3 ii ui'i. ifnO ilily lit 'CI las )UI f til if 3 rotri rttH i fitnt :ric iuf ce. 5 U. AD. ay, lb ni York, hlaac. U 'om UKlil yhiiii it M u cli!. i I a, .00 1 a. pbia at nti i trta imoki U, ' :.io M i: Ir rFtu ira, ' ailroaa. Dl Itl" nd 40) i O.OOa d Alln- l.J aaij idtlfli' Itrirw 9f ft! tlllis" m.. I" : 6b' falandU, ioi Ci'l tc. riiburf. rrmi ln" dinl tt m alwi .. rati :.lilll rtiM 1 ottiiH ..mre'"' ,i 111 ratiM llmll I k l1 Sill' RHi'i,( .rl.fj I 26' ,.dj XII K POMT BaaaBajSkaaai.aBJjajM painta1 vey Try Ivtolag by jjllllafl CBOFfll. rrorletf. Term of Bubeoription, fWO DOLLARS PIR ANNUM, Paytbl wUbia hi BBini. r :i,ou ir aot paid Mia tb vr. Nepaprdiiooatlnud til aN arrearage art paid unleeo at Ik puoa or tli puhlJihe. VkbMriptioni onteido of the eounty PDTABI.I IN ADVANOI. fejr Perusal lifrtag and nting paper, aatriveeeed I othtr beenra luhncriber. D Uetl for Ik pri of lb paper J P. CRONMrLLBuj ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middleburg, Pft., QBm hi pvoteivioaal wrvio to lb pb H, 0Qetia and U tb r profetnional twtMM olriid t kit tart will rtoeiv eta.pl eiuetion. f Jsn t, '07if A a SIMPSON, t ATTORKKT AT LAW, Helinegrov Pa., aj.rt bit proftloeat lervlo I th pub It. All baini intruded U Li gar 111 b proiaptl attended I. TJan. 1?, 7tf JW. KNIGHT, , ATTORKKT AT LAW, Frecburg Pa., Of ri bit ProfMaloaal lervic la lb pub it. AU baloM intrusted la bit ear will bt promptly atliadid to. Jaa 17,07lf Wil. VAX ttEZKH, ATTORNKT AT LAW, Lewiabui-tf P. CIT.rt bll preftttlonal tervi la i piih lit. Collteiieni and all othtr 1'ioicnion albuiiattt tntruitrd lo bit rt r ivt proaipl alttntloa. GCO. F. MIIXEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LewiHturs: Pa. Offtn bit rroftnional ttrvio lo Ihtpub lit. Col'eationt and all olhtr profrraioa til bntiarM rntruitad to bit car will rt- It prompt aticnhon. jd. o, uir JM.I-INN, A. II DILI.. , mprior t J. r. h J. M. Lino.) ATTOK.Ntio AIAA", uinninu, r. Cffr their profetiional tcmiet lo Hit ubll. Couvoiioni aou mi uiopr pro fwioaal batinw enlrutled I ibrir cur rtcl'prooiptailcDiteo. Jan. 8, '(S7if IniliRLKS IIOWKR, lIj attornev at law. Solitmrova Pn., fYiii bll prpftrtianal ric in th pub- I . . 1 1 . : .-j -tl .ik.a ---f jt. kiitciiuui fluv in vim i viraiviin tuinett tairutted lo hit care will rt tiltt pron pt ail.niion. Office two door rib of lb Kryilono Holtl. Jtn 6, '0 E a W r1M iTTC-fAV 0 ATTORNEY AT'LAW, I SuliuKrofe Pn yit't bit Profeiiional ler.ieet to Ihe ui'i'.-i. All butinett ntrurld to hit Ur'i "ill bi promptly attended la. Col tifiiiai mud Id all parte of the Stale. Iliieia tpaak lb EogUih and German Ailiaigi fluently. Otbc bttwtea Hall't Jkad ibt rot oflit. LS MYKRS ITTORMt! 4 COUNSELOR 1TL4W HidJltburg Snyder County Peun'a ltt ftw doort Weil of Ihe P. O. on Hi t i reet. Conciliation la Engliuli ttl t Kt m If r.egrr. frp.'I'lf T C. BUCIiKR, V. ATTCRNET AT LAW. Lewibnr Ta., f fen liln prefeeiional ne'viceilo Ihe pub. I All bunneM enirunei to bit cut nil bi preniplly altindod lo. (.tan. n. i.i GKOTiiK k BARKR SEWING MACJIINR. Triom In nttd ef a good and durable liwiai Miehina can be ccnuimodit.d nt lituon.blt pritet hy tailing en on 8ah- iii limr, Agini, foliuigrore. Jan. zi, h DR. J. Y. fill IX DEL. rTROKON AND PH YS1CI AH. Middli'burjt Pa., tin kii prnfenlonil lerYicei lo lb eit if.Middlt'uurg and vicinity. Murcb 21. 'C7 T. VAX BUSKIltK. K101CAL k WECnANlCAL PENTItT ficlinaprove Tcnn John k. uughes, Eaq., i JC6TICB OP THE TEACB, .TeDO Twp., finydrr Co. Ta u. WAGNKR, Esq., Jl TICK OF THE PEACE. JtcUou To '.whip, SnyHcr Co. Pa., attend lo all buiipen entrusted I tin and oa lb mofit reeeonahle ''ai. March yi, 'OHtf J)RJ if KANAWKL, riiTBICIAS ASD8UROEOH, Ktnirfilile, Snyder Co., Pa., Ofiri kit profntioDtl icrTleei lo iht fabHa. ami GHUB1LL &. Co., WHoLaiAta PaAinai in WOOOAND WILLOW WARE y HoDii, Window Shade, llromi, Mala, "'wan Cotton Lnpe. Oraln Bag, Fly Buek.it, Twine. Wickt. Ae. ;'M5.1orih Third (jl reed, Philadelphia. ' J. t!7 V A. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER. Fieeburir Snvdcr Co. Pa.. jRtt rtipeelfully offer hi aereioe to r (ublio at Vendu Cryer aod Auolion- W,- Jjavlnv h.d a Urn axnarienoe. 1 fJ ld.oi. that I aan reuJor perfect "ufaoiion to my am ploy at. LJen.v, u.i IB,11 .....a eatiuninii n a uan 1 DISTRICT ATTORNY, fMIDtUBmo. BNYPER COUKTY, Pa fm . - " Court Haul, ijepl.16, 'CTir ISWJSniilMEK'S SOA'i? PBACCOWAREHOUSE N.322 N. THIRDS Ml PIIILAPKLPUIA, IpRCUANT UOU8B. U. MANDERBACn Pbop'b. "M H k it Karta Tbti d Sireei. ruiiaanpaia 8taiUH0UrAl11 RELLER8 "iitootra., Blank book Maoulaturora iiatad w w"PPlI. Blaailaa. fur. rFwilk nirlir aktMlaa A?wJ7 AV " C3 "Y"jk II III II. Ill III IIJT - -Jn-. .C'!IV, in i VOL. 9. Holoot Poetry si f umriiuir. bt Jo ii a o. wHirTiaa. Denealb lb moonlight and tb mow Liei dead my intent year I Tb winttr wind art wailing low II dirge in my tar. 1 gritvt not with Iht moaning ''' At if Ion beltll Dtfora me, even ai behind, tiod !, and all i welt. ITii light ihlnei on m fro abote, Mil ow voice uvea" wiiiun Ihe patience of immortal lure Uuiwearyinj wrii iiu. Not niioJIen t lha grnwin yr Of cure ' lo'l and pain. .My eyetir wtl with ihnnklei lean for bliog! whiob remain. If dim th gold of lite ban grown, I will not count ll ilrn, Hor turn frnm Irea.urei wt ill my own To ligb for lack and lost. Tb yeara no charm from naturt lake ; Ah aweel her voice coll. At beautiful her inorninn. break, At fair her tvening. fait. Love walchei o'er my ijiiirl way!, tiind voices peak my nam, And tip. lhal Hud it hard lu praiie, Are now, ai lent, to omuio. How ai.fily ebb the tide nf will ! How Soldi, one lutl or woo, Now lit behind mo tiroeu and still llencalh a level aim I i.'ow huiht 1 the Ii'mi f parly hate, The clnninr of lue throni; ; How ot I. bar.h voiirei of deba: Flow into rliylhmio long ! Maihinki the epirii'e temper growt. Too aoft in tbii mil mr. Sumowhat I lie rettul heart forguei Or ueeded wtlcu ami pray or, Tb4 bark by lemp.nl vainly lined May loiiiidvriu ihe c.lui. An l be who braved llie polar fiott Fain by the ialei of balm. Hotter than lelf-indulgeni yean Tb ouitlung heart of youth, Than plenum song, in idler ear Tu luuia.l of Iht irntb. p.aat for Hi weary handt ii g"td, And luv for heart that piov, Uul lei the manly habitude Of upright null bo mine. Lei wind thai blow from hetvtu refreab, Dear Lird, the laoguid air ; And let the weaknvit of the I'e.li Too elrcnib of ipiril I'aare. And, If the eyo mini fail of light, The eur forget lo bear, Make clearer nil! I lie ipirli' lih', Mori fine iht iuward ear ! Ce near me in mine linura of nec I To tool he, or cheer, or warm. And down I lies- alopot of auu.el lead Al up the bills of morn ! ; the OclnOtr Atljiiiic '.Murder! Help l-Oli, help '." How iharp aod fearfully (Jiaiin-t ivai tho cry an it rang ou (ha mi luixht j air! 13 it t liur was njno t hear ii, j except the two rulliaua, who prcia iug cIoboi-tJ their victim, bore him heavily to the rouu l. "He ia.dcad I" laid tbe oldcit one, dibouuatuig aud plncieg hia baud up on the heart of the wouu lel mia. who lay up iu the gminl witbmt eeunt or motion. "We ha 1 better niaka ture of it," aaid the other, iigmticautly puiutiu, to tbe river it a abort distance. Hia couipuoion underntood hitn, aud without a word ou either aide, tlwy lilted up tho bolyai l carried il to tbe rivor. There was a heavy apluaa followed like auuiuthiug that auunde.1 like a alitlod groan, uud tho broa l .waluit rippled quietly ever It tbe mooa, emerging from behiud a cloud, looked down aa calmly uud pluiJiy at if crime aud murdar were a thiut uuknowo. The two men then uiouu ltd thoir hor.oa aud rude vi!'i!y awiy. Taiaiaa good uuht'a joo," sail the ihorier and yout.jter ol tbe twn. "I thjulj julfj j ao, ' ruturuui tbe other, drily, "ut il give you uue ol tbe riclieat oai'ldmi'a in Uuglaud.M "Ay, and by uiy kuigtitly faitu yon ball Q.iJ tbat the Earl of Elriiijiou I not uow'iatel'ut. Tae ihoas ad pio. tea oi'ijtld aball be yuan to-uiurruw, and if tnere it aoylnu elee I oau do for you, yon way oum uaud mo to tun fuiloil extent of my powor." "Tbue will be a merry bridal to aidrrow." .. ' Very l' replied tbe youugar oue with a light, mocking Uuli. "La iy Hieuohu wilt wait long at the a.Ur lor ber Ijver aui as In' uiy good eouem .Walter, who baa been my rive, ia h.Tetnl ambitiou, I'll warrant tio d .leeptoaud enough lu-uiglit 1 U it " it)u.t eepirate bare," he aided aa ilioy emerged from the furett iulo the open euuatry. "Wo must uol be aueu to guiber. Adieu. " We aball meet to morrow at tbe brjdal." Su tayiug be turned the bead of hi bora into one of tbe twj roaU jb were before thorn, aod bit oumpaaiou laklagiho other tbiy parted. . lo ao ehjjiaut boudoir, partly reclin ing upon a tow couch, wat a felryouug girl of not tnora ibau lbteto tum mtrt, pf trtutly io dep rtTtrie. MIDDLE BURG , I f f r jroiih'.s "t-ra ory iilitasKai, for il,rrMa liilf imllo arouod hrr ltJU'b, ami an eipre.Minu of th inglil- ffuland auLdiiod Xoudrn in ihe deap b!ua ey? an J on the smooth upnn brew. An elJurly w.nnnn wlia had nUr)(l lumt inin ili bpfura, bill had h?sitntod tJ dlilurb hor, now np prcaihol. It U tionrty ton, Laljr niam-lia," thi Hid, u l liomin Imr yoiin linn- ti'vrt "lubilfaii hour tlio 'indtt ai l bo fajro.' ''Ciui it bi p)gibld thai it is no lute as that?" sin lV!iJ, Stirling IVoiu hur aoai. '-All, Muii, Mie.i, I u'u .-ry h.p,iy !" may lit, my Inly !" sull Mine. 8)1 : e.mily. A ilia Inn fell iicr ti tlieyniin gr Minny fucc ''I nm ulrai I l tun too Imppy Tor ii to Inii," nh a.iid. ih "i.-hiluily 'Hit Coma, .Mini,'' che a Id.td. jjitily, "youi' skillful 1'ni.riM- in i-.t lis m ir tli.nn UMUilly iiiiulilo. or I hIm!I Lo IjIu, mid at my briJ.il. too.'' It did tuki Minn ?m i to loop buck I h wi) ol Hijrui I'urli, un i tn ar ran.- the iliiuiiu " I J - tli.a full x,j rart fully aromi l tlint X'i ii-iiely iiinil ieil l.irui, yet alio bid hardly fi'iialpi whon there C4ui? nil imou-!"1)' li.Mit iii n K ut luo il i r. an I a man en tevJwhoaa bow id foi in biiu white li ilr tiore tlie impicaa nf exirenie old j age. It waa Lend Vernon. Ha ( Si l ujijii the d rihl-f I a a m .lu -ni with an cxpi'eioo oi' mingled pride and p'ea.U' j. "Ilcaveo bleaa you, my beloved child ! ' he in irin ire l fo idiy. 'B it oome,"he a ldod, "the cirri. 140 i-. waitio my love, an I our (nou li arj l,'r,.wiu imp.tiietit. " ".'I uoi Waller com - yet, Mhcr "No. It ia rmher ctraue. but I L'"l iUJthiu.r Ii in dulaiaed hiiu. lie will j.rjl.ably uievt in tit the chilieh " A Lidy HUnclia panned down thro' ihoroujitif uieui.ltl thit biied tho h ill, ull anxioii l vaioli a (i upa t O tbe bri le. many a hiari b oaned lur aweet face, mid pi'avo l tiiat till 1 1 1 bright uuticipati ma it miilenand ( bl.inlios aiiadowod forth ini'lit be re alize I. To L r I Vuiuon'.H aui'p"iao Hie I'. i. l of Eiringtoii waa uoi at lii i cli'U'eli do.rwliou they arrived His brow grow dark witli utixioty, lh mli he endeavored to allay tho upprchciieiona 0 bin d tuliler, wh Mil uh oka attci' o itoly llu-h -d and puled ut herein, e iibarraaaing p .'S.tion. Jurit m titer v wore tab i ll t return Lrl Vci'uon liotioed a li.irn.niiui ap. pi'oucbiu at a fui'io ii pace, whiui he I'ejagou.' l a. Jason Si. t'roix, tne i young earl' ousin. Iiu clitbe woro torn and dusty, at I hit fu:o pale and uagard, u.s he hurridly alighted from hiii hira, which was l.terully covered witli to mi. Aa hi eyea fell upm Lady lilnnche be he-itate I. and. caaMug a ei iiitiennt ulniice upou L r I Vernon, beckoned tiiui uaide. H it tbia m .vein -nt did C t vauiipe tlie observation of Lalv HUuobe, wh'Uo eliooli grov pale with four. "It in from - Walter !" ihe cxrlaitn. d breaking fr nn her ntteu luuls, aud f.llowi'JL' her lather. ' Tell 11:0." gl.c aided, mildly, ai I liei'i Ja m "jl Croix, "'ia he ill lei I ?" "Uu calm, niy dear child," aaid Lord Vein m, iootliin,'ly. wboso counte unici b'trayed great agiutinu ; "the young oarl ia not dot I, only miaaing. It ie to lie b ipo I he will yet be f m nil.' Lady lii.ine.lio ma Ie n 1 reply, bu foil pale an 1 gaapiug 111 her fu there arms, wil l quickly convey oJ her to the carriage. M my of the bysiaudorj clnttered around Jas n St Croix, uoxious 10 know the cause of tl'i alruuje nCJuo. I'Vo'o (be narratijii be g ihey jithnrod lhal theo.rl bil lisipiioic. ed. nn one knew wliit'ior. fhil tbare wtl no clna V him fate, exoopting hia hune, wbioli name h i uj a few mir.. ntea uf er mi lnUht. with dark taiu upon bia .riant and sid a." The ktrirtl and horror with which fas. m ll. Croix narrited tbeae oireum stanou pr 1 lu te I a very favorable im primal. in upon those who b'ard him I'.r ho wi next of km t t la 1 lai eirl, an I up 111 hia death wa ild oomaiut. p.sne-eioii of the oxteusive la lis and earldo u of Eirmgion. "My ohtld," aaij L.rd Vera in, few moo'hs after, while in clone anl earnest aonforanc with hit daughter, 'I would not urg you to take lhi Step were I i.ei aanured that it would retult in your ultiuiute bitppineii." "1 do not doubt It father," taid La tj Dlaoob, Unjjullly. J'UJt Bau- SNYDER CO. PA., how the very tlnii.rht U repulniv to me. I never liked Jninn St. Croix, aud t-antiot ay that tuy opluioo of biro hna changed ainc bin acctHiioo lo Ma Hew lionori. There ia lo lue aonietbiojr trciicheroai and cruel in lb very plain of li la yJ aod tbe und of hia voice." 'Voii are prejudice. I, my dun'lilor I nee nilLin oftbii. Indeed, I It liwf e ti i in to be an hotiorable mrtn. in every reaped woriliy of you. Von ha'e oiLrolhei." added Lord Vernoo, aolenmly, at bin daughter made u reply, ' and will aoon hive no father i for my laeo ia nearly run. It grieve tiiu t.i louve you so unpruiectvd, and it woiil I lake ti e laul ating from iltatli co ild I a-oynu ths eiirl wife'' j I.el it bo na you any latlicr," re plied l.ady ll!ancbe, indifTcrciitly. ' Siuei Wultcr ie di-iid, 1 eoru little wbut bcc.Miivt of Dl " "Tim carl but bi'co wailing! fir aomo tuna to h you, Hl.uiehe ; mcy bo coiuv in and receive your o uacut ' irnui your i u lipi: I .. I.. IM I... i.... I i i.iij i.i.mii. .iiu.mu uvr iiciui. Ami in a few inoiuculs the wily moil wa by her aide. 'I have no hunrt lr kivj ynu," alio -ai l, in reply to hia e.rnoit prnteata- i """'i Itf'i'V ber evo culuily, "bm j hand it your whtuevrr you chuiwe to claim it. ( 'Iflhn most devote! und tender iuve futi win yur iicai t, it cannot l;ul l' be n.ine, dear U ly," aaiU St. Croix, o!'tlv. X;iy. my lord," laid Lady ( lie, fit inly, ''it will avail liule. I. curl that I have i buiied in Sir noiin.lo l inliia eara. Waltera tttave. Vet I prcinlno ihatj " I'abaw ho exclaimed, U baa'ali all I can ive you (dull be yourt UDy ; it from bin mind, ' il it a mero auspi- day you iiauio." jeioii on bar part ; alu can know tiuth- Janoo. 5l. Croix murmured a few ' ino; uf it. Hat lei bar, too, b'war ; for, wnruani iiiim. men, raining ner bund rcpecil'ully to bia lipi. turned away, ai.d. moiinlini, hia iioito, role rapidly toward Klrii.jgloii Cantle. I.N bai t full ofexubutiou at hia lucii.a. Aa he wan panaiu,: through a lir.r. nw defile a form wrapped in 11 large cloak Mudd.mly croaacl h;a ut!i, atari- lin' hia bono an that ho nearly Hire v him from ihe ea.ldla. Willi a mill- I'-rml impreoition ho lurunl Uwir I the intruder, "It is I, Jaauii M. t mix . laid a ilorp, Uulicw Vi)i.t, Tho cloak wan thrown back, ami the pale light of the mo m fell upon the tall f.ru. o! a woman, clad in a . j' .. a .. . : : .... II rt . i. : . """"K-i .ai.iuMii; u.u.u. i L-r u m.i.iu , erp.e iban a bride, an 1 the whole evca were black am midnight, na al.ao peoding re-emMod far m ire a fu wa llie h -avy ma. of diauniered hairllerut ft ,llt,, ry tridal. Tlio bride il.tit lull below her waiM, and ber coin K,,)m ,., ,ulvri,,ii , ,is ,a ;,- '' I plexiou dark even to aivarthinei-. o.m'K.'ii tuoe- in Itcated lint hi bud et, lu npile of hor weird, unearl hly a-peel, (Hero waa n.vuotliiug inll.fi u'cneral contour of ber faue wliicii l,,ul ur ' u,,lu I'" ,u"ru ncauiy. 'Ardollo!" cxcluimcd St. Croix as toi.itl.cd. "Nay. Jtson," taid tho woman, witb a low, biller laigh. "not III I ving and lru-tf ul Ardello Svl.uicia, whom you lured by your vilo aria fmin h 'r happy homo, but the g;psy queen '." I I thought " -Von thought nm, as you intended me to be dea l 1" aha aaid. interrupting him with a tat i SI iimro bitter laugh. Hut uiy dear friend, pdon doe not alwuyx kill, even when adminintered by to practiced a hand ua youra. I have many an antidote ( r toil, ua you gave ut ou tbe ui.'ht of our last meeting '." "Ynu uro talking at 'amdom, wo- man," aaid St. Ctoix, t'oruly, recover ik in uiiiviu. in ,.v..-r.. . ... . . . - I. .. 1 Wbut ia il that you wnut of me uiouey ? ' .Noi fir th world would I touoh your go'd Jason St Croix,'' exela'iuel the (lipy quaea with a bauh'y ges ture ; " red at it i with the blood of tbe iiiooceol I No, I tamo lo warn yoo, too, thai ihe eup of venge inoo ia nearly full, that the. aword of justice ia ready, oveo now, to deeceod .upon your bead! (Jo, aod inauad of ful filling lbo,wlc'd propose that ia lu your heart, uiouot your floutest tteed and eaeape into lima fur enuutry, anl there by a life of pjnit'ncs atrive (0 retrieve tbe pail I "Are you uud, woman, to addrens indi language lo raiV exclaimed St. Croix, an.'erly Ny, lumr me out Jamn,'' exclaim ed the C-ipty queen, calmly. " To morrow ia 10 be yoar bridal day, I it not it ii to wiiucm your marriage with tbe beautiful H ue of Glen Villi1 Lady BUnohe Vernoo t" "It ia," replied ber companion, u itrim tniilt of tatitfaotion flitting icto't bi ftee at the recollection. " Wot to ibt dova when It uatte Witutl,t.tjUjl I . Jlton fib fleAl ae NOVEMBER 23,1811. ool the earl lorn ol Elritoo sulHcient for thae thatthoti mut lay tl.y blond alainoJ bauds upon t ho bi'lliototd brido of thy murdered comiti V Si. Croix fairly rcelod upon bin Middle. " Suy, woman ll 0 HU.od. what mean you : ' Nay, bo clni Jaon," a:iid llie woman moekiuIy. aa alio cl.iuved hia limitation. ' Let n i tliy craven heart fail thee now. l)al men tell uoi taleil The .tuocu that bcbo'.d thai leo.l id blood, the rivor thai reooived the body nf I by vie: . in b.il tin t initio toaecuno! Yet ia there one whore eye wore upon thee, and wboe vni- iieance willaaiely overiako the I (J. ! I wirti thou t. lltfjl'r u Ilia writh tlint ia coming !" J.isoti 8l Cioix remain... I fir eomo ee.indi with bin eye tixod i'Heatly upon the ipot wiioi-h tliu woman din- appeured. Coll pempiration ulurled out in larre dropa upon hia face, and hi liniln eliuok aa if be wa ieize.1 nh an agiiM fit,. i.wi.- :. ... . i . ........ . one in no wo man, lie Iiriuoioo 10 i him-elf, ai bo apurro I h i hor.-o oo- ward, "the it a very lieu I ! Hut wore b twico the fiend that blie ie. hhe ahotild not aland bciwecu uu au my prjuuaed biido ." j llereacliel Klriii.-ton castle in ufe- ty, and cull united to drown ail n- ( olleeii ui of the nucini thro ih which no luul juni pa- l by lui (i ilrnilit '"f wine?. Put it wa in vain ; thoo black eyea teemed In lu b irnim.' into Ulan. ( nia very a ml, and the lonoa of that iMItlie.ntraiig.', inyaterioua warning atill j oy iieavon, u hub cros my pun au'm 1 1 will r-end her where her babblm .tongue will koep itiiiet for the tu - tjro !' Uueo 111010 Loid Vernon't t a-tlu ie .nil buatle and activity. The lilt rin,; furtb ti merry jieal, for il ia the bridal day of the nolo daughter of hie bonne .ami heirena of all hia wouhh. I.a ly I lllaiiehu, the Koao nf (!lti Valley. I A 111 irniur of iningled pity and a I- liiiriitioii filled ihoehnroh as ihe bride culCrod. Her lace wa ulmn-t as pil as waa Iho coat ly voil rhino ainpU fi,J J a full nnirlv to ber leet. and it it ll()r9 lh !,,.,, ol deep anite I me!- !UI),,0y. Sho looked ,u ue like a I ... ., S!0B,,WS, 0iKlt N'i i.pplauai. followed hi eutrin.,., ttVin umoiiie Iih o-.vii rt:iiur. f..r Iiu bore on re-emlilance to iho lato carl, bis ptedi eesaor, wlioso alTible and en gating nrinnura has mud.' hint a gen- er.il favorite. His ino oie, uoso-ial iin,Mjfjon n, i:wT hcar'nt r tl- 'a.,,..,! I.;... .,.. (li,c,.J nnl f.a'el . i,. .....l- .; ,.t i, i... ..(' l.aly Hlauche, in l.mke I li't'e like a joyful bi i legrooai j hi niuuner was nb - alrictcd, and hia eye wore an anxiona and renlleni xi.renab.n. and aeveral . . , i.....;,,,. u around tho rbtircb. ai if fearing- to meet aome unexpected guent. II crew calmer, however, when tbe eorc money foinniarced. When the prient arneo and ha do tliono " who hiiw any juat caue why tliitk man and woman ehould n l be joined in tho bunds of holy we llou'x, tn d'iclar it ow, or ever after hold their peace, it w ia cotiatdore I by 8 w l0 beard it ua a owe uiatt-r of form, and Ibey were atartled by iho sound of a deep, hollow voieo ia their u.idnt, which aaid : " Hold t I forbid tho nurria.'e '." The bridegroom turned towarls tbe pine wbonce ll precee led. He etart cd nn l grew (.ale, and bit glaoco fell upon the awarthy brow and flashing ing eye of tho (Jipty quouo. Ui.baibed by hi augry glance or the many eyea fixed upen her, abo exelnirued boldly : "I prclaim Jason St. Croix, falsely called the Earl of Elringtou, to bi a (oretworn lover, a falae knight, a treacberou and cruel ItiuamaD, uud murderer, aud therefore nn Suing mate for the pure and goutle Lady iiluncbe Vtrnon." "It it fuUel She It raxd !" fid St. Croix, hour.ely. ' Let the ceremony n.-ocoed.1' " Hihnoo com sanded tb woman j " yoo ruth 00 you ewn dettruotloo. 'Walter, Earl of Elnogtoo," tbe added impretilvely tu-ning toward a mao who tat in the baok part of the church, uiuuld up in a large cloak, "ome forward aod prora tbo truth of 1 Bglinffi'ove, P. i N(OG. Al tbet word the man nrmo, and, throwing buck the cloak, ravelled a faoo wbieh, though pale and liasl ly, bore a it rota r'ritiM.ince lo tbe young rarfa. Tl.nn. w.ilUi.u. ,l..!il...r.itl nr. n j -t the i!o, be aproaelid (be altar nndj fued bin eye Mcrnly ou the couulcn iiu co of iho il'y inun. When J.non St. (V.iix' eyes fell upon him, he Moid like oiu t taiifflxol with horror. Then llirowin hia ban. ia wildly above bin he:'. 1, ea if In jir.ileet hi illicit' from hia ooarer up- ptoaeb. ho lull heavily to iho floor, blood gnaliin frjiu hiiunuth uu 1 nos Iriln. All but on' b'iioii;' tint horror- siriek'-o ureup aiiipo.icd it t be tin japiiii dl tlio uni irtunain man. who , uU, returned to lalj vi-tucanco on hia ' inuiderei'!i, aud I', a red to npproaeb ; Itim. H it I.ady I'.l un be, ruhini; for j ward, t ,ivw lioi M-!t wil liy on tbo bo- jaetn of her lover, ohttiiiiiti conriiicinit proof aa oho did ., Iiom tiw.inni kiea that luHiljnti bereli'.'ki and jlipa.tl.it it wan uoepiiit, but h.;r uwq . ... .. u.uir Waller. : 1 When thw liftc I Jaaoti Si. Cr .ix from the pi lee where ho lull fallen Ihey lo.md that hn h.i l departed, ! bo had rupture i a lai iro b!o 1 1 vei I It aeoini th it tlio w.iu i li ui'C'i to the yini'i earl wera nut , an hia uamiil- nuta iip4ol, m irtal. Ilia lu.ie into ihe liver, instead of ren Irrin hie ileal b certain, rettorud bun lo con , acioii-ne", mi l when h.' aro.o to the imirluce, ho inndo a depirat elTn t to I regain tho aliore. lu tl i bo would ! not probal.lv havo b.-ou suoet-aful, llr ' , lio wua very w.'ek IV nil the los.1 l ! bool, Ii nl il n it bo in fir tlu ( i ny ' (picoti, w h'J wan erosain tho river in I j bout with aoiuo of her f iIIow.ts j bo picked him up, and, conveying ; lnm t i her tent, nursed bun Willi tlio m at devoted and ten ler ctre, throii-h j tbe long and dangeroua illueaa that , followoJ. Tba earl boemna nw ire, oa hia re- 1 oovery, ol hia column usurpu.ioii "f , hie e-talea anlti'le, alan nf oi be- trt,a ot ' Lidy ll'anclie. but, retaoi- in' a irialei'ul nonao id hia inlubied nena lo the heroin women t) whim be ; owed bia life, who. in npito of all, mill dun-lie! a kiiiiii ulf-M.u.iu lot' lin treui ber . us cmaiii, he allowel ber lii warn him, hoping llial it would induce l.i in lo tlei tl.o e,uut.v. delavin him lo tie) I lie ei'iiuliv, delavin.' j lor Coat purpoo hi appearand until ! tho very laai m e.,l. 1 There was another bn.lal day ap- hia l.uuila to bo nuji nmra dial, as he pointed, at which iheio were happy I nimbi catch lh imjui above bia heir!, uud aniilin f.Csi. j uptm which day j lin k apoku but nuce, aliii:; I n' in Lidy r.laiiclio. t'.j) beautiful IS - nf j ier ; w b.'ii Morl.i! iuquirdii, whit ! j (ileii Vailey. gave her hau l to Wait"i y. u want w.th water now '!" Th. y Eur I ul Ivlrin.'toii ; nho lial long a noo I Wcre lli.-u a-Lo d if they ha'. .I'.Ttl.i'i,,- iiven biin her heart, an 1 ho was well t wurt'iv f Ij.iIi. I lioth the earl and cmuten triad lo 'induce the ip-y t loeu lo h;Hj d wn in the neat plcasaul cottag i tl.o cur. had imvu her. Hut tl t'V could nut nrevail unoti her to itivo un her roviiiL' .no- lit.. I., wli.eli alio was alroiulv at- 1....1 o. ...... 1.. 1. t.. i.,..a.- lo vitit th Elrinton in mora is ulicn ' u.s nuee a y.'i.r, and the end gave atrirlj injuuetious to ull hia K Hants tbul nei- thurthoiur her follower rLould be U.olented tit ihi'MD tnues. A Ni-nnjutloual Blur). Tbe papera of central . New York give long account of un uffair wliirb tnty be at y led "Sirango if 'lino." Si. dip n.oiitbi iito a notnrinua counter feiter, named John II. Sima, confined in the Syracune jail uu l aenienced to priami ul Auburn, conceived a brilliant idea to effect bia escape, lu puran- tuiceufbia project Lo applied to a Svracui'j doctor, win, nn tho promim. of a rich reward il a iecennf.il, t.e the! pritoner hiiiiio potent drua which tbtew bim into a tranco iinembling dctih. An inquest Wai hold, and u verdict oftuicido by poison rendered. Th body wo then given lo the fricuJ of tbo deceased. After tho report ol bil death waa circulated, and ho bad recovered from the tranoo, he win taken by bit confederates to a aafe resort, thoroughly dinguiaed. and being put on board tho firs be proceeded to liinghamtoo. A', the very lime be waa leaving Syracuse people were holding funeral tervicea over uu empty coffin tuppo-o I to con taiu hia body. From liinghuinton be went to Pittsburg, aod from there to Denver, Colorado, where a Hurtled Sytaoiaeman saw bim aod auppoaed bim to l the ghost oftb tuloide Explanation fa llowed, during which Sim relate! bit ilrange, eveutful Lit- lory, with many mbeliibuieutt which we omit, and give tbo nory tu it. twplett form. ' Bad buvi in lnduei. orack walouta I 111 FlO Maiknt 'ieel, 1.8- ltf Siuiib Ce'i Mian, ... . Oa olnaea yer ' fAOot). Oae-balf column, eat year, 0. One-foartb eelunta, year, 1 fu. On (quart (10 linen) n iaterliia 76. tfvery additional Inaertioa SO. Prefeneioaal and Bnilue atrdt ot ' not aiorttbao flv lioet, per yiar. i,0f Auditor, Executor, Adminiilriitr and Anilgne Nolle l.M. Editorial nuiieet per tin I. All idtrrtinenieat for a ahorltr perid thin on year art payahl at lbs lis. llirr art order. J, and if not paid lb per- iuii ordering I linn will be bfld refponmbl lr Ilia tnutiff. ritii:MiHiv. I'T inn w. uttiDan. A linr, "lon l. r. lilken thread I u fr pr; j,i,:r and i maki it : bin I heatls and liv. l lo hoarii and llrei i III. I a in a In rill I. may fdnlko it. A lid ft ii lakei but ouo wen w..rl ll.il om wre wotd to brink ll ' ll draw lie li i in .unliiii: ln) c. It dniwi t!.e lu it. i f li ir-ure Frnm o to ey ben I. in la touch h m l When I'vo litarn I e il i.n mcinurj ; Arid draw, a uiiiiiic,; a w.n I Which nukii llini woid a li .ure. Like Itrinn of a liieeful hsrp nr lute llolwei'tl (tlnd ouN 'lia bo' Ii ll. And luT.'a foi l liii)i.ir.a on tbe llirod Mnk tuii.ic ran- ant golden Milk inil.li: au.'ti ll l:ilT h'nvl Cou'.d !ie, an I u or gro'.v el J, ! I 1 1 1 if a l.ira'li may alinke il. In That breaih i uiii' ne or il novcr ; And never ). .'k.ii t that wor t W l.ivh fru nil.liip'n tie iinbl never ; It 11 1 li tbe -i 1 pio aintiir nil The d iwnih if .!' r oevei. 'I M ... . -- Two HoMiel a Lj ut lird. Morton and IliucL, to ol tbe Cm! j ilornia rebbi ta n b i est a'.'d from pri- "n D, we' tllklll :o C li.'UJl nil (ll roail to Car.,n A uaiiviel ., ,, ... ,, 1 1,.. I, r.n. ni..l ur .. ,.nit r... u,. ti,,. t,i of .,. -i.:..,.,.. ll,. other waa a-ii.. lllir,P1i , ,utv,, , , .all,i, UJ rmti.jj ou tl.o glolll.J. A coupio -f ropr were pu-'el over the b.Mtn, a j wnoii driven 1111 lnr.Jan I t w ti j.ii."i j lowered. M'rt.in Im iu I tlu pn'..ira. tiotis fioiti or, t iJeiid t.. l.i-: pi'luur jincrino: "Ul.i k, ur ym rcaiytj , die ?"' Tho answer ; v: : St; tl.i ia ni t tho ciorj to Lin-' u " " Vca it n,'' a.;id Morton ; "don't )o,l boil' theiu baildia.' tho eal!'j.' l .'" Moi'.ou wud u-koJ if be wouldn't aland lu jier tli i tiro, when bu replied : ''It ii'ut worth while wanning uow." lie ulno uu I lo K iborta, inclining bimaeif ati J llljck, We lire lo awinc tin I l uieau to bt.vo jy()l, rtntt wlu U!l if I can ; I want j .u:!,,,, i;:luk waa fii.l c.'rriud oui !an I I tu I into tho wuon ; ha bad to In. raised to hi feet. lutMo .d tho r ,t of tho tiu: without being -ip. i p.-rted Morton wallsn 1 out. O.i j tuiuing tl.o corner el tho bonn bo .uictly mrvcyed th arrniuoin.MH.a, ! i.uvin,' loan uitoi.t i..n 1 1 tin en,,;,. luain an J ropes. Ilj n'oled but lit'.lil bclp to j;.t iulo tho wanu, uud i.u j mediately rmuincnocd to place tho rope ever bia head, fr.yiug to tho pir- ,aon who Htool ..o..t .,..11 .r I,., l.r l.in. 'OmL-m ii.c '...mi u.illar Iiom under '. l,o rollo ! J,,,,', !,;,.. iimo with bia c ! und. r lhe"ropo.'' II. then . i ut collar I'equcstud to ray, Moit.c uiiaweiin "No." T'l.ey rt m i. iibked il they winded to talk with limi;Mer, or have prayrr offered, lo whioh Muton repliel that ho ha 1 ild ihe u ini-ter wbaa ho bad to lay il.o line before Ha nul l it wua'nt I uu'l t,,r a man lo li t taken off without ' r..li...,...- rr anl if it,. some rrliitiuua rereinony, ininiaior would consent he would iiUe ' 10 liavo iiivr 1 (Tirol. A uiiuishr t,mk him l.y tlio hand. an 1 a few worda were tpoken, mil Morton, who ', Was fin ing the crowd, biiid : ' I am prepared to meet my tiod," but im mediately udJod : "I don't know that there ia any ioJ." II shook linndn wi'.h a man ataudina' ou tin w.il'oii. Hlaek waa Khaking bands but nil mithiuij, A abort prayer wai offered only broken once or taieo by tigha j from Hlnck, and, 114 the word "Amcu'' ' wiih pronouiucd, tl.o wag'.u moved j uw .y. lllaolt. being a !are heavy man, die 1 without a Hirudin". Mortou vas a am ill man, and a if wifiio In Vu I auffjiiu, sprang high aa the tnpp'irt moved Iroin under bim, and ha died without the tuovomeut of a inunelj after b;a weight retted upou the rope. How iik KsiAru'. A man wit caught lo ono of tbe lite Wiioootia prurit fires with 00 tin am of building a bael-Gre, no 1 ao lu imitited tbe gnphert. Cutting a bu.e and with bia hunting knife, ha thraw the dry dirt out until a Into aufBoiont fjr hi body wa made whou ha crawleJ in anl lolled the tutf over bin. Ha lay there until the fire bad pasted over bim and wit ipeidiug furiouily ou its wiy miles disiuot, and then slowly ltd cawle I out of bit liriig grave, heated fearfully, but injured io 00 wif whatever. A yonog married mao wa remark, iug In lorne ladiei that it waa ilwiyi the wonseo who rao after tba meo, when" lit wife indignantly taid t "You know, my dear, that I never ran iftar you." "Tint uy bt," ba opponiu Walls, .- 'jr i..irTii... rra.oaa. " a.".. 1 lu b.u aua,.... w. v'r . . k.-. la .ataa. aaaar.i Ua'n ali. a.na .1 Uaia, aaar.. In. U anai. M rau tasna. rMaMi. r. I!: . ... ... j , J..,.,., . p. i-I-im anTttrf:.ir'a.'e) fumi'm Co "mST ";i