MIDDLBBOBO, NOV. a, 1871. J. CliOt SB, MHoraad Proprietor. or governor ntn, nON. JOHN B. PACKEH, or urimi iT, A Srtmt. Ki.tcria., to Gil the ve caw In tho Scna'e, rimed br Itic Hojtb nf. Son ntor Guindll, will La no fry. The Sonata is nov a tte. with llio oraniaalion iu tho ttnln ol ttie I.oinocrei'r. as 1 nnh-M a Republi can in cleotel to fill Mr. Council. f he, tlutl holy will ho in tlit Santo Jo u,.t.t. -,.i:,; .1 . r J Amjng the Knatlooien osmed aa likoly to bo (laoJidittoa for the Republican nomination art lion Jauia M. Seller au I Col. A. K. MiCoro cither one of whom can bo elected. Hoy. Tuotts Kwixi. Ibe distin guished etateniio and jurist, died at liia residence io Lancia'or, Ohio, on Thurglay lint, io the 821 veir of bi no. Mr. Kwiog waa twite ek-ctcd to 'riot Attorney, so uooved ; you arc the 1'cited Stake ?cnt from Ohio. "n ; you come to Una t. . , .. rr i onuntrr to carrv on thoe vilo ptscti- fc-ecrctnr ol tho Troaury undor, T -. ,.-. A I ., .. . . . , 'ooa; yoti are a dtnsera wan, nna i I residents Ilarrnon end Tyler, nnd nt,nre Tu ro M,.e0 yeera in tt K-eretary ul tho lutoriur aodor General Tay tr. He ro tired fro s political life li ISit aad reftimel tha pr4Ctio of his prolcfaijn, his otnioeaca ie which, of a lawyer and orator, cqnulled bi rrpatatlon n tntemo. I'tlB Tho great work of correal ing tbo arila in the territory of Utah lies bow fairly tt gua with tbe convic tion of Thownf llewkio fir adultery foiiiinilted io polygamy, liia lawful wife tain( the prinuipil wilnetn. The iH.'nt thockin pirl of tho UNtimotiy does oot appear in print, it bcieg not only immodcft but belinl. Tbo ftrJict alrikea like a tb in lrr li olt in tho Mormon eatnp To other pnrtii.-s it begioi to look like a fcriou in ittor, and no power aodnr henvea rsu sure them from a like fte. Tbe brinnin of the end is at bind, and the Mormons know it. lieu. George Connell This prominent ciliaeo of 1'biUdel- pma at.i roetnoer oi tne renaayieauiii ! . t a t I ronate iroto iuo rouriu ouiriov 0,;f0ows: fbiladtdpbis, died iat ibursdsy, aged fllty-aix veara. OriioaHy a Plutocrat, Mr. Coanoll sacrificed bis political pronpecta in that pnrty, io lsU, auJ left it upon the iwili-s'erery i.ue, mado a pruclioal ipteetiou, a be cUims, by the endcavorj Victoria C. WooJoull. female Wull to anucx Texas iu order to citond the .Street bull aud bear, editor of it weekly ur.'H of butnau bon Jao. Io tbe ujoiii I pupor, epirituuliit, statesuau or wo oiablo l'rosidentiul eumpiiixn of lSIO.uiau and nil that. Kvidently Theo be took an active part f r tho candi- jdore has a thick lick of wool over hU dates nominated at Boffilo on the ; eyei, or be is a littlo insane; for ho pisiform of 'free soil, free speech, free i much sycophancy and semi-blaspheme iolior nod free mea," and in 1356 ho wo never sawi:tuwdod in so iittlo cpace. ssio sdvocated the sumo doctrine. J Ho exults bar far nbovo sll eabluoury thei)eodoiod by tbo Inro oratiir.atioo mortal-, nod ii'iiue burs place hardly d lbs Repablii an party. Mr. Or.-j'-u Iittlo lower thnn tho ousels." As no 1 1 nTvr waa a cuuuiunio rr uiik'c.uo is evuouny ourntOK with s desire until Ibov, When, snulmaleJ ly no hooorsble nnibitioo, nod loeliiiif that at Ust hii time had come to enter pub lic life, be waa nominatcJ and clccteJ to the heualc, fciuce then ho h has ! L-la-l ty.l been three limes Domiosttid bv acc nstion bv coarentinns of his par and olected by uiijorilies slwaya larger than those ol other cuudidutes upon Jus ticket. J he old term ol the tie- ceased expired with tbe cl so of llio presoot year, and he was reelected iu October, but would not loyally become a member of tke session of 1472 until he bad saio taken tha oalh of odics at tha becluuiuj; of the noxt seasioo. Tbe Hero ul Fort Sumter. Oa the -Cib u't , Mij ir General Robert Auderson died at NL-e, France, uftor pro'.ructod ill. health. Ho bad sought relict in the mill, congeoisl climate of Southern Prance aod Italy, bnt bis health was broken by lon servieo io thi" army, an 1 by tho hri ships and aoiietivs he endurol while holding Port Sumter, when bis consti tution received a revere shock from tvhich bo never recovered. Tbe news of bis death, though not uneipoctsd, will be rocoived with regret by the people of this country. Although his health prevented him from taking a prominent pirt in the war, htijhrroio defense of Fort Sum ter with a baodful of mon, against lleaurrgntd's thousands of men and sorciof cannon, uolil his position was rendered eutirely uotenabli', will tako place iu history as one of the inut cotiMgeouB of tbo war. Ho was in every respect a high-uiiuded, honorable l.'hrijjtiao geutlemao, and bi momory ill cvtr be cberi-hed by a grotclnl jeople. His retnaioi -will bo brought by the United Slutes vernal Guerriere lo this country for Interment. The reports concerning his alleged impucuniosity were entirely without foundation, io aatnueh as ho received full pay oi Rt-iadiur General, and bad a hand some income besides. flosfnvt If C'oatlcled, The trial io the New York Curt of General S.'aiioat of Dr. Jacob Rosen vt'ig, for otta'ilauUter iu the aoeond degree, terminated last Friday, having occupied three days. Tbe indictmsot charged thut.oa the 23d of Augmt, be pirformod an abortion on tho poraon of Alios A Dowliby, of PstUrsoa, N. J.. to produce a nUcarriago, aaid op. ration not beiog necessary to preserve bar life, and that bar death waa tbe direct rriult, Tbe My of ibt rictiin, it will to remembered, wm fount! la aj Iruiik it llio IIu Isoe River Railroad tlepol. Tli Recorder aimmed np the ras in a manner clearly ioriirKliny li is brlirfin tho prlamer1 guilt. After un hour's rluljlterstion tho Jary found a verdict of "gnilty accompanied by a recommendation lo merry. Reootd or TJackott, with ounsual eeveritr of manner, pMd sentence aa follow : "Ronoflwiu, In ordinary ca?es 1 tiotiMay attention o the rreftiniTieb I'Uiinii n iiuTcy. but io this oao yon d-serve no mercy. In my iow or the law yon stand cuittr ofihe atlroeiou crime t murder. Vou font two hu man bntnira to thir lst nceoant. Yon rirhleR.lr. willfully murdered thorn ; land id i.i.li.'tmffot against you ou'bt (..I . 1.. I l, Aral tree, and the sentence I should hnve praniintvid against you la doulh by Uangintr. 1 n:roe with my cnlleaae. JwlgO Hedford.no tho ceorraity of the orTtiiice, nnd I ali-ill unito with him in roeommendinirlhtt thU Uw bocbinife.l thnt tbrgo fntonl-uta praetieei may bo cheeked. You aro nan of uncotn nion nerve. I never esw one wh.i culd stand the reraarif theaweeplnu denunciations against y'i by tho Die- ui nnvii oeen mojr-iur i' I'rinoo with hard lebnr Rnenwi( appeared to bo onmored wbilo Mm honor wan senteocioe; biin. Imt exhibited eomidertblt nerToonen when the audience csve vent to I h-ir approbetino of tbo Recorder's rnurV io loud deinnnflrali'ine of applane The prisoner ws retnored to the tomhe in tho wiroo. folio wo J by an iinroete crowd. Victoria f. Toodholl. Perhaps it would interest aome of our reader to know that Ibis lady, who has nominated here!f a candidate for IVcaidctit of tbe Unito I Ststes in 172 on the. "Woman's' Rights" sod (Tree Loro'' platform, was o it brought to lira world directly frirn (leaven sa Theo lore Tiltoo's sketch of her life J would lead one to snppoie bnt thnt !aho made her appearance in this world of fa-t living jnet llko other mortsN and that her poreots formerly '-kept tavern'' nit more than a doiin tnile frotn thie place R it the Lowitbuty C!,rokk telle the rest of tho atory ss "Sumo tinio ao we received from Mr. Theodore Tilion a little tract. Kiting au utr-litiod, brief biography ol tliat singular comp mud of bo.ly nod spirit (no soul Going discovered up Dour latest advices) knowo sa Mrs to know ull the details or hi horoiueV Plua,,J lUH cot ruplionista bis won for history aod genealogy, and only com-i HrFcr' Weekly tho confidence of the moncedilul her birth, wt koow i,aifeat puhl.e. and hne been ona of the will be glitd to boar so'moihiu of her! parentukte, if earthly piroulao she had ,0 ,u P1-0"-'"' ottrardin'iry circu Well: Atwut the decado eodio jata eonduotor car aimed n I8dt, thoto lived, on tho farm now oc-lmsl il ""'y u,o1bI il!utriHa IcupU - d by Suuuid (ieisi, in Union Co, three miles eatt ol New Rerlin, a Urn- ily bended by Mr. John Hummel. Uco of nia family waaRossnoa better known a Anna About 1833 or '36, Anna took a lancy to a young man turned Ruckman Clallio, a Yankee by i)vruasion. from Riallord count v. j who was "alosbing around" throogli his section. They were msrried, of eouro. iliey Kept tavero ou ('heatout Ride a shirt lime, lumbered a -'spell" on tbe oinnewalioutog, ati't nnully re moved to Ohio, where a daughter was!,", "filers are furniebod to the publio born unto them named Victoria. An I i curioua shown by such a jotirnsvl as here beginnoth tho first chtpter of Thuudore- Our townsman, C. U Kline, was well nciuniu!cd with Mra. ClaQio. Ibis case is but another proof tiutl obacure parentage is oo hindrance to persons becoming self mads mad caps." TllV KMC.lt 11..' PROCLAMATION UY TtIK I'ltloirJKNr. Washinotom, Oct. 28 The lrei dent to-day is-tued tho following pros lamalion designating a dsy of Nation ul thanksgiving. Ry the Treiidont of the United Stales of Aruerioa. A inoiTAMATlOX. Tho roce-8 of tbo soasons has airain eniblod the huabandmad to K"rner the fruits of euuceaful toil. loduntry ha been gonerally well rewarded. We sre at peace with all usliona, and tran quility, with few exceptions, prevails at homo. Within tbo past year we have in the muio beon dee Irora ilia which tliewboia bsve slllieted our kind. II itnmo of u htd ealumitios. tlie-ie should bo an occttaiou for sym pathy witb tbe sufferers, ol reaignstiou on their part to tho will of tbo Most llitih, and of rojoieinc to the many who have been more favored. I therefore rcconiend that oo Thursday, the 30th day of November next, peo plo niort in their respective places nt worship, aud there make tbe uaual aa nual acknowledgment to Almighty God for the blesiio lie has cooferred upon them, for their uiercilul exemp tion from evils, an iovoke bia proteo lion aod kindness for tboir lets form oate brethren whom, io Ilia wisdom lie baa deemei it best to chastise. In faith whereof, I havo hereunto set my band and caused tho ao.tl of the Unl oad States to ba affixed. Done at lne city of Waabington, Ibis twenty-eighth dsy of Oltober in tbe year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred nnd ssvefity-one, rikI of the independence or the United Dtotea the ainety-sixth. U. 8. Grant. By the resident, Hamilton Fian, Sectftary af Stite. ITbat Doea It Mean f Conoeeilcot, North Carolina, Call foroia, Colorado, Montana, Maine, Pennsylvania. Ohio and lows all (tone Repnbliean by tweepinir majorities. Whnt doea It sll menu 7 Tbo Ha.ti more Amrrii-an tnswur the qneation It means t hat the administration of freiotiit Uraat f'wti general satis, faction tn the penpl in spite ol all thnt has been aaid against iU , It ia tell to Ik Bound, honoii eoononiicnl and OKofnl end ia therefore satisfac tory. Tho eleet'ons slj moan that tho people of this Union do not yet truU the IVinncrniio loaders, and do not mean lo lot them get into power. AM their new departures and other changes of front spprnr to bo of little avsil. Tha nearer they come to ne quiesoencelo Republican priot-iplee, the moro they condemn their own record ; and whon they attempt now di'goiaes without any recantation of past errors Ihey but add hypocrNy to inconstan cy, and sappty the peoplo with new tfaussa of diel'Utl. Hssidea with tho Tamoiany Hall development io Xaw York, and Ike ait! II rampant Ku Klui ieni at the Sooth, what could tho na tion cipeet from ibo aaeendoney ol audi a party io the way of either pur. ity, peace, rc-momy or order f . At sll event, aod whatever tho coolrollini reuoui may bv, tbo people actually seem to have come to the ronvlnaioo. unsniuioua enough fir sll practical piirpoHon, to let the Democracy tsrry in Jerico for a considerable while longer. An Extrtaortlluiarjr SuccMi. 01 IlABt'Kti'a WtrKi.v for tho pree enl week 300, OJO epie- hve huen ordered. Ooo b'iu-e the Amricau New Company orderod considerable over OO.IKHJ conies; ihe .New Knt isnd News Company, of lt.iston order. ed 40,001) conic j the Western New Company whose place of busine-a in C'hiesjo, ord rd from tho ruins of their olllce 30.0U0 copies. Thos these throe bouses alooe ordered over 120, UOf) copies. To produco in time this extraordin ary edition the forms or pnjjes which contain illustrations are ulectrotyped. and four different csats are tske.i of ihetn, to be worked on as mauy rapid steam-power pr-sps. whti'b are kept oiiik! niijlit ami day during Dv diiy. The plain siilos are printed on other and more rapid pressoa. It in probable that no other home in tho country could print, in the required lime, sitoli sn eilition which H really equal, tho Supplotnent boinx reckooed, to 450, 00J copies of the pupor. For some time paet the circulation of llarpor eekly has been so stead ily and rapidly iucroaain that tha ptihlihei- have been unablo to keep up with tho demand, snd on a number of occasions have oot been able to fill tho actual orders received lor if. Thin f-uccess ol Harper's Weekly i an evi lonce of the tnaunor in which the Amtrieno oeoplo appreciate true courage snd indepeodonoe in a journal Die Weekly ha madn iucesant war upon tbo Tnmwaay Rin, resrdloso of the fm't that its oourso procured it publishers tbo enmity- of the CJtrupl leudera tunoiw the D.-mociai.t, who took their revenue, not only in thi- eity, but in Califirnia ond oUewhern, by excluding the excellent acbool bn'ki of Mt. Hirper from tho com mon schools. Hit tiiat which di- It',,turat' wl,icu ,,M hr pajier rcutation. ot to paper. Hiving promptly and in tho bst stylo accurate an I artistic picturea of the loading event of the day, but they have also made, a journal rondouted on sound and just piinciplaa, faithful to liberty, to honesty, und eud morals, aod indepeudetil in the truest Hence of the word. Ita editorials arc always ablo and thoutthlful, and i's literary matter is as valuable as its ar liatio work. The low price at which, in these days, tho best productions of artists Harper's Weekly. If wa count the Weekly with its Supploment, which is uow regularly K'Vt'n. ach number con tains the eouivsletit of 8S pages of IIarpkr's Maoazine, or of an octavo volume of300 or 400 pigas printel in open type. And yot (his tnaa ol maltsr, illne'rated by tho most pop ular artists, ia sold for ten eeote, Oa ly a very large circulation could re munornto a puhlither for such ait out lay as a rcprcaeotod in llio pictures, editorials, tales and other literary mailer of every number of Harper's Weekly. IlAiiPF.no Maoazim is only second in ita circulation to Harper's Weekly. Its rsiftilar monthly sties now rea:h over 130,000 copies. It ia cert.iinly ao extraordinary faet that, rerkoolnjr the popnUtion td the United State" at 40.OJO.000. and tho combined circulation of II a Bran's Wmkly an I Maoazinr at 400,000, it would seem that one in every hun dred in the population actually buys either the Magnxioe or the Weekly What an immense educational power this is ; aod bow fortunate to the country that this great influence ia io the bunds of able, conscientious, uud patriotic mon ! Nu York T'm-$ Tux Rlackkmitii Clkuoyman. Rev, Colyer, tho elnqont clergyman ol Chicauo, when bia emjiovcriabod con gregalioo ntsembled by tho ruins ol thsir beautiful church for worship, told tbe iu that be once preached a year fur aeventy-fivo cents, and for their askea be would do It again il Decenary sod if wont came to worst, he could atlll make as uood a horao shoe aa any blacksmith in Chicago. London, Out. 80. An explosion oo eurred to-dsy iu tbe Leahao mine, noar Newcastle. Thirty-throe won were in tbe pit at the time, none of whom have been reached, aad these ia little hope of saving a aiogle life. Tbe familiea of tbe vioiiins, witb large oumbers of poople, are gathered around tbe moutb of tbe pit, and tbe former Rosea of di tree aro rcnewod. retaeaylTanU Stiday School Belief. Ofltt of iht Kxicmtiv CrimmdUt of th Vssy(ti State ( Sohlath tb hnol JMMrWiH. To All whom it mof t'otvern.' At a meetlnjr of the Kieeotive Committee of the Penoylvenia State Sabbath 8chool Aaooiation, Uld tbl lav, it - was enantmnuslf rea-dved to set on foot the 'following tnovemeni : We propose thst the srhoNre of all tbe 8undy Schoids la our 3tsto be called apo lo contribute to tke re lief of the SHtr-reni by the lets fires it the West and NoribweL i We nijrest that at lenat oee of lbs It'iir Sabbaths Iu Novemher( whieli one to be determined by Sunday oho1 euporinlendcnt nnd paitor in each locality )Im set apart in which to k'lithcr th'se collect ion. Jamm W. Wtctrt, Kq . of Harris bur National bank, will act as Treas urer of thia ' Sunday-School Rolirf Fond." T blm the' sums collected my bo remitted by dialts or poet otHee orilers, Aeknowledgemeat will bo male of tho sums contributed by each school, by name if desired, io the iuV-iul documents of the Assoeiaion, or ia such other way as may be deeaaed best County secretaricf of organised counties; pastors of the churche ; in-n of lbs press parents, superinten dents, teachers and all Sunday-school people, aro hereby invited nnd urcd to lend their neiive co-operation in object of the cull. We shall not say one word to com mend tho ouue. Ynu koow the need. We ure pursnaded thnt our tfnndsy schnola will lo a child, respoud. You oiay he assure! of tbe utmost cure io tbe exercise ol tbo trust ssHtimed, nod I bt tbo benefactitioa boi owed will be wiaely distributed in the most neoded directions, especially not forgetting, in tho claim" of the groat city, the euff i-rinrf that bus come on tho bait towns sn I vil ajcs of tho Northwestern fron tier. Tho hopes that we centre in tho Sunday school children of our State we feel sure will not disippoiot us in this mutter. Will vu not It ad llum in one of the grindoHt opportunities for the eterciao of a practical benefi cence. Ry order of the Executive Com mittee. GKORfiK A. PKLTZ, Stat? Sumim Snhonl Sctrtl'trt 1. NKVTON RAKKIt. HlU'tr Sunday &lioul timet Philadelphia, October 17, 1871. CittC.Mlo, Oot. 26 Tho Relief snd Aid Society receive numerous inrp.'iea as to what is most needed by the soir ureis in this eity at present. Many letters any that persobs are deir ous of conii ibuliiig articles who can not woll send money, Io reference lo sll such proposed contributions tho society wishes to say that iiulhtuu; is so miieh uooded now si boons, potaloas, aud ooions. Va arj ndvisd by tho San tsry Committee ihnt tho poople mat have tbeso if they cspool lo es eape kick sees. Tho aomeiy is iufoi'ajel tbtt many larmera would be glad to contribute '.iicte articles, and they ak all persons who can, to ship thorn to the society. ., , ' . . Lardoada can be uudo up si different pla'-ea. Tbo loclcty also waut atrjw bttiN of the usual sie for two persons snd li ieiids iu tho couult-y aro rciueNt ed to furnibh ss many as the; can. Tickinir should bo of slroui! malerinl. filled with straw or pruirio hay. The society ire leeuinu and curing lor over 40,000 peopbi al the proseat time, with a very email slock ot vegetables on hand and very iittlo coming io. WlHT DfcXTKR, Chairman of Comtnitteo , Ai.KXANUKit T. SrtwAHT gives to sutrorin Chicago lha rum of 850,000 in cash, in tho face of the fact that his losses by the shocking visilntioo loots up nearly one million ot dollsrs. This ia using wealth in a tnsoner that indicates a man to poetess a soul which apprecistea bis true relation to his fellow-men. We believe Ibis great snd most serviceable gift t J bo with out precedent in the annuls of benev oleut undertakings of thia character. It is not to eudow a college, or any o'.ber monument of bra or stone ; it ia to feed and clothe aod shelter the bouaeleas, bomelesa and starving, nnd tbo dood will live in tho hosrU of the KTatofuI treat ii res as long aa life lexis. file list of noblo snd geueroua sptitta who bsve come to the front in this hour of terrible need is long, but il only just to the honor of (hie usguiD con', gift lo soy, he leads them. Wu. M. Twkko, the principal of the Tammany ring theivea, at Now Vork, was arreted on Friday lasl, aud held to bail for his appearance at Court to auswrr the charges again! him. It uppeara from Ibe reports of the Committee appointed by the an ions of New York to investigate the frauda ul'edged to have been commit ted by tho Tammany rlog, just pub lished. that 819.5OO.000 ia the amcuot belioved to bsve been stolen from the foods of the peoplo, by Tweed and others. Some rich developments may be expeciod on tbo trial of Tweed Tweed, it is said has been engaged for a week or two part in putting bis property, amounting to some millions, out of bia b Hide. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J li. SELIIEIMEK, II Iroi Coa StOVCfe SJty AaaatlUlt. MARKET 8TUEI1, I iOwlaiown , l'enn'a. JttrveailKT 9, 18TI-hf jVvfsjIOIJSK, . I-.vlato-vn lir. B. O. HAMILTON, Proprietor. In every respeet a First elsa Hotel. Ronma neat snd entnfnrlnble. Tahle aop plied witb Ihedelieseie of the season, and waiters attentive aod obliging. No2-7lif Estate ef Saraarl rohrMaK dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTlCK Latlem of aitmlnlitratlnn on tha antata or muni Kiilirnmii, lili of ller iwp., enfuar, ffinntr, ittreMed, having bn srantxl .1 lo tha on. ilar. Iitnl, all prMii annwins thmalv In tlatatd to stl'1 UI a ara r'iialait loDikpT mnt wlllmut lly. ami iki kavlng alatnie ua lha raiaa will rMSi tliia to- UK.SKY n'RaMAK. tlcL ft, . . , Aduuouuator. rUMtt AUDXKR IIOUSI-: f (Opsoatta Maadlne Rattraad Depnt) ' Ilnri'iatbtiry, ln., A. U. JJLttBlM, Proprietor. erKrarj effort naeatarr to Innr the' eoia fort olujti will b uwla. Th honM hat Ixea aawlr rahttwl. footia.lfilU rjlIIK GROVKR k RAKER Intol.v lmprofil Shuttle Sewing Machine 'rills lllSNT ! cJ-Thia Celebrated MacbluS nskea the favorite LOCK STITCH ! Runs Fantrr and fmooiher. and maker Better and Naatar Work than any other Maetiine now In ui. lis atiperiiiriiy over all other scblnaa I acknowlail by all wbe have ever aeen it work. Three intelligent snd highly mpectnblc eilisena of this county, acting a judges, swarded T UK UltUVKK A HAKKIl IM PKOVEUSIICTTLE 8EWI.NQ MAt'HIXK The First Premium at tke late Agricultural Fair of Hnyder Couuty. SAMl'EL FAt ST. Aosst. October IS, )H7I. Selinogrove i'a. ltiblio Httl. By virtu of an Aot f AMiably approrad Mrek H, A. II. 1T I . lha anJarplKnol lrntei I lha l.nlhamn anil Kelxrma l Cuagreiatlon ol iaiitiKr'P Liiurrit, in ina inwncnip 01 rrftna tin, will k? io I'uiillo sal, oo tua pramlMi, 8ATl'llI)VY NOVEMBER eth, 1871. th (ollswlni diierlbed Htal Entat to wit ! All llt eirutln miiimit ami TK At' 1' nf LAND, alulrlns laod ol ,spUr J.-. bchixih, Knuli-n l.ixnhouar, Aarun Hoyar aud olhar, eoDlalnlitg FIFTEEN ACRES and One Handrail and Thlrt- f.mr pareh, on whlcu II araoieil a T WO MuHV liJUK, llrn tnri other noceinarv.uiit nullillns. 8at to coauianro at I o'clock P. M. on said day wdo Urmi nlll bo m wle kenwn IIKNKV M. KKKICIt WILLIAM bUWbKSOX Oet. IS, IITI. Tai.Taa. Orphans' Court Sale. IN piirananoo of an order of the . OrpliMia Court nf Snydar County, granted t fie underlined Administrator ol the eatute or HANI Kb STKOAF sr., ileceae0, will ba einored to I' on, lie. Mala, on th preuilxt in Wart Parry townihlp, Snyder ount-,ou Friday, Xovtmbcr 10, Ihtl, Tb followlns dcicrliied Taluabl Hl btale, to wlti All that certain Meffua;eand TKACT Ol1 IiA.D Sltuala In Wat Perry towmhln. Snydar ennnty Penn'a.. h-uniled on tbe North by laod of I'rotl arick KiMllnit and Henry Troup, Knit by land 1,1 'v,' thi, south by h and Weit by land l erei tainin ine iumikil and ol iouu ctiroup, "lerlck Klullna. con- l, whereon ara erected a tnoeiory woatlter a- (INK Itl .MiKfcit ACKr.s, rnura or boarded UWi;t,i,lM) 111)1 SK, a larsa Ham, an. I other ne.'c-ry nut bulldlnsa. Thar la an icallenl (iltl HAKIl on tha pratiilraa aad a prlnKennellial)ttn tha honta. About aavanty acre of tatd tract ara cleared and uuder good culttratlon, the balance good Timber Land. hale to eumuince at U n'alock mon on aatu i;l;nVnceVVn"byWm " " taudanoa gt1 fiANlKL STnoi P. Adm'r. Wait Parry tuwniblp, Oat. u, is; I. CJTA j r.x XPKNMTttKKS of tha School Fund of th ttoroush ol Mldolaburs for tw.i yeera (rum June A. I. IM to .luuo A. 1). lt'l. John lloch Treasurer and Collector: Hit. John llo.'h, Treasurer, to amount of Da- S Ileal for year A. I). U70 iw.t o do d.i da 1171, IM Stat apsroprla lion fur 17" a ! do do l:i I U fieu io Total amount nf Indehtedn, at laat tnibllibed atatamanl Juua IU SMU 07 Teacher, aalary lor two yearala; 1171 o 00 Amount paid lur ruai ,o., aj ?u tllacellauaouataDanM sou etsta 7J 1H. Ily whole ara't nf order paid by Traaa'r for the aekoul yaart '7(1 A ',1 Including Intare.t 31l M " laboaoratlont on Dnplleat for 170 si oa 1171 T M 11 1'olleetor'l nrentac for 170 a ri " " i;t ee e "a par ecnt. allowed tastwyars Oral two month, lor IS70 SI 11 11 do do dn do M SS amtot lndbtdnnioai!iipUeataror'7l 9a l ai6aft lo By amount of order, paid, Including In eluding Intare.t ilnca last published Juno A. 1. 1171 8IS1 33 " am i of lndbtdn of Dlatrlct June A. It. 1171 101 4 M'M'J 77 WIMhe ondenilgned, AuOltora of th llorough of Mlddlaburg. do canity that tho foregoing account ul the receipt and eiiwndlture, of th hehool Pund of the aatd Horuuith Including two year,, la true and correct to th bat of oar knowledge aid belief. A. U.HTt. witnara our naudt tnav-id uay oi rieptemoar, HDNKY .1. NMll'H. J AS, hi. VANZANIlT, Auditor. Executor's Sale. Tb underelgiied, Executor of Ik laat Will and Teatauient of John J. Klins. Ute of Heaver townblp, Snyder I'ouiny deo'd, will espoae to public eale on the premie ee, on. TUESDAY DKCEMBER 6, 1871. Tbe following described farm or Irnet of lend siluats in llsaver lownblp, ttnyder eonnty, bounded snd tllacrihed s follow, to wit i On the north by Innda nf Daniel. Moyer. John W. Kline and Homuel Weaver, eoutb by Innds of Mirhnel Vl'itl, Hamoel Moyer and llaohael Diefc bbtoh t east by landa of Ornrge llaaaingsr snl David Cols man, snd west by M. liloucb, eontuining. 295 ACRES! mere or leas, in a good stats of cultivation, on wbicb is ereeted a goi-d House and Barn ! A'sgon abru. Torn crib. Rider preas. bar neoeaaary and convenient out iga. Good and never failing wstsr ie bouse. Three good Apple Or of choice fruit trees on Ibe promts, is farm is supplied with good tint, d Is so situated thst It esn hs ad oualy divided. If the properly is I on tbe day adeerltaed It will ed for one year. Persona dealrou ibailng a large farm will do well lo ie place. For further particular Jeaae Knepp, Middleoreek 1. O. bnvuo.- Co., Pa. Kale lo corumenoe at 10 o'clock A. XI. ef aaid day when eouditloue will be made kaeweby JKtJSE KNEPP. L tfpt. 27, 1871. Sseculor. Carats otOEOIKIE KLINE Dte'B. EXF.CUTOR'8 NOTICE. tiettera Ta4mntrv th Katat ef Oeors: KUne, lata of Itaavar town-hlr Hnvdat eonntv. dae'd, karlnc han rant! lh anriortlsaad all rirvona knowing themeaWae IndaMad to aald itato ara raolrnl to maka raymant wlikont dalar and thoa ha'lns elalma will print them to BARDARA.KMNK, Oet.l4,lTI. EtvrvTnn. A LI) KAO LF. HOTEL, 1 No. 41. Nonh Third Street, PIIILADKLPHIA, . JOtM CLTMEU, rroprinor Jeauarv 5 t87o-tf Huicrll A C'o.'a Ailtrrthemtnl. GUNDUBAKGOi THE WOMlKRrt'L ItEMKDY FOR Cnnrr, SyphHi, Hrrofuh, ttcr. . lUtrmn and AH Olftrr llironir . It! oo (I .Disc aura. . . Pa P. T. KCRWR hsln Jatt ratnrnad rrnm f:radnr and )r.iuhl with him a quantity nf lha irenulna rrHM'on nans, Kcnre! throimh lhaofUilal raeomaaadallnn aad aaaMtanaa ol Hl .'.irliinr)r lha Traalilant of fcenador, and the Oorernmanl of that Kapnbll we r pre pared In nil or. I art for It to a llmltwl aitant.and at a price ftimnt nna quariar ol that who-h iha eot ul lha lis var j anall aopplf eompall I ua to charge. A Hri ainra article t now advartlMd and old at I niKlarana'). We have at a enMara. tla aipan.a. and with th ro owrtlne ol iha ad Iharltlaanf l.oa,th prorlni-e whara tli plant rrowa, an dtrectad tha channel ar otir anpiiijr ai nentaralkal none Wt tha Uanalne Art lets hall ba flt lv i and w pirtlcalarlr eall th atttntion of lh pallid-, f.ir thalr pronation, lo IhlMaoU IILlrt K KK WHS. !., SO Ca-lar M , New vnrk. I W. HLiaa, M !., Waihlngtn, D O. i Z E. Hf.iaa, M. I)., New York P. T Kaasa, il. 0 , Naw Vork. At'oiiiiHMitiO nf C.iron.i fftff.de. Afkm I f.l.-.l tkrlKrt prcmrtrr nf Um grol aiufOuufy xIHt k'ifr. Ki. lUlltlTI I C5.. Uoaton. Mi.. Soltl br all 0 "lu. Btmrt iarffcifiotte VOW Tav aaMpts of our araal a-paae, frUCaXJSI.oO llluftratad wavtlf-M yan fitaiiluhed. Una atl nsravlni fraa to aab arlln. Asrnta mk a day. Haed for Sat urday Uaiatis, Hallowall, Ma. Tha olita.l and moat rallahla Inttltatlona for ohlalnlns a Mereanllle Eoucatloa. as- Praetlcal butlnetf roan aa Inatraetori. tut InloriDallon writ for a circular to 1'. DOT fcHON. rttltburfh, Pa. Fllcltal by Ml'MNkCo. Pakllahar Sriisnric A aaat.'AS, ST Park Row, N. Y. Twenty (I v yaara' avparlane. Pamphlets eontalnlns Palant Laws, with full direction! how to obtain Patents fro. A bound volnmaof lis pa', eontalnlne th New tlcn.na by eounttea and all largo elite, 10 aos'arlaaa of Machanteal Moramanta, I'at ent Lawa andrulca for- obtaining 1'aUnta, mall ad on receipt of 2a cant. TJtARTH CI.tiSKTS.-tlel tb beat. Easts Xi ( lo-t Co.. 21b Stale St Hartford, Conn. oio I', s. prouriatora or .vouia ,, iuouio a mr dleatnn'a, l.uthar'a, Warlnu'a. Sewton'a and lioollttle'e Patanta. Tb onlv Cloiat, that bar have nroTad ellactlra, The Karlh t lo,al, by Ita dl.lnlo. tlon of faacaa, I, the moat ralualda tnaana of proventlns rpread of cholera and nther eon tauloiia dl,ea,a. Sand for elreulere. Aganta wanted arerywhera. KALSfaooMa : IS lioano St.. Iloetan i toe llmadway, N. Y. 131 Market Mrael, I'nlladelubU- FOR SALE, A choice farm of IsS acre, In Cheitcrt o , nnllealroin Phlladalphla. Ad dre JrMit'.Z MAILY, Malboro P. U., Pa. ADVERTLSIXG OULD! xr Month, wa ertlicment In lMflrat FKBS. IKri.t'DISO proportional ratda for amalltr Mrartlsaoieut. Lilt nt Ira. Addrera .i:o. r. rowki.1. &. Co.. 4S sod 41 PARK KOW NtW YORK. $30. WB WILL PAY 30. Aontu ViOper week to sell oar areet'end valu able dlieovariea. K you want permanent, hon orable and plaaitnt work, apply for partlcalara. Ad.lrw, Il Y l.K A CO., Jackton. Michigan. A CARD. A Clergyman, while reaiuMof ta Sou lb Anicrie aa Miea'onary, diecoverad a if and eiinple remedy for ihe euro o( Ner vous Weakneea, Karly Utcay, Uiaeasea of I'rinsry snd Seminnl Organs, snd tbe whole trnin of Unorder brought os by baneful sndivicimia habit. Ureal numbers have Lean cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by s detire lo benefit the afflict ed nnd unfortunate, 1 will eend the reoipe for preparing anduing tbia ro edielne, in iraUd envelope.'to any one wlio oeeda II freo ol charge. Address Jos. T. Unas, relation II, Bible Home, N. Y. Cily. A VOIIiQUAfKS. A victim of tarty India A eratlon, causing narvoua (lability, premature decay, to., baring tried In vain every adrertla ad remedy, baa dteoverl a ,lmpl maani of aelf cuia, (Itilch h will rand to hi, lalluw ,u Bar er,. Addr, J. H. HKtVKS.71 NaaiauSt. H, Y THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE STUB TBSATUSKTOV IRONIC A SEXUAL Diseases. 1 PI1 TS0L0GIC1L VIEW OPMABUCI. The cheanaat book ever publlahed containing nea ly three hundred page'i ami one hundred d thirty fine plate, and engraving of lh a. nalnmy of the human organ, In a alate of health and dlreaea, with a treatlaa a early error,, lie deplorable eonsequenoaa upon lit mind and bo. dy.wlth tha author'a plan ol treatment tha on ly rational and auccaxlul mode of cure, a,,huwo by a report of th eaaoa treated. A truthful ad vlrer to th married and tho, contemplating marriage, who entertain double of their phy,l cat condition. Kent tree of pottage to any ad draia, on raoelpl or ! cent, in eti currency, bv eddreMlne: Da. LA tamp or portal SI Maiden I.ane, Albany. N. Y. The author ikuia, no. may be consulted upen any of the illaeaaaa unna which hie bonk traata. either ueraonallv ar hv mall, and madlcluaa sent to any part oi lb world. Do why Co't. Advertttcmenl. Agent Look! i to $13 Daily eatlly made. Profitable and raapeatabla boil naaa. A little aurally wanted by ererybody. Xuocoaa aura. Kend (tamp for elreulara lo ( kureblll k Tmnlton, Alana', SIS Broadway Maw York. ASK YOUR OROCER FOR CRUMBS OF COMFORT $10 from 50s II S . una cent (poauga paid for ftfle faola. lha retell eaaili for 1 aa llulUj. K. L. WolfOTT.ItT. FREE 3 MONTHS ON TRIAL. A Sratelaaa larva auarto louraal. St column, llluairatad. or one year for SO cento, with two bounu lecture,, by Jamee MoCoali, 1)1). 1.1. II., and K. O. Haven, 1). P.. L L !., a preml umt. Hand name and addraaa to PEOPLE'd JOl'lIN At., Philadelphia, Pa AQEKTS WANTED FOR Sexual Scienc Inuludlog Manhood, Womanhood and their mu mat iniarroiaiiona, itoim. ita iaw. rwwr, by Prof. t. 8. Fowler Hand lor Circular, and anoolnen page. Addraaa NATIONAL PUU LialtlNO OO., Philadelphia. Pa. AOENT8 WANTED. Heund caavaulng book SENT FREE of poatae on receipt of 7 cnt. and aielutlv Krrllorj granted oo the FIOTOUIAL. HOME BIBLE. Contains over sot Illustration. Ii a oom plate Library of blollloal Kno-le.ige. Exoaiu all other,, outer. In Kngll.b and Urman wm. tLttstrauo, in. .nil iwr ai.- PbU.dalphl. P r AA AGENTS WANTED I Joel out I lb UVUI 1st vat best and ebespest Map of -PasssvLVASis." Agents make money oa our Maps, Charts. Bislioaery packsgoi ato. Largs profit I I HAABIS at LUBKKCHT. Empir JIf h4 Churl Eilablnfiment, 107 Liberty street, Ml tura. e X IIKAI'KST Ca is tub w I I For S4 Mr Inch I I riwlll In.ert an Adrerl J n,A Pa. Niri aa7 PotUTsas Iiailis IwJH -j - P O P E IH?r TBE EOKZBP. TI1E VNCnci r tBPvrt.te. KeAd for etreular. Addrcaa PKt'Pl.K'.S Ptm.' LlelllNO i v., M M math M., PalMoiptus Pa. AOEXTU WASTED I ; EXTRA TERMS Poolr Agents have ta$ wanted a aovsltr In the subscription line, wblcb will sell ei slgh'f In every family, lb. PICTORIAL FAMILY RKGISTKR ie the enly wora ettanl whieh salla6M this want. It la beautiful sad alrikiag. eomhlnlng an entinty new snd slegam Family riiotogrsph Album, with a etfia. Tine EehiHy 'llistolv. roll rm'eutare and eieenlara frve. Addret OTO. MA. CLEAN. ruMlaher, , lie Banroav 8trt l'biladelpbl. , ftt rVATl htt te'n lately paid by Congrctt WVyUUU to a lady for bar bra Vary and tkllt la tavlng F.mlaranu from the Indian. t,e " 1'ilfoner among them. "MY CAPT1VI. TY AMiiJtd TllK10t)X,"lehrtory. It la a wofiileful one, eadored by noted Cbl-fa, f ifn. eerj C'ongraMiaea, et. hpteadnt travltefl, u AH FARMrrta W A?(T'.nto tateoda, lUUV ,M- fyde'e I.KCIl K;a on AO 1'ICl LII'RK,pTteSl.to.lntotholr town, A rar chance to tnrn pare hours eato earh. We eharfr noihlng for circular, and full Inlorrea. Hon of llharbook. It will pa l to eend ft,, tham. Addre.a, AMERICA ft PUBUSHIMtf CO J PAN Y, llartfort, Conn. Wells' CarboUc Tablets, Tba tablet nraeent tha Acid lanamMuii.. with other efficient r, madia, la popular form for th cure ot all THROAT en I LCMI . Hnaaaanaaa and rt.rsSATiow of tha To boat ere Immediately nlleved, aad rtata eiuta ara eonatantly being rent to tha propria torofrellefln eaaoa of tbroa t difficult lea of raara at-tii.llne. ' CAUTION.! W. il', Carbtlie Tabli Don't badaealrad be wottk. T&blata. ,.Im M r. M. t...r Ia,a Imltatlona. rl.t ni. JltllM H. K KLLOUO, II Piatt St.. M.S. !i d foralrcolar. Bole Asaata forth V. S. Reduction of Prices TO CONrOBM TO . R)2DUCnONof DUTIES. t.HKAT BAVl.NU TO CONSUMERS I V - ot t liitf 1 Clubs. -rtnd foe one Mew Price Llrt aad a Club fore will aosompauy It, eontalnlns fulldlreo. tloa ! making a larsa aavlng to eoniamara and rai i i era ilea to club organliara. Tl.e Great American Ta Company, 4w- m . sa TESEY STRr.KT, P. O. Pol Mi. NEW YORK. AOEVTSJ WANTED for a Kirangal paacla atlng, PowamriLLV WaiTTaa.i thoroughly raUabl book. A thrilling aeeonnt of thai life In all Its U ph. aaa. WMITl'EV HY A VOS VILT.endor ad tha pra.cn t onVF.KXflK of the Htata. the y WAItllKN and CHAPLAIN or tbe Prl.oo. la lirta lb vail and reeeata the horroraof that III under the old ayatem of bruinl treatment, ttar elnsa, whipping, ihamafacadcrlmlnalula, with female eon let", mullnlee, murder, he. ala the eiWantane, of the new ayatem f kind treat ment, lately Inane-orated. It la full of Hon I atlrrlng Inrtdente. and vlvtd pan plctur. KAOT6 a eialllng aa Action. It I, pMfnely IlluatrateU, la creating prelosnd ennatlon and la eure to prov tha great popu lar, KAST.se 1. 1. INO book ofthaaa,oo Price low, Vor ntuatratod circular a aatra terma a4 dra. lll'HUAKD UBO.i Publlakeri, 1 Um aom 8t. Plilla. JURUKEI1A. It I, NOT A PH YSlO-It It JfOT what la pop ularly called a HITTERS, or fa It Intend! ia uch. It la .Imply a South American plant thai ha, been und lor many year, by lha medical faculty ortboaooonntrlea with wonderful elllra. cy aa a powerful Alterative and Jaouualad Pu rl n rar of the HIochI and Ie a bur aud Perfe.l Rrady lor all UUeaia, of th Tbe Liver and Ppleen, Enlargement or Ob etrtirliun of Inteatiusa, I riuary, L'teriu or Abdominal Organa, Pover'y er a Want or Itlontl, Intermittent er Re niittent Fevers. Inflammation of of the I.lver, I)ropay, HlujglnU Circulation of the Ulood, Aba eeseea. Tumors, J iundloe, I'yapepaia. Ague & Fever er their eoneoatimnti. Dr. Wrtls' Extract of JTRrBEBl. I, cHicred to the pul.lle aaa great Invlorator aud remedy fur all Impnrltle of th blood, er tar organle weakoaje w. lib their alteudaat erne. tut the furegulng complaint, .IITIKUI3I21JA. laconfldnntly racnmmended to every ouionuio remedy, and ahould ba freely iakea la all derangement ef tha ,y,tem, It ! health, rigor snd tone to sll tb vital biraae. nd animate, and rurtlBe, all weak aad lym. Shatlo leinperamenta. OHM U. KKI.I.OOO. II Piatt SI. Naw York . .8ol Agent for the United Staiaa. Price One Pollar par liutile. Head lor ClrouhuT THEA.NECTAR ia A PCRI BLACK TEA with tha Oreea Tea Flaver. warranted eo , nit all tatMa. For iale aearywher In oar 'trade mark" pound and half pound aackagaa oaLV. Aad for lata wholaale only by tbe QasAT AvtasTio k PaeirinTsA Co., Icharek tit. New York P. O. ties aMS. bead for Tbea Noolar Clrekiar. O O L, O C I MONTH. Hon and carriage ntr- PO6il nlihed iei U.D. OMAW, Alfre teapenioepaia I lamp Ita rasa ed, X: RIFI.KS.j5 HOT-RUNS. RF.YOL VERS, and flan Material, of every kind. writ lor r-rica i-ut, lo ureal we. tar a uaa Work,, PltHl.urgh, Pa. Army Onna and He volver bought or traded lor. Agenu wanted. Woman Know Thyself. u irvwt uuntirwiiajn irv ir. aTeVt w j- MAMAS A WIPkifcMOTHKK, will ear yaa money and eutlorlng. Agent wanted every where Medlea prater red. For farm, addreef WM. B. E.NANS k OO. ttObeneom lit.. Phila delphia. ej&l ffl AA afadda In e MONTHS by 7Il'lHMFUnneegenteaavalng for TIIK Sal III U UtllRD," By Pr. W. W. Hai.l. Agnta Wanted. H N. MrKlNNKY a, OO.. IS North ltb Street. Phil adelphia. Pa. - . IJSYCHOI.OGIC Fascination oa I- Soal Charming, too pagea by HerUrt Ham ilton, H. A. liuwtouaotblauowerfwhlohallpoe- aa) at will. Uleloatlun, tfptrltuallain, Horcar. tea, iemonoogy. and a thouaand other wondora Price by mall l,51. In oloth I paper eurar, !.' Copy free lu agent only. SI ooo monthly a.liy made. Ad. Ira., T. W. EVANS, Fab. 41 M. Ita Straal Philadelphia, Pa. Wins Wnssa, Oor. Water St. a. Maiden Las N. Y. or IS Dearborn 81. Chicago. We will s a a;d S dt XtlJCl l,lhandeom. Proj- mwiaaai . an, wav olut ol our N BOOS AGENTS Illustrated Feal- ly bible contain ing over SMI fi Cerlptur HI' UstitiB to saf Book agent, Ire of charge. Addraal NaTiosib PosLisaiso Co. Phlladalphla, Pa. '"" It baa IkVdalWU d"r.aaJ COPrT-Jraawwaao aT gwnatae farlaj tbo Tafia everr Ladv tlaaaaa. SwU bv Vraewtaaa aa fctcalaaa I PtlttlJIICaY. AO EHT8 WANTED FOII ROiiAinsn AB IT is. Thl aatlraly saw, sathantle Rook f T rr lu engraving, Ie an heu,tlv etMid"1 wr emlaaoUy adapted to Uw Uoaee. U MIJ vara lb Pbolo tjonileh eyaUm, egiw ft J leee broteaooe, It fraud tte poHc'h; " raaa Immocalitiaa. tte oownelMoa ar PW sdaftsai 1-4 CKKAT CI4XCB TOR A6EXTS f II you want a iltuatl aa agent , local f 1 or traveling with chance to make Sit fill Wiper day, ailing our new y atraod f L' 1 Waivs WiasCLoTMii Lineal They f l laat forever t cample free, eo there la ae art,k. Addraaa at ones Hcmon Rivia