MIDDL1BCHO..K0V. 0, 1871. - J. CB4CII, IdlUr and Frtprlpler. roa oovtsRon imt, HOW. JOB B. PACKIft, Or Bt'NBCBT. Taeesfay's Elrrllon.. On TaeaJt last elections were hold In New York, New Jersey, Mssescliu sette. MsrjlaS'J, llliuuis, Minorsots, Miisippi, Wisconen, Kansas nod Virglnit, Tor State officer. We brief- 1 iuin up the mult ni follow : la New York desperate) fight woi made on the Tammany Ring end tbe result ii the overthrow of Tamo-n- tj 1111. That powerful eoj corrupt orgnnitation, bee been destroyed by tbe will ol tbe people. Tbe only ro. .ret we bare to espro at the mult ii tke returu of Tweed to the Senate Tbe legislalare bu been completely redeemed, end will be Republican by fifiy-eii tnejoritT on joint ballot. The State ha gone Republican by about '.'5,000 majority. MiesinMppi ie llopnbliean by 15,000 majority aoi elects a llepublieao Le gieUlure. Kaoaas is Republican by aa increas ed majority. In Virginia we have gained two Senator. New Jersey bat elect J ft 1ojo tralie Oovernor but our mhjotity ie tke Legislature line been Urgeljr in treated. Anecdote ol iorgo Hrrmurr. Tbo following good rtory about a former citizen of Ibis place wo extraot from the Philadelphia l'rt II ie ooe of tbe inony aoucJotrs of public tue u which Mr. Jubn W. Forney ia giriop in installment to the reaJera of that paper : " A pood ittory I told of the cele . brat'l Oeoree K reamer, who fiiiured coatpieunuely during tho 'btrtiio and ale' excitement, forty-fire year ago. about the lime Henry City was ap pointed Secretary of ttto by Presi dent John luincy Adams Mr. Krc nier represented; the old t'nion nnd Northumberland CoopmnioBal dis trict ia lVnntylfaBin. nnd wet n fine type of the primitive manner ami rugged Ieuioi'rcy of tbt period. Hi' waa firmily convinced that Mr. City threw hi influence ngaintt General Jiekeon, by which the eleetorial rote of Keiiluckey was ijiven ' Mr. Ad am, for a tuunidcration ; and wheu the firm place in the Cabinet ji ten dered to nnd aeeep.ei by the Kcn tuckoy aiitoeman, liot.rat lie.iri' 'eried aloud nuJ epjred uct.' The sensation he created diaturboJ tin politics of the whole country, and ltd to many differences in pu jio men. Jelio Randolph of Rontiokc dilate I npou the aceuaition of Clay to eueh an extent that the new Secretary of Slate we compelled to t-hullanye him to mortal oombat. Rui I do not pro pone a chapter on the 'bargain aod !.' That episode ie happily i:ner ed by tbe retiring; generation, nod ie no longer recalled a a reproach on the memory of Ileory Clay. I write einiply to rcrira an incident betweeu Raodolph and K reamer, crnmuri tie ot'btith. Aftereioo of tbe peculiar apceches of the eccentric Virginian, which be interlarded with copious qujtciona in Latin and Greek. Kle iner rose, and, in a atrain of well acted iudignation, poured forth a tor- runt of i'etiniylauia liernuu outhej tie a J of tho n waxed and itartlcd Ran dolph. Hie riolent nest iculat ions, bis loud and boisterous toucs, hi defiant inauner. were not more annoy to lb imperious Southerner than to lh fact that he could not uodemtand a word that vasp.kon Aod when honest (jrge took his teal, covered nth prespiritlon, Randolph rose nnd . I.I t l, . t iego-J the honorable com Ionian from 1, , . i- , ... 1 eiiosylvaola to el,b.en the H-nse and the country by trnnHlat.Dg what , lie bad just uttered. Kreraer retorted a follow : 'I have only te aay in re - Ily to my friend from Virginia that when ho translates tfan rl end liftiiiriiu- ' ge., which be couaiunlly usin lor tbe benefit ol u country membora, in te something like English, 1 will be equally liberal in translating my living Pennsylvania Dutch into something that the House oan understand. Tbe lmh was eowplettly agaiot Raa dolph," Abolltloin of slavery In Ilrncll. From late files of the Rrniilian jour nal we glean tbe follow juig facts con cerning tbo recent legislative action in Hreiil on Ibis moat iuiportant cub jet t : Ono of the bill, which met with tbe greatest opposition, appropriated eight millions ol dollar lo po used ' to free about a million and a half of elavea Tho ground of opposition waa the fact that Id aura of money wat too small one of tbe Scoatoea aaylng that by this bill only toulhoutto j elave per annum eould be freed. Tho bill floally paasod appropriate a much larger turn, while the pay for each slave is put at a very low price. liy the plan adoptel emancipation will be gradual. Ooly lbs ctiilJrco born after Ibe paaiage of the ait, on the 27il of latt month, ar to bs at once libera'el It it tnouubt that the whole num ber of salves in tbe empire will aot exceed a million aod a half. Tbo ma jority of ibeee aro in tbe touibero part of la country. Tbe sugar inter eata wfll not euffee from tbe cbauge. It is doubtful about tbe result io the coffee region, where Ibe slave are more aueaerua. A lb Emperor favor emaocips tioa, (be pataae of lb bill by taev Ie g "alative braocti ' of . lb royerooeet . . : 1. 1 . 1 ' . . .. piMucaiiT oeuvtf rau fom toe evil of ftevery. ,. i.1 TbatikMlvIng l-roclamatloa. Hii Gicelleoey, the President of the I'niled State, hrog by hi proo- laiaalioa eet apart Tbureday, the thir tieth ft Noreuiber, 1871, aa a day of National Tliuiik'iriofr : Now, !boref(iie, 1 Jom.i W (iiatr, Ooeernor of l'entiey Ivania. do herebr cordially eomuienil to thefieople there of the obiert am of . the earae aa a day of TbankaieifinK to- Almighty tied for our Htate, Natienal and indi eiJiul bleteinga and of ptnyer for the continuance of Hie gruvioue fa vor. A entirely tin may bo psiblo let boaioet pursuits bo auapended. Let a tpead the day in religious won hip, and in auuh aacred coinmuoings and feativiiic iT the honie c ircle, mid secure It pleaaure and perform It duties n to make our heart more deeply aensible of our obligations to (Jod and our fellow men. " Whnto ofTeretb pralao (tlorifietb tue.'' He that bath pity upon tbe poor lendolh unto the Lord, and that which be luth Kiveo will He puy him agam." (lien under tuy band aod the great aenl of tke Slate at llarriburtt. this tweuly-aixtb day of October, in the year of our Lord one tiious-aiid eiht hundred and evcoly-one, an I of the (.'ommonwealth tbo ninety aixlh. liy the Governor : JOHN W GEARY. P. JoitKiM. Secretary of the Uoiu monwealili. re? OOctal Vole or Pcnn)lTanla, s;. AuJttor Uan'l. Barrarar Oan'l. g f I V I IS. I e Adaml tioi VJ.1 toll AiiKhne U:t lli7 i::ia Armstrong stlt 1u air Hearer Mvl H-a 3ooe IIMIor.l 3ie J'H mM Hsrks Mod 11137 eaai lllalr ua2 14 Mot Hradford (17"7 o7 cs Hui-ka twg eua eeie Kutler t'.vl sst I'ainhrl aw I Wit IW ( aoiaros ana aa aw CnrlMQ 1A4 2IM IvJO I I'rnlra rm 9470 t.'T t'ba.iar 7iua 4'M l'lsrl.n U41 IMI IttJ Clr.rDetd Kll 3;4 ll'il I lint . n let Si n I7T t'niurauia l'Kie rsa iv7 t'rawr.iM ti:i 4:1s 6'.7 I'liiiikarlani 3vo 4WV 4JS I l)anihQ t1e 41 f t.iyl , Delaware s;.h7 ai.w :m I Kik act "T ' I Kria 4'M Simo ii-i I Kayetl 7il 3v)4 miv I Kranklln 4VII t I t'nrait 1M lis fc4 rulloo 777 1114 7t Oreena 1374 al 1:7A liiinilhJoD. auo SIS luJInna 444S SID4 4I.-.S Jetlr.o I'M 17-4 1ifi7 '.liuilitla 1.U4 1C47 Iji4 I l.anrariar 10:44 e.4t 1"77 l.wretKa 342 1'iM --'' I t.akanuB K4 w.j ; l.iiilxa -M l-JJ 443 I Lucerne VI 04 lotl I MokPan via SI fj i Mo rr 4u4l 9:iS 4 131 .Mi'tlio i;ie itvs i:i M.nr. ;,u asvj 7.i'4 siuntKomary vb viia e&rf Monlnur HO 1sj6 Northampton ti4s ei'.j a:. a N"ribuiuUrlanJ 4 " 4 a74 4 uv ferry -.'4; SWT 4- l-I.DjJeh.Ula e Nill e. rue -m IjU '.'t-.i eiupr UjO 7 m l4 M'huvUIII oa n-1 n:t l.nyder 17t i:u I74U Nomvrrat ajflj 17T Jte Sulllvn 4u7 ID 4 '4 MlUlaOBa SAii 24 '7 Su.u l n JfllJ 1741 M 6 t nln 1 a IMi Mil VenuriKO 97 114 .1724 Warren Sl.s 1037 'JIM Wa.hluKtOD 4.4 4''S 4A7 W ina 1 iU1 '77 WeMinorelanJ '704 r41 47'ii y.iulDg 141 1.44 Ua York 67t eive. (7u3 8 J Ml.tl s :s , 1x31 111.4 I Kin N7 , sj7 ; 31(W ; 3470, 40 I I'lj' S7.19, 31.111 4 4.-3.1 4J7.I 4oi 3IJ7 ... 40ll HIT llll I 31 I 3IM I I7h0 1H..0 1401 MJ7 1W13.I 4.W.I 741 .Mo? 1 711 ais 7. 14 ii;o 3107 4V...S4 1'1S 77 M W77 177 7"6 i; 1741 14.M SIM 1'Ci 4k4 'J40 It. I 71W iwiJ ! 14 044 j 30,510 Total 2140U7 34V1&1 31704J StDtou' itKM'irtty uaaiu 1 aisjuruy Tbe Tuiiiiiiitiiy I'ratiiU. The joint committee of ciliZ 'na an I sllpeivi-ora u-p nuieJ In lavesiignte j the charge ol fiaud ug.iinl certain 1 city otbculs. hive reported tho result of tliuir inverti.-iitioiie nt a finnl meo-' i titiis of their committee. The r on ol Mi. Itooth, cbairuian of the citi-l Zens' commitlee plai-s, tbat tho re port of tho different hub-comuiittees ret iu the fuliowiuj couc. ii' ue : Piret. That iho t-iiy debt, calcula ted at ilia pieeeul rales, ia do ibluik, i.,n,i Th,i S't noil nnn 1...... 1. paid for repair to tin urtnories and drill rooms, tbe actual eoai of which was Ices that e.'1 0.UUH Third. Thut ivcr II. (OO.OHO have .li4. lUHt 1 fO VIIAVU.Vi'V Mill 1 .... .... ...i... . . i ttrulLMtru irr uuol I'U 4111 UOIIO M h whi-l, budding ctlip0lt.(1 , ln,r ,.ri,0 of the C. t , w ,l)1(J b lka $ , oo.OdU. i t-'.,,,i, ti,i .1,.. ...1 round lust tho antes, carpets furniture, plumbing work, planiering etc., have con over $7 Unu.UUU, which were vnlued nt ?C25 0 10. Filth. Four LuuJrod and ii'y th u v.in i dollata were paid for Sdti.UHU worth o! lumber. Sixth. The printing, advertising, etc., have cost over l7,U0i,0U0 in lea than tbreo year. Seventh. A large number of per iod are 011 the pay rolls of the city who rendered no services for tu?ir ! aries. Kigbth. Figure upon warraits and. voucher have been fraudulently altered, and the payment have been made on forged eudoraeroen'a. Tbe teport rucomroeni that the city expenditure in every depart meot be reduced to the lowest ojini. hie limit a ilntulutoly uocesi-nry, and that as the demand o the city treat ury will oeceuiia'e the borrowing ot Inrie sum uon, uppeal uiutt be made to capitalists and uiooie J iosti tutioiit fur oino. l b committee regard the exieting city debt aa entirely within the abili ty of the people to pay, but if tho ex peoiiturea of tbo paet two years an I a halt continue, tbe eowroitieo appre Leud Blarming ootuouoiiec to the credit and tyosperity of the city Then follow ia detail 'he reei'ts of tho committee's labor. ( whicli tbe above report ia asyuopais. A few tear ago, the daughter ol Qoork-e Stinger, s werlthr Gi-nuan of New York, were married, aud be di vided hi property equally b 'tween them. Tbey very hooo set bitn adrift. and be bad bten, euffeiing privaiknis o Ions; that be applied to on of 1 ham on Friday for siaiaoce, but she drove biai awar with ibe charge to never darken her doers again. In com p II BC with tbl reqaeat. Mr. Btisger tee old lo proviJi for biejeelf, cat bu ODITt'AdT. Dealt of ! MatatoB. Nw BaioiiTon, 1'., Noe. 6. Co lonel Darnl Stantoo, Auditor General elect ol thin Stato, died eaddenly at hi reaidence in Ihia place at ten minute past 1 tbie niorniot;. He hat been u ffeint for a day or two with herpeaia the face, causing him mock pain, and about 7 o'eloek last ereoiuir he injected a email quantity of mor phine into hi arm forth purpose of quietiag the pain, which had bocome eery eeeere. and by this he was ranch rcheeed. Sleep enaued, from which hi wile found it impitneible to arouse him. Dra. Jackson, McKenny. Wi. ana. and Reed were auininoned, aid used every effort to bring ahout f t action, without permanent effaot It ie the opinion of the phyaician ikat, in tuakioit the injection of morphine, he punctured a blood vexsel, which owiu4 to the peculiar atate ol hi yt tem. was the immediate cauneofbia death, lie was forty two year of K'e. lB. HAVID arAJtTOJt." The above diepatch imtes the death of Or. David Stanton, the eucccsHful candi lute for Auditor General nt the recent olection. This atartling tin uouoceiuent will creato a profound Borrow throughout the Commonwealth l'r. Siauton. although this was hi first appearaace in public life, hud many friend and admirer. He was a res ident if New llriijlitoii, Reaver coun. ty. and a ion of tho Inte Dr. Henjamin Stanton ol Ohio. Ho was born in 182'J. and wheo twenty-one yenre of age removed to his lute p.aco of re idence nnd commenced the practice of tneu iciue, a proleasioii lie was active, ly aod profitably eaaged in at the lime uf his election. Tho evidences of hi nierit and quivlificivtions were ap paront in diplmuiis Iroui the Cloveland Medical College and tbo Univeraity of IVnnsylvonia. In Augual, 1 1 . he entered the sortie ol his country aa orgeou of th Oral I'cnney Ivnuitt t'av airy and was connected with the Ar my of the I'ot iiimc until promoted to tb poat olMiigeoii I'nitvd Stato vo' tiofeera. in Noveml er, l$i'2, fruin w hich date until be reaigned. In ! comber, 16", be acted as superiuten dent of hospital, and a u-it nt an I nctieg iiiedicnl director of tbe North ern llepartilietit. on til "talis of lien era! Heiutx dm:to an 1 Hooker. In 104 he was brrvetted licutenuiit Col ouol, a ii J lHtij was made brevet Colo uol. The Jioctor was of tjiiakcr do -cent, on old-tliiio aholitioiiist. nnd a near relative of tho lauiented Secretary of Yur Stsulon. to whom he had a ti'ong pvrainal reaeuitdunce. On the llh of My j"t he was nominal il f ir Auditor General by the Republi can convention winch met nt llurris burg. lurniL' the recent canvass he e umped the Stnio. and nt the election received over 1 1,000 majority l'ieti Triple iiurtlor. A farnior neir Hs-riihti!1 name I Kiiianual Sh'itTfier lins recent! t lnnn -r,-.i.,.l nm ik ,.r ..Ai..i.. nr.. .iv..a nrl .1 ...,0. ni,.d St..rlni-U ( who was huaband to one of hi. d .- ! thuaiaslically. Smith first knock in l.uln Ti... .-... ,.i w-inn,.;1 he man down a.. I then asked In ilav anvs The fuel aeetns in he cleatly estah lialiel that 111" man Sharlnck and the two wives ol Kmntiuel ShniTnor died Iroui the elTeete ol poison iidtninisiore I with a view to murder, but who the Kuilty parly is rrnmiiis to mine I hv the e uria The I C deter I diiinter-' incBt 01 llie lira' wile. WD'en was an - iwunced yesterday, revealed a Htie of nlTairs whieli leaves ecsrcely any room 10 d uiht but thut 'he fell n vie. tini lo poison. It is well known nmonir medieal authorities I lint uraen ie impede the decay nfdeai bodiea, and the fart thtl the elomnoh. liver end portion of the inlestieee of the doeeas-d were fmind in a reaaon.ihle state of preaorrntioti, while nothing but the hones nf the other portions of the body which could not be reached lv internal applioatinQ of pninti ware left. The physician wlineiiperiiiten. de l the exhumation arc a'nioat pol live that thevsuw iraenie in the liver, etc. Tim purts aupp-iaed to bear tra - ecs of poiaon ure n'w in Philadelphia underuoinu' eheiuical anulvlis. Ii the meantime Shu finer, the accused pri soner, is in jail awaiting his trial hy the Dauphin county cnurl. Tbcnli bre of the legal talent emploved to conduct the chsc ensure a full nnd couple inve,ti!tian nfthe fact. Terrible C'liliieae Klo(. San Ftuxcisco. Oniobpr 'J4 A ternhla ri n is uoing on ut Los An.-e-le. A flk'ht liavingf occurred in the Chineso quarter, Officer Rilderoti at. tempted to iureat a Oliiuainau for tliooting another. He was resitted, and he cullod on Robert Thompson, a ci'ixen to nasist him. I be Cbin-e on both aides of the narrow street oiened fite on both nf them Mr Thoiup-on fell, allot through the brost and died 'mmed'a'cly OlTleer Ril dorsoo waa xhot tdrouich the ehoulder but auoceeded in welling on dorse baek and escaped. A'Mexican boy, natueijuan Jo.o Matideres. werahot through tho leg A mob eoon collected, and the great. at excitement prevailed" 1 hey at tacked the whole f'hineso qtnirtir. and were resisted by tho Chinese. Five hundred armed men surrounded the Uhinete quarter to prevenl any from escaping. Fifteen cliinain.a ware banged by the won, and their houiet tot on lire. Tbe lire waa b w evor etin.'uiliei. A rti-patcli dated C p. ro ray tbat order at I.os Auuelos dua oeeu par tially restored, and no mme IiI-hiUIih I hat taken plaon. Several Cli ni'inn have been arrested and lodged iu jail We bar utUcial relurna nf lb-' election In Ohio (Jan Nuyv llep ili- lican rBntl'lare Tor ti'iviirrmr. nettle d 23S 273 Tine out of 451 373 in him b uiBjorii 30 148 oer h i D 'ni Oi-ratio opiiponent ThHre is s alnoideil Itepubliceu tiiajiirity in ibe Lvi'llure "B joint I'a'l d. wbieli insures luij irbms leuMaliuB lo tbe State, and tho re mi ll of u . Hefjuhliean IO the Untied SjaUs Heuaie, - The realt ia band sous and inplriiin-j, bo I fulr.UB to ithe eioeetBiiotiB of our IrivnJs lu Okbv ' - -T- - i . . ' . -.' . -V I 1. J J a.i ll ' c i Small Pox Rxmxdt. On acoount ol the prevalauco of the email-pot Bt tbe present limn, it may be well to republish tbe following oxtract. which waa cut froaj a Bewapapaer et'Vrrnl yers nf 1 : "Cubi Pot Smli. Pox T h treatment of amall pox ia the Slate AlinahoUBO In Maisarbuaett when the disease has prevailed during ae vera! month, ha been ninKularly enc. 0elul. Oat of about (ixly case but one fatal reault bee occurred, aod hot was the caae of a inao who astk -' to the house Irani a neighboring lo.n. ia the ItatBtage of the iliiteuse i'b The remedy uaed with eo much auc ceas we a tea made front a plan known in tbo Materia Medic as ssrra cenia purpura, familiarly called la lies addle or whteriup, tbe medicinal vir tuo uf which lie in the root. The -t-led of tbe remedy, which has leu newly discovered au l found remarka bly elficiont wlieu ver used, is to ul ay tli4 fevtr an I in'tV-i ri cu.jl tiy the lonnaiion of pustules, which ntv rapidly dried tip. leaving but 'light, l aoy tracoe of tho malady. Til a Report of the Department ol Agriculture for the current mouth nives the product of wh vat, rye, oat and barley for 1 87 1, as ascertain l after the threshing, compared witbtbr crop of H70, and the o m liti m ..I buckwhent, corn end polatoea at ) nt of report a compared with on aver nge at that atsgo of thoae crops Tho nguregate wheiit crop of the country ia estimated at about acv n percent lea than that of last yrar the Urge increase in I'eonay lv.mi.i New Jersey. Marylanl. Michigan nnd Kmias. luting more than luliuced ly the reducad . product in tho grca wheat produeiuir State ol the Vot and the general failure it, the S u'h ero States. Oils lire ahout rqiisl ! lh( crop of Ijnt vein- in tiu-hes on a large ucreairn Uith en increased 8--reiie barley Is nrarly a full tivernire crop, of medium quality R n k iti at i poor drought nnd Mo.nt hnve h turosdonc much injury Souih.hut li e increased acteiige in Ilia cutuu 8a'ea will swell the aggrcu'.te loan umr Uiie crop there; while tho heivv corn Slate of tho Wept iudicuto a lull aver ago yield. Tbo cottou return lur October are now less Uvorahle ibau thoao of Scptuniher, and ind eato that the erop can hardly exeeed three millions of Unlet mi l m.iy l.id eve" lower with future uufavoreide weatu r. Thr nraani-a of Enoch Ar len 6 . tin tinroninntic illutra'ion ia Yrgn. ia. One John Wiley, airivate inn Virginia regiment, was wounded lu ring tbo early purl of the ae, for a long time cotifiuud in the bo-pi. jlil. and took the oith ol' tilie-'iam and went West. Mrs. Wiley morn jel him as dead lor lour veirs ail then beenme .'Ire m. .uiuli. lew tlav.s a.'O, aa she a t on tiie p -t i ,of lier h'ine. a hl'on.eil traveller mii- ProaPliej.l and ero'.t Be l.er IUot f I who he was ! It was Joliu Wiev. h i--j bund No l. Ilia Iveling crestl) W'-un l (led nt bid reception Kxp una' ion nnd apologiex lollowod A c onpeo ' inisc waa elleclvd. oud 'or I J HI M j Wiley ngreod to alart at once fo;' C - oraoo, 10 lenil ll 110 uioru ''nr. Ib'tnocritic iiewetinper- lae 1 (lie asliitigtou Vlruicle) nre umk na a treat t.utery over the iiem. i j and Hrret ot officer ho id -fiaud llie I tiuverninei.t. Tbey argue that Ho 'prove increased "corruplian in to niansgeiMenl of our (tovernuient. It provvs jirteixcly the couiraM Is the urreat ol Twee ) mi mcressu corruption in New York, or a chirk ol it 1 Ia the arret.! uf Hodje 110 in 'crease of epeculation, or a check un. it f TI10 lint is, that under the ml j miuiatralinti ol Andrew Johct in ami former Ikniiooratio admioietra .0 e thieve operated undiaiurbed Un ler jthe diniuistrtion of President Gr.mt 'they are caught, tried, convicted mid i Impris u I. Tliis proves not O'.l. j integrity, but vigilance and ifliciency. The ollicial eiaieitienl nf tb l,i-e nf the Germ in m miea Iu ring ibe la e campaitin has just been publiedeil. The loss iu kil'ied is etated at lS.uO The French nlllclal reorl hue not been published yet, but the lollo-vioif figures from the Paris Seof nr- con si'lered reli .bo ; 86.000 flicrr n "1. COlllirt ir.rillie'l Jilioers, and IOIV were either killed in hallc. o- I ,'.l of their wounds. A ui U ibhij -'ii-tra.il, yet easily aeeounied for. woe it is i uu.ider. il. in r uinecii 01 ih oth'T at teulio cireuiiitailCaa that the Gt-rnuiia uern s nus ..Iwiya rir. tor, and 1 he French us a unii'r ol uie annual alw-i ''efenti-'! The liquor law of Ooio nine. to- dealers reap ui-ible to m eeitain rit-oit for ilioir buxines-. ina.oHich as ,1 p -aula tbo wives id Drunken men io n cover dama.'HM for loss ur injury f e lowing tho use of Ijq ior sold to t.ueh tue entorci'iiiuut c Ilia 1 law. b' tuight deslura that il is perilous I ae)! tnlho in eiuper.it" hu biol. a ' aecordmgly they have insert, d an ;'- Verlii4eimn entitle J. Nolle to w v of Intempcriiie Men," kinj lb "in lo turuib a liki nf their hn-bail " prounhiru ilmt no liquor ebull be mi'" lo llioao who aro reported. MEW ADVERTISEMENT Ti;u:STKKS NOTICK Noti V herein lron to all aoneerneiL hsl tke loiiownitf uaiiino r.i.n ntva mail tluir a-. auuaiala IU Kawlsiar'a IMBre, st lidoiabnr Hliv.ler aouulv. and llol I lis atM aei-vanu w.ll ha ixold lor oonoriaailoa and allowaiii-a at tue iirpuans' i-ouri io be uaio at MiU'iiabuia; lor Ika I Uiorly of -nyder, on the Naoond Monday ol liei-eujiier aaat, Italic the llik W eald month, elai - I. I be account of Innlel vTalrlok. Juardlaa of Henry Napp. oa of Iba ttloof Ukll Usu ol Iao Miippdacaaaad. Nov. a, 17I H D. hCnUCK, Raglttar To Consumptives- The ad vert Iter, havlna kaaa parejanenllv ear. d ul H al draad disaaao, I loutuiaptioa, by a al rene-lv. It ana out to aisk m bit faboa) eur- larara tka uiasas of ear, lu all who ite.lra It i: ' ,.l I. fl fell Vef SoJ I is T v . r ' TT T . - bbmiu i iu t rrrei nil etii'i leiiiiii utes hi aw- aelag ika eaaM. wkl-ia thof will Bud a -ess ,h correct iu Ilia brat ..f our il'TA Ctaa ..r:oaerwrrio, Asthws, liaoauMiTi.. liwlaiiira aad belief - " "--V m. eulke eneklcw tl.e Teireef rlnll.iei will ,.l..u nwicnre aa.l oeiiei. - 3 . '". . C" fv." as". wit, . A. U. 171. . ... . , HtaaY .I.HTIII'H. i": Ji.i f u i .r u,7i : .t vriel ear BCeae a -.- oay iie.P-aafar, a y- , , bm hobis aim street wuiiamtburgk . y ' ji. u. AN2 " en r rjtataof IJBfirsBTtI.I.E EBEUKR daa'B. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICK. Watte It harebr iIim that latrera ef Ad ailBlttrailua oa iaa aa'ata or hannaTlU Kram. r, l.ia of t'kenma townaip, Sayrtar -eoaatr, SaeasMd kava keait e'aaue to tka ixtaralcnM All partona thaaialraa lalaliad la MM .tala are reqaeerM t m.k p4Tmeat witkont Mar aat tk.iaa kola elalat will prasant than eaif aatkeatirated. t-KKKY KRtSKH, No. , 1171. Adnlalftralor FUBUC SALE. Tke aubacriber will elfer at Public Rule, ea tbe prtmieaa In llaniitrrille. ea Balardair lirrerolter. 941, 111. Tbe fnlbiwiBf .a.-rlto.l Vabuh'te lias' E'la'a, in m, " . c i -i . tusu ia llinn rvtlle. Wea' Hearer-Sown, ahip Huaiier I'ouaiy . Pa. wii hln t wo nib a of Ibe Hmihiirj sa l Lewis own Hailroa l, emiiaiuinf flVK ACHKH The ioitiroT. rtrnit eoi'isi ntaeo.il rwti Hfoitt ii ! to:: I known as iHKt k .V 5 IIDrKI. .. Waati lliiuat. Wood Hb. l. H irn an I n arr aeees aaiy and oonreuirui nut bail linrfs. Tber ia ooil and nerer luiiuift tier conretoeul lo ibe boune, aud su eidellanl yeuuy llr cbard of t'boice r'ruii Traps. ALSO I KS Al ltKS Mount m LsuJ, Hastily Tiiuberrd. Haie lo e.iimiieti. ul o'clock. A M of ami ils. wnu e.in liinna will tie made knowU bjr Ll.lAM UllltM IN. llauntrTille, Not. 4, leTI, 8KI.I1KIMEU, DEALRB IN Iron, Kails, Steel, Leather, Faints, Oils, Coach & Saddlery Ware AND MAM'r'Ai Tt'HKH tK Covcn aV Tinware, MAUKf.T KTHKF.T. LcwIhIo'ivii, Nevember U. IH7I r l'onit'ii, JViS HOUSE, Lcwiatoivn I'n., E C HAMIL.TON Proprietor. ajrln every respect a First class Motel. R .onit Brat and eomluriabte. Table aup piiid with Ihe ilelicaciea of lb aeaaon. and waiieri. atiantiee and ehliglog. N'o2-"l'f Estntr of Samuel ruhrman, dee'd. Ail d i S i l.attan iMIitltllt.S .Mil KM'. attara of Kilmlulntrviliin nn the a.lata of aniual rubrtusn. I. la to Itavar iwti., .-.njoler, e.uuly. ilacan.vil. liavlna bean urauli.! lo the un ilervlaoeO, all partuat knowlhn ILvinvalva- la ilaliied to laid nw a are rtiu-t-l to make pay niant wtiliout dels, aao Ikoe having ctaluit on Ike ma will ursneni tlieio lo 11 L.N It Y t't'llKMAN. Oct. II. 1ST. AiluiiuUirator. B M'!Ki'N!:K IIOFSK (Opiwaita Hst.llOK Katlrosil laot) M till 1 llSOIII jj, M. U. XiiXiVBIS, aYroprlotor .i . . . ... I arKvary allnrt neat.iir to Injure Ilia cum lori ..tgna.u will a ma la. Iha loma k.t i.ro awlr KBiiaU. u. ocill.l'llt fjy Ir! iiitOVK.it X I'AKElt aLalltC-l.V IlliprOVPll Shuttle l owing-Machine 'nil-: niiHT! IMkV' Tkia t'elebiai I M icjiiue oiakaathr favorite LOCK STITCH X Hun. Ks'i.r and lleurr an I Namer S o her. and make- ork ibsa anv oilier Msebine now io n-o. lit mp-riei uy .ivi'i-a' nil er acbinea i ackeowl' t by a. I who bave ever aeeu ii work Tbrae hue litreui an I lolily respecmhin f.tieti ul itoa Connie, aoiiiirf aa juilyvs, swaubd IIIK U.oVbll I.AKKK IM rnoVKl) Mil l I LK .XKWI.NG MAl'III.Nt The I irst Premium ai Ibe 1st I'ooiilv Ajrr.culiHrsI fsir of Snyder S . M L EI (Icioli.r IS, 71. KaI'mT. AotsT, . ttfli ajirove la. JOHN II. AliNOLI). Vttllls.V lit I1IV, .MllUI.KIiL'lUi, 1A. l'rofe.hinal biifloeee innutteil to bircare :!' betoimpil euilvtl lo. r'ab J,'7I z.ui:s :.Kiu:u l'.H'i'RTEK OF W I lies ISraudics 311 Nurlli Vlilrd Strut, rnlU-ulpbU. 1T.'f OK'hi.E KLINEDao'e. I !. 1 1) , . M 1 1 I K I. 1 1 ere Tatiamaniart on I lis rotate uf (laore K ilia, lata ul ifeaver town nip --oyner euuoiv. le'U lia.ltia taeu Kr.(ita iba innieiilsa4 all nr..,ni kii.iM .L.u.alv.a liidabla.1 to aalil , a aiu sr.-rrqu.rd t make p.iuieut witbnut aia) alio lu. aa batlna rl om. will pra'uni 1 am lu 11411b Vh A h.1.1 l, Hot. 14, l71. k.toi tua i 'Mil..-. !k.i !'."" . (Hi "J Til- I nirl ii . U.t n. i . t ill ,.u i - :, II tu 'vi.Tiri..r Jsuuart ' t7 ' i ...... S. A I KM K.t llr U' VI'.ll'T.-s .V KXPKVl.ll I NFS of the school Fond of the horoogh of HldiltelmrK lor two leara Irom June x ! IMU.Ui June A. D. U7I. Joha lloab Trvaeorer and t ollrctor: lilt. Jubu Ho b liea.urrr v- einisaut ol ua lli -aie I I year A l. i7u ivn ta il.. do .do en 171. icja Mate ipr iprulln , lar U70 4V 'i 09 w1 . tail ai aa 10 Teal amount f In ebtrdne-s ! Iiut piiMiaurd at .ten ei.t June ISC 4.SU ot Te.rher. a -I ii v no t" is.i-1T . I7l tux ou Am unl pant P-r ual Ao , l 70 IllacclU n ua -lil Ou . 4iU Je Ml K, h"le . 'li't ' urilar p.M k- Irao'f oi I lie .ee.Mil a l '7a . 'il llicl UillnaT : Inici-o-l ' lll ii,n .ail ii.s m liODliia Inr Is70 aloe is7i , " te '-I'olleeior'a i-ereent 'gc for 1S70 Ml! ' .. . - .. leu . a 40 - t per ei-nt all.iwe.l taipu)era Orel two monlha V lar . . ,) i Mil do do do do 68 as aiutof lndcliieloaeaoMlupileiafii'7l BU al aitaaa 10 Hi am-oiiil of orders nild. Including lb elodinif Intereel an i la.l pablleliCil June . I l7l 111 n " coi l of in e'l educe " j.lrloi Jan A. U.IS7I 101 A 'V F.I re anderale-ned Anoliora nfthe llnrouah of klPtdiai.ura. do eertlly lhat t tie lerefilu mi I ;anI)T, I -1 -.. Orphans' -Court Sale. I! Pnrntaneo of an order of the Orpkanaroart ofSnriler Poantv, (raatad I tka aniiartlanad Aitmlalitratur or Ilia anata r DAISIKt. TI R()H tr., daeaaeed, will kw aino-ad to I'aqlle Mola, oa tka pr!aa la Wast Parr, towoahlp, Sa,lor aoaat,,oa Friday, lerrBabir 10, The f illewlB daaerlhad ealnabla Real Katate, to wit: All Ikal aartala aMaeg aad TKACT OF LAND tsitaat In Wavt parry townrhlw, n,.tar enwntv Peun'a , b anrted on tka North l, land or t red arlek Rltlnpand Henr, Troup, al k, laad ol l.avi Teats, Month by lan.l of Jok Mr no p. ) land i.f V r.lrlik K Killaa. eon l.inlni, uNr. Ht NliKt;i ACH ..-s, mora nr la... wnereon are arei-tod a two etor, wa.th.r Imardtd HU l.l, ,1N1 HOt'MK, a lsra llarn, ami nihar aeeestar, oat bullillual. Tkar la aa eicellrat OKl llARll en Ik preml.ee and a f.prlnjr eon anlanl to the houta. A bout eeventv aere afaal.l tract ara olaarad and uadar good caltlvatlop, tka kalaac ood Timber Land. .ala lo aoaimanca at 1 n'rtoi-k n 10 on eald day alien laraii will ba atada keowa aad ai tendance (Ivan by liANirl. BTRtU'P, Adai r. Waal Parr, Uwoiblp, Otl. It, i7l. Executor's Sale. The undrraif ned. Etecutnr of lb 1' Will and Testament et John J. Klin, lai or Heaver township, 8oyder County dea d, will t post to public al ob lb premie es, on. TUESDAY DECEMBERS, 1871. The followlnf described farm or tract of land sitosi in Heaver tnwnebip, PnyJer Count T. tinnnded anil discrthed aa tollowa. to wit : On ihennrth by lands of I'sniel. Mover, John W. Kline and Xnmoel Weaver. south by lands nf Michael Plait, Samuel Moyer and Knchael tliefenbnch j east by lands of Oeoriia Hassiniter and David Tula man, and west by M. Uloucb, containing. 295 ACRES! ure or 1e. in a good stale of eullivalii which ia ereoiei a good House and Earn ! laree Wafton ebrn, Torn crib, 8lder press, and other necessary and convenient oni hnibliiiea. Uood and never failine; water near ibe bouse. Tbrro flood Apple Or ebarda nf choice fruil Ireea oath premia es. The farm is supplied wiib, good tint, ber, and ia an ailvntod that il can ba ad vantageously divided. If Ihe property is not sold on th diy adverlia I il will be rented for one yenr. I'eraon deairou nrpnrrhnsing a Isrge farm wilt do well lo viril tbe place. Vor further parlioiilare cull on Jees Knepp, Middlecreck 1. O Snyder Co., I'a. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of aid day when conditions wilt be made known hy JEdSK KNF.I'P, Sept. 27, 1871. Eieculor. Ilouell if Co.'$ AJuntnementt. "WIDE AWAKE r..r.V T " a lo.o pair ortubnrb Kraneh nil I'hromaa- -sub- jerit l.l I K Sl K. eioeltlta fe tlmllaa olorl r n al nil l'alutlliii. (Jlven Awar to avarv tub tor lar to IIKNRV WAB.II UELCH ER'8 Oreat Literary, HalUlous, Weakly New.pupcr Auenti liavl-a great auccpia ! (ma took 1,000 riamep In three months ; another 0T1 In t dayp i anuinar lis in one weak i ope 47 in on day, and mimy other evuallp wall, making Irpm nd ilotufio par tiny. Tahat ro right! Ao old auent who knnsr. tsys : "I t"lnk It th bat ba iuef-lor cauvatners ever ollered. Sorry 1 did not euae sooner." Pay' butter than any book aaauaney. A rare ohanc to t ka mono,. LOCAL AllKNTS WANTED. Intelllucnt ' men jnd women wanted every wbaie. 11 yuu wl.h smnl territory, send aarl, lor circular and terms t J. II. ri'Ktl . ('II . -.17 lUrk Hlara, N. Y.i 11 HrooiniiaM bt., Hoiiod; aa eat .ila.lln.n M., I lilcajj. A'JENTS WANTED FOR THEYEAK ofJUTTLES Zbe liltt.iry of the War Iwlween Franc and (lorinativ. cniiiracoa aluo Pnrla under the t om niune ltd llliinlratlone t 84 pines; price, M-0; .'io.ovu coira already. 1 tie only coin, lets work. NotUlna eqnult It to tell. Maklnn ld.eeo copies iwr "nmiitli now. In Knill.h and Otnnan. I'erins unanuslleil. Oulili el.t-V Addrem H H, (JouliM'tt- li a I'll., 7 I ark Row, Few York, WOOD'S HOI'SLIIOLD MAOAZ1NE tuiliiS the eoiu ii . yvttr U evtti nibiLTHer uf AUrry1 Muitum IU I'ttir l.i Hl (t Pttfiif my' T'Ainm-riit. rf -J WfttC ie ti V isluili U Ul lie) W ul LU UUit UiUflty riii i unlit it, uu , wrilavir every iiuiu ubar. In oiuouiiih. Ii offers three first elass parlodlcala lor iba prl a I ene ol Iheui. A variety of preni luim ou ei-uslly liberal term t. It I. an original not luHK.iilro. Vuiuui Y teglnt with 'fTTTrnjii ?7c'lme,i enplea 'rca, Addrtsu S. S. WOoTJTVsai.uia'T.'- k. EVEUY FARMER la Invited no send hla adilreaa aad tecelre Faak ud Pottage Paid a oopy of lb American farm Journal The moat Pructleal, the Beat and Chesne.l 11 luatrated Agrlnultural per In the rolled Males. Only 7l coiiu per year. Nrnd fora peoluien eopy. Address All Lb Kit LUOKtt t'o., Toledo, Ohio. IsollcltsRt by HUMNBCo. Fabllahera aoieaTirio A atiaioaa, 17 Park Row, N. Y. Twenty-ttvc years' axperlanec. ....... Pamphlate containing Patsat La we, with fat I directions how to obtain Palent free. A bouud volumcof lispaaca, containing the New i en.ua b, vouutles aud all large eltlee, lsuennravlnaeol Mechanical .Movameuta, Tat ent Laws aud rules for utitalutBB PaMata, mail ed oa receipt of 2i caate. Tka nldeel and most reliable lnatliatloni Obtaining a Mereeutlle Kdnoatloa. ear Praeilcal bnalnaae men at Inatructora. For lulorniation willa for a eireular to i P. Dl'FF k SONS, Flttekurgb, Pa. n CONGRESS ARCTIC. Tie BEST v Inter 0VEK8H0II NO Bi t HLKB tO BPOBB I iliOTKUCBLE lODOieBl Neat, Genteel, hitimii 1SI lOlRSHO 9KALXS 101 IK AUKNT8 W ANTtU. Agenitnak more none at work for u than al any. thing elf e. Bnalnesi light and permanent, par ticulars free. O. heaiaaoa h to., Fin Art PuVlltkart, Portland, Maine. ft Ami A MONTH t Horse farnlthcd. Et- penaca paid. H.B.hHAW Alfred .He. a viuiiOTTACKS. A vleilm -f early Indie iV eralloa, causing narvoaedaalllty. premature T. . - -in i...inu irl-it In v&ln avarv advertis ed reiiie.lv. baa discovered a simple meane of olf euie, Ohich he will read to hit lellow aunat era. Addreea J. H. RttVES.1t Naetaaial. N, T A CABD. . . A rierivmaa. while realding la domb Vraeriea a a Mies'onsry. dleoevered a safe md eimp'e remedy for ,lhe eureit er- one Weakness, Faily Dee.,, Dieeaaea of I'rinar and 8mtnal drrae. aad lb bole train of disorder b"uhl oa hy hsneful aadlvialoiiahabli. Ureal narnhcr have been enred by ' Ihia ndhl remedy , Prompted by a detir ta henna!, lb afflict ed anJ nnfortniiaia. I will aend lb reoip Ayr preparing- '! uaiag ihi m edlcioe. la a sealed eavaloo. la any eee bn need U free ol eliaree. Addreas Jul T. IkMAB, Hit ilea D, IHbl House, N. V- City. ' Dwhu A Co', Advrtiirnunti. t r. --vil . " Whltne'r Irate Foot Jbfow Kcjup-f r. WIT -- K mt. . x.. . a.a--. . aa... a-a ri "V r ' II aaj. 11 1 pa arm ana IB1 UfleBl mma J Hos,e at the same, lama Pel apt fa lar. end small sTiebogce, alai i - - - ".. . : . : in a ia. aara Has a-aa ia aea nsr IHraaasl..a.i.i.ii.-wi... , Haedttamj) fer oar ,WetAKBlA. Area for f X. --!i-- "iS!!? L 11) , THE flELPKR ahawa ana how u aaea aaaa. thapr.-nta, aad how to oi taln thaai. JJ ' to aver, farroar aanillng rams aad P Ci '," la ZllQLtR BMuCUHbV,PhUidalMi.,,.', v.--. vw. vw a...,, v ,w mi m . . a -n- dalpk,p,,N FREE TO AGENTS - A boand eanv aialaf aoot of th ' PICTOni4L IIOIE niULC CeaialnlBK ever too tlinviratlont. With i,. prakeaalv U, sloped la axplaaatorf ol tbtyi,' la Kaottsa inn Oiaa-a. ,, WM. FHWT a CO., rhlttdalptit snFrtTB WACTK' FOR! LIFE IH UTAH i- m an bxpoee id tbe Cijvrel l(nM Bnrl M VaTBRtM Cf MOB MONISM. With a fol and athenlle history of F-olvtim. y J H. BEADLE, fclllor of (h Ball VJ,! Kennrter. Asanta are meatlne wl'.b ennreeedaated nt eas, and reports la eubaorlbare In foar datl' awothas 71 In two deyt Sand toe Circular. ! a what Iha press saya of tka work. NAriO.t AL I'THLlMtilN-lt'U., Phlla Pa. BOOK AGENTS the aaiiearlptloa Una wblch wIM aa hava loa want. - nuTVII, I- aU at tlgki ii vary lamuy, The I'Ii'Toimat. riMti.v r rntorri. - i.uoiuilin la Ih only work ailant whleh aatleAlat (M, want. It Is kaavttrnl and Steiklns, eonblnlnt an enllraly new and ale (ant Family PhuiJI aruph Alkura, with aenmplata FaaiLT Uisto. ar. Foil particulars and elrenlara rraa. AddrattOFn. MAl.'LF.AN, Pnlillahar, 11 Baneoaa HtrasX, PhlnVlatpkla. w.ra.tCIIICAGO "haGrKEAT CONf LAO RATION Theqaeen flty at It waa, and la. Th hart, let of 40 yearaaao The Oram city of yeaiar. day. Tba Nmoalderlna; Rnlna ol tndav. a raphlo aeeotnnt of Its nneiamplad riaa aad vlv. Id plotar nf lis sudden destruction by Oolt A I arai.ii, e'dltnra of the I'HIrAilll l'HIllt NK. F,e wlmeaMaand areat aafttrara Iroin the terrible vlaltatlon. Alllha malafaeia and Incident attandlna thla areat ealanillror the eentury, are pnrtrayail wlta sarprlalng dlt. war, the err vet on linmmarca. tlnotnnaa and poa In.uranca . fullv dlsoaased, and datalle ( a viirm vyvpaiaaiio ravpnnaa raeoroan. Felly lilutraie. erica low. a (ante thould apply bninellataly aaihaeala win be Immense. 1 Irculnra free. Ill UH A HI) BROS eubllahsra, t BanaomHt rail. I'Al'I IO.N. Bawara of Inferior work.. Ha aura Jnu a.t t'ULBKRT a, CUAMHI.K-LAI.-a'B EDITION. Wells' CarboUc Tablets, tOR tUt'OHS.UOLDSli HORBENBBS. These tablets present the Aeld In C'orablnatlea with other affletont ramadlae la a aenalae form. for iha cureot all THHOAT and LUNU Dlaea eet. HoARaastaa and cl aiurioa of the T i not-rare linmedtalely rellevM. and atata- m enta are oonatantly kalnf lent to tka propria, to ol relief la eaaaa si Uroaldintoallleeof yeara at inillni. a A TTPTATtT Ion'l be deceived by worth- UIAU AAVillm imltatlona. Get aal, Wdl't t-arbtlte Tablets. Price IS Cta. par Bes, JIIIIN U. KEI.LOOU. 1 Piatt 8t.. N. aa. e lor oirouiar. boi Aiaata for ui v. B. Reduction of Prices TO CONFORM TO RKDUOTONofDUTna. I UK AT 8AVI.NO TO CON8CMKR8 ItV Onttincr np Oliibsj. 41 'Kand for onr New Price Ltat and a Clak fora will accompany It, containing fulldlree lloa aaaklac a larae eavlna w eoaaamara aa ru n earatlva toelukorgealiera. . Ureal Ammcan 7 Compaair, tw IlkU TESET BTRFF.r. P. O. Sol M4. NEW TORE. JURUBJE2B A. Ille NOT A rilYSin-Il Ii NOT what Is pea. atari, railed a MTTF.HS, nor re It laiendaaae auch. It la tlmpl, a Mouth American plant that baa been u.ed lor many years by tka mediae! facult, or those Ci.untrlea with woaderfal a mask er aa a powarful Alterative and Juequaltd Pa rlnrerof tho Illood aad la a kar aad Perfect Remedy for all Dlieaaat or the The Liver and fipleeu, Enlargement ar 0b eirucllon of Inteatine. Urinary, Uteri or Abdominal Organ, Poverty ar a Waul of Dlood, laiermiiieat r Re Biiitent Fevert, luflutumaUea ef of lb Liver, Dropsy, Bluggith Circulation of lb blood, Aba eeaee. Tumor. Jaundiee, v Dyapepiia. Ago k Fvr - or ikeir eoaeomitaat. Dr. Wells- Kitrsrt of JrBDREBl. la ottered to Ibe pnl.lle ae a great Invlgorater aad remedy lor all Impurities of tke kloed, ar fee organic weakntaa nlik Ihalr atleadaal avua. For the foregoing complaint lUUUIlEnA Ie confidently recommended t.. every hoatehold remedy, and skould y family aa a aoavcnoiu remeuv. and should a free) ui.. In all darangementa of the avatam. It alvaa freely lakaa bealth. vlanr and tona to e.H ike, lel r-r and anlmatee and fortlSa all weak aad lya OMN U. kfcLLOOO, 1) Plait St. New Terk, Nolo Auent trtr the t'elr-J R i . . - Prlr Oae Dollar par Bottle, head for Orcein TUBA-NECTAR I- A Pl'BB HX4CK TBA with tbe Oreea Tea Plaeae, warraalad ao aalt all taataa. For tale evrrywkvro la oae 'trade-mark" poaod aad half aeaad paekagee oai.T. Aad for sale wkolaaleealy by th OtiiT Atlabtic k PaeipieTaa Co., (ekarah ki. new York p. o. Bel Mc. aeaa lar laaa Flaotar Circular. O'CLOCK. m, A MCiNTH. Horse aad carriage Bar. nlehed icipceieeaald i laaa alec vaaa . KIIAVr, Alfrc frcd, 'Sc. RIFI.K8, SHOT-RUNS, RKVOIv VKRM, aad Oaa Materlala of every kl. Writ tor Price List, to Ureal Wealcrn Oaa. Warka, PHtakarah, Pa. Army Oana and Ba. volvart bought or traded for. AgeaU wanted. Woman Know Thyself. The great pablleailaa bf rrr. Chaveeea, T0- iH Am am a wuit sturH cat, will aava yea moaey and tutterlng. Agcnle waalad, evary- wnere : lames preierrca. ror tarme aauraa WM. B. tNArlafcUO. 740baoem I t., fhllta. delpbla. 131,000.00 .".r.:."e.".Tr. z rut: la inL uutRii." My Tt. W. W, llar.L. Agents Wanted. II. rf. Mi KINNFV a. JO UMerlhTlh Straai.PkU. ailelphla. Pa, . ,. , PSYCHOLOGIC , Faboinatiow oe X Hoal Charming. iMnaaaa be Herbert Hta. llton, H. A. How to ase thla rawer (which all aoa. eeeel at will. Divination, rlptrltaalttm, eerier lee, llemoanlogy. and a thousand oilier woadara Price by mall 1.W, In aloth i paper covers l,OC Oopy free lo cersnta only. 1.0O0 aaanthlv easily mane. Aooraea r. w. Mano,ril, 41 a.aia ' Street Philadelphia, Pa. ' r- CBK1T tHtSf I TOE A"Tt ' I 1 Tloyoa want ailtnalla sgsjni,' local I 1 or traveling with ehanec to male t t I ftl per dart celling car aew 7 etraad 1 f u 1 Whitb Wriaa ULo-naaa Lias I Tay I -vl ll forever t temple tree, eo there Is aa Baa waSricg, Address at once tloraoa Kivaa Wiaa Vem, r. Water St. k Htktta Laa at.'t .or I Uaarbora BU Chicago. T ., i. . .. FREBTOi Waiwlll tentda eaetua of ear Wei anuaoma rrae BOOK illuilreted Fam(. 4y MM eoaiala. ' AGBNTO lUtflnlyM 1 1 1 - a. arwaiuae ao oay iVwk agan1reedlohrga. Aid rca Ha, lOHAci i lrjauaaliu Co. rhiiadalnkl. Pa. 1 1 1 j i i . . i . ; i ""rjt ellrtelicai"aie. fcrVeSki;l ' it On t r-tVacTveaee ef geeatac raetaa . I .11. QA y,Z tMle. "si aS - M w i ip-- . . llrcea. -U ks Uraeejletcl .1 .. Ut aac) laealara a rr ' a rtMBRV. r. j.amHTm WANTKD rOR l-nriTT ATTTOTT Aft TTTfl . I Thl. .malM BIBB AttlhMm IMOK II1N Iai-saa a me w"i . : . a T . eaaraelaw. to as """' '"r eBUaeetlt lete4 IteUl it "'. .".j'-1?! i -e breicwe-Ht. us. aassi aaa aaiearaieaaw., ' - . awe - - . i ' :.. i - i L.-. i- l.li. lu oaMaltlMa la SS Bab. 4 r"r, .iv,i M1 .""'"it li'-MJ. - ' i throat id ejieal. . 4 ... ,l i -