11-LJU 1" POST ..NOVKMBER t, Iffl inirm.tnvBO, TOWN AND COUNTRY. " Littli Mtti" utiilj and otaealv elad at Wanamaker & Brown'. Jem Bccna Ihe newly eleeled Trtri dnt Judge, will kold bit Aral eourt la thii county tboeecoad week la December. A oatAT crowd, but no confusion a! Oak Hall, flail. TaiBufqnohanne river baa not been to low aa now la thin y years. Recka aaiuin loft p e.opertlens. Oxva you road it ? Waaaniakor A Brawn' AdTtrtinmtat. Ta Coiaiaa eaye that an apple troo in VYesbiagton towaihip, on lha premise' of Barnhart Kablo, produced two cropa of fruil during lha presml year. Poiititlt tba Cbeepest Oak Hall Clothing fur Fall and Winter. Taa "Lewieborg Centre and Spruce Crook Railroad, baa boon finished a far a Mifflinburg, and freight and passenger tralna make regular trips la that place from Ltwitburg . Tuaaa Peacb.blow Totaloea Weighing reapotlvly 2 pounda, 1 pounds and 1 pound and 8 ounce), were brought to our office the other day by Mr. Solomon Dow- reox. If any of our readera hate larger polatoei of Iboieine variety w would like lo know It. AcctnaaTALiT Saor Recently Mr. Reish and 8on, of White Deer Mills, weul out to tba mill pond to shoot ducke. Tbe on, aged about 12, in company with an other boy named Miller, were on one eide af Ibe pond together, when Millers gun die charged, and Reisb wa killed. Joe. Bowaasox, of Franklin town -hip, unloaded" a radaisk at our office tlic(othcr lay tba weight of which wae fonrteep pounda and aix otmcee. tie failed to in form na how he managed lo get lha ihing out of ground but It ie quite likely that n patent stump puller waa brought into re quleilion for the purpose. Troxelville, we are ready to hear from you. Adam J. Ftsnaa, our newly elected County Commissioner, was sworn Into office and assumed tba duties of Ibe office a Monday, Mr. Fieber possesses tho con fidence of the people of the county nnd will, undoubtedly, be afalthfnl guardian of tba public inleresta. Mr. Matiern, the retiring Commissioner, was a faithful offi cer aad performed bia dutit satisfactorily. Hut week Ike Iraine .on the S. L. Railroad will commence running on a new time table. Another train will be put on Ike read and the time of running so ar ranged that close connection, will be made with Iraias on Ibe Pennsylvania road al Lewistown and lha Northern Central at Belinsgrova. The arrangemeala for carry ing the malls on Ibe ro id hare not yet been completed, but probably will bo in a few day a. A HtonwAT Robbaiit ik ii kbiby. Ob last Thursday morning aa eld man named John Emerick, of Seflereon county, got oil lb Brie mat', train oa ita arrival here from the north at 1:06 a. m. He asked for Drum killar'c hotel and wae taken lo ihe corner ef Market Square by engineer Diebl, who directed bia to it. Here a fellow named fharle White (late an attache of Grady's C.rous) stepped up to Mr. Emriok and vol aateertd lo escort him to raid hotel, and the lenocent eld man promptly accepted hie lrvioea. Instead, bewever, of taking Mr. liverick into Ibe hotel, While look him psl V iiswB Fourth Hlreet, a short distance, Aksa ic suddenly faced kic charge, aad trapping diiin, attempted lo gag him with Kskerehief. Mr. Emerick cried out lusti ljaoi held bo fast Ic tba raseal'B fingers, whh were ia hie mouth, that ha loosened atv.rei ef bia teeth. At thia stage of pre sseung two unknown confederate of Ifiiie'a came up and j at the old man hart in tmiml immcdialely, aad taking bia fotkl beck, Ibe three fled. Mr. Emerick usmvllately mad hla way back lo the da t, aid related what had befal.en him, t"B aarvh waa made for Ihe villain, but tisj ouid act b found. It waa asoer taiad, however, about 5 o'clock that three ssaioeua looking oca got on board lha ipreea Vaigbt, going couth, at Ihe N, C. a. art a oeuple ctJiour after the rrptrioY the outrage. Mr. Einei iok J tn'aVtCa pocVlt-hook coalue4 about trtsen dollar and a draft -the Bun- wry Bank for 1500. lb latter, however u'd l ef a( u to the llieivc. He bad "j on anoioer par vi aia pereon, 'ick ih thieve did noteseure. Mr, Em- Wick ol aC? Aft Ihl atAllot fne tKa hhau " rillllne r.Ull.a l 9n.,lee AAiinl LA,taa. Baaaaaa Uaelar Meliisr. of lha Y'4 Kiprata train, which left here at 8:65 r" ytrdy BMralog,' telegraph lo Mr. Patrick, from MilUraburg. that While ru on hi, rain, thai ha had gotten oa al '"Place, and that ba would have blia ar- a:V upon arriving at Barrfcburg. Moll- Vtrtlid n tay anything about Wliilc 1 ric,ia aaa neara or taa out 'C before bia train leftSunbury, and wa pwtated with White. . .. ' . . I 'III Liiaa. Th man whlla lain u. r1' t Uarriaburg and will ba braught r ' l-fly e flaoary Ptmoerti. I TiU'.iitof MticPs.-Ac amall-poi "til lo soma aiteat ia caataral I'ena- "a&la, and-1 epoially vlruUnt Just ''PhlladslDbla. we clve below an ma Nieat (uggecUea fubUabcd by lb r'Wslp.U Hr of tl.Allh la earJ l. rialMaalt i Uava tk. ..irii'-i...j ' ' . rl'W tum. i. l-. i . . ,i ,- sunt, irius r- b'k,4?'J',M familw. aehoro H hd hc brat taatlliica. and ieole- f 9 room contatly wall aired Etu, raur. , ,,n. ku I - 'll of lha palieat a clothing cannot ba waebed at enoe, let it be et la toak In water, to wbioh way be ad'ton a taluratei solution permmganata or potass, or or alitor Ida or lime, about a ItaspoAafiil to the gallon. Small pox le ouppoeed to ba most eonta gioua during eonvalace, therefore, trlotly ohstrv that the patient doea not mingle with the family until all lha cah are entirely off aad only after a thorough ly purification by wanning and entire change of clothing. After the patient ie well or leavoo lha room, let It be purified by tbe nee of disinfectant, by whitewash ing and eerubing the paint and floor with eop and water, and let aiieh rooms or apartment be well aired before being again occupied. la regard lo food and medicine always rely on ibe ailvioe or a pl"-irien, who should be aenl for at early aa possible." A CAsa of ehrnnlo rheumatism of tinitan a) eeterity, cured hy ' Johntnn'$ A'toriyiir Liniment. I nollo-d by one of nur ex change. A large huncli came out upon tbe breast of the oiitfarer, and appearaJ like pan of the breast bone. Tax aweetesl words in our tango,; is health. At Ibe first indication of d, . use, well known and approved remertte. For dyspepsia nr lndigei ion. u " r.tr- n I urtatirt I'lllt. For cough, eo il. sore or lame stomach, use "Johnson Ano dyne Liniment." Katb KiiMiir.-A Novel. It Mrs. C. J. Newhy. This Is the firm volume, of an eitiro new, cheap and popular edition of the oelebrated noeele written by Me C J. why, now in course of publication hy T II. Pelereon A Ziiothero, Philadelphia The novels written hy Mm. C. J- Newhy are in every sense tbe composiiionnf a e i' livated mind; Ihey are htgliiy ioioretiiif thoroughly original, and form a moat ad mirable series of popular fiction. They are all marked hy Iheirfailhful delineation of ebaracter, there naiuralnes and purity of sentiment, the dramatic interest of their plote, their beauty and fur en of expression, and Ibtir high and elevated mural tone. There are no novel which can he more highly recommended for tbe family citeie or library, white their hriliancy and vivao ity will make lliem welcome In every read or of cultivaieJ taste. Her novels, Kate Kennedy." " Margirel Hamilton." "Trod den Down," ' Only Temper." "Itighl and Left," "Married, ' 'VYouilernua Strange," "Common Sen..," eo . bv otiiainet a wide-spread popularity in Kuropc : in fnai eu,ul to any novel iIihi have ever heen issued from the pren. and will no J, ml, i have an Immense popularity in mis eoun try. "Kale Kennedy." is is-uediti a laive octavo volume, price Fifty ceuts, and i for sale hy all llooksi-llcrs. or copies will he sent lo any one. pol paid, by the Publish ere, on receipt of price by tlisin. 'Mer Mi io It is seldom thai ear- nee is associated with merit nn I rail vol ue, hul we must make an except i.ui in fa vor of Parana' Mi sirL Mostmlt. Tbi valuable work come lo us regularly each month, overflowing with chui. e new Mu sie some fifteen in evi-ry nitmher. It is printed faom ;pl full-site music ptaie, neatly bound, and Bulls fur the modest sum of , I'l cent. Tbe publisher otter to sou, I six back number, containing fro n i) to 'J pieces oicuoice new Music, for f I, Address, J. L. I BTBB. o'.IJ ltrji lwv. New Vork. Think of It! 0 to 1'1't piece jf vood Music (--i P'tfc.) fur 1. Tub Household M.igatine for November. is on our table, and i certainly a capital number. Article from th pen of the most eminent nuikors of our laud grace lb- pages of Ibis ma aiino- Th November nuinbir I tinaiirprssrd in cicellence. Th Mu,io ia by VT. T. Uiflo. and i a charming little song entitled Wailing Bv the llivcr." Address M. 8. Wooii fi t'o". Newburgh. N. V.wlio will mail three ni.m hers of the magsiiui , free, including No vsaitsr. cw Toi k Obsvrvrr- Tliaycar 1872 will leu jubilee jear to the X w ore Obnervtr. whirh wna stablialied in the bitiiuninic ol Tins paper i onj nt tliv umei influential In tlio routitrv ; utul )iu acq ihcd ita iutlaenL'a hy a riued ,l. hcrouce to, and it fearlra alvora-y ,, Hound principlos in Church nod Stuto Il haa bulh a ItnliiuuN nnd n Suoulur Department, kept distinct ; and nl though not iolitii'nl or partisan in ite tliaructcr, it freelv tixpretaia and nb y ilefcndA its views on matter ol pull lie policy. It h:ta been lor alun.xt lull a ccutnrj n liabt in iha Chimin, and n piilur in I lie Pt:tte. It will lcI ebrate ita jubilee by pr-aentin to each of it ulitcriliii a New Ykah Hook aoeuryclopaoilitt of I he tin a1 valuable inlormetiuu i.i reui'd to all tlios matter ia tbe cburcU and iu civil life wbirb avery nue deairva lo have Coiietutitlv m bami. Tbe book aluoe will be worth a vear'e cuhiorin- tioii tu the paper. Sun Tor a apu. 'irunn eupy of tho paper. Now u cribeta will receive the nnuer Irre until Juouttry lat. Tub St. Peter, Minn., Tribune aayt : On the lint ilny ni ih Ktste Kuir, thti eveninir Main lr nu St. Caul w&8 delayed to iivcoiiimuilata thoureat crowd io attendance. Several bun- Ired people were nlio.tr, I. aeven rata lieiiu jammed full. In cr, 'Uinr rli. ruilroad hridjo tlie e,,oitn ec iliacover eti mat tue a aw vu- open. ....... . tie inatuutlv rcvereeii i lie eiiiiine. but before he onuld atop it, ha u na within tour lent of ibe opinio I The bridge teudur'a order are t.i leave the bridge open at oiulit, uiid not know iu( or thinking ut Die train beliiL' aoiue three hour later iIihii uaiiiiI, had turned it. dim nik'ht W-iiitr very dark. the vnitinuor hud appi.iaelteij within teeuly teet bt foi-c ilisvuvertiig the cooe dilion ut' thiucB. Gknkhai. Willi NtiToai II. Eur. a tfullant oQicttr ut' llio I'miuavlvama Uuaervei (Jurinr tho war, died Suit. day at hie home in IJ ooiiiHiitirif, C lusnbin enuQty, reniiAvlvaiiiu. In Mr. Kiit witg a eitiuliiluia of ib Uetuoitraiie tntrty lor Soivovor (jeu erul ut th in Slate. lie u Lenten by Jacob M. Carnphull, J waa jel a youqg roan, and would no itoubt, hud he lived, ' have woo fur himself an honorable plaoo. ,.''. Fbamc' fuanoee aro irrowiou woroe every day. Before the lute war the yearly ein.e wcro about 450,U00,0U0 ; henccldi tb they must eioeod $(100,000,000. Pr6out de. nuoilaare alao prmaittft upon the Gu vuruaieot to renew war uiutoilul. re- tor public building, and ereot (oni Geatiooe. Our fiiiatieial burdena heavv aa they are, aeeu amall com pared with thoio of Kraujo. Gloriously plucky to the it Po. Ilcemaa Helliufor, of Chicugo. who wbco ha found bia oiatero w drv. cuipliod the eonleuu oi ba cider bar rel on Ike roolof bi house, aol tberer by saved hledwelliu. "o omle in a Tilt Rochester Erpret putt it in thia way j " Hoaa Tweed hna uni fo.'mily inslatod tliAt he would " c ime out all right j'' but if tho prcioot difli ctilliea should odgo him in Sitti; Si flat liter would bo ron ilnuht whether he W"ul J "Dime nut" nt nil Hut it would certainly bo "all riultt irha didn't.'' Qi kkn Victoria's gift of $.'.5'J0 lor the aid of the Cliica.i auff'ter. it ii 'tpily rcmrrUed, i an evidenco td a henefici'tit type of insanity, l'orttap after nil, the lndv H only ecrcotric, oT .Vrhranka, t nllfornla. and K turns, and the B. A M U. u Lmnla The " llurlinglon Route," bo called, lies right in the pntii nf the 8lor of Kinpire. It runt almost immediately in the renlre nt the great wesiwnrd movement nfrmrgra lion, t'roeiug iilinoisand lown. il sinker the Miniiri Itiver at three points. Thee three point are the gatcw tv lulu three great recti ms of the trnus-.M.rsuuri region. The Norihern gito is O.nihn where the greui Piicifie roid will luko you lo tlie laud uf go, nnd grape, ninny mioiiiiiun-, and per riu:il eiimmer. The Middle gnie is I'ImMiimuiIi. which o e:i ii on the S, mill li.i'.f of Neht i-ka, outli of the I'loile river, n legion uiiMir pue, on the cotiiinenl f,T ni icMltute and g'ain). Ion here are the II & M lloil i.tud liiud. c-'ticeriiing which lieu. S. llnr- ria' the Inn, I nil r nt Hiirliuglon, loan, m give )mi il inform, ii mil nnd in the lie in of III.-, n is Liui-o'ii, III Sllc Chj lint aii I I'rf rti Tei ininu of Hie rosd The ii i hern gtie I i I n lo Kiinns bv connection wnli the St. Joe Koa I nt II im hurg, riinu.ng dirccl to f-l. Jc and K'tiifA I'lty. The train of the lluiliniioii run smooili ly on I snfely nnd tiuiVe i II e iiiii eii,,n", Il i nns Ihe he-l uf euic.lie, l'uiiiii ill I'uliice nnl Piillinmi dining cur nnd should you like l he journey lor I ho journey Mike alone-, y.ui will lie repaid : or lake ii to find a Ii one wr a I'iri.i, and V, u cannot find eiiher lienor than Atuoiig the l. M. land.' wbere vonc.nl buy on Icnyeais' credit, j and in a lw pitc.i. j Tow I. its F-m H a IB. On M.iiur.lav, I Niivrmber llih, at lie o'clock, p. M ,! Ilw. It. Lat irus wiil offer a' piihlie -aU on tbe preiuis-s, T Towa Lots. Thes lots are ti I feel front and li'0 feet in depth ; are ple i-antly locAle l iieArtlie ,le ol o.p,iin thia , iee, And are vry de uralile for 1'iii. ling pnrponr Toi is a rare cksii'ic to ccuro a lot msr Ihe ilepji. Terni liferal. .Mid llel.urg, Nov. I, IS71. It IA said that if A I H'l of air were lo ne blown into vain of an nniinal, death wi til 1 Iiisi intatieotialy follow, lcc.tue cir. culaiiun wool, I l,,i Mopo l Th I, loo I makes tho rniire c'retiil of the hutatii bo dy every eveu i.iiti.itt ail 1 whenever thia cireiilaiioii ta impa led or any of ita chan nel ate elogged l.y inipiiritio wUich nughi to he c U rie l ntr, diet a-o follows fever or a ilnurder of liver it kidnets, or sirol'ula, or dtepepai. To gel at nu 1 rciuuv the oiii-c of the dirliJ Ity mo Hie old and iu fallilde I.I. .od putifier. 1H. Wai.iii' fal iforuia ins -ai- Hitters' 4t FLDItAL (ifll'K Ft)!! C-rj Contain in Seventy. Two I'aevea nil I Two Uiti it. ri I. t'ni.oi'.aii l'l ri. nicely illustrated, giving plain dirrctiuna for the culiivaiiuii of nearly a Thousand varieties, of flower and Vegetable. r'ull houn I will, your name in gill, pot paid, in Novemher, oil cents. Paper cover and one colored plate, i cent. tvj t'atalogiie of hardy Piilli and Seed for Fall planting, uow ica y nj ent fie lo ' Al p'.icAul. A l ire.". M. fi. It I.V NO.lS. Sept. if, Rochester, N. V. Mia noon t Won a noon Who iv marry. ho not, why l.ia fa). Inie.tlinnt t fan ami Cure. ml iij. Hr. Wuittiku, iSd li;n ht I'lllsbor,, f- ellUy 2,i-:i.iNSfiuovii riunncE maiiklt. roitairraii MtKKLV ur 'xl'rtHI V Son. W heal per bushel tl in llye do Torn do Data do Clovcrsei d per husLel Flaisred do Tiinoihyseed do Min k wheat do I'otatoi'S do Dtiioiis do ( 'Ii r al nut Jo Hut 1 or psr pound Fgg per doten Tallow per pouud Lard Chen le Heeded Chorris I'ried Apple Hiied 1'eacke A'oap Si.lo Shoulder Ham ' , l no i mi! 'Jot Hi i 1 lit ' IlK 04 1''. I 0 lo ft AGE.ST8 WAXWto FOK A ROOH TIliT Wll.l. m: I.I.J ar Taa bowbd Hic.Tvoit nrri'v;. This Is an osliilnat, lntrtln-. mt Instran tlv work, full ol rar run ami humor, twin n oeouill otlha A I'l IK li('S I'KOS rSUI.N A I. I.IhK. his wumlsrlul tricks auil leata, with Isughabl lucliltnt and ailvsntutan as a Mt plan, Neerouiaur, auil VaulrlluuuUt, lllua tratao with I lULI. I'AOB EXQRAVlNdS. tasliles th Author' Portrait on steal, au4 ou Bisroea small euis. Th voiuin s (re from ayobiotlnnltmt tar. iwiag hlab looad anil aioral In Itseharaeier. nil Ill Ii re4 with ImI latrt, tuih hi Ih ul.l nl vournc. Itlth must riBiij an f bis wondsr- Ibrlllloa aeeunla f lliaatlaot of till lls oi uialeal Irlrk, eausln th uueoniroilahl luarrlu.wut ami laiwhtar most I'lieular. Trias, ., with lull lalorsgatloa, sent lr on appllcatlun to IlUtUr l.li A.MIMKAI1, Publisher, Til Sautiim hlresl. Phllallihia, ACCIDENOHIING. FIRE INSURANCE CO., ' eoasia oa mabkbt aaDraaMBLiif v, Arilltlm,i,t' In.' OFtfl ANIZKD, t4T. C, Uvaaaara, Peas. 1. 1). Nhobukbb, V.Pra. H. t. batiTU, beoretury, Vullni U biii lua, I'JlOKiO 00 Insurance Company, of Hurt lord. CJonn. Ti. J. II R .SOME, - Fr!ihl. Wn. H. Otsaa, Aaa'l 8s. l.Qoonwia, See. avvaronaau Ilia, taaavaa PaaraTuai. Caab Capital, MM MM Mr , LOP8KS l'AID IN t YEARS,, COURT PRQCIAMATIOV. Where the Hon. p. R. Wood Pel dent .ludc of the JiidtcUl Pl.irt composed nf lb counties of 8nvdee, I'nlnn and Mifflin and J. 0. I.. Fhlndet and George V, Moyer. Kri Associate dudiree In and for Snyder enmity hve Issued Ihelr prenelpl hairing, dalo Ihe the 2Rlh dv of feat.. A 1) 1871. lo ma direr-led for lit holding of an Orphan court. enmi of Common Plei. entrl of Ovf and T- -miner and flener! court of Q,,4er S- inn of the fence at Mlddlefonf. foe the county of Knyder. on the 2d Mnn lav. (Ii ing the 1 1 1 Ii day of tlcc-eonco. Sf n,t oominue on week Notice i therefore hfrtiy given lo ll.s Toroner, .Tmtice nf Ihe Pe i'-e and O ,n-1 hie in an for Ihe county of Hnvder. lo an pear In Ihelr proper peron will their m! roeird. iniiiiiiloiis. examination and "'her remembrances lo rl.j thi'a Ihinft which nf ihelr olfice. nnd in loci- l,eh i' pertain In he .ton an I vi :,neie an I o.--on pr.neenling in behalf cf Iho Common wealth again! anr peron or ernn nr, required to he thin and there alien l: And hoi ilepariing without leave al their peril. .Iiitice are rc,ui!e l lo l.eioi- r oa! in their Aite'id-mce ai the app t'ni.. I'm nrroe-it.W lo nuiio " " on Ie- me ' ..i I and ie-,i at I' e SiierilTa ofl'n e in Mid l!ehnr. the "Jilih d iv ",i of i.. one thoii-an I - i ir ! I, in, I. ai,d seventy i. ne .lii'lN S Vol F f i y c. euv & co Mim.i:sAtA: n.oci:: cn.VMissro.x mkrciia vys rr-?2 MAP K FT - - . Reiwrrn Fifih and Miith, :.lly PIIIL.MilM.PIIIA. J Xii)NVii,i..; ii-ht. II KM It V LLNFI I1. P pr., ior Th nnd, ntnt.l ,, nf ikl meth .1 ,,l ii,r.,e- In th pul, lie tint l I ., n, hotel al 'a ! lisuied Uee. on to t 1 fr-.iu 'll.tt loir to ha vertown i,Ht l- l p.ep .11-1 t rnlrtaln Hi pul'llc wltk yr-t el , , ii,,, ,1 tl"ii. j.LS li'V 111. hll April t. ISTI. II V WOTTKNSTKI.V. M p. PIIVMCIAM Au St'K. IEOAJ, hKI IN-' IROVK. SNYIiKK CO., PA. (insrs ' Is pntslnnl ervlce t It elilrens ol n.v and vicinity. Jims ::,!:.) if ! l,Vi;t I TOU S NOTIt Urer A leaiaiuentui y lition Ike cta'e of Jv I Fiynioyer. la'e of I'eri v towi,ship. Snvh r j county, iltceaaed, having heen giante,l ' in the iiiileriiieJ. all -er,,n kn,iitij , iheinselvea in,), hied lo said eataie are re I j qii.-s'e.l lo in ike panietit iti,;l ,e!. i , nd lltoa Laving claim on lb asm il! pteeni lUm lo Jl I.KI'll t IMI. i Fieeuior. I vrry tuwnsnip, Ai;g. 14. I". I. ii:m kkvi i.i.if lit i i:f (I, ate Mr. Waiver's t eiiiarvlle snr-ter t'o. Pa. I'tlKK IIAKTMAN, I'roprtstsr. Till lonn e"lllitie,l anJ well Lnnwn h ol kariu la-eo pureha al br n un lriane,l, km I ollelt mat ol tli ,nt,ll !r,'na , I'Lil.H II K I VAN. A TII . 171. J4.COU r. uou iii, WITH JliKKI'.OTII, UKHiiM ltKSMJB A I'ft W MttLLSAI.E ItKAI.LKH IN FISH, PROVISIONS, &c. No, ill'll Norm Wirves. (bns Race Si , i 7tf l'lllI.AlJKLIWlA. 1 1 1 i:n i;i:i( j 1: .1. '.r.sirj-: or -the VF..i: I'srry Township, Snj-lsr I unty, I's. I'olUeilons, I'onveysncinif, an, I all aihr hn.l i ns trtalnluc 10 the off, -a will 1 nrotuiiiiv tlauilvtl to. I 'tn-e near I roiitia iti.viil iiii:i:MiiNT 11011:1,, i FkKri.MtiNT, SNVfiKK til, TK. KM II II hMITII. Proprietor. This new liolel ia now prepared lor tlie i'i'omiii.,daiioli of guei and will alloni lire! rule enterlaintueiil lo er,m vi::it g Frefiiioiil. Lvery etl, rl uill he i.ia.le in f promote 1 be con, fort of iraveler Mupiinn' al tin bona I hoice lt.iior at the l ar and 1 lie lal.le nipt. lie, I nl, tliel,.t tie market atlor la. , n ami I le i.rciion ill. the I, ,,i,-. A pn : W. KOCKI.1 l.l.l.tiW. fllYSH 'MM AND MIME Hirers Ms rreficinnal , vice t th c'l"n Alnl lletiurii nj Hiinlljr. (.lunet-tl Da si.iii:i!S W1IOLKSA1.K AMI tiLTAll, Furniture Warerooms, .NO. Gii MiltTII Pn'ONU ST It c K r, (lleluw Arch, Vt Side.) Fti'l- ri and WhiJr.nl' ji'ir'mi n, loUd .North Oib Si reel, al ,vs lufotd. 9-Stf rilILAlEl.l'III . Ay Tryi .Ni;i,i,.' criKsaoa to rarrvaaa a, i hsw, OKocnzmv ascs OLASSWAI., So 11 North Knurlh htrirt. rilll.Allr.l.PIIIA. Original rackars t'onsianlly on llaad. RrMnld by TUKU'8 SWlNI'.KiRI). i:w I'l KM -AWl)- NKW (jOOD It. CI. HITZKL. p. s. airori.i.it'aM XXZTXSX, k McCtJIlLOTjan, (Sl tt'tSSOns TO JdllM UKTZH. ) Iltal.EltS IN A I.I. KIKHH OF mi:ucei a.musi;: JIIOIIK8T cash i-niru PA1U FOR FLOUH, CHAIN, RAIL ROAD TlliS. Ac, lo., , i , QHAr5MAN . ' fir$ TV ' THESE QUILDINOS, No$. 534, 536, 638 Market St., andNos. 525,027, 529 Minor St., Whoao Salesrooms and Storerocrrij, append J out, would cover more than Tliroo Acres of ornjnd ' making them tho Larjott end I Abma-!a it ? iii rmri iiu. ii nut iri COMPLETELY FULLY $750,000' VVORTR SUPERIOR READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND BOYS, EVER MADE All perfectly llcw and Fresh in Designs and Materials. WANAMAKER & BROWN. . Philadelphia.) ! . l! alll'lH A I.Mti.K AS. - A I ll'l.l-' A PRnrrs, bitjsuks, tiN.xiiii !, Hat H(i ("ejs, Shoes, Jl I'iir la il latl'VV, Fl'lali S U 11 1 -, t.'.ilti i, 'i ,; ... U if, I tv.a T()I1A COS, K.N I I AI.SD y i.i'i.mvui o, ti .u--w.il, I hts i!e. le.l ti e l- (,l ith re.il r jic. . 1.41,1.11.1 1 rM,T ,., Nil hi . , ee i,,r .iii.i. ii) iitcioi I rtlT,.,tr n,ite in l.lui.s i aTi ti i the I..ILS ESTAELIcIIED 183. Tin: oi l lt,l , :i a:, n t Ii 'he DRY j N0I10N3, TPJMM1NG3, Q.UZI NSVARE, Ilarchvaro, Groceries, Ceclar.vare, Hats & Caps, !allM', ( '.ICpi'lN, il 1 'lot IlM. KJ) l-'illtlillr-i. .i.l! HKI ILMi ri TIIM oniV.t.-MTV. awajtj-cuirTUiri.,,j Tle -ol -ri 1 1 ei 1. s i M irk. i and I' ne t i, lies i Ii rl n av tn, i I i, iti reii , vi .1 inlo hi V Y.V . m titiA n i at e. 1 1 ot! cr. n ii Ii .In i vi . t.i.e, t . a: Tin: own riUI.1. fill. I. OiN I INIT. Till! -Tin: c:iii:ai 1 a str:f aiieini ri to hiiniii" n I sell. 11 al il,e l,,r r e. he ll kin U ol i ill M (V ISelitieprove. Aprl tin, 'il. WISH (.ItlMilltl. M'.l7i'.7 ,( (I.Oi'U M A K FK M itkci S; IJid llelotik! 1 V1M0 looated in liii place I would rr-pecirnPv intorio ilie cituena of Nliilillelm -is and ii" in r v thai I am prepared lj rei'ilir I'l.tll'K.S A N l WATl'IIKS cheap and eipeiiitioii Ii. Tin panotiic of tie put lie i r"peci tol'v oii.-tte,l. w. HI! INl'LLO Xliddlehni-i. Vov f - Jacob I.orh. Sihon ia rt'. hoc)) i ilPii lists, IMI'oHifcHS AMI I I AI.I ltN l.V I'urc WhKkeyis VIMES AM a l.l. m ill Ii lOUKluN a Ml lltlnKMIt o, IA tllit Ms . LIQIOKS, .tint. 4 it'U.1 I'ANMLLi:. A i?.t;!. ii 1 1 1 1. Vlifl'l.l I.I UH. I A J. A hllllMkLU. I'roprulor.' i;!: i la , ii .' ii..' vl t' ld ,iyd nell ..l,ll',l-l. .1 111' ,H" plOll.lol' i,,,"-,- o ili'Ml'e ,.l I It u l lit ion to the pi i hi Hi,. I' Iii Tal'le and ti n-and Hie oeooiuiuod i- loii of l'oi 1. li, h i. and leai. lie oliciia a lineiul all. in1 ut I I'll aumiMe. Jalinur) l.l, l.,,, , QllAN. II. IIOV1.K. Wliolesalo and Ueiail I'ealer io llXUDWAKi: , I'lTIT.UV, - S!iA 1 " I . -V -I. .- . ' ' " "' " ,, ' j.i. vi ,'. -ftUMxai a CW iaiwr I I COVERINa LOT3 Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 So. Sixth St. 1 Completes Buildings of tho kind ll. . 111. I I ina wonti. are .in FILLED with our T STOCK OF FALL CLOTHING, KDUIttl, I'.Y 1 1! I M . T 117 I ulllMIAT '? dress GOODS, i:iil,- Mmlf Iolliiii4. I i InVl'S. N'otii'l:.. Sim VI l, Katia, I Willi II Iii (, i: OF ii UO l i All a:s, r-i'ih. S riif, Fli, Ac, ic. '? ' AM) (M(i AI(S. 'Iu', Tail, i:a!;t:-, Kt.1 , V. siol u-k sn e ,n lrt . I toe an.e bv ilia.,- 1 ,,0 tie ii in e mil. .1 .e: n.r -i, I ie.u,ttii; . . i. it a .-..r'tii't ,j A. m,i, si'Hi)' r -e , 11. 11E3UILT 1871. coiiMAi l .t e -t ,in I I i . ii i . A GOODS! Mi'lil! Ill O'iI in the l .rhet .t to I.i- oil ci:-ii't!n't . and a'.l new ii,, l;o -on . iii. lie i Jeiutiiioi' l thai k.ni:i MuTTO I'Ol'.MniL, A in'!' I L 1'. c.-liIrI:l-, i. aad kerpitikl a: ail iit:.cl Hie in,,;' c m. i ock. I,,, I en i i tuerll toll ,l,are of patt oiinjtc. 1'i.nMt'i: takiu in eicharge t' ,r pool. -,, w m. r i:t hi t ..nr. -.tiPt-Klt AMLNhMKNT I O Till- fONSTIirilDN i r.NS I.V AMA. or I'lvp !i:if a n auiet. linen' lo the fotn'mi lion of I'eiinsvlrania. f.'e 1 t,i'l',i '( iKf Sfi.l't ,n f '-li-, ' i'" litt rtt, n lit iv et i ' tp ( i, i! K (; Thai i I'f f ('.lowing h i; r n lr -iif ' (n !rtii,ii h ttf ih.t 'tttnminea ,iih rf y io ihf 'ioile? It ilii'.r ndptioit r rf. Ijff.ion, pnrvuHitt to 'h frovnio'iti ot i he Il9t.lt. iiriitile t.irfof. to wit . I AMKM'MKNT. I S.rik cut the Stith flection of the Mull Arlii'le ut llie ( oi -tl'ij'l, l,, in aet t in lieu lliereof !fcc (cllowing : "A Htatti Ti easnrer ahall tie chosen b Oit qualified siectois ,4 th Stat-', al audi I iiinr an I fr i,di lenn uf ervie aa shall t piescrttii'd lv law." J Mr.S II WMIS, Speaker of Hie House of K,'oreeniaiivs W It.l UM A. W I I.At'K, spaei- of in r-enaie A proved Ihe hftevtuli d iv ot Jus. An n i It.'iiiitii on.' lhoi4-au.l r c L. 1 kundved and r, i,i., ti. , JN.I tt. t.M RV. I'r.'l'iived nd rer ltieltor puilicaii, pii.ii mi 10 lit Teiuli trncle ol ihe I'ou-i-iiiiinMi. t' Ji'itUAN. Seiieiai'V of the t'uiiiiiuiii wealtn. , Mli ' Secrcii.i'V ot'liie liiiii"iweaUb. llaiiial'lug. July all), l,; t .Iv'imo J TllOMl'SON liAKl'i;, Vl t tl-ll.VlltwltlNV, . levlktitirg, Lii l'e , Va. . iT Can i(..rotaotle,l i v ;. v -- ' WEE1XER & WiL30N'S 7. 1' . 'T m sr T t' .M W I u hit ii nil'., v s vii ;i.;ai8t Tin: MUST Sinipif, 1 ui:ill, 'iii'ji jM'-l , .rco;iom?cal & Popular, i I.:; !r ii.,-o v. i-i.:-!i.-ii.wiir,i Ma him I ll c Ii r l s v i : k ami i i. til r,t, I I llSHt IlltHI't1 I'icellei.cy i.f r l:w,,.:v 1 i . i ;i !, .th 1 ' .Ml" 1 l l i . v l"av, rk. erf i n i I. an. pi alei ii u ly i-f lliati m y t tir lie put, lie. . - i t i w. t, v v ca i a line I l I I I I e lio e el 1'iie'it lo puiclia-o ! 11 l;.l '.t,-i n' I ' in. ill til ilte ile-t ..oni tin. e:iinilto llietii. I I ' ill 1 1,1 ,.ii ,iit'.'ii ,e or no. I i i I.i, .-u a .V t' A I! ''IA T Kit. t;.i..i ,i ,:.-i,. '.'1 I i i . -in n .- t. I'hilalel hul. Il'ieti ev a B ' I Imf-lllPOl A I It Mt I M l, r ' la I it n l II l,H,ei,t 4 . o, n'-atil u ,rr ti e " Illy 0,'l,t. e htot lio to till I all r!i'K rtali 1 1 ' H I. C'f .Mllll- 1,111 ,1 1 I lli ew in oft tin I Ii M ., In i. Oi liir' f.rn litm ttie ll,r ' , .li al- .. , e all I ' It. I it'll , - I' 11.. not I -e.i..."l. Ike V, a W It inll U 1 ro'.ti i.rf .o,' - n-ltitw liavom l-rii kr .. . t.:u, a l.ee,.. Hi 1.4-1 tt.e na'1 tbnt h a . k m itl, I cm 1 I .1 i.e .r t',ra r. II 1 . ueo-oi.e t u my n.inie lo ,o,r rs 1111 en, la:, 'll I il li(.l 1 hiM'IIKl:, Met, iiant Tailor. I iTtoout!.. I. ti 1 ."ime 11. I,"l rr 1 ' ) I). C. CLAKKE, !u ).i 1 r mi l ,K 1 1 1 r .11 1 S'ea. 1 I Mt Kiiuill Wn icm, ns't'i'i1 itf.ik.'i ft ten tj aririy.i Triiimmf;3,Ribl!on3,&c. . FANCY WOOLENS In fai'iMit 'nriity .'i7 ?U jiili Thirtt btrect, i i'l 1 rn i a. M' s noi'fi;, Mi Mlelu-g ra. WritZ.., S'irpriitr. ni'i. '.ii : I i': I e!, ir;o, mod- ."-.'. u i,,',',,.i,iiio,l I'iona f,r drov- I' v naire i . W V.iari K. f 1 i;i : .: v .M l .M I' M 1,'l.V. lie ,m l.l. 1 on l ik Ftrest, lei- S'rs,;, I's. w:i.it M lifir n-? f.r.t t.r.M n4 (rtc4t m l M Ii'i-n caI l var l.l Ul.l Uf Uaf t"t- tut lh i .... ui u.-ii.ri l;triitMiutJ. 1 ry i -i ii . t-. mi iii't. itTiieM i m mi r4 1) t ea f nr Df f arfl. I'fili-rw, .4m.u Mi! r ( tl. r !!, nr iu.!. t .'si,e.-i f.-i uttn u nr.! fr1 Ur i.ri -t li-t l nr (.. w-r- rr U. Le?i 9w V"'ia -im Tm ; i l'i c . t. nr. I r : :r-.-i. to VtoV s, t '-.t.vri Mui-te, Pu tur I r:a.4. tit , l it -tl I 4 1 I I' i-t in am A crdrun orrc. If tuvvd ti4 tt-.' I m.l on, or 'lv!:tii ii It'tr K A1-I M A CO , M, t. 1 H:. t.-Bro,, Fi. Q U:tl.i:s Ll'M L'il A .o.v, SSliilIv iiii1 I I:i I'll" i M nUcw, j I'A.1 (t.N MI LK. .'NVI'Ca l'i) , 1VA. I H.WMi. , r.i.K.Lr:.-'. SAriLKJ. iVl.l AH. h an i 1 jl.c.-, r.v Ne e, 0:aw', 1 'ii i-'t ii-ij L.titi n 'he Vine, on Land er I O'a.U lo trier. Pep ' t I roa.p.iv aiteiuledto. l'hafa I ui'-lira . -.til work warranted. A eh are) of I i.M;e pair raj t -iil. i ll V.-. IIKMKLU g."S ' I'att .n i;U. ,!.:r. lj. 1 ? T I - if rrwar.l i I n It m ' I IMI irs will ha t'.i,l ,ir a lae.licii.e lhat ail'l : -.n aneLllv eura) i uou , ,-aia- l l '.xti.erea. i Vi',.i v-':.n, lea I Ntu'-u. IUa.la.-h. I.irer I . u , lt t. H.i'", , nor.ler. .luii 11 , . I.!.t.u ali.'i. . k 1V- ,-i !, I hlM au.l lever. 1 -nis, h.'Ue, uiu r. Ict:r. tlvaf, t.t-, Iii I aj the I. ei ., Mil DJ HtJj auJ I aa'. t, ,l "UlLl liiau IM UOD (LEiXSLK OK f ISlt E. wtt, I (.! uiir eitenilvefy hy vraeleiBg l'h,l -lao i haa a ay iltul (vpu'.ar m4ii., hue n. Ir 1 Ii ,l ,tnii4 , bs4 hy Bkle-lal k tnntor t, Mi'tle'.trj I'a. DR. WHITTIER, fiOO Ponn ttrot PItttburg, Pa. ABItU tivll vPt ktk i r KI 'AlU ft4 tV,- at vw IwWel W- a" - r uMui 4 rml. tU mm 4 Tnm lM tr l I' ita ' -' Tmme &oi t -.i.l ' cr Mvi-VbritU AtWUan l h TMVatt, iJA OT aw MN--i s v wa. 9tm rrt.P, 9l 1'T f tM, ; , ti,. r -.. : i.U m .1 - ! , WJ -" a-ametf t'e l rt -. fjltt el-WftUO aajWa, .kWtwm irU aMif'f . if l" WW . v, hNttaMfSf' .Ih--iraPll N)I,M1W l Ma . t- 4-a. t v MktiUI-. iu. . u ti l"- to e Vi ifc stl eVaU - V Wlha ee.i ... Pf ',lB-i - - J t , "--" -r w" 'Jt Z -aC, . a yi, , A