The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 16, 1871, Image 2

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    c5 tr r ltr
MIDDLEBUI13, MOV. 10,1371
J. C'llvtSK. Kdltor ml rraprktor.
von oovvnxnn 1.1 ktj,
nojf. JOHN P. TACKEa,
OF Kl Klll KY.
TIip i:ir-r1ltn.
Liter I'tliM':! of lUo lc;ion held
on tbo 7th do tnt nrilori illy rhino
tin' ro.MiU aoiiounced iu our List issuo.
'J'ueslij's was a r,rioiis day's war Is
What ilie lmiraoy won wm their
belure thay won i', mid they have
been beaten iti souio of their own
utorifli") l. When rc rctnctnbor that
hut vear New York 'pave II'irTmeu,
the n.'m JTtttio curvliiU'.o f r (Jovcrn.
or, the enorm via iimjority of fi2.000
w ran aer ti ii v trcuien loin b is becu
th ch wige ia ptiMie oj.itiHa in tbit
In New Tepry,'tcr, tho Pouio
cratio C:nlilnie
for civciuor, in
elm-tod hy :i 0
t.) fiO 0
i. ......
Huth brn;!ies of the lo
Knpu'.'Jftao uiajoti-y.
niiure have a
In Maryland, lli) Hetniei utio can
'i'H no for ti jfiroor was elect?!. In
the laginlaiure the I'-'p tb'ieans ain
SfToril uiembi-r, an i elect aeveral
.ftj'l i''ii d.atiicta li.retolurs Ponto
era; io.
In Illinois, tin H-ipjidiiao candi
ihte for t'oiv.TfMsmia at Ins
irobably 25.0J0 miijoiity. Io
c the fl,e rvoftanlilito for Mavor.
tMel.Ili ivas c'o.'ted hy a latvo ma
, . c. . . i. . i
.v v.,.i-..M..c n.., ,1, . , iU.,Jlrl,T
m both branohcj of tlu L gi-lature
In Wisjen-ia, tho whole It pu'ili-
ran ticket was surer -Mil br a nn ir-
itv ci. nl Utl.a ui .j irity at tho In
i .
Iii M.if,! huiclts, WasiiL-.irn, lt
p ib'ijan is ru-clected Oovornor by 2ft,
mi). Tho S.-iiate ataads :'C Kepubli
, . i
caus 4 IVmJTits tin J tho Mouio
JI' ptiblieitiH and M D-'uiocinti.
I'rjin K inas, the rep irtt iu licate
an idcrcase ia tho Uepub.'icau in.ij iri
T hit year.
In Djtroit. tho It 'p'lMieitu cloct
tho Mayor by over SdO maj irity. This
i the only Ilepubli-an Mayor elected
... '
m linl city id twelvo years.
Altogether, the resu't ii ntifyiD,
anl Iho rcn nu'iiutioti and rc-ulectiou
uf l'.osi Joiit (iinat
fixed fact.
iu i2, U iijiv a
M ir.t itM " Jlsiiob '' The follow
in.: paragraph appvurel in the '. Y.
Tribune of Octdbor 23ih, under the
L.-K'l of Jirooklyo nowa :
" Louis M'lller wai sent lo the
Penitentiary ycterday I or six iiijuth,
liy Justice I'alkley, for linvinn; utolcn
n mec'S -bauin pipe an I Imi tcro I it
for fond and inedieino fur his child,
which waa dyiu. with amad pox."
Outbenilf aanio day William M,
'1 .veed, of . Y. City, whom no Inu
eat man iloubU bis ribbed that city of
millions of ilo'Urs, w is adsiitted to
bail on a charge of diooit un I frail,
an! will never go to if tale Prison.
.Mullcrw.iaa poor inao. TwccJ i a
rich one aiade rich by theft. Call
you ibis Jfsrici? Out upon such
ll'unsy prulexts ns this. Mullor bhnu'.d
be deed, aul Tweed imprisouod lor
Takni'V-om .States Iiiito voted Ibis
year. Theso aro Sew Ilaiiipshird,
Coniicclicut, Kentucky, North Caio
lina, PcuDsylvaiiia, O.iio, California,
Iowa, West Yirgiuia, Njw York,
M issachua lts, Mianeaota. Wi-consio,
Llioois, Michigan,, Mississippi,
V..-. t 'I'.... l-!..:..:. i
. - . , , .
. lame. AU but au went Republican, ..vie.., . numi. uuu
n:U Iwo ol Iheaa six ( ow Jersey aud
ew lliiniiMiiitf) will be easily yjri
back next vesr. Coneoiin thnm to
iho opposition, luwcfer, aid
I Ml'tll I
0111 nu iiic ciiicr . Mites whicQ have not era from ?l,0od to $150,000 each,
voted, tlie ItcpuMiciiis have nlromly T' news of tbo disaster hat complete
in ire thjrj a majority of Ilia Pectoral 1 uu,t"tll,,J market, raiMi)(
'..iu .n. 'n,;, i. . ,,; i..i,.;. ... J the ptiuo ajtne forty or City oeuts p.-r
n vii.wu.l.iuu IU.
. ., , ,
ilio D.'iincrats to bao toeir 1 realden-
ti il speculation up)n.
-"- n
The result of tho election iu Now ' I?,"" ICi,'oc? . wcro ",)r secured.
Vurk soems t hive fully retored foo-,T '? ,Jf.!,1 "'"Pf anJ cral unt
tidonco and tu have niven a fresh im- c. y m,Ilion'' lut exactly how many
pole to basiocs, operations I lie Juc' uot 7el al,Pcur
.Sll't 81JS : "O.ieofthe niOSt marked, 1 eaeawaaawaaawa-.
I'lfscts of the overthrow of the Itin j is I A 1'li'inl lu lliiiiiau I'orm,
lo be at en io the fiuauciul buoyunrvj t 1 v
which it has imparted to every phase i 'T. l.ofis, .Nov. 12. A horrible
of business. Not only tho credit of ! ,"l.1,''ler ? committed near Osat
ibis city auJ State but that of tlio' '-'j'un, Kansas, on tho iiL-ht of So
uoubis bcou streinrthenod bp lli
enforce J flisbt of Ihe robbers from
tho uietroplitao till. Wall street re.
joices The commercial centres tire
elated. Lwry man n ho owues a
hou-'e and lot on tho island of uew
York beiiivcs that it is worth more ibau it was before tbe election.
'I'm -payers feel that an intolerable
liitJea ha been lifted from their
shou! J.r', nud hone-t uien arc every
w here inspire J with rcneweJ hops
"Tho res lit of this now atate ol
thiols is ulready begiuniug to tell
oi ail tho jjreut Quaucial iutcrests
Tiausactions in real astute are beiu
niiijj to revive. Mouey is leconiioj:
eaaicr uuj mora plentiful. Tbe fetiors
which general despoudcDcy bad fasleo
cd oa tho credit uni the busioess of
.Now York have becu stricken off at a
b!ovy, aai lbs city seems ready to en
ter upoo a osw career ot prosperity,
with tbe energy and elastloity wLicb
colhiii but a Wfll-foaoded confl
deuce ia the integrity of tbe poople
OialUostiira ", ,
... . . w " .
j ' I'HMIDKNT liRANr'e re election i I ly th fact that lia is lbs ob
jji'ct of the malevolent abese of l)rrnn
, eratic orns. Ab nit t lie lira of Mr
I l.ineolna re election, jtho Deoincriicy
J fiiiraJcl it in a good j iko to call Mm
,tha halioon of tbo While Houo ( now
the Mmf men attatmstiz: (traot as the
iNcrnoftho White llonsa. IV
critic manliness and measures
utaiue I by powerful argument.
Io-mtti.k did li'.tlo for tba Do
mccisey in Milwaukee, whore hi
Ciu'ed ilia party a los o! oveo bus.
Ired an'l e iph'y votes on tbo previnua
itubtriiiitoria.1 election, 'ilia Hepnb
dcnti have no reason Id complain,
an'l arc perfectly willing for the "oil
terrilirl'' to put up thre scarecrows
ivith the oi l clot lies of renegades up
on their angular sheiilder. They
frighten niibo'ly. !).lit 1 1 has tloue
! little but Leli.lle himself for several
rorir past. 0'ir siUisfactiiio at the
defeat in Wiconin is increased by
the fact that the Democrats of that
.State hnd sobtllo intelligence as to
Like Doolitll f T a eandiilato. I'rob
sbiv t bey have learned by Ibis lime i
i that rrnecades from the Ketiullicnn I
jranka pmve to be tho w"akft reed
' i ,i .. .i- i. ii
upminuivii vnn lei.T. i u hi
ucU they are weloume. Vn'ii. I'osK
T I'lil ufiittl n I ItrirvtiAitl
V iiinn
rn in tbo southern i..t nf fi.l,
(. ,.. ...... i.. I .1 .i i. .in 1
iutrnd to return Lake. An.-.f.i-!
'"! (- it i n iru 1 1. I ttn til I II' PI
it report aiya thai Mexico has offer.
olio .iiurnvina an nsyiiim a i
....;,.i ...,-r..B..i;..n ti,:.'
... . .
uuy be true nnd IK.-ijclinin may bare
'..I.nA itiillii,! I.. Ill'ltf. llitt ...IKnauu
.:.,;.,. ..,.'i. .j..
ii. n-.r. ,.r m,.,i.n m,,.. .. i 'i.. '
diiu tbe child rn of Morreon t j tlwir
i .Mmise.I land Hat his loa lei ship.
jadenuce of Ins followers, unless h re-i
b9fl)r ,n ,un If,,10 M)I.
mons migrate to Mexico, they may
flu I the universal Vnokee bo
!I,,R,H n:l1". ,ur "a Pt;'i P t-'lea,
0,c-' ' our m " ? unj H0Jl,!-7 ,ni,.v
.nun Iia nnra l'i.i,,ntf I, . .1... .... ....
1 ...... . , w u i l I Ul Hill
I18, Utah was Mexican lei riloi v'aiijL,;',.i
in ei. II, an iw. niv i v. .r. i.,
f W a.lll V
.... "
. come Lnclo .Satu tuav
'"CO Vtsra to
I ,
"I loun 1 II)'..
I ' " . ,,,;'"":,u '"." '
.ivxicii, ii noi in a i mat
I with hia railroads, tel.1cr.1phs, aud an
ti polygamy lawa Tht I y.
! In reference lo the vacauey caused
by Iho death of Ir. .S'anton and the
manner in whioh it ia lo be fillad. says
i "'" ''"'' ' UM"1' contrai ie
' . Z.l., . . i"1 I
i lawyers. Pr. Stanton woul I hare ai- I
m.-d the duties of the ollice on the;
j tirbt Tuead.iy of next May, at which
'""o Ucuerat llaitraiifi'a toim willei-;
pire. 1 hi law on iho i icstioa
, , ,c.,tcnou, ,n fertotocaaes, but ml
: in this. 'I be act of Assembly of
i April IS.iO. provile. "in case any
voennry sboald eccnr in eithur of mi l !
lollices, by iloalh, or resign iti n, or
! otherwise, the same ohall be fillad bv
, , f . , ,
a -iivnniuciib ui 11, w . i u. i-1 unr. aim iiv
I 1 1 . i , ii
person sj apnoiiited tball continae ,n
..I until the end of the term ,.r
wbnl his piedeetnor wss e ectod.
'v.... h;...,!! . .i
Now, Ibis wo'ild seem lo give the (!ov-1
jernor tbo ri-bl to fid tho ollice. Tlicj
i'iostiun mi;lit slill arise, however, if
i there ran be vacancy boforo there is
any ollieial uunouncemsnt or record ;
!of the ollico cvoi ha'io'beon filled, i
,""U4' l"" " ,olu,l ;i-iiob, one
ur "'"er. resl " 'oe Louis -
Inture. Hy repcalioi; iho act, and or- tuuut t'nroiij.'h the wiuter al hijh ws
derin;: a kpeeial electioo, or by aim. 1 tie. In March there will be onipl.iy
ply doing nothiug they cat throw thi ' menl for twice this number in bitb
selcctiou iitb?r on the tijveruor or ' trades. AWo. workers in wood
tbo pe.'plo.
Tim Ki'eatost innrio disaster on re-
cord was that which lately beful the
a , .. . . . 7 .
.ircuo wnailiiu; licof, lu wuieli tlnrly-
three wlialini; shins, with f ull or near-
ly lull caries, were crushed or abau -
doned in tbo ice and lost. 1 he won -
,ler is that uo lires are reported asluat
I ...
The crews of the lost vessels aro pre
sumed to hivo ;it co board the few
vessels of the fleet which escaped.
Of the vei-Hfds lost, ninctocu bolou
od In No A' liedl'urd and two to Khar,
lowti, Tbe former place bus suslainud
a financial slioek almost rq ial totbit
,.r i' . ... I. t . ...
' i"v. ua proaiiaigj mu
the main busine.s of tho place, which
of (' hiea'o. It baa prostratoJ
bad been provi lUaly ruduced by tho
lU'ovcry oi poirniouin, ami litis sen.
! uW, " noi cnppiou, lis
.v.. ....(, ,unJi.,u.o . vui',iuie, uui ui
I l ! i. I .. . ne ... i a t,i a
c which loses uootll cauj.unn, ana otll -
) ,,.,, ,! ,..,. ..,
irnllun ulinvl ita nei.,iia i..1iia 'I'l.i.
uuv.v , VOUIIJ ... ll.V. llllff
i nrct las U id to hnvo becu eausod
i by the tetnptatinn to hold on for n
I laruo catch at tho last hour, thoUkrh
'.""" a i.icva oiieiiej ai iu
t oroner a inipiest aro us follows :
John P. Phusan, the perpetrator ot
the crime lueio; racontly sufforeJ
losses, resolve I lo iliipnicU liimelf
and family, and on Noveml cr 0 pro
cured so (ft a elilorofjrm. During the
niht bo adniiuiatcred it to die wife
and his twi little IrU a-ed two
mnntha and two years.
Abo it 4 A. M. Mrs. Flana
woke from tho stupor produced by
cbloroform, and discovered her bus.
ban I drivini; nails into lbs eliildrona'
heads. Flying lo tho rescue of her
babes, sho found llieai expiring from
the effect of blows from a hatchet nod
nuils Sho suseuelad in disarminrr
her huslaud, and ave tbo alarm, and
Flanagan wa tukca into custody. A
letter was found fastened to iho wall
ia the room, addressod to aome of hi
relations ia which tie statu that in
eoneequeooo of his mind beioc in such
a conditio?, lis could Uo nothing, aod
bad determined to kill himself and
family exceptins; In tog tJlHrcace.
. , . '. ... I'l.i , . m -j
Tnt Ctath 8i!ATi. Tbe Phila-
delphi Vers say it ii now conceded
I hat neither Mr. Itro.l haatl, clotted
jopeakeror the innate by th PomO'
orati at tbe clone of the las'. Region,
nor any ono tlso, his authority to Is-
iue d writ lur epooissl election in the
fourth district before that body con
treoes. Of Mr Conntll'n election no'
return had bean made to tbe Sonata,
w hich muni ptu upon tbia return aad
lie q'luliflcaiiona of tbe mcitihrr etc 01.
Hy this view, in which noirly every
Republican papur coinf'iJn, tlic Sen
ale will be a tie when orifanizcd.
The I'cniocrata, lio'know Unit the
Ucpubliciu lirtro a imjorily, b
thus preKcoted to them an opportunity
cine lor once ahovo their party Inter
--ti and concede tho oranixntlon to
tho Kcpubliuana at the bcginniait of
the Hcsioo We apprehend an fur
thor trmiblo in the Nineteenth dis
trict. Tbe reppctnble portion oT the
iippusitiun aro besviily nnlinniel of
tliuir treilmcut of Mr, Weukley. ami
In will uo doubt bojii reoeiva bis cet
Two IIi NHRf.K Ki.-Ki.t k Coftriss-
ink. Two hnuJred Ku-Uax io nil
have nu le volnn'arr coiih'aiijn of
their cutmecticB with tho K Ian, and
i .... i.i.i i ...
inict--nrroii'it re i witMiicivei ij ino ml
Itboritie. totally disjiita(l with tlieir
eonneetinns with it. Thirty aeo of
" rami1 on Jioonuy uornnon
n.Hl U Ik.. A...
sod made their coiileas.oii iu wr.tin
riiiee liunlr.d
it is i atinuted, Lave
Ba.'1 10 ew'ul", P0" '"y of l.,,oir
j crimes, or to avoid arrest, and one hna-
nn anil i wnari run l mil n . i in an il
.. ...
lorkville. 1 bo prisoners a.iy that'
""l y cyrf c."n'"fl uul n
that they are well treated, hare plen
Uf '"! friends nrc
I.l,v,?,,,t .tb0'- ptiu 0den.
I'!1. l,,.0tl nltoJ ftlalea srni hai iisme.
-' 1 0 1
Nmv Vohk bad a aocel feature at
thin election, and one crsalini; coosid.
rrablo attention. 8o'n la lie, inelu.
dinit th Isinoiis Mrs. Woolhull. Mis
'.'!;.!!;... Mrs. It w McKinley and otb
.... J
era, re-ting their claims on the Coo.
.. - ,...
ion of ilia I uiis.l States, suj
,. .,,. I In r.ui.lnr'.ii . ih!r nam
- .-.-.- . -
ii .I in vntiliir 1 hn iii4ii,w.t.,r r..i;i
A n vol no-. T in
Kcucraiiy ne kitoq ilia
preion-n ;
t0 inecodeiiu over the Conitirution, or
its iotei'prulalion by Mrs. Woolhull.
ITholaJiea iiare boen cominendnlily
prra.sUM in tlieir ell, iris, it. several
ina'BliCCS llito sla.'ei'in tllO olliciaU
with their loic and l-g .l if, -,u ..i m. ;
uuii iinic ut;aii uiiiiuiu iu ur'MJ'j iiiliii
iut c jnipliaoce with their wislios.
Foi n (itle-bir, III, lalieswcat
out. tlieotlisi' day, colieclin fir tho
( ' relief, and, iu their travels,
came mcio-is an oil l.irner, who
ma Ih it u point never lo 101 1 the pi
.. .... . ...... i.. .1 .. i i
. .,,;., . n
I nr, out nuauy rcmnrKcii l'ial he lia I a
lot ol potatoes in the patch, and, "if
!tbey wire a miud to d i 'om, they
I could have all they waniod.'' .Nnlli
i ..... .i ....... i i.,. ..ii i
! ii' umuihi-'i ui im vm ujiiii a uuuicr.
,. i.i.. . . . . ,
to ladies irot some iOjvoIs. uuj
lweuly )11g,, lha( ollnm, ft , ,
MCXt d ,.ftlu(, , .k i fi . , d
. i i . ,i m
paleh. uricli tu lim oli nun d ixut,
TntCbicau'i Tribuno of Ojt ibur
Mh lias au editoriel aunouncin that
five to six humlrod additional brick
and stnhd niacins caa Gnd umployiuont
iu Chicico tbro'ii-li tho wlntor ai four
i to nee i.ola.s a nay, nml tnt ,w
, uiousana carpeotei can Un I cuitiloy.
plumbert, uaa-fliters, and all kinds of
inetal-wrkers will bo wanto I.
AT Louisville. OH Sunday night, a
.t t ,i. a ... ' e
iii.iiiiiiim ' MuniiiK iiio iiiiiii u inr si
t, Alnericao Uatitisl liiuetini: bouse
....... ;.. .......
; cotureKition. A rush was tun lo for
1 ,i, ut .i t ,i ,,,, ....
! ...... v- . .
leading down on cither aido of tho
door 11 in 0 women and two children
wero crushed and tranipled to death.
The column was set upon the lower
floor between two joists, and rested
upon uolhiuo but one iucb flooriuu;.
I'liKsuiiNr Ci 11 ant's vindieation is
: conipieie. i lie I'eniucracy, ulier oof
' crii.i; him with vile abuse, iade bim
complete. The lVni'ieraey, ulier oov
! an issue in ihe election! of 1671, aud
a ., ,ua ,u no ,,cci,u, 0 10, ,, u
I Ihe people burn handsomely sustaiued
his aula. In 1 87 tbe Hepublioan
panv wiii iskt up inn same iaiue, anu
. . ' '
, re act Uraut bt it void mini.
as uo
uiao ever received fur tiie Presidency.
A noon deal of exvlteiaeot wsa cre
ated at Miflliutowrj oa Wednesday Ian
I lit' a urn., milla.ia Ilia ni.vltl lidl'.,!.
. nw"n v,ll, ,11 u,,l,, Vl'IVI V Wl
the oersoo of a vouou tril l, aeed ubouL
nineteen years, who charged its oom-
mission on fouremployei'sor attaehee
of Forepauifh's menagerie and ciretM.
Three made their escape, but the oth
crwas arr.i(e I, ideutiiied by tho girl,
au l ludg 'd ia j ail.
Tom MiBitr, a Chicaga boetblaek,
appesrud iu Petroit aul bought a
i'.W lot iu that city, for winch ha
paid in posial currency, mainly of tbe
denomination of leu ocuts, and which
it tonli three hours lo count. He is
only eleven years old, nnd says he
made this money in boot-blacking in
ibree years.
One of our interior towns has pro
ducol tho champion kerosene the
bplitor of the world. He lit a tiro
with kerosene with ill) lost of ouly
two p tire of tiowsvrs aud tha i-kiu ol
hi les Must boys in bis place put
thvlr pirents to the cost of a funeral.
A veuiiict for $2,225 eai&st tho
lloaijitiar railroad company bus bcou
itdvon by the Montu'iimery cmtity court
on accouut of the dustruotlon nf Leh
er's barn iu July, ISO:, by lire oriai
uutiuir from the) pulu of loooinotives.
Tiik Chester and Delaware couoiy
railroad cimpany have concluded to
builJ a narrow guujji railway from
Philadelphia by tb way of Nswiowo
Square ta West Chntor, nod tbencs
to Downipgtowo.
Tni Canals of tha Stats art to le
rV.aert fia jba JfMt. jnal
A Entire ramlly Mnrd-rred.
Louisvillk, Nov. 12. This room,
in) ft family named I'arka svaa found
murdered in their house, near Heary
tilte, Indiana. .. The family conaistcd
nfCyroa M. Paika. hia wife Isabella,
his so Jeke, aead 10 years, and hia
ditHfrnters Ereliae, aaed 17, and Elloa
ced 15. The heads of all wera terrt
hly beaten and crurhed by aotn bloot
inatrtiment - . ,; ,
The Brains of Mrr. P.rbs . aed Lar
son wwr eeaUered nfcent the room,
till ilo their bodies were I i n i io bed
Tho girls were fnund mttiiy io the
kitchen, eliee, but were diMii iobs aud
ialaiiy hurt. Tbe neirhbnrn-heard
hots in the tiiht, but the bodies
h.'ar no biilU-l murks. .Mr. l'urk
waa a leudini! mninlcr of the, church
and wns much esteemed. There Is no
vluo to thi perpetrators of (be murder.
On Sat'ird.iy wbllrf three children
were in quest of cnsl nt Mineraville,
I'ii., they wandored into an abandondd
mioo, aiil had been Iher but a short
time when portions of the isnway.
on which they were galiieiiug coal,
cared in on '.hem and ail were uffi
eatcd io fuw niinutca.
Oen. Kltar M. Gregory, l. S
Marshal for tbe Katern Iitrict ol
Pennsylvania, died at his residence In
I'hiladulphia. on Tucalay morninj
the 17 ih iost., (joncrul tireory was
b irn January, 1804, at SuuJ Lake
Il"nelucr ccuoty, New York.
William Sukltin, of Catnbrilize.
Crnwtord t'Hlnty wsa ahol aud killed,
. t' .n.i i . .
in ienys iinus, a i. w uays og, ty a
f minf limn wln'i irn Cxwim nt makfL
'-,Tlia sad oecurrenco wai .eolirely acci -
Tiib editor of tho Jersey fa ore
ifoi-ahl has been presented with a
stnlk containing eighteen diatinct,
well formed cabbane htadi.
K.taU Of JnMr! RnMii.1c'l.
JLM te.lamfnlarT upon Ih itat of Jonathan
H'unia. lai of Wt llrr tuwn'hlp, MiyiUr
nanty.dat:aajiil. haf Iny tn nrantd lo th
noOort.iirna't, all iraon knowing thmilvii
Ini1l.i. to fatil alat ar riiunil lo inak
payment, anl thoi hailnic claim, aiciintt tu
i. am will iireieiit litem In
I II IVIVIII'U A miMlil tTmr
n.. ....
UKfilSTKIfS XOTICK. Notice ia
l'ry Blran lo all ,infrn,, that th
lollnwliill imiii, wruna liar nle.1 their an.
eniinta In tlm Kcxlitor'n lillica, at Mlihilrinirx
sny.i.r county, ami that In aahl arooiint will
thr lirphiin.' tVurt toh liel.l at MIJ llrhum inr
1 1. I'b account of lunlal Velrlck. .Tuanllan
nf Henry Napp, una nf the Minor L'hliilivn uf
. lftcg .iip ilooeaaeil.
I . The Oral ami imal accnnnl of Win. V. K,-k
, lri riirculor ol tb lat will anil leuameul of
Mr.. MiiMau II ill ilecl
a Tlie nr. i ami nnal scennnt of I ,ru
, Schnure Kxcoulurol thela't will ami teilaiueut
, ol Mary t'atharln llecker ilecil.
4 lua ac'iunl ol Auku.Iiii Sprinuman,
,i)uur,llnn ofjaine. 1'. 11 r,l a minor child of
.l.nepU Ittrit tlec't.
. Mov. a, IT1 8. B. SI Hi t K, tlrUter.
To Consumptives-
The a'lrertlaer, havlnu been permanently cor.
Ml nf that ilrea.l illaeai, (Ninauiiiptlnn, liy a aim
pi, la ens uua to lunk tn hia lelluw aul
iorcri th meana uf cur. Tu all who It
he will aaml a ocpy uftheproacrlptlnn unl, (tree
uf eharxe, with Iheillrcf il .ni I ,r priM, irlng ami
u-inii Uie aatD. which thny will liinl a itsr.
CriiK InrCiijiai'MPTiiiN, Aktiima, HmiNi'iii ria
ac. rartlat wiahlnv th iireaerlptlnn will plvaii
ail.lrc.a llev. KIIWAKD A. WII.MlN,
tA Sontb Third ritreal Wllllim.hnrKh N. Y
Kauri i
Hhcrill'ff Hills'.
By virtue nf writ nf Vml. Ks., Iaud nut of ;
the 4 nurt el Itummon Flaaa of Snyder t'uonly to
me .tlrelel will he elHied tu I'uhllc Sale, at
the I'lihlie Hum of Mm! Kpeaeht, la Hearer
town, un
HtlDAY, NUVKMRKR 14th, 1-71.
At II o'clock, A. following lieu I KaUl, I
tu alt : All that certain
ix) T r -iitoi7:viJ
altuat la lleaverlown. Hearer tuwn.hlp.
niiiuar i ouniv, i enny i van ia, ieiuaill .urlti
ami Weil l,v John lllnaaman. Ka.l ami South
I hy A lie) a nr streeta, contulnlny ON t H it'll I II
vr ah. ai ii r., tour r ia, wiisreun la erect.
I II Ulll Ulll'lllMII'DKII llt. L',,l.,
Hethaada I'hurch ul Ih 1'nltml llratnran In
i a.ild a. th uronertv i
, ..,..... , , i-l , , , ..iit'iiiitiii, aiuu lu ue
! wtn.-lc anaWnrK Kiln Daul.l Welrl k and
u"ras Klin, Tru.t.
laoiua. tti property m feir Kllna, linll
.Hill V H. WDI.V Sh.rllT
Sin rltl'i Oltlt'S, Uct. w, un.
Th sut scriber will offer al Public Salo,
on Iba preuiiiss in Hnuntrville, ou
rSutiirdur Dec rm licr, 'id, IS, I,
Tli following de.erilicd Vslnalile Ileal
Kaiate, 10 wit ; All tliai ceiluiu
aitnats in Baimerillle, Wt Heater town,
ship 8nj' Jer Couuiy., fa. within two miles
of lb Sunbiiry nud Lewia'.own lUili osd,
. eitnlnUt- nvK ACKES Tu,
rrenis co nist oragaod
r W o ST U It Y II O
18 11!
(known as IIOKMIN 8 IIOTKL), WaaU
House, wooil Hbod, Hum anil other necos-
ssry aud couvcnicnl out buiblinus. Tbers
is good aud nuvsr-failiiif water convenient
lo lli liouat, and an eieelleut veunn Or-
cliiird of I'linice Fruit Tioc.
ALSO. TEN AClltd Mouutain Lnnd,
Heavily TiinbercJ.
Sale lo coiaineac at 10 o'clock, A.
of snid day, wbeu can loi ius will he made
knovdhy KI.IA3 JJOHMAN.
llsnnoi villc, Nor. 4, lf71,
Iron, Nails.
Steel, Leather.
Faints. Oils,
Coach & Saddlery Ware
Stove & Tinware,
Neveuibcr 2, 1671-tf
Estate of Samuel Fuhruiiiii, dee'd.
Letter, ol aduilul.lrallon on th atat of
Samuel I'uliriuau, lata of alaver two., riuioler,
eouiity, deoeaad, liavlii ueuu aruut.! lo th un.
iter. lulled, all pertolie knuwlua theiuaalvaa In
dehted to auid aatat ar rnuatd lo wakejiay
muni wltlinut delay, and tliuaa havlug oleiiu. on
th auie will weaun! them lo
Ost. 11, 1T1. AdwluUlralor.
' Etlatsof yENNEVlLLK KUEMEB das'd.
Nolle Is brby ulren that letter of Ad
ululalrailon on lli atat of UeauevlUe kreui
r, let of Cbapolaa tuwn.hlp, Hujrder sounty,
SMail have omb a ran lad to the uodaraiauad
All parauna theoi.eliea ludehted to aald eel ale
ar reiiuaewi to taaa payueai wiuious elay
ad thoea Saving sUUas will iireaoat tbea duly
eutaaalleated, VKalslY KKtMKB.
'-'. 171. A-tn.l.,IO,.l,.a
Leirlstown In.,
B. 0. HAMILTON, Fropriccor.
Safin STrry rr-pect a First rlns- Hots).
Room nest and enmrortslile. Tstile up
fUri with thedrlieseirs of lbs mass, and
waiters sllDlW sad obliging. XoT'J-tltf
; tOpponits HS'lln Itn(hosd P'mt)
A. XX. JtANDU, Proprietor,
i' i t i I I f
S"f.rrT SITifl nei-cn'irr IS lnnr I'lS cm
firt efars wilt bs taUdS. TliS tinu'ii an I.SSB
ewijr rntti.
rjpiIB (JUOVKIt il IIAKKll
Intfl.v Improved
Shuttle Sewing Machine
KVTIiH Celebra:i MncUino uiskcs
Rons Falrr snl Smco'hi-r, sol mikii
Itrtlrr and Nffaicr H'nrk tban any oilier
Mseliius now in inc.
Ill -nprricrity over nil otber tteliines i
scknonU'd ty all nbo have etrr rccu it
Tbres int.lligcu. ...,) Iii.,1,1, resectable
eihaena of ,h,. y. ac.injt a. jj,.lst I
T7"r'. "".''"" " 1,1 I
I'll II I I ti I TTI ' UL U I VII II IU II V V i
The First Premiuui
the but Azricutiural Fair uf .Snr lrr
HtMlKL FAVtfT. Agist.
October 1", 1K7I. SiOiiigrue l'a.
MIPDI.Knff.ti, PA.
I'rofcflonal I nslncis entruteil In biHcnrr
w.1:.' ,e (iroDipllr ended lo. Feti'J.'JI
lMrnnTtn of
Wines H rn ladies
iiix. .V'.
311 orlli Third Strict, rhllndclphin.
1tatsh iltdlKIK KI.I.NK Uac'n.
1 A Twl
Teelamcntary on the t-tnt nf Clcnrire !
Run, lute ul neat er inwnMili' Mivler cuuiv I
ilec'il, havlnir hecn Krnnteil the nmiiri.e:ai'l all
irpoiia i.,,,.iiih inviuMi-i.iB iiiiiuuiv,, iii.ttiii
..inn, nr. r.,nnr.,l I,, in, v. inmnnl Tltl,,,l
ilolay auJ tu. having ruiim a m i, ti.ein
Oct. 14, ISTI. Kxacnnn.
No. HIl North Tb
Thn.l Mir,.i
lUinl Ktrecl,
J : 1 N CLYMKH, Vrxfrirtur
January S IhJO-lf
kj 1
IXI'KMill t'KHS i.fth Sell,., I Kllli.l of
the lluiouali i,rllil,lleimrit lur tw,i tear from
lune A. 11. IMiO 10 .111 no A. 1. 1;. John llo-l, :
Treaaurer ami I'ullectnr: IK.
John lln h, Trcaiurer, In am miit ol iu
pllcat lor yoar A. 1). ls;j li.,9 4.1
lo t'i ilo On 1T1, 11,'Jtil
State appropriation lor IsTo 49 2 m
do do UT1 4;
SSI'jsA lu
Total amount nf imtalitctnei at laat
piith.hed atiilement June In ft.,::a 07
Teaehcrr Ki n y lur two yoar. 1.7J& U7I San 00
Amount patii lor run oa 711
Mlacallat.euu. exueunc. fl 0.1
424'J TS
By whole am't nf nrSera paid l y Tro-
tor Hie ii'hunl yeara '
;i inciuiiluK
in. ere. t
" Kxlion,iraliuD uo liiipllcato fur l:a .11 o.'.
Ii7l 7 (
" C'ulUetor's prcctnn rnr 1S7J J tt
" " " 1 I a 4u
" 6 er cent allowed t. pujera first
two month. f,r li7u r, 11
" do .In d'l .In fa an
" auilol lndehlc,JnH oa duplicate rur '71 : a SI
a' i'i lu
Hy amnuut of order, pold, InrludlDir In.
eludluK intere-t ameo .a-t published
Juu A . 1 1. I1TI 3141 IC
" ani l nl Imlahlcdne. of DHrlct Juno
A 1. Ii:i lo.l ('
IJ4'J 77 underalxne l, Auillluri nf the lloruuuh
01 nilil.llemirtf. uo eerthy Uml the loreiiolnn
accuuiil nl the reempta and fi..l iluria ul tue I'unil nf Ihe a .1,1 It ,ruul, l,,l,i.l,i. I u .,
yi'Mrx, I. tru ami correct
lo the heat ul our
bmiwlcilao anil lllel,
Witne.a our liaLd. the '.-Jl dni
nr ol Sepieinher.
A. II. 1; I. II r. N MY
.1. s in t it,
xmtfl ii. oiiwitj.
-(VI t(intv-it( - I .nv,
rilll.APUI.I III A.
Philadelphia .
" I give mv litarty preferenro to the
Willcox Sl UibLs tile-i't Kevrinic Machine."
-'a.nv i'tux,
"The weight nf reliable evidence U'lng
werwIiL-lining for that of the Willcox A (iibbi
Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it,
jrocurod it, ami am more than mtitfitd."
" I have the Whech r ti 'Wilson, the (irover
t Itakor, and the Willcox & (libb Ktwing
Uachinu in my l.iiiiily. I mm the Willcox
ic tiibbs most freonetitly, thinking; it in
uperior to either of tho otluia."
MltS. Uli.NBV ArlO BiiECUEB.
"My wife
would not aocent a fewins
dacliine of
any other patent a a tij, if she
i it on condition of giving up the
unit receive
A'illcox & Uibba."
...... va.1 . r. i. .t ...
lautoudal, l'a
" The Willcox A Gibbe is tha only Sewing
efacliiiie who working is so sure and simple
bat I could Ventura lo introduce it into
tyria." rtitv. A. V. Pratt,
UUalooary Ainsrioau lkaud.
M We have used vnrious Sewing Muchino
ritbin our family, but it is the vanni'mous
pinion of Ihe household, that tlio Willcox
I Uibbs is the bust of them nil."
Ehr. J. 8. IIolmk,
"For simplicity and mechanical accuracy
af construction, I hnvo seen no Bewiug
alackiD equal to the Willcox A Uibba."
Knock Lewis,
Of lbs fennaxliaui Uulnl B. R
H I'V " I IT.DII C .1 .
A correspondent m th tub fact
1 Sowing Machine is respectful
y solicited.
J. &.'EWIXG,
' 7W ffcaalwiit ftrmj. MIl,,laLn.iil Jtama lf 0t WriVrst.Y. d lnlllu..ili;
' Orphans' Court Sale.
IN Piirmianco or nn order of the
Orphsn Cnnrt of Snjitor I'nnntr, araSUl
t ' th A'lmlulftrauir at th Mint
of IiANi.L. i.l tKMf dr., d-K.l, will b
x l to i nqllt tklo, oa Hi tirauib in W it
I'crrjr uiwoihlp, Miydar oianiy, on ,
Frtaay, brabcrslO,
TrjllolndiHnrrtd rtai Real EttaU.
Io win .all tu.l cartala UMHinl aad
iHitni-te in Prry twnh1p, Miyttr cnniy
I'rua'ik., b unties! on Hi jSnrth iy Inn a nl ft- itii
eru KlPftliiK muiI Henry I ruui, fcftft ly Itiml
ul lvi lu. NtiutU bjF litntl wi iwn aStuy.
tint .Vent uy Unit ul l- rrtiarkk Kivilftt. -UinlhhT
tt.M; lil .NOKKU AChr,, mvri nr
ltfa, iitrtun iiro vtti ttd . atvury atlr
busUjsJd JLf ak lasU-itU ,UOi:-m if H aiU.
tllltl Ulllt'l" nt f rrrll ) tMIt huiUllPKN. 1 (ir If ll
rullt:m VH ) fi tb reui1tr nsl
irtust "frciiUht w i houi. .k .ut prvvnty
Hcrui vl wlu Ifewi mim MmmI nni ttnlr Huwi
jiltUtin, tht iMilaHu tiwi limr ,ml.
Hle to c imeu At ti )VlorK n on faUX
.lijf ithu Utuii Mill U niaa kiuwu nnl at
ltulisitc glvu by
I'ANia Tlttl AJui'r.
Wet Terr ttu-Lj, utt. U,
Exccutor'g Sale.
Tbe uii'li r giipJ, fcicuuur of iko lai
Will ami i v i i r i ii I o .lull n J. Kline, life
it I'.ju'trr iuwiii)np, eiiili r Cuuiiiy dec J,
lil e.OBg 14 lie talu on tlm preuiis.
i s, tin. '
Tk fii'lnwing ili'urritif I farm nr Irnol nl
bind ailusia in l'iparr luwnpliin. 8nrJrr
eom.i v, U.lcd a l di.cri.,J a. folio-.
t' ts it s.n I ur II 'pt i liar III II till Ul 'Willi'.,
I l. 11 LI...- IU. 1 Vl" -
I .'l"Ji wi'alll lllli; llll'l filllMlt'l "C'lTVI. !
lnyvr ,, ,,.,,,.; pit.ri.,ll)B, ,,.t hv '
,,,, of ur 1UiMper ,, lwM ,;.
limn. Slid t.. M. llluii, I. coiilaiiiii.i'. !
' -
9 5 ACRES!
meri' m le, in s pood stale of cultivation,
"n wbicli is cneled n g,Ml
House and Barn !
Inree nnKin ulna, oin erili, pnlr pren.
and oilier iircisiiiy nnd ciiiionirnl oul !
I liuililiiis. (joiiil nml in i;r lailinf watpr
j iir-nr the liO'.ih. Tdree (t.iod Apple Or-j
ebni'iU of vboiea fruit Ires on lb tirpini
,C. The furni is sniiii'.ic I Willi ir,iml lim. . nnd i. ao silrnted dial U can be nd-!
nanlni'ouly iliviilivl. II il.o rroorrly i
not ani l nn Ilie iliv n lrartiacd it will
lie rented for one year, 'IV-rami dnsiroita
of furelifiiijt o birje farm will do well In Ilie place, for fiirllirr puriieiilnr
call mi Ji Kncpp, Middlvereek 1. I)
Snyder t'n., l'a.
Nule In eninaii'tiee nl I') o'ebu'k A. M. nl
oi I day wlun cjtidilinui will Im mad"
kiioxii l v JE'jlSl. KNKPP.
Sept. lJ'TI . Kxteuior.
Aii' C,7 i(' Co.'g A Ii i i t'tcmntts.
, " llfTlkii' ft VT l TFT? ml Fa t a
ir, i in. f Jl pt r., ..I..,,
JU U II U.kU AI ll
; tl'Vo pair nl aiihnrb Kreueli Oil i hrnmoe-nil.-
lln1'. I.I Kh H'i:.-e j.-lwl i I ic aluillia nl ri t..
i in al nil Falulli'K', (liven Away t i ory nib
-vr "
HKNIiV WAHI) H K I :" II l; it ' S
oreit i.ucrnry. iioiuimia. woek y Newiarr. ",;.,.?. 7 . , " ' " 1
,...,, ...... '., ,....r ' ,' .'...M i lert,'e tu cluh iirKiilil7cr.
jnaiiica In three iimnlh. i omt'ier i;:; In sj ilay i her II In nne woek i ,i c 47 III elie ! I y , nml
umii iMher. eni.illp well, tnaklnu Irntn l 'n l
incut hu knne a. ma : i1 teihk It Iho bu't ha I
iiuen I' ever nll-ireil. Surrv I ill,l
not eiiiMue .u"r.c-." I'.iya h'ltfer than am
uo , nuci.cney. a ruro cimnue to lurk uulny.
Intelligent men an-l'ii w.uilcl
wotneil w.intcl cvorr
hcie. II you h I -1 . it i, turrit, ry, .en, eitly
'.'.'r!iriul'L"vl !.,J ,,.r!.'i.1'
il; $ ".',??! !U '-"""""sl'l lol"lii
A II c.-t .Ma.llaa U.U'uuo.
I I 1 I-. I'lAli 01 ISA I 1 lil'.r1
he hl.tiry uf the Wnr lrffwecri Kranconnil
I lermiii.v, eiohraeea nlau t'arli under tha l oin.
I miihc. iau 1 1 1 ii - r.a I inn - t H42 pixo: price. t2 ai;
I D.mi Cop;.', n In: ily. 'Ihe-nly com, leie work.
.Nolhtna euala It tn aelt. Rtkln 10, Ono enptea
Mier imoilh noa'. 111 taiKli.h ai d (Juriuan
l erini nnf inancil. .111111141.71 Aii'ire-. 11. .
i. 11 U)l'hhli n 10., ;i: I ink l(n, i v,rk
nrArkTi'? iioi'sliioi.h mamazink
V JtU iJ l ollered free durlnir ti c
lli v.rfr I
..very Hilmcrliicr ul Merr ,luieuiii
the l', Im
l,e I'o ,,,,r,.y-. '"iiik,I;i r . cl
wnle 1 ,,11 e. Orci I
iioTTTTnf t.77ui7opTTn.rltyiV
, .lainci I'lirlon, I I d re I III 01,
'wine i'ii
e.iiiy i.uiuo.1.
In e.uoi, 114. 11 uiicra three nr.l ciaaa peri iiiieaia
tur the irl- 0 1 1 ci e ,, il.eni. A vnriety uf preni'
I ii 111 n un equally lilieral term .. It la an urla-inal
lll,,i no: ivtflrt ulUIIIO v i.eutii. Mlttl
line 1 111
1 s. s. woiiii, ,u'i
II' V l I. Y I' W Al I'.K
' Sail A 1 illl.tllill
I " invillil nuacnu Ilia auure.a ami aceir 1 itKK
1 1',
nl'llil I'uld a ci jir nl i ha
American farm Journal
Tho nui't rni('tl"ii1, th) lot nn-l i hotiroft 11
I'lairutvd Atar.-uliurl iior In tht I MteI
Mutt-si. Duly (. I'l.tit I'ur yoiir. rcuii tur m
'pei'lmen copy. At
I 'o,, l.ilcil.i, Ohio.
Aturnas .lli-l-l.K i.UL'lkKia
tiolleitsd hy MliNN k I'o.
rubliaher. Si'iiMirio A.
hkricsk, T I'ark Row,
X. Y. -
Twenty ve jreai'exoriene.
l'auiihlot. runtaln'Kii I'ateot I.nwa, with lull
dlreoiiuii. liuw luulitiiio I'aionla true.
A hound yidiimouf 11K uf i, c uitainlna Ilie
N I hy cuuntioe and all lur; clllua,
lln enttravlnua ul Mehatiti-u! Moreuienta, I'at
enl l.awa and rule, lur untululna I'alutiUi, mail
ed on rei-eirl ol cent..
Th nl.le-t ami moat reliable Iii'tltatlons
obtaliilna; a Mercantile lviU"aliun.
I'rieiU'iii ouainea. men a. inatructora.
lor liiluriiiaiiiin writ for a elruular lu
1. M i l' fc MONS, l'itlhur(li, Pa.
The BF.ST winter OVtllKIIOEt
JiO Bl t ki.Kt to break I
. NO TliOl HLF. toputoni
neat, ucnteei.biyiisui
0 F. NTS WANTI'.K. Agents mnke m ore
llilnir elre. Uu'lneas lixht and iermaneat. 1'ur-IK-ulura
lie t. bxaiaann k Co., Kin Art
Hu li.hor., fortlaud, Molue.
AMdNTllt Hnrie furnlihe 1. V.t-
1 1 cnie. jialil. 11. 11. Ml AW Alfred Ue.
AVIllliqVAC KS A vlejilin if early India
eretiun, I'au-lna" nervuu. dehlllty. premature
J.cay. eto., kavlna tried In vain every adverti.
ed remedy, baa .liaoovered a iluaple mean, uf
Mil cuie, ill lib he will .red tn hia lellnw eufter
era. A.Uieae J. Il . H l.LV tS,1 Naiiaa Ml. N, Y
A Clerfymsn, whil realding la Boiilb
Amerien as a Misa'onnry, liaanyri a safe
and simplo r.ninly for lb cure of Ner
vous Weukiioaj, F.arly Decay, Diaonses of
t'rinnry and Seminal Organs, and Ilia
wbol train of diaonieis lirouglil ou by
huneful anillvicloii. Iiabii. Great nund'evs
have been cured by Ihis nnldo reuie l.v.
I'roniptod by a itnire la beucfil th sitliol
ed nni! tiufni'tunaie, 1 will eonJ ibo rveipc
for frrpirinir and uaiujr this medicine, in
a sealed envelop, to any on aim 11
free ol elisixe. Addrras Jn. T. Us as,
Hiatlon V, House, N. Y. CHy.
Dauchj il Cu's. AJv rtiuienf. .
Wbllue y Seat Foot lli.rnessfc'oirp.
Tl una, iiiaoa., rn lauea ana
arum mud iiuall ill boli. fthto
irt t lb. bra. hm hum tm u lur
yaars aad giyas parfeot sati.lsctioa
r. -u
's r. a
TtIK II U rU hsw. aim how Ulnar smlhcw
Io irsk monfr on I he larm. W)ir la li.ok ,
lli)T.fli. .ml h.w tnottalir ihsm tlnwin
claar sum no from (h-t. In Mnv. A copy Kuva
tn rrrry farm rSasirf tw ami V. ti.Ki tru
to ZIKOI.KK klril hDl,l'l.llalelihUa.
A bosTnl esn ts.lnj tviok nt tit
pirioitiiiiiio.iit:itini.l:, -
t'ontainlim or-r arm IlluOrallons. Villi a em
pthn.lTo IJj-l ,la ji4lanatory 01 thSctl
-In Ksoi.iih ssn Oiuta, r J -VM.
1 1.I.NT h v., rii1lSilel Uia r.
.- AflK.NTH w ANi K VOB "
1-Kill.i mi I..NJUII.U u Ii.)) .Sji ri:l) KIC
nmi MTSTl.nir H fit Mi)RMoNH.
with a (ill anil atlirniln htitiry of IN.Iraimf
n; .t. II. IIKAIM.K, E.lltor of lb Suit Laai
nnoni. arr Tn'cTinj wrn nnpreftiaiitcil mil.
ew. anil rrporit ss .niirllnT In f..tif ilara
Aiiiithca II Id two .1"). ne Clfiilan anl
what Ih l"' ov" of ii WoiS. M A ril4.
A I. P rill.lSltlNUtHI , llill IM.
n.p.ui i-.Tijii..ii Him Klikh Hill .oil at tlul.t ill
vary lainllr. Tb
l.tlisnntr work ojtnnl wlilcli itlnir II, i
want. It l.haantlnil an1 atrlklnu. 'iiniitnln
an rtlrly new ami rlo :nnt tunilly S'li'.t -vrn.i
Allium, wlihsriiii;ilvt Kami.r lliato.
hy. full i irtt'nUri anil cirriilir fii.
Ail Iron UKi. M M'l.KXN, Piiiill!i i, I
Tiastnmia lrit, Phil i.iol.hta,
w AO o ftJJ J (1 ((J .J
llirl W
tJS'i fJJS.."? " Ttotoi l.'r V,'
y. ThV"n;.i.rl.e lluio. o'," lf(.y;:"A
rl"i'" i"'nini i. ii.iintaiiir!M rfe nnj lv
i'lil' npn-mint nl It nnataiiip!a, rle and
iiciura m im viM'irn noil motion hy entnnr
I iivM't-oii My. l-i.litom nl tha irllli'Ailn
i h i mi r r.vo wifnf ri mi l nroat nillcrrr.
Iniin Ih. ti'rrlkln vlnltstlno. All tha main tiirtu
an, I tiK'l anU attemlinv till. rjit calamity o
Ih iTiilnry. ari pnrtrave I with nrrrl.lnu ,li.
tlnoiniia ami ,,iwr, Hi frcct nn I'ommcrp,
In. nnn -f, f 1 1 1 1 v illcur'ilt ami ilttnlls ul a
wnr i) in , a I hf Ur re.p,oi rci,r,1cil.
fully I ln.irli.. rrli-o liw. Annti .lionl.l
npi'ly liiiinclHttly a the alo will bo Imimns.
I'lri-nl.-ir. fiifl. ,
111 till Mill ltr rul.ll.hKr.. :u sanmm st
i-hll. ( A I I Ii i lw ire , ln(cil,,r wnrl,.
Iloaur iwn itt Idl.llr.Hl' a CHAMIIi'lll
I.AI WS Lmiid.v.
lTrn I., i.
tnn i oralis, ft'Liisfc iiokskn kih.
Thai tablcia prcant tlj Acid In Comblnatlni
, with other efllcioitt rrme,lle In a Mii.uUr Inrio.
I,r the cure ol all TI1KOAT ami I.t'NH IHnea
ea. lln iKimiiiN anil t M rRATinK nf the
ToitiiATare Imiiinliiely relivvei, ninl etata-
mcnta are cni.ataritly ItIiiu: rent tn th prnprl.
In i' of rellrl In caiet ol lliruut .lilttcult iea of yiat.
1 ft in, Unit.
tt A TTTTfaU ""n't I ilecelrail ly wrlh
SJlXU XXUlller. Imllail (11 only
j IC. l a I'arMilc Tal.'.i-ta. I'rlee a I'M or Hoi.
JlHIVll.KKl.t.OllH, IS t'Ull Ml , N.S.
s i! (r vlrcuUr. Sulo Aaoat for tho t'. a.
('eduction of Prices
I UK AT PAVIMi TO ro.NSl "Jl tl!S
i ty ;f iintviip ciui.
r, -.srnil fnr our T.'ew I'rlcn Mil nml a ( lub
f"io wl'l acennpany It, containing- fullillrc.
' lit ul'l'nt Ann il'flil iti Ct'Wprimj.
; 4 w al k y VESEY STIt Kl'T
1 p. o. l!nx SOU. NtW VuUli
,''!! "J ,A ,'.!,,Y?l:r.U " NrT w,,n'
ul iriv clleil n III I I I l.s. 1. 11 1 ........ 1-.1 r..
1 anch 11 i .i,n,.i. . w 1. .. . .........
In. Ifrn u-,-, l,,r mine te'ira Pit li,r meilleul
r,0,,i, ol ho.,c..nntree will, IUe.
eru.a noaerlul Alurnllv. uml Jnenuuli il l'a.
rlilreri.Ttli.i HI..,nI nail la a Miro aud I'erfert
;,ly lor all lii. icj nl the
, , , , , 8, ,r o!(.
'""""" i, irinircf iTcnnc
or ,nin;;illliu llij!ine. Hovel ly or a
Want nf Itlaml, liilcriiiiitcnt or Ke
millcni Fevrra. liilbinuantion of
of Ike Liver, lrniy, MiijraieU
t'ireiilaiimi ufihe luuo l. Als
ce !, Tumurs, .1 nun lice,
I'.vkj e aia. Apue & Kevcr
vr one o in .1 a 111 4.
Dr. Wills Extract or JlItlTtKnA,
la nflcrrd to the ul,llc o a t;rc:it InvUnratnr and
iruivoy 101- nil iinpiii 11 lea ol the lilnud, or for
'r, !"cl
i. " " '."'I' "no incir uttcnoaul avlifl.
i ' " unmn-a""'! eoiniuanua
I! lil JIiniA
! Uconfldi ntly rec, irmcn.led t every fnmlly a. a
nmifetii ia renie.i). anil should be Ireely tukan
In all ilerui iicu of the .) -tern, 11 give
heilth. vlj'ii and lone In all the ellnl furcea.
and animate, and lorllDci all weak and lym
plnlli; teiuper;.lnciiu.
I Oil X It. kl l.l.mio, is T'lnf t Ft. New York,
. . Sol Aaont r.-r tho l ulled State.
Trice Ono Dollar per H. tile, send for I'lroular
is a n rtn fi TEA
wild the Ore.n Tea Flaror.
iv.irr. Inte l aomltall toitei.
1'ur ante ev, rywhere in ou
"trade mark" ,unnd and half
I'oui-.l ijekauea ,,arv. and
or eat whoUul only by th
i1ki:t Ati.astic PAriri.' rsa I'n.. Sihttrela
M ,'uw York 1". n. lim liJ.t. Mod fur Tuew
Neuter Circular.
W O'C'IaOCli
TATi'II HtFi: to nurnts to Intro-
ii dure artli'te. that .ell In vr, Uoil-e,
Latt.i a i'o. fltubumh' 4w
llnvell!!'! hy KlIITM I I'.SaltlM AN, KlCUped Nun,
whoie d'urlu.ure. aro llirllliuir and .lartliinr.
li'M. 1 chhmikih L'u , llurtlord, i't. 4
iMte A MliNTII. Ilnr.e nnd carrlan fur.
WOrvrJ li I' lied :ei enrea iiaid : .auiidia nil
II. 11. MIA W, Alfred, .Me.
l VKKS, sndOun llalcrial. nrreryklnd.
Writ lor Hrlc l.l.t, lo Ureal Weatein Uun
Work., r'ltthurttli, l'a. Army (lun. and !
vulver. Uiuyht ur truded lur. Aiteuta wunlcd.
Woman Know Thyself.
Th ureat rnhlleatlan la; Ur. ('have.., Wll.
MAN AS A Win: a Mill It Kit, will iar. you
iimiiey and .ullerluic. Arenta wanted every
whero : laillea preterred. lor let nia addrea.
WM. II. ION A N S A OU. 740 Sau.oul I t., 1'hlla-
. ueipuia.
'kl Alio tMa,ld In a KIONTIIS by
ClSjlMMMM I nn aent eanva.slnglor
nn: tu im: iiotitn."
Ity Ilr. C. W.IIai i,. Aaenla Wanie.1. II. N.
MrK IS.NKY A VU., It) Nnrtk Uh Ktreot, 1'hll
adcluhla, fa.
)SYCtlOI.OG10 Fascination on
I a hni.i t;iiariulnfl;, li opnuei by lleriiert llam-
ii tun, ii. a. now i" uae tun ower (wnirn an nua
on at will. Ulvlnatlun, 'irltuiiliain, Nureer
iea, ie.nuiiuliKy. and a Ihouaand other wmiilc'.
1 rii-e by mall 1,26, in uluth : nier imver. Si.oo,
t'uiy lieetnairontj only. si.ouO monthly ca.lly
Inn, . Aildreaa T. W. t SNS, fub. 41 M. StU
Street 1'hlludeliilila, fa.
aaa.aaaaaw aaa aw ,wclu, ol our fi,w
eawaa aaa. aaaa. aai-aa lllu.lrated Kami-
otilJIJrv ly MWe contain
liiC over Sou lln
r-cililur Him
ratiuns to sny
I'nuk at.nt, Ireenf oharae. Adilretl If ATlOFAb
f I'ULiaiiiaa to. riilldil'bl, fa.
!t km ibanVUi-asisj a mI r iVtyadlslMji
CfcTs friK ff ilM rrliis.
sA ,,. -- (Uf lit W'SIVP, Hud l
l j'Q .aJUlUa
1 1 !, ti4eVv krrHaa,if)
h4 IttK.U I'tUri UKKV.
'1'hla anilralv aw. authaatla Itord,
lo nuralng., la an iueiilW ii
lalnenlly adapted to Ih lliiiei. i
vers th f hole Hnnilab .yiteni, e -
rol( lutoaurwlft lu, lit opi-ai'i,