ublicaos will con. trol all brunches of the k'o-vcrnuieut, 1 e . , .. , 1 ... uw .u-.u..-.. .lui uoia. 1. inia. tur uiiiiiiuu wo expect roiorm in matiy important ! uu.i advii-o. a poa und luk akuu-s, r tuil writ particulars. Tho iloiiiocrucy are not "J .I.,;.r-'.t,AV?."!r. I t?.l!'.-T" ,.,.ul'! "!'" ill tho ascendency aud they haVO Upl longer tho power to try the patience of Iho People. They mu.t submit to tue will ol tho lii.'ijontT no l can no longor carry thiugs in tho hip-h-hao-dud manner they did Inst winter. Their "little paino" is blookeJ, aud they aro utterly powortess for evil. Wo coogrutulato tho entiro Coinmoo wealth that thoir nefarious schemes hsvo been thwarted. And their evil machiuations sticcosifully checUinatod. Thoy will hsvo te go before tho peo ple saio, as they iirofens they are willing to do, when tliey will ccrtaiu ly be beatou. York llejiuUmia, TIIU AUXV VOUKiiMDi. A l'olltlral, I.ltvrary und .tils cclluueous AiewHiaaiier, Tin Niw-YoRit Tmj;s. startod in Septombvr, 1831, has for tuaoj years been reoogu'ued as amonir ihe must successful, popular and influon lial newspapers 10 tbe country. Its proprietors, with greatly increased resources sud sxperieooe, wjll spare 00 pains to extend snd streugthao its claims upou the confidence aud sup port of ths public , TusTiMnis a He publican Jour nal, nud will be devoted, as in the ptut, te an intoHineut sud firm sup port 0 the Iiepubican Tarty. It will siiatalu with all its ability, the prin ciples aod poiiov whiob have render, ed the party so justly .fsmous in onr uutr . It. will adr crate tUosc wiiiu ores by which ths hoaor. the pesse ana me prosperity ot tuo natioa can be belt conserved and promoted. It will vindicate cur dignity before lore foreign nstioos tod will diseoaa. tenaoce aught by which our soleraa. pact or oar love for republican insti tutions could be fadaagsred. The Timis desires to be judged by the highest possible stsudard of jour nalism. Its Editorial Departmont will be condaeted ia spirit of faie nces and impartiality, free alike from perionsl rsnsor or undue favoritism ; and wilt be the production of tbe shiest and most exporieaced writers upon sll the subjects treated Its Correxpoadeoce will be full and timely Its reports will be prepsred with the utmest care, and will erubrsee every fat or public expressioa of epinioo that poftstesss iotsreatsnd importaoee Tiie Literary Department will be in thoroughly capable Lands, and will present a full review of literature, the Cue nrts, tho siusie, , and the drama of the day. As a family paper, freo from all ap peala to vulvar or impure tastes, tbe Times will continue unexceptiosable, and may be safoly ndmittvd i every domostie cirelu. The Sunday edition of the Times will include, ia addition to all tho news, selected and original literary mutter of the raoet varied and agreea ble cbsructer. Spuuiol nrrangements have been made to impart new atlrae. lions to this ftialura of tho paper. TLe Weekly snd tho .Semi-Weekly editions of lbs Timos will be compiled wiin me greuicsi tare, sou will oon lain sclecii.ius from tho most iujpor taut contents of the Daily iiiuo, be. iSiJes matters of interest to the ngril- cultural sections of tbo country , U who prefer a uewtpuper but once or twice a week will liu 1 tl.co editions ;sj.un - sij:y suite 1 to tbeir re'iiire UK-il'i. . spe'J.il edltmn fftllS Times fur' European eireulatinn, will he publish -1 cd every H'edr.es lay and iaturdsr. in ' :--r...i- ! i ' time lor lU buropostl mails, and Will I bo valuable and welcome to our fr.ond. "Htiw, nuvilivi nIUVriCUUS OT 01 ally other nntiositlitv than our two Icltimns, printed in elcar and legible yjo, nt the following rules : u t 1 1 u i- iib. ... i i.t- j ti . n.ii. t-i i....... ., Sunday l..litloo il io i Tho li.iiiy Tiin.. par aiiaum, cxeluilve of . ' '" ". e.-utwa ! r"tii l-tv l.jitlon. I'Pf ariniitn The oiu. WLly, par auuuul l'u coiii4. ..i,a oar ru ropivi, ana oar Aii-I mi aitru eoj.y tu potior up of cluk. Tho Wookiy t'liua par aiiuum Klva ooi.lai, ouo yaa r 'lan cop.es, ono yaar And itu oatrt oopy to n attar tP of oltb. 1 wanly c. plra, ona yiar And uu utra ooi, to ngiiar-np of club. 8 t rnii i."piva una )our A nd an a wr.i i-opy (uuattar up of club. 1 La Kuroi ran i ciditlou, I ar nuiium na.t iua aitra Suiiturlpiiont ta lthr of onr e llilon. r"a( a I I.T a Iii l.Dgtli ul Ulna tli.m on yaar at th yourly nto. A IJltl nil may L uida to cluba at olub ratea. Tliee prices are invariable, llomit in drafts ou New-York or l'ost OiTieo Mo icy Oi-dora, if p jisiblo, and whors ucii'iurol these eau be procured, send the uionoy in a registered letter. All I ontiuasters are obliged lo register vn,ca. rJ,l Ufstl' 10 d0 ft,,d ' . nul.T,e. Poieetioo nB!,lunu'"'8 "7.'"" Address New.Voiik Times. JKV ADVEIITISEMENT3 'Clt.M'lMC AMEU1CAN T W E N T Y . E V f. N T 1 1 Y K A It . Thli aplcndld weakly, praatly anUrafld i;iroval. la ona of lha inaat n ji-lul and I leraadnK Inurnrtla evor palill.taa-l. fcvary uuui. '"r 'a b. auillully printed on flno pipor, an I ala- ..tffiS: '' .vanutur, t'hamiatry. chotora play. Arrhluriure. Agriculture, analncrrlou Srln-,-ndart. Knrmara .Mei hanlc". Iovn. x""' k.i'""'a hoioiata, Minuf.-ioturera. and l-uoploorall iToloa.leua or Trndaa will Had th Ort;4-: Amv.;M oCientizic ilmericaix r.nuXli.t'l..Vo'.:".?, ," "' '"aobuld, Workauup, ui.il t actori In tholnnd, "".I ia uiiuriiiK a ooiiunuai aoiirc or valuanio inatruoiion. Th Kdliura ar . ' Mciinii j..Urnu ot t aaalnlod hy many Kurnpoiin Wrltor. laidlnit Sdentltlo tha w.irl 1. tha iol uioua oi tuo soioniino Aiuorioan ara ooaaunlly uru-liad wliu lha auolaoii lalormatloa, Au OFFICIAL l.HT of sll tbe Psteals Is aued is 1'ubliaLeJ Weakly Tha yearly nuinlieri or th KWKVTIFIO A M KK IDAS' make Two Splendid Volumeaof Nejrly ( oe 1 hou.nn.l Hauoa, equivalent luali ta 'our Tliouaand Ordliary Uook fauna. Kl'EClMEN COflEd SENT FKKK. TKKVIs.-fJa, Venn l e Half Yeari l lnl.a ol ten l oiilua lor on Year, Si, Hi icli, t2k,0t, W lib a Splaudld I'rhnluia lo the perann who lomia th I luS eonal.iln ,.f a copy ol tho oolo- urai.a ti riaie a.ugrvis, "Al.u of j'i irr.,. I ,.?'?!! ?? h ?! P",'!"l' ?fth.Het- umi mu n iiivi I-..HI. alio sniiiai rsigrivvj 1 c'uViuI,""i'rrs0CT lU " Tutiat way ti oMnin an niwr xl 'nXT worltl fur .ru to th que tu write to York, who h had over n In the Sulue.-ia. 'lily tlxe e-ira' Kinorloaoa Euronoan Haienta 1'avaut-Ke Uauealutar- ft.: (Hll -a 1 lie sa I'aiont l.awa Liarainotlona Kttenaluni lulrliiK'uieuia, ete eto., aend lor INS I IIUCI luM i.uuk. wl.loh will be mulled tree, on apull. all in. All baalaoaa alrletlj ouo lldnnlUI. AJJraaa SlU.NMattn., fcnuaiisua or tii SciKNTinn riii'. SI 1'ark Kuw, Ktw York. .A -011 tH AVnntetl. ti rent ladueemeate I II 0 H M 0 N I S 1I , UKSCKII'i'IVE or tii"j: i;v ij'ivii. Uy a Slater of a IHkIi I'rleai, on of hla Tic tlma, who baa made hur e.eape alter n rldonu ol liltoen year aiueiiK them, Hor allidaelia to the Oavermuent, eruahlna; eldenr aKainat Hi lulu in Youhk and the tl'lara, Th 'l'ruph t" in court. Trlalund aentvnc of llawklua. Ktartlliif dlai-lo.urea, plola aaauaalnalluua asd rli'tlina. i:s jmBi, fully llluatratad. Dlrculara, 'i erina and parlloulara, aeut free 00 apiille.-ition, adilruaa, Ul H lr l.ll AHIIMRAD, Publlaliar, Til huuauui Street, I'Slladllphls. AtiK.NTS WANTKll FOH " piiAaxs or losuo.v Liri:. Uy D.J. KtBWAii.th well known JournallaU TUB VERK tAUGIST COMMISSIONS PAID. Thlt book la Uautirul ootavo of SSIpaaet, sinholllahed wlth'JUO onara.lnga, nnd a Hnaly eieeuted Oiap of LonSou, daalnued anil ieu tad nr.ly for thla work by einlnaut art lata. It eonUlu a full, (raphla and tfuihlu) auta menl ol the sluhu, ciooreis and beuaalloua of the yreuj Metronnlli el the world Addreae, UUIWXII A8I ASHMKAI) Pabllahere. Ill Sauaom blreel, f blladalalil. JC. KKKITZBK. ji'stiui: yr the peace, - Chapman towhahlp buyder Co. ra. Conreyncln, t'olUetlnf and nil other bual naueulruvd W bit SMS WlU be (leouiptl SV- J- J-U'J., JjJLECTIOX OP OFFICEUS of lbs Jnydrr County Igrlcoltural Society. The leitloa fmrSof the ffnyiler enant Asrltalturnl Rnrlatv will b hM In the Cnnrl Hoow, t Mlrtillxburc, on MN DAY. lb lt Sot or Janurv, IS78. A (nriil MUndnc if r q1T.!..1v THUM. 1KIWKH, frnlclMS, Mldvlltbars, Isctmbr T, H7L QUrilANS' COURT SALE OF Valuable'JRcal Estate ! Ity tlrtn o an ordar granted by theOrphane' t'ourt of Mnydar;county to th underalnnad, Ad mliilatratorolihaaalataof llxanavn un Kii- an. lala of 'hpmn townahl daaaad, aill wpoa to pa Olio aal, oa tba praialMa, oa TuretitiT, Jannnry 9th. IST, iu (ViiurMnRu.vrrnicn TStl11IISJ rtfKI lt. 10 wil:-All tbi certain Msik, Tntuwut bI TRACT OF LAND ltul In rtiipmtn tnwnMn, Sndf ensnty l'...lilnln Un I ul Jolm 41. HId. Jr.inl- Klo. jtrainlar. II. Hall, 1auUl Huhrpx ttii utlitri, eonUlalnK en, contilnl more or oa wLloh are ereotad a Urg, tea lory Brick Dwelling House I A TWO HTORT WKATHER iKIAKDKD IIOl'FE, A I.AIIOB HANK IltKN. sad (looii srnl Hubetsnlisl Chit iluildinge. An efdltnt Sj.rlrn "t Wnior near the donr, ml n lnmaOHl HSRflor ( bole Fruit. Tn lam It tiaorlr all Mar.l anil nlar 'h ba.t ulilratlnni It .linatril on tha Wnl kankai.r ll.a bniirhanna Kltar, naar to a -hnol bonia rhorth anil Hura, ah..ut halfa ml la bl,.w Mth'tu Hull I all.. In aa tba farm I. not a.. 14 on tba ab.ra namoil day, It will ba laaaa.l f"f tha tarin of out jrr from lha Flr.t ilav or April nail. ala to rommanea at IS o'clurk, noon, nf laid day, whan duo altandaons will ba gltaa aud torina of unfa maa known fcf PF.RHY KIIKMKH, Admlnlltratur. l';ApiuaS tiiwrnLIji, lite, li, l;i, Estate of Kanitiel Fulirman, dre'd. A 1MIMSTR.T()U S NOTICi: v I.et lari of administration on the alila of r.atnni runrmni. litta or l.aatar tatp . Myilar, OtJUnlr. llooaa-a.!. havln Loan trrunl-.l I., t).. it... lar.lnnM, nil )roiia knowing thaniMlvra In ilalited to a.kltl a.t.ila ir. raniifi.la.l l.i iiinL. autw inant without dalay, and iboia h ailug vUlui on ! tla aauia w 111 i.r.t....r t).A. ... Ut.NHY ri'tlRMAX. tirl. U.tHTl. AdintnUlralor. Lrlat nf .ton?i.iii liomu. dao'd. IX ECU TOR'S NOTICE. Letters 1 taalnmtnury utK.n tharatat nfjonnthan 5$. d hlv.n'Km.MoV' Y" '"''". n porwin. im-.win, thamaatre. Indol.lad to and e.tate aro n-yie.tad to nmka p.ivmnt, and tho.a lisrlnn clulma aKiluit th 'TK''kr a. rumm. t.r. " .."wr, .iyr. ia,i,i HI". HOTTEXSTEI.V. M. D. J'HYSlt'lAN ad Kl RilEON, .I.l.l..x'.lU)Vi;. SNYUUlt CO., fA. ! ZTlltw T II. FEMIEIMEU, Sj a HE.U.r.U 1M SIARiDWABitJQ, "ilron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Paint3, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Yare AND M.tVTFACTl'ItEll OF Stoves & Ticnvr?, MARKET 6TKEKT. I aotvirsiown, ie.'imn. Noveiuber 2, 1 H7I-tf gAMrKL II. OUWIU, -iVt 1 iii(.vn1 -1 -.nw, (H FIL E, TIT WALNUT STREET, run Alir.ritl A. Attorney nt Irfiw, MIDliI.KllL'IlO, PA. l'i'ofalfnsl bimlnoaa: tnlrur-lcJ to LIhchi wi:.' lie promptly ended lo. Feb tr.'Jl I'.tts orOKOKin; KI.INEDic'd! 1 XKl'I'TOU'S N 01 1 C K. Lot ters 1 i Toatuinentnry on the FeUit of OeorKe KUna, Utool llraver lowtihli Snyrler couuty. dro'il, bavliiK I eon rantr,l th uii.loralniieil ull H'ra.ina ktiowlnx tnemai-lvt lndrbte.1 to aul-l t.atat are required to umk payment without ilelay and thnaa havluir elntnia will preaont thotn to JJAUliAKA KLINM, Oct. 14. 1ST1. EUKCBTUB. gr it 1. KotiAic, WITH "JJBUKROTir, lJtlUiSTHKS.ER & CO. TfII0L'5AI-E DEALERS IX FISH, PROVISIONS, &c. No, 200 NorlU Whnryea, (abovs Usee St.,) 9-7lf l'IIILAItLPAU. 2Y - HOI.NBKKOKa, JUSTICE OF 'I HE PEACE, Parry Towntlilp, Snyder County, P. Cotlaotlnna, Oonreyanolns, snd sll other bual naa pertiilnliiK lo Ilio oirtr will l proninlly atteuUed to. OUlce near Tronunauavlllo. J .THOMTSOX DAK KII, Vt t ri le.v-ti t-Tti-w, f Lewihhtirra, Vnioa Co., P, t&'Can be eoiistilterl ia the English and German Inngiiugi'a.'VxI 0FF1CK .Murkct Sireet, opposite Wells, Hmith k Co' Store. 8-4Jy F.UANSKLL, scccsasoa to rivrrsii k cusw, aarD OJsASSV7alZlB, Xo- 31 Xorth Fourth btrcct, PHILaDKLPIII A. Original Tackagss Coustantly on Hand. - Itrpreionted by TllKd'S BWINEFORD. Vt'holosalo sud Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Coaciimakere' Muterisls, Shoe FinJInge, Jo. Eellasgrove, Pa. 8-1 if li. gLIFKU'S a WHOLESALE AND BETAIL Furniture Wjirerooms. KO. C NOUTH 8I-C0SD STREET, (Uclow Arek, Waal Side.) Fwlory and WhJetaU J)rpirlment, ltiO) North (lib Street, abors Oxford, 8tf PHILADELPHIA. pAXTONVILLU HOTEL, llENtlY BENFER, Proprletsr. - Th ndaraltrned sdopu tbla method of Inform Ini th publle that be kaa ownd I10UI at lli abov named plai'e. on lb road (ruin SI While burn to lieavartown, and that u la prepared lo eutortalu lb publtp Wllb Aral elaaf acrunimodn. tlona. , atNKY ttHNVkU. APfil S, IITI. MasuoodI Woman-Quo Who may marry, who not, why los .am. Inipwllmanls I t'aua 1 iimnls I aiTTtaa, ; anil I ur. HM Se. Ur.WHlTTiBal.SUS roa eit.PHUUtitg, Fa- Hep it JiiflLBJ J. Katsts ef l)E!tN EVILLE KRXUER Sao'd. ADMINISTUATOK'S NOTICE. Notion la karaby prlran that lattars of AS. rolnlrtratlon on Ik natal of bannarllla Kram ar, Ulaol Chapman lowo.hlp, Knydar eonntr. daaaaaad hara ban irnntad to tba nrtarlnnal AllpanonathaatalTM Intlahtad ta aaM a.tata ara retnaatad to mak paymrnt wllboat dalay nnd Ihoa hnrloc eUloe will praant than duly snthantleatad. i.&HX KRKMRK, No. S, 171. Admlnlalrator JAZAlll'a MOYEU, , lMrortTEit op Wines ISrnntlics, CaillH, a'C, Ill North Third Street, rklladclphla. I ft S M gt t a . . . I dOltetl V to. $ A IvrrttfmevU. Chicaeo Irs!' Destruction. A full snd oomplat hlitory nf Chloago har paat, prnt nnd liititr. With grapblo nanaa, lnr. Itnl. . n.l lull .I-.-IIb nf Jl...... I.. lA li ( ptonand J. W. rthaabnn, adltor ol tht'kl-aa.o Tninuan. With ovar oo aica, and V) llluatrn lion. t It now ready r drllrary. AOKNTS WANTk.ll. Sand Sl.ou foroutat and elioloe ottorrltory. I nlon fuullahliiK tJu.. CM oio,lll.1c1rl'lilla., l'a, CUNDURANGO. BLISS. K KF.Nl: fc t'O'S fluid tutract, Th wondarfnl ramady tor t'onrar, Kyptillta. Si-roftil. rirari. I'uliuonary Complalnia, Salt fthtuni.and all t'hroolo Hlotvl IH.aaaca. la pr parad Iroro th Oanolna Cundiirannn Hark, from Lota rrnador, aai-urad ty tk n.alatanca ol th autborltlaa of that country. It I. lha moil alia. tlx. prompt and ra:taln altnratlva ami bl.Hnl iurhlrr known. Hold by all dru xlata. In pint b-ittlaa. hrln on lliam onr nun. a trada uinrk and dlraotloni. hond for s circular. Orttcaand Latiuratory, No. So Cedar St., N. Y. ftOlli 1X4U. N E W Y O K K 0 118 B R V E II S3 i-ar Annum, Inrlndlnir. Vaar Hook for Kit. PIliNKY E. MiJiiSE. JK. & CO.. 11 Park Itoiv, New York. iSninplo OoptoM Fret. UNIVERSALtSM- Sen.1 ft r fr vnmple copy of lha VH R ITl A N laAI't-.K.ft ltmtclM wo'kljr lournMl, ut lltil t tti New York htnta ( onvrntlon nf rnlvririltitM nnl runtatnlntr ttt pttrminn nf Ir. E. ll .rHAIMN. Turin W.ftO per Pir. A1 Iron. Fubllsihan (')l K is T IsVX I.t.VDhU, JironJy, tT York Lily. lirnriTla'C ntVMUhU MAOAKINE W VUJJ O If rUrrl frrt tlurtnr ' ?m lrn Tfiir tu every itiliicrlber ul .Mcrrv'n Xufeum th T'th-rlo III. tln iminiy lf!tio"fnl, ftc - SSkSSt 4SM wltUli ii .in v nlniH O ol ii unrua ittiti IMi.nrlty r- Tilt. n. If Mrm-ft TrrOr, .lutnns pHrf'in, I'ht'l It Ml I III Till v: fnr the prU-e ul mm ( ihoin. A variety of prom Lunii mi c ually literal trniP. It I mi nrltrin il ()r-t rl," imjnTln, Vulumo Y bcglna with t'nn fnnlsj frtn, AMreil s. s. wfMiTT7wtuirtT-T!Tr Wl - F LORAL UVEU ONB lllMDIlKD PAGES. Printed In Two t'olora. on anpurh Tinted Papor, 1'nur lliinilreil Knuravlnga nt Floweri, rlunta and NeKalublaa, with deacrlptloKa, and 'J1 wo C lrel'I 'lnt (-h, lilrer-tilna nnd plana for ma Ulna; Wnlk, Lnwna il'irilena, Ain, i'nv tinn.laomeit nnd brat KAl.tHlDKIn the World. All for Tt t'enta, to th'ae who think of tutylns; Soeila. Nut S inaner (he coal. Ufi.uOo r..l.l of H71. Addrcaa, JA.MKS VH'IC. Kocliojter, N. Y. The fer. No prlr :uihaalS P 1 T 1 It S' plei-ea Votoilnnd Inatr'l rlano Mualo worth SI dollur In aheot torm. We will null two back ft. for '1S0., four rortuc., er .... . . .ln. to lusc. 'Tl, lor ei.ts (re 'llSiCAIa iilar prlco. ill. I Hound ropier for llTl. jctlt aidca nnd e.Uoa, Si. Sho tnu.lo ta t.y llaya, Tliomaa, KlnSel, 'l-onrnl,;etc. .fnv'Tlir v Addreaa J. L. rKTLKS,' b'Ji anj,llll.l Ilroadwav, N. Y. r. V. Uoj M'iV. v SAVU YOUR JsBFIs i;v ntoMi'TLv I'sisa WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITES. A L'bemlrally pure prcpuriUlun of riiosi'iioKfs. which las moat Important constituent ot the human body, extatliiii lurirely In the llruln, Ner von. ,sy Mbmi. Hloo.l nnd iluliea. It la the I N lit K WASTKsr liKHnlr.NlIY of the Idle Klri'iK and l.lle iiiataluInK l.leiuout, which la lli liuuieillaie t'aua 01 CtlNSL'Mt'TlON. XKltVOl'S IERII.ITV, P Alt A LYSIS, UYSl'tPSlA, SOItOl 'TLA, Klo. The pmper Itcmedy for th flectual treatment and our of the nhove Dlaeaaoa coralata In r atorltiK to the llruln, Nervoiia hyatnm, Lunuje aud blood, their due proportion ol euuiipuorua. A'iii-Ii'w or'N II Y r O P 11 O S V 11 I T u s Il the only preparation wbloh nccoruplUhea thla reault, and It la an auaolut cur for th llllca- ea ahiive uutued. t irciilai'a, Information Slid Advice Fro' vreparedonly by J. WINCH KS I tH Si CO., tTinsuieTt, its Joiix Sr .andaoM by all Prug- glaia. prlco SI nd St por bolt I. Tjmwj ii till j win 11 A i-iiiilliuiiiiil ul ( iH iHi-iinl (11.. 1 1'. Ai-kiluwl. Q'lKoiKSr or ii-omi'crn'IAc rn'WS end Afiry 01 llit hair. KB. JTiilltl S CO., Ilin.tiui. tlnaa. Sold by ull tl- -"l.l. BtKur of imilulluni rnilU I'.EiT8AW.(ilMMKK0l'T ONLY 1 1 15. Kmer (Irinrlcra at HO. and Slno. )Uinon.l Turning Toola. I4. rtolld Kuiery Wheela ol all alca, Addraat Ifo Tan itu Co., blioud.bursi Aluurue fo.i fit. 9 rlnnuTl Ask rinio k. F'MSKy. Ilarrla- bnra, pa . fur Iroe circular ol 1'eiter L'uttor.- . Makaa Corn Fodder a iual to hay. Nsw tliluul 857,60- Asenti pronu per week. Will prove it or lorlelt Siou. Near ar tlolef, patented, July lsth. Sample, aent fre to all. Adilreaa W.ll. C'lUUt.Taa, 197 Uroad way, New York. 8425 A MONTH t Mora furnlihed. Kx (Hiniot paid. U.H.hllAW Alfred We. A GKSTS WANT 1 1). Agenla muke more J. V tnoner nt work for us llisn at any thlnijelae. Dual near liirlit and uermanent. Par- tlculara free. hTINaiin Al C. Vina Art l'utliahora, Portland, Main. AVOIIICH'ACKS. Avletlm of early India eretlou, caualnx nervous debility, prumatur Sicay. ale , havlnn tried In vain every advertis ed remedy, has discovered a simple meana of aelf our, which he will aend to his lellow-sulter-sra. Address J. il . K KK V LS.TS Nassau St. N, Y TU1KTY YEARS' hXPEKIEXUE ISTUi TSIiTSUKT OS QIHIONIC 4 SEXUAL Disiakis. 1 PII TSOLOCICAL VIEW OP SI ACl-lGC. The rheet book ever puWi8hei containing nflfti It turo uunlrHl iiimi anu una ItuouraiJ and thlrtf fine )Ule u1 enKiitvlrtK "I tba tv natooiy ar lha buuiao organs iu iiaia of tiaiillb aud tllKeaaa, with a lrimlla o aarly arruri, In lelorftbla oonier,ueDcM uioq tha tuloJ ami b dy, Ith tha autUur'a ln u( troatinont tha on ly rational auU acoaftlul uixlaol oura. aa Iiumo by rj.tt of tba oiuui traatost. A truthlul ad vlvar tu tba marrtenl and tboaa eDlmUtlac marrUKs bu anUrtaln doubta or their ph)l ealeundltlun. hant troa of ixxtaKa to any as draaa, on raoalpt of VAoajila la ilainpj or iHl ourrancy, by afldraailnn Uu. LA. 1 HOIX, No. SI Matdan l.aite, Albany, N. Y. Tba author a.ay ba eunaultad Uho any of tba dlaaaiaa umd wbfob bta buuk troat, althar arfjnally or by mall, aod medleiuaa aent to any part of tba world. . . $10 from 50s 1 Hiartri aent (poeua. Ii.' I k Klflj Cents, U'l rauul euUr tve Tea LtulUn. K. U VVouuit.M.Y. lOK A WEKKI UoalOkeep Shuttle Kew. oXavsJ In machlii In th vtaulil. AuU WaaFjAl).lIAYv-S,,UuiAf f4it,lilLU, IIIUO IQOV tlll.ltlH ll I 1 X " lit nt r3TTT with nere.betcht, eolor of ey in h-ir. rnn , reeelte by ret am rnall, o. -m 1 oVi ,r,, ' -tutor hnahand er wile, with n.i.i'mn n,ta ' marrlaa. Addrm W. 'ijX, f . U. letter. N St 1 ultonrllle, N, Y. FEEE TO AGENTS. A bound eany seat nook er th FIOTOIlIAMKinEDlnLR, Containing nrer SCO Tllnatrntlon. With eeat furee""' t'r',,0r,ll siplsnntorf; of tu SoiiJ la Kaol ian awn Oirma. WM. I LIN r It CO., PtilUdetpkla p.. Profitable Employment Wi!.trtonagefewniore Aients fa mi the World Itenowned loiprorwl HlKIKCVn ! K W 1 N 1 M At; H I N K, nt a moral aalnry or , (Jommlaalon. A lloraa aad Wagon (Ivan u Aicauta. full rirtlrulara litrnlahad oa applln. lion. Addreaa W. A. Ilenderton to (ianarU AgantaCletoland, Uhlo.fc St. Lou la, Wo. AGF..VT3 WANTED FOR THE only Reliable, Complete anil Finoljr 111, iraieu iiisiorj 01 CHICAGO AND TUB Great Conflagration Hikklf auil secure extrn tarmt nl eholee Uti.,, wuiih, con i si, nt niiitnu UttU9 rUWlik BOOK AGENTS 5.r. the .ill.., -nil lion liu which will Bell at tlubt la every l.itully. Th PICTORIAL FAMILY RKGISTEP la th only work extant which aatlaalea (hit) want. It la netutllul and Strlklnv. rnmhlnlna nn entirely new nnd el rant laintlf Hiiut" gruph Album, with a rntnplol r'nii.r liter, aiv. Full partlrulara ant rlrrulara free. Adilre.aUI-tl M At l.KAN, ruhllaher, tu Manautu Mreet, i'lilukdulphht. AtiK.NTS WANTED roll THE BJjISTORV OF THE ill WAR Ul EUROPE It eonlnln'orer 1M fln enurarlnia nf Ittttl Scone, aii'l Im-lilenta In the War, and la tho on ly r i 1.1. Ar rim vi n and Hrrn lAL hl.torv nf tluit Kr at iMir.tllct. Aicenta aro meetlntr wltlv unfiroi-eilooted atn-reiia nelllnK from Vi tu 4n . pie. r.ly, and It l publiaheil la both HokIIiIi and ( loonin. ti A TIT ftWT Tnforlorhlatnrlea are belra UfiU rlrenlated. Ke that tbe hiH.it u buy coutuma lio nno nRriiTlnKa an l vo p;ea. isend for i-ln-utara h ate onr termr, ami a lull dtai-rtptlnn ol the work. Aildre.a NATIONAL H Itl.lMilNU Ctl., rUlla., r. Weils' "CarboiicTabletl OH tJOI'UUS.l'OLLSli HOKSLNKSS. 1 hi tahleta prrMnt the Acid ln'ntnllnollo with olhcr rlll-'lent n-tneillr. in aiiopuliar lortu, for tho rureot all I'll KIIAT nnd LI MU I ea. HiiAHHKNaa and tn hhation ol the T'laoATaro lintncillaiely relleveO, nnd tala tn euta aro ronetiititly lielr.K it-nt tu the propria, tor ol relief lu caaci ol tliruiitdlUlcullictvf vama at' inllnii. P A TTT'TATl? f10"'1 ' decelrod by worth. VdU LlVSiilera Imltatluna. (Jut only Woil'a CarHllo Tnl.!ita. Price i: ft, per lint. .KHIM (I. Kl l.l.uail, IS I'Utt Ht.. N.S. sei d tor olroular. Kulo Ancnu for the U. B. deduction of Prices TO td.M'tlltM TO EKDUCTION of DUTIES. ;UKT SAVING TO CUNHL'MKllrt 1 1 y Cslettinv; up Clubs. 1 "Nend for our New Trie Mat nnd a I 't foro' will aremnpntiy It, contiilnlna; full dlrsc tioi - niaklnx a larue aavlne; to consumers aod rei-n l enitive to olub orKanlnrs. T)ik Urcut A nu lien a Tri Coinr.nnt. SI S3 VESEY HTKKKr. P.O. Bos CMS. NEW YOllK. ' NVT A PWYSIO-It la NOT what la pop. .". ,'h'r .7 V n'l ,ts. " It Inteu'ldl u juch. 11 la niniily it South American plant Ri.i I'.V."-" f"..'1 '"r lnunv ''V medic J laculty ortho.ecouiiirlca with wonilerlul eihra cy a. a poweriul Alterative nnd Jncniml.d I'., r hrer nt tho I.l,.. aS Is Wur and 1'ern Itcuic.ly lor all lilaeaaos ol the The Liyur an S,U.tfn, Kiilnrgoment r Ob. iruclioii of Iiiiculuei, L'riuury, l'irin or AliJoiiiinul Orgsiis, Poverty or s Wnnt of r.looJ, luleruiittent or Ke uiiiit'tit I't-Ycn, lull luiniHtiun of oflhel.ivnr, Ilrop.v, rjturjgils Circulation or the HlooJ, Alt eeairea, Tumors, Jaundice, iiT'liepeia. Ague & Fevor or Iheir coiicotuilauls. Dr. Wells' Extract or JIKVBCB.I, Is ollored to the pttldte aa grent Invlirnrator aa reme.ly lor ill liiipur!tl, the bloo.1, or"" .HTRIJIH2HA IseonOdontly recommended to every family as a houaehold reme.ly, ami ahoilM be freely taste In all tleraiiKeinetils ol the system. It anas health, vlKor and ton to all the vital forces, an.l anliuutes nud lurtlBos nil weak and lyuv I'hatlc temperaments. JOHN y. ki.hl.IHJH, IS Tlatt Pt. New Yerk, .in n Aut tur th I'nlted Stake., rrlee One Dollar pr Bottlo. bend lor Clrsalas "WTATl'H KKKK to agents to iotr. i .J.dliT"!.'.'''M. ia every hooie, Latta aiCu, I'ltuhura-k' nliltitc'y .eots Foot Harnoss Soap. SJn:TeY PTKAM HKKINKD, iyrZSr TT ";. polishes ti SjKc ft A ,r ' the same tern. 1'utou 6 CV' !" '"'seand .mull alt boxea, al.a 1 Lr In Sib. bars. Has been In uae lor C r yrs and gives perlgctaatlalactlus Send stnsin fcr our WKAVKHI.Y. Addreaa . V. W 1 'I'M t Y aa UO. e SI Ilk kit. saosten Mais VciitH wnntcd. fiir"ConvriT I.tt'a Vsvm.in, " by Edith n'Oormau. Kaeawd Nun, whose dlsolesures are 'i'! "V ""tUu-. 1AIILI1 J'l'B. Ctf. Philadelphia, 1'. W O'CLOCK, IMFI.KS, SIIOT-fJUXS, uevol- VKKS, and (tnn Materials of arery kind. Writ for sVrl.-ci l.lat, to (Ireut Western duo Works, Pltt.i.uruh, l'a. Aruiy liana and Ks volvurs bought ur traded fur. Auonis wanted. A (.KYI'S WAXTKD for ft now .V book, sturles nr travai. Anvaa-rr r, .Vlai-ellaneoua, .o , by AI.HtRT I). Kll lt. A K llhON tlnoly llllmiralc-l. Vory large pay. Address COl.L MlilAN 11UOK CO., Ilartnird. A f3.T,TT'rr,GWA"TI'nforTn",,,',H'' '" AUJClll AO iiraiwxiHKs Library Inloruiaiionpoi talnliig to Ita Institutions ar t Obiecla ul lutervat. Ily a City MUalonor.. Two Hundred Llurravtnv.. Auann Mil a-i day. Juatlaaueil. K. U. TREAT, Pbl.hr, so limadway N. Y. 4. pSYCUOI.OlJIO Fasrimatiok oi -L Houl Charmlns:, SOOpairea by Herbert rtrai llton, H. A. How to us this l-oor( which all l" seas) at will. Divination, ciplrlluallaia, Koraor lea, liemonuloity. und a thouaaud other won ' ra I'rlce by mall 41.25, In cloth t par eoveraS' Copy frestoaKents only. SI.ooo monthly tii roan. Addreas T. W. 1.YA.N3. l'uli. SI ft. safe blreel Philadelphia, Pa. n THE GEE AT RpUBUC . u umi'iaomeat anil moai valuable boos to st American ever iubllahd. Ul elesnt liluir. tlutia on steel and woo.1. Views ul cities, build luus, rivers, niountnlns. eto.. eta. Inoluiles ceo sus statistic ol -U. has 11') lari( Svo, nag" "I'.rii paier. vriiieu by jsuisi u. MocaiK. Jr. Ou volume, price, Sooo. Clood sgsots ..biw e.ery wiiur. nenu lor terras to - WILLIAM II. EVANS si CO. TW Sauisun btreet, Philadelphia. 1rtp-fresTVae.e e ge.elw Srarasa - le. M au-r, aaS a S'S rJ'-H'l iiable W tvir tWe ' , SU St UreatrlMa 4 Ucles la Pkuri MEat I . THEA.NECTA IS A PUKI 1ILACU. TEA with ths areas Te Fsvar warranted so suit all Isatea lor sal every where In " "Irade-tnark" pouuil a - , pouiid paokajes v lot sal wholsal on'v " (InalT Atlaitio Si PaoirtO T4 ....