1 THE POST t ittitkt4 sri Thersesy Events; hj One column on year fono. jiiimuo cBorsi. rrnctr. Terms of Sabaorlption. une-bair eolumn, on year, One-fuurib cnlumn, one )ear, One squnr (10 line) on iuevrliva t:ery additional inn rllen 1'rofessiunil and rtusiueas csr l of Bol niore I hnn ft v lines, per yenr, Auditiir, Kircmvn, Adiuinisiraior and Arsignrs Notice IMilorinl naiirea per line All advertisement for a shorter 16 w. Ti. Hi. TITO DOLLARS FEB ANNUM, rsysbl wlikia li noath. Mi RO if rial naiS wllbin lh year. No paper discontinued .C0 J.60. Ii. until an arrearages ar pais anltH at ik aptioa of lb publisher. Sabacription outsido of the ootinty FBYABt.l 1M APVAMCB. IST" Ptranna lifting and using piper 1 I I . . . i . i ' i . period limn one year are payable at the lin.o they are nrdrred, and if nut puid Ih per son iir lcring ihcm will be held responsible lur lbs utour V- luurrvfq so outer oeonm sunscrioere and art liahl for lh priea of ika paper VOL. 9. MIDDLEBtJRG SNYDER CO. PA.. XOVEMHKIJ "30,1871; U-111.L 'I ,av Radlg for Fpni , JS'eav TerM- n, .. lWCnkfvilio .j ,o., inU . lar iriiu iav Tot', slow ;i5and n.2 gUbeii.' I train J Uo and 6. inglown at o,b B, onneciiJ llr. railroad. , ovk at 6,e a and 8.1l P only lol-.M-bBI. riburg 2, eatown al ,a m. ud ' 84 a m fjf J P. CRONMILLKU. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middleburg, Tit., Offer hi professional services la tba rub II. Colleotloo and all other professional business entrusted Is liii tar will receive prompt attention. Jaa I, '67if AC. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrovo IV, OVeri Mi professions! rvic Is Ih pub- la. All businet entrusted la kit re will ba promptly allanded to. Nan. IT, 7tf J"W. KNIGHT, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Frwobarg Ta., Offer bl rroresslsnnl lerticdii lb pub io. All tuin entrusted to bia oar will b prompt! attended to. Jan 17,TH WM. VN UKZKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lowieburg Pa., Offer hi professional service to i pub lic. Collcetlon and all other Pi o essoin- al buem entrusted to bit ear ill r civ prompt atlenUoo. GKO. F. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lcwishurg: l'a. Offer bl confessions! service to lb pub lie. Cwlleelions and all other profession all buiinea entrusted to hie ear will re eiv prompt at lent ion. an. 8, '7tf JM.LIN.v A. 11. HILL (Successors to J. r. m J. M. Linn.) ATlOK.NtVa Al LAW, Lewinburg, Ta Offer their professional service lo Iho ublio. CIIotlou and all other pro fessional buainee ntrutd to their car will reiproniptattniion. Jan. 3, 'CTif CHARLES IIOVVKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsgrnve Ta., Offer bia professional service to the pub ,10. Collection and all other profession 'juiinese entrusted to bia ear will r eeiv praropl attention. Office two door Berth of lb Kejiton Hotel. Jan 6, '6 SAMUEL ALL EM AN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsgrove Pa Offer bl rrofesslonal services lo the public All, business 'entrusted la hie car will be promptly attended lo. Col leotlon mad in all parte ef the State, He can apeak lb Knglisb and German linguae fluent Office between Hall' ad I , ID I I'oei office. L.N, MYERS, ATTORNEY k COUNSELOR iTUW Middlvburg Snyder County Poiin'u Hi a few doore West of the V. O. on Main alreet. Ccesultallon in English ii o ( i u i r 1 1. in (. rii . t "it j; C. BUCI1KR, .TTOHNKY AT LAW. Lowisburg Fa., Offer bl prnreMlnliicBio the puh. lie. All business eniriMtaa lo bl tare will be promptly etienuil lo. Jan. 8. '07i ShOVBU k HAKKR SEWING Maphixr. Teraena in need af a sod ami durable Sewing Maelim ean ne e.i;enminoJ.ted al reasouahle price by c- ng n on 8am- IL r0T. Ag'i B"nie. , 24, '68 TR. J. Y. ClllM'i-i U 6LR0E0N AND V llf'IAN. Mid.! wirg Pa. Offer bU profelonal eervlot 0 thecit 1 F. VAN BUKIRK SURGICAL a MECflAMCALfiixiST FelincgArcnn TOUN K.UUOHES, Eq JUSTICE OF THE PB Teoo Twp., Pnyder' WAQSER, Esq., I . j. TirKOFTHE rEACI . Jacksoj To ' aship, Snyder Col Win mend to all bininea mruitl lie ar and on lb moet re .. March TRJ' F KAN AW EL, -a-' PHYSICIAN AND 8UR0EON, Centrctllle, Snyder Co., Offer bi professions! psblio. service to 6-881 GKAYBlLbfc Co., Wuoliiali DlAtll WOOD AND WILLOW WAB f;i ni.,i.. wtn.lnw Ahadaa. llrooms. Mat 1 Brushes Cotton Laps, urom uags, i vino.-, -. ., 1. 1 IK.i. n.iaia. Twinea. Wick. SO. i M5 North Tbiru Btreeu, rniiaueij-u .'k.7,'67 l? A. BOYER. Jr. l AiinTlONEER. Frburif Snyder Co. hi M.n..ifiill offer bi ervice IV MMio aa Va4u Cryr und Auollon- Having bad a larg xpnno. Ui,,a,i.i .1,. 1 .n render perfeot "x'Ioq U my ploy. I.JBU. P, , I. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW DISTRICT ATTORNT, pLUURO. BNYDEB COl'NTY, l: it Court Hou, 8pt.I607iT LtHlSIiJtMEJl'S SONS' KAUCOWAREHOUSE 322 N. THIRL) PHILAPELPUIA. U.4.ST HOtlHI. L UANDERBACn Pbop'e J. C. HI re, 416 Korth Third Btreel. 1'hiladelpbla 11 1 am nrvir hilurb O Blank book Maoulatortir Heloot Poetry TtfANKSOWINQ. Com forth, eom forth lo the fealal board. Ae out air were wont in lb day of old, Th reaper art bom with their bar-reel beard. Th htarJa bare hied to their wintry fold And th culler of fruit our taulte bin dored With th wealth of th orchard' freight of gold. Com forth, com forth, with your heartfelt praise. To (well th inn: at lb aliar'e aid ; For a lofty paean i Ond we rai-e. Who hatb ecatierad His l" gift fre and wide, And allll, from Ih wnrm arib' earlieel daya Ilia aeed-tim A Urteit bath not denied. Com forth, lo the Launl of your child hood, com : To the ruf In whoe ahndow your life wee nurVd. Ry Ih hrarlb of lb bouaebold ther yet i room, Wher your breath of ihankegieiug wee fnllered flrel, The ftBftol la blniin(t your welcome home. And from joyful lip (ball your greeting bin it. Ther' a ruddy linfte on the wrinkled rhee-. For the puleo or nee haib a quicker flow ; And a glee'a, like Ihe light of youth, doth break Mid Ibe eaie-wnrn ehade on lb old man' brow. For the vielone nf old In hi mill awak : Ih soonee of Lie childhood ar round him now. Oh, Ibl la a day when th thought goea back O'er the Howry path of early year ; Wher Ihe ga.-land of joy bare atrewo Ihe truck, And hiddon th grare of ur hopes and fear. And lb namea of I be friend who lonee lack. Steal over the heart like a gueb of tear. 'Tie Ibe hour when kindred olrcle meet Thai atill must the wanderer homeward bi inft When lb echo of childhood' lirelrM feel. Through Ibe hall of their fitther'e bouie- trad ring When g.adneu breathe in the lonee we greet. And a murmur of love I" ,ht lP doib ..lu. Come back, come back, .0 the bumhl col. Where the children of want and aorraw rove : Where Ihe bind ef the reaper garner not Th .lores that a Father goudnena proee. And Ibe poor n,an weep for Ih toil-om Ijt, Emailed on Ih heir of bi carneal lor. Come forth to Ihe fields, with th heart whiub leaeea A hleesinit. wherever It trace appenre; To 1 i a Ii 1 en 1 Re eunx which sorrow weaeee. Where poverty' portion ia eleeped in tears ; And fn ely ffing from your bursting sheave. Like thereaper of Uoai.lhe gleaning ear We hallow ibe day aa our father did, Wiih a min rliun of glidnes. and praise and prayer, Wiih a welling boon for Ibe lowlienl ibed. Thai Ihe hungry and poor In our Ibanka mar share. That the 0Hniient labia bo t wely spred, And ibe lip of lb mourner bear. For Ih ion of th feeb'e pilgrim band, Who first on a distant rock-bound bay, Qav tbanki for Ihe gifts of th teaming land, nv spread over mountain and stream away ; And a song of praise abalt to Ood ascend From myriad of burning lipa lo-d y. Com follb, eom forth, with th chiming lll, A Joyous throng to Ih altar' side 1 Com mingle your lone wiih lb organ' awell And, wher th door ot lb feast (lands wide, Lt the gray haired sir to hi grandchild 111, A lale of our Nation' gralful pride. An Adventure tillU a I'lrale. There livel mitnj year go, on th eastern ibor of Maunt Dti.rt n ar-te island on lb coast of Maine a luauiooauie piteo or eummer re. it 1 rt no old flaherniao by lb oame of bediah Spinoel, who witb tcboon. of ome hundred ton burl boo, io iob be, together with four stout i, wan waot to go about ooee a r to tba Graod Uank fur ibe pur of catching cod-Buh. Tba old bad five things v about wbicb be to boaat bi achoooer ''lielaey Pa., 1'' and bia four on. four bods were all that their to repreivoted them to be, and no er doubted bia word whea be t their like wa not to be fiund VI' miles around. Tbe oldest Qty two while tbe youngst hed ita aiiteeoth year, and wered to tbe names of Suth P , John and Samuel. ornioi(. a stronger called op- ah, lo engage him to lake ii '"Ui iron niuchinerr belmij S eDKloe for sugar plitn IrriQ were noon k greed up " V) old man and bis amin ! mod., .lv.,,1 -..uin,, ikitm,. bojrd t that aooomrilialie 1 tletk - I for Il.tvanna. wiih a laii wioa tbeir lr aorue day droei-eded on rltboat aa adventure ol lo moreiot;, bwt, hried offth etar-board with aoate beaitation eel emn suluii'd tiiem with eat vi-ry egfcialil whil.ino; of ai eighteen p uuil kHI j'tat under their atom. "That menna for us to beat to.'' remark rd the old niaa. "Tiwo I gue wo hal boiler do it. Iiado't we ?" auid Seth. "Of enurso." Acrotdiugljr the"B''ey Jenkins'' was broubt up iot the winl. an I her main bourn hauled over to th windward. "Now, bnja," mid the old nno, aa 00 n as the schooner citno to a aland, "all vre hare to do ia to keep cool and trust te fortune. Thoi i is DO way to escape that I can ace now but pet Imp, if wo er civil, they will fake eui'h fluff a they waut, an I ben let u 0. At any rule there i no u-o crying nhnut it. lur it can 'I he helped. Now. got your piituls nn I a"o that they are siiroly loiided, and hive your koile ready, but bo sure to and hide. Si lb.it the pintles shll see 110 eign id rreielulicc." In u lew mo uixiiln all th arm with the schoo ir ulT idu'l, with tho exception of one ir two old iDUMkHt. wen eeeu' e I a bout tho prr.sun id' our D.iwn Kukutii. mid they quietly own to J the comiuti of (he sclioouiT. Oue word more," boy auid the old nun. jtut an the pirate cauia round under the stem. "Now watch every mini on 1 nuike, anil be ready lo jump the uioaient that I npeak." A Captain Spinuel ccuged iipcak ing the pirate lulled up undor tho 6ihormuu'e lecqurter, aod io a mo nieut mure tbn latter doek wa grec. ed by the presooeo of a d"l,'tl sav. ae-loukiu murtnls 11 a eyos ever look ed upon. 'Are you cnpliiiu of this vessel I" arkt-d tht lludcis of the boarders, Its he approached th old mate. "Yea air '' "What is ynur cargo ?'' 'Muibioriy lor neani rngioi." ' Notliiuij ele f" Hkel lb picato, with a Hrarvhing look. Al this mmiieiit Chimin Spiiinet' eye caught what looked like a xuil oil to the sou'b'red aod east'rd. but ool n stn hetrayod Ihe dhcorery, while a hi'illiaol i 14 h t thro gh in mind, ho in sitmingly replied : "Wuil Iheteis a little siuiuihiu.' elo " "Hi. what in it V 'Why, sir, p'rjpe I hadu't ouu'hl to tell.'' uid Cuptaiu Spinnut, ciunter tuitiug iho inont extenio porturh.i. liou. "Vou Hue it wm giveu tue as a sort of 1 runt, and it wouldn't be rliiht lor Die logiveitup. Vou can tako anythiux clxe you please, for I can't help myself.' "Vnnaroan honest codger at any rate," enid tlirt pirate, ' but if you would lire loo tuin iuts longer, ji't tell mo what you've go. ou banl. aud exactly the pluue whore it luys ' Tba uht of a enoke I pistol brought the old uiao to hi seosoe, and io s dep. reflating tone be muttored 'Don't kill me, ir, don't I'll tl you ail. We've got (orty-tliousand oilver dollar nailed up io bt just lor'ard o' tL cabio bulkhead, but Mr. Or fre didn't autpeut anybody would hv thought of looking for it there" 'Perhupa so,'' chueklod the pirate, while his eye Hparkled witb delight. Aud then turuiug lo bia own vessel, be ordered a. I but throe of bis moo to jump Oo board tbe Yankee. lo a few minutes the pirates had taken off tbe batohes, and in tbeir haste lo get at the "silver dollar," they forgot sll sine ; but not so witb Spin net j bo had bis wits a, work, and 00 ouiior had the lant of villains dis ip peared below the hatchway, than he turned to bi boys. "Now, boys, for your lives. Setb, yu olap your knife across tbe fore and peak halyards, aod 70a, John, oat tbe niaio But quick, now, aod the moment you have dons it, jump a board the pirate. Andrew and Sum, cunt off tbe pirate's grapliog, an' then you jump ihoo we'll walk iato them three chaps aboard tbe clipper. Now for it " Nosooosr were lb lastwordaofnui of tbe old man's romitb than his son did exsvtlv as they wot' direoiel The or and main halyard witre en. and ihe two graplinga ca-t off st the tu instant, and a tbe beuvy Kff came rattling down, our hernea lap e t on bo i I'd the pirate. The mom 'B' tbe clipper I'elt at liberty her hitd wunjr off, and before ih atenih d nueeaneers c-mld aio tbe deck ol th,' debermaa, tbeir 0W0 v-sl was nearly half a cab le's length to the leeward. eweepiaa gref jlly away before the wind, while Ihe tbrss mm who bad jde I a'ooo 1 toe lenn.w.y ui ibor dollar jint let me know, will vou ? Half 1I0111 pi-iol Mhols Wa-i all ll.e answer 1 be old mau unl, but Iheydii bint 110 barm, end, crowding mi -ai. ho mide firtlie vessel he hail disciv rid. which lav deud to Icewar I ol h oi and which he now mmle nut to be u Isrg flip. The clipper oil lliruu.h the wnei' lik a dolphin, au I in a short space of lime, 8-jiuori lulled up 11 11 ili'r ilia abin ilarn xi.l av.Li,,..l ...l . . r ..... n.,iuv'i mri , L . . I. I I I . . . .dim, uiu nappuneu. inosuip proved to b aa r, ft lulisiua", tiouul fr Charleston, having all told ihlny men uiib'ui'd, a pdi tion nt w li.on at once jumped into tbe Clipper and o lie re I bijir service ia hrlpiug to lake the piruiev. H.f.oed'irk Ciplaiu Spiunet w ,.s olire n.iirt wrilliiii liNilm.r ... ..I I . " ' ',liioe vist 111 1 ,11111 it .Til 11 .V ,! hisoro Veeevl, U, ra;S,l. a t. u..,,.el . , , lb , , ,K. , 0 A .r.l, .,. utl I to his mouth he shouted s y4, b..l, wit., s ,c, i.imf,, .., . , Schooner ahoy 1 Will y ,.u .p.ic 1 pkiH , ,, , 0 ,.,, aurrender your-clv.s , r..o.,tr. .1 we j ,,.. ; ,. 4, h ,w' 10 'iu n rv and co.no ou board." tuove ,,, ,., .,1 ',., . k.,j "Como and try it ."returned . hep ,0et i., 1,,,.,,,, , ,. ,....r rat csptuin as he bra.,di,l,el hi. eu.-jwi, .clirill, b,.f , clusvm Uf. .bovc ht. bead in a very thie.t- , L,. wb,.(, ,,, WJ , o lf,o W(;. en.og miimcr. wh.cb ee.uo I to iudi- ,,el.uUlulllU,, uU,,,sk?1 ,llj(( eale llut be woall liht to the Iti!. 'louiples. Uui tb.t sr.. his last moment lrj Abu; manuUetaria..t b knfw ,,art hetb eroucl.ed below the bulwarks, tl, WMff ,,,. , flll, ,. t.k.og dol.beruto aim along the b.r,e.ri xh,,vl W!(, c , ,..' 0 of a he.v, rillo. .Ml sail., blood)' 'huixlred unl aixty.livo small threads villain wssio tho set (irtsruHuf , ob.. :,.,., t0tll0... k(K,w ,w ((J me. tho sharp craok of 8,.b Spioucl a ' ljre U ; , U(J, urlL weapon rang its death p.-.l, and tho ,ull,, ,lllW , ,,,,,,),.,. it ,, k,H,A nealn.uui.nt the ....te copt.m Ml , how lo lr..n n. cpp.r from tho back into tbe arm. of hi men-, with 1 ,., Sl(1;lj ,,, , () u brsoo of bullets through h.r b-.t t. fj )o!( uf llK.m wnoll u obuiu. -Now,' said tlio d man, a he lev- (IB, vied the 1 .ng p v t gun. at. I so se-l a I ,,t wlml dM Ue kr,,w 1(t oul (,u linhted u.ati-1. -IM give jr. jos' live r,l0l, ? 1Io UIk.r,(0)J lf0,.v Wcu Uiiiutrs to make up your ...ii.d. in. ,.,.,,, al ,;. ,l(lJ ,., ., I !f 1 .1. ,. rt .u,. ,., ., u aurrenoer, 1 11 u.ow ! everyone ol'yoa into llm otli.'t world '1 he death of ll.uir eap'ai'i, ai l iu.po.nu.,. p,to g.intl.e peculiar prop .rti.,.,.ol wh ciiJI(l,..,ili0(,)- ,,, (l , ,,,,, lril ll.ey knew lull v.oll-b.i.g..t tl.e i,,,,,, llf ,.. Ilu Ii 1 I l',i:: I mi i ltir-ll. Is. I 1 1 n 1 11 riiiiiddj .... I ll. ... . ' ' .--,... j .... .. Iowa tlieir weapons US I .-teed lo K.ve th.uiscves up. Iu two das from that lime i'up-l(f ia.i..Sp.netd'livor.d hh f-igOMil-. ty at Havana. gv. Hwiraies ., ll.o tiaiiii-. ol the cit il authorities, sud delivered lhclipr up to (lie l"' re riimeui, iu return for which b'ie ci. vvd s sum id money sullieiem io independence for the lo o.i 1 ler ! i.i -life, us well ass hand one in d . front the (inventor. A COKKbM'oilSr ol Hit) L'i li i iu it . Gazette write iu belulfof luuu's ri ais, and thuru is really somvilnng in hi plaiu lunjjane : "I am," bo Bay, "a huchelor, thirty -one years of a.'e, in ouud bulih,aiid in receipt ol a aaiu) of ? 1 500 per year,' aod. ib roloie, a good watch for any w 1111,111, no tu.ttur who she may bo ; yet I reuiin im married fiom principle, and will re mam single until the law are soslisieJ as lo iiiako uitt mustv uf uiy owu homo. I am ibe owner 01' re es at aequired by my own labor, I do nol!1'" ""'': mean to allow any wou.ao to coutioi me in my dintiuaal of mat ir .p rl - aimply becau-eshe should hapeu t..;1 bo my wite. tfhe weul l luivo d..n j uotliiug toward earuii.'g tba pr'perty, sod, tborol'or, have no moral ilh1 in its sule, Any law giving bur a dower third is simply u fraud 011 we, tlio mot so aa the law does not give me a dower third io bur property. And then the cere moo y oow-a-duys, caled marriage, does not give mo a wife it merely give tue a wotnuo who can leave we whenever she pleasus. 1 caunot keep hoc against h.r wishea. duo unj ti buck to ber lather or elsowheie. and I cau '1 etiuipel her to como tack j but should I Icav ber for any rsasoo sliu caa bare me arrested and compel mo to support bsr. Suoh s thing it ouo- sidsd snd unfair. A woman held bv such a loose lis I out iu my opiui n a wile iu lb holy way a deunu ma 1 b.s briud in bi thought. Tin liw nave degraded bee into s eou tuoino.' TuiAccuuarc Bo 'lb-re wj 11 young mm once iu the odiio of 1 Western railway supt-riute udviit. 11. was ootupyiugs pwitioo Hint f-u. bundrsd boy 111 thai city would l.av. -iabsd to get. Il was houoraide, and It "pail well,'' beside being in the hoe of proniJliou. llaw did be isoi it 1 Not by I aviog a neb father, lor h was the sou ids b.orer. The seret was bia btauiilui aoeuracy. lie bi g u aa sa errsud boy, and did nia work eurutoly. Hi lelaere elms be ued in perfecting b is wi iliiiK and arih meiiu Atur awbil Si le.iruel ( tel.'trrapb. X I eseb step bis emplov. . , WiMteti ul I lie- t:g) iitiMim. Wiiif did 'l e 1 1 i:,'vpin,n know a'' u' il Id..i o!' Hi- mi, aliniil III' lllilii; J lie I111 -w li..a I., man. k'e hi r-m rivi-e'1, on s inr.-e i iil .l-l liv u;i I lertili'y ) t,, v,mni , SSli I'M 11 II,.- Ji.ii Ii, v 'i I i's ".inns iu o n g ir le 1. mid ii,;,k K-y p Sll nll.ll-r liln! gl.innty. lur ih- Mill r iinling nation. He Unit r-is-r vmrs eo hogi si to ream iutfi, i- nl water Irom (lie iiveril nvo.jr river to ... I .. ..... ... ..,, . rn, n ll'-'l SIIUO'IO I .1 like lour . . . .. UUinltel nn I hliy 1t1il.11 ai o iod and hi eo bin Ire. I let d Oji ..ml thi. tf ted up with II skil ful eHteni of ll'Uid gales, .lam aud l.nUs These were W.terwelks ou a kl'ipuud 111 scule iruly I As to wlmt ho ki.ew al'uul 1. nil ling no ii. n ,t l.,p , f , pyrnm d , un h.r M)J ,,,.,, of lU ean Ii, th i s.ms ceutr.il pU. e in the S'diir ty ten., an 1 the ol"iity id' the pol.i.li.-. I. eo.ll I'.ifil elio,. u.i.iU.l of n.1.,1101. lvu of them il( , ., , ,, ,, , tUMm ,,,,, A, p(p ,.,,, ry IU vrv , , , .,, K . .,,., t W n w.. ii,-t -t, l,u ' N ;w.,,.rul llie , 1 ...........,..., , ,1. 1 ;hu! Ii. Ijll I TS ! Iielll Hial. i.ilH As f.ir .,,oU, 1 lie oil Eyptiiin in ide ; p p r 11 I win' h i 11. .in I .t o have ii "v paiyiiM r-i'l-, u.ad 111 tli 1 1 ..... ..( ,1 .'. i 1. . . ... 1 110 f ill r y I'.nr di eiii on In tliei in Iiii"i , it.1 his Ii ii I. i.UH In- ..be.ks, even bit C'ffl.siolo h ioks. ihscriliin.' Hie 11 with Inslorif and looriphios, by repie'iiii. mi them, liirougk punting and n'U'p tute, ull his o. cuprums unl h. livfs hi u 'pes sod f-ar. l lie lonllitfitiHl uj . Tho war of the K v oliitnui was I gun wilnnut a eiu.'le armed vci-ael. I'he fiiliu .ho soreiee w -ro Ii ii;d mi by I ' I I -land in 1775 which W.-ro two M-hoi'iiei s 111 the d.fnceol Tluit S'lii wa- 11 U llie fi sitnre. e .,u oe ! 1 tV.n.r I h- lonuaiinn ol '"r " 1 "' '" 1.1 -ai hijiI in lb ceinlier. 1775 mod 1 hit teen ves- ei, as a i'.hiioi nieut ol the nivy In tlie Sjirtni ol lTTli, Miisssebu. sells rltie I out s -veral aroiel v-ssels t'ot flat,' ol' wb eh ..s white, witb the ii ire of a pine or lihurtv tree, with the mnio, ' We uppesl to Heaven. ' The lirsC ns v ul I a tle took place ah'iut three w-cks ul't -r tbi buttle ol L"XiiU'l iii, a Cup' 00 Wheat 111 boin aid lu have causod tho striking of tho Or1 D itisb D ig m th ocean. No Conyr. niouul laws had been pa -sod for ib creation of the navy, aod when V-Iing on undertook to get up an I siiiid to sua an expuditioo of sis veei-l. he was o'.li.'ed to ad. dross th oo as 'pAVt ol'tlm ai'iny." Toe earliest I'rigito from I'hiludol. P 'la. h A'fred, Captaiii Hopkins, d which I'aul Jon"S was tno Lieu, i.-osnt, iiip nel a flai of thirtoon f ip-s ..I' r "I and hi ia. with a raltle onile bi rii'ininx ifinid", month pen S id Still piojoi le l With tho 'Mmi'i ir-n I on m " Thi same flag s borne bv the AM'iooa frigate, a i li-r o oi mind r 1' .ol J mes, when, si I. she I ibr aar'i ib H'ltish float .1' iweoi v-.'.e siil of wr veiuli in N o'th receiving ihr 6 re and n ikiiij berese.pi. A L o.d o. psp'r f dn'v 1 7 7 rt ciiiim nds the diee ol''hn rait l 01 ke. and regards its. :e . ill aelv a pr ipnai to nor Aneri. -an p 'l i n 1 ehsraeinr. T'i' ii(B'r af tS 8r-l nav wr" In uany re.pui ditT-rent front the a fta, I SI ll ' 1 1 1 1 'i " j I'll- -kin ami Com anchor I'littu,; j sniall cli'the", hose and ain't. Tlo-ii dignity and n'eniti. B, when they n in i d at any, was nut beloie theii C";in irvui' u, nut I'ri'irv tiie enriiiv. I to- I..id not lc.-nl.reil ..riginu'lr lor.."'" "'-""""'" !". wh.cti Iriiwin rd"iii and roirlly ili-,l.n, 'lit thry had no il. fi, 'i. in y in pon-h-eil circle when eiillo I to tho cxeroiM of Ihiir ro es sn I UKa.-rs .4 C mI Moi j . A t'liiesu'n riTresjiOndent lurn'she 'he foil.' win'' et.oy ul' a cd r-cti"il foil) tho tuiii of liou liuriied ciiv II. Ih a v.a nine lives? Tloit is ilivll''''' a" 1 "'al ,l1' r among tho iiieiiiu biiii fiirre-tly d.'la'olin nil ii.rtei's to .ley. A Cat h i acttl nliy I.ePu reeovern I. alive mid aipiail ')'., from the iIihiIiib hi'iu of the po-t uflie.. and ciis i'iii h'lii'c tuiildin he still w.'i.r hvr r -y 1 1 ve-tmcnt o' I her p. tue, both marvel iu!y im- ' rl-v -roIai s t a can ' fulit the tier'' piovnl. J.mr.s M M il leiid I; ,, l" ,l,"lr '"'"'t'" c.'i.i. nt. The propri- 1 I'ncle Sam's in. ol .li-f.,tch . ni er t n"1 l k"l-v '" rrl "" rxps' this pi.11,1, w li-ji.tii... it, t!,e r.iinrim""' b 't b trie I 011 tho opining lo- l.iy for s .nieih ns h th-iub ,,""v1'. in ailomp'in,' to fut- ' mitflit still he pr S-rted. Mea.v ! H. "i,n "u bundi.liru ef w ino to V ilisiiiictly beard ll.e lo'iu iar nn lo I.e. 1 ""r,,'M '' "' ..f wine elu-ck. Hj 1 voice, lie I u judge nf ti,uii' ,,!' 'I'" il'f I.Mli.' W I. nrnod nno I could not ho deeri'ed. lln listened i 111 1 ''' ,r,l'!i tlvJ qniclly slip. Aain arose tho muMk'd fais.'tto. "Il l""1 "u"-v ,"k" : tU -y e .al l o'j !mtiMhenghoi.i:'' lie slepped luht- , 1 h"ir P 1 'L'"''1 f'' ff''" ly over tho crumbling brk-l.hi.tit nu t ,'"Jt',it f their lords u,i I nmslen. , helped Home workmen cxi-avnto the' . ,, ,. . , , A I..M.Y I.XXMtl VtliN Th.' fol- rii ins in Iho corner whence tlic ooi, 1 , . . , . , , . . I'oning raey esinriati.j.-i ol cm ida's proceeded. I.o I 1 here, t-uht leet . . . . . , . , , , , , 'for admission Co the lur ia Cukoti Iron I under .round at the nmucb a aew.t,,, w,,;,.rn j vrptpe.npii'ht sn a pt.tl ,.f w,l,'r t.i,(.,y a g.... hit , eat griin ilkin, with a cold 111 her heal ; . ' ... 1 1 . . . , ' I If exa 11 ns'ion c inun 'ace 1 with: , 'i, 1114 ir'nuin HIT m'l r" t'r II 11 'I 1 .ui. iiini' ik 111 hut eyes, .i.lcr 01 j j Sh ulrih. Mehhnth Co , rlio hi I nui'- tivei the ti ry furnace, tmd eatnc f'rth 1 !tinscuthed It s'emol. 01. extuini I i;.... .1..,, 1. .1 ...1 . . 1 .1 . . . nil,, r.iw hii r.i.iuii.-ii 1110 iir.'. , . . ... , . ', senco of mind to stick lur legs iu th.t I water ami nor lien I in tlie ewcr, and when the bail lu.c eolliipsed a cluiun j It'll so as to shelter her. A million doMurs infold Im, I ini liiil jtitu bullion within Iweuty feet of her. I'u-sy i an immeiie lavonto in the pnKt -i.fli -e, and has assumed her pl.oe.u-iH regular 1 uieuiler ol the etatl'. l.i'RK I'AI.MKIIsroN - -linr l-llll, t he I .-e, Mi uli psiiuer, US' d to in! the t ii ol l.urd I'ulinei st .in : " 1 hal exhi'iited 'or -erer.il years. hut with , ut any parlicular n iece-.. One year bowet. r the year bvl'irc : I psiiiico ('..rt' iii'," Lord I' iliiiei'-i'in ! to k a au'id. 11 lane to my picu-e. 11I1.1I, Siiiuiii' i' in t h- l.' ttlati ls." 1 uml bouglit it ui a hith lijiire. llm' lordship ut lhu Mime tin..' 111.nU in ' (lllirii a nl'li e llui i.rlial n,l li.i'llu I .,! to call upon him " I wailed upon hi., lord-hip uceoid ingly, Ho I'otnpl un ute.l u.e up-n the pcturt; bar ihoi.t wi- out tittup shout it he could not u 11 t s-r it 11-1 ' What is that, my hod ?" I u! I That t lif re eh olid be such leng ttuss iu s Ii - -11 wl.eru lh.ro ui s- many -b-i-p." ai I his lurd-lnp, pr 'tuplly, and w ith a merry twinkle ol his e)e. "Ilwusn deeded hit this; nod. I having hoilhl t he picture .i. 1 p 11 I tor It. he Wit eiilitleil In htsj"k. " How on you in cum .,r ii ':" . . went on. (milu g. snd l ok ru lir-t ut ho ii toro snd tl en ut me "Those hbeep. lliv I'.rd," I -.'plied, were culy turned i to that Cel. I the night before I finished the po iiire '' " His l-riUliip 1. 111-bed heurlilv. un l said, " Bravo," ut my reply, snd gave me a c-inn.i-si u for two more pic tures ; and I buve cio-bcd aii.ee th. n some very liotabla checks of hi- den r old boy I" Work Done It) tli Lunga, Three hundred and fifty to four hundred cubic, fret of uir pass through the lungs nfsD adtilr man who lakes little or no ricreise, iu tbe coure ol twcnty-l'our hours, and are rbni'itad wiih carbonic scid, and aro deprived of oiygen lo tbe Client of nearly five per cent, which amounts to about eigh teen cubio leet of the one gas taken in nod nf the other given out. If a man be abut up in a clo-e room, hv log the form of a cube seven feet inside every particle of lbs air in 'he room will in- iwentvfour hours bavo pai-sed tnrouub his lu"g sod one I'osrtb nfths oxyiten it contains will he replaced by etrhnniu ncid. The in.nunt of ctrbon eliminated in lb 'wenty four ho'irs is represented bv piece of pure chureoal welhios eiub1 unoes. The i'isuity of water given iff from the I'inKS In ibe ' nme time varies very mu'h. bi.t on tbe sreraire it may be isk'-n as a liule wore tb n A l lM.II.K liAMIU.IMl 'l . r N.i loiitfei (in liii len-Iia Irn, I'-tri or ll iioloirj claim pre eminence over llie 'Jill.'ti fit v in W.untilin; mnttrs. "'in l'"rnnci-eD In c. t iM kIh, I a s ip. 1- ..i 'ii.iiici- 1 i ,i 1 1 1. 10 glories ui the K ir fS.il. 1 1 it '.it, aoys no eutlitl. iiiKtio reporter. Hook the . of the eity'a di.ughteisj hi ro I hy YM ill I'te.'ith v.. mi- piir'e over ili mys'cr Ksoithi I.110 t.hle, 0r bjlliysskt their p. .Id ciiin nn inulelto titnl iho 1. i- .1.1: ...... . . . . . . ' ''"'"'"''"'ii rmo i t n.ir, hsn- pietiin-ro.itn a b;ill-roi.ni. sunipttiou tiutuies of 1 ho l.ce ; but Iho iiibku- ine iniml i. ti.tlier puled to know hat the lady gs.uh!crs can want a "burlier simp ' lot ! However, the I. u lien' S1e1.1l CI ih, Uo mu" is liciico loiih a leiituie t, San Frincic vlier" thi' wive nn I dm 'liters of ll.o ' P i y n sill 1I.0, eir '.'' ' I do, sir " " llavo you a Kp:.ro ciar !' ' Vcs, sir.'' ( Extends a short s'x. ) 1 ,, v- . . , , 1 Now. s r, what is ll.o du'y or a Uwjir " i T,, ,.. Ie"t f cs ? ' " lli-ht. What is Hi second '!" "To itioteao tlio nu ulior of hi clii-nts. " " When docs t'ie position toward client, ( ha:ir'M 7 ' Wh. n iti.Uiig out n bill of oost." " llxpllill " Wo then ne.'upy tho antn'onihtio "'-ilioti. Iiis-ii'ii,. the plaintiff, au I o 0 ones the delendulil.'' ' sail eei,d, ho'.V du VOU Rt'ltl 1 J it i-li iho la vycr iMnduetiiig the other i ! ?" ' I'd k hv j. wl " I'o u.'ii. ir V i pr-iniiA ti Ik- '''"" 0 nameui t . y.nn' prof sioo, aod I wili y hi s iec'is. N w aro vju wife "film duty you owe nu "lei le. ily " I't'scribe it " It i to invito y m to drink " '" II it S'lppoti' I dechiio J" Caii ii late ci nleln s his bfi I. " There ia no in-taiici) of the kind on record in ihe hoik. I cannot ans wer the qui stioii." " Y 'U are riht. Anl ihe cot.fi deoee with w hich vou make tho as I 'r,'n" "hows coiiel.iaiv. y ihm you have 1 en, I law utieutivelv. Let' take a iliink.unl I will in yourceilili cute " A puny ol ymnij Mpnu driving; throii :h Ibiuliuty. Mass., on Sunday, a ir.o te I ihe aiivnti 'n and r.v.'ilod tho pity ifao elder, y gnnileman on tho w .llt llti-iog bis hand reprovingly, he kin ilt ieinaik.il; "Vuuug men, are t nu iireiktn.' t)j Sa'ibatli ?" "No Ir ' puii'o y .ihservc'f 1 scriuu chup on the I n k scat, "we are goiug to iniike a win. 1- day i f it.'' And helot O our ilk' ! Iricud 'ould lecover himself the grucuh-MS sntnii, a were out ofbife'ht. Ap'sach-r wlioej custou) it wiiti prciich very long Ni-rui ins, eschungotl w ill, ouo w ho only preacln.' I half se long. At uhout the eut niiiry lime for dismissing, the au'licueu benn 1 1 go ut Thia he.oia ontinuol unrt ueaily nil hal loft, whan the sexton, w b l.sd stood it us lomr ho could, walked up to the pulpit stall, and suid to the preacher ia a whisper t When you have got through lock up, will you, uud leave tbe key st my houso next to the ohurcb.'' A t'lUTAi.N Ci'HK A teoJer sod touching Toulon, practising as a ped d'er, w-elil vut to d- al out a liquid t t. riiiiiiut' rol led-bugs. t.e bit upon s cunt tusr who put up bis ckh and poi kuied the priss. "Now I ve got the article, tell me how In use It.'' suid Joo Harness. ''Ketch ie pa uot drop von Icello drop into bi inoni," answered tbe piJd'rr. "Per tuyft 1 you ssy 1 etoUlmed lbs 0U'cbser: "I kjlliiLlaJaIf ha.iis.i,- ,7 V wrapplni, BlMUng, Cur Ronomwiad4 e.,nU