auyjw je?. bm n aHi lt lB3t, MIPPtEBPnO, DEO. 7 ,1671, J- CUOCfll, Edllor and Proprietor. Mil " . I I I .i FOR OOTRRIf OB IN 1171, HON.. JOHN V. PACKE3., Of BUHBUBT. Tbe aies-ftae The Prl1tt t Mnai was ru- elved too lets fir llilf week's but wo will jtWe it in full Dot weak. It iiluod, but oil toj loriif, whoa tho Iro portsneo or tho snbjjvta treat! is cOailJereJ. It ii a molsl tuiinois papjr and ovsry rjter la read U. I:i tniln htm I features are thus brlofl itched bj tit l'b.Ul:ptit Asss, . Goueral Oreol atiJPenmvl aola thank bin Ibcrofor ukoi 6jIJ tod deviJeJ stand on tho qu it ion f Protection Jim fl iitMial ya'.Wy baviagrceulieJ in a rjduitloo of the dsbt Kruifylnjj thai U eel for 1 re dtictiou of taxation, ibe President io coaimeuds tout in ree.ljits'.inir. the ten! it b done s as not to disburb borne produstion or t) reduce tiie wa le of the Aiuerieao libber For Ibis recotnmen leiun tbo Prosileol will bo rem? mboreJ in tlx workari'S and tbo flrnnld.i of hundreds of tbou itO'ii of grsteful men. SiCOd. Th President stands mw, t in tho punt, oo bis tried old p'stf Tin ftlie " Enforcement of tho Law.'' Tho Hull lu x of Carolina and Ibe pn lyiteoiists of Utah aliko must rvndor cbedietieo te IbrUnl el Stutessta' ttes, no mat'.cr ho h eal datum, or passion, or pride amy coufl.ct. Third. The President presae in a farlety of shunes his already hiro-ic policy of Retrs nuK merit no J Kjonotny. The national debt, baa been reduced daring the year eiitlity-sis mil. inn. aoJ by tbia reduction of f ri:io!e and lha refandin of a p-rtiou of ihe I ii the in'.orott ec'cuut Las been lessened nearly seventeen tniili.ins. Tbia tnajnilGcent exhibit al mo shuuM atiify the country on tuM poitit. but tho aiegi throughout abounJs in 'iaetk-al an I pregnant suKtfestioii itad recoruweadati'jQ in tbo wayufrO" nirnical mima'cmcu. aad tUe earing of oailay an J of force. Fourth. Tbe Pn s dei t rotkea basK lo lift from the shoulders c.f tbe poo p!e tbo burdena of tbe war. Tha meMfWe reccuniiiends, in view of tut rapid diminiui'io of I tin l b t . the aSa litioo of all iuternsi ruvsnue Uses, save three on liqvurs. tjbaccj. and tamp. Tb;s sweeps away tbo Ii come tax tbe tat on the bouds and securities of cerytira'.i'ins. wbi:h tram m1a the invciunoiil i.f pt-r'nv! prop erty, the blind of llto nation n:i 1 aiai pliGeit at it rlatb ihr wlio!u ayaiem. wruplua; uwny nearly tba oruirc cum brcu murliinory of war taxa'im Aoi'tbcr ti-rm of Grant, and wo mny alaoHt hope to extinguish the fatnl Wg aoy of thi dyinf Duioi;rat;o pirty t'tftK- OciiHtal Grant carrie tho flag of Ualical Ref. rtn. Nearly evory paragraph r ! huvr in autbir ii in. atioct with tho life of proirnj. U j 4rRlarca : For etringttnt lo 'ia' rroi.1ii' acainit tho dealing in r owiifrnh.p i f lave properly hy Ameiicaa cliiioas io any country ; For the more practical rrceyitiin of tho brotherhood of man in eur dip lomatic relations with the Asiatic ra ce ; For the po:! telegraph reform, an j Fur eivil acrvivia reform, which be deolarea " ha',I have b fair trial." Could there ba any bettor criieoce thai cor political rhivf, now a when wading the army, ia heading tbo ad vaoeo ot tbe country ? - - - J Col. Talhouu. There ia something manly ani ! dierly In (he following ad-iroea of Col. A. K. Calnoiie, reaigmnti hit pojt a Coioanauder of the Djpartioeot tf Peoay'.yaia of the Oraod Army of tho Rojiublic, an 1 n) one can read t be io frank and lionet worjg without belieTin him atill worthy of tho ouo- flJeoce and offeclioa of Lie country neo : IIi.D(jrjAtTa d. A. R , DfFABTMlNT 01 I't N!TLV Af Philami-I'UIa. Nov 22.1871- 3T tht Council of Adminutralion, Dt- partmtfU or renisyivania, G- A R COMtAniu: I httroby tenJur my resignation as Comniirnior of the Do parttneat of Pvonylvania, GrtaJ Army of the Ktp iblij. Tbo votninand ot the daparLmsnt will, therefore, devolve from tbia date ea Corurale Howard J. Reodir, Ban inr Vice C'iniurjiander, hraJquartora, aiton, Peunaylvauia. I dretn It proper bofora cljjin thi letter to alate briofly tbe tuovtive that iodutel me t a irroaoVr a p.iition of atnuoh honor, an I aa in Jte:itvo ot our oonfideoce, which for two yeurj bara bald by tbo almoal utianiuuua voie of the depurliueot through iia representatives io oar order tbero are thoaian 's of ea who differ frnm mo ia puluiri aaaoy of wham have hel l, likoreyaelf. publio pnaitionanf woU-daaarvod honor and trut, by eleotiou or apnointnient Io April 1869, the President aaw fit to appoint ma ponaloq aent at Pbiladel phia. My duty waa toray tbe moth era, widow, fathers, and children of ray talles comrades in this State, and to tho beat of my abllitiea 1 luvs fiitli fully dona this work ; for I never aaw od old mother coming to ma for her money that she did sot suggem a brave boy slcepiox on a Southern battlefield, whero be died for priuui jile. Kvery widow and child called to roind a msoly form atriokto dowa fur coaotry, by hunger, lbs bullet, or din sse. I could do, no wrong to tho lit iog so ooar 10 tbe pristo)o of i bo deed. nvigg trisl, ia this toy aloptod homo, to make myself koown as ono wboae past reoord tor principle ceald not bo tarnlehod by any present lore for itala, I disbursed to the boat ef my ability nearly four millioo of Oovero (Bent aoaojr liac I earn Into ofioo. qOi")im.ljJ, l ffej.,B.MIB Darin ible time I wat nalnly Instru mrntsl la thBiiii tho payments to quarterly io'.cad ofscmi-anouiliy, and in mnkine; tbo gorrnmtnt pay the fee from (vch I derive my aalary, in J rlnt the pjor fenpiotiora. Tbi' doublrd my woik without Inrrea'i n my f ay. I gave, since beliif In cflke four hooJreJ tbiuaaad security in two boodn My C't bond wailrokon up by the withdrawal of a primin?ni grtitieman m this Hut-.', luet JdoUlary. who wlr-l eJ," B ho nid, "tn lirnit hi obl'ufatigiie ' Wli.le making uiy tec unf bond, roe foiile heujine cthrtuateJ but to help tbe widnwa and orphan aud autain my ct, under an o!E :cr. I went oo psyiiiif, determioed lo oe tny own, or borrowed money, till tb nw boa l wia 8nJan i funds font me Reoant defalcutioti!!, by other o;Ti ri ;i lad to an exaailaalioii of my accouatii, and tha "rre,;iilart:ia" ofrunnlui; the two acuouot9 toothrr recultod in thr President ea'uinK for my tedina'.ioii. whb h I at onoe tondored. Prom WsKhiti'toD there has Oct tern a har.ih worj uttereJ air,t me oleially; on the contri'-y, there hna boen rvmpaiby aiJ kindnura exprrv e. The public preae has, however. Jaiaed my fO'd iit, an1 Until I taitd c't'jrly acqultt 'd from (he a!nd iiw of s mpii'ton 1 ab.ill "tupy no pj ition ubiive the rjok ia the Grnud Army, as I do not wish anytbioj that mnj be sai'i againat tiie lo djnjige our noble Orler A heretofore, I chill do all I can to tbe full estoot of my I i in I od power aud meaui to oiJ my sutforiui; com-ra-Jrs. I thank my staff and the department nffleera for the. raid, pr .inpie, and Slolity. aid, i h ruore gratitu le titan I vna u;,vt., thank tha pats hti 1 hundreds of coiiini lca nvha are S nJina- ttct-j of eouGJi-nou and rympttthy. My heart ii'i; pine and over w ,-irni f ir my comiuie", while ! wji io P., C , no 1 L . tlif.r', A R. Cai.h:oh. EC mrtanJer D -f-a-t it;tut of Pe Duylvania. 0 A. IV p,i . .III Ml I II Ml... Tho Ele.clorul Count D.irioi tbe voir j in i'blu e'ee il ma ut M:Ti.:ii.t imirtauu) to de icrmlnu th i ittiera! p i i i . o a '- eo uplut ion if the jti:if pop'jli'ion have Iccn b'dJ ia Uoniy.Vur 'f tnu S'atcs jf me L'oi o. Of those S;t.iK S'ven luati prO'iO'iUCe iuftvorof t!ie IU p.iblicin party; in ivn fir tha 0io ncratto la IcTO thv t'ur t'.-cn S:nto nil hvl I no"'"l elettoe ifX.-npting Georgia, whidl V.'tcJ for Un'tal 'a.os Cj"rt"S'ni'ii aln luit'-uditiii Ooor'ia, eiuhl of the li'O eiecti'iiK writ dutermined io favor o' tho Dertiocrit'.-y, and five fir n. Thr rf ii I ; aa, !th uh not, of murie, ro'i lr-! .:nc lii-' coining e'eetioo !or IfsiJen', yet aro ajfliuieutly i dicativo of the po'.lticitl toudeneia i f ilie ojj itry to efforJ valuable dati f j.-uo-'k and cul 'ulation. A lmitcritf to the Dtim cratlj parly the electcr-il vulo of every jjlai.e car no I by tbcm during two veara pas:., the bal-ot of tho B eotoral Cobe-e woilil bi b f. lioa : Rrtpuhl.ean. Vote. 5 6 6 3 16 h 3 7 7 VI fc 4 7 3 S3 C 1 2'j 4 fi b 8 206 Votoa. 3 9 13 11 7 11 3 5 7 3 10 Ii 10 6 Calit'vrcle Cmrc:iat Ploiiia iiliijkita I ) Knna Loa'glatia Maine Maaiacbtievtts Miohi'ikn Mine, cot a M;ei!lf pi Nebraska Nfw York N .uh Carolina Ohio Pvi)iiiylvniiia Rhode Inland 8outh Carolina Vermoot WWoonnio Total Demoeratte. Alabama Do lawn re Georgia Indiana Kentucky Maryland Miaauurt Nevaia New llampabire New JcMy Ore (oo Tetuietioo Toxas Viriaia Weit Vinla HI Thi Is a prorpeot good enough, aa tho Democracy will fiuJ it imrd work to rooapture any State in ouro durnn, while wn, with a wall or'Huni'd ctm t a k'U. silall certuisly filit uii'ool'I.V and with fair rhiinoet tor New H.vnp. ehiro, Missouri, Indiaua, North Carn line, Oreon, beaidus n.akiiis. if we oliao.e, a vigorous (Vr Utile Del aware. Prest. Thk Russian I'uinc Tbe Omni Duke Alexis, who ia ow tho go.-t of the American people, w.u reeaive l by the I'rehideiit, at W'nsliint'in, Urn week. He makes a favorable tmpreia aoi) wherevor he (toe Alexis Alexendrowits la the third oo of tbe Czar Alexander tbe Seennd. His elder brothers aro tho Gran t Duke. Aitxauder, beir ttppareot t ilc throne, and tho Grand Dike VlaJi mir, who ia three years bis seulor. Alexis wits bora Junuary 91, 1S.VJ. and ia llmelore nearly tweaty-twu yeare ef aiie. lie occupies a position as Lteutsn ant io the Ru'sian oary, sod dressx in tbi simple uniform ol a lieuteaaot. Ho is tall, strongly built, and has the sir of a Ke'itlcmatj, clear comploxino light hair, e hikkers, blue eyes, spcukt English quite fluently, and is repre sented to be enexcf piiouublo iu b habits and character. As so ioslaoee of his personal gal lantry sad eoorsgo it is related (bat en ooo occasion when sailing oo Lake Onega, fujUo royal barge, fee iBraoaj out and rescued a yootig Roiian no bleman and b S s'ster from drowning, their boat having been iipset.and both being ia linminent paril of atnking. For this act of heronin tho ttmperor (, whinh he al ways wears, snd no doubt the H is rrrniB eyes of Columbia's fairdaugh ters will it among the mauy deeotatlont wbiih the young man wears an 3ite occations. Although the L'uiteJ States mil R i?ia repre.eot urn syaloms of go veruichl rldoly d CeriU from e.vh otbr, yet they have always I sen firm friend. Our tcvol ttlouurv lather Were indebted to Oalharine the See. on I for d iphimatio reuoarnitiou, and fr'tu thrtt day to this there ba I eon no inlerrniitiou of kiuoly nlnil oi During too Slave holders' R-bflli'm llj'sia's sympathise were with the North, and itaaJiiy re.ite.l all tfforfe in the purl ol other Europti po. ers lo havo her take nn unfi ioitdly stnud. lionce toe y um priaco will ricivt a C'irlia! atfectiiiif. teeauaa ol the eioidy friendship of the grrnt Em pire he rcpreicuts I.o8It BT Till WlsnoB'!! FlRM A ertespnu lent of the Miwittikee lU-(8il, who has treveled thr. Ilh tho burnod rogioti iu Wiieoiil'i. pis tes the number of lives saerlfleed l 7t0, The I s of property i c-t tu.t :d us lo lows : A 'ueJiooi citiuuto ot dumnge in line lanJ in the lireon Hsy i -foo is $10 t.OOK. Tbo dinnsge ou the Wolf if tig. i red at f 300.000. I liero ia abundaiii'e of ban! won Uli in places. The damage, to individ tinis may nmutint to $30J,00j The loss of tho Qltesu saw mills burned is put utl.J25.00J. The loss of rnrd wool, ties, hcmleck baik. etc.. is sit d .wn al I25l),0ll0 The lo-ses i;f (Vii , bu'lliuge, W'igous, cattle and crop unur.g tbe 93't Urine, a caanot ba lc than 8C0J.UO0, lutknirf a lota errenti! of more than $J OD-'.t'Ofl as do Irntu ttios' at l'sh'ig. Tlo-ra are three buiiirsJ or more wojnJoi sutforera remaioiu in hotels, board itiir h nsi'H aod h 'tela ali ut tb I ay. Burnui ears, fuces. bau'lsand foot are eo-rtr.ou t nearly all. Ms .y io r i"u,s can ImraVy at r in bod, 'lher ere w . id en wi.h gruat burne on tiie si tee aod limbs, fauua liko kei:l uu.l bands like clnws, bat'aed to tbe bents Mi-n could fiht baler an 1 dit'e uv rv than w-msn Most of them per. shed by eulLiMha J.itlla cl.i Iron are sad y in their tort aud faces Noirly all will recover wi.hut the iiss of ai'bt or htcb. A -SHaeon ofteirlb'e sulTei iiig fi-r tb poor has en Ideoly Jawnod. Tn troet klni; alrealy wteida euprt-ui. vuy u ervirra! '-e 'tiuu ' f the mouh iry, beajiitig f.uin sol n.i.-sry t.p.,i, ihojhan Is. -n fur Co'tMMWO'.d. in Utah TerntD'y. m to I e tn v(in.t u.T. 1 'be huge aiifW Oritis ar. rcj.-r . J to lo six :aul mi a lovol uui 't tu fur!- to a burijiej d'.-t op in tiu in' 03 a n do'j.e, endnn .'citii ' .he I ex of tne minrra. many of wh.nn luva nl ready enstiud, baeidra u idio th punye wf liuo.-cr to tbe diuteas i.f w. men and children who m iimtble to obtain tin! shelter in wbii b the col tUs s rar.nit reat'h them S'vural rivers aod csnala is the Kis'eru and Middle iJiates are a'.o frntsu ovor 0.1 onviguvoo etoppeJ. 'l'lio treat calamities which hero occ irrcd do ling th ruonihs, the Uoiiaj 0t Ni'lhwesteru fire, and thestOJlil bout and railroad b'rrorn, have larl hondro is or pep!e boineiata and pan Hildas, aud now that winter in upun them l heir sulforingM wilt be iutOusc. unless tb people of the country who are blossei with plumy cora to their aid. CotOAOO has a romsfiissina in ses sion to invefttiste the origin of tl,e reeent fi-e, aud the responsibility of its rapid piead aod wide extent. The tacts no tar developed nra thus sum roe ) up : Thai Mm. 0 Leury went 1 1 beil al half past eiirbt o'cloek oa ihe oig;bt of the fire, oa account ot her. oi. aonount of her ' snro fut ;'' that Pal McLaughlin, the 6iJI-r, reiias in the frout part of 0 Iieery'a mansion j that Mrs O'Leary heard Mrs. White say that McLaughlin had a party, aud tba party wauled oyalart, and the oysters wanted mi k to bo 'fhlew. i" la, and that they went out and mik.'d her (O'Leary'a) eow. The McLuughlins admit that they wire hsvin a litllo j)lll!leation over a "greenhorn' just arrived train lrelsnd but deny the oyster "eh'ewi,'' or ha ving milked Mrs. O'Leary' tsw after Mr. O Leary had gone to bed. Al. the witnesaee eosmed agreed that there wsa a pile of khavin.' in the barn, an I that the Cre was first eh.srvud on tho aide of the barn whera the ska vinita were etoreJ, but none of theiu have any ides how it cums there or how long it burned befure the eoiue Kut there. In the course of an address, io re spouse to a wclcnine from friends and neighbor npon hie r.norn to Auhnrn Mr Seward ssid : ' In ihn Co ire of my waiuleiinjH I have soon, not -ill tbe nation, but some of tbe nations of every l see on the eurth 1 have h"k kol thowhulo hums'i family ia lha fare, taken by tbo hand and eunvers ed with my f'ellnw-nisn. In his lo e-t doinidution ami in bis bighef-t stnge of civilization. 1 have bum n nu. lion a dinant m.i no race ao I jit that tho character of i A'nrri 'uii ri s-in did moi lei'iirp io nie ineraly Hat'-'tv but also resp'ct. coiiaidcrati io o 1 of faction. Yu mev julgo. ibroi'or hether, in reiurninj,' to my owti oouniry, I bate Ira loas n tu lose and honor it." The followiag I the salutatory u an Oregon editiess : ' We hara serv ed a regular epprenliceship at work mi; washing, Scrubbing, patching daruing. ironing, plain sewing, raiein babies, milkinir, churning, uud p ul try raising. Wo iiuvo kept bosrdcre iaaht scho d. taught music, wri'tou fir tbe newspaper, made apeonhe aod carried on ao extensive millinery aod dross making business. Vfo ean prove by pubiio that ibis work bus been well done. Now. haying roaidi dibeage of thirty-six. snd Jievlnj brought op a family of boya lo typtitM ijujwr to no. tbo mil' llntry atom ws prnpro to edit aod poblish a newspaper, and we Intend (e establiah It s ono of tho perms neat institutions of tbe onuntry." Winfr la nnw fjlrly opoa , snd the tennis are hstnlo la the lorn her wnrds In virions parts of tho coun try. 0'ir advise Is every 'man who roes to tho wends, he he captain. e, tssinster or eny other insn, is In tsks slonz a gonj suck of Jo'tntO'i't An orfynt Lmimt.nt aorl rarton't I'w gttior IXtlt. Many months of Inhnr (m tho orgrei'ste) may bo saved by this precaution. Bil aneu,rh to look snd feel ha'l yourself j bit no exusa for having vour lores lock and feel birlly. when for a ams'l sum jum ran huv Sh'ri. inn'n C&wilry (Jon'Htiin 'owItj which givee io grain t" nr th-e times a week, will mske hiai look and feel well. NEW ADVERTISEMENT'S. offCETO'cLAiMANTs" Bi ssoar A4 t.awrTow B H r', Hai.iKeB-rova, No. I. ISTI If "tie la tia-afcy aMvaii Ibal f nfiil'T'lena-l will be Mt tha f -1 low Iia nsme t filaeefj-jii tbe(1T nameil tf- Al Kev.'ora liital, iellna'f-e, TosKy. ieeert l-ar 1 2. At eMiuln llo'iae Mtdrllsiiarf;, WMntr dv. p-ceirlr 13. At iSno-ut'S Hotel, r,eTtwn, Thnn1riy l 'MBIT IS At v-ttii.Tnt llrtt. 1,lfAwn, Frtitay amt aatnr!.T. leefmher Ifv n IS Knr ibe pur.e nf relin .11 eialme nf every ktn'l what.orver. avatmt tbe OiuVir an! I,w I. town Kntlnad nniiny, anS arranaln fir tb tatlltmeat of lb same J. H.T JSCKSOH, Secretary. R FOSTER'S NOTICE Ntb-e I berb aleen to all eoreerned. I hat tha fotlowi-n na-.d per-flon baa Sled thale ae eiuntetn tha Hfe'er't Orfl-e. at y 'dHlebn.e; nydof euntv. attd that the M aeeonnt will ba rre.enteil for eonflrmaMon and all iwanoa at the orpine.1 1'onr' to b b-M at Vliidlebnra lor the i 'Mints oriiydf. on te e-"nd V. Mat ol rie-arber nest, balna tb 1Kb da of in-intti. vtti 1 T e ""nnt of Pe'1 WeWek. Tnardtan of lleo-y Naur, o-e or tba vttoor bli ljan of I.a-'e N'aop owi-..od 1. Th nr.i anl ftnat aeoti-it ef Wm. F F,k bert f'te-ut ivvf tb laet will and tenament of Mrl. Varl-ih Hal', a Ti e r. 'il ard fnat eonnt ef O.-r. Srhnure Vae-utnr rf th lat w'll an1 ttiuroont 'MVrj!!'''':,',.Vk" - O ja'd'in fif P U'rd a mltj'.r rhlld nf ,T...eph lord deed. Noe. S, irit S n SCITt'CIC.'lter "VTOrifF h""lv .'i'i"i tri'K tbe -L 1 InT.nla-y of Sarah baweer. widow ef .To.T..h iMvrr, l.t of Wi..t tow .titp bae Iwn fl'edwtthtt t'lerk of th Orpha".' t 'ott-t "'f n tr fV.mitf. a-"l wt'l 1 p-e.-t;tal lo eoutt for approval ,,n WbdaT. nth die of Pe'fTibrreit fr approval. J t'K 'Tlsr.' N .? IS, 1S71. I'llll.O O JC KWIMTVR. e rsTteKOVT'trprtrv,, ( bpmo 'owheblp sriyer ro ra Convevaeclnr. 'o't''t,n and all other feast r.ete eotruited to his ear w.U be prjoiplly at lacdad te. c AT'TION A!' 1 efcrer lee.-hv eaotlnrrd r to (rnet nv w"e T 'nlooe er arcuot e 1 will o"t ray arv eeM eont'a-l'd bvberrtarthHd..e JACOB f) SMTTII. itM 'i.sjra:, Nov 11, in. iw. Estite of Hamnel Fahrman. dor' l. A ntttJTlMTOr NWff 1 etttre of dTlnt"iion 'n th a-t'e ef c or t?. f'"0,i.,fn. rn tnst rsin ff'tr.t) tht on d"l'tn1 t p'-tori1 kv- w'(f iheair !:. (q TTitniw';Ti'-nta si - in n TTtjf cimirni on It tbia will ire9nt the-n to HESKY Kf'nMt.?f, DM. ll iri, AdmifUtrtor. risTATi orOtOKOE V LIN F Dm'd. pxr.CI'TOIVS NOTTrE 1 J Te.lamentar en tha l.etate of Oaove Klre, la'. of R.avar tnwnhtp --nvder eouatv c'ae'd Lavlna 1 een arenteo tbe m,re'e'a;aed all koowloa ittaineelvca Indenteo to eald e'.ale are reqn'red t make pavniont wltbont alay aad ta.-ae havlrir el1roe will p-r.m' them to BAHBAHA Kt.lM:. Oct. IS, im, Eiwoi-toa. Ketate of Joansoi Hohis deo'd E iXG 'UTOH'.S NOTCH -tut'"- teitamentarf upon tha aetata of Jo A'.hao ttoml. late of Weal Hraver to't ehlp. r-nrdor eouoiv. ue aeel. hwtna; Iihi t-aniel I' ire uu em'ifne't, al pr.,oe kti.iwlrvf tne ni.'.ve. Intabied to eulO eetate are r,-a':l.0 to oak, and tboee havloa Oialiss aitltiil the Sams will prer.Dl tim tn A. ROY I , Ear. Weet Heaver, Hv. it, till. HP H0TTr.N3TF.TN. M P. PUTSIOIAN aet SVHOtOf, eELIN iROTR. HN VbBU CO., PA Offers Is prof.Mtonal lervldee to th ot'ln al Se' tova and vlolulty. June !5, Ilia if TWIS DOUSE, LowiHtown In., E O HAMILTOrT. Proprlotor. tjr!a every reepect a Firt el us timet Rjoojs aeai and oomfurtabl. Table uji plied with the delicaniea nf Ihe aeaaon. and waiiar attentive and obliging. No2-71if fJIHK GROVE II & BAKEil Lately Improved Shuttle Sewing' Machine I1EST! fasfTTbis CelebraieJ Maeliiu maVes '.be favoriis LOCK stitch: Rune Faetsr tai Srcooihar. and o.sks Flan i ar and Neater Work than any utnrr Machine now in us. 1: supiricrily ovor all ether arhlnae ie ajknowUJ by ail wuo bare ever seeu it work Three iniellieni ani highly reeprcab',. eitifana uf ihia uountv, aeting aa judgra awarded THK OiiOVEK A H AKKIt I 1 I'KOVEU SIIUTfLK hlSWlNO MAOIlLil. The Fir3t Premium at tba Isle Agricultural Fair el Buyder County. ' SAMUEL FACj'T. An sv, October IS, 1071. 6ali sgne I'a. J B. BELHEtMER, DFALr.B IN Iron, .Haiia, Steel, Leather, Paints, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AND MANUKACTDUF.R OF Stoves & Tinware, MARKET STr.EKT. LliWlsioWIl, lOlala'a. November 2. 1871-tf pX'i'ONVILLK nuiEi,. RENU7 BKNI'Ka. I'reprieier. Tb understsnad alpts thle method of Inform Init ihe pobilo thai b Lae uuad a hotel al ine above rained plara, on Iba road fr in Mpldla buraj t tiianoaa, and that ha la tn enieriaiu tua puuiio. wtia ur.i eiaei- a'oaiDinaa Uou. . . MX HaUlU. gAMUEL n. OUWIO, Attorney-at-Law, orriCR.tir wslhi't btkekt, raitABai.raiA. JOHN H. ARNOLD, .A.1 torncy tit Inw, MIDDLEBCBO, PA. Professional bustosss eniruelad to hlsrare be promptly ended tn. Feb 9,'71 BI'MOAIU'NMK UOPSE (Oppixite KtS'tlns Patlread Depot) Ilurrislmryr, ln., A. a. Z.AIJSZS, Proprietor. WF.rary effort tee..r)r lo Inure th com fun c.faae.ia will l. naJt. Ibe buine ha l,ea e y r.mte.l. locilS.UIIlf A0FSTS WASrKT) ran noon, hut wim, i:i,m Gic W til av vae ninotiiD HTGNOIt IJLII'V:. Ibis t so Inla-eeili. and In.ltuo tle wors. full of r tre run end huiu,r, be't, an a'.Mlint nf tbe Al I IIOIlN fllllll .sslO.VA I. i.iri-., bia w.,r,!rlul IrlrVe an I lente, wlib I laiifn.uie in.'Tnarii ann aoveuluree a Magi eUn, e-ruini,cer, aod Vantrllnqulit. lliue trateo with 1 'l. t.t. PAUK r.NGRA VIMO'S. l-eidr Ihe Anilmr's 1'ertiall on ltet, and na ttier, ua ffitmll eui.. 1 lie v. tun I. Iree from anf ulje.'ttcnabte mat ter. I,e1na hiil t.,i.rd ai d moral In It olnr. ir, and will be read with deid llitereet, rxilh by tba old an i viiie IlKlieethe uioet araplitoand ihrililnu ae ounl" i f tiie efluru f,le won ar ful 'ante and mairlcnl trirli. cautlna tba moat ancuiurollable marrlmeni and Uunhler I l-eulare. Term, be , with full luformattoa, sent fiat oa application to DUi 1M. I) AM1MKAD, Pebtlsher, Til haoeom Klroai, Pblladalrbla. E. C. EBY & CO., WHOLESALE QROCBUS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 2522 MARKET ST., Between Fifth and filth, 7.11y rillLAbELrilU. NTRF. V ' LI E HOTEL V (Law Mr.. Weaver ) t aoiervlle Qrier Co, Pa. rtftU llHIAN, I'ropretar. Thl. l"o etav:te ,ed and well knuwo total bavlna bt-en ft. chae d b ttie iindei.ianed, Ii s llrlu a eusre of iu paioii- niaea I'fcTUt UAhlVAX. April 0, 1T1. j hob r. iio. I4K. WITH u DERHOTfl. liEKOoTUESFIR & CO. WH0U3ALB DEALERS !N FISn,PIl0VISI0H3,&c. No. Sy6 Norm Wfcarvee, (above Race 81.,) -7tf FHILAIELPAIA. ,Y"o 'li0RNaER0Er 'justice OF 7 HE peach Pe-ry Township, Sneer County, Pa. Coltrotror e. (onvrvar.oerf . and alt other bnrl- peria ntii to ll.e 1 (Bje will be pi.,mt-i.y s.Ut,dd to (Dzh cer i ruotinutlU, J T Ii 01! I- ON -.tKItU. ttornsjjr'-u t-Ltx-vv, l'.-w sViu-y, Cuion Co . Ta. Ktf" Cun te rnnenl'.ed io tiie FnK'ish and Gorman lne.i ice "Ural OFFICE- Market Siresl. erpos:t Wall. ranh A Co' Hiere. S4 y F. II AN SELL. cccaaaua o OAPyyaa a oaaw, CKOCaTOX? AND OIASSWAtlSl, Ko il forth Pcarth h'trrct, PUlLalELPHIA. 'rifinal Parkapea I'ot.aiantly on TTan.1. llepreteo'ed by TlltO1 S WIN FFftRC. FIRM AND NEW GOOD-il R. O. 1U TZKL. r. 8. cCUtLOUOk Kl'tZEt k MeCrX.LOT7Cn, (SUCOCSS0119 TO JOHN HCTZFL.) BEALEBS IN ALL KINDS OF HIGHEST CASH 1'RICX PAirj FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, RAM. ROAD TIES, , &c , eV't.. CHAPMAN, SNTDtK COUNTY, PKNHSVLVANIA. atarwh jy, tTVf. T? .'L1. HOTMI.. MIDDI.GRUKO, PA. J A- STAUlNKfRKB. rroyrlrior. Hev'i r ih'. ii i-'hai f nt ll ie n:d anSl ' fc I 1 t d ei-l. II1" yr"; n ,i.n j,. - ij , - . - - inii'i , r a I t. it.ii 1 1, 1 1,.- i i tv-'j -t; ,r Ine Ti: . -',.1 Kk' 'tnj iK. a '-o.n-i. 'i? OU Ol ' ' '.' ' HI. '.til ll'.'H.-l lf solid i- . t o ft i". 1 U i ' .' i) ' i. rin' tii-niiHge 'antmrv ' d. !, I Q I IXs. 11. IJOYEU . Wholesale and llei ail Dealer la . HAKDWAKM. CUTLERY. ''uaoliDiaVers' MaterlsU, Bhna Findings. lo Belia-grova. Pa. . fUtlf H. rl.M-'i e x WlIOI.lNAI.t; AND RETAIL Furniture Warcrocms, NO. no NORTH SF.CONI 8TREET, (Hi-low Anb. Si le.) Fairy afd ! IwUwl j!ipifmitt, 16a Nonb Uib Binei. above Oalurd. KiUUaf BEHPIKTILLl! KBKKCX O!.' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Nolle Is beraVy lea tkat tetters er AfJ niltitstr ailon oo tba ee'.aw of iennevtlla Krem r. I ,le of Chitnn li'Wn.hlp, .Mnyit-r -'untf. deec.Md bare been (ranvad to tba ardarilfned All perena. tnemealvea ladebt4 lo eald tattle are raqneeted tn sneke rwvmavt wllbout dlsy and tiM)t-T!ti slalas wtil nreeent tban dti.y authentlealod. rEKKY KKtMEh. eo. S, im. Administrator JVZARU3 IJOYER. JMPOBTRR OF Wines Rriimlics, Oltts, fco., A:o., 114 Kortb 7hlrd Etreet, rhiladilphla. mi an a i , i in i i ajr Rtiwett Jk Co 't A fartittmentn Chicago Destruction. A flill sed oomplet btstory of Tbteaao herpaat, S meant and future. With f reuhlo eren.s. toot, enie .tul lull lelaltf of lha dltaller, l yOei.P Vploo and .1. W. vbeahan. e,llnr ol the hloaao Tamctia with Sou pire. and Wllioiua tl't U le now ready f r drllrery ORT WANTEH. 8ndl CO fefotitatand cbnla efterrliory. I rloo raolteblog Oo , tbi Ill ,r I bt a , Ta , CUNDURANGO. lilWSS. K f K.N V. h CU'S Fluid FitriaM. Th wnlrrful rtmej-ly lor i'rnrt S?pM1!, Tfnls. V 9T. rulmntirf CompUInU. tfhMin. iipti H rhrunle HIuhmI $ pr fr'l frtiiD tht ilAnnln rnndnrrrt PnrK, rtm Ij'Ms. f rtievlof. ttour by lit iliitan' of Ih KtithorUleN nf tht rtiuntrv. It ) I h moetitff tlTf. pmtTtpl unfj c't.fn H-fft1 n1 Mood prtrtfW kno?i. Sold if ftll drnir ttlfita In pint wXttM. I'ftvlng rtn tits? to our nttna U"1f mtrk -t d dlrpotlmii. fend Tor clrooUr. OfflcftBd Ltbotftteur-, No. CO CJ-r Si., N. Y. 001 h Y K AR. NEW YORK OBSERVER S par annass, loeladtna Tear Boek for tTTl. FIPNEY E. MUB38. JH. CO.. S7 Park Rnw, New York. Hiaiiiple CpieH Freo. UNIVERSAUSM- Meed for tree eamol o ipt of the CH RISTI AH f VAl'F.H flr.1 claee weesly lournal. pub llebeii by tha New Ynrk stale OvoTentloa nf rnlvnr.aliete and eontiitniite; it. a .o'tno,of I)r K. It t'llAPIN. 1 arm. ! bOpr year Ad drete I'uhli.kere (1IM-IIA.N l.uAliKK, M llruadway. Htm ork I lly. ITTAi'iTl'C' lliTSKItOI.I MAOAZINK W UUD M l offorrd f-rt durlua the com Ira ymr iu every eubi'-rlir ut Merr. 'e .iiieuno tb IOfl'i H'l'te I'r'nio'' y' Oetoo -r-it ot.-,, whirl, ! .11 v Ito'a-- iri . o: 11. vr.x . , uti J D .Nrre- I trl'jo. t h- ft r 1 1 l n. nt ti. a.c , a iliu lu. svury i.u.abur 1 I'lyouina. K ' ffers three (lrt .'! perlodl.-a'a for tr.e prl.-f -f "te uftheoi A veriety of prero lumf on eunliy liberal trrme II la an orl Pnrr... rni-jrtn Vu'uuiO Y lati.e lay 'yTfTnl .iw'-lree enp'.. 'raa. A'l wun Aildraas 3 . wooTCN 1 OVER ONE HDNDRr.P PAQRS, Printed In Tw Cojo.e. on soonrS Tlrtel Peper. feur Hundred n ! o' Flowera, planf ai d No(taM, l;b decr!pilu., and Two crolorcl IMntos, l'tre"tilre and p'.aief -rmak'na Wlka. Lewna Garnet,. A :. ThM lined irvel ai d beet rl.ii IDK In tba World All fur Tea rente. v tfc who tblne nf buvlnt -u. Not a Saaner tba Cn.t JOO.00 e, ld ..f 1K71 aattea. jamr .ion.. Uoi-heeter, N. Y. The Ce fo prto So'hretS P E 1' R R. S fteoeeV e.l aud letr'l rlin.t r u a ! Muelu worth et dollars In st.aet frm le-a will mall two ba k Nee for S"e f r for 85o . .r .Jaq t-na Tl. for tl (r- MU8.CAL u ar U'tce. U) Eoaoi o:il.. f'rWTI niu ildet sndeiteia, S- "h t-mrlo la by Hat, 'i hsmta. Kiukel. Ocunod. eio VflVTIIIY AdJ-eae J I.. eifkH;., s uaiway, ft. i. w. u. i.tx SAVE YOU U "LITE" BY PRaMPTbY USING WINCHESTKK'S HYP0Pn03PIIITE3, A Cbatalcalty pore preiaraUonof which lea moat Important eonatl'nent Of tbe ournao 0"uy, exi.ltca litra.iy in tne H-aln, r. voaa Tirm til,. i aoJ ftoue Ills tnaliN lit E v Avrr r pf.n. I Nt'Y of tie l.ltr iviug ami Lire euet tiulrif; f.lemast, a blob la iaa ioinieuiate lauaa I CONSUMPTION. NKIlVOUd UHEIUTV. PAiuLYsia. py.iPijrt"iA. bckoftla. Fu. Th proper Kenedy f r tba effeotnal treatment ana oure j ioe an ve tiee teas eo'eieis la re l-irlna to ih Hr.ln, N'erv ue -yleui, I.unge m (iieuo, fcueir aue projioiutju 01 rnurpanraa. Wiuchcu ter'e H T P O P H 0 S P II ITU! le tbe only prenarettunobl.-b sectt'iipltehee thle iun. aao ii i. an aueuiuio oaia lor tae unaa See abvve Darned, Circ ila' Inlnraiellnn anl Advio Free prepared on! hy j WI 'CM ES TF.K fc CO, t auau.r se ji Jobn .- . ands Id bv all Dra. is is IS. rrlta at aad a par buttle. A vi,.,.,.j.t i i nrCi4M-i4 te.ifo. Aisu -Kl i , m-d lee eeal pronator aflhtm ovtk mul (kliu ' j ft J triMii' A r . Moalon. k'o. So tl wy I I l aieis J'rv nee . iirl.-; rPHF. HFST 8AW.r.L'MMEIl OIT ONLY .1 f IA. Fniery fliindeta al fifi. f-10. audalOO Dlamou'd Tnrulne Tool fit Solid ro.ery Wbecle H iliei, Adlrene Th lan IU Co., Mroudtu .ra, .vivnro p., pa. S l-H,'BT l-Ara FiBi-oa a Fiwatrt, llarrli- bur. H i .lur tree iroular of l eaier i utter. f aiaaae loru Fmlilei aijual lo hy New tbtnal Kr ?n Aaenti pr..rlt. er week Will 4 prove It or f-nlrll Mm. New ar- tlolee, pmented, July lfth Sample- eent free to all. Adnrrir W. at. culDa.raa, 2S Broad way, New o-k. fltAOK MOM 11 T Mora fnrulrhel. Es trieJ pen. paid H.e.KUAW Alfred Me. AOFNTS WAN rtD. A genu mnko more tn-.ti.v ai work lor n ihan al any th.of elie builnese Unlit und penuanent. Par. tb'iilar. free t. Ti-ain a Co., tin Art I'uM:brs, I'urtlaud, Malua. ViiiQlIA'K A vle'lm r early India Ai oteiloii. rtu-loir nerv'iue.leo Illy. pieinmua Oiy, ele barilla trlril In vulu rr a.lvertla ed rrme bie il o veriol a Hni l of ..ll vera, wdk-b ba will need I" hie lallnw .utter e ndlie.eJ.. .latVt )l.uM.S,V THIRTY YEARS' KXPERIENOK iitii TutrsiaTo, IRONI-t 4 SEXUAL iI'a.-. c i nimiicim viiwop m hiu;i?. I ha otieapont tx ok ever pui lleiiail-eoulHlnlea n.a iy iliiee bondieil paaei aod i,ne nundiaa and llil'lv bne pUtea aod vnurnvinga ol the a oaunuy al Hie buinao oiaao. iu a eiale f health and ,lle i.o, with a treatiae n early errora. lie .t.'oi4"l n .i.Mu. uion lha mind and bo dt . with lha uutii'ir'a pun nl iraaiuieui the on. I, ratiouHl and eueiul laoataHlcuie. eeeliowa by a rep i t ol to o.taa treatad. A Iruiiiiul ail vlaar to th ma-rled and tuoie uirrl'iire. who euiertuln iioub of thoir a-u ef ealenndiiloa -an) Iree of u-ieiaae to ai.y ad lra. on r.-elpt f Stoi-nia In etamii. or pvial eurram-y by ililrea1na IU La kHUIX, Nu. SI Maii'tn i.aie. Aloany. X Y. Ti.e auib .r ay bee.ineuited upon, ny nftlia dleeaaea noon whli'h hla book treata. either perenaliv or by mail, an I wadtelues e-ul to aoy pais sf lb world. Itowhy f Co't. Ado nt.'Ktrtutt Vr sa llSaHVIeMttuoeUfepeld'SarPiei r'rK -aio win io. i kb ii r . fllflK AiWaKktt lieet k.p skaille Hew ' .Ai-. , i.i i . jii' - miU3 13 KO StTMBCd I By eetMltajt M a i . helrht, aaSnr of area aad bast 1? ha hy raiaramill, a wrtaw MsSaeVT rsfentband or air. With aasaaaMk with rnl. miBi netrmno or aire, WHS hasaaaML renrrUra. Aildreea W FOI. O. Dv." at raltonvllla. If. T. , FREE TO AGEffT A boatid eaavaeetaa aweO of the 1 rinoRitt. nonciiiBn' Cevtalnlng over see Tllretratloae- IHttJ prehenelee Cyelopedia aaf la aatory at SVh torea. la Kaor.tea n Omaair. I wm. fliis r a ca, rtitaava-a' Profitable Employe Wedcatra to eataaa a few nwre Acaait J lb Wnrld Renowned Improved J1TJ Ww Sk.WI.NU 1IAI IIIMH, atallheral ! CoinnilMlnti. A rtorta aod W.ain t-Ll Aa-eute. I nil raittoatare fuml.hl oo mJ tioo. Addroen W. A Uanderun h Oa. oil sweats bieveiaaa, tiblo, a at. Loan, Oft. AOBNTS WANTED FOP. THI oaiy neiineta, tiomplet anil Fioel; rj araiva iiiaiorj or CUI0A00 AND TIIB Great Conflagration n isksiipv psjiiirisT nmM evvr iPiitsvi nl 'til. tad nfjort sjitr tfrnif ftrid chtfs wist, i jss) osinaHim i. tiniisi. BOOK AGENTSVL',8,' tLaeuia. tiptiuu Hue waiota will sell atn., every family. Tha ' HlflOKIAL FAMILY REOIS! Is tha only work eitant wbleh eatleflie, want ll IsKoaullful and Siriklna. eon,.. an ... .1...., iIL.i.kI raph Albuio, with aoomplata FaaiiLT U11J , .1, .i,i...t.if .uu vii.nin iriw. Audrea O Kt 1. M Ai'LF.AN, ria rtaoaum cireat, rnilUt.i ACENT8 WANTED FOR TDK HISTORY OF TU H VAR IN EUROP It eontalnn over ISO fine anaravloa of J aoena. aoe inldnte In tb War, aud le Ui. j it rwLL asTtinnTioiDii wrrioiAL blitor vnai araai cnnaiei. aeni ar meetlne W unuieoaJetited etiiioaM eelllna frnta aoioa plea per ,iav. aud It I publuaed la both Est j and German. j CAUTiON;r;,r.i.hi,,oa.r art. tktt 1 t ona yuu buy euuiKlne ISO On anaravlnei . S4opi(.e sebd for olroulara a eaannr ti J ana a niu niejription ortu a-ora. aildr.w N A flO.SAt. I'UBLISHISQCO., UU Wells' Carbolic Table! OK Cot'OHS, COLDS k HOHaEME; I "I he tablte preeent tho Ao!dtnt'omb!il ' win, oiuer emoie"t reniauiaa in a popular ti i"r io. oura ut a, 1 1 11 uu a 1 ami ,J eee HnAHKteaae and DLcaaaTioa nl IT noiT.rt Imw.eilUtety relieved, and in, , m rule are eonaiantly eelna eent to lha pn-lJ . vw w, ,,,V, I U HMM VI feUIUBlUIUlOmUC. Ji i"iii,a- P A TTTTOIff ratl't n'lvd by trJ vuvasvinai imiiauuti. U.I i We, fa t'arhllie fahlete. JOHN U KEI.LOOO, IS Piatt Ut., N. Prla 9ft r!t v,.. 1 Se S for elroular. tsA Agents for thitil Reduction of Prices TO CONFORM TO BEDUCTIONof DTJTIEl I HEAT SAVINtJ TO C0N8UMKUI 1 1 y Gcttiiitr tap Clubil li henil f ir aar New Prloa I. l.t anS a nj toro wi.i anoopipaoy 11. oooUInlna rulUHJ uri mbainr a larae eaving to t ret lerallre to club oraanltere. Ti Amrricn.n Tt CompniM tw ii a ai visit ptTRrrT, P. O Boa till. NEW YoRk JURUBEBA tt t. Kfir a nnvte t. i. tnm i I alar v ii J I ITTi l,w u .. , . T I anoh It la iloinlv a MuutV Am.ri..n t,uni,.!X . . .v, u.i,T VJ ID. IB.1.M leuitw nr th,,. e. .n,,,.. .hi .... ....i hit h, n iim.I . .... , . . .. I ew aaa poweriol Alwr.llve and Jaequn iirJ ivi eu iireaaae bi ibe Tbe Liv.r anj Spie ea. EnUr(rement ir W ftriitU'on of Iuiastinee, Uritary, Uterlni ui nuuumiiiai ui'Kant, fuver'.y ar a uv.... - . ri, r . . . " ""io ui wn'ii, .Biarmuient erne uiilrnt Kavern. Inflanimatien f or the Livor, Projiiy, Bluggtih vircmaiion oi tut Moud, Abs eeesee. Tumor. Jatindiss, ' l'sjispsia. Ague A Fr er i li air eoncoinltauts. Dr. Wells' Eitrar.t or JPDI'brbi Ii offered to tb (Bblte .sa( lavla-oribiiia reo.eiylur all In.porltiee cf tha blood, ei ie l " .L . . u" ' attesdaal eiu vi ivivi'imi couiptaiuia T UltUUEIJA. IseonfldoDtlv renoo- meided t.. .. rM,t!M bnueh"ld rameuy. and ehoutd ba freely Ull In ail naranaeicaLte of tbe eyeteni, it lte and aolniatea and for U Bee alt weak aad li Sn-.iw i"iiii'rau.vui.. UUN a. KHI.LOOO. IS Piatt Ut. New Tetl Prlea Oa Dollar par Until, ttead for Uine eioia Au.nt r.t. 1 1. a tibiib.! ti.ia "WATCH FREE to agents lo iotre V '"'" ,ht U la sverj asta - aa S fhal Bklf SJ a - Whltne r Keats Foot flaroess Sosp- PTBAM REFINED. TT Oil. Blasks. Polaba 1st A. Soape at Ibe eama teaie. fill; in tara ana tmau flee sosea, aw In a lb. bar. Hae beaa lo see S years and !ve perfaot aatlelacllu Seed etarop far our WFAVERLY. Addres . .'. W 1TN B Y a CO. SO Milk . seeetee Ma S O'CLOCK, AGENTS WANTEDiwaiuS anvalled' by Kditb O'OoaflaB, Kieaped ff)l .ni...-Kiit"ynar. awriiima aaa narwi! vuivw. roBLiaaaaa uo., uejuoru, ot. (JQOK A MiiNTII.-Uoreeaadarrtafal SvOtJ nlebed teipeneeepald t eaaiflMMB . v . m , m ii i n, jaw. "niFI-FS. SHOT-GUNS, RKV01 -a- v V t its, and Oon Materia of averv klU Write lor Prlre I. l.t. to tlreat Wealern Ou Warke, Kltui.urali. Pa. Army Oaoe and k volvet buunlitur traded fur. Ageut wanted. Woman Enow Thyself TLe ureal pulilloatlon ha Dr. I'baveeee, WO MAN AS A wiKkt a IBOTIIF.R. will eave ye money and euNerln;. Ageule wanled every wbero i laillee i. referred. For terBie add: W M H. ENAN6 A OO. T0bantia I t.. PtU- uvipuia. t'lt AAA fr Madda In S UIINTHS 3IalMMI.IIUc,n. a. mean v allI ' sis; s.i iaK utiutii." By Ir. W. w. Hall. Apa'ui Wanted. II JtUKINtiKY A UO., IS Murtli7UbUt,i'al auaipuia, r. PSYCHOLOGIC Fascination oi 1 Un.l I Iharmln IM..U D.,kwl H.B llion, II. A. iiow ltiuaamiipowr(whica ally! ae.e) at will Divination, Kplrltualleu, HurcV -. i-tiiroiniiitiay. ana a tnouaano oiner woncat Price bi mall SI. it, In olotb i paper aovere ('-. Copy froeiuae-nu only. SI Ooo monthly itiU ma I'. W. KVANS.PuB. il U.ti btreel Philadelphia, Pa. - FHB2 TObT.VJ.'r!.: BOOK uaotna of oar n" fllaetrabed rea lv l,lbl. eonlatl- AGENTS SK Book ayent, Ireaofobaraa. Addrass NATIoi1- ruBLisainu no. miau.ipbia, pa. AOKNTS WANTED FOE ROMANISM AS IT 18. , inn ntiri7 new, aaioenuo nooi ai rev r r : i ennravintte, la aa exbaaMlv ataaear ; emlnenily ailaptrd to tba lime. It ltiy I Ia.. W . . . . . i,. ii ',. HI art-a Immoralillaa, lie oppoalllea la ear a vb rNN. rvBLiait. bctoi., on i ann ranuiove uaerty, - -w4 -a 1 jret ejaj prrr"" THBA..s,:..TK . ,js . . ra iiLifi : , with the tr '. warrti Vi- . . ei . For t.i., ; ,, m ' trad' " pear - ' lareaU - - n.