TJULS IOHT A.lvcrtinlt7 Itfttasa. Oaaaotawaaaa yer . tO.0P. One half aotnain. rt year, lfKtr. Oae bib. eeyear. a. Oa aqnare (10 line) oao iBatrtioaj 7. Etery additional iuaenioa (f. Profe.elnaal and Raalnria oonla of nni Bioratkia Itr line, per year. f,(K) Aadllnr, Eietator. Admlaliiraior aod Aaaigae Notice Irfl. Editorial Botict per Una lfi. All irttertiaemeal far a ah Att.r mlnjt taUisaeA iter Thartiay tveaibg by duxim csorii. rmricMs Terms of Snbaoriptlea, TWO DOLLARS MR ANNUM, raysbt wiieia mi snontns. or g.ou ir am paid within tba ysar. Its tapar discontinued mntil all arrearages art aid units al Ik spile aflbt pnhliabrr. Snbwriplions Orttsido of the oonnty I'STAtLC lit advanob. than en year ara eaeahla al lb. ST Porewes lifliag H Vain paper awureeeea i aiarr neoeme ouneenaera. ad ere liable for tea prleS of Ik paper Ihey ara ordered, aad If not said lha net. VOL. 9 MIDDLEBUIIQ SNYDER CO. PA NO V K i B K I i lfi 1871 NO. 35. aon ordering them will be held rrtponaibla tl5 fill. - ' 1 . - """ J P. CRONMtLLEIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middleburw, Pa., "Offer bii proftmlonal service to lb pub lic. ColUtiloaa aad all other profrioaal uIbn airuaid to ait aar will reeelr preeipl eltsatlea. Jta , 'tlxt AO. SIMPSON, ATTORN lit AT LAW, Rclinagrove Pa., Vfarl hit profaaaloasl tertlc la Ih pub- i. All badaeel entrusted la hit aar will b prompt) attended la. f Jb. 17, 67lf W. KNIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Freobiirg r., Offrs hi Professional lertlct to the puh la. All buaineas animated lo hi oar will bo promptly alloailrd la. Jan I7.e:u M.VnNCiKZKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewiaburg Pa., Offer kit profrsalonal (ereioo to 1 puh llo. Collection ami tit othtr Iio einn al butlneea entruated to hit or "ill re solve prompt attfation. G"KO. F. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowiaburg 'n. Offer hit Profeaiional aerrloe to lb puh llo. Collodion and nil other profeaaion all bueinea entrualed la bit cure will re W prompt attention. Jan. 8, MlTtf M.LINN, A. II. DILL. "ncrtort to 1. T. h J. M. I.lnn.) ATTORN tVS AT LAW, Uwirhuts:. Pa. Offer their profeaaional aerricet to tb pnhlle. Culleotions and all othtr pro faaelonal butiiitt onlrimtd to thrir cur will reeeltepronipt attention, f Jan. 8. 'OTif IIARLES HOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Selinsgrnve Pa., Offer hit profeeeinnnlaerticet to lb puh I. Collection and all other profea.ion bailee entrusted lo bl care will r eeiee pronipt attention. Oflic two door aorlb of tb Keyeton Hotel. Jan 6, '0 SAMUEL AL'lEMAN" ATTORNEY AT LAW. Sclinsgrnve Pa Offer bit Profeioonl service lo the pablio. All hueinesa tntru.ted lo air will bo promptly attended lo. Col leotlona made in all part of the State. H aan apeak tb Engl'ah and German lansuag fluently. Oflic between llall'i and lb Pod odice. T N. MYERS, 1TT0UEI fc COGHBIOI HTLIW Widilliburg Snyder County Penn'a Offit a few door Wral of the P. O. oa Mala el reel. Cnneultalion in Enplieli aid (1 in ir t (ii Nr.! ill C. BUCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lewixburg Pa., Offtr bit profeeaional ae'tieeaio 1I1 pub lie. All butintt entrusted lo bit care will b promptly alttndtd to. .Ian. 8. TiTi (1KOVEK A RAKER T SEWING MACHINE. Tenon In need of a food and durable Sewing Machine eaa be accommodated al rtatonabl prioe by calling on on Sam VBb FaC(T, Agent, Stlinigrort. Jan. 24, 'CO R. J. Y. 8IIINDKL. BURGEON AND PHTSICIAM. Middleburg Pa., Offer bl proftMional terticct to tbo ail liena of Middteutirg and vicinity. f M..rcb 21. '67 J F. VAN BUSKIRK. SURGICAL MECHANICAL DENTIST FelinagroTf renn JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OP THE PEACB, Pnn Twp., Pnjde r Co. Ta Ylu. WAGNER, Enq., e J i. TICE OP THE PEACE. Jack ao.1 To '.lahip, Snyder Co. Pa., Will atlcad to all butintaa tairuattd to bio aara aad on lb moat reaennahle ttra. March 11. '08tf DRJ I' KAN AW EL, PUYfUIAN AND 8CR0EON, CeatrcTllle, Snjder Co., ra.. Offer bia proftwional icrTlet to lb . ... " A Q. publie. GRATD1LL k Co., WaoLatata Pbalbbi ib WOOD AND WILLOW WABE Oil Ctolbt, Window Sbadea, Rroinie. Mat. Rruihet Cotton L't, Grain Dagt, Fly Kelt, Ducket a, Twinet, Wiok. Ac. Ho 845 Norlb Third Utretd. Pbiladalpbla. Fb. 7, "67 A. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Frceburg Snyder Co. Pa., ilotl reipeotfully offer bi tertlcrt lo Ik publio aa Vendu Cryer and Auction eer. Having bid a larga experience, I fed eontdeol that I ran render porloot lalitfaclloa la my amployaea. Jan. . '67i BT. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW & DISTRICT ATTORNT, MIDDLEBDRO. SNTPER COUNTY. Pa Offlflt In Court Uouae, 8tpl.l6, '67if LEW1H liKELEK'S SONS' TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS 8,811 PHILADELPHIA. M ERCUANT UOVBE. U. H. MANDERBACH Prop'r. i. C. NlrE, Clerk. 411 4 416 North Third Rlraat. Pblladtlpbla M ILLIK ELDXK WHOLEBALI BOOK BILLBR8 -BUtlooert, Blank book Manulaturor a dtaler la Wraapiag, Blaatlag. Cur 'a tad WaU popart Papa Ban la 0a-traUabPrlaiara Heleot Poetry VOI R HOUSE, r Mat . a noma. Ba Irn la yurlf at lha Hart young mao Er you build your houae Bark well iho tpot T 1 .11 , . ... L ' I I . ... if in. praunvi, ana anna 70a bvi On tb eaad or Iho ibakiag tod. Dig. dig iho foundation deep yonng nan. Plant Brmly lha ootor wall : Lot the propt ho alrong and Iba roof be Ugh, With aa open turret toward tb ky. Through wkieb beTndw may fall. Lt Ihit h tberosm of iho aoul yonng man, When (hadnw ahtll herald ear; A chamber with nrr a roof of i batch Ta hinder Ihe light or daor, or latch Ta abut in lb eplril praytr Build alow aad tura-'ll for life.y.iung man. A life Ibat outlive la breath ; For who eball gaineay tb holy word f Their work do follow them,'' aa.ii b tb Lord. Tbraia ihtr It ao dtatk. Build dtep, aod bigb, and broad, yung n, A lh needful cat demand i Let yaur till deed ba olear and brlehl. Till you enter your claim to lb Lord of light, Fur Iho Hou'o not mad with haul.. UEOLiiOH!f. If you'ro any laak lo do Lot bi wbirper, frieod lo yoa, Do i. Bty il. Lot It. If yon't anrthing to My, Tru and needed, yay or nay, If you're anything tn tot, A a blueing from aboro, If aom hollow creed you doubt. Though tbo wbolo world hoot aod about. Doubt It If ynu know wbat torch to light. Guiding otbtr through lb aigbl, Light it. If you're any debt la pay, Rett ou neither nig lit or day. Pay it. If you're any joy lo bold, Next your heart, letl it gat aot I, Hold it If you've any grief lo meet, Al Ibe luting Father' feel, Marl it. If you're giten light lo ee What a child of God should ba. B it. Whether lift h bright or drear, Titer a meaaag eweet and clear, ribiepired dawn to etery ear- Hear il. The Myiterloua itlvrcliuul. ilt A TALE OP CONSCIENCE. Tbe teana wa Pina atrect wlmrl iho time. September, 1SC5, t lie nidt blink as Plutoolao a linden, and tin i la a lion horribly dramatic. Un lha left, corner of tlit quit, a jou f?o Iho riter, there knult Paul Andoi'ton, a you tin mao, with apuin ful, nielaoclioly hiaicry. Ou the riiht corner of the wharl koclt Conrail Onborno, a niaguiQceut Itiokiug; morchanl prince. With dctrrtainaiiou yea. deajieta- tioo, they rilently retched tht lrrca- I'iCiive I'O'.itiona iiiutuully iuuoretit f tbe duilicat misery. Through (car of intorrujiti io. thoy as ailoatly enmaianueu tboir soul to the otun- cieut Jibuvuh, prior ta eodina; two career in tba lucid, noiaeloia Del. ware. Io single minute both Btemrie rel ertd iho solden paeaotry v youth, and also the and link that eraduully grew the fellers they htti olemoly resulred to sever in the "wa ter of death.'' With miods di- Iraught, I bey imploringly on 1 menial ly pelitinoo'l fur an eternal hino free fruin the whim, knuvery and fusiiao of this variably, bouutifjl world After a pause, assuring they were mipereeived, wilh wouderful xynebro. niioji each rote fur the fatal plunge At tliia mnmuot a folntne id flume Euahod from a barqae oo the Jersey side. Thore was a fire oo the river. nd Instantly Puol Anders o and C m red O.boroe were eovelupod iu a mion day )itht. The tr mble on the Ciradon si le w i uuhcfd 'd. 'Ihe two mjo gugdd ai oacb other sod there wi iuuqI tiaosfunioo f wonder bafure a wuid wet fiokeo. So yoa were watuhlnsr me f" id Conrad, wilh a trifla of eilen. we though stopped io the rralititiion of aommhinjf fr which bo hud joi'lou-l) ropared. "I muy put lb aaiur question " re spomlel Paul, with thai u lononer We are apt to faol in diaeuv i. 10 a co-partner in iribulutiou. No, ir," eontiouel C'iorl. gire ynu my linnor I oot wuioli log you; of your pretence I knew aothing wbalevsr," I belitte you air," relulnsd Paul, 'and let me ensure you I was Ignor ant of your preseDoe "Young man,'' returned Cutmd. yi were oo the ere of" "Wall, wb.t.eirf" in liculiml ynu M ara preparing lur "lur de'tinttion," interrupted Pant, with theile miio'ier. "That wae f" ' Eirrniiy f full iwej iho younger aatlioih intent up-hi ctiiviclion. "I own It yoiiii man Vnu will 'Site tbU place. '. hnvn ht-orj res cued by lilit. mi l Iri ta b e there ii a mire idoriuiin Vi t rq iully opp r tune rtdtnn in tie in ir e '' "WwilUr,' Salt Pol. Horn lhi l'.v. ta-pe l handa, and Kinking IIihI t'epih l m -minx bolter eaprrsscd ly Kilente Tbe rllr aerttiid ut'rtii'te l In the younger In fact, I hi- t it uiuitnniYi invreie l each with a p'culiar ii.airnrl "My Vujn II I h I," an' C.i.T;l I. "incii wlu a tfiniittito'-.'.iall tb- Pale Kin liuo pia-ed nne ilrcai firtlcal." "I know I," let'itoed Paul "And I. no loi u r. culirly prnpe d Id i he lift ptiif. takn my hand and affirm ei-n cv." lit ru i iny hand, und cinel ler you hitv in utllrftiatiiiii. It we lite, It l better ll it ah'Ul l nwver rvneb ei'lier the . cal I 'Jiihio ol h- ncw-pa. petaurtlieeirAur ii In e.kraat mlilr." "Kiatiit, nir ! U'-ii: I un I u let mo aa' lia i-alrt'iiiiy itit l o l yu to u h it e.mi-e I V "i are but thirty AIiLhUjIi nut rnbiii . yet ynu are al irucliva in lace, r.n iii, iiiunm-r and e pri'S'inn. (n truth, air. yen are ilie very nmn I w..uM .lect l drenf d'-atli. Il tin imrii-iiui. iilv.a f..r m wiih your namr." "I'nul Aineieii ir '' Conrad OkImii no altr at (i ll t lb vartli "U'hit i ilie iniil-r, ray Iri.'nd Are y..u ill J "Meiviy rt' ii-tion. Y- U kn..w th i ii oa' miti . ii n'i' nl 'b't t e-tt -hin li ap'HL' to U" i'l'- J" I'crlninly, Kif I l. aranri' tr .u- I "in lil s man mini ilale.i ly b-I (ii"i ul llia muniing nu t aa and ri-uillnti lullow. There I ynu aro better. Yiu did ni hear iny unawer. I inlil j m tuy nime I Paul Anderson." I hear I Mr. Atidrrann. I .' Ivu-tljf heird yul,'' un I ttiera w it a Struggle tor aoiupoa ir. ' Your nunie ia " "Conrail Oobiiroo. Now. tbit we are ef.iiiiii.iluo-ti. Id ma reum m I' I mid. uppar'oly, you are tbe m u I wuld eelei-t o lred rail). May I lv m bold un io usk why you were mi tbu threh ldo' eter nity ?' "You may ak. Hut f 1 reveal, will ynu reeipr-Calu f" "Do yu absolutely req tiro it V "Nit abtnlutoly. ultbough il i but fair." ' I grant il it luir to axrhemre, yut. at pretunt, in ii.1 I beretiuent. 1 do not aoek u inean alvumae liom-'in- tier, this oiuht hs rat I m Irieu U Yon will aeo lum b f me an I a .ruo day know nil. If this will unteul your lip you will Bn I me hot h a gree'ful and aymatliellu auditor.'' Arm in arm thy w k I int i ih (real city, ecroely conitiiit of di reel inn. "I will c inlide," Sti 1 Paul, with manured dijuiiy. "I ay tviil eon tide, b.-tuu-e 1 kn w we are a e. oret aiKiiety a ealiillatio iw eiivum s'auiiully viieukniited Wilvimr .i m or, aud eutruiiuiie I bt tint fo 'till a. tiuo, I peocad It'iOvi.iinur, it' ha ura I'rienli ere will often mejt mid have ample time for liums an I hude. At preeeal be emitetit with aa inliliiie, "Lot tue reier luUvr eitt'. Years aco a worthy hu'I nn iu apilnid In divoroe from a i:ou-iiium i ia ierita'it. "I3ein iutrrot' I a l wit it jfreat VaLiiutlV hal lUl.i 'II.' him to leave bia wile, b.' r epimdeil, '1 lo iiftVr hut un gr-a' a.u ty I louder y 1 1 a oyt'i 1 1 il Ii -lit.' I 'no apr h i t n4 I J'tir'd i.i lite not .in un.'nlui 'f iur vliuiai, tiu b.'iM i-e o a m i ti lUla of galliurf and a ul imrr iwing troubles. Y ut have rigiit jutd I am lluriy. Mniy y art U4i my no "I i a 1 1 d i I a i r n 1 1 ti o i n i y a -, lu'c mi Uriid S i'-ue Hut l .'iii I egite tio i. i id i ixi ua 1 1 iva eaiiv-l l..r u i.; w i tn.' p ri ii "ijay it 'ot, i uid- j, iu I lien 4a 'i ' urn i'it a itsmiatiu. ;f nllxinaii -vlii evintMl ihoroub kiiowleilo ol irupivat iraln. Comio el uuof4 fill ivt el euminuei effii'l, nut .oin bo b were uiilliuiMiMe, "My iii' t line n it iieiiu iile-ient with eouaiituiioual vlor. aod wiabing to ,ierotliily auertiao my eduuaiiuu, remaining iu New iUvuu. ' U'lt'tu my pipai4iii'a aui eulfa jiale term aha Mae my eoauael uiy archangel We lived In palatial in eg - th'i witduiu and elite ol the lovely Elm City. ' My native boot was lit erary. I we poaeossed by the rnontVt trrH'mU. To write was neccsaity duty it wss oif standing mono ibat I would rathor ioeubat idea For fif ty eenta perdiem lhAo pursue any oth er it vacation at the rale of ono hun dred dollars for the rame period. "This instinct led me to conidr my I'rofesaino a choaen, while some erediteb.e productiuDa ranked me a a veritable an I avaeptable literateur Our fnrtuoe, the brilliant convenaiion and repartee of hit dear author, en joined with the highly appointed. hirfh toned aim 'Sphere of the oianaion, ele vated ua to a resplendent higbt from which euliuroJ mortal eannnt fall without a pan. A moot Intero-tiiig featoie In lint arfndition tat my be- trotlml to oee well qmlilldd to uo- ueralaod tny mott extltod tuool. ' I will do! pt'oli'O, but say wo rea'. se I the onuplol. I utel to Ibuok t Jod for mere breath. Life was a coDlinuoua round of eettary. I win not ep .iled my heppinete lei tne tn socuro com lur t to others. I felt I w living for a deGoito nonietUing, and my soul wus in that pure aod fervent ton Imen i.rreligio'it exsltatioo. In thio eulminitiiiiti nl luve, fortuae, Ivitrn iii and diaiinitu she! snooiatinn we in eived a letter from father. Oh ! the agonias following the reception of that epkule I II rtiM. and nooum . lulled mercuntile partner hal wto. died bitu and ubaconded. From a tule of primely fortune, my broken, h. arte I pji ent wan oot in pusienoiua of sitlEcioot ottpiial to recommence rj8 iu hie eqnIrod and profitaMo line, lly the uoit steamer he return, e J to Now Haven. What a chaiif,'o I Health aud hopo irrctttevetbly loat. One iimo'.li of invulidey aud th j;ruve ooncealol all lhat wus m.irtal. io a lew weeks my mother died ol it bro keu heart Tint douhlu ilemi.o aliuott killed tlld. I could not Sao a rpmnnl il virftir uble to rally. At thia juno i ore my frumo exhibited tbe norve. sensitive diathetia of my mother. 1 clearly raw that I must lead the Ml of an iuvuii l of one physically ena ble lo commit lo piin-r the iuouaeaat wemul overtax. Death hal robLel me ul alar numbrr ono my lather ; nndtben of tur numbur two mv mother. And hero, hs though to r-- ulize the prophecy of reverses in fo- euliiation, uiy literary alar wsa deaiiued to bo ol only medium m)jni lude. Our Connecticut pinprny by puthei'utod io SJtiMlacliuo of Hmzilian eltims, I was left a piuper ! Nut ex- ei tly ihut. for Agnes yet remained. To the residence of her father I fre. queutly weot, striviu to aamae my sti)(iiib io tbe tender conaoiation of my affianced. One evening, when my beatt wit alraoet br akin, I was noti fied to ditcootiiiuo uiy vis it on tbe score of my piverty. In tbu days of tuy wealth tbe pareuts of Actios pro fuhsed pndu in Ike prnputtd alliance buuuuae of uiy blood, eilture and lit erary promise. II wa ariifica. 1 was courted to increase a trousury already too plelborie for mere home eouaump tioo. There was wealth ahuudant for a dZ'ii g ns-iu.luw, but in face of tki and no aforementioned plea, I wa told toceant my viaiiation. Under this bl w Aines lust bur health. Hid aha been able in leave her be I, our mur nse would have boen counutntnatrd an I the variable World tikeo oo trial. At il atood ahe was debarred, teein me or tending s line. S mo ihi bright, particular slur loft ihe fit'tu t meiit ol affection An a was borne io the cemetery, und 1 now her laid in tba family vault. Tbit tri eslumily tbew me into typhoid, from which I emerged a iniairabla Mpiriilee wreek. Fur bread I plied tuy talent, but fail itig to obtain a poai iuu worthy of my p. a, I wot drivuii into sl kin Is of p ooy-a iiua truth and ii"0-lerelopiug etuplot meni boucath the s'o lard of a mm longing to diffusa tb'Si idea liolh niasculiiis and regenerative My Ineud. trouble. To one it may a u.uckt ; Id an th"r and more son. -it t e nrganixatiuii it in prop iriinii to ihe eauso. My peculiar nature could not brook tbo turiblo aucura. on nf death a iddiaist'ir Sir, I jado ymi are Ini igiuitive, If an, place youi ell'iiu my situation, run out all the oluterals an I oi.iooioitaot f ro career, and then try to divine wbat I ban endured. Yeierday I did pre nariout, menial and humiliating work on a fourib rale, unprincipled journal. labored under protest, knowing I was pundorlog to the baae aad doiog nothing to promutr td regenerate A fervent retrotpectioo coupled with the prearnt survey determined Oa. t 1 wrote a latter, piaeed It ia my tree It Take ihia lor tbe pro few and ewuit the tomptetioa of the picture. " You wrote a letter?" " I did, sir. DM you t" I 1 vrell that is -yes, air I UH s letter.'' After sn expreeiti of sympathy from Oshoros. Paul anid : " What rohaursal have yu to make f Said the midaed mm : " All I now offer it thin ; " I am a men hnnt Ira lin at No. tref. Call in tbo momin nt nin-, and in my piivite apartment there will be a re.tunp'ioi " At tbe time appoints! Pmil appear- ed. soil wna uthrred into a well - en - punted counting houe. Olioroo was alone. ' flood morning my friend, ani 1 h M Paul. "My young fiiond, is il nsible that I re.olvel titeive thete plcs'anl aurroundin f" " Why did yoti ake. Panl "Ah I not yet, not yet. Let me lend the conr-ration. Have wa nut determined t live and improve on the pint f " We Lsvo " " Thoo, eir. will yon take a fivo thousand duller clerkship V "Most gladly.' Paul wat in '.ho employ of C mrad Otborne. Tbo sulury wat lare and utuninhiug Nuthinit further in ap planation wnt ofTore I by the bnofil inun. and had but ono overruling i lea ; it Wis thit ; "0 Iwrno. thu mytieriout tnerohant,' IIuk'hicks and fiirtidihip iticrent-d. Tbe two bee inn inepamhle. ()ft;ii there was intimnl unzing, and then it iick relieving raleretico losotne tupie of intoreat. Said Oibonio. Ji! loom. " Paul my hoy, want you in pti tnerthip. I have accumulated a large I rtune, and now I wih to teo you both tea I by aod io Ibe reahamioti ol your pitiamount ambition." A great surprihe, n tica of wralitu le, and a paper wa signed. The firm tn.w ' w-is Otborne k Anderxic. Timo apod uoo, two, three, four, five far hippior years Paul noticed that opportunities wero crratl to muka him auccca-fiil. Hit h allh be earns good by nbairaeti io Ironi ideali ty, and through the tnnio influenco nl mousy. At ihoead ul Dvo years 0--borue remarked ; ' Paul, marry. 1 wish you wonld 1 am a bachelor, uod know tbo ini-.iT) ofcclihucy. Tuko a wife, gut h eood home, and let mo board iu cnpuvly ol anytbiog from brotber to father.'' Paul contidered and acted. A brief court ship wat followed by a qui 't wedding, an J s household of three. Oue morn ut table, O horoe Hui I : ' Paul, my aon. I a n an olj to l to bother uboui bushiest. 1 bivo beau making a resilu'iou. l-rotu thit teek my aatua comes off tue sign You must take lha s'oelt, und piy when ever ynu can. I want to a-e un una -soemted Paul An iertoti." All terminated a'-cordin to requ-t and Paul was s noted mervhabt one on the high roal toralo nl tutllion aire. When ho dissolution wat legal I v euiiipleio, Pint taid : " My friend, verily you .trw . uj erious mernhatit. 1 do nut compre hend you. You thuld hsve sld your eatahlitluuent for aiurkoi vuiuo, mid yet I am treatod at a am. Why thia unexpected favor f" " Paul my boy I over tniud I feel that fame horrid tymptutn. I thiuk we will take a carrug." und go home " Ouo miouts tu ire un I C "irud O-i-norno wt uiiC'insciou on a loungn in thu uffice of tb.or lo.'il adviaer. In tl few uiiiiu e ho wjt conveyed b nue by Paul und tbe htt ntmul Day fol lowed day, and there wa no percepti ble iuiprovemuot. Thu doctor paid he could out name the diteube J t hut, iu tact, thoie tocuiud uooraoto or luu -t oual diiurder A ounaultatinn, how ever, reiulled ia the virdicl nf exces Hive pbrenal tuimian. cont qtieut upon eautea to thorn unkuuwu Paul wua ad ; Oiborne htd taken thu p sjo ol all ho had ralaed To Paul he was built a child aud a rage, ulterniting according to reipili eniuni. Ttmugbi Auderaoo. " What if he should die and leave mo uopiwaoaeed of his se cret." thai was tho muster fer, tbe all engroasing theme that huld him spell bound from nioru till uigLt " Doctor, ted tue frankly, Will Mr, O.burne recover ?" " Mr. Aduraou, I now speak fur both otosuliing pby id o sod myeelf your frwod eause. Usk aotil mora- Sorrow pervaded tho hnnseholl Paul wat tint out frantic. He wa giivod on account of both tin verdict and the hidden myntory con neetel with hit benefactor. Mr and lha fuitbful Mm. Anderarm mournful ly atoo I bei le their friend He wa in a dying condition Several time be attempted to rpcak, but feilc d Pail b'll hit hsol and strove lo ral ly him tn eiiheronry, but onthing wu lifted Sireihit: ' Look in Don folio number two, Paul." A convnltive giap, and Conrnl Oli rno bad pall lh' unircrsu debt. The fit i ril wat nrer, an a cnhii, ! quiet evo. mv Ander-oii. and v. 'miiniuu' tbe pap-rs nf the ileivaed. There was a van f .rtum, tut no reli- tivea. U'hut ilireclion wan this ci.. tl to islte? Portfolio niimbcr two was opettril. The flrtt ifiinr rrci inif atK-nii n wit s latter with this uperacrip'ion : r Me , ur This iliN-itm -nt wat voluminoua too exientitu to intert in a briel ketch. There wae found his entire hist ry, from boyhood to the tenlu ti m of euieiilr Onrn l Oahorno was but an a-aunied iiatnca mere eloak preventive nf tuortifii at inn. It ap. peura tint thit fp-nliti t man Inul never tnttle bul one lire at error and that wiih tba swinllin of Paul' lather Thit ho preye I upon liia bet ter nature tnit ho coul I never ab solved himself from iti tot rililo over shadowing influence. Lucking the in i-n cmragi to uni ty report bit ui ilf ii-iitieo and niik personal reHlilll'iori. lip rc-nlved to bo. I'l' Sth hit property to the widow ol his ruin. tl purinnr. and then commit ( himell' 1 1 tbo IM.iware. Thia port folio numher two tiNn eonmined m - ni andu relative to bit l ive for Paul and lady. At the end of a I in.: an I ' iitrcel innate letter Idre.-s lo bull ho !,iid: My d. ar Pmil, .o.v wonderful are tho wuvs o Pmvi lenec '. Think of I lint litem, .ruble night, iny boy, un I know that I huvu live I because 1 found yun. Ha l jutiee linen d me ymir worthy lather, bit hutine-t tal ent would h ive h it in ire t tiai ba I the fortune I bare willed you.'' " Will" you.'' tai l Mra. Anderton ' la there a will At that moment h-r h i,l.B ,d a s "nieu iiocuiiieiii. it wnt it will not the ni,e ma Iu iu favor uf bis pai tm r' wi lnw, but u tecond in.ttru u) ent ere nting 1'uul th - sole heir t all hit a-t c-tiite-. lly way of expletivo to s codicil, wus the folios in : " All pertaining In mo is solved. Yo i l;uo-v t h i .oeivt that led urn to the riverside an I enuted you 1 1 term me "The tnvttori 'Ut Merehmt." WiiNle sitpr. Pew II 'usekeep us are aware of the mnny nes to which watte pa.ier m i.v be out Af'ej a .love hat been blaet- ened, it can he kept I inking vo-y v ll lor a I Ui linn by ru'b;n it with paper every morning. Rubbing wiih p:iper it a niu 'ii nicer wy ol keeping tho ouirflo of l t.-a-Vetile, ciln-e-l snd t"a pot ht ibt and clean, tbm the old way of washing them in ml. Itubbinu with paper it alto the bent wsy of polithltig knivet and tinware after "enuring. This tares wetting Ihe knife band' H a little f ur i held on Ibe paper in rubbing tin ware and apnoiis they euioe like new silver. For polishing mirror., window., lamp chimneys tie., piper it better than dry eluib. Preserve, an I picles keep much better tl br nvu paper instead ol cloth, is tied over ihejst. Coined I mil ia nteo spt to mould if a piece of writing piper, o il to (It the can, it Isid directly un the Iruit. Paper is much belter tn but under a cr,vt than straw. It it warmer, thinner, and make li st noitr when you vva'k user it. Twit thiekiieso'S of paper placed between other covering, on s hod ore as warm a a quill. If it is nec-ssury to step upq it chair, slwaya liy a piper mi it ami thus nave tb paint or wood-wank from damage. It is said that once, in teo njuny ol iterary gnnllrmoo, Mr. Wcbslflr wat ssked if he could oomprahrnl how deeut Chrit ceul I bo bulb Qod snd man, ' No, sir,'' bo rsplisd, so l add ed, "I should besahamed loacknuwl edge Him as my Savior if I ooul l com prehend Ilian. If I ooull oM(pi'cbend Him He could bt n i gieaier tlun my s If. S ioH is ray som nf tin, so l eon. sciousnaiui of mf inability to ttvo my. -ell, ibat 1 led I need auperberase Savior, oot so grett en I uloriuus that I.. Victoria's lion. Iwlluclaas- The myatcry which lias for soma yrre aurtounded the prolonged reti- aey of (jueeo Victoria from the ob viuna duties of her exalted ttslion, tod which has given occaHoo for mtoy tttsnge rumors trsprtting the msntsl endition of her majesty, la gmduallr dispelling before .ho admistinn of her mioialt-rs and others who havo se- eet to h -r AttiVuaus as are the pb rates of I)i.rsuli'e recent pecch when slludin ti htr maieaty it is clear that grave fear rj full in hik'h qtiaitort with rcforanra t her n firroilie. butli of mind and b idy, aud that tbo cruie insejiers'il frum t i linnse of rulers it liable lo occur at any moment. Tho partiou'ar mental inSnnitr tin der which Victoria labors, ani wh eh hat grown upon her day bydny, takes tbo Inrm of a kartulota hallucinatiue. .She has firm conviction that her dad buaband, Prince Albert, ia always preseot wilh her. and that she ettri bold poraunal comniutiinn wilh bitn. She I fiinofa. it is esi l, whon ahe will hill tin imaginary con vcrtotion with the prince for an hour together cnti'luciin her own nbare of ibe con versation ilou I snd with the vigor snd iulcrcat of old timet. In Imita tion of tho prince's frugal, aim tat pir aitnonioiit habits, she superintend nt much us pus.ible all her private adaira herself. rcotiirink' the m iil rigid econ omy from every department of the household. Her tablo it set with the crrutest aimplicit v, an J a'tu imagiues tnal her htitbtiud lookt un well pleat ed. At timet, oho will orler it knife and fork lo bn pl.ieed on tbi lab'o for hi nee, uu I canto tho nfeo laut to plaeo every coursa before Iho empty chair at j the tna-t.T elill occ.ipiej it. Hut un uliot ration ai nb'orbing mn-l ineai icitute her tuijot'y fur alt the more teri oh dirius ol her stution, aa I il l uiitiuued cm havo but ono rn. ding, vix : hi r abdication of tho liri ntli crown. Ilotv liny ret-aitois1. In thu war nf H1J an entofprioin ila-ihoi:; A met iean officer, with a atuall bout crew uu one nf Ihe ilpp.'r lake uiudu wh it n lev. i-dayt we wool I call a rn I upon u Hntiati pt on tbo shorn of the lake, an I seizing smo douu Knirlmh fO'Jica nt iiri'onejt ao 1 a bust losd ol spoilt, ma le with all pot. -i liK- apevd for thu American pott seme thirty unlet dntutit. A lliilisli boat's crew was quickly tanvd io hot pursuit. Wilh tbo first meriiiuo libt tbu purtucrs were de-t.-ribcil lust lining un the pursued. I'vcry t-xcriinu al escape wat male, hut soon it mn-ket ahot, s -n lin a play of water near the American boat told that an attempt loecap by uuio ttreiiL'th al the n irt w is utelosa, and iile'V could UNily bo secured by eouto wit ly device. Su Idenly, us u second Hpr.iy ol wsier wus tent up by s past ing shot, tbo Voice of Ihe captain of tho American host wat heard "Throw over u red cn.t,' mid u niomrnt alter without u w .r I, over tbi wont one of tbe lirttirb pt'i mert. The Yuolete no plied all oars, wh la soon tho pursuers were butily engage 1 in reacuing the struggling rod cwat from Ihe wa'er, by which timothe Yaokeos were clear of inu-kt rang. II 'Q ling; with redouble) vigor tu their oar, the llrilmh were aga;n in eager parsuit, an I once mors did tbo inutket shots la I about the stern and ' sides ol the pursue I. "Throw overboerl another red. eost.' cried tho American raider, aod imo hey liritish soldier tplashe I in Ibe water to dolay by hit rescue the pur mi era. ThoKimplu operation was si sic. uehtlully repealed thai tho raiders st last enters I under tbe protection of tho AruTican pit with half their prison- ert and sll their tpoil. A rESflLEt young luwysr aked mil'i niure for his dsughtei'a hand. " I shall pive n-y child u h no lle I thuutand dollar oo her wsiding day," answered the merchant. It's p' eity lit'lo sum ; enough lo provide) hrenkfaets for the family. Now, will you huve the kiodueasto tell too how ynu props to furnieh tho dinners?" " Oh for that rostler,' returned tbo unahtfhrd y u'h, "thoe wbo break fa-te l so well will not asad soy dinner at all." Have ) ou any diminutive cowee semiperlorstsd with symasetrtosl in. dentations,'' ald a young lady as ibe stopped ia a dry-iroode store one sf trroooo. The elerk hesitate I, blobed nd wilted, but eaae to whoa teld It Vucekt -"rnaieia cv s BiaBaTTTt I Tt-t,v