The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 14, 1871, Image 1

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    TltliS PONT
frsbllsbe every Tburidsy Evening by
jiKFi-nn (r.ctnt. rtwictot.
. torms of Bubscr Jption,
wiiuin sis monms, or jdii ir not paid
within lli yar. No paper discontinued
mil ll arrearage are paid unless at
in option oi in put.iisher.
Subscriptions outside of tho county
Bv3T Tron lifiir.jt and using paper
auureesea 10 outers neonm subscribers.
knd are liable for lb prlc of Ik popor
Jr. ckoxmillhii. .
Middlobiirjr, IV,
Oder Mk professional service lo lb pub
lic. Ctdleitlnns mid nil dike r professional
business entrusted lo bi onra will receive
prompt attention. Jan 3, '07 1 f
SclmsgTovo Pa.,
Offer! his professional ferric lo lli pub-
it. All buaiaps entrusted lo bit care
Kill b proniptly attended lo.
rJnn. 17, '6Tlf
l-'riu'l'iiri? IV.
tOflers Mi Professional sprviceln the pub
le. All business entrusted lo bis car
V.U1 be promptly attended to.
Jan 17, 67H
LewisLurg IV,
Otter hi professional service lo n puh
lie. Collections mid nil oilier I'l olc-i-ion.
nl business entrusted lo bin cur will re
cciv prompt attention.
Lrwisburg j'n.
Offers hi Professional service lo Hie pub
lie. Collections and oil oilier profrision
nll business entrusted lo Lis cm will re
ceive prompt attention. Jan. 3, 'll'if
tj (Successors tn J. F. H J. M. l.lnn,)
AT TOH SEYM AT LAW, Lewiel.uig, Pa.
Oder their professional service lo the
public. Collection and all other pro
fessional business entrusted In ihcir care
111 rcceivcproniptaltcnlion.Jun. 3, 'ti7if
Solinsgrovo IV,
Offers bis professional services to ilie pub
lic. Collections and all oilier professions
busincsa entrusted lo bia rare w ill re
ceive prompt attention. Cfl'.ce lag door
not ill of I lie Keystone Iloiul. Jan 5, 'C
Solinsgrovc Pn
Offers bia Professional services lo t lie
public All business entrusted to bin
care will he promptly attended to. Col
lections made In nil pans of tho Stulo.
11 can speak the I.tinl nh and German
language Hueiiily. Ollice between llitll'i
ami tint Toil cilice.
Mkldlulmr; SiiyJcr County Pctin'n
ORic a few doors Weal of tlie 1'. 0. on
Alain street, t'ont-iiltulion in Eutrliidi
aid .t)li 1 1; I piuipra. fop I'll
Lpwislitir: Pa.,
OlTer lii profesionnl sctvircHo Ilie pub.
lie. All bnaineaa onlriirilcl lo bis cure
will be proinptljr attended to.
Jon. !. 'Ii7l
KOVKil ti II A K E K
Tersona in need of a gnnd and durable
fewinjr Mucliin can be accniiiinodned nl
renjonnble prices by calling on on Sam
I'lL 1'ai'bt, Agent, Ksliutgrovp.
Jan. 24, 'CH
Mi(lllolttr)! Pit.,
Oflcra lii". professional services lo the c it
Wens of Middleourg and vlchiliy.
M.ircb 21, "C7
FclitiPKrove Ponn
John k. iiuuiiks,
Tcno Twp., Snydf r Co. Ta
. Jaoksoa To .iship, Soydcr Co. IV,
'ill illend lo all business entrusted lo
bis ear and on tb most reasonable
terms, March 12, 'tiHlf
Ccnfrevlllc, Kujdcr Co., I'n.,
Offeri hi profesiionul services to the
fUDtto. u onii
rtRAYBlLL 4 Co.,
VX WtrftLESALa Pai.kks im
Wood and willow wahe
Oil Cloths. Window fihades. Ilroims. Mais.
Brushes Cotton Lap, Grain Haga, Fly
K'ls, Duckets, Twines, Wioks, ke.
Kc15 North Third Slreed, 1'hiladolpliU.
"o. I. '117
A i iTirvMrrcn
I I WI"M ui r-,
toil respeolfiilly offers hi servioes to
H publio as Vendue Cryer and Auotlon
Having bad a large experience, I
isl conndeal that 1 ran reudvt porfocl
tsiltfaoiion to toy employee.
. , i,jon, 'in i
t iTTaii VPV 1 T T 1 W h
n j n am v
Ofuce In Court Iliuie, Sept. IS, 'U7lf
1 HA IIVV A K H'Mlll St
No qoo m "t ii i r- r d
- - c i i . i r-i i r n '
J IT llll'K I'l.rV
-. n vtu norm auirii nirv.
in. ..jr.
11-t.tu a KLUEK . . , . . (
WIlOT.PaUB snnr ornini
Pltlonera niaillt litnl' Muniifaiii
s , " -1 'sail o vuv iHVUUIItUIVia
'Bd Wfllf a. vi.
" "'llllri
S If
VOL. 9.
S n 1 c 1 l'oo t ivv.
There is something in I lis nam of Kate
Which man; will condemn i
Hut listen now white I relat
Tb trails of loio of Idem.
There's advo-Knlr, a charm ng miss,
Could you lier hand obtain.
She'll lead )il in Ihe path of bliss,
Nor plead your catie in rain.
There's dell-Kale, ft mo'li'st d tup,
And worthy of your lore ;
Sim's nioe aud brauiiful iu fra nc,
As lienilt as a dure.
Co'Timnnl Kate's Intellipiil,
As we may vH suppose ;
Ilnr fruitful mind is tier bent
Ou telling what sb knows.
There's intrt Kale, she's so obscure,
'Tis Hani lo Hud her out
Kor she is often ety sur
To put your witslo rout.
I'reTari-Kale' a slnhlinrn maid,
She's sur to he her way ;
The caviling, contrary jnde
Objects lo nil yuu say,
Tliere's alter Kale, ft perfect pesl,
Much Kiven lo dispute ;
Ilr prying tongii can uevcr rest,
You cannot bcr refute
There's dislo Kale, tiitein a fret,
Who fails lo gain her point ;
Her case is ipi'ile unf. irtunal,
Aud surely out of joint,
E'luivo-Kale no one will won.
Hi thing would trahurd ;
Slip is lo faithless and tiuirue,
You cannot lukc bcr nurd.
'there's vindi-Knte'he's good an 1 true,
And strives with nil her nil (4 lit
Her duly faithfully to do.
Ami baillos lor I lie right.
There'i-ruMli KVe. noounlry lass,
'Jiiiie fond of rural scene ;
Mie likes to ramble ihruugh the grass,
Aud through tbo evergreens.
Of nil (hp maidens you cm find,
There s none like edit Kale ;
lieeause nh elevntes the mind.
And aims fur something great .
Or. Spciucr'N (ictit C i Imp.
A MollY TO 1,11 BY A 1'IIYfK'IA.S
I was sitting in my oftl-'c, half do
itin; over an intenuinabln nrtiele on
ilel"tlivc nutrition iu tho lust Molivil
H-t ii v.
The Cro iu the pat was low, ilu
niht was ;ormy, aud the clock was
on tbe triko ofelpvon. I just
about to turn tilT the fris and retire,
for, 1 being a bnrbrlor, I slept in it
room connected with my o!Tk't), wheu
thore was a pull at tho boll.
I rtartod up ftlddeuly. for tbia was
something new. Middlebnry w:ts u
decorous sort of place), and pooplo uiit
nily managed to bo tukan sick ut si'it
aunablo biurs.
() J Mrs. Jerome bid boon tiiroat
oiiing to die for the list fivn years, an I
ut evory visit I paid her sho sohtunly
informed inn that when tho thrisjivo
inoniunl did conn, ah desired me
present. JJut as uothing uilcd the old
lady beyond now and then nn indigna
tion Irom too iiidc-li hinh lirin, I bad
never yet boon called upon to be pros,
cot at her doalli.
Now, I thought, it mas', be old Mrs,
Jerome is (joins.
I look my uihl lamp and went to
the door. A atron gust of damp
sloety wind nearly extinguishing tb
light, but shading it witb my band. I
dimly disosrnod lb form oft woman.
"Come in,'' I said, holding upon the
door, but alt docliuod with a gesture
of impatience.
"l'uu must come out," alio aaid, ia A
sharp, incisive tone, "uod be quick
about it."
I put on my overcoat without da
mn r, locked tho surgery door, aud
atopped into tho storm. As I did ao
the wouiuu laid u flroi hand on my
arm, aud putting bcr fuoti do' to
mint said :
"Dr. Loekwood, can you keep a se
cret ?"
'I think o, madam.''
'Swear it."
"I this secret of yours of a profes
sional cliaraoler. That ia, ia It any.
thing you wish to eou1d to uia as u
medical iniu V
' It U."
"Very well, then I awoar it."
' "That is right."
A roaa respects so oath, though why
he should is a mystery, since men's
mouths are luuoiog over with thorn.
"Wbilher are you taking uo, aud
lor what purpose V
"To the Clifon Uouie, to ice the
ai Is trass.'.'
I started. : ' -
Clifton Homo was the ol d maosioo
recently tsken by Dr Spsneer, o
strsnger to every one in MidJUbury.
Speooor wis a tall, dark, rather dis
tioguiahed lookio(maD, who hud kong
out bia alga la the villag, only a few
doora above uiiue, but as yet hJ got
ao practice.
tj .
and wlipn lie did spi-ak it wti in euolt
ru t half :ivnp;o way that one "
oot lik!y to ftttcmjtt jirolouIn t hi
c uiversntiun.
Tlie doctor bail wife it wna giid,
bul no uno ever saw lier. ft?h was an
invalid, and Mia Mi'Iiom n fi l.nd ol
mic lit iii t iy iwiiiaii over llto e-ttnli-
listitneut and H it ut the LcjJ of tlie
Miss Mclroso waayet beautiful, nnd
w on the ti litiita1 i m l'i win vmted
t'lifton I loti". by hot' gmi-e of inau-
ner mid l.-i-ci ti a 1 1 n ij euuversation
"A wi M ailt tiloni," siid my com-
pinion, 'let mo explain jit wlnil is
tiece.-sary vjii sli uild kttu t. My mis-
tresa is Tory ill.
'I Ix-jr your pardon is it Mrs
Spencer or Mini Molroo f '
iSlie httiplied bitterly.
'Miss Molro-ie ! I would ntab bor
to tlti) beart sooncf llt:in own Ifr ! n
mistreat My inistress is a lady ; no-
bio, royal, tin I of gentle birtli. lli
an liiinnr to serve my mistress.''
''And is sh j ill '! II iw Iwj since ?"
'I'.vor since alt mnrriod hint curse
lii in, she multcred iu a fierce uuitur.
ton, '-but I intiat not get excited. 1
must loll my ntory, or rather hers.
Two yeart ao, tlno tk tbo desire of i
bor dyini; father. Alicia Herndun be '
came .1 utiles Sprm-i r's rvll'o. l!"liir.' j
'.hut she wan it hralihy I'l'iominj girl;
inimsiliati'ly lifter this nnrriagji she
Iichmii to f.iil lli you seo anything
strange iu that ?' she nslic I keen' v.
' Not n 'cessnria!!)'.'' 1
"Let me riililiten von further. !r. I
Spcueor wis at onoliins cnp.iped to
Miss I.'ieillo Molrosp, bul be bn.Le the
ena.'ineiit nnd inat rind uty tnistrrss ,
iuHt ad. Miss Melr 'o wa as poor n nul l al on " el it down to mv pro-
till l It I 1 . I ' i i .
Jobs turkey . Miss llerioloti was an l. i.ii:iil pioju nee, un l it I t'ou I not
i..: i'.,.i u. j i t.!..t : .... . . !
ueiir .iiiu i ' r. . j m 1 1 . ' I ,.u''rp.
in dubt and bard p'esol by bi- t'teli
tors, llovou sco anything ainulur ;
in that ?"
' Pel baps sn. gn on.
When my married Sptn-
tcr she was only seventeen, and slie
nai been taught lo 0'iey i.ct laiacr in
.....rvil.;..,. SI.. . I. ...v..
i- i ,,",,v . i
lionato cl.iul, unl it wouiil Itavo boen
easy for Spencer to bavo wou love.
Put he did net care for that. Il
was ber money bo wanted. It paid
his debts an I It night him fast bones;
it set bis tablo with uico cosily tlisli-
its, and put it in his power to kf'T
Miss Mo. rose rwbed like a (jiU't'ti Aud,nij(lli ,int ,i(.e , that niif:it an I
till this lime my tuisiress had h-u !
slowly but surely sinking. And l.o 'k I
you, lr Lick wood. 1 believe "lie i"'
oot dy'1114 ofdi-case, but of ' all1 '
lovre. lier voico 11 a wlnspor us alio a,i ul,i;y n,w wlat UJJu rc:l.
-poke the word, 'piison " sotiably hive cxp-ctel to heal 1111J I
"I'nn.iaiiblo:Tliiaisagravchiro."l'(.lK.irol!,.,tije(,l.a hK,(lt Hu nil I
'Ol poison given her liy her hi- j
baud, who, tit hor death, will h ivo
sole control ol her property, nn I be
Ireo to marry Mias Melrose. There
ia no time to explain to yoi in detail
thelhousand and ono circuinstitioes , wroiclie, the old n.trs siid be a
which have led mo lo the belief, lor pearod gbuny an I depress I. Miss
we are r.lmost at the door. It is ne- Molrosi caaia with bi n. and waa do-o
ver the caso that Miss Melrose and
Spencer were out at tin nam tunc,
or 1 thould have cullod another phy
sician before ; but to night they ar
railed away by the of Mist
Melroes's sister and will not ba back
beforeto-.uorrow. With tbo consent
of my in'iMtresa I cams fjr you. and
oh 1 Dr. LxkwooJ, I pray you, save.Mliyiug that bo w uld gi and teicu 11
mv dear mistress. I nursed bor whun
ber mother died and left her a holp
less iufaut ; all through her innocent
youth sha was like au own child to
me; aud now to o ber fading hour
by hour before my eyes ! (.i ml II in
veu I If I knew boyoad it doubt that
be was guilty, his life should piy the
I was already beginning to feel n
deep iutercst Iu this Mrs Spmcer,
although I had oovtr seen hor, an 1
like her old nurso, I was inclined to
feel a great animosity for Dr. Spsuoer
Mrs. Spencer received me in h?r
bed-chamber It waa on lb 1 aeein 1
floor, nnd wtia (uruiahed with oxqii
slte elegance. Kverythiag in the room
bespoke Ihe tastoand delic try of the
occupaut. I ho wi,rni air waa fra
grant with the faint odor of heiio'rops;
sod glancing around, I saw the pur
ple blossoms uod green loaves in an
tiuba-iter cas 011 tho lodge of the
south window.
8lia was u wuiuaa, who ooco seoa,
aoJld oovur ba forgotten. . I hive mei
iu my life mhny beu'ifl womuo but
never one so lovely.
Sb wai till and slight, with a
purely oval faoo, liquid browo eyea,
and a dash of hectlo ia ber cheeks,
wbiob ia never seat In perfect health.
. She roceived me, ai I know she did
evcrythiug, . graoefully j ao J ' though
there win a slight ombarrasmaot in
. k
.JStJ -
j nisa, tu answered my noleaaio m,
inq tirie witlmtit hi'ei:n,on.
As for in vHuIf. I Ini I asi .In nil In a
delirituy, mid qne-ttiutiod lier p!nmlv
to lur syinpto in Mr. Hard. n
j nurso. reinuinc 1 in tin rotn, mi l u I
,dod in.iiiy liulo iiitioitniit it'ms it i
I riti itio'l.
When ho vpoko of her hii-l a i I it
"its with a kind ot hop !. ail i..,
whii h dislresstd mo ).'ie'ly.
Xol a brt'tttli of KiiHph'inn n.'iin.'
him in bur aiiLTcrt to my q ivati n
nd 1 ftdl s iro that ut prH.?u! h
knew liotbinu tif wlnt Mrs Hurl hid
suoti seriom apprehension. I u
Hud that i: tnitw,, with lr fine
ly struiijr iiriniziiion. it iniht biv.
pt'uilU"oi Mrrit'ljs traults
I inailo toy pxiiiiiin itiuii of my n
tii'til os t'K'a ly us I C 'nld, an I drew
my eolii'liisioiia I could have
artonithit Mth S i.Mi.-et d t lv arvi1-
lowed arsenio in small n'laniiiii'a. and
lite deadly dru was toiling fmrlolly
'n a conslitulion never vet v roSust.
Shestid, nnswrring my ipi wii ..ns,
, that slm'd no ihvairian rxorpiini her
I liuslmud. Ilo hnl iliui.'ht Iuuh-i
better arq i linto I wit h bor raa, an I
theiol'iB better pr pir-l to 'reit it '
lie nevnr lull incdieino wiih her to
tnka b it always briuhl it freh tr-i-ii '
the t flic. an J tuIiniiiNured il pr unpl j
'I hero was little eitmijli I r mid i!n,
in such a cam Anxious lo do every, the very rircumstitKi s f thn
ufTuir left mo nearly pi wtrlris.
A rhuye of i-u h a n.ituro, ol
roure, I couid not tnaUo aiiiist I r.
Spencer wit Lout ilm auip'r-t pm ,r
II I hinted a Misjiiei n every on
-..ii.isi s.i. i n . mi M.iii-ini'cki. inr oo'ioi
could mil.e me pay deafly f.r sit b a
nl imliT nt ttrcl ng;nst him.
The only tlppiaibm 'e senna I to bu
in Mis. lluid. To ber I utiliosuiied
,velf f rooty. I told Iht wilh-mt rn
l,lrva t!,nt I lK'lieve,l Pr. Speimcr was
ki.lia ' li s wile by .slow p i:s):t. an I b
... , . .
yoiiiitii iter 10 nc con.r,itit:v .n I ne 1
: W4tcl, t 8I1V0 tj vis-tin. mil to di.
,.oVpr sme Iir0!,r ,y wllll.h W(J c,tM
Uston the guilt upon bun.
. She Hinile I gruu'y an I pruuisjil
l0)Cdioiic. I gave her a p iworful au
tiJote for (lie pdson I aitspeelcd. and
wont hunitt .i t ut lif .1 ti nnxiotis in 1
lifll ri, Hi '.1 -
l tho next d iy I was in a hi.h lever: I tier in lior iilo'S., but
,,f . ss isi tint . A riao nt the bell ' "'' ''''' ""K' fK '-'ver vl h -r health, '
nude mo trem'ile 1 step on Ihe gs !ho never wis In. r'.f asin S'is was,
vel outside mv ollii-e stoppud mv hivalh li vii -- uniiu, v, h , 1 .i-ht was'
huur someibinr'.
And now I niJit tell tli) story as it
waa t-ld to me. Pr. Spencer return
ed home iu the morning after my vi-it
to the Clil'iuii House. Ha loik'l
orously sud over the aid, i I deitli uf
her sister. Wo'iicn of b r st i np al
ways do mourn to jii'i foctioii. 'J It '
noiiber overdo uor uuJ-rlo tho th u.'.
as women of fejling are likely 10 d 1.
Pi Speirer cam.' ai mico lo his
wife's cb im'ior. Hit thmghl she look
ed ill, nnd iirusjriti I a cor li il al -n-"
"You are always; urdoriiu cor Jins
for bar," sail Ms. Hirl. 111 u ; 1 j 1 y
"Why not talce sotuotbing yoorse'l ?
You look like it ghost.'
Ho eyed bor very keenly, but re
piled com posed ly :
'I think I will tako a mi 1 of tie
cordial myself, for I do out fool quite
well, Alice, my dear, ahull I briug it
here and drink lo your health ? '
Mrs. Spn car ainileJ sully in assent
she uevcr disputed bur husband
and be weal out. Presently ho re
turned With two II th con
tained liquid, colorlesa and inod iro is
Mrs. Huid Wis wa'cuin,; b m i.b
her bom t in bor lhr ai, lo.-, as she
told llio, she lull that too douiaivo 111 0
me nt bad come. Thero was s.un
thing in tha gray pillor in lbs Poe
lor's rigid fare (hit told ber nf 1 dn
pcrate purpose in tho mau's aoal.
He lifted tlit glass 00 tbo right ol
the tray aud gavo it lo his wife.
"Drinlj it, dear," be said, 'it is u
nausea for all evil. I am going lo
take a glass of it j'' an! b punted tn
a glass atill on trey. ' ' '
. Mrs Spencer accepted it, and was
putting It to hor lips, whan Mrs
Ilurd interrupted ;
"If you will bring her a t iaiblor of
watr Doctor; Mrs. 8,uoer eompU us
that cordial leavo a bad tiale in her
month, and my old bine era ai fu'l
. .1' . .t !. I i-il ... 1
re,, - .
Tlie I I'll t ' 111' Hi I it lid brut on lier
a lo k, as if li wo tier thro.'
but 'ie k'pt li.'f f.i'a iiiipanive, II
b' h i I auv siiapi.' her mannar t'ii
eted ihi'Hl, nil. p'ltinio; down tho
uliii. ti.' 'i tt i lie r loin.
T!i;i 'dr. H ud olitttt! thi posi-
ii m of th" t( .i-a's.
WIimi ha ciiiio linik, in I Wis cone
'tit :i m i ll, -nl. I lie nuin(.ol exjrt-
t wltvi ha had 'eft h r, mi l r
Speni'-i waa Imi l i'
Willi hir )vt"i !' I.
At ii ii I find Mil
he ' chait
4'a litis
tint.' it Wii ilia ii i.' in o ide I for him- j.imping from sj il to, willun
I ' ,tn I p a 'e l it at i bt lip of liiai"vcr oaeli otlur, A-1. Any pino i ;r
w fiv She drank t be runt ant a. swhI-Io bid any reud f n" prsi.i;tl aifoty
1 1. vela little uf tin wntnr be
hrm.'li h -r, :tu I th ink) I liiui in her
aad, sweel wav.
"Now ..r my own fordial," Sii I ln
Willi nfTe 'l I ;iiety ' I in lul,'! iny
sell'ina li'te "Oii'thin atton.'t'r,"
md a h i ik bi t mi. I o;T tha mix
tuie "It mile? mi sio.e rod 1 1 mv ft-i-nv
a Hu la to seo him do it," aii I Mrs
ilti'l r l:f nif tha e reiintiu'a to
hi I a : Ii ',w,i :a my wituei. I felt
n f a sin jlii t w iin of c msenMiCi'. J
a m th s : li'ii w i :t s:m;i!a eoriliali
as be lial -ni I. it wmil I d) hi tn no
harm. If it wis p iiin. bis IiI.kkI
wool I bi on hi ojiii sin ill bcid " '
I le wen- to he I half mi b iir after.
ai I. rom i uinin; of l'it;.'iiu In th 1
ni'iitini l u ' fotrnl him de:t I j
I was ralhil 1 1 ilia o nx ir? hi r.-
ini.liiitioti. aud w diiiovereJ in the
stom u-h of tho deriMso I a suluVient
i'l'ianl i"y f th " da II ut poiaim known
j li m I r i s -n 1 1 k I bull' a d r'ti
"' '
i '"' ' "I W IS
''.ke i til" ii
' :'iv eia'H a :r I t bat
os l ie ao I Ii i I ;r o'.i i'ilv
i i ii a of ins ii ii ( .
i e. tils ..f min I I I'd not d spulr
tliein but ove, i lnl'.r Mr. lined
told 1
her story. I li.i I my own thjory iu re
K ii d to bis death
Th-ro was no public
however, tor Mrs. Ilurd and 1 a.-recd
tint it would profit u . ono t
k ,
the wretch.- I alfair public, mi l uwe'i
l ... -
l" " " -
Miss Mclroaj, iu ;iiic uf mv convic
tion lli 11 dhi h.;l ticca an active party
ho r iiisp.riev aj ii:ist Mrs. H
iff lile, I ruuld tmt help p.tyiti.
Such a miserable worn an I hazard
l.iee as b r's I liivt 11 'vor a-eu, ail
'oen ' Ii buried S,i iu.'T alio was
c ',,:'1' " ll"r 1 ''" lV"h hraiu favor
III O'IlO'iii ' llo.Vios ,l..-ul ..1 in.r
i.i. loi. gi n - with 1 1, nn
Shu is I. ling -till, un) !, siill
L'a'b o's II iwms an I lavs the n n thai
train ingiii to liei s 'lf, ineiiirtb le.
n "
11 soil of lo.v in a 1 Jiio.'i, wlncl;
one piir pi d- 0 un leia'au.l.
X it un'il Mi. Speucer had Leen
many day my wife, and tlie f.iit bful
M"s Ilirl slept undur llm violets,
did Alicii ov-r Uno tlw peril ly of
her f irin-r b is'iau I
An I when 1 tod ber afier tin first cf a ruilniad train, nnd, whm appro
sh iclt was ov-r, -be crept iuto my handed, rcaist the nfliv-or ol tho law.
arms nnd whispered : v .1 - i e .1 1
"llu if i. 1.4 1, f.r James i No.u ,er iu""'0 "f nor
enin not nav found
Hiri.oit. So gud so net oi as ooiuis
OU' nl evil."
t I. a ml ol ll.iriilors.
l li. re is u i i ouo lerriiory of tin v
sie, and never l.a-. he. 11 but 0 lie, oc
t'opii'd by uny .usnlera d- populaiton
tr im win. li women la ipntr exalinleil
Yd such u placoexisls to da', aud baa
xisted fir iru'uiies. As la;' hack as
bi-tory, roiu b- to all leuiaics it bus
bee. 1 lot bi l bin ground. This bache
lor Ar-a lla is siiuaud oa a bold
pluteau bvlw-wu the old pouins ila of
Act-, ii: tli lire . ciin Archpelago, aod
ilia iniiu laud. Here, in lb midst ol
cultivated lieldB and ext. nuve w 0 id
lauds .1 well ;i in in isl iu eo .fed. ration
of (i.r. k Cin ii,a ia. tb t veoiy
I tree CO iVriila, au 1 no 11 104 iuju
lli.iu s-veu tliou and "UU, uod ul
one ol tbs in 01 i!eri.- oat Irom a l.iirr
ti e 1 li in in la tilth cmitury. A
lew soldiers tund me b .arder of line
auli-feiiiale land, uoi 110 woman is al
lowed 10 cross the Imoiiur. Nor is
this all ; the rulo Isexteuded to every
Ii male creature, and Irom time im
memorial no cow, umro, boo, dunk or
i84 lias boeU iM'luilld tO make lie-
qiiaiuiaiiea with bill 11 r valley ol
M out Aih-a territory. A traveler
wa ssartled by the abrupt question,
" What sort of human creator 1 are
women f ' The very id of woman,
whaihor as mother, wif.i, or tiitor Is
almost I isl. ' To nil w im:in-hatrs ;
to baelirlora of oyer forty ytira a'arnjv
nig ; l'i till iu 1 who seek relug frohi
I a. fil.miiiill mat til ih.. iini.njil. a .
'" -" " -H '
Itlnl on it HnllriKiJ I'f.ihi
Oo Mmday uftornuon th acvnins
d.tllon train from H movo. whilo unler
thu c'lurjij of C jii luttor S'.ierwoi I,
was llio stctio of u most dis.-iuinlul
riot. It uem about, thiriv or
forty lo,' fl inters, n is'ly mi ler tho en-
ploy of Ilea liii, A I'iilior. of Wild m-t-piil.tnii
a 'its initio Iron tear, and
bavin r i.i1iah .... l'...l. ..I'
soma ot tl.j tip river lihlin whislcey
boc.ini J very n iisy and tlntji inii j.ihle.
Th y inn ta.i I Iha undvca f ir a tiiuo
j hy yelling at lliutipol their roictn,
! worn vuin,)ell-ij U leavt tlncir Sjv
er.d, it in auid, vvere troMtnJ with ron
i Ut'iiblo ril'iui ail I itil.tpity
WIikii tho r.tnddJtor ci'ni arum I Lj
was inform t i that they watt ru'i
niii' t!ta train ml Urn ooiditior."
Soutn of t!io men tofjie l t) pay tluir
lares, :ui I wlivn toll tboy mast eilb.T
pay or bo pill o f tbo train, they bado
dolunr tj the o m lu.tior, and dtolttr
od that they o.ll I not, a il w mid n il
, 'lu lM" the train. Tlioy pas I
th-Jir tifkola ur.iun I li'o n ouo lo an-
li"i', auil lilioil t lio the
conductor bud much trouble in gelling t
lliroujcti llio cur. Alter ho ha J left
1 ''")' riauinrd their "fun," broke scuts '
" Irmu t h tir s ippjtts, ku ie'j I out u j
'uJow p.iin or iw ), to tap tiie
rlittisx pu. led the bell io e and at op-
ed llie liniu.
At Futruidsvilio Mr. Shi'twool to!-1
rgraplicd to the mayor ol I.oek Haven '
to hue u Ktroiig police loice at th
d pol lo ai list lb . u. pelt. il.. rs in tho
lisliirh inci. The police were prompt- i
ly on band wheu tbo (f.iiu iirrivcil
M.i lilf Smnh. wh i m cu ih.1 train,
ui.d who li.d not Irvo uljle t i i r 1 1
I lie tumuli, also took a prominent nit
III III fihtllig the' pi Molls lioililcJ out.
Tbo and Chief ol Poliic Mc-'
i.ill, tilirr tnuli ililltvulty, surce.dedi
i il e I'M . Willi .in tlior.t.ou .. at
tii. ;
eat. im, I tin 0114b tin
uvoirii.l to .ti .,1
i ... , ,
.... mo-.iii'.'ii, niuiio.-n in nn rt'sisirn,.,.
I w im wj: h. Cius'sbles Wesl -ronk1
jand Paul, nafi-ted by Ileputy Slierifl ',
S uith, and s line citv. 'lit. su o'e-d 1 1 :
in csptuiia.' K I ward M million, wim
hi I ronreilol lii us jll' 111 tho (144- 1
K''e cir, pariially distils 1 1. II t j
; jumped from the window sud triod I i I
escape, bat wis cailit X nliiu' bu'- I
' a a'ron f.r to and t!u pompi ass stiu-e
ofituny ci'iz-jns preventol tin jirison !
oners trim biting res'ud. I
I p in a he iiio,' at the M.tvor's . .Hi '
in Toes lay. Ml'MsIi m wai bel l in iU?
'- ' " '" a "i iMuguiirty 10 in.'
um of $7.'iO, t' answer at court. LI- 1
J ward tin 1 Miehi-I Powers vcore ideti- j
''A ' in I he M iy ir's o: as b iv.u 1
t'iiiw, ... 1...... .... ..
bo-n c.nii.oi no I iu the row ; ibay were
at oiiL'o ,'irrasU'd mil hell ia the K'lm
,' 1 ' JJo'teh. Ia'ault of the biil,
, raq'ured nil foirmen w ora com uittod '
J 'l ,'l'i- uu vcampl was made of
uioa who are so reckless of the lives uf !
1 othora as lo iiit-rf.'r.. villi tint .. Ill i..r. '
; winskey ouhl lo excuse such reeklcis- !
nu' Vlinlim -ioc nf.
TllKY ar again agitating tho d it-till
ntion ol spirits from the garbage of
pi.ii'a Alpi.hi.l it t tvtfll L'M.itrn f.i.
I u .1 . n 1 e ' .1 .1
bo distilled Irom anything that fr
inents, 1.0 miller whether tho fer
menting mailer be a louf of unbakod
bread or iv recking garbage vessel.
In this new process 1 be garbage is j
gathered from the houses ol cili.-ns.
dumped into water tight va's, boiled
lor several hours, lb.' greose is cm
fully kkimmcd vS lor soap making
purposes, mid iho pulpy mass fer
mented and distilled The raluse g-ts
to the corulietd, the peajh orch.iid, or
tb vineyard. A barrel of garbage
yields throo puuudt of aoap grccso and
I 'UI' gslluns of proof spirits. Tb
pb.l jsiiphieal and chsmical mind may
kuow that wbislty thus distilled from
g. abago is a nirj nnd cloauly as that
wbicli e nines from corn but for a
steady boaveiag the orJidary drunk
ard will douhllea prclur sound liar.
boa or Old live.
A Vermont girl who sued a false
lover for bre ion of premiss, laid lbs
dumugci al forty dollars. In ouri
lo uusrvsr to tbi in jury why that
ptrliculur sum had beau namod, aba
auiwered that counilog tha titne she
Had rpent "sitting up" with bitu ai
worth al the rite of oma shillings per
week, she bad floured uti the alne
hours passed iu bia company, nod ad
ding the value of wood consjrad,aii
had louod that lb amount das, There
ws oj doubt ia the oiiod of lb Judge
.l i'li4liij; ltiilOfs
One column one year . . $00.00,
One-half column, one year, 80.00.
One-fourth column, niie year, 15 00.
One square (1(1 lines) one insertion 7.'
Every addiiinnal insertion 60.
Professioaal and llusiitras cards of
not more than live lines, per year. J,00
Auditor, Eipculnr, Administrator
and Assignes Notleea
Kdiinrinl notices per line t
All adverllsrmeal for a shorter period
than one year an? rsyal.le al Ih I in,
tbev are ordprnl. and if nni i..i.l ik.
son ordering tlieui will he held responsible
lor the moner.
ruin i;lu'iiion.
With Iho excellent means of cducn
tion wo have, and Iho good use wo
sometimes m ike of il, we nrc often nejoi
ligent nf the advantages offered, nnd
use the very worst oll'ore I. A writer
in Lippinc.n's Migiiiie for Oot.ibor,
in nu excellent article on education,
rebukes this tendency to wrong and
fnlsn education, saying that ihe Hng
lish noblrnnn who sends to Paris f.r
hi daughter'.! drones is rriHounblv
certain tint be, nni bis (laughter's
htisl.aiid after him, ran contiuoe send-1
mg, mid that in iho trainiui; of bis
child bo is fostering r.o habit which
camiet be rightfully Indulged in. Tho
mercun know., if bo knows anything
thai tbo of luxury in which bis
child is reared until lur for the duties
of the life to which she will in all
likslihood be ralleJ tbit be ennnol
bopo that his family wealth will long
survive him. any more than his daugh
ter will love a man to whom that
wallb will be unimportant. F.xpcri
encc and obscrvntiou til i U u tell him
that wealth iu this country rarely cou-
linui a in a family tbrco generations,
and that liny tinio he may find Iiiu 8 ill'
a poor man again. Yet In regulates
bis life and that of his children as if
his wealth mil t hoii a wer assured for
evi r, nnd as though the habits ol'a
lifetime wore to Iw Irottvii like wisp
of slrn-v. His da filters arc unfit 1 1
marry any hut the rich men they ex
perience so much difli.'iilty in Hiding,
and a man uf moderate means is care
ful to avoid liking tlu'in to chango
their habits of lifo. There tire few
-a l ier pictiirrH than tho ouo wo act)
when s.iiuo sich Woman of braver
heait Mian tuo.-t nf li r sex 1 booses tho
noi l ion of a poor man's love and vain
ly ssck to a lap! hets'll to it Ufa of
which slut has biilcrto knowu tiotb
ing The halo's of I, or girlhood bind
her like strong loiters, berignoianro
of dollies: ic duties weighs ber to tho
north, tho loss uf social po-iiiui,or the
I'i'iibU vlfort sb''N toritpport ir,
wear out ber life in bitter r-'p'tiings,
until her health gives way and hbo
diet, leaving hor faults to trouble tbo
world iu her uhildrcii in b-r children,
mi l h-r virt u' undisoovcred auvo by
her b labanl, w ho hide from bhnself
all rl-o of her niein-ry.
In a Picillttuiiriit.
It is very pleasant to bo in lovo
soiiietnucs, but quite annoying wbei
ihe ten lor folding is accompanied by
ih-HO jietty diawtiaeki which oro
uri lo follow paroulial hostility.
Such ut Irnst is the experience of Au
gust Klrinc, a youth whose heart lias
sol'u ticd ond whose brain lias grow n
dizzy beneath the miles uf u Cam lea
belle. Stiuuhow or other ber farlln r
won't listen to bis suit, and clandes
tine iiitorviows bavo lalvon p'aee iu a
vacant lot in ihe rear ol bur rts'ulcncc.
Seut. il 011 nb Mich t-liso i:p to th
feme, they did bill and 00 f-arlcssly
a two genie turtledove Put ono
evening. Istoly, thuir stub'U iulri
viewa weirt tlissovcred by the girl's
brother, a malignant little wretch, who
out of th-ir lovo determined to extract
smua fun himself. With lb' end In
view be watched f.r tboirnoxt meet
ing, and, when they were comfortably
seated on the bench, bo managed, with,
out exciting their suspicion', to druw
tbo geiitli inaira tout-tail nnd 11 part of
ihe lady's dress through 11 crack in the
fence uud feston them to a post.
This accomplished, bo retired a few
paces, and tin n acrvamoJ lustily for
bia father. At the first acrecch the
lovers started to run, but tbo post held
them fust,
" Let me go I" pleadcJ the lady.
The gentlemen, quicker, in expedi
ents, threw bis coat off nnd boundod
. . 1 . II -T
away. Now the Inly coin tn 1 pmi oj
lirr t en', neither could she ualonso it
lier lover had loft her, her br .tbor
1 1 I : t ...1.t-
till scrcamoii, anu mio, no uu niiim-
tiou dray Imrse, still tnggod at tbo
obdurate post.
Tho old man was by this tim hsard
pproacbing. Put ono course was
loft, A dosnerate pull tore tbo dress
looso ut tho waist, nnd a skeleton .lad
flguro flod wildly across the lot.
Somehow or other, iho lovora
baveu't met since.
A Mich'gandcr prcsentod liimself to
the sheriff, wcepiog, snd said he could
not tell a lie ; ha bud k lied bit wife
and chill with a little batclut. Tha
sheriff toid blm ho was too good to
live much loor, aud lL cbaooctar
that be will not.
Ao amorous irma declares he il
so fond of tb girls that bt bs rubbed
tbo skin front Wis ooaa y kissing hor
diadnw on ihe W1L A blesiM.
win . i., . ikkaUUI Mty