The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 09, 1871, Image 1

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: rabUhd every Thursday Ivenlng by
jiEiiut cbotii, rmrMr.
Terms of Subscription,
wiihia tit avontbe, a S2.60 If set paid
withia ths year, ft paper discontinued
ntil aH arrearages are paid anlett at
the optioa of tbe pohtleher.
subscriptions outaide of tho county
BW rrsns liftlag and atlag paper
addressed lo other becowe euberlbr,
ad art liabla far tha prioa of th paper
One cetuaiaeae year $!0.tO,
One-half toluaia, oae year, (
One-fonrth eolema. ana year, 11.00.
On qnr (10 lines) on Intcrliaa 76.
Every additional Ineerlloa M.
rrofsaeloaal sad Ruaiuea Mrd of
sot snore than tv line, per year. 4,00
Auditor, Fiecutor, Adoalniatratar
snd Assignee Not lose 1,40.
Editorial out lot per line IA.
All advertisements for s shorter period
ihaa on year ars payable si lb lia. a
they are ordered, and if not paid lb per
son ordering them will be held responsible
for th money.
W 4
VOL. 9.
. J r. '-JE-
NO. 35.
Middleburg, Pa.,
OaTara hit profaaaioaal service lo tha pab
lit. Colleotloae and alt elhf r profusion!
budaeea entrusted to hit aara will reeelve
prompt atlaallaa. Jaa I, '07i f
Solinsgrov Pa.,
Ofrs kli prafaaaioaal tervlce to tha pub
la. All baainaaa (strutted to hit care
will b prompt It atttndtd to.
f Jao 17, '67lf
Kreeburg Pa.,
Offtrt hla Professions! aervloe lo tha pub
is. All bualsete entrutted to hla oart
ill ba promptly atttndtd lo.
Jan IT, 7tf
Lewisburg Pa.,
Offers hit proftttlonal eervlee to ta pub
lia. Collections and all othar Pio csslon
al batlaese entrutted labia aara r ill re
eelve prompt atttation.
Lawisburg l'a.
Offer blsProfetiional eervtoe to tha pub
Ho. Collaationa and all otbar profession
all bualaaaa aatruttad lo bit cara will re
lTa prompt alttntloo. Jaa. 8, '7tf
(gaeeoseors to J. r. k J. M. Llna.)
ATTORN BY8 AT LAW, Lewisburg. Pa.
Offer their profeational aertioea lo the
public Culleetloae and all other pro
fesstoaal bnainaaa entrutttd to their care
will receivepronipletteniion. f Jaa. 8, 'HTtf
ScliiiHgrove Pa.,
Offer! bit profeational eervioot 10 iba pub
i to. Colleotiont and all ot ber professions
ensiaese aalrntttd to bit ear will re
eeWe proaipt attention. Office two door
aertb of Iba Keyalon Hotul. Jan 6, '0
Selinsgrove Pn
Offere bit rrofettlonal lervice to the
public. All butineaa entrusted to bit
cara wlU ba promptly attended to. Col-
leeliaaa saad ia all parte of the Htate
Ha aaa apeak tba English and German
language fluently. Office belwaoa Ilall't
and tha Toet office.
xrMlddleburg Snydur County TcutTa
flffee a few doors Weet or the 1'. O. oa
Main alraet. Consultation la Euglieb
and Cnirsa rs imp ft. rrp. titt
LowiHburg Pu.,
Offers bit professional setvieetto Ibe pub
lia. All busineee enfrueted to bit care
will ba promptly attended to.
.Tan. 8. '6Tt
Fortona la need af a good and durable
Sewing Machine ean ba accommodated at
reatonablt prleet by culling an on dan
vilXaVit, Agent, Selintgrov.
Jan. 24, '6e
Middleburg Pa.,
Ofert Lit professional services to Iba eit
iient of Middleburg and vicinity.
March 21, '67
Ealinsgrore Pann
Peon Twp., Snyder Co. Fa
Jaeksos To jrnship, Snyder Co. Pa.
Will attend to all bntinesa entrueted lo
bia aara and oa tba moat reasonable
terme, March 12, '681 f
a a m a - m tfi. Mm
Offera bia profeational servle lo the
publlo. ... . u odii
n RAYB1LL Co.,
JT Waoissais Dials ia
Oil Clothe, Window Sbadea, Broom t. Mala,
Bruthet Cotlon Lapa, Greta Bagt, Fly
Nets, Buck!, Twines, wics. so.
No 845 North Third Utreed, PhUadelphl
Fab. 7. '87 -
Fraeburg Snydar Co. Pa.,
Moat earn rat fu 11 alars bia service to
tha publlo aa Vendue Cryar and Aueiioa
er. BaviaB bad a larao prlnee, I
feel confident that I aaa render perfect
ssiisrsetaoa to arty ampioyeoe.
Jaa. , '671
Offiaa la Court Hauee, Sept,li, '7if
No. 322 N. TH IRU S
1. C. MirJa, Clark
411 41 Nartk Third Street.
; rkiUdtlala
SUUoDtra, Blaok bawh Maaalaturara
ad dealer la Wrapping, Blaatlaa, Cur
Ulnend Wall Hh faaar Ra ia Oaa
WUokFWartar-( . -7
t3)Mae Ti-4aaa afeava Zaaa
Heloot Poetry
Harptrittvi atrn.-k a nobler key or drew
a finer eontraai than la the fallowing t
What erarea fool I has'! tome lo I bia, Ibat
a mob can orarawo
Tba guardian'! of aty children'! rights, my
aerranta clothed with law t
That Ibay ahonld weekly truokta, when
Ihey abnuld ba mom stron -.
Se recreant lo tha ca aa of right, end only
brat a ia wrong t
Abjeot and wea ! yo trembled when firm
ye thould bare atood.
And linked your ia thote of men
whote hande are swift lo blood t
Your very tlaree end loolt in wrong your
matt era bate become i
Tbey raised the award above your head.
and you ware meek and dumb !
Trallora to law and Me, ariee, and lo Iba
rearward eland ;
It ia not fit Ibat ihey should rule wbo fear
a nion'e command.
But Orel lha leesod lean Ibat I am here lo
Tba rifthte of all my ebildren shall be tha
rigbta of each 1
Tha lowliret tad tba weakest bare rights
must bo protected i
Therighla of all within lha law must be
respected !
Columbia knows no diffetenoa of race,
creed, or condiliea i
No cbaia npoa the eoneoicnce hare of Slata
or Inquisition I
But oh. my ebildren, native here, or- seek
ing bera a home.
From Old-World tyranny and wrong, when-
site aval an at ann.
Can ye not learn lo blend ia peace, a free
ann nappy nation,
And diffrr but aa freemen may, wilb gen
ereout toleration t
Tba land le broad enough for all, tba awt
are framed lo bless.
Strong to protect tba rigbta of all, and De
ter lo oppress i
And if the ritbta of one may ba by many
trampled down,
We might ae wall go back to lorda and ru
ler with a oiown.
And you, if al ill yonr craven bearta ean
feel a manly throb,
Leirn toleration don't include submission
to a mob ;
Oo, gather up your scattered wile, find
ever, from tbie dny.
Remember ibal my motto it, "Give each
and all fnir play."
Marrying- a Wile nud n for.
''Have you beard tha news about
Mb Temple, Ned V uid Charley
Atibtoo. ni he taunt ere J leixarly up to
tho desk which Kdward Farnham nc.
cupied in Mesira. Smith k Jonei'
odiee on Wall alret.
The warm blood colored Ned's
cheek io apito of all his atrugitloa to
prsvent it, sod he replied s
No ; I hope no harm "
'Well. I nhoutd cuea it wasn't.
Come put up your book, and is we
so up town I'll tell you.''
"No ; I cinnot leave yet I hive
not finished my balance.''
"Oh, pshaw I finish that tn morrow
before tec o'clock. I wouldn't work
ashsrdos you for any man livin,
much leu these banker, wbo think
all o fellow is raids for ia to work and
make money fur them. Come along '
"No ; I cannot iro.'
"Well, then, tha tale io short is.
he's bsd a Kig fortune left bar, soma
ay fire hundred tbouiaod dollar.."
An involuntary sigh escaped Ned,
aod be ratber muttered than spoke.'
"I'm sorry to bear it."
"wny, wnstsgoi into you, you
aiooy f Sorry ! Why. I haven't heard
soytbiog to pleas oe so much for
manyadsy. I always liktd the girl
bat I'm not philosopher oanagh to
marry bar for love alone. My doc
trine is, whan poverty comts io at tba
window love gnae out at ths door."
"I'm sfraid 1 don't agree with yen
io all thing, but I have no lima to
diaonaa . it 'now. Miss Temple, in
my oplaioo, would ba a fortune for
any man, did sbs not possets a cant of
money." , . .
"Pbbaw, Nad, tbat'a old fogy Lore
in a cottage I hat bal Well, I liked
her pretty well before, but cao't balp
tbiakiog ho attractions vary consid
erably onlsrgeit siooo I heard that
news. Never should I hive thought
of anything but a pleasant acquaint
ance guoea I'll go ia lor her now.
Good bye, old fellow, aod don't burl
yourself working orsr those books."
Nad made oo reply, but be felt as
it ba would like to grind bsoeath bis
beat oae who could spaak so irrever-
eatly of ber, who to bit idea, combin
ed every grace of heart and miod ;
perfection of form aod feature, which
should make op a perfect woman
Ills thoughts torned to aelioa, and be
caught himself stsmpiag bia beel oo
tho desk stool with sucb force as tn
almost dent a bols lo it, aod loooking
op, saw Mr. Bmub's steady nato Cl
ad npoa him. ,
Back to his work bo tried to bring
hit Ikeagnts, but thoy were not tub.
jeet to his will, Bad be (bead blaaolflo
great daogt of Writing tho thoughts
paeelug through, hie mind- ..''She . Is
lost to ma new. Ob. howl wish It
hat tmr hspmd F ' flo tnul tho
'b.nV put awy hia iupara. and with
lliiit dreamy. W, faraway kind af
look. pavel unhveJiotfly aruona tha
thmntf on tha nrnoey ruirt of tba new
Charley Anliton lost no limoln im
proving bia opportunities fur that
nicht found him avalrd Utr-a-trtf
with Mi Temple in coy little room
in twrnty-fii M atieet
Misa Tempi wjg an orphan, and
had for jrara lived wilb ber aunt
hr-r Tatber'a nixter. An Income of
lour hundred dollar a year had been
lel't lier, wliicli at lo;it supplied all
naorsary wnnta. She waa nat a.
siiamcd t'i nn hi her mint abmt mn
oy tliincH amne wo ild call mnial ;
and in firm and (nature, hrart and
raind, all h'T rcfiiaiiitanc'8 id, fully
atl'tuini'd ill liih opiuiun w have
teen N I Farnham ha I of ber.
Ere tba evening whs over, Charley
AMiton htid suoiee lel in appearing
deeply io love, and not many days
paased ere he proposed and vraa ac
e'p!el. Ofulllicr mule Hcqaiinlio
era Mi-a Temple hi I prarrrred tha
iwoyouo iii'' n tnetitioaud It wan
true shf h:id rmbr leaned to the qui
e-t. tteady Mr Fornbain, but of late
he ha l ceel visit ber, wbilo Mr.
A'hton'a prrteuce hud bean alnvt
constant. Ilimco ahe'had perttuadrd
htrmlfthat shu loved and accopied
Charley urged a tprejy uiarringo ;
why, csuie in converiatiia too lone
for toe to detail, whurrin It appeared
that aorue of ihe 'boys' on tha ' ktreot"
wore fixing up a pool to buy a ccr.
tain Htoolc, an I our frie'i l Ailit n
wnnted aotne of the 6v humlred thou,
and dollar to put in it. Aoua Tem
plet preferred a longer time ; uracil
Unit time would mako tliein know
each other better, especially ia the
intininto relation tbey now iinod
t'burley trowi-d hp would nevor change
aal he knew that time oould Dover
devel ip any faulit In her.
"Uut'raid Mia Temple, "there it
another reaaou, and I tliiok I can be
traa with yeu now; I havo spent ao
m u eh of my title inoonie an I aunt
bug Do ipore money that I hare no
uiean of delrsyiujj ibo noco-ary ex-ptiigi-g
Hut you have the fortune loft you
by your Australian uncle, aod evao if
you have no nceival it, your agents
will certuinty make an advanco.'
"I have no fortune, dear Cbnrley.
U irao thought it wa mine, but tbe
fortune to which ynu probably allude
waa lull lo my cousin, Mia Anna
Tlionip-on Temple, to whom I intro
duced you at tbe Philharmoniao."
"Ah, it was indeed ! She ia a fa.
vored yoanjt lady j and how much
doea aha receive ?"
'Iteport said fire hundred thousand
dollars, b ut cousin Nan has been in
(ormrd by the agents that there iabut
ten thousand dollar in nony, the
real in bouses and lots at Molbourne.
valued at ninety thousand dollars. I'
"Ah, well, really, how thee thinus
do spread. But to our matter ; I
Ruesa Miss Anna, yea bad best have
your owo way.''
Tba hours of that evening dragged
slowly along, and aa they lengthened
Mr. Charles Asbton's manner became
mora sod mora formal. Us left,
and Aons's warm bat't waa red at
she thought over tha eool msnosr
and tba cooler parting. No sleep
came to her eyes that night.
, "Cm it be fib aaid to beraolfa
thousand times, "aod ytt it roust, fur
bis manner changed almost from my
telling bim Nannie's fortune."
Tbe out night Cbarlio was not in
his plaoe, aod tbe nest aod attll more.
About a weak after, a short note in
formed Annie that having last all
bir earnings io a bad speculation, ba
could not think of holding bar to ao
eoiranement which would be out of
bia power toooosamste in years.
To say this did grieve ber would be
falaa, but did not require maoy duys
to teseb ber that she bsd not loved
Charles Athlon as sba should tho
raao aha ai to marry.
Again our two young moo met and
this time oo Brosdway. Cbirleygay.
ly eaaoterlog aloog, hailed Ned io bis
old lamily way :
'Well, old boy, off early to-day J
"I've beeo promoted, and am not
obliged lo work so late, though I do
ofleo tbio I tbiukof tsklog a rid
ia lbs park ; my boid bataabsd much
of lata, aod I am mora oirvoui than
. "Bhooldo'l workw bard ; doa'tget
aay tbaoki for it. Byiha by, that
rortans of Mist Temple's turos lobe
all lo Ika ya.w
now wbt'i that,' waa lb eager
M vYttlj Miea fiSswtkod TtawDk
hud about a hundred thouiuud left
ber ; bat It wasn't our prrlty little
"But I heard you were attentive,
somo said onjjaed."
"Them's no telliox what might have
been, but for that tool of ao ancle ma
king a tniatnko io nam"8. However
it's all over now. You know that I
nt toast, eao'l afford to marry s pmr
woman, no matter if she is a peri
I know t bit you entertain some sort of
s notion that love, etc , will do
hat It la all both. Qive mo thedimes
my boy. When poverty emus in at
ihe door, etc . you know. Taka my
advice, and drop all aueh foo'ish ideas
Ashton iniiihlia well have talked
to t ho lamp-pott for ill the hearing
Ned Farnhitn did. Whit ho w.n
thinking of we cannot say, hut he did
not go to lha pirk that afternoon, but
tho eveniog found bim in tho littl
parlor which so ofluo hail been gra
ced by Charley's preienee Kro the
eveninirwa over he had ripluined
hi long ahsence. td 1 of bia better
prospects, and off-re I his heart and
hand She akd three weeks to
consider, ho to visit her as often a
ho pleated. At the end of that time
be was accepted, and Annis learned
what true love wat.
Here my itory might end, hut there
is a seijual. Sjine months after the
ciifat:euiciit. Mr. Smith, tapp-d Nod
ou tho shotillor. ttnd meutioael him
to the privato office.
"Cioiiiu lo marry my niece ?"' stid
t bat k'eiilleiuan.
"I tttn etigi'cd t Mis-t Anna Tem
ple, sir, ind we expect io s quiet wa.v
to be married one month from to day.
But I was not aware tbit she ws
your nioco."
"Neither was I until a fow days
;nce. As for your quiet way. un
derstand me, nir Ihe child of my on
ly Hi.stor can he married nowhere ele
tliao io my hou-e. Come uow no flinch
ing I've heard all about. But aha'
poor poor ua Jobs turk-y, and I've
too maoy children to give her more
than a decent wedding.''
Ned did not undemtand the eiprea
aion on Mr. Smith's face, but felts
little sngarod, and replied :
"1 should never have addressed her
aod I would releuso li or thU uotosot
if I kocwaho wereao heirexs."
"No. you don't ; no you don't. 1
know you, aod I know the wholo sto
ry. Ydu csn go.
Ned pondered long over this liou.
lar conversation, but got no Hatiifuc
tioo from his own thoughts or ntia.
he replied only by a smile and akixa
Notwithstanding sll the urging of
ber oew found uncle, Anna refused to
leave her aunt until the time for the
wedding. The event cam, and the
ceremony was over. Then Mr.
Smith called the youog oonplo io his
library, aod drawing from hi sale a
strong iron box. taid :
' Now, young msn, you'r lied haul
and fast, and I'll tell yoa that you've
got a boireaa and a rich ooe, too. A
fooliab brother of her father'e, who
would go to Australia, took it into his
hsad to die, not long since, and lelt such
a botch.up will that it kit taken over
ail month to gel at lb ttrsi.'lil of it.
We were bia agent, aod kept the
matter to oorelvsn. because it was a
larue turn, and might create iiu poolers
Ws soon disposi-d of the one hundred
thousand dollars to Mi Aonie Thomp
ioo Temple, but the contents of this
bog , ons hundred thousand pounds, in
eoosuls, wo used nioro scrutiny in as
signing and in tha oourae of our iuvsa-
ligations, I not only found tho right
ful ownsr of our trut, but the ibil 1
of my only sister. Sir, you are wor
thy of ber, and what is of leas value
ber fortune. The morning papers
will aanouncs you ss s partqor lo our
A broken-down spvodthriA in M. ad
rill gave lb lollowing toat at a din
ner: " Hera's to povsrty it stieks to us
wbeo all friends forsake OS.'' There
is truth io this; but bow few cars lo
number porerty among their friend,
and bow few too, labor aa diligeotiy
a tbey should to keep from its uu-
welotnie embraces. Tbe uioet casual
obaervsr cannot fail to note tbe mass
es around him ; ihora I scarce ooe ia
a score who does net appear to be
courting tbe iotioiaoy of tbta eompaa
ioo of which it mty bo Uuly said, it
atitketh closer Ibao a brother.1'
The young aiso who begias life with
no other capital than a good aarue, a
strong arm, aod his owo energies, baa
iba world before btua and a otmpe-
leaoe If he will for io this wooderlitl
couatry of oars wo do bo believe it
poBsibls for yooB wf thul lo wia
ning a livelihoud. and Iying aside
something for a rainy day, utiles he
deliberately resolves upon the oppo
alle. Oi'Ciaiooitly ono of sucb laudable
intentions, and practices is met with,
ons wlu ha early learned lo take
ear ef the pennies, knowing lint 'hi
dollars will take ears of themselves ;
but for every instance of this kind we
have a dozen who appear to hare no
thought for the future ; who. a soon
or before they esrn a dollar, have
plans laid for the spending ol it, who
spend all they toil for in extravagant
dtes, eiders, tolmccn, luger, sq I in
luct ntiv and everything hut thut
which will prove of permanent or in
deed any value to tlica.
These ar tho on-a who from early
youth court the emliiaces of poverty
nor do t ht-y woo in ruin. It c mien
as certainly aa that discae, distrrace
and degradation follow indulgence in
atrong drink, am) liko the young
Spemllhrifl already quoted, can with
.all sincerity drink Ihe tons', "Here's
i to poverty it sticks to us wbeo alii
friend for-nke us.'-
liestrurlloei ol Rats.
." yean aro, wo look possession
of nn aneieiit nisiiKi n, in wlil'eh the
rat reigned supremo. The nights j
were made hideous by their n"C
tornal ramble and gymnastic The
rnViilM 1hi;V tiolil liuniwlntil hIm... frnm I .
..... . ..' ,
was held on lb" sidn of the ripi tN.
,nnd several remedies were proposed
but rati, i alt, wero ein"idered the
.inly means of defence; an two ijnod-
nize.l urima'kins wore procured, and
ihe conflict raged during a wholo oa-
7 .
son, .Many ol l lie agei ot the tribe
it,. .....(' ii o..;....t fl. -t. i....
. ' piauo, now-n d .y we don t go any.
the prolmeness of iho female was too . ... '
' , . , ! where without seeing a puoo, rer-
mueh fir their cneuites. tho catn. I , , ., ... 1
, , ittad tbe wil.
Auother remedy was thnuht aacli , . , . , , .. . ,
11 A till vmt I ilnn t Lniw vf.l i..
found: copperas or Milphate of iron,
, ' . ' ,, ,
isvery ohnoxtoua to rats. Mis it
1 .. .. ,.
null ii r'llici4 III tnv vol.- ,
limn way, slid t ta tiie c ipperai until
it becomes ijuite yellow. Wilwutb the
whole collar wall, aides and celling,
giving two coals ol it if the uoderpio
uion is not well covered at firt. t"'cat
tor the green cryitaln of the ooppcras
In uvury etc vise nod cbiik ia the
walls; throw it broadesst into the
corner of Ibe P'Ouh, nnd your rata
will mako s grand stampede for other
aud moro areeahlo q'lurter. At
least that wo. the result from our
J .... .
hurry.og and skurry,,,,. in rst lorn ; a
l t l. . -ni...t. T I ...
morning the cats hid rut sport in Hie
woo.l-hou- and barn ; the rats were
attacked, snd foree I to surrender W.
iturom'mt. The cats could not eat all
thoir spoils in ou day.
It is nw six years sin-e tb rop-
peraa w hitewiah. or yellow wab. wa
applied. Kery Spring, cry.'.als of
copperas ar thrown I'Ma dea-t ab on
the cellar, and nn rat dtres bow bis
wiskerhead. Oeeasionullv it timi I
queak or a ftehle unawjng it heard
in th.' wall. The s .u.nU ar fr .ro
new comers, who soon bout a retreat
There ia no ga nbnling among ti e old
rafter no p'symj had with butter-
inui. a of ror. in the midnight
hour One hue cat. of th maveu-
linegenler, keeps wu h an 1 ward
aver the premise, but wilb nil his
welching snd prowling around, he
csnnol feed himself, snd foreed to
aeck bia meal in the kitchen. In a
cloxet a'hero wee mice delighted to
erepao l steal jellies snd sweolmtat:
bits of the
copperas wre s-istterad.
snd not s traee of them i to be eu.
Last Autumn our neighbors were
sadly trouMed with rat ; apple, par-
nipa..q,Usbe..od .pple.di..,p....d:ro(llu..udm.k.i,l,okl.keo.her reo -
por, but the eon'eutt of pur botes
were untom bed. Tb coppers does
not seem to poitoa them ; no dud
ones weie founi, eicopiiag tlue
brought in by the eat ; but il appear
to be oboogious 10 them, qd it they
" raiuotwio the ranch."
Tha coppen i an exoelleot,diin
leotaot ; no letter ao be fouud lor
purifyiog old cellars, drain, vaglia
Ac. Il i usd evry priog t sweet
en tba ndlk rellir, and a ssueer of it
slwsys it io tho with stsad and
sinks. It i rerr cheap ouly ig to
eU bt seat per pound
An lruhoira never forgtt bis wit,
let bia situation ba what it may A
ao eieinpl wo dip tbe following trow
an sscbaog." An Irubmao, coo-
Used io, tbe euuty jail Lueur,
aa being akd wbt trade be would
ehooo reptlvd 1 " 8hoaiktag is a
portr good tbrada, bat if tba allow
Thnu mutt b true Ibytelf,
If thou lb truth wouldel leaeh '
Thy tool must overflow, if thou
Another ton! wouldtt reach )
It needs the overttowlag heart
T give th lips full speech.
Think truly, and Ihy thought
Khali Ibe worM'e famine feed)
fpeak truly, and Ihy word
Khali ba a fruitful Mft;
Live truly, and Ihy life eball be,
A great aad noble creed.
Do not I.I in lloiond lour
" This is pleasant !" exclaimed t
young hu-ihand. taking his sent in the
rocking chair ss the supper tilings weir
removed. The fir glowing iotlie grate,
reveolcd a pretty and nstly luroithe l
iiling room, with all the appliances ol
comfort. The fatiguing buine.s of
the day was orrr, and he sst enjoyitii
whst he had sll day been anticipating
the delights of hi own flresido His
pretty wife. K-ilur, took her wc rk m l
sat down by the table.
" It ia ptoaiaut to havo a home of
one's owo," he spain utid. ttking s
satisfactory survey of his little quar
ter. The cold raio beat sgslnst ths
windows, sn?J ho thought he felt rani.
lygrateTuI for nil his pressut com
foits. " Now if ws only had a piano," ei
claitnel hit wife.
" (Jive mo tho mus'c of your own
ewoet vt-ico before nil the pianos in
creation.'' he obiorved contp!iru i,tiry ;
0l he felt s certain aecrol d appoint
rwnvm i iiiius I Ullirst UIU
not happily ihiruc with hia own.
I " Well, but we want one for our
I friends,'' said Ktther.
" Let cur friend cotnc ti ace us.
and not to hear a piano," exclaimod
! .. , , ,
tho hu-tLand.
But, (,iorge, pvcrrhodv hns s
. . , .,, ,
want ono for you will have no time
, , . ,
i to ply on one, sod I don t want to
"Why, they ire o fashionable .1
thiuk our room looks nearly naked
without one. jsmitten. Oh, the cruelty and inju.
" I think it lookt just right." j tico of womec. " Man's iohumaoity
"I thiuk it look very naked weto mm mike coantieM thousand
wot a piano shockinglr," protested ! mourn.'' Whit of wjmaa's iohumio-
K'tber emphatically.
Tht husband rocked violently.
" Your lamp smokei, rcy dear,'
ai ) he after a long pauso.
t .h.Dje,ier ? I have told you a dosenP'0'1 wi 1 kal" ,,,in if ctcr il con,
r ticn nro you goiog to iret
t liiuM bow Oiuch wt Deeded ono," laid -
Ksl i)bI j
I r '
The aro nretlr .'amn.-w. .1.,,, ',
j .
need s cbsuJe! er. ' ia d her huT' UJUi,
1 .
.. TlMe ,am , h iel c(
the j eerMW
) Jijt, George, 1 do not thiuk our
'r0om is complete w ithout s'chsnde-
;ier " tajj Etlier, sharply. Thev
' tre o fishiooabl l' WLy. the Mor -
1 nn. .,i i iur .i ,,. .. . ..,,. ,
, mention, s!J hve them ; I am .
-or we ou .ht to "
j .. 'e i,uht to if wo tal pvtern " Jr'"n fr0la tbe a( t'n lf lt
Vy other people's eipcnie, and I don't ' ie of fu'Pha"; ' i'b water
,te Dy reason io that " (lrieJ- "b'ti tgbly dry, it
The hntbaod moved ui.ei.ily ia LieIg"Uad ro,,rJer' ,nl n:eJ witU
cluir, a m eu ustasce like glue or uti,
I .. w. -.., Irt itr k. .!i u.
sid K-ther. prB4 iow raiua saj tutpej
We want Ulire wi-hio our meaos. i'"0 , ulloD1 C0U,U kQ:f' hJI.
Esther, eiclaimrd George. So you . Uw atey co;ne tJ pa-s
" I am sure w. can aiTrd ii a wall,t,t 'ou eub kr with
a lb .Morgan., and M.IIert. nndltol- or ftfB 7 ur tc"
iTbori.s; we dJ not wih to appear
j mean.
Ueorgo's cbesk crimned.
.Ma0 : I u, not ueia !" ne cried L
' I'
"Then we do n.t wish to PPfl
o," asid bt wifo. " To complete thi
pio wv mi
liar '
aaot wo want!" Biu'.ierrJ" tberv's ao satisfjiag
woman s want, do what yea way,
and bs abruptly left th room.
Uow many hubaod are in a simi
lar dilems I How many bouse and
husbands are rendered uncomfortable
by lha ronstsot ditastisfactioo of s
wife with present comforts sod pnrseai
provisions! How nuqy bright pros
pects for buainea bar ended ia bank
ruptcy sud ruin, ia order ta satisfy
thi secret baokeriag atter fashiooa
b'a neeeasries! Could tbe ral caaaa
of many Uteres bo soown, it wostld
he found to result trxM ue'ea o
peaditur. at h.Me oipeasee ta a
awar tb demasd of faabioo and ' fka)
willppU thiak r
" My wifo k made say rVlsae,"
said b leaileoMB of great axttjiB
' by ber . tar if, aad frudea bb
ebsrfuu vrbas) Waa jast bla
"And mins has lost my fortona,"
answered his companion, by niiless
eatrsvsgnnee snd repining, when I
ss doiog well."
What a world does this open to tho
influence which ft wifo posse over the
future prosperity of bor family I Let
tho wife know her influence, snd try
to uso it wisely nnl well.
Woman's Intiumanlt).
A contemporary remarks "Thi re
is much fool for reflection in tbe fol
liwing questions and ar.twer : " Who
hits a woman when ihe is down f '
' Why. nnother woman.' That's so!
If women were ss severe upon men
who trsngres ths hoods of mJta'ily
snd deconey ni they sro upon trans-
ircitions of their owo ass, we ihoiild
have speedily inigurntcd a reform ia
society that wou'd he worth s thou
sand midnight mission or Hoains
associations. Women sro like crows
wo hops tho lsdics will pardon us
for this comparison but it is a truth
fell one even if not.taMeful. We tiy
Womon are liko crows. One of their
oumher falls n onnded by sin, and
he is iottiiO lintcly act npon and torn
to pieces. The doors of respectable
association are clo.-ed against ber.
The virtuous female turna from her
with loathing and disgust. Eveo tha
Common sympathy of hutnao nature ii
denied ber. No belp for tho liouirc
j wnman
No he'p !
But what of tho man who Us
wrought this por creature' ruin, nnd
who has led her steps ioto lb paths ot
folly and sin? Ii he tabooed by wo
mon gencrnlly J Thero aro noble
women who wjull scorn to most on
sny terms '.he mi.n through whose in
strumentality sq urn ispecling liiter
hat fallen. But, slas. how rare ore
such ii.stioces ! Tha most licentious
men well known to tbe world woro
t''e men opto whom we baro seen
virtu 'U wotDfn lavish their eweetett
im;ic. Tbey had really aeceg to the
very hcirthstone of hsmeholds wberu
the prcscoee of s fallen woman would
bare been rcardod wilb as much
ilarra and h rror ss that of ooe pligue-
ity to wousu ?
Old Shju You p otly think
that it you lo k very ahnrply at in
old sli oo wbeo yu ihrow it awar.
bscktvou. But that does a t at all
f!low. Or.e of these day you may
! oult" .v'ur ur w lr n 0' Of
I ., . , . ...
i or g'atp eat ofj giiter in yrar hand
I -b.le you eat your dinner. Von do
iootgee how this csn be? Well we
j w'" tc" ou' "J boe. ire turned
,J lw0 u,,t l'T " aut'jrtrs a tbe
I fj''':"1"eT manner : Tbey are cot irto
, Tr-T "V" P'"?e''' oi k P; i;t P!
' ol d.ys iu cbleride cf ijlpLur. The
e:1et of this i to mfike tbe leather
hs-d a:ii I r 't . Next, the maurlal
1 tbl cause it to sdbera togcthtr. It
I . .1 .!
Wty, wap'.ain.yuu appurto bavo
a bsd ceiU." " Ye ma Jam.'' said th'tatD vhJ ia f:iJ al nii:i - i
i - ------
ha shin lve. "I uppo I ds.ervs
i; l caught it while hr.akin, th
.,k ... i-.. t... c .. i
, Tb m,l ,aJ fouU ..
- , liKjk,, b!ink , . . ...
i "
1 br ugl.t out lb itxark taid aa wU as
a chikiog t: would let ber:
wa CJlpuU c.MjJerilg
lb uaosujl cirvuiiitaac of tbe cai-e
aod riir preest ur04nJtsga, it aaa
btrdly oecesajrt for yi to enter ibio
ucb full paniculate-''
Wboa IL innocent etpt a got koata
he foued to bis acaiiaial that lha
.'seventh cvmaiaaduieat djeesotaay.
' Tpeg sbstt reaeojter ta vbaU
Jay to keep it holy." Tbe ca:ii
saeaal tbe (eortk
" UadI'T," said a bopwal arebia lo
hi pwral rrUtiv. " way tWal esar
xbmavr sb4 'the eliior of tba
eewpp aa aeccjiat af Ue laakiai
k gives tbe b-j
" I
da'l ksow, say bob, ttti lo
food p4reot; " bat why v'o T
auvh a tio V
" Wby ibe papsr says Mr, R. baa
uai tbrro Uous t4 bi4a at ;i4 e
UbUbxo ditrtof V P- jeA aad
I ktjwtkal old Q .! too taai
ar hit !' wro Ikaj aUy
' ww "aaaaSJCTSu